2017 18 chamberannualreport

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2017 Annual Report

2 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Letter from the 2017 Chair and President/CEO THE NEWNAN-COWETA CHAMBER had an amazing year in 2017, and as always, we could never have achieved such success without our board of directors,

Chamber staff and Chamber volunteers! Some of the highlights of the year included the graduation of our 2016-2017 Leadership Coweta class, a group of existing and emerging leaders that is already doing great things here in Coweta County. As their class service project, this group decided to support local literacy efforts by constructing and erecting a series of Little Free Libraries around the county. Our Chamber also led the effort to see passage of both ESPLOST and SPLOST, making sure that the one-penny local option sales tax continues to benefit our schools and the excellent quality of life we enjoy here in Coweta. Our Chamber continued to support the Georgia Consortium of Advanced Technical Training, or GA CATT, the German-apprenticeship style program that is the first of its kind in the United States. The program unites the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern U.S., Inc. with the Technical College System of Georgia and eight Coweta manufacturers. Beginning in the 10th grade, high school students have the opportunity to complete their education with a high school diploma, German apprenticeship certificate and an associate degree in Industrial Mechanics through West Georgia Technical College. We helped educate the local business community about LINC, the linear parks initiative, at one of our NuLink Early Bird Forums. These forums were among the many events we hosted throughout the year, which also included our Business-After-Hours networking events and several State of the Community lunches. New in 2017, we launched the Six Figure Success Club Meetups in conjunction with Ignite Business Coaching to make sure that local entrepreneurs have the resources they need to launch and grow their business. Our Business Women’s Network had a great year thanks to a new mentoring program and our popular Women of Prosperity Luncheons, and our Young Professionals continued to inspire and educate us all with their many educational and networking events. We also had a lot of fun in 2017, from our 32nd Annual Golf Classic in May to our annual Small Business Awards Celebration in October and our always highly anticipated Winter Wonderland Big Expo in November. As we look ahead to 2018, we’re so proud of what our Chamber has accomplished and anticipate even greater achievements ahead.


John Hall and Candace Boothby

John Hall, United Bank, 2017 Chair and Candace Boothby, President and CEO


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 3

Letter from the 2018 Chairman of the Board DEAR CHAMBER MEMBERS,

It is a privilege to serve as the 2018 Chair of the Newnan-Coweta Chamber. My commitment to each of our members is that we will continue to focus on our mission of championing increased economic prosperity for our members. The Chamber reaches a milestone this year as we celebrate 70 years of service to our members. The work that has been accomplished by previous Chamber members and executives has helped to create this incredible community where we work and live. On Thursday, May 6, 1947, a group of community leaders officially formed the Newnan-Coweta Chamber of Commerce in the county courthouse in Newnan. According to newspaper reports at the time, it was a momentous occasion, drawing representatives from the U.S. Chamber, many other Georgia Chambers, and over 300 business, professional, industrial and agricultural men from Newnan and Coweta County. During that inaugural ceremony, L.P. Dickie, representative of the United States Chamber of Commerce, is quoted as saying, “No city is going to stand still.” He declared, “It is either going forward or backward, and I am sure that those of you here tonight are interested in the growth of your community. And will work toward that end.” Seventy years later, you still hear some of the exact same comments around the Chamber office and boardroom. While there has been great change in our community, the purpose and challenges for the Chamber remain the same. I once heard a quote that I remind myself of often, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” That is part of what the Andy Miller Chamber does. We look to the future and ask questions like “What do we want Coweta County to look like?” and “How can we create the best environment for businesses to prosper?” There is one certainty; we will get what we create, or what we allow. We have a responsibility to create the future we desire and to not allow things to happen that would prevent it. Your support of the Chamber is greatly appreciated. While you are busy working on your business, the Chamber is working to make Coweta a better place to do business. Sometimes that is in very visible ways, like hosting networking or educational events. Most often, the Chamber is working for you quietly behind the scenes, building connections between members, working with our local delegation to evaluate pending legislation, or supporting workforce development. All of these efforts ensure that you have an environment where your business can prosper. Your Chamber is poised to continue the mission, as we have built a dedicated and capable staff led by President and CEO Candace Boothby and Vice President Cynthia Bennett. The previous board of directors, led by past chair John Hall, has done a great job meeting established goals and tracking key indicators. I am grateful for their work and will continue with the same diligence and commitment to the mission. All of this work is done for you, our most valuable asset. We do need your help, though. Your Chamber board and your delegates to the State House and Senate want to hear from you. The results from the surveys you receive make a difference. Your input is carefully considered and affects decisions made on your behalf. Please take the time to respond when you receive the next survey. Also, because this is a membership organization, your continued support is critical. If you are not already an Enhanced Investor, I encourage you to consider joining this special group of Chamber supporters. Coweta County is a great place to live and work, and I am deeply grateful to have called it home for over 47 years. We will work to ensure it remains that way for generations to come. It is our obligation and duty and my privilege.


Andy Miller, PrintSource, 2018 Chair, Newnan-Coweta Chamber






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4 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

TOP 10 REASONS for you to


1 Strength in Numbers – Our Chamber members include over

900 companies, representing more than 17,000 employees in Coweta County and including all industry types and company sizes.

2 Powerful Networking – Business-After-Hours, Power

Networking Lunch, and the NuLink Early Bird Forum are just a handful of events where you can build relationships with your peers.


3 Entrepreneur Support – The Chamber offers resources to

by joining the

4 Marketing Opportunities – Receive member-only benefit


assist your business at every phase, from start-up through growth and maturity of your business. listings in The Chamber’s Business Directory via hard copy or online at newnancowetachamber.org; take advantage of free publicity through exclusive services such as ribbon cuttings or hosting a networking event at your location; ramp up your visibility in the community by sponsoring a highly-publicized Chamber event.

Newnan-Coweta Chamber

5 Member Exclusive Discounts – Open the door to exclusive

Chamber discounts such as insurance (an average savings of $200+ per employee!), Office Depot discounts, training and professional education seminars, and products and services from fellow Chamber members, including HotDeals.

Life at our community is like nowhere else.

AMENITIES • Flexible Lease Terms • Pet-friendly Environment • Preferred Employer Discounts


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School • Madras Middle School • Northgate High School

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6 Support Local Job & Career Growth – You’ll be a part of

promoting the well-planned vision for growth The Chamber advocates in Coweta County, and The Chamber’s work to strengthen our local economy and ensure economic prosperity for everyone.

7 Buy Local – The Chamber is at the forefront of encouraging area businesses and residents to keep their dollars within Coweta County by making their purchases from local stores and vendors.

8 Members First – Our members look to their fellow members first when it comes to finding products or services to purchase, and 80% of the public is more likely to buy from a Chamber member. Additionally, you’ll get free, ongoing referrals from the thousands of customer inquiries received each month at the Chamber office; only Chamber members are referred.

9 Help Establish Policy – The Chamber is the voice of business

in our community. We actively engage with government entities at the local, state, and federal level to inform policy decisions that affect your company’s ability to thrive.

10 Great Return on Investment – The average Chamber

member’s investment is about a dollar a day. Finding just one new customer through the Chamber pays dividends for years to come.

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 5

6 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Advocacy Division

Coweta County Safety Council educates community, businesses on workplace safety OUR ADVOCACY DIVISION supported

Coweta’s industrial and general business by continuing its work with the Coweta County Safety Council, which was formed under the auspices of the Chamber to provide guidance and training to businesses in Coweta County. This council is comprised of safety professionals who desire to share their collective knowledge to help local industry comply with OSHA regulations and ultimately keep

the Coweta County workforce healthy and safe. The Safety Council believes that it takes the combined efforts of local companies and community resources to effectively promote safe work practices. The Safety Council held monthly programs on topics ranging from safe rigging and fall protection to new OSHA rules and emergency preparedness. In August, the council launched a new newsletter to help keep members informed on issues affecting safety professionals in

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Coweta County. Also in 2017, the Safety Council decided to help educate the local workforce about preventing childhood sexual abuse by offering the Darkness To Light training with facilitator Angela Munson of Newnan, with the Chamber purchasing the workbooks for the training session with Safety Council members. For more information on the Coweta County Safety Council, email info@ newnancowetachamber.org.

Coweta Emergency Management Agency Director Jay Jones speaks to members of the Coweta County Safety Council about emergency preparedness.

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 7

Advocacy Division

Newnan-Coweta Chamber leads successful effort to pass E-SPLOST and SPLOST FOR MANY YEARS NOW,

Coweta County has enjoyed the fruit of a successful marketing campaign branding Coweta County as Prosperity’s Front Door. In addition to our amazing business community, we take great pride in our excellent school system and our state-of-the-art health care facilities. We have beautiful homes, top-notch recreational facilities, and so many great retail choices that people from far and wide consider Coweta County a favorite shopping destination. Naturally, we love the fact

that out-of-county shoppers help contribute to our local school system and economy through our one-penny sales taxes. For that and many other reasons, our Chamber members decided that continuing these one-penny sales taxes just made sense. These were not additional taxes but simply a continuation of the current E-SPLOST and SPLOST. With E-SPLOST, the funds will be used to fund improvements to older schools, upgrade security, and purchase school buses, books and technology. The SPLOST funds

will pay for projects such as road maintenance, new parks and recreation projects, and upgrades to the public safety radio system. This new system will help maintain our safe community, which remains a priority for everyone. At the Chamber, we have long believed that Coweta’s quality of life is our gift to the future. It’s a gift we don’t take for granted, and we were so pleased that voters agreed with us to help us see Coweta’s great quality of life continue by overwhelmingly voting “Yes” to E-SPLOST and SPLOST.






Informational postcards were mailed to our members as just one of the many ways our Chamber supported the successful E-SPLOST and SPLOST campaigns.

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8 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Branding Chamber continues ‘Prosperity’s Front Door’ community branding campaign HOW A COMMUNITY chooses to market

itself is a key decision, and since 2011, The Chamber has been using the marketing and branding theme of “Prosperity’s Front Door.” The “construction” of a doorway to prosperity was a group effort of community leaders in business, education and government, guided by the accomplished Great Southern Publishers of St. Simons Island, Georgia. Researching the community, its history and the perception of its people, Great Southern and The Chamber conceived of Coweta being a portal to a better, more prosperous community. Success and a productive future community was metaphorically like passing through a doorway and achieving a bright and prosperous future from the launching spot of Coweta County. Logos, colors and graphic depictions were produced and launched in 2012. The various

entities closely associated with Coweta agreed to adopt and use these branding components on literature and other identifying vehicles. But what is it that makes Coweta’s boast of being “Prosperity’s Front Door” meaningful and not just a slogan? We identified the basic “pillars” of Coweta’s strengths—healthcare, education, business, shopping, housing and quality of life—to support the claim of being the front door to prosperity. The “healthcare” pillar has been an early focus of the campaign, and in the future


we will be featuring the other pillars to give life and meaning to our marketing slogan. Our belief is that “Prosperity’s Front Door” will become more and more closely identified with Coweta County. Coweta’s strength is its people and leadership, its opportunities and possibilities. We have made a great start, and we know that our citizens, our businesses and our elected officials will continue to work together and be “Prosperity’s Front Door” for years to come.





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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 9

Organizational Performance

2017 Chamber Impact: Victories and Milestones

“Prosperity’s Front Door” continues to open the door to new opportunity THE NEWNAN-COWETA CHAMBER is the primary

business advocacy organization in Coweta County. In 2017 The Chamber delivered lots of opportunities for its members to prosper. Your Chamber achieved some impressive results to advance the agenda of business. Thanks to the support of our 900 members, the following significant accomplishments were realized.

• Grew our Business Women’s Network through a new mentoring program, quarterly luncheons, social activities and a golf league. • Graduated a new Leadership Coweta class, whose service project was the launch of numerous Little Free Libraries throughout Coweta. • Continued a robust marketing and branding campaign by holding social media committee meetings, marketing committee meetings, and publishing the 2016 Annual Report and the annual Business & Industry Magazine. • Supported Coweta’s young entrepreneurs through our Young Professionals program and launched the Young Professionals in Philanthropy in partnership with the Coweta Community Foundation.

Strengthened our reputation and voice as a proactive, businessfriendly community: • Held quarterly NuLink Early Bird Forums and two “State of Community” lunches to keep members abreast of important topics such as the LINC trail and trends in local economic development and commerce. • Informed our local legislative delegation of member concerns through a visit to the Capitol Assisted the business base and by hosting a Pancakes and of Coweta through strong Politics breakfast. organizational performance: • Hosted city and county • Increased awareness of administrator at meetings Chamber value through weekly to discussion visioning “impact messages” and initiatives and opportunities for targeted communications. collaboration. • Completed data collection • Implemented plan to strengthen cleanup and QuickBooks and the Chamber’s relationship with ChamberMaster update and Senoia leaders. conversion. • Led successful campaigns to • Began a strategic planning pass E-SPLOST and SPLOST. process for future success and Delivered valuable assistance to implemented key retention help members with their growth strategies, including a needs: member appreciation strategy, • Launched the popular Six Operation Thank You Day, Figure Success Club Meetups and revised quarterly Member in partnership with Ignite Connects. Business Coaching and • Hosted profitable signature collaborated with the University events, including the Annual of West Georgia and Small Meeting, Golf Classic, Small Business Development Center Business Awards Lunch and to offer workshops. Winter Wonderland Big Expo.

• Installed a new front door as part of our capital improvements.

Jeff Phillips and Dennis McEntire of Newnan Utilities show off the new door at Prosperity’s Front Door. It was installed in 2017 as part of the Chamber’s capital improvements. Jeff, who is our Vice Chair of Chamber Stewardship, was instrumental in helping us get the new door, which came from Chamber member Barnett and Cheeves.

10 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Member Engagament

Signature Events Draw New Members, Create Connections MEETING NEW PEOPLE

face-to-face is one of the most valuable aspects of Chamber membership. In 2017, many of our members took advantage of these great networking opportunities through committee involvement and attendance at our signature events. These events are designed to create connections, and often the networking results in leads generation. In 2017, the Chamber facilitated these connections through four signature events: the Annual

Meeting, the 32nd Annual Golf Classic, the Small Business Awards Celebration and the Winter Wonderland Big Expo. We continued our new “State of the Community” lunch series, and we created even more opportunities for meeting new people and prospective customers through ribbon cuttings, Business-After-Hours networking events, NuLink Early Bird Forums, the Coffee Call Business Card Exchange, Power Networking Lunches and other events.

The 69th Annual Meeting in February was just one of the signature events where our Chamber members got to make new connections in 2017.

Our annual Golf Classic is a highly anticipated event held on the first Wednesday of May each year.

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 11

12 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Member Engagament

ChamberMaster gets an upgrade TECHNOLOGY CONTINUES TO PLAY a huge role in business, and this year the Chamber was pleased to be able to complete a long-awaited upgrade and conversion of ChamberMaster, the membership management system used by many chambers around the country. ChamberMaster is the program that allows our members to sign up for events when they visit our website, newnancowetachamber.org. Visitors can also join the Chamber through our website, and existing members can use the website to sign up for a Chamber event and even find a fellow Chamber member business. The site continues to offer under the “Tools� tab its “Coweta Tools for Business Success,� a place where members can access more than 600 low-cost online resources. These tools allow members to keep current without having to take time off from their busy schedules. Topics include Starting a Business, Growing a Business, Hiring/Managing Employees, Business Training, Going Green and more. The Chamber also continues to grow its social media presence with its blog, Chamber Chatter, and daily posts on Facebook. 7RROV IRU %XVLQHVV 6XFFHVV

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Top right, the home page on The Chamber website, newnancowetachamber.org. Above, “Coweta Tools for Business Success� resources can be accessed under the “Tools� tab on the home page of The Chamber website.

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 13

Member Engagement

Programs Focused on Small Business Growth SMALL BUSINESSES make up a large portion of Coweta

County’s business community, and they are the backbone of our Chamber as well. In support of small business, we provided opportunities specifically tailored for small businesses, such as the Coffee Call Business Card Exchange, Power Networking Lunches, and the annual recognition of business success through the Small Business of the Year Awards. CMIT Solutions of Fayette/Coweta was named the 2017 “Overall Winner” of the Small Business of the Year Awards.

Doug Bates of CMIT Solutions of Fayette/Coweta accepts his Small Business of the Year award from Monica Kaufman Pearson, emcee for the 2017 Small Business of the Year Awards.

14 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Member Engagament

Chamber Members Have Access to Great Educational Opportunities THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ARM

Six Figure Success Club Meetups, held in partnership with Maria Hall of Ignite Business Coaching, were popular educational opportunities for our members in 2017.

of The Chamber, Chamber University features strategic business-building educational programming for businesses at every phase of development. In 2017, we added even more educational opportunities through the monthly Six Figure Success Club Meetups held in partnership with Ignite Business Coaching. Topics featured over the past year have included financial planning, social media best practices,

cybersecurity and intentional networking. Also, a variety of webinars were available to give members insight into important information, and those available in the past

year covered such topics as government contracting and social media for small business. This training provides Chamber members with the tools needed to

meet the ever-changing demands of the workplace. Chamber University also connects members with valuable resources to help them grow their business.


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 15

16 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2018 Business Plan 2018 Chamber Chair -

Andy Miller, PrintSource CHAMBER STEWARDSHIP DIVISION chaired by

Jeff Phillips Newnan Utilities

GOAL: Maintain resources to carry out the mission and vision I. Financial Stability – Support revenue building strategies focused on operating efficiencies, financial sustainability, and member ROI II. Growth – Develop growth strategies that increases new membership 5 – 10% annually

Chamber Mission

To champion increased economic prosperity for our members

GOAL: Communicate the impact of the Chamber and actively promote the community I. Chamber Value – Communicate the value of the Chamber to members and the community II. Community Promotion – Promote a sense of place by branding live, work, play messages as part of the Prosperity’s Front Door messaging that attracts talent and families to fill jobs and spend money


III. Retention– Develop Jay Boren membership retention Coweta Water & Sewerage Authority strategy to retain 85% GOAL: of all members annually IV. Strategic Direction – Determine threeyear focus through a strategic planning initiative


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Chamber Vision

Enhance member success I. Inclusive & Diverse – Be inclusive and diverse in our approach to involving members and including existing members II. Return on Investment and Profitability – Develop workshops/ training programs/ opportunities to help

members increase prosperity, profitability and performance III. Leadership Development – Serve as a source for strong leadership development


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To be recognized as the premier and most influential business organization in Coweta GOAL: Serve as the leading voice for business through political advocacy I. Issues Education – Educate the business community through regular legislative update information

Create strategic partnerships that enhance the effectiveness of the government affairs activities

II. Quality of Place – Serve as an advocate to improve the quality of place in the region III. Strategic Partnerships –

IV. Talent Development – Serve as a link between the business and education communities on K-12 and postsecondary workforce preparation issues and programs

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 17



Integrity We operate with the highest ethical standards in all our interactions, constantly exhibiting respect and concern for our customers and stakeholders. Professionalism Our programs and activities are known for the highest




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level of excellence and for proactively meeting the needs of our members and the community. Resourceful Through initiative, creativity and innovation, we efficiently and effectively manage our resources, contribute to our members' success, and

provide the greatest return on our members' investment. Leadership As a model for leadership excellence, we maintain a reputation for being visionary and strategic in our plans while building a network of collaborative partnerships and inspiring a single vision for

economic prosperity. Catalyst As an inclusive, communityminded, membership organization, we act as a change agent, information clearinghouse, and community facilitator that encourages open dialogue and progressive actions.

18 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Prosperity Awards COWETA COUNTY is known as Prosperity’s Front Door, and our Chamber is fortunate to have so many local entities working together to make sure that our prosperity continues. This year’s four new Prosperity Award winners are pillars of prosperity who enriched the community by opening doors, creating jobs and providing greater quality of life for all. The Prosperity Award recognizes companies and organizations that have significantly impacted economic prosperity and development in our community in the past 12 months. These honorees and others are slowly but effectively putting Coweta in front of the property development curve that is beginning to reappear in areas of southwest metro Atlanta. These award winners have made key investments in Coweta County and created new jobs that send a clear message that Coweta is indeed a prosperous community and a great place to do business.



Bonnell Aluminum is our longest continuous Chamber member, and this year we honored that achievement with the Longevity Prosperity Award in honor of their many years of fostering prosperity in Coweta County.

Oldcastle Precast makes reinforced concrete pipe from 15” to 60” in diameter, and their investment in Coweta County was around $4 million and took about nine months. Reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) has a proven history with a lifespan of over 100 years. By bringing RCP manufacturing directly to Coweta County, Oldcastle is hopeful that local municipalities, including Coweta, will strengthen their specifications to make RCP the preferred storm drainage material, saving taxpayers millions of dollars in replacement costs in the future.



Scott Tigchelaar, co-owner of Senoia Enterprises with Brian Jagt, has served as the key visionary for the renaissance in downtown Senoia, helping develop new commercial, retail and residential space in the city. The former president of Riverwood Studios Atlanta, Scott was a driving force behind the growth of the film and video industry in Georgia. He was a key player in changes to the Georgia film tax credit program that has brought more productions to the state. Scott has helped energize Senoia’s tourism economy through his involvement with the film industry, the Southern Living Idea Houses, local retail establishments, and Nic & Norman’s restaurant. Senoia Enterprises, Inc. developed the recent addition of the Barnes Street Market to the downtown Senoia landscape.

Variety Wholesalers opened in March 2017, bringing 320 jobs and $10.5 million in new investment to the community. The company is located in the former Kmart distribution facility on Herring Road, which is the largest industrial building in Coweta County and one of the largest in the state. Variety Wholesalers is a family-owned business that began in eastern North Carolina in 1922. The company operates 360 stores in 16 states throughout the Southeast.


we can help! We make personal, car and other types of loans. Membership may be easier than you think. If you work for any of our groups: Coweta County, Coweta Co. Board of Education, City of Newnan & Grantville, Newnan Utilities, NuLink, RESA, Newnan Nursing & Rehab, or are an immediate family member of someone who is — you can join. Decisions are made local!

Seated, left to right: Hattie Dunn & Robi Brook Standing, left to right: Rick Barnes, Jerry Davis, Travis Hall, Jeff Kee & Rodney Riggs Not Pictured: Michelle Janson & Kelvin Thompson


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 19

2017 Volunteer Awards VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR

This individual is recognized for extraordinary contributions of time and leadership that resulted in tangible benefits to the Chamber and its members.

CRISTINA BOWERMAN Cristina Bowerman is known for the excellent work she does as executive director of Newnan-Coweta Habitat for Humanity. In 2016, the organization was named the Coweta Community Foundation’s very first Nonprofit of the Year because of how well it was being operated. Cristina doesn’t just support Habitat for Humanity, however. This year, she took on the huge job of leading the Chamber’s Ambassador program, the public relations team tasked with making sure new members, returning members and guests all feel welcome at Chamber functions. Ambassadors are the faces everyone sees at ribbon cuttings, networking events and Member Connections, and the Chamber is fortunate to have Cristina heading up this program.


Our Chairman’s Award is presented to a Chamber member in recognition for their unique contributions to the organization and its members.

MARIA HALL Maria Hall of Ignite Business Coaching likes to say that she lights a fire for her clients and then helps it to burn safely with wise guidance. Maria brought some of these sparks to our Chamber last year and helped light a fire under hundreds of local entrepreneurs with the monthly Meet Ups her company offers in conjunction with our Chamber. Maria is passionate about helping others be able to do what they love and achieve their purpose in life, and the Chamber is so pleased to have her expertise available to our members.

JEFF PHILLIPS Jeff Phillips is the Managing Director of Newnan Utilities, and he’s also an integral part of this Chamber. This year, Jeff assisted in our capital improvements campaign by helping us get our new door at the headquarters for Prosperity’s Front Door, the Chamber offices on Bullsboro Drive. He also is a member of our board of directors and is serving as Vice Chair for Chamber Stewardship this year.

20 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Small Business of the Year Award EMPLOYER CATEGORY


(21-75 employees)

(1-5 employees)

Georgia Academy of Dance and the Performing Arts Sherri Davis

American Family Insurance Renee Horton

GROWTH CATEGORY (6-20 employees)

Stirling Promotions Stirling Innis

OVERALL WINNER Steve Mader of SouthTowne and Ginger Queener of UBS with Doug Bates of CMIT Solutions of Fayette/ Coweta, Overall Winner of the Small Business of the Year Award for 2017.

EACH YEAR The Chamber

recognizes one of our area’s small businesses as the Small Business of the Year. This Prosperity Award is a testament to the businesses that are key contributors to our local economy, those that lead the majority of our workforce across the threshold to prosperity. Awards are provided in the following categories: Entrepreneur, Growth, Employer and Overall. Small business is the economic engine of our economy. Nearly 97 percent of all businesses are small businesses with less than 100 employees, and small businesses are 54 percent of the total workforce. The Chamber, SouthTowne Motors and UBS Financial Services are proud to recognize this vital segment of our local economy. SouthTowne Motors and UBS Financial Services are the title sponsors for this program.


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 21





22 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

Connecting Members NuLink Early Bird Forums

These NuLink-sponsored breakfast events featured upscale programs and speakers and exclusive information at a fabulous location, The Newnan Centre. At our August 2017 breakfast, we learned about the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta from Danny Branch, chief information officer for the Atlanta Falcons. With Branch are, from left, his wife, Claire, and the Chamber’s Cynthia Bennett, vice president, and Candace Boothby, president and CEO.

Coweta’s Biggest Trade Show

In November, the Chamber hosted another successful Big Expo, the Winter Wonderland Big Expo, at The Newnan Centre. Presented by Delta Community Credit Union, this event features more than 100 exhibitors, including Coweta Charter Academy, at left, sharing their products and services with more than 1,500 attendees. Above at right are the Chamber’s Nora Ann Wood and Jennifer Garcia.

A Day on the Greens

Our 32nd Annual Golf Classic showed why this annual event remains one of the most anticipated, sold-out golf events in the region.

Business Women’s Network

The Business Women’s Network had an exciting year, with speakers including Qaadirah Abdur-Rahim, CEO of Future Foundation, shown at left with Chamber Vice President Cynthia Bennett and Gwen Garrison of LifePlan Financial Advisors. At right is Maria Hall of Ignite Business Coaching with another of our great speakers, New York Times bestselling author Joshilyn Jackson.

2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 23

Connecting Members Young Professionals

Designed for those 21-45 and those “young at heart,” the YPs foster personal and professional development through social events, community service and professional opportunities for Coweta’s young professionals. In 2017, our Chamber partnered with the Coweta Community Foundation to launch the Young Professionals in Philanthropy, which is led by Matt Swope and John Herbert Cranford Jr.


Each month, Chamber members gathered at various Chamber member businesses for networking while enjoying great food and drink. In September, we gathered at Contemporary Catering to help this longtime Chamber member celebrate 25 years of business.

Leadership Coweta

It was a busy year for the Leadership Coweta program as we celebrated the relaunch of the program and saw the graduation of the class of 2016-2017! For their service project, this group chose to construct and place a series of Little Free Libraries around Coweta County.

‘State of Community’ Lunch Series

In conjunction with Newnan CEO, we continued the “State of the Community” lunch series that focused on topics including economic development and commerce. At the June “State of Commerce/Retail” Lunch are Main Street Newnan Manager Courtney Harcourt, Senoia Downtown Development Authority Chairman Suzanne Helfman, Newnan Assistant City Manager Hasco Craver, Ashley Park General Manager Mark Curran, Senior Project Manager RetailCommercial Guy (Mill) Graves with Electric Cities of Georgia, and Chamber President and CEO Candace Boothby.

24 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Chamber Staff

Chamber staff members include, from left:

Valerie Ward,

Executive Assistant & Office Coordinator

Cynthia Bennett, Vice President

Candace Boothby, President and CEO

Jennifer Garcia,

Member Engagement Manager

Mashburn Agency



• Business Women's Network • Enhanced Investors • Industry Safety Council • Leadership Coweta Alumni • Leadership Coweta Class • Young Professionals • Chamber University • Tools for Business • Advocacy

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 25

2017 Chamber Staff CHAMBER STAFF

Candace Boothby President and CEO

Cynthia Bennett Vice President

Valerie Ward

Executive Assistant & Office Coordinator


Jennifer Garcia

Member Engagement Manager

Nora Ann Woods

Membership Retention Specialist

Susan Kraut

Events & Communications Manager

Beverly Garner Administrative Support

Bob Coggin

Government Affairs

Angela McRae

Communications, McWriters Ink

We are

61 Bullsboro Dr. • Newnan, GA • (770) 251-4311 • accessunited.com

Alex McRae

Communications, McWriters Ink

Celenna Davis

Bookkeeper, C. Davis Bookkeeping Services, LLC

26 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Board of Directors

Dr. Steve Barker Coweta County School System

Jay Boren

Coweta County Water and Sewerage Authority

Mike Robertson

Piedmont Newnan Hospital

Samantha Brazie

Progressive Heating & Air

Sharon Rogers

General Nutrition Centers (Newnan GNC)

Hasco Craver Ex-Officio City of Newnan

Chris Stephens Coweta-Fayette EMC

Mike Fitzpatrick Mike Fitzpatrick Ford

Jim Thomasson

75 Jackson Real Estate

Dr. Bob Heaberlin Jr. University of West Georgia, Newnan

Mark Whitlock

Ex-Officio Central Educational Center

Jeff Phillips Newnan Utilities

Ilona Wozniak

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Newnan

For over 100 years, Newnan Utilities has helped Coweta County grow and prosper. We’re proud to sponsor projects that continue to enrich and strengthen our vibrant community. — Newnan Utilities’ Carl Miller Park — Holiday lighting and summer baskets on Newnan’s historic court square — Customer Appreciation Day

70 Sewell Road | Newnan, GA 30263 | 770-683-5516 | www.NewnanUtilities.org chamber annual report half pg.indd 1

2/12/17 9:25 PM

2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 27

2017 Executive Committee JOINING THE BOARD IN 2018

Doug Bates

John Hall

Andy Miller

Martin Pleyer

United Bank


Grenzebach Corporation



Phil Trickey


Vice Chair Voice of Business

Dr. Tonya Whitlock

Candace Boothby

West Georgia Technical College

Newnan-Coweta Chamber


CMIT Solutions

Garnet Reynolds BB&T

John Daviston

Vice Chair Marketing

McKoon Funeral Home & Crematory

David Kent

Vice Chair Stewardship

Cancer Treatment Centers of America

Vice Chair Membership Success

Simply the Best




3,999 00

President and CEO

28 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Chicken Salad Chick

Elwood Staffing

Colliflower, Inc.

Farmers Insurance – Chad Carter

Edward Jones – Travis Mowrey

11 First Ave., Newnan Hanna Brothers


2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 29

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Home2 Suites by Hilton

KICK START YOUR CAREER Farmers Insurance — Mashburn Agency


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As set forth in its student catalog, West Georgia Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those special circumstances permitted or mandated by law). The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Equity (Title IX) coordinator is V.P. of Student Affairs. ADA (Section 504) coordinator is V.P. of Administrative Services. Both are located at 401 Adamson Square, Carrollton, GA 30117. 678.664.0400

30 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Lambert Pharmacy

Kwik Kare of Georgia

Mia’s Boutique

For Children With Learning Differences

Session One: June 11 – June 22 Session Two: June 25 – July 6 • Tutoring in Reading, Math

Piedmont Newnan Breast Health Center

and Writing Skills

for students who need an academic boost this summer

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The mission of The Bedford School is to maximize

of students with learning differences • Ability grouping • Small classes the potential and develop foundations for success. • 45-Acre campus, in Fairburn 5665 Milam Rd. Fairburn, GA 30213 • Sports • Challenge courses 770-774-8001 • www.thebedfordschool.org

Piedmont Surgical Specialists

The Bedford School is accredited by the Georgia Accrediting Commission and the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools, and has been approved by the Georgia Department of Education to receive the Georgia Special Needs Scholarship (SB10)

2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 31

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Rutledge Center

At HealthSouth, REHABILITATION IS ALL WE DO. Schultz Family Dental

When you choose HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Newnan for your recovery after an illness, injury or surgery, you’re choosing a higher level of care. That’s because rehabilitation is all we do, supported with the latest technologies, certified rehabilitation specialists and comprehensive programs to help patients reach maximum independence.

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32 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Pirate Staffing


900 BUSINESSES enjoy the benefits of being a member of the

Sheridan & Associates

Commercial Landscaping for Coweta County Landscape Management Programs Design & Installation Irrigation Seasonal Color


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 33

A community is only as good as its schools. And great public schools are a big reason why Coweta County is a vibrant and enriching place to live. Coweta County Schools combine a small-town, community-based feel with big-city advantages and opportunities for our students.

“A passionate and caring school system dedicated to excellence, energized by the notion of family, and committed to the success of each student.” That is how the AdvancED Accreditation Review Committee described the Coweta County School System, following their review for five-year re-accreditation of our schools in 2016. According to the independent team’s evaluation, Coweta Schools performed at much higher levels than the average AdvancEDaccredited learning institutions, in terms of teaching and learning, leadership capacity, and management of resources. During accreditation, school system stakeholders – including students and parents, teachers and community members – described Coweta Schools in several ways:

“Student-Centered” “Caring” “Amazing” “Exceptional” “Accountable” “Safe” “Nurturing” “Rigorous” “I would not want to be anywhere else.” “Committed” In the Coweta County School System, you will find schools among the top-performing in the state of Georgia and the nation: • On-time graduation rates and student performance on Georgia Milestones exams that well exceed state of Georgia averages. • Student SAT and ACT performance that exceeds state and national averages. • High rates of participation in Advanced Placement, college dual-enrollment and apprenticeships and workbased learning. • Distinctions such as a robust fine arts curriculum, outstanding athletic programs, a sophisticated technology environment including 1-to-1 pairing of students with Chromebook devices, and other advanced opportunities for students. • Honors that include AP Stem and Humanities distinctions, state Reward schools, Georgia School Boards Association Exemplary School Board, state financial awards, state and national distinctions for high return on educational investment, and Georgia’s 2018 State Superintendent of the Year.

From academics to the arts to athletics – from college prep to career readiness – Coweta County Schools are committed to ensuring the success of every student. We invite you to visit our schools, tour the Central Educational Center College and Career Academy, or attend a performance at the Donald W. Nixon Centre for Performing and Visual Arts. See for yourself why Great Schools are at the Heart of our Coweta community.

To learn more, go to cowetaschools.net, or call 770-254-2800. To enroll a new student, call our Central Registration Center at 770-254-5551.

Dr. Steve Barker, Georgia’s 2018 Superintendent of the Year

34 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

State Farm – Bryan Couey

Chamber members held


Ribbon Cuttings in 2017.

Tidal Wave Auto Spa

Ward Law Office

Proud to be a

Chamber Member!


We are South Atlanta’s

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 35

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Tin Drum Asian Kitchen

ValueMax Car Rental

Caring, Teaching, Reaching Experienced childcare professionals committed to providing quality care to the children in our community. At Newnan Crossing

At Bailey Station



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36 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

2017 Ribbon Cuttings

Variety Wholesalers


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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 37

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38 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

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2017 Chamber Annual Report — The Newnan Times-Herald — 39


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40 — The Newnan Times-Herald — 2017 Chamber Annual Report

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