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AUGUST 1 - AUGUST 7, 2018


e e r f

your weekly connection to local news & entertainment

calendar of events inside ➤ page 5

‘Murder in Coweta County’ ➤ page 4

Newnan Theatre Company buys building


Mary Caroline Moore, left, managing director of Newnan Theatre Company, and Tony Daniel, the theater company’s artistic director, are looking forward to upcoming productions in the longtime NTC headquarters, which the non-profit recently purchased.

BY W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com Newnan Theatre Company has bought its facility at 24 First Ave. As cast and crew prepare for the August production of “Of Mice and Men,” they are taking a historic step. “Of Mice and Men” will open Aug. 16, the first production in the building since the purchase. The purchase follows an 18-month campaign among its base of patrons. NTC has been renting the First Avenue property for nearly two decades. The building was previously used as a planing mill and a hardware store, and was sold to NTC by Newnan businessman Joe Crain. Dr. Ralph Davis, chairm a n o f N T C ’s n o n profit board of directors, announced at the company’s annual gala in February 2017 that the board had adopted a goal to purchase the building in order to provide a permanent home for Newnan Theatre Company. Davis branded the campaign, “PERMANENCE,” and from that moment NTC began raising funds and making plans to purchase the property.

THEATRE, page 2

Local musician, band hopeful for Grammy nod



School officials are urging drivers to pay attention to school bus signals, especially flashing lights and stop signs, and to use caution in and around school zones to protect students as they return to school.

Slow down, leave early, watch out as students return BY REBECCA LEFTWICH

becky@newnan.com (Editor’s Note: Coweta County School System’s bus route information will be online next week courtesy of The Newnan Times-Herald at www.times-herald.com .) Delainey “Lulu” Pedrick is one of about 15,000 reasons for drivers to remain alert and cautious when school buses return to Coweta roads. That’s the approximate number of students in the Coweta County School System who ride the bus

to and from school each day, and officials are, as always, urging motorists to pay particular attention in loading and unloading zones to help protect students. Pedrick, then a kindergartener at Elm Street Elementary School, was struck by a car and injured last fall as she was being dropped off in her neighborhood. Police said a driver passed two stopped

SCHOOL, page 3


Doug Kees, left, hangs out with the Indigo Girls backstage while on tour with them. From left to right, Doug Kees, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers of the Indigo Girls, and singer-songwriter Michelle Malone.


melanie@newnan.com More good news for local guitar player Doug Kees and the Michelle Malone Band. Michelle Malone’s latest album “Slings and Arrows,” on which Kees played guitar, was subm it ted to be con sidered for a Gra m my nomination. According to Kees, the entire album was submitted under the Contemporary Blues category and the song “Just Getting Sta r ted” wa s subm itted under the American Roots category. Kees, Michelle Malone and fellow band members, bassist Robby Handley and drummer Chris Burroughs, learned

about the Grammy subm i s sion s on Ju ly 16 , fresh off their tour as the opening act for the Indigo Girls. “From recording the album last year to touring with the Indigo Girls to this, we seem to keep pushing the bar higher,” said Kees. “I can’t wait to see what comes next.” Kees said being considered for a Grammy nomination means the “ Sl i n g s a nd A r row s” album and the “Just Getting Started” single will be added to a list for members of the Recording Academy, formerly the National Academy for Recording Arts and Sciences or NARAS, to listen to. The Recording Acad-

emy, which is made up of musicians, producers, recording engineers and other recording professionals, will then decide if the album and song should be nominated for a Grammy Award. According to grammy. com, the award nominations will be announced on Dec. 5 and the 61st annual Grammy award show will take place in Los Angeles on Feb. 10, 2019. Michelle Malone and the band have a lot going in their favor after their “Slings and Arrows” album hit the No. 8 spot on the Billboard Blues chart in May. “The record was two places ahead of the latest Rolling Stones album,”

Kees said. “We got a lot of positive press off of that.” Kees said this would be h i s f i r st Gra m my nod, while Malone has two previous Grammy submissions. “ M ichel le de ser ve s all the attention. Without her talent, personality and singing, nothing else is there. But we are a team,” Kees said. “My part is to play the best I can and see how I can contribute to the team. “She and I have a good rapport,” he continued. “As a bandleader, I know what she needs and what she has to deal with.” Since coming off the

KEES, page 3


2 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

‘Murder in Coweta County’ discussed by descendants 70 years later BY TAYLOR ROBINS

taylor@newnan.com Sevent y yea rs a f ter the murder of William Turner, a group of people connected to the murder case gathered for a panel discussion at the Coweta County historic courthouse in Newnan. “Seventy years ago this room was filled up like this,” said Dick Atkins, “Murder i n Coweta County” producer. “And now 70 years later we still have this excitement about this.” Atkins produced the 1983 f ilm, “Murder in Coweta County,” based on the true story of the 1948 murder of a sharecropper tenant, then-Coweta County Sheriff La ma r Potts’ investigation and the trial and conviction of wealthy landowner John

Wallace. Margaret Anne Barnes, a local author and former reporter for The Newnan Times-Herald, wrote the 1976 book of the same name that inspired the movie. Wednesday’s discussion happened in the same courthouse that Wallace’s trial took place. On the panel were the late Turner’s son, John William Turner; the daughter of Judge Samuel Boykin, Alice Robertson; an actual witness of the crime, Raiford Smith; Al Brooks, the grandson of Albert Brooks, one of Wallace’s f ield hands; grand-nephew of then-Meriwether County Sheriff Hardy Collier, Sam Collier; and the greatnephew of Henry Mobley, accused as an accomplice of Wallace, Wes Mobley.

Also in attendance was Christopher Billings, who portrayed an infant John William Turner in the film. It w a s r e ve a l e d to We d n e s d a y ’s a u d i ence that John William Turner didn’t know anything about the trial of his father’s murder until he was 22 years old. After the murder, his mother moved to Alabama. He said she was concerned about the safety of herself and her children, so the family seldom visited relatives in Georgia. Turner said the family moved frequently during his early years, something he later attributed to his mother’s fear of them being harmed. While serving in the military, relatives – including William Turner’s mother –

found him at his base. The family had searched for him for years, even hiring private detectives. Collier described his outrage with his greatuncle being portrayed as a weak villain in the movie and book. In the movie, the then-Meriwether sheriff was portrayed as colluding with Wallace in Turner’s murder. “I didn’t like the way he was portrayed because I knew he was a different type of person,” said Collier. Collier, a police investigator by profession, talked with many of the people involved in the 1948 events over the years. He declined a request by one of Wallace’s relatives, however, to look into the murder itself. During the trial, there was speculation on


Christopher Billings who played the infant John William Turner in “Murder in Coweta County”, left, visits with the actual John William Turner, right, the son of the late Wilson Turner.




whether Turner was killed Coweta County could have our website at www.fooddepot.com thrown out, possiin Coweta County orPlease Meri-visitbeen Foodletting Depot App for digitaloff coupons Wallace the wether County. If Download Turner thebly and in store promotions! had died in Meriwether County, the case being investigated and tried in MURDER, page 4

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continued from page 1

“Our patrons, volunteers, and cast members have been our foundation,” Davis said. “Now t hat we have full ownership of this mag n i f icent bui ldi ng with its proud history, NTC is positioned to do even more in support of the arts and arts education in Coweta County and the region.” N TC completed its 40th season as a theater company in May. “Since the mid-‘90s, N TC h a s re h e a r s e d , bu i lt a nd tor n dow n sets, stored a nd used cost u mes a nd props , a nd enter t a i ne d a nd

inspired thousands of T he 2 4, 500 -squa repeople here,” said NTC foot bu i ld i ng houses Ma nagi ng Di rector t w o p e r f o r m a n c e Mary Caroline Moore. stages – a large main“ F o r t h e l a s t s i x stage with fixed seating years, we’ve also taught for more than 135, plus elementary and middle a more intimate black Select with f lexschools students at our U.S.D.A. box theater Beef Ac ademy of T he at re ible seating, rehearsal A r ts here, a nd we’ve Shoulder space, a setRoast design and Selecto paleta de shop, res fresca set run summer camps for U.S.D.A. construction the same ages for longer and prop storage, a costhan that,” she added. tume shop, offices and Moore said the the- a large kitchen. ater compa ny shou ld T he bui ldi ng a lso have an easier time get- fe at u re s a h ig h- cei lting grants for future inged lobby with exquip r oj e c t s b e c a u s e s o site wood f loors, sevmany grant programs eral chandeliers, and a require a nonprof it to grand piano. own or have a long-term “ We l o o k f o r w a r d lease on its facility. to many more years of Zucchini





capt ivat i ng d ra m at ic performances, inspiring classes for young people , a nd suppor ting the arts as ‘Coweta’s Home For Theatre’ here,” said Moore. “Our boa rd did not set a deadline for making this purchase, but we are all thrilled that our patrons and friends made t h is purchase possible in such a short time.” Moore added t hat ownership frees NTC up to undertake many Size Package plannedAny improvements. Freshthing Daily “The Ground next big Fresh on is a we’re working new caGround mpa ign, Beef R a ise




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the Roof, to replace our Davis. roof,” Moore said. IdeNTC puts on 10 mainally, the theater volun- s t a ge a nd bl a c k b ox teers would like to add show s ever y se a son , a pitched roof to t he academy classes with a building. spring and fall perforBonus Pack OtherFresh plans include mance, summer camps, Claxton add i n g n e w s e at i n g , e i g h t s h o w s a y e a r en h a nc i n g rehe a r s a l by t he N. I .T.W. I .T. S . s p a c e , e x p a n d i n g improvisational Pechuga pollo para freir t he sdehop, i mprov i n g t roupe , a nd t ra i n i n g t he l a nd s c api n g a nd workshops. refurbishing the main “We’re always lookentrance and parking ing for more volunteers, areas. and this purchase puts “A s a v o l u n t e e r - us in a wonderful posid r iven or g a n i z at ion , tion to ra ise our visour patrons love that ibi l it y a s one of t he every dollar we raise is oldest and most accomput back into the build5 oz. Bag plished arts organizaing and the programs tions in the south metro Fresh Express we of fe r h e re .” Spring s a id Mix region,” Moore said.



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Wednesday, August 1, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 3

Times-Herald Xtra


continued from page 1

cars and the bus – ignoring the vehicle’s f lashing lights and stop signs – before hitting the little girl. P e d r i c k s u f fe r e d a f r ac t u re d eye s o c ket a nd a broken leg t hat requ i red su rger y to repair. Deput y Ch ief M a rk Cooper of the Newnan Police Department said Pedrick’s accident ser ved a s a somber reminder for people to be aware of school bus signa ls such as f lashing red lights and stop signs. “It mea ns a child is ex it i ng or get t i ng on t he bus , so plea se be mindful of that,” Cooper said at the time. School starts Friday, Aug. 3 for students in t he Coweta Cou nt y School System. Transpor tation , school a nd law enforcement off icia ls a re ask i ng drivers to ta ke precau-

tions such as reducing speed, a llowing extra ti me to reach t hei r destinations. Drivers a lso should a nticipate a higher volu m e of t r a f f ic on t he roads a s nea rly 23,000 students ma ke their way to and from 31 schools . It usua l ly ta kes t he f i rst day or t w o fo r e ve r yo n e to get used to school traff ic, according to Judy Gresha m , tra nspor tat ion m a n a ger for t he Coweta County School System. “We ask that ever yone keep in mind that bu s e s w i l l b e on t he road aga i n on Aug. 3, m a k i n g s to p s i n t h e morning and dropping students off in the afternoons,” Gresham said. “Everyone should leave a little earlier for work and school, drive safely, and be mindful of buses and children.”

Schools review safety plans with law, emergency officials


Capt. Stephen Crook, who oversees school resource officers for the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, discusses school safety procedures and protocols with school administrators at the Coweta County Fairgrounds.



continued from page 1

I n d i g o G i r l s To u r , the Michelle Ma lone Ba nd took a sma ll brea k before h it t i ng the road again at the end of June to play the American Music Festival in Chicago. “ We were hot . We d e s t r oye d i t ,” K e e s said. “We were getting ovations i n t he m iddle of songs. It was a powerful show and a powerful moment.” T h is weekend, t he g roup is per for m i ng several shows on the Gulf Coast of Florida. I n S eptem b er, t he

g r o up w i l l p e r fo r m in a blues festiva l in Wa s h i n g ton fol lowing a series of playing venues i n New E ngla nd . T he ba nd a l so will join singer-songwriter Shawn Mullins for a br ief tou r t h i s fall. Kees sa id he’s excited to see t he Michelle Malone Band continue to pick up momentum. “ It ’s l i ke t he sta rs l i ned up a nd t h i n g s a re m ov i n g ,” K e e s said. “The pieces have come together.”

Check out the

latest news from around Coweta at times-herald.com

becky@newnan.com Bomb threats, chemica l spills a nd hosti le i nt r uders a ren’t exactly t he t h ree R’s, but they have become b a c k- t o - s c h o o l s u b jects for Coweta school officials. Administrators reviewed their school safety procedures with repre s ent at ive s f rom local law enforcement a nd emergenc y agencies la st week a s t he Coweta County School S y s te m c o n t i n u e s to prepa re for its Aug. 3 opening. Principals, assistant pr i nc ipa l s a nd cou nselors from each of the system’s 31 schools spent a recent mor ni ng f i ne -t u n i ng t hei r

safety plans with representatives from local law en forcement, f ire a nd emer genc y m a nagement agencies last week at t he Coweta County Fairgrounds. “This may be the most important meeting we have this year,” Super i ntendent Steve Barker said. School a nd sa fet y off icia ls conducted t a ble top d r i l l s – t h e evaluation of proposed cou rses of ac t ion for speci f ic emer gencie s – to assess and ref ine plans. Drills included bomb threats, chemical spi l l s , bu s accident s , power outages, incleme n t w e a t h e r, n e a r b y police activity, hostile i nt r uder s a nd a c t ive shooting.

A l l Cowet a Cou nt y schools keep deta iled safety and emergency respon se pla n s ba sed on t he re com m end ations and research of state a nd loca l law enforcement off icials. School system repre sentat ives reg u la rly meet w it h loca l law en forcement to d iscuss school safety and review those plans. However, the systemw ide workshop was a first, according to Doug Moore, safety director for Coweta schools. “ We ’ ve n o t h a d a n exercise quite like this b efore ,” Mo ore s a id . “ To h a v e t h i s m a n y law enforcement off icials and first responders here was huge. It gives our schools a

chance to review their sa fety pla ns in a n indepth way with all the ex p er t s h ere to h elp us.” On ha nd to a ssist were Cowet a Cou nt y Emergency Ma nagement Director Jay Jones and representatives from the Coweta County Sheriff ’s Off ice, t he New na n Police Department a nd t he New n a n a nd Coweta Cou nt y f i re departments. “ We ’ ve done d r i l l s with individual schools a nd looked at their pla ns before, but t his was t he f irst time we had an event this large, w it h ever yone i n t he

SAFETY, page 4


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3 2:00 PM

Calendar of Events


10:00 AM

15 2:00 PM 16

1:00 PM

26 3:30 PM

28 10:00 PM 29

2:00 PM


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4 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Times-Herald Xtra

Coweta County is Kemp country BY W. WINSTON SKINNER winston@newnan.com Coweta County’s election results are closely tracking the state’s numbers with Secretary of State Brian Kemp racing ahead of Casey Cagle in the governor’s race. At 8:45 p.m. Tuesday, Kemp h ad 7,437 votes locally to the lieutenant governor’s 2,741 in Coweta. Almost all of Coweta’s votes were counted by that time. Statewide, with 58 percent of the vote in, Kemp had 237,933 votes to Cagle’s 106,403. Cagle and Kemp waged a hard-fought campaign. Both came to Newnan for sit-down interviews with The Newnan Times-Herald staff and then returned for campaign events within the past week. T he w i n ner of t he Republican g ubernatorial contest will face former state legislator Stacey Abrams, the Democratic

candidate, in November. If elected, Abrams will be the nation’s first AfricanAmerican female governor. Republican voters also voted for lieutenant governor and secretary of state candidates. State Sen. David Shafer and Geoff Duncan, a former state representative, were less than one percentage point apart in the race for lieutenant governor at 8:45 p.m. D u nc a n h ad 167, 8 9 8 votes to Shafer’s 166,061. In Coweta, Shafer was leading 4,936 to 4,844. State Rep. Sarah Riggs Amico is the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor. B r ad R a f fen sp er ger, a former member of the Georgia House, was leading David Belle Isle,who served six years as mayor of Alpharetta, locally and in statewide for the secretary of state’s post. T he st atew ide t a l ly at 8:45 was 215,805 for

Raffensperger to 131,310 for Belle Isle. The Coweta totals were: Raffensperger, 6,472; Belle Isle, 3,049. Democrat John Barrow, a former U.S. Congressman, will face the winner of the Republican runoff in the secretary of state’s race. Democratic voters had a single runoff race on their ballots Tuesday. Georgia Association of Educators President Sid Chapman and former National PTA President Otha Thornton faced off for the Democratic school superintendent nomination. The winner of that race will face incumbent Republican Richard Woods. Chapman was ahead in Coweta while Thornton was winning the statewide vote. T he Coweta ret u r n s were 291 for Chapman and 259 for Thornton. Statewide the totals were 29,096 PHOTO BY SARAH CAMPBELL for Chapman and 43,622 for Brian Kemp and Victor Parrish of Carroll County give a thumbs up for the camera at Thornton. Sunday’s campaign event.


continued from page 3

room together,” New na n Fi re Ch ief Stephen Brown said. Brown said the event g ave school a nd l aw enforcement off icials a chance to get better acquainted as well. “ T he s c ho ol s h ave g reat sa fet y pla n s , b u t t h i s g a ve u s a l l an opportunity to see administrators go th rough this material and give them our f i rst-h a nd i nput ,” he said. “It gives us all an idea of what they are lo ok i n g for i n t he s e situations, to let them they k now what we’d

be looking for as first responders, and what we’d need from each other.” The school system is in the process of shoring up security at its elementa r y a nd m iddle schools by modif y i n g ent r a nce s a nd adding high-tech lockdown and monitoring systems. The Coweta County Boa rd of Education a lso has approved f u nd i n g for 14 add itional school resource off icers a nd superv i sors to en su re law enforcement presence

at every school. “A long w it h h i r i ng add it ion a l SRO s a nd cont i nu i ng to m a ke facility modif ications to improve school s a fe t y, t h i s m e e t i n g suppor ts t he boa rd's efforts to continue to make improvements in overall school safety,” Barker said. Capt. Stephen Crook, who supervises SROs for the sheriff ’s department, said participa nts ca n now go back to t hei r respective schools and agencies and engage in wider staff training.


With the testimony of both the Brooks a nd Gates, Wallace was given the death penalty. It was one of the first cases in Georgia where a white man was sentenced to death by the testimony of African-Americans. According to Brooks, his grandfather is celebrated for his bravery by his family. He also said that his family believes Albert Brooks was John

rienced a rash of t h reats. T hose situations resulted in several arrests, including t h at of a 1 7-ye a r- old student whose loaded 9mm pistol was taken from him without incident by a principal and the school’s SROs. “This isn’t all new to us,” Sheriff Mike Yeager said at the time of the incident. “ We ’r e c o n s t a n t l y thinking, and this school system is constantly thinking, about what else they can do.” A s t r on g r e l a t i on ship and frequent

i nterac t ion w it h law enforcement and emergency off icia ls helps t he school system better prepare for a crisis, Barker said. “ St ron g col l a b or ation between all entities is necessa r y in order for ou r s a fe t y plans and protocols to be aligned,” he said. “ We a r e t h a n k f u l for t he pa r t nersh ip t h a t e x i s t s b e t we e n the school system, law enforcement, f ire and rescue, f irst responders a nd loca l emergency management department.”

Highlight your business with a

continued from page 2

hook for h is cr i me because of his socia l standing in Meriwether County, where he resided. Turner was attacked at Sunset Tourist camp in Coweta County and taken back to Meriwether County. Smith, whose father Steve Smith owned and operated the cafe, was there on the day of the attack. He remembered his father getting a call ahead of time about a reported escaped convict. Smith also remembered seeing the car drive away with someone hitting Turner – in the back seat – repeatedly. Two contrasting opinions about Wallace being a good or bad man were also discussed. Mobley said according to his family and people that knew Wallace personally, “He was good as gold- until you crossed him.” Severa l fa milies expressed a sha red unwillingness to discuss the case for many years. “He didn’t like to talk about what happened,” said Brooks about his grandfather. “He would get mad if you talked about it. He wouldn’t say anything about it.” Brooks’ grandfather was a prominent part of the conviction of Wallace. He and Robert Lee Gates, both A frica nAmerican field workers of Wallace’s, were forced to destroy Turner’s body.

“Hold i ng exerci ses li ke t h is rea l ly helps school administrators to t h i n k t hese sit uations through,” Crook said. “Ever y situation t h a t a s c h o ol m i g h t encounter is different, so it is important to go through the processes and review everyone’s responsibilities.” In the week following the Feb. 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High S c h o ol i n P a rk l a n d , Fla., during which 17 people were k i l led , Coweta schools expe-

Wallace’s son. Robertson talked about her father’s being notified he would sit on Wallace trial, and his instructions for her and her mother. “He made sure that we could fire a gun,” she said. “There was this fear that something would happen to us while he was gone. The Carrollton police patrolled around our house,” she said. Robertson, who had been accustomed to walking to school with her friends, had to be driven everywhere from the time the trial began until Wallace was executed. “The trial changed my

life,” she said. The governor sent state troops to drive the judge from Carrollton to Newnan during the trial. After the conviction and execution of Wallace, his wife Josephine Wallace was left with very little. She worked at Mansour’s, an upscale clothing store in LaGrange, and in her last years, she lived with a nephew. Atkins and Winston Skinner, news editor of The Newnan Times-Herald, were moderators for the discussion, which was sponsored by the Coweta County Convention and Visitors Bureau.


with Stay Cool and Save Money n tio ula Ins am Golden’s Spray Fo

y has business communit He has built his hen Randall given him invaluable company over the Golden built experience in customer the past two years and a house service and the he number one reason importance of quality several years ago, believes in the product work. he learned about the efficiency. energy its is “I’ve learned that you benefits of spray foam r will what “The homeowne time to insulation. He liked in only have one see a dramatic savings he make a first impression he saw so much that as energy costs, as well you’d decided to go into the le on people, so feeling more comfortab better do it right,” he business. Golden in their home,” said. At Golden’s Spray “I started Golden’s said. Foam Insulation, they Spray Foam Insulation As a small business full believe in paying in to accomplish one owner in Newnan since for their materials and goal and one goal 1971, Golden knows equipment up front, only: make expertise a thing or two about so the customer never in the residential and of care n how to take has to worry that they commercia l constructio customers. He and his a bill pay to to have will trades available employees believe in for materials before anyone tackling a major treating people right, the work has been construction project,” and doing quality work, completed. Golden said. leaving the customer Golden hires reliable, fully satisfied. His honest, hard-work ing prior work in the local people, and keeps a


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Wednesday, August 1, 2018   |  Times-Herald Xtra 5


Times-Herald Xtra

August 1 - 9

calendar your guide for local upcoming events


Family Movie Day: ‘Sherlock Gnomes’ Wednesday

Aug. 1, 10 a.m., Free

The Carnegie will be showing “Sherlock Gnomes,” which is rated PG. From the IMDb website, “Garden gnomes, Gnomeo & Juliet, recruit renowned detective Sherlock Gnomes to investigate the mysterious disappearance of other garden ornaments.” Popcorn will be provided. Reservations are requested, and can be made a week before the program. For more information, visit www.newnancarnegie. com or call 770-6831347.


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

Aug. 2, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio

is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org .

2 NEWNAN Bingo!

Thursday Aug. 2, 2:30 p.m., Free

Come join the Carnegie for a fun and relaxing afternoon of playing BINGO. This is for all ages and skill levels. Winners are guaranteed and snacks are provided. Call 770-683-1347 to reserve your spot. All programs at The Carnegie are open to the public and free of charge. For more information, visit www.newnancarnegie. com .



Market Day

Aug. 3, 8 p.m., Free

Main Street Newnan will be kicking off the school year by featuring the film “Peter Rabbit” at sunset on South Court Square. The road will close and multiple vendors will be present beginning at 6 p.m. The event is free to the public, and all ages are welcome to attend. Families are encouraged to bring blankets to sit on and pack a picnic supper to enjoy during the event. Downtown restaurants will provide boxed dinners during the event for those who prefer to pick up dinner on the square. Rain date will be Aug. 10 at the same time. For more information, call Main Street at 770253-2682 or visit www. mainstreetnewnan. com .


Call Out Car Show Saturday


Aug. 4, 9 a.m., $20

SLS Soundoff will join Shut It Down Boyz with their National Call Out Show at the Coweta County

Screen on the Square: ‘Peter Rabbit’

Fairgrounds. This will be a single points show (as are all oneday SLS Soundoff events). There will also be a bike show. Prices are $20 for general admission, $20 to compete in one class and $10 for each additional class. The Coweta County Fairground is located at 275 Pine Road, in Newnan.


Aug. 4, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Free

Market Day takes place around the courthouse square in downtown Newnan, showcasing a variety of handmade, homemade, and homegrown products created by local artisans, artists, and farmers. It features 50 unique booths with new vendors and one-of-a-kind items each month. Market favorites include fresh locally grown produce, honey, jams and jellies, salsa, pottery, art, children’s clothing, hand-woven baskets, leather products, fresh baked goods, handcrafted furniture, birdhouses, wood art, fiber art, wreaths, and floral design. The Market is open to the public, and there is no charge for admission. Also at Market Day is Pickin’ on the Square, a gathering of acoustic musicians who drop in to jam on the courthouse steps. All are welcome.


Back To School


Saturday Aug. 4, 4 p.m., Free

Helping Hands Chiropractic will be hosting the biggest back to school family event in our community. The Back To School Bash is a free and fun family event for our community that benefits Coweta CASA. The Bash will take Place August 4th from 4pm-6pm at Helping Hands Chiropractic which is located at 27 Bullsboro Dr. Newnan. This event will include games, giveaways, music, food and bouncy houses.


Red Cross Blood Drive Monday

Aug. 6, 1 p.m., Free

This blood drive is co-sponsored by the the Senoia United Methodist Church and the Senoia Optimist Club. They will be serving their “famous” grilled cheese sandwiches along with the goodies provided by the American Red Cross. Free coupons associated with several of the Senoia area businesses will also be provided to donors. Donors are asked to bring one or more nonperishable food items for local food banks. The Senoia United Methodist Church is located at 229 Bridge Street. While “walkins” are welcome, potential donors may either sign up online at http://www. redcrossblood.org/ or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Senoia Optimist Club member and blood drive coordinator Ellen Ingram may be contacted at 770-8424533 for questions.


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Tuesday

Aug. 7, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org


Backstreet Arts Open Studio Thursday

Aug. 9, 10 a.m.- 3 p.m., Free Backstreet Arts is a free art studio located at 19-B First Avenue in Newnan, behind Bridging the Gap, across from Newnan Theatre Company. The studio is open Tuesdays and Thursdays to all individuals who want to practice art in a comfortable, non-intimidating atmosphere. For more information or to check daily studio hours, call 706-9402787 or visit www. backstreetart.org




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6 Times-Herald Xtra   |  Wednesday, August 1, 2018

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