And the award goes to…
The long-awaited, contemporary art prize with ecology at its core, the 16th annual Estuary Art and Ecology Award was held at the Uxbridge Malcolm Smith Gallery with 20 finalists chosen by well known writer and curator Francis McWhannell, the judge for second year in running. The overall winner of the environmentally themed award was Wesley John Fourie for the work Slow Ride. He received a handsome $4000 for his work of art, which was a tribute to the day he spent kayaking with friend Amber who helped Fourie get over the fear of water.
The second award of $2500 went to Perry Projects for her artwork Out of the Red. Rozana Lee was the winner of the third award of $1500 for her work Linger. Two merit awards went to Roman Robertson for Opaque and Alby Yap for reSurface. The Estuary Art and Ecology Award, sponsored by the Howick Local Board, Gordon Harris, the Tamaki Estuary Environmental Forum and the Rice Family Partnership— appeals to artists to consider the plights, pollution and the beauty of the Tamaki Estuary in their works of art. Check out the artworks of 20 finalists as well as a selection of other entries in the Uxbridge concourse area displayed at the Malcolm Smith Gallery until August 27. If you vote for your favourite artwork, the entry will be considered for the popular People’s Choice Awards sponsored by the Rice Family Partnership.
1: Evan Woodruffe, Celeste Sterling; 2: Ramon Robertson, Alby Yap, Rozana Lee, Francis McWhannell; 3: Wally Rice & Marilyn Bakker; 4: Daisy Nicholas, Seb Judd & Lulu Marshall; 5: Julie Chambers, Annette Smart; 6: Ekaterina Dimieva; 7: Rose Crooks, Roman Sigley, Selene Sigley; 8: Gillian Green, Rochelle Bargh, Grace Green. Photos Wayne Martin
SHOWING 2 Ju ly - 27 Au gu s t 2 022
- 27 T h e o nly co n te mp o ra2ry July a rt a wa r d i nAugust A ot ea ro a202 2 w ith ec o lo g y at its cor e. T he o nl y c on te m p or ar y a r t a w a r d i n Ao t e a r o a A rt is ts h av e be en inviwti ed t ol og reys aetairtsc hc oraend th e co . s tst ua h a vry e bveaeri n oi nv r es p o nd to th e Tā m akAir ties usi te d to r e se a r ch a n d r e s p on d to the T ā m a k i e s tu a r y v a r i ou s a r tfo r m s . 4 | eastlife | august 2022
EastLifeAugust22.indd 4
EAA16 Finalist Agnès Desombaiux Sigley EAA16 Finalist Awa binds us together, Tamaki river mouth Agnès Desombaiux Sigley Awa binds us together, Tamaki river mouth
a r t for m s.
28/07/2022 1:42:14 PM