1 minute read
from EastLife June 2023
by Times Media
From tempting tipples to tasty treats, life can be ‘fare’ enough, thanks to these new (and recent) additions to shelves.
Introducing a little ‘culture’ into our diet, Cathedral Cove has answered our prayers again. Free from refined sugars, fillers, vegetable oils, additives and preservatives, Cathedral Cove Naturals’ new Lite Coconut Yoghurt is intended to deliver the best of what nature intended. Available from select supermarkets and health food stockists (RRP $8.99 per 500g) this dairyfree, gluten-free yoghurt sings with flavour.

Well known locally for producing a rich range of cheeses, Clevedon Buffalo Co has taken the bull by the horns… both of them. The latest additions to the range, the NZ Champions of Cheese award-winning Whipped Cream Cheese (RRP $11.50) and Spiced Orange Marinated Cheese (RRP $18) are both available at the Clevedon Village Farmers Market and select specialty food stores.

Who says snack foods can’t be delicious? Not Chantal Organics! And, this Kiwi company is right to puff out its chest with pride as its new Organic Corn Puffs (RRP $3.99) really do rate on the taste scale. Made from whole grain corn, these moreish morsels are available in three flavours (Bang Bang BBQ, Churro Style, and Peanut Butter) from supermarkets and health food stores.

Soupably Seasonal

Faced with whipping up dinner on a chilly winter’s evening, it can be all too easy to reach for the phone, rather than a saucepan, and order takeaways. However, thanks to the latest additions to F. Whitlock & Sons’ range, we can transport ourselves to fairer (and farer) climes sinking into a warming bowl of nutritious, immunityboosting soup. Whitlock’s latest offerings (Peri Peri Chicken, Moroccan Spiced Carrot & Lentil and Louisiana Style Tomato, Capsicum & Corn Gumbo) are available (RRP $4.50 per 420g can) from supermarkets.