1 minute read
from EastLife June 2023
by Times Media
BILL POTTER – Maverick Thinker. Global Speaker.

Personal Power Coach. Bill has made personal presentations in 53 countries. Here is a summary of a keynote to 7,600 in Hong Kong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToRhF22nARM https://4liberty.eu/political-gaslighting-keeps-you-warm-butleaves-you-in-the-dark/ duitdammit@gmail.com
In fact, not much ‘thinking’ of any type, is being applied anywhere! Let’s just start with the basic application of... just ‘thinking’. ‘Thinking is the process of considering or reasoning about something, in a logical, sensible way. Good so far? Great!
Let’s take a scary ‘leap forward, into ‘Critical Thinking’. It is the ‘analysis of available facts, evidence, observations and arguments, in order to form a judgement, by the application of rational, skeptical and unbiased evaluation.
Now let’s add ‘being skeptical’, as a further tool to help us manage our life, in our living space of REALITY’! Too many human beans either don’t understand or don’t want to know about reality, as it will interrupt their goals, good or bad!
So we come to ‘gaslighting’. ‘Gaslighting’ uses outright lying, manipulation of reality, scapegoating and coercion... to get someone or a group, to question their own sanity or power of reasoning! This will cause serious problems.
We know who the ‘bad actors’ are, in the endless desire to take control of your life, starting with ‘politicians’! They love ‘gaslighting’. Don’t let them, ok!
More importantly, is the time of a General Election, when dishonesty is at its peak!
In a General Election much is promised. Little is delivered. Check it Out! Your vote will determine if you enhance or destroy... your children’s future!
Across – 6, Devastation. 7, Poor. 8, Assassin. 9, Revise. 10, Rotund. 12, French. 15, Paltry. 17, Scrounge. 19, Glum. 20, Prevaricate. Down – 1, Aversion. 2, Estate. 3, Kaiser. 4, Bias. 5, Ensign. 6, Drone. 11, Telegram. 13, Recipe. 14, Hangar. 15, Precis. 16, Route. 18, Omen.
Across – 6, Scratch side. 7, VI-ew (rev.). 8, Con-crete. 9, St(i)rips (rev.). 10, Sat-i-re. 12, S-light. 15, Sh-err-y. 17, Co-nverse. 19, Spin (rev.). 20, Extra charge. Down – 1, Grow-ling. 2, Stocks. 3, Shin-e-s. 4, P-i-er. 5, Setter. 6, Sh-ift. 11, Treasure (anag.). 13, Lo-ok-ed. 14, Tar-Mac. 15, S-eet-he. 16, R-ais-e. 18, Vet-o.