1 minute read
from EastLife June 2023
by Times Media
TRAIN SAILING: Odysseus spent years trying to get home; perhaps if he had a bed like this waiting for him, he would’ve tried a little harder! Dreamed up by the quirky designers at Portugal-based Circu, the Odyssey children’s bed is no boat as its name would suggest. Instead, it’s an on the rails – although off the wall –mode of transport to ‘Morningtown’.
In addition to the bed itself, this crafty carriage also includes a TV and plenty of storage for little ones intent on experiencing big adventures while they sleep.

As with all Circu’s innovative beds, the Odyssey can be shipped –perhaps taking less time than Odysseus did! – to New Zealand. See www.circu.net for details.
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Winner: Clare McGillivray, Times Media

Winner: Jon Rawlinson, Rural Living, Times Media
Runner Up: Rural Living, Times Media