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He had it x-rayed, which showed it wasn’t broken, but over the next two to four weeks the injury turned septic. “It was causing me incredible grief at night time,” Scott says. “The only way I could get through the night would be to get out of bed and sit in the lounge until daylight, when the pain subsided. “That was going on every night. “One morning the pain was excruciating.” Scott says his doctor told him the injury was infected. Despite taking antibiotics his foot wasn’t getting any better, and he soon ended up at Middlemore Hospital. “I ended up at A&E one night and they said I should go to hospital and get it [the wound] scraped. “One or two days later I rang the hospital and an ambulance came and got me and took me in. “They stuck a needle in the top of it and it just erupted with a whole stream of puss like a river.” Scott says a doctor told him
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the injury to his foot was a hematoma and it would need to be cleaned out. That procedure left what he says was a hole about 2cm in diameter and 10mm deep on the top of his foot. “It still hasn’t healed. They’re concerned about that and the lack of blood flow to the foot. “I was in hospital for 14 days initially, then came home and had the district nurse visit me every second day for a week. “On the seventh day she opened it up and said it’s full of maggots and I need to go back to hospital. “So I did another week there. “At that point the infection had cleaned up and it wasn’t so painful, but it’s still a mess.” Scott underwent another procedure to improve blood flow in his leg. He’s now back at home resting and hoping the injury to his foot will soon heal. “I’m still not out of the woods.” He says people should not be able to ride e-scooters on public footpaths and that “very heavy fines” should be issued to those who do so. ➤ Turn to page 5
Savile Cup begins
Action at Auckland Polo Club between players from Auckland and Cambridge. Auckland Polo Club is this week hosting the Savile Cup, said to be the nation’s oldest sporting trophy. It will feature 26 teams beginning today and running until Sunday with games across three polo Times photo Wayne Martin properties in Clevedon.
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‘THE PAIN WAS EXCRUCIATING’ n east Auckland man crashed into by a boy on a scooter experienced a medical nightmare which left him with a gaping wound on his foot that became infected with maggots. Ian Scott was walking out of a shop on Picton Street in Howick on December 8 last year when he was struck by a male teenager riding an electric ‘e-scooter’ along the footpath. The scooter rider barrelled into Scott and the scooter ran over his left foot. “He came out of nowhere and just banged into me and knocked me over,” he says. “I stood up and swore loudly at him. I told him to take his scooter and then swore again. He half-heartedly apologised.” Scott says the boy rode off and he got into his car and drove the short distance home. A short time later a “huge” bruise, which turned black, developed on the top of Scott’s left foot. “The skin became leatherlike,” he says.
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n February 16, 2022, the Howick and Pakuranga Times turned 50. The day before we publish each week we put the paper to bed (newspaper speak) so on this particular day with only a few of our team in the office we started to feel that the next day, Wednesday, was a special day. Since lockdown last August we
facebook.com/ TimesOnlineNZ Published weekly on Wednesday Printed by Beacon Print and delivered weekly to 47,960 homes. Published by Times Newspapers Ltd, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145, New Zealand.
have only had a few staff in the office at one time so celebrating had to wait. I came into the office on the 16th and was surprised to see members of our team in the office. I did ask why they had decided to come in and was told they were having a planning meeting. I believed them then walked out the back to a decorated lunchroom with streamers, balloons and 50-year signs all over the walls, morning tea on the
tables and a birthday cake. An absolute surprise and what a wonderful day it turned out to be. The hundreds of congratulatory messages were amazing from a cross section of people from former and present staff, readers, clients just too many to thank personally. What it did reassure me of was that the paper was as much an essential part of this community as it was 50 years ago. The Howick and Pakuranga
Times is the only source of truly local news now in print, online and social media. I thank everyone for caring about and supporting us for this very long time. Reay Neben is the founder and managing director of Times Media
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Master returns to Times team Former Times Media news editor Farida Master has rejoined the group after months away on a sabbatical in Canada. Master returns in a different role. She will take on the position as editor of sister publication East Life magazine. She replaces veteran journalist Helen Perry who has retired. Master made the difficult decision to leave in March
2021 while the planet was locked down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She was determined to be with her daughter Sanaya who was going to be a mum. “Travelling during the height of a pandemic is probably one of the craziest things I’ve done,” Master said. “But then when your daughter tells you that she needs your support as she
Farida Master with daughter Sanaya Master and granddaughter Spenta in Richmond, British Columbia.
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1. Brother Leslie, first to come in, is angry (8). 6. Is it a day at the end of June? (4). 8. She’ll be back at one, right? (4). 9. Totally removed, straightaway (5,3). 10. Gets a glimpse, we’re told, of the crests (5). 11. We must return the money first? That’s nutty! (6). 13. The killing of the communist has a strange backlash (6). 15. The theme of the story set in the mills? (6). 17. A name, spoken aloud, provides the stimulus (6). 19. Charming, just after the A sharp (5). 22. A woman of royal station! (8). 23. Runs out of vessels (4). 24. Yield, for the speculator (4). 25.Note the in-out movement. That’s the answer (8).
even as I was mid-air.” When she finally got in, she immediately began planning how to get back to NZ. “The irony of it all was that once in Vancouver, I spent all my days trying to get a spot in New Zealand’s MIQ lotto system,” she said. Not knowing when you can return home is a scary thought. Eight months later as I boarded an Air New Zealand flight to Auckland.” She managed to get home to Golflands for Christmas.
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travel. “It meant that instead of a 14-hour direct Air New Zealand flight, it was a crazy 40-hour route.” Adding more drama was a call from her travel agent saying the last leg of the flight from Seattle to Vancouver was cancelled. This, just an hour prior to driving to the airport. “I nervously agreed to a change of destination, heading to Toronto instead of Vancouver. My daughter was on the phone, making last-minute changes to the hotel quarantine bookings
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is going to have a baby, there is this inexplicable urge that makes you go to ridiculous lengths to welcome a new soul on this earthly plain. Some call it motherhood.” Master explained that getting there was one of the most difficult situations she had ever encountered. “After many sleepless nights, cancelled flights and lots of documentation, I took on the decision to visit my daughter in Vancouver, Canada in the year when Covid slammed the brakes on international
Rise 7:05am Set 7:58pm 12:04pm to 2:04pm; 11:37pm to 1:37am
Rise 7:06am Set 7:57pm 12:54pm to 2:54pm; 12:29am to 2:29am
Rise 7:07am Set 7:55pm 1:41pm to 3:41pm; 1:18am to 3:18am
2. Bring up about, as I wander in (5). 3. Stemmed from having been a hunter (7). 4. For a flier, it’s fun (4). 5. Big town about which Galsworthy wrote with wisdom? (8). 6. Is very fond of but, just the same, upset by (5). 7. Material that it’s a feat to swathe on the terribly fat (7). 12. Wraps the papers round again and gets ready (8). 14. Avail yourselfof it, Luis having gone off key (7). 16. Tell you to check you’ve got the total right? (7). 18. Tear off the number at the top, but not yet (5). 20. The dance beat, attempt to get (5). 21. Give a shout when you come round (4).
Rise 7:08am Set 7:54pm 2:26pm to 4:26pm; 2:03am to 4:03am
Rise 7:09am Set 7:52pm 3:10pm to 5:10pm; 2:48am to 4:48am
Rise 7:10am Set 7:51pm 3:54pm to 5:54pm; 3:32am to 5:32am
Rise 7:11am Set 7:49pm 4:39pm to 6:39pm; 4:16am to 6:16am
Rise 5:56am Set 8:00pm
7:40am 8:04pm Rise 7:06am Set 8:30pm
8:32am 8:56pm Rise 8:14am Set 8:58pm
9:20am 9:44pm Rise 9:18am Set 9:24pm
10:06am 10:29pm Rise 10:21am Set 9:50pm
10:51am 11:11pm Rise 11:23am Set 10:17pm
11:34am 11:53pm Rise 12:24pm Set 10:47pm
Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 3
Commissioners hear opposition to reserves’ sale By CHRIS HARROWELL
ozens of people who oppose revoking the reserve status of three east Auckland public parks so they can be sold have finally had the chance to make their views heard face-to-face, but through a computer screen. Auckland Council voted in late 2020 to dispose of 83 properties it owns to raise money from “asset recycling”. Among the sites are public reserves at 9R Fortyfoot Lane, Sunnyhills; 111R Golfland Drive, Botany; 76R Aberfeldy Avenue, Pakuranga; 72R Karaka Road, Beachlands; and part of a site of a gas station at 2R Ti Rakau Drive, Pakuranga. Council agency Eke Panuku Development Auckland is managing the properties’ sale. A statutory process must be followed before sites classified as reserves under the Reserves Act 1977 can be sold. The council publicly notified and sought submissions on its intent to revoke the reserve status of 20 properties across Auckland in February last year. Independent commissioners appointed to consider public submissions will make recom-
Auckland Council wants to sell three east Auckland public reserves, including this one in Fortyfoot Lane, Pakuranga. Times photo Wayne Martin
mendations to a council committee which will decide whether to forward requests for reserve revocation to the Minister of Conservation for final approval. Submitters had the chance to share their view with the commissioners online or via landlines or mobile phone on February 17-18. There’s no legislative requirement for hearings to be held, but the council says it wants to hear from the submitters. Among those who spoke is Cockle Bay Residents and Ratepayers Association chairman Laurie Slee, who said the reserves’ sale will deprive locals
of benefits the parks offer. “Remaining reserves are likely to become more crowded, reducing the space for individual people, and in a number of incidences getting access to reserves is going to get more difficult,” Slee told the commissioners. “We think the proposed sale of reserves runs counter to council policy and should be overturned.” Howick Local Board member David Collings presented the board’s submission to the commissioners. He said the board does not support the reserve revocation of any of the three public parks or their
sale. Collings said: “Children should be able to run, play and enjoy the outdoors in a safe environment that a family can walk to. “Whether these reserves are with or without play space, or even bench seats, they are a gathering place for parents with toddlers for socialisation and play.” Collings said local parks are also important for people’s physical health and are gathering places to socialise, play sport and host children’s birthday parties. “We’ve seen this much more during the period of Covid.” And trees planted in the reserves provide shade and shelter, habitat and food for birds, “as well as contributing to the absorption of carbon dioxide from our ever more polluted urban environments”, he said. An Eke Panuku spokesperson says the commissioners are completing site visits to the five local properties. They’ll take into account the submissions they heard and then complete reports to be presented to an upcoming council meeting. It’s not possible to know how long that process will take to complete given the volume of submissions, the spokesperson says.
News bites CANNABIS FOUND AT EMPTY PROPERTY Police say they found dozens of cannabis plants while executing a search warrant at an unoccupied east Auckland house. A police spokesperson says officers carried out a pre-planned search warrant at the home in Lewis Road, Pakuranga, on February 23. “Police located what appears to be a cannabis grow operation inside the address, with more than 40 cannabis plants and cultivation equipment located,” the spokesperson says. Anyone with information in general, is asked to report it to police by phoning 105, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”
A correction for Ata Koia (Times, February 23). James TapsellKuruangi should be TapsellKururangi. The Times apologises for the error.
Local artist and sculpturist Wendy Hannah, along with fellow artist Andrew Rankin, won the Akel Award Runner Up in the prestigious Molly Morpeth Canaday Award 3D 2022 on Sunday February 13.
Franklin Local Board has announced that a weekend ferry trial for Beachlands and Maraetai residents is set to run for six weeks from mid-March. More details will be present at a later date.
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4 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
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Turning back the clock, Howick beach brings back many fond childhood memories. In fact, my late mother was an orphan like many, at ‘Little Sisters Of The Poor’ and she too adored the local beaches. Recently having sold 1 Marine Parade, Mellon’s Bay for an incredible sum, I would daydream on-site looking out to the cliff face where I carved my initials into the rocks so many years ago and recall so vividly jumping off the cliff at full tide with my brother and twin sister. You will see more of me about the neighbourhood selling, as I love your location and the local beaches. The residents are friendly and everyone stops to say hello with a smile, particularly when dog walking. I’m calling Howick the new Herne Bay of Auckland and we will keep it the locals secret. My pledge to you is to offer an incredible service with lots of wisdom should you consider listing with me when selling your house. No property is too flash or too small. Check out our website and browse the many glowing testimonials. Kindest regards, Michael x
Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 5
‘It’s supposed to be a democracy’ H
owick Local Board member Bob Wichman is accusing Auckland Council of misrepresenting the facts over the use of his council email account. But the council reject’s Wichman’s allegations and is adamant its position is correct. Times recently The reported Wichman believed his access to his council emails had been “restricted” in what he called “censorship” of his views. He said it happened after he sent an email about the proposed route of the Eastern Busway to mayor Phil Goff, Auckland Transport’s chief executive and all of the city’s
councillors. After sending it, Wichman received an email that said the email group that includes all Auckland ward councillors “only accepts messages from people on its allowed sender list, and your email address isn’t on the list”. “Restricting my access to other councillors, I think it stinks,” he says. “This is supposed to be a democracy.” But council local board service general manager Louise Mason said no restrictions had been placed on Wichman’s council account. “He is not on the permitted senders list for the ‘all councillors group’ which he included in his email regard-
Howick Local Board member Bob Wichman, fourth from left, pictured with his Howick Local Board colleagues. Photo supplied
ing the Eastern Busway. “Subsequently, member Wichman received an automatic response advising him his email was not able to be sent to that list.”
Wichman disputes Mason’s account of the situation and says it’s “rubbish” to suggest he was not on the permitted senders list. “A previous email to all councillors went through okay and I received replies from councillors.” Wichman’s email use drew public attention in May last year when he sent an email to all of the city’s local board members about Covid-19. Following that, Mason said he’d been told the email was “ill-advised”. “We also reminded him it’s best practice to use an Auckland Council email address for council business only. “Further options the
council have is to remove individual access to sending group emails. “The member has been advised this privilege could be removed if further emails like this are sent.” Wichman asks how his privilege around sending group emails could be removed if he was not on the permitted senders list to begin with, as Mason said. In response, Mason says he and other board members are not restricted from emailing individual councillors. “However, the ‘all councillors’ email group is a distribution list that includes councillors as well as senior executives and support staff, which some govern-
ance staff are able to use for administrative purposes. “Others outside that distribution list don’t have access to it, meaning Member Wichman received an automated message informing him of this. “Member Wichman has not been removed from the ‘all councillors’ email group. “As with any other elected member or staff member outside that particular administrative group he did not have access to it in the first place. “There are no restrictions on elected members emailing each other, therefore Member Wichman has the ability to directly email those councillors he wishes to contact.”
Scooter crash turns man’s foot septic ➤ From page 1 “It’s a hard one as I don’t know how you’re going to fine a 13-year-old. “I don’t think they should even be on the road, let alone the footpath. “They go quite fast. He [the boy who struck him] would have been going at good running speed. “He just came out of nowhere and I didn’t see him coming.” Auckland Transport spokesper-
son Natalie Polley says e-scooters can be used on the footpath or road, except in designated cycle lanes that are part of the road and designed for the sole use of cyclists. While riding on a footpath, the scooter user must operate it in a careful and considerate manner, at a speed that does not put other footpath users at risk and give way to pedestrians and mobility device
drivers, she says. A police spokesperson says under Land Transport legislation, police will investigate and or prosecute or fine offences involving e-scooter, cyclist, and mobility users on footpaths if users are found to be at fault when there’s an accident involving pedestrians. The legislation allows for fines to be issued of between $35 and $1000.
A man was knocked off his feet and injured when struck by a boy riding a scooter along the footpath on Howick’s Picton Street. Times photo
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6 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Top restaurant thanks its loyal customers
he hottest beachfront restaurant in Bucklands Beach is marking its one-year anniversary by saying a big ‘thank you’ to its loyal customers and the local community. Zabr’one occupies a prime spot with stunning water views from its envious location on The Parade. It offers casual and fine dining and in the year since it opened the business has become a valued member of its community. The restaurant’s staff say they’re extremely grateful to their customers for the support they’ve showed throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. “We want to thank everyone who is standing by us through this difficult journey with Covid. “We’re doing our very best to cope with the situation while
Our premises right on the waterfront at Bucklands Beach.
maintaining all the required health and safety protocols. “We’re so grateful to the people who have dined with us before and keep coming back.” Zabr’one’s staff are keen for people to know the restaurant does catering, hosts functions such as birthday parties and corporate events, and has a very nice bar and outdoor area. “We love helping to celebrate our customers’ birthdays and we make them feel special on any occasion.
“We handle all dietary requirements and we go above and beyond with people’s specific needs. We’re always happy to take feedback. “There are numerous groups and clubs in the local community and we’re always happy to take their bookings.” The restaurant has comfortable, high quality decor and seating, friendly staff, and a warm and welcoming atmosphere that will make people feel at home. It draws not just local diners but
Times photos Wayne Martin
people from across Auckland as far away as Remuera and Saint Heliers. It’s well known for its delicious and diverse menu and outstanding customer service. Zabr’one’s head chef has almost 30 years’ experience in the industry and previously worked in Dubai, among other culinary hotspots. The restaurant’s management says as well as serving delicious, affordable food and providing customers with an amazing experience, being an active part of the
local community is a major part of their mission. “What makes us different is our food, our connectivity, and our attentiveness. Our staff are all local and we always support local kids who are keen to work with us. “Everything we do is locally-connected. We support New Zealand products and all our food is made with locally-produced ingredients. “We’re all about providing a memorable experience to our customers.” To go along with its delicious meals, Zabr’one offers a wide range of popular tap beers and other cold beverages as well as new cocktails and tasty coffees for people needing their caffeine fix. It’s the perfect spot for a romantic sunset meal for two, or a family wanting lunch or dinner, people after a quick bite for lunch, and everything in between. Zabr’one has plenty of indoor seating and more than 60 seats for customers who want to enjoy their food outside in the fresh air. It’s also dog-friendly, ensures people with disabilities are looked after extremely well, and does a popular breakfast on Sundays from 9.30am. The restaurant’s management is easy to reach so get in touch to find out how they can make your next meal a memorable one. Now is the perfect time to get along to Zabr’one for an experience that won’t soon be forgotten.
“Stunning beach views, amazing food, refreshing atmosphere and exemplary service is the trademark of Zabr’one - Inspired by Italian & Mediterranean Cuisine.
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Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 7
N OPE ness i for bus ARTS
Keeping you safe
Community Camellia Chandelier By ZOE GARDEN
numerous schools regionally and nationally. Students would make the camellias and gift them to the project. Additionally, after the camellia was gifted, the students would make a slinky with the remaining part of the bottle and then paint or colour them. “I’m hoping to get the easternbased community to help finish the rest of the camellias,” Hannah says. Approximately 15,000 have been crafted. Another 17,000 is needed. The finalised installation, tilted ‘Weaving the Fibre of Time’, will be installed on September 19, the day in 1983 the governor, Lord Glasgow, signed a new Electoral Act that gave Kiwi women the right to vote in parliamentary elections. The work signifies two concepts: equality and taiao (ecology). “The work itself is a salute to
n innovative community arts project celebrating New Zealand’s suffrage movement is kicking off next week in Howick. The Camellia Project NZ, headed by local artist Wendy Hannah and started in 2018, is imploring for members of the community for their aid and support in creating camellias from recycled bottles. The environmentally-centred 31872 (the number of voters on the Suffrage Petition in 1892) 10mx10m camellia cut-outs will be installed into one of the largest chandeliers in NZ. Hannah will be running the drop-in workshops at the Information Centre in Howick from Tuesday March 8 (weekdays only) on International Women’s Day until Friday March 18 from 9am to 2.30 pm. The project has already visited
‘Weaving the Fibre of Time’ is to be installed on September 19.
the suffrage movement,” Hannah says. When the schools were visited, students were asked to bring bottles from home. “So they could learn by ‘doing,’” Hannah says. “I really wanted to teach the children that you could recycle in your own home.” The Camellia Project NZ is encouraging anyone to drop off clean drink bottles (coke, sprite, clear drink bottles, no milk bottles) at the information centre even if they cannot participate. Bottles will also be supplied. “But we are needing more to recycle,” Camellia Project NZ says.
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Photo supplied
“It’s different for everyone when they make it,” Hannah says. “It’s a great social and fun activity. A lot of people start talking about their Grandmothers. It’s a lovely thing. “We encourage people from every creed: women, men and children who are interested in helping create this beautiful chandelier.” Participants will need to provide a vaccine passport. ➤ For more information, message the Camellia Project NZ at https://www.facebook. com/camellianz/
With Covid-19 now rampant in our community, it is important to know how to safely and correctly perform a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) at home [RAT tests will differ so read the instructions carefully]. Before performing the test, clear, clean and dry a flat surface to put the home test on. ■ Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds. ■ Check the test kit. ■ Make sure nothing is broken or unsealed. ■ Take one test at a time. ■ Carefully peel off the sealing film away from face. ■ Place the extraction tube containing the buffer into extraction tube holder. ■ Blow your nose. Wash hands again. ■ Find sterile swab. ■ Place fabric tip of the swab just inside one nostril. Wipe around inside of your nostril in a circular motion 5 times ■ Do the same to the second nostril with same swab. Children under 12 should be tested by an adult.
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Can you help our hospitality and retail businesses? Do you have an hour or two, or even a few hours spare that you would be willing to gift to your favourite Howick Village stores, restaurants or cafés? With the current Omicron outbreak, many of our hardworking businesses are close to reducing their trading hours, due to so many staff isolating at home.
Can you make a difference and help them? We’re starting a volunteer register for our businesses. To be included in this register, please email manager@howickvillage.co.nz with your name, contact details, and a brief outline of how and where you would be able to assist. The register will be available to our business owners if they are caught with staff shortages and they will contact you to see if you can help out. We have an amazing community in Howick – let’s help our businesses where we can! JH17330A
8 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Your opinion matters to us. Email us at editor@times.co.nz; comment on our Facebook page, facebook.com/timesonlinenz; or write to us at The Editor, Times Newspapers, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145. Letters should not exceed 200 words and should carry the name, residential address and contact telephone number of the author. usually drive on the left – but I am against mandates (ha ha). In France I have the freedom to drive on the right, so I do. Everybody’s happy.
Dennis Horne. Howick
Applications for the Local Fund close Monday March 7. Photo Aktive website
Funding for community projects Applications for a fund providing communitybased programmes and projects for children and young people are now open. The Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund is managed and distributed on Sport NZ’s behalf in Auckland by Aktive with support from a variety of partners, including Sport Auckland which is responsible for projects delivered in central Auckland and Howick. It includes a “distinct assessment process for Kaupapa Māori organisations”. The fund helps cover costs such as venue or equipment hire, transport, officials and delivery staff wages. Aktive’s chief executive Jennah Wootten says the fund is “designed to provide quality, accessible play, active recreation and sport for tamariki and rangatahi”. “We want to support our young people to develop a life-long love of being active,” Wootten says. “We’re particularly keen to see this fund benefit young people who are inactive, face barriers such as cost, travel and exclusion, and would otherwise not have an opportunity to experience such activities. “We understand many of these barriers will be heightened with Covid-19, which also makes it challenging for sport and recreation organisations. That’s why we are focused on working with organisations to help them access the fund, so they’re able to deliver for our tamariki and rangatahi, even if the activity looks slightly different given the Covid-19 environment we’re living in.” More than 420 organisations have received investment totalling $6,535,340 from the 2020/21 fund and round one of the 2021/22 fund. A consistent highlight, Aktive says, is a positive difference being made in local communities. Tu Manawa applications for the Local Fund closes on Monday March 7. Programmes and projects can be currently or freshly operating. Funding can be provided for up to 12 months. ➤ For more information visit: https://aktive. org.nz/tu-manawa-active-aotearoa/
MURAL NEEDS A FACELIFT Thanks for your coverage of the 175th anniversary. I was looking at the large mural near the Times office behind Poppies and the shoe shop. It shows Howick Beach in the early 1900s and is well past its use-by date. I wonder when it was done and installed there. Are there any local artists who would be able to do something with it?
June Krebs, Pakuranga
Omicron’s effects on our health are much milder than Covid 19. Many of my family in Europe have had Omicron and their reported symptoms ranged from “I didn’t know I had it” to “I had a cold”. The price we are paying now is way out of proportion to the current health risks. The effect two years of restrictions have had on our business community have been disastrous. Mental health has suffered greatly. Suicide rates and family violence have increased. Our children’s wellbeing and education have suffered. How many deaths will we see in the coming years because hospital appointments, surgeries and treatments were cancelled? This government have also put back racial equality for decades. It was obscene how government and press reported outbreaks and vaccination rates based on ethnic groups. To report Maori or Pacific Islanders were not playing their part in vaccination programmes have led to greater divisions within society.
We must learn from other countries’ experiences and overcome our irrational fear of Omicron before we fall further behind the rest of the world. The effects of Omicron will take years to overcome. The sooner all restrictions are removed the better.
Robin Trevallion Mellons Bay
The antivaxxers and their ilk protesting don’t need an audience, they need lessons. Human rights are a construct of a functioning democracy, where we all agree on fundamentals, such as the rule of law and certain obligations to society, such as parenting one’s offspring. Civilisation is not the natural state of man and many civilisations have failed. Sadly, educationalists in NZ have set our young on a path to irrelevance on a bandwagon called decolonisation. You cannot reason people out of a belief they have not reasoned themselves into. Those using their children as human shields, “dismissing” a husband because he had a booster and swearing the PM’s jab did not contain the vaccine, will change their minds only when gasping for breath in hospital. Early in the pandemic we heard a lot about Sweden and Plan B. Didn’t hear much about the authorities in Lund dumping a tonne of chicken poop on central park to stop people congregating but that was to celebrate not protest, and protesting is a “right”. I do not protest against actually driving on the left – I
After telling us that he was a novice, [National Party leader and Botany MP] Mr [Christopher] Luxon acknowledges his apprenticeship under Mr Key. He reassures us he is a fine businessman: profit before people. The very modest increase for low-income workers is a killer for him. All jobs play a role in the function of society, Mr Luxon. Thirsty for power, he offered his services to the government: “I do not care if our ideas get stolen, we shouldn’t be precious about that”. Stolen? New word for cooperation, perhaps? Or his desire to be important. Mr Luxon, like his predecessors, constantly heavily criticises the government – most recently the insurance scheme. The tripartite group – Government, New Zealand Council Trade Unions (CTU) and Business New Zealand – is still working on it. This policy would benefit the economy and give new opportunities to the workers who have lost their jobs. Similar schemes already exist overseas. Mr Luxon doesn’t wait for the final draft – he already knows it is no good.
Brigitte Horne, Howick
Auckland Council is looking to increase our rates yet again this year. We need to cap the rates to help control council spending. There are too many projects going at the same time and council plans to add more projects well before the old projects have been completed. Maintaining wastewater, storm water and water filtration should be first priority with winter around the corner. [They must] finish road works that have been going
on for years which is the main cause for the build up of traffic on the motorways. The increase on rates are the cause of financial hardship for those on low incomes. Labour said they would be helping people on the poverty line this year. It doesn’t matter what we say to Auckland Council, it just falls on deaf ears so maybe [I’ll be] approaching Naisi Chen, Labour Party List MP about a policy protecting us from being exploited by local council. Cap the rates now; review after five years at no more than 2 per cent for those on low incomes then cap for another five years and so on. If council don’t like this idea then this is the year we vote for new faces in the council. We vote for capping the rates.
Wally Peck, Bucklands Beach
Tell me when the ‘temporary’ T2 bus lanes along Pakuranga Road will be removed? Duncan Humphrey, the AMETI Eastern Busway Programme Director, said, “These are temporary essential traffic management measures” to minimise congestion during a construction period as opposed to “permanent changes to the road layout”. So I hope to see him keeping his word and removing the temporary lanes. I am sure Mr Humphrey wouldn’t lie to us, would he? The Eastern Busway is now finished and operational, I drove past the busway only last week and the three people on the bus looked very happy.
Chris Taylor, Somerville
• Look before you indicate. • Indicate and glance forward. • Look again to see if the person has accelerated. • Then change lanes • Treat everyone else on the road as an idiot. • Look up Zen driving. It shows you how to be more observant and think more clearly.
Bruce Powley, Pakuranga
Available Now In celebration of Howick’s 175th Anniversary, Times Media has published a compilation of stories from Howick Historian Alan La Roche, mbe, documenting the history of our region.
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FOLDING ARM AWNINGS districts from ing the history of Howick and A compilation of stories document region’s 175th anniversary Roche, mbe, celebrating the
Howick Historian Alan La
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Available from Times Media, 10 Central Tce, Howick. Also available from Poppies Books Howick, Paper Plus Howick and the Howick Historical Village DY0375
Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 9
10 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Early Connections Childcare Centre
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Chelsey Mokhtar is an experienced chiropractor with a passion for helping people.
Photo supplied
Improving health and well-being A
new chiropractic practice has opened its doors at Pine Harbour Marina. Chelsey Mokhtar moved from Nelson to Beachlands to be closer to family. With five years under her belt, Chelsey started her own practice Pinnacle Chiropractic in mid-January (51 Ninth View Avenue). Her husband Adam is set to join her in Auckland soon. “I’ve always wanted to do something in the
health care profession and I’ve always been interested in helping people,” Chelsey says. Pinnacle Chiropractic offers a wide range of techniques to people of all ages. “We do offer the structural type adjusting but we also do techniques that focus on your overall health, your emotions, how you’re organs are functioning individually and can check your allergies as well,” Chelsey says.
The practice aids with people suffering from stress, lower back pain, neck pain and headaches and offers supplements. “We also look at lots of other things too like digestion,” Chelsey says. “It’s for anyone that is looking to improve their overall health and well-being.” Chelsey told the Times it is a rewarding profession. “Getting to be a part of someone’s journey is pretty cool.”
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Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 11
A society divided MP for Botany
Christopher Luxon
want to address the elephant in the room: our increasingly divided society. I entered politics because I wanted to help create a society where Kiwis can get ahead. Where if you’re willing to put in an honest day’s work, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. That’s my vision for New Zealand – a society of opportunity. But what we’re experiencing under Labour is a society divided. The Prime Minister talks about the team of five million, but actually she leads the most divisive Government in recent memory. Renters versus landlords. Business owners versus workers. Farmers versus cities. Kiwis at home versus those stuck abroad. The vaccinated versus the unvaccinated. What we are seeing outside Parliament, and the reaction to it, is the culmination of underlying issues that have been rumbling along in our communities for some time.
What we are seeing outside Parliament, and the reaction to it, is the culmination of underlying issues that have been rumbling along in our communities for some time, says opposition leader Christopher Luxon. Photo Scoop
It’s driven by Covid and vaccine mandates, yes, but the frustrations shared by many Kiwis are also driven by a Government that seems to be stalling. The cost of living is through the roof. The dream of home ownership is turning into a nightmare. Long-term benefit dependency is skyrocketing. Then add to the mix Labour’s approach to Covid, which relies far too heavily on controlling all aspects of everyday life, rather than using tools like rapid antigen tests to manage risk and give Kiwis more personal responsibility. No wonder Kiwis are frustrated.
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The “team of five million” has fractured and we all want to see a pathway out, together. We must chart a path back to that middle-ground that unites us and not allow ourselves to be divided into warring factions. Kiwis should be able to question the current health response while also agreeing that some restrictions are still required to minimise deaths and ensure our health system is not overloaded. Kiwis should be able to sympathise with some of the issues being raised by protestors without being framed as condoning illegal behaviour or siding with anti-science
conspiracy theorists. Kiwis should be able to ask whether the Government is striking the right balance between individual rights and public health imperatives without being dismissed as pandering to extremists. The Government’s unwillingness to engage with these issues has amplified division. The dismissal of anyone who questions their approach has fed a growing distrust. What this country needs is new leadership. Leadership that knows how to get things done and get our Covid toolset in place, that isn’t too proud to call it when we get things wrong and admits its mistakes, and that shows up when times are tough, not just in the glory moments. New Zealand is a great country and we have a great future. We will get what we deserve, and we deserve the very best – but ultimately that is up to each and every one of us. If we join together, and celebrate our differences rather than letting them divide us, we really can deliver a better future for all New Zealanders.
Christopher Luxon is the MP for Botany and National Party leader
The High Court upheld a challenge in judicial review proceedings brought by three police and defence force workers against the Covid-19 Public Health Response (Specified Work Vaccinations) Photo Reuters Order 2021.
High Court rules police, defence mandates unlawful The High Court’s decision released on Friday that vaccine mandates for police officers and defence force personnel are unlawful and not justified must be a wake-up call for the Government over every other vaccine mandate given Omicron is in the community, says Opposition Leader Christopher Luxon. “With the vaccine mandates ruled unlawful, all of these police officers and defence force personnel should be back on the beat and serving Kiwis again,” said Luxon, the MP for Botany. He said the judgment has implications for vaccine mandates more generally. “Omicron has changed the game,” Luxon said. “Vaccine mandates made sense against Delta because the vaccine was very effective at preventing infection and transmission. They make much less sense against Omicron. “National’s view is that mandates should be progressively phased out as soon as possible once we are through the peak of Omicron. “Kiwis have done the right thing – getting vaccinated in record numbers and getting boosted. Now they’re looking for a pathway back to normality.”
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12 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 12 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
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Market remains relatively resilient, real estate boss says
Non-profit seeks food donors A
non-profit organisation is looking for food donors who can provide bulk surplus and donated foods. New Zealand Food Network (NZFN) started from the May 2020 budget to be part of the Ministry of Social Development’s (MSD) Food Secure Communities scheme. NZFN’s chief executive officer, Gavin Findlay, told the Times, “We saw there was a gap in the market where very large bulk surplus food was unable to be handled by any one organisation so a big proportion ended up in landfill. “We had the environmental issues of food going on landfill and what we perceived to be an ever-growing issue with social needs because of the upcoming pandemic. “We put a proposal to the government to say we need to set up a NZFN to address these issues.” NZFN collects quality surplus and donated food from large supermarket chains, growers and wholesalers
nationally and stores them in their distribution centres in Auckland (East Tamaki) and Christchurch. It then distributes the pallets to food rescue organisations, iwi and charities. “We have around 62-65 food donors,” Findlay said. “Our three founding food donors are Turners and Growers (T&G), Fonterra and Sanitarium.” There are two main way volumes of food come in, Findlay said. “Surplus, any product that is perfectly good to eat but can’t be sold, and donations. Companies who, from the goodness of their heart, really buy into what we are doing and want to help out.” The non-profit currently supplies almost 100 organisations around the country. NZFN is currently searching for new food donors who can supply surplus and/or donated foods. “The current world environment has meant that the supply chain globally is very stretched,” Findlay says. “As such, the amount of food and inventory stocks that are held by both producers and
NZFN’s CEO, Gavin Findlay, says the non-profit is seeking food donors that can provide bulk surplus and donated foods. Photo supplied
retailers has diminished. If you have a lower amount of stock or volumes inherently in the country, your supply and surpluses as a percentage also drops. “We need to continue looking for and working with distributors, retailers, producers and manufacturers to get as much as that surplus as we can. We don’t want any of that to go to landfill.” Potential food donors can be located anywhere nationally. ➤ For any interested food donors, email hello@ nzfoodnetwork.org.nz or visit the website at https://www. nzfoodnetwork.org.nz
The latest Real Estate Institute of New Zealand report indicates a spike of median house prices last month. The Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) recently released their January 2022 property report. Median prices for residential property across New Zealand increased 20.5 per cent - from $730,300 in January 20201 to $880,000 in January 2022. Tim Kearins, owner of Century 21 New Zealand that has an office in Somerville and another in Flat Bush, says these latest statistics prove the property market is remaining “relatively resilient”. This is despite a range of factors such as the arrival of Omicron, lending restrictions, rising interest rates and a softening of prices predicted. The national median house price is down from December. “While January figures usually reflect the holiday slow down, the data suggests compounding factors are influencing a decrease in sales activity and easing of price growth nationwide,” REINZ writes. While lower sales volumes show a quieter January, the “good news is February was off to a better start,” Kearins says. “New listings are coming on with real estate activity more noticeable.
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In fact, right now is providing a good window of opportunity for buyers and sellers alike. “All eyes will be on the Reserve Bank on February 23 as it makes a call on the Official Cash Rate (OCR), with the overall consensus being that interest rates will continue to rise [the OCR rose 0.25 per cent to 1 per cent]. “February is proving to be a bit of a sweet spot. Many buyers who achieved pre-approval before lending tightened up are motivated to act. First-home buyers want to get in and lock in a good interest rate, and vendors want to sell before the uncertainty of this coming winter.” Century 21 salespeople, he says, have reported that most vendors taking the plunge in recent weeks have been “pleasantly surprised by the level of interest and the results still being achieved”. “Compared to previous summers the number of residential sales remains down. However, I’m confident that February and March should show sales volumes lifting,” REINZ indicates that the housing market value nationwide has lifted 19.9 per cent year-on-year. In Auckland, the value increased 18.4 per cent, and the rest of the country by 20.8 per cent.
FIREWOOD, Ti Tree, Hot mix, Phone Darryl Green Earths 273 9520
Approved by the Health and Disability Ethics Committee on 13/12/2021, reference number: 20/CEN/242. DE281588
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Registering your interest will not enrol you into the study, it is just a good way for us to know that you are interested to hear more about it. Someone from the research team will contact you by phone. Your details are kept confidential and will only be seen by the research team.
Are you keen to know how you are ageing? Do you feel you can’t quite do all the daily activities you used to in the past 12 months and would be interested to know if you could improve? We are keen to help you to discover this through the use of the LifeCurve™ App. We are testing the app to see if it has an impact in helping you maintain and improve healthy independent living and socialisation. Perhaps you have an parent/grandparent who might be keen to be part of our study. If you are aged 75+; or 60+ if Maori/ Pasifika and live in Howick (or suburbs close by) you may be eligible for our study. If you would like to know more there are three ways to contact us: 1. Register your interest by completing an online form at https:// redcap.fmhs.auckland.ac.nz/surveys/?s=FATNLHCXTF. 2. Phone 0800 222 848 (to leave a voicemail). 3. Email us at awessom.research@auckand.ac.nz with your contact details.
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An experienced gentleman with years of experience in additions, renovations, wallpapering & painting etc. All other work considered also...
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Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 13
534-7361, 292-8930 0274-767-746
271 8000 Visit our website: www.times.co.nz Updated every issue
Dental Assistant / Orthodontic Auxiliary required by Derek Barwood Orthodontics:
alan@aesblasters.co.nz www.aesblasters.co.nz
music@hsm.co.nz www.hsm.co.nz
SPORTS COORDINATOR We are seeking a highly organized, enthusiastic Sports Coordinator to manage our co-curricular sports programme. An interest in sport is essential. The role works closely with the Teacher in Charge of Sport, promotes sport in the college and undertakes the administration of our summer and winter sports teams. Experience working in a secondary school would be an advantage. A job description is available on request from the college. Immediate start. CV and covering letter to the Principal’s PA Alison Crabbe: acrabbe@ormiston.school.nz Applications close Wed 9 March at 3:00pm
Kids afternoons Adults evenings Contact Hiroshi 534 1776 (h) 021 060 6006 (m)
Visit our website: www.times.co.nz Updated every issue
• Howick-based • Number of customers & working hours flexible • Maintain existing gardens • Friendly and appreciative customers who receive the service for free • $30 per hour
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Applications close Friday, 4 March 2022.
Email reayn@times.co.nz
If this sounds like you, please send your CV to Debbies@eastgatecc.org.nz and, where applicable, examples of your work. We like to consider applications as they are received therefore, we encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible. DE281596
• Industry leading training provided. • Personal Growth is the cornerstone of our business. • Work with a diverse group from around the world.
We are looking for a young star to join our team and learn all aspects of selling across both print and digital platforms This is a junior position and could suit a school leaver who wants to learn and work in an environment that is never boring. You will need to have a good command of English, be well spoken, have a good sense of humour and enjoy working alongside a close team. Driving is also essential as you will need to visit clients and members of the public as needed. Belonging to this east Auckland community is an advantage but not essential. This is an opportunity to grow into where your skills lie. If you think you have what we are looking for please email me your details and we can have a chat.
Key skills required: • ‘Jack of all Trades’. • Highly organised with great time management skills. • Be physically fit with tidy appearance and can-do attitude. • Previous experience as a general handyman will be an advantage. • Confidently working unsupervised within a supported team environment. • Great communication skills. • A working understanding of Health and Safety. • A current clean driver’s license. • Strong quality focus with an eye for detail. • Reliable and proactive. • Must have New Zealand residency or a valid New Zealand work permit.
Mens & ladies haircu�er wanted part-�me, for barber shop in Pakuranga. Experience required. Contact Manager: Marja Ph 0272 446799
In this role you will undertake general maintenance duties in and around the church buildings and assist with all types of repairs and maintenance such as painting, minor carpentry, repair work and compliance etc. This position is available for 20 hrs per week between Tuesday-Friday, working closely with our other staff and tenants.
Permanent 37.5 hours per week, term time only
To apply please email your CV to grant@rizzare.co.nz
Job Vacancy
Please email your CV to: info@waihekeherbs.co.nz
Howick College is seeking a friendly and helpful team member to work across a number of departments in the school. The position is for 25 hours per week during term time only. Duties include supporting Heads of Departments to order resources, track their spending, manage their resources, assistance with organising trips and support in the library. If you are looking for part time work within school hours, have a “can do” attitude, please send your CV, cover letter and completed application form from our website: www.howickcollege.school.nz to employment@howick.school.nz
0800 696 874
NZ Modern School of Music www.modernmusic.co.nz
Completed application form including CV to be submitted to: employment@sanctamaria.school.nz
Wednesdays + Thursdays Reasonable strength and fitness required. Full training provided.
Our business is a great place to work. We are a small and friendly team, and have a solid customer base from all around New Zealand.
Skills and experience • Applicants will ideally have glazier and / or construction experience, be motivated and able to work autonomously. • Successful applicants need to be physically fit and able to lift and carry reasonable weights. • We are looking for a positive attitude with strong work ethic and good customer communication skills.
Live in preferred. Weekends free. Would suit a mature, honest, caring, reliable person. References required. For more information please ph Wendy 022 5255 043
Job Description and application form on our school website at https://www.sanctamaria.school.nz/employment/
Benefits and perks • Great hourly rate • 40-45 hours Monday to Friday with the possibility of additional hours at busy times of the year • Easy going and flexible employer
Are you a well organised person with great interpersonal skills? If so, we need you in our library team! An exciting opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic person with good communication and library skills. The successful person would need the ability to interact positively in a professional manner with staff and students.
Applications close: 18 March 2022
Waiheke Herbs has moved from the Island to a new premises in East Tamaki. So, we are looking for a new production team!
| waihekeherbs.co.nz
The position includes but is not limited to: • Managing daily customer operations • Pool fencing and balustrade installations • Manage the deliveries of glass and hardware to customers • Management of the warehouse including inventory control and general duties
This is a fixed term position for 2022: 3 days per week (22.5 hours). Secondary term times only.
Do you have a passion for healthy food?
We are a Mount Wellington based business, wholesaling heavy-weight glass and hardware. We supply and install toughened glass and hardware for pool fencing and balustrade systems.
We are looking for a physically fit, self motivated and energetic individual to join our team to lead the glass installations, deliveries, and warehouse management.
company is seeking to employ a person to work in our Pakuranga store. The role involves the processing of orders which includes the cutting and packing of precision steel bars and tubes. We are looking for a person who is energetic, reliable, has the ability to assist in lifting some heavy items and doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty. Good communication skills are essential. Should you hold a current fork hoist license, this would be desirable, if not, full training will be given. If this is you or you would like to know more, please send us your CV to our General Manager, mark@fluidfittings.co.nz or please feel free to give Mark a call on 09 576-8597.
Pakuranga Park Village is looking for Maintenance Hands, Housekeepers, Gardeners and Caregivers. We are a local business looking to employ local people. If you are interested in joining our team please email ursula.glynos@realliving.co.nz with your CV.
LESSONS FROM $22 Private, professional,affordable. Competitions, practical and theory exams. We have teachers in your area. (Est 68 yrs)
Howick Youth Orchestra & Concert Bands Saturdays and Tuesdays at Pakuranga Intermediate Violin Guitar Clarinet French Horn Trombone Saxophone Trumpet Flute Oboe Drums Bassoon Individual Piano Music for 5-6 year olds
ASSISTANT STOREPERSON Fluid Fittings Limited, a locally based New Zealand owned
The primary purpose of this role is to provide administrative support to the school’s varied and plentiful sports programme, which aims to create opportunities for students personal, social & physical development through sport. Our ideal candidate will have a relevant tertiary qualification in Sports Management supported by knowledge of school sport operations. They will have experience in risk management, an eye for detail and problem-solving skills. They will have strong relationship-building capacity, initiative and effective communication skills, with the ability to work both strategically and operationally. Prior experience and knowledge within a rugby context would be an advantage. This is a full time, permanent position, starting as soon as possible. Please send your CV and a covering letter, together with the support staff application form (which can be found on our website) www.howickcollege.school.nz to: Mark Thomas, Deputy Principal: email employment@howick.school.nz
(Part-time or Full-time)
We require an enthusiastic person for inwards and outwards goods duties and some assembly work at our East Tamaki Warehouse. We are open Monday to Friday, with working hours to be discussed.
Please e-mail your application to:
The applicant must be fit, a non-smoker, have good communication skills and able to pay attention to detail. Full training will be given.
3-4 days per week for reception, deeds filing and general office duties. Experience in a legal office is preferred but not essential. Must be experienced in Word and if possible, familiar with Excel. Enquiries to: Raewyn Allen Email: howick@wellslawyers.co.nz Wells & Co. Solicitors, Howick
We are looking for an experienced dental assistant or orthodontic auxiliary to work with our orthodontist at our small friendly Specialist Orthodontic Practice in Howick, Auckland. The applicant must have previous experience in the dental or orthodontic fields. The position involves chairside assisting or auxiliary work, sterilising, lab work and ordering. To apply please email your CV and cover letter to reception@dbo.co.nz. We look forward to hearing from you.
Cleaning role at our Aged Care Hospital in Pakuranga. Part time 15hrs/wk: Mon 8-11am, Thu & Sat 8am-2.30pm.
Full time role at a Pakuranga Rest Home, 40 hours per week 8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri. Duties include lawn mowing, gardening, grounds maintenance, water blasting, painting, carpet cleaning, and general repairs/maintenance both internally and externally. Successful applicants must have a valid full NZ Drivers licence. Please email your CV to brian@ambridgerose.co.nz.
Located at our Dementia Rest Home in Howick. Part time 15hrs/wk: Tue/Wed/Thu 7am-12.30pm, plus extra casual hours available.
For either position, please email your CV to brian@ambridgerose.co.nz
14 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Polymer Group is an East Tamaki-based specialty chemical manufacturing company that has been a part of south east Auckland’s SME manufacturing community since 1982. Developing the majority of its products in our own laboratories we are an “essential industry’’ supporting the hot water cylinder industry and many others. Currently we are focused on our export growth activities, particularly to the essential-element mining industry for modern life, gold, silver, copper. The company’s export endeavours are supported by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise and has a Business Development Manager based in Australia. If you would like to contribute to or develop your technical career and have an interest in the wonderful science of chemistry we are one of the few remaining local manufacturing businesses that can help you gain industrial experience. You may already have laboratory experience in a related field, or be studying towards your tertiary qualification, all stages of career situation are invited to apply. You will join a small supportive team of dedicated colleagues in an enjoyable working environment. If this sounds like a position for you please send your covering letter and cv to our Operations Manager, Tushan Fernando:
New design-build The commitment at Highbrook park A By ZOE GARDEN
The New Zealand Blood and Organ Service is the latest customer to commit to a tailored property solution at Highbrook Business Park in East Tāmaki. Highbrook Business Park is owned by Goodman Property Trust, New Zealand’s leading warehouse and logistics space provider. Securing one of the last remaining development sites at the $1.9 billion estate, Crown entity the New Zealand Blood and Organ Service has specified that the new 3290 sqm office and warehouse facility be designed and constructed to a standard well above the current building code. The additional requirements include greater structural strength and improved seismic performance to ensure the medical support service can continue to operate in the event of a natural disaster. The specialised storage and distribution facility will also feature a blood donor clinic. Occupying a prominent site on Highbrook Drive, the facility has been leased for 20 years from completion, expected to be in August 2022. Goodman Property Trust CEO John Dakin said sustained customer demand has continued to support a heightened level
of development activity. “This latest commitment means the Trust has more than $260 million of projects currently underway. We are Green Star certifying all these new developments and will offset the embodied carbon.” To ensure its facilities are industry-leading, Goodman is now targeting a 5-Star Green Star rating for all new developments. The independent rating system administered by the New Zealand Green Building Council assesses the sustainability attributes of new developments. It is widely regarded as the quality benchmark for new commercial buildings. “With the built environment responsible for between 15 per cent and 20 per cent of all New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions Goodman is also working hard to reduce the emissions from its development activity,” Dakin said. “This means using materials and building techniques that reduce harmful emissions and managing the development process to minimise waste and other environmental impacts. “Any carbon embodied in new builds will also be offset, consistent with the business wide carbon neutral commitment.”
Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022 — 15
war on weeds
recent report has indicated that New Zealand’s battle against harmful weeds falls short in a national-level plan or strategy. Simon Upton, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, completed a stocktake in November 2021 of NZ’s approach towards exotic plants that threaten to overwhelm the country’s native ecosystems. “Like so many others, I have come to the realisation that we face a burgeoning problem and one that never pauses,” Upton wrote. Between 2006 and 2020, at least 70 more exotic plant species, shifted from the wild to being naturalised (establishing a home on foreign soil). Naturalised plant species make up 44 per cent of NZ’s vascular [tissues which distribute nutrients through the plant] flora today. The impact of weeds can have on “our system ranges from competing or hybridising with native plant species to promoting fire, alerting hydrology and causing over-enrichment of nutrients”. These consequences are a threat to particular native species. “They are called weeds because they have become so invasive due to thriving in NZ’s climate, then they take over and smother other trees and bush,” Lorelle Stranaghan, coordinator of Pest Free Howick Ward (PFHW), says. The arrival of humans has caused
The moth plant strangles the host plant and gets so heavy on the tree canopy that is can cause the tree branches to break. Photo supplied
an ongoing echo of ecological upheaval that unleashed itself onto Aotearoa’s ecology, Upton states. “Of the roughly 25,000 exotic plant species that have been introduced to NZ by humans, fewer than 10 per cent have to date naturalised,” Upton said. “But is it only a matter of time before they are joined by others.” It is likely to intensify as climate change and land use change continues. In his analysis of New Zealand’s battle of the silent invaders, he concluded that New Zealand lacks a national-level unambiguous plan or strategy for managing weeds. Central and local government’s efforts at managing weeds hits varying levels of success, Upton says. “Aotearoa is fortunate to have a large number of passionate individ-
uals, landowners, kaitiaki hapū, iwi and community groups willing to devote their time and effort to protecting native species and biodiversity,” Upton said. “While some groups are entirely self-sufficient, many depend on external partnerships and grants for survival. Much of this support comes from local and central government.” One of these groups is Pest Free Howick Ward. With a devotion to eradicating the Howick Ward from pests (plants and animals), the Howick Local Boardfunded project has engaged in a number of actions and initiatives to achieve this goal. The PFHW conservation assistant team work together to regularly remove pest plants on public land and, in some circumstances, can assist with private land. Their moth pod plant competition, launched yesterday, is open to all Howick Ward schools and their students to collect moth plant pods, cut the vines and pull small vines from the roots. Their public weed bins are available (May 6 to 8) for locals to bring their Rhamnus and Moth Plant weeds and swap for a free native plant for their garden. The plant swap event will be on May 7 from 9am to 12pm. “Every effort helps,” conservation advisor for PFHW and Auckland Council Niklas Erikson says. “It’s not a one-hit job. It’s all a collaborative effort.”
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16 — Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2022
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Big day at local golf croquet By KEN HOLMES “Serious skilful challenge plus social fun in the fresh air, it’s just what the doctor ordered.” That was the reaction of Christian Pulley, manager of Pakuranga Park Retirement Village carefully observing the two days of golf croquet which his village sponsored at the Howick Croquet Club (HCC) on Saturday and Sunday February 19 and 20, two full days of serious golf croquet competition over four greens. In handing out the winners’ prizes, Pulley confirmed his Pakuranga Park Village living environment theme of “Retirement at its very best” and confirmed how enthusiastic he is to recommend golf croquet to his retirement village residents (even though he doesn’t yet play it himself). The HCC Open Handicap Doubles tournament (Saturday February 19) split
into two groups to cope with the numbers registered, and winners were: White Group winners: Colleen Muir and Kurt Warn (Pakuranga Croquet Club); White Group runners-up: John Wood and Ken Lyon (Pakuranga Croquet Club). Blue Group winners: Jack Bardsley and Raewyn Furness (Howick Croquet Club); Blue Group runners-up: Pam and Neil Henderson (Pakuranga Croquet Club). The HCC Open Handicap Singles tournament (Sunday February 20) was also split in to two groups, and results eventually emerged as: White Group winner was Raewyn Furness (Howick Croquet Club) with runner-up Pam Shoebridge (Pakuranga Croquet Club); Green Group winner was Graeme Norton (Papakura Croquet Club) with runnerup John Wood (Pakuranga Croquet Club). Ken Holmes is from the Howick Croquet Club
Borland so close to hitting century S
am Borland was unlucky not to notch up a century in the Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club’s Premier Men’s match against Eden Roskill at the weekend. Borland hit an unbeaten 97 helping HPCC dominate to win by nine wickets. Bill Walsh was the other big scorer with 39 runs on the board.
➤ Jeff Crowe Cup | Round 11 Takapuna 270/8 (B Beecroft 98, D James 44, J Sussex 31*, S Collinson 31, M Olsen 3-48, H McKay 3-55) defeated North Shore 222 (Ad. Dhadwal 49, H McKay 30*, P Ruffell 4-34, S Collinson 3-45) by 48 runs. Eden Roskill 151 (S Sharma 52, A Bhardwaj 32, H Singh 4-30, K Chetty 3-13) lost to Howick Pakuranga 154/1 (S Borland 97*, B Walsh 39) by nine wickets. Cornwall 231/9 (J Cassidy 60, L Dasent 44, J Plummer 3-40, H King 3-45) defeated Parnell 177 (D van Deventer 49, A Parikh 38) by 54 runs. East Coast Bays 269/8 (S Langridge
Devereaux 3-46) lost to Suburbs New Lynn 257/2 (T Patel 110*, M Barry 85*) by eight wickets.
79, M Ross 59, L Watson 36, R Harrison 30) defeated Auckland University 142 (J Low 44, K Mackenzie 31, L Delport 3-27) by 127 runs. ➤ Richard Jones Cup | Round 11 Grafton 251/8 (D Sharples 57, P Patel 46*, G Olliff 46, K Minhas 3-50) defeated Waitakere 159 (K Minhas 48, J Dymond 3-27) by 92 runs (DLS method). Hibiscus Coast 208 (BJ Jacobs 51, T Treadaway 40, C Elliot 35, P Fernando 5-36) defeated Birkenhead 193 (J O’Brien 36, C Rajapaksha 34, A Jayampathi 3, T Treadaway 4-39) by 15 runs. Ellerslie 270/8 (J Allan 98*, A Alam 65, B Dench 35, S Wimilaratne 30, D Laban-Jeffries 3-52) defeated Kumeu 153 (D Dogra 3-24) by 117 runs. Papatoetoe 253 (S Setia 108, A Luthra 43, R Gill 31, M Barry 5-42, S
➤ Prichard Cup | Round 5 Papatoetoe 93 (P Catton 4-25, N Patel 3-17) defeated Auckland University 81 (M Pearson 3-10) by 12 runs. Takapuna 191/7 (R McNeill 45*, A Kelly 34, A Hucker 3-37) defeated Cornwall 90 (B Armstrong 44, R McNeill 3-7, F Trussler 3-17) by 101 runs. Parnell 221/6 (C Pederson 110, Y Kareem 37) defeated Howick Pakuranga 121 (K Anderson 40, O Anderson 3-30) by 100 runs. ➤ Pearl Dawson Trophy Elimination Final | Takapuna 120/4 (I Gaze 51, R Allright 3-23) defeated Howick Pakuranga 102 (S Shahri 41, J Barnett 3-21) by 18 runs. Final | Takapuna 89/9 (N Patel 3/21) lost to Auckland University 93/1 (K Gurrey 71*) by nine wickets.
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Artist’s impression.
Lovely and modern open-plan 86m2 corner apartment. Ideally located on the second floor, this apartment has abundance of storage, high ceilings, plenty of light, a private balcony and village amenities at your fingertips. Make this your new home today.
Spacious 113m2 second-floor apartment offering the best of modern living. With two bedrooms, beautiful finishings and plenty of storage, this lovely open-plan apartment has everything you’ll need to enjoy retirement. Don’t miss out!
^ Price is for an Occupation Right Agreement secured by a first ranking mortgage in favour of the statutory supervisor on behalf of the residents. Information correct at time of pricing. Stock availability subject to change. Car park not included. 5550GUL_1a
Artist’s impression.