“We’ll advocate for a safer community and city through a strategic and achievable five-point plan to reduce crime in our area and regionally.
“Our plan is robust, effective and it will make our community feel and be“Thissafer. community and our local businesses need confidence back and to not be fearful any longer.
“Our plan will be a step forward in improving people’s quality of life.”
“Secondly,crime.we’ll push council departments for emergency regional funding to be available to support practical crime and safety measures that businesses can access.
“We’ll pursue realistic ideas that support our police to connect with groups such as ratepayers and residents’ associations, Neighbourhood Watch, and others to share information quicker around the latest crime hotspots.
to page 3 Only 73 days until the Moresettlers’ofanniversarytheHowicklandingontheregion’s175thanniversaryonpages3,9,10,11,12
tacklepromiseCandidatestocrime Turn
By CHRIS HARROWELL Two local Auckland Council candidates have created an action plan to tackle rising crime rates and improve community safety across the city. Howick Local Board member Bo Burns and incumbent Howick ward councillor Paul Young are campaigning together for seats on the council’s governing body. They’ve created a crime-reduction plan they’re revealing just a week after five adjacent businesses in Howick’s Moore Street were targeted by a group of offenders. That incident is part of an ongoing crime wave across Auckland that’s included numerous ram-raid and smash-and-grab burglaries and robberies of businesses. Burns and Young say they’ll push to implement their crime and safety plan should they be elected to the council at the local-body elections in October.“Wepersonally know businesspeople who have been impacted by recent ram-raids and burglaries.
There were cars of every description at the monthly Meguiars Co ee & Cars event at Mt Smart Stadium at the weekend. An impressive 860 cars, trucks and motorcycles were on display. Times photographer Wayne Martin captured this shot (and loads of others) of the imposing front of a Cadillac which features the first automotive Cadillac emblem. Cool Cadillac
The duo say the first plank of their plan is to accurately recognise key issues around crime and safety in east“We’llAuckland.talkto police, the local board and local and regional community stakeholders to gather crime data to identify what’s driving the current spike in
AWARD-WINNING VOICE OF THE COMMUNITY – NZCNA Est. 1972 CELEBRATING 50 YEARS Wednesday, August 31, 2022 General 09 271 8000 Classi ed 09 271 8055 Delivery Enquiries 09 271 8000 Website www.times.co.nz Vol 51, No 34 CREATIVITY EXPERIENCE& • Repair • Design • Value Handling your jewellery with care since 1984 09 534 7404 | 59 Picton Street, Howick | villagejeweller.co.nz 35 YEARS JH15994-V4 Authorised by Bo Burns, 19 Wellington Street, Howick. 0800 784 785 JH17616 JH16684-V64 DY0287-V6 Authorised by Bo Burns, 19 Wellington St, Howick. 0800 784 785 Wedding - Birthdays 16 Jesmond Rd, Karaka Ph (09) 294 6687 E: eat@redshedpalazzo.co.nzPalazzoRed Shed www.redshedpalazzo.co.nz MARKETSSUNDAY Wedding - Birthdays 16 Jesmond Rd, Karaka Ph (09) 294 6687 E: eat@redshedpalazzo.co.nzPalazzoRed Shed www.redshedpalazzo.co.nz MARKETSSUNDAY Wedding - Birthdays 16 Jesmond Rd, Karaka E: eat@redshedpalazzo.co.nzPalazzoRed Shed www.redshedpalazzo.co.nz MARKETSSUNDAY KAT7406-V22Weddings-Birthdays 16 Jesmond Rd, Karaka P: 09 294 6687 E: eat@redshedpalazzo.co.nz Open 5 Days Wednesday-Sunday-SUNDAYMARKETS VOTE DAMIANLIGHT.CO.NZLIGHTDAMIANFORCOUNCIL Authorised by Damian Light 022 543 7601 VOTE FOR CHANGE JH17563
“The fact you thought about others and the places that might have less positive circumstances and fewer resources and you decided to do something about it, I think it’s fantastic.”Luxonsaid one of the things people should do in life is think about what they can’t stand, want to do something about, or change, and “then go and do“That’sthat”. what Aadi and the team at Soundraise have done. Thank you so much for what you’ve done. “It’s incredible for someone so young. All of you and your team are determining that you can change the world.”The concert featured energetic performances by the pupils of songs including Michael Jackson’s iconic hit Beat It, a song by Kiwi group Six60, a variety of Pasifika music and more. For more information on Soundraise and its work go to www.soundraise.co.nz.
Aadi says the charity works with sponsors including the Mazda Foundation, Auckland Airport and suppliersponsor MusicWorks to purchase the needed equipment.“Ourmotto is ‘changing lives through music’,” he says.“Our belief is money should never be a barrier to education, especially with things like music. “Often there’s not enough room in the [school’s] budget, which is reserved for core “Somesubjects.schools don’t have adequate, if any, musical instruments. Our goal is to work with them to develop and deliver music programmes in schools and make sure they have everything they need.” Luxon told the young musicians he wanted to congratulate Aadi and Soundraise’s volunteers for their efforts. “It’s a great example of young people getting deep into mission and purpose and saying ‘I’m going to go change something in the world’, and they care passionately about it. I thank you for what you are doing here.
EDUCATION musiciansto$20kCharity’sgiftyoung
“You got turned onto music in this school and through your life and really got joy and pleasure from it.
Soundraise charity founder Aadi Golchha, left, with National Party leader and Botany MP Christopher Luxon at the charity’s recent event at Ormiston Senior College. Times photo Wayne Martin
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS2 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz NEWS ROOM Editor Nick Krause 09 271 8040, editor@times.co.nz ADVERTISING Display 09 271 info@times.co.nz8026 Classi eds 09 271 8055 classi eds@times.co.nz DISTRIBUTION Phonepapers@times.co.nz092718014 Published weekly on Wednesday Printed by Beacon Print Published by Times Newspapers Ltd, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145, New Zealand. Ph 09 271 8000 TimesOnlineNZfacebook.com/ Est. 1972 FREE thanks to our advertisers! WE ARE LOCAL locally owned locally based locally operated OWNED & O PERATED • Read the news www.times.co.nzonline TIMESWORD Solutions under Public Notices in the Classifieds section. PUZZLE NO. 8075 QUICK CLUES CRYPTIC CLUES ACROSS 6. The facts about streaking? (5,5). 8. Are right in front, which is unusual (4). 9. Be inclined to write things down in orderly fashion(4). 10. Are backing it in for him (5). 11. Plunge right in, but there’s very little water (4). 12. Is it lucky for the old lag? (5,4). 16. Shortly after the main turn I play a tune (2,1,6). 20. Only a very little dog? (4). 22. It turns back, too (5). 23. Drew and was fast (4). 24. As I left, she returned (4). 25. Go over and mend it, grumpy! (5-5). 1 2 3 45 6 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7 ACROSS 6. Obligatory (10) 8. Metal (4) 9. Take off (4) 10. Fast (5) 11. Story (4) 12. Incite (9) 16. Hardship (9) 20. Difficult (4) 22. Below (5) 23. Planet (4) 24. Shellfish (4) 25. Capital (10) DOWN 1. Tax (6) 2. Scent (7) 3. Legal (6) 4. Strip (6) 5. God (5) 7. Truck (5) 13. Animal (3) 14. Colour (7) 15. Leap (5) 17. Modernise (6) 18. Fear (6) 19. Hot (6) 21. Mannequin (5) THE SUN, THE MOON AND THE TIDES SUDOKU DOWN 1. The vehicle and his bundle are nowhere to be seen (6). 2. The two of us having got back after the film (7). 3. Not, we’re told, a winding passage (6). 4. The copper’s taking the name. That’s the usual thing to do (6). 5. Mum left very little evidence (5). 7. Figure the water will run off (5). 13. The daily got off to a bad start with her (3). 14. I sent packing, gave notce to, as an alternative (7). 15. Her sunny mood may not last long! (5). 17. Thought it would rebound in time (6). 18. The bulk of the gold is hidden in the bog (6). 19. Slit the fish right through (6). 21. Find there’s little time and run (5). THURSDAY 1 Rise 6:41am Set 5:59pm Rise 9:08am Set 10:51pm 10:28am 10:45pm WEDNESDAY 31 Rise 6:42am Set 5:58pm Rise 8:41am Set 9:45pm 9:47am 10:03pm FRIDAY 2 Rise 6:40am Set 6:00pm Rise 9:38am Set 11:59pm 11:12am 11:31pm SATURDAY 3 Rise 6:38am Set 6:00pm Rise 10:13am 12 noon SUNDAY 4 Rise 6:37am Set 6:01pm Rise 10:56am Set 1:10am 12:21am 12:56pm MONDAY 5 Rise 6:35am Set 6:02pm Rise 11:49am Set 2:20am 1:15am 1:59pm TUESDAY 6 Rise 6:34am Set 6:03pm Rise 12:51pm Set 3:26am 2:17am 3:07pm JH15974-V4For a personal, professional service contact us today to discuss your options: 35 Wellington St, Howick | Phone 534 7300 | www.howickfuneralhome.nz Every life is special, we understand that. Let us pay tribute to the life of your loved one and celebrate the unique way they have touched you, your family and those around you. New Zealand owned & operated since 1993 A privilege to care for your family Just Hardwood Floors DY0374-V10 SHOWROOM HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY – 9.30AM – 4PM 34B ALLENS RD, EAST TAMAKI W: www.jhf.co.nz | T: 0800 999 543 By CHRIS HARROWELL Aselfless east Auckland school pupil is helping talented and creative youngsters to achieve their musicalOrmistondreams.Senior College student Aadi Golchha is the founder of the charity Soundraise, which donates free musical equipment to schools across south Auckland.Hisorganisation’s most recent event was staged at his school on August 19 and attended by National Party leader and Botany MP Christopher Luxon as guest of Ithonour.featured a concert by students from the eight lucky schools that were to receive the $20,000 of musical and performing arts equipment Soundraise was giving away. “Before the event we reached out to the schools and talked to their music teachers to understand their requirements for their departments,” Aadi says. “They gave us a list of the stuff they needed. We then managed to procure those items and we have them here to give away.”
SharonStewartStewart.passed on the information to deputy Auckland mayor and Franklin Ward councillor Bill Cashmore on July 12. “I explained that residents were concerned that driving in the dark, in case part of the road collapsed, could be extremely dangerous,” Stewart says. “That it was an accident waiting (to happen).”Twodays later, cones were placed around the crack and signage was placed, but no work was done, Farr says. “I’ve been living in Howick for 46 years, my whole life,” Farr says. “I’ve never seen the roads as bad as this.”
Unveiling of Howick 175th plaque 2.30pm at Fencible Walk, 110 Picton Street, Howick.
Thehascountdownbegun Howick will celebrate the Fencible arrival at Howick Beach in 73 days. It was on November 12, 1847 – 175 years ago – that the Fencibles arrived and the settlement of Howick wasToborn.commemorate this historic day, there will be special celebrations on Saturday, November 12, 2022 – the culmination of a host of events during the year marking Howick 175.
“Our local police do an outstanding job but they cannot be everywhere at all times.
Broomfields Road is closed at the slip site due to safety concerns as there’s a risk it will progress further across the road into the other lane. There is a detour via Wades Road.
COUNCIL Candidates vow to tackle crime
A Howick resident has woven hundreds of bed socks in a bid to raise money for the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society.When Dorothy ‘Dot’ McCrystal was at Auckland City Hospital undertaking cancer treatment late last year after being diagnosed in September, she used the service, Volunteer Cancer Drivers, to get to and from Howick and the central city. In total, she made 52 trips throughout her treatment. To express her gratitude for the drivers, she’s raising money to donate to the service through the selling of her hand-made bed socks. Since her social media post about her cause, Dot says the response has been overwhelming and amazing. In her August 2 post, she stated that she’d made 102 bed socks and sold 75. In a follow-up on August 15, she thanked the community for their efforts, and said she’d sold 80 pairs. “(Thank you) to Michael (of Michael’s Emporium) and the members of this group who have put credit in his shop to pay for wool for me to make bed socks,” Dot said. A member of the Senior Citizens Group and Howick Women’s Dinner Club, Dot describes herself as a ‘giver, not a taker’. She was a Brownie and Pippin leader for decades, has donated and fundraised for a number of causes and currently makes baby hats and booties for Middlemore Hospital.Thebed socks come in a range of different colours, are soft and woollen, and stretch from a child’s size to an adult size nine. Dot’s bed socks are available at Michael’s Emporium in Rices Mall.
By ZOE GARDEN Amassive slip is being investigated after splitting one side of a road in half in Whitford weeks after residents raised safety concerns with Auckland Transport (AT) and local councillors. The Franklin Local Board has reported an underslip, which is material under the road slipping out, on Broomfields Road. It is being investigated by AT. Once investigations are complete, and a report has been given, AT’s teams will have the information they need before any remediation work is carried out, the board says. Highland Park resident Kynan Farr uses Broomfields Road daily on his way to and from work. Noticing the damaged area on the road, he made two phone calls to AT’s emergency line, which went through to voicemail, before ringing Howick Ward councillor
Another resident voiced concerns on April 14 through the Snap Send Solve app, saying the patch was starting to get worse and would need to be repaired before wet weather arrived. The crack eventually collapsed, prompting AT’s investigation. “Exactly what I thought would happen now has (the road has collapsed),” Stewart says. “It would have been better to be pinned back then.”
Howick 175, pages 9-12
Civic church service From 3.30-4.30pm, there is a civic church service organised by the East Auckland Ministers Association at All Saints Anglican Church in Howick. The countdown has started to this special day and each week the Times will publish the many events that are coming up and stories submitted by people with a long association with Howick. Schools have also been writing about local history and these stories will be published as well. If you would like to have your story told, please contact us at info@times.co.nz – proud supporters of Howick 175. For more information about the events visit howick175.co.nz.
Burns and Young say the final step in their plan involves a yearly review of how it’s working.
“The Howick ward needs two councillors who will work every day to make our community safer. We will do that.”
From page 1 “We will also work with Auckland Transport to identify areas where security cameras areBurnsneeded.”and Young say the third step in their plan involves seeking regular feedback on crime and safety issues from the community as they arise. They’ll provide solutions in line with the local board’s plan so locals feel safe, engaged and connected. “This plan will have timeframes and will be accountable to ensure steps are followed through in a timely manner,” they say.“Fourthly, we’ll push for council funding and grant programmes to be developed and accessible to businesses and community groups to implement cameras, bollards and other effective safety measures. “As well as having new security cameras installed in key areas, we must ensure all public spaces are sufficiently illuminated at night.”
The underslip on Broomfields Road is being investigated by Auckland Transport. Photo Franklin Local Board/Facebook
Howick commemoration175 arrival picnic at Howick Beach From 11am at Howick Beach. It is planned to have boats in the bay, speeches by community leaders and other familyfriendly activities.
“It’s vital we as councillors hear what people are saying so we have all relevant information in this joint effort to tackle crime and make our community safer.
TRANSPORT Large slip in Whitford
FUNDRAISING Knitting for good cause
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 3 Saturday 10 September 2022, 4pm – 9pm Barry Curtis Park, Flat Bush • Outdoor full-moon event • Chinese folk music and traditional dance • Multicultural performances • Food and drink stalls from 4pm • Official opening at 5pm.Visithowicklbourauckland.nz/events for more information. HOWICK LOCAL BOARD PRESENTS MOON FESTIVAL202 2 23-PRO-0124 KC15553
Cashmore told the Times that, after being notified of the problem area, he told AT, who inspected the road, and checked on its progress weekly. “Design followed geotech (geotechnical), and the solution will be known this week. Works will start as the remediation programme from all the winter storm damage allows.” AT echoes these comments. “Various solutions are being discussed and we will keep the community informed as things progress.”Cashmore says that he has explained to those that have contacted him about the situation and the challenges contractors are facing. “(There is) winter storm damage in numerous areas, staff shortages with flu and some residual Covid, and a shortage of materials including poles.”
Try Supremo Autowash
It’s never a good sign when stories about healthcare are frequently leading the news. Unfortunately, you might have noticed a significant uptick in recent months. That’s because every health outcome is going backwards under this Labour Government, and it’s only worsening. The health workforce is at breaking point with a shortage of around 4000 nurses. Nearly 30,000 people are sitting on a ‘wait-list’ for surgery and we are seeing stories about people waiting outside hospitals in leaking tents. These trends are beyond concerning – they are terrifying. These are sick Kiwis that can’t even get timely treatment during some of the most vulnerable moments of their lives.
347 Ti great every day
What’s MP for Botany LuxonChristopher
SENIORS MORNINGINFORMATION Join us for a Virtual Village East event ‘Protecting yourself, your assets and your loved ones’ – a free information morning for all seniors in the east Auckland community on Friday, September 9 from 10.30am to 12noon at Te Tuhi, 13 Reeves Rd, Pakuranga. RSVP to Lee Warmington at coordinator@virtual-village-east. org.nz.
Ti Rakau Dr),
GARAGE SALE Our sale will be on again at the Barn, Trinity Methodist Church, 474 Pakuranga Rd, beginning at 8am on Saturday, September 3. Now that spring is on the way, we will be letting winter clothes go very cheaply and bringing out some spring/summer wear to get you set up for the warm weather ahead.
cars and
or Ron 027 449 9142 or email annday06@gmail.com. UTILITIES SERVICESDISPUTES Meet Jessica Niemack and learn more about Utilities Disputes Committee. UDL provides free and independent dispute resolution services, for electricity, gas, and water complaints as well as provide advice, recommendations and consultation on issues that affect the industry and its customers. Botany Library, Monday,
Rakau Drive, East Tamaki 1. Pre blast removes abrasive material eliminating the risk of surface damage 2. Four jointed vertical brushes contour to the shape of your car producing a superior wash result. 3. New Zealand first Sensofi I Plus brush material produces high quality wash result 4. Contour directional drying delivers a result like you have never seen before 4.3.2. New Zealand’s most advanced carwash machine Celebrating
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS4 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz
The latest revelation is that thousands of Kiwis are leaving Emergency Departments without treatment simply because the wait times are too long. Data for May this year shows that more than 4000 New Zealanders did precisely this. For a country that purports to be ‘first world’, more than 540 Kiwis had to wait more than 24 hours in the emergency department during the month of June. That is a 182 per cent increase compared to April when 191 people waited more than 24 Thesehours.arealarming declines in outcomes. Especially following the tragic reporting of a patient who died after leaving Middlemore Emergency Department due to the long wait times. How long until this is repeated? The consequence of the closure of our local after hour services, East Care, means more pressure on an already-stressed Middlemore hospital.Let’sbe quite clear – New Zealand’s healthcare system is in crisis. The only person who refuses to acknowledge this is the Health Minister, Andrew Little. Despite the worsening statistics and his entire workforce yelling at him, he continues to bury his head in the That’ssand.because the Minister is distracted by his ideologicallydriven desire to restructure the health bureaucracy.
11am. Email botany.library@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz.
SENIORNET MEETING Pakuranga SeniorNet monthly meeting is on Friday September 2, 10am at St Andrew’s Church, cnr Ridge Rd and Vincent St, Howick. Our guest speaker is Guy Slocum, a pilot with the RAF during the Cold War. He has some interesting tales to tell. Visitors welcome. DANCE YOURSELF HAPPY AGAIN Uninstructed dance hour with electronica and hits from 80s, 90s, 00s and beyond. Free entry! Tuesdays 7pm-8pm in The Lounge, 186 Wellington St, Howick. Info: DanceYourselfHappyfacebook.com/ What’s On is a free community notice-board for non-pro t groups. Send notices to whatson@times.co.nz or drop into our o ce at 10 Central Terrace, Howick. Notices must be received by the Wednesday before publication. While every e ort is made to run the notices, space restrictions may mean notices may not run. Keep notices to less than 50 words. THERE IS NO GUARANTEE YOUR NOTICE WILL RUN. Where publication of a notice is time-critical, groups should consider placing a classi ed advertisement to ensure placement.
activities, hobby displays,
Labour has wasted billions of dollars of health funding on their reforms during a pandemic and when hospitals and frontline services are most in need of additional support – like East Care.New Zealanders deserve better than this. Parents should be able to get their children to the doctor promptly. Patients should not have to spend all day and night in Emergency Departments and should have easy access to specialists and scans. A solution to part of this problem is simple and could be done by next week. Minister Little should go to Cabinet and demand that nurses are put on the fast track to residency pathway. This would quickly start alleviating some of the pressure our hospitals, aged care and emergency departments feel by supporting with critical shortages. Australia already offers the certainty of immediate residency. Therefore, why would they choose New Zealand if they need to wait two years before they are even eligible to Nursesapply?get it, hospitals get it, the public gets it, and even Health New Zealand gets it. The only people in the country who don’t seem to understand how urgently we need to bring more nurses in are this arrogant and out-of-touch LabourMinisterGovernment.Littleis failing at his core responsibility of ensuring the sick and injured are being seen in a timely manner, and New Zealanders are now paying the price. National will focus on outcomes and services, not systems and bureaucracy. Christopher Luxon is National Partly leader and MP for Botany
OPINION Healthcare going backwards under Labour East City Wesleyan Church Centre, 219 Burswood (off 9.30am 12.30pm, Sunday September 4. Classic motorcycles. Children’s Fire Emergency, BBQ. For more information phone U3A MEETING Our meeting in August with Professor Paul Moon was very interesting and covered some of the many problems that we are currently encountering in New Zealand at the moment. This month the speaker is Dr Helen Murray who is a research fellow at the Centre for Brain Development at Auckland University. Her topic is “More than a knock on the head”. She will discuss what is happening inside our brains. U3A meets on Monday, September 12 at 9.30am at the Bowling Club in Selwyn Road, Howick, and fosters learning into our senior years. All welcome. Phone Jan 027 220 3777. WU QIN XI (FIVE-ANIMAL PLAY) We invite you to join us at Pakuranga Library for 10 weeks of free, easy, relaxing and invigorating exercises. Wednesdays 9am to 10am starting Wednesday September 14. Phone 377 0209 for further information. SINGERS WANTED Pakuranga Choral Society is rehearsing for their Christmas concert. No auditioning, meet new friends. Why not give it a try? Mondays 7.30pm-9.30pm at East City Wesleyan, 219 Burswood Drive. Join us September 5 or any following Monday. Phone Ann: 021 434 758 September 12 at
Interact executives Sue Jynn Leong (Rutherford House), Shafquat Tabeeb (Mansfield), Caelyn Pak (Te Kanawa), and Eason Chee (Mansfield) led this event while executives Wei Tian Teo, Nancy Chen (both of Rutherford), Regina Yun (Upham), and Ivan Yun (Te Kanawa) instru mented the logistics. Unicef executives leading on the day were Mushfiqur Khan, William Huang, and Eric Deng (all of Mansfield House).
Ready for you now Welcome home to Fairway Gardens –a stunning five-star retirement village set alongside Pakuranga golf course. With a mix of high-end facilities and activities coming very soon, Fairway Gardens will suit you to a tee. Don’t wait to book an appointment to visit our brand new show home and discover it for yourself!
Auckland councillor Josephine Bartley, who has been working closely with Hooper, advocated for a full fishing ban for the basin at the Auckland Council environ ment and climate change meeting on July 7 after a notice of motion wasShepassed.said limited food sources and fishhooks being caught in shags’ necks was leading to a decline in their numbers. Hooper says that many birds are dying due to thinking the lure are fish and swallowing them, caus ing a blockage. “It’s a very painful way to die,” Hooper says. “If the baited hook, or lure with hooks, goes down past the crop, it rips the innards and bowels. The best thing to do, at that point, is to euthanise them.”This year five birds have been lost to hooks, Hooper says. Pied shags also become tangled in fish ing lines, causing them to hang from trees for days until they die. “This is why we need a full fish ing ban, including drag nets.” Fishing has also impacted the birds’ food source, Hooper says, along with pollution and property development. The birds grow hun gry, making it more likely to mis takenly seek food from lures and bait hooks. In a March 2019 report prepared for the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki and Ōrākei Local Boards by local bird expert Shaun Lee, it was noted that the Panmure Basin pied shag colony had 300 adults in 1997. Hooper reported a population of only 10 adults in 2017. In 1997, the colony had 150 breeding pairs. It dropped to five breeding pairs in 2017. While these statistics show a steep decline over the 21st Century, recent numbers have shown that the population has remained steady over the last decade. In 2012, 24 adult birds and 12 nests were counted. In May of this year, there were 17 adult shags and 25 nests counted – a similar count to one conducted at the same time in 2021 with 20 adults and 13 active nests spotted. Despite the steady numbers, a full fishing ban would help the population grow, protect their food sources and prevent unnecessary deaths, Hooper says, including helping other species such as redbilled gulls as they often go after bait fish, which are toxic to birds. “We’re running out of time,” Hooper says. “We need to protect birds to get them to breeding age.” Bartley told the Times that she will contact government agencies and iwi through her advisers to start the ball rolling.
By ZOE GARDEN East Auckland resident Corina Hooper has seen firsthand the devastating impact that fishing has had on the pied shag population within the Tamaki Estuary. Pied shags are a protected species that are large and pre dominantly white and black and primarily inhabit inshore coastal waters and estuaries. For 12 years, Hooper has been feeding and looking after the pied shags at the Panmure Basin since NZ Bird Rescue Charitable Trust founder Pam Howlett passed away, and has been warning of the grim fate of the birds for years. In 2017, she told media that the pied shag colony could be wiped out due to over-fishing. She called for a fishing ban in the basin to save the population. She has since started a fishing ban petition that currently has 358 signatures.
A pied shag hooked with a fishing line. Photo supplied Shaun Lee Photo
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 5 For the life you want to live call Jo Ashby on 0800 600 701 Cornerjoa@metlifecare.co.nzCascadesRoad and Botany Road, Golflands | fairwaygardens.co.nz Prices are for an Occupational Right Agreement secured by a first ranking mortgage in favour of the statutory supervisor on behalf of the residents. Currently under construction. Select apartments available now, with more available for move in from late-2022. Apartment image is an artist’s impression. Note: You must be double vaccinated to attend. Masks are also required and for your safety our staff receive daily testing. For full Metlifecare COVID-19 guidelines, please refer to our website www.metlifecare.co.nz 6135MLC_FAI_HPT2 Beautiful one, two and three-bedroom homes ready now from $749,000^. Limited availability so don’t miss out! FACILITIES FOR COMPLETION EARLY 2023 A spectacular wellness centre including swimming pool, spa, gym and hair salon Enjoy catching up with friends and family in the cafe, bar or dining area Take time out to read a book in the library or unwind in the lounge and activities room Grand entrance with reflection pond Beautiful embankment walkways
Macleans College club organisers, from left, are Interact executives Caelyn Pak, Sue Jynn Leong, Shafquat Tabeeb, Eason Chee and Unicef executives Eric Deng, Mushfiqur Khan. Photo supplied COMMUNITY
Charity carwash a big hit
Macleans College service clubs Interact and Unicef raised $500 at a recent school car wash. Taking place on the school’s Open Day, their initiative quickly became popular with queues of parents and teachers alike. This gave students plenty of opportunity to adapt quickly and, by the end of the day, their effi ciency and camaraderie were deserving of high praise. Together, the students’ efforts raised almost $500, which will be jointly donated to Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand (CFNZ) and Unicef.
ENVIRONMENT Hooper: Fishing is killing shags
Father’s Day is youwhereverspecialare
WHAT DAY IS FATHER’S DAY IN NEW ZEALAND? Most countries follow the United States tradition and celebrate Father’s Day on the 3rd Sunday in June, however New Zealand and Australia celebrate Father’s Day on the 1st Sunday in September.
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS6 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz Father’s Day Chocolate Mousse Cake OFFER VALID : www.gateauhouse.co.nz01/09/2022~30/09/2022 Albany / Botany / Glen Eden / Glenfield / Henderson / Mt Eden / Newmarket / Queen St / Stonefields A special cake, for all the special fathers out there! 274NowCall7744 [ $64 NOW $58 ] DY0700 58 Whitford Park Rd, Whitford Ph 09 930 7267 | www.whitfordpark.co.nz 18 HOLE GOLF COURSE 24 Bay Driving Range Basil & Beet Cafe GolfBarShop OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DY0738 This Father’s Day treat Dad to a golf membership, a round of golf with cart, or driving range and meal at Basil & Beet Cafe. DY0736 44 Third View Ave, Beachlands Phone 09 536 www.theambrosiabar.co.nzambrosiabar.beachlands@gmail.com4151 Treat Dad on Father’s Day! Join us LunchBreakfast,fororDinner–bookingsessential! What could be better than a meal fit for a king? How about meals fit for the gods? Named after a substance the ancient Greeks believed to be ‘the food of the gods’, Ambrosia Bar & Restaurant delivers with more down-to-earth cuisine too. From bar snacks and breakfasts, to lunches and dinners, Ambrosia (open weekdays 10am-11pm, weekends 8am-11pm) offers a wide range of fare from around the world. Try our sumptuous Sunday roast – just $22.50 including any house drink! Lunch special Mon-Fri 11am-4pm. Happy hour Mon-Fri 2pm-5pm.
The history of Father’s Day dates back to the early 1900s and was partly inspired by the unofficial Mother’s Day services which began in 1908. These Mother’s Day services prompted many people to arrange similar services to recognise fathers. While many services were arranged in the next couple of years, the most widely noted was organised in Washington, by Mrs Sonora Dodd. Mrs Dodd wanted to pay tribute to her late father, William Smart, who became a single parent when her mother died in childbirth. William Smart raised six children on his own, which was an unusual feat at that time.Originally Mrs Dodd wanted to hold the memorial service on the anniversary of her father’s death, June 5 1910, however this did not leave organisers enough time to prepare a service. Instead the service was arranged to be held on the June 19, and this has became known as the first Father’s Day. While services continued every year, it was not until 1924 that President Coolidge recommended Father’s Day as a national holiday. It took 48 years from that recommendation, before Father’s Day was officially recognised by President Nixon in 1972.
Other cultures around the world coincide Father’s Day with other celebrations in their community. In Germany it is celebrated on Ascension Day (40 days after Easter), in the Roman Catholic tradition it is St Josephs Day (March 19), and in Thailand it is the king’s birthday (December 5). HOW IS FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATED? Father’s Day around the world is a chance for sons and daughters to pay tribute to their dads. While for most countries there are no set traditions, it often involves a nice meal, presents and a chance for Dad to put his feet up. In Germany, dads take part in a Father’s Day hike. Groups of men hike into the forest dragging a wagon full of wine or beer and local foods. On reaching their destination they have a Father’s Day feast. Perhaps we should keep this tradition a secret from Kiwi CourtesyDads? kiwifamilies.co.nz
Father’s Day in New Zealand is a special day to recognise and celebrate the role fathers play in our lives. Whether it’s your dad, step-dad, foster dad or just a special father figure who has helped you along the way, Father’s Day is your chance to say thank you.
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 7 12 Picton Street, Howick (09) 533 www.focushearing.co.nz6463Phonenowto book your free hearing test Why choose Focus Hearing — your local and independent hearing care clinic • Experienced and qualified hearing care experts • Tests available – Full hearing assessment (adults and children) – Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) – Free hearing screening – Tinnitus & Hyperacusis – Middle ear check – Hearing aid check and clean – Pre-employment hearing check • Hearing aid funding options available – ACC, Government subsidy, WINZ & VANZ – Payment options available – Southern Cross Easy-claim • Hearing aids – Free hearing aid consultation and recommendations – Up to 6 weeks of no obligation free trial JH15973 $34 MONDAYS & TUESDAYS TRIPLE TREAT MAIN, AngusBEER/HOUSEDESSERT,WINEScotchwithafree beer/house wine THURSDAY NIGHT IS STEAK NIGHT! Unit 1, 15 Cook HowickSt, Ph 535 5540JH15964-v4 BARREL INN ONLY $32 CHOICE OF ROAST DISH, CHICKEN DISH OR FISH DISH 1/3 OFF NORMAL PRICE! EVERY WEDNESDAY STARTS 7.30PM WIN PRIZES JH17569 Great Books for Great Dads 83 Picton Street, Howick Village | Phone 09 532 964 | www.facebook.com/poppieshowickhowick@poppiesbooks.co.nz EDWARDIANTOURING NZ ByPaulMoon Early motoring and tourism in NZ, illustrated 1989 ByValMcDermid The world is changing, Allie Burns is back. FOUR THOUSANDWEEKS ByOliverBurkeman What if you stopped trying to do everything? YES, MINISTER ByChristopherFinlayson An insider’s account of the John Key years. JELLYFISH ByBACKWARDSAGENicklasBrendborg Nature’s Secrets to Longevity THE WAR ON THE WEST ByDouglasMurray Why are only western nations taking blame? $40 $38 $26 $37 $37 $40 IN AND AROUND HOWICK VILLAGEfor businessOPEN Be loyal Buy local Ph 533 www.fenciblelaw.co.nz3539 Providing All Your Legal Needs Lawyers in the heart of Howick 0800 FENCIBLE JH15989-V2 JH17560 New Season’s wool has arrived • Wool • Fabric & Haberdashery • Over 800 sewing threads • Full range of DMC embroidery threads 5 Rices Mall, Howick | Ph 09-533 0442 | michaelsemporium.co.nz Michael’s Emporium FREE LOCAL DELIVERY! JH17617 69 PICTON STREET, HOWICK Open 9:30 to 5:00 Mon to Fri; 9:30 to 2:00 Sat PopFather’sCelebratingcinnamonbrown.co.nzDayinforaselectionofgorgeousgiftsforDadEASTRADIOBESTAUCKLAND’SLOCALSTATIONJH17345 Listen locally on 88.1 or 107.1 or anywhere in the universe at eastfm.nz. NOW available on iHeartRadio! It is spring and a time to lookTheahead.Howick Village Association’s executive committee and invitees are part way through preparing a strategic plan for Howick Village for the next three-five years. This is a planning process for the economic development of Howick Village.Onworking through this, it has become increasingly clear that we have a fabulous village and shopping precinct.Overrecent times we have seen additional new businesses that are part of wider franchisee systems come to Howick e.g. Flooring Xtra, Stihl, Apt Collections, BarberShopCo and Majestic Tea Bar. We have also welcomed new owner operators –Baby HQ, Tremor Audio, 101 Design, Brave & Be, Marbled, Alpha Time and Village Wholefoods Cafe to name just a few. These new additions to our range of businesses all speak wonders about the confidence that their owners have in the ongoing viability of Howick Village. This is at a time when numerous strip shopping precincts are seeing increasing numbers of emptyWeWhy?shops.arefortunate to have a tremendously loyal local community that has supported our businesses through the very challenging times of Covid over the last two-and-a-half years. Our business community will forever be grateful for that support. We have a beautiful backdrop to the village with the magnificence of the Hauraki Gulf offering vistas from many spots in town.The village continues to be a safe, clean and dynamic shopping centre, well-suited to all the family.We have our Village Association, the principal group focused on bringing fun community events and enhancing the vibrancy of theSovillage.before you go anywhere else, take a trip to Howick Village. You will find an extensive range of specialty stores along with a multitude of cafes, bars and restaurants where you can dine alfresco to take in the ambience that is our Howick Village. KenScott,Chair–HVA
Highlighting Howick Village
By CHRIS HARROWELL An expert in Chinese lan guages has given evi dence in a trial relating to alleged wrongdoing over election donations.DrHui Ling Xu teaches Mandarin as a foreign language at the University of Newcastle in Australia. She was the first defence witness called to testify in court on Monday this week in the trial of seven people charged by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) over large donations made to the National and Labour parties. On trial before Justice Ian Gault at the Auckland High Court, pic tured, are controversial former
Katz’s co-counsel Lauren Lindsay asked Xu how she would translate an audio message from one language to another. Xu said she would listen to the audio file, translate it word for word to create a literal translation so the reader can see exactly what was said, then create a standard English language translation.
Bruce McLaren Retirement Village’s group has so far knit ted 204 bears with more on the way.
The public and local communi ties are encouraged to get involved in the project. Ryman will provide anyone interested with a simple teddy bear pattern, instructions and creative suggestions to knit a ‘Yuri Bear’. Non-knitters can donate yarn to the cause. Completed Yuri Bears can be dropped off at the nearest Ryman village. Court hears of disputed translations in SFO trial
The court heard Xu lectures in Chinese studies in Australia and teaches Mandarin as a foreign language. She has a PhD in Chinese lin guistics and is from the Chaoshan region of China, as is Zhang. Xu, who is fluent in the Teochew dialect, was previously tasked by Zhang’s defence team to translate messages that form part of the SFO’s evidence in the case.
Lindsay asked Xu about five WeChat messages that form part of the Crown’s Translationsevidence.ofpartsof the mes sages are disputed. The court heard audio of a voice message a person sent to Zhang in March, 2017. Xu’s translation of part of the message was that the sender said the paintings were “very expensive”, while the SFO’s translator said that part of the message described the paintings as “high end”. Xu’s translation of another part of a message was that the sender told Zhang “you may like to keep a few for yourself”, whereas those words were not in the translation done by the SFO’s translator.
Following the devastating events in Ukraine, thousands of children have been evacuated to other countries, or found them selves displaced or stranded at the Ukranian-Polish border, Ryman Health Care says. So far, they’ve reached the 5000 mark for bears produced overall.
Botany MP Jami-Lee Ross and businessmen Yikun Zhang, Shijia (Colin) Zheng and Hengjia (Joe) Zheng.The Crown alleges the four men were involved in a plan to split two large donations made to National in 2017 and 2018 into smaller amounts to avoid having to disclose the identity of the true donor or donors to the Electoral Commission, as legally required. Ross, Zhang, and Colin Zheng each face two charges of obtaining byJoedeception.Zheng faces one charge of obtaining by deception and one charge of providing false or mis leadingZhanginformation.andtheZheng brothers also face charges, along with two men and a woman whose names are suppressed, over a donation made to Labour at a fundraising art auction in 2017. The Crown alleges the money the party raised at the event came from Zhang and not the five people whose names were provided to the party as the buyers of the same number of paintings.
Residents at Bruce McLaren Retirement Village are mak ing handmade bears to send to displaced children in war-torn Ukraine. They are one of 45 Ryman Healthcare villages who are tak ing part in a trans-Tasman bearmaking mission to make 20,000 knitted teddy bears, joined by team members in the villages and the company’s offices in Christchurch, Auckland and Melbourne. The idea came about from Ryman’s Victorian sales and community relations manager Debra Richardson who fostered a Ukranian boy named Yuri follow ing the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the 1980s. The project emerged from her discussions with Yuri, who is now based in Ukraine, about how people in Australia and New Zealand could provide support.
The trial continues and is set down to take 10 weeks.
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS8 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz price.Singlesizes.AllSwisstekSelect. Swisstek Select All Sizes ^Max saving based on Cali King mattress + base Plus 24 months interest free.* On in-store purchases $999 & over ‘til 6.9.22. NOW $4499 SAVE TOUP $6700 The experts in sleep. bedsrus.co.nz Mt Wellington 48 Mt Wellington Highway Botany Town Centre *Offer valid to 6.9.22 or while stocks last. Discount offers apply to selected beds and bedding only, prices as marked. Offers exclude Everyday Dream prices, run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. See in- store for details. We reserve the right to correct errors and misprints and to change product specifications. All products are advertised in good faith and will be available, except in circumstances beyond our control. Product ranges vary between stores and some products are available in selected stores only. *24 Months Interest Free is available on in-store Q Card and Q Mastercard® Flexi Payment Plans & Purchases $999 & over until 6.9.22 Lending criteria, $50 annual account fee, fees, an establishment fee of $55 (first LTF transaction) or a $35 advance fee (subsequent LTF transactions) applies. Terms and conditions apply. Minimum payments of 3% of the monthly closing balance or $10 (whichever is greater) are required throughout interest free period. Paying only the minimum monthly payments will not fully repay the loan before the end of the interest free period. Standard interest rate, currently 25.99% p.a., applies at end of interest free period. Rate and fees correct as at date of publication, subject to change. Mastercard is a registered trademark and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. See counter for full details. Offers exclude Everyday Dream prices, run outs, clearance stock (unless otherwise stated) and not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.
On Monday morning defence lawyer John Katz QC, representing Zhang, told the court that transla tor Dr Hui Ling Xu was his client’s only defence witness.
This year marks the 175th anniversary of Howick, Pakuranga and districts which presents a wonderful opportunity to feature people in the area and their stories of their past.
From a small town or English village as my mother used to callEverybodyHowick. knew their neighbour and the local bobby was king. But today that’s quite different with around 180,000 citizens making up the Howick Ward.Most don’t know everybody in their street and we have one of the most diversified populations in Auckland. When growing up as a young man there was only the Marine Hotel if you wanted a meal out, but now it’s Thai, Japanese or Italian. I mention this as it reflects how our community has changed over the years. Change it has yes, but Howick still has its great beaches, Stockade Hill and all the other little quirks that make it special, and long may it remain so.
Steve Udy tells us about his family and their ties to this region.
The large wooden Howick Marine Hotel was accidentally burned down when a guest did not realise that you had to turn-off the electrical appliance when the ironing was finished. Electricity had just arrived in Howick in 1925. The bell at All Saints Church was rung as an alarm to arouse residents to help man the bucket brigade. We had no fire brigade then. Using the hotel’s well, some were able to prevent the fire destroying the bar facilities in a shed nearby. Next morning there were many heroes pleased with their efforts in saving the bar and its contents, savouring some of the liquid Compiledrefreshments.byHowick Historian Alan La Roche Each fortnight we share a history bite relevant to Howick, Pakuranga and districts marking the area’s settlers’ landing 175 years ago.
Left: Steve Udy. Above: Bill Udy’s electrical shop Howick 1950s.
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS HOWICK 175 UPDATE CELEBRATING TOGETHER | 1847-2022 | WHAKANUI TAHI ANA www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 9 PUREWA CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM OFFERS: PUREWA CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM 4a Parsons Road, Meadowbank 09 528 5599 | enquiries@purewa.co.nz | www.purewa.co.nz We are here whenever you need us. See our latest facilities. Meet our professional, caring staff. Experience our 132-year history serving the communities of the eastern suburbs. Purewa – part of our community since 1889. PUREWA CEMETERY AND CREMATORIUM OFFERS: • Two refurbished chapels • Two after-funeral reception lounges • Full service professional catering • eFuneral live streaming worldwide • Ash plots in our new Columbarium, Walk of Memories, Ash Lawns and Kidney shaped gardens • Burial plots • Plaques and Memorials • Mosaic Butterfly Pathway for new and still born babies Ash urns • Ceramic photo presentations • Granite and aggregate flower bases with Genealogicalinserts records available • 20 hectares (53 acres) of park like grounds and gardens DE0445
Howick is a place that I was privileged to be able to grow up in. Growing up I was able to gain an understanding of my family’s connection with Howick and Pakuranga covering over four generations.MyGreat Grandfather John Udy arrived from St Breock, Cornwall on March 16, 1859, on the sailing ship Excelsior. He established a farm and homestead (Underwood House) which is still in Udy’s Rd, Pakuranga today. John had a keen interest in local affairs and was chairman of the Pakuranga Roads Board for 12 years. If only he could see Pakuranga Road today. My dad Bill Udy was the local electrician after returning from WWII and set up shop opposite the Selwyn Church on Picton Street. Today his shop is now The Corner restaurant and bar. I decided to become a 175 ambassador as I think it’s important to recognise the critical role these first immigrants to New Zealand played in making Howick and Pakuranga as well as Auckland what they areHowick/Pakurangatoday.
is a great place to live and people like my Great Grandfather John worked hard to create many of the benefits we all enjoy today. They helped give us roads and modern farming methods that helped feed Auckland in the early days. It’s interesting that Johns Lane in Pakuranga was named after my Great Grandfather John who used to take his milk down to the Tamaki River via that Lane so it could be taken by boat to Auckland. As a sideline, John Udy also built the first car in Pakuranga.
My father Bill Udy was one of five brothers who all saw active service in the Second World War - Dad on HMS Achilles during the Battle of the River Plate and later in the war in the Pacific. When you think about it our early immigrant families worked hard and achieved and sacrificed a lot so that we may have what we have Howick/Pakurangatoday.today has changed a lot over the years.
John Udy first settled in Mt Eden before moving to Pakuranga and an early newspaper wrote of him, “Before leaving the Mt Eden district, Mr. Udy superintended the making of the present road from the mountain side to the train terminus and was first given permission by the Government to use the scoria from the south of the mountain for road works. He recalls that about 1866, there used to be a toll gate at the Eden Vine Hotel, near the junction of Mt Eden Road and New North Road. The charges were 3p for a saddle horse and rider, and 9p for a horse and vehicle. His brother Richard Udy was a prominent member of the Education Board and was elected chairman in 1887 and remained there until 1896.
Udy: Four generations
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS10 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz 43 Moore St, Howick Ph (09) 535 8797 Online www.howickhouse.co.nzbooking We are a general practice providing quality healthcare to you and your family Drs Kidd, Anderson, Lloyd, Martin and Norton welcome new patients CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 175 MILESTONE! JH17602 HowickSchoolGuitar It’s never too late to start playing guitar Howick Guitar School can help you reach the musical goals you always dreamed of... Whether you want to be in a band ,record and write you own music or just have fun with friends we have the experience and know how. One-on-one tuition is by far the best way to learn guitar, you have the tutor’s full attention the entire time. No wasted time which you can get in group settings. Learning and playing guitar is fun and easy. If you have always wanted to play, then don’t delay, try One-on-One lessons and get started today. Call or email for your free assessment lesson. Beginners Welcome! “All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself” Johan Sebastian Bach Email: howickguitarschool@gmail.comPhone0212675702 DE0299DE0441Congratulations Howick on 175 Years All welcome to our multi-cultural congregation! For any enquiries please contact Reverend Warner Wilder 021 548 407 warnerwilder30@gmail.com www.stpaulsinthepark.nz ST PAUL’S IN THE PARK ANGLICAN CHURCH 141 Chapel Rd, Flat Bush A church for our community 158A Ridge Road, Howick info@drtoot.com | Ph 09 533 3330 Mob 021 177 0454 – Sean A boutique shop specialising in quality pre-loved brass and woodwind musical instruments Sales & service by appointment only Paying tribute to our pioneers JH17657
• Howick Woman’s Institute – famed for their food and comfort parcels throughout the war years
• Two groups – Howick Ratepayers Association and Howick Residents and Ratepayers formed around 1928. No record of amalgamation has been found but the aim was to work for an improved bus service and forming permanent footpaths. Possibly not a lot to celebrate there either. By 1947 there were 686 ratepayers in the district. Today Howick ward has 130,000 residents and is the fifth largest urban area in New ThereZealand.wereat least six sporting clubs
1962: 115 years of Howick and a re-enactment of the families arriving was held at the beach which attracted a crowd of 6000. Three navy boats helped transfer the ‘settlers’ and their luggage to the shore where they were greeted with a ceremonial challenge by a Maori group from the Maranga Club before being by taken by dray in a parade of vehicles to Howick Domain where a huge gala was held.
1927: Eighty years after the landing, a Pioneer Day was held to celebrate the Fencibles and their families’ arrival. 1947: One hundred years later, The Howick Centennial Association chaired by John Litten, Treasurer, R F Newton and Secretary F C Jordan published a small booklet noting there were numerous ••societies:RedCrossHowickHorticultural Society, President, W. E. La Roche – a well-known name in Howick.
Visit the website to find key information, dates and resources
1987: Mayor Morrin Cooper summoned local organisations to co-ordinate for a small scale re-enactment of the landing of the Fencibles to recognise the 140 years since that memorable occasion. A Fencible Family Descendant’s reunion at Howick Historical Village was organised by Shirley Kendall.
We’re celebrating the passage of time
• Boy Scouts and Girls Guides had been formed in 1939
– sailing, basketball, tennis, golf, rugby, bowling, croquet. Golf got underway when a 9-hole course was developed on the Litten Farm at Cockle Bay.
A week-long celebration took place which included the opening of the Early Settlers Museum in a Fencible Cottage in the Garden of Memories by the Howick Historical Society, a teen-age dance in the Anglican Hall and a dinner organised by the Howick Lions Club was held at Pakuranga College.
1965: Re-enactment of the fist settler landing and Gala in the Howick Domain.
By MARIN BURGESS In the 175 years since the Fencible families arrived at Owairoa beach and built the village of Howick, many a reunion has been held: 1847: November 15 – arrival at Owairoa beach where two large hastily-throwntogether sheds awaited almost 700 people. Hardly a cause to celebrate.
1867: One of the more prominent Fencibles, James White – who also organised petitions, newsletters and had plenty of opinions, ideas and suggestions – set up a 20-year reunion for the Fencible families. By this time the main roads, albeit as gravel and muddy tracks, were in place and the Howick we know today was beginning to take shape.
1897: More than 1000 people joined in a large picnic held in a local paddock, followed by running races. In the evening an official dinner was held in the Oddfellows Hall before a formal ball. By this time, photographs were possible which provide a rare record of those brave families.
“For their country’s aid they came here ... Never once did they complain” – Miss Nixon
1923: The name of Howick was formally adopted by the Town Board. Previously the area was still called Owairoa or Waipaparoa.
• If you wanted to phone the Plunket and Nursery Play Centre dial 96
1997: 150 years and a similar re-enactment was held this time at Cockle Bay with considerable pomp, ceremony and fun in February. Later in the year and closer to the actual arrival date a dinner was held at Waipuna Lodge\, and a formal ball at Highland Park Community Centre. A competition to design a logo was won by Justin Marshall from Bucklands Beach with a well-considered design featuring Ngai Tai as the manawhenua of the district, a sailing ship that bought the families, a bell signifying the churches and a wagon wheel reflecting the industry of the
• Loyal Howick Lodge – except for the churches, the oldest institution in Howick
• Volunteer Fire Brigade – Due to a lack of funds this started using a second hand REO car which was housed in the Town Board shed and parked behind several other vehicles which presented obvious challenges. A Queen Carnival was held to raise funds for a new garage.
It is exciting to begin the final countdown to our fast-approaching Howick & Districts 175 anniversary events. It was in November 1847 that the first Fencible families came ashore and so this November we remember that arrival after a direct and arduous four-month voyage. What a time at sea they had and what a brave new life they were beginning; very different to what they had known in England and Ireland. All of us with migrant family backgrounds can relate to such new beginnings.Certainly, the Fencible heritage we have in east Auckland gives us an especially rich and interesting settler history to acknowledge. It is distinctive compared to all other parts of the Tāmaki Makaurau region, as Howick was the largest Fencible settlement. We are fortunate indeed to have the good work of the Howick Historical Society these past 60 years to foster such unique history and the ongoing work of the Howick Historical Village, Auckland’s living museum of the 19th Century period. I commend and thank all our many volunteer teams and 175 ambassadors who are working so diligently on so many community events, and with the support of the Howick Local Board and numerous local organisations and businesses. Please do visit our Howick 175 website for many more resources and event calendar: www.howick175.co.nz. Rev Dr Richard Waugh, Chairman of Howick & Districts 175th Anniversary Celebrations 1847 to 2022
Steering Committee 0800 DreamDoors.co.nz437 Kitchen Refacing and Renovating Dream Doors can reimagine your kitchen with the seamless experience of replacing doors, drawer fronts and benchtops. Choose from a range of high quality products and bring your vision of a beautiful kitchen to life. Talk to us about your FREE Design Consultation.DE0447-V4 AMAZING KITCHEN FACELIFTS Phone 09 533 aucklandce@dreamdoors.co.nz6956 www.dreamdoors.co.nz A OFTRADITIONREUNIONS REPORTCHAIR CELEBRATINGWHAKANUI1847-2022TOGETHERTAHIANA
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS For more information on how you can be involved, please contact the Howick 175 organising committee via the website www.howick175.co.nzCelebrating Together FOR ALL YOUR TILING NEEDS Phone Tony 021 935 699 or a/hrs 09 533 5566 | Email: tonythetiler@xtra.co.nz www.surfacetiling.co.nz New homes – bathroom or kitchen renovations – patios – swimming pools – indoor/outdoor areas –stonelaying plus waterproofing and underfloor heating services. Trained and registered member of NZQA and Building & Construction Industry Training Organisation. All work is covered by their warranties Member of TANZ and qualified with BCITO tiling and waterproofing. Call now for a free quote! Sur face Tiling Ltd TILING& WATERPROOFING SERVICES DE0294-v3 Household Garden Waste General Rubbish Full Tree work (Qual’d Arborist) Pruning and Full Removal Stump Grinding 0800 789 248 DE274791-V4 CONGRATULATIONS Howick on 175 ye s 63 Ridge Road, Howick Phone 09 534 1579 Email ron@ronlongstaff.co.nz www.ronlongstaff.co.nz Serving the community as a Chartered Accountant for 45 years For all Accounting & Taxation services • Financial Accounts • Tax Services & Planning • Estate & Trust Tax Returns JH17661 Ron Longstaff & Co Chartered Accountants Congratulations on the 175 year milestone! 9/10 Wellington St, Howick | www.holisticskinclinic.com BEFOREBEFORE AFTERAFTERNATUROPATHIC SERVICE AND INTEGRATED DERMATOLOGY SPECIALISING IN: Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Rosacea and more We use integrated dermatology and science-based naturopathic principles giving you the results, while providing you with the tools to stay in long-term remission. Our experienced, integrated dermatology practitioners utilise Dermatologist Dr Michael Tirant treatment protocols and customised topical treatments which achieve a 98% success rate in clniical and controlled trials. *Results may vary. KC15554 www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 11 farmers breaking in the land. Not without controversy regarding the site of the re-enactment and the location of a proposed gateway at the Garden of Memories in Uxbridge Road, the 150-year commemorations proved once again Howickians are passionate and vested in their heritage. The festivities commenced in February with the actual landing anniversary in November this year by which time the opportunity to celebrate heritage and gain a greater sense of unity had prevailed. Postcards of paintings of Howick were published for sale.
Marin Burgess is heritage coordinator for the Howick & District 175th Anniversary Celebrations 1847 to 2022 and the president of the Howick & Districts Historical Society
2022: And here we are already! This 175th anniversary year with its focus on the many cultures who now live and work in east Auckland with dozens of events, activities, promotions, stories, memories, and recollections is upon us. In a world we could never once have envisaged, let alone the stalwart Fencible families who were brave enough to face a new life in a new world, we stand proud of Howick, Pakuranga, Botany and the surrounding districts. To the many residents who call east Auckland home we salute you and wish you many happy and satisfying years of health, safety, and comfort. The 200th anniversary is not that far away.
2017: Morrin Cooper, Alan La Roche and Jim Donald organised a luncheon at the Howick Club to commence planning for the 175th anniversary five long years away.
JH17601 Young motoring enthusiasts Daniel and Cameron Clarke and their cars will be a feature this year at the Father’s Day community event at East City Wesleyan Church Centre in Botany.Aged 21 and 19, the brothers will be displaying a New Zealandassembled 1978 Mini LE 1000 and 2013 Toyota 86. “The Mini is mainly my hobby car and I use another car as a daily driver. It always attracts attention, and many people have stories to share about their Mini experiences in past years,” Daniel says. “It’s always fun to display the car and I have done so recently at the Howick 175 Pop-Up display at FencibleCameronWalk.”comments on his similarly red but Japanese-assembled Toyota, “It’s a great modern sports car, manual, with excellent rear wheel drive cornering and handling. It provides a great raw driving experience as well as being practical and easy to drive on the dailyThecommute.”annualFather’s Day community event is now in its 11th year and, with support from the Howick Local Board, is open to everyone. Classic cars and a few motorcycles will be displayed, along with hobby displays including with John Burnett from the blacksmith shop at the Howick HistoricalOrganiserVillage.RevDr Richard Waugh says, “We are expecting the NZ Police and NZ Fire & Emergency to display too. There will be many activities for dads and families. “In the creative Father’s Day service, I will be interviewing longtime Howick resident 99-year-old Laurie Hamlet and asking him to share some grandfatherly advice for dads and mums on this Father’s Day weekend.” Sunday September 4: 9.30am to 12.30pm at 219 Burswood Drive. All welcome. More information phone 022 5339400.
Father’s Day ‘Blokes & Cars/Bikes’ event
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS12 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz
Daniel and Cameron Clarke will be displaying a New Zealand-assembled 1978 Mini LE 1000 and 2013 Toyota 86. Photo Winston Penn
Plan change intensification across New Zealand
A large number of studies shows that people living in high den sity high-rise living suffer from greater mental health problems, higher rates of crime, fewer positive social interactions and greater difficulty especially in raisingFurthermore,children. they now have an international reputation as a breeding ground for increased crime and anti-social behaviour. Larger high-rises – four sto reys and higher – can create a finite and encapsulated world especially those which include a gym, markets and restaurants preventing those within making contact with the outside world, literally creating silos in which humans suffer physical, social and psychological harm in the longer term.
Gary Hollis, Mellons Bay TALK MISDIRECTIONABOUT Stuff’s documentary, Fire and Fury, is something to behold. Its inquisitorial experts piously poking as pustuled conspiracy theorists threaten our besieged democracy with their pestilential heresies.Thispiece opines with such sanctimonious intellectual lan guor that it suggests that media pundits have fallen victim to the illusion they helped build and now believe that; media out put is actually reality itself; no independent body of logic, his tory, lore, or fact exists outside their manipulated framework of reference; no autonomous spiritual or temporal truth is grounds for a healthy, contented detachment from government patronage or exemption from its pronouncements.Slicedanddiced, this master piece instead showcases creative skill being cynically employed to vastly outshine the deficit of its content.Subsequently, little sympathy is likely to remain for our media orCaughtpoliticians.inthickets of their own planting, they stubbornly refuse the painful pruning that an open, independent, unbiased and uned itorialised investigation would necessitate (all data contradict ing their narrative, presently, choked from the limelight). Without stooping to the misdi rection this doco examples, those warming the pews for ‘the single source of truth’ need to engage in some repentant soul search ing before humbly recommitting themselves to seeking and pre senting the truth; the whole truth.
Victoria ShamrockLowe,Park
Rees Sutcliffe, East Tamaki Heights GOD ‘N’ ALL THAT Did he appear in a puff of smoke or arrive on a spaceship? Where is the science behind God’s creation? Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and has said, “religion and science cannot sit side by side because belief in God does not stand up to scientific scrutiny”. If God is a super intelligent, allpowerful being, why is the world in such an absolutely horrendous state? How is it God allows Putin to kill innocent Ukranians on a daily basis; thousands of chil dren (and adults) to die of mal nutrition on a daily basis; natural disasters to kill thousands on a daily basis; viruses and illnesses to kill thousands on a daily basis and; numerous religious organisations to secure wealth of obscene proportions and hide paedophiles within their walls to allow them to do what they do on a daily basis? I could go on and on. Is that really God’s will?
Lorraine BucklandsHarman,Beach
Throughout New Zealand, which includes Botany, Pakuranga and Howick, people need to be informed over how intensifica tion is going to affect their cit ies and suburban areas in the future.Aring drawn around a town centre enabling high rise does not reveal the huge potential impact of changes being imposed, while there is nothing being reported or said about this in our media. According to my calculations, the Botany area excluding the commercial centre, covers an area of approximately 640 acres [259 hectares]. If 500 acres was converted to the six-storey high minimum density, after allow ing for roading and reserves, then the population in this area could increase by 200,000 [or more] matching the population of greater Hamilton but over a mere 1.6 kilometres square! Allowing conservatively for one child per new apartment cre ated, this would require 25 new schools with capacity for 2000 students in each to be built. But there is no undeveloped land in this suburban area to accommo date this future need. Nor is there any land for the necessary area of passive and active parks for this number of people. Plus the additional pressure on the existing transport network of buses to a single railway station at Panmure, accessed by other areas too, also being intensified, would be completely unsustainable. There is no proposal or pro vision to extend the transport service in Council’s 2040 plan. There is also no requirement for developers to provide car park ing, likely because the authorities know people would be unable to move far if using a car. The very day after the plan was notified, Auckland Council suggested people travelling less than 6 kms ( not the walkable 800 metres now) should be restricted in the use of their car. Just what is going on? This assessment doesn’t include the additional impact from triple density hous ing also to be permitted on every section in New Zealand. What on earth are the authorities think ing? They are clearly not – or they are merely providing battery (hen) housing for human beings. This is not the Kiwi way or dream. It is not remotely workable, and it is completely Furthermoreunacceptable.thePlanis not being “proposed” as notified. It is actually being ‘imposed’ under an amendment to the RMA and, accordingly, came into effect the day it was notified (August 18). Unlike normal Plan Changes under the RMA, there is no right of appeal to an independent Environment Court where peo ple could raise such concerns. Instead, the Minister for the Environment has the final say, which is clearly not arm’s length when this is being dictated by government. i.e. this is not demo cratic or just under historic envi ronment law. The people are being given a very limited power of “submis sion” only over radical change to the nature and scale of residen tial housing. Cities, towns and areas with more than 5000 peo ple in New Zealand are subject to such change, unless areas are exempted under “qualifying mat ters” which in Auckland was not a transparent process conducted under notification, but rather through informal consultation prior.The people of New Zealand must use their limited power of submission now before September 29 when this very nar row window of opportunity closes (after which the Plan is set in con crete) to demand answers from their Council and government over how services, such as the above and more, will be provided. We must require government and our authorities to demon strate, as any other applicant is required to do, that the quality of our cities, local environments, amenities and people’s lives, will be assured, maintained and enhanced, as still required under the law (RMA).
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 13 CELEBRATEYOURNEXTPARTYATPARADICE! 490TiRakauDrive,Botany.Phone092732999www.paradice.co.nz/botany-birthday-parties/ PARTIESTHECOOLESTINTOWN! KC15550 DY0596-v2 CLEARSPANOUTSIDER FOLDING ARM AWNINGS OUTDOOR SCREENS ADD ROOM, SPACE, AND VALUE TO YOUR HOME Contact us for a no obligation measure and quote www.shadesdirect.co.nz 0800 742 337 PRESENT THIS ADVERT FOR A FACTORY REBATE Feedback Your opinion matters to us. Email us at editor@times.co.nz; comment on our Facebook page, facebook.com/ timesonlinenz; or write to us at The Editor, Times Newspapers, PO Box 38232, Howick, Auckland 2145. Letters should not exceed 200 words and should carry the name, residential address and contact telephone number of the author. CLIMATE MODELS ARE NOT INFALLIBLE Re: There’s science behind all this (Times, August 10). Since my last email a few days ago, a new paper has been released by the Global Climate Intelligence Group. Since some of your correspond ents place a high value on the credentials of scientists, I should point out that the lead signatory on the paper is Nobel Laureate Professor Ivar Giaever. I don’t know if he’s as smart as a NASA Climate Model Scientist, but I presume he needs to be pretty smart to be a professor with a Nobel prize. The paper is co-signed by over 1100 scientists from around the world, who are prepared to put their names to this paper. The paper notes “There is no climate emergency”: linesite.oflaration/.clintel.org/world-climate-dechttps://ThereisaPDFversionthepaperavailableatthewebThepaperisbrief,buttheheadpointsare: h Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming h Warming is far slower than predicted h Climate policy relies on inadequate models h CO2 is plant food, the basis of all life on Earth h Global warming has not increased natural disasters h Climate policy must respect scientific and economic Theyrealitiesalso make this point, which I think gets to the crux of the “Todebate:believe the outcome of a cli mate model is to believe what the model makers have put in.” A lot of people seem to believe that climate models are infallible predictive products from people who already know how every thing works. Except that is not what they Computerare.models are amaz ing things, but they are still just computer programs that simu late how scientists suspect things work in real life. They can be made to produce any result you want just by changing a few numbers.When real life then doesn’t match the models, then the mod els are wrong and need adjusting. But what often seems to happen in climate science is that any thing but the model is blamed when the model doesn’t match reality.Models are fantastic tools for learning, but poor tools for predic tion of anything we don’t already have complete control over. Anyone who proposes turning society upside-down based on computer models of anything is either a fool or evil. Or both.
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS14 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz realliving.co.nz There is a wonderful selection of 1 and 2 bedroom Independent apartments currently available. The kitchen and laundry appliances are included. For those who may like a little extra support we have available studio, 1 and 2 bedroom Serviced Apartments, where meals, cleaning, laundry and other services are provided. Enjoy a secure, friendly community with facilities and activities you’d expect in such a well established village that’s close to everything else this thriving community offers. Call Kate or Sylvie now on 09 576 5990 or 021 855 745 to arrange a viewing at Fortunes Road, Pakuranga. *License to occupy Pakuranga Park offers a choice of affordable, apartments where you’ll feel you belong. $520,000$425,000 ServicedApartmentsIndependentfromApartmentsfrom 2brm from $870,000 Independent apartments available now. Special offer Free weekly fee for a year Runs till end of September 2022. Ts and Cs apply. KC15551
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 15 ruru.realliving.co.nz Come and see for yourself why these retirement apartments are getting amazing feedback, with enthusiastic comments about the size, quality, design and views. Two and three bedroom apartments, priced from $1,090,000, are available right now. There are still good choices available, but you’ll have to be quick. Please wear a mask for the safety of yourself and our staff. Call Kate or Sylvie on 09 576 5990 or 021 855 735 or we will see you at our Open Day at Fortunes Road, Pakaranga. *License to occupy OPENDAY 10am to 2pm Friday 2nd September These apartments will impress! Named theowl,New Zealand’safternativewhichfeaturesonimpressive4storeyFloxmuralthatgracesouratrium. 2-0_RLGPP0059_Ruru open home ad Sep_266x375mm_FP_AW.indd 1 29/08/22 1:48 PM KC15552
up with
CELEBRATING 50 YEARS16 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz KC15520 BOOK ONLINE www.highlandparkdental.co.nzPhone095374641toseeourdentists,hygienistsandoralhealththerapistJigishaHygienist/OralHealthTherapistWednesdayandSaturdayAppointmentsDIDYOUKNOWTHAT..yourteenager(Year9to18yearsofage)isentitledtoFREEDENTALCARE This includes a free check up once and year and any treatment needed (excluding orthodontics) This can be done by a dentist of your choice that has a contract with the Ministry of Health. NZ Skin Health 4A/10 Wellington St, Howick Ph: (09) 533 4141 E: www.nzskinhealth.co.nzinfo@nzskinhealth.co.nz ✓ Full Body Skin Checks – Comprehensive and affordable ✓ Free first-time spot checks with our Dermoscopist ✓ Mole Removals + Skin tag and wart treatment ✓ Skin Cancer Detection & Treatment – Digital Dermoscopy ✓ Membership Options Available ✓ Southern Cross Affiliated Don’t risk it, call us to make an appointment today. Face Doctors Howick @ NZ Skin Clinic, Unit 4A, 10 Wellington St, Howick Village. (09) 524 5665 Mobile 021 272 6050 E: facedoctorshowick@xtra.co.nz www.facedoctors.co.nz Treatments available for: • Frown lines, crows, forehead lines and facial slimming. • Dermal filler: Nasolabial folds, cheek lift, jowl and chin enhancement. • Non surgical removal of lumps and moles. • Platelet rich plasma or the vampire treatment. • P-Shot® and O-Shot® • Skin care, sweating treatments. One of Auckland’s most experienced Cosmetic Physicians Dr Mark Morunga 021 272 6050 Dr Mark Morunga, BHB, MBCHB, Dip Paeds, Dip CEM Cert Andrology, FRNZCUC, MNZSCM. Cosmetic Physician KC14876-V2 15%OFFWRINKLEINJECTIONS KC15430 DE0446 Locally...you’llfind us.
Celebrity Treasure Island con testant Dr Joel Rindelaub has chosen South Auckland House of Science as his charity in a battle to win $100,000. The timing of the announcement coincides with the one-year anni versary of the opening of South Auckland House of Science.
The council encourages the industry to keep in touch and ask questions. “Early communication is key, and any poten tial issues can usually be addressed this way. The last thing we want is for builders to go ahead with out council Fahrensohnconsent.”adds that many issues can usually be reviewed and resolved, but there are times where fines are necessary or prosecu tion for serious breaches. This was the case for a building company who started work without council consent and was recently prosecuted and fined.
‘Jumping the gun’ proves pricey for construction company
“This is for a number of reasons – which building companies are well aware of – including public safety and ensuring the integ rity and quality of the con struction work being done with public safety being paramount. Council views cases like this as very seri ous and will continue to investigate and prosecute any offending companies.” Fahrensohn says the council recognises the building industry is also facing challenges with the supply of some materials at the moment due to Covid and emphasises any sub stitute materials must be approved by council before being“Thisused.isimportant as the substitute products need to meet the Building Code. A lot can be looked at on site and assessed for com pliance, some others may require an amendment,” Fahrensohn says.
“Our vision is clear: empowering teachers to raise scientific literacy,” says Andrea Lun, branch manager and former medical laboratory scientist.“Mybranch covers Howick, Pakuranga, Ōtara, Ōtāhuhu and Māngere. Our comprehensive, bilin gual kits (English and te reo Māori) are aligned with the New Zealand Curriculum and cater for Years 0 to 8. “Kits contain everything the class needs to carry out at least five activi ties – equipment, consumables, a detailed teacher manual and stu dent instruction worksheets. “Science can require resources that are impractical for a school to source themselves making our kits a game changer. We take the has sle out of teaching science and offer training/professional development sessions and support to help get the most out of these kits.” Willowbank School has been using House of Science kits this year.Lisa Neish, assistant principal said, “One of our teachers recently used the Big, Blue Future kit. The learning and engagement were truly amazing. The Year 2 and 3 learn ers loved the range of activities, and the resulting discussions were ‘peppered’ with science vocabulary. Since using the kit, learners have applied their new understandings to a range of contexts by making connections to food chains, aspects of diversity in animals, and differ ent ways of grouping, including food preferences.”Rindelaub is an aerosol chemist from the University of Auckland. He has a connection to the Botany area through his recruitment to play ice hockey for the Botany Swarm in 2017. When asked why he chose South Auckland House of Science as his charity, he says, “It was a no brainer. I’m really impressed by the work that House of Science does.” So much so, he and Andrea ate dried crickets as part of a pro motional video for the ‘Food for Thought’ kit to highlight the world’s unsustainable population growth using current food production methods.
h Want to become involved? Volunteer, sponsor a school, sponsor a kit or make a donation via the House of Science givealittle page houseofscience.nzAndreawww.houseofscience.nzco.nz/org/house-of-science-nzhttps://givealittle..orcontactatsouthauckland@ Joel teams science
Aconstruction com pany which was building homes in Flat Bush has been fined $32,500 for beginning work without building consents. Platform Homes (PHL) started work on 26 town houses in Flat Bush with out council consent and, due to the seriousness of the breach, was pros ecuted. PHL told the court they had ‘jumped the gun’ and started building because they expected to get consent any day. The Companies Office notes the registered office is in Ponsonby.Themaximum penalty for this type of offence is up to $200,000 and in this case council was seeking a fine of $60,000, which included a 25 per cent reduction for the guilty Aucklandplea.Council is reminding builders and construction companies to ensure they have coun cil building consent before going ahead with work – otherwise it could be costly.Jeff Fahrensohn, Auckland Council man ager field surveying build ing consents says, “It’s vital to have a building consent before commenc ing any work. The consent has conditions that need to be adhered too, if not the building’s final Code Compliance Certificate could be at risk.”
“If work goes ahead and the substitute product isn’t approved by council as meeting the Building Code, it could, worst case sce nario, mean the work has to be deconstructed, which is costly and will delay the construction.”Fahrensohn says most customers are communi cating well with council and, in general, compliance is Platformgood. Homes has been contacted for comment.
Kerri Fergusson, Auckland Council manager compliance and investiga tions says, “This sends a strong message to build ing companies and build ers in general that it’s vital council consent is obtained prior to any work starting.
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Looking for a change of pace? Jayco Auckland is New Zealand’s largest retailer of New and Used Jayco Caravans and RV’s and with our business continuing to expand we are looking for a reliable and professional cleaner to join our team in prepping caravans for delivery. This is a permanent position for the right person and an excellent opportunity to join a great company. If you are interested, please apply now with a copy of your current CV. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency. Full drivers licence required. Email: chris@jaycoauckland.co.nzPhone:092713434
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QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8075 Across - 6, Imperative. 8, Iron. 9, Doff. 10, Fleet. 11, Yarn. 12, Stimulate. 16, Austerity. 20, Hard. 22, Under. 23, Mars. 24, Clam. 25, Metropolis. Down - 1, Impost. 2, Perfume. 3, Lawful. 4, Divest. 5, Deity. 7, Lorry. 13, Ass. 14, Crimson. 15, Vault. 17, Update. 18, Terror. 19, Torrid. 21, Dummy. CRYPTIC PUZZLE NO. 8075 Across - 6, Naked truth. 8, R-are. 9, List. 10, Ar-ti-e. 11, D-r-ip. 12, Third time. 16, In a m-i-nute. 20, Spot. 22, Rotor (rev.). 23, Tied. 24, L-I-sa (rev.). 25, Cross-patch. Down - 1, Van-ish. 2, We-stern. 3, Strait (straight). 4, Cu’s-Tom. 5, Sh-red 7, D-rain. 13, Ida (anag.). 14, I-nste-ad. 15, April. 17, No-ti-on. 18, M-or-ass. 19, T-r-ench. 21, T-race. at Experience with be At St Columba we seek to be a place where life faith Our staff are committed to live involvement with A full job is Applications close on 12 2022 Email: ACCOUNTSadmin@stcolumba.org.nzMANAGERStColumbaChurch,Botany
Nominations for the selection of the National Party Candidate for the Botany Electorate at the 2023 General Election will open from Wednesday 6th July 2022 and will be received from National Party members by National Party Headquarters up to midday, Thursday 21st July 2022 when nominations close. Nomination forms and details regarding procedures may be obtained from: New Zealand National Party Authorised by W Durning, 41 Pipitea Street, Wellington Noah Atchison-Darby NZ National Party, PO Box 1155, Wellington P: (09) 522 0940 E: noah@national.org.nz
Howick College is seeking a friendly, helpful team member to work across a number of technology departments in the school. The position is for 25 hours per week during term time. Days and times are negotiable but we would prefer someone able to work a minimum of 4 days per week. The successful applicant will have practical skills, preferably in wood work, and be prepared to learn how to operate any unfamiliar technology equipment. Duties include: preparation and ordering of resources, maintaining equipment, assisting students with the operation of our 3D printers and laser cutter. If you are keen to be part of a team striving to realise our vision of “Inspiring a community of passionate learners”, please send your completed Employment Application Form (which can be downloaded from our employment@howick.school.nzCVopportunities)https://www.howickcollege.school.nz/career-websitewithanaccompanyingandcoveringletterto: Applications close on Friday 9 September at 4:00pm
Newspaper Limited, 10 Central Terrace, Howick (behind Rice’s www.times.co.nzMall) Phone 09 271 8000 www.times.co.nz We will place your public notice in the next available issue of the Times for only $215.90 + GST per insertion Just give us a call or email your form classifieds@times.co.nzto Please include your phone number LIST YOUR PUBLIC NOTICE PHONE 271 8055 HOMESTAY
our church community is crucial.
SOLUTIONS DE284488 OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR St Columba Church, Botany This 30-hour permanent position is for someone with
Nominations for the selection of the National Party Candidate for the Pakuranga Electorate at the 2023 General Election will open from Tuesday 6th September 2022 and will be received from National Party members by National Party Headquarters up to midday, Wednesday 21st September 2022 when nominations close. Nomination forms and details regarding procedures may be obtained from: Noah Atchison-Darby NZ National Party, PO Box 1155, Wellington E: selections@national.org.nz
an advantage.
• punctual • reliable • trustworthy • have excellent communication skills, and a professional approach • able to multitask and
least 5 years Administration experience with proven ability to manage office procedures, strong interpersonal skills and excellent written and oral communication. Competent computer skills and proficiency with MS Office and email are essential.
reporting standards
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be: Wed, Thurs, Friday 9.30am-5.45pm Saturday 8.15am-4.00pm
SITUATIONS VACANT We are looking for a fulltime Dental Sterilisation Assistant to join our team. Prior dental experience is not necessary, you will receive on the job training. If you are self-motivated, hardworking, and enjoy being part of a great team please send CV to dentaljobs99@hotmail.com
under pressure • computer literate,
like to hear from you. You will be expected to assist with stocktakes in February/ March. Please apply by email katie.treneman@paperplus.co.nz.to Please note only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Paper Plus Howick, 71 Picton St, Howick PART TIME SALES ASSISTANT DE284370 SUPPORTTECHNOLOGYASSISTANT
DE284492 DE284349
1. In accepting an advertisement for publication and in publishing it we are doing so in consideration of and relying on the advertisers express warranty, the truth of which is essential. a. That the advertisement complies in all ways with the Advertising Codes of Practice issued by the Advertising Standards Authority inc (ASA) and with every other code or industry standard relating to advertising in New Zealand b. The published advertisement will not give rise to any liability on our part or in a claim being made against us. c. That the advertisement is mislead ing or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive or breaches the Fair Trading Act 1986 that is defamatory or indecent or which otherwise offends against generally accepted community standards that infringes a copyright or trademark or otherwise infringes any intellectual or industrial property rights that breaches any provision of any statute, regulation, by law or other rule or law 2. Where the advertiser utilises any aspect of our creative/design services in the production of an advertisement (including photographic work) the advertiser acknowledges that we own the copyright in such work and that such work is not work for which a com missioning payment has been made or agreed. 3. The advertiser agrees to indemnify us against all losses or costs arising directly or indirectly from any breach of those warranties by the advertiser and from any costs incurred in our making corrections or amendments in accordance with the terms that follow. 4. We may refuse to publish, or withdraw an advertisement from publications without having to give a reason. 5. We may publish the advertisement on the next available day if there is an error or delay in publication of the advertising as booked. 6. We may correct or amend advertis ing to conform to style or for other genuine reason as long as we do so using reasonable care. 7. The guarantees contained in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 are excluded where the advertiser acquires, or holds himself out as acquiring, goods or services from us for the purpose of a business. 8. The advertiser must tell us as soon as possible if there is an error or omission in any advertisement the advertiser has placed. We will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss from an error (which includes ommis sion, negligence, system or press failure, mistake, misclassification, early, late or non insertion of advertise ment or loss or delay in the delivery of replies) and if we are found to have any direct liability for any circumstance that liability is limited to the cost of the space of the advertisement. 9. To cancel an advertisement a cancella tion number must be obtained from us. Times
Part time evenings: 15 (Tuesday-Saturdayhours/week4.30pm-7.30pm). Please email your CV mike@ambridgerose.co.nztoorcall5762590.
Auckland Stonemasons Ltd is a well established fam ily business that has been operating in the Auckland area for over 80 years. We are New Zealand’s leading commercial and residential builders of stone walls, sea walls, boundary walls, retaining walls and more…… We are currently looking for a Project Coordinator. The ideal candidate would suit someone who has excellent building/landscaping skills and looking at moving into more of a management role.
Permanent part time 12 hours per week. In this role you will be responsible to ensure all accounting functions for the church are carried out according to financial and the churches We are looking for someone with five years plus experience and appropriate financial qualifications including experience with Xero Accounting A full job description is available on request. Applications close on 26 September 2022 Email: admin@stcolumba.org.nz are looking for a will Flexibility to work additional days is required, especially over the Christmas and Back To School periods. You must be able to work over the Christmas/New Year period. We are a busy Paper Plus store with Lotto and NZ Post, serving across all 3 franchises is required. and responsibility: you are: work then we’d
18 — Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nzCLASSIFIEDS
The role is to:- Liaise and support staff on various projects - Setting up profiles - Measuring building works - Tool box meetings - Health and safety (full support given) If you have the following attributes – please apply - Good leadership skills - Can communicate well - Customer focused - Motivated and reliable - Computer skills (lap top) - Good eye for detail We offer good remuneration to the successful candi date with a vehicle to suit. Please send your CV sandy@stonemasons.co.nztoalongwith2xreferees
CLEANER REQUIRED Looking for a change of pace? Jayco Auckland is New Zealand’s largest retailer of New and Used Jayco Caravans and RV’s and with our business contin uing to expand we are looking for a reliable and professional cleaner to join our team to keep our building spik-and-span. This is a permanent position, for the right person and an excellent opportunity to join a great company. Hours of work are Monday Wednesday, Friday 9 to 4. If you are interested, please apply now with a copy of your current CV. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency. Full drivers licence required. E: Chris@jaycoauckland.co.nz | P: 09 271 3434
Xero accounting and Elvanto Church Management System will
available on request.
out this vision, and
permanent part time team member. Hours
CELEBRATING 50 YEARSwww.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 19www.times.co.nz Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 — 19CLASSIFIEDS MP282686 CHURCH SERVICES Looking for a church home? One Lord One Faith One People Sunday morning 9.30am (with children’s programme) Youth Group every Friday 7.00pm 17 Wellington St, Howick Phone www.howickbaptist.org.nz534-5142 MP284084 CHURCH SERVICES MP284438
• D Grade – Hobsonville Point Secondary School “We expect around 2000 peo ple to be at the courts through out the day, consisting of players, coaches, managers, umpires, and volunteers. In addition to this we expect a large number of specta tors to come and enjoy the games,” Dyason said. h Queries can be directed to netballuniss@gmail.com or visit uniss.co.nz. Facebook: netballorHowickPakurangaNetballCentre/orfacebook.com/UNISSNetball/www.www.facebook.com/checkoutInstagram:uniss_hpnetballcentre
The victorious U15 Boys’ team won the U15A competition. Photo supplied
Three Macleans College hockey teams recently achieved medal placings in their respective A grade competition with the Under 15 Boys’ team finishing first.
The Upper North Island Secondary Schools competition will be held daily with the finals on Friday at the Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre.
HOCKEY Teams take podium spots
• B Grade – Waitakere College
“HPNC is excited to host not only all the players, coaches, managers, umpires and officials at our tour nament, but also all the volunteers and supporters who all give their valuable time to attend and assist during this tournament week,” HPNC president Amanda Dyason said.
“UNISS is a fantastic occasion and provides a very memorable week of netball. This tournament is made possible by our netball community.”Thecompetition is formatted into four grades. Teams will play twice a day. A copy of the draw is available on the UNISS website. Results will be published there daily. Finals will be played on Friday (September 2) as follows: D Grade – 12:30pm • C Grade – 1:30pm • B Grade – 2:30pm A Grade – 3:30pm Finals will be streamed live for those that are not able to attend. Details are available on the website
Enrolment at Wakaaranga School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office and on the website www.wakaaranga.school.nz.
Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the next year should notify the school by 28 September 2022 to assist the school to plan appropriately for next year. MP284415
The 1st XI Boys played in the Greater Auckland A1 Competition, and finished third after a hardfought bronze medal match against Pukekohe High School which was a draw at full-time so went to shoot outs. A notable effort by George Cui (Batten House) in goal who saved all of the oppo nent’s attempts. The U15 Boys’ played in the U15A competition and won. Again, it was a close semi-final which was 2-2 at full-time, again going on to penalty strokes. The Macleans College players came away with the win and progressed into the final against St Kentigern College.
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This was another very tight game with a final score of 2 all. The U15 Red Girls’ played in the U15A competition and placed sec ond. They finished the final round robin of the season with a 1-nil win against Epsom Girls’ Grammar School to secure second place. This is an outstanding result with only two losses over the whole season – a huge improvement on last year.
The Upper North Island Secondary Schools (UNISS) netball competition has begun with hundreds or players and supporters flocking to the Howick Pakuranga Netball Centre (HPNC) at Lloyd Elsmore Park. The competition, which began on Monday and winds up on Friday, involves schools from Waikato/Bay of Plenty, Auckland and Northland areas. There are 112 secondary schools/114 teams registered. The competition was last held in 2019 at Netball North Harbour. 2020 and 2021 was cancelled as a result of Covid-19.
• C Grade – Bay of Islands College
The board has determined that approximately 10 places are likely to be available for out-of-zone students in term 1 2023. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. Next year there will be four enrolment periods (one for each term). The first enrolment period runs from 1 February to 6 April 2023. For students seeking enrolment within the first enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out-of-zone places is 28 September 2022. All applicants should complete the enrolment forms which are available on the school website or from the school office and must be returned to the school office by the deadline. If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out-of-zone places is required, it will be held on 19 October 2022. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held. Details relating to later enrolment periods will be advertised and placed on the school website.
• A Grade – Saint Kentigern School
netball comp underway
Winners of the 2019 competition, returned again this year:
loved ones
• Masters Athlete of the Year: Rodwyn Isaacs (Pakuranga Athletics Club)
• Junior Team of the Year: Howick CompetitionGymnasticsteam
Supported by
When: 10.30am to 12 noon, Friday 9th September, 2022 Where: Te Tuhi, 13 Reeves Road, Pakuranga and also by Zoom Cost: Free for seniors and their families
As you age, it’s important to understand the difference between Wills, Trusts and Enduring Powers of Attorney, why they matter and how they can help keep you and your family safe. Protecting your assets means being informed – and this free seminar can help!
• Club of the Year: Revills Boxing Gym
• Supreme Award: Lance Revill (Revills Boxing Gym)
Howick-Pakuranga Community Sports Centre was host to the Howick Local Board Sports Awards, an event celebrating the region’s local talents and their efforts over the past year on and off the field.
• Administrator of the Year: Andy Pullar (Bucklands Beach AFC)
• Coach of the Year: Lance Revill (Revills Boxing Gym)
Community Sports Centre operations manager Matt Clark said Revill has been a stalwart in the Howick community for many years and is regularly a finalist. “This year was his year,” said Clark. “Training multiple Commonwealth Games athletes and many, many New Zealand Golden Gloves winners, when awarded the trophy, this wasn’t even mentioned. “Lance wanted to talk about the youth with learning difficulties and troubled upbringings who came through his door, and spoke of how important it is for us to take care of our youth and remember what’s important, the cherry on top of what was an outstanding night.”
The night kicked off with the administration awards, appreciating all those who work behind the scenes bringing community sport to life, then moved to the longstanding service to sport awards and finally to the athlete awards. “The whole night had a great ambience and feel to it with many inside the room being affected by Covid seasons,” said Clark. “It was great to celebrate the effort that went into getting sport back under way. Long-time community hero and former rugby league star Richie Barnett was the guest speaker. “He spoke beautifully on life’s difficulties and how normal they were. Speaking eloquently about some very real topics in life we face, everyone in the room was able to relate,” said Clark. “Thank you to the Howick Local Board for always making this evening a priority.”
Presented by Sheyan Samarasinha and Bronwen Le Vesconte of Public Trust, this important seminar will explain the benefits of having a Will and an Enduring Power of Attorney, and how they can protect you, your assets and your family, as well as an overview of Family Trusts and Pre-paid Funeral Trusts.
HOWICK SPORTS AWARDS Revill wins Supreme Award
• Sportswoman of the Year: Valarie Adams (Pakuranga Athletics Club)
What: Free Virtual Village East seminar
• Official of the Year: Tyler Moran (Revills Boxing Gym)
• Junior Sportsman of the Year: Zachary Saunders (Pakuranga Athletics Club)
• Sportsman of the Year: Waldo Singleton (West End Rowing Club)
20— Times, Wednesday, August 31, 2022 www.times.co.nz USFOLLOWON facebook.com/TimesOnlineNZ underwaycompetitionNetball Page 19
A free information morning for seniors
Lance Revill of Revills Boxing Gym, left, won the Supreme Award at the Howick Sports Awards on Thursday night and, right, Waldo Singleton, who rows for the West End Rowing Club, was named Sportsman of the Year. Photos Brad James, The Game Photography
• Volunteer of the Year: Mike Hawkey (Fencibles United)
To join us for this informative free seminar for seniors, please register by Thursday 8th September to co-ordinator@virtual-village-east.org.nz
• Team of the Year: Howick Pakuranga Hockey 3A Mens
Protecting yourself, your assets and your
• Junior Sportswoman of the Year: Vivian Lu (Macleans College)
Lance Revill, a national boxing identity with a boxing gym in Pakuranga, picked up the Supreme Award at the annual Howick Sports Awards. Revill, the former president of the New Zealand Professional Boxing Association and a former New Zealand professional boxer, also won Coach of the Year honours and Revills Boxing Gym clinched Club of the Year on Thursday.Howick-Pakuranga