The perfect way to still your mind and move your body at the end of your day. This class caters to all skill levels, as variations will be o ered to accommodate all bodies. Come with your mat, water and any props you may need.
Dates: Tuesdays, July 11th to August 15th
Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Cost: 6/$54 for members, $78 non-members
Leader: Paige Driedger
For over 20 years, Mother Computers' friendly staff has been trusted in empowering residents of Victoria , of all ages, with the knowledge and tools they need to safely and con dently use technology.
No matter your computer experience level, Mother Computers offers one-on-one sit-downs where you can learn new skills, help you organize or move les, emails, and calendars, and keep your personal and online banking information away from scammers and hackers. We can help with Mac Computers, Windows Computers, Cell Phones, Tablets and more! We can also offer this assistance in the comfort of your own home.
Unable to connect to the internet, bluetooth, or printers at home? No problem! Our friendly, knowledgeable, and reliable service technicians can come to you! Mobile service is now available in Greater Victoria including Sidney, the Peninsula and Langford/Colwood/Sooke.
If you are needing a new computer or laptop, we have a wide selection of new and refurbished
systems to suit all budgets and needs.
Our highly competent technicians can diagnose and x any issues you may be experiencing with your device, from hardware repairs to software updates and virus removal. We also offer data recovery services for customers who have lost important les or data due to a computer crash or other issue. We can also help you transfer, store, organize, and send photos and videos you may have saved so you can ensure you never lose those precious memories.
At Mother Computers, we understand that everyone is at a different level when it comes to technology and we take the time to listen to our customers' needs and provide personalized recommendations for them without judgment of their computer knowledge.
Whether you're looking for a new computer, need a repair on your current device, or just want to learn something new, our friendly staff are always happy to help. mothercomputers.com
Tues, May 30, 2023
A Victoria Times Colonist publication
Publisher: Dave Obee
Director of Advertising: Ed Kennedy
#201-655 Tyee Road, Victoria, BC V9A 6X5
To advertise in the next issue and or submit content please contact: Aaron Ross, 250-380-5313
Before you plan that big summer get away have a look at the Silver Threads Services Summer Program Guide. Now that we have moved to a seasonal calendar you can plan ahead and take the opportunity to continue with your favourite activities and also branch out and try something new. Think about how great it would be to stay home, not have to pack, go through airport security, and jetlag. We can help you avoid the travel hassle and the expense! Wouldn’t you rather hang with us?
Some of the new o erings include Hula Dance, I mean really, how much fun would that be this summer? It’ll be like a little trip to Hawaii! We will even get you a grass skirt. Or if Music is more your thing, Beginner Ukulele classes are on Fridays and will give you a Hawaiian vibe. Both are o ered at the Victoria Centre. Or maybe you liked going on cruises, and playing shu eboard while you were at sea. At the Saanich Centre you can play Floor Shu eboard with your shipmates and have a great “time away.” Or how about a trip around the neighbourhood, our Wednesday morning Walking Group departs from Saanich at
10:00am and with our leader you will discover new trails and walking paths and great chats with others.
Our Summer Program Guide is now available on our website Programs & Events | Silver Threads or stop by the Centres and pick one up.
Silver Threads Service has been serving the community for 65 years.
Our Saanich Centre is located at 286 Hampton Road, in the Tillicum Gorge neighbourhood and can be reached at 250 382-3151. Our Victoria Centre is located at 1911 Quadra Street, near the Police Station and can be reached at 250 388-4268. For more information on any other program call our Centres or visit www.silverthreads.ca
We hope you’ll make Silver Threads part of your “travels” this summer.
For those who are 55 years and better (who aren’t ready to be called a senior).
Fitness and wellness classes after work, family or other daytime commitments. Join us in our airconditioned studio at Silver Threads this summer. Call 250 388-4268 for more information.
A full body workout that unlocks and decompresses joints by stretching and strengthening without impact to the body.
Improving wellness, increasing energy, and reducing pain.
Every time you come to an Essentrics class, you will enjoy fresh music playlists and new exercise sequences.
Dates: Thursdays, July 13th to August 17th
Time: 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Cost: 6/$54 members, $78 non-members
Leader: Junko Hammond
Memory PLUS is a Silver Threads Service program for those 55+ who would like to enhance their memory skills in an active and social group setting. The PLUS stands for Practice, Laughter, Useful Strategies. We encourage you to exercise your brain by solving a word scramble about why a Silver Threads Staycation can bring you joy this Summer!.
The next session of Memory PLUS will be in the Fall. Classes are at the Saanich Centre, located at 286 Hampton Road. Call 250 382-3151 or visit silverthreads.ca for more information.
In today’s hectic world of juggling family, a career, school, social commitments and everything else we have on our plates, I can promise you, death doesn’t usually come at a convenient time. It happens when it happens, whether or not you are prepared. You will now need to take the time to deal with everything there is to do and on top of that, you are also grieving. It is important to note, when a death occurs; take your time, surround yourself in support and let your community funeral provider assist you with all the necessary steps that will need to be taken. Even for those who have done pre-planning, which can assist greatly when faced with a loss, you are now bereaved and this emotion requires support and guidance from those you love and trust. It is worth mentioning, that the faster you take care of your loved one’s disposition, will not make the pain of the loss go away any faster.
It is important to remember when you and your family are faced with a loss, you are not alone. Your community will be there to support you and what is sometimes overlooked, is the members of the community are also in need of support. They want to extend their condolences, share their stories of what your loved one meant to them and also take the unscheduled time to attend a funeral, celebration or gathering to show their support in person, when words can sometimes not seem enough. Community support and participation is as important in death as it is in
all other major life events we celebrate and come together. This gives permission for friends, colleagues and acquaintances to participate in the tributes and share stories of who that person was to them.
One example of how a funeral service can facilitate memories and sharing, was hearing a story of how a coffee shop barista knew the departed. He served him
his coffee every morning… and a muf n. However, the muf n was never for himself, he would give the muf n to a person living on the street outside the coffee shop. He would take a few minutes, exchange some pleasantries and wish him a good day. He’d end the interaction with; “see you tomorrow!” and he would. Everyday he would get his coffee, buy a muf n for this less fortunate community member,
and visit with him. As his friend, as a fellow human being, and for nothing else except to be nice. This was not known by the family and they were so touched to hear this act of kindness was done by their loved one each day, without the need for praise, acknowledgment or anyone even knowing. They would have never known this amazing story, if it was not for the gathering and opportunity for the barista to share.
There is strength in numbers, and when you lose someone you love, accepting community support may just be the strength that you need. You are not alone.
Sands Funeral Chapel of Victoria has proudly been serving our community since 1912. We are here to guide and support you through your loss.
Lily Pad Lingerie at quaint Mattick's Farm provides a warm, welcoming, boutique shopping experience where mothers, daughters and partners all feel comfortable shopping. At Lily Pad you will find beautiful, unique collections of lingerie, sleepwear, loungewear and activewear. We are proud to o er many of the finest lingerie brands in a full range of cup sizes ranging from AA-K and bands from 30-50. Our sleep, lounge and activewear collections feature sizes ranging from XS – XXL. We look forward to helping you find the perfect fi t!
We’ve all heard the saying “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”, or the more recent version, “When the service is free, you are not the customer, you are the commodity”. Despite this, it’s human nature to seek out a deal.
At Hear Inc. audiology clinics, we get calls daily asking if we o er free hearing tests. The answer is no, and I’ll take this opportunity to explain why.
The BC provincial health plan does not cover the cost of hearing tests for adults. To exist as a viable business, we need to get paid. That can be accomplished by charging individuals for services as they are provided in a transparent manner, or by increasing the price of other products or services to cover the costs of the ‘free’ services.
At Hear Inc., our philosophy is to be transparent with our pricing. Not everyone who comes to us needs or wants hearing aids. People seek our services for auditory processing disorders, hearing loss, tinnitus, or even excess wax. The issues you present with determine what tests are required and what price you will pay.
You receive a thorough evaluation by one of our registered audiologists, your results are explained, and recommendations are made. Recommendations may include in-clinic therapy, ongoing monitoring, referral to a medical professional, or a trial period with hearing aids.
As local, privately owned clinics, we work for the people who walk through our doors, not for a hearing aid manufacturer. Our audiologists do not receive bonuses or commissions for hearing aids sales.
At Hear Inc., our philosophy is to provide the full range of audiology services at a fair price.
Our survival as a business depends on our customers and referring physicians valuing the assessments and treatments provided, not whether or not the people who walk through the door need hearing aids.
If you have concerns relating to your hearing and are looking for non-biased recommendations, we’d love to help. Call Hear Inc. at in Saanichton (778-3511145) or in Brentwood Bay (778-426-4876)
Fort Royal Pharmacy, with their professional staff, quick and ef cient service, they strive to provide the best customer service to all their clients. They are ready to renew a prescription, make changes to an existing one, provide an emergency supply of medication, and to check the medications you are taking to make sure they're the best ones for you. Whatever your medications needs, they are here to make the process easier and smoother for you.
Some of the things their pharmacist can help you with include:
• Provide an emergency supply of medication
• Provide vaccines, such as COVID-19, u, shingles, pneumonia, HPV, tetanus, and more
• Renew a prescription for up to 2 years
• Review your medications to make sure they’re the best ones for you
• Advise and make changes to your existing prescriptions that may not be working best for you
• Help you quit smoking and provide access to free smoking cessation products
• Provide you with emergency contraception
• Advise on over-the-counter medications and how they can impact your health
Starting June 1, 2023, pharmacists in BC will have the authority to make a diagnosis and prescribe medications speci ed in Schedule I of the Drug Schedules Regulation, for minor ailments and contraception. These minor ailments include uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs), cold sores, acne, pink eye, allergies, rashes, acid re ux, asthma, and more. Come and talk to any of our pharmacists to get more information.
In BC, pharmacists have been able to renew prescriptions, alter dosages and dispense substitute drugs to enhance patient outcomes. Today, pharmacists can now do this for a wider range of medications and renew most prescriptions for up to two years from the original prescription date if the prescription has not expired.
Generally, this means a patient has been on their medication for at least six months with no changes. For example, diabetes, thyroid issues, and high blood pressure (hypertension). Prescriptions for cancer chemotherapy agents cannot be changed or renewed by a pharmacist.
Come into any of their locations and talk to their pharmacist for more information. Serving the community of Greater Victoria for over 10-years, Fort Royal Pharmacy have 3 locations to serve you. They provide Free Delivery, Free Medication Reviews, Free Blister Packaging and many other services at all their locations.
local community based pharmacy, is here to assist you when you need it
Q: Dr. Crapo: I’m eighty-one years old. I’m from the old country. I have bad teeth. I have some very bad things going on in my mouth. Right now, I have pain and swelling, and I can’t put my partial denture in because it hurts too much. I have teeth made about five years ago. The top ones don’t stay in too good, so I leave them out sometimes.
The pain is on the bottom. I think I would like you to take out my teeth and give me some new ones. I told this to my dentist, and he said I have very good bone and strong roots, so I should keep my teeth. He said that I have lots of decay, but it is better to do crowns and root canals to save my teeth and to fix the swelling and pain at the same time. I don’t think I can pay for this. I need teeth to chew with. My teeth may be okay but if I have to spend so much money, what happens when more decay and more swelling comes. I’m too old to think about my teeth so much. When my mama had her teeth
out, she had no more problems. Sometimes she ate with her teeth out. I don’t want that, but I don’t want problems with all this swelling and pain. Can you help me out?
A: It is true that the dental profession and all its technology is geared for saving teeth and improving the way they function. I think I understand your dilemma. If you were my father, I would save your teeth and give you the best function possible, which in 2023, is as close to one’s own teeth as one can get.
It sounds like you have swelling, pain, and decay, because cleaning your teeth and maintaining them is not possible. If that is true, making you new teeth is probably best. The solution of the 1940s, 50s, and 60s was dentures. Even today, almost 50% of the population think dentures are the final solution. People in their 60s and beyond, have a hard time adjusting to dentures, so I recommend implants to support teeth, especially for the lower jaw, because it’s the only way for predictable function (chewing & eating).
“Teeth-in-a-day” is the best implant supported “new-tooth solution” because you are able to chew your food the same day with your new teeth. Besides that, they are attached as solidly as your own teeth, so they work as efficiently.
Teeth may also be attached to 2 or 3 implants. This treatment is less expensive and is light years better than conventional dentures.
If we can help, we’d like to. Call 778-410-2080 for a consultation. Based on actual patient cases ©Calvin Ross Crapo
Victoria Implant Centre 778-410-2080
The Canadian Club of Victoria provides an informative, engaging, and friendly forum to explore the issues that matter to most Canadians.
With our local roots dating back to 1906, it is a nonpartisan meeting place for the inquiring, the influential, and all Canadians alike.
The Canadian Club is a place for all who share a keen interest in contemporary Canadian life and who seek context, perspective and a deeper level of understanding.
Our mission is to promote Canadian identity by presenting inspiring speakers on issues of importance to Canadians.
We provide a non-partisan forum to explore social, cultural and political topics, looking beneath the headlines of the day to explore more fully the factors shaping Canadian life.
No invitation required! You are warmly welcome to attend our monthly luncheons, seasonal celebrations and special events. We meet for lunch on the third Tuesday of the month from September through June. Our guest speakers make 20 to 30-minute presentations, and then take questions from the audience. These lively and thought-provoking sessions enable us to delve more deeply into the topic of the day, providing insights and inspiration. (And the luncheons also get rave reviews!) Please register by the Thursday prior to the next luncheon using Eventbrite. Luncheon meetings are at 11:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Luncheons are usually held at the Hotel Grand Pacific.
Before open-plan k itchens were commonplace , k itchen faucets were relatively inconspicuous and fi x ture selec tion garnered less ambition Today, your k itchen faucet is generally front and centre and is an impor tant component of the room ’ s design
From practical (controls, spray, size) to personal (colours, materials, finishes) considerations, it can be a daunting task when you don’t know where to star t . Howe ver, there’s one constant that drives the direction, according to Sameha Di x son, showroom super v isor at Splashes Bath & K itchen in Victoria BC
“ The main factor to consider is whether it ’ s for a new construction or renovation. If you ’ re renovating , you ’ re often inheriting things that e x ist , whereas w ith a new construction, you ’ re star ting fresh and have more control in the direction things go. ”
O verall , you ’ ll want to consider your st yle preference, t y pe of faucet you want (one le ver or two handles), and your current sink configuration
To help make shopping for your new kitchen faucet a more seamless and enjoyable e x perience, these considerations and model options address some common questions
the Blanco, w ith their touchless SOLENTA Senso, which includes a sophisticated star t-stop technolog y that automatically shuts off after 90 seconds.
There are also models w ith Smar tTouch technolog y, which allow s you to simply touch anywhere on the faucet body or handle This makes it eas y to ac tiv ate only when needed , helping reduce w ater usage , and prov iding convenience and control
From rinsing vegetables to cleaning sink corners , spray heads are another consideration and range from pull-out and pull-dow n heads attached to the faucet , or adjacent side spray s.
“How the spray pulls down is going to b e dictated by the st yle,” says Di x son. “Brands w ith contemporar y st yles have spray heads close to the same diameter as the spout . With traditional and transitional , which tend to flare out , w ill fall more naturally into your hand; ultimately, the faucet ’ s st yle w ill affect the dimensions and how it performs.”
cost effec tive , whereas black matte , br ushed or satin nickel , or polished nickel or gold are more e x pensive “ Brizo is the ar t work on the counter top and their Tulham comes in e xciting mi xed finishes , which speak s to the ne w trend of hav ing more than one finish in your k itchen ”
Ever y brand has their ow n interpretation of tones , so be mindful when matching other materials in your k itchen
Other considerations are size , scope and placement Consider if your sink is under a w indow,
Functionalit y should guide your selection process Think about the features that would make your task s easier and more efficient .
“Some manufacturers have technolog y built-in, like Brizo’s (Delta’s inspired line) voice IQ,” says Di x son “ You can command the faucet to turn on and off, or any thing from pre-mi xed temperature to distinct temperature settings or measured amounts ”
The Hansgrohe Focus offers hands-free technolog y as does
Aesthetic: product depths, finishes
Produc t depths include things that might e x ist w ithin the same space , like accessories or bar faucets , lighting and cabinetr y
“ W hen you ’ re choosing a fi x ture , it ’ s being married w ith something else and we w ant to ensure the y func tion together to ma x imize their performance in unison rather than just as a single item,” e x plains D i x son
Black matte and chrome finishes are t wo constants that retain their popularit y Chrome is the most
whether you w ant a clean horizon, a low profile w ithout v isual interr uption, or a show piece
For more infor mation on the products , v i sit splashesonline com Consult a Splashes B ath & K itchen e x per t to lear n more about the best kitchen faucet for y our need s , and v ie w their e x ceptional selection of reputable brand s and qualit y products at one of se v en Vancouv er Island show rooms , including V ictor ia at #101-740 Hill side Av enue and Westshore at #315-895 Lang ford Park way.
With only a few condos remaining to sell and 50% of their suites rented, The Vista is the most anticipated Senior Living Community to open on Vancouver Island in a very long time.
The Vista has remained in high demand with seniors based on the wide range of lifestyle choices and amenities it offers. The community has exclusive condominiums for sale on the 9th and 10th oors and independent living rental suites where you can add supportive services as needed. There are also dedicated memory care studios which make The Vista a true Continuum of Care.
“We chose The Vista because once we move in, we will not have to move again when the time comes when more care is needed,” says Hanny Lester, one of the rst buyers in The Vista. “The monitoring of residents’ health needs when the time comes is important to us.”
Hanny said a favourite feature of their corner suite is the view to the north and east, made even better because their home is on one of the top oors.
That doesn’t mean they will spend all their time in the suite. Hanny says she plans to use the gym several times a week, as well as the entertainment areas at The Vista.
Victoria’s newest senior community The Vista prepares to open soon.
The sales centre is open 7 days a week and there are guided tours of the inside of the community on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays to enable people to see the wonders that await them at The Vista.
“The guided tours allow us to walk people through what a day
in the life will look like and answer everyone’s questions regarding their speci c needs,” says Sharon Unsworth, director of sales.
The extensive amenities on the 11th oor, including the dining area, high tearoom, bistro, polo sports lounge, art studio and much more, are always highlights of the tours.
“I can picture myself sitting out on the patio with my book
and a cup of tea, or a glass of wine,” says Mary Wilson, another future resident. “I look forward to inviting my friends and family in too. We like that we can remain independent but have all the services we need at our ngertips.”
The Vista will offer a wide variety of delicious and nutritious meals and themed dining events, all prepared by a Red Seal Chef. Residents can reserve tables for
family and friends to join them and enjoy the dining experience any day of the week.
Along with the breathtaking views, lifestyle choices and amenities, each suite is loaded with quality features and value whether you are buying a condominium or renting an independent living suite.
“When we tour our families through the rental suites, they are always amazed that each suite hasits own balcony, air conditioning and laundry”, says Unsworth.
“They also appreciate the quality of the nishing and ef ciency of the oor plans which allow for enough space to make their suite cozy and comfortable.”
Royal Canadian Legion Branch No. 172, which occupied the land before the construction, will have space in the community too, thanks to a partnership with Avenir. The Legion will be accessible to the community with an entrance just off Admirals Road and will have underground parking for visitors. Additionally, there will be a Pharmacy retail space located on the ground oor to serve the community and residents of The Vista for years to come.
“We feel that The Vista is positioned to become a pillar in Esquimalt and Victoria” says Jason Craik – Principal of Avenir
Senior Living. “Our family and company are very excited to get the community open and we can’t wait to begin to serve and give back to the seniors of our community.”
Avenir Senior Living, a family-run company based in Brentwood Bay has a strong track record of developing, designing, constructing, and operating exceptional senior living communities.
Avenir began in Vancouver, where they built four independent and assisted living communities in Langley, White Rock, South
Surrey, and Port Coquitlam, then moved into operating and managing three of those communities.
Avenir has another independent living community coming soon – Edgewater, on Long Lake in Nanaimo. Plans are in the works for more communities on Vancouver Island and the lower mainland for the coming years.
The sales centre at The Vista is open seven days a week, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. CALL ahead to book a guided tour. They start at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and at 11 a.m. on Saturdays.
As we ag e and begin to lose our mobility and sense of balance, bathing can not only become difficult but also a cause of additional stress and anxiety
Fear of falling and a fear of not being able to g et out of the tub are two of the most common occur rences with many of our seniors today Walk-in tubs have become extremely popular in the last decade and estimates show that people who g o ahead and install a walk-in tub in their homes today, will be able to live independently for an additional five years
Walk-in tubs are exactly what the name implies, tubs that have larg e doors that open, and you simply walk in and sit down on a 17-inch-high seat You close and lock the door and the tub fills rapidly while you are sitting comfor tably and safely inside All the taps and controls are easily accessible at your fing er tips Once you are done your bath, tum the dial and the tub quickly drains and you simply open the door and walk out of the tub T he various models all have numerous g rab bars and nonslip surfaces making g etting in and out wor r y free Walkin tubs are designed for an aging population who desire to remain
independent for many years to come Manufacturers have optional tub designs accommodating ever y shape and size of person and bathroom.
T here is a tub size that will fit in the space where your existing tub or shower is Walk-in tubs can be as basic as a soaker tub to as deluxe as your own personal spa. Offering numerous options such as heated back, multispeed war m air jets, water jets, ozone, light therapy, aromatherapy, and more.
T he benefits of a walk-in tub are numerous Many people crave being able to confidently have a bath ag ain and find relief by just soaking in a war m tub Owners say they believe they sleep better after a soothing bath. T he war m air or water jets give a deep massag e and help to stimulate circulation, thus car r ying additional healing oxyg en throughout the body to the hands and feet T his has shown positive results increasing mobility and helping to relieve the pain and symptoms of such conditions as ar thritis, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic and peripheral neuropathy, as well as various other acute and chronic conditions
T he Canadian Gover nment website
states that 1 in 4 seniors fall ever y year, and 25% of these falls are serious, leaving the victims per manently disabled and bedridden. A larg e
percentag e of these falls take place in the bathroom. Aside from all the pain and suffering it also ends up costing the Canadian medical system two
billion dollars annually. T herefore, the British Columbia and Federal Gover nments are helping many people who decide to purchase a walk-in tub now T he help comes in the for ms of a tax credit, a Provincial Sales Tax waiver, and in cer tain qualifying cases a $7,500.00 Gover nment Grant
As we all ag e and the years fly by, many seniors are faced with the reality that taking proactive steps today and deciding to retrofit their homes with a walk-in tub is one of the best investments they can make to help them ag e in place, comfor tably and independently in the home they love g Sponsored content provided by Island Walk-in Tubs.
Perhaps, one of the best decisions I’ ve made is when I decided to go ahead and put a walkin tub in my hous e I no longer have a fear of falling and this will help me live in my home for many more years to come.” Je an S Enjoy
Embark on an extraordinary adventure in your own backyard with Mile Zero Tours this summer. Join us on an immersive journey through Vancouver Island’s hidden gems, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture. Designed exclusively for island residents, this captivating tour showcases the island’s rich history and stunning wilderness. Prepare to be amazed by the wonders that await you.
Our adventure begins with a captivating journey through time and nature. Departing from Victoria, immerse yourself in the area’s history with a visit to the Sooke Regional Museum. Then traverse a wilderness highway to Port Renfrew, the charming coastal community where you’ll enjoy a cozy dinner and accommodations for the night.
Next morning, we venture eastward, treating you to panoramic views of Lake Cowichan’s backcountry. Delight in the charm of Coombs Country Market and be awestruck by the majestic Douglas r trees of Cathedral Grove. Spend the night in Port Alberni, the gateway to our next adventure.
We’ll explore the Paci c Rim. Take in picturesque views from the Amphitrite Point Lighthouse and indulge in a leisurely lunch in Ucluelet. Experience the grandeur of Paci c Rim National Park Reserve as you take a leisurely stroll along the captivating Long Beach.
While still in the mid-island dive into the island’s industrial history at the Industrial Heritage Center and McLean “Steam” Sawmill, a national historic site. Before travelling on to Mount Washington for breathtaking views.
Travelling north, we take to the water as we navigate the Northern Wilderness. Cruise through the Goletas Channel, spotting humpback whales, orcas, and an array of sea birds. Explore the vibrant First Nations culture in Alert Bay, the oldest community on northern Vancouver Island, and enjoy lunch with a view in Telegraph Cove.
After two nights in the northern town of Port Hardy it is time to head south, we pause in Fanny Bay, renowned for its delectable oysters, before reaching the sandy shores of Parksville. Enjoy beachside relaxation and soak in the serene coastal ambiance.
Our grand nale takes us to Chemainus, celebrated for its captivating heritage murals. Indulge in a delicious lunch at the Chemainus Theatre and be enthralled by a captivating matinee show. Raise a toast in the beautiful Cowichan Valley, bidding farewell to an unforgettable journey through Vancouver Island’s hidden gems.
From scenic wonders to cultural discoveries, this meticulously tailored tour offers breathtaking landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. Let Mile Zero Tours unveil the splendor of your backyard. The tour includes all accommodations, attractions, tours, transport, many meals, and door-to-door home pick up service. A few spaces still available for the 8 Day July 19 – 26. For more information or to book a spot please call 250.590.0811 or visit MileZeroTours.com
Ever yone recognizes the challenges facing us with cost-of-living and global economic uncertainty on the rise.
I’m here to support you.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me: Murray.Rankin.MLA@leg.bc.ca 250-472-8528 @leg.bc.
The Seaside Folkn’Fiddle Festival is back June 9-11 with artists from around North America converging on Sidney for three days of Americana, Bluegrass, Celtic, Jazz, Country, R&B and of course – Fiddling!
The festival includes concerts, dances and outdoor performances at The Charlie White Theatre, The Sidney Army/Navy and The Beacon Bandshell at the Sidney waterfront.
This year’s lineup features 2017 Juno winners and world touring artists The Fretless, a fiddling string quartet stretching the boundaries of traditional fiddle music. For their Folkn’Fiddle Festival performances, The Fretless are joined by Winnipeg vocalist Madeleine Roger. Also on the bill are veteran performers like multi-Juno winning songwriter Stephen Fearing of Blackie & The Rodeo Kings and Canadian National Fiddling Champion Pierre Schryer along with some new faces like Saskatchewan Country Music Artist of the Year Jake Vaadeland & The Sturgeon River Boys and Alberta-based, rising alt-country star Mariel Buckley.
Under artistic director Oliver Swain, Folkn’Fiddle has diversified to include genres like R&B, Latin and Jazz. This year the festival will welcome award winning New York City vocalist Emily Braden to perform with Ashley Wey and Louis Rudner. Other US performers include Portland-based Bluegrass and Americana artists Tony Furtado and Luke Price.
The Beacon Bandshell at the Sidney waterfront will host two concerts June 9 & 10, evening Gala Performances and a Sunday Matinee will be held at Charlie White Theatre and revellers can enjoy table seating and a full dance floor every night at The Festival Cabaret hosted by The Sidney Army, Navy & Airforce on Fourth St. The Seaside Folkn’Fiddle Festival packs every stage with four to six groups per night performing short concert sets and collaborating in spontaneous jam sessions.
Tickets for each event are available individually starting at $29, festival goers can also purchase an all-access festival pass for $125 or a cabaret super pass for $75 for all three nights at The Festival Cabaret.
Tickets and info are available at www.folknfiddle.ca you can also follow The Seaside Folkn’Fiddle Festival on Facebook or Instagram to keep up on festival announcements and special offers leading up to the big weekend.
• The Fretless with Madeleine Roger
• Stephen Fearing with Richard Moody
• Mariel Buckley
• Jake Vaadeland & The Sturgeon River Boys
• Tony Furtado & Luke Price
• Emily Braden
• Pierre Schryer & Adam Dobres
• Olivia Barrett
• Club Voltaire
As we age, it becomes more important than ever to prioritize our mental health and emotional well-being, but it can be dif cult to nd activities and resources to keep your mental and emotional well-being healthy. Here are a few of our tips and tricks to help you put your mental and emotional health on the fore-front.
Staying mentally active is crucial for maintaining cognitive functions and improving mood. Participate in activities that stimulate the mind, such as reading, crossword puzzles, or playing games. Additionally, learning a new skill or taking up a new hobby can also improve brain function and provide a sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s painting, writing, or learning a new language, pursuing a passion can be ful lling and rewarding.
Socializing and staying connected with others is essential for emotional well-being. Loneliness and isolation are detrimental to mental health, so trying to engage with other members of the community is a must! Set aside time each day to talk with your neighbours, join a club or group, or even volunteer at a nearby community centre. It may seem dif cult at rst, but remember: a sense of community and belonging can help boost self-esteem and increase overall happiness.
Physical activity is crucial for maintaining both physical and mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Even gentle exercise, such as walking or stretching, can provide signi cant bene ts. Take advantage of seniors’ tness classes in the community or spend some time outdoors getting fresh air and sunshine.
Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and promote well-being. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga are all effective methods for calming the mind and body. Some retirement communities, like Ross Place and Lakeside Gardens, offer classes
on mindfulness practices that you may want to consider attending to learn more. Taking time each day to focus on self-care and relaxation can enhance overall mental and emotional well-being.
Maintaining mental health and emotional well-being requires a holistic approach. Staying mentally active, socializing and staying connected with others, engaging in physical activity, and practicing mindfulness and relaxation techniques can all have a positive impact on mental health. By prioritizing these activities and engaging with the community
around you, you can enhance your overall well-being and enjoy a ful lling and enjoyable retirement.
If you’re looking for a seniors retirement community in Victoria or Nanaimo that offers a variety of recreational activities to keep your mind sharp, check out Ross Place and Lakeside Gardens.
Visit rossplace.ca or call or 250.381.8666 to learn more about Ross Place in Victoria. Visit lakeside-gardens.com or call 250.756.0799 to learn more about Lakeside Gardens in Nanaimo.
We honour the life and contribution of our clients by fostering independence and upholding dignity through custom support plans and committed caregiver relationships.
In 2022 the North American anti-aging market was reportedly worth US4 17.44 Billion. In 2021 North Americans spent US$ 9.1 Billion on anti-wrinkle products alone.
While a quality skin-care routine, regular physical activity, and a nutritionally dense diet are all important factors for maintaining or even improving health as we age, did you know there is another powerful way to boost your physical and mental health and stave off the effects of aging?
Much of the anti-aging industry revolves around products or services to be acquired or consumed. But this lesserpromoted boost-of-youthfulness isn't about what you need to acquire - it's about what you have to offer.
In a world where adult children and grandchildren have increasingly busy schedules and commitments, empty-nesters and retirees may be surprised to realize they possess the most precious commodities of our day: time and undivided attention.
A few hours spent assisting a senior with their errands or simply providing a listening ear over tea, or a steady arm for a stroll through the park...these may prove to be some of the richest and most purpose-filled hours in your week.
The simple reminder that you possess the strength and health to be the one providing assistance opens the door to gratitudephysical and emotional benefits begin to add up from there.
Numerous studies have shown helping others comes with a wide array of health benefits that can add a tangible boost of radiance to your countenance as much, or more, than the best lotions and anti-aging treatments.
Reduced stress, improved mood and increased overall happiness are just a few of the health and beauty benefits that simply can't be bottled.
Do you enjoy meeting new people and developing one-on-one connections? Do you have a few hours to share? Medical training is not required - simply a desire to connect and brighten someone's week.
Reach out to a local senior care provider to learn more about how you can begin experiencing the win-win benefits of becoming a part-time Companion Caregiver; enjoying all the health and wellness benefits while even earning some extra income.
Many geriatric researchers presenting at safety conferences agree that education, not testing, is the answer to seniors driving longer and safer.
Prior to intervention by family, government, medical personnel or police, seniors should take charge of their driving situation. It is best to prepare for an impending driver assessment well ahead of time. It will relieve the stress of the unknown and the arrival of the dreaded letter. Seniors should be proactive, not reactive, when it comes to all sorts of things, particularly as it pertains to driving.
Many people believe seniors have a higher-than-normal crash frequency. This is not true. They do have a much higher chance of
injury in a crash because of the frailty brought on by advanced age, particularly those over 75 years of age. Two presenters at a DSAA conference made a very strong case that senior-driver harassment by governing bodies exists throughout North America. The most common crashes listed in order of frequency and cause of injury are:
• The left turn at intersections, crossing multiple oncoming lanes of traffic, causes injury for all drivers. This type of crash is often due to declining depth perception in seniors and lack of experience in teens.
• The fact that oncoming vehicle drivers could change to the outside through-lane at an intersection, without
warning, and be hidden behind the inside lane of two lanes approaching, was also a factor. For both seniors with slower reaction times and teens lack of experience, lack of scanning contributes to this crash.
• Rear end crashes are very common. This is caused by all drivers not understanding time and distance for stopping. Understanding the consequences of tailgating is a lesson to be learned by all. Again, seniors are more likely to experience more injury than a teen.
Joan Wallace Driving School offers a free seminar for seniors at 2:00 pm every fourth Wednesday monthly. Call to sign up. 250-383-7483
Did you know that gardening is not only a fun pastime, but has been proven to improve mental and physical wellbeing, particularly among seniors? Research has shown that seniors who garden for two and a half hours per week have a decreased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and depression.
Tapestry at Victoria Harbour is a new seniors’ community that encourages gardening as a social activity that creates opportunities to share skills and cultivate friendships with like-minded neighbours. The residents have formed a Gardening Club to share their enthusiasm and passion for growing owers and herbs on the community’s rooftop terrace. Some of the herbs are used at the in-house restaurant for everyone to enjoy, while others nd their way
into culinary creations crafted by residents in their own kitchens. The stunning rooftop terrace also serves as a space for residents to host a BBQ or simply sit back and enjoy the views – and the fruits of their labour.
Throughout the community there are unique amenity spaces offering a wide range of programs, tness classes, events, educational opportunities and social clubs. A full calendar of events each month presents countless opportunities for residents to build friendships while staying physically and socially engaged each and every day.
The beautiful and spacious residences within Tapestry at Victoria Harbour allow residents to remain independent while enjoying
the bene ts of being part of a community. Each thoughtfully designed home includes a contemporary full kitchen and tranquil bathroom, with some also showcasing impressive views. This spring, Tapestry is offering two unique promotions. If you prefer to purchase a home, save up to $57,000, equivalent to 5% GST on that home*. Or if you prefer to rent, you can receive up to $5,000 towards moving costs*. To experience the Tapestry difference for yourself, join them for a personalized tour of the display homes, enjoy a complimentary lunch or even stay the night and try it out. Visit TapestryVictoria.com or call 250.419.4261 for more information.
The GST is on us, save up to $57,000*
Li ve at t h e h e a r t of a wa l ke r ’s pa ra d ise. O w n a brig ht , m od er n l u xur y co n d o miniu m in Vic toria’s m ost beloved n eig h bour h ood , just a block fro m th e In n er Har bour. Aſter a water fro nt stroll , co m e h o m e to vibra nt socia l eve nt s , well n ess - focused progra m min g a n d exq uisite cuisin e. T his is u nsur passed retire m e nt livin g .
Come for lunch, spend the night, try it out. Own from $595,900*. If you prefer to rent, ask about our leasing promotion.