Embarking on the journey to a seniors’ community is a personal decision, shaped by a myriad of individual aspirations and desires.
For many, the impetus lies in the weariness of endless household chores and the burden of home maintenance, prompting a yearning for a simpler, more relaxing lifestyle. Others are drawn by the ease of vibrant social connections, shared experiences or the desire to prioritize wellness.If these or other reasons for considering a move to seniors living have crossed your mind, now might be the right time to plan a move to Tapestry at Victoria Harbour, an awardwinning, active aging community for independent seniors.
For those seeking to leverage the sale of their home to finance a move, recent market gains provide a springboard to support that decision. According to Jay Herrick of Herrick Real Estate Victoria, an MLS GOLD Award recipient and one of 2023’s top 10% of realtors in the Victoria Real Estate Board, now is a perfect time to sell given low inventory and solid gains experienced by homeowners over the past several years.
Herrick says the Canadian Real Estate Association Benchmark Price for a single-family home in the Victoria Real Estate Board in March 2019 was $772,700. In March 2024, Herrick confirms that number increased to $1,133,000, which means the typical singlefamily homeowner has added approximately $6,000 of equity per month for five years. “The best part,” adds Herrick, “is that the equity on a primary residence is tax free, meaning owners have been handsomely rewarded for living in and enjoying their home.”
Verna, who moved into Tapestry in late 2023, believes investing in your retirement living is money well spent. After exploring many seniors’ communities, Verna selected Tapestry because of its exceptional location, beautiful suites and friendly employees.
While she understands the
thought of moving may overwhelm some people, Verna says the help she received from the downsizing company, Home Again Seniors Transition Services, working in partnership with Tapestry, made the process run smoothly. “It was a great team,” says Verna. “With everyone working together, I arrived in my suite with almost everything in place, including working cable and internet.”
When asked if she struggled with downsizing decisions, Verna is matter of fact about the experience. “You have to come to a place in your mind and soul about what is best for you. Is it holding on to things…or is
it living your life?”
If you are ready to make a change, Tapestry uniquely offers the services of a Sales and MoveIn Advisor who can provide complimentary support to ease the transition. “For many residents, what matters most is knowing someone is by your side through the entire move,” says Carlos Martinez, Sales & Move-In Advisor. Want to learn more about how Tapestry can make your move stress-free?
Visit TapestryVictoria.com or call 250.419.4261 to schedule a tour and complimentary lunch.
Rent today. Ask about our exciting move-in incentives.
A resident since 2021, Angie says Tapestry is the perfect fit for her independent lifestyle. She appreciates the many wellness programs and social ac tivities and living in a vibrant community with engaged, ac tive residents. Angie also enjoys the community’s picturesque location as well as the full range of personalized programs, services and amenities that emphasize choice and flexibility to create a uniquely wonder ful living experience.
Now is the per fect time to move into Tapestr y. Call to schedule a tour and complimentar y lunch . Rental homes from $3,715 per month .
Calling all active adults aged 55 and older in British Columbia! Registration is now open for the 2024 55+ BC Games in Salmon Arm, BC. Scheduled from September 10th to 14th, 2024, this annual event will see 23 sports and activities offered for the 3000+ participants. As the largest multi-sport event in the province and a vital part of the BC sport system, the Games offer a unique chance to celebrate sports, active living, and community spirit.The 55+ BC Games invite athletes aged 55 and older to participate in a variety of sports. Whether it’s swimming, pickleball, cycling, or more, there’s something for everyone,
regardless of skill level or athletic background. New this year is 3 on 3 basketball. This addition will be featured as a demo sport, providing an opportunity for athletes to test their skills and potentially see it included in future Games. To register for the 55+ BC Games, visit the official website at 55plusbcgames.org and fill out the online registration form. Early registration is recommended to secure a spot in preferred sporting events, as spaces are limited.The 55+ BC Games are presented on an annual basis in different host cities by the BC Seniors Games Society (BCSGS).
Have you ever wondered about the buzz surrounding terms like “Artificial Intelligence” or “AI”? In simple terms, it is like having a highly intelligent digital assistant at your disposal 24/7, 365 days a year. Fundamentally, it’s about teaching computers to think and act like humans, albeit without the need for rest breaks!
A common example of AI are voice assistants such as Siri or Alexa. They can provide answers to questions, set reminders, and even share a joke or two! Think of them as a virtual friend who is always there to offer advice and lend a (virtual) hand.
AI can also be very helpful as we age, even using devices we already have. Consider this scenario: as we grow older, managing our health becomes increasingly important. AI can serve as a personal wellness coach, reminding us to take medications, suggesting suitable exercises, or monitoring vital signs. It’s akin to having a vigilant guardian overseeing our health.
Most consumer devices have some AI features already integrated into them. AI-powered cameras on your cell phone or laptop can optimize photos, adjusting settings for the perfect shot. Smart predictive text suggests words as
you type, improving efficiency. Facial recognition unlocks devices swiftly and securely. AI algorithms can also personalize content recommendations on social media and streaming platforms.
Mother Computers offers one on one training and tutoring to help you learn all about the AI features of devices you may already own, such as your cell phone, tablet/IPad and computer or laptop. Sessions can be booked for one or two people for the
same price so you can bring a friend or loved one and learn together! Call us today to book or get more information. Bring this article in for a special discount.
Phone: 250-479-8561
• Learn at your
Victoria Implant Centre
Q: Last week I had to see the dentist. Had to because that’s when I go and it still seems too often. Ok I’m hard on my teeth. I’m well into my sixties and I’ve been a bad brusher/ osser. I grind my teeth and I’ve smoked all my life. I guess my phobia for the profession is that all my “sins” are exposed every time I have to go in. I haven’t made teeth a priority but now I have to. My only chewing is on broken teeth. I know it sounds gross, but I just didn’t want to put my teeth before a lot
of other “more important” things and that’s what got me to this “crippled state.” I’ve got ten upper teeth, four of them are bad and one sticks out so far it doesn’t work when I’m chewing. The bottom is better and I was told if the right thing was done up top the bottom could wait.
The thought of getting my teeth out and having a denture – well I’m just not there yet, so what do I do? I’ve never wanted to spend money for things that are just going to go bad again. I mean I’ve had llings on top of llings and root canals too. Also, the hygienists and dentists that I’ve seen said I’ve lost a lot of bone. I was told it was my smoking but I don’t know. No problem, I quit two years ago. So, what about it? I’ve only got ve good teeth left.
A: Decay, smoking, grinding, and neglect have brought you to this point so you know that whatever is done, a big habit change is in order to have a healthy set of teeth. With ve “good” teeth remaining, it is dif cult to use them as bridge teeth to support all the teeth needed for good chewing function. In days gone by you would have been told your only option was a denture because a partial denture would put two much pressure on the remaining ve teeth.
With advances in technology of implants and bone grafting it is possible to use the sockets of the remaining teeth for implants and bone grafting in such a way as to increase the height and width of bone around the implants. In many cases, eight or ten implants can be placed, bone added and teeth placed on the same day or within a few days that resemble your own teeth. Implants don’t decay but neglect will ultimately produce disease in the gum and bone around them as it has with your natural teeth.
This is a big step – so, go all the way, make your hygienist your friend and take good care of yourself after your new bite is in place.
If we can help, we’d like to. Call 778-410-2080 for a consultation.
Based on actual patient cases www.VictoriaImplantCentre.com
Looking for natural, breathable fabrics? We carry cotton year round! Explore various options, from sophisticated prints to elegant patterns, ensuring something for everyone.
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Tuesday, April 30, 2024
A Victoria Times Colonist publication
Publisher: Dave Obee
Director of Advertising: Ed Kennedy #201-655 Tyee Road, Victoria, BC V9A 6X5
To advertise in the next issue and or submit content please contact: Aaron Ross, 250-380-5313 aross@timescolonist.com
Being an amputee is not a barrier to living a full and active life. With the help of arti cial limbs and devices, amputees like ve-year-old Vanessa Parsons can take part in their favourite activities.
Vanessa was born without the lower part of her left arm. As a member of The War Amps Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program, she receives nancial assistance for arti cial limbs and devices, peer support from other amputees “just like me,” and the opportunity to attend regional seminars where Champs and their parents learn about amputation and access valuable resources.
“I attended my rst CHAMP Seminar with Vanessa when she was six months old,” said her mother, Tori. “I learned a lot about arti cial limbs and how they can help in so many ways. The War Amps has funded Vanessa’s bike arm, which grips the handlebar and ensures she can sit up straight and ride safely. She also has a myoelectric arm that has a hand that opens and closes, which helps her to do activities like puzzles and colouring.”
The Association encourages Champs to develop a positive attitude towards their amputation and try any activity they set their
minds to. “Vanessa’s determination and zest for life is an inspiration to all around her,” said Danita Chisholm, Executive Director of the CHAMP Program. “Thanks to the public’s support of The War Amps Key Tag Service, we are able to help young amputees reach their goals.”
The War Amps does not receive government grants. Its programs are made possible through the public’s support of the Key Tag Service.
For more information, or to order key tags, visit waramps.ca or call toll-free 1 800 250-3030.
You can help amputees with acharitableestate donation in your will.Yourgif t provideschild amputees,like Vanessa, withartificiallimbs and valuable peer suppor t to help them on the road to independence. Youalso suppor tall amputees, including veterans, by giving themastrong advocatefor their needs.
Many geriatric researchers presenting at safety conferences agree that education, not testing, is the answer to seniors driving longer and safer.
Prior to intervention by family, government, medical personnel or police, seniors should take charge of their driving situation.
It is best to prepare for an impending driver assessment well ahead of time. It will relieve the stress of the unknown and the arrival of the dreaded letter. Seniors should be proactive, not reactive, when it comes to all sorts of things, particularly as it pertains to driving.
Many people believe seniors have a higher-than-normal crash frequency.
This is not true.
They do have a much higher chance of injury in a crash because of the
frailty brought on by advanced age, particularly those over 75 years of age.
Two presenters at a Driving School Association of the Americas conference made a very strong case that senior-driver harassment by governing bodies exists throughout North America.
The most common crashes listed in order of frequency and cause of injury are:
• The left turn at intersections, crossing multiple oncoming lanes of traffic, causes injury for all drivers. This type of crash is often due to declining depth perception in seniors and lack of experience in teens.
• The fact that oncoming vehicle drivers could change to the outside through-lane at an intersection, without
warning, and be hidden behind the inside lane of two lanes approaching, was also a factor. For both seniors with slower reaction times and teens lack of experience, lack of scanning contributes to this crash.
• Rear end crashes are very common. This is caused by all drivers not understanding time and distance for stopping. Understanding the consequences of tailgating is a lesson to be learned by all.
Again, seniors are more likely to experience more injury than a teen.
Joan Wallace Driving School offers a free seminar for seniors at 2 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
TO SIGN UP, CALL 250-383-7483.
When I was young, I remember reading the poem Footprints by Margaret Powers, which is still one of my favorite pieces of writing today.
It impacted me greatly, particularly the part where the individual sees only one set of footprints in the sand. When you continue reading, we nd out they haven’t been abandoned, but rather had been carried during the lowest and most hopeless time in their life.
This poem reminds me of the human connection we have for one another. To know that someone cares so deeply for you, they would bear some of the weight when they are needed most.
That’s special. It only seems tting, and in our nature, to want to provide that time-honoured tradition of carrying our dearly departed loved ones to their nal resting place.
Being asked to be a pallbearer for a family member or close friend who has died can be a very emotional yet meaningful experience.
Being chosen is a clear sign that you are a trusted and valued individual who has played a signi cant role in the person’s life to be given this responsibility.
You want to make sure it is done with the dignity and respect it requires. Possibly, you have participated as a pallbearer before
Serving residents and community members of Victoria for generations.
or perhaps it is your rst time … maybe even your rst funeral.
Rest assured, there will be a team of funeral professionals onsite to guide you and lead you in the process.
Including pallbearers in a service is a time-honoured tradition that should be considered even if a cremation is chosen as the nal disposition. We also see individuals chosen to carry the urn for a service, on its own or with two to four urn bearers using an urn arch.
This is a beautiful way to enter and exit the chapel and the cemetery with an urn.
There are no rules to who can perform the respectful duty.
Wh ether yo ua re pl an nin gi na dvan ce or re qu ireo ur co mp as sio nate ca re im med iate ly -p le as ec ontact our te am to honour yo ua nd yo ur love do nes wi sh es with in yo ur budgeta ry ne ed s.
Ca ll us to day: 250 -3 88 -515 5
Sands FuneralChapel Cremation &Reception Centre -Victoria by
Even if someone is unable to carry to the casket or urn physically, perhaps due to a disability or being of a young or old age, they can still participate by walking beside the casket or urn as an honourary pallbearer.
As our family members age, we are often faced with less family and friends available and it’s a good idea to have the conversation about who you would call upon, when the time comes, for you and your family members.
It is also OK for you to let important people in your life know that it would be something you would be available and honoured to do.
It is so impactful to watch a casket being carried. The weight that is being taken on is more than just the individual them self – it is also the love, the loss, the honour, the memories, and the realization of this being the nal journey, that will be taken together.
When we are at our most vulnerable and no longer have the ability to carry ourselves, what an amazing gift and duty we perform for our loved ones, ensuring they are carefully transported on that nal journey, by those who loved them most.
Many times, it is those who once carried us as children, that we may one day be called upon to carry ourselves, and our two sets of footprints, will again become one.
Laura Van Sprang is manager of Sands Funeral Chapel of Victoria by Arbor Memorial
One night I dreamed a dream. I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand, one belonging to me and one to my Lord.
When the last scene of my life shot before me I looked back at the footprints in the sand and to my surprise, I noticed that many times along the path of my life there was only one set of footprints.
I realized that this was at the lowest and saddest times of my life.
That always bothered me and I questioned the Lord about my dilemma. “Lord, you told me when I decided to follow You, You would would walk and talk with me all the way.
But, I’m aware that during the most troublesome times of my life there is only one set of footprints.
I just don’t understand why, when I needed you most, You left me.”
He whispered,”My precious child, I love you and will never leave you never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints it was then that I carried you.”
Footprints (by Margaret Fishback Powers)
That’s the premise behind Heart to Home Meals, which aims to empower individuals with healthy food choices and bring meals to your door.
The business, launched in Victoria in June of 2022 by Scott & Debra Downton, offers more than 200 meals, soups and desserts prepared to the highest standard.
“Our chefs follow the Canada Food Guide, and we have a global executive Four Seasons chef who has travelled the world, cooked for celebrities, and makes nutritious
food taste really good,” said Scott. “He creates all these options and then at the peak of cooking, the meals are ash frozen to lock in the nutrition and avour.
You get the meal, put it in the oven for 30 minutes or in the microwave for 10 minutes, and it’s almost as though the meal was just cooked.
The smells ll your kitchen, the avour bursts in your mouth.”
Serving Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, the business has rapidly grown, with approximately 1,800 customers, including a network of veterans. Meals come in three different sizes: mini, standard and hearty for larger appetites.
Nutrition options are colour coded for easy classi cation. They include meals for limiting sodium and carbohydrates, gluten, saturated fat, high- bre diets and additional protein, to name a few.
“The COVID-19 pandemic drove the ‘aging in home’ concept, where people preferred to stay in their homes and communities,” explained Debra. “This
exacerbated the “tea and toast syndrome,” where people would have a piece of toast and cup of tea for supper. Your body doesn’t get the nutrition it needs and, just say after surgery, the hospitals will tell you that one of the things that brings people back is malnutrition, and the rising price of food and everything else makes it worse.”
The “aging at home” group is the business’s main customer base, followed by individuals coming out of the hospital.
Web: hearttohomemeals.ca
Phone: 778-486-9889
Toll Free: 1-844-812-1974
Ever yone recognizes the challenges facing us with cost-of-living and global economic uncertainty on the rise.
I’m here to support you.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me: Murray.Rankin.MLA@leg.bc.ca 250-472-8528 @leg.bc.
That’s Entertainment is a mesmerizing and eclectic theatrical style show that will have you dancing in your seat! Revel in a musical lineup inspired by the timeless hits that sizzled the movie screens with Hollywood’s song and dance numbers, vaudeville, and old-fashioned showbiz. Artistic Director Lena Palermo has chosen songs from the razzle dazzle of the best musical-theatre numbers Broadway has ever known, to theme songs from 70’s sitcoms and modern film classics.
Our powerful mixed voice choir will perform Welcome to the Rock from the Broadway musical hit, Come from Away, based on
the remarkable true events that occurred in the town of Gander, Newfoundland following the September 11 attacks. You’ll miss your homeland wherever you hail from with the song, My Land, made famous by Irish super group Celtic Thunder.
You’ll hear music from the beloved Disney classic, The Lion King, and hits from, The Greatest Showman, the rags to riches story inspired by P.T. Barnum, numbers from jukebox musical, Jersey Boys, Opening Up from the Broadway musical, Waitress and the tender arrangement, Pure Imagination from the 2023 film Wonka.
Enjoy piercing ballads like U2’s mega hit, It’s a Beautiful Day and
classic songs from the Beatles! You’ll take a music-filled romp through fan favourite TV series like Bonanza and Mr. ED, Laverne and Shirley, The Adam’s Family, Three’s Company, and the enduring ending to the Carol Burnett Show.
We are pleased to welcome our accompanist this season, composer, arranger, producer and musician, Karel Roessingh. Our professional show band includes percussionist, Terry Erskine, bassist Gerry Klassen, guitarist Ryan Lainchbury, and violinist Jessica Natale Woollard.
Co. is back with dazzling dance numbers and powerful athleticism choreographed by Kim Brieland.
Join the Peninsula Singers, Artistic Director Lena Palermo, young artists, dancers, and guests for the 2024 Spring Show, That’s Entertainment!
The Peninsula Singers supports the Saanich Peninsula Hospital & HealthCare Foundation’s Music Therapy Program and Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank.
That’s Entertainment! Fri, May 3 @ 7:30pm, Sat, May 4 @ 7:30pm, Sun, May 5 @ 2pm
Mary Winspear Centre
2243 Beacon Ave., Sidney
Adults: $35, Children: $18 Box O ce: 250-656-0275
The Peninsula Singers support young talent. Our spring show features Spectrum Community School performing music from the comedy film, ‘School of Rock’. Internationally recognized STAGES Dance
Friday, May 3 - 7:30pm
May 4 - 7:30pm Sunday,May 5 - 2:00pm
As we ag e and begin to lose our mobility and sense of balance, bathing can not only become difficult but also a cause of additional stress and anxiety
Fear of falling and a fear of not being able to g et out of the tub are two of the most common occur rences with many of our seniors today Walk-in tubs have become extremely popular in the last decade and estimates show that people who g o ahead and install a walk-in tub in their homes today, will be able to live independently for an additional five years
Walk-in tubs are exactly what the name implies, tubs that have larg e doors that open, and you simply walk in and sit down on a 17-inch-high seat
You close and lock the door and the tub fills rapidly while you are sitting comfor tably and safely inside All the taps and controls are easily accessible at your fing er tips Once you are done your bath, tum the dial and the tub quickly drains and you simply open the door and walk out of the tub T he various models all have numerous g rab bars and nonslip surfaces making g etting in and out wor r y free Walkin tubs are designed for an aging population who desire to remain
independent for many years to come Manufacturers have optional tub designs accommodating ever y shape and size of person and bathroom.
T here is a tub size that will fit in the space where your existing tub or shower is Walk-in tubs can be as basic as a soaker tub to as deluxe as your own personal spa. Offering numerous options such as heated back, multispeed war m air jets, water jets, ozone, light therapy, aromatherapy, and more.
T he benefits of a walk-in tub are numerous Many people crave being able to confidently have a bath ag ain and find relief by just soaking in a war m tub Owners say they believe they sleep better after a soothing bath. T he war m air or water jets give a deep massag e and help to stimulate circulation, thus car r ying additional healing oxyg en throughout the body to the hands and feet T his has shown positive results increasing mobility and helping to relieve the pain and symptoms of such conditions as ar thritis, chronic back pain, fibromyalgia, diabetic and peripheral neuropathy, as well as various other acute and chronic conditions
T he Canadian Gover nment website
states that 1 in 4 seniors fall ever y year, and 25% of these falls are serious, leaving the victims per manently disabled and bedridden. A larg e
percentag e of these falls take place in the bathroom. Aside from all the pain and suffering it also ends up costing the Canadian medical system two
Perhaps, one of the best decisions I’ ve made is when I decided to go ahead and put a walkin tub in my hous e I no longer have a fear of falling and this will help me live in my home for many more years to come.” Je an S
billion dollars annually. T herefore, the British Columbia and Federal Gover nments are helping many people who decide to purchase a walk-in tub now T he help comes in the for ms of a tax credit, a Provincial Sales Tax waiver, and in cer tain qualifying cases a $9,000.00 Gover nment Grant
As we all ag e and the years fly by, many seniors are faced with the reality that taking proactive steps today and deciding to retrofit their homes with a walk-in tub is one of the best investments they can make to help them ag e in place, comfor tably and independently in the home they love g Sponsored content provided by Island Walk-in Tubs.
living to seniors.
been in business for over 30 years.
My mother’s name was Donna. She was great at softball player, could kick your butt in crib and baked the kind of buns that made you give up keto. Mom had a quick wit, a great sense of humour and could tell you the capital city and major export of any country in the world, even though she never got to travel beyond North America. Mom had 8 children. I was the last and it was a tough birth. Dad chose to name me after her. I was proud to be Little Donna – Mom tolerated being called Big Donna.
One of my earliest memories was taking phone calls for Mom – being her ‘go-between’. We would sit face-to-face on chairs in front of the phone. I would tell her what the caller said and she would give me a response to pass along. Eventually, Mom was fi t with hearing aids. I remember laying in the front seat of the car with my head on her purse, sleeping on the drive up to Moose Jaw to see the audiologist. On the way home, I stayed awake because we could visit - she could hear me without looking at me. I was amazed.
Every year we would make the trip up to Moose Jaw for a hearing
test and to have her hearing aids serviced. We generally managed to get our ‘city shop’ done that day as well – running around to stores to pick up items we didn’t have access to in our tiny town. When I was about 14 years old, I asked if I could stay and watch the audiologist for the rest of the day, rather than go shopping. Watching people smile and relax with their new hearing aids after years of not being able to comfortably communicate fascinated me. My future career was chosen.
I was able to fi t Mom with one set of hearing aids during my brief time working as an audiologist in Saskatchewan, before moving to BC to practice. I was nervous about her appointment. Rightly so as during the test she stopped me to point out some smudges on the window of the sound booth.
Mom’s hearing deteriorated rapidly when she was in her fifties, in hindsight, possibly due to an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder. In her seventies, she received a cochlear implant. Sitting in the booth with Mom and Dad while the audiologist activated the implant processor was the only time I’d ever
seen my dad cry. She did so well with her implant – her hearing was not returned to normal, but it was a miracle of science that she could hear at all.
Mom passed away during the COVID lockdown. I hadn’t seen her in well over a year. The day before
she died, she called each of her Donna M. Stewart,
kids. We had a good visit and the last words I heard from her were “love you”. I will always be grateful that, at the end, she was able to hear over the phone, even without her ‘go-between’.
Hear Inc.
Hearing and Balance
independent audiologists, hearing aid
“As manufacturer.” for you, not a we work
It ’ s possible to suppor t the work of the Times Colonist Literac y Societ y through planned giving. Your gif t can leave a legac y and will be suppor ted by your family and friends . A mention in your will can make a dif ference in the lives of people living below the pover t y line and be a par t of something larger for years to come.
Silver Threads Service offers many worthwhile activities for health and well-being this spring. If you have ever wondered if you could do yoga – we will tell you yes! Yoga can be for every BODY – and the benefits are many! With a variety of classes offered in two locations there is sure to be something that fits for you.
The benefits of a regular practice include reducing stress by learning to calm the body and stilling the mind using breathing techniques. With greater relaxation comes lower stress, blood pressure and better sleep. By moving and stretching you will find improvements in strength, balance and flexibility that helps with relief from with pain. As well practicing yoga will improve your outlook and energy for the positive!
There are new sessions of Gentle Yoga beginning the week of May 23rd, and we are pleased to introduce instructor Tanya Roberts. She is an experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and a Certified Yoga Therapist. Tanya strives to create a safe, compassionate, inclusive space and atmosphere that welcomes all fitness levels.
At the Victora Centre classes are Mondays, 1:00 to 2:00pm starting May 27th. While at the Saanich Centre classes are Thursdays, 9:30 to 10:30 or 10:45 to 11:45am starting May 23rd.
At the Victoria Centre, located at 1911 Quadra Street, near the Victoria Police Station, there is
also Chair Yoga, Qigong or if you are looking for social games, there is Chess and Euchre. If you are looking to get active, Functional Fitness is offered daily Monday to Friday.
The Saanich Centre is at 286 Hampton Road, not far from Tillicum Mall and has good parking for those who are driving. Many of us are looking to stay sharp and are proactive in improving our cognitive function. To that end, our Brain Games, Memory PLUS and Dynamic Discussions Programs take doing crosswords or Sudoku to a higher level. It is fun, social and our facilitator will make sure everyone has an enjoyable experience!
Visit our Program page on our website www.silverthreads.ca or visit our Centres to pick up a Program Guide.
Silver Threads Service has been serving the community for 67 years.
To contact our Saanich Centre call 250 382-3151, or to contact our Victoria Centre call 250 388-4268. Staff will be happy to help.
New and Exciting!
A floor-based class for strength, mobility, and balance.
Dates: Thursdays, May 23rd to June 27th
Time: 9:30am to 10:30am or 10:45am to 11:45am
Cost: 6/$54 members, $78 non-members
Leader: Tanya Roberts
A weekly two hour program where participants learn about brain health and the science of how memory works. Each week will cover an important topic related to proactive brain health and participants will discuss important tips and strategies, connect with peers and try fun brain fitness activities. The group is led by a qualified facilitator and is interactive and social.
Date: Wednesdays, May 22nd to June 26th
Time: 1:00pm to 3:00pm
Cost: 6/ $54 member, $78 non-member
Leader: Louise Thauvette
Silver Threads
vices for
Victoria Centre 1911 Quadra St. 250 388-4268
An ancient Chinese moving meditation exercise that involves body movement, breathing, mental focus.
Dates: Tuesdays, May 21st to June 25th
Time: 10:00am to 11:00am
Cost: 6/$54 members, $78 non-members
Leader: Frances Weick
A floor-based class for strength, mobility, and balance.
Dates: Mondays, May 27th to June 24th
Time: 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Cost: 5/$45 members, $65 non-members
Leader: Tanya Roberts
If you are ready to amp up your cognitive function and take a proactive approach to your brain health, Silver Threads Service offers programs that can support you in this health practice. Our Spring Programs start in April and include Memory PLUS, Brain Games and Dynamic Discussions. These programs are for those 55+ who would like to enhance their memory skills in an active and social group setting. Call 250 3823151 or visit www.silverthreads.ca for more information.
Considered by many to be the ‘last frontier,’ Canada’s Yukon and Northwest Territories remains an unchecked item on many a traveller’s bucket list. Far more than a frozen wasteland, Canada’s North is absolutely brimming with life. Long days of sunlight in the summer and unbelievably breathtaking sights as far as the eye can see await you in this beautiful untouched wilderness. It’s a region where Canadian heritage is accentuated, with breathtaking flora, abundant fauna and a culture formed by the union of Indigenous Peoples and European settlement. Each summer, local tour operator Mile Zero Tours operates fully guided tours to the Yukon and Northwest Territories.
On the thirteeen-day tour, travellers will experience northern culture firsthand. Highlights include trying your luck at gold panning in the Klondike, taking in a show at the famed Diamond Tooth Gerties, riding back in time on the stunning White Pass and Yukon railway, traveling the Top of the World Highway and soaking up the midnight sun. Stunning landscapes with breathtaking vistas can be seen across the north on trips to Tombstone and Kluane park. But perhaps the most memorable part of this journey is hearing the heart of the locals through enthralling tales and legends of this magical land where the compass leads rather than the clock.
While all this would certainly make for a once-in-a-lifetime excursion, the true highlight of this journey is venturing well beyond the Arctic Circle to the shores of the Arctic Ocean over the majestic expanses of tundra by airplane to the far northern community of Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Then travel the new Arctic Highway to the secluded seaside community of Tuktoyaktuk, nestled on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. Learn about northern life both now and in days gone by,
taste traditional arctic fare and dip your toe in the waters of the Arctic ocean.
For many, travelling to remote destinations like Canada’s North may seem like an unreachable destination. But on a guided tour with Mile Zero Tours, your dream becomes a reality. The tour operator makes travel at any age a possibility for residents of Vancouver Island and offers home pickup and return throughout Greater Victoria. Whether traveling alone or with a friend, small group sizes allow you to create lasting connections with your fellow travellers, as
you discover wonders together with the services of a caring and professional Tour Director to make your journey easy.
What are your travel plans for 2024? For guided tours that begin and end at your front door, contact Mile Zero Tours at 250.590.0811. For more information or to book an upcoming tours please visit www.MileZeroTours.com.