Grow into a Career You Love Training with Full-Time and Part-Time Options collegeadmin@hcp.ca 505 Quayle Road www.hcp.ca Pacific Horticulture College
Though the blazing days of July are only just behind us, Autumn is already fast approaching. Cool winds, crisp leaves, and, for some of us, the return of school. SKAM School of the Performing Arts is returning as well with Fall classes. Though the subject matter is far from math or social studies, they o er important lessons that are useful both inside and outside of the performing arts. By signing your child or teen up for theatre classes you are giving them the opportunity to gain invaluable skills applicable in a myriad of situations. Our roster this upcoming semester includes Character Creation, Devising, and Improv. Each of these classes provide an accessible and safe environment for your child or teen to explore their creative side and feel con dent expressing themselves. Under the guidance of our teachers, students delve into their imaginations in Character Creation; grow their teamwork and communication skills in Devising; and learn to think on their feet in Improv. And most importantly: they get to have fun while doing all of this. SKAM School for the Performing Arts is not any theatre school either–we o er small class sizes, a ordable pricing with bursary options, and unique programming inspired by our mission statement–to create theatre that is innovative and never boring. Theatre SKAM began performing in 1995 to audiences in Victoria as well as touring locally and internationally. In 2017, SKAM acquired the Kate Rubin Theatre and Drama Studio and established our own theatre school that is now widely-loved and acclaimed. If you’re interested, you can check out our website at skam.ca and our school at skam.ca/school. Any questions can be directed to schooladmin@skam.ca
THEATRE SKAM YourImproveImprovwithSKAM Apprenticeship
By Laura Biggs In a world with a wealth of career paths available, it is important to do something you love. For some people, this involves being outdoors and working with plants. In the eld of horticulture, professionals practice the science and art of caring for plants. There are a variety of career options within this eld, including working for landscaping companies, golf courses, municipal parks departments, public gardens, and nurseries, as well as self-employment. With all of these possibilities and available work, how does one set themselves apart in the industry?
Apprenticeship education is a way to help people prepare for and grow into a prosperous and rewarding career in horticulture. Although the learning in horticulture never truly ends, an apprenticeship education is a great place to start building the foundational knowledge and skills for a long-term career. At the Paci c Horticulture College (PHC), we have been training people for careers in horticulture since 1987. The PHC o ers a variety of full-time and part-time training options for each apprenticeship level in the provincial Landscape Horticulturist trades program. Our training provides you with the opportunity to connect with like-minded peers, instructors, sta , volunteers, and industry partners who share your passion for plants. In addition, the onsite demonstration gardens and experienced instructors provide you with a productive and enjoyable learning experience. Upcoming programs include Level 3 and 4 apprenticeship training over the winter months, part-time Level 1 apprenticeship training in late January, and the 10-month Landscape Horticulture Certi cate Program also starting in January. These programs have limited class sizes, so contact us soon if you’re interested! To learn more about how PHC can help you grow your love of plants into a career, contact us at collegeadmin@hcp.ca or 250-479-6162. Also visit hcp.ca for details on program options, application information, and tuition fees.
Approved GraduatedLicencingProgram AllAgesAll
Parents are excellent partners in training new drivers when working with driving instructors. They also benefit from the opportunity to refresh and update their driving. All new teen drivers have been observing parents driving skills and habits for many years. This could make teaching driving to the learner a piece of cake if the co-pilot is an excellent driver.
Here are some questions to answer before setting out for a parking lot to start your teen new driving experience: Does your teen know what to do if a car is coming at them? When more insurance claims are received from parking lot crashes than any other area, it is not advisable to start a learner in a parking lot. Choose a quiet street with limited parking. When an oncoming vehicle approaches how do you handle the situation? There are some necessary guidelines to discuss with the new driver before the situation arises. Does your teen know that green does not mean go? New drivers will often not have the countdown tempo for changing lights. They see others speeding up for yellow lights, and late turners going left all when the lights are red or green. A green light means one can go only when it is clear and safe to do so. These concepts are difficult to teach when poor real-life examples are observed every day. Did you know that 77% of all crashes are due to driver error? A new driver must learn the skills and the psychology of good decision making. Professional behind the wheel coaching incorporates the decision making in all situations. Defensive driving skills are so important in reducing crashes.Didyou know that learning to pass a car safely is more important than passing a road test? A confident well trained driver will be successful on a road test of any kind. The speed is low and traffic not that challenging on a road test. Passing a car at a high speed is the riskiest of all maneuvers. Head on collisions are the deadliest. Once a new driver has a license they can drive anywhere in all conditions. Parent taught new drivers are 51% successful on the first road test. Average driving school pass rate is 71%. Joan Wallace Driving School pass rate is 86%. joanwallacedrivingschool.com
250-38 DRIVE 250-383-7483 (large andsmall) Reasonsack to School
wallacedrivingschool.com *mention this ad to waiveyourregistrationfee Lesson Packages
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 A Victoria Times Colonist publication
Driving School or Teach Your Teen to Drive?
Are You Ready to Teach Your Teen to Drive?
Publisher: Dave Obee Director of Advertising: Ed Kennedy #201-655 Tyee Road, Victoria, BC To advertise in the next issue of Back to School, Contact: Aaron Ross • Phone: 250-380-5313 Email: aross@timescolonist.com
2 EAT TOGETHER In many parts of the world, eating together is highly important. Sharing the family dinner will let your child tell you about their day, learn healthy eating habits, and appreciate you making time for them.
3 TRY MEAL PREP Over the last few years meal-prep kits have become hugely popular for their time saving bene ts. Try a dinner or lunch delivery to free up your planning, shopping, and cooking time for other family activities.ThisWeek’s Lunch delivers pre-packed, healthy-but-tasty kid’s lunches right to your door. Choose from a selection of dietitian-approved items that your child will love, and trade lunch packing for game night!
Even small kids can clear the table or tidy their room. Perhaps try to schedule some time to clean the house as a family, and teach your children about the importance of team-work. Approach this as a fun activity with music and dancing to build happy memories.
As parents we all know how important it is to spend quality time with our kids. The bene ts of building a strong bond go far beyond simply having funFortogether.kids,the bene ts of family time are signi cant. Studies show that kids who spend more time with family tend to do better in school, develop stronger coping skills, and have higher selfesteem. Prioritizing family time can help improve the parent’s mental health, reduce stress, and even increase life expectancy. Unfortunately the demands of modern life can make it di cult to nd the time to make those family bonds. Between work, chores, shopping, cleaning and taking kids to activities, quality
Making Time for Family family time is hard to come by. Luckily, there are some simple things you can try to help make more time for family:
Even kids who love school may be apprehensive about returning to the classroom. After all, summer vacation is fun. Parents can confront that apprehension by focusing on the positives of returning to school. Emphasize the chance to see friends every day or participate in a beloved extracurricular activity, like sports, band or a favourite academic club. – MC
A report from the education publishing company Scholastic found that 47 percent of parents are unaware of the "summer slide", which refers to the loss BACK TO SCHOOL TIPS
The end of summer can be a bittersweet time for students. While many students look forward to seeing their friends, few want to say goodbye to the relaxing days of summer. Parents know that getting their children back in the school day swing of things can be a challenge. The following are some ways to make that transition go smoothly.
How to prepare kids to go back to school of academic skills that occurs when school is not in session. Scholastic notes that the slide is largely attributed to a lack of reading when school is not in session. By encouraging kids to read during their summer vacations, parents can make sure youngsters' brains stay sharp and are ready to learn once the school year begins.
The chance to unwind in a structurefree setting can bene t students at the onset of summer vacation. In the weeks before the school year is slated to begin, start waking kids up a little earlier and reintroducing bedtimes for younger children who may have been staying up later over the last couple of months. This can be an e ective way to begin slowly preparing youngsters for the structure of the school year.
Vancouver Island University is adding two additional resources that focus on getting more employers to hire students and helping students become more successful in work experience placements.
VIU expands workintegrated opportunitieslearningforstudents
The two new resources are an employer and student engagement officer and a career service specialist. The new employer and student engagement officer will recruit employers in central and north Vancouver Island to enhance and build new work-integrated learning placements, such as coops and internships, for students. The career service specialist is providing career development services to students, helping them to prepare for the transition to the workplace. Thanks to these new resources, VIU is launching the Career Studio this fall, which is both a physical space and virtual hub that offers career exploration support, one-on-one help with resumés and cover letters, LinkedIn advice and interview preparation tips. The service will also offer workshops and chances to connect with employers.
Career Studio On-the-Road will
travel around campuses and into classrooms, clubs and events to provide easy access to workshops and resources and meet students where they are. “It’s a brand-new service offered at VIU that aims to help students prepare for career success,” says Paula Deering, Career Service Specialist. “Storytelling, sharing experiences with peers and receiving feedback will help students discover their transferrable skills and better connect the dots between what they are learning in the classroom and how this information applies in the real world. Students will find resources and support to connect with work-integrated learning
We are ready to launch your career proudly helped students across BC discover their passion and build successful careers. Whether online or on-campus, Sprott Shaw College provides everything you need to thrive in your eld. Sprott Shaw College has over 130 career-focused programs to choose from. For those with a desire to help others and make the world a better place, Sprott Shaw College can train you with the skills to change lives. We have a variety of healthcare programs including Practical Nursing, Health Care Assistant, Health Unit Clerk, and more. Many of our programs include co-op and practicum opportunities with health authorities across British Columbia so students can gain relevant hands-on experience before graduating. Beyond the classroom, we strive to connect our students with the community, supporting nonpro ts and bringing awareness to initiatives that are vital to the issues we are facing. Sprott Shaw is a provincial leader in child, family, and community support training. Our interactive and hands-on human services programs prepare students to work with and guide young children, families, and vulnerable groups. With practicum opportunities and interactive learning exercises, our students develop rst-hand experience in their eld before graduating. Sprott Shaw College graduates can pursue careers as early childhood educators, community support workers, professional counsellors, education assistants, and more. With small class sizes, experienced instructors, practicum placements with reputable BC establishments, and lifetime job
Established in Victoria in 1913, Sprott Shaw College is centrally located in Bastion Square in the heart of Victoria. Our hands-on, accelerated diploma and certi cate programs prepare our students to start their careers in under two years. For over 100 years, our college has
CHANGING LIVES -O NE YO UTH AT AT IME! Make adifference! Find your passion! Be excited to go to work every day! Check us out... bgcsvi.org employment@bcgsvi.org
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September is an exciting time for kids and teachers returning to our schools after a summer break
1020 Hi llside Ave/ /2 50-356-5013 ro b. fleming.mla@leg.bc.ca ro bflemingmla.ca MLARob Fleming VIC TO RIA–SWAN LA KE Proud to be your ML A Anew schl year, anew beginning! 8 | TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2022 TIMES COLONIST | BACK TO SCHOOL
Every student learns differently and Custom Music wants to make their lessons the most enjoyable, rewarding and uplifting experience they can be. Students can customize every aspect of their music lessons to suit their needs. They decide on price, Since 2017, our government has been working hard to make positive changes and deliver significant new investments into B.C.’s public education system so our schools can better serve students, parents, and caregivers. We can be proud that B.C.’s educational excellence is globally recognized by the AcrossOECD.B.C., we are building childcare spaces on school grounds to support working parents and strengthen the transition into kindergarten. Childcare has been one of the largest expenses for most families with kids. By significantly reducing childcare fees and building hundreds of new spaces on school grounds, our government is making life more affordable, with easier to Every Aspect Of Your Music Lessons location, including in-home lessons and lessons in every area of the city, music style, learning pace, scheduling, the teacher’s approach and their teacher's age and style. If a student needs to reschedule, it’s no problem. Custom Music won’t charge extra for make-up lessons and they will offer to move lessons to a new permanent time slot if needed. Custom Music teachers are experienced, lifelong musicians and many of them are recording artists. Custom Music is third generation – going back to the Hall Fairfield Music Centre in the 1920s and then the Arcade Music Centre in the 1950s, and nowRegisterthem. any time by callingCustommusiclessons.com250-419-9727
find before and after school care. Recent investments by our government include the seismic upgrade and 200-seat expansion at Vic High, with new on-site childcare. Elsewhere in Greater Victoria, we are replacing Cedar Hill Middle School with a new, modern building and recently completed seismic upgrades at Campus View and Braefoot Elementary schools. This year, we opened a temporary modular school at Braefoot for francophone students at École élémentaire Beausoleil, while a brand-new francophone school is built adjacent to Lansdowne Middle School. In 2018, we created a fund for new school playgrounds to relieve the fundraising burden on parents and Parent Advisory Councils. To date, we’ve funded 231 new playgrounds across the province, including at Quadra, Braefoot, and Doncaster ElementaryRecognizingschools.thevalue of First Nations language revitalization, students can now receive graduation credits for Indigenous language and cultural teaching taught in the community. To support our journey to reconciliation, B.C. students are deepening their understanding of the experiences, cultures, histories, and knowledges of Indigenous Peoples. The pandemic impacted two years of our kids’ lives and some are feeling more anxiety. That’s why we’ve expanded mental health resources for teachers to help students learn coping skills and mental wellness from K-12. This work builds on other initiatives to improve student wellbeing, including providing free menstrual products in schools to reduce stigma andIncosts.B.C.,one million jobs will open by 2030 in diverse professions and trades. These exciting opportunities are why the new curriculum emphasizes key competencies like critical thinking and communication. And it’s why so many school districts offer engaging STEM, arts, robotics, trades and humanities programs. Wishing every family, every student a successful and enjoyable school year! With huge thanks to our dedicated teachers, support staff, principals and vice-principals!–RobFleming, MLA for Victoria-Swan Lake ROB FLEMING, MLA FOR VICTORIA-SWAN LAKE
DOWNTOWN VIC TORIA 90 0Johnson Street | 25 0.386.5311 WESTHILL S, LANGFORD 210 -1314 Lakepoint Way | 778.265.535 5 AwardedTop 3“Best Place to Develop Your Child’sPotential” in the 2021 Best of the Westshore Awards vcm.bc .ca /course-calendar | Music for Life (Babies -5 years) | Piano for Beginners | Joy of Life Choir | Getting Creative with Ableton Live | Songwriting Skills and Strategies: Writing Better Lyrics | ...and so much more! REGISTER TODAY FOR FALL CL ASSES! ADVERTISING FEATURE TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 2022 | 9 At the ConservatoryVictoria of Music (VCM), students of any age, instrument, and level can explore their creative talents in a range of classes: Classical, Contemporary, Music Technology, Early Childhood Music, and more! We o er one of the most comprehensive and wide-ranging selections of music programs anywhere in Canada. Classes are taught by VCM faculty who are passionate instructors and respected artists, as well as performers in our own community, across Canada, and worldwide. The VCM believes that music education should be accessible to all and o ers scholarships and bursaries to new and returning students. VICTORIA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Music classes for all ages and abilities The VCM has two locations: downtown Victoria (900 Johnson Street) and Westhills, Langford (in the YMCA/YWCA building, 210 – 1314 Lakepoint Way).
HOW TO REGISTER Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, the VCM has something for you. Most classes are o ered in person, and many are o ered online. Register for classes at our Front Desk or through our online Course Calendar. Our helpful Front Desk team are happy to talk through classes with you and o er assistance in nding the right t. Whether you are looking for family classes with your kids, or you are an adult who has always wanted to explore music, it is never too late to discover the power of music!
• Try out a new instrument with a short-term commitment
• Meet like-minded people in your community
• Learn from others and boost creativity
• Build con dence by working as a team
WHY LEARN IN A GROUP ENVIRONMENT? Group classes and ensembles range from 5 to 30+ participants from beginner to experienced. Learning in a group environment has its bene ts:
“Effective Education in Sexuality and healthy Relationships for
y young womanoughttohave! Accredited teachers: woombbc@gmail.ca www.billingsmethod.com www.billings.life www.woombinternational.org
BILLINGS FERTILITY Natural AwarenessFertilityWeekAugust22-28,2022 “The Best Use Of Fertility Tracking Apps" The Billings Ovulation Method® Theknowledge of
Drs. John and Evelyn Billings of Australia, who developed the Billings Ovulation Method® of natural fertility regulation in 1953, were amazed to find that older African women of the Luo and Kamba tribes talked to their daughters about the special sign of health and fertility, that some had already noticed, upon entering puberty, in a special fertility ritual. This tradition, taken to a new level, is being carried on mostly by mothers, users of the Method themselves, who see how beneficial the knowledge is for their daughters in understanding how their cycles work. Benefits include: Empowerment to resist peer pressure thus delaying sexual activity; increased selfesteem; deeper insight into the wonders and dignity of growing up to be a woman, and it is a safeguard for health and fertility. By knowing what is normal in a fertile or infertile cycle any departure from normal requires medical diagnosis and treatment. Diseases such as cancer and disorders of the endocrine system have been detected early. The Billings Ovulation Method® is safe and effective (W.H.O. 98.5%). It has also proved its efficiency in providing for the achievement and avoidance of pregnancy by numerous field trials in different countries of the world. In China, for example, the abortion rate has plummeted in those areas where it is taught by accredited teachers. It is understood by illiterate poor people, and is able to be used in all different circumstances of a woman’s reproductive life, irrespective of whether her cycles are regular or not: during breast feeding, pre-menopause, or when ovulation is delayed through emotional and hard physical stress. Being a natural method it is acceptable to people of different cultures and religions. Blind women use the Method. To become an accredited Billings teacher in our province: WOOMB BC (billingsmethod.com) FREE E-BOOKS: schools “The Facts” (for students): www.billings.life her ever
This program is designed to create arich, flexible and respectful learning environment where the teacher, parent and child are partners working together to develop and support their child’s education. Our teachers will build on and engage your child’s natural curiosity! Your child will experience learning at their own pace and through their personal passions. Motivation is key to all learning. Heartwood focuses on each child’s interests, natural curiosity, imagination and joy of discovery in order to engage their deep attention. Our goal is to have each child’s developmental needs recognized, honoured and met. We offer asupported personalized learning program for each family that allows parents to be involved with all aspects of their child’s education. We believe that strong relationships are essential to achild’s openness to learning. In these small group settings, teachers are able to develop close relationships with each child and guide the process of discovery. Parents have aunique opportunity to collaborate with teachers and contribute to the learning space and learning community. Teachers and parents work together to co-create each child’s learning plans and continue to communicate closely throughout the year, to share discoveries and interests, challenges, and successes. The program is free to BC residents, and each family is provided with abudget for learning resources which can include such things as music lessons, or access to sports opportunities. Portfolio conferencing that present student learning is done 3 times each year, as required by the BC Ministry of Education.
Welcome Back to School !
Oak Bay: Grade 9’smeetinthe theatrefrom9:00a.m.—10:30a.m Grade 10, 11, 12 meetinTeachersAdvisor yfrom11:00 a.m.—11:30a.m
Reynolds: Grade 9’smeetfrom10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Grades10, 11, 12 meet from 1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
First DayofSchoolis Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Back to School Strategy 2022 our system where all youth feel prepared and empowered to understand and pursue their passions after graduation. Our team of professionals is deeply committed to creating inclusive and culturally responsive learning environments to help facilitate student engagement. We understand the importance of all students having a voice and seeing themselves in their learning as they build con dence and feel a sense of belonging in our schools. Throughout this school year, our learning community will work to create equitable educational opportunities for all students. Learning is for life, and we are continuously exploring ways to grow and enhance learning opportunities for students and sta . When we work together with students, sta , parents and community, we are in a position where we can drive positive change. As such, community connection and developing relationships with our families remain top priorities. Through the pandemic, we have learned that we all have essential roles in contributing to student success. With this in mind, we encourage our families to actively participate in district initiatives, such as annual engagements related to budget and capital projects that impact student learning. It is vital that we move forward together with students’ best interests at the core of our decision-making.Inaddition,we encourage families to vote in the upcoming municipal election for School Trustees. This is your opportunity to help shape the future of the Greater Victoria School District. With a busy and exciting year before us, we look forward to the arrival of students and sta so we can work with you and the entire community in the upcoming school year.
The GreaterVictoria School District welcomes all new and returning students forthe 2022/2023 school year.
SECONDARY: Students will attend as follows: Esquimalt : Grade 9’smeetinthe theatrefrom10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Grades10, 11, 12 meetinthe gym from 12:30 p.m.—1:30p.m.
Spectrum: Grade 9’s meetinthe gymfrom9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Grades10, 11, 12 meet from11:45a.m.—12:45 p.m.
Lambrick Park: Grade 9’smeetinthe drama studio from 9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m Grades10, 11, 12 in block Aclassfrom9:45a.m.—11:00 a.m Mt Douglas: Grade 9’smeetingym from 9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Grades10& 11 meetinthe gymfrom12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m. Grade 12 meetinhomeroom from 12:00 p.m.—1:00p.m.
www.sd61.bc.ca @sd61schools One Learning Community
First Day of School Schedule: ELEM ENTARY: Students attend from 9:00 a.m.—11:30a.m MIDD LE: Students attend from 9:30 a.m.—11:30a.m Please note the exceptions: Cedar HillGrade 6students 9:30 a.m.–10:15 a.m. Cedar HillGrade 7&8 students 10:45a.m.–11:30 a.m. Colquitz Grade 6students 9:30a.m.–11:30 a.m. Colquitz Grade 7&8 students 10:30 a.m. –11:30 a.m. Gordon Head Grade 6students 9:00 a.m. –10:30 a.m. Gordon Head Grade 7& 8students 9:30 a.m. –11:00 a.m. Shoreline Grade 6students 9:30 a.m. –10:15 a.m. Shoreline Grade 7& 8students 10:45 a.m.–11:30a.m Schools will reopenonAugust29to September 2, 2022 from 9a.m. to 1p.m. daily to assist with online registrations.
Victor: No school on September 6th All students will attend afull day schedule from 8:45 a.m. —2:30 p.m. on September7th.
We are excited to welcome new and returning students, sta and families this September.
Over the summer months, the Board of Education and District sta have been busy planning and preparing for a successful 2022/23 school year. We look forward to collaborating with families and community partners to support all of our students in reaching their greatest potential. As we head into the third year of our Strategic Plan, we will continue to focus on improving all students’ personal and academic success. Our goal is to strengthen GREATER VICTORIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 61
The Greater Victoria School District No. 61 is committed to delivering quality, culturally responsive education to more than 20,000 students across 48 schools. It serves six communities: Victoria, Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Saanich, View Royal, Highlands, and Four Houses: Esquimalt and Songhees Nations, the Métis and the Urban Indigenous Peoples’ House Advisory. In addition, more than 1,000 International students from across the globe attend its schools with over 650 adult learners registered in Continuing Education Programs.
Vic High: Grade 9’smeetinblockAclass from 11:00 a.m. —1:30p.m. Grades10, 11, 12 meet in block Aclass from 9:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m.
Deb SuperintendentWhitten, of Schools Greater Victoria School District #61
A New Balance fit expert has the experience and two specific tools to fit your child properly. The length and width can be measured with a child-sized Brannock device. This way is easiest for younger children as it takes just a moment to gather the information before they start wiggling. The second way is with a 3D foot scanner which takes multiple photos of their feet in a few seconds to create an accurate image of the length, width, depth, arch height, and the differences between the left and the right. For this method, your child has to be able to stand still for about 15 seconds, but the results of seeing their feet on the screen is a highlight!Younger children are not able to articulate what they need so the fit expert can help by ensuring there is a thumb width of room beyond their longest toe and the sides are snug but not constricting. Their feet can grow as much as two full sizes in one year so there is the temptation to get shoes too big so that they don’t have to be replaced as often. However, the shoes will lack proper support, and there is a much higher likelihood of tripping or heel slippage. Especially if your child is experiencing a diagnosed foot problem, it is beneficial to get a more precise fit to their current size to aid in recovery. If your child is using the shoes for sport, explosive movements like running and jumping should spring from a stable, well cushioned foundation. When is it time to graduate from Velcro to a laced shoe? Schools encourage parents to buy non-laced shoes because it is easier to get the kids outside in a timely manner. However, once children gain in weight and height and graduate to youth sizes, options for Velcro start to diminish. A laced shoe will offer greater support in the upper and an over-all better fit for activities that are more technical and longer in duration. When you buy new shoes for your kids, they should feel good from the moment they put them on. Taking the time to find a good fit for growing feet is important to establishing a healthy foundation as your child moves about in the world. newbalance.com
VICTORIA NewBalanceVictoria 1205 Government Street (Corner of View Street) Tel250 382 9327 Toll-Free 1877 8829327 newbalancevictoria .ca Guaranteed to fit. Everyonegets theperfectfito full refund, see in-store fordeta eed to e gets the p t fit or for details. ROB REID LocalOwner UL TRA COOL KICKS F O RK IDS Introducing the kids FuelCoreReveal V3.Featuring abreathable air meshupper,afastREVlitemidsole and innovativeBOA System closurethatoffers a customizable fit so thatfeet can lock in and breakout in asnap.Kids willlook andfeel their bestinthe classroom, on the playground and everywhere in between. Simple, Funand HighlyDurable Just Push andTurn
It is time for the hunt for school shoes! Whether your child’s feet are average or wide, New Balance offers the fit selection to ensure your kids have shoes to get them comfortably through a busy day. Be sure to clarify what specific requests your child’s school may have regarding indoor and outdoor footwear and then get started soon for the best selection!Whenit comes to shoes for school, there are a few features to look for such as non-marking, Velcro, or style preferences, but the most important consideration is finding the right fit. Online sizing charts can be confusing or do not account for foot width, which is why actual in person fitting is way easier and more accurate. New Balance offers wide widths in specific models ranging from infant to preschool to youth sizes. Just as it is important for adult feet to be in the proper shoes to prevent or accommodate injury, neuropathy, or bone deformations, it is also crucial that young feet get the right fit early for healthy development as they grow.
The Right Fit for Back to School