cleansing e ects.
3. Unplug to Recharge: At RITUAL Nordic Spa, we are a digital free space. Embrace the rhythm of going through the circuit, and be present and with your sauna mates.
4. Take it Slow: Start with shorter sessions, 10-15 minutes, and gradually increase the time as your body adapts. Listen to your body—if you feel dizzy or uncomfortable, step out.
5. Alternate Hot & Cold: Move between the hot sauna and cold water. This helps boost circulation and invigorates the body.
6. Stretch or Meditate: The warmth of the sauna helps muscles relax, making it a great place to practice gentle stretching or meditation to clear your mind.
7. Avoid Heavy Meals: Try to avoid eating a heavy meal before your session. Instead, have a light snack to fuel your body without discomfort.
8. Bring a Towel: Sit or lie on a towel to absorb sweat and maintain cleanliness. It also makes your sauna experience more comfortable.
9. Stay Consistent: Regular sauna use can lead to better longterm benefi ts. Aim to integrate sauna sessions into your weekly wellness routine for consistent detoxification and relaxation.
10. Rest and Rehydrate: After your sauna, take time to cool down and relax. Drink water, or try an electrolyte-rich drink, and let your body recalibrate.
Enjoy some stress-reducing and immune-boosting treatments at RITUAL Nordic Spa. We are an urban sauna house in downtown Victoria. Try our Nordic Circuit with sauna, steam, cold plunge, Nordic bucket shower, salt lounge and outdoor patios. Also o ering RMT Massage and Private Sauna Suites. A great way to build your hot/cold practice or spend time with friends. All you need is your swimsuit! Learn more at: RitualNordicSpa.com
Tis the season to eat, drink and be merry! Enjoy this time of year, spend time with the people that bring you joy, spend time outside, and cozy nights at home. It is okay to let go of routines. Make the best of the season. The new year will be here before you know it.
Silver Threads Service is a charitable, not-for-profit organization that serves individuals 55 Plus. We operate two Centres, one in Victoria and one in Saanich and beginning in January have a number of health and wellness programs to bring new life to your fitness goals. If you are a regular exerciser, or aspire to be, we are here to help. Our Winter 2025 Program Guide is now available, and registration is underway for the January to March session. There are 100 weekly programs and over 30 monthly events, everything from health and wellness to Creative Arts, Education, Music and more. Visit www.silverthreads.ca to view the Guide online.
Wellness Programs at the Victoria Centre include an Evening Gentle Pilates class on Thursday nights at 5:00pm. This is suitable for beginners and will strengthen your core and improve mobility and posture. A perfect class for those who are looking for an after work pick me up. During the day, on Mondays Standing Tall: Posture & Core Stability will enhance your spinal health in an 8-week series. This is great to improve flexibility and relieve tension.
At the Saanich Centre we are pleased to announce a new sports program to our menu! Badminton will run on Tuesday afternoon and equipment and instruction will be provided for Beginner level play. Might be time to switch up your Pickleball and try something new?

There are nine fitness classes each week. A good starting point for those who are returning or beginning to exercise is the Chair Fitness Monday and Thursdays from 10:00am to 11:00am at the Saanich Centre, it is primarily a seated class.
Functional Fitness is primarily a standing class and is o ered Monday and Thursdays from

10:00am to 11:00am at the Saanich Centre. At the Victoria Centre Functional Fitness is o ered 5 days a week Monday to Friday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Call to reserve your space in any of our classes.
Other health programs include Essentrics, Chair and Gentle Yoga, T’ai Chi, and Qigong.
After a brief hiatus we are pleased to welcome back the Silver Threads Singers to the Saanich Centre on Tuesday mornings. This is a mixed, nonauditioned choir that practices weekly and performs in the community. At the Victoria Centre Brett MacDonald bring her Improv classes back, with Improv: Rediscover Play first up starting Thursday, January 16th. Always a good time! Registration is well underway and you can sign up in person, by phone or online. Our Saanich Centre is located at 286 Hampton Road, in the Tillicum Gorge neighbourhood and can be reached at 250 382-3151. Our Victoria Centre is located at 1911 Quadra Street, near the Police Station and can be reached at 250 388-4268.
Brain Power Challenge Holiday Split Word Game
Partnership Programs
We are pleased to partner with a number of Community Organizations to deliver programs and services to older adults in the community. Sharing resources and expertise is a win-win for everyone.
This Winter we highlight new and returning partners.
Target Theatre is a group of mature actors who create and perform entertaining and educational plays on seniors’ issues to increase awareness of topics relevant to an aging population and to contribute to fostering healthy communities. The first performance at the Victoria Centre is “4 Get Me Notes” on January 13th.
Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing is returning with the “Let’s Talk” Speechreading Program at the Victoria Centre starting January 15th. If you are struggling to understand conversations even with hearing aids there are strategies to help.
Kidney Foundation will bring the “Walking to Wellness” to help those living with low mobility or a chronic disease lead a healthy, active life. This
If you are ready to amp up your cognitive function and take a proactive approach to your brain health, Silver Threads Service o ers programs that can support you in this health practice. Our Winter Programs include Dynamic Discussions and Brain Games. These programs are for those 55+ who would like to enhance their memory skills in an active and social group setting. Call 250 382-3151 or visit www.silverthreads.ca for more information.
Use the Holiday theme and make words from the syllable fragments in each square. Cross out each grid as you use it.

Tips to Manage Stress Through the Holidays
is a cherished time for many; however, it also brings a great deal of stress and anxiety, which is why it is important to have the necessary tools to manage these feelings if they happen.
Here are five tips to help you navigate the season with ease:

Taking care of yourself is key to being able to care for others. Set aside time for activities that help you recharge. Whether it’s alone time, a walk, deep breathing, self-guided acupressure, a massage, or time with loved ones, self-care is di erent for everyone. I recommend keeping a goal diary, where you can write down five personal goals to achieve within a set time. This can help with accountability and keeping you focused on your well-being.

Overcommitting can lead to burnout. It’s important to set realistic expectations and prioritize your time and energy. Saying “no” to some

events allows you to focus on what truly matters and prevents stress from overcommitting. The stress of overbooking and reducing your personal time keeps cortisol levels elevated, leaving you at risk for increased health concerns and a depressed immune system. Protect your personal time to enjoy the season and stay healthy.
The holidays often involve indulgent foods that can lead to digestive discomfort. You can still enjoy all the sweet treats, but try pairing them with a digestive enzyme, or finish the evening o with a herbal infusion or l-glutamine to reduce uncomfortable symptoms. You can also tackle this issue with foods, increase the number of fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut kefir, tempeh) to help boost the diversity of gut bacteria. If you have concerns about food sensitivities, working with a Naturopathic Doctor can help identify the root cause. Enjoying food without stress should be the goal—don’t let digestive worries take away from the fun.
The Vagus nerve plays a key role in regulating the body’s stress response. When you feel overwhelmed, use simple techniques to help reset your nervous system. Try cold exposure (finishing your shower with 30 seconds of cold water), singing or humming, box breathing (inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4, exhale for 4), or incorporate physical activity you feel you can commit to; walk 30min every day and switch between strength and high intensity interval training. These activities can help calm your mind and body during moments of stress, helping to keep you grounded.
Your adrenal glands produce cortisol, the hormone released during stress. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal exhaustion, disrupting your sleep and making it harder to cope with stress. The months leading up to the holidays are a great time to support your adrenals. Consider adding supplements like ashwagandha, L-theanine or magnesium to your routine. If needed, consult with a Naturopathic Doctor about therapies such as adrenal glandulars or IV therapy.
By focusing on self-care, setting boundaries, supporting your gut and adrenal health, and regulating your nervous system, you can be better equipped to enjoy the holiday season without feeling overwhelmed!

New Year’s Resolutions Everyone Should Consider
ith the new year rolling in, our thoughts begin to turn to our resolutions and what goals we would like to set for ourselves for our ‘new start’ It’s become a bit of a running joke that many of our New Year’s resolutions peter out by about March, lost in the dust of unrealistic expectations, being too hard on ourselves, or a lack of motivation.
If you’re sick of the hubbub and the let down and want to create a real and lasting change in your health in 2025– I’ve got a few New Year’s resolution ideas for you!
A note on goal setting: we set ourselves up for failure when we set unrealistic, or intangible goals. The best goals are small, easy to follow through with, buildable, and measurable. This allows us to constantly ‘win’ and continue to expand from there— the secret to long term success!
1. Create a Nighttime Routine
Sleep is an often under prioritized foundation for good health. Be honest, how many times have you skipped out of an adequate amount of sleep, in order to get a little more work done or have a little more down time? Unfortunately, lack of sleep is cumulative and can create long lasting impacts to heart health, immunity, cognitive function, and hormonal balance that you can’t really ‘catch up’ on.
A good way to set yourself up for getting good regular sleep is to set yourself up with a solid nighttime routine.
The number one aspect of a good night routine is to go screen free at least 30 mins before bed— better yet an hour. Some ideas on what to incorporate into your nighttime routine:
• Unwind with body care such as gentle
yoga, grooming, or self-massage to promote relaxation.
• Read a book or listen to an audiobook or podcast to help shift your focus away from the day.
• Meditation or a gratitude practice Connection time with your spouse to talk about the day, or be intimate.
• A gentle evening walk
The goal here is to feel unwound and ready to hit the hay, so don’t approach this time with the goal of trying to get another thing ‘done.’ So, choose something that calms you.
2. Go for a Walk 3x a Week
Exercise is a crucial foundation for health in our sedentary culture, and a goal that many people find overwhelming to start. Many people make the mistake of setting a goal of strenuous workouts every day that leaves them feeling like they went from 0-60 and hit a wall, burning out quickly.
Start with a 30-minute walk 3x a week. I promise you can find the time, and the benefits to your health are worth rearranging or re prioritizing your schedule!
You’ll find you actually have more energy by getting moving regularly!
3. 5 Minute Daily Meditation
Stress is one of the biggest detriments to good health, with links to almost every illness and disease to some degree. A stressed body is not a body that can function optimally, and as a modern world we are more stressed than ever, despite having things quite a bit easier than we did in the past.
One of the biggest ways our world has
changed is we no longer really take the time to just BE.
And that is the gift meditation can give us. Science has shown that meditation can reduce physiological signs of stress such as increased heart rate, and can reduce symptoms of stress induced conditions. It can also help promote better emotional and mental well-being and even help improve attention span and cognitive function.
Meditation doesn’t need to be scary. Just start with 5 minutes a day, sit down and focus on your breath. You can’t do it wrong. It’s okay if your mind won’t ’shut o ’ just keep sitting and breathing. With practice, you’ll begin to notice a shift.
4. Drink 1L of Water Daily
Did you know that being even slightly dehydrated can make you feel sluggish, unenergized, slow down digestion, and even age you faster?
Water is life. Water will help bring you that glow and vitality you’ve felt missing.
Some major functions include flushing toxins and waste from the body, regulating body temperature, and lubrication within the body, but water really plays a role in every function in your body.
Aim to drink about 1L of water daily and notice how your body is feeling if you feel like you need more or less. Reusable water bottles are a great way to track your water intake.
5. Eliminate Processed Food from 1 Meal/ Day
It’s scary to see how much of our modern diets have become processed food— much of which doesn’t even contain any food at all.
Nutrient void, chemical laden, serving only to fill our bellies and satisfy taste buds. It’s become possible in our world for someone to be close to nutritionally starving while consuming thousands of calories daily.
While you may be someone who considers yourself pretty health conscious, there are still dozens of ‘healthy’ processed foods that have snuck their way into our daily lives.
The most nutrient dense foods are whole foods— our basics, our tried and trues: meat, fish, eggs, dairy, fruit, vegetables, beans, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds. These foods are ONE ingredient.
Start by picking one meal of the day and making it processed food free. Have fun getting creative in coming with whole ingredients and let your taste buds guide you!
Pick one of these goals, or let them inspire you to create your own, but only start with committing to ONE, and when that one feels like second nature, you can add more or adopt a second goal to work on.
The benefit of these particular New Year’s resolutions is that they are each a starting point on mastering our Foundations for Health: sleep, exercise, rest, hydration, and nutrition.
Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year!

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