1. BUG SPRAY Nothing can ruin a Summer night faster than a swarm of bugs! Some bugs may also pose a potential threat to our health as they may be carriers of other diseases such as Lyme disease. So what can we do when most common bug sprays contain harmful pesticides and toxins, such as (otherwiseN-diethyl-meta-toluamideknownasDEET)?
spent outside this environmentalseason,factors
Peppermint oil This cooling oil provides refreshing relief to irritated skin and also contains many antiinflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Make sure to mix with a carrier oil or dilute with water in a homemade spray.
Many popular after sun products rate high on toxins according to EWG’s Skin Deep analysis. Thankfully, there are many easy and natural alternatives for after sun care that won’t cause harm to our health. Aloe vera Not only is this a low maintenance house plant, it is also a great ally in soothing your sunburnt skin. Lavender oil Lavender essential oil is a great support - a small bottle goes a long way as you only need 1-2 drops applied to the skin along with another carrier oil such as coconut oil, grapeseed oil or Jojoba oil.
• Feverfew • Ginger • Turmeric • Rosemary • Cloves • Peppermint or Spearmint * Always consult your healthcare provider before introducing any herbs as they may be natural but can be contraindicated with other medications.
*Note: Do not apply essential oils directly to skin. They must always be mixed with a carrier oil. Homemade repellents If you already have some essential oils on hand, you can experiment with making your own! There are many easy recipes to try with other household ingredients such as apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, rubbing alcohol and lemonKeepjuice.inmind that using natural alternatives may require more frequent re-application as they do not contain harmful long-lasting chemicals.
Natural options Since bugs have a keen sense of smell, what may seem like a natural and fresh scent to us actually repels them! Many natural oils are used by natural brands to ward o the creepy crawlies, and are actually quite refreshing. Look for ingredients such as: • Tea tree oil • Eucalyptus oil • Citronella oil • Lemongrass oil • Peppermint oil • Lavender oil • Soybean oil • Castor oil • Geranium oil • Rosemary oil
2. SUNSCREEN Many sunscreens contain toxic ingredients that can get absorbed through the skin and disrupt your endocrine (hormone) system. Avoid ingredients such as oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and avobenzone. Natural or mineral based ‘screens Many natural sunscreens use the minerals Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide as the active ingredient. You can find natural sunscreens at many health food stores, or you can make your own at home using some simple ingredients. However, keep in mind that they aren’t invincible, and you will still need to take other sun protection measures (hat or cover up), and remember to reapply frequently and after swimming.
Natural options to support and provide relief for symptoms like congestion, headaches and itchy eyes caused by the histamine response caused by exposure to allergens are:
These chemical free remedies for easing bug bite discomfort are also found around the house and are very cost e ective. Baking soda Not only is this a gentle remedy, it provides relief for irritation and itchiness. Simply combine enough with water to form a small paste & apply directly to skin.
• Limiting Pesticide Exposure
Lavender oil Another calming option for soothing the skin is Lavender. The oil is very supportive for inflammation and reduces itching within minutes. Ice Perhaps the easiest remedy of them all! The coldness reduces swelling and inflammation.
As more time is play even more a role We may expose skin to the sun for too long at the beach, get stung by a wasp on the patio, or become a feast for the mosquitoes on a camping trip. While many over the counter or prescription remedies can provide relief, they also come coupled with potentially harmful toxins. Thankfully there are many e ective natural alternatives, and I’ve put together a master list to cover your Summer pharmacy needs naturally.
• Keeping Hydrated • Using Antihistamine Herbs & Nutrients. Stinging nettle, thyme, parsley, and chamomile are all excellent options. Spices like turmeric and ginger can also be e ective. Quercetin and Vitamin C can also be highly e ective nutrients to combat the histamine release. I hope these natural alternatives are supportive for all your summer pharmacy needs! May your skin be less itchy, may you breathe easy & have more room to enjoy this beautiful season! SUMMER
TIMES COLONIST | timescolonist.com C3TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2022 Vic toria In theDouglas Shopping Centre 2950 Douglas Street ◆ 250 384.3388 Cook St. Village Beside Moka House 34 3Cook Street ◆ 250 381.5450 Sidney Fif th at Bevan 9769 FifthStreet ◆ 250 656.2326 Call 250 38 4-3388 Black River SweetAppleCider is made from pure pressed apples, with atouch of vitamin Ctopreventbrowning. It hasa sweet and slightly tangy taste and is made up of ablendofapple varieties native to Ontario –Macintosh, Mutsu, Empire, Courtlandand Spy to nameafew CanPrev LiposomalVitamin C Essential forCollagen Formation&TissueRepair RealFoods Organic Corn Thins™ RealFoods Corn Thins™ Original is made primarily from grainsofgoldencorn, notrice, so taste like deliciouspopcorn squishedinto acrispbread slice Non GMO •23Calories per slice 3% Fat•Less than 5g of carbsper slice Gluten &Wheat Free •Vegan SHOP ONL INE ANY TIME LIF EST YLE MA RKE TS .COM CanPrev Vitamin C1000 Liposomal in Vanilla Citrus flavour helps protect against cell damage, suppor ts immune function, woundhealing, healthy bones,car tilage, teeth and gums and is essential for theformation of collagen, and tissue repair.With soy-free phospholipidssourced from sunflower and phosphatidylcholine Wise Bites Soft Mini Cookies Wise Bitessof tmini cookies arethe take-anywheresnack you've been looking for!Made with nutritiousoats and lightly sweetened with dried fruit, you getall the taste and none of theguilt. Theresealable bagkeepsthemfresh. Snack on! $248 150g Produc tofAus tralia ORGA NIC B.C. GROW N Zucchini Squash $5.47/ kg Mon -Fri 9amto12noon With $50 minimum order and within radius. ORGA NIC Ataulfo Mangoes $138 eac h Grown in Mexico NaturalFactors TotalBodyCollagen 10 0% Complete Amino Acids ForHealthyBlood Vessels&BoneMineral Densit y DedicatedToYour Lifest yleMarkets DouglasStreet Location VI CTOR IA'S LA RG ES T 10 0% ORGA NI C PROD UC ED EP T. FR ES H, LO CA L, OR GA NI C PRODUC EA RR IV INGDAI LY ! JOIN US ON TELEGRAM Total Body Collagen is aunique formula featuring Verisol® bioactive collagen peptides, hyaluronic acid, L-tr yptophan, L-glutamine, vitamin C, and biotin –essential nutrients that promote healthy skin, muscles, and connective tissue. Hydrolyzed collagen promotes collagen synthesis and has been shown to help reduce joint pain associated with osteoar thritis. Collagen and hyaluronic acid work together to provide structure, strength, and resilience in thebody’stissues, and are vital for maintaining hydration in thejoints. This formula also suppor ts muscle growth and recovery 50 0g Powder save15% VICTORIA' SFAVOURITE HEALTH FOOD STORE ORGANIC PRODUCE, GROCERIES, BODYCARE, VITAMINS &MORE! $748 1L Produc tofCanada $598 150g Produc tofCanada $248 /lb Grocer y&Supplement Of fers Valid Until Stores Close August 21,2022 Produce Of fersValid Until Stores Close August 14,2022 $3598 450mL BlackRiver Organic SweetAppleCider $298 pint ORGA NIC Grape Tomatoes GrowninM exico LOCAL ADVERTISING FEATURE DR. MARITA SCHAUCH, BSC. ND, IS A NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN WITH A PRACTICE AT TALL TREE INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTRE, 5325 CORDOVA BAY RD., MATTICK’S FARM PH: DOCTORMARITA.COM250-658-9222
in our experience.
Natural pain relievers may not be supportive for all types of pain, but they o er an alternative for those of us who want to avoid long-term side e ects from popular over the counter pain relief medications. Herbs/plants There are many herbs and plants with pain relieving properties that can be bought or made in the form of tinctures, teas or topicals that can assist us with pain relief by reducing inflammation such as:

• TAKE A FAMILY BIKE RIDE: Inflate those tires and tighten your helmet chin straps. A family bike ride is an ideal activity for the family because it is something that can be enjoyed by all age groups. Choose the pace and the terrain based on the age of the youngest and/or oldest rider (flat, easy-to-navigate paths for the very young or the elderly), and enjoy exercise in the great outdoors.
Thanks to increasingly busy weekday schedules that have families running in di erent directions for work, school and extracurricular activities, weekends are an ideal time to recharge. Too often, however, family members retire to their respective rooms, devices in Chanceshand.arephones are being used while lounging on the couch or bed, something that has negative health consequences for many children and adults. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to weight gain, loss of muscle strength, weak bones, diminished immune system response, and poor blood circulation, according to the health information site Medline. These fun activities can get kids and parents o the couch on weekends.
• CHECK OUT A DRIVING RANGE: Practice golf swings at a driving range or a virtual driving range. Everyone can compete to see whose drive is the Thelongest.possibilities for physically active family engagement are endless and beneficial for the body in myriad ways. – MC
timescolonist.com | TIMES COLONISTC4 TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2022 Silver Threads Ser vice Celebrating 65 years of community ser vice to seniors! Saanich Centre 286 Hampton Rd. 250 382-3151 Victoria Centre 1911 Quadra St. 250 388-4268 stay active *stay healthy *stay connected Visit www.silver threads.ca formoreinformation Offering great programs &two locations to ser ve you.
SAANICH PENNISULA AREA Route #1374 Streets Involved: Babbington, Early, Harding, Norman, Stelly’s Cross Rd. #papers: 17 25 min. approx. Earn bi-weekly: $85.00
Family activities to get kids off the couch
ESQUIMALT- ADMIRALS Route #1614 Streets Involved: 800-900 Bl. Admirals, Luscombe, Parklands,Alexander, Cunningham, Kindersley. 45 min. approx. Earn bi-weekly: $200.00 Route #1239 Streets Involved: Carran Rd., Jadel Dr., Lynnlark Pl., Sooke Rd. #papers: 21 Earn bi-weekly: $70.00 Route #1659 Streets Involved: Burnett Rd., Island Hwy., Paddock Pl. #papers: 21 Earn bi-weekly: $70.00 Route #7005 Streets Involved: Blue Ridge Pl., Burnside Rd W., Charlton Rd., Granville Ave., Holland Ave. #papers: 46 Earn bi-weekly: $200.00 If interested please call Mike Small at 250-883-0345
These morning routes are available in your
• DO A WALKING TOUR: Educational attractions like museums, zoos, aquariums and arboretums are great to visit on weekends. The family will see new sights and learn important information about exhibits, all the while walking a few miles.
or visit www. silverthreadsservice for more information.Weencourage you to exercise
CORDOVA BAY AREA Routes #424/432 Streets Involved: Cordova Bay, Darcy, Major, Timber, Totem, Treetop #papers: 35 50 min. approx. Earn bi-weekly: $240.00 If interested please call Al Duddridge at 250-883-3061 area. 6days Tuesday-Sunday it Free Week 382-3151 your brain by solving an all about Try it Free scramble of the names of di erent Silver Threads nngipatirdagliygpanelolsetyginrthrnefcleuelkusimvoegyoagyoaeiattomdinhtaiicprograms.Registration is now on for the FallWednesdays,session! September 14th to October 19th – Full. Next available session is: October 26th to November 30th. Classes at the Saanich Centre, located at 286 Hampton Road from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. The cost is 6 sessions - $54 Members or $78 Non-members. Call 250 3884268 for more information. ANSWERS: tai meditationchiyogazumbamoviesstorytellingukulelefrenchayreadingpainting
ESQUIMALT AREA Routes #326/335 Streets Involved: Robert, Russell, Seaforth, 700 Block Esquimalt #papers: 40 50 min. approx. Earn bi-weekly: $150.00 If interested please call Barry Lohr at 250-883-0352
All routes are
Memory ChallengePLUSARTWORDSCRAMBLE Memory PLUS is a Silver Threads Service program for those 55+ who would like to enhance their memory skills in an active and social group setting. The PLUS stands for Practice, Laughter, Useful Strategies. Call 250
It’s August and while Silver Threads Service has some great o erings this month, we are happily getting ahead of ourselves! Our 2022 Fall Program Guide with all our Centre Programs and Services is now available. Fall will be here before you know it and is the time that many of us start to think about restarting our fitness regimen or practicing lifelong learning and taking a class. For those 55 years and better, Silver Threads has over 80 di erent programs and services in our guide.During Try it Free Week, from September 6th to 9th, there will be 30 classes in two locations for you to attend and try at no cost. Just call and book a spot. We want you to be sure the activity will work for you. Never done Yoga? Here’s your chance. Ever wonder what Tai Chi is about or what the fuss about Pickleball is? We literally have everything from A to Z – from Art for Everyone to Zumba Gold to everything in between. There will be refreshments, and tours for new folks. As well, at the Saanich Centre, the Treasure Trove Thrift Store will be having a half price Sidewalk Sale and the Silver Spoons Café will be open for beverages, lunch, and baked goods. For a complete Fall program schedule and the Try it Free listings visit our centres or our website at www.silverthreads.caSilverThreadsService has been serving seniors in Victoria for 65 years, and prides itself on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for those looking to try out new experiences and classes. We have two locations: our Centre in Saanich at 286 Hampton Road, and our Centre in Victoria at 1911 Quadra Street. Memberships are valid at both locations. For more information or to book a spot, call the Saanich Centre at 250 382-3151 or the Victoria Centre at 250-388-4268 Stay out of the heat this summer at the Silver Treads Weekly Indoor Walking Program held at the Save On Foods Memorial Arena. This year-round program will allow participants to walk safely around the concourse on Tuesdays from 9:00am to 10:00am. There are no worries about the cracks in the sidewalks or where the nearest washroom is and it is ideal for those with mobility concerns. It is perfect for those who use a mobility device or walking poles. There are friendly leaders on hand to provide support, so you are never alone. Cost is $2 for Silver Threads members and $5 for non-members. Call 250 3884268 for more information and to book a space.
• ENGAGE IN SPORTS TRAINING: Whether the children participate in organized sports or not, set up an obstacle course or fitness circuit in the backyard. Everyone takes turns going through the course. The family can spend time together as everyone gets beneficial exercise.

TIMES COLONIST | timescolonist.com C5TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2022 Silver Threads Service TryitFree Week September 6th to 9th,2022 We provide Programs and Services at two Centres for older adults, 55 +. Annual membership is $55 and is valid at both Centres. TryitFree Week is an opportunity to sample some of what we offer and sign up for anew activity. Tours and refreshments will be provided. Additional TryitFree Programs offered at the Saanich Centre include: Table Tennis, Painting, Fitness, Snooker,Outdoor Walking, Pickleball, Social Bridge, Woodcarving, Foodshare,Floor Shuffleboard, and Clarinet Choir The Treasure Trove Thrift Store at the Saanich Centre will be having aHalf Price Sidewalk Sale Visit www.silverthreads.ca for more information. To TryaClass for Free call the Centre to book your spot! Saanich Centre 286 Hampton Road Phone: 250 382-3151 Victoria Centre 1911 Quadra Street Phone: 250 388-4268 Saanich Centre Silver Threads Singers Tuesday Morning Tuesday Afternoon Tuesday Morning Wednesday Morning Wednesday Morning Thursday Afternoon Friday Morning Friday Afternoon Weaving TaiChi Therapy Gentle Yoga & Meditation Cribbage &Scrabble Carpet Bowling Zumba Gold Victoria Computer Club Learning: Battle for Your Identity Dance for Every Body Tuesday Morning Tuesday Morning Tuesday Afternoon Wednesday Afternoon Wednesday Morning Wednesday Morning Thursday Afternoon Thursday Morning Friday Morning Friday Afternoon TaiChi Therapy Indoor Walking Music for Everyone Art for Anyone Memoir Writing Fusion Fitness Ukulele Drama Club: Play Reading Chair Yoga & Meditation Victoria Centre