This Labour Day, we continue to recognize the immense contributions of working people in British Columbia. Through multiple public health crises and global uncertainty, our communities have continued to rely on workers in all sectors across our province, and in another challenging year, these workers continue to support and uplift British Columbians From providing personal and immediate care, to year-round wildfire management and evacuation support, essential workers have supported our most vulnerable and brought comfort to us all during times of need
Unions fight for wages that address the rising cost of living
From professional oversight to emergency response, professionals employed in the public service are critical to the work of the BC government.
Lana Popham 250-479-4154

During unprecedented and devastating weather conditions and another wildfire season, first responders’ selfless service has once again been on display, and we want to express our deep gratitude.
As industry, tourism, retail, and hospitality continue to grow, British Columbia leads Canada’s economic recovery, and that’s thanks to the workers of this province and all that you have done Thank you for your part, and we wish you a restful Labour Day.
Your South Island MLAs, Mitzi Dean 250-952-5885
Grace Lore 250-952-4211
Agrologists, engineers, foresters, geoscientists, pharmacists, psychologists, and veterinarians keep the province safe It's time the BC government invested in public service workers

Happy Labour Day from your South Island MLAs
BC Relies on Professionals
The patience and care our healthcare professionals continue to show has kept families healthy and safe The exemplary service they have provided during our shared challenges continues to deserve our collective thanks
Rob Fleming 250-356-5013 | TIMES COLONISTA2 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022
Mur ray Rankin 250-472-8528

The PEA is a union for professionals. Among us are lawyers, foresters, librarians, teachers, engineers, and university staff. Since we specialize in representing professionals, we put the unique education, accreditation, skills and training of our members at the forefront. This Labour Day, we reflect on inflation and the rising cost of living for all workers in the province. There are currently over 1,200 Government Licensed Professionals working for the BC public service across 11 ministries in vital roles as agrologists, engineers, foresters, geoscientists, pharmacists, psychologists, and veterinarians.Theseprofessionals provide knowledgeable oversight of forestry, mining, and fossil fuels, but also BC’s infrastructure, forests, and farms. During the devastating wildfire and flooding of 2021, they were a critical part of the emergency response, rebuilding bridges and roads, forecasting flooding impacts, creating wildfire plans, and helping farmers evacuate. As BC’s scientific experts, they are relied on to keep the province safe. The BC government faces significant recruitment and retention issues and failing to provide fair wages that address inflation will make these issues more acute, which will impact the services British Columbians count on. With climate change and emergencies an ever-present reality, now is the time for the province to invest in public service professionals.Learnmore about the work of Government Licensed Professionals and the PEA: www.

John Horgan 250-391-2801


HISTORY Labour Day has been marked as a statutory public holiday in Canada on the first Monday in September since 1894. However, the origins of Labour Day in Canada can be traced back to numerous local demonstrations and celebrations in earlier decades. Such events assumed political significance in 1872, when an April labour demonstration in Toronto, in support of striking printers, led directly to the enactment of the Trade Unions Act, a law that confirmed the legality of unions. Ten years later, on July 22, 1882, a huge labour celebration in Toronto attracted the attention of the American labour leader Peter J. McGuire, who organized a similar parade in New York City on September 5 that year. Unions associated with the Knights of Labour and the American Federation of Labour in both Canada and the United States subsequently promoted parades and festivals on the first Monday in September. In Canada during these years, local celebrations took place in Hamilton, Oshawa, St. Catharines, Ottawa, and London in Ontario, as well as Montreal, Quebec; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Vancouver, BC. Montreal declared a civic holiday in 1889. In Nova Scotia, coal miners had been holding picnics and parades since 1880 to celebrate the anniversary of their union, the Provincial Workmen’s Association, first organized in 1879. In 1889, the Royal Commission on the Relations of Labour and Capital in Canada recommended recognition of an official “labour day” by the federal government. In March and April 1894, unions lobbied Parliament to recognize Labour Day as a public holiday. Legislation was introduced in May by Prime Minister John Sparrow David Thompson and received royal assent in July 1894.
A Labour Day Parade in Toronto in the early 1900s.

The statutory public holiday has been celebrated on the first Monday in September since 1894. h

ADVERTISING FEATURE DayofHistoryLabourinCanada Labour Day (French: Fête du Travail) is a statutory public holiday in Canada that occurs on the first Monday in September. It is one of several Labour Day celebrations that occur in countries around the world. The Canadian celebration of Labour Day occurs on the same day each year as Labour Day in the United States.
TIMES COLONIST | A3SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022ADVERTISING We’re the Hospital Employees’ Union, representing more than 50,000 healt
care workers across B.C.

TRADITIONS An old-fashioned tradition in Canada and the United States frowns upon the wearing of white after Labour Day. Explanations for this tradition vary; the most common is that white is a summer colour and Labour Day unofficially marks the end of summer. The rule may have been intended as a status symbol for new members of the upper and middle classes in the late 19th and early 20th century. A Labour Day tradition in Atlantic Canada is the Wharf Rat Rally in Digby, Nova Scotia, while the rest of Canada watches the Labour Day Classic, a Canadian Football League event where rivals like Calgary Stampeders & Edmonton Elks, Hamilton TigerCats & Toronto Argonauts (except in the 2011 and 2013 seasons, due to scheduling conflicts), and Saskatchewan Roughriders & Winnipeg Blue Bombers play on Labour Day weekend. Before the ending of the Ottawa Renegades after the 2005 season, that team played the nearby Montreal Alouettes on Labour Day weekend. Since the 2014 CFL season, when the Ottawa Redblacks began play, the Montreal–Ottawa Labour Day tradition has once again been observed. Likewise, Ontario University Athletics has a longestablished tradition to play university football on Labour Day.
There is an annual Labour Day parade in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland. The centennial anniversary in 2020 was replaced with an online ceremony due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.InOntario, Labour Day is a public holiday where workers can take the day off or receive public holiday pay.

LEAVE EXTRA TIME Roadways are bound to be busy with other Labour Day weekend travelers, particularly for those headed to seaside locales or campgrounds. One way to avoid some of the traffic is to depart from home in the wee hours of the morning or late at night. Leave plenty of time to get to your destination so you won’t be tempted to speed or drive erratically. Utilize GPS and mobile phone mapping apps to identify routes that can help you avoid traffic.
CONSIDER A BUNDLED VACATION Package deals at destinations can save you a considerable amount of money. allows users to search the site for destinationappropriate packages that can combine airfare with hotel and car rentals to save money.

Never drink alcohol while operating a vehicle en route to and from Labour Day festivities. Have a designated driver available if need be. Also, vacationers must recognize that alcohol can contribute to dehydration. Choose non-alcoholic and decaffeinated beverages to stay hydrated in warm weather. | TIMES COLONISTA4 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 ADVERTISING FEATURE Labour Day marks the unofficial end of summer. Even though summer officially ends a few weeks after Labour Day, a new school year begins for most students by Labour Day, and the lazy, hazy days spent on the beach give way to a new school year. It’s no wonder that so many people want to capture the last of the summer magic before it’s gone for another year; Labour Day getaways help people hold on to summer just a little longer. Explore these tips to make Labour Day trips a bit more safe and convenient.

BE CAUTIOUS OF THE WEATHER Extreme temperatures can be a concern even this late in the season. The American Red Cross urges travelers to remain hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids while en route to destinations or while engaging in Labour Day fun. Avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest part of the day. Strong storms can blow through in an instant, so keep track of weather alerts and find shelter if a thunderstorm approaches while on the beach or in other areas where lightning strikes occur more readily.
TIPS for Labour Day getaways and more Hold on to summer just a little longer. Happy Labour Day! Morethan 85,000 workers have avoiceonthe job with the BCGEU. We’restanding together to fightthe risingcost of living. Youcan join us! Learn moreat BCGEU.CA/JOIN

If the plan is to swim in a lake, river or the ocean, select areas that have lifeguards available. Always swim sober and with a buddy. Even strong swimmers can be caught off guard by the power of water, which can include rip currents or rushing rapids. WATCH ALCOHOL INTAKE
It may seem more convenient to utilize larger airport hubs for travel, but driving a little further to smaller, regional airports can help you save money on fares. Plus, these airports may be less crowded, helping to calm stress and make the overall trip a little easier. –MC
PLAN AHEAD Labour Day vacationers number in the millions. Hotels and motels will be in demand, driving up rates, and airfare prices could soar. Book early to secure the best prices available and to guarantee you have accommodations.
In 1991, PSAC members held the largest national strike by a single union in Canada, gaining major improvements in job security while the union’s case before the Supreme Court confirmed the right of PSAC members to engage in political activity.


PSAC CONTINUES TO GROW Our union continues to evolve, expanding its membership to include, among others, workers in post-secondary institutions, in territorial governments and northern municipalities and hospitals, women’s shelters, among others.PSAC also recognizes the growing diversity of its members through committees and events that promote the human rights of our Aboriginal, racialized, LGBT, disabled and women members.
Cal Best (right) and leaders of the Civil Service Association of Canada, a precursor to PSAC

PAID MATERNITY LEAVE AND HEALTH & SAFETY: UNION WINS Just over 10 years later, our union had to counteract the first of what would be many attempts to take away our collective bargaining rights. That didn’t stop the PSAC from negotiating break-through benefits such as paid maternity leave and family leave, and obtaining legal health and safety protection at work. Pay equity complaints were being filed that would result in the payment of literally billions of dollars in future decades.
The Public Service Alliance of Canada represents nearly 230,000 workers in every province and territory in Canada and in locations around the world. Our members work for federal government departments and agencies, Crown Corporations, universities, casinos, community services agencies, Aboriginal communities, airports, and the security sector among others. PSAC is headquartered in Ottawa with 23 regional offices across Canada.Formed in 1966, the Public Service Alliance of Canada is one of Canada’s largest unions.

PSAC strives to enhance its members’ quality of life and has been at the front of a variety of significant and successful campaigns for workplace and human rights, including the struggle for equal pay, enhanced workplace health and safety and the rights of same sex spouses.
230,000 workers strong! Representing workers within and outside of the federal public service. PUBLIC SERVICE ALLIANCE OF CANADA Didyouknow? Ahealthandsafetyprogramsetsthestagefor aworkplaceculture,and shouldbeconstantly adapted,evaluated,andimproved. Tolearnmoreaboutplanningforhealthand safetyandmanaging risks in yourworkplace, visit HAPPY LABOUR DAY
The Public Service Alliance of Canada can trace its origins back to 1889 when the Railway Mail Clerks’ Association held its first convention.Fastforward to July 9, 1966 when two organizations – the Civil Service Federation of Canada (including the Railway Mail Clerks) and the Civil Service Association of Canada –representing 16 staff associations, agreed to merge. At a founding convention in November 1966, the PSAC was born.
The associations had already taken their first political steps during the April 1963 federal election by asking all political parties if they supported collective bargaining for federal workers. The PSAC’s creation coincided with the adoption of collective bargaining legislation in the federal public service. Soon after, the PSAC signed its first collective agreements with the federal government – classification by classification – and began organizing workers in the territories and greatly expanded its education program.
And our union works to promote workers’ rights internationally through its Social Justice Fund, first set up in 2003.


PSAC is working to achieve a compassionate and inclusive society free of sexism, racism, homophobia and all other forms of discrimination.PSACiscommitted defending access to quality public services, and to social justice through emergency relief funding, anti poverty and development work both in Canada and around the world.
4) Monitor and update Managing workplace risks is an ongoing process. Control measures need to be monitored for effectiveness, and those that are not working as intended need to be improved.Preventing incidents is a shared responsibilityWhilesafety rests with the employer, contributing to a healthy and safe work environment is a shared responsibility. Working together, employers and workers can complete risk assessments and address health and safety concerns to help prevent workplace incidents.Improving health and safety doesn’t have to be costly, but the potential return on investment is huge.Tolearn more about managing the risks in your workplace,
2) Implement control measures The greatest risk should be addressed first. If a risk cannot be eliminated, a control measure needs to be implemented to minimize it.

Happy Labour Day

3) Communicate Employers need to provide workers and supervisors with information about what measures are being used to control the risks.

Creating a health and safety culture at every workplace WHAT TYPE OF WORK YOU DO, EVERY WORKSITE HAS POTENTIAL HAZARDS. | TIMES COLONISTA6 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 We’rethe HospitalEmployees’ Union, representing more than 50,000 health care workers across B.C. Standing Together For ALiving Wage For All Workers Thanks to all who have gone beforeusinthe labour movement for givingusthe opportunity to makefurther changesfor abetter living for all workers. READMOREONREALLYGREATSITE.COM
No matter what type of work you do, every worksite has potential hazards. An occupational health and safety (OHS) program focuses on the specific workplace hazards and the steps to control them. An OHS program helps to establish the workplace health and safety culture and should be constantly adapted, evaluated, and improved. But what works for one workplace may not meet the needs of another. That’s why it is important to manage risks in each specificManagingworkplace.risksin the workplace involves thinking about what might cause harm to workers and determining whether reasonable steps are being taken to prevent that harm from happening.
1) Understand the level of risk in the workplace Identify hazards. A hazard is anything that can cause harm, such as chemicals, electricity, or equipment. Assess the risk these hazards pose to workers so the appropriate attention and level of control can be applied to each one.

TIMES COLONIST | A7SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 THIS IS OUR Se emb 2 Unions benefit workers and their communities. Th ple to join us Standard message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text STOP to 55255 to cancel. Labour Day 2022 JOIN US HAP PY LABOU R DAY ! PLE AS E J OIN U S!

U.A. LOCAL 324 UA Canada, the union of piping professionals THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 326,000 HIGHLY-SKILLED UNITED ASSOCIATION MEMBERS WHO BELONG TO OVER 300 INDIVIDUAL LOCAL UNIONS ACROSS NORTH AMERICA. Lo cal 324 The Plumbers, Steamfitters, Sprinklerfitters and Welders Union United A ssociation Local 324 represents world class piping professionals that deliver productiv it y and safet y to the constr uction industr y on Vancouver Island Jim No on, Business Manager E xcellent Health & Pension Benefits Training Available • www.ualo c 919 Esquimalt Road, Victoria BC, 250-382-0415 Happy Labour Day! Happy Labour Day from BC’s largest Union, CUPE BC CUPE BC’s 104,000 members provide the public services that build strong communities.

We at U.A. Local 324 reflect on our achievements since inception in 1902. We are proud of the remarkable work of our members past and present who have dedicated themselves to the movement as staunch advocates for the interests of workers. Our Members demonstrate a high degree of quality craftsmanship necessary to construct residential townhomes, condominium’s, schools, office buildings, water/ sewer treatment facilities, Pulpmills and Shipyards within our jurisdiction on Vancouver Island.TheUnited Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, or “UA” as it is commonly known, was a pioneer that recognized no political or geographic boundaries between Canada and the United States of America.Withexpanded training programs and education provided to our members we are ready to move forward into the future, maintaining the high standards required in today’s highly technical and changing workplace. By means of a strong strategic plan U.A. Local 324 will endeavour to keep acquiring a larger share of the construction market and continue growing our membership within our jurisdiction. We have established a legacy that future generations of UA Local 324 can be proud of and build upon. | TIMES COLONISTA8 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 ADVERTISING FEATURE

TIMES COLONIST | A9SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022ADVERTISING FEATURE Labour Day in Canada was created by the labour movement to shine light on the achievements and contributions of workers.

• Active military who are deployed may be missing home, especially during national holidays. Send a care package to them that they can enjoy overseas.
• Purchase items made domestically to support national industry. Labour Day is often dominated by backyard barbecues and trips to the beach. Those who want to be more in touch with the meaning behind the holiday can look for additional ways to celebrate it. –MC

• Bosses can reach out to employees with words of praise and encouragement. Too often, employees are told what they need to improve rather than what they are doing right. A few words of gratitude can buoy spirits.

• Research local industry and schedule a tour of a factory, farm, or another place of business that ties into this industry.

Without hardworking men and women, the economy would not thrive and the prosperity of a nation would be unlikely. Like many other holidays, Labour Day’s message may play second fiddle to the more widespread celebrations that take place. It’s easy to think that Labour Day commemorates the unofficial end of summer rather than the North American worker, but those who want to celebrate more mindfully can consider these ideas.
• While many people are off on Labour Day, essential workers may not be. Bring lunch to a police station or firehouse, or simply thank workers you come across, such as grocery store employees, for doing their jobs.

• Employers can start the threeday weekend early by enabling workers to leave a few hours early on the Friday preceding the holiday weekend.

• Organize a connectionsboostgameoff,competition,company-basedlikeachilicook-pie-eatingcontest,orvideocompetition.Thiscanmoraleandstrengthenamongstaff.

Unique ways to celebrate Labour Day FOR ADVERTISING IN TIMES COLONIST SPECIAL FEATURES Aaron Ross • aross@timescolonist.com250.380.5313 Dani Metzmeier • dmetzmeier@timescolonist.com250.889.0557 Thank you to ever yone who works to keep our communities strong and safe. Happy Labour Day. Randall Garrison, MP for Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke | | 250-405-6550 BCNU CELEBRATES LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2022 Nurses across BC are working critically shor t staffed They need more suppor t right now to provide safe patient care Take action for BC ’s nurses by emailing your ML A. helpbcnurses .ca | TIMES COLONISTA10 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 Delivering community in Greater Victoria & Cowichan Valley for almost 70 years Reporters; copy editors; columnists; artists; circulation, advertising and accounting clerks; sales reps; district managers; drivers; photographers; IT; maintenance; mail handlers; programmers; accountants; job coordinators Members of Victoria-Vancouver MembersIsland Island Newspaper Guild Local Newspaper30223, Communications Workers of CommunicationsAmerica America