You can spend your time admiring the local and vibrant art adorning our walls while the

Enjoy a luxurious baked pastry, a gourmet drink, or a seasonal lunch menu feature in our fully licensed establishment and take a stroll down to the waterfront on a summer day. On a winter day, escape the weather with one of our warm fair-trade and organic co ees.

Nestled in the heart of Oak Bay, Windsor Café is just steps from the gorgeous Oak Bay Marina on scenic Beach Drive. Our location is ideal for everyone who prefers to ride a bicycle. It’s also a great area for walking your dog – and because our front patio is dog friendly, your four-legged friends will be welcomed here.
Where the locals gather - Windsor Café

Sorry, we don’t take reservations.

hether you’re in a rush for a quick co ee or cold drink or looking for an upscale bistro dining experience, our local café has something just for you – and we welcome everyone who arrives riding a bike or walking beside a dog.Looking for a glass of pinot gris and a chance to share a mushroom brusche a? Or sandwiches and beer? Windsor Café has local beers on tap, as well as a superb selection of wine and cider.

TIMES COLONIST | C5FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 Discover OAK BAY Beaches • Boutique Shops • Galleries Food & Wine • Accommodations

Our Tudor-style building features three indoor dining rooms, and two outdoor garden patios with a view of Oak Bay’s stunning Windsor Park, the best gathering spot in our
jazz-infused atmosphere. Jeremy, who graduated top of his culinary class and went on to study under a Michelin Star Chef, brings to life a diverse menu of global dishes inspired by the world travels of


sounds of so jazz echo slowly in the background, welcoming you home.

No ma er the season, the oceanfront provides an idyllic se ing for your Oak Bay café dining experience and a great neighborhood for bike riding and dog Comewalking.andvisit us today to see just what the Windsor Café has to o HOURS:er.Tuesday to Friday 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

a destination for the entire region.
apas on Oak, the newly opened global fusion tapas restaurant, is excited to join the local culinary community in Oak Bay. Created by Victoria born owner Dan Massey and assisted by a fine collection of professionals including Head Chef (AKA The Flavour Master) Jeremy Teahan and ‘Manager of Things’ James Halliday, plus other core team members including Trinity, Jason and Mahsa, Tapas on Oak strives to create a phenomenal dining experience. This includes the delicious tapas-portioned food and great selection of wines in the ambient,


the owner. The restaurant’s team is thrilled to be serving the residents and visitors of Victoria and welcomes all to come enjoy the Tapas on Oak experience.
ADVERTISING FEATURE Family Owned &Operated FULLY LICENSED cafe with two patios, FRESH FOOD MADE TO ORDER. Organic fair trade coffee and plenty of FREE street parking. 778.440.2540 WINDSOR RD, OAK BAY Bringing a global selection of tapas to Victoria Locally Owned & Operated Small Plates / Big Wines / Great Service 2006 Oak Bay Ave , Victoria (near Foul Bay Rd ) 250 590 8881 | Tapasonoak com *Advisors and their corporations conduct insurance business through Sun Life Financial Distributors (Canada) Inc. Mutual fund business is done ith y advisor through Sun Lif Financial In estment Servic (Canada) Inc. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada is the insurer and is a member of the Sun Life group of companies. © Sun Lif A Company of Canada, 2022. Life insurance • RR SPs/ RRIFs • Annuities R amp up your re tirement saving s. A re t iremen t pl an include s t he r igh t mi x of income s av ing s and insu r ance pro tec t ion produc t s to hel p you mee t you r f inancial goal s today and l i ve w i t h peace of mind in re t iremen t Le t s s t ar t pl anning Philip St ir ton*, CFP® Advisor Sun Life Kinfolk Financial Services Inc Tel: (250) 882 9033

Whendeer!indoubt, ask your local bike shop or community to provide input. At Oak Bay Bikes, we are not just salespeoplewe’re cyclists, too. We use and test the same gear that we sell. So, whether it’s a secret bike path or a stashable windbreaker, we’ve got you covered for all your fall bike commuting needs.

I’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss. Now what?
The next steps

Our immunity wanes over time a er ge ing a COVID vaccine, so ge ing a booster a er 6 months is essential to reduce your risk of ge ing infected or experiencing complications from COVID. The same goes for the annual flu shot!
Once you are happy you can get back to life with support from your hearing clinic.

It’s common to struggle with accepting the diagnosis. It might be scary, upse ing or even seem expensive. However, treatment can improve your quality of life and can be a positive experience.

Once selected, you’re booked in for a fi ing. This will introduce you to your new devices, ensure comfort and program them to yourThereprescription.areseveral follow-up appointments to educate you on important hearing aid care and fine-tune the program(s) based on your feedback.
Fort Royal Pharmacy will be o ering both COVID boosters and flu shots this fall at the pharmacy.
ycling to and from school or work has its challenges. Poor weather, late nights, and busy streets deter some people from commuting by bike. However, with the right gear and expert advice, bike commuting can be a safe and relaxing experience!Whenplanning a commute, it’s important to choose a route that is quiet and safe. Explore your neighborhood and pinpoint bike lanes, multi-use trails, and other cycling infrastructure that can make biking easier. Sometimes it’s be er to opt for a longer but quieter route instead of a short and busy route. And watch out for hills! Make sure you’re familiar with the neighborhood before commi ing to a bike route. Another thing to consider is the weather. Once temperatures start to drop, it’s important to have the right gear. Here in Oak Bay, it’s a great idea to pack a water-resistant jacket (bonus
ocated in the heart of Oak Bay village, this pharmacy strives to provide you with all your medication needs. Economical and competitive in their product pricing, their sta provides quick and e cient service.

Your local family owned community pharmacy.Youevenhave the option to get both vaccines done at the sameForappointment!seniors,thehigh dose vaccine is also available. To register for this vaccine, e-mail the pharmacy at: info@
With the fall season approaching comes the risk of ge ing infected with Influenza.

How to SafelyCommutebyBike
Oak Bay 250.598.9884 Fairfield nexgenhearing.com250.590.2088

points for reflective details). As the days get shorter, always carry front and rear lights for those times you get stuck at the o ce later than expected. A loud bell will also help when biking through busy areas, whether you’re warning pedestrians, other cyclists, or even
Use the Live Chat feature on our website for quick questions about products or local bike knowledge. We’re here to help you have a happy and safe commute!

For best results, the hearing aids must be worn regularly.

It can be overwhelming for patients as they adjust. To make the transition comfortable, the process can move as slowly or quickly as you need.
The best part about completing the fi ing and programming stage is integrating your new hearing aids into your day-to-day life.
Hearing aids become a tool for success to improve your quality of life and confidence.

The influenza virus is constantly changing, so a new vaccine is needed each year to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Come see us at 1990 Oak Bay Ave or

ou’ve taken a hearing test and found out that you have hearing loss and need hearing aids. What now?

For more information, visit any of their 3 locations on Fort St, Hillside Ave, or Oak Bay Ave or their website at:
Ge ing your first hearing aids Technology has advanced dramatically and hearing aids are more e ective than ever. | TIMES COLONISTC6 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 FA I R FI E LD 250.999.4553 10 1516 Fair field Road OA K BAY 250.90 0. 8026 2215 Oak Bay Ave R I D E T H E O P E N R OA D www.nexgenhearing.comE xperience the difference B E T T E R h e a r i n g m a ke s . Discover OAK BAY Beaches • Boutique Shops • Galleries Food & Wine • Accommodations
To recommend a specific model, your hearing health professional will conduct a assessment to address lifestyle needs outside of your hearing abilities such as social life, hobbies, budget and more.


Paige Laufer, Pharmacy Manager, Oak Bay. ADVERTISING FEATURE Locally-Owned & Family-Operated VISIT IN STORE, CALL, OR TRANSFER ONLINE: E-mail: Thank You for your support PQuick & Efficient Service PFree Medical Reviews PFree Blister Packaging PCompounding Services POstomy Supplies PAll Vaccinations Administered FREE Delivery Across the Island! Serving the community for over 10 years 3 Locations to Serve You #50-797 HILLSIDE AVE Victoria BC Tel: 778-406-2022 Fax: 778-406-2023 1803 FORT ST Victoria BC Tel: 250-590-3707 Fax: 250-590-3708 2217 OAK BAY AVE Oak Bay, BC Tel: 250-590-9217 Fax: 250-590-9218 COVID Booster shots NOW available at Oak Bay/Hillside location. Full Service Dispensing Pharmacy Save Compare Easy Transfers

All their Pharmacists are qualified, professional and experienced. Visit the pharmacy and talk to any one of them for your prescription needs, medical reviews or general consultation. For any over the counter products, their pharmacy sta and Operations Manager is always willing to go the extra mile to serve you. They provide free delivery across their community.
“Building patient relationships and trust in our services is our top priority.” - Vik Bawa, Owner.
Flu vaccines are free to anyone 6 months and older who would like to reduce their risk of influenza.
chools are back in session and as parents we want to give our kids the best foundation for learning. This may include proper school supplies, tutors, and extracurricular activities, but have you thought about the health of your child’s eyes?

It is a place where students are recognized as individuals with unique needs, passions and learning styles, and where sta strive to equip them with the skills they need to design their own distinct pathways to success.Every student at GNS is an IB learner. Every teacher at GNS is an IB educator. During their time at GNS, our students are encouraged to ask questions, investigate topics independently and take action about issues they feel are important. Building on a foundation of over 25 years of training and experience, our teachers have created a unique approach to delivering the IB curricula that enables our
In addition to new clothing lines, a restock of our oilcloth (with new pa erns), and lots of fun Fall colours in our housewares section we have added fresh flower bouquets from Farm Belly. If you haven’t smelled these beautiful bouquets yet you are in for a treat! In addition to the gorgeous blooms Evelyn (our local farmer/grower) adds herbs and flowering plants all of which are grown without any kind of chemicals so they can be consumed or popped in the bath. Stop by the shop for a sni !

“Students learn all of the same facts and figures as they would in a traditional school, but they then apply what they’ve learned in a hands-on, inquiry-based environment. We’re still interested in the who’s, what’s, when’s and where’s—but we’re even more interested in the why’s, and in how our students will make the world a be er place.”
Back To School Eye Exams

Our art studio is bursting with classes, events and Tarot card readings this month - and every month. We are delighted to provide this space for folks to create, converse and connect with one another in a nonthreatening and empowering place. Helga Strauss is our Art Director and teaches most of our workshops and everyone who takes one of her classes raves about them! On deck this month we have watercolour painting, collage, acrylic paint pouring, vision board creation,
lenlyon Norfolk School is a JK to Grade 12 independent university prep school that is one of the few in Canada to o er the full International Baccalaureate continuum, an educational program that encourages students to be curious, engaged and well-rounded learners that care about each other and the world around them. The strength of the school lies in its inclusive community whose members work together to make GNS a safe place for students to take risks, make mistakes and discover who they are.


Our strong academic program is complemented by robust opportunitiesco-curricularinathletics, arts, personal interests and service. This combination allows each student to work with their teachers and university advisors to design their own unique pathway to graduation. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure students graduate with the tools necessary to find success in their postsecondary studies and to live happy and successful lives.
altered books, Autumn cra s and broken jewelry picture making. All supplies are included in the registration cost. For more info go to or give us a call at the store 250-412-2115

A warm welcome for Lazy Susan’s

Did you know that we also support local artists with our Artist of the Month and our Artist in Residence programs?

Our Fall merchandise is rolling into the store along with an inkling of Christmas to come. The retail business is relentlessly seasonal and Christmas will soon be upon us so we are ge ing prepared!

hank you to all our patrons and fellow businesses on the Avenue for the warm welcome Lazy Susan’s has received. It’s been 4 months in this location and we couldn’t be happier!!

O en, children don’t recognize they are struggling with their eyesight as they do not have a point of reference to compare to. You can’t assume your child has healthy eyes because they’re not complaining or have passed a generic screening test. Kids may have one eye doing most of the work disguising the fact that the other is not functioning properly, causing strain and frustration in theSomeclassroom.signs your child is struggling with their vision, such as squinting and si ing very close to the television, are easily recognizable. However, symptoms including headaches, irritability, lack of concentration, excessive blinking or rubbing of eyes, avoiding coloring and other near-distance activities, unusual posture, lack of participation, struggling to keep their place or omi ing words while reading,

TO ADVERTISE IN THE NEXT DISCOVER OAK BAY FEATURE Contact: Paul Wiebe, Advertising Sales Representative 250-514-0437 •

Each month we feature a local artist on our walls who may not have had the chance to showcase their work before and o er you a chance to see their art. Our Artist in Residence program gives an opportunity for emerging artists to use our studio space to create and develop their body of work in a quiet and safe space. For more info please give us a call at the store.”
“The IB challengescurriculastudents to take learning beyond simple rote memorization,” comments Head of School, Chad Holtum.

A child’s learning relies heavily on their eyesight, more than 80% of learning is based on vision. If vision issues are le untreated, kids are le lagging behind in school. In fact, 60% of children with reading di culties have an undiagnosed or untreated vision problem.
students to develop higherlevel skills in inquiry, analysis and innovation that they can put into action in the real world today and in the future.

struggling with eye-hand coordination activities such as catching, short a ention span, and performing below potential can be a ributed to poor vision as well.Once your child starts school, an annual eye exam is crucial to identify potential visualperformance problems. During the exam, your optometrist will check for eye-movement defects, coordination of the eyes, eye-hand coordination, and ability to control focus. If a vision condition is detected, your optometrist will o en prescribe corrective lenses or vision therapy as a solution.

Set your child up for success this school year and for the years to come. Schedule an eye exam with one of our skilled optometrists today.”
TIMES COLONIST | C7FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 Mathematician. Percussionist . Athlete. Volunteer. W hy not? You belong at GNS, Vancouver Island’s IB World Continuum School! To learn more about the endless opportunities available for personal and academic growth in our Middle School, visit: https://www mygns ca/middle school www.mygns.c a 250 370 6801 | Victoria BC Glenlyon Norfolk School C O N T N U U M D E L B 2039 Oak Bay Ave across from GardenWorks Open: Tues Sat from 10 6 250 412 2115 Come in and find your favourite items from yesteryear as well as new products from local makers and artists We carry cards clothing accessories housewares and our famous Mexican Oilcloth and vintage-insp d goods for you and your home! and vintage-inspi ed Discover OAK BAY Beaches • Boutique Shops • Galleries Food & Wine • Accommodations ADVERTISING FEATURE

Tulipe Noire is small and inviting. It is bright and cheerful and the sta are welcoming and kind. They specialize in casual timeless high quality clothing. Kari’s style is classic, timeless and sophisticated. She is not one to follow trends and only wears natural fibres. Co on, Silk, and Cashmere are her favourites and she loves artistic original jewelry.
Bay Flower Shop
Eurosa Farms

Meet Kari Mclay
When you ask for Eurosa Grown roses you are also ensuring local farming on Vancouver Island stays alive andThanksgivingvibrant. is October 10th and as we gather with friends and family, a table arrangement featuring locally grown flowers adds to the festive occasion.
Local flowers also mean fresher flowers as they are picked and delivered to us o en same day. The fresher they arrive in our store means the longer they last in your home.
Back in 2003 when Jacqueline Prewe ’s family began to build Carlton House, she never imagined the impact the project would have on her“Itlife.was a family business from the get-go.” Prewe remembers, almost 19 years later. Her developer dad, Rod, saw a need for a senior’s residence in the Oak Bay Village, and he managed the construction process with his wife Judi. Jacqueline’s brothers and now husband pitched in by working with construction crewsJacquelineonsite. lived just around the corner and loved watching the building go up, but it wasn’t until the residents moved in that she realized the special connection between the community and the two families who owned the place. The Prewe s (Rod and Judi), and the Clarks (Steve and Betsyn) joined in the hustle and bustle of daily Carlton House life. They all added a personal connection that helped shape the residence into the unique community it is today. FAMILY HISTORY
They loved to be involved, whether that meant teaching painting lessons, visiting residents, or dressing up as Santa at SeveralChristmas.yearspassed, and Carlton House began to feel more like a second home to Jacqueline. It was a warm and familiar place to be, with di erent friends and family living in, and the many delicious lunches she enjoyed in the dining room with her dad.

Then, much to everyone’s sadness, Rod passed away from a brief illness in 2019.
Prewe s passed away from a brief illness in 2019.Judi,

Jacqueline, and Shelby.
t the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, flower markets around the world were throwing flowers away because the demand had shrunk with shutdowns. The bounce back saw flowers so much in demand that growers around the world have been challenged to keep up.


Now that the plants are caught up and producing at a regular rate, the amount of postponed weddings and events are creating a higher demand for popularBetweenflowers.the shortage in flowers, high demand, and increasing costs of transportation and labour, flowers prices have increased anywhere from 15% to 100%. This is especially true of imported flowers and why we are so thankful and grateful to our floral partners who grow locally.

A er that, Jacqueline joined the others on the Board of Directors, along with the Clark’s daughter Shelby, and began to get more involved. She later took on the role of Digital Marketing Manager, and that is where you’ll find her today.
ari is the force behind Tulipe Noire, a lifestyle clothing store located in the South Jubilee suburb of Victoria, B.C.

Kari has a Masters Degree in Social Work specializing in group and family therapy. She had a long career in medical social work, working at a number of hospitals in both Montreal and Victoria. Kari grew up in retailher grandfather opened a retail | TIMES COLONISTC8 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 This is im es ALL-INCLUSIVE RETIREMENT LIVING IN THE HEART OF OAK BAY 102 2187 Oak Bay Ave Phone: 250-595-2421 Toll Free: 1-800-667-2421 oll Free: M AKE ANY C ELEBR ATION FESTIVE WITH SPECTAC UL AR LOC ALLY GROWN F lowe lrs. w Discover OAK BAY Beaches • Boutique Shops • Galleries Food & Wine • Accommodations ADVERTISING FEATURE
years and Canada’s only yearround, greenhouse grown, cut rose grower. Started in 1979 by Hans and Debbie Bulk, Eurosa has blossomed into 4.5 acres of greenhouse grown cut roses andThreealstroemeria.generations of Eurosa family members live and work on the farm. Every day they begin with hand harvesting and bunching their beautiful roses, to ensure that our customers receive the best, freshest possible product. Their experience and knowledge has resulted in roses that are beautiful but but they cultivate them and cut them at just the right time to maximize their life.
One of our partner growers is Eurosa Farms. They are a proud member of the Vancouver Island community for over 40

Now, she takes her own small children to Carlton House for visits and brings her own sense of fun and connection to the community. Just like her dad, Rod.

business in downtown Victoria in 1947. His business, Cowichan Trading, is still owned by their family and continues to be in operation to this day. Kari decided to open a retail store because she wanted the challenge of creating a unique environment for women of all ages and sizes. She wanted to nurture her creative side and to fulfill goals as a community fundraiser and philanthropist. Kari also works as an Educator / Life Skills Facilitator for the Canadian Mental Health Association.
artwork into photos of clients’ spaces
primer • comes in just one premium finish, suitable for all walls (no more agonising over di erent options!) • has been developed to represent covetable, highquality colours in 32 shades which have proven the test of time – as featured in award-winning interiors all over the world. At Five Fields we carry the full spectrum of chalk, satin, and wall paint so you can truly make your space your own with Annie Sloan - and we are here to help! Currently o ering complimentary colour consultations, in-store or in-home. Visit us in our new space (2070 Cadboro
• payment plans and options
• Private worldwidecurbsideappointments,pick-upandshipping

• Gi certificates
• is easy to use
• of
The Avenue Gallery is open Monday – Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 12-4pm. 2184 Oak Bay Avenue, 250-598-2184

• Complimentary gi wrapping With an unsurpassed collection of paintings, sculpture, ceramics, glass and jewellery by over 60 Canadian artists, The Avenue Gallery is a veritable feast for the eyes. The gallery’s e-commerce

Annie Sloan wall paint available at Five Fields

he Old Farm Market continues to buzz as we expand and bring in new o erings. Since our last Oak Bay feature, we have renovated our Deli Department to be er serve our customers! When we opened our store, it didn’t take long for our customers to tell us what they wanted to see. Since then, we’ve been working tirelessly to provide a seamless

ocated in charismatic Oak Bay Village, The Avenue Gallery is one of the premiere boutique galleries in western Canada. This impressive gallery has showcased contemporary Canadian fine art since 2002. Popular with collectors as well as those new to the contemporary art scene, The Avenue Gallery is a beloved destination for local Victorians and visitors. Don’t miss The Avenue Gallery’s highly anticipated upcoming solo exhibition, Encounters with Life, featuring William Liao from October 13 to 24! Avenue Gallery o ers: Open daily Accessible entrance
• approval’ artwork trial for up to 48 hours

Rd across from Oak Bay High School - look for the pink door) or shop online at
Very few of us use wall paint frequently enough to know whether the paint we are using is all that great and choosing the right paint for your home can be daunting. That’s why you should look to an expert you can trust. Step right in, Annie Sloan. With 30+ years paint production experience, and a lifelong career in interior design, Annie is very uniquely qualified to create a wall paint that ticks every box.
Wall Paint by Annie Sloan
Annie’s wall paint is simple and stunning. Instead of choosing between quality of finish (like the luxurious, so , velvet finish and exceptional coverage her wall paint o ers), expertly balanced pigments (tested in a variety of di erent lights and mixed to exacting standards), and durability (the

ive Fields is excited to introduce Annie Sloan wall paint to Canada a er many award winning years in Europe. Her wall paint has arrived at the shop to join her famous chalk paint and new satin paint.

finish will last for years and is wipeable, scrubbable, and practical even in the busiest of households): choose a paint which o ers all three.
website makes it easy to order your perfect art piece from home. Shop online at

Eileen Fisher White+ Warren DL 1961 Denim KutDenim JennyBirdJewelr y BeautycounterSkincare Elate Cosmetics Annigail Open 7Days aWeek 1887 Oak BayAve. | 250.370.5000 Victoria, BC 102Craig St 250.597-0044 DowntownDuncan FollowusonInstagram @tulipenoireclothing Casual LuxuryClothing Sunset 30 x4 8a crylic on canvas 2184 OAKBAY AVENUE VICTORIA www.theavenuegaller 250-598-2184 FEATURE ARTIST BECKY HOLUK 250-592-5611 • • 2070 Cadboro Bay Rd Visit Five Fields Paint Library shop online at or book a complimentary in-store or at-home colour consultation.
deliver just that! You can find our flyers in the Wednesday copy of the Times Colonist as well as on our website!
Discover OAK BAY

• gives great coverage in only one or two coats
• E-Commerce website
Thank you for supporting local! See you at the market!
2585 Cadboro Bay theoldfarmmarket.caRoad
and streamlined shopping experience, and our latest Deli Renovations deliver that! We’ve upgraded and relocated our sandwich bar and added two new sections featuring our Made-In-House deli items and are wide array of delicious dips. Come check it out!
Beaches • Boutique Shops • Galleries Food & Wine • Accommodations

At The Old Farm Market, we’re The Home of Local Produce and Familiar Faces! We know the challenge that businesses face these days with the labour shortage, and how di cult it can be to find good help sometimes. But at OFM, we know you’ll recognize the friendly faces of our sta and that they’ll deliver the best customer service experience the industry has to o er.

• doesn’t require a Bay
Another big change we’ve brought to our stores is a unified flyer for all three locations that now run from Thursday to Wednesday. This change reflects what our customers have been asking for to help them be er plan their grocery shops. We are commi ed to o ering the freshest produce at the best prices, and our new flyers will