INSIDE: Activities and day camps to help create some great summer memories!
INSIDE: Activities and day camps to help create some great summer memories!
As the school year approaches its end, SMUS Camps is gearing up for the start of another fun-filled summer with new day and overnight camp o erings.
Our Basketball Camps prioritize fun and skill-building throughout the summer, and o er individualized attention thanks to a high coach-toplayer ratio. These camps have been met with tremendous enthusiasm by the community, with spaces already filling up.
We have a new Rugby Camp o ered in both day and overnight options, from August 11-16, 2024. Led by Scott Manning, Head Coach of the University of Victoria men’s varsity rugby team, this camp aims to help young athletes become better all-around players. Tailored for teenage boys aged 13-16 with prior
rugby experience, this camp combines on-field training with o -field personal growth opportunities.
The Learn to Row camp is aimed at teaching the fundamentals of the sport. Additionally, our Intermediate camp caters to individuals seeking to advance their rowing skills.
In addition to sports, our STEM camps cater to 13–16-year-olds, providing both day and overnight options. This summer, our o erings include Engineering, Video Game Development, and our newest addition, Ethical Hackers, designed to challenge future cyber experts.
For younger campers, we're thrilled to host camps at the Oak Bay-based Junior School campus, which will provide a wonderful new space for our
camps to access. Among the diverse o erings held there are the Creative Minds and Movers Camp (ages 3-5), Discovery Camp (ages 6-7), and Adventure Camp (ages 8-11).
For a comprehensive list and schedule for our 2024 summer camp programs, please refer to our Summer Camp Calendar by scanning the QR code below. Visit smus.ca/camps to register and learn more.
Theatre SKAM’s annual SKAMpede festival returns this Summer! The beloved outdoor live performing arts festival, which in the past has featured clowning, dance, music, and theatre, will be back along on Inner Harbour and Gorge Waterway from July 12 to 14. It is fun for the whole family and provides entertainment for communities across Victoria. This year’s festival will consist of 8 10-minute works presented by local performers and artists from across the country, juried by professional theatre artists.
Patrons of the festival have the option of purchasing tickets to two tours on the Galloping Goose and Songhees Walkway. On the tours they will get to enjoy performances from both emerging and acclaimed professional theatre artists. The tours each run simultaneously, and continue throughout the
course of the weekend, so that SKAM’s hardcore patrons can get a chance to see every performance SKAMpede has to o er. This year’s festival features Embrace Arts Foundation, SNAFU Society of Unexpected Spectacles, Theatre on Earth Collective, and more! Pay-What-You-Can .Tickets launched on June 10. For more information go to skam.ca/ Website: skam.ca
Facebook: www.facebook. com/TheatreSKAM/Instagram and Twitter: @theatreSKAM
For more information, interviews*, images contact: Janine Rzeplinski, Communications and Marketing Coordinator, Theatre SKAM (604) 679-8776 • janine@skam.ca
Hey Victoria! Are you ready to conquer your summer bucket list and push the limits of your comfort zone? Look no further than WildPlay on Victoria’s West Shore, near Hatley Castle. WildPlay is your go-to local adventure destination, where challenge and fun are just a jump, swing, and zip away. With locations right here in Victoria, as well as in Nanaimo, Maple Ridge, and even far-o lands like Ontario and New York, there’s no excuse
not to unleash your inner child this summer.
Aerial Adventures: Picture this: the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you’re about to embark on a day of adventure. Whether you’re a fearless thrill-seeker or just looking to make unforgettable memories with your family, WildPlay has something for everyone. From ziplines and treetop obstacle courses to the stomach-flipping Primal Swing, there’s no shortage of ways to test your limits and feel the rush of adrenaline.
Ground-Based Adventures: For those who like to keep your feet on the ground, don’t worry – there’s something for you too. Four lanes of Axe Throwing make for an afternoon of friendly competition and skill development, while a leisurely stroll through WildPlay’s lush forest will leave you stoked as you cheer on the brave souls dangling from the treetops.
Pro Tips: Arrive early (before 10:30AM) or in the late afternoon (after 3PM) to avoid the crowds and save money with o -peak
pricing. Bring a wrist strap for your phone! Oh, and WildPlay Season Passes make great gifts for outdoor enthusiasts (yourself included, *wink*).
Make this summer one for the books. Let the adventure begin! Book online/view hours: wildplay.com
Book by phone: 1-855-595-2251
Walk-ins welcome!
WildPlay Parks in BC are open February to December.
Summer fun is never far away in Saanich! Celebrating our community and the spirit of togetherness, the District’s special events schedule comes alive in July and August, o ering residents and visitors many opportunities to enjoy our parks and public spaces together.
Event season kicks o on July 1 as Saanich celebrates the nation’s birthday at the Gorge Canada Day Picnic with the Gorge Tillicum Community Association. Among the day’s many attractions, be sure to check out Gorge on Art, where local artists display and sell their work along the scenic backdrop of the Gorge Waterway.
The next big event is truly a Saanich family tradition—the Saanich Strawberry Festival at Beaver Beach. From its start as a celebration of the area’s agricultural roots, the Strawberry Festival has blossomed into a grand event for all ages. The event features live music on both the main stage and a kid’s stage, bouncy castles, and many local vendors. Of course, the afternoon wouldn’t be complete without the traditional serving of strawberries and ice cream from 2 to 4 p.m. for only $2!
In early August, it’s time for another community favourite, the
Cadboro Bay Festival. Join your neighbours seaside at CadboroGyro Park for a family-friendly event featuring a variety of hands-on activities, giant lawn games, live music, arts and craft stations, and food and fun for everyone!
In between these great weekend events, enjoy live music at di erent Saanich Parks on Tuesday evenings in July and August. Music in the Park, Saanich’s free outdoor concert series, features fan-favourite, family-friendly local acts from di erent musical decades and genres.
Plan to celebrate your community this summer and join in the fun at one of these or other Saanich special events. Visit saanich.ca/events for more information.
Sunday,July7,11am-4 pm
Featuring thetraditional ser ving of strawberries andice cream. sa anic h.ca/ st rawb er ry fe st ival
• Li ve music
Sunday,Aug us t4,11am-3pm
Aseaside community picnic recalling yearspastwithgiant lawn gamesand vintagedisplays. sa an ich .ca/cad bo ro ba yf es ti va l
•Interac ti ve game sand ac ti vities
• Free se cure parking forbic ycle s, sc oote rs , andp ersonalmobility ve hicle s .
“You have no idea how excited we are for summer!”
saysScott Bayley, Qwanoes Executive Director.
“Summer is such a magical time of year here. Staff are arriving from around the world, across Canada and throughout BC. It’s another amazing team coming together. And everyone one can’t wait to meet our campers!”
Thousands of campers have already signed up for a week at Camp Qwanoes – and there’s still some space for a few more. Apparently many have been counting down the start of their camp for months.
“We love how excited our campers are to come – and they can know we are just as excited!”
In the words of a camper: “You know, Qwanoes is amazing. Not just because of the activities or the beach or the soccer or the fun times. But because it gives us all the chance to meet amazing people and bond with amazing staff members. I have a group of close friends, all who I met at this camp… it has been one of the highlights of my childhood. Qwanoes has changed my life forever."
“At camp, kids come out of the city and live in the midst of God’s beautiful creation. They experience incredible adventure and fun, make new friendships and enjoy the wonder and discovery that is part of camp. Each one is accepted for who they are by people who really care,” says Bayley.
“Our goal is to make summer 2024 the best summer ever!”
Whether they’re exploring a giant floating Aqua-Park, racing a friend down a spectacular ocean zip line called the Jet Stream to the beach, or skateboarding on a world-class
concrete skate park, there is something for everyone.
Since 1966 kids have been experiencing these kind of adventures and a whole lot more at Qwanoes, nestled beside Maple Mountain on a quiet bay in Crofton about one hour north of Victoria.
Bayley says, “What really makes a week at Qwanoes so special is that we love kids. Qwanoes is a safe place where kids are not only accepted but valued. Kids can just be kids here and enjoy an escape from our fast-paced, confusing, plugged-in world. Campers can gain not just new-found confidence, but also a new-found hope for their future.”
Qwanoes is a Christian camp, and an ideal place for fun-filled, life-changing adventure. All are welcome and there still is some space available for this summer. Check out their summer 2024 video at qwanoes.ca/summer/media (For more info: qwanoes.ca)
Join the Jam at U-JAM’s “Summer Jazz Workshop” August 12 - 16th at UVic!
An incredible line-up of talented professionals will guide you through a whole week of music-making. This promises to be a week filled with outstanding training, camaraderie, and, of course, FUN!
The camp is designed to help students of all ages and skill levels gain instrumental/vocal experience in an environment of Encouragement and Fun. Students of ALL instruments can apply – woodwinds, brass, strings, keyboards, vocalists, guitarists, bassists, and drummers. The workshop will allow students to make music together in small and large ensembles and improve their knowledge and skills, including improvising and jamming with others.
Classes are o ered in theory, arranging, songwriting, chording, vocalizing, historical perspectives, technology, and many unique areas of interest. We will divide by interests and abilities to
create a stimulating program for all instruments. The interplay of combining musicians of all ages gives all a chance to learn from di erent perspectives. We o er a specialized program for singers plus masterclasses, performances, jam sessions, and more. Play or sing in a band, meet other musicians, make music, and generally have fun - the evening concert series includes a nightly jam session with the pros!
The camp cost is $549 for the week. Billeting and hotel
information is available on request for visiting campers. Bursaries and scholarships are also available for deserving students. For busy people, a “Day Camper” option has been created for those wishing to attend with a limited schedule.
U-JAM is a registered not-forprofit society founded in 2006 to support and encourage live music interactions in jazz and its many derivatives, including rock, blues, Latin, swing, and other improvised musical styles.
Parksville Beach Festival promises fun in the sun at the Parksville Community Park located alongside Parksville’s beautiful beach. Starting with the world-renowned, signature event, the Quality Foods Sand Sculpting Competition, opening weekend is July 12, 13 and 14 with the sculpture exhibition open until August 18. This ever-popular event features a 30-hour competition between twenty-nine international master sculptors. Sculptors will “pound up” on July 11, with the competition open to the public beginning at 2pm July 12. Each soloist works with 10 yards of sand and 15 yards for doubles.
The sculptures are available for viewing from July 15 through to August 18 from 9:30am-8:30pm daily. Admission is by suggested donation of $5 per person. Since 1999, the Parksville Beach Festival Society has donated over $1 Million from the gate proceeds to non-profit organizations and community projects.
Known to locals as “Beachfest”, this 5 ½ week-long familyoriented festival, not only includes the Quality Foods Sand Sculpting Competition & Exhibition; the public can also learn to sculpt like a professional; enjoy weekend concerts; daily buskers on the boardwalk; a weekend Artisan Market and two
evenings where the sculptures are illuminated for late night viewing.
With the addition of the new Parksville Outdoor Theatre in the Community Park, Beachfest has also included three ticketed events for music lovers. The third-annual ‘Rock the Park’; a three-day music festival featuring world-class tribute bands and performances by perennial favourites, an afternoon concert featuring the Vancouver Island Symphony and new for 2024, a concert featuring Canada’s iconic rock band Trooper. Visit parksvillebeachfest.ca for further details.
Ju l12- Au g18
Ju l11- Aug 18
Co mpe titi on July11-14 Gates open to pu bl ic July 12 at2 pm
Comp eti ti
Exhi bition July 15-August 18
Fo otpr in ts Securi ty Op en in gWeeken dCon ce rt featuring Trooper -July13
Can adian TireLea rn to Scu lpt July 13 &14
Tim Ho rton sS ummer Co ncert Ser ie s July 19,20, 26,27, August 2, 3, 16 &17
A rt in th ePark July20& 21
Ex hibition ust int sS ecur ityO penin gW fe uring Tr ana dian ulpt Hort the Pa rk 0&21
Mid Island Co -op Ro ck th ePark Musi cFes ti val August 9-11
Coas talCommunityCre dit Union Sculp tureL ig ht Up! August16&17
Q ualityFoo ds Fe stival of Lig hts August 17 (dusk)
Mi dI sl t he Pa rk tival ust 9Sc Augus 6&1 sti valo fL ig ht s Au st sk)
Quali ty Fo ods Kids Sa nds cu lpting Co mpet ition August 18
Ca ro lR iera/PRECSymphonybyt he Sea featuring the Vancouver Island Symphony-August18
QualityFood sK ids nd sculpting ie ra /PRECSym p honybyt
Now in our 10th year, FGPC has great summer programs for children, youth, adults, groups and families
Victoria’s Fairway Gorge Paddling Club has opportunities for youth and grown-ups, as well as families, schools and groups wanting to get on the water.
For young paddlers (ages 6-12) our popular week long summer paddle sport camps help develop basic paddling and water skills in a fun and safe environment in ocean and sprint kayaks, outrigger canoes, dragon boats and stand-up-paddleboards.
For families and friends looking to kayak or SUP this summer, all you need is a Fairway Gorge Paddling Club Kayak/ SUP summer membership. After taking a one-hour safety orientation, members can reserve kayaks on-line for up to 90 minutes every day (paddlers under 18 must be accompanied by an adult kayak member).
Located at 2940 Jutland Road, FGPC also has outrigger paddling and dragon boat paddling programs, and we’re always looking for new members!
We host great racing, too. Be sure to visit the South Island Dragon Boat Festival, with daylong racing over the July 13-14
weekend. This fun, Gorgebased festival is great for spectators who can watch a full, action-packed weekend of dragon boat racing.
Spectators are also welcome at our annual Vancouver Island Dragon Boat Festival on the August 24-25 weekend. This
•Kids Paddlesports camps
•Kayak and SUP memberships ideal forfamilies
•Great Local Festivals:
festival features our “pentathlon” format of 500m, 200m, and 100m races as well as a flag relay, a show-stopper guts and glory race and a final 500 for the top 3 finishing women’s and mixed teams.
Learn more and register for our programs at fgpaddle.com
~ South Island Dragon Boat Festival, July 13-14, featuring a full, action-packed weekend of dragon boat racing
~Vancouver Island Dragon Boat Festival, Aug. 6-7, featuring a full line up of racing, food, entertainment and cultural events.
~FGPC Guts-&-Glory Dragon Boat and Outrigger Canoe Racing, Sept. 15, featuring 1,000-meter and 1,500-meter sprints
Vancouver Island Dragon Boat Festival, August 24-25, featuring a “ pentathlon” format of 500m, 200m, and 100m races, as well as a flag relay, guts & glory race and 500m finals
Visit fgpaddle.com to register or to learn more about our club, including our Waterfront Fitness Facility and our Waterfront Outfitters retail store. 2940 Jutland Rd.
Welcoming all actors in their process: from beginners to seasoned professionals.
Circus Actors Studio is an Acting Studio for people in all ages and stages of their craft. We welcome beginners to come explore the world of acting, and invite seasoned professionals to dig deeper. Classes, camps, workshops, and private coachings are available for folks aged 8 and up.
All coaches are actively working professional Actors, so you can trust you will receive quality training. They are here to share all they’ve learned; serving to build an inclusive, supportive,
playful, and inspiring community for Actors here on Vancouver Island.
A Circus is a place where folks gather to work towards a common goal, and create. It is where magic happens. Circus is also what you call the home
base on a film set, where an Actor begins and ends their work day.
Circus Actors Studio has been built to be that very foundation for its community - a home base to gather and work towards creating longevity, fulfillment, and resilience.
Circus Actors prioritizes safety and inclusivity. They work in an intimate setting; classes are smaller, so each Actor has more focused attention in order to work in a more in depth way. Scene study, Storytelling, and On Camera skills are some roots of the various classes and workshops provided by Circus.
While focusing on the craft of storytelling, Actors will experience the joy of collaborative creation, exploration, and play as a way to build that very foundation of their own.
Circus Actors Studio is constantly releasing new o erings. Visit circusactors. com for current classes, camps, workshops, and private coaching availability.
Follow @circusactors on instagram for tools and updates.