ere we have reports from some of our local Women s Institutes in the area. What s your WI been up to? Email our editor Belinda at news@timesandecho.co.uk.
Cheddleton WI Mal welcomed everyone, to Cheddleton WI s April meeting, including Helen, who was unable to be with us last month. Birthday greetings were given to Claudia and Gay. Mal gave details of a forthcoming book sale and coffee morning, and mentioned a collection envelope for coppers for the Donna Louise Trust, and gave details of an easter egg scam. These went up on the noticeboard, along with all the details of SFWI events that Mary read out. She also mentioned that we will be voting on the resolution for the AGM next month: members could read up on this in WI Life. A trip to the Three Horseshoes for lunch was arranged for later in the month. Doreen collected the annual subscriptions, and thanked members, including one or two who, unable to attend the meeting, had sent theirs along. The speaker was member Mary Cooke, a
Wetley Rocks WI
We started our April meeting with the minutes from last month, these were read by Cynthia, approved by the members and signed by Pat. Pat reminded us that the Homes and Gardens tickets were now available, and she confirmed the booking for the VE Day Afternoon Tea, 14 of the members will be going so that is a good turn out. In addition, activities from other local WIs to which members were invited, were also mentioned. Pat then introduced the night s speaker, which was a hands on demonstration for Card Making, by Sue Robinson. There were four pre-planned that members could follow, or they could make their own arrangements with the pre prepared pieces. There was a demonstration on card cutting too. It provided an opportunity for members to explore their creativity and how they would arrange shapes they were given. There was also an additional social aspect as we were able to chat whilst we created. There was a cost of £1.50 per individual for materials. It was good to have a change and have a more activity-based meeting as it provided a contrast to the more usual speaker. It was subs night so there was additional admin for both Cynthia and Pat, as well as the usual raffle draw and refreshments. We look forward to our AGM and a talk on Scarf Stying on May 10 at 7.30pm in Wetley Rocks Village Hall. New members are welcome, and the first three meetings are free, for further details please contact Cynthia on 01782 551077. Report by Jen Woodhead
beekeeper, who had brought along her equipment, including a hive, - without bees, and kept members enthralled with details of the work and lives of the different types of bees, and the management of the hive. Mary sold little jars of her honey, with the money going to the Red Cross Appeal for Ukraine. The competition for a bee related item was won by Steph, with Mal second. Items were purchased from the bring and buy stall, raffle prizes were won, and tea and coffee enjoyed. Next month the talk is on Blood Bikes and the competition is a fridge magnet. Report by Mary Worwood