GO Portland Press Herald, Aug. 16, 2012

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Whitney's N_`ke\pËj last bow cXjk Yfn

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@kËj efk ZiiXg It's not crrap! @kËj k_\ DX`e\ (It's the Maine ?`^_cXe[ >Xd\j Highland Games)

>iXZ\ Xe[ K_\ EfZklieXcj

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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3E2 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012



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E4 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $



nnn%gi\jj_\iXc[%Zfd&c`]\&^f HOME IN ON WHAT'S HAPPENING ?FD< @E FE N?8KĂ‹J ?8GG<E@E>

SOCIETY SNAPSHOTS: Avery Yale Kamila JF:@<KP JE8GJ?FKJ1 8m\ip PXc\ BXd`cX provides photos and dispatches from gifm`[\j g_fkfj Xe[ [`jgXkZ_\j ]ifd Maine's social scene. DX`e\Ă‹j jfZ`Xc jZ\e\% MAINE A LA CARTE: Shannon D8@E< 8 C8 :8IK<1 J_Xeefe Bryan, Meredith Goad and 9ipXe# D\i\[`k_ >fX[ Xe[ Avery Yale Kamila dish on 8m\ip PXc\ BXd`cX [`j_ fe food and drink. ]ff[ Xe[ [i`eb%

FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local =8:< K?< DLJ@:1 C`m\# cfZXc and beyond, Aimsel Ponti brings you Xe[ Y\pfe[# 8`dj\c Gfek` Yi`e^j pfl music with a Maine backbeat. dlj`Z n`k_ X DX`e\ YXZbY\Xk%


COVER STORY: Grace Potter and The Nocturnals 1=D3@ AB=@G( 5`OQS >]bbS` O\R BVS <]Qbc`\OZa in town/E5 • Making Noise: Sara Hallie W\ b]e\ 3# N ;OYW\U <]WaS( AO`O 6OZZWS Richardson/E6 • Tix/E7 • CD review: "Family of @WQVO`Ra]\ 3$ N BWf 3% N 12 `SdWSe( ¾4O[WZg ]T Strangers"/E8 • |_istings/E9 Ab`O\US`aœ 3& N :WabW\Ua 3'


Houston, Sparks "Sparkle"/E13 • "Dennis Perkins 6]cab]\ A^O`Ya ¾A^O`YZSœ 3 ! N ¾2S\\Wa >S`YW\a on the cult comedy "Wet Hot American Summer"/ ]\ bVS QcZb Q][SRg ¾ESb 6]b /[S`WQO\ Ac[[S`œ E14 • New on DVD: "The Hunger Games"/E16 3 " N <Se ]\ 2D2( ¾BVS 6c\US` 5O[Saœ 3 $

ZXc\e[Xi 10 DAYS' WORTH OF COOL EVENTS/E18-19 2/GA¸ E=@B6 =4 1==: 3D3<BA 3 & '

XikXe[k_\Xk\i "Tom Paiement: Search for Form"/E21 ¾B][ >OWS[S\b( ASO`QV T]` 4]`[œ 3 • Listings/E22 N :WabW\Ua 3

[`e`e^Xe[[i`eb Eat & Run: Mellen Street Market/E27 • Atwell 3Ob @c\( ;SZZS\ Ab`SSb ;O`YSb 3 % N /beSZZ on Rock Island Hop Farm/E28 • Bar Guide: ]\ @]QY 7aZO\R 6]^ 4O`[ 3 & N 0O` 5cWRS( Congress Bar & Grill/E29 1]\U`Saa 0O` 5`WZZ 3 '


Maine Highland Games/E31 • Off Beat: ;OW\S 6WUVZO\R 5O[Sa 3! N =TT 0SOb( Rooftop Film Series shows "Teen Wolf"/E32 @]]Tb]^ 4WZ[ AS`WSa aV]ea ¾BSS\ E]ZTœ 3! • Listings/E32 N :WabW\Ua 3!


:fe^i\jj Jki\\k 9Xi >i`cc i\m`\n &GX^\ <)0%

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Herald/ Wa O ^cPZWQObW]\ ]T ;OW\SB]ROg ;SRWO 7\Q eVWQV ^cPZWaVSa bVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily newspapers, ;OW\S Ac\ROg BSZSU`O[ 9S\\SPSQ 8]c`\OZ O\R ;]`\W\U AS\bW\SZ ROWZg \Sea^O^S`a the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. bVS eSSYZg 1]OabOZ 8]c`\OZ W\ 0ObV O\R bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS eSPaWbSa EXECUTIVE EDITOR 3F31CB7D3 327B=@ Cliff Schechtman 1ZWTT AQVSQVb[O\

TO LIST EVENTS B= :7AB 3D3<BA Send materials two weeks AS\R [ObS`WOZa be] eSSYa in advance of publication W\ ORdO\QS ]T ^cPZWQObW]\ to Go Calendar, One City b] 5] 1OZS\RO` =\S 1Wbg Center, Portland, ME 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R ;3

04101-5009 or e-mail to " # ' ]` S [OWZ b] go@press herald.com U].^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ TO ADVERTISE: B= /2D3@B7A3( Call 791-6200 1OZZ %' $ GO EDITOR 5= 327B=@ Rod Harmon, 791-6450 @]R 6O`[]\ %' $"# rharmon@pressherald.com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

COVER DESIGN 1=D3@ 23A75< Sally Tyrrell AOZZg Bg``SZZ LIKE US :793 CA Find us at: 4W\R ca Ob( www.Facebook eee 4OQSP]]Y .com/pphgo Q][ ^^VU]

:feÔe\[ kf hlXik\ij6 Confined to quarters? NNN kf k_\ i\jZl\ to the rescue


O MBTU XFFL T DPMVNO * PGGFSFE TVHHFTUJPOT n last week's column, I offered suggestions for enjoying the ever-dwindling days of sumGPS FOKPZJOH UIF FWFS EXJOEMJOH EBZT PG TVN mer with a variety of outdoor activities. Truth NFS XJUI B WBSJFUZ PG PVUEPPS BDUJWJUJFT 5SVUI CF UPME * XBT MPPLJOH GPSXBSE UP FOKPZJOH TPNF be told, I was looking forward to enjoying some of them myself last weekend. PG UIFN NZTFMG MBTU XFFLFOE 5IFO JU SBJOFE "OE SBJOFE "OE SBJOFE TPNF Then it rained. And rained. And rained some more. NPSF 8F EJE NBOBHF UP TOFBL JO TPNF CMVFCFSSZ We did manage to sneak in some blueberry picking during a brief break in the weather, QJDLJOH EVSJOH B CSJFG CSFBL JO UIF XFBUIFS CVU GPS UIF NPTU QBSU PVS but for the most part, our weekend was spent inXFFLFOE XBT TQFOU JO doors. In between periods EPPST *O CFUXFFO QFSJPET of back-to-school shopping, PG CBDL UP TDIPPM TIPQQJOH nicking in vain through the nJDLJOH JO WBJO UISPVHI UIF 400-plus channels of dreck QMVT DIBOOFMT PG ESFDL on my satellite TV service PO NZ TBUFMMJUF 57 TFSWJDF (the subject of another UIF TVCKFDU PG BOPUIFS past column) and shaking QBTU DPMVNO BOE TIBLJOH my fist at the cold-hearted NZ mTU BU UIF DPME IFBSUFE harpy that goes by the IBSQZ UIBU HPFT CZ UIF name of Mother Nature, I OBNF PG .PUIFS /BUVSF * took to the Internet to ease UPPL UP UIF *OUFSOFU UP FBTF my boredom. NZ CPSFEPN Should you find yourself in a similar pre4IPVME ZPV mOE ZPVSTFMG JO B TJNJMBS QSF dicament this weekend - and, judging by the EJDBNFOU UIJT XFFLFOE o BOE KVEHJOH CZ UIF weather forecast, it appears likely - here are XFBUIFS GPSFDBTU JU BQQFBST MJLFMZ o IFSF BSF some websites to help ease your pain. TPNF XFCTJUFT UP IFMQ FBTF ZPVS QBJO • )PX *U 4IPVME )BWF &OEFE &WFO UIF CFTU How It Should Have Ended: Even the best N movies have gaping plot holes. Find out how NPWJFT IBWF HBQJOH QMPU IPMFT 'JOE PVU IPX "The Lord of the Rings," "Return of the Jedi," i5IF -PSE PG UIF 3JOHT w i3FUVSO PG UIF +FEJ w "The Avengers" and other flicks would have i5IF "WFOHFSTw BOE PUIFS nJDLT XPVME IBWF ended if those holes were exploited. FOEFE JG UIPTF IPMFT XFSF FYQMPJUFE (howitshouldhaveended.com) IPXJUTIPVMEIBWFFOEFE DPN

• i5IF 4UBS 8BST 5IBU * 6TFE UP ,OPXw " "The Star Wars That I Used to Know": A N parody of the inescapable Gotye song "SomeQBSPEZ PG UIF JOFTDBQBCMF (PUZF TPOH i4PNF body That I Used to Know" pits Anakin SkyCPEZ 5IBU * 6TFE UP ,OPXw QJUT "OBLJO 4LZ walker against George Lucas. XBMLFS BHBJOTU (FPSHF -VDBT (youtube.com/watch?v=qJlbPXZEpRE) ZPVUVCF DPN XBUDI W R+MC19;&Q3&

• 5IJT *T 8IZ * N #SPLF :PV NBZ OPU UIJOL This Is Why I'm Broke: You may not think N you need a camera lens coffee mug or a magic ZPV OFFE B DBNFSB MFOT DPGGFF NVH PS B NBHJD wand TV remote, but just try to leave this XBOE 57 SFNPUF CVU KVTU USZ UP MFBWF UIJT site without buying something. Full of fairly TJUF XJUIPVU CVZJOH TPNFUIJOH 'VMM PG GBJSMZ useless but oh-so-cool items such as medieval VTFMFTT CVU PI TP DPPM JUFNT TVDI BT NFEJFWBM hand blades ($29.95) and umbrellas with sword IBOE CMBEFT BOE VNCSFMMBT XJUI TXPSE handles ($22) to a flying hovercraft ($190,000) IBOEMFT UP B nZJOH IPWFSDSBGU and a 13-foot-tall, diesel-powered MechWarrior BOE B GPPU UBMM EJFTFM QPXFSFE .FDI8BSSJPS complete with a cockpit for humans ($1.35 milDPNQMFUF XJUI B DPDLQJU GPS IVNBOT NJM lion). (thisiswhyimbroke.com) MJPO UIJTJTXIZJNCSPLF DPN

• #SBJO101 .Z ZFBS PME EBVHIUFS MPWFT BrainPOP: My 10-year-old daughter loves N this site, which provides educational info on UIJT TJUF XIJDI QSPWJEFT FEVDBUJPOBM JOGP PO everything from science and math to history FWFSZUIJOH GSPN TDJFODF BOE NBUI UP IJTUPSZ and the arts via easy-to-understand animated BOE UIF BSUT WJB FBTZ UP VOEFSTUBOE BOJNBUFE videos. Anyone who had to sit through a mindWJEFPT "OZPOF XIP IBE UP TJU UISPVHI B NJOE numbing educational film in biology class will OVNCJOH FEVDBUJPOBM mMN JO CJPMPHZ DMBTT XJMM appreciate this, (brainpop.com) BQQSFDJBUF UIJT CSBJOQPQ DPN

• %FBS #MBOL o 1MFBTF #MBOL *G ZPV MJLF Dear Blank - Please Blank: If you like N damnyouautocorrect.com, you'll like this, a EBNOZPVBVUPDPSSFDU DPN ZPV MM MJLF UIJT B collection of messages sent to real people in DPMMFDUJPO PG NFTTBHFT TFOU UP SFBM QFPQMF JO the form of letters. (Remember those?) "O An UIF GPSN PG MFUUFST 3FNFNCFS UIPTF example: "Dear Ex-Boyfriend: Changing your FYBNQMF i%FBS &Y #PZGSJFOE $IBOHJOH ZPVS relationship status to 'single' on Facebook is SFMBUJPOTIJQ TUBUVT UP ATJOHMF PO 'BDFCPPL JT not a good way to break up with someone. SinOPU B HPPE XBZ UP CSFBL VQ XJUI TPNFPOF 4JO cerely, All you had to do was tell me." DFSFMZ "MM ZPV IBE UP EP XBT UFMM NF w (dearblankpleaseblank.com) EFBSCMBOLQMFBTFCMBOL DPN

• "UUBDL PG UIF $VUF +VTU UP TIPX UIBU * N Attack of the Cute: Just to show that I'm N not completely cynical and jaded, here's a OPU DPNQMFUFMZ DZOJDBM BOE KBEFE IFSF T B website full of cute animal photos submitXFCTJUF GVMM PG DVUF BOJNBM QIPUPT TVCNJU ted by users. All together now... awwww. UFE CZ VTFST "MM UPHFUIFS OPXy BXXXX (attackofthecute.com) BUUBDLPGUIFDVUF DPN

Rod Harmon If[ ?Xidfe From the Editor =ifd k_\ <[`kfi

Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 2S^cbg ;O\OUW\U 3RWb]` @]R 6O`[]\ [Og PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob 791-6450 or at: %' $"# ]` Ob( rharmon@pressherald. com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RHarmonPPH BeWbbS`( @6O`[]\>>6


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 | GO E5 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3#

Xe[ ĂŠk_\ and 'the


Fresh from the release of the CD 4`SaV T`][ bVS `SZSOaS ]T bVS 12 'The Lion, the Beast, the Beat,' ¡BVS :W]\ bVS 0SOab bVS 0SOb ¸ Grace Potter and The Nocturnals 5`OQS >]bbS` O\R BVS <]Qbc`\OZa will play two Portland shows. eWZZ ^ZOg be] >]`bZO\R aV]ea ByRAYROUTHIER #Z 3": 3065)*&3


4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter

race Potter has a simple SBDF 1PUUFS IBT B TJNQMF way to measure whether XBZ UP NFBTVSF XIFUIFS she and her band, The TIF BOE IFS CBOE 5IF Nocturnals, had a good /PDUVSOBMT IBE B HPPE run this summer when they were on tour SVO UIJT TVNNFS XIFO UIFZ XFSF PO UPVS with country superstars Kenny Chesney XJUI DPVOUSZ TVQFSTUBST ,FOOZ $IFTOFZ and Tim McGraw BOE 5JN .D(SBX "We haven't had any beer bottles thrown i8F IBWFO U IBE BOZ CFFS CPUUMFT UISPXO at us," said Potter, 29. "When I walk out BU VT w TBJE 1PUUFS i8IFO * XBML PVU and see people's faces, there's everything BOE TFF QFPQMF T GBDFT UIFSF T FWFSZUIJOH from horror to wonder, from people singGSPN IPSSPS UP XPOEFS GSPN QFPQMF TJOH ing every single word to people shaking JOH FWFSZ TJOHMF XPSE UP QFPQMF TIBLJOH their heads. Fan's aren't stupid - they UIFJS IFBET 'BO T BSFO U TUVQJE o UIFZ know we're not country, we're a rock band. LOPX XF SF OPU DPVOUSZ XF SF B SPDL CBOE It's a mixed bag." *U T B NJYFE CBH w And that's really what Grace Potter and "OE UIBU T SFBMMZ XIBU (SBDF 1PUUFS BOE The Nocturnals have been musically since 5IF /PDUVSOBMT IBWF CFFO NVTJDBMMZ TJODF they began gaining national attention UIFZ CFHBO HBJOJOH OBUJPOBM BUUFOUJPO about five years ago. BCPVU mWF ZFBST BHP 5IFZ SF B SPDL CBOE PG UIBU T UIFSF OP They're a rock band, of that's there no Please see POTTER, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=BB3@ GX^\ <((

@= PFL


GRACE POTTER AND THE NOCTURNALS 5@/13 >=BB3@ /<2 B63 <=1BC@</:A WHEN: 8 p.m. W e d n e s d a y E63<( & ^ [ ESR\SaROg and Aug. 23 O\R /cU ! WHERE: State Theatre, E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S 609 Congress St., Portland $ ' 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $25 in advance; $30 day 6=E ;C16( # W\ ORdO\QS) ! ROg of show. Aug. 23 show is sold out. ]T aV]e /cU ! aV]e Wa a]ZR ]cb INFO: (800) 745-3000; 7<4=( & %"# ! ) statetheatreportland.com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k

A8 _fk YcXjk f] Ă‹0'j `e 9Xe^fi hot blast of'90s in Bangor

THE MUSIC OF THE 1990s lives! On S u n d a y in B63 ;CA71 =4 B63 '' a ZWdSa =\ Ac\ROg W\ Bangor, that is. Barenaked Ladies, Blues 0O\U]` bVOb Wa 0O`S\OYSR :ORWSa 0ZcSa Traveler, Big Head Todd & The Monsters B`OdSZS` 0WU 6SOR B]RR BVS ;]\abS`a and Cracker will all take to the stage at the Bangor O\R 1`OQYS` eWZZ OZZ bOYS b] bVS abOUS Ob bVS 0O\U]` Waterfront Pavilion. EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ WHEN: 6:30 p.m. Sunday E63<( $(! ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: Bangor Waterfront Pavilion, 1 Railroad St. E63@3( 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ @OWZ`]OR Ab HOW MUCH: $23.25 to $62.25 6=E ;C16( ! # b] $ # INFO: (800) 745-3000; waterfrontconcerts.com 7<4=( & %"# ! ) eObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][

Bean brings bluegrass to the park 9\Xe Yi`e^j Ycl\^iXjj kf k_\ gXib

G :?<8I@CC

THE SUMMER OUTDOOR concerts at L.L. Bean in B63 AC;;3@ =CB2==@ Q]\QS`ba Ob : : 0SO\ W\ Freeport roll on this weekend with the North 4`SS^]`b `]ZZ ]\ bVWa eSSYS\R eWbV bVS <]`bV Carolina bluegrass group Chatham County Line. 1O`]ZW\O PZcSU`Oaa U`]c^ 1VObVO[ 1]c\bg :W\S This Way, a Portland group featuring a sound heavy BVWa EOg O >]`bZO\R U`]c^ TSObc`W\U O a]c\R VSOdg in vocal harmonies, will open the show. W\ d]QOZ VO`[]\WSa eWZZ ]^S\ bVS aV]e WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday E63<( %(! ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Discovery Park at L.L. Bean, 95 Main St., Freeport E63@3( 2WaQ]dS`g >O`Y Ob : : 0SO\ '# ;OW\ Ab 4`SS^]`b HOW MUCH: Free; bring lawn chair or blanket 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) P`W\U ZOe\ QVOW` ]` PZO\YSb crahamphoto 7<4=( & ##' %"% 3fb !% INFO: (800) 559-0747, Ext. 37222; llbean.com/events ;WQVOSZ 5`OVO[ ^V]b] ) ZZPSO\ Q][ SdS\ba Chatham County Line 1VObVO[ 1]c\bg :W\S

CD review: Nogar Family Band, E8 N C`jk`e^j# <0 Listings, E9 Making Noise: Sara Hallie Richardson, E6 N Tix, E7 N :; i\m`\n1 Ef^Xi =Xd`cp 9Xe[# </ DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 JXiX ?Xcc`\ I`Z_Xi[jfe# <- K`o# <.


E6 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ E E 3E OK #OMEW ,O . /UR


Revel in harmony, electronics I\m\c `e _Xidfep# \c\Zkife`Zj f] JXiX I`Z_Xi[jfeËj e\n :; of Sara Richardson's new CD




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Where are you from originally, and 8IFSF BSF ZPV GSPN PSJHJOBMMZ BOE where do you live now? XIFSF EP ZPV MJWF OPX I am from Washington, Maine, but I * BN GSPN 8BTIJOHUPO .BJOF CVU * lived in New York City for a bit and then MJWFE JO /FX :PSL $JUZ GPS B CJU BOE UIFO moved back, and NPWFE CBDL BOE have lived in PortIBWF MJWFE JO 1PSU land for a little over MBOE GPS B MJUUMF PWFS two years. UXP ZFBST Where and when 8IFSF BOE XIFO was "Restless" reXBT i3FTUMFTTw SF corded? )PX MPOH How long DPSEFE EJE JU UBLF 8IBU were some of the XFSF TPNF PG UIF c en ? DIBMMFOHFT f When I first 8IFO * mSTU started recording TUBSUFE SFDPSEJOH "Restless," I was living in New York and i3FTUMFTT w * XBT MJWJOH JO /FX :PSL BOE my producer, Mike Flannery, was living NZ QSPEVDFS .JLF 'MBOOFSZ XBT MJWJOH in Maine. Then when I moved back to JO .BJOF 5IFO XIFO * NPWFE CBDL UP Maine, Mike moved to Brooklyn, so need.BJOF .JLF NPWFE UP #SPPLMZO TP OFFE less to say, the recording process took a MFTT UP TBZ UIF SFDPSEJOH QSPDFTT UPPL B bit of time. In all, it took about a year and CJU PG UJNF *O BMM JU UPPL BCPVU B ZFBS BOE a half to finish. B IBMG UP mOJTI

Aimsel Ponti did it take? what 8`dj\c Gfek` DXb`e^ Ef`j\ Making Noise ^" ?f


By the Town Wharf on "Y THE 4OWN 7HARF ON So. Freeport Harbor, end of Main St. 3O &REEPORT (ARBOR END OF -AIN 3T Just 3 m/7es from LL Bean! Âť *UST MILES FROM ,, "EAN

IF NVTJD PG 1PSUMBOE NVTJDJBO 4BSB he music of Portland musician Sara Hallie Richardson is a combination of )BMMJF 3JDIBSETPO JT B DPNCJOBUJPO PG GPML JOEJF BOE FMFDUSPOJD 0O 'SJEBZ folk, indie and electronic. On Friday night, she will host a CD-release show for OJHIU TIF XJMM IPTU B $% SFMFBTF TIPX GPS her new album "Restless" at One LongIFS OFX BMCVN i3FTUMFTTw BU 0OF -POH fellow Square. GO caught up with her to GFMMPX 4RVBSF (0 DBVHIU VQ XJUI IFS UP chat about "Restless" and a whole mess DIBU BCPVU i3FTUMFTTw BOE B XIPMF NFTT of other stuff. PG PUIFS TUVGG

Lobsters, crabs & clams from our own boats daily. ; ,OBSTERS CRABS CLAMS FROM OUR OWN BOATS DAILY Lobsters packed to travel. Maine's best lobster roll. ,OBSTERS PACKED TO TRAVEL -AINE S BEST LOBSTER ROLL Indoor/outdoor seating, seafood baskets and home baked desserts. )NDOOR OUTDOOR SEATING SEAFOOD BASKETS AND HOME BAKED DESSERTS • Wheelchair Accessible s 7HEELCHAIR !CCESSIBLE


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

You released it digitally in January :PV SFMFBTFE JU EJHJUBMMZ JO +BOVBSZ Sara Hallie Richardson will perform AO`O 6OZZWS @WQVO`Ra]\ eWZZ ^S`T]`[ 2012, but the physical CD-release show eWbV O TcZZ PO\R O\R bV`SS d]QOZWaba Ob CVU UIF QIZTJDBM $% SFMFBTF TIPX with a full band and three vocalists at is this weekend. What held things up? JT UIJT XFFLFOE 8IBU IFME UIJOHT VQ her "Restless" CD-release party Friday. VS` Âľ@SabZSaaÂś 12 `SZSOaS ^O`bg 4`WROg During the recording of "Restless," I fell %VSJOH UIF SFDPSEJOH PG i3FTUMFTT w * GFMM into a bit of a slump, which made it hard JOUP B CJU PG B TMVNQ XIJDI NBEF JU IBSE to find the energy to put into releasUP mOE UIF FOFSHZ UP QVU JOUP SFMFBT ing this record with the confidence JOH UIJT SFDPSE XJUI UIF DPOmEFODF and vision that I originally had in BOE WJTJPO UIBU * PSJHJOBMMZ IBE JO mind. I released the record online to NJOE * SFMFBTFE UIF SFDPSE POMJOF UP create some buzz in town and to push DSFBUF TPNF CV[[ JO UPXO BOE UP QVTI myself to get things moving. ThankNZTFMG UP HFU UIJOHT NPWJOH 5IBOL "Into Giants," Patrick Watson fe fully, it helped, and I soon booked myGVMMZ JU IFMQFE BOE * TPPO CPPLFE NZ Ăˆ@ekf >`Xekj#É GXki`Zb NXkj self a CD-release show, put together a TFMG B $% SFMFBTF TIPX QVU UPHFUIFS B "Two Doves," Dirty Projectors Zkfij ĂˆKnf ;fm\j#É ;`ikp Gifa\ band, and here we are today! CBOE BOE IFSF XF BSF UPEBZ

What's on _XkËj fe N


What was the first instrument you 8IBU XBT UIF mSTU JOTUSVNFOU ZPV learned to play? MFBSOFE UP QMBZ Piano. My dad is, among many things, 1JBOP .Z EBE JT BNPOH NBOZ UIJOHT a classical and jazz pianist who was B DMBTTJDBM BOE KB[[ QJBOJTU XIP XBT brave enough to try and teach me. AdoCSBWF FOPVHI UP USZ BOE UFBDI NF "EP lescence really ruined it for me. MFTDFODF SFBMMZ SVJOFE JU GPS NF

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When did you first start writing 8IFO EJE ZPV mSTU TUBSU XSJUJOH songs? )BT ZPVS QSPDFTT DIBOHFE Has your process changed TPOHT over time? PWFS UJNF I first started writing songs when I got * mSTU TUBSUFE XSJUJOH TPOHT XIFO * HPU my first guitar in college. I really enjoy NZ mSTU HVJUBS JO DPMMFHF * SFBMMZ FOKPZ writing melodies and harmonies, so if I XSJUJOH NFMPEJFT BOE IBSNPOJFT TP JG * found two chords to play on the guitar, I GPVOE UXP DIPSET UP QMBZ PO UIF HVJUBS * was able to write a pretty intricate vocal XBT BCMF UP XSJUF B QSFUUZ JOUSJDBUF WPDBM line. Not much has changed since, except MJOF /PU NVDI IBT DIBOHFE TJODF FYDFQU that I entered the world of Midi, and comUIBU * FOUFSFE UIF XPSME PG .JEJ BOE DPN puters became a fun musical outlet. QVUFST CFDBNF B GVO NVTJDBM PVUMFU When and how did you first become 8IFO BOE IPX EJE ZPV mSTU CFDPNF interested in electronic music? JOUFSFTUFE JO FMFDUSPOJD NVTJD I had a wonderful mentor at UMaine, * IBE B XPOEFSGVM NFOUPS BU 6.BJOF Beth Wiemann. I expressed interest in #FUI 8JFNBOO * FYQSFTTFE JOUFSFTU JO working with computer programs, such XPSLJOH XJUI DPNQVUFS QSPHSBNT TVDI

"Cactus Tree," Joni Mitchell \cc Ăˆ:XZklj Ki\\#É Afe` D`kZ_ "Bluebeard," Twins `ej :fZk\Xl Kn Y\Xi[#É Cocteau cl\Circle Ăˆ9 "The Married the Line," =\`jk e\#É Feist ĂˆK_\ :`iZc\ DXii`\[ k_\ C` "From Here," 1 Am Lightyear Xi Ăˆ=ifd ?\i\#É @ 8d C`^_kp\ j_ "Running Up That Hill," Kate Bush Xk\ 9l ĂˆIlee`e^ Lg K_Xk ?`cc#É B K_\ ;`^^j ÂŤHow Will`cc I@ BKnow," eeX SJheDiggs efn#É 8Anna fn N Ăˆ? "Devil Knocks," Megan Jo Wilson N`cjfe Ăˆ;\m`c BefZbj#É D\^Xe Af "Give Mai X` DX`# D K`d\#É Mai, `m\ @kIt Time," Ăˆ>

as Reason and Cubase, so we came up BT 3FBTPO BOE $VCBTF TP XF DBNF VQ with an independent study that allowed XJUI BO JOEFQFOEFOU TUVEZ UIBU BMMPXFE me to learn about the programs and NF UP MFBSO BCPVU UIF QSPHSBNT BOE eventually write my own songs with them, FWFOUVBMMZ XSJUF NZ PXO TPOHT XJUI UIFN which led to a performance at the UMaine XIJDI MFE UP B QFSGPSNBODF BU UIF 6.BJOF Woman's Composer Concert and the 8PNBO T $PNQPTFS $PODFSU BOE UIF Dean's Award for Research and Creative %FBO T "XBSE GPS 3FTFBSDI BOE $SFBUJWF Achievement. "DIJFWFNFOU Please see PONTI, Page E12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=<B7 GX^\ <()

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 16, 2012 | GO E7 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3%

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Concerts a n d s h o w s c u r r e n t l y o n 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ sale: aOZS( T h e latest BVS ZObSab On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Bassnectar and =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 0Oaa\SQbO` O\R Gramatik, 8 p.m. Nov. 14, Cumberland 5`O[ObWY & ^ [ <]d " 1c[PS`ZO\R County Civic Center, Portland. $35/$40. 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R !# " Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Dada Life and =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 2ORO :WTS O\R Planet, 9 p.m. Sept. 23, State Theatre, 12th bV >ZO\Sb ' ^ [ AS^b ! AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $26.50/$31.50. Statetheatre >]`bZO\R $ # ! # AbObSbVSOb`S Portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Eli Young Band, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 3ZW G]c\U 0O\R 7:30 p.m. Nov. 15, State Theatre, Portland. %(! ^ [ <]d # AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Statetheatreportland.com; (800) $25/$30. # ! AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Paper Diamond, 8 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł >O^S` 2WO[]\R & p.m. Oct. 27, State Theatre, Portland. $18.50 ^ [ =Qb % AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R & # / $ 2 AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 0 . Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Civic Center ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` box office P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Miike Snow, 8 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł ;WWYS A\]e & ^ [ Oct. 20, State Theatre, Portland. $30/$35. =Qb AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R ! !# Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Slightly Stoopid, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł AZWUVbZg Ab]]^WR 8 p.m. Oct. 18, State Theatre, Portland. & ^ [ =Qb & AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Statetheatreportland.com; $22.50/$25. # # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - B.o.B., 8 p.m. Oct. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 0 ] 0 & ^ [ =Qb 1, House of Blues, Boston. $29.50 to $45. 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' # b] "# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Alanis Morissette, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł /ZO\Wa ;]`WaaSbbS 8 p.m. Oct. 17, House of Blues, Boston. & ^ [ =Qb % 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $49.50 to $65. Livenation.com; (800) 745 "' # b] $# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# 3000 ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Weeknd, 8 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS ESSY\R & p.m. Oct. 22, 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !% b] House of Blues, Boston. $37 to ^ [ =Qb $49.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 "' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Miike Snow, 7:30 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł ;WWYS A\]e %(! p.m. Oct. 22, =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. ^ [ =Qb to $35. Livenation.com; $29.50 ' # b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! On sale noon Saturday - Art Garfunkel, 8 =\ aOZS \]]\ AObc`ROg Âł /`b 5O`Tc\YSZ & p.m. Sept. 21, The Music Hall, Portsmouth, ^ [ AS^b BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV N.H. $62 b] $& BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) to $68. Themusichall.org; < 6 $ (603) 436-2400 $ ! "!$ " On sale noon Saturday - Gladys Knight, =\ aOZS \]]\ AObc`ROg Âł 5ZORga 9\WUVb 7:30 p.m. Oct. 21, The Music Hall, %(! ^ [ =Qb BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ Portsmouth, N.H. $92 b] %# to $175. >]`ba[]cbV < 6 ' Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400 BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " On sale noon Saturday - Rufus =\ aOZS \]]\ AObc`ROg Âł @cTca Wainwright, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24, The EOW\e`WUVb %(! ^ [ =Qb " BVS Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $52 b] #& to $58. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 # Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400 BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " On sale noon Saturday - Ingrid Michaelson, =\ aOZS \]]\ AObc`ROg Âł 7\U`WR ;WQVOSZa]\ 8 p.m. Oct. 26, The Music Hall, Portsmouth, & ^ [ =Qb $ BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV N.H. $30. Themusichall.org; (603) 436< 6 ! BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ 2400 "

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Bassnectar p e r f o r m s on Nov. 14 at t h e 0Oaa\SQbO` ^S`T]`[a ]\ <]d " Ob bVS C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r in 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` W\ P o r t l a n d . Tickets go on sale Friday. >]`bZO\R BWQYSba U] ]\ aOZS 4`WROg

Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Aug. 25 - Brave Combo, 8 p.m., One /cU # Âł 0`OdS 1][P] & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $20/$25. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Aug. 25 - American Idol Live Tour 2012, /cU # Âł /[S`WQO\ 7R]Z :WdS B]c` 7 p.m., Cumberland County Civic Center, % ^ [ 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` Portland. $29.50 to $65. Ticketmaster.com; >]`bZO\R ' # b] $# BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) (800) 745-3000; 775-3458 & %"# ! ) %%# !"#& Aug. 25 - Enter the Haggis, 8 p.m., Stone /cU # Âł 3\bS` bVS 6OUUWa & ^ [ Ab]\S Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $25. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR # Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Aug. 30 - Built to Spill, Helvetia, Revolt /cU ! Âł 0cWZb b] A^WZZ 6SZdSbWO @Sd]Zb Revolt, 8 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. $22/ @Sd]Zb & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745 $25. # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Civic Center ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` box office P]f ]TÂżQS Aug. 30 - La Bottine Souriante, 8 p.m., /cU ! Âł :O 0]bbW\S A]c`WO\bS & ^ [ Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR $60. Stonemountainartscenter.com; $ Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) 935-7292 '!# % ' Aug. 31 - Big Time Rush and /cU ! Âł 0WU BW[S @caV O\R Cody Simpson, 7 p.m., Bangor 1]Rg AW[^a]\ % ^ [ 0O\U]` Waterfront Pavilion. $22 b] $% to $67. EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ Waterfrontconcerts.com; (800) 745-3000 EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & %"# ! Aug. 31 - Marty Stuart & the Fabulous /cU ! Âł ;O`bg AbcO`b bVS 4OPcZ]ca Superlatives, 8 p.m., Stone Mountain Arts Ac^S`ZObWdSa & ^ [ Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba Center, Brownfield. $80. Stonemountainarts 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR & Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`ba center.com; 935-7292 QS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Aug. 31 - Jon Herington Band, 8 p.m., /cU ! Âł 8]\ 6S`W\Ub]\ 0O\R & ^ [ One Longfellow Square, Portland. $20. =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sept. 1 - Iris Dement, 8 p.m., Opera AS^b Âł 7`Wa 2S[S\b & ^ [ =^S`O House at Boothbay Harbor. $25/$30. The locals 6]caS Ob 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` # ! BVS Z]QOZa Boothbayoperahouse.com; 633-5159 0]]bVPOg]^S`OV]caS Q][) $!! # #' Aug. 23 - Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, /cU ! Âł 5`OQS >]bbS` O\R BVS <]Qbc`\OZa Sept. 1 - Keith Urban and David Nail, 5:30 AS^b Âł 9SWbV C`PO\ O\R 2OdWR <OWZ #(! 8 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. $25/$30. & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # ! p.m., Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. $27.75 to ^ [ 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ % %# b] SOLD OUT. Statetheatreportland.com; A=:2 =CB AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) $71.75. Waterfrontconcerts.com; % %# EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS Sept. 1 - Quebe Sisters Band, 8 p.m., Stone AS^b Âł ?cSPS AWabS`a 0O\R & ^ [ Ab]\S Aug. 23 - Bob Milne, 7:30 p.m., Opera /cU ! Âł 0]P ;WZ\S %(! ^ [ =^S`O Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $20. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR House at Boothbay Harbor. $17/$22. 6]caS Ob 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` % Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Boothbayoperahouse.com; 633-5159 0]]bVPOg]^S`OV]caS Q][) $!! # #' Aug. 24 - Chris Smither, 8 p.m., Stone /cU " Âł 1V`Wa A[WbVS` & ^ [ Ab]\S Please see T I X , Page E26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <)Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $20. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR

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The Portland Portland Press Press Herald/ Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 2012 The



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Nogar Family Band pulls jazzy folk out of nontraditional instruments By KRISTIN DiCARA-McCLELLAN

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Taking a spin on a merry-go-round at the state fair; licking sticky, pink cottoncandy-stained fingers; and inhaling the aroma of french fries and funnel cakes on a hot summer’s day. Those are the images dancing in my mind while listening to the Nogar Family Band. But the images are of 1930 – definitely not 2012. The seven-song CD “Family of Strangers” is the Nogar Family Band’s debut, and it has certainly made an impression on the scene. The band has done quite a job of not using many of the standard instruments in an acoustic/folk jazz-pop set-up. Prominent in the mix are baritone sax and trumpet, with Dan Nogar’s voice jazzing it up throughout the entire CD. Laid back in the mix is sporadic mandolin, ukulele and soft drums and shakers. They use harmonies sparingly, and it was tastefully done, on point and sometimes kitschy and cute. The third track, “Die a Little Death Each Day,” struck me. If you read the lyrics without listening to the music, it could seem a bit dark in theme – like if you love someone, you have to die a little each day, because you give up a bit of yourself to the other person until you’ve given yourself

HOW IT RATES NOGAR FAMILY BAND – “FAMILY OF STRANGERS” HHH One Longfellow Longfellow Square, RECORDED AT: One Portland Portland Peter McLaughlin McLaughlin PRODUCED BY: Peter – Based on a four-star scale

up thoroughly, and then you die. But once I listened to the song, I got a very different perspective in a much more spiritual place. It then became about living life each day to the fullest, and loving yourself, your family, your friends, and everything that comes with this world. “Family of Strangers” is a CD for people who enjoy an old-time jazzy folk feel and who can appreciate a very different instrumentation that’s ambitious and worthy of respect. It may be hard for some to come on board and join the Family right away. But give it some time and open your mind, and you will be marching on the Nogar Family vaudeville bandwagon soon enough. Kristin DiCara-McClellan is a local freelance writer. She can be reached at: kjoydmac@yahoo.com

Bull Moose TOP 10 Portland store Top 10 for Portland store Aug. 6-12: (DVD) 1. “Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax” (DVD) "Sigh No No More” More" 2. Mumford and Sons, “Sigh "The Lumineers” Lumineers" 3. The Lumineers, “The (DVD) 4. “Marley” (DVD) "Gossamer" 5. Passion Pit, “Gossamer” 6. Grace Potter and The Nocturnals,

"Live from the Legendary Legendary Sun Studio” Studio" “Live 7. “The Life Aquatic with Steve (DVD) Zissou” (DVD) (DVD) 8. “Batman Begins” (DVD) "Antibalas" 9. Antibalas, “Antibalas” "El Camino” Camino" 10. The Black Keys, “El – Courtesy of Bull Moose

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E9 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3'

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CONCERTS N #/.#%243 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Girl Talk, samples and mash-ups by DJ Greg 'IRL 4ALK SAMPLES AND MASH UPS BY $* 'REG Gillis, with Delicate Steve, all ages; State Theatre, 'ILLIS WITH $ELICATE 3TEVE ALL AGES 3TATE 4HEATRE Portland. $30. statetheatreportland.com. 8:30 0ORTLAND STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM p.m. P M Ed Gerhard, guitarist, Opera House at Boothbay %D 'ERHARD GUITARIST /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY Harbor. $22. boothbayoperahouse.com. 7:30 p.m. (ARBOR BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M MeRCy, atmospheric rock, with Computer at Sea, -E2#Y ATMOSPHERIC ROCK WITH #OMPUTER AT 3EA One Longfellow Square, Portland. $8 in advance; /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE $10 at door, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. AT DOOR ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Shemekia Copeland, blues, Stone Mountain Arts 3HEMEKIA #OPELAND BLUES 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS Center, Brownfield. $25. stonemountainartscenter #ENTER "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Anthony Joe Lewis, guitar and vocals, Local !NTHONY *OE ,EWIS GUITAR AND VOCALS ,OCAL Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M "Jazz at St. Peter's by the Sea," benefit concert h*AZZ AT 3T 0ETER S BY THE 3EA v BENElT CONCERT for 115-year-old parish chapel followed by wine FOR YEAR OLD PARISH CHAPEL FOLLOWED BY WINE and cheese reception, St. Peter's by the Sea, Cape AND CHEESE RECEPTION 3T 0ETER S BY THE 3EA #APE Neddick. $15. st-peters-by-the-sea.org. 5 p.m. .EDDICK ST PETERS BY THE SEA ORG P M Novel Jazz Septet, songs from the Great American .OVEL *AZZ 3EPTET SONGS FROM THE 'REAT !MERICAN Songbook, Skidompha Library, Damariscotta. 3ONGBOOK 3KIDOMPHA ,IBRARY $AMARISCOTTA $13; $10 for seniors; $5 forages 12 to 18; free for FOR SENIORS FOR AGES TO FREE FOR children under 12 accompanied by a parent. 563CHILDREN UNDER ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT 5513.7p.m. P M Cool Sounds Concert Series and Outdoor Market, #OOL 3OUNDS #ONCERT 3ERIES AND /UTDOOR -ARKET with The Veayo Twins (modern alternative), WITH 4HE 6EAYO 4WINS MODERN ALTERNATIVE downtown Bangor. Free, downtownbangor.com. DOWNTOWN "ANGOR &REE DOWNTOWNBANGOR COM Market 5 to 8 p.m.; concert at 6 p.m. -ARKET TO P M CONCERT AT P M Alive at Five Summer Music Series, with The !LIVE AT &IVE 3UMMER -USIC 3ERIES WITH 4HE McCarthys (country/roots rock) and Amy Allen -C#ARTHYS COUNTRY ROOTS ROCK AND !MY !LLEN (singer-songwriter), Monument Square, Portland. SINGER SONGWRITER -ONUMENT 3QUARE 0ORTLAND Free, portlandmaine.com. 5:30 to 7 p.m. &REE PORTLANDMAINE COM TO P M Summer Concert Series, with Billy Libby and 3UMMER #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH "ILLY ,IBBY AND band (singer-songwriter), Lithgow Public Library, BAND SINGER SONGWRITER ,ITHGOW 0UBLIC ,IBRARY Augusta. Free, www.lithgow.lib.me.us. 6:30 p.m. !UGUSTA &REE WWW LITHGOW LIB ME US P M Friends of Eastern Promenade Concert Series, &RIENDS OF %ASTERN 0ROMENADE #ONCERT 3ERIES with The Don Campbell Band (folk-rock), Fort WITH 4HE $ON #AMPBELL "AND FOLK ROCK &ORT Allen Park, Portland. Free. 756-8130. 7 p.m. !LLEN 0ARK 0ORTLAND &REE P M Hot Summer Nights Music Series, with Will Daily (OT 3UMMER .IGHTS -USIC 3ERIES WITH 7ILL $AILY (folk and pop), Central School, South Berwick. FOLK AND POP #ENTRAL 3CHOOL 3OUTH "ERWICK Free/donation. 384-5846. 6 to 9 p.m. &REE DONATION TO P M Summer Concert Series, with the Maine Marimba 3UMMER #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH THE -AINE -ARIMBA Ensemble, Fountain Park, Lewiston. Free. %NSEMBLE &OUNTAIN 0ARK ,EWISTON &REE laarts.org. Noon. LAARTS ORG .OON Gillian Vallely, traditional Irish music, with Ryan #ILLIAN 6ALLELY TRADITIONAL )RISH MUSIC WITH 2YAN McGiver, Unity Centre for the Performing Arts. -C'IVER 5NITY #ENTRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS $15. unity.edu/uccpa. 7:30 p.m. UNITY EDU UCCPA P M Shea Vaccaro, acoustic, The Local Buzz, Cape 3HEA 6ACCARO ACOUSTIC 4HE ,OCAL "UZZ #APE Elizabeth. Free, capelocalbuzz.com. 8 p.m. %LIZABETH &REE CAPELOCALBUZZ COM P M "Jazzing Up the Shipyard," with The Marcus h*AZZING 5P THE 3HIPYARD v WITH 4HE -ARCUS Printup Quartet (jazz), benefit for Boothbay 0RINTUP 1UARTET JAZZ BENElT FOR "OOTHBAY Region Land Trust, Boothbay Harbor Shipyard. 2EGION ,AND 4RUST "OOTHBAY (ARBOR 3HIPYARD

$125. 633-4818. 5 to 7:30 p.m. TO P M The Daredevil Christopher Wright and Lisa/Liza, 4HE $AREDEVIL #HRISTOPHER 7RIGHT AND ,ISA ,IZA acoustic/folk, The Oak and the Ax, Biddeford. $8. ACOUSTIC FOLK 4HE /AK AND THE !X "IDDEFORD theoakandtheax.blogspot.com. 8 p.m. THEOAKANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Belfast Summer Nights Weekly Music Series, "ELFAST 3UMMER .IGHTS 7EEKLY -USIC 3ERIES with Emilia Dahlin and The Colorados (folk/jazz), WITH %MILIA $AHLIN AND 4HE #OLORADOS FOLK JAZZ Heritage Park, Belfast. Free. 322-7123. 5:30 to (ERITAGE 0ARK "ELFAST &REE TO 7:30 p.m. P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Monkey Junk, blues/R&B/funk, Stone Mountain -ONKEY *UNK BLUES 2 " FUNK 3TONE -OUNTAIN Arts Center, Brownfield. $15. stonemountainarts !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTS center.com. 8 p.m. CENTER COM P M Sara Hallie Richardson, singer-songwriter, 3ARA (ALLIE 2ICHARDSON SINGER SONGWRITER CD-release show with guests, One Longfellow #$ RELEASE SHOW WITH GUESTS /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $8 in advance; $10 at door. 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE AT DOOR onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M C Money Burns, hip-hop, CD-release party with # -ONEY "URNS HIP HOP #$ RELEASE PARTY WITH guests, all ages; Space Gallery, Portland. $8. GUESTS ALL AGES 3PACE 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND space538.org. 8 p.m. SPACE ORG P M Summer Music Series, with Pitch Black Ribbons 3UMMER -USIC 3ERIES WITH 0ITCH "LACK 2IBBONS (alternative Americana), Congress Square, ALTERNATIVE !MERICANA #ONGRESS 3QUARE Portland. Free. 772-6828. Noon. 0ORTLAND &REE .OON Open Mic Night, Jakeman Hall, Ocean Park. Free. /PEN -IC .IGHT *AKEMAN (ALL /CEAN 0ARK &REE 934-9068. 7 to 9 p.m. TO P M Rally: A Sweet Adelines Quartet, vocal group, 2ALLY ! 3WEET !DELINES 1UARTET VOCAL GROUP Jordan Hall, Ocean Park. $5. oceanpark.org. *ORDAN (ALL /CEAN 0ARK OCEANPARK ORG 7:30 p.m. P M Sam Lardner, folk, Marine Environmental 3AM ,ARDNER FOLK -ARINE %NVIRONMENTAL Research Institute, Blue Hill. Free. 2ESEARCH )NSTITUTE "LUE (ILL &REE meriresearch.org. 4 p.m. MERIRESEARCH ORG P M Flash! In the Pans, steel drum band, Coastal &LASH )N THE 0ANS STEEL DRUM BAND #OASTAL Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay. $20; $15 for -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY FOR members, mainegardens.org. Noon. MEMBERS MAINEGARDENS ORG .OON Seth Glier, singer-songwriter and pianist, Opera 3ETH 'LIER SINGER SONGWRITER AND PIANIST /PERA House at Boothbay Harbor. $14 in advance; $18 (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR IN ADVANCE day of show, boothbayoperahouse.com. 8 p.m. DAY OF SHOW BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M Speaker for the Dead, folk/punk, Local 3PEAKER FOR THE $EAD FOLK PUNK ,OCAL Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M Zapion, classical, contemporary and folk, :APION CLASSICAL CONTEMPORARY AND FOLK The Local Buzz, Cape Elizabeth. Free. 4HE ,OCAL "UZZ #APE %LIZABETH &REE capelocalbuzz.com. 8 p.m. CAPELOCALBUZZ COM P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Chatham County Line, bluegrass, with This #HATHAM #OUNTY ,INE BLUEGRASS WITH 4HIS Way, L.L. Bean Discovery Park, Freeport. Free. 7AY , , "EAN $ISCOVERY 0ARK &REEPORT &REE llbean.com/events. 7:30 p.m. LLBEAN COM EVENTS P M Ben Taylor, singer-songwriter, Bull Moose Music, "EN 4AYLOR SINGER SONGWRITER "ULL -OOSE -USIC Portland. Free, bullmoose.com. 3 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE BULLMOOSE COM P M Laura Cortese Acoustic Project, supergroup ,AURA #ORTESE !COUSTIC 0ROJECT SUPERGROUP of American fiddle players, One Longfellow OF !MERICAN lDDLE PLAYERS /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $15 in advance; $18 at door. 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE AT DOOR

Please see MUSIC, PageElO Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <('

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012

MUSIC 414773

Continued from Page E9 onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. Southside Johnny and The Poor Fools, rock/blues, Opera House at Boothbay Harbor. $25 in advance; $30 day of show. boothbayoperahouse.com. 8 p.m. Summer Concert Series in the Hope Hobbs Gazebo, with The Spectras (rock/soul/R&B), Wells Harbor Community Park, Wells. 646-5596. 6:30 p.m. Ocean Sol, jazz, samba and bossa nova, Local Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. Soberfest, music festival with Lisa Gallant Seal, Dream in Purple, Salvation’s House, Bill Howard and The Bill Talbot Band plus barbecue, horseshoes, swimming, lawn games, raffles and children’s activities, Our Father’s House, Saco. Free. 467-5697. Noon to 6 p.m. Ronda Dale, Emmitt Harrity and Pip Walter, country, folk and jazz, Fifth Maine Regiment Museum, Peaks Island. $10. fifthmainemuseum.org. 7:30 p.m. Domino Jazz, The Local Buzz, Cape Elizabeth. Free. capelocalbuzz.com. 8 p.m. Debo Band, Ethiopian-American music, with DJ Graymatter, 18-plus; Space Gallery, Portland. $10 in advance; $12 day of show. space538.org. 8:30 p.m.

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SUNDAY Barenaked Ladies, Blues Traveler, Cracker and Big Head Todd and The Monsters, ’90s rock, Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. $23.25 to $62.25. waterfrontconcerts.com. Gates at 5 p.m. Summer Concerts, with Barbara Kemp and Karen Hawthorne (piano and flute), First Church, Belfast. Free/donation. 338-2282. 3 p.m. Bob Milne, ragtime and boogie woogie, benefits Ocean Park music program, The Temple, Ocean Park. $5. oceanpark.org. 7:30 p.m. Summer Concert Series, Celtic and classical music, Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport. $5. 9858759. 5 p.m. Jazz Brunch, with Sean Mencher, Bob Hamilton, Derek Moniz and special guests, Local Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. localsprouts.coop. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.


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MONDAY Candye Kane, blues, Time Out Pub, Rockland. $15. 593-9336. 7 p.m. TUESDAY Maine Marimba Ensemble, Zimbabwean marimba music, El Rayo Taqueria, Portland. Free. elrayotaqueria.com. 7 to 9 p.m. Cuig, Irish music, Gould Academy (Bingham Auditorium), Bethel. $20; $15 for seniors; $10 for ages 12 and under. necelticarts.com. 7 p.m. Sean Johnson and The Wild Lotus Band, ancient Eastern mantras combined with modern music, One Longfellow Square, Portland. $15. onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, rock, with Peter Prince and Moon Boot Lover, State Theatre, Portland. $25 in advance; $30 day of show. state theatreportland.com. 8 p.m. “Paradise Isn’t Enough,” with Charles Neville, Jesse Lynch, Ben Noyes and more (jazz with poetry and dance), One Longfellow Square, Portland. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. Def Leppard, Lita Ford and Poison, ’80s hard rock, Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. $41.75 to $101.75. waterfrontconcerts.com. Gates at 5 p.m. Old Time Music Jam, open jam of old-time Appalachian music, Local Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. Music in the Park, with Joel and Janna

(alternative), Shevenell Park, Main Street, Biddeford. Free. 5 to 7 p.m. Summer Music Series, with the Heart of Maine Chorus, Bangor Public Library. Free. 947-8336, Ext. 111. 7 p.m. Music on the Mall, with Sean Mencher (rockabilly), Brunswick Mall. Free. 729-4439. 6 to 8 p.m. AUG. 23 Friends of Eastern Promenade Concert Series, with Rock My Soul (gospel), Fort Allen Park, Portland. Free. 756-8130. 7 p.m. Bob Milne, ragtime and boogie woogie, Opera House at Boothbay Harbor. $17 in advance; $22 day of show. boothbayoperahouse.com. 7:30 p.m. Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, rock, with Benny Yurco, State Theatre, Portland. Sold out. statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. Cool Sounds Concert Series and Outdoor Market, with The Marshall Ford Swing Band, downtown Bangor. Free. downtownbangor.com. Market 5 to 8 p.m.; concert at 6 p.m. Cuig, Irish music, Unity Centre for the Performing Arts. $15. uccpa.unity.edu. 7:30 p.m. Belfast Summer Nights Weekly Music Series, with The Jud Cease Quartet and The Trees, Heritage Park, Belfast. Free. 322-7123. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

n COMEDY Bob Marley, Maine comedian, Jonathan’s Restaurant, Ogunquit. $28. jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. today. Open Mic Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, Portland. Free. slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. Thursday and Aug. 23. Bob Marley, Maine comedian, Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $27.50. stonemountain artscenter.com. 8 p.m. Sunday.

n BARS/CLUBS THURSDAY The Wailers, reggae, with Junior Toots and Eastwave Radio, 21-plus; Asylum, Portland. $20 in advance; $23 day of show. portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. Tony Boffa Quartet, jazz, Gingko Blue, Portland. gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. Funk Wagon, funk, 21-plus; Inn on the Blues, York Beach. $3. innontheblues.com. 9:30 p.m. Rachel Efron Series, with Amanda Gervasi (singer-songwriter), Blue, Portland. Donation. portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. Builder of the House & Friends, bluegrass and folk, Blue, Portland. Donation. portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. Groove Ruckus, jazz-funk fusion, Blue, Portland. Donation. portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. Town Founder, country, rock and blues, 21plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. The Lucid, pop/rock, Portland Lobster Company. portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. Don Dumont, singer-songwriter, 21-plus; Slainte, Portland. slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. Jerks of Grass, bluegrass/country, Bayside Bowl, Portland. baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. Steve Jones Band, blues-rock, Run of the Mill Brewpub, Saco. 571-9648. 8 to 11 p.m. Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ Bset, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. Doors at 6 p.m. FRIDAY Kristin Hersh, singer-songwriter (formerly of Throwing Muses), Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $12 in advance; $15 day of show.

Please see MUSIC, Page E11

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO Ell BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3

POTTER EDII:G Continued from Page E5 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3#

EPVCU #VU UIF NVTJD BMTP IBT MPUT PG doubt. But the music also has lots of blues, folk, hard rock and even country CMVFT GPML IBSE SPDL BOE FWFO DPVOUSZ SPMMFE JOUP JU 1PUUFS DBO CFMU MJLF +BOJT rolled into it. Potter can belt like Janis Joplin and pound out some wild notes on +PQMJO BOE QPVOE PVU TPNF XJME OPUFT PO UIF )BNNPOE PSHBO BT XFMM the Hammond organ as well. So while some of the band's fans might 4P XIJMF TPNF PG UIF CBOE T GBOT NJHIU find it odd for it to be playing a country mOE JU PEE GPS JU UP CF QMBZJOH B DPVOUSZ stadium tour, Potter says it's all part of its TUBEJVN UPVS 1PUUFS TBZT JU T BMM QBSU PG JUT musical and career growth. NVTJDBM BOE DBSFFS HSPXUI "This is our first time playing stadiums, i5IJT JT PVS mSTU UJNF QMBZJOH TUBEJVNT so it's really been a learning experience," TP JU T SFBMMZ CFFO B MFBSOJOH FYQFSJFODF w said Potter, who grew up and still lives TBJE 1PUUFS XIP HSFX VQ BOE TUJMM MJWFT in the Mad River Valley area of Vermont. JO UIF .BE 3JWFS 7BMMFZ BSFB PG 7FSNPOU "And our new record ('The Lion the Beast i"OE PVS OFX SFDPSE A5IF -JPO UIF #FBTU the Beat') is all over the place, which is UIF #FBU JT BMM PWFS UIF QMBDF XIJDI JT exactly where we've been." FYBDUMZ XIFSF XF WF CFFO w Potter and The Nocturnals will be in a 1PUUFS BOE 5IF /PDUVSOBMT XJMM CF JO B familiar place next week when they play GBNJMJBS QMBDF OFYU XFFL XIFO UIFZ QMBZ the State Theatre in Portland on WednesUIF 4UBUF 5IFBUSF JO 1PSUMBOE PO 8FEOFT day and Thursday. (Thursday's show sold EBZ BOE 5IVSTEBZ 5IVSTEBZ T TIPX TPME out so quickly, the Wednesday show was PVU TP RVJDLMZ UIF 8FEOFTEBZ TIPX XBT added to appease disappointed fans). BEEFE UP BQQFBTF EJTBQQPJOUFE GBOT The band has played Portland several 5IF CBOE IBT QMBZFE 1PSUMBOE TFWFSBM times during the past few years, includUJNFT EVSJOH UIF QBTU GFX ZFBST JODMVE ing a free show at Bull Moose Music in JOH B GSFF TIPX BU #VMM .PPTF .VTJD JO Scarborough on Record Store Day in 4DBSCPSPVHI PO 3FDPSE 4UPSF %BZ JO 2010. Band members will do a CD signing #BOE NFNCFST XJMM EP B $% TJHOJOH at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Bull Moose BU Q N 8FEOFTEBZ BU UIF #VMM .PPTF store in Portland, but they are not schedTUPSF JO 1PSUMBOE CVU UIFZ BSF OPU TDIFE uled to perform at the store. VMFE UP QFSGPSN BU UIF TUPSF Being from Vermont, Potter was famil#FJOH GSPN 7FSNPOU 1PUUFS XBT GBNJM iar with Portland anyway. But by playing JBS XJUI 1PSUMBOE BOZXBZ #VU CZ QMBZJOH here over the years, she has discovered IFSF PWFS UIF ZFBST TIF IBT EJTDPWFSFE how much she loves the city's vaunted IPX NVDI TIF MPWFT UIF DJUZ T WBVOUFE food scene. She raved about a meal at GPPE TDFOF 4IF SBWFE BCPVU B NFBM BU Fore Street, where she remembered din'PSF 4USFFU XIFSF TIF SFNFNCFSFE EJO ing on chicken prepared with "something JOH PO DIJDLFO QSFQBSFE XJUI iTPNFUIJOH really crazy, like caramelized kumquats." SFBMMZ DSB[Z MJLF DBSBNFMJ[FE LVNRVBUT w "I'm a big foodie, and I have very fond i* N B CJH GPPEJF BOE * IBWF WFSZ GPOE memories of the food there," said Potter. NFNPSJFT PG UIF GPPE UIFSF w TBJE 1PUUFS "This time, I really want to go heavy on i5IJT UJNF * SFBMMZ XBOU UP HP IFBWZ PO seafood. I'm looking for some oysters." TFBGPPE * N MPPLJOH GPS TPNF PZTUFST w Both the band's stadium tour and the #PUI UIF CBOE T TUBEJVN UPVS BOE UIF new album came about at least partly OFX BMCVN DBNF BCPVU BU MFBTU QBSUMZ because Potter and her bandmates wantCFDBVTF 1PUUFS BOE IFS CBOENBUFT XBOU ing to collaborate with other musicians. JOH UP DPMMBCPSBUF XJUI PUIFS NVTJDJBOT Potter sang a duet with Chesney called 1PUUFS TBOH B EVFU XJUI $IFTOFZ DBMMFE "You and Tequila" that became a hit on i:PV BOE 5FRVJMBw UIBU CFDBNF B IJU PO the country charts last year, and that led UIF DPVOUSZ DIBSUT MBTU ZFBS BOE UIBU MFE to the tour with Chesney and McGraw. UP UIF UPVS XJUI $IFTOFZ BOE .D(SBX The song happened simply because 5IF TPOH IBQQFOFE TJNQMZ CFDBVTF Chesney sent it to Potter and asked her to $IFTOFZ TFOU JU UP 1PUUFS BOE BTLFE IFS UP do it. And she liked it. EP JU "OE TIF MJLFE JU "The Lion the Beast the Beat," the foli5IF -JPO UIF #FBTU UIF #FBU w UIF GPM


Continued from Page E10 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE... 9LK N8@K# K?<I<Ă‹J DFI<Âż THE BAND WILL also be signing copB63 0/<2 E7:: OZa] PS aWU\W\U Q]^ ies of its new album "The Lion WSa ]T Wba \Se OZPc[ ÂľBVS :W]\ the Beast the Beat" at 5:30 p.m. bVS 0SOab bVS 0SObÂś Ob #(! ^ [ Wednesday at Bull Moose Music, ESR\SaROg Ob 0cZZ ;]]aS ;caWQ 151 Middle St., Portland. # ;WRRZS Ab >]`bZO\R THE CD WILL be available at the store B63 12 E7:: PS OdOWZOPZS Ob bVS ab]`S for less than $10. The band is not T]` ZSaa bVO\ BVS PO\R Wa \]b scheduled to perform at the store. aQVSRcZSR b] ^S`T]`[ Ob bVS ab]`S

low-up to the band's 2010 self-titled breakMPX VQ UP UIF CBOE T TFMG UJUMFE CSFBL UISPVHI BMCVN XBT SFMFBTFE JO +VOF BOE through album, was released in June and peaked at No. 17 on the Billboard 200, the QFBLFE BU /P PO UIF #JMMCPBSE UIF band's highest-charting record to date. CBOE T IJHIFTU DIBSUJOH SFDPSE UP EBUF It was meant to be a concept album, *U XBT NFBOU UP CF B DPODFQU BMCVN where all the songs make perfect sense XIFSF BMM UIF TPOHT NBLF QFSGFDU TFOTF when listened to together. And they do, XIFO MJTUFOFE UP UPHFUIFS "OE UIFZ EP especially given that several are highFTQFDJBMMZ HJWFO UIBU TFWFSBM BSF IJHI energy tunes and feature Potter really FOFSHZ UVOFT BOE GFBUVSF 1PUUFS SFBMMZ reaching down into her gut for her vocal SFBDIJOH EPXO JOUP IFS HVU GPS IFS WPDBM delivery. (Though she nails a soft song or EFMJWFSZ 5IPVHI TIF OBJMT B TPGU TPOH PS two as well.) UXP BT XFMM

The new album also features three 5IF OFX BMCVN BMTP GFBUVSFT UISFF songs that were co-written with Dan TPOHT UIBU XFSF DP XSJUUFO XJUI %BO Auerbach of The Black Keys. Potter said "VFSCBDI PG 5IF #MBDL ,FZT 1PUUFS TBJE she liked working with Auerbach beTIF MJLFE XPSLJOH XJUI "VFSCBDI CF cause of his "geeky" knowledge of music, DBVTF PG IJT iHFFLZw LOPXMFEHF PG NVTJD which reminded her of her days as a teen XIJDI SFNJOEFE IFS PG IFS EBZT BT B UFFO hanging out in record stories listening to IBOHJOH PVU JO SFDPSE TUPSJFT MJTUFOJOH UP everything she could. FWFSZUIJOH TIF DPVME "He's a really good listener, and what I i)F T B SFBMMZ HPPE MJTUFOFS BOE XIBU * mean is, he's got this plethora of music on NFBO JT IF T HPU UIJT QMFUIPSB PG NVTJD PO his iPod that is just amazing," said Potter. IJT J1PE UIBU JT KVTU BNB[JOH w TBJE 1PUUFS "He's like a librarian when it comes to his i)F T MJLF B MJCSBSJBO XIFO JU DPNFT UP IJT knowledge of music. I grabbed his iPod LOPXMFEHF PG NVTJD * HSBCCFE IJT J1PE and geeked out to it some myself." BOE HFFLFE PVU UP JU TPNF NZTFMG w Potter and her band have been together 1PUUFS BOE IFS CBOE IBWF CFFO UPHFUIFS since 2002, when Potter was still in her TJODF XIFO 1PUUFS XBT TUJMM JO IFS teens. So in her mind, they've had a slow UFFOT 4P JO IFS NJOE UIFZ WF IBE B TMPX and steady buildup to get to where they BOE TUFBEZ CVJMEVQ UP HFU UP XIFSF UIFZ are today - opening for country superBSF UPEBZ o PQFOJOH GPS DPVOUSZ TVQFS stars, headlining theater shows, playing TUBST IFBEMJOJOH UIFBUFS TIPXT QMBZJOH the occasional late-night TV talk show. UIF PDDBTJPOBM MBUF OJHIU 57 UBML TIPX "You know, we're still having fun," i:PV LOPX XF SF TUJMM IBWJOH GVO w Potter said. "We're not tired of anything 1PUUFS TBJE i8F SF OPU UJSFE PG BOZUIJOH yet, and I think that's because we didn't ZFU BOE * UIJOL UIBU T CFDBVTF XF EJEO U have that overnight success some bands IBWF UIBU PWFSOJHIU TVDDFTT TPNF CBOET have. Some bands have that one big hit IBWF 4PNF CBOET IBWF UIBU POF CJH IJU and then nothing to back it up. It would BOE UIFO OPUIJOH UP CBDL JU VQ *U XPVME be easy to bite down on the first bad pop CF FBTZ UP CJUF EPXO PO UIF mSTU CBE QPQ song offered to you, but we clearly don't TPOH PGGFSFE UP ZPV CVU XF DMFBSMZ EPO U want to do that." XBOU UP EP UIBU w Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS contacted at 791-6454 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RayRouthier BeWbbS`( @Og@]cbVWS`

775-2112. 7p.m. P M M.R. Poulopoulos, singer-songwriter, Andy's Old - 2 0OULOPOULOS SINGER SONGWRITER !NDY S /LD Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM 4 to 6 p.m. TO P M There is No Sin, indie rock, with Kelley McRae 4HERE IS .O 3IN INDIE ROCK WITH +ELLEY -C2AE and Max Garcia Conover, 21-plus; Slainte, AND -AX 'ARCIA #ONOVER PLUS 3LAINTE Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Little Black Dress Vodka Ladies Night, 21-plus,ITTLE "LACK $RESS 6ODKA ,ADIES .IGHT PLUS Club Texas, Auburn. 784-7785. Doors at 6 p.m. #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN $OORS AT P M Forward Momentum Prophecy, metal, 21-plus; &ORWARD -OMENTUM 0ROPHECY METAL PLUS Club Texas, Auburn. 784-7785. 8 p.m. #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN P M Better as Rivals, dance/pop-punk, Bayside Bowl, "ETTER AS 2IVALS DANCE POP PUNK "AYSIDE "OWL Portland, baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Lord Earth, hard rock, with Kairos and Waves ,ORD %ARTH HARD ROCK WITH +AIROS AND 7AVES of the Future, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221OF THE &UTURE 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND 2382.9p.m. P M

portlandempire.com. 8:30 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M "ATribute to Jimi Hendrix," with Tom Faunce, h! 4RIBUTE TO *IMI (ENDRIX v WITH 4OM &AUNCE Harley Smith, Tim Sullivan, Kenya Hall, (ARLEY 3MITH 4IM 3ULLIVAN +ENYA (ALL Chas Lester and more, Big Easy, Portland. #HAS ,ESTER AND MORE "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Brad Byrd, singer/songwriter, Blue, Portland. "RAD "YRD SINGER SONGWRITER "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Matt Meyer &The Gumption JCT, folk, Blue, -ATT -EYER 4HE 'UMPTION *#4 FOLK "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M The Complaints, acoustic alt-rock, RiRa, Portland. 4HE #OMPLAINTS ACOUSTIC ALT ROCK 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M Poke Chop &The Other White Meat, blues, 0OKE #HOP 4HE /THER 7HITE -EAT BLUES SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Lobster Stomp, 25th-anniversary music festival ,OBSTER 3TOMP TH ANNIVERSARY MUSIC FESTIVAL Brian Templeton Band, blues-rock, 21-plus; Inn "RIAN 4EMPLETON "AND BLUES ROCK PLUS )NN with The Paul Collins Beat, The Electric Mess, The on the Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. WITH 4HE 0AUL #OLLINS "EAT 4HE %LECTRIC -ESS 4HE ON THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM 9:30 p.m. P M Please see MUSIC, PageE12 This Way, Americana, Portland Lobster Company. Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <() 4HIS 7AY !MERICANA 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY

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E12 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3



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Continued from Page Ell :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 (EEBY *EEBIES AND 4HE *ONEE %ARTHQUAKE "AND Heeby Jeebies and The Jonee Earthquake Band; Bayside Bowl, Portland. $5. baysidebowl.com. "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM 8 p.m. P M Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band, roots and 2EVEREND 0EYTON S "IG $AMN "AND ROOTS AND BLUES PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND blues, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $8 to $10. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. TO PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Mingo Fishtrap, soul, with Model Airplane, Big -INGO &ISHTRAP SOUL WITH -ODEL !IRPLANE "IG Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Irish Sessioniers, acoustic Irish music, all ages, )RISH 3ESSIONIERS ACOUSTIC )RISH MUSIC ALL AGES Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 846-9555. $EER 2UN 4AVERN 9ARMOUTH 6 to 9 p.m. TO P M Reverend, folk-rock, Blue, Portland. Donation. 2EVEREND FOLK ROCK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M 3EAN -ENCHER (IS 2HYTHM +INGS ROCKABILLY Sean Mencher & His Rhythm Kings, rockabilly, Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 8 p.m. P M Tip O' the Hat Series, Mark Tipton salutes jazz 4IP / THE (AT 3ERIES -ARK 4IPTON SALUTES JAZZ pianist and composer Mary Lou Williams, Blue, PIANIST AND COMPOSER -ARY ,OU 7ILLIAMS "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Tickle, dance covers, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 4ICKLE DANCE COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM 10 p.m. P M Alan Roux, blues, BeachFire Bar and Grille, !LAN 2OUX BLUES "EACH&IRE "AR AND 'RILLE Ogunquit. beachfiremaine.com. 8:30 p.m. /GUNQUIT BEACHlREMAINE COM P M Super Frog, groove-rock, 21-pius; Inn on the 3UPER &ROG GROOVE ROCK PLUS )NN ON THE Blues, York Beach. $5. innontheblues.com. "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM 9:30 p.m. P M Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon to 3 p.m. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON TO P M Pete Kilpatrick, folk-rock, Portland Lobster 0ETE +ILPATRICK FOLK ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 7 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Blind Albert, blues/rock, Gingko Blue, Portland. "LIND !LBERT BLUES ROCK 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 5 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M Mike James' Blue Lions, blues, Gingko Blue, -IKE *AMES "LUE ,IONS BLUES 'INGKO "LUE Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M SoulMate Band, Motown/funk/soul, Bentley's 3OUL-ATE "AND -OTOWN FUNK SOUL "ENTLEY S Saloon, Arundel, bentleyssaloon.com. 8 p.m. 3ALOON !RUNDEL BENTLEYSSALOON COM P M The Ghost of Paul Revere, Americana/newgrass, 4HE 'HOST OF 0AUL 2EVERE !MERICANA NEWGRASS with Tuna Skinny and Yellow Roman Candles, 2 1 WITH 4UNA 3KINNY AND 9ELLOW 2OMAN #ANDLES plus; Slainte, Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 9 p.m. PLUS 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Gypsy, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $5. 784'YPSY PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN 7785. 8 p.m. P M Pastime, Still Rings True and Paige Turner, punk/ 0ASTIME 3TILL 2INGS 4RUE AND 0AIGE 4URNER PUNK hardcore, plus three other bands, Geno's Rock HARDCORE PLUS THREE OTHER BANDS 'ENO S 2OCK Club, Portland. 221-2382. 7 p.m. #LUB 0ORTLAND P M Kennebunk River Band, classic rock, Run of the +ENNEBUNK 2IVER "AND CLASSIC ROCK 2UN OF THE Mill Brewpub, Saco. 571-9648. 8 to 11 p.m. -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO TO P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Kemban Wemba Reggae Sunday, 21-pius; Inn on +EMBAN 7EMBA 2EGGAE 3UNDAY PLUS )NN ON the Blues, York Beach, innontheblues.com. 2 p.m. THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M



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MONDAY -/.$!9 Jason Melanson, acoustic pop, CD-release *ASON -ELANSON ACOUSTIC POP #$ RELEASE PARTY WITH 2URAL 'HOSTS PLUS &LASK ,OUNGE party, with Rural Ghosts, 21-plus; Flask Lounge, Portland. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M Heavy Metal Monday, with Breeding Strength, (EAVY -ETAL -ONDAY WITH "REEDING 3TRENGTH My Missing Half, Oneiros and Taxicab -Y -ISSING (ALF /NEIROS AND 4AXICAB Dismemberment, Asylum, Portland. Free. $ISMEMBERMENT !SYLUM 0ORTLAND &REE portlandasylum.com. 8 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Jerks of Grass, bluegrass, Portland Lobster *ERKS OF 'RASS BLUEGRASS 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Model Airplane Mondays, soul/funk, 21 -plus; Big -ODEL !IRPLANE -ONDAYS SOUL FUNK PLUS "IG Easy, Portland. $5. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Bluegrass Night, 21-plus, Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS .IGHT PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 6 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Portland Reggae All-Stars, 21-plus; Empire Dine 0ORTLAND 2EGGAE !LL 3TARS PLUS %MPIRE $INE and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Congress St. Sheiks, blues, country blues and #ONGRESS 3T 3HEIKS BLUES COUNTRY BLUES AND instrumental, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, INSTRUMENTALS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Brian Patricks, acoustic folk-rock, Andy's O l d Port "RIAN 0ATRICKS ACOUSTIC FOLK ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Ryan Halliburton, singer-songwriter, Portland 2YAN (ALLIBURTON SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM 6 p.m. P M Electric Open Mic, with Joint Enterprise, Run of %LECTRIC /PEN -IC WITH *OINT %NTERPRISE 2UN OF the Mill Brewpub, Saco. 571-9648. 8 to 11 p.m. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO TO P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Great Western Plain, garage rock, with 'REAT 7ESTERN 0LAIN GARAGE ROCK WITH Homebody, 21-plus; Slainte, Portland. (OMEBODY PLUS 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M North of Nashville w i t h J.Biddy, rock covers with .ORTH OF .ASHVILLE WITH * "IDDY ROCK COVERS WITH a Southern twang, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 8:30 A 3OUTHERN TWANG 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM p.m. P M Eric Bettencourt, singer-songwriter, Portland %RIC "ETTENCOURT SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM 6 p.m. P M Jazz Meets Blue, organ trio, Gingko Blue, *AZZ -EETS "LUE ORGAN TRIO 'INGKO "LUE

Please see MUSIC, PageE'O Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <*'


Emery, Megan Jo Wilson and Anna Lom&NFSZ .FHBO +P 8JMTPO BOE "OOB -PN bard McGeachey - so get ready for lots CBSE .D(FBDIFZ o TP HFU SFBEZ GPS MPUT of complex harmonies. I am so excited to PG DPNQMFY IBSNPOJFT * BN TP FYDJUFE UP see these songs come into fruition. TFF UIFTF TPOHT DPNF JOUP GSVJUJPO

What was the last album you bought? 8IBU XBT UIF MBTU BMCVN ZPV CPVHIU The Story's "Angel in the House" (1993). 5IF 4UPSZ T i"OHFM JO UIF )PVTFw This is a really old album that I grew up 5IJT JT B SFBMMZ PME BMCVN UIBU * HSFX VQ listening to. It includes Jonatha Brooke, MJTUFOJOH UP *U JODMVEFT +POBUIB #SPPLF who is a great melodist and vocalist. It's XIP JT B HSFBU NFMPEJTU BOE WPDBMJTU *U T a bit dated, but I'm obsessed with the voB CJU EBUFE CVU * N PCTFTTFE XJUI UIF WP cal arrangements. I'd say it was the first DBM BSSBOHFNFOUT * E TBZ JU XBT UIF mSTU album that taught me how to harmonize BMCVN UIBU UBVHIU NF IPX UP IBSNPOJ[F in the first place, so I have a real soft spot JO UIF mSTU QMBDF TP * IBWF B SFBM TPGU TQPU for it. Having no use for the cassette tape, GPS JU )BWJOH OP VTF GPS UIF DBTTFUUF UBQF I recently bought it online. * SFDFOUMZ CPVHIU JU POMJOF

Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6455 or at: $"## ]` Ob( aponti@pressherald.com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

What can we expect at the One Long8IBU DBO XF FYQFDU BU UIF 0OF -POH fellow show? 8IP XJMM CF QMBZJOH XJUI Who will be playing with GFMMPX TIPX you, or is it a solo performance? ZPV PS JT JU B TPMP QFSGPSNBODF Opening the night is jazz pianist ex0QFOJOH UIF OJHIU JT KB[[ QJBOJTU FY traordinaire Ahmad Hassan Mahammad, USBPSEJOBJSF "INBE )BTTBO .BIBNNBE who also plays as part of the beloved XIP BMTP QMBZT BT QBSU PG UIF CFMPWFE Jaw Gems. Then I will perform with a +BX (FNT 5IFO * XJMM QFSGPSN XJUI B full band, including Sean Morin, Andrew GVMM CBOE JODMVEJOH 4FBO .PSJO "OESFX Scherzer, Jonny Venom and Dan Boydan, 4DIFS[FS +POOZ 7FOPN BOE %BO #PZEBO as well as three female vocalists - Jocelyn BT XFMM BT UISFF GFNBMF WPDBMJTUT o +PDFMZO


Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$

M a i n e Pink T o u r m a l i n e a n d D i a m o n d s Set i n 14kt W h i t e G o l d 0DLQH 3LQN 7RXUPDOLQH DQG 'LDPRQGV 6HW LQ NW :KLWH *ROG $479

0UTNAM 3MITH ACOUSTIC !MERICANA ROOTS 0ORTLAND Putnam Smith, acoustic/Americana/roots, Portland Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM Noon. .OON !NNA AND 4HE $IGGS 2 " ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Anna and The Diggs, R&B/rock, Portland Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 5 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Jon King, rock/blues, 21-plus; Inn on the Blues, *ON +ING ROCK BLUES PLUS )NN ON THE "LUES York Beach, innontheblues.com. 9 p.m. 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M 4HE #OUCH OPEN MIC PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND The Couch, open mic, 21 -plus; Empire Dine and Dance (downstairs), Portland, portlandempire.com. $ANCE DOWNSTAIRS 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 9 p.m. P M ,AZY 3USANS JAZZ 2UN OF THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO Lazy Susans, jazz, Run of the Mill Brewpub, Saco. 571-9648. 4 to 7 p.m. TO P M

TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 102.9 WBLM BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] ' E0:; every Friday at 8:30 a.m. to hear SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ b] VSO` Aimsel Ponti wax poetic about her top /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ OP]cb VS` b]^ three live music picks for the week bV`SS ZWdS [caWQ ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY with the Captain and Celeste. eWbV bVS 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS

SARA HALLIE RICHARDSON A/@/ 6/::73 @716/@2A=< WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday E63<( & ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: One Longfellow Square, E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S 181 State St., Portland & AbObS Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $8 in advance; $10 day of 6=E ;C16( & W\ ORdO\QS) ROg ]T show aV]e INFO: onelongfellowsquare.com 7<4=( ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012



Frank Masi photo

Sylvester Stallone, left, Jason Statham and Terry Crews in “The Expendables 2.”

SEE SPARKS FLY Whitney Houston gives a strong performance in her final film role, but it’s Jordin Sparks who carries ‘Sparkle.’ By JON BREAM


parkle” commands attention because it’s the last movie for Whitney Houston and the first for “American Idol” winner Jordin Sparks. The film tells the story of three sisters who want to become the next Supremes over the protestations of their church-going single mom (Houston), a former R&B singer who got burned by the music biz. No, this isn’t a redo of “Dreamgirls.” This is a makeover of 1976’s “Sparkle,” which starred “Flashdance” singer Irene Cara. Houston was

GO E13


TriStar Pictures

McClatchy Newspapers


REVIEW “SPARKLE,” starring Jordin Sparks, Whitney Houston and Carmen Ejogo. Directed by Salim Akil. Rated PG-13 for violence, drugs, domestic abuse and language. Running time: 1:56

13 when it came out, and the film reportedly inspired her so much that she watched it over and over as a teenager, and later secured the remake rights. Houston, who died three months after filming wrapped, holds her own, though she looks

Please see ‘SPARKLE,’ Page E20

Top photo: Jordin Sparks and Whitney Houston as daughter and mother. Above: Carmen Ejogo, left, Tika Sumpter and Sparks.

“THE EXPENDABLES 2” (R) (1:42) Stars Sylvester Stallone, Liam Hemsworth, Randy Couture and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Directed by Simon West. Mr. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri-Sat 1:05, 4:10, 7:15, 9:45 Sun 1:05, 4:10, 7:15, 9:50 Mon-Wed 1:05, 4:10, 7:15, 9:45; Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10; Brunswick 10 Fri-Sun 1:20, 4:10, 6:50, 7:20, 9:20, 9:50 Mon-Tues 1:20, 4:10, 7:20, 9:50; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Fri-Tues 11:30, 2, 4:30, 7:20, 9:45; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7:05, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 11:30, 11:40, 1:50, 2:10, 4:20, 4:40, 7, 7:10, 9:30, 9:40 “PARANORMAN” (PG) (1:33) Stars Kodi Smit-McPhee, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Tucker Albrizzi. Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell. A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead, takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his town from a centuries-old curse. Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri-Wed 1:20, 4:20, 7:05, 9:15; Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 12:15, 2:30 (3D), 4:45, 7 (3D), 9:10; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 12:50 (3D), 1:40, 3:20 (3D), 4:20, 6:30 (3D), 7:10, 9:10 (3D); Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Fri-Tues 11:50 (3D), 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 (3D); Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12:20 (3D), 2:30, 4:40 (3D), 7, 9:10 (3D); Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 11:40, 2 (3D), 4:20 (3D), 7 (3D), 9:15 “RUBY SPARKS” (R) (1:34) Stars Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan and Annette Bening. Directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. A novelist struggling with writer’s block finds romance in a most unusual way: by creating a female character he thinks will love him, then willing her into existence. Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) FriWed 1, 4:15, 7, 9:15

Please see MOVIES, Page E17

Indie Film, E14 n ‘The Odd Life of Timothy Green’ review, E15 n New on DVD: ‘The Hunger Games,’ E16

E14 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $

JOIN US EVERY SUNDAY FROM -2,1 86 (9(5< 681'$< )520 $0 72 30 )25 %581&+ 10AM TO 1PM FOR BRUNCH $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR!

"Wet Hot ÂľESb 6]b American /[S`WQO\ Summer," Ac[[S` Âś a 2001 cult O QcZb comedy, is Q][SRg Wa set in 1981 aSb W\ '& at a Maine Ob O ;OW\S summer ac[[S` camp. QO[^

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2 IMAX: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES U 3*





ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 12:00-2:25-4:45-7:10-9:30 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:15-6:45-9:30 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:15-2:10-4:15-7:00-9:00 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:10-9:25

3* TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:30-3:30-7:00-9:30 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 12:10-2:20-4:25-7:05-9:15 G 3* THE WATCH (R) 7:05-9:20 5 STEP UP 4 (PG13) 12:05-2:20-4:35-7:05-9:20 H 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:15-3:40-7:30 3* MOONRISE KINGDOM (PG) 12:10-2:15-4:25-7:00-9:10 3* ICE AGE 4 (PG) 12:10-2:15-4:30 H 3* AMAZING SPIDERMAN (PG13) 6:50-9:40 3* TED (R) 12:05-2:25-4:45-7:10-9:35 5 BRAVE (PG) 12:05-2:20-4:35 3*


*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:50-2:20-4:45-7:10-9:40 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:00-3:00-7:00-9:50 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 11:40-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:30 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 11:40-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:40

3* TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 11:30-2:00-4:40-7:20-10:00 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 11:45-2:00-4:15-7:15-9:30 G 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 11:30-3:00-6:30-10:00 3* TED (R) 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20-9:45 5



ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:45-2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:10-12:30-3:10-3:30-7:00-7:15-9:45-10:00 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 11:45-1:50-4:20-7:20-9:30 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 11:50-2:10-4:30-7:10-9:30

3* 3D NITRO CIRCUS (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 11:40-2:00-4:20-6:40-9:20 G 3* TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:10-3:00-6:45-9:30 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 11:35-2:00-4:30-6:50-9:10 G 3* THE WATCH (R) 12:00-2:20-4:40-7:10-9:50 5 STEP UP 4 (PG13) 11:50-2:10-9:20 H 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 11:30-12:30-3:00-4:00-6:30-7:30-9:50 3* ICE AGE 4 (PG) 11:30-1:50-4:10-6:45-9:10 H 3* AMAZING SPIDERMAN (PG13) 12:20-3:20-6:45-9:40 3* TED (R) 11:50-2:20-4:40-7:20-9:50 5 MAGIC MIKE (R) 7:30-10:00 5 MOONRISE KINGDOM (PG) 4:30-7:10 3* BRAVE (PG) 11:35-2:00-4:20 3*

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'Wet Hot American Summer' ÊN\k ?fk 8d\i`ZXe Jldd\iË X Yi`cc`Xek Yfo$f]ÔZ\ YfdY a bri iant box-office bomb


hat is a cult movie? IBU JT B DVMU NPWJF According to critic Danny "DDPSEJOH UP DSJUJD %BOOZ Peary (author of "Cult Mov1FBSZ BVUIPS PG i$VMU .PW ies" 1,2 and 3 and something of JFTw BOE BOE TPNFUIJOH PG a cult figure himself), films can B DVMU mHVSF IJNTFMG mMNT DBO inspire a cult following by being JOTQJSF B DVMU GPMMPXJOH CZ CFJOH outrageous, unconventional, PVUSBHFPVT VODPOWFOUJPOBM groundbreaking or even ungodly HSPVOECSFBLJOH PS FWFO VOHPEMZ awful, but they almost always BXGVM CVU UIFZ BMNPTU BMXBZT have one trait in common. IBWF POF USBJU JO DPNNPO Failure. 'BJMVSF Blockbusters don't develop #MPDLCVTUFST EPO U EFWFMPQ cults; if a movie made $100 milDVMUT JG B NPWJF NBEF NJM lion, that means nearly everyone is in MJPO UIBU NFBOT OFBSMZ FWFSZPOF JT JO agreement that said movie was worth BHSFFNFOU UIBU TBJE NPWJF XBT XPSUI seeing, even if it's then immediately TFFJOH FWFO JG JU T UIFO JNNFEJBUFMZ forgotten. No, a cult movie has to tank and GPSHPUUFO /P B DVMU NPWJF IBT UP UBOL BOE tank hard. And for cult comedies, the road UBOL IBSE "OE GPS DVMU DPNFEJFT UIF SPBE to cult-dom is even harder because they UP DVMU EPN JT FWFO IBSEFS CFDBVTF UIFZ have to be great. IBWF UP CF HSFBU Other genres can inspire a "so bad it's 0UIFS HFOSFT DBO JOTQJSF B iTP CBE JU T good" following (see "The Room," "Plan HPPEw GPMMPXJOH TFF i5IF 3PPN w i1MBO 9 From Outer Space," "Showgirls"), but a 'SPN 0VUFS 4QBDF w i4IPXHJSMTw CVU B really bad comedy doesn't inspire anySFBMMZ CBE DPNFEZ EPFTO U JOTQJSF BOZ thing but sadness. A truly hilarious but UIJOH CVU TBEOFTT " USVMZ IJMBSJPVT CVU criminally neglected movie will continue DSJNJOBMMZ OFHMFDUFE NPWJF XJMM DPOUJOVF to draw rabid fans forever. "The Big UP ESBX SBCJE GBOT GPSFWFS i5IF #JH Lebowski" bombed, but now there are -FCPXTLJw CPNCFE CVU OPX UIFSF BSF Lebowski Fests all over the world. "Of-FCPXTLJ 'FTUT BMM PWFS UIF XPSME i0G fice Space" was ignored but is one of the mDF 4QBDFw XBT JHOPSFE CVU JT POF PG UIF perennially best-selling DVDs ever. QFSFOOJBMMZ CFTU TFMMJOH %7%T FWFS And Bayside Bowl's free outdoor screen"OE #BZTJEF #PXM T GSFF PVUEPPS TDSFFO ing at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday of 2001's "Wet JOH BU Q N 8FEOFTEBZ PG T i8FU Hot American Summer" is testament to )PU "NFSJDBO 4VNNFSw JT UFTUBNFOU UP that brilliant but ignored comedy's conUIBU CSJMMJBOU CVU JHOPSFE DPNFEZ T DPO tinuing cult classic status. After pulling in UJOVJOH DVMU DMBTTJD TUBUVT "GUFS QVMMJOH JO about 2 percent of the gross of the same BCPVU QFSDFOU PG UIF HSPTT PG UIF TBNF year's forgettable "American Pie 2," "Wet ZFBS T GPSHFUUBCMF i"NFSJDBO 1JF w i8FU Hot" has become one of the most highly )PUw IBT CFDPNF POF PG UIF NPTU IJHIMZ and intensely lauded comedies of its deBOE JOUFOTFMZ MBVEFE DPNFEJFT PG JUT EF cade. (Just ask your author, who works in DBEF +VTU BTL ZPVS BVUIPS XIP XPSLT JO something that still exists called a "video TPNFUIJOH UIBU TUJMM FYJTUT DBMMFE B iWJEFP store" - we can't keep it on the shelf.) TUPSFw o XF DBO U LFFQ JU PO UIF TIFMG

Set during the last day at a 1981 Maine 4FU EVSJOH UIF MBTU EBZ BU B .BJOF summer camp, "Wet Hot" is the brainchild TVNNFS DBNQ i8FU )PUw JT UIF CSBJODIJME of Michael Showalter and David Wain, two PG .JDIBFM 4IPXBMUFS BOE %BWJE 8BJO UXP alums of the influential, short-lived (read: BMVNT PG UIF JOnVFOUJBM TIPSU MJWFE SFBE "cult") sketch comedy series "The State." iDVMUw TLFUDI DPNFEZ TFSJFT i5IF 4UBUF w While it's ostensibly a parody of '80s 8IJMF JU T PTUFOTJCMZ B QBSPEZ PG T summer camp movies (like "Meatballs"), TVNNFS DBNQ NPWJFT MJLF i.FBUCBMMTw its sketch comedy sensibilities allow for JUT TLFUDI DPNFEZ TFOTJCJMJUJFT BMMPX GPS a succession of astoundingly varied and B TVDDFTTJPO PG BTUPVOEJOHMZ WBSJFE BOE successful comic set pieces that give its TVDDFTTGVM DPNJD TFU QJFDFT UIBU HJWF JUT uniformly talented cast of funny people VOJGPSNMZ UBMFOUFE DBTU PG GVOOZ QFPQMF the chance to strut their stuff. UIF DIBODF UP TUSVU UIFJS TUVGG Packing the camp's bunks are the likes 1BDLJOH UIF DBNQ T CVOLT BSF UIF MJLFT

of Paul Rudd ("I Love You PG 1BVM 3VEE i* -PWF :PV Man"), Elizabeth Banks ("30 .BOw &MJ[BCFUI #BOLT i Rock"), Bradley Cooper ("The 3PDLw #SBEMFZ $PPQFS i5IF Hangover"), David Hyde Pierce )BOHPWFSw %BWJE )ZEF 1JFSDF i'SBTJFSw .PMMZ 4IBOOPO ("Frasier"), Molly Shannon ("SNE'), Chris Melon! (urn, i4/w $ISJT .FMPOJ VN "Law & Order: SVU," but really i-BX 0SEFS 476 w CVU SFBMMZ hilarious here), Amy Poehler IJMBSJPVT IFSF "NZ 1PFIMFS ("Parks & Recreation"), i1BSLT 3FDSFBUJPOw Janeane Garofalo and former +BOFBOF (BSPGBMP BOE GPSNFS "State" members Showalter, i4UBUFw NFNCFST 4IPXBMUFS Joe Lo Truglio, Ken Marino and +PF -P 5SVHMJP ,FO .BSJOP BOE Michael Ian Black. .JDIBFM *BO #MBDL All gleefully throw themselves into the "MM HMFFGVMMZ UISPX UIFNTFMWFT JOUP UIF shenanigans, whether it's lovelorn counTIFOBOJHBOT XIFUIFS JU T MPWFMPSO DPVO selor Showalter suddenly realizing the TFMPS 4IPXBMUFS TVEEFOMZ SFBMJ[JOH UIF camp's big baseball matchup against their DBNQ T CJH CBTFCBMM NBUDIVQ BHBJOTU UIFJS "anonymously evil" rivals at the rich kids' iBOPOZNPVTMZ FWJMw SJWBMT BU UIF SJDI LJET camp is too much a cliche to go through DBNQ JT UPP NVDI B DMJDIF UP HP UISPVHI with, Meloni's deranged vet cook having XJUI .FMPOJ T EFSBOHFE WFU DPPL IBWJOH a heart-to-heart with a can of mixed vegB IFBSU UP IFBSU XJUI B DBO PG NJYFE WFH etables or Rudd's classic physical bit as a FUBCMFT PS 3VEE T DMBTTJD QIZTJDBM CJU BT B spoiled jerk who really, really doesn't want TQPJMFE KFSL XIP SFBMMZ SFBMMZ EPFTO U XBOU to clean up his lunch tray. UP DMFBO VQ IJT MVODI USBZ A nonstop parade of hilarious silliness " OPOTUPQ QBSBEF PG IJMBSJPVT TJMMJOFTT that only really smart people can make, UIBU POMZ SFBMMZ TNBSU QFPQMF DBO NBLF "Wet Hot American Summer" is just the i8FU )PU "NFSJDBO 4VNNFSw JT KVTU UIF sort of movie that inspires silly-but-smart TPSU PG NPWJF UIBU JOTQJSFT TJMMZ CVU TNBSU people like Bayside Bowl (and co-sponsor QFPQMF MJLF #BZTJEF #PXM BOE DP TQPOTPS Space Gallery) to make its showing an 4QBDF (BMMFSZ UP NBLF JUT TIPXJOH BO event. Like with any cult movie worth the FWFOU -JLF XJUI BOZ DVMU NPWJF XPSUI UIF name, they know its followers will come. OBNF UIFZ LOPX JUT GPMMPXFST XJMM DPNF

Dennis Perkins ;\ee`j G\ib`ej Indie Film @e[`\ =`cd

Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ MAINE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ;/7<3 67AB=@71/: A=173BG (mainehistory.org) [OW\SVWab]`g ]`U Thursday: "Wilderness and Spirit: A BVc`aROg( ¾EWZRS`\Saa O\R A^W`Wb( / Mountain Called Katahdin." The history ;]c\bOW\ 1OZZSR 9ObOVRW\ œ BVS VWab]`g of Maine's highest peak and the men ]T ;OW\S¸a VWUVSab ^SOY O\R bVS [S\ and women who seek it out are the O\R e][S\ eV] aSSY Wb ]cb O`S bVS subjects of this 2002 documentary acPXSQba ]T bVWa R]Qc[S\bO`g shown by the Maine Historical Society aV]e\ Pg bVS ;OW\S 6Wab]`WQOZ A]QWSbg in celebration of Governor Baxter Day. W\ QSZSP`ObW]\ ]T 5]dS`\]` 0OfbS` 2Og NICKELODEON CINEMA <7193:=23=< 17<3;/ (patriotcinemas.com) ^Ob`W]bQW\S[Oa Q][ Friday: "Ruby Sparks." Put on your 4`WROg( ¾@cPg A^O`Ya œ >cb ]\ g]c` quirky indie shoes and head out to _cW`Yg W\RWS aV]Sa O\R VSOR ]cb b] this comedy about a struggling young bVWa Q][SRg OP]cb O ab`cUUZW\U g]c\U novelist (Paul Dano) whose writer's \]dSZWab >OcZ 2O\] eV]aS e`WbS`¸a block is unlocked when one of his PZ]QY Wa c\Z]QYSR eVS\ ]\S ]T VWa fictional characters (Zoe Kazan) ¿QbW]\OZ QVO`OQbS`a H]S 9OhO\ comes to life. Q][Sa b] ZWTS

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E15 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 #



(100340)700940 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13 * 110410)7101010 THE CAMPAIGN (R) 130430 7301015 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) 1245330)655920 TOTAL RECALL OCHPG-13 (400 PM) 950 PM


115PM 705PM DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS (PG) (120420)715935 THE WATCH (R) (1240405720945 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG-13) (1230PM 355PM) 740PM TED(R) ÂŁ125034517251000 ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT IN REAL D


1,&.(/2'(21 &,1(0$6 7HPSOH 0LGGOH 6W 2OG 3RUW ‡ Disney 2Wa\Sg

Timothy Green (CJ Adams, left) and Joni Jerome (Odeya Rush, right) form a BW[]bVg 5`SS\ 18 /RO[a ZSTb O\R 8]\W 8S`][S =RSgO @caV `WUVb T]`[ O special bond in "The Odd Life of Timothy Green." a^SQWOZ P]\R W\ ÂľBVS =RR :WTS ]T BW[]bVg 5`SS\ Âś

'Odd Life of Timothy Green' ÊF[[ C`]\ f] K`dfk_p >i\\eË g\i]\Zkj ;`je\pËj ]fidlcX perfects Disney's formula By COLIN COVERT #Z $0-*/ $07&35 McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST

A wonderful formula for emotionally " XPOEFSGVM GPSNVMB GPS FNPUJPOBMMZ engaging family movies is attributed to FOHBHJOH GBNJMZ NPWJFT JT BUUSJCVUFE UP Walt Disney. He reportedly told his movie 8BMU %JTOFZ )F SFQPSUFEMZ UPME IJT NPWJF teams that for every laugh there must UFBNT UIBU GPS FWFSZ MBVHI UIFSF NVTU be a tear. That balance is why classics CF B UFBS 5IBU CBMBODF JT XIZ DMBTTJDT from "Bambi" to Disney-Pixar's "Toy GSPN i#BNCJw UP %JTOFZ 1JYBS T i5PZ Story 3" endure. They celebrate the fam4UPSZ w FOEVSF 5IFZ DFMFCSBUF UIF GBN ily members and friends who make life JMZ NFNCFST BOE GSJFOET XIP NBLF MJGF grand while acknowledging our fears that HSBOE XIJMF BDLOPXMFEHJOH PVS GFBST UIBU we may lose them and be left alone in the XF NBZ MPTF UIFN BOE CF MFGU BMPOF JO UIF world. XPSME "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" is i5IF 0EE -JGF PG 5JNPUIZ (SFFOw JT Disney's formula flawlessly executed. It's %JTOFZ T GPSNVMB nBXMFTTMZ FYFDVUFE *U T perfectly fitting that a story about a boy QFSGFDUMZ mUUJOH UIBU B TUPSZ BCPVU B CPZ who emerges from the earth of a childless XIP FNFSHFT GSPN UIF FBSUI PG B DIJMEMFTT couple's garden should have a perfect DPVQMF T HBSEFO TIPVME IBWF B QFSGFDU balance of sunshine and rain. CBMBODF PG TVOTIJOF BOE SBJO Cindy and Jim Green, played by Jen$JOEZ BOE +JN (SFFO QMBZFE CZ +FO nifer Garner and Joel Edgerton, have OJGFS (BSOFS BOE +PFM &EHFSUPO IBWF done their best to remain cheerful while EPOF UIFJS CFTU UP SFNBJO DIFFSGVM XIJMF struggling for years with infertility. Their TUSVHHMJOH GPS ZFBST XJUI JOGFSUJMJUZ 5IFJS plight is echoed by their make-believe QMJHIU JT FDIPFE CZ UIFJS NBLF CFMJFWF hometown of Stanleyville, where a stifling IPNFUPXO PG 4UBOMFZWJMMF XIFSF B TUJnJOH drought drags on and the main industry, ESPVHIU ESBHT PO BOE UIF NBJO JOEVTUSZ the pencil factory, faces declining demand UIF QFODJM GBDUPSZ GBDFT EFDMJOJOH EFNBOE and layoffs. BOE MBZPGGT Cheering up over a bottle of red wine, $IFFSJOH VQ PWFS B CPUUMF PG SFE XJOF they playfully put the kid issue behind UIFZ QMBZGVMMZ QVU UIF LJE JTTVF CFIJOE them, scribbling down all the attributes UIFN TDSJCCMJOH EPXO BMM UIF BUUSJCVUFT they wanted in their dream child, sealUIFZ XBOUFE JO UIFJS ESFBN DIJME TFBM ing them in a wooden box, and burying JOH UIFN JO B XPPEFO CPY BOE CVSZJOH it in their vegetable patch. That night a JU JO UIFJS WFHFUBCMF QBUDI 5IBU OJHIU B drenching downpour arrives - exclusively ESFODIJOH EPXOQPVS BSSJWFT o FYDMVTJWFMZ over the Green household. Awakened PWFS UIF (SFFO IPVTFIPME "XBLFOFE by a late-night knock on the door, they CZ B MBUF OJHIU LOPDL PO UIF EPPS UIFZ discover a mud-caked, delightful boy (C J EJTDPWFS B NVE DBLFE EFMJHIUGVM CPZ $+ Adams) who affectionately calls them "EBNT XIP BGGFDUJPOBUFMZ DBMMT UIFN Mom and Dad. .PN BOE %BE The moment is beyond wonderful. Their 5IF NPNFOU JT CFZPOE XPOEFSGVM 5IFJS wish has come true, with Timothy emXJTI IBT DPNF USVF XJUI 5JNPUIZ FN bodying every virtue they imagined, even CPEZJOH FWFSZ WJSUVF UIFZ JNBHJOFE FWFO if some of them, like his fearless honesty, JG TPNF PG UIFN MJLF IJT GFBSMFTT IPOFTUZ lead to unforeseen complications. MFBE UP VOGPSFTFFO DPNQMJDBUJPOT

REVIEW I<M@<N "THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN," ÂľB63 =22 :743 =4 B7;=B6G 5@33< Âś starring Jennifer Garner, Joel abO``W\U 8S\\WTS` 5O`\S` 8]SZ Edgerton, CJ Adams, Shohreh 3RUS`b]\ 18 /RO[a AV]V`SV Aghdashloo, M. Emmet Walsh, /UVROaVZ]] ; 3[[Sb EOZaV Rosemarie DeWitt and Common. @]aS[O`WS 2SEWbb O\R 1][[]\ Directed by Peter Hedges. Rated PG 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS` 6SRUSa @ObSR >5 for mild thematic elements and brief T]` [WZR bVS[ObWQ SZS[S\ba O\R P`WST language. Running time: 1:45 ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U bW[S( ("#

The screenplay easily could have tum5IF TDSFFOQMBZ FBTJMZ DPVME IBWF UVN bled into a treacle pit, but writer/ director CMFE JOUP B USFBDMF QJU CVU XSJUFS EJSFDUPS Peter Hedges ("Dan in Real Life," "About 1FUFS )FEHFT i%BO JO 3FBM -JGF w i"CPVU a Boy," "What's Eating Gilbert Grape") B #PZ w i8IBU T &BUJOH (JMCFSU (SBQFw knows how to keep the story's hokum LOPXT IPX UP LFFQ UIF TUPSZ T IPLVN grounded in relatable reality. Jim has a HSPVOEFE JO SFMBUBCMF SFBMJUZ +JN IBT B high-friction relationship with his own IJHI GSJDUJPO SFMBUJPOTIJQ XJUI IJT PXO dad (David Morse). Cindy's sister (RoseEBE %BWJE .PSTF $JOEZ T TJTUFS 3PTF marie DeWitt) is a textbook underminer, NBSJF %F8JUU JT B UFYUCPPL VOEFSNJOFS and her boss at the local pencil museum BOE IFS CPTT BU UIF MPDBM QFODJM NVTFVN (Dianne Weist) is a colossal grump. Hedg %JBOOF 8FJTU JT B DPMPTTBM HSVNQ )FEH es allows himself enough suspension of FT BMMPXT IJNTFMG FOPVHI TVTQFOTJPO PG disbelief to finesse Timothy's introducEJTCFMJFG UP mOFTTF 5JNPUIZ T JOUSPEVD tion to the couple's family and close UJPO UP UIF DPVQMF T GBNJMZ BOE DMPTF friends, and his instant registration at the GSJFOET BOE IJT JOTUBOU SFHJTUSBUJPO BU UIF middle school. NJEEMF TDIPPM Timothy is a bit different, in all good 5JNPUIZ JT B CJU EJGGFSFOU JO BMM HPPE ways, making friends with an artistic XBZT NBLJOH GSJFOET XJUI BO BSUJTUJD girl at school who is a budding rebel HJSM BU TDIPPM XIP JT B CVEEJOH SFCFM outcast. He sets a standard of kindness PVUDBTU )F TFUT B TUBOEBSE PG LJOEOFTT and decency that's rather hard for his ofBOE EFDFODZ UIBU T SBUIFS IBSE GPS IJT PG ten-bewildered parents to live up to. And UFO CFXJMEFSFE QBSFOUT UP MJWF VQ UP "OE his remarkable background poses some IJT SFNBSLBCMF CBDLHSPVOE QPTFT TPNF weird challenges: When he's unwell does XFJSE DIBMMFOHFT 8IFO IF T VOXFMM EPFT he go to the hospital or the greenhouse? IF HP UP UIF IPTQJUBM PS UIF HSFFOIPVTF The film unfolds over the course of a 5IF mMN VOGPMET PWFS UIF DPVSTF PG B year in which every character affected by ZFBS JO XIJDI FWFSZ DIBSBDUFS BGGFDUFE CZ Timothy grows as a result. Like time5JNPUIZ HSPXT BT B SFTVMU -JLF UJNF lapse photography of an opening flower MBQTF QIPUPHSBQIZ PG BO PQFOJOH nPXFS bud, the film gives us birth, love, learnCVE UIF mMN HJWFT VT CJSUI MPWF MFBSO ing and loss in accelerated fashion. It's JOH BOE MPTT JO BDDFMFSBUFE GBTIJPO *U T a peculiar fable that touches universal B QFDVMJBS GBCMF UIBU UPVDIFT VOJWFSTBM emotions - a blooming miracle. FNPUJPOT o B CMPPNJOH NJSBDMF

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"THE HUNGER GAMES," starring Jennifer ÂľB63 6C<53@ 5/;3A Âś abO``W\U 8S\\WTS` Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson. The latest :Oe`S\QS O\R 8]aV 6cbQVS`a]\ BVS ZObSab c\Od]WROPZS ORO^bObW]\ ]T bVS ZObSab c\Od]WR unavoidable adaptation of the latest unavoidable young-adult fiction craze, this stylish sci-fi OPZS g]c\U ORcZb ÂżQbW]\ Q`OhS bVWa abgZWaV aQW Âż OQbW]\ R`O[O T`][ RW`SQb]` 5O`g @]aa ÂľASO action-drama from director Gary Ross ("Seabiscuit") and based on the books by Suzanne PWaQcWbÂś O\R POaSR ]\ bVS P]]Ya Pg AchO\\S 1]ZZW\a VOa W\dWbSR c\RcS Q][^O`Wa]\a b] bVS Collins has invited undue comparisons to the "Twilight" series for its demographic alone. ÂľBeWZWUVbÂś aS`WSa T]` Wba RS[]U`O^VWQ OZ]\S 6]eSdS` Wb¸a OQbcOZZg O TOW`Zg a]^VWabWQObSR O\R However, it's actually a fairly sophisticated and thrilling film that borrows elements from sources bV`WZZW\U ÂżZ[ bVOb P]``]ea SZS[S\ba T`][ a]c`QSa as diverse as George Orwell, Greek mythology Oa RWdS`aS Oa 5S]`US =`eSZZ 5`SSY [gbV]Z]Ug and Stephen King with its daunting tale of a O\R AbS^VS\ 9W\U eWbV Wba ROc\bW\U bOZS ]T O not-too-distant future where underprivileged \]b b]] RWabO\b Tcbc`S eVS`S c\RS`^`WdWZSUSR teenagers are handpicked to fight to the death bSS\OUS`a O`S VO\R^WQYSR b] ÂżUVb b] bVS RSObV in a televised competition. W\ O bSZSdWaSR Q][^SbWbW]\ The ever-commanding Lawrence makes for an BVS SdS` Q][[O\RW\U :Oe`S\QS [OYSa T]` O\ Lionsgate :W]\aUObS ideal Katniss, Hutcherson serves as a likable love WRSOZ 9Ob\Waa 6cbQVS`a]\ aS`dSa Oa O ZWYOPZS Z]dS Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss 8S\\WTS` :Oe`S\QS abO`a Oa 9Ob\Waa interest, and familiar faces such as Elizabeth W\bS`Sab O\R TO[WZWO` TOQSa acQV Oa 3ZWhOPSbV Everdeen in "The Hunger Games." 3dS`RSS\ W\ ÂľBVS 6c\US` 5O[Sa Âś Banks and Woody Harrelson round out the cast 0O\Ya O\R E]]Rg 6O``SZa]\ `]c\R ]cb bVS QOab nicely. A big hit with audiences and critics alike, \WQSZg / PWU VWb eWbV OcRWS\QSa O\R Q`WbWQa OZWYS and with good reason. Rated PG-13. Running O\R eWbV U]]R `SOa]\ @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U violence and language. Running time: 2:04 dW]ZS\QS O\R ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U bW[S( ( " time: 2:22 bW[S( ( Suggested retail price: $29.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '& Suggested retail price: $30.98; Blu-ray $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ! '&) 0Zc `Og !' '' "SHAFT," starring Richard Roundtree and MoÂľA6/4B Âś abO``W\U @WQVO`R @]c\Rb`SS O\R ;] "DEXTER: THE SIXTH SEASON," starring Âľ23FB3@( B63 A7FB6 A3/A=< Âś abO``W\U ses Gunn. Who's the digitally remastered private aSa 5c\\ EV]¸a bVS RWUWbOZZg `S[OabS`SR ^`WdObS Michael C. Hall and Edward James Olmos. ;WQVOSZ 1 6OZZ O\R 3ReO`R 8O[Sa =Z[]a dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks? For RWQY bVOb¸a O aSf [OQVW\S b] OZZ bVS QVWQYa- 4]` Everybody's favorite killer-killing killer is back 3dS`gP]Rg¸a TOd]`WbS YWZZS` YWZZW\U YWZZS` Wa POQY the unfortunate few who don't know the answer bVS c\T]`bc\ObS TSe eV] R]\¸b Y\]e bVS O\aeS` for another round of good, old-fashioned, limbT]` O\]bVS` `]c\R ]T U]]R ]ZR TOaVW]\SR ZW[P to that particular query, we present the longb] bVOb ^O`bWQcZO` _cS`g eS ^`SaS\b bVS Z]\U hacking entertainment. Newly single and free VOQYW\U S\bS`bOW\[S\b <SeZg aW\UZS O\R T`SS awaited Blu-ray release of this 1971 blaxploitaOeOWbSR 0Zc `Og `SZSOaS ]T bVWa '% PZOf^Z]WbO to pursue his baser hobbies, this time around b] ^c`acS VWa POaS` V]PPWSa bVWa bW[S O`]c\R tion classic, with Roundtree flat-out embodying bW]\ QZOaaWQ eWbV @]c\Rb`SS Ă€Ob ]cb S[P]RgW\U Dexter faces off against the wily and efficient 2SfbS` TOQSa ]TT OUOW\ab bVS eWZg O\R STÂżQWS\b cool in the title role. Pure entertainment from Q]]Z W\ bVS bWbZS `]ZS >c`S S\bS`bOW\[S\b T`][ Doomsday Killer. Long one of Showtime's more 2]][aROg 9WZZS` :]\U ]\S ]T AV]ebW[S¸a []`S start to finish. Rated R. Running time: 1:40 abO`b b] Âż\WaV @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( (" consistent offerings, "Dexter" continues to thrive Q]\aWabS\b ]TTS`W\Ua Âľ2SfbS`Âś Q]\bW\cSa b] bV`WdS Suggested retail price: $19.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '& thanks to Hall's fascinating and oddly ingratiatbVO\Ya b] 6OZZ¸a TOaQW\ObW\U O\R ]RRZg W\U`ObWOb ing work in a difficult lead role. Special features W\U e]`Y W\ O RWTÂżQcZb ZSOR `]ZS A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa VIDEOPORT PICKS D723=>=@B >719A include interviews with cast and crew. Not rated; W\QZcRS W\bS`dWSea eWbV QOab O\R Q`Se <]b `ObSR) "PARADISE LOST 3: PURGATORY," documenÂľ>/@/27A3 :=AB !( >C@5/B=@G Âś R]Qc[S\ contains graphic violence, language and sexual Q]\bOW\a U`O^VWQ dW]ZS\QS ZO\UcOUS O\R aSfcOZ tary. The third and likely final chapter in one of bO`g BVS bVW`R O\R ZWYSZg Âż\OZ QVO^bS` W\ ]\S ]T content. Running time: 10:18 Q]\bS\b @c\\W\U bW[S( ( & the most essential and important documentary bVS []ab SaaS\bWOZ O\R W[^]`bO\b R]Qc[S\bO`g Suggested retail price: $54.99; Blu-ray $65.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( #" '') 0Zc `Og $# '' series since Michael Apted's "Up" saga, "PurgaaS`WSa aW\QS ;WQVOSZ /^bSR¸a ÂľC^Âś aOUO Âľ>c`UO tory" represents the end of an 18-year endeavor b]`gÂś `S^`SaS\ba bVS S\R ]T O\ & gSO` S\RSOd]` NEW TO DVD <3E B= 2D2 to prove the innocence of the West Memphis 3, a b] ^`]dS bVS W\\]QS\QS ]T bVS ESab ;S[^VWa ! O "COMMUNITY: THE COMPLETE THIRD Âľ1=;;C<7BG( B63 1=;>:3B3 B67@2 trio of teenagers convicted of brutally murderb`W] ]T bSS\OUS`a Q]\dWQbSR ]T P`cbOZZg [c`RS` SEASON," starring Joel McHale and Danny A3/A=< Âś abO``W\U 8]SZ ;Q6OZS O\R 2O\\g ing three 8-year-old boys in the early '90s. W\U bV`SS & gSO` ]ZR P]ga W\ bVS SO`Zg ¸' a Pudi. Beloved by a rabid fanbase but consis>cRW 0SZ]dSR Pg O `OPWR TO\POaS Pcb Q]\aWa Filmmakers Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky 4WZ[[OYS`a 8]S 0S`ZW\US` O\R 0`cQS AW\]TaYg tently ignored in the ratings, this boldly surreal, bS\bZg WU\]`SR W\ bVS `ObW\Ua bVWa P]ZRZg ac``SOZ reveal the trial as a seemingly severe miscar`SdSOZ bVS b`WOZ Oa O aSS[W\UZg aSdS`S [WaQO` unabashedly silly and tirelessly clever sitcom c\OPOaVSRZg aWZZg O\R bW`SZSaaZg QZSdS` aWbQ][ riage of justice, and, in shades of Errol Morris' `WOUS ]T XcabWQS O\R W\ aVORSa ]T 3``]Z ;]``Wa¸ follows the least productive but certainly most T]ZZ]ea bVS ZSOab ^`]RcQbWdS Pcb QS`bOW\Zg []ab 1988 doc "A Thin Blue Line," the footage and '&& R]Q Âľ/ BVW\ 0ZcS :W\S Âś bVS T]]bOUS O\R entertaining study group in the business, with S\bS`bOW\W\U abcRg U`]c^ W\ bVS PcaW\Saa eWbV evidence presented in their films helped lead to SdWRS\QS ^`SaS\bSR W\ bVSW` ÂżZ[a VSZ^SR ZSOR b] Pudi and Donald Glover consistently stealing the bVS b`W]¸a Z]\U ]dS`RcS `SZSOaS >cRW O\R 2]\OZR 5Z]dS` Q]\aWabS\bZg abSOZW\U bVS the trio's long overdue release. show as the pop-culture obsessed duo Abed aV]e Oa bVS ^]^ QcZbc`S ]PaSaaSR Rc] /PSR A cathartic chapter in a frustrating and / QObVO`bWQ QVO^bS` W\ O T`cab`ObW\U O\R and Troy. Special features include commentarO\R B`]g A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS Q][[S\bO` unbearably tragic tale, "Purgatory" represents c\PSO`OPZg b`OUWQ bOZS Âľ>c`UOb]`gÂś `S^`SaS\ba ies from cast and crew and outtakes. Not rated; WSa T`][ QOab O\R Q`Se O\R ]cbbOYSa <]b `ObSR) textbook documentary making, and while viewbSfbP]]Y R]Qc[S\bO`g [OYW\U O\R eVWZS dWSe contains mild language and crude humor. RunQ]\bOW\a [WZR ZO\UcOUS O\R Q`cRS Vc[]` @c\ ers who missed the two predecessors would do S`a eV] [WaaSR bVS be] ^`SRSQSaa]`a e]cZR R] ning time: 7:48 \W\U bW[S( %("& well to check them out for the full experience, eSZZ b] QVSQY bVS[ ]cb T]` bVS TcZZ Sf^S`WS\QS Suggested retail price: $45.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "# '' the third presents the facts of the case thorbVS bVW`R ^`SaS\ba bVS TOQba ]T bVS QOaS bV]` oughly enough that it's possible to start here. ]cUVZg S\]cUV bVOb Wb¸a ^]aaWPZS b] abO`b VS`S "HAPPY ENDINGS: SEASONS 1 & 2," starÂľ6/>>G 3<27<5A( A3/A=<A Âś abO` Rough going, but worth the stress. Not rated; @]cUV U]W\U Pcb e]`bV bVS ab`Saa <]b `ObSR) ring Elisha Cuthbert and Max Pally. Wrongly `W\U 3ZWaVO 1cbVPS`b O\R ;Of >OZZg E`]\UZg contains language and disturbing images. RunQ]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS O\R RWabc`PW\U W[OUSa @c\ dismissed as a "Friends" knockoff in its initial RWa[WaaSR Oa O Âľ4`WS\RaÂś Y\]QY]TT W\ Wba W\WbWOZ ning time: 2:01 \W\U bW[S( ( stages, this consistently hilarious sitcom shares abOUSa bVWa Q]\aWabS\bZg VWZO`W]ca aWbQ][ aVO`Sa Suggested retail price: $29.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '# the three guys/three gals setup. But that's bVS bV`SS Ucga bV`SS UOZa aSbc^ 0cb bVOb¸a where the similarities end, as "Endings" isn't eVS`S bVS aW[WZO`WbWSa S\R Oa Âľ3\RW\UaÂś Wa\¸b "THE RAID: REDEMPTION," starring Iko Uwais ÂľB63 @/72( @323;>B7=< Âś abO``W\U 7Y] CeOWa particularly interested in maintaining a lot of ^O`bWQcZO`Zg W\bS`SabSR W\ [OW\bOW\W\U O Z]b ]T and Joe Taslim. The oft-employed review phrase O\R 8]S BOaZW[ BVS ]Tb S[^Z]gSR `SdWSe ^V`OaS realism, willing to go to very strange, admirable `SOZWa[ eWZZW\U b] U] b] dS`g ab`O\US OR[W`OPZS "wall-to-wall action" has perhaps never been ÂľeOZZ b] eOZZ OQbW]\Âś VOa ^S`VO^a \SdS` PSS\ lengths for its laughs. Not rated; contains lanZS\UbVa T]` Wba ZOcUVa <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\ more accurate than in describing this proudly []`S OQQc`ObS bVO\ W\ RSaQ`WPW\U bVWa ^`]cRZg guage and crude humor. Running time: 7:30 UcOUS O\R Q`cRS Vc[]` @c\\W\U bW[S( %(! insane Indonesian actionerfrom writer-director W\aO\S 7\R]\SaWO\ OQbW]\S` T`][ e`WbS` RW`SQb]` Suggested retail price: $45.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "# '' Gareth Evans ("Merantau"). This movie drops 5O`SbV 3dO\a Âľ;S`O\bOcÂś BVWa []dWS R`]^a idealistic and deadly SWAT team member Rama WRSOZWabWQ O\R RSORZg AE/B bSO[ [S[PS` @O[O NEW TO BLU-RAY <3E B= 0:C @/G (Uwais) in the midst of a tenement overrun with CeOWa W\ bVS [WRab ]T O bS\S[S\b ]dS``c\ eWbV a wide, colorful variety of criminals, then sits O eWRS Q]Z]`TcZ dO`WSbg ]T Q`W[W\OZa bVS\ aWba "JAWS," starring Roy Scheider and Robert Âľ8/EA Âś abO``W\U @]g AQVSWRS` O\R @]PS`b back and watches them beat the living crap out POQY O\R eObQVSa bVS[ PSOb bVS ZWdW\U Q`O^ ]cb Shaw. Spielberg's shark tale remains one of his AVOe A^WSZPS`U¸a aVO`Y bOZS `S[OW\a ]\S ]T VWa of each other. Rated R for strong brutal bloody ]T SOQV ]bVS` @ObSR @ T]` ab`]\U P`cbOZ PZ]]Rg best and most beloved films, and this remasPSab O\R []ab PSZ]dSR ÂżZ[a O\R bVWa `S[Oa violence throughout and language. Running dW]ZS\QS bV`]cUV]cb O\R ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U tered release is the best it's ever looked. A bS`SR `SZSOaS Wa bVS PSab Wb¸a SdS` Z]]YSR / time: 1:41 bW[S( (" must for collectors and an ideal introduction for [cab T]` Q]ZZSQb]`a O\R O\ WRSOZ W\b`]RcQbW]\ T]` Suggested retail price: $30.99; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ! '') 0Zc `Og !# '' newcomers, this set includes a feature-length \SeQ][S`a bVWa aSb W\QZcRSa O TSObc`S ZS\UbV making-of documentary, deleted scenes and [OYW\U ]T R]Qc[S\bO`g RSZSbSR aQS\Sa O\R — Courtesy of Videoport ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b interviews with cast and crew. Rated PG for W\bS`dWSea eWbV QOab O\R Q`Se @ObSR >5 T]`

The Portland Press Herald/Thursday, August 16, 2012 | GO E17 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 % Zoe Kazan H]S 9OhO\ and Paul O\R >OcZ Dano in 2O\] W\ "Ruby Âľ@cPg Sparks." A^O`Ya Âś Annette /\\SbbS Bening also 0S\W\U OZa] stars in the abO`a W\ bVS romantic `][O\bWQ comedy/ Q][SRg fantasy TO\bOag directed by RW`SQbSR Pg Jonathan 8]\ObVO\ Dayton and 2Ogb]\ O\R Valerie Faris. DOZS`WS 4O`Wa Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

"SPARKLE" (PG) (1:56) Stars Jordin Sparks, Carmen ÂľA>/@9:3Âś >5 (#$ AbO`a 8]`RW\ A^O`Ya 1O`[S\ Ejogo, Whitney Houston and Derek Luke. Directed by 3X]U] EVWb\Sg 6]cab]\ O\R 2S`SY :cYS 2W`SQbSR Pg Salim Akil. Set in the 1960s, three sisters form a girl AOZW[ /YWZ ASb W\ bVS '$ a bV`SS aWabS`a T]`[ O UW`Z group and soon become Motown sensations, but fame U`]c^ O\R a]]\ PSQ][S ;]b]e\ aS\aObW]\a Pcb TO[S becomes a challenge as the close-knit family begins to PSQ][Sa O QVOZZS\US Oa bVS QZ]aS Y\Wb TO[WZg PSUW\a b] fall apart. TOZZ O^O`b Opening at: Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR 3:30, 6:55, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:30, (! !(! $(## '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR 12:10,3:20,6:50,9:30 ( !( $(# '(!

Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Me2SbS`[W\SR b] [OYS VS` ]e\ ^ObV W\ ZWTS >`W\QSaa ;S rida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. `WRO RSÂżSa O Qcab][ bVOb P`W\Ua QVO]a b] VS` YW\UR][ Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and 5`O\bSR ]\S eWaV ;S`WRO [cab `SZg ]\ VS` P`OdS`g O\R her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. VS` O`QVS`g aYWZZa b] c\R] O PSOabZg Qc`aS Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:05,2:20, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( # ( 4:35; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:35,2,4:20 "(!#) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (!# "(

"THE CAMPAIGN" (R) (1:35) Stars Will Ferrell, Zach ÂľB63 1/;>/75<Âś @ (!# AbO`a EWZZ 4S``SZZ HOQV Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis and Dylan McDermott. 5OZWÂżO\OYWa 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa O\R 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb Directed by Jay Roach. In order to gain influence over 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Og @]OQV 7\ ]`RS` b] UOW\ W\Ă€cS\QS ]dS` their North Carolina district, two CEOs seize an opbVSW` <]`bV 1O`]ZW\O RWab`WQb be] 13=a aSWhS O\ ]^ portunity to oust long-term congressman Cam Brady ^]`bc\Wbg b] ]cab Z]\U bS`[ Q]\U`Saa[O\ 1O[ 0`ORg by putting up a rival candidate. Their man: naive Marty Pg ^cbbW\U c^ O `WdOZ QO\RWRObS BVSW` [O\( \OWdS ;O`bg Huggins, director of the local Tourism Center. 6cUUW\a RW`SQb]` ]T bVS Z]QOZ B]c`Wa[ 1S\bS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 1:15, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR ( # 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 9:50; Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1:20, !( #(! %("# '(# ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR ( "HIT AND RUN" (R) (1:30) Stars Dax Shepard, Kristen Âľ67B /<2 @C<Âś @ (! AbO`a 2Of AVS^O`R 9`WabS\ 4:15, 7, 9:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1:15,4, 7:20, "( # % '( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR ( # " %( Bell, Bradley Cooper and Kristin Chenoweth. Directed 0SZZ 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` O\R 9`WabW\ 1VS\]eSbV 2W`SQbSR 9:30; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs-Tues '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a BcSa by David Palmer and Dax Shepard. Former getaway Pg 2OdWR >OZ[S` O\R 2Of AVS^O`R 4]`[S` USbOeOg 11:40, 2:10,4:30,7,9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed (" ( "(! % '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness ProtecR`WdS` 1VO`ZWS 0`]\a]\ XS]^O`RWhSa VWa EWb\Saa >`]bSQ 12:15,2:10,4:15,7, 9; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:45, ( # ( "( # % ') 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ("# tion identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los bW]\ WRS\bWbg W\ ]`RS` b] VSZ^ VWa UW`ZT`WS\R USb b] :]a 2, "( 4:20, 9:30 Fri-Tues 11:45,1:50, 4:20, 7:20, 9:50 %(7:20, '(! 4`W BcSa ("# (# "( %( '(# Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase /\USZSa BVS TSRa O\R 1VO`ZWS¸a T]`[S` UO\U QVOaS Wed 11:45,1:50,4:10, 7:20,9:50; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues ESR ("# (# "( %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa them on the road. bVS[ ]\ bVS `]OR 1:15,4:30,7:30,10:05 ( # "(! %(! ( # Opening at: Cinemagic Saco Wed 12:20,2:35,4:50, =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] ESR ( (!# "(# 7:15, 9:35; Cinemagic Saco Wed 11:40, 2:20, 4:40, 7:15, %( # '(!#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] ESR (" ( "(" %( # "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (PG-13) (2:40) Stars ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @7A3AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a 9:45 '("# Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Tom 1V`WabWO\ 0OZS ;WQVOSZ 1OW\S 5O`g =ZR[O\ O\R B][ Hardy. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Eight years on, 6O`Rg 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\ 3WUVb gSO`a ]\ a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's O \Se bS``]`Wab ZSORS` 0O\S ]dS`eVSZ[a 5]bVO[¸a finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city Âż\Sab O\R bVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb `Sac`TOQSa b] ^`]bSQb O QWbg * * * * * * * that has branded him an enemy. bVOb VOa P`O\RSR VW[ O\ S\S[g Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" (PG-13) (2:16) Stars ÂľB63 /;/H7<5 A>723@ ;/<Âś >5 ! ( $ AbO`a 1,4:30, 8; Windham 5 Star Thurs-Sun 7:30 Mon 7:35 "(! &) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a Ac\ %(! ;]\ %(!# Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone and Rhys Ifans. Directed BcSa ESR %(! ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a "( # %("#) Tues-Wed 7:30; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 4:15,7:45; /\R`Se 5O`ÂżSZR 3[[O Ab]\S O\R @Vga 7TO\a 2W`SQbSR by Marc Webb. Peter Parker finds a clue that might Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs-Tues 11:30, Pg ;O`Q ESPP >SbS` >O`YS` Âż\Ra O QZcS bVOb [WUVb 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a BcSa (! help him understand why his parents disappeared 3,6:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12 7;/F (IMAX), 12:15,3:15 VSZ^ VW[ c\RS`abO\R eVg VWa ^O`S\ba RWaO^^SO`SR ! $(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # !( # when he was young. His path puts him on a colli(IMAX), 3:40, 6:30 (IMAX), 7:30, 9:50 (IMAX) Fri-Wed 12 eVS\ VS eOa g]c\U 6Wa ^ObV ^cba VW[ ]\ O Q]ZZW 7;/F !(" $(! 7;/F %(! '(# 7;/F 4`W ESR (IMAX), 12:15, 3:15 (IMAX), 3:40, 6:30 (IMAX), 7:30, 9:45 sion course with Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former aW]\ Q]c`aS eWbV 2` 1c`b 1]\\]`a VWa TObVS`¸a T]`[S` 7;/F ( # !( # 7;/F !(" $(! 7;/F %(! '("# (IMAX); Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:30,12:30, 3,4, partner. ^O`b\S` 7;/F ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (! (! ! " 6:30, 7:30, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12, !(! %(! '( ) 0`c\aeWQY 3:30, 7:30, 9:10; Brunswick Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 6:50, 9:40; AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a $(# '(" ) $(! %(! '(# 4`W ESR 10 Fri-Tues 12:30, 3:30, 6:40, 9:25 Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:20,3:20, 6:45, 9:40 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( !( $("# '(" 4`W BcSa (! !(! $(" '( # Fri-Wed 6:45, 9:40 4`W ESR $("# '(" "DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS" (PG) (1:52) Âľ27/@G =4 / E7;>G 972( 2=5 2/GAÂś >5 (# "BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD" (PG-13) (1:33) Âľ03/ABA =4 B63 A=CB63@< E7:2Âś >5 ! (!! Stars Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Devon Bostick AbO`a HOQVO`g 5]`R]\ @]PS`b 1O^`]\ 2Sd]\ 0]abWQY Stars Quvenzhane Wallis, Dwight Henry and Levy East- O\R AbSdS HOV\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 0]eS`a AQV]]Z Wa and Steve Zahn. Directed by David Bowers. School is AbO`a ?cdS\hVO\S EOZZWa 2eWUVb 6S\`g O\R :Sdg 3Oab erly. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. Faced with her father's out and Greg is ready for the days of summer but all S`Zg 2W`SQbSR Pg 0S\V HSWbZW\ 4OQSR eWbV VS` TObVS`¸a ]cb O\R 5`SU Wa `SORg T]` bVS ROga ]T ac[[S` Pcb OZZ fading health and environmental changes that release his plans go wrong. Now he's not sure what he's going TORW\U VSOZbV O\R S\dW`]\[S\bOZ QVO\USa bVOb `SZSOaS VWa ^ZO\a U] e`]\U <]e VS¸a \]b ac`S eVOb VS¸a U]W\U an army of aurochs (prehistoric creatures), 6-yearto do. O\ O`[g ]T Oc`]QVa ^`SVWab]`WQ Q`SObc`Sa $ gSO` b] R] old Hushpuppy leaves her Delta-community home in ]ZR 6caV^c^^g ZSOdSa VS` 2SZbO Q][[c\Wbg V][S W\ Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1:10,4, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR ( " search of her mother. aSO`QV ]T VS` []bVS` 6:45, 9; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 12:15, 4:45, 7, $("# ') <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ( # 2:30, (! "("# % Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:30, 9:10; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 11:45,2, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ("# 2:40, 4:50, 7:10, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:30,4:50, 7:10, 9:20 4:15, 7:15, 9:30 Fri-Tues 11:45, 2, "( #) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4:15; Cinemagic Saco (" "(# %( '( 4`W ESR (! "(# %( '( "( # %( # '(! 4`W BcSa ("# Thurs-Wed 12:10, Cinemagic BVc`a ESR ( 2:20,4:25,7:05,9:15; ( "( # %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ "THE BOURNE LEGACY" (PG-13) (2:05) Stars Jeremy ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (!# Westbrook Thurs 11:35, 2, "(! $(# '( 4`W ESR (!# 4:30, 6:50, 9:10 Fri-Wed 11:35, ÂľB63 0=C@<3 :35/1GÂś >5 ! ( # AbO`a 8S`S[g Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton and Scott Glenn. 2, "(! $(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W Ac\ ("# "( 4:30, 6:50; Brunswick 10 Fri-Sun 1:45,4:25 Mon-Tues @S\\S` @OQVSZ ESWah 3ReO`R <]`b]\ O\R AQ]bb 5ZS\\ # ;]\ BcSa Directed by Tony Gilroy. An expansion of the universe 1:45,4:25,6:50,9:20 2W`SQbSR Pg B]\g 5WZ`]g /\ Sf^O\aW]\ ]T bVS c\WdS`aS ("# "( # $(# '( from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero T`][ @]PS`b :cRZc[¸a \]dSZa QS\bS`SR ]\ O \Se VS`] whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the eV]aS abOYSa VOdS PSS\ b`WUUS`SR Pg bVS SdS\ba ]T bVS "HOPE SPRINGS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Meryl Streep, Âľ6=>3 A>@7<5AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a ;S`gZ Ab`SS^ previous three films. ^`SdW]ca bV`SS ÂżZ[a Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell and Jean Smart. B][[g :SS 8]\Sa AbSdS 1O`SZZ O\R 8SO\ A[O`b Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR Directed by David Frankel. After 30 years of marriage, 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 4`O\YSZ /TbS` ! gSO`a ]T [O``WOUS 3:40, 6:40, 9:30; Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 12:40, (" !(" $(" '(! ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR a middle-aged couple attends an intense, weeklong O [WRRZS OUSR Q]c^ZS ObbS\Ra O\ W\bS\aS eSSYZ]\U 3:50, 6:50, 9:40; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 12:55, (## !(# $(# '(" ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR counseling session to work on their relationship. Q]c\aSZW\U aSaaW]\ b] e]`Y ]\ bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ 7:10,9:45; Cinemagic Grand (South Port 12:45,3:45, ("# !("# %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR land) Thurs-Tues 12,3,7,9:50; Cinemagic Saco ThursZO\R BVc`a BcSa ! % '(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 1:30,4, 6:50,9:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed (! " $(# '( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR Wed 12:30, 3:15,6:45,9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:30,3:30,6:50, ESR (! !( # $("# '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 9:20; Cinemagic Grand (South Port(! !(! $(# '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b 3:10, 3:30, 7, 7:15, 9:45,10 Fri-Wed 12, !( 3:10, 12:10,12:30, ( (! !( !(! % %( # '("# 4`W ESR land) Thurs-Tues 11:40, 2:15,4:45, 7:15, 9:40; Cinemagic ZO\R BVc`a BcSa (" ( # "("# %( # '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ 6:45, 9:40; Bruswick 10 Fri-Tues 1, 3:50, 7, 9:55 $("# '(" ) 0`caeWQY 4`W BcSa !(# % '(## Saco Thurs-Wed 12, 2:15, 4:30, 7:10, 9:25; Cinemagic AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( # "(! %( '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50, 2:10,4:30,7:10,9:30; ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (# ( "(! %( '(! ) "BRAVE" (PG) (1:30) Stars Kelly Macdonald, Billy Âľ0@/D3Âś >5 (! AbO`a 9SZZg ;OQR]\OZR 0WZZg Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:30,4, 6:55, 9:15 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa (! " $(## '( # Connolly, Emma Thompson and Julie Walters. Directed 1]\\]ZZg 3[[O BV][^a]\ O\R 8cZWS EOZbS`a 2W`SQbSR Please see MOVIES, Page E30 by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman and Steve Purcell. Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*' Pg ;O`Y /\R`Sea 0`S\RO 1VO^[O\ O\R AbSdS >c`QSZZ


( ( ( (( ( (


F A S T R O$ Y A L B R E AK & H I S H F AS ON O# W Saturday, August 18

9 am This Saturday, we welcome all princesses ,-6 %785(%; :) :)0'31) %00 45-2')66)6 and pirates for a royal breakfast at 9 am, %2( 4-5%7)6 *35 % 53;%0 &5)%/*%67 %7 %1 followed by a Rule Your School Fashion *3003:)( &; % 80) $385 ',330 %6,-32 Show at 10:30 am, benefitting March ,3: %7 %1 &)2)*-77-2+ %5', of Dimes. Event includes a parade, free 3* -1)6 9)27 -2'08()6 % 4%5%() *5)) portraits, story time and much more. 43575%-76 6735; 7-1) %2( 18', 135) Moms, make time to linger, because the 316 1%/) 7-1) 73 0-2+)5 &)'%86) 7,) fashion show takes place in front of the *%6,-32 6,3: 7%/)6 40%') -2 *5327 3* 7,) brand new J.Crew and LUSH stores! &5%2( 2): 5): %2( ! 6735)6 For details, look for the March of Dimes 35 ()7%-06 033/ *35 7,) %5', 3* -1)6 event at mainemall.com/events. )9)27 %7 1%-2)1%00 '31 )9)276

B L OO V E D D R I" August 24 11 am - 4 pm Save a life while saving your wardrobe! %9) % 0-*) :,-0) 6%9-2+ ;385 :%5(53&)

AB D A$ Y # W E E K E N D L O R Enjoy mall-wide sales and celebrations. 2.3; 1%00 :-() 6%0)6 %2( ')0)&5%7-326 Kamasouptra, serving local soups by the %1%638475% 6)59-2+ 03'%0 63846 &; 7,) bowlful, opens in the food court. &3:0*80 34)26 -2 7,) *33( '3857

364 Maine Mall Road, South Portland

%-2) %00 3%( 387, 3570%2( mainemall.com 1%-2)1%00 '31

E18 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $



5Sb c^ O\R 5= Get up and GO eWbV bVSaS SdS\ba with these events


1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW Compiled by Aimsel Ponti, Staff Writer AbOTT E`WbS`


Kl\j[Xp Ê9\Xlkp <m\ip[Xp 'Beauty Everyday - The Floral Æ K_\ =cfiXc Series' J\i`\jË

Kristin Hersh Bi`jk`e ?\ij_ Founder of alternative rock 4]c\RS` ]T OZbS`\ObWdS `]QY band Throwing Muses, Kristin PO\R BV`]eW\U ;caSa 9`WabW\ Hersh has released a slew of solo 6S`aV VOa `SZSOaSR O aZSe ]T a]Z] records beginning with 1994's `SQ]`Ra PSUW\\W\U eWbV ''"¸a "Hips and Makers." With hypnotic ¾6W^a O\R ;OYS`a œ EWbV Vg^\]bWQ vocals and equally compelling d]QOZa O\R S_cOZZg Q][^SZZW\U lyrics, her performance in PortZg`WQa VS` ^S`T]`[O\QS W\ >]`b land will be a solo acoustic one. ZO\R eWZZ PS O a]Z] OQ]cabWQ ]\S

'The Rolling ĂŠK_\ Ifcc`e^ Stones: Jkfe\j1 Some Girls, Live in Jfd\ >`icj# C`m\ `e Texas' in HD K\oXjĂ‹ `e ?; A slice of rock 'n' roll history / aZWQS ]T `]QY ¸\¸ `]ZZ VWab]`g comes to the big screen in the Q][Sa b] bVS PWU aQ`SS\ W\ bVS form of "The Rolling Stones: T]`[ ]T ÂľBVS @]ZZW\U Ab]\Sa( Some Girls, Live in Texas." Filmed A][S 5W`Za :WdS W\ BSfOa Âś 4WZ[SR during the band's 1978 "Some Rc`W\U bVS PO\R¸a '%& ÂľA][S Girls" tour, the film includes the 5W`ZaÂś b]c` bVS ÂżZ[ W\QZcRSa bVS hits "Miss You," "Beast of BurVWba Âľ;Waa G]c Âś Âľ0SOab ]T 0c` den" and "Tumbling Dice." It also RS\Âś O\R ÂľBc[PZW\U 2WQS Âś 7b OZa] includes a 2011 interview with W\QZcRSa O W\bS`dWSe eWbV Mick Jagger. ;WQY 8OUUS` WHEN: 7 p.m. E63<( % ^ [ WHERE: The Lincoln TheE63@3( BVS :W\Q]Z\ BVS ater, 2 BVSObS` Ab Theater St., ObS` Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO HOW MUCH: $15; $5 for un6=E ;C16( #) # T]` c\ der 18; atthelincoln.org RS` &) ObbVSZW\Q]Z\ ]`U

WHEN: 8:30 p.m. E63<( &(! ^ [ WHERE: Empire Dine & E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S Dance, 575 Congress St., 2O\QS #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $12 W\ ORdO\QS) in advance; 6=E ;C16( $15 day of show; 21-plus; # ROg ]T aV]e) ^Zca) portlandempire.com ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][

'Tartuffe' ĂŠKXikl]]\Ă‹

'Boeing - Boeing' Ê9f\`e^ Æ 9f\`e^Ë Laugh your way through the :OcUV g]c` eOg bV`]cUV bVS classic farce of "Boeing-Boeing," QZOaaWQ TO`QS ]T ¾0]SW\U 0]SW\U œ through Sept. 1. Watch how lead bV`]cUV AS^b EObQV V]e ZSOR character Bernard juggles French, QVO`OQbS` 0S`\O`R XcUUZSa 4`S\QV German and American flight at5S`[O\ O\R /[S`WQO\ ÀWUVb Ob tendants and how an unexpected bS\RO\ba O\R V]e O\ c\Sf^SQbSR schedule change leads to an even aQVSRcZS QVO\US ZSORa b] O\ SdS\ more unexpected collision with []`S c\Sf^SQbSR Q]ZZWaW]\ eWbV his unsuspecting ladies. VWa c\aca^SQbW\U ZORWSa WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Hackmatack E63@3( 6OQY[ObOQY Playhouse, 538 Route 9, >ZOgV]caS #!& @]cbS ' Berwick 0S`eWQY HOW MUCH: $25; 6=E ;C16( #) $22 seniors, $10 students; aS\W]`a abcRS\ba) hackmatack.org VOQY[ObOQY ]`U

"Tartuffe" is Moliere's outrageous ¾BO`bcTTSœ Wa ;]ZWS`S¸a ]cb`OUS]ca satire of high society, and it's in aObW`S ]T VWUV a]QWSbg O\R Wb¸a W\ the final day of its run in MonbVS ¿\OZ ROg ]T Wba `c\ W\ ;]\ mouth. The comic romp set in []cbV BVS Q][WQ `][^ aSb W\ 17th-century Paris was originally %bV QS\bc`g >O`Wa eOa ]`WUW\OZZg deemed quite scandalous for its RSS[SR _cWbS aQO\ROZ]ca T]` Wba clever barbs and searing social QZSdS` PO`Pa O\R aSO`W\U a]QWOZ commentary. Q][[S\bO`g WHEN: 1 p.m. E63<( ^ [ WHERE: Theater at MonE63@3( BVSObS` Ob ;]\ mouth, 796 Main St. []cbV %'$ ;OW\ Ab HOW MUCH: $10, $24; 6=E ;C16( ") theateratmonmouth.org bVSObS`Ob[]\[]cbV ]`U


'Seanachie Nights' ĂŠJ\XeXZ_`\ E`^_kjĂ‹ Spoken word and music perforA^]YS\ e]`R O\R [caWQ ^S`T]` mance series, Seanachie Nights, [O\QS aS`WSa ASO\OQVWS <WUVba continues with "Tales and Songs Q]\bW\cSa eWbV ÂľBOZSa O\R A]\Ua of Ireland." Musician/singer/ ]T 7`SZO\R Âś ;caWQWO\ aW\US` storyteller Kate Chadbourne ab]`gbSZZS` 9ObS 1VORP]c`\S combines traditional tales with Q][PW\Sa b`ORWbW]\OZ bOZSa eWbV music for voice, harp, flutes and [caWQ T]` d]WQS VO`^ Ă€cbSa O\R piano. ^WO\] WHEN: 7 p.m. E63<( % ^ [ WHERE: Bull Feeney's, E63@3( 0cZZ 4SS\Sg¸a 375 Fore St., Portland !%# 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $9; 6=E ;C16( ') 253-0288 #! &&

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'The Art of dee's ĂŠK_\ 8ik f] [\\Ă‹j ICECREAM @:< :I<8D Packaging' GXZbX^`e^Ă‹ Assemblage artists Barbara Bean /aaS[PZOUS O`bWaba 0O`PO`O 0SO\ and Edward Mackenzie have creO\R 3ReO`R ;OQYS\hWS VOdS Q`S ated a unique body of work using ObSR O c\W_cS P]Rg ]T e]`Y caW\U packaging from the now defunct ^OQYOUW\U T`][ bVS \]e RSTc\Qb dee's Ice Cream at Crystal Spring RSS¸a 7QS 1`SO[ Ob 1`gabOZ A^`W\U Farm. The Brunswick Topsham 4O`[ BVS 0`c\aeWQY B]^aVO[ Land Trust acquired the farm and :O\R B`cab OQ_cW`SR bVS TO`[ O\R donated dee's materials to the R]\ObSR RSS¸a [ObS`WOZa b] bVS artists who worked their magic O`bWaba eV] e]`YSR bVSW` [OUWQ into create striking and nostalgic W\b] Q`SObS ab`WYW\U O\R \]abOZUWQ pieces of art. ^WSQSa ]T O`b

8l^ljk ), 9iXm\ :fdYf Brave Combo

Ê0 kf ,1 '9 to 5: The Musical' K_\ Dlj`ZXcË

Throughout August, feast your BV`]cUV]cb /cUcab TSOab g]c` eyes on photographs by Annie SgSa ]\ ^V]b]U`O^Va Pg /\\WS Lemieux. The exhibit is a stun:S[WScf BVS SfVWPWb Wa O abc\ ning collection of photographs \W\U Q]ZZSQbW]\ ]T ^V]b]U`O^Va that capture the beauty of flowbVOb QO^bc`S bVS PSOcbg ]T À]e ers and plants by focusing on S`a O\R ^ZO\ba Pg T]QcaW\U ]\ their color and bold design. bVSW` Q]Z]` O\R P]ZR RSaWU\ WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. E63<( '(! O [ b] & ^ [ WHERE: Kennebunk Free E63@3( 9S\\SPc\Y 4`SS Library, 112 ;OW\ Ab Main St. :WP`O`g HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) kennebunklibrary.org YS\\SPc\YZWP`O`g ]`U

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Put on your dancing shoes and >cb ]\ g]c` RO\QW\U aV]Sa O\R get ready for Brave Combo. USb `SORg T]` 0`OdS 1][P] For the past three decades, the 4]` bVS ^Oab bV`SS RSQORSa bVS Texas-based quintet has been BSfOa POaSR _cW\bSb VOa PSS\ serving up zesty polka, salsa, aS`dW\U c^ hSabg ^]ZYO aOZaO zydeco, blues, world music and hgRSQ] PZcSa e]`ZR [caWQ O\R more. []`S

Pour yourself a cup of ambition >]c` g]c`aSZT O Qc^ ]T O[PWbW]\ and head to Ogunquit for Dolly O\R VSOR b] =Uc\_cWb T]` 2]ZZg Parton's "9 to 5," starring Sally >O`b]\¸a ¾' b] # œ abO``W\U AOZZg Struthers. With delightful musiAb`cbVS`a EWbV RSZWUVbTcZ [caW cal numbers including Parton's QOZ \c[PS`a W\QZcRW\U >O`b]\¸a famous title song, see the office TO[]ca bWbZS a]\U aSS bVS ]T¿QS antics of Violet, Doralee and Judy O\bWQa ]T DW]ZSb 2]`OZSS O\R 8cRg unfold as they do battle with c\T]ZR Oa bVSg R] PObbZS eWbV boss man Franklin Hart. Through P]aa [O\ 4`O\YZW\ 6O`b BV`]cUV Sept. 15. AS^b # WHEN: 2:30 and 8 p.m. E63<( (! O\R & ^ [ WHERE: Ogunquit PlayE63@3( =Uc\_cWb >ZOg house, 10 Main St. V]caS ;OW\ Ab HOW MUCH: $29 to $74; 6=E ;C16( ' b] %") ogunquitplayhouse.org ]Uc\_cWb^ZOgV]caS ]`U

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: One Longfellow E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square, 181 State St., A_cO`S & AbObS Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $20 W\ OR in ad6=E ;C16( vance; $25 day of show; dO\QS) # ROg ]T aV]e) onelongfellowsquare.com ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][


Ingrid Nichaelson @e^i`[ D`Z_X\cjfe & Friends =i`\e[j New York-based indie-pop <Se G]`Y POaSR W\RWS ^]^ singer-songwriter Ingrid MiaW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` 7\U`WR ;W chaelson is back in Maine for QVOSZa]\ Wa POQY W\ ;OW\S T]` a special benefit performance. O a^SQWOZ PS\S¿b ^S`T]`[O\QS Her songs have been featured 6S` a]\Ua VOdS PSS\ TSObc`SR in "Scrubs," "Bones" and "Grey's W\ ¾AQ`cPa œ ¾0]\Saœ O\R ¾5`Sg¸a Anatomy." Her new album is "Hu/\Ob][g œ 6S` \Se OZPc[ Wa ¾6c man Again," released earlier this [O\ /UOW\ œ `SZSOaSR SO`ZWS` bVWa summer. ac[[S`

WHEN: By appointment E63<( 0g O^^]W\b[S\b WHERE: Richmond Store E63@3( @WQV[]\R Ab]`S Gallery, 54 Main St., 5OZZS`g #" ;OW\ Ab Richmond @WQV[]\R HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) 737-4724 %!% "% "


WHEN: 7 p.m. E63<( % ^ [ WHERE: Stonington Opera E63@3( Ab]\W\Ub]\ =^S`O House, 1 School St. 6]caS AQV]]Z Ab HOW MUCH: $35, $45; 6=E ;C16( !# "#) operahousearts.org ]^S`OV]caSO`ba ]`U

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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3E20 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $



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"GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING" (NR) (1:37) Directed by Corinna Belz, 2011. Widely ¾53@6/@2 @716B3@ >/7<B7<5œ <@ (!% 2W`SQbSR Pg 1]`W\\O 0SZh EWRSZg considered one of the world's greatest living painters, the German artist Q]\aWRS`SR ]\S ]T bVS e]`ZR¸a U`SObSab ZWdW\U ^OW\bS`a bVS 5S`[O\ O`bWab Gerhard Richter has spent over half a century experimenting with a tremendous 5S`VO`R @WQVbS` VOa a^S\b ]dS` VOZT O QS\bc`g Sf^S`W[S\bW\U eWbV O b`S[S\R]ca range of techniques and ideas. Famously media-shy, he agreed to appear on `O\US ]T bSQV\W_cSa O\R WRSOa 4O[]caZg [SRWO aVg VS OU`SSR b] O^^SO` ]\ camera for the first time in 15 years for a 2007 short by filmmaker Corinna Belz QO[S`O T]` bVS ¿`ab bW[S W\ # gSO`a T]` O % aV]`b Pg ¿Z[[OYS` 1]`W\\O 0SZh called "Gerhard Richter's Window." Her follow-up, "Gerhard Richter Painting," QOZZSR ¾5S`VO`R @WQVbS`¸a EW\R]e œ 6S` T]ZZ]e c^ ¾5S`VO`R @WQVbS` >OW\bW\U œ is exactly that - a document of Richter's creative process, juxtaposed with Wa SfOQbZg bVOb ³ O R]Qc[S\b ]T @WQVbS`¸a Q`SObWdS ^`]QSaa XcfbO^]aSR eWbV intimate conversations (with his critics, his collaborators, and his American W\bW[ObS Q]\dS`aObW]\a eWbV VWa Q`WbWQa VWa Q]ZZOP]`Ob]`a O\R VWa /[S`WQO\ gallerist Marian Goodman) and rare archive material. We watch the 79-yearUOZZS`Wab ;O`WO\ 5]]R[O\ O\R `O`S O`QVWdS [ObS`WOZ ES eObQV bVS %' gSO` old create a series of large-scale abstract canvasses, using fat brushes and ]ZR Q`SObS O aS`WSa ]T ZO`US aQOZS OPab`OQb QO\dOaaSa caW\U TOb P`caVSa O\R a massive squeegee to apply layer after layer of brightly colored paint. The O [OaaWdS a_cSSUSS b] O^^Zg ZOgS` OTbS` ZOgS` ]T P`WUVbZg Q]Z]`SR ^OW\b BVS mesmerizing footage of Richter's highly charged process of creation and [Sa[S`WhW\U T]]bOUS ]T @WQVbS`¸a VWUVZg QVO`USR ^`]QSaa ]T Q`SObW]\ O\R destruction turns Belz's portrait of an artist into a work of art itself. In English RSab`cQbW]\ bc`\a 0SZh¸a ^]`b`OWb ]T O\ O`bWab W\b] O e]`Y ]T O`b WbaSZT 7\ 3\UZWaV and German with English subtitles. O\R 5S`[O\ eWbV 3\UZWaV acPbWbZSa Showing at: Portland Museum of Art, 2 ^ [ BVc`aROg O\R AObc`ROg bV`]cUV p.m. Thursday and Saturday through AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b Wednesday; 2 O\R $(! ^ [ 4`WROg and 6:30 p.m. Friday ESR\SaROg)



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wwwinnbythebayxom WWW INNBYTHEBAY COM

she shows up at Sparkle's big concert. TIF TIPXT VQ BU 4QBSLMF T CJH DPODFSU As the insecure, innocent ingenue, "T UIF JOTFDVSF JOOPDFOU JOHFOVF Sparks, 22, seems a bit tentative at first. 4QBSLT TFFNT B CJU UFOUBUJWF BU mSTU Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! But, like her character, she gains her foot#VU MJLF IFS DIBSBDUFS TIF HBJOT IFS GPPU ing. The scene in which she and Houston JOH 5IF TDFOF JO XIJDI TIF BOE )PVTUPO have the big argument about Sparkle a bit out of it at times. The camera adores IBWF UIF CJH BSHVNFOU BCPVU 4QBSLMF B CJU PVU PG JU BU UJNFT 5IF DBNFSB BEPSFT moving out of the comfortable family Sparks, though she is no Jennifer HudNPWJOH PVU PG UIF DPNGPSUBCMF GBNJMZ 4QBSLT UIPVHI TIF JT OP +FOOJGFS )VE home to pursue her musical dreams is so son. The music and characterizations are IPNF UP QVSTVF IFS NVTJDBM ESFBNT JT TP TPO 5IF NVTJD BOE DIBSBDUFSJ[BUJPOT BSF powerful that it doesn't feel like acting. strong. But what prevents "Sparkle" from QPXFSGVM UIBU JU EPFTO U GFFM MJLF BDUJOH TUSPOH #VU XIBU QSFWFOUT i4QBSLMFw GSPN One disconnect throughout the movie, shimmering is a predictable plot. 0OF EJTDPOOFDU UISPVHIPVU UIF NPWJF TIJNNFSJOH JT B QSFEJDUBCMF QMPU though, is Sparks' hair, which is too long In short: The oldest daughter and lead UIPVHI JT 4QBSLT IBJS XIJDI JT UPP MPOH *O TIPSU 5IF PMEFTU EBVHIUFS BOE MFBE and luxe for a black woman of that era singer, Sister (the tough and sultry CarBOE MVYF GPS B CMBDL XPNBO PG UIBU FSB TJOHFS 4JTUFS UIF UPVHI BOE TVMUSZ $BS (the film is set in 1968 Detroit); most of the men Ejogo), moves in with a high-living UIF mMN JT TFU JO %FUSPJU NPTU PG UIF NFO &KPHP NPWFT JO XJUI B IJHI MJWJOH other characters look more authentic. comedian (the pimpish Mike Epps). When PUIFS DIBSBDUFST MPPL NPSF BVUIFOUJD DPNFEJBO UIF QJNQJTI .JLF &QQT 8IFO Sister ends up in jail for accidentally killAs a singer, Sparks shines. Her payoff "T B TJOHFS 4QBSLT TIJOFT )FS QBZPGG 4JTUFS FOET VQ JO KBJM GPS BDDJEFOUBMMZ LJMM ing her abusive beau and the middle sister UVOF JT UIF 3 ,FMMZ QFOOFE i0OF 8JOH w tune is the R. Kelly-penned "One Wing," JOH IFS BCVTJWF CFBV BOE UIF NJEEMF TJTUFS goes off to college, Sparkle (Sparks), a re- XIJDI DPVME CF B GFNBMF BOTXFS UP IJT which could be a female answer to his HPFT PGG UP DPMMFHF 4QBSLMF 4QBSLT B SF luctant singer but gifted songwriter, steps i* #FMJFWF * $BO 'MZ w ,FMMZ XSPUF UISFF "I Believe I Can Fly." Kelly wrote three MVDUBOU TJOHFS CVU HJGUFE TPOHXSJUFS TUFQT up to the microphone solo. And - guess new numbers for Sparks. The film also OFX OVNCFST GPS 4QBSLT 5IF mMN BMTP VQ UP UIF NJDSPQIPOF TPMP "OE o HVFTT what? o )PVTUPO UIF DPOnJDUFE CVU QSPVE - Houston, the conflicted but proud SFQSJTFT TPNF $VSUJT .BZmFME XSJUUFO reprises some Curtis Mayfield-written XIBU mama, is clapping in the theater. selections from the original "Sparkle," TFMFDUJPOT GSPN UIF PSJHJOBM i4QBSLMF w NBNB JT DMBQQJOH JO UIF UIFBUFS including "Something He Can Feel." "The Bodyguard" star gives a curious JODMVEJOH i4PNFUIJOH )F $BO 'FFM w i5IF #PEZHVBSEw TUBS HJWFT B DVSJPVT performance in her final role, which is a Sparks already has started shooting her 4QBSLT BMSFBEZ IBT TUBSUFE TIPPUJOH IFS QFSGPSNBODF JO IFS mOBM SPMF XIJDI JT B modest one. At times, she looks to be in a TFDPOE mMN B NVTJD GSFF JOEJF ESBNB second film, a music-free indie drama NPEFTU POF "U UJNFT TIF MPPLT UP CF JO B glassy-eyed haze, which doesn't befit a re- XJUI GPSNFS i*EPMw mOBMJTU )VETPO XIP with former "Idol" finalist Hudson, who HMBTTZ FZFE IB[F XIJDI EPFTO U CFmU B SF habbed, Bible-teaching dress-shop owner. XPO B CFTU TVQQPSUJOH 0TDBS GPS IFS EFCVU won a best supporting Oscar for her debut IBCCFE #JCMF UFBDIJOH ESFTT TIPQ PXOFS Her lone vocal performance comes on in "Dreamgirls." If Sparks goes on to JO i%SFBNHJSMT w *G 4QBSLT HPFT PO UP )FS MPOF WPDBM QFSGPSNBODF DPNFT PO "His Eye Is on the Sparrow," an old spiri- FOKPZ TVDDFTT PO UIF TDSFFO i4QBSLMFw enjoy success on the screen, "Sparkle" i)JT &ZF *T PO UIF 4QBSSPX w BO PME TQJSJ tual, and her once-gorgeous, stratospheric XJMM CF SFNFNCFSFE BT IFS mSTU mMN will be remembered as her first film; UVBM BOE IFS PODF HPSHFPVT TUSBUPTQIFSJD voice sounds weathered and dulled. But otherwise it's destined to be known only PUIFSXJTF JU T EFTUJOFE UP CF LOPXO POMZ WPJDF TPVOET XFBUIFSFE BOE EVMMFE #VU she looks clear-eyed and handsome when BT )PVTUPO T MBTU SPMF as Houston's last role. TIF MPPLT DMFBS FZFE BOE IBOETPNF XIFO

AT THE at the DRIVE-INS ;I@M<$@EJ BRIDGTON TWIN DRIVE-IN, 383 Portland Road, Bridgton; 647-8666. Open 0@725B=< BE7< 2@7D3 7< !&! >]`bZO\R @]OR 0`WRUb]\) $"% &$$$ =^S\ nightly. \WUVbZg Thurs: Screen 1: "Ice Age" (PG) 8:15 p.m.; "Dark Knight Rises" (PG-13) 9:55 p.m. BVc`a( AQ`SS\ ( Âľ7QS /USÂś >5 &( # ^ [ ) Âľ2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! '(## ^ [ Thurs: Screen 2:( ÂľBVS 0]c`\S :SUOQgÂś >5 ! &( # ^ [ ) ÂľAOdOUSaÂś @ (!# ^ [ "The Bourne Legacy" (PG-13) 8:15 p.m.; "Savages" (R) 10:35 p.m. BVc`a( AQ`SS\ Fri-Wed: Screen 1: "Ice Age" (PG) 8:10 p.m.; "Dark Knight Rises" (PG-13) 9:50 p.m. 4`W ESR( AQ`SS\ ( Âľ7QS /USÂś >5 &( ^ [ ) Âľ2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! '(# ^ [ Fri-Wed: Screen 2:( ÂľBVS 0]c`\S :SUOQgÂś >5 ! &( ^ [ ) ÂľB]bOZ @SQOZZÂś >5 ! "The Bourne Legacy" (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.; "Total Recall" (PG-13) 4`W ESR( AQ`SS\ 10:30 p.m. (! ^ [ SACO DRIVE-IN, 969 Portland Road, Saco; 284-1016. Open nightly. Gates open at A/1= 2@7D3 7< '$' >]`bZO\R @]OR AOQ]) &" $ =^S\ \WUVbZg 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob 7:30 p.m. $15/carload. %(! ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Thurs: "Step Up Revolution" (PG-13) 8:20 p.m.; "The Watch" (R) BVc`a( ÂľAbS^ C^ @Sd]ZcbW]\Âś >5 ! &( ^ [ ) ÂľBVS EObQVÂś @ PRIDES CORNER DRIVE-IN, 651 Bridgton Road, Westbrook; 797-3154. Open >@723A 1=@<3@ 2@7D3 7< $# 0`WRUb]\ @]OR ESabP`]]Y) %'% ! #" =^S\ nightly. Gates open Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m.; all other nights at 7:30 p.m. \WUVbZg 5ObSa ]^S\ 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg Ob % ^ [ ) OZZ ]bVS` \WUVba Ob %(! ^ [ $15/carload. # QO`Z]OR Thurs: "Total Recall" (PG-13) 8:30 p.m.; "Dark Knight Rises" (PG-13) BVc`a( ÂľB]bOZ @SQOZZÂś >5 ! &(! ^ [ ) Âľ2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! Fri-Wed: "The Expendables" (R) 8:20 p.m.; "Cabin in the Woods" (R) 4`W ESR( ÂľBVS 3f^S\ROPZSaÂś @ &( ^ [ ) Âľ1OPW\ W\ bVS E]]RaÂś @

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3

Courtesy of Greenhut Galleries 1]c`bSag ]T 5`SS\Vcb 5OZZS`WSa

K_\ Ă•fn\i`e^ f] Kfd GX`\d\ek The flowering of Tom Paiement


From left, "Blue 4`][ ZSTb ¾0ZcS Flower," "Lover's 4Z]eS` œ ¾:]dS`¸a Flowers" and 4Z]eS`aœ O\R "Singular Beauty." ¾AW\UcZO` 0SOcbg œ

The artist's newest mixed-media series, on view at Greenhut Galleries in Portland, BVS O`bWab¸a \SeSab [WfSR [SRWO aS`WSa ]\ dWSe Ob 5`SS\Vcb 5OZZS`WSa W\ >]`bZO\R departs in a major thematic way from emotionally darker previous work. RS^O`ba W\ O [OX]` bVS[ObWQ eOg T`][ S[]bW]\OZZg RO`YS` ^`SdW]ca e]`Y Challenged though he was, Paiement emerged from $IBMMFOHFE UIPVHI IF XBT 1BJFNFOU FNFSHFE GSPN that series satisfied he made a bold statement and UIBU TFSJFT TBUJTmFE IF NBEF B CPME TUBUFNFOU BOE or almost two years in the mid-2000s, confident with his artistic expression. He used all his PS BMNPTU UXP ZFBST JO UIF NJE T DPOmEFOU XJUI IJT BSUJTUJD FYQSFTTJPO )F VTFE BMM IJT Tom Paiement was consumed by a seskills in that series, and pushed himself to new levels 5PN 1BJFNFOU XBT DPOTVNFE CZ B TF TLJMMT JO UIBU TFSJFT BOE QVTIFE IJNTFMG UP OFX MFWFMT ries of three large-scale collages that ad- PG BDDPNQMJTINFOU of accomplishment. SJFT PG UISFF MBSHF TDBMF DPMMBHFT UIBU BE dressed his world view of a new century. The next thing he worked on involved smaller mixedESFTTFE IJT XPSME WJFX PG B OFX DFOUVSZ 5IF OFYU UIJOH IF XPSLFE PO JOWPMWFE TNBMMFS NJYFE They were dark, harsh and serious, and NBUFSJBM DPMMBHFT PG nPXFST XIJDI MFBET VT UP IJT MBU material collages of flowers, which leads us to his lat5IFZ XFSF EBSL IBSTI BOE TFSJPVT BOE focused on themes of war, environmen- FTU CPEZ PG XPSL i4FBSDI GPS 'PSN w PO WJFX UISPVHI est body of work, "Search for Form," on view through GPDVTFE PO UIFNFT PG XBS FOWJSPONFO talism, technology, consumerism and the human spirit. 4FQU BU (SFFOIVU (BMMFSJFT (FOFSBMMZ 1BJFNFOU Sept. 1 at Greenhut Galleries. Generally, Paiement UBMJTN UFDIOPMPHZ DPOTVNFSJTN BOE UIF IVNBO TQJSJU Working on these pieces, which Paiement collecshows new work at the Portland gallery every two 8PSLJOH PO UIFTF QJFDFT XIJDI 1BJFNFOU DPMMFD TIPXT OFX XPSL BU UIF 1PSUMBOE HBMMFSZ FWFSZ UXP tively titled "Entropy," was draining. It would be an years. UJWFMZ UJUMFE i&OUSPQZ w XBT ESBJOJOH *U XPVME CF BO ZFBST overstatement to characterize the artist's process as Following the path that he laid out in his previous PWFSTUBUFNFOU UP DIBSBDUFSJ[F UIF BSUJTU T QSPDFTT BT 'PMMPXJOH UIF QBUI UIBU IF MBJE PVU JO IJT QSFWJPVT debilitating, but the work required a huge effort, and EFCJMJUBUJOH CVU UIF XPSL SFRVJSFE B IVHF FGGPSU BOE left him emotionally taxed. MFGU IJN FNPUJPOBMMZ UBYFE Please see PAIEMENT, PageE26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ >/73;3<B GX^\ <)- By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4

; ?FK k`Zb\k

"TOM PAIEMENT: SEARCH FOR FORM" ÂľB=; >/73;3<B( A3/@16 4=@ 4=@;Âś WHEN: Through Sept. 1 E63<( BV`]cUV AS^b WHERE: Greenhut Galleries, E63@3( 5`SS\Vcb 5OZZS`WSa 146 Middle St., Portland "$ ;WRRZS Ab >]`bZO\R GALLERY HOURS: 10 a.m. to 5:30 5/::3@G 6=C@A( O [ b] #(! p.m. Monday to Friday; 10 a.m. ^ [ ;]\ROg b] 4`WROg) O [ to 5 p.m. Saturday b] # ^ [ AObc`ROg HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 772-2693; greenhutgalleries.com 7<4=( %% $'!) U`SS\VcbUOZZS`WSa Q][


StqffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS

Chamber fest concludes with two shows :_XdY\i ]\jk ZfeZcl[\j n`k_ knf j_fnj

THE PORTLAND Chamber Music Festival wraps up its B63 >=@B:/<2 1VO[PS` ;caWQ 4SabWdOZ e`O^a c^ Wba summer season with concerts Thursday and Saturday. ac[[S` aSOa]\ eWbV Q]\QS`ba BVc`aROg O\R AObc`ROg Thursday's show features a contemporary piece by Michael Rose, BVc`aROg¸a aV]e TSObc`Sa O Q]\bS[^]`O`g ^WSQS Pg ;WQVOSZ @]aS a Brahms quintet for clarinet and strings and more. Saturday will O 0`OV[a _cW\bSb T]` QZO`W\Sb O\R ab`W\Ua O\R []`S AObc`ROg eWZZ feature Mozart, Sebastian Currier and Copland. TSObc`S ;]hO`b ASPOabWO\ 1c``WS` O\R 1]^ZO\R WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursday and Saturday E63<( & ^ [ BVc`aROg O\R AObc`ROg WHERE: Abromson Community Center, University of Southern E63@3( /P`][a]\ 1][[c\Wbg 1S\bS` C\WdS`aWbg ]T A]cbVS`\ Maine, 88 Bedford St., Portland ;OW\S && 0SRT]`R Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $30; ages 21 and under free; $10 student rush tickets 6=E ;C16( ! ) OUSa O\R c\RS` T`SS) abcRS\b `caV bWQYSba INFO: (800) 320-0257; pcmf.org 7<4=( & ! #%) ^Q[T ]`U


ON THE WEB: View a slideshow of =< B63 E30( DWSe O aZWRSaV]e ]T images from Tom Paiement's "Search W[OUSa T`][ B][ >OWS[S\b¸a ¾ASO`QV for Form" at: www.pressherald.com/ T]` 4]`[œ Ob( eee ^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ life/go ZWTS U]

G D\[`X gifa\Zk fe [`jgcXp Xk @:8 Media project on display at ICA :?<8I@CC B63 7<AB7BCB3 ]T 1]\bS[^]`O`g /`b Ob ;OW\S


Courtesy of Megawords Magazine 1]c`bSag ]T ;SUOe]`Ra ;OUOhW\S

THE INSTITUTE of Contemporary Art at Maine College of Art opens "Megawords," an 1]ZZSUS ]T /`b ]^S\a Âľ;SUOe]`Ra Âś O\ experimental media project that takes the Sf^S`W[S\bOZ [SRWO ^`]XSQb bVOb bOYSa bVS form of an independently published photography T]`[ ]T O\ W\RS^S\RS\bZg ^cPZWaVSR ^V]b]U`O^Vg magazine. [OUOhW\S WHEN: Opening reception, 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday. On E63<( =^S\W\U `SQS^bW]\ $ b] & ^ [ BVc`aROg =\ view through Oct. 6. dWSe bV`]cUV =Qb $ WHERE: ICA at MECA, 522 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R Congress St., Portland E63@3( 71/ Ob ;31/ # HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: meca.edu/meca-| ife/ica 7<4=( [SQO SRc [SQO ZWTS WQO


5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $

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Press Herald file >`Saa 6S`OZR ¿ZS

The celebration of the centennial of Portland's Kotzschnnar Mennorial Organ BVS QSZSP`ObW]\ ]T bVS QS\bS\\WOZ ]T >]`bZO\R¸a 9]bhaQV[O` ;S[]`WOZ =`UO\ pulls out all the stops with a series of events before the instrument is taken ^cZZa ]cb OZZ bVS ab]^a eWbV O aS`WSa ]T SdS\ba PST]`S bVS W\ab`c[S\b Wa bOYS\ down to be refurbished, Friday through Wednesday at Merrill Auditoriunn. R]e\ b] PS `STc`PWaVSR 4`WROg bV`]cUV ESR\SaROg Ob ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[

CLASSICAL MUSIC N #,!33)#!, -53)# THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: "Dreams "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL h$REAMS and Passions," works from the classical, AND 0ASSIONS v WORKS FROM THE CLASSICAL romantic and modern periods, Rockport Opera ROMANTIC AND MODERN PERIODS 2OCKPORT /PERA House. $30 to $40; $8 for ages 18 and under. (OUSE TO FOR AGES AND UNDER baychamberconcerts.org. 8 p.m. BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M Portland Chamber Music Festival, selections by 0ORTLAND #HAMBER -USIC &ESTIVAL SELECTIONS BY Telemann, Michael Rose and Brahms; Abromson 4ELEMANN -ICHAEL 2OSE AND "RAHMS !BROMSON Center, University of Southern Maine, Portland. #ENTER 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND $30. pcmf.org. 8 p.m. PCMF ORG P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL "An Uncommon Affair," works by Spanish h!N 5NCOMMON !FFAIR v WORKS BY 3PANISH composer Joaquin Turina, Pascal Hall, COMPOSER *OAQUIN 4URINA 0ASCAL (ALL Rockport. $75; includes drinks and desserts. 2OCKPORT INCLUDES DRINKS AND DESSERTS baychamberconcerts.org. 8 p.m. BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M VentiCordi Chamber Music, featuring the 6ENTI#ORDI #HAMBER -USIC FEATURING THE Brahms Horn Trio, South Congregational Church, "RAHMS (ORN 4RIO 3OUTH #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH Kennebunkport. $15 to $20; $5 forages 18 and +ENNEBUNKPORT TO FOR AGES AND under. 286-6688. venticordi.com. 7:30 p.m. UNDER VENTICORDI COM P M Salt Bay Chamberfest: "Fragments: Connecting 3ALT "AY #HAMBERFEST h&RAGMENTS #ONNECTING Past and Present," works by Bach, Mozart 0AST AND 0RESENT v WORKS BY "ACH -OZART and more; Darrows Barn at Round Top AND MORE $ARROWS "ARN AT 2OUND 4OP Farm, Damariscotta. $30; free for students. &ARM $AMARISCOTTA FREE FOR STUDENTS saltbaychamberfest.org. 7:30 p.m. SALTBAYCHAMBERFEST ORG P M Annual Nordica Day Concert, with soprano !NNUAL .ORDICA $AY #ONCERT WITH SOPRANO Jazmin DeRice and pianist Derek Hertzer, Merrill *AZMIN $E2ICE AND PIANIST $EREK (ERTZER -ERRILL Hall/Nordica Auditorium, Farmington. Free/ (ALL .ORDICA !UDITORIUM &ARMINGTON &REE donation. 778-2042. 7:30 p.m. DONATION P M Lincoln Festival Chorus and Mozart Mentors ,INCOLN &ESTIVAL #HORUS AND -OZART -ENTORS Orchestra, performances of Handel's "Te /RCHESTRA PERFORMANCES OF (ANDEL S h4E Deum" and "Jubilate for the Peace of Utrecht," $EUMv AND h*UBILATE FOR THE 0EACE OF 5TRECHT v Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor. $15; #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH OF "OOTHBAY (ARBOR free for ages 12 and under, lincolnartsfestival.net. FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER LINCOLNARTSFESTIVAL NET 8 p.m. Friday; 7 p.m. Sunday. P M &RIDAY P M 3UNDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Portland Chamber Music Festival, selections 0ORTLAND #HAMBER -USIC &ESTIVAL SELECTIONS by Mozart, Sebastian Currier and Copland; BY -OZART 3EBASTIAN #URRIER AND #OPLAND Abromson Center, University of Southern Maine, !BROMSON #ENTER 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE Portland. $30. pcmf.org. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND PCMF ORG P M Salt Bay Chamberfest: Free Family Concert, 3ALT "AY #HAMBERFEST &REE &AMILY #ONCERT Lincoln Theater, Damariscotta. Free. ,INCOLN 4HEATER $AMARISCOTTA &REE saltbaychamberfest.org. 10 to 11 a.m. SALTBAYCHAMBERFEST ORG TO A M Kotzschmar Centennial Festival: "Performathon," +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL h0ERFORMATHON v with Maine organists, Merrill Auditorium, WITH -AINE ORGANISTS -ERRILL !UDITORIUM Portland. Free, foko.org. 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE FOKO ORG A M TO P M Kotzschmar Centennial Festival: "POPS Goes +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL h0/03 'OES

the Kotzschmar," with Walt Strony and Scott THE +OTZSCHMAR v WITH 7ALT 3TRONY AND 3COTT Foppiano, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. $18; &OPPIANO -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND free for ages 12 and under (ticket required). FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER TICKET REQUIRED porttix.com. 7:30 p.m. PORTTIX COM P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Salt Bay Chamberfest, works by Barber, 3ALT "AY #HAMBERFEST WORKS BY "ARBER Beethoven and Strauss; Darrows Barn at Round "EETHOVEN AND 3TRAUSS $ARROWS "ARN AT 2OUND Top Farm, Damariscotta. $30; free for students. 4OP &ARM $AMARISCOTTA FREE FOR STUDENTS saltbaychamberfest.org. 7:30 p.m. SALTBAYCHAMBERFEST ORG P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Kotzschmar Centennial Festival: "The Three +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL h4HE 4HREE H's," with Felix Hell, Thomas Heywood and ( S v WITH &ELIX (ELL 4HOMAS (EYWOOD AND Frederick Hohman, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. &REDERICK (OHMAN -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND $18; free for ages 12 and under (ticket required). FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER TICKET REQUIRED porttix.com. 7:30 p.m. PORTTIX COM P M TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Kotzschmar Centennial Festival: "Two Masters," +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL h4WO -ASTERS v with Fred Swann and John Weaver, Merrill WITH &RED 3WANN AND *OHN 7EAVER -ERRILL Auditorium, Portland. $18; free for ages 12 and !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND FREE FOR AGES AND under (ticket required), porttix.com. 7:30 p.m. UNDER TICKET REQUIRED PORTTIX COM P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Kotzschmar Centennial Festival: Gala Concert, +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL 'ALA #ONCERT with Richard Conte, Ray Cornils and the WITH 2ICHARD #ONTE 2AY #ORNILS AND THE Kotzschmar Festival Brass; Merrill Auditorium, +OTZSCHMAR &ESTIVAL "RASS -ERRILL !UDITORIUM Portland. $18; free for ages 12 and under (ticket 0ORTLAND FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER TICKET required), porttix.com. 8 p.m. REQUIRED PORTTIX COM P M "Scandalous Music Festival," with the DaPonte h3CANDALOUS -USIC &ESTIVAL v WITH THE $A0ONTE String Quartet and guests; works by Maurice 3TRING 1UARTET AND GUESTS WORKS BY -AURICE Ravel, Benjamin Britten, Arnold Schoenberg 2AVEL "ENJAMIN "RITTEN !RNOLD 3CHOENBERG and others; Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, AND OTHERS #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS Boothbay. $25; free for ages 21 and under. "OOTHBAY FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER daponte.org. 7:30 p.m. Through Aug. 29. DAPONTE ORG P M 4HROUGH !UG A U G . 23 !5' Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: "First Chair "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL h&IRST #HAIR All Stars - Dvorak," featuring Joseph Silverstein, !LL 3TARS $VORAK v FEATURING *OSEPH 3ILVERSTEIN the Boston Symphony's long-time concertmaster, THE "OSTON 3YMPHONY S LONG TIME CONCERTMASTER Rockport Opera House. $30 to $40; $18 for ages 2OCKPORT /PERA (OUSE TO FOR AGES 18 and under, baychamberconcerts.org. 8 p.m. AND UNDER BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M

DANCE N $!.#% Maine State Ballet Summer Festival, performances -AINE 3TATE "ALLET 3UMMER &ESTIVAL PERFORMANCES of "Paquita" and "The Poet's Love," Maine State OF h0AQUITAv AND h4HE 0OET S ,OVE v -AINE 3TATE Ballet Theater, Falmouth. $20; $15 for seniors and "ALLET 4HEATER &ALMOUTH FOR SENIORS AND

Please see A R T , Page E2~ Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)*

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E23 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 !

children underage 12. mainestateballet.org. CHILDREN UNDER AGE MAINESTATEBALLET ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

THEATER N 4(%!4%2 "Damn Yankees," musical set in Fenway Park h$AMN 9ANKEES v MUSICAL SET IN &ENWAY 0ARK starring Carson Kressley, Ogunquit Playhouse. STARRING #ARSON +RESSLEY /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE $39 to $75. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 2:30 and 8 TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG AND p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. P M 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY AND P M Saturday. 3ATURDAY "Once Upon a Mattress," musical comedy, h/NCE 5PON A -ATTRESS v MUSICAL COMEDY "OOTHBAY 0LAYHOUSE P M Boothbay Playhouse. $20. 633-3379. 8 p.m. Thursday to Saturday. 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY "The Rocky Horror Show," musical comedy about h4HE 2OCKY (ORROR 3HOW v MUSICAL COMEDY ABOUT a transvestite mad scientist and his efforts to make A TRANSVESTITE MAD SCIENTIST AND HIS EFFORTS TO MAKE the perfect man, Arundel Barn Playhouse. $30 to THE PERFECT MAN !RUNDEL "ARN 0LAYHOUSE TO $41. arundelbarnplayhouse.com. 8 p.m. Thursday ARUNDELBARNPLAYHOUSE COM P M 4HURSDAY and Saturday; 2 and 8 p.m. Friday. AND 3ATURDAY AND P M &RIDAY "42nd Street," classic musical celebrating h ND 3TREET v CLASSIC MUSICAL CELEBRATING Broadway presented by Maine State Music "ROADWAY PRESENTED BY -AINE 3TATE -USIC Theatre, Pickard Theater, Brunswick. $36 to $59. 4HEATRE 0ICKARD 4HEATER "RUNSWICK TO msmt.org. 2 and 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Tuesday and MSMT ORG AND P M 4HURSDAY 4UESDAY AND Aug. 23; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. !UG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M Sunday and Wednesday. Through Aug. 25. 3UNDAY AND 7EDNESDAY 4HROUGH !UG Elton John and Tim Rice's "Aida," musical based %LTON *OHN AND 4IM 2ICE S h!IDA v MUSICAL BASED on classic Verdi opera, Community Little Theatre, ON CLASSIC 6ERDI OPERA #OMMUNITY ,ITTLE 4HEATRE Auburn. $18. laclt.com. 7:30 p.m. Thursday; !UBURN LACLT COM P M 4HURSDAY 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY "The Little Prince," children's show, Theater at h4HE ,ITTLE 0RINCE v CHILDREN S SHOW 4HEATER AT Monmouth. $12. theateratmonmouth.org. 1 p.m. -ONMOUTH THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M Thursday and Friday. 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY "Burt Dow, Deep Water Man," musical version h"URT $OW $EEP 7ATER -AN v MUSICAL VERSION of the classic Down East tale, Stonington Opera OF THE CLASSIC $OWN %AST TALE 3TONINGTON /PERA House. $25 to $35. operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. (OUSE TO OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M Thursday to Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY "Thoreau the Futurist," performance piece by h4HOREAU THE &UTURIST v PERFORMANCE PIECE BY Connie Baxter Marlow; Frontier Cafe, Cinema & #ONNIE "AXTER -ARLOW &RONTIER #AFE #INEMA Gallery, Brunswick. $10. explorefrontier.com. 'ALLERY "RUNSWICK EXPLOREFRONTIER COM 7:30 p.m. Thursday. P M 4HURSDAY "Charlotte's Web, The Musical," presented by Arts h#HARLOTTE S 7EB 4HE -USICAL v PRESENTED BY !RTS in Motion Theater, Leura Hill Eastman Performing IN -OTION 4HEATER ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING Arts Center, Fryeburg. $12; $10 for seniors and !RTS #ENTER &RYEBURG FOR SENIORS AND children, artsinmotiontheater.com. 7 p.m. Friday; CHILDREN ARTSINMOTIONTHEATER COM P M &RIDAY 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday. A M AND P M 3ATURDAY Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona," 3HAKESPEARE S h4WO 'ENTLEMEN OF 6ERONA v Theater at Monmouth. $10 to $26. 4HEATER AT -ONMOUTH TO theateratmonmouth.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday. THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M &RIDAY Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream," 3HAKESPEARE S h! -IDSUMMER .IGHT S $REAM v performed by teenagers under the direction PERFORMED BY TEENAGERS UNDER THE DIRECTION of Eileen Avery, Schoolhouse Arts Center, OF %ILEEN !VERY 3CHOOLHOUSE !RTS #ENTER Standish. $10; $8 for students and seniors. 3TANDISH FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS schoolhousearts.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday and SCHOOLHOUSEARTS ORG P M &RIDAY AND Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Shakespeare's "King Henry IV, Part I," Theater at 3HAKESPEARE S h+ING (ENRY )6 0ART ) v 4HEATER AT Monmouth. $10 to $26. theateratmonmouth.org. -ONMOUTH TO THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG 1 p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie," 4ENNESSEE 7ILLIAMS h4HE 'LASS -ENAGERIE v drama set during the Great Depression, Theater at DRAMA SET DURING THE 'REAT $EPRESSION 4HEATER AT Monmouth. $10 to $26. theateratmonmouth.org. -ONMOUTH TO THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG 7:30 p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY Reading of "Doctor Banner's Garden," full-length 2EADING OF h$OCTOR "ANNER S 'ARDEN v FULL LENGTH play by Hugh Aaron, Gushing Historical Society. PLAY BY (UGH !ARON #USHING (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY Call for price: 354-0735. 3 p.m. #ALL FOR PRICE P M Moliere's "Tartuffe," hijinks and physical -OLIERE S h4ARTUFFE v HIJINKS AND PHYSICAL comedy, Theater at Monmouth. $20 to $28. COMEDY 4HEATER AT -ONMOUTH TO theateratmonmouth.org. 1 p.m. Sunday. THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M 3UNDAY "Beyond the Rainbow: The Judy Garland Story," h"EYOND THE 2AINBOW 4HE *UDY 'ARLAND 3TORY v musical based on screen legend, Arundel Barn MUSICAL BASED ON SCREEN LEGEND !RUNDEL "ARN Playhouse. $30 to $41. arundelbarnplayhouse. 0LAYHOUSE TO ARUNDELBARNPLAYHOUSE com. 8 p.m. Tuesday and Aug. 23; 2 and 8 p.m. COM P M 4UESDAY AND !UG AND P M Wednesday. Through Sept. 1. 7EDNESDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT "9 to 5: The Musical," musical starring Sally h TO 4HE -USICAL v MUSICAL STARRING 3ALLY Struthers based on hit 1980 movie, Ogunquit 3TRUTHERS BASED ON HIT MOVIE /GUNQUIT Playhouse. $29 to $74. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 0LAYHOUSE TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG Previews at 8 p.m. Wednesday and 2:30 p.m. 0REVIEWS AT P M 7EDNESDAY AND P M Aug. 23; opens 8 p.m. Aug. 23. Through Sept. 15. !UG OPENS P M !UG 4HROUGH 3EPT

AUDITIONS N !5$)4)/.3 Bangor Ballet's "Salute to the Troops," open to "ANGOR "ALLET S h3ALUTE TO THE 4ROOPS v OPEN TO intermediate to advanced ballet dancers living in INTERMEDIATE TO ADVANCED BALLET DANCERS LIVING IN






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ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3 OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 "Contemporary Works from the Permanent h#ONTEMPORARY 7ORKS FROM THE 0ERMANENT Collection," lesser-known and seldom seen #OLLECTION v LESSER KNOWN AND SELDOM SEEN contemporary work, Ogunquit Museum of CONTEMPORARY WORK /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF American Art. ogunquitmuseum.org. Opens !MERICAN !RT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG /PENS Thursday. Through Oct. 31. 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH /CT "Her Kingdom Under the Sea," installation by h(ER +INGDOM 5NDER THE 3EA v INSTALLATION BY Andrea Dezso, Tides Institute and Museum of Art, !NDREA $EZSO 4IDES )NSTITUTE AND -USEUM OF !RT Eastport. tidesinstitute.org. Opening reception, 5 %ASTPORT TIDESINSTITUTE ORG /PENING RECEPTION to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Sept. 12. TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT CONTINUING #/.4).5).' Portland Museum of Art: "The Draw of the 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h4HE $RAW OF THE Normandy Coast, 1860-1960," more than 40 .ORMANDY #OAST v MORE THAN works of famous European and American art, WORKS OF FAMOUS %UROPEAN AND !MERICAN ART including works by Monet, Matisse, Whistler INCLUDING WORKS BY -ONET -ATISSE 7HISTLER and Picasso, through Sept. 3; "Maine Sublime: AND 0ICASSO THROUGH 3EPT h-AINE 3UBLIME Frederic Edwin Church's Landscapes of Mount &REDERIC %DWIN #HURCH S ,ANDSCAPES OF -OUNT Desert and Mount Katahdin," focuses on 23 of $ESERT AND -OUNT +ATAHDIN v FOCUSES ON OF Church's small oil sketches, through Sept. 30; #HURCH S SMALL OIL SKETCHES THROUGH 3EPT "The Portland Society of Art and Winslow Homer h4HE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT AND 7INSLOW (OMER in Maine," 50 watercolors and drawings examine IN -AINE v WATERCOLORS AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE the relationship between Homer, architect John THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN Calvin Stevens and the Portland Society of Art, #ALVIN 3TEVENS AND THE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT through Feb. 3. portlandmuseum.org THROUGH &EB PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW House, Portland: "Wired!" explores the (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE electrification of Maine during the 20th century, ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY through May 26, 2013. mainehistory.org THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG Maine Jewish Museum, Portland: Rush -AINE *EWISH -USEUM 0ORTLAND 2USH Brown, "Portland: Capturing a Changing "ROWN h0ORTLAND #APTURING A #HANGING Neighborhood," paintings, through Sept. 10. .EIGHBORHOOD v PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT mainejewishmuseum.org MAINEJEWISHMUSEUM ORG Museum of Chebeague History, Chebeague -USEUM OF #HEBEAGUE (ISTORY #HEBEAGUE Island: "Chebeague Through Artists' Eyes," )SLAND h#HEBEAGUE 4HROUGH !RTISTS %YES v through Sept. 3.846-5237. THROUGH 3EPT Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK "Winslow Homer to Eva Hesse: Watercolors from h7INSLOW (OMER TO %VA (ESSE 7ATERCOLORS FROM the Bowdoin Collection," through Aug. 26; "A THE "OWDOIN #OLLECTION v THROUGH !UG h! River Lost & Found: The Androscoggin River in 2IVER ,OST &OUND 4HE !NDROSCOGGIN 2IVER IN Time and Place," interactive exhibit, through Sept. 4IME AND 0LACE v INTERACTIVE EXHIBIT THROUGH 3EPT 16; William Wegman, "Hello Nature," 30-year 7ILLIAM 7EGMAN h(ELLO .ATURE v YEAR retrospective of artist's work, through Oct. 21. RETROSPECTIVE OF ARTIST S WORK THROUGH /CT bowdoin.edu BOWDOIN EDU Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, Brunswick: 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM "RUNSWICK "Promenade: A Walk in Style Through Pejepscot's h0ROMENADE ! 7ALK IN 3TYLE 4HROUGH 0EJEPSCOT S Past," through Oct. 31. pejepscothistorical.org 0AST v THROUGH /CT PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG Maine Maritime Museum, Bath: "Subdue, Seize -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM "ATH h3UBDUE 3EIZE and Take: Maritime Maine in the Unwelcome AND 4AKE -ARITIME -AINE IN THE 5NWELCOME Interruption of the War of 1812," examines the )NTERRUPTION OF THE 7AR OF v EXAMINES THE maritime world of pre-statehood Maine, through MARITIME WORLD OF PRE STATEHOOD -AINE THROUGH Oct. 12. mainemaritimemuseum.org /CT MAINEMARITIMEMUSEUM ORG Dyer Library/Saco Museum: Annie Lemieux, $YER ,IBRARY 3ACO -USEUM !NNIE ,EMIEUX photographs of the "Way Way Store," through PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE h7AY 7AY 3TORE v THROUGH Sept. 9; "The Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's 3EPT h4HE -OVING 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S Progress," Civil War-era panorama seen in its 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS entirety for the first time in more than a century, ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN MORE THAN A CENTURY through Nov. 10 (also at Pepperell Mills in THROUGH .OV ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN Bidderford). dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org "IDDERFORD DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG Sanford-Springvale Historical Museum, Sanford: 3ANFORD 3PRINGVALE (ISTORICAL -USEUM 3ANFORD "The Private World of Robert M. Wilson," h4HE 0RIVATE 7ORLD OF 2OBERT - 7ILSON v photography, through Aug. 25. sanfordhistory.org PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH !UG SANFORDHISTORY ORG Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Peggy /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 0EGGY Bacon: "Life in Art," paintings and prints of "ACON h,IFE IN !RT v PAINTINGS AND PRINTS OF Ogunquit, through Sept. 2; "Building an American /GUNQUIT THROUGH 3EPT h"UILDING AN !MERICAN

Please see ART, PageE24 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)+

or by appointment 839-3878 OR BY APPOINTMENT Donations Accepted $ONATIONS !CCEPTED



www.baxter-memorial.lib.me.us/museum/ WWW BAXTER MEMORIAL LIB ME US MUSEUM

Continued from Page E22 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3



-AINE PERFORMANCES ARE .OV AND 4HOMAS Maine; performances are Nov. 3 and 11; Thomas School of Dance, Bangor. 945-3457. 4 p.m. 3CHOOL OF $ANCE "ANGOR P M 3ATURDAY Saturday. !GATHA #HRISTIE S h-URDER ON THE .ILE v PARTS FOR Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Nile," parts for WOMEN AGES TO AND MEN AGES TO women ages 16 to 50 and men ages 25 to 60; performances are Nov. 9-18, Gaslight Theater at PERFORMANCES ARE .OV 'ASLIGHT 4HEATER AT (ALLOWELL #ITY (ALL P M 3UNDAY Hallowell City Hall. 626-3698. 6 p.m. Sunday; P M -ONDAY AND 7EDNESDAY 6:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday. TriCity Community Chorus, all voice parts, 4RI#ITY #OMMUNITY #HORUS ALL VOICE PARTS Masonic Hall, Saco. 883-5219. 6:30 p.m. -ASONIC (ALL 3ACO P M -ONDAY Monday. Murder Mystery Dinner Show, show date is Oct. -URDER -YSTERY $INNER 3HOW SHOW DATE IS /CT 27, Nasson Community Center (Little Theatre), .ASSON #OMMUNITY #ENTER ,ITTLE 4HEATRE Springvale. sanfordmainestage.com. 7 to 8:30 3PRINGVALE SANFORDMAINESTAGE COM TO p.m. Monday and Wednesday. P M -ONDAY AND 7EDNESDAY



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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012



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Courtesy photo

“Sail Away� by Brita Holmquist, from “The Log of Vispa,� continuing through Aug. 26 at Elizabeth Moss Gallery in Falmouth.


Continued from Page E23

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Modernist Collection,â€? highlights from the permanent collection, and Henry Strater: “Art of the Portrait,â€? collection of portraits, through Oct. 31. ogunquitmuseum.org Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk: “Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do or Do Without: The Material Culture of World War II,â€? through Aug. 31; “A Glimpse of Louis Norton,â€? early 20thcentury paintings of Kennebunkport, and “Painted Details: Artists Interpret Kennebunk’s Historic Architecture,â€? through Sept. 8; “Barry: The Art Exhibition,â€? paintings, drawings and sculptures by Edith Barry, through Sept. 15. 985-4802. Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: “Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography,â€? featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries across ďŹ ve continents, through Dec. 15. bates.edu/museum/exhibitions Museum L-A, Lewiston: “The Power of Music: Photographic Portraits of Americans and their Musical Instruments, 1860-1915,â€? through Sept. 23. museumla.org Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: “Interior Visions: Selections from the Collection,â€? pieces from museum collection curated by Alex Katz, through Oct. 7; Alex Katz, “Maine/New York,â€? 28 paintings and one multi-part sculpture, through Dec. 30. 859-5609. Maine State Museum, Augusta: “Girl Scouts: Celebrating One Hundred Years,â€? vintage period uniforms, pins, patches, ephemeras, cookie merchandise, camping gear and more, through Aug. 31; “Malaga Island: Fragmented Lives,â€? historic photographs, documents, artifacts and ďŹ rst-person accounts, through May 2013. mainestatemuseum.org Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: “The Homestead Project: A Residence Reimagined,â€? architectural designs, through Sept. 23;

“Impressionist Summers: Frank W. Benson’s North Haven,� paintings, lithographs and etchings, through Oct. 21; Andrew Wyeth: “Summers in Port Clyde,� watercolors from 1930s and ’40s, through Nov. 4; “Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent and Monhegan,� paintings, through Dec. 30. farnsworthmuseum.org Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: 2012 Waponahki Student Art Show, through Oct. 22; “Indians and Rusticators� and “Transcending Traditions: The Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry,� through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org Penobscot Marine Museum, Searsport: “Sea Lives: The Artwork of Sonja Weber Gilkey,� through Aug. 31. penobscotmarinemuseum.org University of Maine Museum of Art, Bangor: Arnold Mesches, “A Minispective�; Richard Haden, “Carved Signs�; and Chris Natrop: “Lily Ponder,� through Sept. 15. umma.umaine.edu

n ART GALLERIES OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS Frederick Lynch and James Linehan: “Geometry Meets Nature,â€? LittleďŹ eld Gallery, Winter Harbor. littleďŹ eldgallery.com. Opens Thursday. Through Oct. 15. “Three Way Lens,â€? works by Priscilla Cross, Carol Sloane and Leva Tatarsky, Downtown Gallery, Washington. 845-2597. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through Sept. 9. Jean Kigel, Asian brush paintings and watercolors, River Arts Gallery II, Damariscotta. riverartsme.org. Opening reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Wednesday. “Journeys,â€? work by Trish Weisbrot and Pat Ryan, Cushing Arts in the Barn. cushingmainehistorical society.org, Friday to Sunday. Ed Botkin Eighth Annual Show, realistic Maine scenes in oil, Ocean View Grange, St. George. 372-6369. Friday to Sunday. Linda Murray, new works, Sharpe Gallery,

Please see ART, Page E25

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 | GO E25 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 # h7ATERSHED S ,EGENDS 9EARS OF 2ESIDENCIES v "Watershed's Legends: 25 Years of Residencies," work in clay, and "Garden Pots," through Aug. WORK IN CLAY AND h'ARDEN 0OTS v THROUGH !UG 3 1 ; h/N THE 7ING v SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE " O n the Wing," sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sept. 30. mainegardens.org THROUGH 3EPT MAINEGARDENS ORG Gold/Smith Gallery, Boothbay Harbor: Mario 'OLD 3MITH 'ALLERY "OOTHBAY (ARBOR -ARIO Francesconi, Italian modernist painter, through &RANCESCONI )TALIAN MODERNIST PAINTER THROUGH Sept. 4. 633-6252. 3EPT 'LEASON &INE !RT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR h4HREE Gleason Fine Art, Boothbay Harbor: "Three Colorists," work by Tom Curry, Henry Isaacs and #OLORISTS v WORK BY 4OM #URRY (ENRY )SAACS AND Andrea Peters, through Sept. 4. 633-6849. !NDREA 0ETERS THROUGH 3EPT Pemaquid Art Gallery: Group show, through 0EMAQUID !RT 'ALLERY 'ROUP SHOW THROUGH Oct. 8. 677-2752. /CT University of New England (Campus Center), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND #AMPUS #ENTER Biddeford: Wood Island Lighthouse exhibit, "IDDEFORD 7OOD )SLAND ,IGHTHOUSE EXHIBIT through Aug. 3 1 . woodislandlighthouse.org THROUGH !UG WOODISLANDLIGHTHOUSE ORG Barn Gallery, Ogunquit: "Series," work by OAA "ARN 'ALLERY /GUNQUIT h3ERIES v WORK BY /!! and OAC board members and invited New AND /!# BOARD MEMBERS AND INVITED .EW England sculptors, through Sept. 8. barngallery.org %NGLAND SCULPTORS THROUGH 3EPT BARNGALLERY ORG Denmark Arts Center: Peter Pentz, "Photographic $ENMARK !RTS #ENTER 0ETER 0ENTZ h0HOTOGRAPHIC Portrait of Denmark, ME," through Sept. 3. 0ORTRAIT OF $ENMARK -% v THROUGH 3EPT 452-2412.

7EST "UXTON 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 3IXTH ANNUAL LOCAL ART West Buxton Public Library: Sixth annual local art EXHIBIT THROUGH !UG exhibit, through Aug. 30. 727-5898. 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 4IM "EAVIS RETROSPECTIVE York Public Library: Tim Beavis retrospective, THROUGH !UG #AROL !NN 0OWLEY h!RT 1UILT through Aug. 28; Carol Ann Powley, "Art Quilt /DYSSEY v MIXED MEDIA ART QUILTS THROUGH 3EPT Odyssey," mixed-media art quilts, through Sept. 5. york.lib.me.us YORK LIB ME US 'EORGE -ARSHALL 3TORE 'ALLERY 9ORK h#URRENTS George Marshall Store Gallery, York: "Currents: Celebrating the Working Waterfront," through #ELEBRATING THE 7ORKING 7ATERFRONT v THROUGH Sunday. 351-1083. 3UNDAY York Art Association, York Harbor: "Wonderful 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h7ONDERFUL 7ATER v MULTI MEDIA THROUGH 3EPT Water," multi-media, through Sept. 2. yorkartassociation.com YORKARTASSOCIATION COM Kennebunk Free Library: "Beauty Everyday: The +ENNEBUNK &REE ,IBRARY h"EAUTY %VERYDAY 4HE Floral Series," photographs by Annie Lemieux, &LORAL 3ERIES v PHOTOGRAPHS BY !NNIE ,EMIEUX through Aug. 3 1 . kennebunklibrary.org THROUGH !UG KENNEBUNKLIBRARY ORG #OREY $ANIELS 'ALLERY 7ELLS h)NSTALL Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells: "Install 2," three contemporary Maine artists and v THREE CONTEMPORARY -AINE ARTISTS AND photographs by Sally Mann, through Sept. 15. PHOTOGRAPHS BY 3ALLY -ANN THROUGH 3EPT coreydanielsgallery.com COREYDANIELSGALLERY COM Please see ART, Page E26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)-


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

"High Tide at Goose Cove" by Joellyn Duesberry, from "40 Years Celebrating µ6WUV BWRS Ob 5]]aS 1]dS¶ Pg 8]SZZg\ 2cSaPS``g T`][ µ" GSO`a 1SZSP`ObW\U Maine," continuing through Sept. 29 at Gleason Fine Art in Portland. ;OW\S ¶ Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV AS^b ' Ob 5ZSOa]\ 4W\S /`b W\ >]`bZO\R

Kennebunk. thesharpegallery.com. Opening +ENNEBUNK THESHARPEGALLERY COM /PENING reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Saturday. Through Aug. 3 1 . RECEPTION TO P M 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH !UG J. Russell Jinishian, marine art, Maine Art Gallery, * 2USSELL *INISHIAN MARINE ART -AINE !RT 'ALLERY Wiscasset. 882-7511. Opening reception, 5 to 7 7ISCASSET /PENING RECEPTION TO p.m. Aug. 23. P M !UG CONTINUING #/.4).5).' Glickman Library, University of Southern Maine, 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE Portland: Photographer Daniel E. Davis, "Here 0ORTLAND 0HOTOGRAPHER $ANIEL % $AVIS h(ERE and There," through Sunday, usm.maine.edu AND 4HERE v THROUGH 3UNDAY USM MAINE EDU Rose Contemporary, Portland: "Mythologies," 2OSE #ONTEMPORARY 0ORTLAND h-YTHOLOGIES v work by Lucinda Bliss, Stephen Burt, Rebecca WORK BY ,UCINDA "LISS 3TEPHEN "URT 2EBECCA Fitzpatrick, Carrie Scanga, Todd Watts and &ITZPATRICK #ARRIE 3CANGA 4ODD 7ATTS AND Timothy Wilson, through Aug. 25. 780-0700. 4IMOTHY 7ILSON THROUGH !UG University of New England (Art Gallery), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY Portland: "Upon Reflection," photographs by Judy 0ORTLAND h5PON 2EmECTION v PHOTOGRAPHS BY *UDY Ellis Glickman, through Sept. 6. une.edu/artgallery %LLIS 'LICKMAN THROUGH 3EPT UNE EDU ARTGALLERY Portland Public Library: "Culture on Cloth," Inuit 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h#ULTURE ON #LOTH v )NUIT wall hangings and sculpture, through Aug. 3 1 . WALL HANGINGS AND SCULPTURE THROUGH !UG portlandlibrary.com PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Maine Potters Market, Portland: Jacqueline -AINE 0OTTERS -ARKET 0ORTLAND *ACQUELINE Hickey, "Homage to Portland," through Aug. 29. (ICKEY h(OMAGE TO 0ORTLAND v THROUGH !UG mainepottersmarket.com MAINEPOTTERSMARKET COM Gleason Fine Art, Portland: Joellyn Duesberry, 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND *OELLYN $UESBERRY "40 Years Celebrating Maine," through Sept. 29. h 9EARS #ELEBRATING -AINE v THROUGH 3EPT 699-5599. Heron Point Gallery, Portland: Randall Harris, (ERON 0OINT 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND 2ANDALL (ARRIS "Life Drawings," through Sept. 29. 773-0822. h,IFE $RAWINGS v THROUGH 3EPT Harmon's & Barton's Gallery, Portland: "Maine(ARMON S "ARTON S 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h-AINE ly Marco," oils on canvas by nine women artists LY -ARCO v OILS ON CANVAS BY NINE WOMEN ARTISTS from Maine and Florida, through Aug. 3 1 . FROM -AINE AND &LORIDA THROUGH !UG harmonsbartons.com HARMONSBARTONS COM Addison Woolley Gallery, Portland: Jane Banque, !DDISON 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND *ANE "ANQUE "Arboretum," and Ed Zelinsky, "Ink & Pixel," h!RBORETUM v AND %D :ELINSKY h)NK 0IXEL v woodcuts, paintings, drawings, prints and video, WOODCUTS PAINTINGS DRAWINGS PRINTS AND VIDEO through Sept. 1. THROUGH 3EPT Greenhut Galleries, Portland: Tom Paiement, 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND 4OM 0AIEMENT "Search for Form," through Sept. 1. h3EARCH FOR &ORM v THROUGH 3EPT greenhutgalleries.com GREENHUTGALLERIES COM 3Fish Gallery, Portland: "Two Visions," paintings &ISH 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h4WO 6ISIONS v PAINTINGS by Lenora Leibowitz and photographs by Rita BY ,ENORA ,EIBOWITZ AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY 2ITA Spinella Olsen, through Aug. 25. 3fishgallery.com 3PINELLA /LSEN THROUGH !UG lSHGALLERY COM Coleman Burke Gallery at Port City Music Hall, #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY AT 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL Portland: "Little Maine Dress," sculptural dress 0ORTLAND h,ITTLE -AINE $RESS v SCULPTURAL DRESS exhibit by Nikki Millonzi, McCaela Prentice and EXHIBIT BY .IKKI -ILLONZI -C#AELA 0RENTICE AND Ali Corey, through Aug. 26. colemanburke.com !LI #OREY THROUGH !UG COLEMANBURKE COM Macpage LLC, South Portland: "Landscapes," 20 -ACPAGE ,,# 3OUTH 0ORTLAND h,ANDSCAPES v


Special 29 3PECIAL






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Continued from Page E24 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 "


local artists in various media, through Oct. 19. LOCAL ARTISTS IN VARIOUS MEDIA THROUGH /CT macpage.com MACPAGE COM Richard Boyd Gallery, Peaks Island: Jeanne 2ICHARD "OYD 'ALLERY 0EAKS )SLAND *EANNE O'Toole Hayman, "Spectrum 2012 From the / 4OOLE (AYMAN h3PECTRUM n &ROM THE Ocean to Cornfields to Flowers," through Aug. 3 1 . /CEAN TO #ORNlELDS TO &LOWERS v THROUGH !UG richardboydpottery.com RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth: Brita %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH "RITA Holmquist and Lesia Sochor, paintings, through (OLMQUIST AND ,ESIA 3OCHOR PAINTINGS THROUGH Aug. 26. elizabethmossgalleries.com !UG ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM Falmouth Memorial Library: Paintings by Jan ter &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY *AN TER Weele, through Sept. 30. falmouth.lib.me.us 7EELE THROUGH 3EPT FALMOUTH LIB ME US Maine Audubon, Falmouth: "On the Wing," -AINE !UDUBON &ALMOUTH h/N THE 7ING v sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sept. 30. SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH 3EPT junelacombesculpture.com JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery: "Mid-Summer 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY h-ID 3UMMER Perspectives," multiple artists, through Sept. 30. 0ERSPECTIVES v MULTIPLE ARTISTS THROUGH 3EPT 846-7777. The Royal Bean, Yarmouth: The Artisans Collective, 4HE 2OYAL "EAN 9ARMOUTH 4HE !RTISANS #OLLECTIVE multi-media, through Aug. 23. 846-1009. MULTI MEDIA THROUGH !UG Freeport Historical Society Harrington House: &REEPORT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ARRINGTON (OUSE "Buttons, Rum and Rakes: Freeport's Mercantile h"UTTONS 2UM AND 2AKES &REEPORT S -ERCANTILE Past," through March 2013. freeporthistorical 0AST v THROUGH -ARCH FREEPORTHISTORICAL society.org SOCIETY ORG Thos. Moser Showroom, Freeport: "Viewpoints," 4HOS -OSER 3HOWROOM &REEPORT h6IEWPOINTS v group exhibit, through Oct. 28. 865-4519. GROUP EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT Whatnot Gallery, Spindleworks, Brunswick: 7HATNOT 'ALLERY 3PINDLEWORKS "RUNSWICK "(tiny)," small paintings, encaustics, sculpture and h TINY v SMALL PAINTINGS ENCAUSTICS SCULPTURE AND fiberworks, through Aug. 3 1 . spindleworks.org lBERWORKS THROUGH !UG SPINDLEWORKS ORG Caswell Gallery Framing, Brunswick: "Katahdin to #ASWELL 'ALLERY &RAMING "RUNSWICK h+ATAHDIN TO Cadillac: Scenes of Maine," oils and watercolors by #ADILLAC 3CENES OF -AINE v OILS AND WATERCOLORS BY Frances Pratt, through Aug. 30. 729-9108. &RANCES 0RATT THROUGH !UG Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Duane )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK $UANE Paluska, new paintings and sculpture, through 0ALUSKA NEW PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE THROUGH Sept. 8. 725-8157. 3EPT Gallery at Widgeon Cove, Harpswell: Condon 'ALLERY AT 7IDGEON #OVE (ARPSWELL #ONDON and Georgeann Kuhl, "Tuscany to Pompeii and AND 'EORGEANN +UHL h4USCANY TO 0OMPEII AND Beyond," paper pulp paintings and mixed media, "EYOND v PAPER PULP PAINTINGS AND MIXED MEDIA through Sept. 7. widgeoncove.com THROUGH 3EPT WIDGEONCOVE COM Maine Fiberarts, Tops ham: Roslyn Logsdon, -AINE &IBERARTS 4OPSHAM 2OSLYN ,OGSDON "Architectural Elements: Hooked Rugs," through h!RCHITECTURAL %LEMENTS (OOKED 2UGS v THROUGH Sept. 29. mainefiberarts.org 3EPT MAINElBERARTS ORG Markings Gallery, Bath: "Into the Kitchen," artful -ARKINGS 'ALLERY "ATH h)NTO THE +ITCHEN v ARTFUL kitchen elements featuring Nan Kilbourn-Tara, KITCHEN ELEMENTS FEATURING .AN +ILBOURN 4ARA Ann Prescott, Mark Irving and Maggie's Farms, !NN 0RESCOTT -ARK )RVING AND -AGGIE S &ARMS through Aug. 29. markingsgallery.com THROUGH !UG MARKINGSGALLERY COM Richmond Store Gallery: Barbara Bean and 2ICHMOND 3TORE 'ALLERY "ARBARA "EAN AND Edward Mackenzie, "The Art of Dee's Ice Cream %DWARD -ACKENZIE h4HE !RT OF $EE S )CE #REAM Packaging," artwork made from material donated 0ACKAGING v ARTWORK MADE FROM MATERIAL DONATED by Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, through Oct. BY "RUNSWICK 4OPSHAM ,AND 4RUST THROUGH /CT 3 1 . richmondstoregallery.com RICHMONDSTOREGALLERY COM Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay: #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY

GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3E26 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $


-AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET h)LLUSTRATED Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset: "Illustrated 0ASSAGES v ARTISTS SELECT TEXT TO ACCOMPANY THEIR Passages," artists select text to accompany their ART THROUGH 3UNDAY 4ONY VAN(ASSELT h-Y 3TUDIO art, through Sunday; Tony vanHasselt, "My Studio :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 # Continued from Page E25 7ITHOUT 7ALLS -AINE AND "EYOND v WATERCOLORS Without Walls: Maine and Beyond," watercolors, through Aug. 3 1 . maineartgallery.org THROUGH !UG MAINEARTGALLERY ORG Wiscasset Bay Gallery: "At Home and Abroad: 3AVORY -AINE $AMARISCOTTA 0AINTINGS BY (ANNAH Savory Maine, Damariscotta: Paintings by Hannah 7ISCASSET "AY 'ALLERY h!T (OME AND !BROAD Realism, Impressionism and Modernism," 2EALISM )MPRESSIONISM AND -ODERNISM v Ineson, through Tuesday, savorymainedining.com )NESON THROUGH 4UESDAY SAVORYMAINEDINING COM European and American landscape %UROPEAN AND !MERICAN LANDSCAPE Rising Tide Community Market, Damariscotta: 2ISING 4IDE #OMMUNITY -ARKET $AMARISCOTTA AND GENRE PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT and genre paintings, through Sept. 2 1 . Leon Vanella, photography, through Aug. 25. ,EON 6ANELLA PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH !UG wiscassetbaygallery.com WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM risingtide.coop RISINGTIDE COOP Bangor Public Library: "Quarrying Form: The Haley Art Gallery, Kittery: "Secret Garden," garden- "ANGOR 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h1UARRYING &ORM 4HE (ALEY !RT 'ALLERY +ITTERY h3ECRET 'ARDEN v GARDEN Paintings of Helen Marie Allen," through Aug. 30. 0AINTINGS OF (ELEN -ARIE !LLEN v THROUGH !UG inspired art, through Aug. 30. 439-7612. INSPIRED ART THROUGH !UG BPL LIB ME US bpl.lib.me.us Just Us Chickens Gallery, Kittery: Denise Brown, *UST 5S #HICKENS 'ALLERY +ITTERY $ENISE "ROWN Harlow Gallery, Hallowell: "Fuse," works by (ARLOW 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL h&USE v WORKS BY watercolors and acrylics, through Aug. 3 1 . WATERCOLORS AND ACRYLICS THROUGH !UG -AINE ENCAUSTIC ARTISTS THROUGH !UG 19 Maine encaustic artists, through Aug. 25; justuschickens.net JUSTUSCHICKENS NET Pamela Hetherly, oil paintings, through Sept. 7. 0AMELA (ETHERLY OIL PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT Lyceum Gallery, Lewiston: "Different Strokes: ,YCEUM 'ALLERY ,EWISTON h$IFFERENT 3TROKES harlowgallery.org HARLOWGALLERY ORG The Paintings of Richard Field and Jan Zaremba," 4HE 0AINTINGS OF 2ICHARD &IELD AND *AN :AREMBA v Perimeter Gallery, Belfast: "This Field," paintings 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY "ELFAST h4HIS &IELD v PAINTINGS through Friday. 576-4805. THROUGH &RIDAY

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BY -EGAN #HASE THROUGH 3EPT by Megan Chase, through Sept. 23. 338-0555. !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST 0AINTER -IKE &LETCHER Aarhus Gallery, Belfast: Painter Mike Fletcher, with Kevin Johnson, Mark Kelly, Richard Mann, WITH +EVIN *OHNSON -ARK +ELLY 2ICHARD -ANN Wesley Reddick and Willy Reddick, through Aug. 7ESLEY 2EDDICK AND 7ILLY 2EDDICK THROUGH !UG 26. aarhusgallery.com AARHUSGALLERY COM Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport: #ENTER FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY !RT 2OCKPORT "Counterpoint III," "Here from There" and h#OUNTERPOINT ))) v h(ERE FROM 4HEREv AND "Intercept," paintings, sculpture and works on h)NTERCEPT v PAINTINGS SCULPTURE AND WORKS ON paper, through Sept. 22. cmcanow.org PAPER THROUGH 3EPT CMCANOW ORG Frost Gully Gallery, Thomaston: Thomas Crotty, &ROST 'ULLY 'ALLERY 4HOMASTON 4HOMAS #ROTTY Maine landscapes, through Saturday; new works -AINE LANDSCAPES THROUGH 3ATURDAY NEW WORKS by Janice Anthony, Dahlov Ipcar, Diane Dahlke, BY *ANICE !NTHONY $AHLOV )PCAR $IANE $AHLKE Tom Crotty, Robert Dyer and Margaret Gill, 4OM #ROTTY 2OBERT $YER AND -ARGARET 'ILL through Sept. 8. frostgullygallery.com THROUGH 3EPT FROSTGULLYGALLERY COM Haynes Galleries, Thomaston: Jesus Emmanuel (AYNES 'ALLERIES 4HOMASTON *ESUS %MMANUEL Villarreal, "Mirrors," paintings; and "Four 6ILLARREAL h-IRRORS v PAINTINGS AND h&OUR Figurative Artists," Ryan Brown, Ellen Cooper, &IGURATIVE !RTISTS v 2YAN "ROWN %LLEN #OOPER Renee Foulks and Lea Collie Wight, through 2ENEE &OULKS AND ,EA #OLLIE 7IGHT THROUGH Aug. 28. Haynes Galleries, Thomaston. !UG (AYNES 'ALLERIES 4HOMASTON haynesgalleries.com HAYNESGALLERIES COM Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle: Karl Schrag and Barbara 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE +ARL 3CHRAG AND "ARBARA 3ULLIVAN h4HE 0LATE AND THE 0RINT v THROUGH !UG Sullivan, "The Plate and the Print," through Aug. TURTLEGALLERY COM 25. turtlegallery.com Blue Water Fine Arts, Port Clyde: Barbara Ernst "LUE 7ATER &INE !RTS 0ORT #LYDE "ARBARA %RNST Prey, "Forty Years of Painting," 30 never-before0REY h&ORTY 9EARS OF 0AINTING v NEVER BEFORE seen watercolors, dry-brush and oil paintings, SEEN WATERCOLORS DRY BRUSH AND OIL PAINTINGS THROUGH !UG BLUEWATERlNEARTS COM through Aug. 3 1 . bluewaterfinearts.com Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham: "Three -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM h4HREE Town Artists," Carlo Pittore, Bryce Muir and Carter 4OWN !RTISTS v #ARLO 0ITTORE "RYCE -UIR AND #ARTER Smith, through Sept. 23. merrymeetingartscenter 3MITH THROUGH 3EPT MERRYMEETINGARTSCENTER .org. ORG Yvette Torres Fine Art, Rockland: Barbara Brady, 9VETTE 4ORRES &INE !RT 2OCKLAND "ARBARA "RADY "reMarks," through Sept. 2. 332-4014. hRE-ARKS v THROUGH 3EPT Carver Hill Gallery, Rockland: America Martin, #ARVER (ILL 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND !MERICA -ARTIN "Through the Eyes of America," paintings, through h4HROUGH THE %YES OF !MERICA v PAINTINGS THROUGH Sept. 12. 3EPT Gallery K, Stonington: Georges Belmont, mixed 'ALLERY + 3TONINGTON 'EORGES "ELMONT MIXED media, through Aug. 30. 367-2978. MEDIA THROUGH !UG Twin Brooks Stretchers, Lincolnville: Chris Poison, 4WIN "ROOKS 3TRETCHERS ,INCOLNVILLE #HRIS 0OLSON NEW LARGE PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT new large paintings, through Sept. 14. 763-4271. Schoolhouse Gallery, Kingfield: "Deer Park 3CHOOLHOUSE 'ALLERY +INGlELD h$EER 0ARK Lodge," variety of images from historic Maine ,ODGE v VARIETY OF IMAGES FROM HISTORIC -AINE camp, through Aug. 30. 939-6518. CAMP THROUGH !UG

E6>:B:CI PAIEMENT Continued from Page E21 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3

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The first dairy farm in Maine to set up an ice cream shop. /Â…iĂŠwĂ€ĂƒĂŒĂŠ`>ÂˆĂ€ĂžĂŠv>Ă€Â“ĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂŠ >ˆ˜iĂŠĂŒÂœĂŠĂƒiĂŒĂŠĂ•ÂŤĂŠ>Â˜ĂŠÂˆViĂŠVĂ€i>Â“ĂŠĂƒÂ…Âœ°ĂŠ

work, "Search for Form" involves about XPSL i4FBSDI GPS 'PSNw JOWPMWFT BCPVU two dozen mixed-media pieces, including UXP EP[FO NJYFE NFEJB QJFDFT JODMVEJOH collages and drawings, of flowers. DPMMBHFT BOE ESBXJOHT PG nPXFST While linked by process and technique 8IJMF MJOLFE CZ QSPDFTT BOE UFDIOJRVF with his previous output, this work repXJUI IJT QSFWJPVT PVUQVU UIJT XPSL SFQ resents a significant thematic departure SFTFOUT B TJHOJmDBOU UIFNBUJD EFQBSUVSF from the "Entropy" series. This show is GSPN UIF i&OUSPQZw TFSJFT 5IJT TIPX JT colorful, bright and cheery, and it accuDPMPSGVM CSJHIU BOE DIFFSZ BOE JU BDDV rately represents how the artist has been SBUFMZ SFQSFTFOUT IPX UIF BSUJTU IBT CFFO feeling in recent years. GFFMJOH JO SFDFOU ZFBST His view of the world is still clouded by )JT WJFX PG UIF XPSME JT TUJMM DMPVEFE CZ the realities of war, discord and disharmoUIF SFBMJUJFT PG XBS EJTDPSE BOE EJTIBSNP ny. But there's optimism here. With titles OZ #VU UIFSF T PQUJNJTN IFSF 8JUI UJUMFT like "Lover's Flowers" and "Singular MJLF i-PWFS T 'MPXFSTw BOE i4JOHVMBS Beauty," the pieces in "Search for Form" #FBVUZ w UIF QJFDFT JO i4FBSDI GPS 'PSNw suggest a more peaceful, intimate state of TVHHFTU B NPSF QFBDFGVM JOUJNBUF TUBUF PG affairs. BGGBJST "There is consistency in this work in i5IFSF JT DPOTJTUFODZ JO UIJT XPSL JO terms of Tom's incredible sense of color," UFSNT PG 5PN T JODSFEJCMF TFOTF PG DPMPS w said gallery owner Peggy Golden GreenTBJE HBMMFSZ PXOFS 1FHHZ (PMEFO (SFFO hut. "He continues to surprise us with colIVU i)F DPOUJOVFT UP TVSQSJTF VT XJUI DPM ors you wouldn't necessarily put together. PST ZPV XPVMEO U OFDFTTBSJMZ QVU UPHFUIFS And this work is beautifully constructed. "OE UIJT XPSL JT CFBVUJGVMMZ DPOTUSVDUFE His background as an engineer is evident )JT CBDLHSPVOE BT BO FOHJOFFS JT FWJEFOU when you look at how he puts his pieces XIFO ZPV MPPL BU IPX IF QVUT IJT QJFDFT together." UPHFUIFS w Paiement isn't sure, but he thinks the 1BJFNFOU JTO U TVSF CVU IF UIJOLT UIF earliest seeds for this work were sown FBSMJFTU TFFET GPS UIJT XPSL XFSF TPXO during a trip that he and his wife, Maret, EVSJOH B USJQ UIBU IF BOE IJT XJGF .BSFU took down South. UPPL EPXO 4PVUI


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3% Continued from Page E7 S e p t . 1 - P r o s p e c t Hill, 9 p.m., A s y l u m , AS^b Âł >`]a^SQb 6WZZ ' ^ [ /agZc[ P o r t l a n d . $12. >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][ Portlandasylum.com >]`bZO\R S e p t . 2 Âł 8Oa]\ /ZRSO\ :cYS 0`gO\ #(! - J a s o n A l d e a n & Luke B r y a n , 5 : 3 0 AS^b p.m., $139.50 t o $ 2$ 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b 60. Bangor Waterfront ^ [ !' # b] Pavilion. W a t e r f r o n t c o n c e r t s . c o m ; >OdWZW]\ EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! S e p t . 5 - O d d F u t u r e , 8 : 3 0 p.m., S t a t e AS^b # Âł =RR 4cbc`S &(! ^ [ AbObS T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2# ! AbObSbVSOb`S 5/$30. Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS S e p t . 7 - Na Palm, 10 p.m., P o r t C i t y AS^b % Âł <O >OZ[ ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg Music Hall, P o r t l a n d . $10 to $ 2 0. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R b] P o r t c i t y m u s i c h a l l . c o m ; ( 8 8 8 ) 5 1 2 A6=E -SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # S e p t . 7 - ZZ Top a n d L y n y r d S k y n y r d , 5 AS^b % Âł HH B]^ O\R :g\g`R AYg\g`R # p.m., S c a r b o r o u g h D o w n s . $55.75 t o $95.75. ^ [ AQO`P]`]cUV 2]e\a ## %# b] '# %# Waterfrontconcerts.com; (800) 745-3000 EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & %"# ! S e p t . 7 - L a u r e n Rioux a n d B r i t t a n y Haas, AS^b % Âł :Oc`S\ @W]cf O\R 0`WbbO\g 6OOa 8 p.m., O n e L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $15/$18. O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 # & =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% S e p t . 8 - The M a c h i n e , 8 p.m., S t a t e AS^b & Âł BVS ;OQVW\S & ^ [ AbObS T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2 0 / $ 2 " AbObSbVSOb`S 4. Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS S e p t . 10 - A W O L N A T I O N , I m a g i n e D r a g o n s AS^b Âł /E=:</B7=< 7[OUW\S 2`OU]\a a n d Z E A L E , 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . O\R H3/:3 & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $ 1 8 / $ 2 AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 0. Statetheatreportland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) & 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS S e p t . 15 - Beausoleil, 8 p.m., O n e AS^b # Âł 0SOca]ZSWZ & ^ [ =\S L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . $ 3 0 / $ 3 5 . :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R ! !# O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sept. 15 - W W E RAW S m a c k d o w n AS^b # Âł EE3 @/E A[OQYR]e\ S u p e r Show, 7:30 p.m., C u m b e r l a n d Ac^S` AV]e %(! ^ [ 1c[PS`ZO\R C o u n t y Civic Center, P o r t l a n d . $15 to $ 9 5 . 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R # b] '# Theciviccenter.com; Ticketmaster.com; BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000; 775-3458 & %"# ! ) %%# !"#& S e p t . 16 - C o n n i e S m i t h , 8 p.m., S t o n e AS^b $ Âł 1]\\WS A[WbV & ^ [ Ab]\S M o u n t a i n A r t s Center, B r o w n f i e l d . $ 4 5 . ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR "# Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % '

Please see TIX, Page E28 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <)/

"She had some flowers lying around, and i4IF IBE TPNF nPXFST MZJOH BSPVOE BOE I just started drawing them," Paiement * KVTU TUBSUFE ESBXJOH UIFN w 1BJFNFOU said in an interview at the gallery. "I must TBJE JO BO JOUFSWJFX BU UIF HBMMFSZ i* NVTU have enjoyed what the flower is about. I IBWF FOKPZFE XIBU UIF nPXFS JT BCPVU * like the delicacy of a flower. The flower MJLF UIF EFMJDBDZ PG B nPXFS 5IF nPXFS is one of the most delicate entities that JT POF PG UIF NPTU EFMJDBUF FOUJUJFT UIBU exists." FYJTUT w Paiement drew his earliest flower draw1BJFNFOU ESFX IJT FBSMJFTU nPXFS ESBX ings in his post-"Entropy" phase as a tribJOHT JO IJT QPTU i&OUSPQZw QIBTF BT B USJC ute to soldiers whose lives were at risk. VUF UP TPMEJFST XIPTF MJWFT XFSF BU SJTL A trained engineer, Paiement is a multi" USBJOFE FOHJOFFS 1BJFNFOU JT B NVMUJ talented and adept artist in a variety of UBMFOUFE BOE BEFQU BSUJTU JO B WBSJFUZ PG media and materials. He likes to paint, he NFEJB BOE NBUFSJBMT )F MJLFT UP QBJOU IF makes prints, he draws, and he fashions NBLFT QSJOUT IF ESBXT BOE IF GBTIJPOT intricate constructions and collages from JOUSJDBUF DPOTUSVDUJPOT BOE DPMMBHFT GSPN discarded materials. He taps all those EJTDBSEFE NBUFSJBMT )F UBQT BMM UIPTF skills in "Search for Form," using wire, TLJMMT JO i4FBSDI GPS 'PSN w VTJOH XJSF scraps of metal, wood, mesh, newsprint TDSBQT PG NFUBM XPPE NFTI OFXTQSJOU and various found objects to make his BOE WBSJPVT GPVOE PCKFDUT UP NBLF IJT constructed images. DPOTUSVDUFE JNBHFT His flowers come in many geometric )JT nPXFST DPNF JO NBOZ HFPNFUSJD shapes, including circles, rectangles, TIBQFT JODMVEJOH DJSDMFT SFDUBOHMFT triangles and ovals. USJBOHMFT BOE PWBMT Paiement calls himself "an experi1BJFNFOU DBMMT IJNTFMG iBO FYQFSJ menter" to find form. He has no rules, NFOUFSw UP mOE GPSN )F IBT OP SVMFT no formulas. He follows his instincts and OP GPSNVMBT )F GPMMPXT IJT JOTUJODUT BOE uses materials at hand in his studio. He VTFT NBUFSJBMT BU IBOE JO IJT TUVEJP )F is interested in how materials interact JT JOUFSFTUFE JO IPX NBUFSJBMT JOUFSBDU and his response to those unplanned and BOE IJT SFTQPOTF UP UIPTF VOQMBOOFE BOE spontaneous interactions. TQPOUBOFPVT JOUFSBDUJPOT Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 AbOTT E`WbS` 0]P 9SgSa QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#% or: ]`( bkeyes@pressherald. com PYSgSa.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: pphbkeyes BeWbbS`( ^^VPYSgSa

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E27 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 %


<8K Xe[ ILE

?FK HOT k`Zb\k Tomocloropalooza' ĂŠGfdf[fifgXcffqXĂ‹ a tomato-ganza X kfdXkf$^XeqX IT'S TOMATO SEASON in Maine. 7B¸A B=;/B= A3/A=< W\ ;OW\S Celebrate at "Pomodo1SZSP`ObS Ob Âľ>][]R] ropalooza," a party for `]^OZ]]hO Âś O ^O`bg T]` tomato lovers that feab][Ob] Z]dS`a bVOb TSO tures some sampling and bc`Sa a][S aO[^ZW\U O\R a meet-and-greet with O [SSb O\R U`SSb eWbV growers. U`]eS`a WHEN: 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday E63<( $ b] & ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Rosemont Produce E63@3( @]aS[]\b >`]RcQS Company, 5 Commercial 1][^O\g # 1][[S`QWOZ St., Portland Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Suggested do6=E ;C16( AcUUSabSR R] nation of $10. Proceeds go \ObW]\ ]T >`]QSSRa U] to Cultivating Community. b] 1cZbWdObW\U 1][[c\Wbg INFO: 699-4560 7<4=( $'' "#$



John Patriquin/Staff Photographer 8]V\ >Ob`W_cW\ AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Mellen Street Market's steak and cheese sub. ;SZZS\ Ab`SSb ;O`YSb¸a abSOY O\R QVSSaS acP

8 _`k Xe[ X d`jj i an amiss

Mellen Street Market has a great vibe and some promising menu D\cc\e Jki\\k DXib\k _Xj X ^i\Xk m`Y\ Xe[ jfd\ gifd`j`e^ d\el offerings, but our reviewer didn't exactly love the sub he sampled. f]]\i`e^j# Ylk fli i\m`\n\i [`[eËk \oXZkcp cfm\ k_\ jlY _\ jXdgc\[% MELLEN STREET MARKET D<CC<E JKI<<K D8IB<K WHERE: 79 Mellen St., E63@3( %' ;SZZS\ Ab Portland; 772-2206 >]`bZO\R) %% $ HOURS: 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 6=C@A( $(! O [ b] ' ^ [ Monday to Friday; 7:30 a.m. ;]\ROg b] 4`WROg) %(! O [ to 9 p.m. Saturday; 7:30 b] ' ^ [ AObc`ROg) %(! a.m. to noon and 4 to 9 p.m. O [ b] \]]\ O\R " b] ' ^ [ Sunday Ac\ROg CHEAPEST GRUB: $1.25 for a 163/>3AB 5@C0( # T]` O hot dog V]b R]U WAIT: Five minutes E/7B( 4WdS [W\cbSa PARKING: Off street >/@97<5( =TT ab`SSb HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: May6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( ;Og be, but the front step might PS Pcb bVS T`]\b abS^ [WUVb present some problems ^`SaS\b a][S ^`]PZS[a RATING: ** @/B7<5( (( Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ¿dS abO` aQOZS


ORTLAND — Can we agree that 035-"/% ‰ $BO XF BHSFF UIBU flatulence is not a good thing? nBUVMFODF JT OPU B HPPE UIJOH OK, maybe there is some medi0, NBZCF UIFSF JT TPNF NFEJ cal benefit to releasing all that DBM CFOFmU UP SFMFBTJOH BMM UIBU pent-up gas. But that's not what QFOU VQ HBT #VU UIBU T OPU XIBU we're talking about. XF SF UBMLJOH BCPVU A story: Last Thursday night, I " TUPSZ -BTU 5IVSTEBZ OJHIU * went to my neighborhood Mellen XFOU UP NZ OFJHICPSIPPE .FMMFO Street Market down by Park Av4USFFU .BSLFU EPXO CZ 1BSL "W enue to pick up a sandwich before FOVF UP QJDL VQ B TBOEXJDI CFGPSF the Shakespeare in the park show at nearby UIF 4IBLFTQFBSF JO UIF QBSL TIPX BU OFBSCZ Deering Oaks. Never mind that I had the date %FFSJOH 0BLT /FWFS NJOE UIBU * IBE UIF EBUF wrong. (It was right in the paper, by the way.) XSPOH *U XBT SJHIU JO UIF QBQFS CZ UIF XBZ

But I digress. #VU * EJHSFTT I got a sandwich to enjoy while watching the * HPU B TBOEXJDI UP FOKPZ XIJMF XBUDIJOH UIF show at Deering Oaks. When I realized I had TIPX BU %FFSJOH 0BLT 8IFO * SFBMJ[FE * IBE the dates mixed up, I trekked back up the MelUIF EBUFT NJYFE VQ * USFLLFE CBDL VQ UIF .FM len Street hill to my West End apartment to MFO 4USFFU IJMM UP NZ 8FTU &OE BQBSUNFOU UP enjoy my steak and cheese delight on my deck FOKPZ NZ TUFBL BOE DIFFTF EFMJHIU PO NZ EFDL along with a cold Geary's Summer Ale. BMPOH XJUI B DPME (FBSZ T 4VNNFS "MF

I got in the elevator and immediately noticed * HPU JO UIF FMFWBUPS BOE JNNFEJBUFMZ OPUJDFE a not-very-nice odor. Ugh, I thought. Someone B OPU WFSZ OJDF PEPS 6HI * UIPVHIU 4PNFPOF really messed this space up. How disgusting SFBMMZ NFTTFE UIJT TQBDF VQ )PX EJTHVTUJOH and rude. BOE SVEF I scrunched my nose and waited the few * TDSVODIFE NZ OPTF BOE XBJUFE UIF GFX seconds it takes for the lift to ascend five floors. TFDPOET JU UBLFT GPS UIF MJGU UP BTDFOE mWF nPPST By the time I got there, I realized the foul odor #Z UIF UJNF * HPU UIFSF * SFBMJ[FE UIF GPVM PEPS I was smelling was not gas. It was dinner. * XBT TNFMMJOH XBT OPU HBT *U XBT EJOOFS Oh, boy. 0I CPZ It almost embarrasses me to admit that I ate *U BMNPTU FNCBSSBTTFT NF UP BENJU UIBU * BUF my sandwich. The whole thing - and it didn't NZ TBOEXJDI 5IF XIPMF UIJOH o BOE JU EJEO U taste nearly as bad as it smelled. In fact, it UBTUF OFBSMZ BT CBE BT JU TNFMMFE *O GBDU JU tasted OK. UBTUFE 0, I ordered a steak-and-cheese with green * PSEFSFE B TUFBL BOE DIFFTF XJUI HSFFO peppers and onions for $6.49, which I thought QFQQFST BOE POJPOT GPS XIJDI * UIPVHIU was a fair price. The bun was chewy, the vegXBT B GBJS QSJDF 5IF CVO XBT DIFXZ UIF WFH gies were freshly grilled, and American cheese HJFT XFSF GSFTIMZ HSJMMFE BOE "NFSJDBO DIFFTF embedded underneath the meat melted into a FNCFEEFE VOEFSOFBUI UIF NFBU NFMUFE JOUP B Please see EAT, PageE29 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <)0

Atwell on happy hops farmers. E28 N• Bar Guide: Congress Bar & Grill. E29 8kn\cc fe _Xggp _fgj ]Xid\ij# <)/ 9Xi >l`[\1 :fe^i\jj 9Xi >i`cc# <)0

Sample delicious JXdgc\ [\c`Z`flj Muddy Bean Boots Dl[[p 9\Xe 9ffkj SAMPLE THE NEW Gifford's ice A/;>:3 B63 <3E 5WTT]`R¸a WQS cream flavor created for Q`SO[ Ă€Od]` Q`SObSR T]` L.L. Bean's 100th anniver: : 0SO\¸a bV O\\WdS` sary, Muddy Bean Boots, aO`g ;cRRg 0SO\ 0]]ba and partake in activities O\R ^O`bOYS W\ OQbWdWbWSa and entertainment celO\R S\bS`bOW\[S\b QSZ ebrating the launch of the SP`ObW\U bVS ZOc\QV ]T bVS product in grocery stores. ^`]RcQb W\ U`]QS`g ab]`Sa WHEN:! to 3 p.m. Monday E63<( b] ! ^ [ ;]\ROg WHERE: Hannaford, 31 E63@3( 6O\\OT]`R ! Hannaford Drive, Route 1, 6O\\OT]`R 2`WdS @]cbS Scarborough AQO`P]`]cUV HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: http://giffords 7<4=( Vbb^( UWTT]`Ra icecream.com WQSQ`SO[ Q][

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3E28 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $

Jgi`e^mXc\ ]Xid Xejn\ij [\dXe[ ]fi cfZXc _fgj Springvale farm answers demand for loca hops 9B

UBMM #Z VTJOH SFDZDMFE VUJMJUZ QPMFT BOE FFS JT CFDPNJOH B NPSF MPDBM QSPEVDU eer is becoming a more local product tall. By using recycled utility poles and all the time. more than 1,000 feet (and counting) of NPSF UIBO GFFU BOE DPVOUJOH PG BMM UIF UJNF UI JODI TUFFM DBCMF UIFZ IBWF QMBOUFE %PVHMBT BOE +FGG 5IFSSJFO TUBSUFE Douglas and Jeff Therrien started 5/16th-inch steel cable, they have planted Rock Island Hop Farm two years ago on about 500 plants of different varieties. BCPVU QMBOUT PG EJGGFSFOU WBSJFUJFT 3PDL *TMBOE )PQ 'BSN UXP ZFBST BHP PO 5IF 5IFSSJFOT IBWF B GSJFOE XIP XPSLT UIFJS QBSFOUT BDSF QSPQFSUZ JO 4QSJOH their parents' 10-acre property in SpringThe Therriens have a friend who works vale, and they are already selling all of for a utility company in the Kennebunks, GPS B VUJMJUZ DPNQBOZ JO UIF ,FOOFCVOLT WBMF BOE UIFZ BSF BMSFBEZ TFMMJOH BMM PG BOE XIFO PME QPMFT BSF BWBJM UIF IPQT UIFZ DBO QSPEVDF the hops they can produce. and when old poles are availHops are the aromatic or spicy able, they get a call. They cut BCMF UIFZ HFU B DBMM 5IFZ DVU )PQT BSF UIF BSPNBUJD PS TQJDZ parts of beer. German purity UIF QPMFT JOUP GPPU MFOHUIT QBSUT PG CFFS (FSNBO QVSJUZ the poles into 20-foot lengths laws say that beer can be made and put them 4 feet into the BOE QVU UIFN GFFU JOUP UIF MBXT TBZ UIBU CFFS DBO CF NBEF only with water, malt, hops and ground, giving the hops 16 feet HSPVOE HJWJOH UIF IPQT GFFU POMZ XJUI XBUFS NBMU IPQT BOE of growing height - although yeast, and although many beers PG HSPXJOH IFJHIU o BMUIPVHI ZFBTU BOE BMUIPVHI NBOZ CFFST include other ingredients, the some plants have reached the TPNF QMBOUT IBWF SFBDIFE UIF JODMVEF PUIFS JOHSFEJFOUT UIF hops are essential. top and started going sideways. UPQ BOE TUBSUFE HPJOH TJEFXBZT IPQT BSF FTTFOUJBM T ie arm as a American hops traditionally 5IF IPQ GBSN IBT B USVDL "NFSJDBO IPQT USBEJUJPOBMMZ Trim i vinAtwpll funcii come from Oregon and WashingXJUI B TUBOE PO UIF SFBS TP DPNF GSPN 0SFHPO BOE 8BTIJOH ton, and the Therriens have been Whdt AI0S YOU XIFO UIFZ IBWF UP XPSL GFFU when they have to work 16 feet UPO BOE UIF 5IFSSJFOT IBWF CFFO getting their seedlings from Wilup on the top cable, one person VQ PO UIF UPQ DBCMF POF QFSTPO HFUUJOH UIFJS TFFEMJOHT GSPN 8JM can be on the rear of the truck lamette Valley Hops in Oregon. DBO CF PO UIF SFBS PG UIF USVDL MBNFUUF 7BMMFZ )PQT JO 0SFHPO But with many Maine brewers putting while the other drives slowly between the XIJMF UIF PUIFS ESJWFT TMPXMZ CFUXFFO UIF #VU XJUI NBOZ .BJOF CSFXFST QVUUJOH out beer with all-Maine ingredients, there SPXT rows. PVU CFFS XJUI BMM .BJOF JOHSFEJFOUT UIFSF is a market for local hops. When a hop plant takes root, a rope is 8IFO B IPQ QMBOU UBLFT SPPU B SPQF JT JT B NBSLFU GPS MPDBM IPQT "We got into this because we are beer strung from the cable and attached to the TUSVOH GSPN UIF DBCMF BOE BUUBDIFE UP UIF i8F HPU JOUP UIJT CFDBVTF XF BSF CFFS nuts," Jeff told me when I dropped in to ground next to the plant. At harvest time, HSPVOE OFYU UP UIF QMBOU "U IBSWFTU UJNF OVUT w +FGG UPME NF XIFO * ESPQQFE JO UP visit the hop farm last week. "We are just UIF MJOFT BSF DVU BU UIF UPQ BMMPXFE UP GBMM the lines are cut at the top, allowed to fall, WJTJU UIF IPQ GBSN MBTU XFFL i8F BSF KVTU crazy about beer, especially IPAs." and cut into lengths so the actual picking BOE DVU JOUP MFOHUIT TP UIF BDUVBM QJDLJOH DSB[Z BCPVU CFFS FTQFDJBMMZ *1"T w Growing hops just seemed like a natural PG UIF IPQT DBO CF EPOF JOTJEF of the hops can be done inside. (SPXJOH IPQT KVTU TFFNFE MJLF B OBUVSBM extension of the Therriens' love of beer, Doug Therrien said all of the farm's %PVH 5IFSSJFO TBJE BMM PG UIF GBSN T FYUFOTJPO PG UIF 5IFSSJFOT MPWF PG CFFS Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b] especially since they had all the land Cascade hops have been promised to Kai 8STT BVS``WS\ QVSQYa VWa ^ZO\ba¸ $BTDBEF IPQT IBWF CFFO QSPNJTFE UP ,BJ FTQFDJBMMZ TJODF UIFZ IBE BMM UIF MBOE Jeff Therrien checks his plants' available at the home where they grew Adams for Sebago Brewing Co.'s Local "EBNT GPS 4FCBHP #SFXJOH $P T -PDBM BWBJMBCMF BU UIF IPNF XIFSF UIFZ HSFX progress at Rock Island Hop Farm. ^`]U`Saa Ob @]QY 7aZO\R 6]^ 4O`[ up. Harvest Ale, a beer that I look forward to )BSWFTU "MF B CFFS UIBU * MPPL GPSXBSE UP VQ every year. They have also been selling a Doug lives in Waterboro, while Jeff lives FWFSZ ZFBS 5IFZ IBWF BMTP CFFO TFMMJOH B Jeff Therrien said they have received %PVH MJWFT JO 8BUFSCPSP XIJMF +FGG MJWFT +FGG 5IFSSJFO TBJE UIFZ IBWF SFDFJWFE a mile away from the farm in Springvale, lot of Centennial hops to Chresten Soren- TPNF SFRVFTUT GPS 4BB[ B USBEJUJPOBM IPQ some requests for Saaz, a traditional hop MPU PG $FOUFOOJBM IPQT UP $ISFTUFO 4PSFO B NJMF BXBZ GSPN UIF GBSN JO 4QSJOHWBMF and both are third-generation employees TPO PG #VOLFS #SFXJOH JO 1PSUMBOE son of Bunker Brewing in Portland. for Pilsener, but they are not sure they BOE CPUI BSF UIJSE HFOFSBUJPO FNQMPZFFT GPS 1JMTFOFS CVU UIFZ BSF OPU TVSF UIFZ Jon Cadoux of Peak Organic Brewing at Central Tire in Sanford. They tend the can get the seedlings. They are hoping to +PO $BEPVY PG 1FBL 0SHBOJD #SFXJOH BU $FOUSBM 5JSF JO 4BOGPSE 5IFZ UFOE UIF DBO HFU UIF TFFEMJOHT 5IFZ BSF IPQJOH UP hop farm either before or after going to Co. has come down to help with some of plant some next year. $P IBT DPNF EPXO UP IFMQ XJUI TPNF PG IPQ GBSN FJUIFS CFGPSF PS BGUFS HPJOH UP QMBOU TPNF OFYU ZFBS their full-time jobs. the harvesting, and has expressed an All of the Therriens' hops have been UIF IBSWFTUJOH BOE IBT FYQSFTTFE BO UIFJS GVMM UJNF KPCT "MM PG UIF 5IFSSJFOT IPQT IBWF CFFO Hops are vines, and they like to grow interest in the product. used as wet, fresh hops and put into the JOUFSFTU JO UIF QSPEVDU )PQT BSF WJOFT BOE UIFZ MJLF UP HSPX VTFE BT XFU GSFTI IPQT BOE QVU JOUP UIF

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl


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Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sunday - Eric Church with Robert Earl Ac\ROg Âł 3`WQ 1Vc`QV eWbV @]PS`b 3O`Z Keen, 8 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular 9SS\ & ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $29.75 to $66. >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 ' %# b] $$ Continued from Page E26 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 $ Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Sunday - John Prine and Lucinda Williams, Sept. 16 - Galactic with Corey Glover, 8 Ac\ROg Âł 8]V\ >`W\S O\R :cQW\RO EWZZWO[a AS^b $ Âł 5OZOQbWQ eWbV 1]`Sg 5Z]dS` & 7:30 p.m., Bank of America Pavilion, p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $18 to %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R & b] Boston. $39 to $74. Livenation.com; $35. Portcitymusichall.com; 0]ab]\ !' b] %" :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) !# >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) (800) 745-3000 (888) 512-SHOW & %"# ! &&& # A6=E Monday - Sublime with Rome, Cypress ;]\ROg Âł AcPZW[S eWbV @][S 1g^`Saa Get outta town Hill and Pepper, 6 p.m., Bank of America 6WZZ O\R >S^^S` $ ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO 5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Pavilion, Boston. $29.50 to $54.50. >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ ' # b] #" # Thursday Chicago and The Doobie BVc`aROg Âł 1VWQOU] O\R BVS 2]]PWS Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Brothers, 7:30 p.m., Comcast Center, 0`]bVS`a %(! ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` Aug. 23! Âł AcPZW[S eWbV @][S 1g^`Saa - Sublime with Rome, Cypress Mansfield, Mass. $21 to $86. Livenation.com; /cU ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa b] &$ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) Hill and Pepper, 6:30 p.m., Meadowbrook 6WZZ O\R >S^^S` $(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $36 to Thursday - Roger Hodgson of Supertramp, C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !$ b] BVc`aROg Âł @]US` 6]RUa]\ ]T Ac^S`b`O[^ $63.25. Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 $! # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% 8 p.m., Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, & ^ [ 1OaW\] 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV Aug. 23! Âł ;SSY ;WZZ & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa - Meek Mill, 8 p.m., House of Blues, /cU N.H. $30 to $70. Ticketmaster.com; < 6 ! b] % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) Boston. $30. Livenation.com; 0]ab]\ ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Friday - Wanda Sykes, 8 p.m., Casino 4`WROg Âł EO\RO AgYSa & ^ [ 1OaW\] Aug. 24 - Andrew Dice Clay, 9:45 /cU " Âł /\R`Se 2WQS 1ZOg '("# Ballroom, Hampton Beach, N.H. $38.50 to 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 !& # b] p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $38.20. $58.50. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !& #& # BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Friday - Girl Talk, 7:30 p.m., Bank of 4`WROg Âł 5W`Z BOZY %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T Aug. 24-25 - Kenny Chesney and Tim /cU " # Âł 9S\\g 1VSa\Sg O\R BW[ America Pavilion, Boston. $32 b] !& # to $38.50. /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ ! McGraw, 4:30 p.m., Gillette Stadium, ;Q5`Oe "(! ^ [ 5WZZSbbS AbORWc[ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Foxborough, Mass. $54.85 to $113.05. 4]fP]`]cUV ;Oaa #" &# b] ! # Saturday - Barenaked Ladies, Blues AObc`ROg Âł 0O`S\OYSR :ORWSa 0ZcSa Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Traveler, Big Head Todd & The Monsters, B`OdSZS` 0WU 6SOR B]RR BVS ;]\abS`a Aug. 25# Âł BVS 4`Og O\R 9SZZg 1ZO`Ya]\ - The Fray and Kelly Clarkson, /cU Cracker, 7 p.m., Bank of America Pavilion, 1`OQYS` % ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 7:30 p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. %(! ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa Boston. $41 to $97.05. Livenation.com; 0]ab]\ " b] '% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) $41.50 to $87. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 " # b] &% :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 Saturday - Def Leppard with Poison & %"# ! AObc`ROg Âł 2ST :S^^O`R eWbV >]Wa]\ Aug. 25# Âł 1VWQOU] O\R BVS 2]]PWS - Chicago and The Doobie and Lita Ford, 7 p.m., Comcast /cU O\R :WbO 4]`R % ^ [ 1][QOab Brothers, 7:30 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Center, Mansfield, Mass. $20 to $125. 0`]bVS`a %(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa b] # Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $35.50 to Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !# # b] :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! $102. ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 Saturday - Bruce Springsteen and the '! "% AObc`ROg Âł 0`cQS A^`W\UabSS\ O\R bVS E Street Band, 7:30 p.m., Gillette Stadium, Aug. 26$ Âł B`OW\ ;Ob 9SO`\Sg O\R /\Rg - Train, Mat Kearney and Andy /cU 3 Ab`SSb 0O\R %(! ^ [ 5WZZSbbS AbORWc[ Foxborough, Mass. $60.95 to $113.05. Grammer, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. 4]fP]`]cUV ;Oaa $ '# b] ! # 5`O[[S` % ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A

Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $36 to $85. 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !$ b] &# Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Aug. 26$ Âł C>@=/@ 4SabWdOZ eWbV - UPROAR Festival with /cU Shinedown, Godsmack, Staind, Papa AVW\SR]e\ 5]Ra[OQY AbOW\R >O^O Roach, Adelitas Way and more, 1 p.m., @]OQV /RSZWbOa EOg O\R []`S ^ [ Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $15 to 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa # b] $79. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 %' :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Aug. 27% Âł @]PW\ BVWQYS % ^ [ 6]caS - Robin Thicke, 7 p.m., House /cU of Blues, Boston. $36 to $49.50. ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !$ b] "' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Aug. 31 - Stone Temple Pilots, 8 p.m., /cU ! Âł Ab]\S BS[^ZS >WZ]ba & ^ [ Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R N.H. $34.75 to $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; < 6 !" %# b] %$ # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) (603) 293-4700 $ ! '! "% Sept. 1 - Big Time Rush and Cody Simpson, AS^b Âł 0WU BW[S @caV O\R 1]Rg AW[^a]\ 7 p.m., Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, % ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` N.H. $34.95 to $75.80. Ticketmaster.com; < 6 !" '# b] %# & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Sept. 2 Âł 9SWbV C`PO\ eWbV 2OdWR <OWZ - Keith Urban with David Nail, AS^b 8 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular & ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $45.75 to $115.75. >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 "# %# b] # %# Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Sept. 3 - Seether, Buckcherry, Puddle of AS^b ! Âł ASSbVS` 0cQYQVS``g >cRRZS ]T Mudd, Black Stone Cherry and Otherwise, ;cRR 0ZOQY Ab]\S 1VS``g O\R =bVS`eWaS 2 ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $29.75 to $64.50. >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 ' %# b] $" # Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Sept. 4 - Madonna, 8 p.m., TD Garden, AS^b " Âł ;OR]\\O & ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ Boston. $47.50 to $357.50. Livenation.com; 0]ab]\ "% # b] !#% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Sept. 6 - Darius Rucker, 8 p.m., Casino AS^b $ Âł 2O`Wca @cQYS` & ^ [ 1OaW\] Ballroom, Hampton Beach, N.H. $50/$52. 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 # # Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 6 - The Offspring with Dead Sara, AS^b $ Âł BVS =TTa^`W\U eWbV 2SOR AO`O 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $39.50 to & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !' # b] $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 7 - Jason Mraz with Christina Perri, AS^b % Âł 8Oa]\ ;`Oh eWbV 1V`WabW\O >S``W

CFFS TIPSUMZ BGUFS CFJOH QJDLFE .PTU beer shortly after being picked. Most beers use dried hops, or hop pellets, but CFFST VTF ESJFE IPQT PS IPQ QFMMFUT CVU GSFTI XFU IPQT QSPWJEF B nPSBM nBWPS BOE fresh, wet hops provide a floral flavor and aroma that can add a lot to a local beer. BSPNB UIBU DBO BEE B MPU UP B MPDBM CFFS 3PDL *TMBOE JT OPU BO PSHBOJD IPQ GBSN Rock Island is not an organic hop farm. Before even thinking about it, Jeff Ther#FGPSF FWFO UIJOLJOH BCPVU JU +FGG 5IFS rien said, they used granular fertilizer on SJFO TBJE UIFZ VTFE HSBOVMBS GFSUJMJ[FS PO the hops when they first planted them. UIF IPQT XIFO UIFZ mSTU QMBOUFE UIFN "OE UIFZ TBJE UIF GFSUJMJ[FS EJE HJWF UIF And they said the fertilizer did give the plants a great boost. QMBOUT B HSFBU CPPTU In addition, a few weeks ago the hop *O BEEJUJPO B GFX XFFLT BHP UIF IPQ plants were covered by a swarm of JapaQMBOUT XFSF DPWFSFE CZ B TXBSN PG +BQB nese beetles, and they used a pesticide to OFTF CFFUMFT BOE UIFZ VTFE B QFTUJDJEF UP deal with them. EFBM XJUI UIFN Rock Island is not the only hop farm in 3PDL *TMBOE JT OPU UIF POMZ IPQ GBSN JO Maine. Several others have been in busi.BJOF 4FWFSBM PUIFST IBWF CFFO JO CVTJ ness longer, and Sebago has even gotten OFTT MPOHFS BOE 4FCBHP IBT FWFO HPUUFO some of its hops for Local Harvest from TPNF PG JUT IPQT GPS -PDBM )BSWFTU GSPN home gardeners. IPNF HBSEFOFST But with more people wanting to go lo#VU XJUI NPSF QFPQMF XBOUJOH UP HP MP cal with their food and drink, Rock Island DBM XJUI UIFJS GPPE BOE ESJOL 3PDL *TMBOE has plans to expand, and there likely will IBT QMBOT UP FYQBOE BOE UIFSF MJLFMZ XJMM be more Maine hop farms in the future. CF NPSF .BJOF IPQ GBSNT JO UIF GVUVSF For those wondering how the Rock 'PS UIPTF XPOEFSJOH IPX UIF 3PDL Island name is appropriate in landlocked *TMBOE OBNF JT BQQSPQSJBUF JO MBOEMPDLFE Springvale, the Therriens have an an4QSJOHWBMF UIF 5IFSSJFOT IBWF BO BO swer. TXFS The property has been used in agricul5IF QSPQFSUZ IBT CFFO VTFE JO BHSJDVM ture for decades, for both crops and as a UVSF GPS EFDBEFT GPS CPUI DSPQT BOE BT B dairy farm. And there is one area in the EBJSZ GBSN "OE UIFSF JT POF BSFB JO UIF middle of the field where the farmers put NJEEMF PG UIF mFME XIFSF UIF GBSNFST QVU the rocks that they wanted to get out of UIF SPDLT UIBU UIFZ XBOUFE UP HFU PVU PG the way. UIF XBZ That is the Rock Island. 5IBU JT UIF 3PDL *TMBOE Tom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( tomatwell@me.com b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][

7:30 p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. %(! ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa $15.50 to $57.50. Livenation.com; # # b] #% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Sept. 7 - Rush, 7:30 p.m., Verizon Wireless AS^b % Âł @caV %(! ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa Arena, Manchester, N.H. $61 to $107.45. /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 $ b] % "# Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 7-8 - The J. Geils Band, 7 and 8 AS^b % & Âł BVS 8 5SWZa 0O\R % O\R & p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $75 to $125. ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ %# b] # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 8 - 1 1 Volo, 7:30 p.m., Bank of AS^b & Âł 7Z D]Z] %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T America Pavilion, Boston. $39.50 to $79.50. /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ !' # b] %' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 8 - ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd, 7 AS^b & Âł HH B]^ O\R :g\g`R AYg\g`R % p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $25 ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa # to $75. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 9 - Zac Brown Band, 6:30 p.m., AS^b ' Âł HOQ 0`]e\ 0O\R $(! ^ [ Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $22.50 to 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa # b] $52. :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 # Sept. 11 - Yeasayer, 8 p.m., House of Blues, AS^b Âł GSOaOgS` & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Boston. $25 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ # b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Sept. 13 - Bon Iver with Anais Mitchell, 7:30 AS^b ! Âł 0]\ 7dS` eWbV /\OWa ;WbQVSZZ %(! p.m., Bank of America Pavilion, Boston. $30 ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ ! to $34.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] !" # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 14 - Bloc Party with Ceremony, 8 AS^b " Âł 0Z]Q >O`bg eWbV 1S`S[]\g & p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $27.50 to $35. ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ % # b] !# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 14 - Florence + The Machine, with AS^b " Âł 4Z]`S\QS BVS ;OQVW\S eWbV The Maccabees, 7:30 p.m., Comcast BVS ;OQQOPSSa %(! ^ [ 1][QOab Center, Mansfield, Mass. $20 to $42.50. 1S\bS` ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa b] " # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 14 - Carrie Underwood, 7:30 p.m., AS^b " Âł 1O``WS C\RS`e]]R %(! ^ [ Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, N.H. DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 $57.90 to $78.35. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% ' b] %& !# BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# !

Please see TIX, PageE29 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <)0

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E29 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3 '


Relax and relate at cozy, chatty Congress Bar & Gri I\cXo Xe[ i\cXk\ Xk Zfqp# Z_Xkkp :fe^i\jj 9Xi >i`cc CONGRESS BAR & GRILL :FE>I<JJ 98I >I@CC

By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55&


hen you think of "conIFO ZPV UIJOL PG iDPO gress," that place in HSFTT w UIBU QMBDF JO Washington where 8BTIJOHUPO XIFSF politicians are supposed to QPMJUJDJBOT BSF TVQQPTFE UP be making laws may come to CF NBLJOH MBXT NBZ DPNF UP mind. If you know anything NJOE *G ZPV LOPX BOZUIJOH about Portland, you may think BCPVU 1PSUMBOE ZPV NBZ UIJOL of the street that runs through PG UIF TUSFFU UIBU SVOT UISPVHI the city. UIF DJUZ But if you're a bar on that #VU JG ZPV SF B CBS PO UIBU street, you may think of "conTUSFFU ZPV NBZ UIJOL PG iDPO gress" as the act or action of HSFTTw BT UIF BDU PS BDUJPO PG coming together and meeting. DPNJOH UPHFUIFS BOE NFFUJOH That's one of the two defini5IBU T POF PG UIF UXP EFmOJ tions offered for the word on UJPOT PGGFSFE GPS UIF XPSE PO Congress Bar & Grill's Face$POHSFTT #BS (SJMM T 'BDF book page. The other definiCPPL QBHF 5IF PUIFS EFmOJ tion is a formal meeting of UJPO JT B GPSNBM NFFUJOH PG delegates for discussion and EFMFHBUFT GPS EJTDVTTJPO BOE usually some questioning. VTVBMMZ TPNF RVFTUJPOJOH When you define "congress" 8IFO ZPV EFmOF iDPOHSFTTw in these terms, it makes the JO UIFTF UFSNT JU NBLFT UIF bar's name seem a little more CBS T OBNF TFFN B MJUUMF NPSF deep than being named after EFFQ UIBO CFJOH OBNFE BGUFS the street it's on. UIF TUSFFU JU T PO I swung by Congress Bar * TXVOH CZ $POHSFTT #BS & Grill around happy hour. It (SJMM BSPVOE IBQQZ IPVS *U was early enough to beat the XBT FBSMZ FOPVHI UP CFBU UIF crowd from a State Theatre act DSPXE GSPN B 4UBUF 5IFBUSF BDU that was scheduled for later UIBU XBT TDIFEVMFE GPS MBUFS that night, but prime time to UIBU OJHIU CVU QSJNF UJNF UP witness this coming together, XJUOFTT UIJT DPNJOH UPHFUIFS discussing and questioning. EJTDVTTJOH BOE RVFTUJPOJOH The barkeep, Deb, was clean5IF CBSLFFQ %FC XBT DMFBO ing up a bit and chatting with JOH VQ B CJU BOE DIBUUJOH XJUI regulars at one end of the bar. SFHVMBST BU POF FOE PG UIF CBS I pulled up a chair closer to * QVMMFE VQ B DIBJS DMPTFS UP the end with the television so I UIF FOE XJUI UIF UFMFWJTJPO TP * could keep up with the ongoing DPVME LFFQ VQ XJUI UIF POHPJOH Olympic coverage. Deb was 0MZNQJD DPWFSBHF %FC XBT quick to welcome me and ask RVJDL UP XFMDPNF NF BOE BTL what I'd like for a drink. XIBU * E MJLF GPS B ESJOL Before realizing the bar had a #FGPSF SFBMJ[JOH UIF CBS IBE B specialty drink menu, I jumped TQFDJBMUZ ESJOL NFOV * KVNQFE the gun and ordered an Absolut UIF HVO BOE PSEFSFE BO "CTPMVU Ruby Red with soda water. 3VCZ 3FE XJUI TPEB XBUFS "Would you like a lemon or i8PVME ZPV MJLF B MFNPO PS lime with that?"w TIF BTLFE she asked MJNF XJUI UIBU after pouring the drink. BGUFS QPVSJOH UIF ESJOL


Continued from Page E27 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % favorable gooey mix. GBWPSBCMF HPPFZ NJY The steak? &I 4P TP *U XBT Eh. So-so. It was 5IF TUFBL very chewy, which disappointed WFSZ DIFXZ XIJDI EJTBQQPJOUFE me. But it was mostly chunky NF #VU JU XBT NPTUMZ DIVOLZ and not cut into strips, so it was BOE OPU DVU JOUP TUSJQT TP JU XBT easy to eat. FBTZ UP FBU A lot of meat passes as steak " MPU PG NFBU QBTTFT BT TUFBL these days. I presume these UIFTF EBZT * QSFTVNF UIFTF chunks came from a low-end DIVOLT DBNF GSPN B MPX FOE cut, something my mother used DVU TPNFUIJOH NZ NPUIFS VTFE to call minute steak. UP DBMM NJOVUF TUFBL God bless her, but my mom (PE CMFTT IFS CVU NZ NPN was no cook. She would often XBT OP DPPL 4IF XPVME PGUFO buy these cheap steaks, pound CVZ UIFTF DIFBQ TUFBLT QPVOE the heck out of them with a UIF IFDL PVU PG UIFN XJUI B cleaver, and fry those puppies DMFBWFS BOE GSZ UIPTF QVQQJFT up on the electric stovetop. VQ PO UIF FMFDUSJD TUPWFUPQ

WHERE: 617 Congress St., E63@3( $ % 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland; 828-9944 >]`bZO\R) & & ''"" HOURS: Open daily at 6=C@A( =^S\ ROWZg Ob 11:30 a.m. (! O [ PARKING: On-street metered >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb [SbS`SR parking that's free after ^O`YW\U bVOb¸a T`SS OTbS` 6 p.m. or on Sundays $ ^ [ ]` ]\ Ac\ROga AMENITIES: A few outdoor /;3<7B73A( / TSe ]cbR]]` seats and a television aSOba O\R O bSZSdWaW]\ SCENE: It's a cozy, laid-back A13<3( 7b¸a O Q]hg ZOWR POQY bar with a friendly atmoPO` eWbV O T`WS\RZg Ob[] sphere that's sure to be busy a^VS`S bVOb¸a ac`S b] PS Pcag before or after any State PST]`S ]` OTbS` O\g AbObS Theatre act due to that venBVSOb`S OQb RcS b] bVOb dS\ ue being a few doors down. cS PSW\U O TSe R]]`a R]e\ WHAT ELSE: Find "Congress E6/B 3:A3( 4W\R ¾1]\U`Saa Bar & Grill" on Facebook. 0O` 5`WZZœ ]\ 4OQSP]]Y

Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

M. Vincent Leonetti makes a Washington Apple Martini at the popular Congress Bar & Grill. ; DW\QS\b :S]\SbbW [OYSa O EOaVW\Ub]\ /^^ZS ;O`bW\W Ob bVS ^]^cZO` 1]\U`Saa 0O` 5`WZZ

Indecisive, I asked for both, *OEFDJTJWF * BTLFE GPS CPUI and she delivered. BOE TIF EFMJWFSFE As I sat, casually sipping "T * TBU DBTVBMMZ TJQQJOH my drink, I looked around the NZ ESJOL * MPPLFE BSPVOE UIF space. Deep-red walls and a TQBDF %FFQ SFE XBMMT BOE B dark wood bar make it cozy and EBSL XPPE CBS NBLF JU DP[Z BOE casual, but the light coming DBTVBM CVU UIF MJHIU DPNJOH off the street kept things light PGG UIF TUSFFU LFQU UIJOHT MJHIU enough so I didn't feel as if I FOPVHI TP * EJEO U GFFM BT JG * was in a cave. XBT JO B DBWF The menus were tucked in 5IF NFOVT XFSF UVDLFE JO

between condiments in round CFUXFFO DPOEJNFOUT JO SPVOE tins on the bar. Specialty drinks UJOT PO UIF CBS 4QFDJBMUZ ESJOLT range from the house-made SBOHF GSPN UIF IPVTF NBEF sangria for $6 to the "JD Rita," TBOHSJB GPS UP UIF i+% 3JUB w the bar's spin on a margarita, UIF CBS T TQJO PO B NBSHBSJUB for $12. There are eight beers GPS 5IFSF BSF FJHIU CFFST on tap for $4 or $5 apiece, and PO UBQ GPS PS BQJFDF BOE a number offered by the bottle B OVNCFS PGGFSFE CZ UIF CPUUMF for $2 to $4. There's also a GPS UP 5IFSF T BMTP B selection of white, red and pink TFMFDUJPO PG XIJUF SFE BOE QJOL wines costing $5 to $7. XJOFT DPTUJOH UP

Anyone really familiar with "OZPOF SFBMMZ GBNJMJBS XJUI Portland may recognize the 1PSUMBOE NBZ SFDPHOJ[F UIF place, because it was once QMBDF CFDBVTF JU XBT PODF known as Norm's Bar & Grill. LOPXO BT /PSN T #BS (SJMM Apparently the name change "QQBSFOUMZ UIF OBNF DIBOHF didn't deter the regulars from EJEO U EFUFS UIF SFHVMBST GSPN coming, of which I was told DPNJOH PG XIJDI * XBT UPME there were quite a few. Some UIFSF XFSF RVJUF B GFX 4PNF even were kind enough to conFWFO XFSF LJOE FOPVHI UP DPO tribute to a figurine collection USJCVUF UP B mHVSJOF DPMMFDUJPO of bobbleheads featuring "Star PG CPCCMFIFBET GFBUVSJOH i4UBS

(For me, that image is all about 'PS NF UIBU JNBHF JT BMM BCPVU the 1970s). It took just minutes UIF T *U UPPL KVTU NJOVUFT to cook them through, hence UP DPPL UIFN UISPVHI IFODF the name. UIF OBNF This sandwich felt like my 5IJT TBOEXJDI GFMU MJLF NZ memory of those minute NFNPSZ PG UIPTF NJOVUF steaks. TUFBLT Next time I visit Mellen Street /FYU UJNF * WJTJU .FMMFO 4USFFU Market, I won't order the steak .BSLFU * XPO U PSEFS UIF TUFBL and cheese. I likely will try a BOE DIFFTF * MJLFMZ XJMM USZ B pizza ($6.75 for a small cheese) QJ[[B GPS B TNBMM DIFFTF or perhaps the meatball ($4.49 PS QFSIBQT UIF NFBUCBMM for a small) or the salami/ GPS B TNBMM PS UIF TBMBNJ provolone Italian ($4.39 for a QSPWPMPOF *UBMJBO GPS B small). TNBMM I like this market. It's a work* MJLF UIJT NBSLFU *U T B XPSL ing-class place, with a small JOH DMBTT QMBDF XJUI B TNBMM selection of groceries and a TFMFDUJPO PG HSPDFSJFT BOE B decent cooler of beer and some EFDFOU DPPMFS PG CFFS BOE TPNF pretty basic wine choices. If QSFUUZ CBTJD XJOF DIPJDFT *G you don't want a whole pizza, ZPV EPO U XBOU B XIPMF QJ[[B

you can order by the slice. ZPV DBO PSEFS CZ UIF TMJDF I had to laugh as I waited * IBE UP MBVHI BT * XBJUFE at the counter. In addition to BU UIF DPVOUFS *O BEEJUJPO UP copies of some very positive DPQJFT PG TPNF WFSZ QPTJUJWF write-ups about the breakfast XSJUF VQT BCPVU UIF CSFBLGBTU sandwiches, the front-facTBOEXJDIFT UIF GSPOU GBD ing glass featured taped-up JOH HMBTT GFBUVSFE UBQFE VQ pictures of all the local thieves, QJDUVSFT PG BMM UIF MPDBM UIJFWFT captured on security cameras. DBQUVSFE PO TFDVSJUZ DBNFSBT Hey, I thought, those are all )FZ * UIPVHIU UIPTF BSF BMM my neighbors. I wonder if they NZ OFJHICPST * XPOEFS JG UIFZ know their mugs are plastered LOPX UIFJS NVHT BSF QMBTUFSFE up for all to see. VQ GPS BMM UP TFF Maybe it was they who .BZCF JU XBT UIFZ XIP fouled the elevator after all. It GPVMFE UIF FMFWBUPS BGUFS BMM *U certainly would be right within DFSUBJOMZ XPVME CF SJHIU XJUIJO their character. UIFJS DIBSBDUFS


The staff of GO anonymously samples BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa meals for about $7. [SOZa T]` OP]cb %

Continued from Page E28 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 & Sept. 14 - Barry Manilow, 7:30 AS^b " Âł 0O``g ;O\WZ]e %(! p.m., DCU Center, Worcester, ^ [ 21C 1S\bS` E]`QSabS` Mass. $30.94 to $144.49. ;Oaa ! '" b] "" "' Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 15 - D.L. Hughley, 7 p.m., AS^b # Âł 2 : 6cUVZSg % ^ [ Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $36. EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !$ Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# 3000 ! Sept. 15 - Dar Williams with Jill AS^b # Âł 2O` EWZZWO[a eWbV 8WZZ Sobule, 7:30 p.m., Somerville A]PcZS %(! ^ [ A][S`dWZZS Theatre, Somerville, Mass. $30. BVSOb`S A][S`dWZZS ;Oaa ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 16- KISS and Motley AS^b $ Âł 97AA O\R ;]bZSg Crue, 7 p.m., Comcast Center, 1`cS % ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` Mansfield, Mass. $52.35 to ;O\aÂżSZR ;Oaa # !# b] $186.50. Livenation.com; (800) &$ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Sept. 16 - The Avett Brothers, AS^b $ Âł BVS /dSbb 0`]bVS`a

Wars" characters and others 8BSTw DIBSBDUFST BOE PUIFST that sit poised atop the wine UIBU TJU QPJTFE BUPQ UIF XJOF shelf. TIFMG As I mentioned before, the "T * NFOUJPOFE CFGPSF UIF coming together and discussDPNJOH UPHFUIFS BOE EJTDVTT ing was prevalent while I was JOH XBT QSFWBMFOU XIJMF * XBT there. Deb chatted with a UIFSF %FC DIBUUFE XJUI B number of regulars about the OVNCFS PG SFHVMBST BCPVU UIF Olympic coverage, tourists, 0MZNQJD DPWFSBHF UPVSJTUT the weather and, of course, UIF XFBUIFS BOE PG DPVSTF Portland's recent excitement 1PSUMBOE T SFDFOU FYDJUFNFOU of the Mumford & Sons concert PG UIF .VNGPSE 4POT DPODFSU on the Eastern Promenade. PO UIF &BTUFSO 1SPNFOBEF In addition to myself, one *O BEEJUJPO UP NZTFMG POF patron had attended the conQBUSPO IBE BUUFOEFE UIF DPO cert. We agreed it was a pretty DFSU 8F BHSFFE JU XBT B QSFUUZ cool event and that, despite DPPM FWFOU BOE UIBU EFTQJUF the large crowd, everyone UIF MBSHF DSPXE FWFSZPOF seemed calm, had a good time TFFNFE DBMN IBE B HPPE UJNF and exhibited all-around good BOE FYIJCJUFE BMM BSPVOE HPPE behavior. CFIBWJPS Sometimes, pulling into a 4PNFUJNFT QVMMJOH JOUP B bar by yourself when you've CBS CZ ZPVSTFMG XIFO ZPV WF never been there before can OFWFS CFFO UIFSF CFGPSF DBO be awkward. But I've never felt CF BXLXBSE #VU * WF OFWFS GFMU more welcomed than I did at NPSF XFMDPNFE UIBO * EJE BU Congress Bar & Grill. $POHSFTT #BS (SJMM Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` who lives in Biddeford. eV] ZWdSa W\ 0WRRST]`R

7:30 p.m., Bank of America %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO Pavilion, Boston. $39 to $57.50. >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ !' b] #% # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 17-18 - Dayglow, 8 p.m., AS^b % & Âł 2OgUZ]e & ^ [ House of Blues, Boston. $40 to 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " b] $80. Livenation.com; (800) 745 & :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# 3000 ! Sept. 19 - Ed Sheeran, 8 p.m., AS^b ' Âł 3R AVSS`O\ & ^ [ House of Blues, Boston. $22. 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 20 - Metric, 7:30 p.m., AS^b Âł ;Sb`WQ %(! ^ [ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $30 =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ ! to $35. Livenation.com; (800) b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Sept. 20 - The Fresh Beat Band, AS^b Âł BVS 4`SaV 0SOb 0O\R 6:30 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. $(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 $27.50 to $65. Meadowbrook.net; % # b] $# ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) (603) 293-4700 $ ! '! "% Sept. 20 - Seether with Sick AS^b Âł ASSbVS` eWbV AWQY Puppies, 8 p.m., House of >c^^WSa & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $29 to $39. 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' b] !' Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# !

E 3 0 GO | T h e P o r t l a n d P r e s s H e r a l d / T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 16, 2 012 3! 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $


Colin Trevorrow. Three magazine employees head out 1]ZW\ B`Sd]``]e BV`SS [OUOhW\S S[^Z]gSSa VSOR ]cb on an assignment to interview a guy who placed a ]\ O\ OaaWU\[S\b b] W\bS`dWSe O Ucg eV] ^ZOQSR O classified ad seeking a companion for time travel. QZOaaWÂżSR OR aSSYW\U O Q][^O\W]\ T]` bW[S b`OdSZ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 3,9:40 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ! '("

"ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT" (PG) (134) Stars Âľ713 /53( 1=<B7<3<B/: 2@74BÂś >5 (!" AbO`a Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo and Aziz @Og @][O\] 2S\Wa :SO`g 8]V\ :SUcWhO[] O\R /hWh Ansari. Directed by Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier. /\aO`W 2W`SQbSR Pg AbSdS ;O`bW\] O\R ;WYS BVc`[SWS` Manny, Diego and Sid embark upon another adventure ;O\\g 2WSU] O\R AWR S[PO`Y c^]\ O\]bVS` ORdS\bc`S after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a OTbS` bVSW` Q]\bW\S\b Wa aSb OR`WTb CaW\U O\ WQSPS`U Oa O ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as aVW^ bVSg S\Q]c\bS` aSO Q`SObc`Sa O\R PObbZS ^W`ObSa Oa they explore a new world. bVSg Sf^Z]`S O \Se e]`ZR Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1:15,4:05; AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR ( # "( #) Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:10, Cinemagic 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( 2:15,4:30; ( # "(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:30,1:50, 4:10, 6:45, 9:10; ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (! (# "( $("# '( ) Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 12:40,4:05, 7:05, 9:40 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa (" "( # %( # '("

"STEP UP REVOLUTION" (PG-13) (1:37) Stars Kathryn ¾AB3> C> @3D=:CB7=<œ >5 ! (!% AbO`a 9ObV`g\ McCormick, Ryan Guzman, Adam G. Sevani and ;Q1]`[WQY @gO\ 5ch[O\ /RO[ 5 ASdO\W O\R Stephen Boss. Directed by Scott Speer. Emily arrives AbS^VS\ 0]aa 2W`SQbSR Pg AQ]bb A^SS` 3[WZg O``WdSa in Miami with aspirations to become a professional W\ ;WO[W eWbV Oa^W`ObW]\a b] PSQ][S O ^`]TSaaW]\OZ dancer. She sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance RO\QS` AVS a^O`Ya eWbV ASO\ bVS ZSORS` ]T O RO\QS crew whose neighborhood is threatened by Emily's Q`Se eV]aS \SWUVP]`V]]R Wa bV`SObS\SR Pg 3[WZg¸a father's development plans. TObVS`¸a RSdSZ]^[S\b ^ZO\a Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:20,4:35, ( "(!# 7:05, 9:20 Fri-Tues 4:35,7:05; Cinemagic Westbrook %( # '( 4`W BcSa "(!# %( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 11:50, 2:10, 9:20 BVc`a (# ( '(

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % Continued from Page E17



i s i t cWT the S e a s i d e ?PeX[X^] Pavi i o n X] in >[S O d XbXc BTPbXST O r c h a r d 1TPRW B e a c h U^a f o r fW^[Tb^\T w h o esome, >aRWPaS fami y friend y entertainment UP\X[h UaXT]S[h T]cTacPX]\T]c E v e n t s are he d rain or shine in o u r fu y 4eT]cb PaT WT[S aPX] ^a bWX]T X] ^da Ud[[h c o v e r e d , bcPSXd\ ch_T s t a d i u m t y p e bTPcX]V s e a t i n g , _PeX[X^] pavilion R^eTaTS F r e e p a r k i n g a n d s h u t t e Pus s e r v i c e 5aTT _PaZX]V P]S bWdcc[T Qdb bTaeXRT L o o k U^a f o r [PcTbc a t e s t bRWTSd[Tb s c h e d u e s P]S a n d cXRZTc ticket ;^^Z prices on our w e P s i t e _aXRTb ^] ^da fTQbXcT

Friday, A u g u s t 3 1 & _ \ , 7 p.m. 5aXSPh 0dVdbc " An Evening w i t h 0] 4eT]X]V fXcW S t e v e n C u r t i s Chapman BcTeT] 2dacXb 2WP_\P] H s mus c a cross between ,MW QYWMG E GVSWW FIX[IIR 70s stye ght roc< ³ W WX]PI PMKLX VSGO and orchestrated pop, ERH SVGLIWXVEXIH TST Steven C u r t s Chapman 7XIZIR 'YVXMW 'LETQER s one of the most MW SRI SJ XLI QSWX p r o m nent performers TVSQMRIRX TIVJSVQIVW o f contemporary C h r s t a n SJ GSRXIQTSVEV] 'LVMWXMER m u s t . +IX ]SYV XMGOIXW IEVP] EW Get yourt'c<ets eary as QYWMG they're sure to se out! D o n ' t m ss out on th s XLI]´VI WYVI XS WIPP SYX (SR´X QMWW SYX SR XLMW once n a fet me chance to spend an even ng SRGI MR E PMJIXMQI GLERGI XS WTIRH ER IZIRMRK w t h Steven C u r t s Chapman. [MXL 7XIZIR 'YVXMW 'LETQER Tickets: $ 2 5 / (E] SJ 7LS[ $ 3 0 Day of Show 8MGOIXW

8 S i x t h St., Old O r c h a r d Beach, ' BXgcW Bc >[S >aRWPaS 1TPRW Maine 0 4 0 6 4 • 2 0 7 934 2 0 2 4 <PX]T # %# } ! & ("# ! !#


"MAGIC MIKE" (R) (1:50) Stars Channing Tatum, Alex ¾;/571 ;793œ @ (# AbO`a 1VO\\W\U BObc[ /ZSf Pettyfer, Olivia Munn and Matthew McConaughey. Di>SbbgTS` =ZWdWO ;c\\ O\R ;ObbVSe ;Q1]\OcUVSg 2W rected by Steven Soderbergh. A male stripper teaches `SQbSR Pg AbSdS\ A]RS`PS`UV / [OZS ab`W^^S` bSOQVSa a younger performer how to party, pick up women, O g]c\US` ^S`T]`[S` V]e b] ^O`bg ^WQY c^ e][S\ and make easy money. O\R [OYS SOag []\Sg Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 7:30,10 AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a %(! "MOONRISE KINGDOM" (PG-13) (1:34) Stars Jared ¾;==<@7A3 97<52=;œ >5 ! (!" AbO`a 8O`SR Gilman, Kara Hayward and Bruce Willis. Directed by 5WZ[O\ 9O`O 6OgeO`R O\R 0`cQS EWZZWa 2W`SQbSR Pg Wes Anderson. A pair of young lovers flee their New ESa /\RS`a]\ / ^OW` ]T g]c\U Z]dS`a ÀSS bVSW` <Se England town, which causes a local search party to fan 3\UZO\R b]e\ eVWQV QOcaSa O Z]QOZ aSO`QV ^O`bg b] TO\ out and find them. ]cb O\R ¿\R bVS[ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:50, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a (# 5:15,7:30 Fri-Wed 2:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10, #( # %(! 4`W ESR (" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( 2:15, 4:25, 7, 9:10 Fri-Tues 12:10, 9:20; Cinemagic ( # "( # % '( 4`W BcSa ( 2:15, ( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 4:30,7:10 ESabP`]]Y BVc`a "(! %( "NITRO CIRCUS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Travis Pastrana, ¾<7B@= 17@1CAœ >5 ! (" AbO`a B`OdWa >Oab`O\O Jolene Van Vugt and Tommy Passemante. Directed by 8]ZS\S DO\ DcUb O\R B][[g >OaaS[O\bS 2W`SQbSR Pg Gregg Godfrey and Jeremy Rawle. Travis Pastrana and 5`SUU 5]RT`Sg O\R 8S`S[g @OeZS B`OdWa >Oab`O\O O\R his highly-skilled, adrenaline-addicted friends bring VWa VWUVZg aYWZZSR OR`S\OZW\S ORRWQbSR T`WS\Ra P`W\U their impossible, insane and hysterical adventures to bVSW` W[^]aaWPZS W\aO\S O\R VgabS`WQOZ ORdS\bc`Sa b] the big screen for the first time. bVS PWU aQ`SS\ T]` bVS ¿`ab bW[S Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs (all 3D) AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a OZZ !2 11:40, 2,4:20, 6:40, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:10, (" "( $(" '( 4`W ESR ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! 6:50, 9:20 $(# '( "THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN" (PG) (1:40) ¾B63 =22 :743 =4 B7;=B6G 5@33<œ >5 (" Stars Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton and CJ Adams. AbO`a 8S\\WTS` 5O`\S` 8]SZ 3RUS`b]\ O\R 18 /RO[a Directed by Peter Hedges. A childless couple bury a 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS` 6SRUSa / QVWZRZSaa Q]c^ZS Pc`g O box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for P]f W\ bVSW` POQYgO`R Q]\bOW\W\U OZZ ]T bVSW` eWaVSa T]` an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green O\ W\TO\b A]]\ O QVWZR Wa P]`\ bV]cUV BW[]bVg 5`SS\ is not all that he appears. Wa \]b OZZ bVOb VS O^^SO`a Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs-Sun 1,4:25, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a Ac\ "( # 7:10, 9:35 Mon 1,4:20, 7:10, 9:35 Tues-Wed 1,4:25, %( '(!# ;]\ "( %( '(!# BcSa ESR "( # 7:10, 9:35; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1, 4:15, 6:40, %( '(!#) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR "( # $(" 9; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs-Tues 11:50, ') 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a BcSa (# 2:20,4:45,7:10, 9:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12, ( "("# %( '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR 2:25,4:45,7:10,9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:45, ( # "("# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ("# 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 Fri-Wed 11:45, 2:10,4:40, 7:15, 9:45; ( "(" %( # '("# 4`W ESR ("# ( "(" %( # '("#) Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:10, 3:40, 7:15, 9:45 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa ( !(" %( # '("# "SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED" (R) (1:26) Stars Aubrey ¾A/43BG <=B 5C/@/<B332œ @ ( $ AbO`a /cP`Sg Plaza, Jake M. Johnson and Karan Soni. Directed by >ZOhO 8OYS ; 8]V\a]\ O\R 9O`O\ A]\W 2W`SQbSR Pg


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Continued from Page E12 Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M David Beam and The Custom House Gang, $AVID "EAM AND 4HE #USTOM (OUSE 'ANG Americana and blues, Andy's O l d Port Pub, !MERICANA AND BLUES !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Rap Night, local DJs and musicians, 21-plus; Big 2AP .IGHT LOCAL $*S AND MUSICIANS PLUS "IG Easy, Portland. $3. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M John Carew Revue, acoustic, Blue, Portland. *OHN #AREW 2EVUE ACOUSTIC "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 5:30 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M

Lifeguard On Duty * REC HALL * Playground ,IFEGUARD /N $UTY ( 2%# (!,, ( 0LAYGROUND

AUG. 23 !5' Amy Allen, singer-songwriter, 18-plus; Empire !MY !LLEN SINGER SONGWRITER PLUS %MPIRE Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 5 p.m. P M The Other Bones and Tan Vampires, indie rock, 4HE /THER "ONES AND 4AN 6AMPIRES INDIE ROCK 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $5. PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, blues and 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW BLUES AND swing, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. SWING 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM

"TED" (R) (1:36) Stars Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, ÂľB32Âś @ (!$ AbO`a ;O`Y EOVZPS`U ;WZO 9c\Wa Seth MacFarlane and Joel McHale. Directed by Seth ASbV ;OQ4O`ZO\S O\R 8]SZ ;Q6OZS 2W`SQbSR Pg ASbV MacFarlane. A story centered on a man and his teddy ;OQ4O`ZO\S / ab]`g QS\bS`SR ]\ O [O\ O\R VWa bSRRg bear, who comes to life as the result of a childhood PSO` eV] Q][Sa b] ZWTS Oa bVS `SacZb ]T O QVWZRV]]R wish. eWaV Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45; Cinemagic Saco Thurs (# ( "(# %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 Fri-Wed 7:10, 9:35; Cinemag 12:05, ( # 2:25, ( # "("# %( '(!# 4`W ESR %( '(!#) 1W\S[OU ic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50, 2:20,4:40, 7:20, 9:50 WQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (# ( "(" %( '(# "TO ROME WITH LOVE" (R) (1:42) Stars Woody ÂľB= @=;3 E7B6 :=D3Âś @ (" AbO`a E]]Rg Allen, Penelope Cruz and Jesse Eisenberg. Directed by /ZZS\ >S\SZ]^S 1`ch O\R 8SaaS 3WaS\PS`U 2W`SQbSR Pg Woody Allen. A look at the lives of some visitors and E]]Rg /ZZS\ / Z]]Y Ob bVS ZWdSa ]T a][S dWaWb]`a O\R residents of Rome and the sparks of romance, adven`SaWRS\ba ]T @][S O\R bVS a^O`Ya ]T `][O\QS ORdS\ ture and predicaments they encounter. bc`S O\R ^`SRWQO[S\ba bVSg S\Q]c\bS` Showing at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) Thurs 1:30,4, AV]eW\U Ob( 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (! " 6:30 Fri-Sun 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Mon-Wed 1:30, 4, 6:30 $(! 4`W Ac\ (! " $(! ' ;]\ ESR (! " $(! "TOTAL RECALL" (PG-13) (1:52) Stars Colin Farrell, ÂľB=B/: @31/::Âś >5 ! (# AbO`a 1]ZW\ 4O``SZZ Bokeem Woodbine, Bryan Cranston and Kate Beckin0]YSS[ E]]RPW\S 0`gO\ 1`O\ab]\ O\R 9ObS 0SQYW\ sale. Directed by Len Wiseman. A factory worker susaOZS 2W`SQbSR Pg :S\ EWaS[O\ / TOQb]`g e]`YS` aca pects that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company ^SQba bVOb VS Wa O a^g OTbS` dWaWbW\U @SYOZZ Âł O Q][^O\g that provides clients with implanted fake memories of bVOb ^`]dWRSa QZWS\ba eWbV W[^ZO\bSR TOYS [S[]`WSa ]T a life they would like to have led. But something goes O ZWTS bVSg e]cZR ZWYS b] VOdS ZSR 0cb a][SbVW\U U]Sa wrong and he finds himself on the run. e`]\U O\R VS Âż\Ra VW[aSZT ]\ bVS `c\ Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 1:05,4:10,7:15, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ( # "( %( # 9:45; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:30,4:30, 7:30,10; '("#) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a (! "(! %(! ) Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 11:30,2,4:40, 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! "(" 7:20,10 Fri-Tues 7:20,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30, %( 4`W BcSa %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! 3:30, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed 7,9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook !(! % '(! 4`W ESR % '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12:10,3, 6:45, 9:30; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 9:30 BVc`a ( ! $("# '(! ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa '(! "THE WATCH" (R) (1:38) Stars Ben Stiller, Vince ÂľB63 E/B16Âś @ (!& AbO`a 0S\ AbWZZS` DW\QS Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Billy Crudup. Directed by Akiva DOcUV\ 8]\OV 6WZZ O\R 0WZZg 1`cRc^ 2W`SQbSR Pg /YWdO Schaffer. Suburban dads who form a neighborhood AQVOTTS` AcPc`PO\ RORa eV] T]`[ O \SWUVP]`V]]R watch group as a way to get out of their day-to-day eObQV U`]c^ Oa O eOg b] USb ]cb ]T bVSW` ROg b] ROg family routines find themselves defending the Earth TO[WZg `]cbW\Sa Âż\R bVS[aSZdSa RSTS\RW\U bVS 3O`bV from an alien invasion. T`][ O\ OZWS\ W\dOaW]\ Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 1:25,4:20, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ( # "( 7:05, 9:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 7:05, 9:20; Cinemagic %( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a %( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50 ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( "(" %( '(# - From news services; subject to change Âł 4`][ \Sea aS`dWQSa) acPXSQb b] QVO\US

8 p.m. P M Joint Chiefs, rock, Portland Lobster Company. *OINT #HIEFS ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Peter Gavett and Friends, acoustic folk0ETER 'AVETT AND &RIENDS ACOUSTIC FOLK rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Barn Swallows, bluegrass, Blue, Portland. "ARN 3WALLOWS BLUEGRASS "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Bertie Koller, acoustic, Blue, Portland. Donation. "ERTIE +OLLER ACOUSTIC "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Samuel James and Dana Gross, blues and roots, 3AMUEL *AMES AND $ANA 'ROSS BLUES AND ROOTS Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Jason Melanson, acoustic pop, 21-plus; Slainte, *ASON -ELANSON ACOUSTIC POP PLUS 3LAINTE Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Jerks of Grass, bluegrass/country, Bayside Bowl, *ERKS OF 'RASS BLUEGRASS COUNTRY "AYSIDE "OWL Portland, baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; Big "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS "IG Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Open M i c Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M The Stumblers, punk/rock, Run of the Mill 4HE 3TUMBLERS PUNK ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL Brewpub, Saco. 571 -9648. 8 to 11 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO TO P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 | GO E31 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3!

=FI<M<I GC8@; rJ


AV ]Q ab

` bS cb [ Q] Y V ^ ] ]b

Kick up your heels Saturday B`Zb lg pfli _\\cj JXkli[Xp at the always entertaining Xk k_\ XcnXpj \ek\ikX`e`e^ Maine Highland Games DX`e\ ?`^_cXe[ >Xd\j



By AVERY YALE KAMILA #Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-" StoffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS


here can you eat haggis, IFSF DBO ZPV FBU IBHHJT watch competitive rock XBUDI DPNQFUJUJWF SPDL throwers and witness UISPXFST BOE XJUOFTT a sea of kilts all in one B TFB PG LJMUT BMM JO POF place without traveling QMBDF XJUIPVU USBWFMJOH to Scotland? UP 4DPUMBOE The Maine Highland 5IF .BJOF )JHIMBOE Games, of course. The (BNFT PG DPVSTF 5IF 34th annual celebration UI BOOVBM DFMFCSBUJPO of all things Scottish PG BMM UIJOHT 4DPUUJTI takes over the Topsham Fairgrounds on UBLFT PWFS UIF 5PQTIBN 'BJSHSPVOET PO Saturday and features a robust line-up of 4BUVSEBZ BOE GFBUVSFT B SPCVTU MJOF VQ PG music, dance and athletic competitions. NVTJD EBODF BOE BUIMFUJD DPNQFUJUJPOT It typically attracts about 6,000 specta*U UZQJDBMMZ BUUSBDUT BCPVU TQFDUB tors. UPST "In addition to the competitions, it's i*O BEEJUJPO UP UIF DPNQFUJUJPOT JU T a Scottish cultural festival," said Bill B 4DPUUJTI DVMUVSBM GFTUJWBM w TBJE #JMM McKeen, this year's games chairman. .D,FFO UIJT ZFBS T HBNFT DIBJSNBO "One of the things people hear about i0OF PG UIF UIJOHT QFPQMF IFBS BCPVU Scotland is the clans. We usually have 4DPUMBOE JT UIF DMBOT 8F VTVBMMZ IBWF 50 different clan organizations, each EJGGFSFOU DMBO PSHBOJ[BUJPOT FBDI of whom have a tent set up to eduPG XIPN IBWF B UFOU TFU VQ UP FEV cate people in clan history and how DBUF QFPQMF JO DMBO IJTUPSZ BOE IPX to gain membership." UP HBJO NFNCFSTIJQ w Once you've traced your family 0ODF ZPV WF USBDFE ZPVS GBNJMZ genealogy back to Scotland and HFOFBMPHZ CBDL UP 4DPUMBOE BOE claimed membership in a particuDMBJNFE NFNCFSTIJQ JO B QBSUJDV lar clan, you'll be entitled to wear MBS DMBO ZPV MM CF FOUJUMFE UP XFBS that clan's tartan - as a kilt, sash, UIBU DMBO T UBSUBO o BT B LJMU TBTI skirt, scarf, tie, cap or whatever TLJSU TDBSG UJF DBQ PS XIBUFWFS creative garment you come up DSFBUJWF HBSNFOU ZPV DPNF VQ with. XJUI "Actually, Maine has the i"DUVBMMZ .BJOF IBT UIF highest percentage of Scottish IJHIFTU QFSDFOUBHF PG 4DPUUJTI decedents per capita in the EFDFEFOUT QFS DBQJUB JO UIF country," McKeen said. "It has DPVOUSZ w .D,FFO TBJE i*U IBT to do with the early settling of UP EP XJUI UIF FBSMZ TFUUMJOH PG Please see HIGHLAND, PageE33 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 6756:/<2 GX^\ <**


@= >F MAINE HIGHLAND GAMES ;/7<3 6756:/<2 5/;3A WHEN: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( & O [ b] # ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Topsham FairE63@3( B]^aVO[ 4OW` grounds, Fairgrounds U`]c\Ra 4OW`U`]c\Ra Road (Exit 31 off 1-295 @]OR 3fWb ! ]TT 7 '# North, then east on <]`bV bVS\ SOab ]\ Route 196) @]cbS '$ HOW MUCH: $18; $5 for 6=E ;C16( &) # T]` children ages 6 to 12;) T`SS free QVWZR`S\ OUSa $ b] for children under age 6 T]` QVWZR`S\ c\RS` OUS $ INFO: mainehighland 7<4=( [OW\SVWUVZO\R games.org UO[Sa ]`U

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS J:?<;LC< F= <M<EKJ • 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Adult athletic competition N & O [ b] " ^ [ ( /RcZb ObVZSbWQ Q][^SbWbW]\ • 8 a.m. to noon: Solo pipe and drum competition N & O [ b] \]]\( A]Z] ^W^S O\R R`c[ Q][^SbWbW]\ • 8:45 a.m.: St. Andrews Pipe Band performance N &("# O [ ( Ab /\R`Sea >W^S 0O\R ^S`T]`[O\QS • 9 a.m.: Highland dance pre-premiere competition N ' O [ ( 6WUVZO\R RO\QS ^`S ^`S[WS`S Q][^SbWbW]\ • 9:15 a.m.: Scottish country dance demonstration N '( # O [ ( AQ]bbWaV Q]c\b`g RO\QS RS[]\ab`ObW]\ • 9:30 to 11 a.m.: Youth athletic competition N '(! b] O [ ( G]cbV ObVZSbWQ Q][^SbWbW]\ (ages 7 to 12) OUSa % b] • 10 a.m.: Opening ceremonies and sheep dog trials N O [ ( =^S\W\U QS`S[]\WSa O\R aVSS^ R]U b`WOZa • 10 a.m. to noon: Harpers' workshop N O [ b] \]]\( 6O`^S`a¸ e]`YaV]^ • 10:30 a.m.: Massed bands N (! O [ ( ;OaaSR PO\Ra • 11 a.m.: Clan parade and haggis hurl N O [ ( 1ZO\ ^O`ORS O\R VOUUWa Vc`Z • 11:45 a.m.: Prydein Kilt rock concert N ("# O [ ( >`gRSW\ 9WZb `]QY Q]\QS`b • Noon to 1 p.m.: Scottish country dance workshop N <]]\ b] ^ [ ( AQ]bbWaV Q]c\b`g RO\QS e]`YaV]^

Please see SCHEDULE, PageE33 Gc\Xj\ j\\ A1632C:3 GX^\ <**

Off Beat: Rooftop Film Series, E32 Listings, E32 F]] 9\Xk1 Iff]kfg =`cd J\i`\j# <*) N• C`jk`e^j# <*)


The Associated Press BVS /aa]QWObSR >`Saa

Things looking up K_`e^j cffb`e^ lg in L/A this weekend `e C&8 k_`j n\\b\e[ WATCH DOZENS of hot air E/B16 2=H3<A ]T V]b OW` balloons take flight over POZZ]]\a bOYS Ă€WUVb ]dS` Lewiston/Auburn during :SeWab]\ /cPc`\ Rc`W\U the 20th annual Great Falls bVS bV O\\cOZ 5`SOb 4OZZa Balloon Festival. When not 0OZZ]]\ 4SabWdOZ EVS\ \]b gazing skyward (or taking UOhW\U aYgeO`R ]` bOYW\U flight yourself), enjoy live Ă€WUVb g]c`aSZT S\X]g ZWdS music, a parade, children's [caWQ O ^O`ORS QVWZR`S\¸a activities, food booths, OQbWdWbWSa T]]R P]]bVa carnival rides and craft QO`\WdOZ `WRSa O\R Q`OTb vendors. dS\R]`a WHEN: 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. E63<( $ O [ b] (! ^ [ Friday and Saturday; 6 a.m. 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg) $ O [ to 7 p.m. Sunday b] % ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: Simard-Payne E63@3( AW[O`R >Og\S Memorial Park, Oxford St., ;S[]`WOZ >O`Y =fT]`R Ab Lewiston :SeWab]\ HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: greatfallsballoon 7<4=( U`SObTOZZaPOZZ]]\ festival.org TSabWdOZ ]`U

G :?<8I@CC


Mad trivia skills? DX[ ki`m`X jb`ccj6 Share with friends J_Xi\ n`k_ ]i`\e[j DO YOU KNOW which emperor 2= G=C 9<=E eVWQV S[^S`]` is famously said to have Wa TO[]caZg aOWR b] VOdS "fiddled while Rome ¾¿RRZSR eVWZS @][S burned"? Or who the wrote Pc`\SRœ- =` eV] bVS e`]bS the James Bond novels? bVS 8O[Sa 0]\R \]dSZa- Then get yourself and your BVS\ USb g]c`aSZT O\R g]c` smarty-pants friends to a[O`bg ^O\ba T`WS\Ra b] Team Trivia Night at Sebago BSO[ B`WdWO <WUVb Ob ASPOU] Brewing Co. in Portland and 0`SeW\U 1] W\ >]`bZO\R O\R attempt to take home prizes ObbS[^b b] bOYS V][S ^`WhSa and glory. O\R UZ]`g WHEN: 7 p.m. Monday E63<( % ^ [ ;]\ROg WHERE: Sebago Brewing Co., E63@3( ASPOU] 0`SeW\U 1] 211 Fore St., Portland 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: sebagobrewing.com 7<4=( aSPOU]P`SeW\U Q][

E32 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3!

c`jk`e^j listings <K :<K<I8 ET CETERA

N "%.%&)43 BENEFITS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 23rd Northern York County Family YMCA Golf RD .ORTHERN 9ORK #OUNTY &AMILY 9-#! 'OLF Tournament, player entry fee includes green fees, 4OURNAMENT PLAYER ENTRY FEE INCLUDES GREEN FEES golf cart rental, lunch, dinner, refreshments and GOLF CART RENTAL LUNCH DINNER REFRESHMENTS AND a gift bag; Dunegrass, Old Orchard Beach. $100. A GIFT BAG $UNEGRASS /LD /RCHARD "EACH 283-0100. Registration at 11 a.m. 2EGISTRATION AT A M 10th Annual Golf Classic, with prizes, awards, TH !NNUAL 'OLF #LASSIC WITH PRIZES AWARDS silent auction and barbecue; benefits Leavitt's SILENT AUCTION AND BARBECUE BENElTS ,EAVITT S Mill Free Health Center; Dutch Elm Golf Club, -ILL &REE (EALTH #ENTER $UTCH %LM 'OLF #LUB Arundel. $110; $400 for teams. 282-9850. Noon; !RUNDEL FOR TEAMS .OON rain date is Aug. 23. RAIN DATE IS !UG

^XiX^\ YXe[ Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Once a month, moviegoers gather atop the Spring Street garage for =\QS O []\bV []dWSU]S`a UObVS` Ob]^ bVS A^`W\U Ab`SSb UO`OUS T]` MENSK's Rooftop Film Series. Next up, Michael J. Fox in Teen Wolf.' ;3<A9¸a @]]Tb]^ 4WZ[ AS`WSa <Sfb c^ ;WQVOSZ 8 4]f W\ ¡BSS\ E]ZT ¸ #Z 3": 3065)*&3 ByRAYROUTHIER

ROOFTOP FILM SERIES: @= PFL @==4B=> 47:; A3@73A( 4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter "TEEN WOLF" ÂľB33< E=:4Âś Watching a movie outdoors is cool, right? 8BUDIJOH B NPWJF PVUEPPST JT DPPM SJHIU WHEN: 8 p.m. Sunday E63<( & ^ [ Ac\ROg That's why drive-ins still exist. 5IBU T XIZ ESJWF JOT TUJMM FYJTU WHERE: Spring Street Parking E63@3( A^`W\U Ab`SSb >O`YW\U But what if you could watch movies #VU XIBU JG ZPV DPVME XBUDI NPWJFT Garage, 45 Spring St., Portland 5O`OUS "# A^`W\U Ab >]`bZO\R outdoors, someplace PVUEPPST TPNFQMBDF HOW MUCH: Free/donation 6=E ;C16( 4`SS R]\ObW]\ up high? 4PNFQMBDF Someplace VQ IJHI INFO: menskmaine.org 7<4=( [S\aY[OW\S ]`U where you could look XIFSF ZPV DPVME MPPL down at the city below EPXO BU UIF DJUZ CFMPX or out to the ocean PS PVU UP UIF PDFBO garage used for the series on Spring HBSBHF VTFE GPS UIF TFSJFT PO 4QSJOH as well as up to the BT XFMM BT VQ UP UIF Street has nice views of Portland Harbor, stars? 4USFFU IBT OJDF WJFXT PG 1PSUMBOE )BSCPS TUBST not to mention downtown Portland. You can in Portland, OPU UP NFOUJPO EPXOUPXO 1PSUMBOE :PV DBO JO 1PSUMBOE at the MENSK, by the way doesn't stand for .&/4, CZ UIF XBZ EPFTO U TUBOE GPS BU UIF 3PPGUPQ 'JMN anything. It comes from an old English BOZUIJOH *U DPNFT GSPN BO PME &OHMJTI TFSJFT IFME UISPVHI * series held throughword that basically means "me thinks." XPSE UIBU CBTJDBMMZ NFBOT iNF UIJOLT w PVU UIF TVNNFS BOE ou Off RPrlt t th e summer and So in keeping with that idea, the organiz4P JO LFFQJOH XJUI UIBU JEFB UIF PSHBOJ[ FBSMZ GBMM CZ .&/4, u ers of the rooftop films always add a local " u c ul early fall by MENSK, FST PG UIF SPPGUPQ mMNT BMXBZT BEE B MPDBM B OPO QSPmU WPMVOUFFS film to the bill that might make people a non-profit volunteer mMN UP UIF CJMM UIBU NJHIU NBLF QFPQMF BSUT HSPVQ think. On Sunday, the local film will be arts group. UIJOL 0O 4VOEBZ UIF MPDBM mMN XJMM CF 0ODF B NPOUI .&/4, XJUI UIF IFMQ a documentary, "Portland Inside/Out: A Once a month, MENSK, with the help B EPDVNFOUBSZ i1PSUMBOE *OTJEF 0VU " PG MPUT PG TQPOTPST TFUT VQ B mMN TIPXJOH Local Global Art Project" by No Umbrella of lots of sponsors, sets up a film showing -PDBM (MPCBM "SU 1SPKFDUw CZ /P 6NCSFMMB PO UIF UPQ PG UIF 4QSJOH 4USFFU QBSLJOH Media. on the top of the Spring Street parking .FEJB HBSBHF OFBS UIF $VNCFSMBOE $PVOUZ $JWJD garage near the Cumberland County Civic 5IF mMN JT BCPVU B iQVCMJD FOHBHFNFOU The film is about a "public engagement $FOUFS Center. project" by students of Maine College of QSPKFDUw CZ TUVEFOUT PG .BJOF $PMMFHF PG 'JSTU UIF HSPVQ TIPXT B MPDBM NPWJF BT First, the group shows a local movie as Art and members of TEDxDirigo. The "SU BOE NFNCFST PG 5&%Y%JSJHP 5IF B XBZ UP HFU GPMLT UP MFBSO BCPVU UIF MPDBM a way to get folks to learn about the local QSPKFDU GPDVTFE PO QPSUSBJUT PG BOE RVPUFT project focused on portraits of, and quotes mMNNBLJOH JOEVTUSZ 5IFO JU T UJNF GPS filmmaking industry. Then it's time for from, everyday folks displayed on posters GSPN FWFSZEBZ GPMLT EJTQMBZFE PO QPTUFST B GFBUVSF TPNFUIJOH GVO PS OPTUBMHJD PS a feature, something fun or nostalgic or or banners around the city. PS CBOOFST BSPVOE UIF DJUZ PUIFSXJTF XPSUIZ PG CFJOH TFFO PVUEPPST otherwise worthy of being seen outdoors After "Teen Wolf," the next rooftop film "GUFS i5FFO 8PMG w UIF OFYU SPPGUPQ mMN BOE VQ IJHI and up high. will be 7 p.m. Sept. 16, with "The Royal TeXJMM CF Q N 4FQU XJUI i5IF 3PZBM 5F 5IF OFYU SPPGUPQ mMN OJHIU JT Q N The next rooftop film night is 8 p.m. nenbaums" as the feature. In the winter, OFOCBVNTw BT UIF GFBUVSF *O UIF XJOUFS 4VOEBZ BOE GFBUVSFT UIF nJDL i5FFO Sunday and features the 1985 flick "Teen MENSK hopes to find some unique indoor .&/4, IPQFT UP mOE TPNF VOJRVF JOEPPS 8PMG w XJUI .JDIBFM + 'PY JO UIF UJUMF SPMF Wolf" with Michael J. Fox in the title role. TQBDF UP TIPX NPWJFT 8IBU QMBDF NJHIU space to show movies. (What place might 1FPQMF BSF JOWJUFE UP CSJOH UIJOHT UP TJU PS People are invited to bring things to sit or UIBU CF that be? *O B TVC CBTFNFOU TPNFXIFSF In a sub-basement somewhere? MJF PO liei-BTU NPOUI XF TIPXFE A6Q BOE XF on. In a giant snow fort?)

*O B HJBOU TOPX GPSU "Last month, we showed 'Up,' and we Organizers hope people who attend the 0SHBOJ[FST IPQF QFPQMF XIP BUUFOE UIF IBE GBNJMJFT CSJOH BJS NBUUSFTTFT w TBJE had families bring air mattresses," said rooftop films will enjoy seeing a different SPPGUPQ mMNT XJMM FOKPZ TFFJOH B EJGGFSFOU -PVJTB %POFMTPO B .&/4, CPBSE NFN Louisa Donelson, a MENSK board mem- QFSTQFDUJWF perspective. CFS ber. /PU UP NFOUJPO UIF WJFX GSPN UIF SPPG Not to mention the view from the roof. /PX UIBU T DPPM o MZJOH PO BO BJS NBU Now that's cool - lying on an air mati1FPQMF EPO U OPSNBMMZ TQFOE B MPU PG "People don't normally spend a lot of USFTT VOEFS UIF TUBST VQ PO B SPPG UP tress under the stars, up on a roof, to UJNF PO UIF SPPG PG B QBSLJOH HBSBHF CVU time on the roof of a parking garage, but XBUDI B NPWJF BCPVU BO FMEFSMZ NBO BOE watch a movie about an elderly man and XIZ OPU w TBJE %POFMTPO i5IF WJFXT BSF why not?" said Donelson. "The views are B ZPVOH CPZ JO B IPVTF nPBUJOH BXBZ PO B a young boy in a house floating away on a HSFBU w great." HSBOE BEWFOUVSF grand adventure. *O NPSF XBZT UIBO POF %POFMTPO TBZT UIF JEFB GPS B SPPGUPQ In more ways than one. Donelson says the idea for a rooftop NPWJF DBNF GSPN B .&/4, CPBSE NFN movie came from a MENSK board memStaff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' CFS XIP TBX B SPPGUPQ mMN JO #SPPLMZO ber who saw a rooftop film in Brooklyn, 6454 or at: $"#" ]` Ob( / : BOE UIPVHIU JU XPVME CF TPNFUIJOH N.Y., and thought it would be something rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ 1PSUMBOEFST NJHIU FNCSBDF BT XFMM 5IF


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Portlanders might embrace as well. The

FRIDAY &2)$!9 Summer Sinatra Dinner Dance: "Forever 3UMMER 3INATRA $INNER $ANCE h&OREVER Frank," benefit for Reindeer's Alternative Music &RANK v BENElT FOR 2EINDEER S !LTERNATIVE -USIC Program, American Legion Hall, Westbrook. $15. 0ROGRAM !MERICAN ,EGION (ALL 7ESTBROOK reindeergroup.com. 6 p.m. REINDEERGROUP COM P M Appraisals and Auction, benefits the church, !PPRAISALS AND !UCTION BENElTS THE CHURCH Elijah Kellogg Church, Harpswell. $5 per item. %LIJAH +ELLOGG #HURCH (ARPSWELL PER ITEM 725-7715. 3 to 6 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. TO P M &RIDAY A M TO P M Saturday. 3ATURDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Project Blessing Helping the Homeless 5K 0ROJECT "LESSING (ELPING THE (OMELESS + Run/Walk, Shaw Gym, Gorham. Register at 2UN 7ALK 3HAW 'YM 'ORHAM 2EGISTER AT coolrunning.com. $18 in advance; $23 day of COOLRUNNING COM IN ADVANCE DAY OF event. 286-7042. 9:15 a.m. EVENT A M Paddle for Pine Tree Camp Challenge, two kayak 0ADDLE FOR 0INE 4REE #AMP #HALLENGE TWO KAYAK routes for all skill levels and abilities followed by ROUTES FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS AND ABILITIES FOLLOWED BY barbecue and traditional seaweed lobster bake, BARBECUE AND TRADITIONAL SEAWEED LOBSTER BAKE Winslow Park, Freeport. $30. pinetreesociety.org. 7INSLOW 0ARK &REEPORT PINETREESOCIETY ORG 8 a.m. A M Arts and Artisans Fair, 60 artists and artisans; !RTS AND !RTISANS &AIR ARTISTS AND ARTISANS benefits Charlotte Hobbs Memorial Library; New BENElTS #HARLOTTE (OBBS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY .EW Suncook School, Lovell. Free. 925-1135. 9 a.m. 3UNCOOK 3CHOOL ,OVELL &REE A M to 3 p.m. TO P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 "Sunday-Sunday-Sunday," drag show featuring h3UNDAY 3UNDAY 3UNDAY v DRAG SHOW FEATURING drag stars from New York City, 18-plus; benefits DRAG STARS FROM .EW 9ORK #ITY PLUS BENElTS Out! As I Want to Be program for LGBTQ youths; /UT !S ) 7ANT TO "E PROGRAM FOR ,'"41 YOUTHS The Pearl, Rockland. $25; $50 with dinner. (800) 4HE 0EARL 2OCKLAND WITH DINNER 530-6997. 6 p.m. P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Third Annual Scholarship Golf Scramble, 4HIRD !NNUAL 3CHOLARSHIP 'OLF 3CRAMBLE proceeds used for scholarships for Gorham High PROCEEDS USED FOR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 'ORHAM (IGH School graduating seniors planning to attend 3CHOOL GRADUATING SENIORS PLANNING TO ATTEND college in the fall, Gorham Country Club. $100; COLLEGE IN THE FALL 'ORHAM #OUNTRY #LUB $350 per foursome. 332-0634. 8 a.m. PER FOURSOME A M A U G . 23 !5' Summer Benefit Concert Series, with The 3UMMER "ENElT #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 4HE Gunther Brown Band; benefits Southern Maine 'UNTHER "ROWN "AND BENElTS 3OUTHERN -AINE Agency on Aging, Spiral Arts, Community !GENCY ON !GING 3PIRAL !RTS #OMMUNITY Partnerships for the Protection of Children and 0ARTNERSHIPS FOR THE 0ROTECTION OF #HILDREN AND Hope Acts/Friends of Burundi; Thornton Heights (OPE !CTS &RIENDS OF "URUNDI 4HORNTON (EIGHTS United Methodist Church, South Portland. $5. 5NITED -ETHODIST #HURCH 3OUTH 0ORTLAND thorntonheightsumc.com. 7 p.m. THORNTONHEIGHTSUMC COM P M

FAIRS/FESTIVALS N &!)23 &%34)6!,3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Skowhegan State Fair, music, vendors, harness 3KOWHEGAN 3TATE &AIR MUSIC VENDORS HARNESS racing, animal competitions, agricultural exhibits, RACING ANIMAL COMPETITIONS AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS midway and more, Skowhegan Fairgrounds. $5, MIDWAY AND MORE 3KOWHEGAN &AIRGROUNDS $8; free for children under age 5. Schedule at FREE FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE 3CHEDULE AT skowheganstatefair.com. Thursday to Saturday. SKOWHEGANSTATEFAIR COM 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY FRIDAY &2)$!9 Belfast Harbor Fest, music, children's activities, "ELFAST (ARBOR &EST MUSIC CHILDREN S ACTIVITIES National Boatbuilding Challenge and more; .ATIONAL "OATBUILDING #HALLENGE AND MORE waterfront and various locations, Belfast. Free. WATERFRONT AND VARIOUS LOCATIONS "ELFAST &REE Schedule at belfastharborfest.com. Friday to 3CHEDULE AT BELFASTHARBORFEST COM &RIDAY TO Sunday. 3UNDAY

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

"The Duke Ellington Show," featuring ÂľBVS 2cYS 3ZZW\Ub]\ AV]e Âś TSObc`W\U recorded music and a slide show `SQ]`RSR [caWQ O\R O aZWRS aV]e about the composer and band leader, OP]cb bVS Q][^]aS` O\R PO\R ZSORS` will be presented Saturday and Sunday eWZZ PS ^`SaS\bSR AObc`ROg O\R Ac\ROg at Freeport Factory Stage. Ob 4`SS^]`b 4OQb]`g AbOUS Great Falls Balloon Festival, annual hot air 'REAT &ALLS "ALLOON &ESTIVAL ANNUAL HOT AIR balloon festival with concerts, exhibits, children's BALLOON FESTIVAL WITH CONCERTS EXHIBITS CHILDREN S activities, entertainment, crafts and tethered ACTIVITIES ENTERTAINMENT CRAFTS AND TETHERED balloon rides; Simard-Payne Memorial Park, BALLOON RIDES 3IMARD 0AYNE -EMORIAL 0ARK Lewiston. Free admission. Schedule at greatfalls ,EWISTON &REE ADMISSION 3CHEDULE AT GREATFALLS balloonfestival.org. 6 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday BALLOONFESTIVAL ORG A M TO P M &RIDAY and Saturday; 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. AND 3ATURDAY A M TO P M 3UNDAY Kotzschmar Centennial Festival, celebrate the +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL CELEBRATE THE 100th anniversary of the Kotzschmar Organ TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE +OTZSCHMAR /RGAN with concerts, a silent film, tours, discussions WITH CONCERTS A SILENT lLM TOURS DISCUSSIONS and more, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Various AND MORE -ERRILL !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND 6ARIOUS individual prices; passes are $140 to $495. INDIVIDUAL PRICES PASSES ARE TO Schedule at foko.org. Friday to Wednesday. 3CHEDULE AT FOKO ORG &RIDAY TO 7EDNESDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Maine Highland Games and Scottish Festival, -AINE (IGHLAND 'AMES AND 3COTTISH &ESTIVAL live music, vendors, dancing, workshops, LIVE MUSIC VENDORS DANCING WORKSHOPS competitions, parade and more, Topsham COMPETITIONS PARADE AND MORE 4OPSHAM Fairgrounds. $18; $5 for ages 6 to 12; free for &AIRGROUNDS FOR AGES TO FREE FOR children under age 6. mainehighlandgames.org. CHILDREN UNDER AGE MAINEHIGHLANDGAMES ORG 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. A M TO P M Brunswick Outdoor Arts Festival, more than "RUNSWICK /UTDOOR !RTS &ESTIVAL MORE THAN 90 artists, children's activities, music, live ARTISTS CHILDREN S ACTIVITIES MUSIC LIVE theater and more, downtown Brunswick. Free. THEATER AND MORE DOWNTOWN "RUNSWICK &REE brunswickdowntown.com/events. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. BRUNSWICKDOWNTOWN COM EVENTS A M TO P M Biddeford South Street Festival, live music, food "IDDEFORD 3OUTH 3TREET &ESTIVAL LIVE MUSIC FOOD and petting zoo, South Street, Biddeford. Free. AND PETTING ZOO 3OUTH 3TREET "IDDEFORD &REE biddeford.org/southst. Noon to 5 p.m. BIDDEFORD ORG SOUTHST .OON TO P M Art and Fine Crafts Show, Gils land Farm !RT AND &INE #RAFTS 3HOW 'ILSLAND &ARM Audubon Center, Falmouth. $4/donation. !UDUBON #ENTER &ALMOUTH DONATION audubonshow.com. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; AUDUBONSHOW COM A M TO P M 3ATURDAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. A M TO P M 3UNDAY Union Fair, harness racing, pig scramble, baking 5NION &AIR HARNESS RACING PIG SCRAMBLE BAKING and eating contests, animal-pulling events, 4-H AND EATING CONTESTS ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS ( exhibits, live entertainment and more, Union EXHIBITS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE 5NION Fairgrounds. $12 (includes unlimited rides); &AIRGROUNDS INCLUDES UNLIMITED RIDES free for children ages 3 and under. Schedule at FREE FOR CHILDREN AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE AT unionfair.org. Saturday to Aug. 25. UNIONFAIR ORG 3ATURDAY TO !UG AUG. 23 !5' Acton Fair, exhibits, 4-H projects, flower show, !CTON &AIR EXHIBITS ( PROJECTS mOWER SHOW animal-pulling events and midway, Acton Fair ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS AND MIDWAY !CTON &AIR Grounds. $6, $7; free for ages 11 and under. 'ROUNDS FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER Schedule at actonfair.net. Aug. 23-26. 3CHEDULE AT ACTONFAIR NET !UG Piscataquis Valley Fair, homemade ice 0ISCATAQUIS 6ALLEY &AIR HOMEMADE ICE cream, crafts, midway, animal-pulling events CREAM CRAFTS MIDWAY ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS and agricultural exhibits, Piscataquis Valley AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS 0ISCATAQUIS 6ALLEY Fairgrounds, Dover-Foxcroft. $6; $2 for ages 5 to &AIRGROUNDS $OVER &OXCROFT FOR AGES TO 10; free for ages 4 and under. Schedule at FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE AT piscataquisvalleyfair.com. Aug. 23-26. PISCATAQUISVALLEYFAIR COM !UG

Please see ETC., Page E33 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3B1 GX^\ <**

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 GO E33 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3!!

:I8# ETC,

Continued from Page E32 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3! • SPECIAL EVENTS N 30%#)!, %6%.43 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 "Touch the Sky," presented by Debi Irons and Art h4OUCH THE 3KY v PRESENTED BY $EBI )RONS AND !RT Moves as a tribute to choreographer and DJ Miles -OVES AS A TRIBUTE TO CHOREOGRAPHER AND $* .ILES &ORD /XFORD (ILLS (IGH 3CHOOL 3OUTH 0ARIS Ford, Oxford Hills High School, South Paris. $10 IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW in advance; $15 day of show. 743-5569. 7:30 p.m. P M Tate House Museum Architectural Tour, from 4ATE (OUSE -USEUM !RCHITECTURAL 4OUR FROM the cellar to the attic to reveal the "insides" of THE CELLAR TO THE ATTIC TO REVEAL THE hINSIDESv OF an 18th-century house, Tate House Museum, AN TH CENTURY HOUSE 4ATE (OUSE -USEUM Portland. $10; $8 for seniors; $6 for ages 6 to 12. 0ORTLAND FOR SENIORS FOR AGES TO 774-6177. 10 and 11:30 a.m. AND A M Historic Old Port Walking Tours, 90-minute (ISTORIC /LD 0ORT 7ALKING 4OURS MINUTE tours from trained guides, not recommended for TOURS FROM TRAINED GUIDES NOT RECOMMENDED FOR children under age 12, Maine Historical Society, CHILDREN UNDER AGE -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY Portland. $10. mainehistory.org. 10:30 a.m. and 1 0ORTLAND MAINEHISTORY ORG A M AND p.m. Thursday to Saturday and Aug. 23. Through P M 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY AND !UG 4HROUGH Sept. 2. 3EPT FRIDAY &2)$!9 Stargazing, Maine Audubon's interactive 3TARGAZING -AINE !UDUBON S INTERACTIVE exploration of the night sky, Fields Pond EXPLORATION OF THE NIGHT SKY &IELDS 0OND Audubon Center, Holden. $15; $10 for members. !UDUBON #ENTER (OLDEN FOR MEMBERS maineaudubon.org/events. 8 to 9:30 p.m. MAINEAUDUBON ORG EVENTS TO P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 R and R Spinners Spinning Demo, Sabbathday 2 AND 2 3PINNERS 3PINNING $EMO 3ABBATHDAY Lake Shaker Village, New Gloucester. Free. 926,AKE 3HAKER 6ILLAGE .EW 'LOUCESTER &REE 4597.10a.m. A M "Sips, Savor, and Shift the Paradigm," celebration h3IPS 3AVOR AND 3HIFT THE 0ARADIGM v CELEBRATION of National Honey Bee Awareness Day with OF .ATIONAL (ONEY "EE !WARENESS $AY WITH mead and honey tasting, plus screening and MEAD AND HONEY TASTING PLUS SCREENING AND discussion of film "Gold Star Honeybees," DISCUSSION OF lLM h'OLD 3TAR (ONEYBEES v Frontier Cafe, Cinema & Gallery, Brunswick. $15. &RONTIER #AFE #INEMA 'ALLERY "RUNSWICK explorefrontier.com. 6 p.m. EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M "A Wine Walk in the Old Port: The Many Styles of h! 7INE 7ALK IN THE /LD 0ORT 4HE -ANY 3TYLES OF Chardonnay," sommelier Erica Archer leads wine #HARDONNAY v SOMMELIER %RICA !RCHER LEADS WINE

AND FOOD PAIRING TOUR TO FOUR LOCAL RESTAURANTS and food pairing tour to four local restaurants, PLUS BEGINS AT 4HE -ERRY 4ABLE 0ORTLAND 21-plus; begins at The Merry Table, Portland. $39 in advance; $45 day of tour, winewiseevents.com. IN ADVANCE DAY OF TOUR WINEWISEEVENTS COM 3 p.m. P M "LUEBERRY 'ALA REFRESHMENTS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Blueberry Gala, refreshments, live entertainment and silent auction, West Gorham Union Church, AND SILENT AUCTION 7EST 'ORHAM 5NION #HURCH 'ORHAM &REE A M TO P M Gorham. Free. 839-5946. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. "The Duke Ellington Show," evening of recorded h4HE $UKE %LLINGTON 3HOW v EVENING OF RECORDED music and slide presentation, Freeport Factory MUSIC AND SLIDE PRESENTATION &REEPORT &ACTORY Stage. $15; $12 for seniors and students. 3TAGE FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS freeportfactory.com. 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. FREEPORTFACTORY COM P M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Sunday. SUNDAY 35.$!9 Summer Antique Show, more than 50 antique 3UMMER !NTIQUE 3HOW MORE THAN ANTIQUE DEALERS &ORT !NDROSS "RUNSWICK &REE dealers, Fort Andross, Brunswick. Free. 522-1977. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. A M TO P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Seanachie Nights: Spoken Word and Music, Kate 3EANACHIE .IGHTS 3POKEN 7ORD AND -USIC +ATE Chadbourne presents "Tales and Songs of Ireland," #HADBOURNE PRESENTS h4ALES AND 3ONGS OF )RELAND v Bull Feeney's, Portland. $9/donation. 253-0288. "ULL &EENEY S 0ORTLAND DONATION 7 to 9 p.m. TO P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 "Live for $5 Wednesday Night Series," with h,IVE FOR 7EDNESDAY .IGHT 3ERIES v WITH children's entertainer Bill Harley, Stonington CHILDREN S ENTERTAINER "ILL (ARLEY 3TONINGTON Opera House. $5. operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. /PERA (OUSE OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M Lively Lunches at Johnson Hall Mini-Park, ,IVELY ,UNCHES AT *OHNSON (ALL -INI 0ARK with storyteller Antonio Rocho, Johnson Hall WITH STORYTELLER !NTONIO 2OCHO *OHNSON (ALL Performing Arts Center, Gardiner. Free/donation. 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER 'ARDINER &REE DONATION johnsonhall.org. Noon. JOHNSONHALL ORG .OON AUG. 23 !5' Grace Potter and The Nocturnals CD Signing, 'RACE 0OTTER AND 4HE .OCTURNALS #$ 3IGNING Potter and her band will sign copies of new 0OTTER AND HER BAND WILL SIGN COPIES OF NEW CD "The Lion the Beast the Beat," Bull Moose #$ h4HE ,ION THE "EAST THE "EAT v "ULL -OOSE Music, Portland. Free admission; cost for CD. -USIC 0ORTLAND &REE ADMISSION COST FOR #$ bullmoose.com. 5:30 p.m. BULLMOOSE COM P M

• FILMS N &),-3 TODAY 4/$!9 "The Rolling Stones: 'Some Girls' Live in Texas" h4HE 2OLLING 3TONES @3OME 'IRLS ,IVE IN 4EXASv

lLM OF CONCERT PRESENTED IN ($ (2011), film of 1978 concert presented in HD, ,INCOLN 4HEATER $AMARISCOTTA FOR YOUTHS Lincoln Theater, Damariscotta. $15; $5 for youths under 18. atthelincoln.org. 7 p.m. UNDER ATTHELINCOLN ORG P M h3LIDING $OORSv RATED 2 ROMANTIC COMEDY "Sliding Doors" (1998, rated R), romantic comedy FOLLOWED BY DISCUSSION 2OCKLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY followed by discussion, Rockland Public Library. &REE P M Free. 594-0310. 6:30 p.m. h7ILDERNESS AND 3PIRIT ! -OUNTAIN #ALLED "Wilderness and Spirit: A Mountain Called Katahdin," documentary, Maine Historical +ATAHDIN v DOCUMENTARY -AINE (ISTORICAL Society, Portland. Free, mainehistory.org. 7 p.m. 3OCIETY 0ORTLAND &REE MAINEHISTORY ORG P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Kotzschmar Silent Film Night, screening of 1928 +OTZSCHMAR 3ILENT &ILM .IGHT SCREENING OF SILENT MOVIE h3PEEDYv STARRING (AROLD ,LOYD silent movie "Speedy" starring Harold Lloyd ACCOMPANIED BY THE +OTZSCHMAR /RGAN PART accompanied by the Kotzschmar Organ; part of the Kotzschmar Centennial Festival; Merrill OF THE +OTZSCHMAR #ENTENNIAL &ESTIVAL -ERRILL Auditorium, Portland. $15. foko.org. 7:30 p.m. !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND FOKO ORG P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 "Finding Donn Fendler: 'Lost on a Mountain in h&INDING $ONN &ENDLER @,OST ON A -OUNTAIN IN Maine' 72 Years Later," documentary screening -AINE 9EARS ,ATER v DOCUMENTARY SCREENING with filmmaker Ryan Cook, Harrison Village WITH lLMMAKER 2YAN #OOK (ARRISON 6ILLAGE Library. Free. 583-2970. Noon. ,IBRARY &REE .OON SUNDAY 35.$!9 MENSK Rooftop Film Series, screening of 1985 -%.3+ 2OOFTOP &ILM 3ERIES SCREENING OF movie "Teen Wolf" under the stars; bring your MOVIE h4EEN 7OLFv UNDER THE STARS BRING YOUR own lawnchair, blankets and snacks; Spring Street OWN LAWNCHAIR BLANKETS AND SNACKS 3PRING 3TREET Parking Garage, Portland. Free, menskmaine.org. 0ARKING 'ARAGE 0ORTLAND &REE MENSKMAINE ORG 8 p.m. P M "My Week With Marilyn" (2011, rated R), h-Y 7EEK 7ITH -ARILYNv RATED 2 Marilyn Monroe biopic, York Public Library. Free. -ARILYN -ONROE BIOPIC 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE york.lib.me.us. 7 p.m. YORK LIB ME US P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 "Sun Kissed" (2012), documentary, Portland h3UN +ISSEDv DOCUMENTARY 0ORTLAND Public Library. Free, portlandlibrary.com. 5:30 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE PORTLANDLIBRARY COM p.m. P M Art Videos at The Gallery Film Series, Barn !RT 6IDEOS AT 4HE 'ALLERY &ILM 3ERIES "ARN Gallery, Ogunquit. Free. 646-7055. "Picasso," 'ALLERY /GUNQUIT &REE h0ICASSO v 7:30 p.m. P M "Wet Hot American Summer" (2001, rated R), h7ET (OT !MERICAN 3UMMERv RATED 2 outdoor screening of comedy cult classic, Bayside OUTDOOR SCREENING OF COMEDY CULT CLASSIC "AYSIDE Bowl, Portland. Free, baysidebowl.com. 7:30 p.m. "OWL 0ORTLAND &REE BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M


N "//+3 !54(/23 • BOOKS/AUTHORS Max Alexander, author of "Bright Lights, -AX !LEXANDER AUTHOR OF h"RIGHT ,IGHTS No City," Longfellow Books, Portland. .O #ITY v ,ONGFELLOW "OOKS 0ORTLAND longfellowbooks.com. 7 p.m. Thursday. LONGFELLOWBOOKS COM P M 4HURSDAY David Morse and Steve Hrehovcik, author and $AVID -ORSE AND 3TEVE (REHOVCIK AUTHOR AND ILLUSTRATOR OF h*ULIE S #LIMB v ,OUIS 4 'RAVES illustrator of "Julie's Climb," Louis T. Graves Library, Kennebunkport. graveslibrary.org. 7 p.m. ,IBRARY +ENNEBUNKPORT GRAVESLIBRARY ORG P M Thursday. 4HURSDAY Barbara Duke, author of "Growing Up "ARBARA $UKE AUTHOR OF h'ROWING 5P In Brooklyn," Portland Public Library. )N "ROOKLYN v 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY portlandlibrary.com. Noon Friday. PORTLANDLIBRARY COM .OON &RIDAY Discussion of "Lost Trails: Nine Days Alone $ISCUSSION OF h,OST 4RAILS .INE $AYS !LONE in the Maine Wilderness," with author Lynne IN THE -AINE 7ILDERNESS v WITH AUTHOR ,YNNE Plourde, illustrator Ben Bishop and subject 0LOURDE ILLUSTRATOR "EN "ISHOP AND SUBJECT Donn Fendler, Portland Museum of Art. Free. $ONN &ENDLER 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT &REE portlandmuseum.org. 6 p.m. Friday. PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG P M &RIDAY John Ford Sr., author of "Suddenly the Cider *OHN &ORD 3R AUTHOR OF h3UDDENLY THE #IDER Didn't Taste So Good: Adventures of a Game $IDN T 4ASTE 3O 'OOD !DVENTURES OF A 'AME Warden in Maine," York's Book Store, Houlton. 7ARDEN IN -AINE v 9ORK S "OOK 3TORE (OULTON 532-3354. 10a.m. Saturday. A M 3ATURDAY Port Veritas Spoken Word Night, Local 0ORT 6ERITAS 3POKEN 7ORD .IGHT ,OCAL Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. Tuesday. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M 4UESDAY Paul Doiron, author of "Bad Little Falls," Falmouth 0AUL $OIRON AUTHOR OF h"AD ,ITTLE &ALLS v &ALMOUTH Memorial Library, falmouth.lib.me.us. 6:30 p.m. -EMORIAL ,IBRARY FALMOUTH LIB ME US P M Wednesday. 7EDNESDAY David Rosenfelt, author of "Leader of the Pack," $AVID 2OSENFELT AUTHOR OF h,EADER OF THE 0ACK v Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Noon. .OON

• PRO SPORTS N 02/ 30/243 Portland Sea Dogs, Minor League Baseball 0ORTLAND 3EA $OGS -INOR ,EAGUE "ASEBALL affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, Hadlock Field, AFlLIATE OF THE "OSTON 2ED 3OX (ADLOCK &IELD Portland. $4 to $9. seadogs.com. Vs. Altoona, 0ORTLAND TO SEADOGS COM 6S !LTOONA 6 p.m. Thursday; Vs. New Britain, 7 p.m. P M 4HURSDAY 6S .EW "RITAIN P M Friday, 6 p.m. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday; Vs. &RIDAY P M 3ATURDAY AND P M 3UNDAY 6S Binghamton, 7 p.m. Aug. 23. "INGHAMTON P M !UG


Continued from Page E31 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3!

Maine by the Scots-Irish and Scots. All the .BJOF CZ UIF 4DPUT *SJTI BOE 4DPUT "MM UIF Scottish people were Irish first. It's really 4DPUUJTI QFPQMF XFSF *SJTI mSTU *U T SFBMMZ Celtic." $FMUJD w But even if your family lineage doesn't #VU FWFO JG ZPVS GBNJMZ MJOFBHF EPFTO U wind its way to the upper reaches of Great XJOE JUT XBZ UP UIF VQQFS SFBDIFT PG (SFBU Britain, you can still sport a tartan with #SJUBJO ZPV DBO TUJMM TQPSU B UBSUBO XJUI pride. Many regions have their own ofQSJEF .BOZ SFHJPOT IBWF UIFJS PXO PG ficial tartans, including Maine. The state's mDJBM UBSUBOT JODMVEJOH .BJOF 5IF TUBUF T attractive plaid features blues, greens and BUUSBDUJWF QMBJE GFBUVSFT CMVFT HSFFOT BOE a dash of red. B EBTI PG SFE "At the games, you don't have to encouri"U UIF HBNFT ZPV EPO U IBWF UP FODPVS age Scottish attire," McKeen said. "EveryBHF 4DPUUJTI BUUJSF w .D,FFO TBJE i&WFSZ body wears it. It's a very colorful event." CPEZ XFBST JU *U T B WFSZ DPMPSGVM FWFOU w The centerpiece of the Maine Highland 5IF DFOUFSQJFDF PG UIF .BJOF )JHIMBOE Games is the traditional feats of strength. (BNFT JT UIF USBEJUJPOBM GFBUT PG TUSFOHUI Throughout the day, spectators will be 5ISPVHIPVU UIF EBZ TQFDUBUPST XJMM CF able to watch professional Highland BCMF UP XBUDI QSPGFTTJPOBM )JHIMBOE games athletes (both men and women) HBNFT BUIMFUFT CPUI NFO BOE XPNFO who travel the country competing in XIP USBWFM UIF DPVOUSZ DPNQFUJOH JO events such as the open stone throw, FWFOUT TVDI BT UIF PQFO TUPOF UISPX caber toss, sheaf toss and weight over bar DBCFS UPTT TIFBG UPTT BOE XFJHIU PWFS CBS contest. DPOUFTU "You need strength and, like most athleti:PV OFFE TUSFOHUI BOE MJLF NPTU BUIMFU ics, coordination," McKeen said. "These JDT DPPSEJOBUJPO w .D,FFO TBJE i5IFTF pro guys are all big and strong. It's quite a QSP HVZT BSF BMM CJH BOE TUSPOH *U T RVJUF B sight to see." TJHIU UP TFF w Which makes sense, since the caber toss 8IJDI NBLFT TFOTF TJODF UIF DBCFS UPTT involves nipping a 20-foot wooden pole, JOWPMWFT nJQQJOH B GPPU XPPEFO QPMF and the weight over bar contest means BOE UIF XFJHIU PWFS CBS DPOUFTU NFBOT hurling a 56-pound metal weight. In the IVSMJOH B QPVOE NFUBM XFJHIU *O UIF sheaf toss, men hurl a 22-pound burlap TIFBG UPTT NFO IVSM B QPVOE CVSMBQ bag filled with hay, and women toss a 16CBH mMMFE XJUI IBZ BOE XPNFO UPTT B pound bag. Both must do so with the aid of QPVOE CBH #PUI NVTU EP TP XJUI UIF BJE PG

!5' AUG. 23 "Degrees of Incarceration," documentary, h$EGREES OF )NCARCERATION v DOCUMENTARY &REEPORT &ACTORY 3TAGE FOR SENIORS AND Freeport Factory Stage. $12; $6 for seniors and students, freeportfactory.com. 7:30 p.m. STUDENTS FREEPORTFACTORY COM P M

Continued from Page E31 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3!

Press Herald file photos >`Saa 6S`OZR ÂżZS ^V]b]a

Contestants participate in events at past years' Maine Highland Games. This 1]\bSabO\ba ^O`bWQW^ObS W\ SdS\ba Ob ^Oab gSO`a¸ ;OW\S 6WUVZO\R 5O[Sa BVWa year's event takes place Saturday at the Topsham Fairgrounds. gSO`¸a SdS\b bOYSa ^ZOQS AObc`ROg Ob bVS B]^aVO[ 4OW`U`]c\Ra a pitchfork. B QJUDIGPSL For the stone throw, competitors follow 'PS UIF TUPOF UISPX DPNQFUJUPST GPMMPX in the footsteps of ancient clan chiefs and JO UIF GPPUTUFQT PG BODJFOU DMBO DIJFGT BOE chuck rocks weighing roughly 16 pounds DIVDL SPDLT XFJHIJOH SPVHIMZ QPVOET as far as they can. BT GBS BT UIFZ DBO You might think an event called the :PV NJHIU UIJOL BO FWFOU DBMMFE UIF "haggis hurl" is something you do after iIBHHJT IVSMw JT TPNFUIJOH ZPV EP BGUFS sampling haggis (a traditional Scottish TBNQMJOH IBHHJT B USBEJUJPOBM 4DPUUJTI mixture of sheep organs, onions and NJYUVSF PG TIFFQ PSHBOT POJPOT BOE oatmeal encased in the lining of a sheep's PBUNFBM FODBTFE JO UIF MJOJOH PG B TIFFQ T stomach) for the first time. But it's actuTUPNBDI GPS UIF mSTU UJNF #VU JU T BDUV ally a special competition for women, BMMZ B TQFDJBM DPNQFUJUJPO GPS XPNFO

where they throw a weight shaped like a XIFSF UIFZ UISPX B XFJHIU TIBQFE MJLF B haggis. Another women-only event is the IBHHJT "OPUIFS XPNFO POMZ FWFOU JT UIF rolling pin toss. SPMMJOH QJO UPTT In addition to the athletic contests, the *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF BUIMFUJD DPOUFTUT UIF Highland Games feature competitive )JHIMBOE (BNFT GFBUVSF DPNQFUJUJWF dancers, bagpipers, drummers and pipe EBODFST CBHQJQFST ESVNNFST BOE QJQF bands. Throughout the day there will be CBOET 5ISPVHIPVU UIF EBZ UIFSF XJMM CF dance demonstrations, sheep dog trials, EBODF EFNPOTUSBUJPOT TIFFQ EPH USJBMT harp performances, musical acts and a IBSQ QFSGPSNBODFT NVTJDBM BDUT BOE B parade. Booths will sell Scottish merQBSBEF #PPUIT XJMM TFMM 4DPUUJTI NFS chandise, and a tent will be devoted to DIBOEJTF BOE B UFOU XJMM CF EFWPUFE UP beer. CFFS

• 12:30 p.m.: Colin Grant-Adams N (! ^ [ ( 1]ZW\ 5`O\b /RO[a performance ^S`T]`[O\QS • 12:45 to 2:45 p.m.: Pipe band N ("# b] ("# ^ [ ( >W^S PO\R competition Q][^SbWbW]\ • 1 p.m.: Highland Soles performance, N ^ [ ( 6WUVZO\R A]ZSa ^S`T]`[O\QS youth athletic competition (ages 13 to g]cbV ObVZSbWQ Q][^SbWbW]\ OUSa ! b] 17), Highland dance premiere % 6WUVZO\R RO\QS ^`S[WS`S competition and sheep dog trials Q][^SbWbW]\ O\R aVSS^ R]U b`WOZa • 1:30 p.m.: Rolling pin toss and N (! ^ [ ( @]ZZW\U ^W\ b]aa O\R Harpers Circle performance 6O`^S`a 1W`QZS ^S`T]`[O\QS • 2 ^ [ ( 1VO`ZWS HOV[ ^S`T]`[O\QS p.m.: Charlie Zahm performance N • 2:30 p.m.: St. Andrews Pipe Band N (! ^ [ ( Ab /\R`Sea >W^S 0O\R performance ^S`T]`[O\QS • 3 p.m.: Alba's Edge performance N ! ^ [ ( /ZPO¸a 3RUS ^S`T]`[O\QS • 4 p.m.: Prydein Kilt rock concert N " ^ [ ( >`gRSW\ 9WZb `]QY Q]\QS`b • 5 p.m.: Massed bands and closing N # ^ [ ( ;OaaSR PO\Ra O\R QZ]aW\U ceremonies QS`S[]\WSa Don't worry, haggis won't be the only %PO U XPSSZ IBHHJT XPO U CF UIF POMZ food available. Attendees can also purGPPE BWBJMBCMF "UUFOEFFT DBO BMTP QVS chase Scottish favorites such as fish and DIBTF 4DPUUJTI GBWPSJUFT TVDI BT mTI BOE chips and meat pies or opt for standard DIJQT BOE NFBU QJFT PS PQU GPS TUBOEBSE American fare like hot dogs and hamburg"NFSJDBO GBSF MJLF IPU EPHT BOE IBNCVSH ers. FST But being a true Scot, McKeen said, "I #VU CFJOH B USVF 4DPU .D,FFO TBJE i* love haggis, myself." MPWF IBHHJT NZTFMG w Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be contacted at AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob 791-6297 or at: %' $ '% ]` Ob( akamila@pressherald.com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: AveryYaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO

E34 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 3!" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $


TODAY B=2/G Animal Exploration: Teeth and /\W[OZ 3f^Z]`ObW]\( BSSbV O\R Skulls - 10:30 a.m., Children's AYcZZa ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Animal Fun - 11:30 a.m., Children's /\W[OZ 4c\ ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Ice Cream Making - 10-11:30 a.m., 7QS 1`SO[ ;OYW\U ³ (! O [ Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` 688-4800, Ext. 15. $&& "& 3fb # Tot Theatre: Open Rehearsal B]b BVSOb`S( =^S\ @SVSO`aOZ ³ 10 a.m., Children's Museum and O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: Workshop - 10:30 B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ (! a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S

a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !"

SATURDAY A/BC@2/G Let's Play Store - 10:30 a.m., :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T FRIDAY 4@72/G Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Fire Safety Friday - 10:30 a.m., 4W`S AOTSbg 4`WROg ³ (! O [ No-Sew Tutu Workshop - 11:30 <] ASe Bcbc E]`YaV]^ ³ (! Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" Friday on the Farm: Paula Letiecq 4`WROg ]\ bVS 4O`[( >OcZO :SbWSQ_ No-Sew Tutu Workshop - 3:30 <] ASe Bcbc E]`YaV]^ ³ !(! and her farmyard friends. 10-11:30 O\R VS` TO`[gO`R T`WS\Ra ³ (! p.m., Children's Museum and Theatre ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S a.m., Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. ]T ;OW\S & O [ >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` of Maine. 828-1234. & !" 688-4800, Ext. 15. $&& "& 3fb # Open Art Studio - 2-3 p.m., =^S\ /`b AbcRW] ³ ! ^ [ Let's Play Store - 3:30 am, :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ !(! O[ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: Open Rehearsal B]b BVSOb`S( =^S\ @SVSO`aOZ ³ SUNDAY AC<2/G 10 a.m., Children's Museum and O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Eid-al-Fitr - 2-4 p.m., Children's 3WR OZ 4Wb` ³ " ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & Tot Theatre: Workshop - 10:30 B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ (! 1234. !" MONDAY ;=<2/G Art in the Garden - 11:30 a.m., /`b W\ bVS 5O`RS\ ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Ice Cream Mondays: Maine 7QS 1`SO[ ;]\ROga( ;OW\S Blueberry - 2 ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a p.m., Children's 0ZcSPS``g ³ Museum and Theatre of Maine (207) ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S % &828-1234. & !" Tot Theatre: Workshop - 3 p.m., B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ ! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" TUESDAY BC3A2/G Art through the Ages: Joseph /`b bV`]cUV bVS /USa( 8]aS^V Mallord William Turner - 3:30 p.m., ;OZZ]`R EWZZWO[ Bc`\S` ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Leaf Rubbings - 10:30 a.m., :SOT @cPPW\Ua ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine (207) ;OW\S % &828-1234. & !" No-Sew Tutu Workshop - 11:30 <] ASe Bcbc E]`YaV]^ ³ (! a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" Salsa Making - 10-11:30 a.m., AOZaO ;OYW\U ³ ³ (! O [ Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` 688-4800, Ext. 15. $&& "& 3fb # Tot Theatre: Workshop - 3 p.m., B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ ! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !"


of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" Where Science Meets Art: Edible EVS`S AQWS\QS ;SSba /`b( 3RWPZS Masterpieces - 3:45 p.m., Children's ;OabS`^WSQSa ³ !("# ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !"

WEDNESDAY E32<3A2/G Discover Dinosaurs - 2 ^ [ p.m., 2WaQ]dS` 2W\]aOc`a ³ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Family Farmyard Fun - 10-11:30 4O[WZg 4O`[gO`R 4c\ ³ (! a.m. Paula Letiecq and her farmyard O [ >OcZO :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` TO`[gO`R animal friends. Pineland Farms, New O\W[OZ T`WS\Ra >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se Gloucester. 688-4800, Ext. 15. 5Z]cQSabS` $&& "& 3fb # Open Art Studio - 11 a.m.-noon, =^S\ /`b AbcRW] ³ O [ \]]\

Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: Workshop - 3 p.m., B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ ! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" AUG. 23 /C5 ! Garden Snacktime - 10:30am, 5O`RS\ A\OQYbW[S ³ (! O[ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Growing Green: Come Learn 5`]eW\U 5`SS\( 1][S :SO`\ about Gardening - Paula Letiecq, OP]cb 5O`RS\W\U ³ >OcZO :SbWSQ_ Raising Maine, 10-11:30 a.m., Pineland @OWaW\U ;OW\S (! O [ >W\SZO\R Farms, New Gloucester. 688-4800, 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` $&& "& Ext. 15. 3fb # Paper Rocket Launch - 11:30 a.m., >O^S` @]QYSb :Oc\QV ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: Workshop - 3 p.m., B]b BVSOb`S( E]`YaV]^ ³ ! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine (207) ;OW\S % &828-1234. & !" Where Science Meets Art: Edible EVS`S AQWS\QS ;SSba /`b( 3RWPZS Masterpieces - 3:45 p.m., Children's ;OabS`^WSQSa ³ !("# ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" AUG. 24 /C5 " Figuring Out Fingerprints - 10:30 4WUc`W\U =cb 4W\US`^`W\ba ³ (! a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" Friday on the Farm with Paula 4`WROg ]\ bVS 4O`[ eWbV >OcZO Letiecq and her farmyard friends :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` TO`[gO`R T`WS\Ra - 10-11:30 a.m., Pineland Farms, New ³ ³ (! O [ >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se Gloucester, ME 688-4800, Ext. 15. 5Z]cQSabS` ;3 $&& "& 3fb # Let's Play Store - 3:30 p.m., :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" The Great State of Maine Air, BVS 5`SOb AbObS ]T ;OW\S /W` Friday Night Show - 6 p.m., Misty 4`WROg <WUVb AV]e ³ $ ^ [ ;Wabg Blue All Women Skydiving Team, 0ZcS /ZZ E][S\ AYgRWdW\U BSO[ Mike Goulian, Dan Marcotte, and ;WYS 5]cZWO\ 2O\ ;O`Q]bbS O\R more! Brunswick Executive Airport []`S 0`c\aeWQY 3fSQcbWdS /W`^]`b AUG. 25 /C5 # Dry Ice Cream - 3:30 p.m., 2`g 7QS 1`SO[ ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine (207) ;OW\S % &828-1234. & !" Magnet Lab - 11:30 a.m., Children's ;OU\Sb :OP ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Open Art Studio - 2-3 p.m., =^S\ /`b AbcRW] ³ ! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Recycled Change Bank - 10:30 @SQgQZSR 1VO\US 0O\Y ³ (! a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" The Great State of Maine Air BVS 5`SOb AbObS ]T ;OW\S /W` Show - 9 a.m.-4 p.m., U.S. Air Force AV]e ³ ' O [ " ^ [ C A /W` 4]`QS Thunderbirds, U.S. Navy F/A-18 BVc\RS`PW`Ra C A <Odg 4 / &

See EVENTS, 0AGE Page 35 3EE %6%.43

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 16, 2012 | GO E35 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab $ j 5= 3!#


%6%.43 EVENTS, Continued from Page 34 #ONTINUED FROM 0AGE Demonstration Team and many more! 2S[]\ab`ObW]\ BSO[ O\R [O\g []`S Brunswick Executive Airport 0`c\aeWQY 3fSQcbWdS /W`^]`b AUG. 26 /C5 $ Bridge Building - 2 ^ [ p.m., 0`WRUS 0cWZRW\U ³ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Leaf Rubbings - 3:30 p.m., :SOT @cPPW\Ua ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" The Great State of Maine Air BVS 5`SOb AbObS ]T ;OW\S /W` Show - 9 a.m.-4 p.m., U.S. Air Force AV]e ³ ' O [ " ^ [ C A /W` 4]`QS Thunderbirds, U.S. Navy F/A-18 BVc\RS`PW`Ra C A <Odg 4 / & Demonstration Team, and many 2S[]\ab`ObW]\ BSO[ O\R [O\g more! Brunswick Executive Airport []`S 0`c\aeWQY 3fSQcbWdS /W`^]`b

/C5 % AUG. 27 BVS :ORg :ZO[O >c^^Sb AV]e ³ The Lady Llama Puppet Show - 2 ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S p.m., Children's Museum and Theatre ]T ;OW\S & & !" of Maine. 828-1234. Tot Theatre: Hide and Seek in B]b BVSOb`S( 6WRS O\R ASSY W\ the Museum - 10:30 a.m., Children's bVS ;caSc[ ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" AUG. 28 /C5 & Art through the Ages: Joseph /`b bV`]cUV bVS /USa( 8]aS^V Mallord William Turner - 3:30pm, ;OZZ]`R EWZZWO[ Bc`\S` ³ !(! ^[ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Ice Cream Making - 10-11:30 a.m., 7QS 1`SO[ ;OYW\U ³ (! O [ Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` 688-4800, Ext. 15. $&& "& 3fb # Magnet Lab - 3:30 p.m., Children's ;OU\Sb :OP ³ !(! ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !"

Tot Theatre: Hide and Seek in B]b BVSOb`S( 6WRS O\R ASSY W\ the Museum - 10:30 a.m., Children's bVS ;caSc[ ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S AUG. 29 /C5 ' A u d i t i o n Workshop - 3:30-5 p.m., /cRWbW]\ E]`YaV]^ ³ !(! # ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine 207-828-1234. ;OW\S % & & !" Growing Green - 10-11:30 a.m., 5`]eW\U 5`SS\ ³ ³ (! O [ Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` 688-4800, Ext. 15. $&& "& 3fb # Open Art Studio - 11 a.m.-noon, =^S\ /`b AbcRW] ³ O [ \]]\ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: Hide and Seek in B]b BVSOb`S( 6WRS O\R ASSY W\ the Museum - 10:30 a.m., Children's bVS ;caSc[ ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" AUG. 30 /C5 ! Harvest Lunch on the Farm - 106O`dSab :c\QV ]\ bVS 4O`[ ³ 11:30 a.m., Pineland Farms, New (! O [ >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se

Gloucester. 688-4800, Ext. 15. 5Z]cQSabS` $&& "& 3fb # Where Science Meets Art: Edible EVS`S AQWS\QS ;SSba /`b( 3RWPZS Masterpieces - 3:45 p.m., Children's ;OabS`^WSQSa ³ !("# ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine 207;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S % 828-1234. & & !" AUG. 31 /C5 ! Friday on the Farm w i t h Paula 4`WROg ]\ bVS 4O`[ eWbV >OcZO Letiecq and her farmyard friends :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` TO`[gO`R T`WS\Ra - 10-11:30 a.m., Pineland Farms, New ³ (! O [ >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se Gloucester. 688-4800, Ext. 15. 5Z]cQSabS` $&& "& 3fb # Garden Plant Chalk Drawngs 5O`RS\ >ZO\b 1VOZY 2`Oe\Ua - 10:30 a.m., Children's Museum and ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" Let's Play Store - 3:30 p.m., :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tot Theatre: The Biggest Little B]b BVSOb`S( BVS 0WUUSab :WbbZS House in the Forest - 11 a.m., 6]caS W\ bVS 4]`Sab ³ O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !"

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