GO Portland Press Herald, Sept. 20, 2012

Page 1

SEPTEMBER 20, A3>B3;03@ 2012


9L;;P1 The Buddy Holly Story K_\ 9l[[p ?fccp Jkfip

Weed Dating N\\[ ;Xk`e^ Farmers finding love =Xid\ij Ôe[`e^ cfm\ Page 31 GX^\ *(

Swine do Jn`e\ [f

Pop Tarts and pig racing Gfg KXikj Xe[ g`^ iXZ`e^ GX^\ ** Page 33

page23 GX^\ )*



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012


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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012



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E4 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS`


nnn%gi\jj_\iXc[%Zfd&c`]\&^f ?FD< @E FE N?8KĂ‹J ?8GG<E@E> FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local and =8:< K?< DLJ@:1 C`m\# cfZXc Xe[ beyond, AimselPonti brings you Y\pfe[# 8`dj\c Gfek` Yi`e^j pfl music with a Maine backbeat. dlj`Z n`k_ X DX`e\ YXZbY\Xk%

music nightlife dlj`ZXe[e`^_kc`]\


ĂŠ9L;;P#Ă‹ K?< DLJ@:8C

Sarah Jarosz at USM/E5 • Making AO`OV 8O`]ah Ob CA; 3# N ;OYW\U Noise: Samuel James/E6 • Tix/E7 <]WaS( AO[cSZ 8O[Sa 3$ N BWf 3% •N 12 `SdWSe( @A= 3& N :WabW\Ua 3' CD review: RSO/E8 • Listings/E9

Âľ0C22G( B63 0C22G 6=::G AB=@GÂś Wa O YW\R ]T ^O`b Q]\QS`b ^O`b ^ZOg Sf^S`WS\QS 3 !

movies k_\dfm`\j "End of Watch" review/E13 • Dennis ¾3\R ]T EObQVœ `SdWSe 3 ! N 2S\\Wa Perkins on Camden International Film >S`YW\a ]\ 1O[RS\ 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ 4WZ[ Festival/E14 • New on DVD: "The Best 4SabWdOZ 3 " N <Se ]\ 2D2( ¾BVS 0Sab Exotic Marigold Hotel"/E17 3f]bWQ ;O`WU]ZR 6]bSZœ 3 %


IFSF BSF POMZ TJY XFFLT MFGU VOUJM &MFDUJPO %BZ BOE here are only six weeks left until Election Day, and we have yet to hear a definitive campaign song from XF IBWF ZFU UP IFBS B EFmOJUJWF DBNQBJHO TPOH GSPN either camp. FJUIFS DBNQ Oh, sure, President Obama used a snippet of Bruce 0I TVSF 1SFTJEFOU 0CBNB VTFE B TOJQQFU PG #SVDF 4QSJOHTUFFO T i8F 5BLF $BSF PG 0VS Springsteen's "We Take Care of Our Own" at the Democratic National 0XOw BU UIF %FNPDSBUJD /BUJPOBM Convention, and Mitt Romney's $POWFOUJPO BOE .JUU 3PNOFZ T campaign used Twisted Sister's DBNQBJHO VTFE 5XJTUFE 4JTUFS T "We're Not Gonna Take It" until the i8F SF /PU (POOB 5BLF *Uw VOUJM UIF song's writer, Dee Snider, demandTPOH T XSJUFS %FF 4OJEFS EFNBOE ed that it stop. FE UIBU JU TUPQ But neither side has hit upon #VU OFJUIFS TJEF IBT IJU VQPO that one song that epitomizes their UIBU POF TPOH UIBU FQJUPNJ[FT UIFJS candidate's message the way FrankDBOEJEBUF T NFTTBHF UIF XBZ 'SBOL lin D. Roosevelt used "Happy Days MJO % 3PPTFWFMU VTFE i)BQQZ %BZT Are Here Again," Bill Clinton used "SF )FSF "HBJO w #JMM $MJOUPO VTFE Fleetwood Mac's "Don't Stop" and 'MFFUXPPE .BD T i%PO U 4UPQw BOE George W Bush's administration put a new twist on an (FPSHF 8 #VTI T BENJOJTUSBUJPO QVU B OFX UXJTU PO BO Aerosmith classic with "Cheney's Got a Gun." "FSPTNJUI DMBTTJD XJUI i$IFOFZ T (PU B (VO w So, after careful consideration of each candidate's 4P BGUFS DBSFGVM DPOTJEFSBUJPO PG FBDI DBOEJEBUF T views on the issues, I've compiled a list of suggestions WJFXT PO UIF JTTVFT * WF DPNQJMFE B MJTU PG TVHHFTUJPOT for both sides. GPS CPUI TJEFT

Rod Harmon If[ ?Xidfe From the Editor =ifd k_\ <[`kfi

Meredith Goad and Avery D\i\[`k_ >fX[ Xe[ 8m\ip Yale Kamila have the dish PXc\ BXd`cX _Xm\ k_\ [`j_ on food and drink. fe ]ff[ Xe[ [i`eb%

LIKE US: For all your C@B< LJ1 =fi Xcc pfli entertainment planning \ek\ikX`ed\ek gcXee`e^ needs, find us on Facebook at: e\\[j# Ôe[ lj fe =XZ\Yffb Xk1 www.Facebook.com/pphgo nnn%=XZ\Yffb%Zfd&gg_^f

C`jk\e lg# ZXe[`[Xk\j1 Listen up, candidates: K`d\ kf eXd\ k_Xk kle\ Time to name that tune

endar ZXc\e[Xi 10 DAYS OF COOL EVENTS/E18-19 2/GA =4 1==: 3D3<BA 3 & '

"Cry Me a River" by Justin Timberlake: A message i$SZ .F B 3JWFSw CZ +VTUJO 5JNCFSMBLF " NFTTBHF to the "47 percent" of freeloading Americans who have UP UIF i QFSDFOUw PG GSFFMPBEJOH "NFSJDBOT XIP IBWF been laid off, lost their homes, suffered a debilitating CFFO MBJE PGG MPTU UIFJS IPNFT TVGGFSFE B EFCJMJUBUJOH illness resulting in bankruptcy or live JMMOFTT SFTVMUJOH JO CBOLSVQUDZ PS MJWF below the poverty line because unemCFMPX UIF QPWFSUZ MJOF CFDBVTF VOFN ployment is stuck at about 8 percent. QMPZNFOU JT TUVDL BU BCPVU QFSDFOU Suck it up, people! 4VDL JU VQ QFPQMF "You Talk Too Much" by Joe Jones: i:PV 5BML 5PP .VDIw CZ +PF +POFT A message to fellow Republicans such " NFTTBHF UP GFMMPX 3FQVCMJDBOT TVDI as Todd Akin and Karl Rove to shut the BT 5PEE "LJO BOE ,BSM 3PWF UP TIVU UIF bleep up - at least until after the elecCMFFQ VQ o BU MFBTU VOUJM BGUFS UIF FMFD tion. UJPO "Bills, Bills, Bills" by Destiny's Child: A reminder i#JMMT #JMMT #JMMTw CZ %FTUJOZ T $IJME " SFNJOEFS about the deficit - "You're slowly makin' me pay for BCPVU UIF EFmDJU o i:PV SF TMPXMZ NBLJO NF QBZ GPS things/ Your money should be handling." UIJOHT :PVS NPOFZ TIPVME CF IBOEMJOH w "Long Road to Ruin" by Foo Fighters: Where Romi-POH 3PBE UP 3VJOw CZ 'PP 'JHIUFST 8IFSF 3PN ney says Obama is leading the country. Or what he's OFZ TBZT 0CBNB JT MFBEJOH UIF DPVOUSZ 0S XIBU IF T doing to his own campaign by constantly putting his foot EPJOH UP IJT PXO DBNQBJHO CZ DPOTUBOUMZ QVUUJOH IJT GPPU in his mouth. JO IJT NPVUI "My Way" by Frank Sinatra: "Regrets? * WF IBE B I've had a i.Z 8BZw CZ 'SBOL 4JOBUSB i3FHSFUT few" GFX w


art theater XikXe[k_\Xk\i COVER STORY: Ogunquit welcomes 1=D3@ AB=@G( =Uc\_cWb eSZQ][Sa "Buddy"/E23 • Listings/E26 ¾0cRRgœ 3 ! N :WabW\Ua 3 $

dining drink [`e`e^Xe[[i`eb Eat and Run: Taj Indian and Indo Chi3Ob O\R @c\( BOX 7\RWO\ O\R 7\R] 1VW nese Cuisine/E27 • Bar Guide: The \SaS 1cWaW\S 3 % N 0O` 5cWRS( BVS Snug/E28 • Atwell on beer/E29 A\cU 3 & N /beSZZ ]\ PSS` 3 '

cetera \kZ\k\iX Weed Dating/E31 I Off Beat: Pig racer ESSR 2ObW\U 3! N =TT 0SOb( >WU `OQS` extraordinaire/E33 Sfb`O]`RW\OW`S 3!!


Shutterstock.com AVcbbS`ab]QY Q][

S i n g e r B u d d y Holly was just 22 eVS\ VS RWSR W\ w h e n he d i e d in AW\US` 0cRRg 6]ZZg eOa Xcab 1959, b u t left a s t r i n g of hits a n d a s t r o n g legacy. '#' Pcb ZSTb O ab`W\U ]T VWba O\R O ab`]\U ZSUOQg

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Herald/ Wa O ^cPZWQObW]\ ]T ;OW\SB]ROg ;SRWO 7\Q eVWQV ^cPZWaVSa bVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily newspapers, ;OW\S Ac\ROg BSZSU`O[ 9S\\SPSQ 8]c`\OZ O\R ;]`\W\U AS\bW\SZ ROWZg \Sea^O^S`a the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. bVS eSSYZg 1]OabOZ 8]c`\OZ W\ 0ObV O\R bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS eSPaWbSa EXECUTIVE EDITOR 3F31CB7D3 327B=@ Cliff Schechtman 1ZWTT AQVSQVb[O\ MANAGING EDITOR ;/</57<5 327B=@ Steve Greenlee AbSdS 5`SS\ZSS

TO LIST EVENTS B= :7AB 3D3<BA Send materials two weeks AS\R [ObS`WOZa be] eSSYa

in advance to Go Calendar, W\ ORdO\QS b] 5] 1OZS\RO` One City Center, Portland, =\S 1Wbg 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R ME 04101-5009 or e-mail to ;3 " # ' ]` S [OWZ b] go@pressherald.com U].^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ TO ADVERTISE: B= /2D3@B7A3( Call 791-6200 1OZZ %' $

GO EDITOR 5= 327B=@ Rod Harmon, 791-6450 @]R 6O`[]\ %' $"# rharmon@press herald.com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ COVER DESIGN 1=D3@ 23A75< Sally Tyrrell AOZZg Bg``SZZ

"Don't Give Up on Us" by David Soul: "Don't make i%PO U (JWF 6Q PO 6Tw CZ %BWJE 4PVM i%PO U NBLF the wrong seem right/ The future isn't just one night." UIF XSPOH TFFN SJHIU 5IF GVUVSF JTO U KVTU POF OJHIU w Don't make the "wrong" seem "right"? (FU JU Get it? 5BML BCPVU Talk about %PO U NBLF UIF iXSPOHw TFFN iSJHIUw a tailor-made campaign song. And I'm B UBJMPS NBEF DBNQBJHO TPOH "OE * N sure David wouldn't mind the exposure TVSF %BWJE XPVMEO U NJOE UIF FYQPTVSF - he hasn't worked since, like, 1979. o IF IBTO U XPSLFE TJODF MJLF "Get Over It" by The Eagles: A i(FU 0WFS *Uw CZ 5IF &BHMFT " message to all the birthers and other NFTTBHF UP BMM UIF CJSUIFST BOE PUIFS conspiracy theorists. DPOTQJSBDZ UIFPSJTUT "Sweetheart Like You" by Bob i4XFFUIFBSU -JLF :PVw CZ #PC Dylan: The lyric "Steal a little, and %ZMBO 5IF MZSJD i4UFBM B MJUUMF BOE they throw you in jail/ Steal a lot, and UIFZ UISPX ZPV JO KBJM 4UFBM B MPU BOE they make you king" pretty much sums up the Obama UIFZ NBLF ZPV LJOHw QSFUUZ NVDI TVNT VQ UIF 0CBNB administration's failure to hold the banking industry BENJOJTUSBUJPO T GBJMVSF UP IPME UIF CBOLJOH JOEVTUSZ accountable for plunging the country into the greatest BDDPVOUBCMF GPS QMVOHJOH UIF DPVOUSZ JOUP UIF HSFBUFTU financial crisis since the Great Depression. mOBODJBM DSJTJT TJODF UIF (SFBU %FQSFTTJPO "Who's Sorry Now?" by Connie Francis: An ode to i8IP T 4PSSZ /PX w CZ $POOJF 'SBODJT "O PEF UP Osama bin Laden. 0TBNB CJO -BEFO "Theme from Shaft" by Isaac Hayes: If Obama's looki5IFNF GSPN 4IBGUw CZ *TBBD )BZFT *G 0CBNB T MPPL ing for a song that can present him as a compassionate JOH GPS B TPOH UIBU DBO QSFTFOU IJN BT B DPNQBTTJPOBUF man who's not afraid to open up a can of you-know-what, NBO XIP T OPU BGSBJE UP PQFO VQ B DBO PG ZPV LOPX XIBU he could do a lot worse than this. "He's a complicated IF DPVME EP B MPU XPSTF UIBO UIJT i)F T B DPNQMJDBUFE man/ But no one understands him but his woman." True, NBO #VU OP POF VOEFSTUBOET IJN CVU IJT XPNBO w 5SVF that. UIBU Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 791-6450 or 2S^cbg ;O\OUW\U 3RWb]` @]R 6O`[]\ [Og PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"# ]` at: Ob( rharmon(g)pressherald. com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RHarmonPPH BeWbbS`( @6O`[]\>>6


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E5 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3#

A8IFJQ Squeezing a lot in is a way of life for A_cSShW\U O Z]b W\ Wa O eOg ]T ZWTS T]` singer-songwriter Sarah Jarosz, who aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` AO`OV 8O`]ah eV] plays a show at USM Friday. ^ZOga O aV]e Ob CA; 4`WROg ByRAYROUTHIER #Z 3": 3065)*&3


StaffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS

ike lots of college students, Sarah JLF MPUT PG DPMMFHF TUVEFOUT 4BSBI Jarosz is constantly trying to juggle +BSPT[ JT DPOTUBOUMZ USZJOH UP KVHHMF her studies with work. IFS TUVEJFT XJUI XPSL It's just that for Jarosz, that out*U T KVTU UIBU GPS +BSPT[ UIBU PVU of-school job is a little more fun than PG TDIPPM KPC JT B MJUUMF NPSF GVO UIBO pouring lattes or waiting tables. For QPVSJOH MBUUFT PS XBJUJOH UBCMFT 'PS her, work entails playing concerts IFS XPSL FOUBJMT QMBZJOH DPODFSUT around the country and performing BSPVOE UIF DPVOUSZ BOE QFSGPSNJOH on radio's "A Prairie Home CompanPO SBEJP T i" 1SBJSJF )PNF $PNQBO ion" or TV's "Austin City Limits." JPOw PS 57 T i"VTUJO $JUZ -JNJUT w "It's just something I've always done. I've i*U T KVTU TPNFUIJOH * WF BMXBZT EPOF * WF always been in school and been performing BMXBZT CFFO JO TDIPPM BOE CFFO QFSGPSNJOH too," said Jarosz, 21, last week from Nashville, UPP w TBJE +BSPT[ MBTU XFFL GSPN /BTIWJMMF where she attended the Americana Honors & XIFSF TIF BUUFOEFE UIF "NFSJDBOB )POPST Awards. "I just make a lot of lists to remind me "XBSET i* KVTU NBLF B MPU PG MJTUT UP SFNJOE NF what to do." XIBU UP EP w Jarosz probably has a sticky note somewhere +BSPT[ QSPCBCMZ IBT B TUJDLZ OPUF TPNFXIFSF reminding her that she needs to be in Portland SFNJOEJOH IFS UIBU TIF OFFET UP CF JO 1PSUMBOE on Friday to do a show at the University of PO 'SJEBZ UP EP B TIPX BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG Southern Maine. Then she's got a show with 4PVUIFSO .BJOF 5IFO TIF T HPU B TIPX XJUI Dave Matthews in Canton, Mass. Then she's %BWF .BUUIFXT JO $BOUPO .BTT 5IFO TIF T got to get back to class, at the New England HPU UP HFU CBDL UP DMBTT BU UIF /FX &OHMBOE Conservatory in Boston. $POTFSWBUPSZ JO #PTUPO Please see JAROSZ, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ 8/@=AH GX^\ <((



HOT ?FK k`Zb\k

Stars come out at Port City JkXij Zfd\ flk Xk Gfik :`kp

Local bands line up at Empire CfZXc YXe[j c`e\ lg Xk <dg`i\ 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

IF YOU'VE been hearing about the 74 G=C¸D3 PSS\ VSO`W\U OP]cb bVS Canadian indie-pop band Stars, here's 1O\ORWO\ W\RWS ^]^ PO\R AbO`a VS`S¸a your chance to hear them for yourselves. The band g]c` QVO\QS b] VSO` bVS[ T]` g]c`aSZdSa BVS PO\R is slated to play Port City Music Hall on Thursday. Wa aZObSR b] ^ZOg >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ ]\ BVc`aROg Diamond Rings open. 2WO[]\R @W\Ua ]^S\ WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursday E63<( & ^ [ BVc`aROg WHERE: Port City Music Hall, 504 Congress St., E63@3( >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ # " 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $22 b] !" to $34 6=E ;C16(

SARAH JAROSZ A/@/6 8/@=AH WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday E63<( & ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: Talbot Hall, University of E63@3( BOZP]b 6OZZ C\WdS`aWbg ]T Southern Maine, 96 Falmouth St., A]cbVS`\ ;OW\S '$ 4OZ[]cbV Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $27 6=E ;C16( % INFO: heptunesconcerts.com 7<4=( VS^bc\SaQ]\QS`ba Q][

Stars AbO`a

G :?<8I@CC

GET A LOCAL rock three-fer on Saturday at 53B / :=1/: `]QY bV`SS TS` ]\ AObc`ROg Ob Empire Dine and Dance in Portland: Holy 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS W\ >]`bZO\R( 6]Zg Boys Danger Club, Murcielago and The 0]ga 2O\US` 1ZcP ;c`QWSZOU] O\R BVS Class Machine are all on the bill. 1ZOaa ;OQVW\S O`S OZZ ]\ bVS PWZZ WHEN: 9 p.m. Saturday E63<( ' ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Empire Dine and Dance, 575 Congress St. E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $6 6=E ;C16( $ INFO: 879-8988; portlandempire.com 7<4=( &%' &'&&) ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][

Making Noise: Samuel James, E6 N• K`o Tix,E7 • CD review: RSO, E8 N• Listings, E9 DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 JXdl\c AXd\j# <- # <. N :; i\m`\n1 IJF# </ C`jk`e^j# <0



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012

Why Dine at Bonanza? 1. Great Prices 2. Friendly Crew 3. Tasty Food 4. Quick Service

Samuel James offers 13 tracks ‘for the Dark Road Ahead’

ortland singer/guitarist Samuel James has just completed his trilogy of acoustic roots/blues albums with “And for the Dark Road Ahead.” The CD-release show is in a couple of weeks, which will give James time to recover from any lingering jet lag from a recent show in, of all places, Transylvania. The album is home to 13 tracks, including two spoken-word pieces and a doozy of an Elton John cover. GO recently caught up with James for a detailed chat about “Dark Road” and that trip to the land of Dracula.

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Aimsel Ponti Making Noise

Why is the album called “And for the Dark Road Ahead”? Two reasons. The first is that there have been a lot of dark themes in my life over the last few years, and I can’t really see when they’ll end. The second reason is that this album is the last part of a trilogy, and if you take the titles of the albums, they form the sentence, “Songs Famed for Sorrow and Joy, For Rosa, Maeve and Noreen, And for the Dark Road Ahead.” You put a very unique stamp on Elton John’s “Rocket Man.” What’s the story with that? Why did you choose to do that particular song? I ran a contest during my last West Coast tour stating that I would play the winner’s choice of a cover song in each town. This was the song chosen in San Francisco, but the woman who won never came to the show. I just wanna make sure she knows that I did it.


TM © RUG 1991


Tell me about “The Execution of Big Black Ben.” What was the inspiration? It goes with the trilogy. On the first record, I had “Big Black Ben.” On the second, I had “Bigger Blacker Ben,” and now to complete it I have, “The Execution of …” I thought it would be a fitting way to end my folk hero’s career. “Tan Sedan” is fantastic. What’s that one about? It’s about everything in the world. I know. The title’s a little obvious. How about “Nineteen”? “Nineteen” is about my father. Straight up. That’s it. I’m a daddy’s boy. What can I say? Is “Camus” about Albert Camus? Are you a fan of his writing? Yeah. Well, I had a very serious existential crisis a while back. I wasn’t writing or playing or practicing. I couldn’t come up with a reason to do anything. Of course, this was destroying everything in my life. I had read all Camus’ stuff back in

Leon Vanella Photography

Samuel James will release the last of a trilogy of roots/blues albums at a CDrelease party on Oct. 20.

What’s on


ome,” Public Enemy “Welcome to the Terrord ,” Moses Atwood “Hard Times in Hollywood James “Stranger Blues,” Elmore “Use Me,” Bill Withers Gross “One About Sunshine,” D. “No Ordinary Love,” Sade Lamb the Beekeeper “Mane On Its Lion,” Lady vie Wonder “Heaven Help Us All,” Ste “Muscle Car,” Sontiago ue,” Eric B. & Rakim “Don’t Sweat the Techniq

high school, and I figured that he probably went through the same thing, and he probably wrote his way out of it. Or at least he occupied himself through it. This song is my attempt to do the same. How was your recent trip to Transylvania? This was my first time there. I have been as far east as Turkey, which I could write

Please see PONTI, Page E12

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E7 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3%

Concerts and shows currently on sale: 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ aOZS( The latest BVS ZObSab On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Tragically =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS B`OUWQOZZg Hip, 8 p.m. Nov. 7, State Theatre, Portland. 6W^ & ^ [ <]d % AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $35.35/$38. Statetheatreportland.com; !# !# !& AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Devil Makes =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS 2SdWZ ;OYSa Three with Brown Bird, 9 p.m. Dec. 29, BV`SS eWbV 0`]e\ 0W`R ' ^ [ 2SQ ' State Theatre, Portland. $17/$20. State AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R % AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f office ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Tedeschi Trucks =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BSRSaQVW B`cQYa Band, 7:30 p.m. Nov. 29, House of Blues, 0O\R %(! ^ [ <]d ' 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Boston. $45 to $75. Livenation.com (800) 0]ab]\ "# b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & 745-3000 %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Tragically =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS B`OUWQOZZg Hip, 9 p.m. Nov. 9, House of Blues, Boston. 6W^ ' ^ [ <]d ' 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $32.85 to $45.35. Livenation.com (800) ! &# b] "# !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & 745-3000 %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Of Monsters and =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł =T ;]\abS`a O\R Men with Soley and Elle King, 7:30 p.m. ;S\ eWbV A]ZSg O\R 3ZZS 9W\U %(! ^ [ Nov. 19, House of Blues, Boston. $25 to <]d ' 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] $30. Livenation.com (800) 745-3000 ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Lamb of God with =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł :O[P ]T 5]R eWbV In Flames, Hellyeah and Sylosis, 7:30 p.m. 7\ 4ZO[Sa 6SZZgSOV O\R AgZ]aWa %(! ^ [ Nov. 25, House of Blues, Boston. $37 to <]d # 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !% b] $52.50. Livenation.com (800) 745-3000 # # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ & %"# ! On sale noon Friday - Journey with Pat =\ aOZS \]]\ 4`WROg Âł 8]c`\Sg eWbV >Ob Benatar and Neil Giraldo, and Loverboy, 0S\ObO` O\R <SWZ 5W`OZR] O\R :]dS`P]g 7:30 p.m. Nov. 3, Verizon Wireless Arena, %(! ^ [ <]d ! DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O Manchester, N.H. $39.50 to $89.50. ;O\QVSabS` < 6 !' # b] &' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale noon Friday - Australian Pink =\ aOZS \]]\ 4`WROg Âł /cab`OZWO\ >W\Y Floyd, 6:30 p.m. Nov. 11, Verizon Wireless 4Z]gR $(! ^ [ <]d DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa Arena, Manchester, N.H. $20.50 to $39.50. /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 # b] !' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# !


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

The Tragically Hip perform on Nov. 7 at the State Theatre in Portland. Tickets BVS B`OUWQOZZg 6W^ ^S`T]`[ ]\ <]d % Ob bVS AbObS BVSOb`S W\ >]`bZO\R BWQYSba go on sale Friday. U] ]\ aOZS 4`WROg

The locals BVS Z]QOZa Sept. 27 - Tricky Britches and Darlingside, AS^b % Âł B`WQYg 0`WbQVSa O\R 2O`ZW\UaWRS 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $10/$12. =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 %$ %#% Sept. 27 - Tedeschi Trucks Band, 8 p.m., AS^b % Âł BSRSaQVW B`cQYa 0O\R & ^ [

State Theatre, Portland. $40 to $75. State AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R " b] %# AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS Sept. 28 - Journey, Pat Benatar AS^b & Âł 8]c`\Sg >Ob 0S\ObO`

Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <()

E8 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 3& 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS`

TH !NNUAL 9th Annual

-AINE ,AKES Maine Lakes "REW &EST Brew Fest AT !4 POINT SEBAGO 0/).4 3%"!'/ CASCO, MAINE #!3#/ -!).% Just off Route 302 *UST OFF 2OUTE

SEPTEMBER 29 3%04%-"%2 11 A M - 4 PM !- n 0 "2%7%23 30 BREWERS

,)6% %.4%24!).-%.4 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT

4HE $ISCLAIMERS The Disclaimers 2ANDOM /RDER Random Order 4UX "URKE -# %NTERTAINER Tux Burke MC & Entertainer


ĂŠ8NCĂ‹ `em`k\j jlZZ\jj`m\ gifY\j# 'AWL' invites successive probes, culminating in an experience Zlcd`eXk`e^ `e Xe \og\i`\eZ\ #Z 3*$, +0)/40/ By RICK JOHNSON 5P TBZ UIBU 340 T i"8w &1 JT BO FYFS To say that RSO's "AWE' EP is an exercise in minimalism is a bit of an underDJTF JO NJOJNBMJTN JT B CJU PG BO VOEFS statement. TUBUFNFOU RSO is the one-man-band project of 340 JT UIF POF NBO CBOE QSPKFDU PG musician Ryan Owens. He sings and plays NVTJDJBO 3ZBO 0XFOT )F TJOHT BOE QMBZT all the instruments, and by "all," I mean BMM UIF JOTUSVNFOUT BOE CZ iBMM w * NFBO three: Voice, guitar and drum box. This UISFF 7PJDF HVJUBS BOE ESVN CPY 5IJT is music that almost defies classification, JT NVTJD UIBU BMNPTU EFmFT DMBTTJmDBUJPO but could best be described as a punkish CVU DPVME CFTU CF EFTDSJCFE BT B QVOLJTI take on a form of very primitive blues. UBLF PO B GPSN PG WFSZ QSJNJUJWF CMVFT Simple, primal and dissonant, there is 4JNQMF QSJNBM BOE EJTTPOBOU UIFSF JT something oddly compelling about this TPNFUIJOH PEEMZ DPNQFMMJOH BCPVU UIJT music, even if some may find it downright NVTJD FWFO JG TPNF NBZ mOE JU EPXOSJHIU unpleasant. VOQMFBTBOU Let's start with the voice. Owens deliv-FU T TUBSU XJUI UIF WPJDF 0XFOT EFMJW ers his vocals in an anguished howl that at FST IJT WPDBMT JO BO BOHVJTIFE IPXM UIBU BU first calls to mind a slower version of early mSTU DBMMT UP NJOE B TMPXFS WFSTJPO PG FBSMZ '80s L.A. hardcore. But with repeated T - " IBSEDPSF #VU XJUI SFQFBUFE listens, one can hear the blues creeping MJTUFOT POF DBO IFBS UIF CMVFT DSFFQJOH in, albeit blues filtered through a punkJO BMCFJU CMVFT mMUFSFE UISPVHI B QVOL rock sensibility. In fact, Owens' singing SPDL TFOTJCJMJUZ *O GBDU 0XFOT TJOHJOH really isn't all that far removed from Kurt SFBMMZ JTO U BMM UIBU GBS SFNPWFE GSPN ,VSU Cobain's take on Lead Belly's "Where Did $PCBJO T UBLF PO -FBE #FMMZ T i8IFSF %JE You Sleep Last Night" from Nirvana's :PV 4MFFQ -BTU /JHIUw GSPN /JSWBOB T "MTV Unplugged in New York." What i.57 6OQMVHHFE JO /FX :PSL w 8IBU he lacks in technique, Owens more than IF MBDLT JO UFDIOJRVF 0XFOT NPSF UIBO makes up for with conviction and emotion. NBLFT VQ GPS XJUI DPOWJDUJPO BOE FNPUJPO Then there's the guitar; the simplest ar5IFO UIFSF T UIF HVJUBS UIF TJNQMFTU BS rangements of riffs, pounded out through SBOHFNFOUT PG SJGGT QPVOEFE PVU UISPVHI clanging, overdriven distortion. This is DMBOHJOH PWFSESJWFO EJTUPSUJPO 5IJT JT far from traditional song structure, and GBS GSPN USBEJUJPOBM TPOH TUSVDUVSF BOE the riffs function less as a way to advance UIF SJGGT GVODUJPO MFTT BT B XBZ UP BEWBODF musical ideas and more like punctuation, NVTJDBM JEFBT BOE NPSF MJLF QVODUVBUJPO driving home the point of Owens' pain. ESJWJOH IPNF UIF QPJOU PG 0XFOT QBJO There are no solos of any kind, certainly 5IFSF BSF OP TPMPT PG BOZ LJOE DFSUBJOMZ no hooks to grab onto. Owens howls a OP IPPLT UP HSBC POUP 0XFOT IPXMT B line, clangs out a two-chord riff to make MJOF DMBOHT PVU B UXP DIPSE SJGG UP NBLF his point, and occasionally thumps on the IJT QPJOU BOE PDDBTJPOBMMZ UIVNQT PO UIF drum box. Most of the songs consist only ESVN CPY .PTU PG UIF TPOHT DPOTJTU POMZ of voice and guitar, with the final track PG WPJDF BOE HVJUBS XJUI UIF mOBM USBDL delivered completely a cappella. EFMJWFSFE DPNQMFUFMZ B DBQQFMMB The production on the EP is just as 5IF QSPEVDUJPO PO UIF &1 JT KVTU BT sparse as the music. There is a slight TQBSTF BT UIF NVTJD 5IFSF JT B TMJHIU filter effect on the vocals, making them mMUFS FGGFDU PO UIF WPDBMT NBLJOH UIFN sound tinny like an old transistor radio. TPVOE UJOOZ MJLF BO PME USBOTJTUPS SBEJP But other than that, it seems as though #VU PUIFS UIBO UIBU JU TFFNT BT UIPVHI producer Todd Hutchisen simply hit the QSPEVDFS 5PEE )VUDIJTFO TJNQMZ IJU UIF record button and left the result largely SFDPSE CVUUPO BOE MFGU UIF SFTVMU MBSHFMZ as is. Don't expect a gloss or sonic sheen BT JT %PO U FYQFDU B HMPTT PS TPOJD TIFFO of any kind. Or bass, for that matter. This PG BOZ LJOE 0S CBTT GPS UIBU NBUUFS 5IJT

Bull Moose TOP 10 "ULL -OOSE KFG (' Purchase Tickets On-Line at 0URCHASE 4ICKETS /N ,INE AT www.MaineLakesBrewFest.com WWW -AINE,AKES"REW&EST COM or at the door OR AT THE DOOR FMI -207-647-3472 &-) n Rain or Shine 2AIN OR 3HINE

Top 10 f o r P o r t l a n d s t o r e Sept. 10-16: B]^ T]` >]`bZO\R ab]`S AS^b $( 1. B o b D y l a n , " T e m p e s t " 0]P 2gZO\ ÂľBS[^SabÂś 2 BVS /dSbb 0`]bVS`a Âľ1O`^S\bS`Âś . The Avett Brothers, "Carpenter" 3. "Snow W h i t e and the Huntsman" ! ÂľA\]e EVWbS O\R bVS 6c\ba[O\Âś (DVD) 2D2 4. Dave M a t t h e w s Band, "Away f r o m " 2OdS ;ObbVSea 0O\R Âľ/eOg T`][ the W o r l d " bVS E]`ZRÂś 5. The xx, "Coexist" # BVS ff Âľ1]SfWabÂś 6 . D a v i d B y r n e a n d St. V i n c e n t , " L o v e $ 2OdWR 0g`\S O\R Ab DW\QS\b Âľ:]dS This G i a n t " BVWa 5WO\bÂś 7. " N H L 1 3 " f o r X 3 6 0 % Âľ<6: !Âś T]` F!$ 8. "Spartacus: Vengeance" (DVD) & ÂľA^O`bOQca( DS\USO\QSÂś 2D2 9 . Cat Power, " S u n " ' 1Ob >]eS` ÂľAc\Âś 10. N O F X , "Self E n t i t l e d " <=4F ÂľASZT 3\bWbZSRÂś - Courtesy of Bull Moose Âł 1]c`bSag ]T 0cZZ ;]]aS

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

HOW IT RATES ?FN @K I8K<J RSO - "AWL" @A= Âł Âľ/E:Âś Produced by Todd Hutchisen >`]RcQSR Pg B]RR 6cbQVWaS\ (( 72 Âť

Based on a four-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O T]c` abO` aQOZS

is the trebliest release I've heard in quite JT UIF USFCMJFTU SFMFBTF * WF IFBSE JO RVJUF some time. TPNF UJNF Did I enjoy "AWL'? Hard to say. "Enjoy" %JE * FOKPZ i"8w )BSE UP TBZ i&OKPZw may not be the right word. More like NBZ OPU CF UIF SJHIU XPSE .PSF MJLF "experienced." And yet I found myself iFYQFSJFODFE w "OE ZFU * GPVOE NZTFMG compelled to revisit that experience at DPNQFMMFE UP SFWJTJU UIBU FYQFSJFODF BU least a dozen times, so there is definitely MFBTU B EP[FO UJNFT TP UIFSF JT EFmOJUFMZ something at work. RSO is like that canTPNFUIJOH BU XPSL 340 JT MJLF UIBU DBO ker sore under your tongue that you just LFS TPSF VOEFS ZPVS UPOHVF UIBU ZPV KVTU can't leave alone, even though you know DBO U MFBWF BMPOF FWFO UIPVHI ZPV LOPX it's going to hurt every time you touch it JU T HPJOH UP IVSU FWFSZ UJNF ZPV UPVDI JU with your tongue. Unpleasant though it XJUI ZPVS UPOHVF 6OQMFBTBOU UIPVHI JU may be, after a while, you can't help but NBZ CF BGUFS B XIJMF ZPV DBO U IFMQ CVU like it. MJLF JU For $5, you can download a digital copy 'PS ZPV DBO EPXOMPBE B EJHJUBM DPQZ at r-s-o.bandcamp.com/album/awl. Or, BU S T P CBOEDBNQ DPN BMCVN BXM 0S for $10, you can download the album and GPS ZPV DBO EPXOMPBE UIF BMCVN BOE get a 7-inch record with a limited-edition HFU B JODI SFDPSE XJUI B MJNJUFE FEJUJPO hand-screened jacket. Visit the RSO webIBOE TDSFFOFE KBDLFU 7JTJU UIF 340 XFC site at rienissomethingoriginal.com. TJUF BU SJFOJTTPNFUIJOHPSJHJOBM DPN Rick Johnson is a freelance writer and radio host @WQY 8]V\a]\ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` O\R `ORW] V]ab from Westbrook. He can be reached at: T`][ ESabP`]]Y 6S QO\ PS `SOQVSR Ob( rJohnson. rock@gmail. com `X]V\a]\ `]QY.U[OWZ Q][

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 | GO E9 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` j 5= 3'


DLJ@: 8E; E@>?KC@=< Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

The Swedish electro-house duo Dada Life performs at the State Theatre in BVS AeSRWaV SZSQb`] V]caS Rc] 2ORO :WTS ^S`T]`[a Ob bVS AbObS BVSOb`S W\ Portland on Sunday. >]`bZO\R ]\ Ac\ROg

THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Joy Kills Sorrow, string band, with Fish and *OY +ILLS 3ORROW STRING BAND WITH &ISH AND Bird, One Longfellow Square, Portland. $15. "IRD /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Steve Earle, alt-country/rock, Strand Theatre, 3TEVE %ARLE ALT COUNTRY ROCK 3TRAND 4HEATRE Rockland. Sold out. rocklandstrand.com. 7:30 p.m. 2OCKLAND 3OLD OUT ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M N i t t y G r i t t y D i r t Band, country/rock, Stone .ITTY 'RITTY $IRT "AND COUNTRY ROCK 3TONE Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $75. -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD stonemountainartscenter.com. 8 p.m. STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM P M Stars, indie pop, with Diamond Rings and 3TARS INDIE POP WITH $IAMOND 2INGS AND California Waves, 18-plus; Port City Music Hall, #ALIFORNIA 7AVES PLUS 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL Portland. $22 to $34. statetheatreportland.com. 0ORTLAND TO STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM 8 p.m. P M Julie Holter, singer-songwriter, with Hundred *ULIE (OLTER SINGER SONGWRITER WITH (UNDRED Waters, 18-plus; Space, Portland. $10. 7ATERS PLUS 3PACE 0ORTLAND space538.org. 8:30 p.m. SPACE ORG P M Audrey Ryan, experimental folk-pop, with !UDREY 2YAN EXPERIMENTAL FOLK POP WITH Toughcats and Great Elk, The Oak and the Ax, 4OUGHCATS AND 'REAT %LK 4HE /AK AND THE !X Biddeford. $8. theoakandtheax.blogspot.com. "IDDEFORD THEOAKANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM 8 p.m. P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Soulive, funk jazz trio, with The Alan Evans Trio, 3OULIVE FUNK JAZZ TRIO WITH 4HE !LAN %VANS 4RIO State Theatre, Portland. $20 in advance; $25 day 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY of show; general admission, statetheatreportland OF SHOW GENERAL ADMISSION STATETHEATREPORTLAND .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Julian Lage, jazz guitarist, One Longfellow *ULIAN ,AGE JAZZ GUITARIST /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $18 in advance; $20 day of 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF show, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. SHOW ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Sarah Jarosz, multi-instrumentalist, with fiddler 3ARAH *AROSZ MULTI INSTRUMENTALIST WITH lDDLER Alex Hargreaves and cellist Nathaniel Smith, !LEX (ARGREAVES AND CELLIST .ATHANIEL 3MITH Talbot Auditorium of Luther Bonney Hall, USM 4ALBOT !UDITORIUM OF ,UTHER "ONNEY (ALL 53- Portland campus. $27. heptunesconcerts.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND CAMPUS HEPTUNESCONCERTS COM P M "A Loss for Words," acoustic benefit concert for h! ,OSS FOR 7ORDS v ACOUSTIC BENElT CONCERT FOR the National MS Society with Beyond Goodbye THE .ATIONAL -3 3OCIETY WITH "EYOND 'OODBYE and other bands, Husson University (Gracie AND OTHER BANDS (USSON 5NIVERSITY 'RACIE Theatre), Bangor. $10. 973-1011. 7:30 p.m. 4HEATRE "ANGOR P M Cinder Conk, Balkan/gypsy folk dance music, #INDER #ONK "ALKAN GYPSY FOLK DANCE MUSIC Aarhus Gallery, Belfast. $12. aarhusgallery.com. !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST AARHUSGALLERY COM 7:30 p.m. P M Andy Happell, violinist and composer, St. !NDY (APPELL VIOLINIST AND COMPOSER 3T Lawrence Arts Center, Portland. $12 in advance; ,AWRENCE !RTS #ENTER 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE $15 day of show, stlawrencearts.org. 7 p.m. DAY OF SHOW STLAWRENCEARTS ORG P M Arborea, progressive-folk duo, with Greg Jamie, !RBOREA PROGRESSIVE FOLK DUO WITH 'REG *AMIE The Frontier, Brunswick. $10 in advance; $12 day 4HE &RONTIER "RUNSWICK IN ADVANCE DAY of show, explorefrontier.com. 8 p.m. OF SHOW EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M "Music of John Cage," performed by pianist Paul h-USIC OF *OHN #AGE v PERFORMED BY PIANIST 0AUL Sullivan, LesTrois Etoiles, DirigoMiz and the UMF 3ULLIVAN ,ES 4ROIS %TOILES $IRIGO-IZ AND THE 5-& Experimental Arts Ensemble, Emery Community %XPERIMENTAL !RTS %NSEMBLE %MERY #OMMUNITY Arts Center, Farmington. Free. 778-7288. 7:30 p.m. !RTS #ENTER &ARMINGTON &REE P M Session Americana, round table jamboree, Stone 3ESSION !MERICANA ROUND TABLE JAMBOREE 3TONE Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $20. -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD stonemountainartscenter.com. 8 p.m. STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM P M

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, singer-songwriter, with ,ADY ,AMB THE "EEKEEPER SINGER SONGWRITER WITH Coke Weed, The Oak and the Ax, Biddeford. $10. #OKE 7EED 4HE /AK AND THE !X "IDDEFORD theoakandtheax.blogspot.com. 8 p.m. THEOAKANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Buxton, folk-rock, 18-plus; Space, Portland. $8 in "UXTON FOLK ROCK PLUS 3PACE 0ORTLAND IN advance; $10 day of show, space538.org. ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW SPACE ORG 8:30 p.m. P M Joe Robinson, Australian singer-songwriter, *OE 2OBINSON !USTRALIAN SINGER SONGWRITER Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Fryeburg. $20; $15 for seniors; $10 for students. &RYEBURG FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 7:30 p.m. FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC P M Beyond Reason, "The Blue Room" CD-release "EYOND 2EASON h4HE "LUE 2OOMv #$ RELEASE show with The O l d Salt Band, One Longfellow SHOW WITH 4HE /LD 3ALT "AND /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $5. onelongfellowsquare.com. 3QUARE 0ORTLAND ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM 7 p.m. P M The Fighting Jamesons, high-energy 4HE &IGHTING *AMESONS HIGH ENERGY Celtic Music, Opera House at Boothbay #ELTIC -USIC /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY Harbor. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. (ARBOR IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW boothbayoperahouse.com. 8 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M "Woody's a' Hundred: The Life & Times of Woody h7OODY S A (UNDRED 4HE ,IFE 4IMES OF 7OODY Guthrie," with Bob Webb and Dave Peloquin, 'UTHRIE v WITH "OB 7EBB AND $AVE 0ELOQUIN Merrill Hall/Nordica Auditorium, Farmington. -ERRILL (ALL .ORDICA !UDITORIUM &ARMINGTON $10. 778-4699. 7:30 p.m. P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Ghostface Killah, rap, 21-plus; Asylum, 'HOSTFACE +ILLAH RAP PLUS !SYLUM Portland. $19 in advance; $22 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Jared Fischer, pianist, First Church, Belfast. Free/ *ARED &ISCHER PIANIST &IRST #HURCH "ELFAST &REE donation. 338-2282. 3 p.m. DONATION P M Dada Life, Swedish electro-house duo, with 12th $ADA ,IFE 3WEDISH ELECTRO HOUSE DUO WITH TH Planet, 16-plus; State Theatre, Portland. $26.50 in 0LANET PLUS 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND IN advance; $31.50 day of show; general admission. ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW GENERAL ADMISSION statetheatreportland.com. 9:30 p.m. STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Faun Fables with Herbcraft, song-telling, The Oak &AUN &ABLES WITH (ERBCRAFT SONG TELLING 4HE /AK and the Ax, Biddeford. $8. theoakandtheax AND THE !X "IDDEFORD THEOAKANDTHEAX .blogspot.com. 8 p.m. BLOGSPOT COM P M SEPT. 27 3%04 TedeschiTrucks Band, rock and blues, with 4EDESCHI 4RUCKS "AND ROCK AND BLUES WITH Scrapomatic, State Theatre, Portland. $40 to $75; 3CRAPOMATIC 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND TO reserved seating, statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. RESERVED SEATING STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Tricky Britches and Darlingside, bluegrass 4RICKY "RITCHES AND $ARLINGSIDE BLUEGRASS and string-rock, One Longfellow Square, AND STRING ROCK /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE Portland. $10 in advance; $12 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Recession Session with Kenny White, pianist/ 2ECESSION 3ESSION WITH +ENNY 7HITE PIANIST singer-songwriter, Stone Mountain Arts Center, SINGER SONGWRITER 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Brownfield. $15. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 8 p.m. P M Frontiers of Music #5, improvised music &RONTIERS OF -USIC IMPROVISED MUSIC collective performances, The Frontier, Brunswick. COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCES 4HE &RONTIER "RUNSWICK Name your price, explorefrontier.com. 7 p.m. .AME YOUR PRICE EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M

Please see MUSIC, Page E10 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <('


7ZR IRU Two/or 23

&KRRVH DQ\ WZR RI WKH IROORZLQJ HQWUHHV« Choose any two of the following entrees... • ) Fried Combo ² 0DLQH 6KULPS - Maine Shrimp ‡ ULHG &RPER +DGGRFN ZLWK IULHV FROHVODZ & Haddock with fries & coleslaw 4:30



with your choice of potato or rice ^ePtember ‡ -XPER 3DQNR 6KULPS RYHU $VLDQ FROHVODZ ZLWK ULFH • Jumbo Panko Shrimp over Asian coleslaw with rice

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E1O GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012

35--%2 )3,!.$ 345$)/ SUMMER ISLAND STUDIO '!,,%29 /& &).%

GALLERY OF FAFZ !24)3!.3 ARTISANS *%7%,29 $%3)'.%2 0!44) , "!+%2 JiWILRY Di§l@NiB; PATH L BAKiR

Continued from Page E9 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3' Powerman 5000, nu metal, with Prospect Hill, 0OWERMAN NU METAL WITH 0ROSPECT (ILL Ascent to Power and Death Rattle, Asylum, !SCENT TO 0OWER AND $EATH 2ATTLE !SYLUM Portland. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW portlandasylum.com. 7 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M

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4ONTINE ALL s AINE 3TREET "RUNSWICK -% 20/-3/31810 •! summer's anosiua'o.com " " ˆ s SUMMERISLANDSTUDIO COM ˆ

Open Mic Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, /PEN -IC #OMEDY .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE Portland. Free, slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Thursday and Sept. 27. 4HURSDAY AND 3EPT George Hamm, benefit for Central Maine's Meals 'EORGE (AMM BENElT FOR #ENTRAL -AINE S -EALS on Wheels Program, Waterville Elks Banquet and ON 7HEELS 0ROGRAM 7ATERVILLE %LKS "ANQUET AND Conference Center. $12. 873-4745. Doors at 7 #ONFERENCE #ENTER $OORS AT p.m.; show at 8:30 p.m. Friday. P M SHOW AT P M &RIDAY Bob DiBuono, Comedy Connection, Portland. "OB $I"UONO #OMEDY #ONNECTION 0ORTLAND $15. 774-5554. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY

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THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Strangled Darlings, graveyard dance 3TRANGLED $ARLINGS GRAVEYARD DANCE music, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. MUSIC !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Pitch Black Ribbons, bluegrass, Dogfish Bar and 0ITCH "LACK 2IBBONS BLUEGRASS $OGlSH "AR AND Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M The Flaming Lips' "Zaireeka!", experimental 4HE &LAMING ,IPS h:AIREEKA v EXPERIMENTAL listening party, Empire Dine and Dance, LISTENING PARTY %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE Portland. $2. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Clara Berry, folk-pop, Blue, Portland. Donation. #LARA "ERRY FOLK POP "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Jason Myles Goss, singer/songwriter, Blue, *ASON -YLES 'OSS SINGER SONGWRITER "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Groove Ruckus, jazz/funk/fusion, Blue, Portland. 'ROOVE 2UCKUS JAZZ FUNK FUSION "LUE 0ORTLAND portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Tony Boffa Quartet, cool and soft jazz, Gingko 4ONY "OFFA 1UARTET COOL AND SOFT JAZZ 'INGKO Blue, Portland. Donation, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION GINGKOBLUE COM P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-pius; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M Joint Chiefs, acoustic, Portland Lobster *OINT #HIEFS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Beach the Whale, prog-rock, with Pecan Sandies "EACH THE 7HALE PROG ROCK WITH 0ECAN 3ANDIES and Hotel Radio, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. AND (OTEL 2ADIO 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND 221-2382. 9 p.m. P M

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Ghostface Killah raps on Sunday at 5V]abTOQS 9WZZOV `O^a ]\ Ac\ROg Ob Asylum in Portland. /agZc[ W\ >]`bZO\R Michael Krapovicky, acoustic, Gritty McDuff's, -ICHAEL +RAPOVICKY ACOUSTIC 'RITTY -C$UFF S Freeport. Donation, grittys.com. 8:30 p.m. &REEPORT $ONATION GRITTYS COM P M Alan Dickson, acoustic, Deer Run Tavern, !LAN $ICKSON ACOUSTIC $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M The Underachievers, classic rock, Bayside Bowl, 4HE 5NDERACHIEVERS CLASSIC ROCK "AYSIDE "OWL Portland, baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Holy Boys Danger Club, Murcielago and The (OLY "OYS $ANGER #LUB -URCIELAGO AND 4HE Class Machine, rock, Empire Dine and Dance, #LASS -ACHINE ROCK %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE Portland. $6 ($1 of which benefits Playing for 0ORTLAND OF WHICH BENElTS 0LAYING FOR Change and MAMM). portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. #HANGE AND -!-- PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Cruel Hand, hardcore, with Rude Awakening, #RUEL (AND HARDCORE WITH 2UDE !WAKENING DMA and Strung Along, Geno's Rock Club, $.! AND 3TRUNG !LONG 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M "In the Round with Shanna," jazz series, Blue, h)N THE 2OUND WITH 3HANNA v JAZZ SERIES "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Potato Pickers, folk/country, Blue, Portland. 0OTATO 0ICKERS FOLK COUNTRY "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Roving Soul, traditional and modern folk songs, 2OVING 3OUL TRADITIONAL AND MODERN FOLK SONGS Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Tickle, pop covers, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 10 p.m. 4ICKLE POP COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM P M Gary Richardson, solo acoustic jazz and blues, 'ARY 2ICHARDSON SOLO ACOUSTIC JAZZ AND BLUES Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 5 to 8 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM TO P M Mama's Boom Shack, funk, soul and blues, -AMA S "OOM 3HACK FUNK SOUL AND BLUES Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. FRIDAY 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M &2)$!9 Beam & Fink, acoustic blues and roots, Andy's "EAM &INK ACOUSTIC BLUES AND ROOTS !NDY S CyborgTrio/Sounduo, post-dub audio/visual live #YBORG 4RIO 3OUNDUO POST DUB AUDIO VISUAL LIVE Old Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM performance, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, PERFORMANCE PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 8:30 p.m. Portland. $5. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. P M 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Chris Fitz Band, electric blues, 21-plus; Inn on the The Coalsack in Crux, hard rock, CD-release #HRIS &ITZ "AND ELECTRIC BLUES PLUS )NN ON THE 4HE #OALSACK IN #RUX HARD ROCK #$ RELEASE Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM show with Haru Bangs and Johnny Cremains, SHOW WITH (ARU "ANGS AND *OHNNY #REMAINS 9:30 p.m. P M Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY Sly-Chi, funk, Big Easy, Portland. $8. 3LY #HI FUNK "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Jill Stringham with Eric Mauriello, acoustic Irish *ILL 3TRINGHAM WITH %RIC -AURIELLO ACOUSTIC )RISH Travis James Humphrey, acoustic, Dogfish Bar 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY ACOUSTIC $OGlSH "AR music, all ages; Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 846and Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. MUSIC ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN 9ARMOUTH AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM 9555. 6 to 9 p.m. 5 to 7 p.m. TO P M TO P M Moore & Moran, folk/Ameicana, Gritty McDuff's, -OORE -ORAN FOLK !MEICANA 'RITTY -C$UFF S Pitch Black Ribbons, bluegrass, Blue, Portland. 0ITCH "LACK 2IBBONS BLUEGRASS "LUE 0ORTLAND Freeport. Donation, grittys.com. 8:30 p.m. Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. &REEPORT $ONATION GRITTYS COM P M $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Pitch Black Ribbons, bluegrass, Deer Run Tavern, Matt Meyer &The Gumption JCT, new roots 0ITCH "LACK 2IBBONS BLUEGRASS $EER 2UN 4AVERN -ATT -EYER 4HE 'UMPTION *#4 NEW ROOTS Yarmouth. 846-9555. 8 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M music, old sea chanteys and mountain songs, MUSIC OLD SEA CHANTEYS AND MOUNTAIN SONGS Steve Jones, blues and rock, Run of the Mill Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. 3TEVE *ONES BLUES AND ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. Nikki Hunt, rock, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 10 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M .IKKI (UNT ROCK 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM P M Kenya Hall Band, funk, with Zach Jones, Big Easy, The Lucid, pop/rock, Portland Lobster Company. +ENYA (ALL "AND FUNK WITH :ACH *ONES "IG %ASY 4HE ,UCID POP ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY Portland. $8. bigeasyportland.com. 8 p.m. portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M The Wetsuits, surf rock, Dogfish Bar and Grille, 4HE 7ETSUITS SURF ROCK $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE David Mello, old-time blues, Gingko Blue, $AVID -ELLO OLD TIME BLUES 'INGKO "LUE Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. Portland, gingkoblue.com. 5 to 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM TO P M Hairy Pie, hair-metal covers, 21-plus; Club Tommy O'Connell &The Juke Joint Devils, blues(AIRY 0IE HAIR METAL COVERS PLUS #LUB 4OMMY / #ONNELL 4HE *UKE *OINT $EVILS BLUES Texas, Auburn. 784-7785. Doors at 6 p.m. rock, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 4EXAS !UBURN $OORS AT P M ROCK 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Bottom of the East, rock, Bayside Bowl, Portland. Justin Walton, singer-songwriter, Andy's Old Port "OTTOM OF THE %AST ROCK "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND *USTIN 7ALTON SINGER SONGWRITER !NDY S /LD 0ORT baysidebowl.com. 9 p.m. Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M "Move! Nevermind the 9O's," dance music h-OVE .EVERMIND THE S v DANCE MUSIC SUNDAY from the '90s, 21-plus; Asylum, Portland. 35.$!9 FROM THE S PLUS !SYLUM 0ORTLAND Awesome Kong, rock, Run of the Mill Brewpub, portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. !WESOME +ONG ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL "REWPUB PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Saco.therunofthemill.net. 1 p.m. ThrowDown Band, electric blues, 21-pius; Inn on 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M 4HROW$OWN "AND ELECTRIC BLUES PLUS )NN ON the Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM 9:30 p.m. P M Please see MUSIC, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <((

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, Septennber 20, | GO Ell BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3

Continued from Page E10 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Jerks of Grass, bluegrass, Portland Lobster *ERKS OF 'RASS BLUEGRASS 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON Mike Duffy & Friends, acoustic, Andy's O l d Port -IKE $UFFY &RIENDS ACOUSTIC !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 5:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Brunch with Sly-Chi, R&B, RiRa, Portland. "RUNCH WITH 3LY #HI 2 " 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. Noon. RIRA COM .OON The Couch, open mic with host John Nels, Empire 4HE #OUCH OPEN MIC WITH HOST *OHN .ELS %MPIRE Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 7 p.m. P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Smokin' Joe Kubek w i t h Bnois King, blues, Time 3MOKIN *OE +UBEK WITH "NOIS +ING BLUES 4IME Out Pub, Rockland. $15. 593-9336. 7 p.m. /UT 0UB 2OCKLAND P M N.E.Town, folk-rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, . % 4OWN FOLK ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Funky Mondays:The Players Ball, funk, Big Easy, &UNKY -ONDAYS 4HE 0LAYERS "ALL FUNK "IG %ASY Portland. $3. bigeasyportland.com. 8:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Bluegrass Mondays, 21-plus; Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS -ONDAYS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M The Mutineers, eclectic string music, The Liberal 4HE -UTINEERS ECLECTIC STRING MUSIC 4HE ,IBERAL Cup, Hallowell. theliberalcup.com. 5 p.m. #UP (ALLOWELL THELIBERALCUP COM P M Open Mic, with Ev Guy, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. /PEN -IC WITH %V 'UY 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM 8 p.m. P M TUESDAY 45%3$!9 M i l k Carton Kids, Americana duo, with The -ILK #ARTON +IDS !MERICANA DUO WITH 4HE Brendan Hines, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, "RENDAN (INES PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE Portland. $6. portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Poor Howard, Delta blues, Andy's O l d Port Pub, 0OOR (OWARD $ELTA BLUES !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Electric Open Mic, with Joint Enterprise, Run of %LECTRIC /PEN -IC WITH *OINT %NTERPRISE 2UN OF the Mill Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Ryan Halliburton, acoustic, Portland Lobster 2YAN (ALLIBURTON ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Owen Marshall and Lindsay Straw, Irish music, /WEN -ARSHALL AND ,INDSAY 3TRAW )RISH MUSIC Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 7:30 p.m. P M Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Ben Kilcollins, acoustic, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. "EN +ILCOLLINS ACOUSTIC 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM

JAROSZ ?6GDHO Continued from Page E5 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3#

"I'm in music school, so it's not as hard i* N JO NVTJD TDIPPM TP JU T OPU BT IBSE as if I were in some other kind of school," BT JG * XFSF JO TPNF PUIFS LJOE PG TDIPPM w she said. TIF TBJE Music has never been hard for Jarosz. .VTJD IBT OFWFS CFFO IBSE GPS +BSPT[ She grew up outside Austin, Texas, a 4IF HSFX VQ PVUTJEF "VTUJO 5FYBT B place where music is a way of life. She got QMBDF XIFSF NVTJD JT B XBZ PG MJGF 4IF HPU a mandolin for a present when she was a B NBOEPMJO GPS B QSFTFOU XIFO TIF XBT B teenager, and was soon playing at major UFFOBHFS BOE XBT TPPO QMBZJOH BU NBKPS music festivals. NVTJD GFTUJWBMT She also learned to play the banjo. And 4IF BMTP MFBSOFE UP QMBZ UIF CBOKP "OE she sings. And writes songs. TIF TJOHT "OE XSJUFT TPOHT Jarosz's parents, both teachers, en+BSPT[ T QBSFOUT CPUI UFBDIFST FO couraged her to pursue her music."My DPVSBHFE IFS UP QVSTVF IFS NVTJD i.Z parents were both so supportive of me, QBSFOUT XFSF CPUI TP TVQQPSUJWF PG NF and that has meant a lot." BOE UIBU IBT NFBOU B MPU w While still in her teens, Jarosz made the 8IJMF TUJMM JO IFS UFFOT +BSPT[ NBEF UIF first of several appearances on Garrison mSTU PG TFWFSBM BQQFBSBODFT PO (BSSJTPO Keillor's public radio show "A Prairie ,FJMMPS T QVCMJD SBEJP TIPX i" 1SBJSJF Home Companion," which often puts a )PNF $PNQBOJPO w XIJDI PGUFO QVUT B spotlight on young acoustic, bluegrass or TQPUMJHIU PO ZPVOH BDPVTUJD CMVFHSBTT PS Americana performers. "NFSJDBOB QFSGPSNFST "Garrison has a really amazing away of i(BSSJTPO IBT B SFBMMZ BNB[JOH BXBZ PG challenging himself and the people on the DIBMMFOHJOH IJNTFMG BOE UIF QFPQMF PO UIF show, so it's really a thrill to be on with TIPX TP JU T SFBMMZ B UISJMM UP CF PO XJUI him," said Jarosz. IJN w TBJE +BSPT[ When she began playing mandolin, 8IFO TIF CFHBO QMBZJOH NBOEPMJO Jarosz was influenced by bluegrass +BSPT[ XBT JOnVFODFE CZ CMVFHSBTT music. But she was soon drawn to singerNVTJD #VU TIF XBT TPPO ESBXO UP TJOHFS songwriters as well, including Gillian TPOHXSJUFST BT XFMM JODMVEJOH (JMMJBO Welch, Tim O'Brien and Paul Simon, and 8FMDI 5JN 0 #SJFO BOE 1BVM 4JNPO BOE

SEPT. 27 3%04 Griffin Sherry &The Ghost of Paul Revere, roots 'RIFlN 3HERRY 4HE 'HOST OF 0AUL 2EVERE ROOTS music, Dogfish Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogfis MUSIC $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlS hbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. HBARANDGRILLE COM P M Barn Swallows, bluegrass, Blue, Portland. "ARN 3WALLOWS BLUEGRASS "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Steamboat Gypsy, bluegrass and old-time country, 3TEAMBOAT 'YPSY BLUEGRASS AND OLD TIME COUNTRY Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 8 p.m. P M Samuel James and D. Gross, roots and blues, 3AMUEL *AMES AND $ 'ROSS ROOTS AND BLUES Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 10 p.m. P M Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW roadhouse roots music, Gingko Blue, Portland. ROADHOUSE ROOTS MUSIC 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 8 to 11 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM TO P M Peter Gavett & Friends, acoustic folk-rock, Andy's 0ETER 'AVETT &RIENDS ACOUSTIC FOLK ROCK !NDY S O l d Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM 6:30 p.m. P M Dave Gagne, indie folk, rock and reggae, Run of $AVE 'AGNE INDIE FOLK ROCK AND REGGAE 2UN OF the Mill Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-plus; ClubTexas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Open M i c Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M

she's a big fan of groups that defy genre TIF T B CJH GBO PG HSPVQT UIBU EFGZ HFOSF definitions, such as The Decemberists, EFmOJUJPOT TVDI BT 5IF %FDFNCFSJTUT Nickel Creek and Wilco. /JDLFM $SFFL BOE 8JMDP "I don't like the idea of fitting into a i* EPO U MJLF UIF JEFB PG mUUJOH JOUP B genre. I like to use bluegrass instruHFOSF * MJLF UP VTF CMVFHSBTT JOTUSV ments, but not necessarily just to make NFOUT CVU OPU OFDFTTBSJMZ KVTU UP NBLF bluegrass music," said Jarosz. "The CMVFHSBTT NVTJD w TBJE +BSPT[ i5IF Punch Brothers use bluegrass instru1VODI #SPUIFST VTF CMVFHSBTT JOTUSV ments, but I don't consider them just NFOUT CVU * EPO U DPOTJEFS UIFN KVTU bluegrass. I think people today are longCMVFHSBTT * UIJOL QFPQMF UPEBZ BSF MPOH ing for a more honest sound, and I think JOH GPS B NPSF IPOFTU TPVOE BOE * UIJOL that kind of sound can be incorporated UIBU LJOE PG TPVOE DBO CF JODPSQPSBUFE into a lot of kinds of music." JOUP B MPU PG LJOET PG NVTJD w At the ripe old age of 19 in 2010, Jarosz "U UIF SJQF PME BHF PG JO +BSPT[ was nominated for a Best Country InstruXBT OPNJOBUFE GPS B #FTU $PVOUSZ *OTUSV mental Grammy for her song "MansinNFOUBM (SBNNZ GPS IFS TPOH i.BOTJO needof"w PGG UIF BMCVN i4POH 6Q *O )FS off the album "Song Up In Her OFFEPG Head." The cast of veteran musicians )FBE w 5IF DBTU PG WFUFSBO NVTJDJBOT who worked on that album with her inXIP XPSLFE PO UIBU BMCVN XJUI IFS JO cluded Darrell Scott and Jerry Douglas. DMVEFE %BSSFMM 4DPUU BOE +FSSZ %PVHMBT Her next album, "Follow Me Down," )FS OFYU BMCVN i'PMMPX .F %PXO w included Bela Fleck and Shawn Colvin, JODMVEFE #FMB 'MFDL BOE 4IBXO $PMWJO among others. BNPOH PUIFST In terms of her immediate plans, Jarosz *O UFSNT PG IFS JNNFEJBUF QMBOT +BSPT[ is in her final year at the New England JT JO IFS mOBM ZFBS BU UIF /FX &OHMBOE Conservatory, and says she'll focus on $POTFSWBUPSZ BOE TBZT TIF MM GPDVT PO that while continuing her career. UIBU XIJMF DPOUJOVJOH IFS DBSFFS "I just take it day by day and realize I'm i* KVTU UBLF JU EBZ CZ EBZ BOE SFBMJ[F * N lucky to be doing both," she said. MVDLZ UP CF EPJOH CPUI w TIF TBJE Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6454 or at: $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RayRouthier BeWbbS`( @Og@]cbVWS`

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P M 8:30 p.m. David Beam &The Custom House Gang, $AVID "EAM 4HE #USTOM (OUSE 'ANG bluegrass/Americana, Andy's Old Port Pub, BLUEGRASS !MERICANA !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Rap Night, hosted by Shupe and III By 2AP .IGHT HOSTED BY 3HUPE AND )LL "Y )NSTINCT PLUS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND Instinct, 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. $3. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M %RIC "ETTENCOURT 4RIO SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Eric BettencourtTrio, singer-songwriter, Portland Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM 6 p.m. P M ,AURENCE +ELLY AND &LASH !LLEN JAZZ CLASSICS Laurence Kelly and Flash Allen, jazz classics, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Acoustic Open Mic, with Brian Laurier, Dogfish !COUSTIC /PEN -IC WITH "RIAN ,AURIER $OGlSH Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE .com. 7 p.m. COM P M Stereocom, electronica, with West End, Flask 3TEREOCOM ELECTRONICA WITH 7EST %ND &LASK Lounge, Portland, flasklounge.com. 8 p.m. ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND mASKLOUNGE COM P M

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E12 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` GO | T h e P o r t l a n d P r e s s H e r a l d / T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2 012 3

Continued from Page E7 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3% a n d L o v e r b o y , 5 p.m., B a n g o r O\R :]dS`P]g # ^ [ 0O\U]` W a t e r f r o n t Pavilion. $31.50 to $111.50. EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ ! # b] # Waterfrontconcerts.com; (800) 745-3000 EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 29 - F i s h t a n k E n s e m b l e , 8 p.m., O n e AS^b ' Âł 4WaVbO\Y 3\aS[PZS & ^ [ =\S L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . $12/$15. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% S e p t . 29 - M a r g a r e t Cho, 8 p.m., S t a t e AS^b ' Âł ;O`UO`Sb 1V] & ^ [ AbObS T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2# b] "# AbObS 5 to $45. State BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS S e p t . 2' Âł A]cZ?cSab eWbV AeWbQVT]]b 9 - SoulQuest with Switchfoot, AS^b N e e d t o b r e a t h e a n d o t h e r s , 10 a.m., <SSRb]P`SObVS O\R ]bVS`a O [ B a n g o r W a t e r f r o n t Pavilion. $21.50 t o $101. 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ # b] Waterfrontconcerts.com EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][ S e p t . 29 - The D r e a m Factory, 9 : 3 0 p.m., AS^b ' Âł BVS 2`SO[ 4OQb]`g '(! ^ [




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P o r t C i t y Music Hall, P o r t l a n d . $19 to $ 2# 5. >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R ' b] P o r t c i t y m u s i c h a l l . c o m ; ( 8 8 8 ) 5 1 2 A6=E -SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # S e p t . 30 - T h e Melvins Lite, 9 p.m., A s y l u m , AS^b ! ³ BVS ;SZdW\a :WbS ' ^ [ /agZc[ P o r t l a n d . $15. P o r t l a n d a s y l u m . c o m ; >]`bZO\R # >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][) 7 7 2 & - 8 2 %" 74. %% S e p t . 30 - J o a n O s b o r n e Duo, 8 p.m., AS^b ! ³ 8]O\ =aP]`\S 2c] & ^ [ J o n a t h a n ' s , O g u n q u i t . $ 4 2 # "$ # $"$ .50/$46.50. 6468]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb " 4 5 2 $) 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][ 6; Jonathansrestaurant.com "# S e p t . 3 0 - C o n n o r Garvey, C i n d y AS^b ! ³ 1]\\]` 5O`dSg 1W\Rg Bullens a n d Vanessa Torres, 7 p.m., 0cZZS\a O\R DO\SaaO B]``Sa % ^ [ O n e L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . $ 2 0. =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 3 - Anthrax, Testament and Death =Qb ! ³ /\bV`Of BSabO[S\b O\R 2SObV A n g e l , 7:50 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . /\USZ %(# ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R 6/$30. Statetheatreportland.com $ 2$ ! AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ O c t . 4 - A G , G a r r i s o n Starr a n d Maia Sharp, =Qb " ³ /5 5O``Wa]\ AbO`` O\R ;OWO AVO`^ 8 p.m., J o n a t h a n ' s , O g u n q u i t . $17.50/$21. & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb % # J o n a t h a n s r e s t a u r a n t . c o m ; 6 4 6 - 4 5 2$6 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# O c t . 5 - Lori M c K e n n a , 8 p.m., O n e =Qb # ³ :]`W ;Q9S\\O & ^ [ =\S L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . $ 2 2 / $ 2 # 5. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R

O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% O c t . 6 - Ben Harper, 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , =Qb $ ³ 0S\ 6O`^S` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $35 to $55. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# b] ## AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 8 - Regina Spektor, 8 p.m., S t a t e =Qb & ³ @SUW\O A^SYb]` & ^ [ AbObS Theatre, Portland. $ 3 6 . 5 0 / $ 4 0 Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R !$ # " AbObSbVSOb`S Portland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 12 ³ BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - T i n a r i w e n G u i t a r Masters f r o m =Qb Mali, 8 p.m., O n e L o n g f e l l o w Square, ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S Portland. $38. Onelongfellowsquare.com; >]`bZO\R !& =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) 761-1757 %$ %#% O c t . 13 - EOTO, 9 p.m., P o r t C i t y Music Hall, =Qb ! ³ 3=B= ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ P o r t l a n d . $12 b] " ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) to $ 4 0 . portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R ( 8 8 8 ) 5 1 2 A6=E -SHOW &&& # O c t . 10-14 - C i r q u e du Soleil, C u m b e r l a n d =Qb " ³ 1W`_cS Rc A]ZSWZ 1c[PS`ZO\R C o u n t y Civic Center, P o r t l a n d . $ 2& b] 8 t o $100. 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R Theciviccenter.com; 775-3458 BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) %%# !"#& O c t . 15 - Morrissey, 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , =Qb # ³ ;]``WaaSg & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $39.50. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !' # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 16 - Glen C a m p b e l l : The G o o d b y e =Qb $ ³ 5ZS\ 1O[^PSZZ( BVS 5]]RPgS Tour, 7:30 p.m., Merrill A u d i t o r i u m , B]c` %(! ^ [ ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ Portland. $45 to $65. Porttix.com; >]`bZO\R "# b] $# >]`bbWf Q][) P o r t l a n d o v a t i o n s . o r g ; 8 4 2 & -0800 >]`bZO\R]dObW]\a ]`U) &" O c t . 18 - The I n f a m o u s S t r i n g d u s t e r s , =Qb & ³ BVS 7\TO[]ca Ab`W\URcabS`a 8 p.m., P o r t C i t y Music Hall, P o r t l a n d . $15 to & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] 5. S t a t e t h e a t r e p o r t l a n d . c o m ; ( 8 0 0 ) 745 $ 2 # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 3 0 0 0 ; C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` box office P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 24 - B r a n d i Carlile w i t h B l i t z e n =Qb " ³ 0`O\RW 1O`ZWZS eWbV 0ZWbhS\ Trapper, 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . B`O^^S` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $35/$40. Statetheatreportland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) !# " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 28 - H e n r y Rollins, 7 p.m., C o n y =Qb & ³ 6S\`g @]ZZW\a % ^ [ 1]\g A u d i t o r i u m , A u g u s t a . $ 2# AbObSbVSOb`S 5. Statetheatre /cRWb]`Wc[ /cUcabO Portland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 29 - C i t i z e n C o p e , 7:30 p.m., S t a t e =Qb ' ³ 1WbWhS\ 1]^S %(! ^ [ AbObS T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2# ! AbObSbVSOb`S 5/$30. Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Portland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS O c t . 31 - fun., 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , =Qb ! ³ Tc\ & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $ 3 0 / $ 3 5 . Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R ! !# AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS N o v . 1 - P r e t t y L i g h t s , 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , <]d ³ >`Sbbg :WUVba & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $35 to $40. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# b] " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS N o v . 3 - U m p h r e y ' s M c G e e w i t h The B r i g h t <]d ! ³ C[^V`Sg¸a ;Q5SS eWbV BVS 0`WUVb L i g h t Social Hour, 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , :WUVb A]QWOZ 6]c` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S P o r t l a n d . $ 2 0 / $ 2 # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R 5. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R .com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS


Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$

volumes on. Romania was pretty crazy. I WPMVNFT PO 3PNBOJB XBT QSFUUZ DSB[Z * was in a place called Sighisoara. I was told XBT JO B QMBDF DBMMFE 4JHIJTPBSB * XBT UPME that it's one of the last three remaining UIBU JU T POF PG UIF MBTU UISFF SFNBJOJOH citadels in Europe, and it's the only one DJUBEFMT JO &VSPQF BOE JU T UIF POMZ POF that people still live in. It's the place that UIBU QFPQMF TUJMM MJWF JO *U T UIF QMBDF UIBU Vlad the Impaler was born. Whatever you 7MBE UIF *NQBMFS XBT CPSO 8IBUFWFS ZPV just imagined it looked like when you read KVTU JNBHJOFE JU MPPLFE MJLF XIFO ZPV SFBE that sentence is probably pretty close. It's UIBU TFOUFODF JT QSPCBCMZ QSFUUZ DMPTF *U T absolutely a wonder. No vampires, though. BCTPMVUFMZ B XPOEFS /P WBNQJSFT UIPVHI Kind of a bummer on that end. ,JOE PG B CVNNFS PO UIBU FOE What's next for you? 8IBU T OFYU GPS ZPV I'll have my CD-release party at Space * MM IBWF NZ $% SFMFBTF QBSUZ BU 4QBDF Gallery on Oct. 20, then France and Eng(BMMFSZ PO 0DU UIFO 'SBODF BOE &OH land in November. MBOE JO /PWFNCFS Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6455 or at: $"## ]` Ob( aponti@pressherald. com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

N o v . 7 - Louis C.K., 7 p.m., Merrill <]d % ³ :]cWa 1 9 % ^ [ ;S``WZZ Auditorium, Portland. $45. Porttix.com; /cRWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# >]`bbWf Q][) Buy.louisck.net; 8 4 2 & -0800 0cg Z]cWaQY \Sb) &" N o v . 7 - J u s t i n T o w n e s Earle w i t h Tift <]d % ³ 8cabW\ B]e\Sa 3O`ZS eWbV BWTb M e r r i t t , 8 p.m., P o r t C i t y Music Hall, ;S``Wbb & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ P o r t l a n d . $18 t o $ 3 0 . P o r t c i t y m u s i c h a l l . c o m >]`bZO\R & b] ! >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][ N o v . 7 - N a n c i G r i f f i t h , 8 p.m., J o n a t h a n ' s , <]d % ³ <O\QW 5`WT¿bV & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a Ogunquit. $55. Jonathansrestaurant.com; =Uc\_cWb ## 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) 646-452$ 6 $"$ "# N o v . 9 - Janis Ian, 8 p.m., <]d ' ³ 8O\Wa 7O\ & ^ [ J o n a t h a n ' s , O g u n q u i t . $ 3 2 # .50. 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb ! J o n a t h a n s r e s t a u r a n t . c o m ; 6 4 6 - 4 5 2$ 6 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# N o v . 10 - G. Love & Special Sauce, 9 p.m., <]d ³ 5 :]dS A^SQWOZ AOcQS ' ^ [ S t a t e T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2 AbObSbVSOb`S 0. Statetheatre AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R Portland.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS N o v . 11 - G u y & Ralna f r o m " T h e L a w r e n c e <]d ³ 5cg @OZ\O T`][ ¾BVS :Oe`S\QS W e l k Show," 2 ^ [ ESabP`]]Y >S`T]`[W\U p.m., W e s t b r o o k P e r f o r m i n g ESZY AV]e œ A r t s Center. $ 4 5 t o $ 5 5 . P o r t t i x . c o m ; /`ba 1S\bS` "# b] ## >]`bbWf Q][) 8 4 2 & -0800 &" N o v . 14 - Bassnectar, 7:30 p.m., <]d " ³ 0Oaa\SQbO` %(! ^ [ C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic Center, 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` Portland. $35 to $ 4 0 . Theciviccenter.com; >]`bZO\R !# b] " BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) Ticketmaster.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! ) 775-3458 %%# !"#&

Get outta town 5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Thursday - Metric, 7:30 p.m., O r p h e u m BVc`aROg Âł ;Sb`WQ %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ Theatre, Boston. $ 3 0 to $35. ivenation.com BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ ! b] !# WdS\ObW]\ Q][ T h u r s d a y - The Fresh Beat B a n d , BVc`aROg Âł BVS 4`SaV 0SOb 0O\R 6 : 3 0 p.m., M e a d o w b r o o k U.S. Cellular $(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` Pavilion, G i l f o r d , N.H. $ 2% # b] $# 7 . 5 0 to $ 6 5 . >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 M e a d o w b r o o k . n e t ; ( 6 0 3 ) 2'! "% 93-4700 ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! T h u r s d a y - S e e t h e r w i t h Sick P u p p i e s , BVc`aROg Âł ASSbVS` eWbV AWQY >c^^WSa 8 p.m., H o u s e of Blues, B o s t o n . $ 2' b] !' 9 to $ 3 9 . & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! F r i d a y - D r o p k i c k M u r p h y s , 7 p.m., Bank of 4`WROg Âł 2`]^YWQY ;c`^Vga % ^ [ 0O\Y ]T A m e r i c a Pavilion, B o s t o n . $ 2! # b] !# # 3.50 to $35.50. /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! S a t u r d a y - Boys Like Girls a n d The A l l AObc`ROg Âł 0]ga :WYS 5W`Za O\R BVS /ZZ A m e r i c a n Rejects, 7 p.m., H o u s e of Blues, /[S`WQO\ @SXSQba % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa B o s t o n . $ 2# b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 5 to $35. Livenation.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 0]ab]\ 745-3000 %"# ! S a t u r d a y - T h e J. Geils B a n d , 8 p.m., Casino AObc`ROg Âł BVS 8 5SWZa 0O\R & ^ [ 1OaW\] B a l l r o o m , H a m p t o n B e a c h , N.H. $ 6 0 / $ 6 5 . 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 $ $# Ticketmaster.com; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! S a t u r d a y - G o t y e , Missy H i g g i n s a n d AObc`ROg Âł 5]bgS ;Waag 6WUUW\a O\R J o n t i , 7:30 p.m., Bank o f A m e r i c a Pavilion, 8]\bW %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ Boston. $34.50 to $40. Livenation.com; 0]ab]\ !" # b] " :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! S a t u r d a y - G r i z z l y Bear, 8 p.m., O r p h e u m AObc`ROg Âł 5`WhhZg 0SO` & ^ [ =`^VSc[ T h e a t r e , B o s t o n . $ 4 3 . 2 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) 0. Ticketmaster.com; BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! S a t u r d a y - Toby Keith w i t h Brantley AObc`ROg Âł B]Pg 9SWbV eWbV 0`O\bZSg G i l b e r t a n d T h o m a s R h e t t , 7 p.m., C o m c a s t 5WZPS`b O\R BV][Oa @VSbb % ^ [ 1][QOab

Please see TIX, Page E25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <),




TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 1 0 2 ' .9 BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] W B L M every Friday at 8:30 a.m. E0:; SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ to hear Aimsel Ponti w a x poetic b] VSO` /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ a b o u t her t o p t h r e e live m u s i c OP]cb VS` b]^ bV`SS ZWdS [caWQ picks for the week with the ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY eWbV bVS Captain a n d Celeste. 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS

SAMUEL JAMES CD-RELEASE SHOW A/;C3: 8/;3A 12 @3:3/A3 A6=E WITH: S o n t i a g o , D i l l y D i l l y , Z a c h J o n e s , E7B6( A]\bWOU] 2WZZg 2WZZg HOQV 8]\Sa JD Walker, D. Gross, Darien Brahms, 82 EOZYS` 2 5`]aa 2O`WS\ 0`OV[a Henry Jamison, Therese W o r k m a n , 6S\`g 8O[Wa]\ BVS`SaS E]`Y[O\ Meantone, A m a n d a Gervasi and ;SO\b]\S /[O\RO 5S`dOaW O\R A t o m i c Trash! /b][WQ B`OaV WHEN: 8 p . m . O c t . 2 0 E63<( & ^ [ =Qb WHERE: S p a c e G a l l e r y , 5 3 8 C o n g r e s s E63@3( A^OQS 5OZZS`g #!& 1]\U`Saa St., P o r t l a n d Ab >]`bZO\R H0WMUCH:$8;18-plus 6=E ;C16( &) & ^Zca INFO: s p a c e 5 3 8 . o r g ; 7<4=( a^OQS#!& ]`U) therealsamueljames.com bVS`SOZaO[cSZXO[Sa Q][

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E13 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3 !

k_\dfm`\j Photos courtesy of Open Road Films >V]b]a Q]c`bSag ]T =^S\ @]OR 4WZ[a

Buddies in BLUE 7jYY^Zh ^c 7AJ: The tension builds slowly but relentlessly in director BVS bS\aW]\ PcWZRa aZ]eZg Pcb `SZS\bZSaaZg W\ RW`SQb]` David Ayer's engaging tale of two cops, f End of Watch.' 2OdWR /gS`¸a S\UOUW\U bOZS ]T be] Q]^a ¡3\R ]T EObQV ¸

Michael Pena, ;WQVOSZ >S\O above left, OP]dS ZSTb and Jake O\R 8OYS Gyllenhaal; and 5gZZS\VOOZ) O\R Gyllenhaal with 5gZZS\VOOZ eWbV Anna Kendrick, /\\O 9S\R`WQY below. PSZ]e

By ROGER MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003& McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST


he writer of "Training Day" and IF XSJUFS PG i5SBJOJOH %BZw BOE "Harsh Times" brings us more cop i)BSTI 5JNFTw CSJOHT VT NPSF DPQ movie grit with "End of Watch," NPWJF HSJU XJUI i&OE PG 8BUDI w a vivid series of impressionistic B WJWJE TFSJFT PG JNQSFTTJPOJTUJD sketches of a year in the lives of two TLFUDIFT PG B ZFBS JO UIF MJWFT PG UXP Los Angeles police officers. -PT "OHFMFT QPMJDF PGmDFST These aren't the corrupt cops writ5IFTF BSFO U UIF DPSSVQU DPQT XSJU er-director David Ayer built his name FS EJSFDUPS %BWJE "ZFS CVJMU IJT OBNF on. They're just patrolmen, in a famPO 5IFZ SF KVTU QBUSPMNFO JO B GBN ily of officers - sometimes heroic, often cocky, occasionally JMZ PG PGmDFST o TPNFUJNFT IFSPJD PGUFO DPDLZ PDDBTJPOBMMZ miscalculating. And in telling their stories episodically, with NJTDBMDVMBUJOH "OE JO UFMMJOH UIFJS TUPSJFT FQJTPEJDBMMZ XJUI a rhythm that builds suspense slowly, Ayer gets at the level B SIZUIN UIBU CVJMET TVTQFOTF TMPXMZ "ZFS HFUT BU UIF MFWFM of trust they have to have for one another and the meaning PG USVTU UIFZ IBWF UP IBWF GPS POF BOPUIFS BOE UIF NFBOJOH of that old cop movie cliche - "He took a bullet for me." PG UIBU PME DPQ NPWJF DMJDIF o i)F UPPL B CVMMFU GPS NF w Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Mike Zavala (Michael #SJBO 5BZMPS +BLF (ZMMFOIBBM BOE .JLF ;BWBMB .JDIBFM Pena) may be young, but they've been partners so long 1FOB NBZ CF ZPVOH CVU UIFZ WF CFFO QBSUOFST TP MPOH they're like an old married couple - comically bickering, UIFZ SF MJLF BO PME NBSSJFE DPVQMF o DPNJDBMMZ CJDLFSJOH teasing, picking at each other's sore spots. Brian is the UFBTJOH QJDLJOH BU FBDI PUIFS T TPSF TQPUT #SJBO JT UIF single one, the ambitious one. He wants to make detective. TJOHMF POF UIF BNCJUJPVT POF )F XBOUT UP NBLF EFUFDUJWF He's willing to take a shortcut or two to get there. )F T XJMMJOH UP UBLF B TIPSUDVU PS UXP UP HFU UIFSF Mike is more blue collar - happily married, a father, .JLF JT NPSF CMVF DPMMBS o IBQQJMZ NBSSJFE B GBUIFS happy to be where he is in the force. But the uniform hasn't IBQQZ UP CF XIFSF IF JT JO UIF GPSDF #VU UIF VOJGPSN IBTO U taken the chip off his shoulder. Call him the wrong name UBLFO UIF DIJQ PGG IJT TIPVMEFS $BMM IJN UIF XSPOH OBNF Please see'END,' PageE19 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡3<2 ¸ GX^\ <(0

REVIEW I<M@<N "END OF WATCH," starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Âľ3<2 =4 E/B16 Âś abO``W\U 8OYS 5gZZS\VOOZ ;WQVOSZ >S\O Anna Kendrick, America Ferrera, Natalie Martinez and Cody /\\O 9S\R`WQY /[S`WQO 4S``S`O <ObOZWS ;O`bW\Sh O\R 1]Rg Horn. Directed by David Ayer. Rated R for strong violence, 6]`\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR /gS` @ObSR @ T]` ab`]\U dW]ZS\QS some disturbing images, pervasive language including a][S RWabc`PW\U W[OUSa ^S`dOaWdS ZO\UcOUS W\QZcRW\U sexual references, and some drug use. Running time: 1:49 aSfcOZ `STS`S\QSa O\R a][S R`cU caS @c\\W\U bW[S( ("'


( ( ( * FG<E@E> OPENING ( * ( * K?@J N<<B THIS WEEK ( *


"DREDD 3D" (R) 0:35) Stars Karl Âľ2@322 !2Âś @ (!# AbO`a 9O`Z Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey and C`PO\ =ZWdWO BVW`ZPg :S\O 6SORSg O\R Rachel Wood. Directed by Pete Travis. In @OQVSZ E]]R 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS B`OdWa 7\ a violent, futuristic city where the police O dW]ZS\b Tcbc`WabWQ QWbg eVS`S bVS ^]ZWQS have the authority to act as judge, jury VOdS bVS OcbV]`Wbg b] OQb Oa XcRUS Xc`g and executioner, a cop teams up with a O\R SfSQcbW]\S` O Q]^ bSO[a c^ eWbV O trainee to take down a gang that deals a b`OW\SS b] bOYS R]e\ O UO\U bVOb RSOZa O reality-altering drug. `SOZWbg OZbS`W\U R`cU Opening at: Cinemagic Grand (South =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV Portland) Fri-Sun (all 3D) 11:50, 2,4:20, >]`bZO\R 4`W Ac\ OZZ !2 (# "( 7, 9:30 Mon-Wed (all 3D) 2, "( 4:20, 7, 9:30; % '(! ;]\ ESR OZZ !2 % '(! ) Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12:10,2:15,4:35 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR ( ( # "(!# (3D), 7, 9:15 (3D); Cinemagic Westbrook !2 % '( # !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Fri-Wed (all 3D) 12:10, 7:20, 4`W ESR OZZ !2 ( 2:35,4:50, (!# "(# %( 9:40; Brunswick 10 Fri-Wed 1:40,4:15 '(" ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W ESR (" "( # (3D), 7 (3D), 10 (3D) !2 % !2 !2 "END OF WATCH" (R) (1:49) Stars Jake Âľ3<2 =4 E/B16Âś @ ("' AbO`a 8OYS Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Anna Kendrick 5gZZS\VOOZ ;WQVOSZ >SƒO /\\O 9S\R`WQY and America Ferrera. Directed by David O\R /[S`WQO 4S``S`O 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR Ayer. Two young officers are marked for /gS` Be] g]c\U ]TÂżQS`a O`S [O`YSR T]` death after confiscating a small cache of RSObV OTbS` Q]\ÂżaQObW\U O a[OZZ QOQVS ]T money and firearms from the members []\Sg O\R Âż`SO`[a T`][ bVS [S[PS`a of a notorious cartel, during a routine ]T O \]b]`W]ca QO`bSZ Rc`W\U O `]cbW\S traffic stop. b`OTÂżQ ab]^ Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) =^S\W\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R Fri-Wed 1:45,4:30, 7:20, 9:40; Windham 5 4`W ESR ("# "(! %( '(" ) EW\RVO[ # Star Fri 4:15, 7, 9:20 Sat 1:20, 4:15, 7, AbO` 4`W "( # % '( AOb ( "( # % 9:20 Sun 1:20, 4:15, 7 Mon-Wed 4:15, 7; '( Ac\ ( "( # % ;]\ ESR "( # %) Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 1:45,4:15, <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b 4`W ESR ("# "( # 7:20,9:40; Cinemagic Grand (South %( '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV Portland) Fri-Sun 11:40, 2:20,4:50, 7:30,10 >]`bZO\R 4`W Ac\ (" ( "(# %(! Mon-Wed 2:20, 4:50, 7:30,10; Cinemagic ;]\ ESR ( "(# %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ Saco Fri-Wed 12:05, 7:05, 9:25; AOQ] 4`W ESR ( # 2:25,4:45, ( # "("# %( # '( #) Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:30, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR (! 3:30, 7:10, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Fri-Wed !(! %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W ESR 1:55,4:30,7:20,9:55 (## "(! %( '(## "HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET" Âľ6=CA3 /B B63 3<2 =4 B63 AB@33BÂś (PG-13) (1:41) Stars Jennifer Lawrence, >5 ! (" AbO`a 8S\\WTS` :Oe`S\QS Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot and Gil 3ZWaOPSbV AVcS ;Of BVWS`W]b O\R 5WZ Bellows. Directed by Mark Tonderai. A 0SZZ]ea 2W`SQbSR Pg ;O`Y B]\RS`OW / mother and daughter move to a new []bVS` O\R ROcUVbS` []dS b] O \Se town and find themselves living next door b]e\ O\R Âż\R bVS[aSZdSa ZWdW\U \Sfb R]]` to a house where a young girl murdered b] O V]caS eVS`S O g]c\U UW`Z [c`RS`SR her parents. When the daughter befriends VS` ^O`S\ba EVS\ bVS ROcUVbS` PST`WS\Ra the surviving son, she learns the story is bVS ac`dWdW\U a]\ aVS ZSO`\a bVS ab]`g Wa far from over. TO` T`][ ]dS` Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:05, =^S\W\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W "( # 7:20, 9:35 Sat 1:25, 4:05, 7:20, 9:35 Sun %( '(!# AOb ( # "( # %( '(!# Ac\ 7:20 Mon-Wed 4:05, 7:20; Nor (1:25,4:05, # "( # %( ;]\ ESR "( # %( ) <]` dica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 1:30,3:50, 7:10, RWQO 4`SS^]`b 4`W ESR (! !(# %( 9:20; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Fri-Sun 11:40, 2, "( 4:20, 7, 9:20 Mon-Wed 4`W Ac\ (" % '( ;]\ ESR 2,4:20, 7, 9:20; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed "( % '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR 4:50, 7:10, 9:30; Cinemagic 12:20, ( 2:35, (!# "(# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 7, ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR (# ( "(! % 9:40; Brunswick 10 Fri-Sun 1:50, 2:10,4:40, '(" ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W Ac\ (# ( "(" 6:45, 7:35,10:05 Mon 2:10,4:40, 7:35, $("# %(!# ( # ;]\ ( "(" %(!# 10:05 Tues 2:15,4:40, 7:35,10:05 Wed 2:10, ( # BcSa ( # "(" %(!# ( # ESR ( 4:40, 7:35,10:05 "(" %(!# ( # "TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE" (PG-13) ÂľB@=C0:3 E7B6 B63 1C@D3Âś >5 ! (1:51) Stars Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, (# AbO`a 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R /[g /RO[a John Goodman and Justin Timberlake. 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ O\R 8cabW\ BW[PS`ZOYS Directed by Robert Lorenz. An ailing 2W`SQbSR Pg @]PS`b :]`S\h /\ OWZW\U baseball scout in his twilight years takes POaSPOZZ aQ]cb W\ VWa beWZWUVb gSO`a bOYSa his daughter along for one last recruiting VWa ROcUVbS` OZ]\U T]` ]\S ZOab `SQ`cWbW\U trip. b`W^ Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Fri=^S\W\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R 4`W Wed 1:30,4:15, 7, 9:30; Windham 5 Star Fri ESR (! "( # % '(! ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W 4:10, 6:50, 9:10 Sat 1,4:10, 6:50, "( $(# '( AOb "( $(# 9:10 Sun 1,4:10, 6:50 Mon-Wed 4:10, 6:50; '( Ac\ "( $(# ;]\ ESR "( $(# ) Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 1, 3:30, 6:40, <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b 4`W ESR !(! $(" 9; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Fri') 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W

Please see MOVIES, PageE34 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*+

Dennis Perkins, E14 N • ÊK_\ DXjk\iË i\m`\n# <(, 'The Master' review, E15 N • E\n fe ;M;1 ÊK_\ 9\jk <ofk`Z DXi`^fc[ ?fk\c#Ë <(. Mew on DVD: 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel/ E17 ;\ee`j G\ib`ej# <(+

E14 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012

JOIN JON SHANNON OF WPOR AND RICK JOHNSON FROM "BIG HITS" -2,1 -21 6+$1121 2) :325 $1' 5,&. -2+1621 )520 ´%,* +,76¾ WYNZ AT PREVIEWS GRILL 8c BAR MOVIE TRIVIA NIGHT STARTING THURSDAY, :<1= $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 029,( 75,9,$ 1,*+7 67$57,1* 7+856'$< SEPTEMBER 20TH, 7PM TO 9PM AND EVERY THURSDAY AFTER! 6(37(0%(5 7+ 30 72 30 $1' (9(5< 7+856'$< $)7(5 JOIN THE FUN AND YOU CAN WIN GREAT PRIZES AND MAYBE THE -2,1 7+( )81 $1' <28 &$1 :,1 *5($7 35,=(6 $1' 0$<%( 7+( "GRAND PRIZE" OF MOVIES FOR A YEAR! ´*5$1' 35,=(¾ 2) 029,(6 )25 $ <($5 *SEE DETAILS AND RULES AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR AT THE CINEMAGIC & IMAX IN SACO. 6(( '(7$,/6 $1' 58/(6 $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 $7 7+( &,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2 IMAX 3D: RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) G U U 5

NO PASSES 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:00-9:20

12 3$66(6




RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:15-2:30-4:45-7:15-9:30 U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:00-2:15-4:35-7:00-9:15 G * THE WORDS (PG13) 12:05-2:20-4:30-7:10-9:25 3* THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY (PG13) 12:05-2:20-4:25-7:20-9:30 3* POSSESSION (PG13) 12:10-2:20-4:30-7:15-9:30 3* THE AVENGERS (PG13) 7:30 3* LAWLESS (R) 12:30-3:10-7:00-9:25 5 EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 12:15-2:30-4:45-7:05-9:25 F 5 ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 12:00-2:25-4:45 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:15-6:30-9:15 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:15-2:10-4:15-7:05-9:00 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:10-9:25

3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:00-3:15-7:30 3*


*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


3D RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 2:00-4:30-7:15-9:50 G U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 2:10-4:30-7:10-9:30 G * THE WORDS (PG13) 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:40 3* POSSESSION (PG13) 2:30-4:50-7:10-9:30 3* LAWLESS (R) 2:10-4:45-7:30-10:00 5 2016 (PG) 2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 FNEJ 3* EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 2:00-4:30-7:20-9:45 F 5 ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 4:45-9:40 3* HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 2:15-7:20




3D RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:20-9:50 G U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 11:50-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:20 G * LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE (PG) 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:15-9:45 3* THE WORDS (PG13) 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:15-9:35 3* THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY (PG13) 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:20-9:40 3* POSSESSION (PG13) 12:00-2:10-4:20-6:50-9:15 3* THE AVENGERS (PG13) 7:30 3* LAWLESS (R) 12:30-3:20-7:10-9:50 5 EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 12:20-3:20-7:00-9:30 F 5 PARANORMAN (PG) 11:50-2:00-4:20-6:45 3* ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:50-2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:40-6:45-9:35 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:20-2:20-4:30-7:20-9:50 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:20-4:40-7:10-9:30

3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 12:00-2:15-4:30 G 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:20-3:40-7:30-9:00 3* ICE AGE 4 (PG) 11:50-2:00-4:20 H 3* TED (R) 7:20-9:50 5

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Courtesy photos 1]c`bSag ^V]b]a

"Journey to Planet X" is a film about two friends and "B" science fiction Âľ8]c`\Sg b] >ZO\Sb FÂś Wa O ÂżZ[ OP]cb be] T`WS\Ra O\R Âľ0Âś aQWS\QS ÂżQbW]\ filmmakers at odds trying to complete their masterpiece called "Planet X." ÂżZ[[OYS`a Ob ]RRa b`gW\U b] Q][^ZSbS bVSW` [OabS`^WSQS QOZZSR Âľ>ZO\Sb F Âś

Camden nternational Film :Xd[\e @ek\ieXk`feXc =`cd =\jk`mXc `j Xe \Xicp :_i`jkdXj Festival is an early Christmas =F

or film fans, "documentary" and "dull" PS mMN GBOT iEPDVNFOUBSZw BOE iEVMMw parted company long ago, with the QBSUFE DPNQBOZ MPOH BHP XJUI UIF genre's revitalized offerings drawing HFOSF T SFWJUBMJ[FE PGGFSJOHT ESBXJOH sizable crowds to places like Space Gallery, TJ[BCMF DSPXET UP QMBDFT MJLF 4QBDF (BMMFSZ the Portland Public Lbrary and even the UIF 1PSUMBOE 1VCMJD -CSBSZ BOE FWFO UIF occasional screening at the multiplex. PDDBTJPOBM TDSFFOJOH BU UIF NVMUJQMFY For documentary enthusiasts, the annual 'PS EPDVNFOUBSZ FOUIVTJBTUT UIF BOOVBM arrival of the Camden International Film BSSJWBM PG UIF $BNEFO *OUFSOBUJPOBM 'JMN Festival (Sept. 27-30) 'FTUJWBM 4FQU is the early Christmas JT UIF FBSMZ $ISJTUNBT gift- a four-day filmHJGU o B GPVS EBZ mMN goer's carnival that HPFS T DBSOJWBM UIBU includes a collection of JODMVEFT B DPMMFDUJPO PG documentaries (short EPDVNFOUBSJFT TIPSU and long, national, inBOE MPOH OBUJPOBM JO ternational and MaineUFSOBUJPOBM BOE .BJOF made) varied enough NBEF WBSJFE FOPVHI to make even the most UP NBLF FWFO UIF NPTU seasoned festival TFBTPOFE GFTUJWBM attendee's head spin. BUUFOEFF T IFBE TQJO Even festival director &WFO GFTUJWBM EJSFDUPS Ben Fowlie remains pleasantly surprised. #FO 'PXMJF SFNBJOT QMFBTBOUMZ TVSQSJTFE "As we've expanded, we've tried to keep i"T XF WF FYQBOEFE XF WF USJFE UP LFFQ the program in the same scope, size-wise, UIF QSPHSBN JO UIF TBNF TDPQF TJ[F XJTF as last year," Fowlie said, "but submissions BT MBTU ZFBS w 'PXMJF TBJE iCVU TVCNJTTJPOT more than (doubled to almost 500 this year, NPSF UIBO EPVCMFE UP BMNPTU UIJT ZFBS with a lot of quality international work XJUI B MPU PG RVBMJUZ JOUFSOBUJPOBM XPSL coming in." DPNJOH JO w Now in its eighth year, CIFF will screen /PX JO JUT FJHIUI ZFBS $*'' XJMM TDSFFO more than 90 documentaries, most of NPSF UIBO EPDVNFOUBSJFT NPTU PG which will allow the public access to the XIJDI XJMM BMMPX UIF QVCMJD BDDFTT UP UIF filmmakers through Q&As and the posmMNNBLFST UISPVHI 2 "T BOE UIF QPT sibility of more informal discussion in TJCJMJUZ PG NPSF JOGPSNBM EJTDVTTJPO JO Camden's intimate setting. $BNEFO T JOUJNBUF TFUUJOH "It's a small community," Fowlie said, i*U T B TNBMM DPNNVOJUZ w 'PXMJF TBJE "with all the directors housed in a little iXJUI BMM UIF EJSFDUPST IPVTFE JO B MJUUMF block - they're all there in town, and CMPDL o UIFZ SF BMM UIFSF JO UPXO BOE there's nothing more rewarding for a UIFSF T OPUIJOH NPSF SFXBSEJOH GPS B filmmaker than to have someone want to mMNNBLFS UIBO UP IBWF TPNFPOF XBOU UP continue the conversation over a cup of DPOUJOVF UIF DPOWFSTBUJPO PWFS B DVQ PG coffee." DPGGFF w And there'll be plenty to discuss, with "OE UIFSF MM CF QMFOUZ UP EJTDVTT XJUI CIFF's films covering as wide and often $*'' T mMNT DPWFSJOH BT XJEF BOE PGUFO surprising array of subjects as any docuTVSQSJTJOH BSSBZ PG TVCKFDUT BT BOZ EPDV mentary fan could want. Check out the full NFOUBSZ GBO DPVME XBOU $IFDL PVU UIF GVMM roster at camdenfilmfest.org, but Fowlie SPTUFS BU DBNEFOmMNGFTU PSH CVU 'PXMJF especially recommends the following, if FTQFDJBMMZ SFDPNNFOET UIF GPMMPXJOH JG you have to choose. (Tip: Screenings cost ZPV IBWF UP DIPPTF 5JQ 4DSFFOJOHT DPTU $8.50 each, but a $75 festival pass quickly FBDI CVU B GFTUJWBM QBTT RVJDLMZ

Dennis Perkins ;\ee`j G\ib`ej Indie Film @e[`\ =`cd

"Ballroom Dancer" at the Camden Âľ0OZZ`]][ 2O\QS`Âś Ob bVS 1O[RS\ International Film Festival tells a 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ 4WZ[ 4SabWdOZ bSZZa O story of love and loss, with great ab]`g ]T Z]dS O\R Z]aa eWbV U`SOb cinematography and music. QW\S[Ob]U`O^Vg O\R [caWQ pays for itself.) QBZT GPS JUTFMG

"Colmbianos" (U.S. premiere): "I love i$PMNCJBOPTw 6 4 QSFNJFSF i* MPWF films that focus on smaller stories that mMNT UIBU GPDVT PO TNBMMFS TUPSJFT UIBU actually tell a larger one. This Swedish BDUVBMMZ UFMM B MBSHFS POF 5IJT 4XFEJTI film about two brothers - one an immimMN BCPVU UXP CSPUIFST o POF BO JNNJ grant battling drug addiction, the other HSBOU CBUUMJOH ESVH BEEJDUJPO UIF PUIFS getting his Ph.D. back in Colombia, and HFUUJOH IJT 1I % CBDL JO $PMPNCJB BOE saying, 'Come back home and we'll fight TBZJOH A$PNF CBDL IPNF BOE XF MM mHIU it together.' The filmmaker's able to show JU UPHFUIFS 5IF mMNNBLFS T BCMF UP TIPX this family's struggle in a way that's not UIJT GBNJMZ T TUSVHHMF JO B XBZ UIBU T OPU exploitative, but emotional and ultimately FYQMPJUBUJWF CVU FNPUJPOBM BOE VMUJNBUFMZ positive." QPTJUJWF w "Survival Prayer" (world premiere): i4VSWJWBM 1SBZFSw XPSME QSFNJFSF "About food foragers in British Columbia i"CPVU GPPE GPSBHFST JO #SJUJTI $PMVNCJB and the loss of their culture told through BOE UIF MPTT PG UIFJS DVMUVSF UPME UISPVHI the elders of this kind of tribe. It's about UIF FMEFST PG UIJT LJOE PG USJCF *U T BCPVU Please see PERKINS, PageE22 Gc\Xj\ j\\ >3@97<A GX^\ <))

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 | GO E15 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` j 5= 3 #

+%. 3 0,!#% KEN'SPLACE &AMOUS SEAFOOD SINCE Famous seafood since 1927

Philip >VWZW^ Seymour ASg[]c` Hoffman, 6]TT[O\ at left, a n d Ob ZSTb O\R Joaquin 8]O_cW\ Phoenix in >V]S\Wf W\ "The Master." ÂľBVS ;OabS` Âś

By K E N N E T H TURAN #Z ,&//&5) 563"/ .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST McClatchy Newspapers

Pine Point Road 0INE 0OINT 2OAD Scarborough, Maine 04074 3CARBOROUGH -AINE 207-883-6611

3UN 4HURS !- 0&RI 3AT !- 0-

1 Freeport Village Station • 228-1868

Times for Thursday, September 20,2012 FINDING NEMO 11 FINDING NEMO 3D ÂŽ



PARANORMAN i • 1:00 3 50 THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN PG 1:45, 4:15,6:40,9:00 THE CAMPAIGN R 7:20,9:20 HOPE SPRINGS mm 1:20,3:30,6:50,9:10


800 PM FINDING NEMO 3D (G) • (130 400) 700 930 RESIDENT EVIL 5 (R) (110 PM) 710 PM RESIDENT EVIL 5 3D (R) • (140 415)7401000 THE LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE (PG) (150 420)645 910 THE WORDS (PG-13) ?145 410 720 945 " # THE POSSESSION [OC] (PG-13) (405 PM) THE POSSESSION PG-13) 135 PMJ LAWLESS (R) (105 350)715 955 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 915 PM ! THE BOURNE LEGACY*(PG-13) (340 PM) 930 PM HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) (115 355) 650 920 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG-13) $ (100 PM 430 PM) 800 PM 2016 OBAMA'S AMERICA (PG) (120 PM 345 PM) 640 PM

4 : . 1 0 4 * 6 . 5 0 / * ( ) 5 Photos courtesy of The Weinstein Company >V]b]a Q]c`bSag ]T BVS ESW\abSW\ 1][^O\g

REVIEW I<M@<N "THE MASTER," s t a r r i n g Philip S e y m o u r ÂľB63 ;/AB3@ Âś abO``W\U >VWZW^ ASg[]c` H o f f m a n , J o a q u i n Phoenix a n d A m y 6]TT[O\ 8]O_cW\ >V]S\Wf O\R /[g A d a m s . D i r e c t e d b y Paul T h o m a s /RO[a 2W`SQbSR Pg >OcZ BV][Oa A n d e r s o n . R a t e d R f o r sexual c o n t e n t , /\RS`a]\ @ObSR @ T]` aSfcOZ Q]\bS\b graphic nudity and language. Running U`O^VWQ \cRWbg O\R ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U t i m e : 2:17 bW[S( ( %

"Rootless" is a mild word to describe i3PPUMFTTw JT B NJME XPSE UP EFTDSJCF Freddie Quell's life. We meet him on 'SFEEJF 2VFMM T MJGF 8F NFFU IJN PO Guam in the closing days of World War II, (VBN JO UIF DMPTJOH EBZT PG 8PSME 8BS ** a sailor getting so hellaciously drunk that B TBJMPS HFUUJOH TP IFMMBDJPVTMZ ESVOL UIBU simulating sex with a woman constructed TJNVMBUJOH TFY XJUI B XPNBO DPOTUSVDUFE out of sand seems like a hell of a good PVU PG TBOE TFFNT MJLF B IFMM PG B HPPE idea. JEFB Phoenix, known for immersing himself 1IPFOJY LOPXO GPS JNNFSTJOH IJNTFMG in Oscar-nominated roles in "GladiaJO 0TDBS OPNJOBUFE SPMFT JO i(MBEJB tor" and "Walk the Line," makes Quell UPSw BOE i8BML UIF -JOF w NBLFT 2VFMM frighteningly believable. The way the man GSJHIUFOJOHMZ CFMJFWBCMF 5IF XBZ UIF NBO walks, the way he talks, the savage bursts XBMLT UIF XBZ IF UBMLT UIF TBWBHF CVSTUT of violence he is prone to, mark him as PG WJPMFODF IF JT QSPOF UP NBSL IJN BT a traumatized individual, likely sufferB USBVNBUJ[FE JOEJWJEVBM MJLFMZ TVGGFS ing from post-traumatic stress disorder JOH GSPN QPTU USBVNBUJD TUSFTT EJTPSEFS before it had a name, someone who is CFGPSF JU IBE B OBNF TPNFPOF XIP JT perennially fighting his demons for control QFSFOOJBMMZ mHIUJOH IJT EFNPOT GPS DPOUSPM and losing more often than not. BOE MPTJOH NPSF PGUFO UIBO OPU After making a mess of his postwar job "GUFS NBLJOH B NFTT PG IJT QPTUXBS KPC as an in-house photographer in a departBT BO JO IPVTF QIPUPHSBQIFS JO B EFQBSU ment store (Jack Fisk and David Crank's NFOU TUPSF +BDL 'JTL BOE %BWJE $SBOL T production design is superb, as is Mihai QSPEVDUJPO EFTJHO JT TVQFSC BT JT .JIBJ Please see'MASTER,' Page E19 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡;/AB3@ ¸ GX^\ <(0

Upon Reflection 6 6QPO 3FnFDUJPO QPO 3FnFDUJPO

4$8 ,,)2 ,)#+-!.

"The Master" takes some getting used i5IF .BTUFSw UBLFT TPNF HFUUJOH VTFE to. UP This is a superbly crafted film that's at 5IJT JT B TVQFSCMZ DSBGUFE mMN UIBU T BU times intentionally opaque, as if its creUJNFT JOUFOUJPOBMMZ PQBRVF BT JG JUT DSF ator didn't want us to see all the way into BUPS EJEO U XBOU VT UP TFF BMM UIF XBZ JOUP its heart of darkness. JUT IFBSU PG EBSLOFTT It's a film bristling with vivid moments *U T B mMN CSJTUMJOH XJUI WJWJE NPNFOUT and unbeatable acting, but its interest BOE VOCFBUBCMF BDUJOH CVU JUT JOUFSFTU is not in tidy narrative satisfactions but JT OPU JO UJEZ OBSSBUJWF TBUJTGBDUJPOT CVU rather the excesses and extremes of huSBUIFS UIF FYDFTTFT BOE FYUSFNFT PG IV man behavior, the interplay of troubled NBO CFIBWJPS UIF JOUFSQMBZ PG USPVCMFE souls desperate to find their footing. TPVMT EFTQFSBUF UP mOE UIFJS GPPUJOH Its writer-director, of course, is the *UT XSJUFS EJSFDUPS PG DPVSTF JT UIF all-out visionary Paul Thomas Anderson, BMM PVU WJTJPOBSZ 1BVM 5IPNBT "OEFSTPO an all-in filmmaker whose previous work BO BMM JO mMNNBLFS XIPTF QSFWJPVT XPSL such as "Boogie Nights" and "There Will TVDI BT i#PPHJF /JHIUTw BOE i5IFSF 8JMM Be Blood" explored strong and compelling #F #MPPEw FYQMPSFE TUSPOH BOE DPNQFMMJOH personal conflicts. But none are stronger QFSTPOBM DPOnJDUT #VU OPOF BSF TUSPOHFS than the one here between a man comUIBO UIF POF IFSF CFUXFFO B NBO DPN pletely sure of himself and another who is QMFUFMZ TVSF PG IJNTFMG BOE BOPUIFS XIP JT completely not. DPNQMFUFMZ OPU The latter would be Freddie Quell 5IF MBUUFS XPVME CF 'SFEEJF 2VFMM (Joaquin Phoenix at his most ferocious), +PBRVJO 1IPFOJY BU IJT NPTU GFSPDJPVT a troubled, tortured World War II veteran B USPVCMFE UPSUVSFE 8PSME 8BS ** WFUFSBO whose contrived cockiness can't mask the XIPTF DPOUSJWFE DPDLJOFTT DBO U NBTL UIF torment he lives with. The intense connecUPSNFOU IF MJWFT XJUI 5IF JOUFOTF DPOOFD tion he makes with Lancaster Dodd (an UJPO IF NBLFT XJUI -BODBTUFS %PEE BO impeccable Philip Seymour Hoffman), the JNQFDDBCMF 1IJMJQ 4FZNPVS )PGGNBO UIF charismatic leader of a new human poDIBSJTNBUJD MFBEFS PG B OFX IVNBO QP tential movement who claims he's found a UFOUJBM NPWFNFOU XIP DMBJNT IF T GPVOE B way to "return man to his inherent state of XBZ UP iSFUVSO NBO UP IJT JOIFSFOU TUBUF PG perfection," powerfully affects them both. QFSGFDUJPO w QPXFSGVMMZ BGGFDUT UIFN CPUI The parallels between Dodd and his 5IF QBSBMMFMT CFUXFFO %PEE BOE IJT movement, known as The Cause, and the NPWFNFOU LOPXO BT 5IF $BVTF BOE UIF real-life presences of L. Ron Hubbard SFBM MJGF QSFTFODFT PG - 3PO )VCCBSE and Scientology are plentiful enough to BOE 4DJFOUPMPHZ BSF QMFOUJGVM FOPVHI UP have attracted considerable attention, but IBWF BUUSBDUFE DPOTJEFSBCMF BUUFOUJPO CVU those looking to "The Master" to be some UIPTF MPPLJOH UP i5IF .BTUFSw UP CF TPNF kind of muckraking expose are going to be LJOE PG NVDLSBLJOH FYQPTF BSF HPJOH UP CF disappointed. EJTBQQPJOUFE For one thing, Anderson's script feels 'PS POF UIJOH "OEFSTPO T TDSJQU GFFMT more like something inspired by ScientolNPSF MJLF TPNFUIJOH JOTQJSFE CZ 4DJFOUPM ogy than any kind of literal representation PHZ UIBO BOZ LJOE PG MJUFSBM SFQSFTFOUBUJPO of the early days of the movement. For PG UIF FBSMZ EBZT PG UIF NPWFNFOU 'PS another, "The Master" is not in the expose BOPUIFS i5IF .BTUFSw JT OPU JO UIF FYQPTF business. Rather it is a moody, disturbCVTJOFTT 3BUIFS JU JT B NPPEZ EJTUVSC ing film about personality, obsession and JOH mMN BCPVU QFSTPOBMJUZ PCTFTTJPO BOE delusion, about the will to power, the EFMVTJPO BCPVU UIF XJMM UP QPXFS UIF parallel need to be mastered, and what QBSBMMFM OFFE UP CF NBTUFSFE BOE XIBU happens when those wires get irredeemIBQQFOT XIFO UIPTF XJSFT HFU JSSFEFFN ably crossed. BCMZ DSPTTFE

ÊK_\ DXjk\iË d\jd\i`q\j 'The Master' mesmerizes in word and deed `e nfi[ Xe[ [\\[

Indoor and outdoor )NDOOR AND OUTDOOR family dining FAMILY DINING

LAST 10 DAYS "Upon Reflection" is a presentation of photographs taken by Judy Ellis 9 0/. %<%#3)/.; )2 ! 01%2%.3!3)/. /& 0(/3/'1!0(2 3!+%. "8 4$8 ,,)2 Glickman over a thirty-five year period. Best known among these are the powerful black ,)#+-!. /5%1 ! 3()138 =5% 8%!1 0%1)/$ %23 +./6. !-/.' 3(%2% !1% 3(% 0/6%1&4, ",!#+ and white images from "Holocaust, the Presence of the Past" and her strong portraits of !.$ 6()3% )-!'%2 &1/- 9 /,/#!423 3(% 1%2%.#% /& 3(% !23; !.$ (%1 231/.' 0/131!)32 /& "Resistance and Rescue: Denmark's Response to the Holocaust."; Well represented with 9 %2)23!.#% !.$ %2#4% %.-!1+ 2 %20/.2% 3/ 3(% /,/#!423 %,, 1%01%2%.3%$ 6)3( other work, among a broad range of subjects, are images of Maine, exotic ones of her /3(%1 6/1+ !-/.' ! "1/!$ 1!.'% /& 24"*%#32 !1% )-!'%2 /& !).% %7/3)# /.%2 /& (%1 extensive international travel, and her latest abstract images in color. %73%.2)5% ).3%1.!3)/.!, 31!5%, !.$ (%1 ,!3%23 !"231!#3 )-!'%2 ). #/,/1 This advertisement is generously donated by the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram. UNE Portland Campus • 716 Stevens Avenue /13,!.$ !-042 t 3%5%.2 5%.4% Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun 1-4 p.m.Jhurs 1-7 p.m. %$ 1) !3 !.$ 4. : 0 - (412 : 0 - (207)221-4499 t• www.une.edu/artgallery

E16 GO


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E17 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3 %


)LQG <RXU ,QGHSHQGHQWV Find Your Independents!

NEW ON THE SHELF <3E =< B63 A63:4

1HZ *XLGH 1RZ $YDLODEOH New Guide Now Available at Member Businesses. DW 0HPEHU %XVLQHVVHV

"THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL," ÂľB63 03AB 3F=B71 ;/@75=:2 6=B3: Âś starring Judi Dench and Bill Nighy. This surefire abO``W\U 8cRW 2S\QV O\R 0WZZ <WUVg BVWa ac`SÂż`S winner from director John Madden ("ShakeeW\\S` T`][ RW`SQb]` 8]V\ ;ORRS\ ÂľAVOYS a^SO`S W\ :]dSÂś O\R \]dSZWab 2SP]`OV ;]UUOQV speare in Love") and novelist Deborah Moggach manages to gather almost every beloved British [O\OUSa b] UObVS` OZ[]ab SdS`g PSZ]dSR 0`WbWaV actor in the business for this comedy-drama. A OQb]` W\ bVS PcaW\Saa T]` bVWa Q][SRg R`O[O / merry band of old-timers (a group that also in[S``g PO\R ]T ]ZR bW[S`a O U`]c^ bVOb OZa] W\ cludes Tom Wilkinson, Maggie Smith and Ronald QZcRSa B][ EWZYW\a]\ ;OUUWS A[WbV O\R @]\OZR Pickup) embarks to India for a variety of life-af>WQYc^ S[PO`Ya b] 7\RWO T]` O dO`WSbg ]T ZWTS OT firming reasons, only to find that the getaway Âż`[W\U `SOa]\a ]\Zg b] Âż\R bVOb bVS USbOeOg destination of the title is in fact a dilapidated RSabW\ObW]\ ]T bVS bWbZS Wa W\ TOQb O RWZO^WRObSR resort ensconced in some serious financial ruin. `Sa]`b S\aQ]\QSR W\ a][S aS`W]ca Âż\O\QWOZ `cW\ How the determined codgers manage to enjoy 6]e bVS RSbS`[W\SR Q]RUS`a [O\OUS b] S\X]g Ishika Mohan photo 7aVWYO ;]VO\ ^V]b] their respective vacations and relocations makes Dev Patel in "The Best Exotic bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS dOQObW]\a O\R `SZ]QObW]\a [OYSa 2Sd >ObSZ W\ ÂľBVS 0Sab 3f]bWQ for some very funny and affecting viewing for all T]` a][S dS`g Tc\\g O\R OTTSQbW\U dWSeW\U T]` OZZ Marigold Hotel." ;O`WU]ZR 6]bSZ Âś ages. Rated PG-13. Running time: 2:04 OUSa @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( ( " Suggested retail price: $29.98; Blu-ray $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '&) 0Zc `Og !' ''

PORTLANDBUYLOCAL.ORG 3257/$1'%8</2&$/ 25*


"THE CABIN IN THE WOODS," starring Kristen ¾B63 1/07< 7< B63 E==2A œ abO``W\U 9`WabS\ Connolly and Chris Hemsworth. Cult fave turned 1]\\]ZZg O\R 1V`Wa 6S[ae]`bV 1cZb TOdS bc`\SR king of Hollywood Joss Whedon teams up with YW\U ]T 6]ZZge]]R 8]aa EVSR]\ bSO[a c^ eWbV fellow writer-director Drew Goddard ("Lost") to TSZZ]e e`WbS` RW`SQb]` 2`Se 5]RRO`R ¾:]abœ b] deliver this witty and knowing homage to modRSZWdS` bVWa eWbbg O\R Y\]eW\U V][OUS b] []R ern horror movies. They strand five attractive S`\ V]``]` []dWSa BVSg ab`O\R ¿dS Obb`OQbWdS friends in a remote "Cabin" a la "Evil Dead" and T`WS\Ra W\ O `S[]bS ¾1OPW\œ O ZO ¾3dWZ 2SORœ O\R let their twisted, geeked-out imaginations run ZSb bVSW` beWabSR USSYSR ]cb W[OUW\ObW]\a `c\ wild, pulling more than one successful fast one eWZR ^cZZW\U []`S bVO\ ]\S acQQSaaTcZ TOab ]\S on the unsuspecting audience along the way. ]\ bVS c\aca^SQbW\U OcRWS\QS OZ]\U bVS eOg Horror fans will have a high old time detecting 6]``]` TO\a eWZZ VOdS O VWUV ]ZR bW[S RSbSQbW\U the many references and trope tweaks, but it's bVS [O\g `STS`S\QSa O\R b`]^S beSOYa Pcb Wb¸a tough to imagine any viewer of strong stomach b]cUV b] W[OUW\S O\g dWSeS` ]T ab`]\U ab][OQV not thoroughly enjoying themselves with this \]b bV]`]cUVZg S\X]gW\U bVS[aSZdSa eWbV bVWa valentine to Fangoria subscribers. Rated R. RundOZS\bW\S b] 4O\U]`WO acPaQ`WPS`a @ObSR @ @c\ ning time: 1:35 \W\U bW[S( (!# Suggested retail price: $29.99; Blu-ray $34.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '') 0Zc `Og !" '' "MODERN FAMILY: THE COMPLETE THIRD ¾;=23@< 4/;7:G( B63 1=;>:3B3 B67@2 SEASON," starring Ed O'Neill and Julie Bowen. A3/A=< œ abO``W\U 3R =¸<SWZZ O\R 8cZWS 0]eS\ Still funnier than ever in its third season and AbWZZ Tc\\WS` bVO\ SdS` W\ Wba bVW`R aSOa]\ O\R counting, this dependably hilarious and EmmyQ]c\bW\U bVWa RS^S\ROPZg VWZO`W]ca O\R 3[[g winning family sitcom continues to garner praise eW\\W\U TO[WZg aWbQ][ Q]\bW\cSa b] UO`\S` ^`OWaS from critics and viewers alike, thanks in large T`][ Q`WbWQa O\R dWSeS`a OZWYS bVO\Ya W\ ZO`US part to one of the best ensemble casts on TV. ^O`b b] ]\S ]T bVS PSab S\aS[PZS QOaba ]\ BD Special features include deleted scenes and a A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS RSZSbSR aQS\Sa O\R O gag reel. Not rated; contains mild language and UOU `SSZ <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a [WZR ZO\UcOUS O\R crude humor. Running time: 8:04 Q`cRS Vc[]` @c\\W\U bW[S( &( " Suggested retail price: $49.98; Blu-ray $59.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "' '&) 0Zc `Og #' ''

"INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVEN ¾7<27/</ 8=<3A( B63 1=;>:3B3 /2D3< TURES," starring Harrison Ford and Karen Allen. BC@3A œ abO``W\U 6O``Wa]\ 4]`R O\R 9O`S\ /ZZS\ No child of the '80s or fan of movies in general <] QVWZR ]T bVS ¸& a ]` TO\ ]T []dWSa W\ US\S`OZ should be without this excellent set, which comaV]cZR PS eWbV]cb bVWa SfQSZZS\b aSb eVWQV Q][ piles "Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Indiana Jones ^WZSa ¾@OWRS`a ]T bVS :]ab /`Y œ ¾7\RWO\O 8]\Sa and the Temple of Doom," "Indiana Jones and O\R bVS BS[^ZS ]T 2]][ œ ¾7\RWO\O 8]\Sa O\R the Last Crusade" and "Indiana Jones and the bVS :Oab 1`caORSœ O\R ¾7\RWO\O 8]\Sa O\R bVS Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" into one remas9W\UR][ ]T bVS 1`gabOZ AYcZZœ W\b] ]\S `S[Oa tered, extras-laden volume. Whether you're a bS`SR Sfb`Oa ZORS\ d]Zc[S EVSbVS` g]c¸`S O longtime fan or your dad is making you watch Z]\UbW[S TO\ ]` g]c` ROR Wa [OYW\U g]c eObQV them, the Indy movies are one of those rarities bVS[ bVS 7\Rg []dWSa O`S ]\S ]T bV]aS `O`WbWSa in the cinematic world: Something we can all W\ bVS QW\S[ObWQ e]`ZR( A][SbVW\U eS QO\ OZZ agree on (except perhaps for "Crystal Skull," but OU`SS ]\ SfQS^b ^S`VO^a T]` ¾1`gabOZ AYcZZ œ Pcb there isn't enough room in this entire newspaper bVS`S Wa\¸b S\]cUV `]][ W\ bVWa S\bW`S \Sea^O^S` for that particular argument). You may as well T]` bVOb ^O`bWQcZO` O`Uc[S\b G]c [Og Oa eSZZ reserve your copy now, as we can already hear `SaS`dS g]c` Q]^g \]e Oa eS QO\ OZ`SORg VSO` you humming the theme song. Suggested retail g]c Vc[[W\U bVS bVS[S a]\U AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ price: $99.98 ^`WQS( '' '& VIDEOPORT PICKS D723=>=@B >719A

"CHICO & RITA," animated with the voices of Âľ1671= @7B/ Âś O\W[ObSR eWbV bVS d]WQSa ]T Limara Meneses and Eman Xor Ona. A surprise :W[O`O ;S\SaSa O\R 3[O\ F]` =\O / ac`^`WaS nomination for Best Animated Feature Oscar \][W\ObW]\ T]` 0Sab /\W[ObSR 4SObc`S =aQO` won this indie production a fair amount of muche]\ bVWa W\RWS ^`]RcQbW]\ O TOW` O[]c\b ]T [cQV deserved attention, but with or without that acRSaS`dSR ObbS\bW]\ Pcb eWbV ]` eWbV]cb bVOb OQ colade, we have an elegantly animated love story Q]ZORS eS VOdS O\ SZSUO\bZg O\W[ObSR Z]dS ab]`g with one of the best soundtracks of the year. eWbV ]\S ]T bVS PSab a]c\Rb`OQYa ]T bVS gSO` The titular duo, a pianist and singer, respectively, BVS bWbcZO` Rc] O ^WO\Wab O\R aW\US` `Sa^SQbWdSZg meet in 1948-era Havana are brought together [SSb W\ '"& S`O 6OdO\O O`S P`]cUVb b]USbVS` through their love of and talent for music, perbV`]cUV bVSW` Z]dS ]T O\R bOZS\b T]` [caWQ ^S` "SUPERNATURAL," starring Jared Padalecki ÂľAC>3@</BC@/: Âś abO``W\U 8O`SR >OROZSQYW forming in nightclubs and striking up a relationT]`[W\U W\ \WUVbQZcPa O\R ab`WYW\U c^ O `SZObW]\ and Jensen Ackles. Brothers Winchester battle O\R 8S\aS\ /QYZSa 0`]bVS`a EW\QVSabS` PObbZS ship that becomes impossibly strained due to aVW^ bVOb PSQ][Sa W[^]aaWPZg ab`OW\SR RcS b] demons both actual and personal, picking up the 1VWQ]¸a ZSaa bVO\ TOWbVTcZ \Obc`S 7b¸a \]b S\]cUV RS[]\a P]bV OQbcOZ O\R ^S`a]\OZ ^WQYW\U c^ bVS Chico's less-than-faithful nature. It's not enough pieces after the loss of a fellow comrade along ^WSQSa OTbS` bVS Z]aa ]T O TSZZ]e Q][`ORS OZ]\U to completely extinguish the fire, though, and b] Q][^ZSbSZg SfbW\UcWaV bVS Âż`S bV]cUV O\R the way. As ever, "Supernatural" is a polished bVS eOg /a SdS` ÂľAc^S`\Obc`OZÂś Wa O ^]ZWaVSR the story is told in flashback as we see presentbVS ab]`g Wa b]ZR W\ Ă€OaVPOQY Oa eS aSS ^`SaS\b effort, the work of a cast and crew that clearly STT]`b bVS e]`Y ]T O QOab O\R Q`Se bVOb QZSO`Zg day Chico and Rita pining for their prime and ROg 1VWQ] O\R @WbO ^W\W\U T]` bVSW` ^`W[S O\R knows and respects their devoted fanbase. Spe- bVSW` Z]ab bW[S <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS O\R Y\]ea O\R `Sa^SQba bVSW` RSd]bSR TO\POaS A^S their lost time. Not rated; contains language and cial features include commentary from cast and \cRWbg @c\\W\U bW[S( (!" QWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS Q][[S\bO`g T`][ QOab O\R nudity. Running time: 1:34 crew on select episodes and unaired scenes. Not Q`Se ]\ aSZSQb S^Wa]RSa O\R c\OW`SR aQS\Sa <]b Suggested retail price: $29.95; Blu-ray $39.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '#) 0Zc `Og !' '# rated; contains language and violence. Running `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS O\R dW]ZS\QS @c\\W\U time: 16:52 bW[S( $(# "GET A LIFE: THE COMPLETE SERIES," starÂľ53B / :743( B63 1=;>:3B3 A3@73A Âś abO` Suggested retail price: $59.98; Blu-ray $69.97 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( #' '&) 0Zc `Og $' '% ring Chris and Bob Elliot. Well ahead of its time `W\U 1V`Wa O\R 0]P 3ZZW]b ESZZ OVSOR ]T Wba bW[S during its brief initial run in 1990, this blissfully Rc`W\U Wba P`WST W\WbWOZ `c\ W\ '' bVWa PZWaaTcZZg NEW TO DVD <3E B= 2D2 bizarre "anti-sitcom" played by no known rules PWhO``S ÂľO\bW aWbQ][Âś ^ZOgSR Pg \] Y\]e\ `cZSa "SUBURGATORY: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEAthen or now, but would not have been out of bVS\ ]` \]e Pcb e]cZR \]b VOdS PSS\ ]cb ]T ÂľAC0C@5/B=@G( B63 1=;>:3B3 47@AB A3/ SON," starring Jane Levy and Jeremy Sisto. This ^ZOQS W\ bVS Âľ/RcZb AeW[Âś ZW\Sc^ 7\ bVS ^`S 7\ place in the "Adult Swim" lineup. In the pre-lnA=< Âś abO``W\U 8O\S :Sdg O\R 8S`S[g AWab] BVWa welcome newcomer to the ABC lineup channels bS`\Sb ROga ]T bVS SO`Zg ¸' a 1V`Wa 3ZZW]b¸a ac``SOZ ternet days of the early '90s, Chris Elliot's surreal eSZQ][S \SeQ][S` b] bVS /01 ZW\Sc^ QVO\\SZa both "Daria" and "Mean Girls" with its ongoing adventures of a 30-year-old paperboy definitely ORdS\bc`Sa ]T O ! gSO` ]ZR ^O^S`P]g RSÂż\WbSZg P]bV Âľ2O`WOÂś O\R Âľ;SO\ 5W`ZaÂś eWbV Wba ]\U]W\U saga of high-schooler Tessa (Levy), whose unstood out from the pack, a love-it-or-hate-it ab]]R ]cb T`][ bVS ^OQY O Z]dS Wb ]` VObS Wb aOUO ]T VWUV aQV]]ZS` BSaaO :Sdg eV]aS c\ wanted relocation to California with hopeful dad Sf^S`WS\QS bVOb VOa aW\QS RSdSZ]^SR O `OPWR QcZb experience that has since developed a rabid cult eO\bSR `SZ]QObW]\ b] 1OZWT]`\WO eWbV V]^STcZ ROR following that has been clamoring for its DVD George (Sisto) puts her at constant odds with T]ZZ]eW\U bVOb VOa PSS\ QZO[]`W\U T]` Wba 2D2 5S]`US AWab] ^cba VS` Ob Q]\abO\b ]RRa eWbV her seemingly vapid classmates and neighbors release since the introduction of the medium. `SZSOaS aW\QS bVS W\b`]RcQbW]\ ]T bVS [SRWc[ VS` aSS[W\UZg dO^WR QZOaa[ObSa O\R \SWUVP]`a due to her cynical outlook and lack of interest in ESZZ e]`bV bVS eOWb bVS AV]cb 4OQb]`g VOa ]\QS Well worth the wait, the Shout Factory has once RcS b] VS` Qg\WQOZ ]cbZ]]Y O\R ZOQY ]T W\bS`Sab W\ shopping. Sharp tongued and sweet natured all again unearthed a pop-culture favorite for a new OUOW\ c\SO`bVSR O ^]^ QcZbc`S TOd]`WbS T]` O \Se aV]^^W\U AVO`^ b]\UcSR O\R aeSSb \Obc`SR OZZ at once, "Suburgatory" is a plucky little underdog US\S`ObW]\ <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a Q`cRS Vc[]` O\R generation. Not rated; contains crude humor and Ob ]\QS ÂľAcPc`UOb]`gÂś Wa O ^ZcQYg ZWbbZS c\RS`R]U of a sitcom that will hopefully stick around for a Q][WQ dW]ZS\QS @c\\W\U bW[S( "( comic violence. Running time: 14:00 ]T O aWbQ][ bVOb eWZZ V]^STcZZg abWQY O`]c\R T]` O while yet. Not rated; contains mild language and AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( #' '% Suggested retail price: $59.97 eVWZS gSb <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a [WZR ZO\UcOUS O\R sexual content. Running time: 4:04 aSfcOZ Q]\bS\b @c\\W\U bW[S( "( " — Courtesy of Videoport Suggested retail price: $44.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "" '& ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012



LOBSTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! Dinner Nightly 5-9 Lunch Daily 11:30 - 3

Courtesy of Lionsgate


Olivia Thirlby and Karl Urban in “Dredd 3D.”

Reservations Suggested



A boring ‘Dredd 3D’ gets lost behind a helmet By ROGER MOORE McClatchy Newspapers

Ocean Ave., Kennebunkport

EXPLORE ANOTHER SIDE OF WINDHAM OCTOBERFEST Sat., Oct. 13 2–7pm to benefit 10 area food pantries! Rte. 302, Windham

Reconnect this fall with leaf peeping and fun festivals, and be sure to explore Windham--the Marketplace of the Lakes Region. Windham is home to fabulous stores and shopping, family entertainment, excellent restaurants and exciting nightlife Come enjoy our parks and trails, and the many other outdoor recreation opportunities in Windham. Go to www.windhamweb.com for more information and our Video TourBook. For more information on living and/or working in Windham, please call 207-892-1936

In the movies, the old saying goes, some stars wear the hat. And sometimes, the hat wears them. Say whatever else you want about Sylvester Stallone’s kitschy 1995 turn as futuristic comic book judge-jury-executioner Judge Dredd, the dude wore the helmet. Karl Urban replaces him in the new “Dredd 3D.” And frankly, the helmet wears Karl. He never takes off the over-sized thing. It closes off his performance and masks his charisma. We only see his scowling jaw and hear his hissed one-liners, chewing out the rookie mind-reading judge (Olivia Thirlby) who forgets to wear hers. “Sir, helmets interfere with my psychic abilities.” “Think a bullet in the head might interfere with ’em more,” the Judge mutters. In a future when much of America is irradiated and 800 million people are crammed into MegaCity, the concrete metropolis that stretches from Boston to Washington, tens of thousands are packed into mega high-rises, many at the mercy of mega criminals. The judges are all that stand in the way of anarchy. They’re wired-in, hi-tech hunter/ prosecutor/ killers, men and women who solve (sort of) crimes, catch criminals and dole out punishment, on the spot. The death penalty is their favorite. There’s a new drug making the rounds. There always is. “Slo Mo,” it’s called, and Ma-Ma is the drug lord who has it. Lena Headey (“300”) plays her in a performance that begins and ends with the flashy scar-riddled makeup. When Dredd and the “mutant” psychic judge-in-training, Anderson (Thirlby), nab one of Ma-Ma’s thugs (Wood Harris), of course you know this means war.

REVIEW “DREDD 3D,” Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey and Wood Harris. Directed by Pete Travis. Rated R for strong bloody violence, language, drug use and some sexual content. Running time: 1:35

This “Dredd” is a limited vision of the future, mainly confined to one towering, rundown high-rise. Judge Dredd and Anderson and their prisoner must fight their way out of this building, which Ma-Ma’s minions have on lockdown. This could have been claustrophobic, an action epic in compact form. “Die Hard” and last year’s Indo-Australian thriller “The Raid” are versions of this set-up that work. With “Dredd 3D,” you get only a taste of that as the judges blaze their way through Ma-Ma’s murderers and supposedly innocent bystanders and await the back-up that seems awfully slow in coming. The 3-D here is used to greatest effect in slow-motion shootings, impalings and throat slashings – blood-on-the-lens stuff. The villain is poorly drawn. The script lets her down, and Headey just isn’t “big” enough, in persona, performance and presence, to suggest a murderous monster who ruthlessly slashed and intimidated her way to the top. Thirlby is sensitive and cute as ever, funny when she has to be. She needs more to do. And Urban – so droll as Dr. McCoy in the “Star Trek” reboot, so sinister as Black Hat in “Priest,” so worthy a foe for Bruce Willis in “Red” – is lost behind that big ol’ helmet. That conspires to render the mega violent mega satire of MegaCity mega boring.

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E19 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3 '


'END' Ă‚:C9Ăƒ

a difference and when they need to walk B EJGGFSFODF BOE XIFO UIFZ OFFE UP XBML away. The calls they answer range from BXBZ 5IF DBMMT UIFZ BOTXFS SBOHF GSPN fires to missing children, loud parties to mSFT UP NJTTJOH DIJMESFO MPVE QBSUJFT UP Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! "shots fired - officer down." iTIPUT mSFE o PGmDFS EPXO w The banter between our two heroes is 5IF CBOUFS CFUXFFO PVS UXP IFSPFT JT easy, informal, with goofy moments of the when he's arresting you and it's "Go FBTZ JOGPSNBM XJUI HPPGZ NPNFOUT PG UIF XIFO IF T BSSFTUJOH ZPV BOE JU T i(P sort of race-baiting that only two close time." TPSU PG SBDF CBJUJOH UIBU POMZ UXP DMPTF UJNF w friends could get away with. It's all underOver the course of a year, we see the GSJFOET DPVME HFU BXBZ XJUI *U T BMM VOEFS 0WFS UIF DPVSTF PG B ZFBS XF TFF UIF lined with "I love you, man." shifting fortunes of their lives, shootings MJOFE XJUI i* MPWF ZPV NBO w TIJGUJOH GPSUVOFT PG UIFJS MJWFT TIPPUJOHT They can joke about pulling a guy over that have to be justified by their depart5IFZ DBO KPLF BCPVU QVMMJOH B HVZ PWFS UIBU IBWF UP CF KVTUJmFE CZ UIFJS EFQBSU and confiscating a gold-plated assault ment, and a steadily escalating violence BOE DPOmTDBUJOH B HPME QMBUFE BTTBVMU NFOU BOE B TUFBEJMZ FTDBMBUJOH WJPMFODF that spills over the border from Mexico, rifle ("It's Liberace's AK-47!"). But we can SJnF i*U T -JCFSBDF T ", w #VU XF DBO UIBU TQJMMT PWFS UIF CPSEFS GSPN .FYJDP sense what's coming, even if they can't. whose ruthless drug cartels deal in "dope, TFOTF XIBU T DPNJOH FWFO JG UIFZ DBO U XIPTF SVUIMFTT ESVH DBSUFMT EFBM JO iEPQF Their guns are out of their holsters money and guns - all the major food 5IFJS HVOT BSF PVU PG UIFJS IPMTUFST NPOFZ BOE HVOT o BMM UIF NBKPS GPPE more, the threat of violence gathers like groups." Mike and Brian find themselves NPSF UIF UISFBU PG WJPMFODF HBUIFST MJLF HSPVQT w .JLF BOE #SJBO mOE UIFNTFMWFT clouds over the city. stumbling into more and more cartel busi- DMPVET PWFS UIF DJUZ TUVNCMJOH JOUP NPSF BOE NPSF DBSUFM CVTJ Ayer resorts to that favorite crutch of ness as their year passes them by. "ZFS SFTPSUT UP UIBU GBWPSJUF DSVUDI PG OFTT BT UIFJS ZFBS QBTTFT UIFN CZ current filmmakers - the hand-held video Gyllenhaal brings a swashbuckling DVSSFOU mMNNBLFST o UIF IBOE IFME WJEFP (ZMMFOIBBM CSJOHT B TXBTICVDLMJOH recorder (Brian is doing a video project bravado to Brian, a guy who is something SFDPSEFS #SJBO JT EPJOH B WJEFP QSPKFDU CSBWBEP UP #SJBO B HVZ XIP JT TPNFUIJOH for his night school class), but is so inconof a player when it comes to the ladies. GPS IJT OJHIU TDIPPM DMBTT CVU JT TP JODPO PG B QMBZFS XIFO JU DPNFT UP UIF MBEJFT sistent with it that he abandons that point He's not above hooking up with groupies TJTUFOU XJUI JU UIBU IF BCBOEPOT UIBU QPJOU )F T OPU BCPWF IPPLJOH VQ XJUI HSPVQJFT of view in mid-scene. ("Badge Bunnies"), but might be tempted PG WJFX JO NJE TDFOF i#BEHF #VOOJFTw CVU NJHIU CF UFNQUFE What he manages most masterfully here when somebody special (like Anna Kend8IBU IF NBOBHFT NPTU NBTUFSGVMMZ IFSF XIFO TPNFCPEZ TQFDJBM MJLF "OOB ,FOE is the drip-drip-drip of rising tension, a rick) comes along. JT UIF ESJQ ESJQ ESJQ PG SJTJOH UFOTJPO B SJDL DPNFT BMPOH build-up that leaves you with a sense of Mike has matured in different ways, CVJME VQ UIBU MFBWFT ZPV XJUI B TFOTF PG .JLF IBT NBUVSFE JO EJGGFSFOU XBZT dread even as you watch characters enjoy clinging to juvenile neighborhood notions ESFBE FWFO BT ZPV XBUDI DIBSBDUFST FOKPZ DMJOHJOH UP KVWFOJMF OFJHICPSIPPE OPUJPOT the off-duty joys of life - a quinceanera of "respect," but adult enough to know UIF PGG EVUZ KPZT PG MJGF o B RVJODFBOFSB PG iSFTQFDU w CVU BEVMU FOPVHI UP LOPX party, a medal ceremony. love when he sees it. QBSUZ B NFEBM DFSFNPOZ MPWF XIFO IF TFFT JU And Pena and Gyllenhaal so fully inhabit Ayer's film begins with a long lull: 45 "OE 1FOB BOE (ZMMFOIBBM TP GVMMZ JOIBCJU "ZFS T mMN CFHJOT XJUI B MPOH MVMM these well-rounded characters that you minutes of procedure, depiction of the UIFTF XFMM SPVOEFE DIBSBDUFST UIBU ZPV NJOVUFT PG QSPDFEVSF EFQJDUJPO PG UIF worry for them, worry about what they'll cop community (America Ferrara and XPSSZ GPS UIFN XPSSZ BCPVU XIBU UIFZ MM DPQ DPNNVOJUZ "NFSJDB 'FSSBSB BOE do on this day or night when they climb Cody Horn are fellow officers) and light EP PO UIJT EBZ PS OJHIU XIFO UIFZ DMJNC $PEZ )PSO BSF GFMMPX PGmDFST BOE MJHIU into their cruiser, and what will become of touches. The police are bilingual, by JOUP UIFJS DSVJTFS BOE XIBU XJMM CFDPNF PG UPVDIFT 5IF QPMJDF BSF CJMJOHVBM CZ necessity, aware of where they can make UIFN CZ UIF FOE PG UIJT XBUDI them by the end of this watch. OFDFTTJUZ BXBSF PG XIFSF UIFZ DBO NBLF



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UP UIF USVUI *G IJT UIFPSJFT BOE QSBDUJDFT to the truth. If his theories and practices DBO XPSL PO 2VFMM %PEE JT QFSIBQT UIJOL can work on Quell, Dodd is perhaps thinking, they can work on anyone. JOH UIFZ DBO XPSL PO BOZPOF Continued from Page E15 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 # 5IF JEFBT CFIJOE 5IF $BVTF BT XF HFU The ideas behind The Cause, as we get UIFN JO CJUT BOE QJFDFT UVSO PVU UP CF B them in bits and pieces, turn out to be a .BMBJNBSF +S T NJMMJNFUFS DJOFNBUPH Malaimare Jr.'s 65-millimeter cinematog- XJUDI T CSFX PG QTZDIPMPHZ NJOE DPOUSPM witch's brew of psychology, mind control SBQIZ 2VFMM HFUT JOUP USPVCMF CFDBVTF PG raphy), Quell gets into trouble because of BOE TDJFODF mDUJPO UIBU JOWPMWFT PVUFS and science fiction that involves outer TQBDF QBTU MJWFT BOE B CBUUMF %PEE DIBS UIF UPYJDJUZ PG UIF NPPOTIJOF IF FOKPZT the toxicity of the moonshine he enjoys space, past lives and a battle Dodd charcooking up. Then, one night in 1950, com- BDUFSJ[FT CZ TBZJOH iUIJT JT TPNFUIJOH acterizes by saying, "this is something DPPLJOH VQ 5IFO POF OJHIU JO DPN QMFUFMZ ESVOL 2VFMM XBOEFST POUP B ZBDIU pletely drunk, Quell wanders onto a yacht ZPV EP GPS CJMMJPOT PG ZFBST PS OPU BU BMM w you do for billions of years or not at all." docked in the San Francisco Bay, passes It's no wonder that Dodd's son thinks his *U T OP XPOEFS UIBU %PEE T TPO UIJOLT IJT EPDLFE JO UIF 4BO 'SBODJTDP #BZ QBTTFT GBUIFS NBZ CF NBLJOH BMM UIJT VQ BT IF PVU BOE XBLFT VQ JO B XPSME IF OFWFS out, and wakes up in a world he never father may be making all this up as he goes along. imagined. HPFT BMPOH JNBHJOFE 5IF IFBSU PG i5IF .BTUFSw JT UIF TDFOFT 5IBU XPSME JT VOEFS UIF DPOUSPM PG %PEE That world is under the control of Dodd, The heart of "The Master" is the scenes the master of all he surveys who in fact where Dodd and Quell have at each other, XIFSF %PEE BOE 2VFMM IBWF BU FBDI PUIFS UIF NBTUFS PG BMM IF TVSWFZT XIP JO GBDU FOKPZT CFJOH DBMMFE i.BTUFSw CZ IJT TNBMM enjoys being called "Master" by his small FTQFDJBMMZ UIF TJUVBUJPOT XIFSF %PEE especially the situations where Dodd group of followers. Dodd describes himapplies psychological methods he calls BQQMJFT QTZDIPMPHJDBM NFUIPET IF DBMMT HSPVQ PG GPMMPXFST %PEE EFTDSJCFT IJN self to Quell as someone who does many "processing" (a word Scientologists use iQSPDFTTJOHw B XPSE 4DJFOUPMPHJTUT VTF TFMG UP 2VFMM BT TPNFPOF XIP EPFT NBOZ things - "writer, doctor, nuclear physicist, BT XFMM UP IJT BU UJNFT SFMVDUBOU BEFQU as well) to his at-times reluctant adept. UIJOHT o iXSJUFS EPDUPS OVDMFBS QIZTJDJTU "Electricity" is a mild word for the formitheoretical philosopher" - but who above i&MFDUSJDJUZw JT B NJME XPSE GPS UIF GPSNJ UIFPSFUJDBM QIJMPTPQIFSw o CVU XIP BCPWF all is "a hopelessly inquisitive man." dable charge that passes between these EBCMF DIBSHF UIBU QBTTFT CFUXFFO UIFTF BMM JT iB IPQFMFTTMZ JORVJTJUJWF NBO w two, and though it's disconcerting that the On the yacht with his new wife, Peggy UXP BOE UIPVHI JU T EJTDPODFSUJOH UIBU UIF 0O UIF ZBDIU XJUI IJT OFX XJGF 1FHHZ relationship between them gets murkier (Amy Adams), to oversee the wedding of SFMBUJPOTIJQ CFUXFFO UIFN HFUT NVSLJFS "NZ "EBNT UP PWFSTFF UIF XFEEJOH PG rather than clearer as time goes on, that his daughter, Dodd sizes up Quell imSBUIFS UIBO DMFBSFS BT UJNF HPFT PO UIBU IJT EBVHIUFS %PEE TJ[FT VQ 2VFMM JN mediately, frankly telling him "you are a is perhaps the point. JT QFSIBQT UIF QPJOU NFEJBUFMZ GSBOLMZ UFMMJOH IJN iZPV BSF B scoundrel" but allowing him to stay on The only other recognizable names in 5IF POMZ PUIFS SFDPHOJ[BCMF OBNFT JO TDPVOESFMw CVU BMMPXJOH IJN UP TUBZ PO the boat if he promises to keep brewing "The Master's" strong cast are Adams, i5IF .BTUFS Tw TUSPOH DBTU BSF "EBNT UIF CPBU JG IF QSPNJTFT UP LFFQ CSFXJOH the moonshine that Dodd approvingly excellent as always as Dodd's tough-asFYDFMMFOU BT BMXBZT BT %PEE T UPVHI BT UIF NPPOTIJOF UIBU %PEE BQQSPWJOHMZ sampled while its maker was passed out. OBJMT USVF CFMJFWFS XJGF BOE B mOF -BVSB nails true-believer wife, and a fine Laura TBNQMFE XIJMF JUT NBLFS XBT QBTTFE PVU What fascinates Quell and everyone else Dern as one of Master's early disciples. %FSO BT POF PG .BTUFS T FBSMZ EJTDJQMFT 8IBU GBTDJOBUFT 2VFMM BOE FWFSZPOF FMTF on the boat about Master is easy to see It is characteristic of Anderson's rigor*U JT DIBSBDUFSJTUJD PG "OEFSTPO T SJHPS PO UIF CPBU BCPVU .BTUFS JT FBTZ UP TFF ous directing style that all the supporting in a confident, magnetic performance PVT EJSFDUJOH TUZMF UIBU BMM UIF TVQQPSUJOH JO B DPOmEFOU NBHOFUJD QFSGPSNBODF by Hoffman that owes as much to Orson actors as well as each of the extras is not BDUPST BT XFMM BT FBDI PG UIF FYUSBT JT OPU CZ )PGGNBO UIBU PXFT BT NVDI UP 0STPO Welles' Charles Foster Kane as anyone only convincingly played (Cassandra KuPOMZ DPOWJODJOHMZ QMBZFE $BTTBOESB ,V 8FMMFT $IBSMFT 'PTUFS ,BOF BT BOZPOF else. Dodd is a showman and an unexpect- MVLVOEJT JT UIF DBTUJOH EJSFDUPS CVU BMTP lukimdis is the casting director) but also FMTF %PEE JT B TIPXNBO BOE BO VOFYQFDU edly idiosyncratic thinker, someone with looks precisely as the period demands. MPPLT QSFDJTFMZ BT UIF QFSJPE EFNBOET FEMZ JEJPTZODSBUJD UIJOLFS TPNFPOF XJUI a gift for language who casually drops That dedication to immaculate film5IBU EFEJDBUJPO UP JNNBDVMBUF mMN B HJGU GPS MBOHVBHF XIP DBTVBMMZ ESPQT phrases such as "leave your worries for a NBLJOH FYUFOET UP BMM BSFBT JODMVEJOH making extends to all areas, including QISBTFT TVDI BT iMFBWF ZPVS XPSSJFT GPS B while, they'll be there when you get back. +POOZ (SFFOXPPE T CSPPEJOH NVTJD Jonny Greenwood's brooding music, XIJMF UIFZ MM CF UIFSF XIFO ZPV HFU CBDL Your memories aren't invited." Mark Bridges' costumes and the edit.BSL #SJEHFT DPTUVNFT BOE UIF FEJU :PVS NFNPSJFT BSFO U JOWJUFE w What Dodd sees in Quell is murkier and JOH CZ -FTMJF +POFT BOE 1FUFS .D/VMUZ ing by Leslie Jones and Peter McNulty. 8IBU %PEE TFFT JO 2VFMM JT NVSLJFS BOE less straightforward. Wife Peggy says All have worked with Anderson and his "MM IBWF XPSLFE XJUI "OEFSTPO BOE IJT MFTT TUSBJHIUGPSXBSE 8JGF 1FHHZ TBZT "you seem to inspire something in him," elusive style before, and if you appreciate FMVTJWF TUZMF CFGPSF BOE JG ZPV BQQSFDJBUF iZPV TFFN UP JOTQJSF TPNFUIJOH JO IJN w and the man himself calls Quell "my guin- mMNNBLJOH BU UIJT MFWFM ZPV BSF NPSF UIBO filmmaking at this level you are more than BOE UIF NBO IJNTFMG DBMMT 2VFMM iNZ HVJO ea pig and protege," which may be closer HSBUFGVM UIBU JU T IBQQFOFE BHBJO grateful that it's happened again. FB QJH BOE QSPUFHF w XIJDI NBZ CF DMPTFS

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3

1G/< ;/53<B/ G3::=E 0:/19

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3E2O 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012





Experimental folk singer-song3f^S`W[S\bOZ T]ZY aW\US` a]\U writer and multi-instrumentalist e`WbS` O\R [cZbW W\ab`c[S\bOZWab Audrey Ryan will be playing /cR`Sg @gO\ eWZZ PS ^ZOgW\U tunes from her latest CD "Sirens," bc\Sa T`][ VS` ZObSab 12 ÂľAW`S\a Âś along with tracks from the three OZ]\U eWbV b`OQYa T`][ bVS bV`SS albums that came before it. OZPc[a bVOb QO[S PST]`S Wb "Sirens" is a collection of "lost" ÂľAW`S\aÂś Wa O Q]ZZSQbW]\ ]T ÂľZ]abÂś songs she recorded between a]\Ua aVS `SQ]`RSR PSbeSS\ 2005 and 2010 that are finally # O\R bVOb O`S Âż\OZZg seeing the light of day. aSSW\U bVS ZWUVb ]T ROg WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: The Oak & The Ax, E63@3( BVS =OY BVS /f 140 Main St., Biddeford " ;OW\ Ab 0WRRST]`R HOW MUCH: $8; theoakand 6=E ;C16( &) bVS]OYO\R theax.blogspot.com bVSOf PZ]Ua^]b Q][

Joe Robinson Af\ IfY`ejfe

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ WHERE: Shaker Hill Road, E63@3( AVOYS` 6WZZ @]OR Alfred /ZT`SR HOW MUCH: Free; shakerhill 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) aVOYS`VWZZ applefestival. org O^^ZSTSabWdOZ ]`U

Singer-songwriter Joe Robinson AW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` 8]S @]PW\a]\ comes to Maine by way of his naQ][Sa b] ;OW\S Pg eOg ]T VWa \O tive land of Australia. Robinson, bWdS ZO\R ]T /cab`OZWO @]PW\a]\ 20, won the Australian National e]\ bVS /cab`OZWO\ <ObW]\OZ Songwriting Competition when A]\Ue`WbW\U 1][^SbWbW]\ eVS\ he was 13 and then "Australia's VS eOa ! O\R bVS\ ¾/cab`OZWO¸a Got Talent" in 2OO8. His reputa5]b BOZS\bœ W\ & 6Wa `S^cbO tion is built on his dazzling ability bW]\ Wa PcWZb ]\ VWa ROhhZW\U OPWZWbg with a six-string guitar. His new eWbV O aWf ab`W\U UcWbO` 6Wa \Se album is called "Let Me Introduce OZPc[ Wa QOZZSR ¾:Sb ;S 7\b`]RcQS You." G]c œ

'Weatherbeaten: ĂŠN\Xk_\iY\Xk\e1 Winslow Homer N`ejcfn ?fd\i and Maine' Xe[ DX`e\Ă‹ "Weatherbeaten" is an exhibit ÂľESObVS`PSObS\Âś Wa O\ SfVWPWb of 38 major oils, watercolors and ]T !& [OX]` ]WZa eObS`Q]Z]`a O\R etchings created - and inspired SbQVW\Ua Q`SObSR Âł O\R W\a^W`SR by - Homer's time spent at his Pg Âł 6][S`¸a bW[S a^S\b Ob VWa Prouts Neck studio between >`]cba <SQY abcRW] PSbeSS\ 1883 and 1910. The collection &&! O\R ' BVS Q]ZZSQbW]\ was assembled from museums eOa OaaS[PZSR T`][ [caSc[a and private collectors across the O\R ^`WdObS Q]ZZSQb]`a OQ`]aa bVS U.S. and it will be on exhibit in C A O\R Wb eWZZ PS ]\ SfVWPWb W\ Portland through Dec. 30. >]`bZO\R bV`]cUV 2SQ !

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Leura Hill Eastman E63@3( :Sc`O 6WZZ 3Oab[O\ Performing Arts Center, >S`T]`[W\U /`ba 1S\bS` Fryeburg Academy, 4`gSPc`U /QORS[g 17 Portland St. % >]`bZO\R Ab HOW MUCH: $20; $15 6=E ;C16( ) # seniors; $10 students; aS\W]`a) abcRS\ba) fryeburgacademy.org/pac T`gSPc`UOQORS[g ]`U ^OQ



The Milk Carton K_\ D`cb :Xikfe Kids B`[j

The Shaker Hill Apple FestiBVS AVOYS` 6WZZ /^^ZS 4SabW val, happening both days this dOZ VO^^S\W\U P]bV ROga bVWa weekend, offers a full spectrum eSSYS\R ]TTS`a O TcZZ a^SQb`c[ of offerings for the whole family. ]T ]TTS`W\Ua T]` bVS eV]ZS TO[WZg Along with an arts and crafts fair, /Z]\U eWbV O\ O`ba O\R Q`OTba TOW` there will be wagon rides, Shaker bVS`S eWZZ PS eOU]\ `WRSa AVOYS` Museum exhibits, kids' activities, ;caSc[ SfVWPWba YWRa¸ OQbWdWbWSa antique car rides and live music. O\bW_cS QO` `WRSa O\R ZWdS [caWQ

In the Gershwin musical "Of Thee 7\ bVS 5S`aVeW\ [caWQOZ Âľ=T BVSS I Sing," presidential candidate 7 AW\U Âś ^`SaWRS\bWOZ QO\RWRObS John P. Wintergreen is running 8]V\ > EW\bS`U`SS\ Wa `c\\W\U on a platform of love with a Miss ]\ O ^ZObT]`[ ]T Z]dS eWbV O ;Waa White House beauty pageant EVWbS 6]caS PSOcbg ^OUSO\b designed to find him a first lady. RSaWU\SR b] Âż\R VW[ O Âż`ab ZORg Trouble and hilarity begin when B`]cPZS O\R VWZO`Wbg PSUW\ eVS\ he instead falls for his campaign VS W\abSOR TOZZa T]` VWa QO[^OWU\ secretary. The show runs through aSQ`SbO`g BVS aV]e `c\a bV`]cUV Sept. 30. AS^b !

Audrey Ryan 8l[i\p IpXe


J_Xb\i ?`cc 8ggc\ Shaker Hill Apple Festival =\jk`mXc

'Of Thee I Sing' ĂŠF] K_\\ @ J`e^Ă‹

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Theater at E63@3( BVSObS` Ob Monmouth, 796 Main St. ;]\[]cbV %'$ ;OW\ Ab HOW MUCH: $10, $28; 6=E ;C16( &) theateratmonmouth.org bVSObS`Ob[]\[]cbV ]`U


Compiled by Aimsel Ponti, 1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW Staff Writer AbOTT E`WbS`

California's The Milk Carton Kids 1OZWT]`\WO¸a BVS ;WZY 1O`b]\ 9WRa is the harmonizing, minimalist Wa bVS VO`[]\WhW\U [W\W[OZWab duo of Kenneth Pattengale and Rc] ]T 9S\\SbV >ObbS\UOZS O\R Joey Ryan. With two guitars and 8]Sg @gO\ EWbV be] UcWbO`a O\R two voices, they've carved out an be] d]WQSa bVSg¸dS QO`dSR ]cb O\ Americana-drenched folk sound /[S`WQO\O R`S\QVSR T]ZY a]c\R that has earned them national bVOb VOa SO`\SR bVS[ \ObW]\OZ media praise and an ever[SRWO ^`OWaS O\R O\ SdS` growing fan base. U`]eW\U TO\ POaS WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Empire Dine & E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S Dance, 575 Congress St., 2O\QS #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $6; 21-plus; 6=E ;C16( $) ^Zca) portlandempire. com ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( O [ b] # ^ [ WHERE: Portland Museum E63@3( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ of Art, 7 Congress Square ]T /`b % 1]\U`Saa A_cO`S HOW MUCH: $12;) aS\W]`a $10 seniors 6=E ;C16( and students; $6 for 13 O\R abcRS\ba) $ T]` ! to 17 years old; free for b] % gSO`a ]ZR) T`SS T]` years old and under; 12 gSO`a ]ZR O\R c\RS`) portlandmuseum.org ^]`bZO\R[caSc[ ]`U

Andrea van Voorst 8e[i\X mXe Mffijk van Beest and mXe 9\\jk Xe[ Jim Kelly A`d B\ccp Artists Andrea van Voorst van /`bWaba /\R`SO dO\ D]]`ab dO\ Beest and Jim Kelly share double 0SSab O\R 8W[ 9SZZg aVO`S R]cPZS billing with their collection of PWZZW\U eWbV bVSW` Q]ZZSQbW]\ ]T gouache paintings, intaglio prints U]cOQVS ^OW\bW\Ua W\bOUZW] ^`W\ba and mixed-media works. Van O\R [WfSR [SRWO e]`Ya DO\ Voorst van Beest's paintings were D]]`ab dO\ 0SSab¸a ^OW\bW\Ua eS`S created along the East Coast, and Q`SObSR OZ]\U bVS 3Oab 1]Oab O\R Kelly's mixed-media creations re9SZZg¸a [WfSR [SRWO Q`SObW]\a `S flect both the brilliant colors and Ă€SQb P]bV bVS P`WZZWO\b Q]Z]`a O\R grittiness of Florida and Maine. U`WbbW\Saa ]T 4Z]`WRO O\R ;OW\S See both artists' work through ASS P]bV O`bWaba¸ e]`Y bV`]cUV the end of the month. bVS S\R ]T bVS []\bV

J\gk\dY\i ).

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Tedeschi Trucks K\[\jZ_` KilZbj Band 9Xe[

Ê<m\ipYf[p Cfm\j 'Everybody Loves Pirates' G`iXk\jË

The last time the Tedeschi Trucks BVS ZOab bW[S bVS BSRSaQVW B`cQYa Band played in Maine was in sup0O\R ^ZOgSR W\ ;OW\S eOa W\ ac^ port of their "Revelator" album. ^]`b ]T bVSW` ¾@SdSZOb]`œ OZPc[ It went on to win a Best Blues 7b eS\b ]\ b] eW\ O 0Sab 0ZcSa Album Grammy Award, and in /ZPc[ 5`O[[g /eO`R O\R W\ May the double-live album "Ev;Og bVS R]cPZS ZWdS OZPc[ ¾3d erybody's Talkin"'œ eOa `SZSOaSR was released. S`gP]Rg¸a BOZYW\¸ Expect another night of explosive 3f^SQb O\]bVS` \WUVb ]T Sf^Z]aWdS blues from the 11-member super PZcSa T`][ bVS [S[PS` ac^S` group. U`]c^

The Frogtown Mountain PupBVS 4`]Ub]e\ ;]c\bOW\ >c^ peteers presents fun for the ^SbSS`a ^`SaS\ba Tc\ T]` bVS whole family with "Everybody eV]ZS TO[WZg eWbV Âľ3dS`gP]Rg Loves Pirates." Meet a young :]dSa >W`ObSa Âś ;SSb O g]c\U girl named Lucy and her goofy UW`Z \O[SR :cQg O\R VS` U]]Tg sidekick Little Chucky, and then aWRSYWQY :WbbZS 1VcQYg O\R bVS\ see what happens when they aSS eVOb VO^^S\a eVS\ bVSg discover a treasure map, decide RWaQ]dS` O b`SOac`S [O^ RSQWRS to go for the gold and encounter b] U] T]` bVS U]ZR O\R S\Q]c\bS` bumbling pirates who want the Pc[PZW\U ^W`ObSa eV] eO\b bVS loot for themselves. Z]]b T]` bVS[aSZdSa

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: The State Theatre, E63@3( BVS AbObS BVSOb`S 609 Congress St., $ ' 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $40 to $75; 6=E ;C16( " b] %#) statetheatreportland. com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

WHEN: Noon to 5 p.m. E63<( <]]\ b] # ^ [ WHERE: Addison Woolley E63@3( /RRWa]\ E]]ZZSg Gallery, 132 EOaVW\Ub]\ Washington 5OZZS`g ! Ave., Portland /dS >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) addison wool ley. com ORRWa]\e]]ZZSg Q][

Journey, Pat Aflie\p# GXk Benatar & Neil 9\eXkXi E\`c Giraldo, Loverboy >`iXc[f# Cfm\iYfp For a night of pure '80s rock 4]` O \WUVb ]T ^c`S ¸ & a `]QY nostalgia, look no farther than \]abOZUWO Z]]Y \] TO`bVS` bVO\ Bangor for one-stop shopping 0O\U]` T]` ]\S ab]^ aV]^^W\U from three of the decade's hotT`][ bV`SS ]T bVS RSQORS¸a V]b test acts. Journey has kept on bSab OQba 8]c`\Sg VOa YS^b ]\ believin' (even without Steve PSZWSdW\¸ SdS\ eWbV]cb AbSdS Perry), Loverboy is still working >S``g :]dS`P]g Wa abWZZ e]`YW\U for the weekend and Pat Benatar, T]` bVS eSSYS\R O\R >Ob 0S\ObO` as evidenced by her Portland Oa SdWRS\QSR Pg VS` >]`bZO\R show earlier this summer, is aV]e SO`ZWS` bVWa ac[[S` Wa certainly still hitting us with her QS`bOW\Zg abWZZ VWbbW\U ca eWbV VS` best shot. PSab aV]b


WHEN: 2 O\R % ^ [ and 7 p.m. E63<( WHERE: Leura Hill Eastman E63@3( :Sc`O 6WZZ 3Oab[O\ Performing Arts Center, >S`T]`[W\U /`ba 1S\bS` Fryeburg 4`gSPc`U HOW MUCH: $7; $4 chil6=E ;C16( %) " QVWZ dren; 2 O\R c\RS` T`SS) and under free; R`S\) fryeburgacademy. org/pac T`gSPc`UOQORS[g ]`U ^OQ

<[`k`fe1 G; J\Z&GX^\1 3jck5)' Ile[Xk\1 K_lij[Xp# J\gk\dY\i )'#


5Sb c^ O\R 5= Get up and GO eWbV bVSaS SdS\ba with these events

IFG$GG?$>FGi\m`\n)+ Df[`Ă”\[ ,&((&'0 @e;\j`^e!




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WHEN: Gates at 5 p.m. E63<( 5ObSa Ob # ^ [ WHERE: Bangor Waterfront E63@3( 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b Pavilion, 1 Railroad St., >OdWZW]\ @OWZ`]OR Ab HOW MUCH: 6=E ;C16( $31.50 to $111.50; ! # b] # ) waterfrontconcerts.com eObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][


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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3E22 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012


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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Nadine Labaki directs and has a starring role in "Where Do We Go Now?" <ORW\S :OPOYW RW`SQba O\R VOa O abO``W\U `]ZS W\ ÂľEVS`S 2] ES 5] <]e-Âś "WHERED0WEG0N0W?"(PG-13) (1:40) Directed by Nadine Labaki, 2012. Set ÂľE63@3 2= E3 5= <=E-Âś >5 ! (" 2W`SQbSR Pg <ORW\S :OPOYW ASb in a remote village where the church and the mosque stand side by side, the W\ O `S[]bS dWZZOUS eVS`S bVS QVc`QV O\R bVS []a_cS abO\R aWRS Pg aWRS bVS film follows the antics of the town's women to keep their blowhard men from ÂżZ[ T]ZZ]ea bVS O\bWQa ]T bVS b]e\¸a e][S\ b] YSS^ bVSW` PZ]eVO`R [S\ T`][ starting a religious war. Women heartsick over sons, husbands and fathers lost abO`bW\U O `SZWUW]ca eO` E][S\ VSO`baWQY ]dS` a]\a VcaPO\Ra O\R TObVS`a Z]ab to previous flare-ups unite to distract their men with clever ruses, from faking a b] ^`SdW]ca Ă€O`S c^a c\WbS b] RWab`OQb bVSW` [S\ eWbV QZSdS` `caSa T`][ TOYW\U O miracle, to hiring a troop of Ukrainian strippers. In Arabic, Russian and English [W`OQZS b] VW`W\U O b`]]^ ]T CY`OW\WO\ ab`W^^S`a 7\ /`OPWQ @caaWO\ O\R 3\UZWaV with English subtitles. eWbV 3\UZWaV acPbWbZSa Showing at: Portland Museum of Art, 6:30 p.m. Friday; 2 ^ [ AObc`ROg O\R p.m. Saturday and AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b $(! ^ [ 4`WROg) Sunday Ac\ROg

PERKINS E:G@>CH :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 " Continued from Page E14

:('1(6'$< WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31,2012-7PM 2&72%(5 ² 30 MERRILL AUDITORIUM-PORTLAND, ME 0(55,// $8',725,80 3257/$1' 0( Tickets available 7LFNHWV DYDLODEOH from PortTIX, IURP 3RUW7,; the lobby at WKH OREE\ DW Merrill Auditorium. 0HUULOO $XGLWRULXP Call 207-842-0800 &DOO or visit RU YLVLW www.porttix.com ZZZ SRUWWL[ FRP

harvesting the bounty of the Earth and being apIBSWFTUJOH UIF CPVOUZ PG UIF &BSUI BOE CFJOH BQ preciative of its beauty Beautifully shot, it's very QSFDJBUJWF PG JUT CFBVUZ #FBVUJGVMMZ TIPU JU T WFSZ Werner Herzog-esque." 8FSOFS )FS[PH FTRVF w "Ballroom Dancer": "A phenomenal piece of i#BMMSPPN %BODFSw i" QIFOPNFOBM QJFDF PG work. I don't think you could script a better love XPSL * EPO U UIJOL ZPV DPVME TDSJQU B CFUUFS MPWF story. It's about love and loss, with great cinemaTUPSZ *U T BCPVU MPWF BOE MPTT XJUI HSFBU DJOFNB tography and music. It's what an abstract but UPHSBQIZ BOE NVTJD *U T XIBU BO BCTUSBDU CVU mainstream documentary should be." NBJOTUSFBN EPDVNFOUBSZ TIPVME CF w "Journey to Planet X": "In a similar vein to i+PVSOFZ UP 1MBOFU 9w i*O B TJNJMBS WFJO UP 'American Movie,' this is about two friends and A"NFSJDBO .PWJF UIJT JT BCPVU UXP GSJFOET BOE 'B' sci-fi filmmakers at odds trying to complete A# TDJ m mMNNBLFST BU PEET USZJOH UP DPNQMFUF their masterpiece called 'Planet X.' It's a huge UIFJS NBTUFSQJFDF DBMMFE A1MBOFU 9 *U T B IVHF audience favorite, and very endearing as well." BVEJFODF GBWPSJUF BOE WFSZ FOEFBSJOH BT XFMM w That's just the tip of the CIFF iceberg. In addi5IBU T KVTU UIF UJQ PG UIF $*'' JDFCFSH *O BEEJ tion to the rest of the fest's feature and short film UJPO UP UIF SFTU PG UIF GFTU T GFBUVSF BOE TIPSU mMN offerings, attendees can look forward to a variety PGGFSJOHT BUUFOEFFT DBO MPPL GPSXBSE UP B WBSJFUZ of special events, including the aforementioned PG TQFDJBM FWFOUT JODMVEJOH UIF BGPSFNFOUJPOFE discussions with filmmakers, free local short-film EJTDVTTJPOT XJUI mMNNBLFST GSFF MPDBM TIPSU mMN screenings, special VIP events and receptions, TDSFFOJOHT TQFDJBM 7*1 FWFOUT BOE SFDFQUJPOT and the first-ever public presentation of the final BOE UIF mSTU FWFS QVCMJD QSFTFOUBUJPO PG UIF mOBM Points North Pitch on Saturday. 1PJOUT /PSUI 1JUDI PO 4BUVSEBZ In the latter, eight finalists in CIFF's yearly *O UIF MBUUFS FJHIU mOBMJTUT JO $*'' T ZFBSMZ Points North Documentary Forum will make 1PJOUT /PSUI %PDVNFOUBSZ 'PSVN XJMM NBLF the case that their documentaries-in-progress UIF DBTF UIBU UIFJS EPDVNFOUBSJFT JO QSPHSFTT should receive funding from a collected group of TIPVME SFDFJWF GVOEJOH GSPN B DPMMFDUFE HSPVQ PG industry insiders and power players. JOEVTUSZ JOTJEFST BOE QPXFS QMBZFST For southern Maine film fanatics, CIFF re'PS TPVUIFSO .BJOF mMN GBOBUJDT $*'' SF mains well worth the drive. NBJOT XFMM XPSUI UIF ESJWF Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ THE GUILD HALL OF THE CATHEDRAL B63 5C7:2 6/:: =4 B63 1/B632@/: OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION =4 B63 7;;/1C:/B3 1=<13>B7=< (301 Congress St., Portland) ! 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R Saturday: "Departures." It's time AObc`ROg( ¾2S^O`bc`Sa œ 7b¸a bW[S for Buddhist movie night, where T]` 0cRRVWab []dWS \WUVb eVS`S all are welcome to attend a OZZ O`S eSZQ][S b] ObbS\R O screening of this heartbreakingly aQ`SS\W\U ]T bVWa VSO`bP`SOYW\UZg charming Japanese film about QVO`[W\U 8O^O\SaS ¿Z[ OP]cb a young man whose job search O g]c\U [O\ eV]aS X]P aSO`QV leads to an apprenticeship with ZSORa b] O\ O^^`S\bWQSaVW^ eWbV an old master of preparing the O\ ]ZR [OabS` ]T ^`S^O`W\U bVS deceased for burial. The RSQSOaSR T]` Pc`WOZ BVS 6:30 p.m. showing is free, but $(! ^ [ aV]eW\U Wa T`SS Pcb donations (and snacks) are R]\ObW]\a O\R a\OQYa O`S always welcome. OZeOga eSZQ][S SPACE GALLERY, P o r t l a n d A>/13 5/::3@G >]`bZO\R (space.538.org) a^OQS #!& ]`U Tuesday: "The Imposter." If you BcSaROg( ¾BVS 7[^]abS` œ 7T g]c can't make it to Camden to see QO\¸b [OYS Wb b] 1O[RS\ b] aSS it (and you really should), check Wb O\R g]c `SOZZg aV]cZR QVSQY out this gripping documentary ]cb bVWa U`W^^W\U R]Qc[S\bO`g about the disappearance of OP]cb bVS RWaO^^SO`O\QS ]T a 13-year-old Texas boy who O ! gSO` ]ZR BSfOa P]g eV] turns up in Spain a decade bc`\a c^ W\ A^OW\ O RSQORS later with a harrowing tale of ZObS` eWbV O VO``]eW\U bOZS ]T kidnapping and torture, and YWR\O^^W\U O\R b]`bc`S O\R some serious questions about a][S aS`W]ca _cSabW]\a OP]cb his true identity. A true story VWa b`cS WRS\bWbg / b`cS ab]`g with the twists and suspense of eWbV bVS beWaba O\R aca^S\aS ]T a Hollywood thriller. O 6]ZZge]]R bV`WZZS`

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3 ! GO E23

8 _ffk Xe[ X A hoot and a


?FCCP Ogunquit Playhouse opens F^lehl`k GcXp_flj\ fg\ej the rollicking'Buddy: The k_\ ifcc`Zb`e^ ĂŠ9l[[p1 K_\ Buddy Holly Story.' 9l[[p ?fccp Jkfip%Ă‹

Courtesy Portland Museum of Art 1]c`bSag >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b

"The Fisher Girl," 1894. ÂľBVS 4WaVS` 5W`Z Âś &'"

PMA serves heaping GD8 j\im\j _\Xg`e^ helping of Homer _\cg`e^ f] ?fd\i

By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter


urt Jenkins knows VSU +FOLJOT LOPXT a lot about music. B MPU BCPVU NVTJD Back home in #BDL IPNF JO Birmingham, #JSNJOHIBN Ala., he fronts "MB IF GSPOUT the alternaUIF BMUFSOB tive indie-pop UJWF JOEJF QPQ band Skyway CBOE 4LZXBZ Spirits. 4QJSJUT But until he #VU VOUJM IF signed on to play Buddy Holly at OgunTJHOFE PO UP QMBZ #VEEZ )PMMZ BU 0HVO quit Playhouse, he didn't know much RVJU 1MBZIPVTF IF EJEO U LOPX NVDI about Holly, the Texas-born rock 'n' roll BCPVU )PMMZ UIF 5FYBT CPSO SPDL O SPMM pioneer who died at age 22 in a 1959 plane QJPOFFS XIP EJFE BU BHF JO B QMBOF crash. DSBTI "I knew about as much as the average i* LOFX BCPVU BT NVDI BT UIF BWFSBHF person did," said Jenkins. "But I was not QFSTPO EJE w TBJE +FOLJOT i#VU * XBT OPU exposed to the details of his music or his FYQPTFE UP UIF EFUBJMT PG IJT NVTJD PS IJT life before this show" MJGF CFGPSF UIJT TIPX w His impressions? )JT JNQSFTTJPOT "I guess it is his songwriting. That's what i* HVFTT JU JT IJT TPOHXSJUJOH 5IBU T XIBU struck me, how both timeless and contempoTUSVDL NF IPX CPUI UJNFMFTT BOE DPOUFNQP rary it is," he said. "A lot of the songs could be SBSZ JU JT w IF TBJE i" MPU PG UIF TPOHT DPVME CF considered hits of today if they were given the DPOTJEFSFE IJUT PG UPEBZ JG UIFZ XFSF HJWFO UIF chance. He was so ahead of the curve. A lot of DIBODF )F XBT TP BIFBE PG UIF DVSWF " MPU PG people were writing music that sounded like that, QFPQMF XFSF XSJUJOH NVTJD UIBU TPVOEFE MJLF UIBU but it did not have the aesthetic weight that his CVU JU EJE OPU IBWF UIF BFTUIFUJD XFJHIU UIBU IJT music did." NVTJD EJE w "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story" opens Thursi#VEEZ 5IF #VEEZ )PMMZ 4UPSZw PQFOT 5IVST day evening and runs through Oct. 21 at OgunEBZ FWFOJOH BOE SVOT UISPVHI 0DU BU 0HVO quit Playhouse in southern Maine. It's the final RVJU 1MBZIPVTF JO TPVUIFSO .BJOF *U T UIF mOBM show of the season at the playhouse, which TIPX PG UIF TFBTPO BU UIF QMBZIPVTF XIJDI celebrated its 80th season this year. DFMFCSBUFE JUT UI TFBTPO UIJT ZFBS "Buddy" is a tribute musical packed with the i#VEEZw JT B USJCVUF NVTJDBM QBDLFE XJUI UIF


BUDDY HOLLY c r e a t e d a 0C22G 6=::G Q`SObSR O body of music in a few P]Rg ]T [caWQ W\ O TSe short years that conaV]`b gSO`a bVOb Q]\ tinues to influence all bW\cSa b] W\Ă€cS\QS OZZ genres of pop more than US\`Sa ]T ^]^ []`S bVO\ 50 years later. Here are # gSO`a ZObS` 6S`S O`S 10 essential tracks: SaaS\bWOZ b`OQYa( • "Rave On" - Bruce N Âľ@OdS =\Âś Âł 0`cQS Springsteen and countA^`W\UabSS\ O\R Q]c\b less others do live verZSaa ]bVS`a R] ZWdS dS` sions of this cool pop aW]\a ]T bVWa Q]]Z ^]^ rocker, which features `]QYS` eVWQV TSObc`Sa some of Holly's famous a][S ]T 6]ZZg¸a TO[]ca vocal gymnastics. d]QOZ Ug[\OabWQa • "Maybe Baby" - One N Âľ;OgPS 0OPgÂś Âł =\S of the songs that estab]T bVS a]\Ua bVOb SabOP lished Holly's signature ZWaVSR 6]ZZg¸a aWU\Obc`S twangy guitar sound. beO\Ug UcWbO` a]c\R Can't help but sing 1O\¸b VSZ^ Pcb aW\U along. OZ]\U • "Not Fade Away" N Âľ<]b 4ORS /eOgÂś - Timeless rocker that Âł BW[SZSaa `]QYS` bVOb became The Rolling PSQO[S BVS @]ZZW\U Stones' first stateside Ab]\Sa¸ Âż`ab abObSaWRS single. aW\UZS • "Well... All R i g h t " - A N ÂľESZZÂŹ /ZZ @WUVbÂś Âł / more somber Holly is on []`S a][PS` 6]ZZg Wa ]\ display here. Although RWa^ZOg VS`S /ZbV]cUV just a B-side (for "HeartXcab O 0 aWRS T]` Âľ6SO`b beat"), this tune has PSObÂś bVWa bc\S VOa been covered by everyPSS\ Q]dS`SR Pg SdS`g one from Blind Faith to ]\S T`][ 0ZW\R 4OWbV b] Kid Rock. 9WR @]QY • "That'll Be the Day" N ÂľBVOb¸ZZ 0S bVS 2OgÂś - Maybe the best-known Âł ;OgPS bVS PSab Y\]e\ of Holly's rockers, with ]T 6]ZZg¸a `]QYS`a eWbV a title inspired by the O bWbZS W\a^W`SR Pg bVS catchphrase used by QObQV^V`OaS caSR Pg John Wayne in the 8]V\ EOg\S W\ bVS classic Western "The QZOaaWQ ESabS`\ ÂľBVS Searchers." ASO`QVS`a Âś • "Peggy Sue" - The N Âľ>SUUg AcSÂś Âł BVS basics of surf rock can POaWQa ]T ac`T `]QY QO\ be found in this classic, PS T]c\R W\ bVWa QZOaaWQ with its thumping drum eWbV Wba bVc[^W\U R`c[ beat and raw, rumbling PSOb O\R `Oe `c[PZW\U guitar. UcWbO` • "Everyday"- The N Âľ3dS`gROgœ³ BVS lighter side of Holly, this ZWUVbS` aWRS ]T 6]ZZg bVWa is an extremely pretty Wa O\ Sfb`S[SZg ^`Sbbg song that became a hit a]\U bVOb PSQO[S O VWb for James Taylor in the T]` 8O[Sa BOgZ]` W\ bVS mid-'80s. [WR ¸& a • "It's So Easy" - Nice N Âľ7b¸a A] 3OagÂś Âł <WQS guitar work on this one, UcWbO` e]`Y ]\ bVWa ]\S plus a hook that is so ^Zca O V]]Y bVOb Wa a] catchy, you can't get it QObQVg g]c QO\¸b USb Wb out of your head. Which, ]cb ]T g]c` VSOR EVWQV in this case, is a good W\ bVWa QOaS Wa O U]]R thing. Big hit for Linda bVW\U 0WU VWb T]` :W\RO Ronstadt in the '70s. @]\abORb W\ bVS ¸% a • "True Love Ways" N ÂľB`cS :]dS EOgaÂś - Holly didn't just write Âł 6]ZZg RWR\¸b Xcab e`WbS rockers, as evidenced `]QYS`a Oa SdWRS\QSR by this soft, slow ballad Pg bVWa a]Tb aZ]e POZZOR sporting plenty of lush a^]`bW\U ^ZS\bg ]T ZcaV strings and horns. ab`W\Ua O\R V]`\a • "Oh, Boy!" - I've saved N Âľ=V 0]g Âś Âł 7¸dS aOdSR the best for last. ThisbVS PSab T]` ZOab BVWa revved up silly rocker `SddSR c^ aWZZg `]QYS` has it all - the fuzzy VOa Wb OZZ Âł bVS Tchhg twang of the guitar, the beO\U ]T bVS UcWbO` bVS doo-wop style backR]] e]^ abgZS POQY ground singing and U`]c\R aW\UW\U O\R Holly growling out the 6]ZZg U`]eZW\U ]cb bVS lead vocals. ZSOR d]QOZa - RAY ROUTHIER ´ @/G @=CB673@

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k

THE PORTLAND Museum of Art B63 >=@B:/<2 ;caSc[ ]T /`b opens its long-anticipated ]^S\a Wba Z]\U O\bWQW^ObSR exhibition, "Weatherbeaten: SfVWPWbW]\ ¾ESObVS`PSObS\( Winslow Homer and Maine," EW\aZ]e 6][S` O\R ;OW\S œ on Saturday. The show ]\ AObc`ROg BVS aV]e coincides with the opening Q]W\QWRSa eWbV bVS ]^S\W\U of Homer's renovated ]T 6][S`¸a `S\]dObSR Prouts Neck studio on >`]cba <SQY abcRW] ]\ Tuesday, and features work BcSaROg O\R TSObc`Sa e]`Y that Homer made while he bVOb 6][S` [ORS eVWZS VS lived there. ZWdSR bVS`S WHEN: Opens Saturday. E63<( =^S\a AObc`ROg Through Dec 30. BV`]cUV 2SQ ! WHERE: Portland Museum of E63@3( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T Art, 7 Congress Square /`b % 1]\U`Saa A_cO`S HOW MUCH: $12; $10 for 6=E ;C16( ) T]` seniors and students; $6 for aS\W]`a O\R abcRS\ba) $ T]` ages 13 to 17; free for ages OUSa ! b] %) T`SS T]` OUSa and younger; free for all 12 O\R g]c\US`) T`SS T]` OZZ after 5 p.m. Fridays OTbS` # ^ [ 4`WROga INFO: 775-6148; 7<4=( %%# $ "&) portlandmuseum.org ^]`bZO\R[caSc[ ]`U

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Please see'BUDDY,' Page E24 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡0C22G ¸ GX^\ <)+ Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]


"Around the Bend" by Âľ/`]c\R bVS 0S\RÂś Pg Jeannette Steele Esposito. 8SO\\SbbS AbSSZS 3a^]aWb]


The colors fly at K_\ Zfcfij Ă•p Xk Damariscotta space ;XdXi`jZfkkX jgXZ\

"BUDDY: THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY" Âľ0C22G( B63 0C22G 6=::G AB=@GÂś WHEN: Previews at 2:30 p.m. E63<( >`SdWSea Ob (! ^ [ Thursday. Opens at 8 p.m. BVc`aROg =^S\a Ob & ^ [ Thursday and continues at 8 p.m. BVc`aROg O\R Q]\bW\cSa Ob & ^ [ Friday, 8:30 p.m. Saturday, 4`WROg &(! ^ [ AObc`ROg 2 ^ [ Ac\ROg & ^ [ ESR\SaROg p.m. Sunday, 8 p.m. Wednesday and 2:30 and 8 p.m. Sept. 27. Through O\R (! O\R & ^ [ AS^b % BV`]cUV Oct. 21. The theater will add occasional =Qb BVS bVSObS` eWZZ ORR ]QQOaW]\OZ Saturday matinees and Sunday evening AObc`ROg [ObW\SSa O\R Ac\ROg SdS\W\U performances. Check with the theater for ^S`T]`[O\QSa 1VSQY eWbV bVS bVSObS` T]` details. RSbOWZa WHERE: Ogunquit Playhouse, E63@3( =Uc\_cWb >ZOgV]caS 10 Main St. ;OW\ Ab HOW MUCH: $ 3 9 to $74 6=E ;C16( !' b] %" INFO: 646-5511; 7<4=( $"$ ## ) ogunquitplayhouse.org ]Uc\_cWb^ZOgV]caS ]`U


Ogunquit Playhouse =Uc\_cWb >ZOgV]caS photo by Julia Russell ^V]b] Pg 8cZWO @caaSZZ

THE DAMARISCOTTA River Grill B63 2/;/@7A1=BB/ @WdS` 5`WZZ presents "Flying Colors," ^`SaS\ba Âľ4ZgW\U 1]Z]`a Âś featuring the works of TSObc`W\U bVS e]`Ya ]T Jeannette Steele Esposito 8SO\\SbbS AbSSZS 3a^]aWb] and Susan Guest McPhail. O\R AcaO\ 5cSab ;Q>VOWZ WHEN: Through Oct. 29 E63<( BV`]cUV =Qb ' WHERE: Damariscotta E63@3( 2O[O`WaQ]bbO River Grill, 155 Main St., @WdS` 5`WZZ ## ;OW\ Ab Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 563-2992 7<4=( #$! ''

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3E24 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012

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songs that made Holly among the most TPOHT UIBU NBEF )PMMZ BNPOH UIF NPTU influential rock stars of all time and one of JOnVFOUJBM SPDL TUBST PG BMM UJNF BOE POF PG the first inductees into the Rock and Roll UIF mSTU JOEVDUFFT JOUP UIF 3PDL BOE 3PMM Hall of Fame: "Peggy Sue," "Oh, Boy!" )BMM PG 'BNF i1FHHZ 4VF w i0I #PZ w "Maybe Baby" and "That'll Be the Day," i.BZCF #BCZw BOE i5IBU MM #F UIF %BZ w among others. BNPOH PUIFST The show is almost a concert experi5IF TIPX JT BMNPTU B DPODFSU FYQFSJ ence, although there is quite a bit of FODF BMUIPVHI UIFSF JT RVJUF B CJU PG dialogue and acting as well. EJBMPHVF BOE BDUJOH BT XFMM "The latter half of both acts are basically i5IF MBUUFS IBMG PG CPUI BDUT BSF CBTJDBMMZ concerts," said Jenkins, who plays guitar DPODFSUT w TBJE +FOLJOT XIP QMBZT HVJUBS on stage. "In those performances, I am PO TUBHF i*O UIPTF QFSGPSNBODFT * BN basically being a musician. There are moCBTJDBMMZ CFJOH B NVTJDJBO 5IFSF BSF NP ments on stage when I smile at the other NFOUT PO TUBHF XIFO * TNJMF BU UIF PUIFS guys in the band and let out a hoot and HVZT JO UIF CBOE BOE MFU PVU B IPPU BOE a holler. That is not me pretending to be B IPMMFS 5IBU JT OPU NF QSFUFOEJOH UP CF Buddy Holly. That is just me." #VEEZ )PMMZ 5IBU JT KVTU NF w One of the challenges of this show was 0OF PG UIF DIBMMFOHFT PG UIJT TIPX XBT putting a band together. The actors on QVUUJOH B CBOE UPHFUIFS 5IF BDUPST PO stage perform the songs themselves; TUBHF QFSGPSN UIF TPOHT UIFNTFMWFT there are no pit musicians. UIFSF BSF OP QJU NVTJDJBOT In this production, Holly's band, The *O UIJT QSPEVDUJPO )PMMZ T CBOE 5IF Crickets, is completed by Sam Weber, who $SJDLFUT JT DPNQMFUFE CZ 4BN 8FCFS XIP plays bass player Joe B. Mauldin, and QMBZT CBTT QMBZFS +PF # .BVMEJO BOE Joe "Cosmo" Cogen, who plays drummer +PF i$PTNPw $PHFO XIP QMBZT ESVNNFS Jerry Allison. +FSSZ "MMJTPO In addition to learning their roles for the *O BEEJUJPO UP MFBSOJOH UIFJS SPMFT GPS UIF stage, the trio also had to learn about each TUBHF UIF USJP BMTP IBE UP MFBSO BCPVU FBDI other as musicians. "Buddy" requires PUIFS BT NVTJDJBOT i#VEEZw SFRVJSFT them to put a band together and develop UIFN UP QVU B CBOE UPHFUIFS BOE EFWFMPQ a strong musical chemistry in just three B TUSPOH NVTJDBM DIFNJTUSZ JO KVTU UISFF weeks of rehearsals and a month-long XFFLT PG SFIFBSTBMT BOE B NPOUI MPOH run. SVO So far, so good, Jenkins said. 4P GBS TP HPPE +FOLJOT TBJE "It really does feel like a band," he said. i*U SFBMMZ EPFT GFFM MJLF B CBOE w IF TBJE "Both guys are extremely talented. Sam i#PUI HVZT BSF FYUSFNFMZ UBMFOUFE 4BN and Joe, they are great guys. We get along BOE +PF UIFZ BSF HSFBU HVZT 8F HFU BMPOH really well, and it's been quick fun." SFBMMZ XFMM BOE JU T CFFO RVJDL GVO w Other members of the cast include 0UIFS NFNCFST PG UIF DBTU JODMVEF Jayson Eliot as The Big Bopper, Ryan +BZTPO &MJPU BT 5IF #JH #PQQFS 3ZBO Jagru as Ritchie Valens and Luke Darnell +BHSV BT 3JUDIJF 7BMFOT BOE -VLF %BSOFMM as Holly's manager, Norm Petty. The Big BT )PMMZ T NBOBHFS /PSN 1FUUZ 5IF #JH Bopper and Valens died with Holly in a #PQQFS BOE 7BMFOT EJFE XJUI )PMMZ JO B plane crash in an Iowa corn field on Feb. QMBOF DSBTI JO BO *PXB DPSO mFME PO 'FC 3,1959, following a concert in nearby Clear GPMMPXJOH B DPODFSU JO OFBSCZ $MFBS Lake. The Maine-based songwriter Don -BLF 5IF .BJOF CBTFE TPOHXSJUFS %PO

AS THE OGUNQUIT PLAYHOUSE winds up /A B63 =5C<?C7B >:/G6=CA3 eW\Ra c^ its season with a fall production of Wba aSOa]\ eWbV O TOZZ ^`]RcQbW]\ ]T "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story," other Âľ0cRRg( BVS 0cRRg 6]ZZg Ab]`g Âś ]bVS` theaters in Portland and around the bVSObS`a W\ >]`bZO\R O\R O`]c\R bVS region are preparing for the season `SUW]\ O`S ^`S^O`W\U T]` bVS aSOa]\ ahead. Here are some highlights: OVSOR 6S`S O`S a][S VWUVZWUVba( • PORTLAND STAGE COMPANY, 25A Forest N >=@B:/<2 AB/53 1=;>/<G #/ 4]`Sab Ave. (774-0465; portlandstage.org) /dS %%" "$#) ^]`bZO\RabOUS ]`U opens its season with Wendy Was]^S\a Wba aSOa]\ eWbV ES\Rg EOa serstein's "The Sisters Rosensweig." aS`abSW\¸a ÂľBVS AWabS`a @]aS\aeSWU Âś The family drama reunites three BVS TO[WZg R`O[O `Sc\WbSa bV`SS Jewish-American sisters in London 8SeWaV /[S`WQO\ aWabS`a W\ :]\R]\ to celebrate the birthday of eldest. It b] QSZSP`ObS bVS PW`bVROg ]T SZRSab 7b previews on Tuesday, opens on Sept. ^`SdWSea ]\ BcSaROg ]^S\a ]\ AS^b 30, and runs through Oct. 21. ! O\R `c\a bV`]cUV =Qb • THE PUBLIC THEATRE, 31 Maple St., LewN B63 >C0:71 B63/B@3 ! ;O^ZS Ab :Se iston (782-3200; thepublictheatre.org) Wab]\ %& ! ) bVS^cPZWQbVSOb`S ]`U opens with a new play, Karen Zacarias' ]^S\a eWbV O \Se ^ZOg 9O`S\ HOQO`WOa¸ witty comedy "The Book Club." OpeneWbbg Q][SRg ÂľBVS 0]]Y 1ZcP Âś =^S\ ing night is Oct. 19, and the show runs W\U \WUVb Wa =Qb ' O\R bVS aV]e `c\a through Oct. 28. bV`]cUV =Qb & The Public Theatre is working with BVS >cPZWQ BVSOb`S Wa e]`YW\U eWbV the playwright on the continuing debVS ^ZOge`WUVb ]\ bVS Q]\bW\cW\U RS velopment of this new script followdSZ]^[S\b ]T bVWa \Se aQ`W^b T]ZZ]e ing its previous production at Arena W\U Wba ^`SdW]ca ^`]RcQbW]\ Ob /`S\O Stage in Washington, D.C. Zacarias will AbOUS W\ EOaVW\Ub]\ 2 1 HOQO`WOa eWZZ participate in a post-show discussion ^O`bWQW^ObS W\ O ^]ab aV]e RWaQcaaW]\ following the Oct. 21 [ObW\SS matinee. T]ZZ]eW\U bVS =Qb • GOOD THEATER (885-5883; N 5==2 B63/B3@ &&# #&&!) goodtheater.com) kicks off its 11th U]]RbVSObS` Q][ YWQYa ]TT Wba bV season with a two-performance event, aSOa]\ eWbV O be] ^S`T]`[O\QS SdS\b "An Evening with Broadway Star FlorÂľ/\ 3dS\W\U eWbV 0`]OReOg AbO` 4Z]` ence Lacey," at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 6 and S\QS :OQSg Âś Ob %(! ^ [ =Qb $ O\R 2 ^ [ =Qb % :OQSg V]ZRa bVS `SQ]`R p.m. Oct. 7. Lacey holds the record for the most performances of Eva T]` bVS []ab ^S`T]`[O\QSa ]T 3dO Peron in "Evita" - more than 3,000. >S`]\ W\ Âľ3dWbOÂś Âł []`S bVO\ ! The company begins its regular season BVS Q][^O\g PSUW\a Wba `SUcZO` aSOa]\ with the Tony Award-nominated play eWbV bVS B]\g /eO`R \][W\ObSR ^ZOg "Good People" Oct. 10 to Nov. 4. Good Âľ5]]R >S]^ZSÂś =Qb b] <]d " 5]]R Theater presents its shows at the St. BVSObS` ^`SaS\ba Wba aV]ea Ob bVS Ab Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St., :Oe`S\QS /`ba 1S\bS` %$ 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland. >]`bZO\R • MAD HORSE THEATER COMPANY (730N ;/2 6=@A3 B63/B3@ 1=;>/<G %! 2389; madhorse.com) opens its 27th !&') [ORV]`aS Q][ ]^S\a Wba %bV season on Oct. 11 with David Mamet's aSOa]\ ]\ =Qb eWbV 2OdWR ;O[Sb¸a political comedy "November." It runs ^]ZWbWQOZ Q][SRg Âľ<]dS[PS` Âś 7b `c\a through Oct. 28. Mad Horse moves its bV`]cUV =Qb & ;OR 6]`aS []dSa Wba shows to a newly created black-box aV]ea b] O \SeZg Q`SObSR PZOQY P]f space at the former Hutchins School, a^OQS Ob bVS T]`[S` 6cbQVW\a AQV]]Z

Please see'BUDDY,' PageE25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡0C22G ¸ GX^\ <),

Please see MORE SHOWS, PageE25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=@3 A6=EA GX^\ <),

Continued from Page E23 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !


Photo by Aaron Flacke >V]b] Pg /O`]\ 4ZOQYS

Pfeni (D'Arcy Dersham), Gorgeous (Carole Healey), Tom (Michael Dix Thomas) >TS\W 2¸/`Qg 2S`aVO[ 5]`US]ca 1O`]ZS 6SOZSg B][ ;WQVOSZ 2Wf BV][Oa and Tess (Megan Dorn-Wallenstein, far right) inquire about Sara's (Amy O\R BSaa ;SUO\ 2]`\ EOZZS\abSW\ TO` `WUVb W\_cW`S OP]cb AO`O¸a /[g McDonald) night in Wendy Wasserstein's "The Sisters Rosenweig" at Portland ;Q2]\OZR \WUVb W\ ES\Rg EOaaS`abSW\¸a ¾BVS AWabS`a @]aS\eSWUœ Ob >]`bZO\R Stage. The show previews Tuesday and opens on Sept. 30. AbOUS BVS aV]e ^`SdWSea BcSaROg O\R ]^S\a ]\ AS^b !

Center, Mansfield, Mass. $20 to $81.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Saturday – Down with Warbeast and Haarp, 8:15 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Sunday – David Byrne with St. Vincent, 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $39.50 to $59.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Sunday – Tyga, Kirko Bangz, Iggy Azalea, Sterling Simms and Jinsu, 8 p.m.., House of Blues, Boston. $30 to $45. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Monday – Peter Gabriel, 8 p.m., TD Garden, Boston. $53.10 to $166.10. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 27 – Kenny Wayne Shepherd, 7:30 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $47.20 to $55.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 27 – Margaret Cho, 7:30 p.m., The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $42 to $47. Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. Sept. 28 – Brian Regan, 7:30 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to $66.70. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 28 – Beth Orton, 7:30 p.m., Somerville Theatre, Somerville, Mass. $25. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 28 – A$ap Rocky, Schoolboy Q, Danny Brown and A$ap Mob, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $23 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 29 – Who’s Bad: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute, 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $20 to $30. Livenation.com; (800)

‘BUDDY’ Continued from Page E24

McLean memorialized their deaths in the iconic pop song “American Pie” in 1972. The responsibility of getting the band in shape falls to John Bannister, who holds the title of music supervisor. He works for Buddy Worldwide LTD, the creators of the musical, and travels from site to site helping the actor-musicians with the music. He first joined the show in 1993 as a drummer. A classically trained Brit, Bannister auditioned for the London run of the show knowing nothing about Holly. He showed up for work after accepting the job, but couldn’t find the orchestra pit. “Where am I supposed to play?” he asked. “They said, ‘On stage,’ and from that moment on, I got the bug.”

MORE SHOWS Continued from Page E24

24 Mosher St., South Portland. It has presented its shows most recently at Lucid Stage in Portland, but Lucid is closing this fall. n AIRE, the American Irish Repertory Ensemble (799-5327; airetheater.com/ home.htm) opens with Brian Friel’s play “Faith Healer” on Oct. 4. It runs through Oct. 21 with performances at the Studio Theater at Portland Stage Company, 25A Forest Ave., Portland. The play focuses on itinerant faith

GO E25

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He performed in various productions for several years, and in 2004 began his duties as musical director. Every cast is different, he said. “It’s all written down, but there’s a lot you can’t write down,” Bannister said. “With actor-musicians, you never know what standard they are at. They could be all right with the guitar, or they could be absolutely amazing. “What I have to do is find out what their strengths and weaknesses are and put it all together. I am basically the conductor, but I am not there for the actual show.” The band for the Ogunqit show, he said, “is quite incredible. These are great actors and great musicians. I am over the moon to be a part of this production.”


Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 or: bkeyes@pressherald.com Twitter: pphbkeyes

healer Frank Hardy, his wife, and his manager as they travel to remote towns throughout the British Isles, where Frank attempts to cure the sick and suffering. It stars Broadway veteran and Maine resident Will Rhys. n THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MAINE School of Music (780-5555) presents the one-act musical revue “Assassins” with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. It runs Nov. 2-4 at Corthell Concert Hall on the Gorham campus, and offers up nine sketches of people who killed presidents of the United States – or gave it their best shot. — BOB KEYES, STAFF WRITER


Continued from Page E12


Reserve your tickets now: (207) 775-6148.

Corporate Sponsor:

Foundation Sponsors:


Media Sponsors: This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities.

Winslow Homer, Weatherbeaten, 1894. Bequest of Charles Shipman Payson. Photo by meyersphoto.com.


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 2012 745-3000 Sept. 29 – Brian Regan, 9:45 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to $66.70. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 2 – Punch Brothers, 7:30 p.m., The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $28. Oct. 4 – Bob Newhart, 7:30 p.m., The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $66 to $72. Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. Oct. 4 – Heart with Alejandro Escovedo, 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $45 to $65. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 4 – Blue October, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $22.50 to $32.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 5 – Ben Harper, 7:30 p.m., Boston Opera House. $40 to $75. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 5 – Alabama Shakes with Fly Golden Eagle, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 5 – Medeski Martin & Wood, 8 p.m., Jordan Hall, Boston. $27.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 6 – Bob Newhart, 7 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $49.70 to $72.70. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Oct. 6 – Dispatch with Good Old War and Parkington Sisters, 8 p.m., Agganis Arena, Boston. $46. Livenation.com; (800) 7453000 Oct. 7 – Heart with Alejandro Escovedo and The Sensitive Boys, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $39.75 to $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 Oct. 11 – The Wiggles, 2:30 and 6:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $16.50 to $76.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3E26 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012


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Courtesy of Maine Art Gallery 1]c`bSag ]T ;OW\S /`b 5OZZS`g

"Yellow Line," a photograph by Rob Smith, from an exhibition by Maine Art µGSZZ]e :W\S ¶ O ^V]b]U`O^V Pg @]P A[WbV T`][ O\ SfVWPWbW]\ Pg ;OW\S /`b Gallery artists continuing through Oct. 30 at Atlantic Motorcar in Wiscasset. 5OZZS`g O`bWaba Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV =Qb ! Ob /bZO\bWQ ;]b]`QO` W\ EWaQOaaSb Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Through Sept. 30. 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT "Can U REL8?" showcase of eight original short h#AN 5 2%, v SHOWCASE OF EIGHT ORIGINAL SHORT "Mirage 2012," belly dancing and international h-IRAGE v BELLY DANCING AND INTERNATIONAL plays by Maine playwrights, Freeport Performing PLAYS BY -AINE PLAYWRIGHTS &REEPORT 0ERFORMING dance, St. Lawrence Arts Center, Portland. $18 in DANCE 3T ,AWRENCE !RTS #ENTER 0ORTLAND IN Arts Center. $10 in advance, $15 at door. !RTS #ENTER IN ADVANCE AT DOOR advance; $25 day of show, stlawrencearts.org. ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW STLAWRENCEARTS ORG fcponline.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday to Saturday; 2 FCPONLINE ORG P M 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY 7:30 p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY p.m. Sunday. Through Sept. 30. P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT "Swan Lake," ballet presented in HD, Strand h3WAN ,AKE v BALLET PRESENTED IN ($ 3TRAND "Anything Goes," Cole Porter musical, Lyric h!NYTHING 'OES v #OLE 0ORTER MUSICAL ,YRIC Theatre, Rockland. $15; $10 for ages 18 and 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND FOR AGES AND Music Theater, South Portland. $21.99. -USIC 4HEATER 3OUTH 0ORTLAND under, rocklandstrand.com. 7 p.m. Tuesday. UNDER ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M 4UESDAY lyricmusictheater.org. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; LYRICMUSICTHEATER ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY "Swan Lake," ballet presented in HD, Lincoln h3WAN ,AKE v BALLET PRESENTED IN ($ ,INCOLN 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Through Oct. 6. P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH /CT Theater, Damariscotta. $15; $5 for ages 18 and 4HEATER $AMARISCOTTA FOR AGES AND "Defining Marriage," theatrical exploration h$ElNING -ARRIAGE v THEATRICAL EXPLORATION under, atthelincoln.org. 2 and 7 p.m. Sept. 27. UNDER ATTHELINCOLN ORG AND P M 3EPT of marriage debate presented by York Readers OF MARRIAGE DEBATE PRESENTED BY 9ORK 2EADERS Theater, Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, 4HEATER *OHNSON (ALL 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Gardiner. $5. johnsonhall.org. 8 p.m. Friday. 'ARDINER JOHNSONHALL ORG P M &RIDAY THEATER N 4(%!4%2 "Defining Marriage," theatrical exploration h$ElNING -ARRIAGE v THEATRICAL EXPLORATION USM Theatre Department Open House, get a 53- 4HEATRE $EPARTMENT /PEN (OUSE GET A of marriage debate presented by York Readers OF MARRIAGE DEBATE PRESENTED BY 9ORK 2EADERS behind-the-scenes look at live theater, University BEHIND THE SCENES LOOK AT LIVE THEATER 5NIVERSITY Theater, Thomas Memorial Library, Cape 4HEATER 4HOMAS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY #APE of Southern Maine, Gorham. Free. 780-5151. 5:30 OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 'ORHAM &REE Elizabeth. Free, thomasmemoriallibrary.org. 2 %LIZABETH &REE THOMASMEMORIALLIBRARY ORG to 7:30 p.m. (reception at 7 p.m.) Thursday. TO P M RECEPTION AT P M 4HURSDAY p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY "Phantom of the Opera," live in HD from Royal h0HANTOM OF THE /PERA v LIVE IN ($ FROM 2OYAL "Play Me a Story," interactive theater performance h0LAY -E A 3TORY v INTERACTIVE THEATER PERFORMANCE Albert Hall, Lincoln Theater, Damariscotta. $15; !LBERT (ALL ,INCOLN 4HEATER $AMARISCOTTA and workshop for ages 4 to 10, Portland Stage AND WORKSHOP FOR AGES TO 0ORTLAND 3TAGE $5 for ages 18 and under, atthelincoln.org. 7 p.m. FOR AGES AND UNDER ATTHELINCOLN ORG P M Company. $15. portlandstage.org. "Amazing #OMPANY PORTLANDSTAGE ORG h!MAZING Thursday. 4HURSDAY Kids," 10:30 a.m. Saturday. +IDS v A M 3ATURDAY "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story," musical h"UDDY 4HE "UDDY (OLLY 3TORY v MUSICAL "The Sisters Rosenweig," family drama/comedy, h4HE 3ISTERS 2OSENWEIG v FAMILY DRAMA COMEDY celebration of rock legend, Ogunquit Playhouse. CELEBRATION OF ROCK LEGEND /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE Portland Stage Company. $34 to $44; discounts 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY TO DISCOUNTS $39 to $74. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 2:30 and 8 TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG AND available, portlandstage.org. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday to AVAILABLE PORTLANDSTAGE ORG P M 4UESDAY TO p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; 8:30 p.m. Saturday; P M 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY P M 3ATURDAY Sept. 27. Through Oct. 21. 3EPT 4HROUGH /CT 2 p.m. Sunday; 8 p.m. Wednesday; 2:30 and 8 P M 3UNDAY P M 7EDNESDAY AND "Etty," one-woman theatrical play based on the h%TTY v ONE WOMAN THEATRICAL PLAY BASED ON THE p.m. Sept. 27. Through Oct. 7. P M 3EPT 4HROUGH /CT letters and diaries of Etty Hillesum, Camden LETTERS AND DIARIES OF %TTY (ILLESUM #AMDEN "Of Thee I Sing," Musical by George and h/F 4HEE ) 3ING v -USICAL BY 'EORGE AND Public Library. Free. 236-3440. 7 p.m. Sept. 27. 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE P M 3EPT Ira Gershwin, George Kaufman and Morrie )RA 'ERSHWIN 'EORGE +AUFMAN AND -ORRIE "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep," one-act play h.OW ) ,AY -E $OWN 4O 3LEEP v ONE ACT PLAY Ryskind, Theater at Monmouth. $10 to $26. 2YSKIND 4HEATER AT -ONMOUTH TO by high school teacher Jerry Walker based on BY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER *ERRY 7ALKER BASED ON theateratmonmouth.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday to THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M 4HURSDAY TO stories of former students, Schoolhouse Arts STORIES OF FORMER STUDENTS 3CHOOLHOUSE !RTS Saturday; 1 and 7 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Sept. 3ATURDAY AND P M 3UNDAY P M 3EPT Center, Standish. $10; $8 for students and seniors. #ENTER 3TANDISH FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS 27. Through Sept. 30. 4HROUGH 3EPT schoolhousearts.org. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 27. Through SCHOOLHOUSEARTS ORG P M 3EPT 4HROUGH "Tess of the D'Urbervilles," stage adaptation h4ESS OF THE $ 5RBERVILLES v STAGE ADAPTATION Sept. 30. 3EPT presented by Dead Wessex Fair, Lucid Stage, PRESENTED BY $EAD 7ESSEX &AIR ,UCID 3TAGE "Cyrano de Bergerac," classic comedy adventure h#YRANO DE "ERGERAC v CLASSIC COMEDY ADVENTURE Portland. $12; $10 for seniors and students. 0ORTLAND FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS presented by Aquila Theater Company, Bates PRESENTED BY !QUILA 4HEATER #OMPANY "ATES lucidstage.com. 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 2 LUCIDSTAGE COM P M 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY College (SchaefferTheatre), Lewiston. $15. #OLLEGE 3CHAEFFER 4HEATRE ,EWISTON p.m. Sunday and Wednesday. P M 3UNDAY AND 7EDNESDAY laarts.org. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 27. Through Sept. 29. LAARTS ORG P M 3EPT 4HROUGH 3EPT "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor h*OSEPH AND THE !MAZING 4ECHNICOLOR "The Logic of You," Readers Theatre Production h4HE ,OGIC OF 9OU v 2EADERS 4HEATRE 0RODUCTION Dreamcoat," Andrew Lloyd Webber musical $REAMCOAT v !NDREW ,LOYD 7EBBER MUSICAL of Michael Broek's political poetic drama, Emery OF -ICHAEL "ROEK S POLITICAL POETIC DRAMA %MERY based on the Book of Genesis, Portland BASED ON THE "OOK OF 'ENESIS 0ORTLAND Community Arts Center, Farmington. Free. #OMMUNITY !RTS #ENTER &ARMINGTON &REE Players, South Portland. $20; $18 for seniors; 0LAYERS 3OUTH 0ORTLAND FOR SENIORS emeryarts.umf.maine.edu. 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27. EMERYARTS UMF MAINE EDU P M 3EPT $15 for students ($6 for students on Sept. 16). FOR STUDENTS FOR STUDENTS ON 3EPT portlandplayers.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday and PORTLANDPLAYERS ORG P M &RIDAY AND Please see ART, PageE29

DANCE N $!.#%

Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)0

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 | GO E27 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` j 5= 3 %


@E;@8 <OGI<JJ @] pflËi\ `e k_\ dff[ ]fi @e[`Xe ]ff[# If you're in the mood for Indian food, X hl`Zb ki`g kf KXa dXp [f k_\ ki`Zb% a quick trip to Taj may do the trick.


hen you crave Indian IFO ZPV DSBWF *OEJBO food, there's nothing GPPE UIFSF T OPUIJOH better than a lunch buffet CFUUFS UIBO B MVODI CVGGFU where you can sample XIFSF ZPV DBO TBNQMF several different dishes TFWFSBM EJGGFSFOU EJTIFT for a modest price. GPS B NPEFTU QSJDF The greater Portland 5IF HSFBUFS 1PSUMBOE area has yet to get a BSFB IBT ZFU UP HFU B truly outstanding Indian USVMZ PVUTUBOEJOH *OEJBO restaurant, although with SFTUBVSBOU BMUIPVHI XJUI more places opening up, we're sure to hit NPSF QMBDFT PQFOJOH VQ XF SF TVSF UP IJU the jackpot sometime. Taj provides the latUIF KBDLQPU TPNFUJNF 5BK QSPWJEFT UIF MBU est incarnation of Indian fare here. (Tulsi FTU JODBSOBUJPO PG *OEJBO GBSF IFSF 5VMTJ in Kittery is probably the best Indian JO ,JUUFSZ JT QSPCBCMZ UIF CFTU *OEJBO place in Maine.) QMBDF JO .BJOF

Taj is located in the Clarks Pond shop5BK JT MPDBUFE JO UIF $MBSLT 1POE TIPQ ping center area in South Portland, where QJOH DFOUFS BSFB JO 4PVUI 1PSUMBOE XIFSF the Indian restaurant Aroma used to be. UIF *OEJBO SFTUBVSBOU "SPNB VTFE UP CF It's been getting rave reviews online, so I *U T CFFO HFUUJOH SBWF SFWJFXT POMJOF TP * decided to check it out during one of their EFDJEFE UP DIFDL JU PVU EVSJOH POF PG UIFJS lunch buffets. MVODI CVGGFUT My visit was mixed. Some items were .Z WJTJU XBT NJYFE 4PNF JUFNT XFSF delicious, others disappointing. Overall, EFMJDJPVT PUIFST EJTBQQPJOUJOH 0WFSBMM however, I think fans of Indian food will IPXFWFS * UIJOL GBOT PG *OEJBO GPPE XJMM want to pay a visit to Taj. XBOU UP QBZ B WJTJU UP 5BK Taj offers its lunch buffet daily from 11 5BK PGGFST JUT MVODI CVGGFU EBJMZ GSPN a.m. to 2:30 p.m. During the week, it's B N UP Q N %VSJOH UIF XFFL JU T $9.99, and on the weekend, it's $11.99. BOE PO UIF XFFLFOE JU T On the day I visited, the buffet featured 0O UIF EBZ * WJTJUFE UIF CVGGFU GFBUVSFE four vegetarian dishes and three meat GPVS WFHFUBSJBO EJTIFT BOE UISFF NFBU dishes. Even when trying just a small EJTIFT &WFO XIFO USZJOH KVTU B TNBMM taste, there's no way you can plow through UBTUF UIFSF T OP XBZ ZPV DBO QMPX UISPVHI every single dish. FWFSZ TJOHMF EJTI I tried the veggie korma, which consisted * USJFE UIF WFHHJF LPSNB XIJDI DPOTJTUFE of peas, carrots and potatoes in a creamy PG QFBT DBSSPUT BOE QPUBUPFT JO B DSFBNZ gravy. I'm a little suspicious that the peas HSBWZ * N B MJUUMF TVTQJDJPVT UIBU UIF QFBT and carrots may have been frozen, but the BOE DBSSPUT NBZ IBWF CFFO GSP[FO CVU UIF dish was still fine for lunchtime fare, and EJTI XBT TUJMM GJOF GPS MVODIUJNF GBSF BOE had a nice little kick to it. IBE B OJDF MJUUMF LJDL UP JU That's one thing I really liked about 5IBU T POF UIJOH * SFBMMZ MJLFE BCPVU this place. Some of the dishes had heat UIJT QMBDF 4PNF PG UIF EJTIFT IBE IFBU to them, but not so much that they would UP UIFN CVU OPU TP NVDI UIBU UIFZ XPVME Please see EAT, Page E28 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <)/

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k

Smokin'hot time at Calabash Jdfb`eË _fk k`d\ Xk :XcXYXj_

FANS OF " M a d Men," this is y o u r lucky day. 4/<A =4 Âľ;OR ;S\ Âś bVWa Wa g]c` ZcQYg ROg C h o w d o w n on a m a n l y d i n n e r of ribeye, 1V]e R]e\ ]\ O [O\Zg RW\\S` ]T `WPSgS garlic m a s h e d p o t a t o e s , Greek salad a n d Key lime pie, UO`ZWQ [OaVSR ^]bOb]Sa 5`SSY aOZOR O\R 9Sg ZW[S ^WS d r i n k s o m e beer a n d s m o k e a P e r d o m o cigar. R`W\Y a][S PSS` O\R a[]YS O >S`R][] QWUO` WHEN: 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. W e d n e s d a y E63<( #(! b] &(! ^ [ ESR\SaROg WHERE: Calabash Cigar Cafe, 4 2# ESabS`\ /dS 5 W e s t e r n Ave., E63@3( 1OZOPOaV 1WUO` 1OTS " Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $ 5 9 . 9 5 6=E ;C16( #' '# INFO: 7 7 4 - 8 6 7 3 7<4=( %%" &$%!


TAJ INDIAN AND INDO CHINESE CUISINE K8A @E;@8E 8E; @E;F :?@E<J< :L@J@E< WHERE: 2 5]`VO[ @]OR <] & 0 0 G o r h a m R o a d No. 8, E63@3( S o u t h P o r t l a n d . 8 2& $$%% 8-6677. A]cbV >]`bZO\R & HOURS: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. S u n d a y to T h u r s d a y ; 6=C@A( O [ b] ^ [ Ac\ROg b] BVc`aROg) 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday a n d S a t u r d a y O [ b] (! ^ [ 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg CHEAPEST GRUB: Dishes on t h e e x t e n s i v e m e n u 163/>3AB 5@C0( 2WaVSa ]\ bVS SfbS\aWdS [S\c r a n g e f r o m $ 3 . 9 9 t o $12.99; the weekday `O\US T`][ ! '' b] '') bVS eSSYROg lunch b u f f e t is $ 9 . 9 9 Zc\QV PcTTSb Wa ' '' WAIT: N o n e f o r l u n c h b u f f e t E/7B( <]\S T]` Zc\QV PcTTSb PARKING: Yes >/@97<5( GSa HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: Yes 6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( GSa RATING: • • • @/B7<5( (((


Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer AVOe\ >Ob`WQY =cSZZSbbS AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Paul G u n t a k a s h o w s off t h e >OcZ 5c\bOYO aV]ea ]TT bVS Indian S h r i m p Masala at Taj 7\RWO\ AV`W[^ ;OaOZO Ob BOX Indian a n d Indo Chinese 7\RWO\ O\R 7\R] 1VW\SaS Cuisine in S o u t h P o r t l a n d . 1cWaW\S W\ A]cbV >]`bZO\R

Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ÂżdS abO` aQOZS

New meaning to the term 'food coloring' E\n d\Xe`e^ kf k_\ k\id ĂŠ]ff[ Zfcfi`e^Ă‹ EAT SOME LUNCH, t h e n learn f r o m an a r t i s t h o w 3/B A=;3 :C<16 bVS\ ZSO`\ T`][ O\ O`bWab V]e t o t u r n y o u r f o o d w a s t e into natural dyes a t b] bc`\ g]c` T]]R eOabS W\b] \Obc`OZ RgSa Ob " F r o m S a n d w i c h t o Shirt: D y e i n g Fabric f r o m Âľ4`][ AO\ReWQV b] AVW`b( 2gSW\U 4OP`WQ T`][ Basic F o o d Waste." Yes, it's w e i r d , b u t we 0OaWQ 4]]R EOabS Âś GSa Wb¸a eSW`R Pcb eS like it. ZWYS Wb WHEN: N o o n to 3 p.m. S a t u r d a y E63<( <]]\ b] ! ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Space Gallery, 5 3 8 Congress St., P o r t l a n d E63@3( A^OQS 5OZZS`g #!& 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $15 6=E ;C16( # INFO: s p a c e 5 3 8 . o r g 7<4=( a^OQS#!& ]`U

Bar Guide: The Snug, E28 N• Atwell hits the Long Trail, E29 9Xi >l`[\1 K_\ Jel^# <)/ 8kn\cc _`kj k_\ Cfe^ KiX`c# <)0

G :?<8I@CC


GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3E28 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012


People love The Snug because it feels like home G\fgc\ cfm\ K_\ Jel^ Y\ZXlj\ `k ]\\cj c`b\ _fd\ By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55&


rom what I've heard over the years, SPN XIBU * WF IFBSE PWFS UIF ZFBST QFPQMF FJUIFS MPWF PS IBUF 5IF 4OVH people either love or hate The Snug. Located on the corner of Washington -PDBUFE PO UIF DPSOFS PG 8BTIJOHUPO BOE $POHSFTT BCPVU IBMGXBZ VQ .VOKPZ and Congress about halfway up Munjoy Hill in Portland, it's become a neighbor)JMM JO 1PSUMBOE JU T CFDPNF B OFJHICPS IPPE CBS GPS &BTU &OEFST 5IPTF XIP MPWF hood bar for East Enders. Those who love it do because it feels like home. For those JU EP CFDBVTF JU GFFMT MJLF IPNF 'PS UIPTF XIP EPO U * HVFTT UIFZ KVTU EPO U VOEFS who don't, I guess they just don't understand the charm of this little bar. TUBOE UIF DIBSN PG UIJT MJUUMF CBS When I was a student at the Salt Insti8IFO * XBT B TUVEFOU BU UIF 4BMU *OTUJ tute for Documentary Studies in fall 2007, UVUF GPS %PDVNFOUBSZ 4UVEJFT JO GBMM a number of my classmates called The B OVNCFS PG NZ DMBTTNBUFT DBMMFE 5IF Snug home after long days of writing, 4OVH IPNF BGUFS MPOH EBZT PG XSJUJOH developing and printing photos or editing EFWFMPQJOH BOE QSJOUJOH QIPUPT PS FEJUJOH audio. I never had the chance to join them BVEJP * OFWFS IBE UIF DIBODF UP KPJO UIFN then, nor had I thought about checking out UIFO OPS IBE * UIPVHIU BCPVU DIFDLJOH PVU The Snug since. 5IF 4OVH TJODF That changed when I met a friend there 5IBU DIBOHFE XIFO * NFU B GSJFOE UIFSF on a recent Saturday night for drinks and PO B SFDFOU 4BUVSEBZ OJHIU GPS ESJOLT BOE catching up with each other. DBUDIJOH VQ XJUI FBDI PUIFS The nice thing about The Snug is that 5IF OJDF UIJOH BCPVU 5IF 4OVH JT UIBU if you live on the East End, it's within JG ZPV MJWF PO UIF &BTU &OE JU T XJUIJO walking distance. If you don't, it's easier to XBMLJOH EJTUBODF *G ZPV EPO U JU T FBTJFS UP find parking than at some place in the Old mOE QBSLJOH UIBO BU TPNF QMBDF JO UIF 0ME Port. I pulled into a spot just out front and 1PSU * QVMMFE JOUP B TQPU KVTU PVU GSPOU BOE bellied up to the bar with my friend. CFMMJFE VQ UP UIF CBS XJUI NZ GSJFOE The taps are front and center so you 5IF UBQT BSF GSPOU BOE DFOUFS TP ZPV have no question about what is available IBWF OP RVFTUJPO BCPVU XIBU JT BWBJMBCMF for your brew pleasure. My friend ordered GPS ZPVS CSFX QMFBTVSF .Z GSJFOE PSEFSFE the TurboDog beer brewed in Louisiana UIF 5VSCP%PH CFFS CSFXFE JO -PVJTJBOB - a pint will run you $4. Disappointed to o B QJOU XJMM SVO ZPV %JTBQQPJOUFE UP see they didn't have Pumpkinhead or TFF UIFZ EJEO U IBWF 1VNQLJOIFBE PS another pumpkin-esque brew, I decided to BOPUIFS QVNQLJO FTRVF CSFX * EFDJEFE UP go for Crown Royale and ginger ale. That HP GPS $SPXO 3PZBMF BOE HJOHFS BMF 5IBU was a stiff drink for $6.50. XBT B TUJGG ESJOL GPS There's no formal drink menu at The 5IFSF T OP GPSNBM ESJOL NFOV BU 5IF Snug. It seems that beer is the beverage of 4OVH *U TFFNT UIBU CFFS JT UIF CFWFSBHF PG choice for most patrons. However, there's DIPJDF GPS NPTU QBUSPOT )PXFWFS UIFSF T a fully stocked bar, and the bartenders are B GVMMZ TUPDLFE CBS BOE UIF CBSUFOEFST BSF willing to make whatever you'd like. XJMMJOH UP NBLF XIBUFWFS ZPV E MJLF A group of college buddies, now in their " HSPVQ PG DPMMFHF CVEEJFT OPX JO UIFJS mid-30s, took over the corner of the bar NJE T UPPL PWFS UIF DPSOFS PG UIF CBS next to us. We noticed one of them leave OFYU UP VT 8F OPUJDFE POF PG UIFN MFBWF and return a few minutes later with a pizza BOE SFUVSO B GFX NJOVUFT MBUFS XJUI B QJ[[B box from Otto's next door. This made my CPY GSPN 0UUP T OFYU EPPS 5IJT NBEF NZ friend hungry. She asked to try one of the GSJFOE IVOHSZ 4IF BTLFE UP USZ POF PG UIF bar's $3 "big hot pretzels" advertised on CBS T iCJH IPU QSFU[FMTw BEWFSUJTFE PO a chalkboard behind the bar. Sadly, there B DIBMLCPBSE CFIJOE UIF CBS 4BEMZ UIFSF were none available at the time. XFSF OPOF BWBJMBCMF BU UIF UJNF "You can go get a slice next door if i:PV DBO HP HFU B TMJDF OFYU EPPS JG you want," the bartender said, adding ZPV XBOU w UIF CBSUFOEFS TBJE BEEJOH they have no problem if people do that UIFZ IBWF OP QSPCMFN JG QFPQMF EP UIBU


Continued from Page E27 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % turn off people who aren't used to it or UVSO PGG QFPQMF XIP BSFO U VTFE UP JU PS don't like it. EPO U MJLF JU I also tried the spinach dal and a very * BMTP USJFE UIF TQJOBDI EBM BOE B WFSZ good egg curry in a tomato gravy. The HPPE FHH DVSSZ JO B UPNBUP HSBWZ 5IF fourth vegetarian dish was Sambhar, GPVSUI WFHFUBSJBO EJTI XBT 4BNCIBS a spiced lentil dish with onions and B TQJDFE MFOUJM EJTI XJUI POJPOT BOE tomatoes. UPNBUPFT The three meat dishes were butter 5IF UISFF NFBU EJTIFT XFSF CVUUFS chicken, Kadai chicken (seasoned with DIJDLFO ,BEBJ DIJDLFO TFBTPOFE XJUI the house masala and served with UIF IPVTF NBTBMB BOE TFSWFE XJUI onions, bell pepper and tomatoes) and POJPOT CFMM QFQQFS BOE UPNBUPFT BOE chicken legs that had been cooked in DIJDLFO MFHT UIBU IBE CFFO DPPLFE JO the tandoori oven. UIF UBOEPPSJ PWFO

Carl D. Walsh/Staff Photographer 1O`Z 2 EOZaV AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Ashley Hanamann, Bryan McLeod and Ethan Jud, all of Portland, chat over beers at The Snug. /aVZSg 6O\O[O\\ 0`gO\ ;Q:S]R O\R 3bVO\ 8cR OZZ ]T >]`bZO\R QVOb ]dS` PSS`a Ob BVS A\cU

THE SNUG K?< JEL> WHERE: 223 Congress St., Portland E63@3( ! 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R PHONE: 772-6839 >6=<3( %% $&!' WEBSITE: thesnugpub.com E30A7B3( bVSa\cU^cP Q][ HOURS: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. (give or 6=C@A( # ^ [ b] O [ UWdS ]` take) daily bOYS ROWZg PARKING: On street >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb HAPPY HOUR: 5 to 7 p.m. daily, with 6/>>G 6=C@( # b] % ^ [ ROWZg eWbV $3 drafts and $4 well drinks ! R`OTba O\R " eSZZ R`W\Ya SCENE: Small neighborhood bar A13<3( A[OZZ \SWUVP]`V]]R PO` without the hassle of Old Port eWbV]cb bVS VOaaZS ]T =ZR >]`b nightlife. \WUVbZWTS

For condiments, the buffet featured 'PS DPOEJNFOUT UIF CVGGFU GFBUVSFE two chutneys, tamarind and coconut, UXP DIVUOFZT UBNBSJOE BOE DPDPOVU and a cooling raita (a yogurt-based BOE B DPPMJOH SBJUB B ZPHVSU CBTFE condiment/side dish that pairs well with DPOEJNFOU TJEF EJTI UIBU QBJST XFMM XJUI spicier dishes). I only tried the coconut TQJDJFS EJTIFT * POMZ USJFE UIF DPDPOVU chutney, but I could have eaten it with a DIVUOFZ CVU * DPVME IBWF FBUFO JU XJUI B spoon, it was so good. (And I did.) TQPPO JU XBT TP HPPE "OE * EJE

The house brings each table its own 5IF IPVTF CSJOHT FBDI UBCMF JUT PXO basket full of hot naan, and I have to CBTLFU GVMM PG IPU OBBO BOE * IBWF UP say that this simple bread was one of TBZ UIBU UIJT TJNQMF CSFBE XBT POF PG my favorite things about the meal. It NZ GBWPSJUF UIJOHT BCPVU UIF NFBM *U was hot and fresh, and long after I was XBT IPU BOE GSFTI BOE MPOH BGUFS * XBT done with the buffet food, I sat at my EPOF XJUI UIF CVGGFU GPPE * TBU BU NZ table and kept compulsively eating the UBCMF BOE LFQU DPNQVMTJWFMZ FBUJOH UIF bread. It was perfect. There was also CSFBE *U XBT QFSGFDU 5IFSF XBT BMTP bread of sorts on the buffet - a tangy CSFBE PG TPSUT PO UIF CVGGFU o B UBOHZ pakora fritter made with chickpea flour, QBLPSB GSJUUFS NBEF XJUI DIJDLQFB GMPVS

throughout the night. UISPVHIPVU UIF OJHIU For people who didn't instantly fall in 'PS QFPQMF XIP EJEO U JOTUBOUMZ GBMM JO love with The Snug, it may be because MPWF XJUI 5IF 4OVH JU NBZ CF CFDBVTF they don't know how to embrace snarky UIFZ EPO U LOPX IPX UP FNCSBDF TOBSLZ humor. Between the bathroom doors at IVNPS #FUXFFO UIF CBUISPPN EPPST BU the back of the bar, a sign reads, "Only UIF CBDL PG UIF CBS B TJHO SFBET i0OMZ ONE person at a time in the restroom. 0/& QFSTPO BU B UJNF JO UIF SFTUSPPN ANYONE caught violating this policy will "/:0/& DBVHIU WJPMBUJOH UIJT QPMJDZ XJMM be barred from The Snug indefinitely," CF CBSSFE GSPN 5IF 4OVH JOEFmOJUFMZ w followed in small print by, "Don't make GPMMPXFE JO TNBMM QSJOU CZ i%PO U NBLF Michelle open a can of whoop-(butt)." .JDIFMMF PQFO B DBO PG XIPPQ CVUU w I didn't get to meet Michelle the night I * EJEO U HFU UP NFFU .JDIFMMF UIF OJHIU * was there, but she seems to be The Snug's XBT UIFSF CVU TIF TFFNT UP CF 5IF 4OVH T legendary bartender. She was also probMFHFOEBSZ CBSUFOEFS 4IF XBT BMTP QSPC ably the bartender responsible for putting BCMZ UIF CBSUFOEFS SFTQPOTJCMF GPS QVUUJOH

up the snarky sign telling folks not to ask VQ UIF TOBSLZ TJHO UFMMJOH GPMLT OPU UP BTL her to turn on, change or turn up the small IFS UP UVSO PO DIBOHF PS UVSO VQ UIF TNBMM television behind the bar, because she UFMFWJTJPO CFIJOE UIF CBS CFDBVTF TIF likely wouldn't do it. MJLFMZ XPVMEO U EP JU Hitting up The Snug in groups is great, )JUUJOH VQ 5IF 4OVH JO HSPVQT JT HSFBU because there are cozy booths lining the CFDBVTF UIFSF BSF DP[Z CPPUIT MJOJOH UIF wall opposite the bar that will encase your XBMM PQQPTJUF UIF CBS UIBU XJMM FODBTF ZPVS party. QBSUZ And despite the witty signs, old photos "OE EFTQJUF UIF XJUUZ TJHOT PME QIPUPT of the owner's family hung throughout the PG UIF PXOFS T GBNJMZ IVOH UISPVHIPVU UIF bar can help you see The Snug has family CBS DBO IFMQ ZPV TFF 5IF 4OVH IBT GBNJMZ values. WBMVFT

spinach and onions, fluffy like a thick TQJOBDI BOE POJPOT GMVGGZ MJLF B UIJDL white pancake. It was good, but not in XIJUF QBODBLF *U XBT HPPE CVU OPU JO the same league as that hot naan. UIF TBNF MFBHVF BT UIBU IPU OBBO For dessert, the buffet had a mango 'PS EFTTFSU UIF CVGGFU IBE B NBOHP fruit custard that was so thin I'm not GSVJU DVTUBSE UIBU XBT TP UIJO * N OPU sure why it's called custard. The other TVSF XIZ JU T DBMMFE DVTUBSE 5IF PUIFS dessert was the one I went for - my EFTTFSU XBT UIF POF * XFOU GPS o NZ favorite Indian dessert, kheer, which is GBWPSJUF *OEJBO EFTTFSU LIFFS XIJDI JT a rice pudding made with whole milk, B SJDF QVEEJOH NBEF XJUI XIPMF NJML rice, cardamom, sugar, nuts and raisins. SJDF DBSEBNPN TVHBS OVUT BOE SBJTJOT This was disappointing for a couple 5IJT XBT EJTBQQPJOUJOH GPS B DPVQMF of reasons. One is just personal prefPG SFBTPOT 0OF JT KVTU QFSTPOBM QSFG erence. The kheer was made with FSFODF 5IF LIFFS XBT NBEF XJUI vermicelli, which is not unusual but WFSNJDFMMJ XIJDI JT OPU VOVTVBM CVU not what I'm used to. I prefer short- or OPU XIBU * N VTFE UP * QSFGFS TIPSU PS medium-grain rice so the grain doesn't NFEJVN HSBJO SJDF TP UIF HSBJO EPFTO U overwhelm the rest of the dish. PWFSXIFMN UIF SFTU PG UIF EJTI

The other reasons for my disappoint5IF PUIFS SFBTPOT GPS NZ EJTBQQPJOU ment probably have to do with the fact NFOU QSPCBCMZ IBWF UP EP XJUI UIF GBDU that this was a buffet. The Taj kheer UIBU UIJT XBT B CVGGFU 5IF 5BK LIFFS had plenty (too much) vermicelli, but I IBE QMFOUZ UPP NVDI WFSNJDFMMJ CVU * really had to dig around to find any nuts SFBMMZ IBE UP EJH BSPVOE UP GJOE BOZ OVUT (they used cashews, but you can also UIFZ VTFE DBTIFXT CVU ZPV DBO BMTP use almonds), and I don't think I found VTF BMNPOET BOE * EPO U UIJOL * GPVOE a single raisin. Maybe they were all B TJOHMF SBJTJO .BZCF UIFZ XFSF BMM taken by earlier visitors to the buffet. UBLFO CZ FBSMJFS WJTJUPST UP UIF CVGGFU Taj has a fridge filled with Indian beer 5BK IBT B GSJEHF GJMMFE XJUI *OEJBO CFFS and colas, including the ubiquitous BOE DPMBT JODMVEJOH UIF VCJRVJUPVT (in India) Thumbs Up. They also sell JO *OEJB 5IVNCT 6Q 5IFZ BMTP TFMM house-made mango lassis from the IPVTF NBEF NBOHP MBTTJT GSPN UIF fridge for about $3. GSJEHF GPS BCPVU

Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer who lives in 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` eV] ZWdSa W\ Biddeford. 0WRRST]`R

The staff of GO anonymously samples meals for BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa [SOZa T]` about $10. OP]cb

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E29 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3 '

9i\nj ]ifd M\idfek Zcfj\ Xe[ ^ff[ Brews from Vermont close (and good) \efl^_ kf Y\ cfZXc enough to be local CL

ong Trail and Otter Creek beers have POH 5SBJM BOE 0UUFS $SFFL CFFST IBWF CFFO BWBJMBCMF JO .BJOF GPS BCPVU been available in Maine for about a decade, and I have been drinking B EFDBEF BOE * IBWF CFFO ESJOLJOH both of them occasionally, enjoying them CPUI PG UIFN PDDBTJPOBMMZ FOKPZJOH UIFN quite a bit. RVJUF B CJU 8IJMF * BN B .BJOFS BOE ESJOL NPTUMZ While I am a Mainer and drink mostly Maine beers, the whole of New England .BJOF CFFST UIF XIPMF PG /FX &OHMBOE is smaller than a lot JT TNBMMFS UIBO B MPU of states, so Vermont PG TUBUFT TP 7FSNPOU beers could, without CFFST DPVME XJUIPVU much of a stretch, be NVDI PG B TUSFUDI CF considered local. DPOTJEFSFE MPDBM Long Trail and -POH 5SBJM BOE Otter Creek are 0UUFS $SFFL BSF now part of the OPX QBSU PG UIF same TBNF DPNQBOZ o BT Tnm Atwoll company - as IUIII HIWCII ig Wolaver-S5 the JT 8PMBWFS T UIF What AleS YOU PSHBOJD CSFXJOH organic brewing component of Otter DPNQPOFOU PG 0UUFS Creek. $SFFL I met recently with Steve Kierstead, * NFU SFDFOUMZ XJUI 4UFWF ,JFSTUFBE the company's regional sales manager UIF DPNQBOZ T SFHJPOBM TBMFT NBOBHFS for Maine, New Hampshire and Boston, GPS .BJOF /FX )BNQTIJSF BOE #PTUPO who said the merger occurred about XIP TBJE UIF NFSHFS PDDVSSFE BCPVU three years ago. And he said that busiUISFF ZFBST BHP "OE IF TBJE UIBU CVTJ ness is going well. OFTT JT HPJOH XFMM The Long Trail I have drunk mostly 5IF -POH 5SBJM * IBWF ESVOL NPTUMZ over the years is Double Bag, a 7.2PWFS UIF ZFBST JT %PVCMF #BH B percent alcohol, American replication QFSDFOU BMDPIPM "NFSJDBO SFQMJDBUJPO of a German double altbier that's a bit PG B (FSNBO EPVCMF BMUCJFS UIBU T B CJU similar to a British strong ale. TJNJMBS UP B #SJUJTI TUSPOH BMF This beer does not have a lot of hops to 5IJT CFFS EPFT OPU IBWF B MPU PG IPQT UP it, letting the malts - and just a little bit JU MFUUJOH UIF NBMUT o BOE KVTU B MJUUMF CJU of wheat - dominate the flavor. PG XIFBU o EPNJOBUF UIF nBWPS One bit of warning with this beer: It 0OF CJU PG XBSOJOH XJUI UIJT CFFS *U tastes like it is under 5 percent alcohol, UBTUFT MJLF JU JT VOEFS QFSDFOU BMDPIPM so it can sneak up on you fairly quickly. TP JU DBO TOFBL VQ PO ZPV GBJSMZ RVJDLMZ Long Trail Ale, the company's signa-POH 5SBJM "MF UIF DPNQBOZ T TJHOB ture brand, is Double Bag's little brother, UVSF CSBOE JT %PVCMF #BH T MJUUMF CSPUIFS a regular altbier at 4.3 percent alcohol. B SFHVMBS BMUCJFS BU QFSDFOU BMDPIPM This is a fairly complex beer, full-bodied 5IJT JT B GBJSMZ DPNQMFY CFFS GVMM CPEJFE but not overly hoppy, fairly crisp and CVU OPU PWFSMZ IPQQZ GBJSMZ DSJTQ BOE easy drinking. FBTZ ESJOLJOH The Harvest Ale, Long Trail's autumn 5IF )BSWFTU "MF -POH 5SBJM T BVUVNO seasonal, is a brown ale made with VerTFBTPOBM JT B CSPXO BMF NBEF XJUI 7FS mont ingredients, and it is a rich brown NPOU JOHSFEJFOUT BOE JU JT B SJDI CSPXO

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl


Continued from Page E26 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 $ AUDITIONS N !5$)4)/.3 "The Nutcracker," parts for boys and girls ages h4HE .UTCRACKER v PARTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 10 and older, four men and four women, Sanford AND OLDER FOUR MEN AND FOUR WOMEN 3ANFORD Maine Stage, Springvale. sanfordmainestage.com. -AINE 3TAGE 3PRINGVALE SANFORDMAINESTAGE COM 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. TO P M 3UNDAY

ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3 OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 "Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine," h7EATHERBEATEN 7INSLOW (OMER AND -AINE v works by Homer created at his Prouts Neck WORKS BY (OMER CREATED AT HIS 0ROUTS .ECK studio in conjunction with re-opening of restored STUDIO IN CONJUNCTION WITH RE OPENING OF RESTORED studio for public tours, Portland Museum of Art. STUDIO FOR PUBLIC TOURS 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT portlandmuseum.org. Opens Saturday. Through PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG /PENS 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH Dec. 30. $EC CONTINUING #/.4).5).' Portland Museum of Art: "Maine Sublime: 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h-AINE 3UBLIME Frederic Edwin Church's Landscapes of Mount &REDERIC %DWIN #HURCH S ,ANDSCAPES OF -OUNT Desert and Mount Katahdin," focuses on 23 of $ESERT AND -OUNT +ATAHDIN v FOCUSES ON OF Church's small oil sketches, through Sept. 30; #HURCH S SMALL OIL SKETCHES THROUGH 3EPT "Art in Process," high school art exhibition, h!RT IN 0ROCESS v HIGH SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION through Dec. 30; "The Portland Society of Art THROUGH $EC h4HE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT and Winslow Homer in Maine," 50 watercolors AND 7INSLOW (OMER IN -AINE v WATERCOLORS

Courtesy photos 1]c`bSag ^V]b]a

The Vermont brewer Long Trail makes solid brews, including Double Bag, Long Trail Ale and Harvest Ale. BVS DS`[]\b P`SeS` :]\U B`OWZ [OYSa a]ZWR P`Sea W\QZcRW\U 2]cPZS 0OU :]\U B`OWZ /ZS O\R 6O`dSab /ZS ale with only 3.6 percent alcohol. It's BMF XJUI POMZ QFSDFOU BMDPIPM *U T flavorful and pleasant. nBWPSGVM BOE QMFBTBOU Long Trail offers a Double IPA, which -POH 5SBJM PGGFST B %PVCMF *1" XIJDI comes in 22-ounce bottles, a sign that it DPNFT JO PVODF CPUUMFT B TJHO UIBU JU is a big and serious beer. This is more JT B CJH BOE TFSJPVT CFFS 5IJT JT NPSF of a West Coast IPA - full-flavored, 8.6 PG B 8FTU $PBTU *1" o GVMM nBWPSFE percent alcohol, highly hopped and with QFSDFOU BMDPIPM IJHIMZ IPQQFE BOE XJUI an intense body. I split this bottle with BO JOUFOTF CPEZ * TQMJU UIJT CPUUMF XJUI four experienced beer drinkers, and we GPVS FYQFSJFODFE CFFS ESJOLFST BOE XF all would be willing to have a bit more of BMM XPVME CF XJMMJOH UP IBWF B CJU NPSF PG this one. UIJT POF Long Trail Traditional IPA is another -POH 5SBJM 5SBEJUJPOBM *1" JT BOPUIFS absolutely wonderful beer. This is the BCTPMVUFMZ XPOEFSGVM CFFS 5IJT JT UIF beer that people who are a bit older reCFFS UIBU QFPQMF XIP BSF B CJU PMEFS SF member as IPAs. The hops is definitely NFNCFS BT *1"T 5IF IPQT JT EFmOJUFMZ noticeable, but it is not dominant. It is OPUJDFBCMF CVU JU JT OPU EPNJOBOU *U JT only 5.4 percent alcohol, a bit high to be POMZ QFSDFOU BMDPIPM B CJU IJHI UP CF a session beer but in the same league as B TFTTJPO CFFS CVU JO UIF TBNF MFBHVF BT your traditional American lagers. ZPVS USBEJUJPOBM "NFSJDBO MBHFST So it is a traditional IPA in that way, but 4P JU JT B USBEJUJPOBM *1" JO UIBU XBZ CVU it is also unfiltered, naturally carbonated JU JT BMTP VOmMUFSFE OBUVSBMMZ DBSCPOBUFE and dry hopped. It is close with Double BOE ESZ IPQQFE *U JT DMPTF XJUI %PVCMF Bag, but it is the favorite of the beers I #BH CVU JU JT UIF GBWPSJUF PG UIF CFFST * tasted from Long Trail after speaking UBTUFE GSPN -POH 5SBJM BGUFS TQFBLJOH

with Kierstead. XJUI ,JFSTUFBE Kierstead said Long Trail, and to a ,JFSTUFBE TBJE -POH 5SBJM BOE UP B lesser extent Otter Creek, is making MFTTFS FYUFOU 0UUFS $SFFL JT NBLJOH pretty good inroads into Maine - espeQSFUUZ HPPE JOSPBET JOUP .BJOF o FTQF cially in bars. DJBMMZ JO CBST "In the Portland area, 54 percent of our i*O UIF 1PSUMBOE BSFB QFSDFOU PG PVS business is on draught," he said. He said CVTJOFTT JT PO ESBVHIU w IF TBJE )F TBJE the norm for most beers is 80 percent in UIF OPSN GPS NPTU CFFST JT QFSDFOU JO bottles and 20 percent on draft, and that CPUUMFT BOE QFSDFOU PO ESBGU BOE UIBU Long Trail is more popular on (draught -POH 5SBJM JT NPSF QPQVMBS PO ESBVHIU throughout the state than it is in bottles UISPVHIPVU UIF TUBUF UIBO JU JT JO CPUUMFT - but the numbers are not as significant o CVU UIF OVNCFST BSF OPU BT TJHOJmDBOU as they are in the Portland area. BT UIFZ BSF JO UIF 1PSUMBOE BSFB He also said that Wolaver's is a beer )F BMTP TBJE UIBU 8PMBWFS T JT B CFFS that is gaining market share, although it UIBU JT HBJOJOH NBSLFU TIBSF BMUIPVHI JU still sells less than both Long Trail and TUJMM TFMMT MFTT UIBO CPUI -POH 5SBJM BOE Otter Creek. 0UUFS $SFFL "The brand is 100 percent USDA-certii5IF CSBOE JT QFSDFOU 64%" DFSUJ fied organic, and people are willing to mFE PSHBOJD BOE QFPQMF BSF XJMMJOH UP pay a premium for that," he said. He said QBZ B QSFNJVN GPS UIBU w IF TBJE )F TBJE Wolaver's has an Oatmeal Stout that is 8PMBWFS T IBT BO 0BUNFBM 4UPVU UIBU JT excellent, a good IPA and a pumpkin ale. FYDFMMFOU B HPPE *1" BOE B QVNQLJO BMF I will definitely be looking for the Oatmeal * XJMM EFmOJUFMZ CF MPPLJOH GPS UIF 0BUNFBM Stout. 4UPVU

and drawings examine the relationship between AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN Homer, architect John Calvin Stevens and (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN #ALVIN 3TEVENS AND the Portland Society of Art, through Feb. 3. THE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT THROUGH &EB portlandmuseum.org PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW House, Portland: "Wired!" explores the (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE electrification of Maine during the 20th century, ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY through May 26. mainehistory.org THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG Maine Jewish Museum, Portland: Rush -AINE *EWISH -USEUM 0ORTLAND 2USH Brown, "Portland: Capturing a Changing "ROWN h0ORTLAND #APTURING A #HANGING Neighborhood," paintings, through Sept. 30. .EIGHBORHOOD v PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT mainejewishmuseum.org MAINEJEWISHMUSEUM ORG Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, USM -AINE -USEUM OF 0HOTOGRAPHIC !RTS 53- Glickman Library, Portland: Luc Demers, "Trace," 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND ,UC $EMERS h4RACE v through Dec. 21. usm.maine.edu/library THROUGH $EC USM MAINE EDU LIBRARY Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK William Wegman, "Hello Nature," 30-year 7ILLIAM 7EGMAN h(ELLO .ATURE v YEAR retrospective of artist's work, through Oct. 21; RETROSPECTIVE OF ARTIST S WORK THROUGH /CT "Making a Presence: F. Holland Day in Artistic h-AKING A 0RESENCE & (OLLAND $AY IN !RTISTIC Photography," photographs by and of F. Holland 0HOTOGRAPHY v PHOTOGRAPHS BY AND OF & (OLLAND Day (1864-1933), through Dec. 23. bowdoin.edu/ $AY THROUGH $EC BOWDOIN EDU art-museum ART MUSEUM Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, Brunswick: 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM "RUNSWICK "Promenade: A Walk in Style Through Pejepscot's h0ROMENADE ! 7ALK IN 3TYLE 4HROUGH 0EJEPSCOT S Past," through Oct. 31. pejepscothistorical.org 0AST v THROUGH /CT PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG Maine Maritime Museum, Bath: "Subdue, Seize -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM "ATH h3UBDUE 3EIZE and Take: Maritime Maine in the Unwelcome AND 4AKE -ARITIME -AINE IN THE 5NWELCOME Interruption of the War of 1812," examines the )NTERRUPTION OF THE 7AR OF v EXAMINES THE maritime world of pre-statehood Maine, through MARITIME WORLD OF PRE STATEHOOD -AINE THROUGH

Oct. 12; "Sea Lives," ocean-inspired sculpture /CT h3EA ,IVES v OCEAN INSPIRED SCULPTURE by Sonja Weber Gilkey, through Oct. 21. BY 3ONJA 7EBER 'ILKEY THROUGH /CT mainemaritimemuseum.org MAINEMARITIMEMUSEUM ORG Dyer Library/Saco Museum: "The Moving $YER ,IBRARY 3ACO -USEUM h4HE -OVING Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress," Civil War-era 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA panorama seen in its entirety for the first time in PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN more than a century (also at Pepperell Mills in MORE THAN A CENTURY ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN Bidderford), and "Then, Now and Always a Part of "IDDERFORD AND h4HEN .OW AND !LWAYS A 0ART OF

SEBAGO BREWING Co.'s Local Har4&#"(0 #3&8*/( $P T -PDBM )BS vest Ale has been available in four-packs WFTU "MF IBT CFFO BWBJMBCMF JO GPVS QBDLT for about 10 days now, and you will have GPS BCPVU EBZT OPX BOE ZPV XJMM IBWF until November to get your fill of this VOUJM /PWFNCFS UP HFU ZPVS GJMM PG UIJT excellent pale ale. FYDFMMFOU QBMF BMF It is strongly hopped, 6 percent alco*U JT TUSPOHMZ IPQQFE QFSDFOU BMDP hol, mahogany in color, and the ideal IPM NBIPHBOZ JO DPMPS BOE UIF JEFBM beer for foodies who like to buy local. CFFS GPS GPPEJFT XIP MJLF UP CVZ MPDBM SHIPYARD BREWING Co. is follow 4)*1:"3% #3&8*/( $P JT GPMMPX ing its release of its Export Ale in cans JOH JUT SFMFBTF PG JUT &YQPSU "MF JO DBOT earlier this summer with the release of FBSMJFS UIJT TVNNFS XJUI UIF SFMFBTF PG its popular Pumpkinhead Ale in cans JUT QPQVMBS 1VNQLJOIFBE "MF JO DBOT this fall. UIJT GBMM When I tasted the canned Export on 8IFO * UBTUFE UIF DBOOFE &YQPSU PO a fishing trip in June, I found I liked it B GJTIJOH USJQ JO +VOF * GPVOE * MJLFE JU better than the bottled variety. I will not CFUUFS UIBO UIF CPUUMFE WBSJFUZ * XJMM OPU be doing a side-by-side tasting of the CF EPJOH B TJEF CZ TJEF UBTUJOH PG UIF Pumpkinhead. 1VNQLJOIFBE Tom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( tomatwell@me.com b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][

Saco: 250 Years of the First Parish Church," photos 3ACO 9EARS OF THE &IRST 0ARISH #HURCH v PHOTOS and artifacts, through Nov. 10. AND ARTIFACTS THROUGH .OV dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Peggy /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 0EGGY Bacon: "Portrait of an Art Colony," portraits; "ACON h0ORTRAIT OF AN !RT #OLONY v PORTRAITS "Building an American Modernist Collection," h"UILDING AN !MERICAN -ODERNIST #OLLECTION v

Please see ART, PageE30 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <*'

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Continued from Page E29 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION (ENRY highlights from the permanent collection; Henry Strater: "Art of the Portrait," collection of portraits; 3TRATER h!RT OF THE 0ORTRAIT v COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS "Contemporary Works from the Permanent h#ONTEMPORARY 7ORKS FROM THE 0ERMANENT Collection," lesser-known and seldom seen #OLLECTION v LESSER KNOWN AND SELDOM SEEN contemporary work; and "Carl Pittore and the CONTEMPORARY WORK AND h#ARL 0ITTORE AND THE Mail Art Movement," art using mail products, -AIL !RT -OVEMENT v ART USING MAIL PRODUCTS through Oct. 31. ogunquitmuseum.org THROUGH /CT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG "ATES #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT ,EWISTON Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: h3TARSTRUCK 4HE &INE !RT OF !STROPHOTOGRAPHY v "Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography," featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries FEATURING IMAGES BY ARTISTS FROM COUNTRIES across five continents, through Dec. 15. bates.edu/ ACROSS lVE CONTINENTS THROUGH $EC BATES EDU museum/exhibitions MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS Museum L-A, Lewiston: "The Power of Music: -USEUM , ! ,EWISTON h4HE 0OWER OF -USIC Courtesy Maine Museum of Photographic Arts 1]c`bSag ;OW\S ;caSc[ ]T >V]b]U`O^VWQ /`ba Photographic Portraits of Americans and their 0HOTOGRAPHIC 0ORTRAITS OF !MERICANS AND THEIR "Moon" by Luc Demers, from Âľ;]]\Âś Pg :cQ 2S[S`a T`][ Musical Instruments, 1860-1915," through -USICAL )NSTRUMENTS v THROUGH

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EXPERIMENTAL WORKS 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE experimental works, University of Southern Maine (Art Gallery), Gorham. usm.maine.edu/gallery. !RT 'ALLERY 'ORHAM USM MAINE EDU GALLERY /PENS 3EPT 4HROUGH $EC Opens Sept. 27. Through Dec. 9. "Ben Potter: "Home Field," Perimeter Gallery, h"EN 0OTTER h(OME &IELD v 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY "ELFAST /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Belfast. 338-0555. Opening reception, 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 27. Through Nov. 25. 3EPT 4HROUGH .OV

CONTINUING #/.4).5).' 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY University of New England (Art Gallery), Portland: "Upon Reflection," photographs by 0ORTLAND h5PON 2EmECTION v PHOTOGRAPHS BY Judy Ellis Glickman, through Sept. 30. une.edu/ *UDY %LLIS 'LICKMAN THROUGH 3EPT UNE EDU artgallery ARTGALLERY Gleason Fine Art, Portland: Joellyn Duesberry, 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND *OELLYN $UESBERRY "40 Years Celebrating Maine," through Sept. 29. h 9EARS #ELEBRATING -AINE v THROUGH 3EPT 699-5599. Heron Point Gallery, Portland: Randall Harris, (ERON 0OINT 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND 2ANDALL (ARRIS "Life Drawings," through Sept. 29. 773-0822. h,IFE $RAWINGS v THROUGH 3EPT Maine Potters Market, Portland: Susan Horowitz, -AINE 0OTTERS -ARKET 0ORTLAND 3USAN (OROWITZ handcrafted pottery pieces, through Wednesday. HANDCRAFTED POTTERY PIECES THROUGH 7EDNESDAY mainepottersmarket.com MAINEPOTTERSMARKET COM "Trace," an exhibition of photographs ¾B`OQS œ O\ SfVWPWbW]\ ]T ^V]b]U`O^Va Portland Public Library: "Inspired by Space: 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h)NSPIRED BY 3PACE by Demers, continuing through Dec. 21 Pg 2S[S`a Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV 2SQ !RTISTS OF THE #HESTNUT 3TREET ,OFTS v VARIOUS ARTISTS Artists of the Chestnut Street Lofts," various artists, at USM's Glickman Library. Ob CA;¸a 5ZWQY[O\ :WP`O`g through Sept. 30. portlandlibrary.com THROUGH 3EPT PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Harmon's & Barton's Gallery, Portland: Jo(ARMON S "ARTON S 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND *O Sunday, museumla.org 3UNDAY MUSEUMLA ORG Ann Sanborn, Sandi Johnson and Tara O'Neill, !NN 3ANBORN 3ANDI *OHNSON AND 4ARA / .EILL Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: "Interior h0AINTERLY 0ERSPECTIVES v THROUGH 3EPT #OLBY #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT 7ATERVILLE h)NTERIOR "Painterly Perspectives," through Sept. 30. Visions: Selections from the Collection," pieces 6ISIONS 3ELECTIONS FROM THE #OLLECTION v PIECES harmonsbartons.com HARMONSBARTONS COM from museum collection curated by Alex Katz, FROM MUSEUM COLLECTION CURATED BY !LEX +ATZ Addison Woolley Gallery, Portland: Andrea van !DDISON 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND !NDREA VAN through Oct. 7; Alex Katz, "Maine/New York," 28 THROUGH /CT !LEX +ATZ h-AINE .EW 9ORK v Voorst van Beest and Jim Kelly, gouache paintings, 6OORST VAN "EEST AND *IM +ELLY GOUACHE PAINTINGS paintings and one multi-part sculpture, through PAINTINGS AND ONE MULTI PART SCULPTURE THROUGH intaglio prints and mixed media, through Sept. 29. INTAGLIO PRINTS AND MIXED MEDIA THROUGH 3EPT Dec. 30. colby.edu $EC COLBY EDU Greenhut Galleries, Portland: Jon Imber, "Life at 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND *ON )MBER h,IFE AT Maine State Museum, Augusta: "Malaga Island: -AINE 3TATE -USEUM !UGUSTA h-ALAGA )SLAND the Shore," through Sept. 29; J.Thomas R. Higgins, THE 3HORE v THROUGH 3EPT * 4HOMAS 2 (IGGINS Fragmented Lives," historic photographs, &RAGMENTED ,IVES v HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS "Paint and Perception: A Retrospective Exhibition," h0AINT AND 0ERCEPTION ! 2ETROSPECTIVE %XHIBITION v documents, artifacts and first-person accounts, DOCUMENTS ARTIFACTS AND lRST PERSON ACCOUNTS through Oct. 10. greenhutgalleries.com THROUGH /CT GREENHUTGALLERIES COM through May. mainestatemuseum.org THROUGH -AY MAINESTATEMUSEUM ORG Constellation Gallery, Portland: "Far Out," #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h&AR /UT v Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: "The &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND h4HE Maine Artists Collective show, through Thursday. -AINE !RTISTS #OLLECTIVE SHOW THROUGH 4HURSDAY Homestead Project: A Residence Reimagined," (OMESTEAD 0ROJECT ! 2ESIDENCE 2EIMAGINED v constellationart.com CONSTELLATIONART COM architectural designs, through Sunday; ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS THROUGH 3UNDAY Rose Contemporary, Portland: "Not the Usual 2OSE #ONTEMPORARY 0ORTLAND h.OT THE 5SUAL "Impressionist Summers: Frank W. Benson's North 0OLITICS v WORK BY !NNIE "ISSETT !MZE %MMONS h)MPRESSIONIST 3UMMERS &RANK 7 "ENSON S .ORTH Politics," work by Annie Bissett, Amze Emmons, Haven," paintings, lithographs and etchings, (AVEN v PAINTINGS LITHOGRAPHS AND ETCHINGS Adriane Herman, Dan Mills and Greg Murr, !DRIANE (ERMAN $AN -ILLS AND 'REG -URR through Oct. 21; Andrew Wyeth: "Summers in THROUGH /CT !NDREW 7YETH h3UMMERS IN through Oct. 27. 780-0700. THROUGH /CT Port Clyde," watercolors from 1930s and '40s, 0ORT #LYDE v WATERCOLORS FROM S AND S 3Fish Gallery, Portland: "Addiction to Perfection," &ISH 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h!DDICTION TO 0ERFECTION v through Nov. 4; "Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent THROUGH .OV h*AMIE 7YETH 2OCKWELL +ENT encaustic paint and mixed media by Kimberly ENCAUSTIC PAINT AND MIXED MEDIA BY +IMBERLY and Monhegan," paintings, through Dec. 30. AND -ONHEGAN v PAINTINGS THROUGH $EC Curry and graphite on paper by Jeanne #URRY AND GRAPHITE ON PAPER BY *EANNE farnsworthmuseum.org FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG Titherington, through Oct. 27. 3fishgallery.com 4ITHERINGTON THROUGH /CT lSHGALLERY COM Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: 2012 Waponahki !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR 7APONAHKI Mayo Street Arts, Portland: Edwige Charlotte and -AYO 3TREET !RTS 0ORTLAND %DWIGE #HARLOTTE AND Student Art Show, through Oct. 22; "Indians and 3TUDENT !RT 3HOW THROUGH /CT h)NDIANS AND Rachel Gloria, "Gilded Roots, Native Grace," 2ACHEL 'LORIA h'ILDED 2OOTS .ATIVE 'RACE v Rusticators" and "TranscendingTraditions: The 2USTICATORSv AND h4RANSCENDING 4RADITIONS 4HE through Oct. 28. mayostreetarts.org THROUGH /CT MAYOSTREETARTS ORG Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry," .EXT 'ENERATION AND -AINE )NDIAN "ASKETRY v University of Southern Maine Osher Map 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE /SHER -AP through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org THROUGH $EC ABBEMUSEUM ORG Library, Portland: "Iconic America: The U.S. ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND h)CONIC !MERICA 4HE 5 3 Outline as National Symbol," through Feb. 28. /UTLINE AS .ATIONAL 3YMBOL v THROUGH &EB ART GALLERIES N !24 '!,,%2)%3 usm.maine.edu/maps USM MAINE EDU MAPS Green Hand Bookshop, Portland: Brandon 'REEN (AND "OOKSHOP 0ORTLAND "RANDON OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 Kawashima, "Phantasmagoria," through Sept. 30. +AWASHIMA h0HANTASMAGORIA v THROUGH 3EPT Liz Phillips: "Biyuu II," sound and video ,IZ 0HILLIPS h"IYUU )) v SOUND AND VIDEO 253-6808. Installation, University of Maine (Art Gallery), )NSTALLATION 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE !RT 'ALLERY Macpage LLC, South Portland: "Landscapes," 20 Farmington. 778-1062. Opening reception, 5 p.m. -ACPAGE ,,# 3OUTH 0ORTLAND h,ANDSCAPES v &ARMINGTON /PENING RECEPTION P M local artists in various media, through Oct. 19. LOCAL ARTISTS IN VARIOUS MEDIA THROUGH /CT Thursday. Through Nov. 1. 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH .OV macpage.com MACPAGE COM "Fire Before Ice," exhibit by members of the h&IRE "EFORE )CE v EXHIBIT BY MEMBERS OF THE Richard Boyd Gallery, Peaks Island: Lavendier 2ICHARD "OYD 'ALLERY 0EAKS )SLAND ,AVENDIER Maine Artists Collective, Constellation Gallery, -AINE !RTISTS #OLLECTIVE #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY Myers, "By the Maine Coast Edge: Intimate Views -YERS h"Y THE -AINE #OAST %DGE )NTIMATE 6IEWS Portland, constellationart.com. Opens Friday. 0ORTLAND CONSTELLATIONART COM /PENS &RIDAY from Freeport to Monhegan Island," through Sept. FROM &REEPORT TO -ONHEGAN )SLAND v THROUGH 3EPT Through Oct. 24. 4HROUGH /CT 30. richardboydpottery.com RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM Kenny Cole: "Even Now the Reaper Draws His +ENNY #OLE h%VEN .OW THE 2EAPER $RAWS (IS Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth: Rufus Coes, %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH 2UFUS #OES Wages," Unity College (Leonard R. Craig Art 7AGES v 5NITY #OLLEGE ,EONARD 2 #RAIG !RT "Coastal Route," and Ethel H. Blum: "Travels h#OASTAL 2OUTE v AND %THEL ( "LUM h4RAVELS Gallery), uccpa.unity.edu/exhibitions. Opening 'ALLERY UCCPA UNITY EDU EXHIBITIONS /PENING Near and Far, A Retrospective," through Sept. 29. .EAR AND &AR ! 2ETROSPECTIVE v THROUGH 3EPT reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Oct. 31. RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT elizabethmossgalleries.com ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM Katherine Herard, works, Circle in the Square +ATHERINE (ERARD WORKS #IRCLE IN THE 3QUARE Falmouth Memorial Library: Paintings by Jan ter &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY *AN TER Fine Art Press, Gardiner, gardinermainstreet.org. &INE !RT 0RESS 'ARDINER GARDINERMAINSTREET ORG Weele, through Sept. 30. falmouth.lib.me.us 7EELE THROUGH 3EPT FALMOUTH LIB ME US Opening reception, 5:30 p.m. Friday. /PENING RECEPTION P M &RIDAY Maine Audubon, Falmouth: "On the Wing," -AINE !UDUBON &ALMOUTH h/N THE 7ING v Rare Natural Color Diamonds Exhibit, Freeport 2ARE .ATURAL #OLOR $IAMONDS %XHIBIT &REEPORT sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sept. 30. SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH 3EPT Old Masonic Hall. Free, browngoldsmiths.com. /LD -ASONIC (ALL &REE BROWNGOLDSMITHS COM junelacombesculpture.com JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. A M TO P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery: "Mid-Summer "Member's Exhibit," Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset. 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY h-ID 3UMMER h-EMBER S %XHIBIT v -AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET Perspectives," multiple artists, through Sept. 30. 0ERSPECTIVES v MULTIPLE ARTISTS THROUGH 3EPT maineartgallery.org. Opening reception, 5 to 7 MAINEARTGALLERY ORG /PENING RECEPTION TO 846-7777. p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY North Yarmouth Academy (Curtis Gallery), .ORTH 9ARMOUTH !CADEMY #URTIS 'ALLERY "Fresh Paint and Recent Acquisitions," recent h&RESH 0AINT AND 2ECENT !CQUISITIONS v RECENT Yarmouth: Susan Myer Riley and Travis Roy, 9ARMOUTH 3USAN -YER 2ILEY AND 4RAVIS 2OY acquisitions of 19thand 20th-century American ACQUISITIONS OF TH AND TH CENTURY !MERICAN through Oct. 31.847-5423. THROUGH /CT and European paintings, plus new works by AND %UROPEAN PAINTINGS PLUS NEW WORKS BY Freeport Historical Society Harrington House: &REEPORT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ARRINGTON (OUSE contemporary New England artists, Wiscasset CONTEMPORARY .EW %NGLAND ARTISTS 7ISCASSET "Buttons, Rum and Rakes: Freeport's Mercantile h"UTTONS 2UM AND 2AKES &REEPORT S -ERCANTILE Bay Gallery, Wiscasset. wiscassetbaygallery.com. "AY 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM Past," through March, freeporthistoricalsociety.org 0AST v THROUGH -ARCH FREEPORTHISTORICALSOCIETY ORG Opens Saturday. Through Nov. 2. /PENS 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH .OV Thos. Moser Showroom, Freeport: "Viewpoints," 4HOS -OSER 3HOWROOM &REEPORT h6IEWPOINTS v "Wiscasset's Museum in the Streets," historical h7ISCASSET S -USEUM IN THE 3TREETS v HISTORICAL group exhibit, through Oct. 28. 865-4519. GROUP EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT Wiscasset photos, Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset. 7ISCASSET PHOTOS -AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET Frost Gully Gallery, Freeport: Group exhibition &ROST 'ULLY 'ALLERY &REEPORT 'ROUP EXHIBITION maineartgallery.org. Opens Saturday. Through MAINEARTGALLERY ORG /PENS 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH Oct. 30. /CT "Sampler," 38 pieces of prints, paintings and h3AMPLER v PIECES OF PRINTS PAINTINGS AND Please see ART, Page E32 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <*)

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, | GO E31 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3!

lZZY YVi^c\ a in

N_XkËj X cfe\cp X^ifefd`jk kf [f XYflk d\\k`e^ What's a lonely agronomist to do about meeting c`b\$d`e[\[ j`e^c\j6 Kip k_\ ]Xid\i m\ij`fe f] like-minded singles? Try the farmer version of jg\\[ [Xk`e^ Xk k_\ :fddfe >ifle[ =X`i% speed dating at the Common Ground Fair. #Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-" By AVERY YALE KAMILA

4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter JOEJOH MPWF JO SVSBM QMBDFT DBO CF B DIBMMFOHF GPS ZPVOH inding love in rural places can be a challenge for young GBSNFST farmers. 5IFZ MBCPS GSPN TVOVQ UP TVOEPXO TPNFUJNFT TFWFO They labor from sunup to sundown, sometimes seven EBZT B XFFL 5IFZ UPJM GBS GSPN VSCBO DFOUFST XIFSF days a week. They toil far from urban centers, where ZPVOH QFPQMF UFOE UP DPOHSFHBUF "OE UIFZ XPSL JO B young people tend to congregate. Arid they work in a QSPGFTTJPO EPNJOBUFE CZ PMEFS BOE UZQJDBMMZ NBSSJFE profession dominated by older (and typically married) GBSNFST farmers. So what's a single farmer to do? 4P XIBU T B TJOHMF GBSNFS UP EP Sign up for a round of Weed Dating at this weekend's 4JHO VQ GPS B SPVOE PG 8FFE %BUJOH BU UIJT XFFLFOE T Common Ground Country Fair. $PNNPO (SPVOE $PVOUSZ 'BJS The farm-based twist on speed dating has been sweeping rural 5IF GBSN CBTFE UXJTU PO TQFFE EBUJOH IBT CFFO TXFFQJOH SVSBM reaches of the country, but this is the first time it has cropped up in SFBDIFT PG UIF DPVOUSZ CVU UIJT JT UIF mSTU UJNF JU IBT DSPQQFE VQ JO Maine. While the event doesn't involve cannabis (sorry to disap.BJOF 8IJMF UIF FWFOU EPFTO U JOWPMWF DBOOBCJT TPSSZ UP EJTBQ point), it does involve eligible singles meeting each other while QPJOU JU EPFT JOWPMWF FMJHJCMF TJOHMFT NFFUJOH FBDI PUIFS XIJMF pulling weeds from among the vegetables and herbs. The event is QVMMJOH XFFET GSPN BNPOH UIF WFHFUBCMFT BOE IFSCT 5IF FWFOU JT open to any single person interested in farming or rural living. PQFO UP BOZ TJOHMF QFSTPO JOUFSFTUFE JO GBSNJOH PS SVSBM MJWJOH Eliza Greenman, an apple farmer in training, knows from firsthand &MJ[B (SFFONBO BO BQQMF GBSNFS JO USBJOJOH LOPXT GSPN mSTUIBOE experience how difficult it can be to find rural romance. FYQFSJFODF IPX EJGmDVMU JU DBO CF UP mOE SVSBM SPNBODF


[ ^V]b]a AVcbbS`ab]QY Q]


Please see W E E D , Page E37 Gc\Xj\ j\\ E332 GX^\ <*.

:fcfi\[ [`Xdfe[j jkXi f] j_fn Colored diamonds star of show CLEAR DIAMONDS may command the high1:3/@ 27/;=<2A [Og Q][[O\R bVS VWUV est prices, but the prestigious gem Sab ^`WQSa Pcb bVS ^`SabWUW]ca US[ occurs in many colors. See a rainbow of ]QQc`a W\ [O\g Q]Z]`a ASS O `OW\P]e ]T rare, natural colored diamonds during `O`S \Obc`OZ Q]Z]`SR RWO[]\Ra Rc`W\U this free gemstone exhibit. bVWa T`SS US[ab]\S SfVWPWb WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and E63<( O [ b] #(! ^ [ 4`WROg O\R Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Old Masonic Hall, 11 Mechanic St., Freeport E63@3( =ZR ;Oa]\WQ 6OZZ ;SQVO\WQ Ab 4`SS^]`b HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 865-4126; browngoldsmiths.com 7<4=( &$# " $) P`]e\U]ZRa[WbVa Q][

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Mirage 2012 promises dancing feat D`iX^\ )'() gifd`j\j [XeZ`e^ ]\Xk LIKE AN OASIS emerging from the desert, Mirage :793 /< =/A7A S[S`UW\U T`][ bVS RSaS`b ;W`OUS 2012 will shimmer, stop, shimmy and shake its way eWZZ aVW[[S` ab]^ aVW[[g O\R aVOYS Wba eOg onto the stage. An evening of international dance, ]\b] bVS abOUS /\ SdS\W\U ]T W\bS`\ObW]\OZ RO\QS the performance features belly dance, capoeira, bVS ^S`T]`[O\QS TSObc`Sa PSZZg RO\QS QO^]SW`O Chinese cultural dance, Irish step dance and tango. 1VW\SaS QcZbc`OZ RO\QS 7`WaV abS^ RO\QS O\R bO\U] WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday E63<( %(! ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: St. Lawrence Arts & Community Center, E63@3( Ab :Oe`S\QS /`ba 1][[c\Wbg 1S\bS` 76 Congress St., Portland %$ 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $18 in advance; $25 at door 6=E ;C16( & W\ ORdO\QS) # Ob R]]` INFO: stlawrencearts.org 7<4=( abZOe`S\QSO`ba ]`U

Listings, E32 N F]] 9\Xk1 >f`e^ kf k_\ g`^ iXZ\j# <** Beat: Going to the pig races, E33 C`jk`e^j# <*)

?FK k`Zb\k

E32 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3! 2012


N "%.%&)43 BENEFITS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 -AINE 7OMEN S 'ALA !UCTION h"IDDING TO Maine Women's Gala & Auction: "Bidding to Break the Glass Ceiling," live and silent auction, "REAK THE 'LASS #EILING v LIVE AND SILENT AUCTION hors d'oeuvres, desserts, dancing and music by HORS D OEUVRES DESSERTS DANCING AND MUSIC BY the Maine Miramba Ensemble; benefit for the THE -AINE -IRAMBA %NSEMBLE BENElT FOR THE Maine Women's Policy Center; Holiday Inn by -AINE 7OMEN S 0OLICY #ENTER (OLIDAY )NN BY the Bay, Portland, mainewomenspolicycenter.org/ THE "AY 0ORTLAND MAINEWOMENSPOLICYCENTER ORG gala.html. $75 to $1,000. 5 to 9:30 p.m. GALA HTML TO TO P M Tours of Kennebunk Wedding Cake House, benefit 4OURS OF +ENNEBUNK 7EDDING #AKE (OUSE BENElT for hunger relief in York County, Wedding Cake FOR HUNGER RELIEF IN 9ORK #OUNTY 7EDDING #AKE House, Kennebunk. $10. 985-3700. 10 a.m. to 4 (OUSE +ENNEBUNK A M TO p.m. Thursday to Sept. 27. Through Oct. 15. P M 4HURSDAY TO 3EPT 4HROUGH /CT FRIDAY &2)$!9 Multiple Sclerosis Society Fundraiser Party, music -ULTIPLE 3CLEROSIS 3OCIETY &UNDRAISER 0ARTY MUSIC by Evolution, Ramada Inn and Conference Center, BY %VOLUTION 2AMADA )NN AND #ONFERENCE #ENTER Lewiston. $10. 240-3580. Doors at 7 p.m.; music ,EWISTON $OORS AT P M MUSIC at 8 p.m. AT P M Fall Into A Good Book, book sale, Auburn Public &ALL )NTO ! 'OOD "OOK BOOK SALE !UBURN 0UBLIC Library. Free admission, auburn.lib.me.us. 3 to ,IBRARY &REE ADMISSION AUBURN LIB ME US TO 7 p.m. P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 "HelpHOPELive for Chris Collin," benefit dance h(ELP(/0%,IVE FOR #HRIS #OLLIN v BENElT DANCE for motorcycle crash survivor Chris Collin with DJ FOR MOTORCYCLE CRASH SURVIVOR #HRIS #OLLIN WITH $* Tap Fitzgerald and Sideshow Music, door prizes 4AP &ITZGERALD AND 3IDESHOW -USIC DOOR PRIZES and more, Rochambeau Club, Biddeford. $10. AND MORE 2OCHAMBEAU #LUB "IDDEFORD 590-5654. 8 p.m. to midnight. P M TO MIDNIGHT Frolic for Flippers 5K, benefit for Marine Animal &ROLIC FOR &LIPPERS + BENElT FOR -ARINE !NIMAL Rehabilitation Center, University of New England, 2EHABILITATION #ENTER 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND Biddeford. Registration link is tinyurl.com/ "IDDEFORD 2EGISTRATION LINK IS TINYURL COM frolic4flippers. $25; $20 for students. 602-2750. FROLIC mIPPERS FOR STUDENTS 10 a.m. (registration starts at 7 a.m.). A M REGISTRATION STARTS AT A M Family Farm Fun Day, pony rides, cart rides, face &AMILY &ARM &UN $AY PONY RIDES CART RIDES FACE painting, hay rides, model calf roping, basketball PAINTING HAY RIDES MODEL CALF ROPING BASKETBALL and food; benefit to send athletes to Maine Equine AND FOOD BENElT TO SEND ATHLETES TO -AINE %QUINE Special Olympics; Equine Journeys, Bridgton. 3PECIAL /LYMPICS %QUINE *OURNEYS "RIDGTON Free/donation. 647-8475. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. &REE DONATION A M TO P M SEPT. 27 3%04 10x10 Benefit Art Exhibit and Sale, preview of X "ENElT !RT %XHIBIT AND 3ALE PREVIEW OF silent auction of works by local artists; benefits SILENT AUCTION OF WORKS BY LOCAL ARTISTS BENElTS Arts Are Elementary; Curtis Memorial Library !RTS !RE %LEMENTARY #URTIS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY and St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Brunswick. AND 3T 0AUL S %PISCOPAL #HURCH "RUNSWICK 10xl0brunswick.org. 5 to 8 p.m. X BRUNSWICK ORG TO P M

FAIRS/FESTIVALS N &!)23 &%34)6!,3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Farmington Fair, midway, livestock exhibits, &ARMINGTON &AIR MIDWAY LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS animal-pulling events, harness racing and more, ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS HARNESS RACING AND MORE Farmington Fairgrounds. $6; $2 for ages 8 to &ARMINGTON &AIRGROUNDS FOR AGES TO 1 1 ; free for ages 7 and under; $3 for parking. FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER FOR PARKING Schedule at farmingtonfairmaine.com. Thursday 3CHEDULE AT FARMINGTONFAIRMAINE COM 4HURSDAY to Saturday. TO 3ATURDAY

Continued from Page E 3 0 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3!

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The Camden International Film Festival opens on Sept. 27 with "Betting the BVS 1O[RS\ 7\bS`\ObW]\OZ 4WZ[ 4SabWdOZ ]^S\a ]\ AS^b % eWbV µ0SbbW\U bVS Farm," a documentary that chronicles a group of Maine dairy farmers who 4O`[ ¶ O R]Qc[S\bO`g bVOb QV`]\WQZSa O U`]c^ ]T ;OW\S ROW`g TO`[S`a eV] launch their own milk company, MOO Milk. ZOc\QV bVSW` ]e\ [WZY Q][^O\g ;== ;WZY wagon rides, Shaker Museum exhibits, children's WAGON RIDES 3HAKER -USEUM EXHIBITS CHILDREN S activities, antique car rides and music, Shaker ACTIVITIES ANTIQUE CAR RIDES AND MUSIC 3HAKER Village, Alfred. Free, shakerhillapplefestival.org. 6ILLAGE !LFRED &REE SHAKERHILLAPPLEFESTIVAL ORG 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. A M TO P M 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY SUNDAY 35.$!9 Cumberland County Fair, harness racing, exhibit #UMBERLAND #OUNTY &AIR HARNESS RACING EXHIBIT halls, midway, livestock and 4H exhibits, pulling HALLS MIDWAY LIVESTOCK AND ( EXHIBITS PULLING events, food and live entertainment, Cumberland EVENTS FOOD AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT #UMBERLAND Fairgrounds, Cumberland. $9; $3 for seniors on &AIRGROUNDS #UMBERLAND FOR SENIORS ON Tuesday and Sept. 27; free for ages 12 and under. 4UESDAY AND 3EPT FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER Schedule at cumberlandfair.com. 9 a.m. to 10 3CHEDULE AT CUMBERLANDFAIR COM A M TO p.m. Sunday to Sept. 29. P M 3UNDAY TO 3EPT

SPECIAL EVENTS N 30%#)!, %6%.43 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Tate House Museum Architectural Tour, from 4ATE (OUSE -USEUM !RCHITECTURAL 4OUR FROM the cellar to the attic to reveal the "insides" of THE CELLAR TO THE ATTIC TO REVEAL THE hINSIDESv OF an 18th-century house, Tate House Museum, AN TH CENTURY HOUSE 4ATE (OUSE -USEUM Portland. $10; $8 for seniors; $6 for ages 6 to 12. 0ORTLAND FOR SENIORS FOR AGES TO 774-6177. 10 and 11:30 a.m. AND A M Recollections of World War II, four speakers 2ECOLLECTIONS OF 7ORLD 7AR )) FOUR SPEAKERS tell stories about living through W W I I , TELL STORIES ABOUT LIVING THROUGH 77)) Opera House at Boothbay Harbor. Free. /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR &REE boothbayoperahouse.com. 7 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 "Vines in the Vaults," wine tasting, hors d'oeuvres h6INES IN THE 6AULTS v WINE TASTING HORS D OEUVRES and private tour of museum storage area to rarely AND PRIVATE TOUR OF MUSEUM STORAGE AREA TO RARELY seen treasures, Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk. SEEN TREASURES "RICK 3TORE -USEUM +ENNEBUNK $40; $30 for museum members. 985-4802. 4:30 FOR MUSEUM MEMBERS to 6:30 p.m. TO P M Harvest Dinner, three-course gourmet dinner (ARVEST $INNER THREE COURSE GOURMET DINNER of locally harvested food prepared by Chef Jeff OF LOCALLY HARVESTED FOOD PREPARED BY #HEF *EFF Landry of The Farmer's Table, Skyline Farm, North ,ANDRY OF 4HE &ARMER S 4ABLE 3KYLINE &ARM .ORTH Yarmouth. $50. skylinefarm.org. 5:30 p.m. SATURDAY 9ARMOUTH SKYLINEFARM ORG P M 3!452$!9 "Playing for Change: Peace Through Music," Chalk on the Walk, art walk, performances, h0LAYING FOR #HANGE 0EACE 4HROUGH -USIC v #HALK ON THE 7ALK ART WALK PERFORMANCES Maine video premiere with live music by Katy workshops, children's activities and more, various -AINE VIDEO PREMIERE WITH LIVE MUSIC BY +ATY WORKSHOPS CHILDREN S ACTIVITIES AND MORE VARIOUS Gaga, The VeayoTwins, Beware of Pedestrians, locations, Biddeford. Free, heartofbiddeford.org. 'AGA 4HE 6EAYO 4WINS "EWARE OF 0EDESTRIANS LOCATIONS "IDDEFORD &REE HEARTOFBIDDEFORD ORG Emergency Sirens and Metal Sideburns, Asylum, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. %MERGENCY 3IRENS AND -ETAL 3IDEBURNS !SYLUM A M TO P M Portland, portlandasylum.com. 5 to 8 p.m. (all Autumn Celebration, food, music, crafters, 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM TO P M ALL !UTUMN #ELEBRATION FOOD MUSIC CRAFTERS ages, $5); 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. (21-plus, $8). farmers market, petting zoo, pumpkin carving and AGES P M TO A M PLUS FARMERS MARKET PETTING ZOO PUMPKIN CARVING AND Pumpkin Patch Trolley, ride a streetcar to find more, Memorial Park, Old Orchard Beach. Free. 0UMPKIN 0ATCH 4ROLLEY RIDE A STREETCAR TO lND MORE -EMORIAL 0ARK /LD /RCHARD "EACH &REE the perfect pumpkin, Seashore Trolley Museum, oob365.com. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. THE PERFECT PUMPKIN 3EASHORE 4ROLLEY -USEUM OOB COM A M TO P M Kennebunkport. $10; $8 for seniors ages 60 and Punkinfiddle and National Estuaries Day +ENNEBUNKPORT FOR SENIORS AGES AND 0UNKINlDDLE AND .ATIONAL %STUARIES $AY older; $7.50 for ages 6 to 16; free for ages 5 and Celebration, music, crafts, food and family OLDER FOR AGES TO FREE FOR AGES AND #ELEBRATION MUSIC CRAFTS FOOD AND FAMILY under, trolleymuseum.org. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. activities, Laudholm Farm Reserve, Wells. $5; free UNDER TROLLEYMUSEUM ORG A M TO P M ACTIVITIES ,AUDHOLM &ARM 2ESERVE 7ELLS FREE Saturday and Sunday. Through Sept. 30. for children under age 16. wellsreserve.org/visit/ 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE WELLSRESERVE ORG VISIT calendar/2012/9. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CALENDAR A M TO P M Holden Fall Frolic, crafts, food, entertainment, (OLDEN &ALL &ROLIC CRAFTS FOOD ENTERTAINMENT FILMS games, auctions, book signings and more, Holden N &),-3 GAMES AUCTIONS BOOK SIGNINGS AND MORE (OLDEN Elementary School. Free. 843-5518. 9 a.m. to " I n the Blood" (2012), documentary about Maine %LEMENTARY 3CHOOL &REE A M TO h)N THE "LOODv DOCUMENTARY ABOUT -AINE 3 p.m. logging with live score performed by Sumner P M LOGGING WITH LIVE SCORE PERFORMED BY 3UMNER Shaker Hill Apple Festival, arts and crafts fair, McKane, Saco River Theatre, Bar Mills. $12; $10 3HAKER (ILL !PPLE &ESTIVAL ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR -C+ANE 3ACO 2IVER 4HEATRE "AR -ILLS FRIDAY &2)$!9 Common Ground Country Fair, demonstrations, #OMMON 'ROUND #OUNTRY &AIR DEMONSTRATIONS Maine organic foods and crafts, livestock exhibits -AINE ORGANIC FOODS AND CRAFTS LIVESTOCK EXHIBITS and entertainment, Common Ground Fairgrounds, AND ENTERTAINMENT #OMMON 'ROUND &AIRGROUNDS Unity. $10; $8 for seniors and those who arrive 5NITY FOR SENIORS AND THOSE WHO ARRIVE via bicycle; free for ages 12 and under. Schedule VIA BICYCLE FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE at mofga.org. 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Friday and AT MOFGA ORG A M TO P M &RIDAY AND Saturday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY A M TO P M 3UNDAY

for seniors and students. 929-6472. 7:30 p.m. FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS P M Friday. &RIDAY "The Invisible War" (2012), award-winning h4HE )NVISIBLE 7ARv AWARD WINNING documentary on rape in the military, Bates DOCUMENTARY ON RAPE IN THE MILITARY "ATES College (SchaefferTheatre), Lewiston. Admission #OLLEGE 3CHAEFFER 4HEATRE ,EWISTON !DMISSION is donation of a non-perishable food item. IS DONATION OF A NON PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM 782-7228. 6:30 p.m. Monday. P M -ONDAY Global Lens International Film Series, 'LOBAL ,ENS )NTERNATIONAL &ILM 3ERIES international films, Bates College (Olin Arts INTERNATIONAL lLMS "ATES #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS Center), Lewiston. Free, bates.edu/museum. #ENTER ,EWISTON &REE BATES EDU MUSEUM "Craft" (2010, Brazil), 6 p.m. Monday. Through h#RAFTv "RAZIL P M -ONDAY 4HROUGH Dec. 3. $EC "The Imposter" (2012), thriller, Space, Portland. h4HE )MPOSTERv THRILLER 3PACE 0ORTLAND $7. space538.org. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. SPACE ORG P M 4UESDAY Camden International Film Festival, dozens of #AMDEN )NTERNATIONAL &ILM &ESTIVAL DOZENS OF films, special guests, panels, parties and other lLMS SPECIAL GUESTS PANELS PARTIES AND OTHER special events, various locations, Camden and SPECIAL EVENTS VARIOUS LOCATIONS #AMDEN AND Rockland. $8.50 per film; passes are $25 to $125. 2OCKLAND PER lLM PASSES ARE TO Schedule at camdenfilmfest.org. Sept. 27-30. 3CHEDULE AT CAMDENlLMFEST ORG 3EPT

BOOKS/AUTHORS N "//+3 !54(/23 Joanne Dobson and Beverly Graves Myers, *OANNE $OBSON AND "EVERLY 'RAVES -YERS authors of "Face of the Enemy," Longfellow Books, AUTHORS OF h&ACE OF THE %NEMY v ,ONGFELLOW "OOKS Portland, longfellowbooks.com. 7 p.m. Thursday. 0ORTLAND LONGFELLOWBOOKS COM P M 4HURSDAY Jacqueline Sheehan, author of "Lost and Found," *ACQUELINE 3HEEHAN AUTHOR OF h,OST AND &OUND v Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Noon Friday. .OON &RIDAY Pat O'Donnell, author of "Necessary Places," 0AT / $ONNELL AUTHOR OF h.ECESSARY 0LACES v Camden Public Library. 236-3440. 7 p.m. Tuesday. #AMDEN 0UBLIC ,IBRARY P M 4UESDAY An Evening of Poetry, bring poems to share !N %VENING OF 0OETRY BRING POEMS TO SHARE (originals or favorites), York Public Library. ORIGINALS OR FAVORITES 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY york.lib.me.us. 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. YORK LIB ME US P M 4UESDAY Phillip Hoose, author of "Moonbird: A Year on the 0HILLIP (OOSE AUTHOR OF h-OONBIRD ! 9EAR ON THE Wing of Great Survivor B95," Rines Auditorium, 7ING OF 'REAT 3URVIVOR " v 2INES !UDITORIUM Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 6 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM p.m. Sept. 27. P M 3EPT "The Poet As Art: A Poetry Series," with Brian h4HE 0OET !S !RT ! 0OETRY 3ERIES v WITH "RIAN Turner, Bates College (Edmund S. Muskie 4URNER "ATES #OLLEGE %DMUND 3 -USKIE Archives), Lewiston. Iaarts.org. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 27. !RCHIVES ,EWISTON LAARTS ORG P M 3EPT Kate Braestrup, author of "Here If You Need Me: +ATE "RAESTRUP AUTHOR OF h(ERE )F 9OU .EED -E A True Story" and "Marriage and Other Acts of ! 4RUE 3TORYv AND h-ARRIAGE AND /THER !CTS OF Charity," Trinity Episcopal Church, Portland. 828#HARITY v 4RINITY %PISCOPAL #HURCH 0ORTLAND 1090. 7 p.m. Sept. 27. P M 3EPT Monica Wood, author of "When We Were the -ONICA 7OOD AUTHOR OF h7HEN 7E 7ERE THE Kennedys," Maine Historical Society, Portland. +ENNEDYS v -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY 0ORTLAND mainehistory.org. 7 p.m. Sept. 27. MAINEHISTORY ORG P M 3EPT David Hackett, author of "Champlain's Dream," $AVID (ACKETT AUTHOR OF h#HAMPLAIN S $REAM v University of Maine (Fox Auditorium), Fort Kent. 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE &OX !UDITORIUM &ORT +ENT 834-7557. 7 p.m. Sept. 27. P M 3EPT

PARTICIPANT DANCE N 0!24)#)0!.4 $!.#% Port City Swing Dance, music by the Mainiac 0ORT #ITY 3WING $ANCE MUSIC BY THE -AINIAC Swingin' DJs, Woodfords Club, Portland. $8. 5633WINGIN $*S 7OODFORDS #LUB 0ORTLAND 8632. Lessons at 8 p.m.; dance at 9 p.m. Friday. ,ESSONS AT P M DANCE AT P M &RIDAY

WITH *ANICE !NTHONY $IANE $AHLKE 4HOMAS with Janice Anthony, Diane Dahlke, Thomas Crotty, Robert Dyer, Margaret Gill and others, #ROTTY 2OBERT $YER -ARGARET 'ILL AND OTHERS through Sept. 30. frostgullygallery.com THROUGH 3EPT FROSTGULLYGALLERY COM (AWK 2IDGE &ARM 0OWNAL h!UTUMN v SCULPTURE Hawk Ridge Farm, Pownal: "Autumn," sculpture BY .EW %NGLAND ARTISTS THROUGH /CT by 26 New England artists, through Oct. 8. junelacombesculpture.com JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM Gallery Framing, Brunswick: "All in the Family," 'ALLERY &RAMING "RUNSWICK h!LL IN THE &AMILY v MULTIMEDIA BY "EVERLY 0RICE !LLISON 0RICE AND multimedia by Beverly Price, Allison Price and Hillary Schwartz, through Sept. 30. 729-9108. (ILLARY 3CHWARTZ THROUGH 3EPT Coleman Burke Gallery (Fort Andross), #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY &ORT !NDROSS Brunswick: Arlee Woodworth, "Paint," through "RUNSWICK !RLEE 7OODWORTH h0AINT v THROUGH Oct. 5. colemanburke.com /CT COLEMANBURKE COM Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Jeff Keller, )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK *EFF +ELLER "Prospect," through Oct. 13. 725-8157. h0ROSPECT v THROUGH /CT Little Dog Coffee Shop, Brunswick: "After Hours ,ITTLE $OG #OFFEE 3HOP "RUNSWICK h!FTER (OURS 2010," latest works by Spindleworks artists, v LATEST WORKS BY 3PINDLEWORKS ARTISTS through Sept. 30. spindleworks.org THROUGH 3EPT SPINDLEWORKS ORG Summer Island Studio, Brunswick: "The Dragon 3UMMER )SLAND 3TUDIO "RUNSWICK h4HE $RAGON Sleeps," watercolors and Asian brush paintings by 3LEEPS v WATERCOLORS AND !SIAN BRUSH PAINTINGS BY Jean Kigel, through Sept. 30. 373-1810. *EAN +IGEL THROUGH 3EPT Markings Gallery, Bath: "Wearable Art," jewelry, -ARKINGS 'ALLERY "ATH h7EARABLE !RT v JEWELRY clothing and accessories by a wide array of Maine CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES BY A WIDE ARRAY OF -AINE artists, through Oct. 3 1 . 443-1499. ARTISTS THROUGH /CT Maine Fiberarts, Tops ham: Roslyn Logsdon, -AINE &IBERARTS 4OPSHAM 2OSLYN ,OGSDON "Architectural Elements: Hooked Rugs," through h!RCHITECTURAL %LEMENTS (OOKED 2UGS v THROUGH Sept. 29. mainefiberarts.org 3EPT MAINElBERARTS ORG Richmond Store Gallery: Barbara Bean and 2ICHMOND 3TORE 'ALLERY "ARBARA "EAN AND Edward Mackenzie, "The Art of Dee's Ice Cream %DWARD -ACKENZIE h4HE !RT OF $EE S )CE #REAM Packaging," artwork made from material donated 0ACKAGING v ARTWORK MADE FROM MATERIAL DONATED by Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, through Oct. BY "RUNSWICK 4OPSHAM ,AND 4RUST THROUGH /CT 3 1 . richmondstoregallery.com RICHMONDSTOREGALLERY COM Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay: " O n #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY h/N the Wing," sculpture exhibition and sale, through THE 7ING v SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH Oct. 8. mainegardens.org /CT MAINEGARDENS ORG Gleason Fine Art, Boothbay Harbor: Philip Frey, 'LEASON &INE !RT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR 0HILIP &REY "New Paintings," through Oct. 13. 633-6849. h.EW 0AINTINGS v THROUGH /CT Gold/Smith Gallery, Boothbay Harbor: Laura 'OLD 3MITH 'ALLERY "OOTHBAY (ARBOR ,AURA Bianchi, Tuscan Realist painter, through Oct. 9. "IANCHI 4USCAN 2EALIST PAINTER THROUGH /CT 633-6252. Pemaquid Art Gallery: Group show, through Oct. 0EMAQUID !RT 'ALLERY 'ROUP SHOW THROUGH /CT 8.677-2752. Engine, Biddeford Arts, Biddeford: "Lines, Ciphers, %NGINE "IDDEFORD !RTS "IDDEFORD h,INES #IPHERS and Spheres: Work by Convery, Chute, and AND 3PHERES 7ORK BY #ONVERY #HUTE AND Sawyer," through Saturday, feedtheengine.org 3AWYER v THROUGH 3ATURDAY FEEDTHEENGINE ORG University of New England (Campus Center), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND #AMPUS #ENTER Biddeford: Johanna F. Hoffman, Maine artist and "IDDEFORD *OHANNA & (OFFMAN -AINE ARTIST AND illustrator, through Sept. 30. 602-2269. ILLUSTRATOR THROUGH 3EPT York Art Association, York Harbor: "Works on 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h7ORKS ON Paper," through Oct. 7. yorkartassociation.com 0APER v THROUGH /CT YORKARTASSOCIATION COM York Public Library: Paintings by Peter Agrafiotis, 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY 0ETER !GRAlOTIS through Oct. 3 1 . york.lib.me.us THROUGH /CT YORK LIB ME US Fryeburg Academy (Palmina F. and Stephen &RYEBURG !CADEMY 0ALMINA & AND 3TEPHEN S. Pace Galleries of Art): "Apple of My Eye," 3 0ACE 'ALLERIES OF !RT h!PPLE OF -Y %YE v paintings, watercolors, pastels and prints of apples PAINTINGS WATERCOLORS PASTELS AND PRINTS OF APPLES from more than 50 mostly regional artists of the FROM MORE THAN MOSTLY REGIONAL ARTISTS OF THE past, through Dec. 2 1 . 935-9232. PAST THROUGH $EC Kennebunk Free Library: Gwen Page, "Animal +ENNEBUNK &REE ,IBRARY 'WEN 0AGE h!NIMAL Kingdom," wood and linoleum block prints of +INGDOM v WOOD AND LINOLEUM BLOCK PRINTS OF domesticated and non-domesticated animals, DOMESTICATED AND NON DOMESTICATED ANIMALS through Sept. 30. 985-2173. THROUGH 3EPT Just Us Chickens Gallery, Kittery: Thomas and *UST 5S #HICKENS 'ALLERY +ITTERY 4HOMAS AND Anne Dubois, paintings and woodworking, !NNE $UBOIS PAINTINGS AND WOODWORKING through Sept. 30. justuschickens.net THROUGH 3EPT JUSTUSCHICKENS NET Haley Farm Gallery, Kittery: Fabric and clay (ALEY &ARM 'ALLERY +ITTERY &ABRIC AND CLAY exhibit, through Oct. 3 1 . haleygallery.com EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT HALEYGALLERY COM Atlantic Motorcar, Wiscasset: Maine Art Gallery !TLANTIC -OTORCAR 7ISCASSET -AINE !RT 'ALLERY artists exhibit depicting the "open road" and ARTISTS EXHIBIT DEPICTING THE hOPEN ROADv AND beyond, through Oct. 30. 882-7511. BEYOND THROUGH /CT Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset: Works by -AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET 7ORKS BY Maine resident marine artists, through Sunday. -AINE RESIDENT MARINE ARTISTS THROUGH 3UNDAY maineartgallery.org MAINEARTGALLERY ORG Wiscasset Bay Gallery: "At Home and Abroad: 7ISCASSET "AY 'ALLERY h!T (OME AND !BROAD Realism, Impressionism and Modernism," 2EALISM )MPRESSIONISM AND -ODERNISM v European and American landscape and genre %UROPEAN AND !MERICAN LANDSCAPE AND GENRE paintings, through Friday, wiscassetbaygallery.com PAINTINGS THROUGH &RIDAY WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM Harlow Gallery, Hallowell: "Two Worlds of (ARLOW 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL h4WO 7ORLDS OF Home," recent works of Ross Grams, through (OME v RECENT WORKS OF 2OSS 'RAMS THROUGH Sept. 29. harlowgallery.org 3EPT HARLOWGALLERY ORG Perimeter Gallery, Belfast: "This Field," paintings 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY "ELFAST h4HIS &IELD v PAINTINGS Please see ART, Page E33 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <**

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, GO E33 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3!!

Veteran pig racer Lauren Pride DSbS`O\ ^WU `OQS` :Oc`S\ >`WRS has a knack for getting her VOa O Y\OQY T]` USbbW\U VS` athletes ready to compete at ObVZSbSa `SORg b] Q][^SbS Ob the Cumberland County Fair. bVS 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 4OW`

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BVSFO 1SJEF TBZT UIF LFZ UP TVDDFTTGVM auren Pride says the key to successful pig racing is to really get to know your QJH SBDJOH JT UP SFBMMZ HFU UP LOPX ZPVS QJH PigSince early August, 9-year-old Lauren 4JODF FBSMZ "VHVTU ZFBS PME -BVSFO has been getting to know a young pig IBT CFFO HFUUJOH UP LOPX B ZPVOH QJH named Matt. She talks to him, spends OBNFE .BUU 4IF UBMLT UP IJN TQFOET time in his pen, takes him on walks (on a UJNF JO IJT QFO UBLFT IJN PO XBMLT PO B leash) and plays hide and seek with him. MFBTI BOE QMBZT IJEF BOE TFFL XJUI IJN And perhaps most importantly, she's "OE QFSIBQT NPTU JNQPSUBOUMZ TIF T been letting him taste a wide array of CFFO MFUUJOH IJN UBTUF B XJEF BSSBZ PG treats to see what will USFBUT UP TFF XIBU XJMM make him move fastest NBLF IJN NPWF GBTUFTU when it comes to race XIFO JU DPNFT UP SBDF time Sunday at the UJNF 4VOEBZ BU UIF Cumberland County $VNCFSMBOE $PVOUZ Fair. 'BJS "He hates vanilla wai)F IBUFT WBOJMMB XB fers. But Andwhat I tried brocGFST "OE * USJFE CSPD coli he reall DPMJ #VU XIBU IF SFBMMZ likes are Pop Tarts," MJLFT BSF 1PQ 5BSUT w sa TBJE -BVSFO Off RPrlt id Lauren. But what kind of Pop #VU XIBU LJOE PG 1PQ Tarts? 5BSUT "Any kind. He's a pig - what do you i"OZ LJOE )F T B QJH o XIBU EP ZPV expect?"w FYQFDU Lauren, who lives in Limington, has -BVSFO XIP MJWFT JO -JNJOHUPO IBT been racing pigs yearly at the fair since CFFO SBDJOH QJHT ZFBSMZ BU UIF GBJS TJODF she was 5 as part of the Cumberland TIF XBT BT QBSU PG UIF $VNCFSMBOE County Swiners 4-H Club. It's a program $PVOUZ 4XJOFST ) $MVC *U T B QSPHSBN designed to let young children get some EFTJHOFE UP MFU ZPVOH DIJMESFO HFU TPNF exposure raising a piglet - given to them FYQPTVSF SBJTJOH B QJHMFU o HJWFO UP UIFN by the Cumberland Farmer's Club for a CZ UIF $VNCFSMBOE 'BSNFS T $MVC GPS B couple of months - until they're about 30 DPVQMF PG NPOUIT o VOUJM UIFZ SF BCPVU pounds. When they're older, the children QPVOET 8IFO UIFZ SF PMEFS UIF DIJMESFO can graduate to raising a piglet until it's DBO HSBEVBUF UP SBJTJOH B QJHMFU VOUJM JU T full grown and ready for market. GVMM HSPXO BOE SFBEZ GPS NBSLFU The program lets the kids get to know 5IF QSPHSBN MFUT UIF LJET HFU UP LOPX their pigs without having to worry about UIFJS QJHT XJUIPVU IBWJOH UP XPSSZ BCPVU the cute little oinker becoming a 200UIF DVUF MJUUMF PJOLFS CFDPNJOH B pound market hog. QPVOE NBSLFU IPH And the culmination of the Swiners "OE UIF DVMNJOBUJPO PG UIF 4XJOFST club program is the racing at the fair, DMVC QSPHSBN JT UIF SBDJOH BU UIF GBJS where children sit on a chair at one end XIFSF DIJMESFO TJU PO B DIBJS BU POF FOE of the arena, call their pigs and offer up PG UIF BSFOB DBMM UIFJS QJHT BOE PGGFS VQ anything they can think of to make them BOZUIJOH UIFZ DBO UIJOL PG UP NBLF UIFN motor to the finish line. Racing incentives NPUPS UP UIF mOJTI MJOF 3BDJOH JODFOUJWFT range from peanut butter and jelly to carSBOHF GSPN QFBOVU CVUUFS BOE KFMMZ UP DBS rots, Oreos, hot dogs, and, of course, Pop SPUT 0SFPT IPU EPHT BOE PG DPVSTF 1PQ Tarts. 5BSUT The pigs will be racing every day at this 5IF QJHT XJMM CF SBDJOH FWFSZ EBZ BU UIJT year's 141st Cumberland County Fair, ZFBS T TU $VNCFSMBOE $PVOUZ 'BJS which will be held Sunday through Sept. XIJDI XJMM CF IFME 4VOEBZ UISPVHI 4FQU 29. There will also be harness racing at 5IFSF XJMM BMTP CF IBSOFTT SBDJOH BU the fairgrounds on Sept. 30, the day exhibUIF GBJSHSPVOET PO 4FQU UIF EBZ FYIJC its will be taken down. JUT XJMM CF UBLFO EPXO The fair will also include a midway with 5IF GBJS XJMM BMTP JODMVEF B NJEXBZ XJUI rides, games and food, and lots of liveSJEFT HBNFT BOE GPPE BOE MPUT PG MJWF stock displays and competitions. Some of TUPDL EJTQMBZT BOE DPNQFUJUJPOT 4PNF PG the highlights this year include comedian UIF IJHIMJHIUT UIJT ZFBS JODMVEF DPNFEJBO Bob Marley performing on Sunday night, #PC .BSMFZ QFSGPSNJOH PO 4VOEBZ OJHIU

Rav Routhier IXp Iflk_`\i F]] 9\Xk


Carl D. Walsh/Staff Photographer 1O`Z 2 EOZaV AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Lauren Pride and Matt share a quiet moment in their training for the racing. View a video at pressherald.com/life/go. :Oc`S\ >`WRS O\R ;Obb aVO`S O _cWSb [][S\b W\ bVSW` b`OW\W\U T]` bVS `OQW\U DWSe O dWRS] Ob ^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ ZWTS U]

when you first try to handle them," said XIFO ZPV mSTU USZ UP IBOEMF UIFN w TBJE Lauren's mom, Kathleen Pride. "But in -BVSFO T NPN ,BUIMFFO 1SJEF i#VU JO three days, Lauren teaches her pig to UISFF EBZT -BVSFO UFBDIFT IFS QJH UP come to her." DPNF UP IFS w Lauren says training piglets is a delicate -BVSFO TBZT USBJOJOH QJHMFUT JT B EFMJDBUF process. She spends time with them, but QSPDFTT 4IF TQFOET UJNF XJUI UIFN CVU she's careful not to spend too much time, TIF T DBSFGVM OPU UP TQFOE UPP NVDI UJNF because that can scare them. CFDBVTF UIBU DBO TDBSF UIFN With Matt, Lauren first got him used to 8JUI .BUU -BVSFO mSTU HPU IJN VTFE UP her coming into his pen. Then she had IFS DPNJOH JOUP IJT QFO 5IFO TIF IBE him follow her around the pen, then the IJN GPMMPX IFS BSPVOE UIF QFO UIFO UIF family barn. GBNJMZ CBSO She began playing hide and seek with 4IF CFHBO QMBZJOH IJEF BOE TFFL XJUI him, all the time knowing that the more IJN BMM UIF UJNF LOPXJOH UIBU UIF NPSF he got used to following her and coming IF HPU VTFE UP GPMMPXJOH IFS BOE DPNJOH to her call, the better he'd react when she UP IFS DBMM UIF CFUUFS IF E SFBDU XIFO TIF called his name during the pig races. She DBMMFE IJT OBNF EVSJOH UIF QJH SBDFT 4IF the demolition derby and the Don Camp- FWFO IBT PUIFS GBNJMZ NFNCFST DBMM IJN even has other family members call him, UIF EFNPMJUJPO EFSCZ BOE UIF %PO $BNQ bell Band on Wednesday night, and giant VTJOH EJGGFSFOU OBNFT TP TIF DPVME UFMM JG using different names, so she could tell if CFMM #BOE PO 8FEOFTEBZ OJHIU BOE HJBOU pumpkins on display throughout. Matt was responding to his name and to .BUU XBT SFTQPOEJOH UP IJT OBNF BOE UP QVNQLJOT PO EJTQMBZ UISPVHIPVU And of course, the pig races, which draw IFS WPJDF her voice. "OE PG DPVSTF UIF QJH SBDFT XIJDI ESBX quite a crowd. "Now I can hide anywhere, and he finds i/PX * DBO IJEF BOZXIFSF BOE IF mOET RVJUF B DSPXE For those of you not familiar with piglets, NF w TBJE -BVSFO i5P XJO UIF SBDF ZPV me," said Lauren. "To win the race, you 'PS UIPTF PG ZPV OPU GBNJMJBS XJUI QJHMFUT they are not exactly born to race. They have to be super attached to your pig and IBWF UP CF TVQFS BUUBDIFE UP ZPVS QJH BOE UIFZ BSF OPU FYBDUMZ CPSO UP SBDF 5IFZ sort of have a mind of their own. have them be super attached to you." IBWF UIFN CF TVQFS BUUBDIFE UP ZPV w TPSU PG IBWF B NJOE PG UIFJS PXO "These are not friendly little pigs when Does that make it hard when the race is %PFT UIBU NBLF JU IBSE XIFO UIF SBDF JT i5IFTF BSF OPU GSJFOEMZ MJUUMF QJHT XIFO you get them. They scream and run away PWFS over? "OE UIF QJHT BSF BMM TPME UP GBSNFST And the pigs are all sold to farmers? ZPV HFU UIFN 5IFZ TDSFBN BOE SVO BXBZ

PIG RACES AT THE >75 @/13A /B B63 CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR 1C;03@:/<2 1=C<BG 4/7@ WHEN: 12:15 and 6 p.m. Sunday; E63<( ( # O\R $ ^ [ Ac\ROg) 6:30 p.m. Monday through $(! ^ [ ;]\ROg bV`]cUV Sept. 28; p.m. Sept. 29. The fair AS^b &) 12:30 (! ^ [ AS^b ' BVS TOW` runs 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through `c\a ' O [ b] ^ [ Ac\ROg bV`]cUV Sept. 29. AS^b ' WHERE: Cumberland Fairgrounds, 197 E63@3( 1c[PS`ZO\R 4OW`U`]c\Ra '% Blanchard Road, Cumberland 0ZO\QVO`R @]OR 1c[PS`ZO\R HOW MUCH: Fair admission is $9 for 6=E ;C16( 4OW` OR[WaaW]\ Wa ' T]` adults, $3 for seniors on Tuesday and ORcZba ! T]` aS\W]`a ]\ BcSaROg O\R Sept. 27, and free for ages 12 O\R and AS^b % O\R T`SS T]` OUSa under c\RS` INFO/FAIR SCHEDULE: cumberlandfair.com 7<4= 4/7@ A1632C:3( Qc[PS`ZO\RTOW` Q][

@= PFL


"Counterpoint III," "Here from There" and h#OUNTERPOINT ))) v h(ERE FROM 4HEREv AND "Intercept," paintings, sculpture and works on h)NTERCEPT v PAINTINGS SCULPTURE AND WORKS ON paper, through Saturday, cmcanow.org PAPER THROUGH 3ATURDAY CMCANOW ORG College of the Atlantic (Ethel H. Blum Gallery), #OLLEGE OF THE !TLANTIC %THEL ( "LUM 'ALLERY Continued from Page E32 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3! Bar Harbor: "Turkish Delights, Buddhas, and "AR (ARBOR h4URKISH $ELIGHTS "UDDHAS AND Veils," photographs from the Mideast and Far East 6EILS v PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE -IDEAST AND &AR %AST by Megan Chase, through Sunday. 338-0555 by Clare Stone, through Friday. 288-5015 BY -EGAN #HASE THROUGH 3UNDAY BY #LARE 3TONE THROUGH &RIDAY Aarhus Gallery, Belfast: Mark Bell and Cathy Haynes Galleries, Thomaston: Peter !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST -ARK "ELL AND #ATHY (AYNES 'ALLERIES 4HOMASTON 0ETER Melio, pottery and printmaking, through Sept. 30. 0OSKAS h3UMMER ,IGHTS v THROUGH 3EPT Poskas, "Summer Lights," through Sept. 29. -ELIO POTTERY AND PRINTMAKING THROUGH 3EPT aarhusgallery.com haynesgalleries.com AARHUSGALLERY COM HAYNESGALLERIES COM Littlefield Gallery, Winter Harbor: Frederick Lynch ,YCEUM 'ALLERY ,EWISTON h"LACK AND Lyceum Gallery, Lewiston: "Black and ,ITTLElELD 'ALLERY 7INTER (ARBOR &REDERICK ,YNCH and James Linehan, "Geometry Meets Nature," White," works by 19 artists, through Friday. AND *AMES ,INEHAN h'EOMETRY -EETS .ATURE v 7HITE v WORKS BY ARTISTS THROUGH &RIDAY through Oct. 15. littlefieldgallery.com lyceumgallery.com THROUGH /CT LITTLElELDGALLERY COM LYCEUMGALLERY COM Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport: Lajos Matolcsy Arts Gallery, Norway: Gail Rein, #ENTER FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY !RT 2OCKPORT ,AJOS -ATOLCSY !RTS 'ALLERY .ORWAY 'AIL 2EIN


Irina Kahn and Suzanne Hardy, "Points of View," )RINA +AHN AND 3UZANNE (ARDY h0OINTS OF 6IEW v through Sept. 30. westernmaineartgroup.org THROUGH 3EPT WESTERNMAINEARTGROUP ORG Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle: "Continuing 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE h#ONTINUING Connections: New and Old All Media," orchard #ONNECTIONS .EW AND /LD n !LL -EDIA v ORCHARD photographs by Michael Alpert, through Oct. 13. PHOTOGRAPHS BY -ICHAEL !LPERT THROUGH /CT turtlegallery.com TURTLEGALLERY COM Savory Maine, Damariscotta: "Places of the 3AVORY -AINE $AMARISCOTTA h0LACES OF THE Heart: From the Caribbean to Maine and Italy," (EART &ROM THE #ARIBBEAN TO -AINE AND )TALY v oil paintings by Cheryl Blaydon, through Oct. 2. OIL PAINTINGS BY #HERYL "LAYDON THROUGH /CT savorymainedining.com SAVORYMAINEDINING COM Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham: "Three -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM h4HREE Town Artists," Carlo Pittore, Bryce Muir and Carter 4OWN !RTISTS v #ARLO 0ITTORE "RYCE -UIR AND #ARTER Smith, through Sunday, merrymeetingartscenter.org 3MITH THROUGH 3UNDAY MERRYMEETINGARTSCENTER ORG Yvette Torres Fine Art, Rockland: John Urbain, 9VETTE 4ORRES &INE !RT 2OCKLAND *OHN 5RBAIN

"It's super hard, because I love my pigs i*U T TVQFS IBSE CFDBVTF * MPWF NZ QJHT so much," she said. TP NVDI w TIF TBJE Lauren's love for pigs helped her win the -BVSFO T MPWF GPS QJHT IFMQFE IFS XJO UIF week of racing last year at Cumberland XFFL PG SBDJOH MBTU ZFBS BU $VNCFSMBOE County Fair. Races are held all week long, $PVOUZ 'BJS 3BDFT BSF IFME BMM XFFL MPOH usually four pigs at a time. Points are VTVBMMZ GPVS QJHT BU B UJNF 1PJOUT BSF given for each place in a race, then added HJWFO GPS FBDI QMBDF JO B SBDF UIFO BEEFE up at the end of the week. VQ BU UIF FOE PG UIF XFFL This year is Lauren's last year of racing, 5IJT ZFBS JT -BVSFO T MBTU ZFBS PG SBDJOH because 9 is the age limit. CFDBVTF JT UIF BHF MJNJU She's also raising a heifer. But it can't 4IF T BMTP SBJTJOH B IFJGFS #VU JU DBO U be quite the same, can it? "GUFS BMM DPXT After all, cows CF RVJUF UIF TBNF DBO JU don't come when you call them. EPO U DPNF XIFO ZPV DBMM UIFN "If I start training her from the begini*G * TUBSU USBJOJOH IFS GSPN UIF CFHJO ning, I can get her to do it," said Lauren. OJOH * DBO HFU IFS UP EP JU w TBJE -BVSFO "You can do it with any animal if you get i:PV DBO EP JU XJUI BOZ BOJNBM JG ZPV HFU to know them." UP LOPX UIFN w So if you see the pig races this year, 4P JG ZPV TFF UIF QJH SBDFT UIJT ZFBS don't think of them as just pure athletic EPO U UIJOL PG UIFN BT KVTU QVSF BUIMFUJD competition. DPNQFUJUJPO Think of them as a way for youngsters to 5IJOL PG UIFN BT B XBZ GPS ZPVOHTUFST UP really get to know their pigs. SFBMMZ HFU UP LOPX UIFJS QJHT Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS contacted at 791-6454 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RayRouthier BeWbbS`( @Og@]cbVWS`

"No Ideas But in Things," through Oct. 14. h.O )DEAS "UT IN 4HINGS v THROUGH /CT 332-4014. Art Space Gallery, Rockland: Work by !RT 3PACE 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND 7ORK BY Audrey Bechler, Jill Caldwell, Laurie Lofman !UDREY "ECHLER *ILL #ALDWELL ,AURIE ,OFMAN Bellmore and Joan Wright, through Sept. 30. "ELLMORE AND *OAN 7RIGHT THROUGH 3EPT artspacemaine.com ARTSPACEMAINE COM CRAFT Gallery, Rockland: Joe Hemes, #2!&4 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND *OE (EMES "Illumination," handcrafted lighting sculpture, h)LLUMINATION v HANDCRAFTED LIGHTING SCULPTURE through Sunday; Jesse Gillespie, "Uncommon THROUGH 3UNDAY *ESSE 'ILLESPIE h5NCOMMON Beauty," through Nov. 5. craftonelm.com "EAUTY v THROUGH .OV CRAFTONELM COM University of Maine (Blake Library), Fort Kent: 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE "LAKE ,IBRARY &ORT +ENT William Lloyd Duncan, "Specifically Saint John: 7ILLIAM ,LOYD $UNCAN h3PECIlCALLY 3AINT *OHN Views Across the Upper River Watershed," 6IEWS !CROSS THE 5PPER 2IVER 7ATERSHED v through Sept. 28. 834-7527. THROUGH 3EPT

E34 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3!" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012

KXb\ Z_Xi^\ f] pfli _\Xck_ BDK>:H MOVIES Xe[ af`e lj Xk k_\ :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! Continued from Page E13

Sun 11:30, 2:15, 4:50, 7:20,10 Mon-Wed 2:15,4:50, Ac\ (! ( # "(# %( ;]\ ESR ( # "(# 7:20,10; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12, 2:25,4:50, 7:15, %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR ( # "(# %( # 9:40; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 11:50,2:20,4:50, '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR (# ( "(# 7:20, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Fri-Sun 1:30, 2, " $(" %( 4, 6:40, 7:10, %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W Ac\ (! 9:45 Mon-Wed 1:30, 4, 6:40, 9:45 '("# ;]\ ESR (! " $(" '("#

Health Wellness

gi\j\ek\[ Ypby presented

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# Saturday, October 6 10am-4pm www.HealthExpoMaine.com !!! " Be Sociable - Share!


G_fkf Yp BXk_c\\e :lcc\i

Keynote Speaker: Sbonda Schilling will be presenting and holding a book B\pefk\ Jg\Xb\i1 J_fe[X JZ_`cc`e^ n`cc Y\ gi\j\ek`e^ Xe[ _fc[`e^ X Yffb signing for her New York Times Best Seller "The Best Kind of Different" j`^e`e^ ]fi _\i E\n Pfib K`d\j 9\jk J\cc\i ĂˆK_\ 9\jk B`e[ f] ;`]]\i\ekÉ A c t i v i t i e s "› J`c\ek 8lZk`fe Æ Xcc gifZ\\[j n`cc ^f kf 9XiYXiX Silent Auction all proceeds will go to Barbara 8Zk`m`k`\j -i -I Bush Children's Hospital 9lj_ :_`c[i\eĂ‹j ?fjg`kXc T @eZcl[\1 Include: › ?\Xck_ZXi\ ?\if\j XnXi[j Z\i\dfep * › Fe\$fe$fe\ `ek\iXZk`fe n`k_ ?\Xck_ N\cce\jj Healthcare Heroes awards ceremony • gif]\jj`feXcj One-on-one interaction with Health & Wellness professionals › =`ke\jj k`gj › :ffb`e^ ;\dfejkiXk`fej › =cl J_fkj › JZi\\e`e^j • Fitness tips • Cooking Demonstrations • Flu Shots • Screenings Sponsored By Jgfejfi\[ 9p COOK NG DEMOS




"THE MASTER" (PG-13) (2:17) Stars Philip Seymour ÂľB63 ;/AB3@Âś >5 ! ( % AbO`a >VWZW^ ASg[]c` Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. Directed 6]TT[O\ 8]O_cW\ >V]S\Wf O\R /[g /RO[a 2W`SQbSR by Paul Thomas Anderson. A Naval veteran arrives Pg >OcZ BV][Oa /\RS`a]\ / <OdOZ dSbS`O\ O``WdSa home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future V][S T`][ eO` c\aSbbZSR O\R c\QS`bOW\ ]T VWa Tcbc`S - until he is tantalized by The Cause, a faith-based Âł c\bWZ VS Wa bO\bOZWhSR Pg BVS 1OcaS O TOWbV POaSR organization, and its charismatic leader. ]`UO\WhObW]\ O\R Wba QVO`Wa[ObWQ ZSORS` Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b] Opening at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) Fri-Sat 1,4, 7,10 =^S\W\U Ob( 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY 4`W AOb " % A m y A d a m s a n d Clint E a s t w o o d in /[g /RO[a O\R 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R W\ Sun-Wed 1,4, 7; Nickelodeon (Portland) Fri-Wed 12:30, Ac\ ESR " %) <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR (! " T r o u b l e w i t h t h e Curve." ÂľB`]cPZS eWbV bVS 1c`dS Âś 3:30, 6:30, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:10, !(! $(! '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR ( 3:20, $(! '(! 6:30, 9:30 !( Street trader is confronted by the people responsible: Ab`SSb b`ORS` Wa Q]\T`]\bSR Pg bVS ^S]^ZS `Sa^]\aWPZS( Intelligence agents looking to recover a mysterious 7\bSZZWUS\QS OUS\ba Z]]YW\U b] `SQ]dS` O [gabS`W]ca briefcase. P`WSTQOaS Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:20,4:25, ( "( # 7:20,9:30 Fri-Wed 4:25,9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook * * * * * * * %( '(! 4`W ESR "( # '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12:10, 7:20, 9:40 BVc`a ( 2:30,4:50, (! "(# %( '(" OBAMA'S AMERICA" (PG) (1:29) DocumenÂľ"2016: $( =0/;/¸A /;3@71/Âś >5 ( ' 2]Qc[S\ "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (PG-13) (2:40) Stars ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @7A3AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a tary. Directed by Dinesh D'Souza and John Sullivan. bO`g 2W`SQbSR Pg 2W\SaV 2¸A]chO O\R 8]V\ AcZZWdO\ Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Tom A journey into the heart of the world's most powerful 1V`WabWO\ 0OZS ;WQVOSZ 1OW\S 5O`g =ZR[O\ O\R B][ / X]c`\Sg W\b] bVS VSO`b ]T bVS e]`ZR¸a []ab ^]eS`TcZ Hardy. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Eight years on, office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past 6O`Rg 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\ 3WUVb gSO`a ]\ ]TÂżQS b] `SdSOZ bVS ab`cUUZS ]T eVSbVS` ]\S [O\¸a ^Oab a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's will redefine America over the next four years. O \Se bS``]`Wab ZSORS` 0O\S ]dS`eVSZ[a 5]bVO[¸a eWZZ `SRSÂż\S /[S`WQO ]dS` bVS \Sfb T]c` gSO`a finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs Âż\Sab O\R bVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb `Sac`TOQSa b] ^`]bSQb O QWbg AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a that has branded him an enemy. 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Sun 12, 2:20,4:50, 7:20, 9:50 bVOb VOa P`O\RSR VW[ O\ S\S[g ( "(# %( '(# 4`W Ac\ ( "(# %( '(# Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12,3:15, 7:30 FriMon-Wed 2:20,4:50,7:20,9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a !( # %(! 4`W ;]\ ESR ( "(# %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a Wed 7:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12:20, 3:45, 6:40 ESR %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR ( (1:20, !("# $(" 3:40, 7:30, 9; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1,4:30, 8 !(" %(! ') 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a "(! & "THE AVENGERS" (PG-13) (2:22) Stars Robert ÂľB63 /D3<53@AÂś >5 ! ( AbO`a @]PS`b "DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS" (PG) (1:52) Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Âľ27/@G =4 / E7;>G 972( 2=5 2/GAÂś >5 (# 2]e\Sg 8` 1V`Wa 3dO\a AQO`ZSbb 8]VO\aa]\ O\R Stars Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Devon Bostick Jeremy Renner. Directed by Joss Whedon. A team of AbO`a HOQVO`g 5]`R]\ @]PS`b 1O^`]\ 2Sd]\ 0]abWQY 8S`S[g @S\\S` 2W`SQbSR Pg 8]aa EVSR]\ / bSO[ ]T and Steve Zahn. Directed by David Bowers. School is super humans form The Avengers to help save the O\R AbSdS HOV\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 0]eS`a AQV]]Z Wa ac^S` Vc[O\a T]`[ BVS /dS\US`a b] VSZ^ aOdS bVS out and Greg is ready for the days of summer but all Earth from Loki and his army. ]cb O\R 5`SU Wa `SORg T]` bVS ROga ]T ac[[S` Pcb OZZ 3O`bV T`][ :]YW O\R VWa O`[g his plans go wrong. Now he's not sure what he's going VWa ^ZO\a U] e`]\U <]e VS¸a \]b ac`S eVOb VS¸a U]W\U Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 7:30; Cinemagic AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ to do. Westbrook Thurs 7:30 b] R] ESabP`]]Y BVc`a %(! Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:15, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( # 4:30 "BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD" (PG-13) (1:33) "(! Âľ03/ABA =4 B63 A=CB63@< E7:2Âś >5 ! (!! Stars Quvenzhane Wallis, Dwight Henry and Levy EastAbO`a ?cdS\hVO\S EOZZWa 2eWUVb 6S\`g O\R :Sdg 3Oab "THE EXPENDABLES 2" (R) (1:42) AbO`a AgZdSabS` Stars Sylvester erly. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. Faced with her father's ÂľB63 3F>3<2/0:3A Âś @ (" S`Zg 2W`SQbSR Pg 0S\V HSWbZW\ 4OQSR eWbV VS` TObVS`¸a Stallone, Liam Hemsworth, Randy Couture and Jeanfading health and environmental changes that release AbOZZ]\S :WO[ 6S[ae]`bV @O\Rg 1]cbc`S O\R 8SO\ TORW\U VSOZbV O\R S\dW`]\[S\bOZ QVO\USa bVOb `SZSOaS Claude Van Damme. Directed by Simon West. Mr. an army of aurochs (prehistoric creatures), 6-year1ZOcRS DO\ 2O[[S 2W`SQbSR Pg AW[]\ ESab ;` O\ O`[g ]T Oc`]QVa ^`SVWab]`WQ Q`SObc`Sa $ gSO` Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an old Hushpuppy leaves her Delta-community home in 1Vc`QV `Sc\WbSa bVS 3f^S\ROPZSa T]` eVOb aV]cZR PS O\ ]ZR 6caV^c^^g ZSOdSa VS` 2SZbO Q][[c\Wbg V][S W\ easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered search of her mother. SOag ^OgQVSQY Pcb eVS\ ]\S ]T bVSW` [S\ Wa [c`RS`SR aSO`QV ]T VS` []bVS` on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1, 5,7:10 ]\ bVS X]P bVSW` _cSab T]` `SdS\US ^cba bVS[ RSS^ W\ AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a # %( enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. Fri-Wed 3, 9;10 S\S[g bS``Wb]`g O\R c^ OUOW\ab O\ c\Sf^SQbSR bV`SOb 4`W ESR ! ') Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:10,6:55 Fri AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( $(## 4`W 4:20, 7:10, 9:25 Sat 1:05,4:20, 7:10, 9:25 Sun 1:05,4:20, "THE BOURNE LEGACY" (PG-13) (2:05) Stars Jeremy "( %( '( # AOb ( # "( %( '( # Ac\ ( # "( ÂľB63 0=C@<3 :35/1GÂś >5 ! ( # AbO`a 8S`S[g 7:10 Mon-Wed 4:20,7:10; Cinemagic Grand (South PortRenner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton and Scott Glenn. %( ;]\ ESR "( %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b @S\\S` @OQVSZ ESWah 3ReO`R <]`b]\ O\R AQ]bb 5ZS\\ land) Thurs 2,4:30, 7:20,9:45; Cinemagic Saco Thurs Directed by Tony Gilroy. An expansion of the universe ZO\R BVc`a "(! %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 2W`SQbSR Pg B]\g 5WZ`]g /\ Sf^O\aW]\ ]T bVS c\WdS`aS Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero 12:15, ( # 2:30,4:45,7:05,9:25; (! "("# %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a T`][ @]PS`b :cRZc[¸a \]dSZa QS\bS`SR ]\ O \Se VS`] 3:20, 7, 9:30; Brunswick 10 Thurs 9:15 whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the 12:20, ( !( % '(! ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a '( # eV]aS abOYSa VOdS PSS\ b`WUUS`SR Pg bVS SdS\ba ]T bVS previous three films. ^`SdW]ca bV`SS ÂżZ[a "FINDING NEMO" (G) (1:40) Stars Albert Brooks, Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:30, 3:15, Âľ47<27<5 <3;=Âś 5 (" AbO`a /ZPS`b 0`]]Ya AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR (! !( # Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould and Willem Dafoe. 6:30, 9:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:30,3:40, 3ZZS\ 2S5S\S`Sa /ZSfO\RS` 5]cZR O\R EWZZS[ 2OT]S $(! '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (! !(" Directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. After 6:45, 9:35 Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:20, 6:45, 9:35; Brunswick 10 2W`SQbSR Pg /\R`Se AbO\b]\ O\R :SS C\Y`WQV /TbS` $("# '(!# 4`W ESR (! !( $("# '(!#) 0`c\aeWQY his son is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken Thurs 3:40, 9:30 VWa a]\ Wa QO^bc`SR W\ bVS 5`SOb 0O``WS` @SST O\R bOYS\ BVc`a !(" '(! to Sydney, a timid clownfish sets out on a journey to b] AgR\Sg O bW[WR QZ]e\ÂżaV aSba ]cb ]\ O X]c`\Sg b] bring him home. This is a re-release in 3-D. "THE CAMPAIGN" (R) (1:35) Stars Will Ferrell, Zach P`W\U VW[ V][S BVWa Wa O `S `SZSOaS W\ ! 2 ÂľB63 1/;>/75<Âś @ (!# AbO`a EWZZ 4S``SZZ HOQV Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1:10, Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis and Dylan McDermott. AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR ( 5OZWÂżO\OYWa 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa O\R 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb 3:40 (3D), 6:30 (3D), 8:45 (3D); Cinemagic Grand Directed by Jay Roach. In order to gain influence over !(" !2 $(! !2 &("# !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Og @]OQV 7\ ]`RS` b] UOW\ W\Ă€cS\QS ]dS` (South Portland) Thurs (all 3D) 2:10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30 Fritheir North Carolina district, two CEOs seize an op A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a OZZ !2 ( "(! %( '(! 4`W bVSW` <]`bV 1O`]ZW\O RWab`WQb be] 13=a aSWhS O\ ]^ Sun 11:50 (3D), 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), 9:30 Mon-Wed portunity to oust long-term congressman Cam Brady Ac\ (# !2 ( !2 "(! %( !2 '(! ;]\ ESR ^]`bc\Wbg b] ]cab Z]\U bS`[ Q]\U`Saa[O\ 1O[ 0`ORg (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), 9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs by putting up a rival candidate. Their man: Naive Marty 2:10 ( !2 "(! %( !2 '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a Pg ^cbbW\U c^ O `WdOZ QO\RWRObS BVSW` [O\( <OWdS ;O`bg (all 3D) 12, 2:15,4:35, 7, 9:15 Fri-Wed 12:05 (3D), Huggins, director of the local Tourism Center. OZZ !2 ( # "(!# % '( # 4`W ESR ( # !2 6cUUW\a RW`SQb]` ]T bVS Z]QOZ B]c`Wa[ 1S\bS` 2:15 (3D), 4:35, 7 (3D), 9:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:15, 7; Nordica ( # !2 "(!# % !2 '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %) <]`RWQO (all 3D) 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 7, 9:20 Fri-Wed 11:50 (3D), 2:10 (Freeport) Thurs 7:20,9:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs OZZ !2 (# ( "(! % '( 4`W ESR (# !2 ( 4`SS^]`b BVc`a %( '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (3D), 4:40, 7 (3D), 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs (all 3D) Wed 12:15, 7:05, 9; Cinemagic Westbrook !2 "(" % !2 '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a OZZ !2 ESR ( # 2:10,4:15, ( "( # %( # ') 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 1:30, 4, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed (all 3D) 1:35,4:05, 7:05, 9:35 Thurs 12:20, 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12:20, (! " % '(! 4`W ESR OZZ !2 (!# "( # %( # '(!# BVc`a ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! %( '(# 4`W ESR ( 2:20, ( 4:30, 7:20, '(! 9:30 "(! %( "HOPE SPRINGS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Meryl Streep, Âľ6=>3 A>@7<5AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a ;S`gZ Ab`SS^ Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell and Jean Smart. "CELESTE AND JESSE FOREVER" (R) (1:32) Stars B][[g :SS 8]\Sa AbSdS 1O`SZZ O\R 8SO\ A[O`b Âľ13:3AB3 /<2 83AA3 4=@3D3@Âś @ (! AbO`a Directed by David Frankel. After 30 years of marriage, Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg and Elijah Wood. Di2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 4`O\YSZ /TbS` ! gSO`a ]T [O``WOUS @OaVWRO 8]\Sa /\Rg AO[PS`U O\R 3ZWXOV E]]R 2W a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long rected by Lee Toland Krieger. A divorcing couple tries O [WRRZS OUSR Q]c^ZS ObbS\Ra O\ W\bS\aS eSSY Z]\U `SQbSR Pg :SS B]ZO\R 9`WSUS` / RWd]`QW\U Q]c^ZS b`WSa counseling session to work on their relationship. to maintain their friendship while they both pursue Q]c\aSZW\U aSaaW]\ b] e]`Y ]\ bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ b] [OW\bOW\ bVSW` T`WS\RaVW^ eVWZS bVSg P]bV ^c`acS other people. Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:10, 7:20; NorAV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( %( ) <]` ]bVS` ^S]^ZS dica (Freeport) Thurs 1:20, 3:30, 6:50, 9:10 Fri-Wed 1:20, Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 4:30, 9:30 RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ( !(! $(# '( 4`W ESR ( AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a "(! '(! 6:50; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs $(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a 2:15, 7:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12, 2:15, 4:30, 7:10, 9:25 "THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY" (PG-13) (1:33) Stars ( # %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # "(! %( '( # ÂľB63 1=:2 :756B =4 2/GÂś >5 ! (!! AbO`a Fri-Wed 12,2:10,4:30, 7:10, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver. 4`W ESR ( "(! %( '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 6S\`g 1OdWZZ 0`cQS EWZZWa O\R AWU]c`\Sg ESOdS` Directed by Mabrouk El Mechri. After his family is kid2W`SQbSR Pg ;OP`]cY 3Z ;SQV`W /TbS` VWa TO[WZg Wa YWR napped during their sailing trip in Spain, a young Wall Please see MOVIES, Page E35 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*, \O^^SR Rc`W\U bVSW` aOWZW\U b`W^ W\ A^OW\ O g]c\U EOZZ


( ( ( (( ( (

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 2 0 , 2012 | GO E35 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` j 5= 3!#


Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:30,7 Fri-Sat AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "(! % 4`W AOb 7:05, 9:15 Sun-Wed 7:05; Cinemagic Grand (South Port%( # '( # Ac\ ESR %( #) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`b land) Thurs 2:30,4:50,7:10, 9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs ZO\R BVc`a (! "(# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 7:15, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:10, 12:10, ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! %( # '(! 4`W ESR ( 2:20, ( :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3!" Continued from Page E34 4:30, 7:15,9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12,2:10, "(! %( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 4:20, 6:50, 9:15 Fri-Wed 4:40, 9:35; Brunswick 10 Thurs $(# '( # 4`W ESR "(" '(!#) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a Thurs-Wed 12,2:20,4:40, 7:10, 9:30; Brunswick 10 Thurs "( BVc`a ESR ( "(" %( '(! ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a 1:35, 4:05, 7:30,10 Fri-Wed 2:05, 4:$5, 7:25, 9:40 (!# "( # %(! 4`W ESR ( # "( # %( # '(" 1:15, 3:55, 6:50, 9:20 Fri-Sun 4:35, 9:50 Mon-Wed 2, ( # !(## $(# '( 4`W Ac\ "(!# '(# ;]\ ESR 4:35,7:10,9:50 "(!# %( '(# "QUEEN OF VERSAILLES" (PG) (1:30) Stars Virginia ¾?C33< =4 D3@A/7::3Aœ >5 (! AbO`a DW`UW\WO Nebab, David Siegel and Jaqueline Siegel. Directed <SPOP 2OdWR AWSUSZ O\R 8O_cSZW\S AWSUSZ 2W`SQbSR "ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT" (PG) (1:34) Stars ¾713 /53( 1=<B7<3<B/: 2@74Bœ >5 (!" AbO`a by Lauren Greenfield. A documentary that follows a Pg :Oc`S\ 5`SS\¿SZR / R]Qc[S\bO`g bVOb T]ZZ]ea O Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo and Aziz @Og @][O\] 2S\Wa :SO`g 8]V\ :SUcWhO[] O\R /hWh billionaire couple as they begin construction on a manPWZZW]\OW`S Q]c^ZS Oa bVSg PSUW\ Q]\ab`cQbW]\ ]\ O [O\ Ansari. Directed by Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier. /\aO`W 2W`SQbSR Pg AbSdS ;O`bW\] O\R ;WYS BVc`[SWS` sion inspired by Versailles. During the next two years, Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure aW]\ W\a^W`SR Pg DS`aOWZZSa 2c`W\U bVS \Sfb be] gSO`a ;O\\g 2WSU] O\R AWR S[PO`Y c^]\ O\]bVS` ORdS\bc`S their empire falters due to the economic crisis. bVSW` S[^W`S TOZbS`a RcS b] bVS SQ]\][WQ Q`WaWa after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a OTbS` bVSW` Q]\bW\S\b Wa aSb OR`WTb CaW\U O\ WQSPS`U Oa O Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1:50, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a (# ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as aVW^ bVSg S\Q]c\bS` aSO Q`SObc`Sa O\R PObbZS ^W`ObSa Oa 4:10, 6:40, 9 "( $(" ' they explore a new world. bVSg Sf^Z]`S O \Se e]`ZR Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50,2,4:20 AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# "( "QUEEN HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY: LIVE IN BU¾?C33< 6C<5/@7/< @6/>A=2G( :7D3 7< 0C DAPEST '86" Now's your chance to watch Queen's 2/>3AB ¸&$œ <]e¸a g]c` QVO\QS b] eObQV ?cSS\¸a "THE INTOUCHABLES" (R) (1:52) Stars Francois ¾B63 7<B=C16/0:3Aœ @ (# AbO`a 4`O\Q]Wa concert movie on the big screen for the first time. Q]\QS`b []dWS ]\ bVS PWU aQ`SS\ T]` bVS ¿`ab bW[S Cluzet, Omar Sy and Anne Le Ny. Directed by Olivier 1ZchSb =[O` Ag O\R /\\S :S <g 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZWdWS` Remastered in high definition and surround sound, Nakache and Eric Toledano. After he becomes a quad@S[OabS`SR W\ VWUV RS¿\WbW]\ O\R ac``]c\R a]c\R <OYOQVS O\R 3`WQ B]ZSRO\] /TbS` VS PSQ][Sa O _cOR this cinema event opens with a special 25-minute riplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires bVWa QW\S[O SdS\b ]^S\a eWbV O a^SQWOZ # [W\cbS `W^ZSUWQ T`][ O ^O`OUZWRW\U OQQWRS\b O\ O`Wab]Q`Ob VW`Sa a young man from the projects to be his caretaker. documentary following the band from just after its R]Qc[S\bO`g T]ZZ]eW\U bVS PO\R T`][ Xcab OTbS` Wba O g]c\U [O\ T`][ bVS ^`]XSQba b] PS VWa QO`SbOYS` show-stealing performance at Live Aid through the Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Tues 1:15, aV]e abSOZW\U ^S`T]`[O\QS Ob :WdS /WR bV`]cUV bVS AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a BcSa ( # year leading up to the concert in Budapest. 4, 6:50, 9:15 Wed 1:15,4; Eveningstar (Brunswick) Thurs gSO` ZSORW\U c^ b] bVS Q]\QS`b W\ 0cRO^Sab " $(# '( # ESR ( # ") 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a 1:30, 4, 6:30 Showing at: Nickelodeon Wed 7:30 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ ESR %(! (! " $(! "LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE" (PG) Stars Marshall ¾:/AB =C<13 =4 1=C@/53œ >5 AbO`a ;O`aVOZZ Teague and Jennifer O'Neill. Directed by Darrel CampBSOUcS O\R 8S\\WTS` =¸<SWZZ 2W`SQbSR Pg 2O``SZ 1O[^ bell and Kevin McAfee. A grieving father is inspired PSZZ O\R 9SdW\ ;Q/TSS / U`WSdW\U TObVS` Wa W\a^W`SR by his grandson to take a stand for faith and freedom Pg VWa U`O\Ra]\ b] bOYS O abO\R T]` TOWbV O\R T`SSR][ against a tide of apathy and vanishing liberty. OUOW\ab O bWRS ]T O^ObVg O\R dO\WaVW\U ZWPS`bg Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12:10, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR ( 2:30,4:50, 7:15, 9:45; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:50, 4:20, (! "(# %( # '("#) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (# "( 6:45, 9:10 Fri-Sun 4:20, 9:20 Mon-Wed 1:50, 4:20, $("# '( 4`W Ac\ "( '( ;]\ ESR (# "( 6:45, 9:20 $("# '(

"RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION" (R) (1:35) Stars Âľ@3A723<B 3D7:( @3B@70CB7=<Âś @ (!# AbO`a Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Michelle Rodriguez ;WZZO 8]d]dWQV AWS\\O 5cWZZ]`g ;WQVSZZS @]R`WUcSh and Aryana Engineer. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. O\R /`gO\O 3\UW\SS` 2W`SQbSR Pg >OcZ E A /\RS`a]\ Alice fights alongside a resistance movement in the /ZWQS ÂżUVba OZ]\UaWRS O `SaWabO\QS []dS[S\b W\ bVS continuing battle against the Umbrella Corporation and Q]\bW\cW\U PObbZS OUOW\ab bVS C[P`SZZO 1]`^]`ObW]\ O\R the undead. bVS c\RSOR Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4,7:15 Fri 4,7:15, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a " %( # 4`W " %( # 9:30 Sat 1:10,4, 7:15, 9:30 Sun 1:10,4, 7:15 Mon-Wed 4, '(! AOb ( " %( # '(! Ac\ ( " %( # ;]\ ESR " 7:15; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 2,4:30 (3D), 7 (3D), %( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR "(! !2 % !2 9:30; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) (all 3D) Thurs '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R OZZ !2 BVc`a "LAWLESS" (R) (1:55) Stars Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf Âľ:/E:3AAÂś @ (## AbO`a B][ 6O`Rg AVWO :O0S]cT 2, "(! %( # '(# 4`W Ac\ (! 4:30, 7:15, 9:50 Fri-Sun 11:30, 2, "(! !2 %( # '(# 4:30 (3D), 7:15, 9:50 and Guy Pearce. Directed by John Hillcoat. Set in O\R 5cg >SO`QS 2W`SQbSR Pg 8]V\ 6WZZQ]Ob ASb W\ (3D) Mon-Wed 2,4:30 (3D), 7:15, 9:50 (3D); Cinemagic !2 ;]\ ESR "(! !2 %( # '(# !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ Virginia during the Depression, a bootlegging gang DW`UW\WO Rc`W\U bVS 2S^`SaaW]\ O P]]bZSUUW\U UO\U Saco Thurs 12 7;/F (IMAX), 12:15, (IMAX), 2:30,4:30 AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:15 ( # 7;/F (! "(! is threatened by authorities who want a cut of their Wa bV`SObS\SR Pg OcbV]`WbWSa eV] eO\b O Qcb ]T bVSW` (IMAX), 4:45, 7 (IMAX), 7:15, 9:20 (IMAX), 9:30 Fri-Wed 7;/F "("# % 7;/F %( # '( 7;/F '(! 4`W ESR profits. ^`]Âżba (IMAX), 12:15, (IMAX), 2:30,4:30 (IMAX), 4:45, 7 12 7;/F ( # 2:15 ( # 7;/F (! "(! 7;/F "("# % Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 7;/F %( # '( AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a (IMAX), 7:15, 9:20 (IMAX), 9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook 7;/F '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 2:10, 4:45, 7:30,10 Fri-Sun 2:10,4:45, 7:30,10 Mon-Wed ( "("# %(! 4`W Ac\ ( "("# %(! ;]\ ESR Thurs (all 3D) 12:10, 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12, BVc`a OZZ !2 ( 2:30,4:50, (! "(# %( '(# 4`W ESR 2:10, 4:45, 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30,3:10, 7, ( "("# %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! !( % 2:20,4:30 (3D), 7:30, 9:20 (3D); Brunswick 10 Thurs ( "(! !2 %(! '( !2 ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a 9:25 Fri-Wed 12:05,2:30,4:55; Cinemagic Westbrook '( # 4`W ESR ( # (! "(##) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 1:10,1:40 (3D), 4:15 (3D), 7:10, 7:40 (3D), 10 (3D) Fri ( (" !2 "( # !2 %( %(" !2 !2 4`W Thurs 12:30, 3:20, 7:10, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, BVc`a (! !( %( '(# 4`W ESR (! !(! %( Wed 1:45,4:25 (3D), 7:15, 9:35 (3D) ESR ("# "( # !2 %( # '(!# !2 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:05, 3:50, 7:15, 9:55 Fri-Wed '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a ( # !(# %( # '(## 4`W ESR 1:30,4:10,6:50,9:30 (! "( $(# '(! "ROBOT AND FRANK" (PG-13) (1:33) Stars Peter Âľ@=0=B /<2 4@/<9Âś >5 ! (!! AbO`a >SbS` Sarsgaard, Frank Langella and Susan Sarandon. AO`aUOO`R 4`O\Y :O\USZZO O\R AcaO\ AO`O\R]\ "MOONRISE KINGDOM" (PG-13) (1:34) Stars Jared Âľ;==<@7A3 97<52=;Âś >5 ! (!" AbO`a 8O`SR Directed by Jake Schreier. Set in the near future, an 2W`SQbSR Pg 8OYS AQV`SWS` ASb W\ bVS \SO` Tcbc`S O\ Gilman, Kara Hayward and Bruce Willis. Directed by 5WZ[O\ 9O`O 6OgeO`R O\R 0`cQS EWZZWa 2W`SQbSR Pg ex-jewel thief receives a gift from his son: a robot Sf XSeSZ bVWST `SQSWdSa O UWTb T`][ VWa a]\( O `]P]b Wes Anderson. A pair of young lovers flee their New ESa /\RS`a]\ / ^OW` ]T g]c\U Z]dS`a Ă€SS bVSW` <Se butler programmed to look after him. But soon the two PcbZS` ^`]U`O[[SR b] Z]]Y OTbS` VW[ 0cb a]]\ bVS be] England town, which causes a local search party to fan 3\UZO\R b]e\ eVWQV QOcaSa O Z]QOZ aSO`QV ^O`bg b] TO\ companions try their luck as a heist team. Q][^O\W]\a b`g bVSW` ZcQY Oa O VSWab bSO[ out and find them. ]cb O\R Âż\R bVS[ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1:45,7:20 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ("# %( Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 3,9:20 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ! '( Fri-Wed 1, 5:10, 7:10 4`W ESR #( %( "THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN" (PG) (1:40) ÂľB63 =22 :743 =4 B7;=B6G 5@33<Âś >5 (" Stars Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton and CJ Adams. AbO`a 8S\\WTS` 5O`\S` 8]SZ 3RUS`b]\ O\R 18 /RO[a Directed by Peter Hedges. A childless couple bury a 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS` 6SRUSa / QVWZRZSaa Q]c^ZS Pc`g O box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for P]f W\ bVSW` POQYgO`R Q]\bOW\W\U OZZ ]T bVSW` eWaVSa T]` an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green O\ W\TO\b A]]\ O QVWZR Wa P]`\ bV]cUV BW[]bVg 5`SS\ is not all that he appears. Wa \]b OZZ bVOb VS O^^SO`a Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:25,7:10 Fri AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %( 4`W 4:25, 6:55, 9:05 Sat 1:15,4:25, 6:55, 9:05 Sun 1:15,4:25, "( # $(## '( # AOb ( # "( # $(## '( # Ac\ ( # "( # 6:55 Mon-Wed 4:25, 6:55; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs $(## ;]\ ESR "( # $(##) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a 1:45,4:15,6:40,9; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) ("# "( # $(" ') 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Thurs 4:45, 9:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12, 2:25,4:45; BVc`a "("# '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # "("#) Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50, 2:10,4:40, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (# ( "(" 7:15,9:45 %( # '("# "PARANORMAN" (PG) (1:33) Stars Kodi SmitÂľ>/@/<=@;/<Âś >5 (!! AbO`a 9]RW A[Wb McPhee, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and ;Q>VSS /\\O 9S\R`WQY 1V`Wab]^VS` ;W\bh >ZOaaS O\R Tucker Albrizzi. Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell. BcQYS` /ZP`WhhW 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wa 0cbZS` O\R AO[ 4SZZ A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead / [Wac\RS`ab]]R P]g eV] QO\ a^SOY eWbV bVS RSOR takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his bOYSa ]\ UV]aba h][PWSa O\R U`]e\ c^a b] aOdS VWa town from a centuries-old curse. b]e\ T`][ O QS\bc`WSa ]ZR Qc`aS Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:20,7:10 Fri 4:30 AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( %( 4`W "(! Sat-Sun 1:30,4:30 Mon-Wed 4:30; Nordica (Freeport) AOb Ac\ (! "(! ;]\ ESR "(! ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b Thurs 1, 3:50; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50,2,4:20, BVc`a !(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# "( 6:45 Fri-Wed 12, 2:10,4:30, 6:45 $("# 4`W ESR ( "(! $("# "THE POSSESSION" (PG-13) (1:32) Stars Natasha ÂľB63 >=AA3AA7=<Âś >5 ! (! AbO`a <ObOaVO Calis, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick and Jay 1OZWa 8STT`Sg 2SO\ ;]`UO\ 9g`O ASRUeWQY O\R 8Og Brazeau. Directed by Ole Bornedal. A young girl buys 0`OhSOc 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZS 0]`\SROZ / g]c\U UW`Z Pcga an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the O\ O\bW_cS P]f Ob O gO`R aOZS c\OeO`S bVOb W\aWRS bVS collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl's Q]ZZSQbWPZS ZWdSa O [OZWQW]ca O\QWS\b a^W`Wb BVS UW`Z¸a father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the TObVS` bSO[a eWbV VWa Sf eWTS b] Âż\R O eOg b] S\R bVS curse upon their child. Qc`aS c^]\ bVSW` QVWZR

"SLEEPWALK WITH ME" (NR) (1:30) Stars Mike Birbi¾A:33>E/:9 E7B6 ;3œ <@ (! AbO`a ;WYS 0W`PW glia, Lauren Ambrose and James Rebhorn. Directed by UZWO :Oc`S\ /[P`]aS O\R 8O[Sa @SPV]`\ 2W`SQbSR Pg Mike Birbiglia and Seth Barrish. A burgeoning stand-up ;WYS 0W`PWUZWO O\R ASbV 0O``WaV / Pc`US]\W\U abO\R c^ comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, Q][SRWO\ ab`cUUZSa eWbV bVS ab`Saa ]T O abOZZSR QO`SS` a stale relationship and the wild spurts of severe sleepO abOZS `SZObW]\aVW^ O\R bVS eWZR a^c`ba ]T aSdS`S aZSS^ walking he is desperate to ignore. eOZYW\U VS Wa RSa^S`ObS b] WU\]`S Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:45,3, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ("# ! 5:15, 9:45 Fri-Wed 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 #( # '("# 4`W ESR ("# ! #( # %(! '("# "TED" (R) (1:36) Stars Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, ¾B32œ @ (!$ AbO`a ;O`Y EOVZPS`U ;WZO 9c\Wa Seth MacFarlane and Joel McHale. Directed by Seth ASbV ;OQ4O`ZO\S O\R 8]SZ ;Q6OZS 2W`SQbSR Pg ASbV MacFarlane. A story centered on a man and his teddy ;OQ4O`ZO\S / ab]`g QS\bS`SR ]\ O [O\ O\R VWa bSRRg bear, who comes to life as the result of a childhood PSO` eV] Q][Sa b] ZWTS Oa bVS `SacZb ]T O QVWZRV]]R wish. eWaV Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 7:20,9:50 AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a %( '(# "THE WORDS" (PG-13) (1:36) Stars Bradley Cooper, ¾B63 E=@2Aœ >5 ! (!$ AbO`a 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde and Zoe Saldana. Directed 2S\\Wa ?cOWR =ZWdWO EWZRS O\R H]S AOZRO\O 2W`SQbSR by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal. A writer at the Pg 0`WO\ 9ZcU[O\ O\R :SS AbS`\bVOZ / e`WbS` Ob bVS peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he ^SOY ]T VWa ZWbS`O`g acQQSaa RWaQ]dS`a bVS abSS^ ^`WQS VS must pay for stealing another man's work. [cab ^Og T]` abSOZW\U O\]bVS` [O\¸a e]`Y Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1:30, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a (! 4:20,7,9:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:30,4,7:10, "( % '( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a (! " %( 9:15 Fri-Wed 4,9:15; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) '( # 4`W ESR " '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Thurs 2,4:20, 7, 9:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05, BVc`a "( % '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:20,4:30, 7:10, 9:25 Fri-Wed 12:10, 7:10; Cin( "(! %( '( # 4`W ESR ( 2:20, ( %( ) 1W\ emagic Westbrook Thurs 12:10, 4:50, 7:15, 9:35 S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 2:30, (! "(# %( # '(!# Fri-Wed 12:20, 7:15; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:45,4:10, 4`W ESR ( 2:30, (! %( #) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a ("# "( 7:20, 9:45 %( '("#

- From news services; subject to change Âł 4`][ \Sea aS`dWQSa) acPXSQb b] QVO\US

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Continued from Page E31 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3! "I was managing an apple farm in i* XBT NBOBHJOH BO BQQMF GBSN JO XFTUFSO .BJOF BOE UIFSF XFSF OP western Maine, and there were no QSPTQFDUT UIBU * XBT BXBSF PG JO UFSNT PG prospects that I was aware of in terms of ZPVOH GBSNFST w TBJE (SFFONBO XIP young farmers," said Greenman, 28, who is participating in the Maine Organic JT QBSUJDJQBUJOH JO UIF .BJOF 0SHBOJD 'BSNFST BOE (BSEFOFST +PVSOFZQFSTPO Farmers and Gardeners' Journeyperson Farm Training Program and is helping to 'BSN 5SBJOJOH 1SPHSBN BOE JT IFMQJOH UP PSHBOJ[F UIF 8FFE %BUJOH FWFOU organize the Weed Dating event. "It's a great idea to have your hands do i*U T B HSFBU JEFB UP IBWF ZPVS IBOET EP TPNFUIJOH XIJMF ZPV NFFU TPNFPOF OFX something while you meet someone new and take the edge off the awkwardness," BOE UBLF UIF FEHF PGG UIF BXLXBSEOFTT w Greenman said. (SFFONBO TBJE During the event, which takes place at %VSJOH UIF FWFOU XIJDI UBLFT QMBDF BU 5 p.m. Saturday in the fields surrounding Q N 4BUVSEBZ JO UIF mFMET TVSSPVOEJOH the fairground's farmhouse, men and UIF GBJSHSPVOE T GBSNIPVTF NFO BOE women will be placed in different rows. XPNFO XJMM CF QMBDFE JO EJGGFSFOU SPXT Every five minutes, an organizer will yell &WFSZ mWF NJOVUFT BO PSHBOJ[FS XJMM ZFMM out that it's time to move, and the men PVU UIBU JU T UJNF UP NPWF BOE UIF NFO will shift over one row. In the 20 minutes XJMM TIJGU PWFS POF SPX *O UIF NJOVUFT allotted for the event, participants should BMMPUUFE GPS UIF FWFOU QBSUJDJQBOUT TIPVME be able to meet four people. CF BCMF UP NFFU GPVS QFPQMF There will also be a section of the event 5IFSF XJMM BMTP CF B TFDUJPO PG UIF FWFOU for folks who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or GPS GPMLT XIP BSF HBZ MFTCJBO CJTFYVBM PS transgender. USBOTHFOEFS Before the event, a meetup of former #FGPSF UIF FWFOU B NFFUVQ PG GPSNFS farm apprentices takes place from 4 to GBSN BQQSFOUJDFT UBLFT QMBDF GSPN UP 5 p.m. in the MOFGA tent. After Weed Q N JO UIF .0'(" UFOU "GUFS 8FFE Dating, there will be a mixer for single %BUJOH UIFSF XJMM CF B NJYFS GPS TJOHMF farmers with food, drink, music and GBSNFST XJUI GPPE ESJOL NVTJD BOE short films. Held in the Windsor Tent, the TIPSU mMNT )FME JO UIF 8JOETPS 5FOU UIF mixer is sponsored by the Greenhorns, NJYFS JT TQPOTPSFE CZ UIF (SFFOIPSOT a national organization that recruits and B OBUJPOBM PSHBOJ[BUJPO UIBU SFDSVJUT BOE supports young farmers. TVQQPSUT ZPVOH GBSNFST Weed Dating participants should 8FFE %BUJOH QBSUJDJQBOUT TIPVME bring a flashlight (because the unlit CSJOH B nBTIMJHIU CFDBVTF UIF VOMJU fairgrounds will be dark when the event GBJSHSPVOET XJMM CF EBSL XIFO UIF FWFOU ends) and a Mason jar, in which potenFOET BOE B .BTPO KBS JO XIJDI QPUFO tial suitors can leave notes and phone UJBM TVJUPST DBO MFBWF OPUFT BOE QIPOF numbers. OVNCFST The Common Ground Country Fair, 5IF $PNNPO (SPVOE $PVOUSZ 'BJS taking place Friday to Sunday, is the UBLJOH QMBDF 'SJEBZ UP 4VOEBZ JT UIF major fundraiser for MOFGA. Unlike NBKPS GVOESBJTFS GPS .0'(" 6OMJLF other agricultural fairs, it doesn't offer PUIFS BHSJDVMUVSBM GBJST JU EPFTO U PGGFS carnival rides or a midway. Instead, the DBSOJWBM SJEFT PS B NJEXBZ *OTUFBE UIF fair focuses on sustainable living and orGBJS GPDVTFT PO TVTUBJOBCMF MJWJOH BOE PS


Continued from Page E25 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 #

WHEN: 5 p.m. Saturday. Fair E63<( # ^ [ AObc`ROg 4OW` gates open at 9 a.m. Friday to UObSa ]^S\ Ob ' O [ 4`WROg b] Saturday. AObc`ROg WHERE: Common Ground E63@3( 1][[]\ 5`]c\R Country Fair, 294 Crosby 1]c\b`g 4OW` '" 1`]aPg Brook Road, Unity 0`]]Y @]OR C\Wbg HOW MUCH: Free with fair admission: 6=E ;C16( 4`SS eWbV TOW` OR[WaaW]\( $10; $8 for seniors; free for ages 12 ) & T]` aS\W]`a) T`SS T]` OUSa and under; $2 RWaQ]c\b T]` PWQgQZWaba discount for bicyclists O\R c\RS`) INFO: mofga.org or email 7<4=( []TUO ]`U ]` S[OWZ fairweeddating@gmail.com to TOW`eSSRRObW\U.U[OWZ Q][ b] register `SUWabS` GOOD TO KNOW: Bottled water is 5==2 B= 9<=E( 0]bbZSR eObS` Wa not sold at the fair. Instead, bring \]b a]ZR Ob bVS TOW` 7\abSOR P`W\U a water bottle, which you can fill O eObS` P]bbZS eVWQV g]c QO\ ¿ZZ at free stations throughout the Ob T`SS abObW]\a bV`]cUV]cb bVS fairgrounds. Pets are not allowed. TOW`U`]c\Ra >Sba O`S \]b OZZ]eSR

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MORE ONLINE DFI< FEC@E< TO READ MORE about the Common B= @3/2 ;=@3 OP]cb bVS 1][[]\ Ground Country Fair, visit 5`]c\R 1]c\b`g 4OW` dWaWb www.pressherald.com/life/ eee ^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ ZWTS foodanddining. T]]RO\RRW\W\U

ganic farming, with more than 700 events, HBOJD GBSNJOH XJUI NPSF UIBO FWFOUT seven barns filled with livestock, hunTFWFO CBSOT mMMFE XJUI MJWFTUPDL IVO dreds of vendors and artisans, numerous ESFET PG WFOEPST BOE BSUJTBOT OVNFSPVT musical acts, close to 50 all-organic food NVTJDBM BDUT DMPTF UP BMM PSHBOJD GPPE vendors and two farmers markets. The WFOEPST BOE UXP GBSNFST NBSLFUT 5IF fair typically attracts 60,000 people over GBJS UZQJDBMMZ BUUSBDUT QFPQMF PWFS three days. UISFF EBZT Renata Christen, who is assisting with 3FOBUB $ISJTUFO XIP JT BTTJTUJOH XJUI preparations for the Common Ground QSFQBSBUJPOT GPS UIF $PNNPO (SPVOE Country Fair, estimates that at least 30 $PVOUSZ 'BJS FTUJNBUFT UIBU BU MFBTU people will show up for the Weed Dating QFPQMF XJMM TIPX VQ GPS UIF 8FFE %BUJOH event, with many more at the mixer. FWFOU XJUI NBOZ NPSF BU UIF NJYFS "If you're rural, isolated and young and i*G ZPV SF SVSBM JTPMBUFE BOE ZPVOH BOE you're passionate about farming, it's rare ZPV SF QBTTJPOBUF BCPVU GBSNJOH JU T SBSF that you're going to find someone of that UIBU ZPV SF HPJOH UP mOE TPNFPOF PG UIBU ilk nearby," Christen said. JML OFBSCZ w $ISJTUFO TBJE But you may just find him or her while #VU ZPV NBZ KVTU mOE IJN PS IFS XIJMF pulling a few weeds at the Common QVMMJOH B GFX XFFET BU UIF $PNNPO Ground Country Fair. (SPVOE $PVOUSZ 'BJS

,IGHTHOUSE ,OVERS #RUISE Lighthouse Lovers Cruise Portland Harbor Breakwater Light • Spring Point Ledge Light/Ram Island Ledge Light • Portland Head Light 0ORTLAND (ARBOR "REAKWATER ,IGHT s 3PRING 0OINT ,EDGE ,IGHT 2AM )SLAND ,EDGE ,IGHT s 0ORTLAND (EAD ,IGHT Departs Long Wharf, Portland 11:3O, 1:30, 3:30 August 27th - October 8th $EPARTS ,ONG 7HARF 0ORTLAND !UGUST TH /CTOBER TH

Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS contacted at 791-6297 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $ '% ]` Ob( akamila @pressherald. com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: AveryYaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO

Boston. $15 to $25. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ # b] # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 20 - The Presets, 7 p.m., House of =Qb ³ BVS >`SaSba % ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $20. Livenation.com; (800) 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 20 - Primus in 3D, 8 p.m., Orpheum =Qb ³ >`W[ca W\ !2 & ^ [ =`^VSc[ Theatre, Boston. $35 to $47.50. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# b] "% # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 21 - Melissa Etheridge, 7:30 p.m., =Qb ³ ;SZWaaO 3bVS`WRUS %(! ^ [ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $36.25 to =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !$ # b] $101.25. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 21 - Rob Zombie and Marilyn =Qb ³ @]P H][PWS O\R ;O`WZg\ Manson, 7:30 p.m., Verizon Wireless ;O\a]\ %(! ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa Arena, Manchester, N.H. $39.50 to $49.50. /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 !' # b] "' # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 23 - Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, =Qb ! ³ @]P H][PWS O\R ;O`WZg\ ;O\a]\ 7:30 p.m., Agganis Arena, Boston. $39.50 %(! ^ [ /UUO\Wa /`S\O 0]ab]\ !' # to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 24 - Rush, 7:30 p.m., TD =Qb " ³ @caV %(! ^ [ B2 Garden, Boston. $63.35 to $142.60. 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ $! !# b] " $ Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 25 - The xx with Chairlift, 8 p.m., =Qb # ³ BVS ff eWbV 1VOW`ZWTb & ^ [ House of Blues, Boston. $30 to $45. 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! b] "# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 26 - Major Lazer, 8 p.m., House of =Qb $ ³ ;OX]` :OhS` & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $25. Livenation.com; (800) 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 26 - Keb' Mo' Band, 8 p.m., Wilbur =Qb $ ³ 9SP¸ ;]¸ 0O\R & ^ [ EWZPc` Theatre, Boston. $41.70 to $55.20. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ " % b] ## Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# !

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HOLIDAY (/,)$!9 PARTIES 0!24)%3 WEDDINQ REHEARSALS & 7%$$).' 2%(%!23!,3 RECEPTIONS, 2%#%04)/.3 BUSINESS MEETINQS, "53).%33 -%%4).'3

COCKTAIL & #/#+4!), HORS D'OEUVRES PARTIES (/23 $ /%562%3 0!24)%3 OFF-SITE CATERINQ TO /&& 3)4% #!4%2).' 4/ HOME OR OFFICE (/-% /2 /&&)#% rf *T-*i A*^ -^"i 772*9232

Oct. 12 ³ B]eS` ]T >]eS` O\R BVS /dS`OUS - Tower of Power and The Average =Qb White Band, 8 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. EVWbS 0O\R & ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $57.70 to $70.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% % b] % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 13 - Ben Folds Five with Kate Miller=Qb ! ³ 0S\ 4]ZRa 4WdS eWbV 9ObS ;WZZS` Heidke, 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $42 6SWRYS % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 14 - Waka Flocka Flame with Wooh Da =Qb " ³ EOYO 4Z]QYO 4ZO[S eWbV E]]V 2O Kid, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 to 9WR & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] $39.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 15 - Joss Stone, 7:30 p.m., House of =Qb # ³ 8]aa Ab]\S %(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $29.50, $45. Livenation.com; 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' # "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Oct. 17 - Silversun Pickups, 7:30 =Qb % ³ AWZdS`ac\ >WQYc^a %(! p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $35. ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 17 - Trey Anastasio, 7:30 p.m., =Qb % ³ B`Sg /\OabOaW] %(! ^ [ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $38/$48. =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !& "& Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 18 - The Mountain Goats with Matthew =Qb & ³ BVS ;]c\bOW\ 5]Oba eWbV ;ObbVSe E. White, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. 3 EVWbS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 $22.50. # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 19 - The Walkmen, 6 p.m., Royale =Qb ' ³ BVS EOZY[S\ $ ^ [ @]gOZS Boston. $28.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 0]ab]\ & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 19 - 3LAU, 8 p.m., House of Blues, =Qb ' ³ !:/C & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa

WEED DATING @= N<<; ;8K@E>


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TODAY B=2/G Animal Fun - 11:30 a.m., Children's /\W[OZ 4c\ ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine 207;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S % &828-1234. & !" Family Farmyard Fun - 10-11:30 4O[WZg 4O`[gO`R 4c\ ³ (! a.m. Paula Letiecq and her farmyard O [ >OcZO :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` TO`[gO`R friends. Pineland Farms, New T`WS\Ra >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se Gloucester. 5Z]cQSabS` Teensy Weensy Production BSS\ag ESS\ag >`]RcQbW]\ Class: An Introduction - 10:30 a.m., 1ZOaa( /\ 7\b`]RcQbW]\ ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine, Portland. 828-1234. ;OW\S >]`bZO\R & & !" Tiny Tots: Squishy, Slimy, Sticky, BW\g B]ba( A_cWaVg AZW[g AbWQYg Slippery - 10:30 a.m., Children's AZW^^S`g ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Where Science Meets Art: Origami EVS`S AQWS\QS ;SSba /`b( =`WUO[W Science - 3:45 p.m., Children's AQWS\QS ³ !("# ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" FRIDAY 4@72/G Fire Safety Friday - 10:30 a.m., 4W`S AOTSbg 4`WROg ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !"

Friday on the Farm Tour with 4`WROg ]\ bVS 4O`[ B]c` eWbV Paula Letiecq - 10-11:30 a.m., Pineland >OcZO :SbWSQ_ ³ (! O [ >W\SZO\R Farms, New Gloucester 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` Let's Play Store - 3:30 p.m., :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" The Lady Llama Puppet Show! BVS :ORg :ZO[O >c^^Sb AV]e - 11:30 a.m., Children's Museum and ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" SATURDAY A/BC@2/G Craft Time - Fashion Totes & Silly 1`OTb BW[S ³ 4OaVW]\ B]bSa AWZZg Monsters - 9:15 a.m., Royal River ;]\abS`a ³ '( # O [ @]gOZ @WdS` Books. 846-8006. 0]]Ya &"$ & $ Mini-Robot Lab - 3:30 p.m., ;W\W @]P]b :OP ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Page to Stage Book Club: Sleeping >OUS b] AbOUS 0]]Y 1ZcP( AZSS^W\U Beauty - 1 p.m., Children's Museum 0SOcbg ³ ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ and Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" Recycled Change Bank - 10:30 a.m., @SQgQZSR 1VO\US 0O\Y ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Stripped-Down Motor Making Ab`W^^SR 2]e\ ;]b]` ;OYW\U - 11:30 a.m., Children's Museum and ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !"

See EVENTS, 0AGE Page 39 3EE %6%.43

# . *&(.


! * ( &( " ) * &(*# % * Join our professional actors as we read new and classic -RLQ RXU SURIHVVLRQDO DFWRUV DV ZH UHDG QHZ DQG FODVVLF children's books, then participate in an acting workshop FKLOGUHQ¡V ERRNV WKHQ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ DQ DFWLQJ ZRUNVKRS based on the stories. EDVHG RQ WKH VWRULHV

Amazing " ) Kids! $ /"%

*+( .


Silly vs Scary Stories "##. ,) (. *&(" ) *& ( October 6,13,20, & 27 10:30 AM

Crazy Critters ( /. ("** ()

& " * ( !

&, $ ( November 3,10 & 17 10:30 AM )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ RU WR UHJLVWHU


Theater for Kids programming at Portland Stage is generously supported by Susie Konkel. 7KHDWHU IRU .LGV SURJUDPPLQJ DW 3RUWODQG 6WDJH LV JHQHURXVO\ VXSSRUWHG E\ 6XVLH .RQNHO


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, | GO E39 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012 j 5= 3!'


AC<2/G SUNDAY Bridge Building - 2 ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a p.m., Children's 0`WRUS 0cWZRW\U ³ Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Chocolate Brownie Ice Cream 1V]Q]ZObS 0`]e\WS 7QS 1`SO[ Making - 3:30 p.m., Children's ;OYW\U ³ !(! ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" MONDAY ;=<2/G Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ TUESDAY BC3A2/G Cows: Udderly Amazing 1]ea( CRRS`Zg /[OhW\U ³ 10-11:30 a.m. Paula Letiecq and her (! O [ >OcZO :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` Holstein friends, Pineland Farms, New 6]ZabSW\ T`WS\Ra >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se Gloucester. 5Z]cQSabS` Art Through the Ages: Andy /`b BV`]cUV bVS /USa( /\Rg Goldsworthy - 3:30 p.m., Children's 5]ZRae]`bVg ³ !(! ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Garden Snacktime - 10:30 a.m., 5O`RS\ A\OQYbW[S ³ (! O [

Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine.828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ Sun Prints - 11:30 a.m., Children's Ac\ >`W\ba ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine. 828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Teensy Weensy Production BSS\ag ESS\ag >`]RcQbW]\ Class: An Introduction - 10:30 a.m., 1ZOaa( /\ 7\b`]RcQbW]\ ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" WEDNESDAY E32<3A2/G We Are Maine: Hindi Movies ES /`S ;OW\S( 6W\RW ;]dWSa ³ 3 p.m., Children's Museum and ! ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" THURSDAY, SEPT. 27 B6C@A2/G A3>B % Apple Cider Making and /^^ZS 1WRS` ;OYW\U O\R Demonstration - 10-11:30 a.m., 2S[]\ab`ObW]\ ³ (! O [ Pineland Farms, New Gloucester. >W\SZO\R 4O`[a <Se 5Z]cQSabS` Paper Rocket Launch - 11:30 a.m., >O^S` @]QYSb :Oc\QV ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Tiny Tots: Fort Building - 10:30 BW\g B]ba( 4]`b 0cWZRW\U ³ (! a.m., Children's Museum and Theatre O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S of Maine. 828-1234. ]T ;OW\S & & !" Where Science Meets Art: Origami EVS`S AQWS\QS ;SSba /`b( =`WUO[W Science - 3:45 p.m., Children's AQWS\QS ³ !("# ^ [ 1VWZR`S\¸a

Museum and Theatre of Maine. ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 4@72/G A3>B & Friday on the Farm - 10-11:30 4`WROg ]\ bVS 4O`[ ³ (! a.m., tour with Paula Letiecq and her O [ b]c` eWbV >OcZO :SbWSQ_ O\R VS` farmyard friends. Pineland Farms, TO`[gO`R T`WS\Ra >W\SZO\R 4O`[a New Gloucester. <Se 5Z]cQSabS` Let's Play Store - 3:30 p.m., :Sb¸a >ZOg Ab]`S ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" The Lady Llama Puppet Show! BVS :ORg :ZO[O >c^^Sb AV]e - 11:30 a.m., Children's Museum and ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R Theatre of Maine. 828-1234. BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & !" SATURDAY, SEPT. 29 A/BC@2/G A3>B ' Craft Time - Drift Cars - 9:15 a.m., 1`OTb BW[S ³ 2`WTb 1O`a ³ '( # O [ Royal River Books. 846-8006. @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ Dry Ice Cream- 3:30 p.m., 2`g 7QS 1`SO[³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" Magnet Lab - 11:30 a.m., Children's ;OU\Sb :OP ³ (! O [ 1VWZR`S\¸a Museum and Theatre of Maine.828;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T ;OW\S & & 1234. !" Recycled Chage Bank - 10:30 a.m., @SQgQZSR 1VOUS 0O\Y ³ (! O [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 AC<2/G A3>B ! Discover Dinosaurs - 10:30 a.m., 2WaQ]dS` 2W\]aOc`a ³ (! O [

Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine ;OW\S Garden Snack time - 3:30 p.m., 5O`RS\ A\OQY bW[S ³ !(! ^ [ Children's Museum and Theatre of 1VWZR`S\¸a ;caSc[ O\R BVSOb`S ]T Maine. 828-1234. ;OW\S & & !" MONDAY, OCT. 1 ;=<2/G =1B Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ TUESDAY, OCT. 2 BC3A2/G =1B Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ SATURDAY, OCT. 6 A/BC@2/G =1B $ Craft Time - Pom-Pom Pets - 9:15 1`OTb BW[S ³ >][ >][ >Sba ³ '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ MONDAY, OCT. 8 ;=<2/G =1B & Family Program: Sparks Ark 4O[WZg >`]U`O[( A^O`Ya /`Y ³ 10-11:30 a.m. David Sparks and his (! O [ 2OdWR A^O`Ya O\R VWa array of wild friends, Pineland Farms, O``Og ]T eWZR T`WS\Ra >W\SZO\R 4O`[a New Gloucester. <Se 5Z]cQSabS` Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $ TUESDAY, OCT. 9 BC3A2/G =1B ' Story Time - Sheila Towne, 9:15 Ab]`g BW[S ³ AVSWZO B]e\S '( # a.m., Royal River Books. 846-8006. O [ @]gOZ @WdS` 0]]Ya &"$ & $

E4O GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 20, 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` 2012

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