GO Portland Press Herald, Aug. 23, 2012

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AUGUST 23, 2012 /C5CAB !


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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3E2 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

# /-% ( /-% 4/ ! .*/. 3 COME HOME TO ANJON'S &INE )TALIAN #UISINE #HOICE 3TEAKS Fine Italian Cuisine, Choice Steaks &RESH -AINE 3EAFOOD & Fresh Maine Seafood

&AMOUS FOR 3TUFFED "READS Famous for Stuffed Breads AND !WARD 7INNING 0ASTA 3AUCES and Award-Winning Pasta Sauces YOUR /52 9 CHOICE (/)#% #


Valid with URCHASE H Ppurchase LID WIT 6A ERAGE NY BEV of any beverage. OF A

&)3( 0,!44%2 PLATTER • Haddock q (ADDOCK • Shrimp q 3HRIMP q #LAMS • Clams Jf Io 11

WITH FRENCH FRIES with french fries COLE SLAW & cole slaw

August Specials

TWIN LOBSTER 47). ,/"34%2 ROLLS 2/,,3

with chips or fries & pickle WITH CHIPS OR FRIES PICKLE 9 /52 YOUR # ( /)#% CHOICE


Served Anytime 7 Days a Week 3ERVED !NYTIME $AYS A 7EEK



^ with


with lemon and drawn butter. WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER Choice of potato or pasta #HOICE OF POTATO OR PASTA with lemon and drawn butter, WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER french fries & cole slaw FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E3 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3!

Bar Harbor's newest luxury boutique " " " # & #$ %'%"( %$ !% hotel. $ In the quaint, seaside village of Bar Harbor, Maine overlooking the waterfront sits the all new West Street Hotel, on the corner of West and Main. / 5)& 26"*/5 4&"4*%& 7*--"(& 0' "3 "3#03 "*/& 07&3-00,*/( 5)& 8"5&3'30/5 4*54 5)& "-- /&8 &45 53&&5 05&- 0/ 5)& $03/&3 0' &45 "/% "*/ Deluxe boutique hotel accommodations with magnificent ocean and harbor views. Paddy's Irish Pub & Restaurant features signature dishes inspired &-69& #065*26& )05&- "$$0..0%"5*0/4 8*5) ."(/*'*$&/5 0$&"/ "/% )"3#03 7*&84 "%%: 4 3*4) 6# &45"63"/5 '&"563&4 4*(/"563& %*4)&4 */41*3&% by classic Irish-American cuisine, with imported wood from Ireland combined with authentic decor and design. Our guests are privileged with access #: $-"44*$ 3*4) .&3*$"/ $6*4*/& 8*5) *.1035&% 800% '30. 3&-"/% $0.#*/&% 8*5) "65)&/5*$ %=$03 "/% %&4*(/ 63 (6&454 "3& 13*7*-&(&% 8*5) "$$&44 to the Bar Harbor Club, Maine's most scenic and historic private club. Relax with family and friends at water's edge, indulge in The Spa or fitness center, 50 5)& "3 "3#03 -6# "*/& 4 .045 4$&/*$ "/% )*4503*$ 13*7"5& $-6# &-"9 8*5) '".*-: "/% '3*&/%4 "5 8"5&3 4 &%(& */%6-(& */ )& 1" 03 '*5/&44 $&/5&3 engage in a game of tennis, cool off in the oceanfront pool or soak in the views from the oceanside Jacuzzi at sunset. &/("(& */ " (".& 0' 5&//*4 $00- 0'' */ 5)& 0$&"/'30/5 100- 03 40", */ 5)& 7*&84 '30. 5)& 0$&"/4*%& +"$6;;* "5 46/4&5



Promo Code: FALL 30.0 0%& Based on availability. Restrictions apply. Excludes taxes, gratuity and resort fees.







AT PADDY'S RESTAURANT ! < Based on availability. Restrictions apply. Excludes taxes, gratuity and resort fees.

Advance reservations for Whale Watch must be made after confirming your room package reservation. Based on availability. Restrictions apply. Excludes taxes, gratuity and resort fees.

E4 GO The Portland Press H e r a l d / Thursday, August 23, 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012


nnn%gi\jj_\iXc[%Zfd&c`]\&^f ?FD< @E FE N?8KĂ‹J ?8GG<E@E> SOCIETY SNAPSHOTS: Avery Yale Kamila JF:@<KP JE8GJ?FKJ1 8m\ip PXc\ BXd`cX provides photos and dispatches from gifm`[\j g_fkfj Xe[ [`jgXkZ_\j ]ifd Maine's social scene. DX`e\Ă‹j jfZ`Xc jZ\e\% MAINE A LA CARTE: Shannon D8@E< 8 C8 :8IK<1 J_Xeefe Bryan, Meredith Goad and 9ipXe# D\i\[`k_ >fX[ Xe[ Avery Yale Kamila dish on 8m\ip PXc\ BXd`cX [`j_ fe food and drink. ]ff[ Xe[ [i`eb%

FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local =8:< K?< DLJ@:1 C`m\# cfZXc and beyond, Aimsel Ponti brings you Xe[ Y\pfe[# 8`dj\c Gfek` Yi`e^j pfl music with a Maine backbeat. dlj`Z n`k_ X DX`e\ YXZbY\Xk%

'American Idol Live' in Portland/E5 • Making ¡/[S`WQO\ 7R]Z :WdS¸ W\ >]`bZO\R 3# N ;OYW\U Noise: Peter Alexander/E6 • Tix/E6 • Listings/E7 <]WaS( >SbS` /ZSfO\RS` 3$ N BWf 3$ N :WabW\Ua 3% • CD review: "Bikini lsland"/E8 N 12 `SdWSe( Âľ0WYW\W 7aZO\RÂś 3& Jacob 8OQ]P Augustine's /cUcabW\S¸a "Bikini Âľ0WYW\W Island" 7aZO\RÂś Page E8 >OUS 3&

k_\dfm`\j Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell in "Hit and Run"/E13 2Of AVS^O`R O\R 9`WabS\ 0SZZ W\ Âľ6Wb O\R @c\Âś 3 ! • Dennis Perkins on the 48 Hour Film Project's N 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a ]\ bVS "& 6]c` 4WZ[ >`]XSQb¸a impact/E14 • New on DVD: "Bernie"/E15 W[^OQb 3 " N <Se ]\ 2D2( Âľ0S`\WSÂś 3 #

ZXc\e[Xi 10 DAYS' WORTH OF COOL EVENTS/E16-17 2/GA¸ E=@B6 =4 1==: 3D3<BA 3 $ %

XikXe[k_\Xk\i "9 to 5: The Musical" at Ogunquit Playhouse/E19 ¾' b] #( BVS ;caWQOZœ Ob =Uc\_cWb >ZOgV]caS 3 ' • Listings/E20 N :WabW\Ua 3

[`e`e^Xe[[i`eb Eat & Run: Gritty McDuff's Brew Pub/E23 3Ob @c\( 5`Wbbg ;Q2cTT¸a 0`Se >cP 3 ! •N /beSZZ ^`SdWSea bVS >]`bZO\R 0`Se 4SabWdOZ Atwell previews the Portland Brew Festival/ • Bar Guide: The Thirsty Pig/E25 3E24 " N 0O` 5cWRS( BVS BVW`abg >WU 3 #


COVER STORY: Picnic Music + Arts Festival/E27 1=D3@ AB=@G( >WQ\WQ ;caWQ /`ba 4SabWdOZ 3 % • Off Beat: Car Wars at Beech Ridge Speedway/E28 N =TT 0SOb( 1O` EO`a Ob 0SSQV @WRUS A^SSReOg 3 & • Listings/E29 N :WabW\Ua 3 '


'9 to 5' at Ogunquit. Page E19. ¡' b] #¸ Ob =Uc\_cWb >OUS 3 '

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Herald/ Wa O ^cPZWQObW]\ ]T ;OW\SB]ROg ;SRWO 7\Q eVWQV ^cPZWaVSa bVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily newspapers, ;OW\S Ac\ROg BSZSU`O[ 9S\\SPSQ 8]c`\OZ O\R ;]`\W\U AS\bW\SZ ROWZg \Sea^O^S`a the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. bVS eSSYZg 1]OabOZ 8]c`\OZ W\ 0ObV O\R bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS eSPaWbSa

TO LIST EVENTS B= :7AB 3D3<BA Send materials two weeks AS\R [ObS`WOZa be] eSSYa in advance of publication W\ ORdO\QS ]T ^cPZWQObW]\ to Go Calendar, One City b] 5] 1OZS\RO` =\S 1Wbg Center, Portland, ME 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R ;3


hildren in Maine will begin heading back IJMESFO JO .BJOF XJMM CFHJO IFBEJOH CBDL to halls of learning next week, and parents UP IBMMT PG MFBSOJOH OFYU XFFL BOE QBSFOUT inevitably will be scrambling to finish off JOFWJUBCMZ XJMM CF TDSBNCMJOH UP mOJTI PGG their back-to-school shopping. UIFJS CBDL UP TDIPPM TIPQQJOH According to the National Retail Federation, "DDPSEJOH UP UIF /BUJPOBM 3FUBJM 'FEFSBUJPO parents will spend more than $600 to get one QBSFOUT XJMM TQFOE NPSF UIBO UP HFU POF child ready for school this year. Personally, DIJME SFBEZ GPS TDIPPM UIJT ZFBS 1FSTPOBMMZ I'd like to know what * E MJLF UP LOPX XIBU exactly a kid needs for FYBDUMZ B LJE OFFET GPS school that costs $600, TDIPPM UIBU DPTUT because it ain't hapCFDBVTF JU BJO U IBQ penin' in MY house. QFOJO JO .: IPVTF But even if you're #VU FWFO JG ZPV SF shopping for bargains, TIPQQJOH GPS CBSHBJOT you may end up with ZPV NBZ FOE VQ XJUI sticker shock at the end TUJDLFS TIPDL BU UIF FOE of thPG UIF MJOF FTQFDJBMMZ JG e ine f ZPV UBLF ZPVS LJE XJUI you take your kid with ZPV u 4P IFSF BSF TPNF UJQT c GSPN NZ XJGF BOE NF So here are some tips PO IPX UP TBWF TPNF PG from my wife and me UIBU CBOL GPS UIF DPNJOH POTMBVHIU PG TDIPPM on how to save some of GVOESBJTFST that bank for the coming onslaught of school %PO U UBLF UIF LJE XJUI ZPV .BLF B MJTU PG fundraisers: FTTFOUJBMT QFODJMT QFOT CJOEFST FUD BOE 1. Don't take the kid with you. Make a list of HP TIPQQJOH GPS UIFN ZPVSTFMG " QMBJO ZFMMPX essentials (pencils, pens, binders, etc.), and QFODJM XPSLT KVTU BT XFMM BT B QFODJM DPWFSFE go shopping for them yourself. A plain yellow XJUI 4QPOHF#PC PS SBJOCPX EFTJHOT BOE JU pencil works just as well as a pencil covered DPTUT MFTT :PV MM BMTP CF MFTT MJLFMZ UP CVZ UIBU with SpongeBob or rainbow designs, and it MPDLFS DIBOEFMJFS PS "OHSZ #JSET nBTIESJWF costs less. You'll also be less likely to buy that %P B TXFFQ PG UIF DMPTFUT BOE ESFTTFST UP locker chandelier or Angry Birds flashdrive. TFF XIBU DBO CF SFQVSQPTFE UIBU T DPSQPSBUF 2. Do a sweep of the closets and dressers to TQFBL GPS iVTF JU UJM JU CSFBLT w LJET GPS UIF see what can be repurposed (that's corporate OFX TDIPPM ZFBS *G B QBJS PG KFBOT JT XPSO JO speak for "use it 'til it breaks," kids) for the UIF LOFFT DVU IPMFT JO UIFN o JOTUBOU GBTIJPO new school year. If a pair of jeans is worn in TUBUFNFOU the knees, cut holes in them - instant fashion #VZ B UJF EZF LJU GPS UP BOE ZPVS statement. DIJME DBO EFDPSBUF BT NBOZ BT PME 5 TIJSUT Buy a tie-dye kit for $12 to $15, and your IPXFWFS UIFZ XBOU 5IBU T UIF QSJDF PG POF child can decorate as many as 15 old T-shirts OFX TIJSU BMPOF however they want. That's the price of one 3FDZDMF CSPLFO DSBZPOT CZ QVUUJOH UIFN new shirt alone. JO B 1MBZ %PI DPOUBJOFS BOE NJDSPXBWF UIFN 3. Recycle broken crayons by putting them UP DSFBUF POF HJBOU DSBZPO in 3FQBJS UIBU UBUUFSFE CBDLQBDL GSPN MBTU a Play-Doh container and microwave them to create one giant crayon. ZFBS XJUI NVMUJ DPMPSFE EVDU UBQF BWBJMBCMF BU 4. Repair that tattered backpack from last NPTU DSBGU TUPSFT BOE SFUBJM PVUMFUT %FTJHOFS year with multi-colored duct tape available at EVDU UBQF QSPKFDUT BSF IVHF BNPOH UIF UXFFO most craft stores and retail outlets. Designer TFU SJHIU OPX TP UIJT JT OPU POMZ QSBDUJDBM JU T duct tape projects are huge among the tween USFOEZ set right now, so this is not only practical, it's ,FFQ BO FZF PVU UIJT XFFLFOE GPS MBTU NJO trendy. VUF TIPQQJOH DPVQPOT BOE TBMF BET JODMVEJOH 5. Keep an eye out this weekend for last-minJO UIF .BJOF 4VOEBZ 5FMFHSBN 3FUBJMFST ute shopping coupons and sale ads, including BSF CFDPNJOH FWFS EFTQFSBUF UP NPWF UIFJS in the Maine Sunday Telegram. Retailers CBDL UP TDIPPM JUFNT BOE UIFZ MM CF EFFQMZ are becoming ever desperate to move their EJTDPVOUFE back-to-school items, and they'll be deeply %PO U HJWF JO UP USFOET :PVS DIJME NBZ SF discounted. BMMZ CF JOUP %PSB UIF &YQMPSFS OPX CVU JO TJY 6. Don't give in to trends. Your child may reNPOUIT TIF MM CF iUPP PMEw GPS JU BOE ZPV MM CF ally be into Dora the Explorer now, but in six TUVDL CVZJOH NPSF TDIPPM TVQQMJFT 4UJDL XJUI months, she'll be "too old" for it, and you'll be NPSF HFOFSJD EFTJHOT UP TQBSF ZPVSTFMG UIF stuck buying more school supplies. Stick with JOFWJUBCMF BSHVNFOUT more generic designs to spare yourself the 5SFBU ZPVSTFMG UP B HMBTT PG XJOF BOE B OPO inevitable arguments. LJE NPWJF XIFO ZPV SF EPOF :PV EFTFSWF JU

If[ ?Xidfe Rod Harmon =ifd k_\ <[`kfi

) > especially if

From the Editor y° -


EXECUTIVE EDITOR 3F31CB7D3 327B=@ Cliff Schechtman 1ZWTT AQVSQVb[O\

N`j\ gXi\ekj ZXe Wise parents can ease the pain of \Xj\ k_\ gX`e f] school shopping jZ_ffc j_fgg`e^

04101-5009 or e-mail to " # ' ]` S [OWZ b] go@pressherald.com U].^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ TO ADVERTISE: B= /2D3@B7A3( Call 791-6200 1OZZ %' $ GO EDITOR 5= 327B=@ Rod Harmon, 791-6450 @]R 6O`[]\ %' $"# rharmon@pressherald.com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

COVER DESIGN 1=D3@ 23A75< Michael Fisher ;WQVOSZ 4WaVS` LIKE US :793 CA Find us at: 4W\R ca Ob( www.Facebook eee 4OQSP]]Y .com/pphgo Q][ ^^VU]

7. Treat yourself to a glass of wine and a nonkid movie when you're done. You deserve it.

2S^cbg ;O\OUW\U 3RWb]` @]R 6O`[]\ [Og PS Q]\bOQbSR Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted Ob %' $"# ]` Ob( at 791-6450 or at: `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ rharmon(3)pressherald. com BeWbbS`( @6O`[]\>>6 Twitter. RHarmonPPH



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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

P.O.D. > = 2



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3# GO E5

Making nu like new? DXb`e^ el c`b\ e\n6 That would be P.O.D. K_Xk nflc[ Y\ G%F%;% HOW OLD can nu metal 6=E =:2 QO\ \c [SbOZ get before it's not nu USb PST]`S Wb¸a \]b \c anymore? P.O.D. (Payable O\g[]`S- > = 2 >OgOPZS on Death), best known ]\ 2SObV PSab Y\]e\ for the 2001 hits "Alive" T]` bVS VWba ¾/ZWdSœ and "Youth of the Nation," O\R ¾G]cbV ]T bVS <ObW]\ œ has been doing the nu VOa PSS\ R]W\U bVS \c metal thing for 20 years, [SbOZ bVW\U T]` gSO`a and they seem as sharp O\R bVSg aSS[ Oa aVO`^ as always. (Metal? Sharp? Oa OZeOga ;SbOZ- AVO`^- Get it?) 5Sb Wb- WHEN: 9 p.m. Saturday E63<( ' ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Asylum, 21 Center E63@3( /agZc[ 1S\bS` St., Portland Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $15 6=E ;C16( # INFO: 772-8274; 7<4=( %% & %") portlandasylum.com ^]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][

"AMERICAN IDOL LIVE" Âľ/;3@71/< 72=: :7D3Âś WHEN: 7 p.m. Saturday E63<( % ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Cumberland County Civic E63@3( 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center, Spring and Center streets, 1S\bS` A^`W\U O\R 1S\bS` ab`SSba Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $30.50 to $66 6=E ;C16( ! # b] $$ INFO: (800) 745-3000; 775-3458; 7<4=( & %"# ! ) %%# !"#&) ticketmaster.com bWQYSb[OabS` Q][ 4]f

'Idol' winner Phillip Phillips (who welcomes comparisons ¡7R]Z¸ eW\\S` >VWZZW^ >VWZZW^a eV] eSZQ][Sa Q][^O`Wa]\a to a certain Dave) comes to town with his fellow finalists. b] O QS`bOW\ 2OdS Q][Sa b] b]e\ eWbV VWa TSZZ]e ¿\OZWaba #Z "-"/ 4$6--&: ByALANSCULLEY


T 1IJMMJQ 1IJMMJQT TUBSUFE QFSGPSNJOH PO s Phillip Phillips started performing on UIF SFDFOUMZ DPNQMFUFE UI TFBTPO PG the recently completed 11th season of i"NFSJDBO *EPM w IJT TPVOE GSFRVFOUMZ "American Idol," his sound frequently drew comparisons to Dave Matthews. ESFX DPNQBSJTPOT UP %BWF .BUUIFXT Part of the comparison came from 1BSU PG UIF DPNQBSJTPO DBNF GSPN Phillips' voice, which at times has a 1IJMMJQT WPJDF XIJDI BU UJNFT IBT B similar raspy quality to that of MatTJNJMBS SBTQZ RVBMJUZ UP UIBU PG .BU thews. The fact that both play acoustic UIFXT 5IF GBDU UIBU CPUI QMBZ BDPVTUJD guitar provided another level of comHVJUBS QSPWJEFE BOPUIFS MFWFM PG DPN

parison. QBSJTPO Some artists resist those sort of comparisons, but not Phil4PNF BSUJTUT SFTJTU UIPTF TPSU PG DPNQBSJTPOT CVU OPU 1IJM lips, the latest winner of the musical competition/reality TV MJQT UIF MBUFTU XJOOFS PG UIF NVTJDBM DPNQFUJUJPO SFBMJUZ 57 show He has started work on his first album, which he expects TIPX )F IBT TUBSUFE XPSL PO IJT mSTU BMCVN XIJDI IF FYQFDUT

to be a mixture of jazz and rock. UP CF B NJYUVSF PG KB[[ BOE SPDL That pretty much describes the sound of The Dave Matthews 5IBU QSFUUZ NVDI EFTDSJCFT UIF TPVOE PG 5IF %BWF .BUUIFXT Band. And Phillips didn't try to dodge the comparison in a mid#BOE "OE 1IJMMJQT EJEO U USZ UP EPEHF UIF DPNQBSJTPO JO B NJE July phone interview. +VMZ QIPOF JOUFSWJFX "It (Phillips' album) will probably be similar like that, but not i*U 1IJMMJQT BMCVN XJMM QSPCBCMZ CF TJNJMBS MJLF UIBU CVU OPU quite as funky," he said. "I met Dave the other day, and he was RVJUF BT GVOLZ w IF TBJE i* NFU %BWF UIF PUIFS EBZ BOE IF XBT a really nice guy, and I met Boyd Tinsley (Matthews' violinist). B SFBMMZ OJDF HVZ BOE * NFU #PZE 5JOTMFZ .BUUIFXT WJPMJOJTU So they're really cool. 4P UIFZ SF SFBMMZ DPPM "It will probably be similar, but not quite as -1 don't know i*U XJMM QSPCBCMZ CF TJNJMBS CVU OPU RVJUF BT o * EPO U LOPX how to explain it - but it's definitely different. It's probably goIPX UP FYQMBJO JU o CVU JU T EFmOJUFMZ EJGGFSFOU *U T QSPCBCMZ HP ing to be a little bit more rock mixed with jazz, but more of the JOH UP CF B MJUUMF CJU NPSF SPDL NJYFE XJUI KB[[ CVU NPSF PG UIF rock, probably." SPDL QSPCBCMZ w

G :?<8I@CC


Fly Monday with =cp Dfe[Xp n`k_ The Model Airplane K_\ Df[\c 8`igcXe\ IS MONDAY your blue day? 7A ;=<2/G g]c` PZcS ROg- Maybe you need to get ;OgPS g]c \SSR b] USb your soul and funk groove g]c` a]cZ O\R Tc\Y U`]]dS on at Portland's Big Easy ]\ Ob >]`bZO\R¸a 0WU 3Oag with The Model Airplane's eWbV BVS ;]RSZ /W`^ZO\S¸a weekly Monday gigs. eSSYZg ;]\ROg UWUa WHERE: Big Easy, 55 Market E63@3( 0WU 3Oag ## ;O`YSb St., Portland Ab >]`bZO\R WHEN: 9 p.m. Monday E63<( ' ^ [ ;]\ROg HOW MUCH: $5 6=E ;C16( # INFO: bigeasyportland.com 7<4=( PWUSOag^]`bZO\R Q][

Please see'IDOL,'Page E12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡72=: ¸ GX^\ <()

Making Noise: Peter Alexander, E6 N• K`o# <- Tix,E6 N • C`jk`e^j# <. Listings, E7 N • :; i\m`\n1 AXZfY 8l^ljk`e\# </ CD review: Jacob Augustine, E8 DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 G\k\i 8c\oXe[\i# <-

E6 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 23, 3$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

^fk k`o6 got tix? CONCERTS AND SHOWS :FE:<IKJ 8E; J?FNJ C o n c e r t s a n d s h o w s c u r r e n t l y o n sale: 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ aOZS(

The latest BVS ZObSab On sale 10 a.m. Thursday - Trey Anastasio, =\ aOZS O [ BVc`aROg ³ B`Sg /\OabOaW] 7:30 p.m. Oct. 17, Orpheum Theatre, Boston. %(! ^ [ =Qb % =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $38/$48. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !& "& :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - 3LAU, 8 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ !:/C & ^ [ Oct. 19, House of Blues, Boston. $15-$25. =Qb ' 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - moe., 8 p.m. Dec. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ []S & ^ [ 2SQ 30-31, State Theatre, Portland. $41.85. State ! ! AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R " &# AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Trampled by =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ B`O[^ZSR Pg Turtles, 8 p.m. Dec. 2, >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Port City Music Hall, Bc`bZSa & ^ [ 2SQ Portland. $18, $25. portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R & # ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E On sale 10 a.m. Friday - G. Love & Spe=\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 5 :]dS A^S cial Sauce, 9 p.m. Nov. 10, State Theatre, QWOZ AOcQS ' ^ [ <]d AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $20. Statetheatreportland.com; >]`bZO\R AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Joss Stone, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 8]aa Ab]\S 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15, House of Blues, Boston. %(! ^ [ =Qb # 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $45. Livenation.com; (800) 745 $29.50, ' # "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# 3000 ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Silversun Pickups, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ AWZdS`ac\ >WQYc^a 7:30 p.m. Oct. 17, Orpheum Theatre, Boston. %(! ^ [ =Qb % =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Gov't Mule, 7:30 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 5]d¸b ;cZS %(! p.m. Oct. 26, Orpheum Theatre, Boston. ^ [ =Qb $ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $30, $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 ! !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - John Legend, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 8]V\ :SUS\R 7:30 p.m. Oct. 30, Citi Performing Arts %(! ^ [ =Qb ! 1WbW >S`T]`[W\U /`ba

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Peter A l e x a n d e r plays H o x t e r ' s in Hallowell on A u g . 31. >SbS` /ZSfO\RS` ^ZOga 6]fbS`¸a W\ 6OZZ]eSZZ ]\ /cU !

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

G. L o v e & Special S a u c e perfornn at 5 :]dS A^SQWOZ AOcQS ^S`T]`[ Ob t h e State T h e a t r e in P o r t l a n d on Nov. bVS AbObS BVSOb`S W\ >]`bZO\R ]\ <]d 10. Tickets go on sale Friday. BWQYSba U] ]\ aOZS 4`WROg

Alexander's playing with a full 8c\oXe[\iËj gcXp`e^ n`k_ X ]lcc YXe[# \m\e n_\e _\Ëj jfcf band, even when he's solo VM N_XkËj fe

Center Wang Theatre, Boston. $36-$86. 1S\bS` EO\U BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !$ &$ Citicenter.org; (866) 348-9738 1WbWQS\bS` ]`U) &$$ !"& '%!& eteran singer-songwriter Peter FUFSBO TJOHFS TPOHXSJUFS 1FUFS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Chris Isaak, =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 1V`Wa 7aOOY Alexander plays acoustic and "MFYBOEFS QMBZT BDPVTUJD BOE 7:30 p.m. Nov. 11, Orpheum Theatre, Boston. %(! ^ [ <]d =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ electric guitar, and his sound is a FMFDUSJD HVJUBS BOE IJT TPVOE JT B $39.50-$49.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745 !' # "' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# multifaceted blend of folk, blues and NVMUJGBDFUFE CMFOE PG GPML CMVFT BOE 3000 !

rock. SPDL Alexander learned piano from his "MFYBOEFS MFBSOFE QJBOP GSPN IJT mother when he was 4. He was a choir NPUIFS XIFO IF XBT )F XBT B DIPJS Please see T I X , Page E10 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <(' boy at Washington CPZ BU 8BTIJOHUPO National Cathedral /BUJPOBM $BUIFESBM by age 8, and took CZ BHF BOE UPPL up classical guitar VQ DMBTTJDBM HVJUBS at the age of 10. BU UIF BHF PG He formed his first )F GPSNFE IJT mSTU band, Peter and The CBOE 1FUFS BOE 5IF Wolves, when he 8PMWFT XIFO IF was in junior high. XBT JO KVOJPS IJHI He started playing )F TUBSUFE QMBZJOH solo gigs in the '80s. TPMP HJHT JO UIF T GO caught up with (0 DBVHIU VQ XJUI Alexander to learn "MFYBOEFS UP MFBSO more about his new CD, "Promised NPSF BCPVU IJT OFX $% i1SPNJTFE Land," and what makes him tick as an -BOE w BOE XIBU NBLFT IJN UJDL BT BO artist. BSUJTU

Aimsel Ponti 8`dj\c Gfek` Making Noise DXb`e^ Ef`j\


Two/w 23 7ZR IRU

Where are you from originally, and 8IFSF BSF ZPV GSPN PSJHJOBMMZ BOE where do you now live? XIFSF EP ZPV OPX MJWF I often say that I grew up on Sheep Is* PGUFO TBZ UIBU * HSFX VQ PO 4IFFQ *T land, just off Cundys Harbor, but spent the MBOE KVTU PGG $VOEZT )BSCPS CVU TQFOU UIF school year in Washington, D.C. Most of TDIPPM ZFBS JO 8BTIJOHUPO % $ .PTU PG my neighbors on the island, wherever they NZ OFJHICPST PO UIF JTMBOE XIFSFWFS UIFZ were from, felt the same way and most XFSF GSPN GFMU UIF TBNF XBZ BOE NPTU are now living in Maine. My wife, JohanBSF OPX MJWJOH JO .BJOF .Z XJGF +PIBO nah, and I currently live in Bath. OBI BOE * DVSSFOUMZ MJWF JO #BUI

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What's on f[ PETER ALEXANDER' <O8E;<IĂ‹JS `GiPod K<I 8C G<

Ăˆ@Ă‹d Pflij#É AXjfe DiXq g\i`\eZ\ "LitHe Wing," The Jimi Hendrix Experience \e[i`o <o ĂˆC`kkc\ N`e^#É K_\ A`d` ? \Xkc\j ÂŤM1 You Need is Love/'The \ 9Beatles Ăˆ8cc Pfl E\\[ `j Cfm\#É K_ fcc`e^ ÂŤ19th Nervous Breakdown," The\ IRolling e#É K_ Ăˆ(0k_ E\imflj 9i\Xb[fn Stones e\j Jkf X[Y\ccp "In Pines," Leadbelly e\j#É C\ _\ G` Ăˆ@e kthe XDfekX^e\ "You Are the Best Thing," IX Ravp CLaMontagne ĂˆPfl 8i\ k_\ 9\jk K_`e^#É "Love B-52s ,)j _XZb#É 9$ fm\ JShack," ĂˆC X[j "Psycho Killer," Talking Heads ĂˆGjpZ_f B`cc\i#É KXcb`e^ ?\ Xd "N %J% S.U.," Cream L%#É :i\ ĂˆE Xild Zfc ?Harum ÂŤA Lighter Shade Procol Xc\#É Gif Ăˆ8 C`^_k\i J_X[\ fof] GPaie," "I'm Yours," Jason Mraz

will be all acoustic - a big departure from XJMM CF BMM BDPVTUJD o B CJH EFQBSUVSF GSPN the rock 'n' roll of "Promised Land." UIF SPDL O SPMM PG i1SPNJTFE -BOE w

Where can people purchase a copy of 8IFSF DBO QFPQMF QVSDIBTF B DPQZ PG "Promised Land"? i1SPNJTFE -BOEw I prefer folks to buy it directly from me * QSFGFS GPMLT UP CVZ JU EJSFDUMZ GSPN NF or from my website (peteralexander.us), PS GSPN NZ XFCTJUF QFUFSBMFYBOEFS VT but it's also available electronically at CVU JU T BMTP BWBJMBCMF FMFDUSPOJDBMMZ BU Amazon.com, CDbaby.com and other "NB[PO DPN $%CBCZ DPN BOE PUIFS How do you like to describe your style POMJOF SFUBJMFST 5IF .VTJD $FOUFS JO online retailers. The Music Center in )PX EP ZPV MJLF UP EFTDSJCF ZPVS TUZMF of music? Brunswick has it, as well as Bull Moose PG NVTJD #SVOTXJDL IBT JU BT XFMM BT #VMM .PPTF When I play solo, it's pretty much "rock TUPSFT JO 1PSUMBOE 4DBSCPSPVHI #SVOT stores in Portland, Scarborough, Bruns8IFO * QMBZ TPMP JU T QSFUUZ NVDI iSPDL 'n' roll without bass and drums." That's wick and Lewiston, and Dube's Music in O SPMM XJUIPVU CBTT BOE ESVNT w 5IBU T XJDL BOE -FXJTUPO BOE %VCF T .VTJD JO in part because of the big sound of the 12- -JTCPO 'BMMT Lisbon Falls. JO QBSU CFDBVTF PG UIF CJH TPVOE PG UIF string guitar, and in part because I always TUSJOH HVJUBS BOE JO QBSU CFDBVTF * BMXBZT hear all the other instruments in my head, 8IBU EP ZPV DPOTJEFS UP CF UIF QSJ What do you consider to be the priIFBS BMM UIF PUIFS JOTUSVNFOUT JO NZ IFBE and that seems to come across when mary themes of the album? BOE UIBU TFFNT UP DPNF BDSPTT XIFO NBSZ UIFNFT PG UIF BMCVN I'm playing. Big influences have been The joys and tribulations of love and at* N QMBZJOH #JH JOnVFODFT IBWF CFFO 5IF KPZT BOE USJCVMBUJPOT PG MPWF BOE BU Leadbelly Hendrix and British Invasion traction are dominant themes in "Prom-FBECFMMZ )FOESJY BOE #SJUJTI *OWBTJPO USBDUJPO BSF EPNJOBOU UIFNFT JO i1SPN (from Rolling Stones to The Who). I have JTFE -BOE w CVU UIFSF BSF IFBMUIZ QPS ised Land," but there are healthy por GSPN 3PMMJOH 4UPOFT UP 5IF 8IP * IBWF also written a lot of songs about the coast UJPOT PG JOUSPTQFDUJPO BOYJFUZ BOE IPQF tions of introspection, anxiety and hope. BMTP XSJUUFO B MPU PG TPOHT BCPVU UIF DPBTU of Maine and ballads about some of my anPG .BJOF BOE CBMMBET BCPVU TPNF PG NZ BO cestors that will be on my next CD, which Please see P O N T I , Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=<B7 GX^\ <(( DFTUPST UIBU XJMM CF PO NZ OFYU $% XIJDI

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E7 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3% PERFORMANCES "ANGOR WATERFRONT DONATION performances, Bangor waterfront. $10/donation per day. Schedule at americanfolkfestival.com. PER DAY 3CHEDULE AT AMERICANFOLKFESTIVAL COM &RIDAY TO 3UNDAY Friday to Sunday.

N #/.#%243 CONCERTS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 &RIENDS OF %ASTERN 0ROMENADE #ONCERT 3ERIES Friends of Eastern Promenade Concert Series, with Rock My Soul (gospel), Fort Allen Park, WITH 2OCK -Y 3OUL GOSPEL &ORT !LLEN 0ARK 0ORTLAND &REE P M Portland. Free. 756-8130. 7 p.m. "OB -ILNE RAGTIME AND BOOGIE WOOGIE Bob Milne, ragtime and boogie woogie, /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR Opera House at Boothbay Harbor. $22. boothbayoperahouse.com. 7:30 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, rock, with 'RACE 0OTTER AND 4HE .OCTURNALS ROCK WITH "ENNY 9URCO 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND 3OLD OUT Benny Yurco, State Theatre, Portland. Sold out. statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Cool Sounds Concert Series and Outdoor Market, #OOL 3OUNDS #ONCERT 3ERIES AND /UTDOOR -ARKET with The Marshall Ford Swing Band, downtown WITH 4HE -ARSHALL &ORD 3WING "AND DOWNTOWN Bangor. Free, downtownbangor.com. Market 5 to "ANGOR &REE DOWNTOWNBANGOR COM -ARKET TO 8 p.m.; concert at 6 p.m. P M CONCERT AT P M Cuig, Irish music, Unity Centre for the Performing #UIG )RISH MUSIC 5NITY #ENTRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING Arts. $15. uccpa.unity.edu. 7:30 p.m. !RTS UCCPA UNITY EDU P M Belfast Summer Nights Weekly Music Series, with "ELFAST 3UMMER .IGHTS 7EEKLY -USIC 3ERIES WITH The Jud Cease Quartet and The Trees, Heritage 4HE *UD #EASE 1UARTET AND 4HE 4REES (ERITAGE Park, Belfast. Free. 322-7123. 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. 0ARK "ELFAST &REE TO P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 The Coloradas, Americana/bluegrass, with 4HE #OLORADAS !MERICANA BLUEGRASS WITH Girls, Guns & Glory, One Longfellow Square, 'IRLS 'UNS 'LORY /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE Portland. $8 in advance; $10 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Jen ChapinTrio, urban folk and soul, Jonathan's *EN #HAPIN 4RIO URBAN FOLK AND SOUL *ONATHAN S Restaurant, Ogunquit. $1 7 in advance; $20 day of 2ESTAURANT /GUNQUIT IN ADVANCE DAY OF show, jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. SHOW JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Chris Smither, folk and blues, Stone Mountain #HRIS 3MITHER FOLK AND BLUES 3TONE -OUNTAIN Arts Center, Brownfield. $20. 8 p.m. !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD P M You Won't, Milkman's Union and Old Soul, indie 9OU 7ON T -ILKMAN S 5NION AND /LD 3OUL INDIE rock, The Oak and the Ax, Biddeford. $8. theoak ROCK 4HE /AK AND THE !X "IDDEFORD THEOAK andtheax.blogspot.com. 8 p.m. ANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Open Mic Night, Jakeman Hall, Ocean Park. Free. /PEN -IC .IGHT *AKEMAN (ALL /CEAN 0ARK &REE 934-9068. 7 to 9 p.m. TO P M Mia Cross, guitar/vocal duo, Local Sprouts -IA #ROSS GUITAR VOCAL DUO ,OCAL 3PROUTS Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M Ingrid Michaelson & Friends, indie pop, )NGRID -ICHAELSON &RIENDS INDIE POP Stonington Opera House. $35 to $45. 3TONINGTON /PERA (OUSE TO operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M


DLJ@: 8E; E@>?KC@=< brave.com P`OdS Q][

Brave Combo brings its rollicking blend of polka, zydeco, blues and more to 0`OdS 1][P] P`W\Ua Wba `]ZZWQYW\U PZS\R ]T ^]ZYO hgRSQ] PZcSa O\R []`S b] One Longfellow Square in Portland on Saturday. =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S W\ >]`bZO\R ]\ AObc`ROg Larry Gowell, Broadway hits, pop and jazz, ,ARRY 'OWELL "ROADWAY HITS POP AND JAZZ Araxine Wilkins Sawyer Memorial, Greene. Free. !RAXINE 7ILKINS 3AWYER -EMORIAL 'REENE &REE sawyer-foundation.com. 2 and 7 p.m. SAWYER FOUNDATION COM AND P M Bruce Hardina, singer-songwriter, benefit for the "RUCE (ARDINA SINGER SONGWRITER BENElT FOR THE Pemaquid Watershed Association, Bristol Mills 0EMAQUID 7ATERSHED !SSOCIATION "RISTOL -ILLS Congregational Church, Bristol. $12; free for #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH "RISTOL FREE FOR children under 12. pemaquidwatershed.org. CHILDREN UNDER PEMAQUIDWATERSHED ORG

7 p.m. P M Bill Harley, Grammy-winning humorist/musician, "ILL (ARLEY 'RAMMY WINNING HUMORIST MUSICIAN Opera House at Boothbay Harbor. $15; $7 for /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR FOR youths under age 18. boothbayoperahouse.com. YOUTHS UNDER AGE BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM 7:30 p.m. P M American Folk Festival, dancing, music, !MERICAN &OLK &ESTIVAL DANCING MUSIC storytelling and other traditional folk-art STORYTELLING AND OTHER TRADITIONAL FOLK ART

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 h! $AY IN THE 0ARK v WITH 2USTIC /VERTONES %RIC "A Day in the Park," with Rustic Overtones, Eric "ETTENCOURT AND 6ELOUROSAURUS BENElTS CHARITIES Bettencourt and Velourosaurus; benefits charities supported by the Cumberland County Sheriff's SUPPORTED BY THE #UMBERLAND #OUNTY 3HERIFF S Office TRIAD Program; Deering Oaks, Portland. /FlCE 42)!$ 0ROGRAM $EERING /AKS 0ORTLAND Free/donation. 871-7876. 2 p.m. &REE DONATION P M "American Idol Live Tour," contestants from latest h!MERICAN )DOL ,IVE 4OUR v CONTESTANTS FROM LATEST season of reality show, Cumberland County Civic SEASON OF REALITY SHOW #UMBERLAND #OUNTY #IVIC Center, Portland. $30.50 to $66. (800) 745-3000. #ENTER 0ORTLAND TO 7 p.m. P M Castlebay, Celtic music, Colonial Pemaquid #ASTLEBAY #ELTIC MUSIC #OLONIAL 0EMAQUID Historic Site, New Harbor. Free. 677-2423. 1 and (ISTORIC 3ITE .EW (ARBOR &REE AND 3 p.m. P M Brave Combo, Texas-based polka, salsa, zydeco, "RAVE #OMBO 4EXAS BASED POLKA SALSA ZYDECO blues and more, One Longfellow Square, BLUES AND MORE /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE Portland. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Summer Concert Series in the Hope Hobbs 3UMMER #ONCERT 3ERIES IN THE (OPE (OBBS Gazebo, with The Corona Brothers (beach music), 'AZEBO WITH 4HE #ORONA "ROTHERS BEACH MUSIC Wells Harbor Community Park, Wells. Free. 6467ELLS (ARBOR #OMMUNITY 0ARK 7ELLS &REE 5596. 6:30 p.m. P M Enter the Haggis, Celtic rock, Stone Mountain Arts %NTER THE (AGGIS #ELTIC ROCK 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS Center, Brownfield. $25. stonemountainartscenter #ENTER "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Summer Concert Series, with Warren King 3UMMER #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 7ARREN +ING and pianist David Peihl, Colony Hotel, AND PIANIST $AVID 0EIHL #OLONY (OTEL Kennebunkport. $5. 985-8759. 5 p.m. +ENNEBUNKPORT P M Chris Smither, blues and folk, Center Theatre #HRIS 3MITHER BLUES AND FOLK #ENTER 4HEATRE for the Performing Arts, Dover-Foxcroft. $20. FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS $OVER &OXCROFT centertheatre.org. 8 p.m. CENTERTHEATRE ORG P M Robin Jellis, cellist, Local Sprouts Cooperative, 2OBIN *ELLIS CELLIST ,OCAL 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE Portland. Free/donation, localsprouts.coop. 11 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION LOCALSPROUTS COOP a.m. A M Hattie Simon, jazz vocalist/pianist, Local (ATTIE 3IMON JAZZ VOCALIST PIANIST ,OCAL Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation. 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M New Trad Jazz Band, traditional jazz and vintage .EW 4RAD *AZZ "AND TRADITIONAL JAZZ AND VINTAGE

Please see MUSIC, PageE9 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <0



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 2012


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Augustine arresting: His new EP captures and holds By RICK JOHNSON

Normandy Coast THE DRAW OF THE


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Claude Monet, Manne-Porte, Étretat (detail), 1885. Philadelphia Museum of Art: John G. Johnson Collection, 1917.

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On his Facebook page, Jacob Augustine describes his new EP “Bikini Island” as his “most out of body experimental jaunt into possible sonic embarrassment yet.” The tracks were written during the same sessions that produced his 2011 album “The Original Love,” and while the songs are certainly more experimental than those on the full-length, it’s hard to imagine why anyone would be embarrassed by work like this. “Bikini Island” is an affecting, arresting release, one of those rare pieces of musical art that stays with you long after the last note has faded and your speakers have grown silent. The instrumentation on the EP is sparse, dominated by acoustic guitar, tambourine and the occasional drum sample. Subtle backing vocals add texture and depth, and judiciously employed electric guitars add a little extra weight when needed. The stand-out instrument is Augustine’s voice, which slides effortlessly from the gruff bark of a Pentecostal preacher to a poignant, heart-wrenching falsetto, sometimes within the space of a single song. The centerpiece is the nine-minute-long track “Bikini.” Augustine expertly conjures a sense of foreboding right from the get-go, with a lonely, bluesy harmonica and a lightly plucked acoustic guitar accompanying his mournful and trembling falsetto, making the song at first sound like a great lost track from the Anthology of American Folk Music. At the halfway point, the clean ring of

HOW IT RATES JACOB AUGUSTINE: “Bikini Island” HHHH Based on a four-star scale an undistorted electric guitar takes the song in a completely new direction. As the guitars become distorted, a steady, pounding, single drum beat propels the song ever upward, borne aloft on a bed of choir-like backing vocals. When the song finally reaches its crescendo, instruments are faded out one by one, until all that’s left are the sad, solitary notes of a single, sorrowful guitar. A thrilling ride from start to finish, “Bikini” alone would earn the EP a four-star rating. Fortunately for the listener, there are three other tracks just as good. One can only hope that Augustine is hard at work on a full-length album. If “Bikini Island” is any indication of things to come, the next release should be nothing short of stunning. The only way to purchase “Bikini Island” is by downloading it at jacobaugustine.band camp.com/album/ bikini-island. The tracks are available at a nameyour-own-price option. I’d recommend paying whatever you’d normally pay for any other full-length album. It will be money well spent. Rick Johnson is a freelance writer and radio host from Westbrook. He can be reached at: rjohnson.rock@gmail.com

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E9 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3'


"ULL -OOSE Bull Moose KFG (' TOP 10

Continued from Page E7 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3%

Top 1O for Portland store Aug. 13-19: B]^ T]` >]`bZO\R ab]`S /cU ! '(

pop, Stonington Opera House. $20 to $25; $15 POP 3TONINGTON /PERA (OUSE TO for students, operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. FOR STUDENTS OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 The Henry Girls and Ry Cavanaugh, folk/roots, 4HE (ENRY 'IRLS AND 2Y #AVANAUGH FOLK ROOTS Stone Mountain Arts Center, Browntield. Free; 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD &REE reservations required, stonemountainartscenter RESERVATIONS REQUIRED STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Truth About Daisies, folk-pop trio, Fifth 4RUTH !BOUT $AISIES FOLK POP TRIO &IFTH Maine Regiment Museum, Peaks Island. $8. -AINE 2EGIMENT -USEUM 0EAKS )SLAND tifthmainemuseum.org. 6 p.m. lFTHMAINEMUSEUM ORG P M Jazz Brunch, with Sean Mencher and Bob *AZZ "RUNCH WITH 3EAN -ENCHER AND "OB Hamilton, Local Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. (AMILTON ,OCAL 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND Free/donation, localsprouts.coop. 11 a.m. to 3 &REE DONATION LOCALSPROUTS COOP A M TO p.m. P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Jaw Gems, jazz, funk and hip-hop, El Rayo *AW 'EMS JAZZ FUNK AND HIP HOP %L 2AYO Taqueria, Portland. Free, elrayotaqueria.com. 7 to 4AQUERIA 0ORTLAND &REE ELRAYOTAQUERIA COM TO 9 p.m. P M TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Maine Marimba Ensemble, Zimbabwean -AINE -ARIMBA %NSEMBLE :IMBABWEAN marimba music, El Rayo Taqueria, Portland. Free. MARIMBA MUSIC %L 2AYO 4AQUERIA 0ORTLAND &REE elrayotaqueria.com. 7 to 9 p.m. ELRAYOTAQUERIA COM TO P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Hymn for Her, rock/hillbilly duo, Stonington (YMN FOR (ER ROCK HILLBILLY DUO 3TONINGTON Opera House. $5. operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. /PERA (OUSE OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M Music in the Park, with Sweet Wednesday (indie -USIC IN THE 0ARK WITH 3WEET 7EDNESDAY INDIE roots), Shevenell Park, Main Street, Biddeford. ROOTS 3HEVENELL 0ARK -AIN 3TREET "IDDEFORD Free. 5 to 7 p.m. &REE TO P M Summer Music Series, with the Gilbert and 3UMMER -USIC 3ERIES WITH THE 'ILBERT AND Sullivan Society of Maine, Bangor Public Library. 3ULLIVAN 3OCIETY OF -AINE "ANGOR 0UBLIC ,IBRARY Free. 947-8336, Ext. 111. 7p.m. &REE %XT P M Music on the Mall, with Jimmy and The Soul Cats -USIC ON THE -ALL WITH *IMMY AND 4HE 3OUL #ATS (blues), Brunswick Mall. Free. 729-4439. 6 to 8 BLUES "RUNSWICK -ALL &REE TO p.m. P M Old Time Music Jam, open jam of old-time /LD 4IME -USIC *AM OPEN JAM OF OLD TIME Appalachian music, Local Sprouts Cooperative, !PPALACHIAN MUSIC ,OCAL 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE Portland. Free/donation, localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

The Gibson Brothers are part of the BVS 5WPa]\ 0`]bVS`a O`S ^O`b ]T bVS lineup at "The Bluegrass Special," ZW\Sc^ Ob ÂľBVS 0ZcSU`Oaa A^SQWOZ Âś taking place Aug. 30 to Sept. 2 Ob at bOYW\U ^ZOQS /cU ! b] AS^b Thomas Point Beach in Brunswick. BV][Oa >]W\b 0SOQV W\ 0`c\aeWQY

1. "The Hunger Games" (DVD) ¾BVS 6c\US` 5O[Saœ 2D2 2. 0S\ BOgZ]` ¾:WabS\W\Uœ Ben Taylor, "Listening" 3. "Dexter: Season 6" (DVD) ! ¾2SfbS`( ASOa]\ $œ 2D2 4. Insane Clown Posse, "Mighty Death " 7\aO\S 1Z]e\ >]aaS ¾;WUVbg 2SObV Pop" >]^œ 5. "Jaws" (DVD) # ¾8Oeaœ 2D2 6. The Lumineers, "The Lumineers" $ BVS :c[W\SS`a ¾BVS :c[W\SS`aœ 7. "Community: Season 3" (DVD) % ¾1][[c\Wbg( ASOa]\ !œ 2D2 8. Mumford and Sons, "Sigh No More" & ;c[T]`R O\R A]\a ¾AWUV <] ;]`Sœ 9. "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" (DVD) ' ¾2` AScaa¸ BVS :]`Ofœ 2D2 10. Slightly Stoopid, "Top of the AZWUVbZg Ab]]^WR ¾B]^ ]T bVS World" E]`ZRœ - Courtesy of Bull Moose ³ 1]c`bSag ]T 0cZZ ;]]aS

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

MOTORCYCLE -/4/2#9#,% INSURANCE ).352!.#%

Portland Jazz Orchestra, 18-piece ensemble, 0ORTLAND *AZZ /RCHESTRA PIECE ENSEMBLE One Longfellow Square, Portland. $5 in advance /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE and for students and seniors; $9 at door. AND FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS AT DOOR onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M


COMEDY N #/-%$9 Open Mic Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, /PEN -IC #OMEDY .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE Portland. Free, slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Thursday and Aug. 30. 4HURSDAY AND !UG Tim Brochu, Luke Hanbury and Ryan Waning, 4IM "ROCHU ,UKE (ANBURY AND 2YAN 7ANING Comedy Connection, Portland. $15. 774-5554. 8 #OMEDY #ONNECTION 0ORTLAND p.m. Friday and Saturday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Tim Brochu and Luke Hanbury vs. Joe Riccio and 4IM "ROCHU AND ,UKE (ANBURY VS *OE 2ICCIO AND Ian Stewart, Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. )AN 3TEWART %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND $5. 774-5554. 9 p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY


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THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Amy Allen, singer-songwriter, 18-plus; Empire !MY !LLEN SINGER SONGWRITER PLUS %MPIRE Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM AUG. 30 !5' 5 p.m. P M "The Bluegrass Special," music festival with The h4HE "LUEGRASS 3PECIAL v MUSIC FESTIVAL WITH 4HE The Other Bones and Tan Vampires, indie rock, 4HE /THER "ONES AND 4AN 6AMPIRES INDIE ROCK Gibson Brothers, Delia Mae, The Sleepy Man 'IBSON "ROTHERS $ELLA -AE 4HE 3LEEPY -AN 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $5. PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND Banjo Boys, Snap Jackson, The Tennessee Mafia "ANJO "OYS 3NAP *ACKSON 4HE 4ENNESSEE -AlA portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Jug Band, Al Hawkes, The Lonesome River Band *UG "AND !L (AWKES 4HE ,ONESOME 2IVER "AND Dynamo-P and Caro Kahn, rap, 21-plus; Flask $YNAMO 0 AND #ARO +AHN RAP PLUS &LASK and more, Thomas Point Beach, Brunswick. $25 to ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND mASKLOUNGE COM P M AND MORE 4HOMAS 0OINT "EACH "RUNSWICK TO Lounge, Portland, flasklounge.com. 9 p.m. $50 per day; multi-day passes available. Schedule 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW BLUES AND PER DAY MULTI DAY PASSES AVAILABLE 3CHEDULE Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, blues and at thomaspointbeach.com. Aug. 30 to Sept. 2. AT THOMASPOINTBEACH COM !UG TO 3EPT swing, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. SWING 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM Popa Chubby, blues, The Brickhouse, 0OPA #HUBBY BLUES 4HE "RICKHOUSE 8 p.m. P M Scarborough. $25. 233-6755. 8 p.m. 3CARBOROUGH P M Joint Chiefs, rock, Portland Lobster Company. *OINT #HIEFS ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY Built to Spill, indie rock, with Helvetia and "UILT TO 3PILL INDIE ROCK WITH (ELVETIA AND portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Revoltrevolt, State Theatre, Portland. $22 in 2EVOLTREVOLT 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND IN Peter Gavett and Friends, acoustic folk0ETER 'AVETT AND &RIENDS ACOUSTIC FOLK advance; $25 day of show, statetheatreportland ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW STATETHEATREPORTLAND rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND .com. 8 p.m. COM P M andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M La Bottine Souriante, French and North American "ARN 3WALLOWS BLUEGRASS "LUE 0ORTLAND ,A "OTTINE 3OURIANTE &RENCH AND .ORTH !MERICAN Barn Swallows, bluegrass, Blue, Portland. roots music, Stone Mountain Arts Center, ROOTS MUSIC 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Browntield. $60. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM Bertie Koller, acoustic, Blue, Portland. Donation. "ERTIE +OLLER ACOUSTIC "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION 8 p.m. P M portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Summer Concert Series, with Sweet Wednesday 3UMMER #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 3WEET 7EDNESDAY Samuel James and Dana Gross, blues and roots, 3AMUEL *AMES AND $ANA 'ROSS BLUES AND ROOTS (indie roots), Lithgow Public Library, Augusta. INDIE ROOTS ,ITHGOW 0UBLIC ,IBRARY !UGUSTA Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Free, www.lithgow.lib.me.us. 6:30 p.m. &REE WWW LITHGOW LIB ME US P M Jason Melanson, acoustic pop, 21-plus; Slainte, *ASON -ELANSON ACOUSTIC POP PLUS 3LAINTE Belfast Summer Nights Concert Series, with The "ELFAST 3UMMER .IGHTS #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 4HE Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Jason Hemmens Band, pop/soul/R&B, High and *ASON (EMMENS "AND POP SOUL 2 " (IGH AND Jerks of Grass, bluegrass/country, Bayside Bowl, *ERKS OF 'RASS BLUEGRASS COUNTRY "AYSIDE "OWL Maine streets, Belfast. Free. 322-7123. 5:30 p.m. -AINE STREETS "ELFAST &REE P M Portland, baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Jimmy Dority, pianist, Local Sprouts Cooperative, "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS "IG *IMMY $ORITY PIANIST ,OCAL 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; Big Portland. Free/donation, localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. Old Port Concert Series, with Genevieve /LD 0ORT #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 'ENEVIEVE Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Beaudoin (singer-songwriter), Gelato Fiasco, "EAUDOIN SINGER SONGWRITER 'ELATO &IASCO Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M Brunswick. Free, gelatofiasco.com. 8 p.m. "RUNSWICK &REE GELATOlASCO COM P M The Stumblers, punk/rock, Run of the Mill 4HE 3TUMBLERS PUNK ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL Cool Sounds Concert Series and Outdoor Market, "REWPUB 3ACO TO P M #OOL 3OUNDS #ONCERT 3ERIES AND /UTDOOR -ARKET Brewpub, Saco. 571 -9648. 8 to 11 p.m. with The Time Pilots ('80s covers), downtown WITH 4HE 4IME 0ILOTS S COVERS DOWNTOWN Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B-set, "EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " SET Bangor. Free, downtownbangor.com. Market 5 to "ANGOR &REE DOWNTOWNBANGOR COM -ARKET TO 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. Doors PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN $OORS 8 p.m.; concert at 6 p.m. P M CONCERT AT P M at 6 p.m. AT P M Friends of Eastern Promenade Concert Series, &RIENDS OF %ASTERN 0ROMENADE #ONCERT 3ERIES with Royal Hammer (roots reggae), Fort Allen Park, &2)$!9 WITH 2OYAL (AMMER ROOTS REGGAE &ORT !LLEN 0ARK FRIDAY Portland. Free. 756-8130. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE P M Dance Party, with HomeGurl Hollie and DJs, $ANCE 0ARTY WITH (OME'URL (OLLIE AND $*S The Navigators, Newfoundland folk-rock, 4HE .AVIGATORS .EWFOUNDLAND FOLK ROCK Bayside Bowl, Portland, baysidebowl.com. 9 p.m. "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Unity Centre for the Performing Arts. $15. 5NITY #ENTRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS uccpa.unity.edu. 7:30 p.m. Please see MUSIC, PageElO UCCPA UNITY EDU P M Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <('

AUG 25 $8*

P. O. D. 35(6(17(' %< 7+( %21( PRESENTED BY THE BONE 3 2 '

MARK CURDO 35(6(176 PRESENTS 0$5. &85'2 BARGAIN BASEMENT %$5*$,1 %$6(0(17

AUG 26 $8*

W/ SHERMAN %8516 1(9(5 BURNS, NEVER *27 &$8*+7 GOT CAUGHT, : 6+(50$1 MURCIELAGO 085&,(/$*2

AUG 31 $8*

MOVE! ¡6 81'(5*5281' 80'S UNDERGROUND 9,'(2 VIDEO 029( DANCE 3$57< : '- 6$1'0$1 PARTY W/DJ SANDMAN '$1&(

PROSPECT HILL : %5($.7+528*+ w/ BREAKTHROUGH, 35263(&7 +,// UNCLE JACK, & HOLLOW GLOW 81&/( -$&. +2//2: */2:

SEPT i 6(37

SEPT 15 63$5.6 7+( 5(6&8( SPARKS THE RESCUE $// ALL$*(6 AGES 6+2: SHOW 6(37 W/AMY $//(1 '(5(. :,/.,1621 ALLEN, DEREK WILKINSON, & : $0< BEWARE 2) OF 3('(675,$16 PEDESTRIANS %(:$5( SEPT 18 675((7 STREET '2*6 DOGS : w/ '2:172:1 DOWNTOWN STRUTS, 6(37 675876

ROLL THE TANKS, & KOFFIN KATS 52// 7+( 7$1.6 .2)),1 .$76


888 1035-"/%"4:-6. $0.

E10 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012



SUNDAY 35.$!9 "Bargain Basement," with Sherman Burns, Never h"ARGAIN "ASEMENT v WITH 3HERMAN "URNS .EVER 'OT #AUGHT AND -URCIELAGO GRUNGE ROCK PLUS Got Caught and Murcielago, grunge/rock, 21-plus; Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$ Continued from Page E9 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3' Asylum, Portland. $4.99. portlandasylum.com. 8 !SYLUM 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM p.m. P M "ILLY ,IBBY INDIE FOLK POP WITH ,ISA ,IZA (EE Billy Libby, indie folk-pop, with Lisa/Liza, Hee The locals BVS Z]QOZa Mitch Alden Duo, folk-rock, Portland Lobster -ITCH !LDEN $UO FOLK ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER 9OUNG AND $ANNY #AROLINE "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND Young and Danny & Caroline, Big Easy, Portland. A u g . 3 0 - Built t o Spill, Helvetia a n d Revolt /cU ! ³ 0cWZb b] A^WZZ 6SZdSbWO O\R @Sd]Zb Company. 775-2112. Noon. #OMPANY .OON $5. bigeasyportland.com. 9:30 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Revolt, 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . @Sd]Zb & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R This Way, Americana, Portland Lobster Company. 4HIS 7AY !MERICANA 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY Frugal Fridays Happy Hour, with The Substitutes &RUGAL &RIDAYS (APPY (OUR WITH 4HE 3UBSTITUTES /$25 . Statetheatreportland.com; (800) $ 2 2 # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 775-2112. 5 p.m. ROCK PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND (rock), 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. P M 7 4 5 - 3 0 0 0 ; C u m b e r l a n d C o u n t y Civic C e n %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\ +EMBAN 7EMBA 2EGGAE 3UNDAY PLUS )NN ON Kemban Wemba Reggae Sunday, 21-pius; Inn on Free, portlandempire.com. 5 p.m. &REE PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M tbS` P]f ]T¿QS er box office the Blues, York Beach, innontheblues.com. 2 p.m. Elijah Ocean, with Jon Nolan & The Working Girls THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M %LIJAH /CEAN WITH *ON .OLAN 4HE 7ORKING 'IRLS A u g . 30 - La B o t t i n e S o u r i a n t e , 8 p.m., /cU ! ³ :O 0]bbW\S A]c`WO\bS & ^ [ Family Affair, R&B/soul duo, 21-plus; Inn on the &AMILY !FFAIR 2 " SOUL DUO PLUS )NN ON THE and Kingsley Flood, 21-plus; Empire Dine and AND +INGSLEY &LOOD PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND S t o n e M o u n t a i n A r t s Center, B r o w n f i e l d . Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR Blues, York Beach, innontheblues.com. 9 p.m. "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M Dance, Portland. $6. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M $60. Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935 $ Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# The Couch, open mic, 21 -plus; Empire Dine and 4HE #OUCH OPEN MIC PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Xander Nelson, rock, Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 8ANDER .ELSON ROCK $EER 2UN 4AVERN 9ARMOUTH %7 2'9 2 $ANCE DOWNSTAIRS 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM Dance (downstairs), Portland, portlandempire.com. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. P M A u g . 31 - Big T i m e Rush a n d C o d y S i m p /cU ! ³ 0WU BW[S @caV O\R 1]Rg AW[^ 9 p.m. P M Doug Cantwell, acoustic singer-songwriter, Gritty $OUG #ANTWELL ACOUSTIC SINGER SONGWRITER 'RITTY s o n , 7 p.m., B a n g o r W a t e r f r o n t Pavilion. a]\ % ^ [ 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ McDuff's, Freeport. grittys.com. 8 p.m. Courtesy photo -C$UFF S &REEPORT GRITTYS COM P M 1]c`bSag ^V]b] to $67 Waterfrontconcerts.com; (800) $ 2 2 b] $% EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & MONDAY -/.$!9 "OB 2ASERO ACOUSTIC BLUES "LUE 0ORTLAND Bob Rasero, acoustic blues, Blue, Portland. S i n g e r - s o n g w r i t e r Iris D e m e n t i s a t AW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` 7`Wa 2S[S\b Wa Ob 7 4 5 3 0 0 0 %"# ! Marquise Knox, blues, Time Out Pub, Rockland. -ARQUISE +NOX BLUES 4IME /UT 0UB 2OCKLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M t h e O p e r a H o u s e a t B o o t h b a y H a r b o r bVS =^S`O 6]caS Ob 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` A u g . 31 - M a r t y S t u a r t & The F a b u l o u s /cU ! ³ ;O`bg AbcO`b BVS 4OPcZ]ca $10,593-9336. 7 p.m. P M Ian Fitzgerald, singer-songwriter, Blue, Portland. )AN &ITZGERALD SINGER SONGWRITER "LUE 0ORTLAND on S e p t . 1. ]\ AS^b S u p e r l a t i v e s , 8 p.m., S t o n e M o u n t a i n A r t s Ac^S`ZObWdSa & ^ [ Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba Bluegrass Night, 21-pius; Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS .IGHT PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Center, B r o w n f i e l d . $ 8 0 . S t o n e m o u n t a i n a r t s 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR & Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`ba Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 6 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M LQH, jazz, Blue, Portland. Donation. ,1( JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION c e n t e r . c o m ; 9 3 5 - 7 2'9 2 T h e a t r e , P o r t l a n d . $ 2# ! AbObSbVSOb`S 5/$30. Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R QS\bS` Q][) '!# % Model Airplane Mondays, soul and funk, 21-plus; -ODEL !IRPLANE -ONDAYS SOUL AND FUNK PLUS portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M A u g . 31 J o n H e r i n g t o n B a n d , 8 p.m., p o r t l a n d . c o m ; ( 8 0 0 ) 7 4 5 3 0 0 0 ; C u m b e r ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS` /cU ! ³ 8]\ 6S`W\Ub]\ 0O\R & ^ [ Big Easy, Portland. $5. bigeasyportland.com. 9 Plaid Daddy, rock and pop covers, RiRa, Portland. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM 0LAID $ADDY ROCK AND POP COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND O n e L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . $ 2 0. land C o u n t y Civic C e n t e r b o x o f f i c e ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R p.m. P M rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761-1757 S e p t . 7 - Na Palm, 10 p.m., P o r t C i t y AS^b % ³ <O >OZ[ ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Connor Garvey & Friends, singer-songwriter, #ONNOR 'ARVEY &RIENDS SINGER SONGWRITER RizingTide, rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. 2IZING 4IDE ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND S e p t . 1 - Iris D e m e n t , 8 p.m., O p e r a Music Hall, P o r t l a n d . $10 to $ 2 0. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R b] AS^b ³ 7`Wa 2S[S\b & ^ [ =^S`O Portland Lobster Company. 775-2112. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY P M 874-2639. 8 p.m. P M H o u s e a t B o o t h b a y Harbor. $ 2# ! 5/$30. P o r t c i t y m u s i c h a l l . c o m ; ( 8 8 8 ) 5 1 2 A6=E -SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # 6]caS Ob 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` Brad Hooper, blues, Andy's Old Port Pub, "RAD (OOPER BLUES !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Mitch Alden, folk-rock, Portland Lobster -ITCH !LDEN FOLK ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER B o o t h b a y o p e r a h o u s e . c o m ; 633-515 9 S e p t . 7 - ZZ Top a n d L y n y r d S k y n y r d , AS^b % ³ HH B]^ O\R :g\g`R AYg\g`R 0]]bVPOg]^S`OV]caS Q][) $!! # #' Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 3 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M S e p t . 1 K e i t h U r b a n a n d D a v i d Nail, 5 : 3 0 5 p.m., S c a r b o r o u g h D o w n s . $55.75 to # ^ [ AQO`P]`]cUV 2]e\a ## %# b] AS^b ³ 9SWbV C`PO\ O\R 2OdWR <OWZ #(! Jason SpoonerTrio, folk and blues, Portland *ASON 3POONER 4RIO FOLK AND BLUES 0ORTLAND p.m., B a n g o r W a t e r f r o n t Pavilion. $27.75 $95.75. W a t e r f r o n t c o n c e r t s . c o m ; ( 8 0 0 ) '# %# EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & ^ [ 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ % %# TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Lobster Company. 775-2112. 7 p.m. ,OBSTER #OMPANY P M t o $71.75. W a t e r f r o n t c o n c e r t s . c o m ; ( 8 0 0 ) 745-3000 %"# ! b] % %# EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) & "Cover to Cover," Mother Leopard performs h#OVER TO #OVER v -OTHER ,EOPARD PERFORMS Greg Burroughs Band, country, 21-plus; Inn on 'REG "URROUGHS "AND COUNTRY PLUS )NN ON 7 4 5 3 0 0 0 S e p t . 7 - L a u r e n Rioux a n d B r i t t a n y Haas, AS^b % ³ :Oc`S\ @W]cf O\R 0`WbbO\g 6OOa %"# ! "Oracular Spectacular" by MGMT, Big Easy, h/RACULAR 3PECTACULARv BY -'-4 "IG %ASY the Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM 8 p.m., O n e L o n g f e l l o w Square, P o r t l a n d . S e p t . 1 - Q u e b e Sisters B a n d , 8 p.m., S t o n e & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R AS^b ³ ?cSPS AWabS`a 0O\R & ^ [ Ab]\S Portland. $5. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M 9:30 p.m. P M $15/$18. O n e l o n g f e l l o w s q u a r e . c o m ; 761M o u n t a i n A r t s Center, B r o w n f i e l d . $ 2 0 . # & =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR Ryan Halliburton, singer-songwriter, Portland 2YAN (ALLIBURTON SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Tommy O'Connell &The Juke Joint Devils, 4OMMY / #ONNELL 4HE *UKE *OINT $EVILS 1757 S t o n e m o u n t a i n a r t s c e n t e r . c o m ; 9 3 5 - 7 2'9 2 %#% Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % Lobster Company. 775-2112. 6 p.m. ,OBSTER #OMPANY P M swing and blues, Gingko Blue, Portland. SWING AND BLUES 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND S e p t . 8 - T h e M a c h i n e , 8 p.m., S t a t e T h e S e p t . 1 - P r o s p e c t Hill, 9 p.m., A s y l u m , P o r t - AS^b & ³ BVS ;OQVW\S & ^ [ AbObS BVS AS^b ³ >`]a^SQb 6WZZ ' ^ [ /agZc[ >]`b Portland Reggae All-Stars, 21-plus; Empire Dine 0ORTLAND 2EGGAE !LL 3TARS PLUS %MPIRE $INE gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M l a n d . $12. Portlandasylum.com ZO\R >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][ and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Rhythmic Cypher Music Showcase, with if and it 2HYTHMIC #YPHER -USIC 3HOWCASE WITH IF AND IT S e p t . 5 - O d d F u t u r e , 8 : 3 0 p.m., S t a t e AS^b # ³ =RR 4cbc`S &(! ^ [ AbObS PleaseseeTIX, Page Ell AND 3PEAKER FOR THE $EAD AMBIENT ROCK 3LAINTE Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <(( Congress St. Sheiks, blues, country blues and #ONGRESS 3T 3HEIKS BLUES COUNTRY BLUES AND and Speaker for the Dead (ambient rock), Slainte, instrumental, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 9 p.m. INSTRUMENTALS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M (downstairs), Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 R.A.The Rugged Man, rap, with ELEment, 21-plus; DOWNSTAIRS 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 2 ! 4HE 2UGGED -AN RAP WITH %,%MENT PLUS p.m. P M Club Texas, Auburn. 784-7785. 8 p.m. #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN P M Sylvia, rock, with Sulaco, HiveSmasher and Dead 3YLVIA ROCK WITH 3ULACO (IVE3MASHER AND $EAD WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 By Now, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. "Y .OW 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND Birdland Jazz Quartet, jazz classics, Gingko Blue, 9 p.m. "IRDLAND *AZZ 1UARTET JAZZ CLASSICS 'INGKO "LUE P M Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M David Beam and The Custom House Gang, $AVID "EAM AND 4HE #USTOM (OUSE 'ANG SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Americana and blues, Andy's O l d Port Pub, !MERICANA AND BLUES !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB P.O.D., metal, 21-plus; Asylum, Portland. $15 in 0 / $ METAL PLUS !SYLUM 0ORTLAND IN Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7:30 p.m. advance; $20 day of show, portlandasylum.com. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW PORTLANDASYLUM COM !.$ Sligo Road, Irish music, Blue, Portland. Donation. 9 p.m. 3LIGO 2OAD )RISH MUSIC "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION P M #ELEBRATING 9EARS portcityblue.com. 7 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Town Founder Harbor Party, country/rock/blues, 4OWN &OUNDER (ARBOR 0ARTY COUNTRY ROCK BLUES Celebrating 15 Years Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, with guests Dominic Lavoie, Dom Dumont, 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE WITH GUESTS $OMINIC ,AVOIE $OM $UMONT Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. Cocaine Lasers, Meghan Yates, Jon Nels, Gabi 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M #OCAINE ,ASERS -EGHAN 9ATES *ON .ELS 'ABI Raymond and Dan Capaldi; Big Easy, Portland. Peter Miles, solo acoustic, RiRa, Portland. 0ETER -ILES SOLO ACOUSTIC 2I2A 0ORTLAND 2AYMOND AND $AN #APALDI "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND $5. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. rira.com/portland. 8:30 p.m. RIRA COM PORTLAND P M BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Picnic After Party, with Leafer, Temperature of the 2AP .IGHT LOCAL $*S AND MUSICIANS PLUS "IG Rap Night, local DJs and musicians, 21-plus; Big 0ICNIC !FTER 0ARTY WITH ,EAFER 4EMPERATURE OF THE FREE &2%% Sun and Pornography for the Blind, rock, Geno's Easy, Portland. $3. bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M 3UN AND 0ORNOGRAPHY FOR THE "LIND ROCK 'ENO S .%7 Salad Bar 3ALAD "AR % Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. Eric Bettencourt, pop/rock, Portland Lobster %RIC "ETTENCOURT POP ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M 02)# A and Bread AND "READ S Lisa/Liza, acoustic folk, with Machine Gun 4HATA Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M ,ISA ,IZA ACOUSTIC FOLK WITH -ACHINE 'UN 3TE L Mustache, Slainte, Portland, slaintewinebar.com. Open Mic, Slainte, Portland, slaintewinebar.com. /PEN -IC 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM -USTACHE 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM 390 Main St • Gorham, ME -AIN 3T s 'ORHAM -% 8 p.m. 10 p.m. P M P M (207) 625-2009 (207)839-7651 Stefan Henegar, Slainte, Portland. Irish Sessioniers, Acoustic Irish music, all ages; 3TEFAN (ENEGAR 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND )RISH 3ESSIONIERS !COUSTIC )RISH MUSIC ALL AGES slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 846-9555. 6 to 9 SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M $EER 2UN 4AVERN 9ARMOUTH TO p.m. P M AUG. 30 Bryan Laurier, acoustic singer-songwriter, Gritty !5' "RYAN ,AURIER ACOUSTIC SINGER SONGWRITER 'RITTY Got Rhythm, Johnny Cash tribute band, Gingko McDuff's, Freeport. grittys.com. 8 p.m. 'OT 2HYTHM *OHNNY #ASH TRIBUTE BAND 'INGKO -C$UFF S &REEPORT GRITTYS COM P M Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. In the Round with Shanna, jazz, Blue, Portland. "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M )N THE 2OUND WITH 3HANNA JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND 0VS UI TFBTPO Heather Styka, singer/songwriter, Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. (EATHER 3TYKA SINGER SONGWRITER "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. Hardy Trio, jazz, Blue, Portland. Donation. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M (ARDY 4RIO JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION Live Entertainment -JWF &OUFSUBJONFOU & HECKMAN'S PUB Nathan Reich, guitarist, Blue, Portland. Donation. portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. .ATHAN 2EICH GUITARIST "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Nightly Dinner Specials /JHIUMZ %JOOFS 4QFDJBMT portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. Mugsy, rock covers, RiRa, Portland. 761-4446. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M -UGSY ROCK COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND Monday - Thursday .POEBZ 5IVSTEBZ Joint Chiefs, rock, Portland Lobster Company. 10 p.m. *OINT #HIEFS ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY P M portlandlobstercompany.com. 6 p.m. Biscuit Rollers, blues, BeachFire Bar and Grille, PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M "ISCUIT 2OLLERS BLUES "EACH&IRE "AR AND 'RILLE Mondays Don Campbell • Trio Blueberry Ribs $20.12 -ONDAYS $ON #AMPBELL s 4RIO "LUEBERRY 2IBS Jerks of Grass, bluegrass/country, Bayside Bowl, Ogunquit. beachfiremaine.com. 8:30 p.m. *ERKS OF 'RASS BLUEGRASS COUNTRY "AYSIDE "OWL /GUNQUIT BEACHlREMAINE COM P M Tuesdays Straight Lace • Prime Rib $20.12 4UESDAYS 3TRAIGHT ,ACE s 0RIME 2IB Portland, baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. The Love Dogs, blues and swing, 21-plus; Inn on 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M 4HE ,OVE $OGS BLUES AND SWING PLUS )NN ON Wednesdays Tony Boffa Trio • Fried Clams $20.12 7EDNESDAYS 4ONY "OFFA 4RIO s &RIED #LAMS Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; Big the Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS "IG THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM Thursdays Jazz featuring the Matt Fogg Trio 4HURSDAYS *AZZ FEATURING THE -ATT &OGG 4RIO Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. 9:30 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M P M Open M i c Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, Personal Wine Dinner $39.95 Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN 0ERSONAL 7INE $INNER !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. 9ARMOUTH P M PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON Serving Dinner Nightly 3ERVING $INNER .IGHTLY BRZOWSKI, acoustic rock, with Cars and Trains, Eric Bettencourt, pop/rock, Portland Lobster "2:/73+) ACOUSTIC ROCK WITH #ARS AND 4RAINS %RIC "ETTENCOURT POP ROCK 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER Gregory Pepper and David Ramos, Geno's Rock Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. 7 p.m. 'REGORY 0EPPER AND $AVID 2AMOS 'ENO S 2OCK #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. Rick Miller & His Band, blues, Gingko Blue, #LUB 0ORTLAND P M Breakfast Mon.-Sat. 7:30-10 AM 2ICK -ILLER (IS "AND BLUES 'INGKO "LUE "REAKFAST -ON n3AT n !Blaqdada Dance Party, with C. Money Burns, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. "LAQDADA $ANCE 0ARTY WITH # -ONEY "URNS 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Breakfast Buffet Sun. 7:30-11 AM "REAKFAST "UFFET 3UN n !21-plus; Flask Lounge, Portland, flasklounge.com. Blind Albert, acoustic rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, PLUS &LASK ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND mASKLOUNGE COM "LIND !LBERT ACOUSTIC ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 9 p.m. Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. P M 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M

/CEAN Ocean 'ARDENS Gardens 2ESTAURANT Restaurant

STONE 3 4/.% RIDGE 2 )$'%

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Baked Stuffed Haddock * 1 3 " "AKED 3TUFFED (ADDOCK " Triple Lobsters $ ^ Q 4RIPLE ,OBSTERS

BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! j 5= 3


Continued from Page EIO :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 atre, Portland. $20/$24. Statetheatre Ob`S >]`bZO\R " AbObSbVSOb`S Portland.com; (800) 745-3000; Cumber^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS` land County Civic Center box office ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Sept. 10 - AWOLNATION, Imagine Dragons AS^b ³ /E=:</B7=< 7[OUW\S 2`OU]\a and ZEALE, 8 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. O\R H3/:3 & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $18/$20. Statetheatreportland.com; (800) & AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic Cen%"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\ ter box office bS` P]f ]T¿QS Sept. 15 - Beausoleil, 8 p.m., One LongAS^b # ³ 0SOca]ZSWZ & ^ [ =\S :]\U fellow Square, Portland. $30/$35. TSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R ! !# Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sept. 15 - WWE RAW Smackdown SuAS^b # ³ EE3 @/E A[OQYR]e\ Ac per Show, 7:30 p.m., Cumberland County ^S` AV]e %(! ^ [ 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center, Portland. $15 to $95. 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R # b] '# Theciviccenter.com; Ticketmaster.com; BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) (800) 745-3000; 775-3458 & %"# ! ) %%# !"#& Sept. 16 - Connie Smith, 8 p.m., Stone AS^b $ ³ 1]\\WS A[WbV & ^ [ Ab]\S Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $45. ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR "# Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Sept. 16 - Galactic with Corey Glover, AS^b $ ³ 5OZOQbWQ eWbV 1]`Sg 5Z]dS` 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $18 & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R & to $35. Portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512- b] !# >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # SHOW A6=E Sept. 16 - Tom Rush, 7 p.m., JonAS^b $ ³ B][ @caV % ^ [ 8]\ athan's, Ogunquit. $3750/$40.50. ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb !% # " # Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ Sept. 18 - Street Dogs, 9 p.m., Asylum, AS^b & ³ Ab`SSb 2]Ua ' ^ [ /agZc[ Portland. $17. Portlandasylum.com; >]`bZO\R % >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][) 772-8274. %% & %" Sept. 18 - Dr. Dog with Delta Spirit, 8 p.m., AS^b & ³ 2` 2]U eWbV 2SZbO A^W`Wb & ^ [ State Theatre, Portland. $22/$25. State AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Sept. 19 - Steve Earle, 8 p.m., Stone MounAS^b ' ³ AbSdS 3O`ZS & ^ [ Ab]\S ;]c\ tain Arts Center, Brownfield. $110. Stone bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\¿SZR Ab]\S mountainartscenter.com; 935-7292 []c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# % ' Sept. 20 - Joy Kills Sorrow, 8 p.m., One AS^b ³ 8]g 9WZZa A]``]e & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $12/$15. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sept. 20 - Steve Earle, 7:30 p.m., AS^b ³ AbSdS 3O`ZS %(! ^ [ Strand Theatre, Rockland. $60. Ab`O\R BVSOb`S @]QYZO\R $ Rocklandstrand.com; 594-0070. @]QYZO\Rab`O\R Q][) #'" % Sept. 20 - Stars, 8 p.m., Port City AS^b ³ AbO`a & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg Music Hall, Portland. $22 b] !" to $34. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R Portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Sept. 20 - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, 8 p.m., AS^b ³ <Wbbg 5`Wbbg 2W`b 0O\R & ^ [

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

S i n g e r - s o n g w r i t e r Steve Earle is AW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` AbSdS 3O`ZS Wa at S t o n e M o u n t a i n A r t s C e n t e r in Ob Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` W\ B r o w n f i e l d on Sept. 19 a n d at t h e 0`]e\ÂżSZR ]\ AS^b ' O\R Ob bVS S t r a n d T h e a t r e in R o c k l a n d on Ab`O\R BVSOb`S W\ @]QYZO\R ]\ Sept. 2 0. AS^b Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` 0`]e\ÂżSZR $75. Stonemountainartscenter.com; 935 %# Ab]\S[]c\bOW\O`baQS\bS` Q][) '!# %7292 ' Sept. 21 - Soulive, 8 p.m., State Theatre, AS^b Âł A]cZWdS & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $20/$25. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS Sept. 21 - Julian Lage, 8 p.m., One AS^b Âł 8cZWO\ :OUS & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $21. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sept. 23 - Ghostface Killah, 9 p.m., Asylum, AS^b ! Âł 5V]abTOQS 9WZZOV ' ^ [ /agZc[ Portland. $19/$22. >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][ Portlandasylum.com >]`bZO\R ' Sept. 27 - Tricky Britches and Darlingside, AS^b % Âł B`WQYg 0`WbQVSa O\R 2O`ZW\UaWRS 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $10/$12. =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761 1757 %#% Sept. 27 - Tedeschi Trucks Band, 8 p.m., AS^b % Âł BSRSaQVW B`cQYa 0O\R & ^ [ State Theatre, Portland. $40 to $75. State AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R " b] %# AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS

Please see TIX, Page E25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <),


than gas money. I'm exaggerating a bit, UIBO HBT NPOFZ * N FYBHHFSBUJOH B CJU but the trend has been pretty clear. It's CVU UIF USFOE IBT CFFO QSFUUZ DMFBS *U T even worse in big cities like New York. FWFO XPSTF JO CJH DJUJFT MJLF /FX :PSL Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$ There also doesn't seem to be as much 5IFSF BMTP EPFTO U TFFN UP CF BT NVDI of a market for original material. There's PG B NBSLFU GPS PSJHJOBM NBUFSJBM 5IFSF T Ultimately, the CD is a celebration, and 6MUJNBUFMZ UIF $% JT B DFMFCSBUJPO BOE such a huge repertoire of great rock 'n' TVDI B IVHF SFQFSUPJSF PG HSFBU SPDL O it's my hope that the album leaves folks JU T NZ IPQF UIBU UIF BMCVN MFBWFT GPMLT roll everyone wants to hear, that most SPMM FWFSZPOF XBOUT UP IFBS UIBU NPTU feeling really good. Based on the feedback WFOVF PXOFST BSF POMZ JOUFSFTUFE JO DPWFS GFFMJOH SFBMMZ HPPE #BTFE PO UIF GFFECBDL venue owners are only interested in cover I'm getting, it's working, and that makes * N HFUUJOH JU T XPSLJOH BOE UIBU NBLFT bands. Also, the emergence of electronic CBOET "MTP UIF FNFSHFODF PG FMFDUSPOJD me feel really good. NF GFFM SFBMMZ HPPE media has turned the market on its head. NFEJB IBT UVSOFE UIF NBSLFU PO JUT IFBE We used to perform to promote album 8F VTFE UP QFSGPSN UP QSPNPUF BMCVN What did you grow up listening to? 8IBU EJE ZPV HSPX VQ MJTUFOJOH UP sales; now it's the opposite. TBMFT OPX JU T UIF PQQPTJUF I always loved The Rolling Stones, The * BMXBZT MPWFE 5IF 3PMMJOH 4UPOFT 5IF Beatles, The Who, Cream and Jimi Hen#FBUMFT 5IF 8IP $SFBN BOE +JNJ )FO Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS drix. My first professional band performed Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"## ]` Ob( ESJY .Z mSTU QSPGFTTJPOBM CBOE QFSGPSNFE contacted at 791-6455 or at: a lot of Dylan, The Band and Grateful B MPU PG %ZMBO 5IF #BOE BOE (SBUFGVM aponti@pressherald. com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Dead covers. I was also exposed very %FBE DPWFST * XBT BMTP FYQPTFE WFSZ early to the music of Ramblin' Jack Elliott. FBSMZ UP UIF NVTJD PG 3BNCMJO +BDL &MMJPUU His performance style was a big influence BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] )JT QFSGPSNBODF TUZMF XBT B CJH JOnVFODF TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 102.9 WBLM ' E0:; on me. PO NF every Friday at 8:30 a.m. to hear SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ b] VSO` A i m s e l P o n t i w a x p o e t i c a b o u t her t o p /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ OP]cb VS` b]^ What's one of the biggest ways the 8IBU T POF PG UIF CJHHFTU XBZT UIF t h r e e live music picks f o r t h e w e e k bV`SS ZWdS [caWQ ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY music biz has changed from your perNVTJD CJ[ IBT DIBOHFE GSPN ZPVS QFS w i t h t h e C a p t a i n a n d Celeste. eWbV bVS 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS spective over the past 30-plus years? TQFDUJWF PWFS UIF QBTU QMVT ZFBST When I started playing professionally 8IFO * TUBSUFE QMBZJOH QSPGFTTJPOBMMZ PETER ALEXANDER >3B3@ /:3F/<23@ it was a much smaller field of working JU XBT B NVDI TNBMMFS mFME PG XPSLJOH WHEN: 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. A u g . 31 E63<( %(! b] (! ^ [ /cU ! musicians, and we were paid a lot more NVTJDJBOT BOE XF XFSF QBJE B MPU NPSF WHERE: Hoxter's, 122 EObS` Ab W a t e r St., E63@3( 6]fbS`¸a money. Now the market is so flooded that NPOFZ /PX UIF NBSLFU JT TP nPPEFE UIBU Hallowell 6OZZ]eSZZ you've got to play a lot of free gigs to get ZPV WF HPU UP QMBZ B MPU PG GSFF HJHT UP HFU HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS any exposure at all, and unless you're a BOZ FYQPTVSF BU BMM BOE VOMFTT ZPV SF B INFO: peteralexander.us 7<4=( ^SbS`OZSfO\RS` ca big-name act, it's hard to get much more CJH OBNF BDU JU T IBSE UP HFU NVDI NPSF



E12 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3 ! 2012

Phillip Phillips, right >VWZZW^ >VWZZW^a `WUVb rear, is touring with `SO` Wa b]c`W\U eWbV other top finishers from ]bVS` b]^ Âż\WaVS`a T`][ Season 11, including ASOa]\ W\QZcRW\U fellow semifinalist TSZZ]e aS[WÂż\OZWab Jessica Sanchez, front 8SaaWQO AO\QVSh T`]\b center. They perform on QS\bS` BVSg ^S`T]`[ ]\ Saturday in Portland. AObc`ROg W\ >]`bZO\R

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Continued from Page E5 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3# There's still plenty of work to be done on 5IFSF T TUJMM QMFOUZ PG XPSL UP CF EPOF PO Phillips' debut CD, which is targeted for a 1IJMMJQT EFCVU $% XIJDI JT UBSHFUFE GPS B November release. /PWFNCFS SFMFBTF "I've recorded about 15 songs that I've i* WF SFDPSEFE BCPVU TPOHT UIBU * WF written," he said. "So we're just going XSJUUFO w IF TBJE i4P XF SF KVTU HPJOH through some of those, and I'm still writUISPVHI TPNF PG UIPTF BOE * N TUJMM XSJU ing a few more. But we'll see. Sometimes JOH B GFX NPSF #VU XF MM TFF 4PNFUJNFT they want you to work with a lot of other UIFZ XBOU ZPV UP XPSL XJUI B MPU PG PUIFS writers and get that experience and whatXSJUFST BOE HFU UIBU FYQFSJFODF BOE XIBU not. I'm sure I'll have to write with a few OPU * N TVSF * MM IBWF UP XSJUF XJUI B GFX more people." NPSF QFPQMF w And Phillips will have some consider"OE 1IJMMJQT XJMM IBWF TPNF DPOTJEFS able demands on his time for the next BCMF EFNBOET PO IJT UJNF GPS UIF OFYU couple of months. He's on the road with DPVQMF PG NPOUIT )F T PO UIF SPBE XJUI the "American Idol Live" tour, an arena UIF i"NFSJDBO *EPM -JWFw UPVS BO BSFOB tour featuring the top finalists that follows UPVS GFBUVSJOH UIF UPQ mOBMJTUT UIBU GPMMPXT each season's finale. The show comes to FBDI TFBTPO T mOBMF 5IF TIPX DPNFT UP the Cumberland County Civic Center in UIF $VNCFSMBOE $PVOUZ $JWJD $FOUFS JO Portland on Saturday. 1PSUMBOE PO 4BUVSEBZ But one would be wise not to bet against #VU POF XPVME CF XJTF OPU UP CFU BHBJOTU Phillips finishing his CD and getting his 1IJMMJQT mOJTIJOH IJT $% BOE HFUUJOH IJT post-"Idol" career off to the kind of big QPTU i*EPMw DBSFFS PGG UP UIF LJOE PG CJH start that has been enjoyed by many of the TUBSU UIBU IBT CFFO FOKPZFE CZ NBOZ PG UIF past champions. He has already overcome QBTU DIBNQJPOT )F IBT BMSFBEZ PWFSDPNF a kind of challenge that no other "AmeriB LJOE PG DIBMMFOHF UIBU OP PUIFS i"NFSJ can Idol" finalist has faced. DBO *EPMw mOBMJTU IBT GBDFE In the early stages of the "Idol" process, *O UIF FBSMZ TUBHFT PG UIF i*EPMw QSPDFTT Phillips was diagnosed with kidney stones 1IJMMJQT XBT EJBHOPTFE XJUI LJEOFZ TUPOFT that would require surgery. Rather than UIBU XPVME SFRVJSF TVSHFSZ 3BUIFS UIBO immediately undergo the operation and JNNFEJBUFMZ VOEFSHP UIF PQFSBUJPO BOE have to bow out of "American Idol" before IBWF UP CPX PVU PG i"NFSJDBO *EPMw CFGPSF the competition even began, he chose to UIF DPNQFUJUJPO FWFO CFHBO IF DIPTF UP put off surgery and try to tough his way QVU PGG TVSHFSZ BOE USZ UP UPVHI IJT XBZ through the season. UISPVHI UIF TFBTPO Still, he had to undergo eight separate 4UJMM IF IBE UP VOEFSHP FJHIU TFQBSBUF surgical procedures over the past year to TVSHJDBM QSPDFEVSFT PWFS UIF QBTU ZFBS UP get through his "Idol" journey. HFU UISPVHI IJT i*EPMw KPVSOFZ "It started back in last July. The first aui*U TUBSUFE CBDL JO MBTU +VMZ 5IF mSTU BV ditions were starting," Phillips said. "And EJUJPOT XFSF TUBSUJOH w 1IJMMJQT TBJE i"OE then I had a few surgeries right before UIFO * IBE B GFX TVSHFSJFT SJHIU CFGPSF Hollywood Week (which happens early )PMMZXPPE 8FFL XIJDI IBQQFOT FBSMZ in the season, before the field of contesJO UIF TFBTPO CFGPSF UIF mFME PG DPOUFT tants is thinned to 13). That's when most UBOUT JT UIJOOFE UP 5IBU T XIFO NPTU

of the surgeries took place, right before PG UIF TVSHFSJFT UPPL QMBDF SJHIU CFGPSF Hollywood Week. Then I only had a little )PMMZXPPE 8FFL 5IFO * POMZ IBE B MJUUMF procedure done to put in a stent during QSPDFEVSF EPOF UP QVU JO B TUFOU EVSJOH the show." UIF TIPX w There were a couple of times, Phillips 5IFSF XFSF B DPVQMF PG UJNFT 1IJMMJQT said, when the pain almost forced him off TBJE XIFO UIF QBJO BMNPTU GPSDFE IJN PGG of the show. But he not only managed to PG UIF TIPX #VU IF OPU POMZ NBOBHFE UP overcome his condition, his performances PWFSDPNF IJT DPOEJUJPO IJT QFSGPSNBODFT were so strong that from the beginning of XFSF TP TUSPOH UIBU GSPN UIF CFHJOOJOH PG the season, he was considered a favorite. UIF TFBTPO IF XBT DPOTJEFSFE B GBWPSJUF "It definitely was a challenge," Phillips i*U EFmOJUFMZ XBT B DIBMMFOHF w 1IJMMJQT said. "It was tough at times, but I had TBJE i*U XBT UPVHI BU UJNFT CVU * IBE some great doctors and people taking TPNF HSFBU EPDUPST BOE QFPQMF UBLJOH care of me." DBSF PG NF w Not only was the native of Leesburg, Ga., /PU POMZ XBT UIF OBUJWF PG -FFTCVSH (B determined not to let his discomfort show EFUFSNJOFE OPU UP MFU IJT EJTDPNGPSU TIPX in his performances, he didn't want the JO IJT QFSGPSNBODFT IF EJEO U XBOU UIF public to know what was happening. QVCMJD UP LOPX XIBU XBT IBQQFOJOH "I didn't really want it to get out, because i* EJEO U SFBMMZ XBOU JU UP HFU PVU CFDBVTF I didn't want people to feel sorry for me," * EJEO U XBOU QFPQMF UP GFFM TPSSZ GPS NF w he said. "I just wanted to get out there and IF TBJE i* KVTU XBOUFE UP HFU PVU UIFSF BOE play some music." QMBZ TPNF NVTJD w Shortly after beating out Jessica Sanchez 4IPSUMZ BGUFS CFBUJOH PVU +FTTJDB 4BODIF[ on the "American Idol" finale, Phillips unPO UIF i"NFSJDBO *EPMw mOBMF 1IJMMJQT VO derwent surgery to remove the stones and EFSXFOU TVSHFSZ UP SFNPWF UIF TUPOFT BOE repair his non-functioning kidney. SFQBJS IJT OPO GVODUJPOJOH LJEOFZ For a time, it was unclear whether Phil'PS B UJNF JU XBT VODMFBS XIFUIFS 1IJM lips would be ready for the early dates of MJQT XPVME CF SFBEZ GPS UIF FBSMZ EBUFT PG the "American Idol Live" tour. He's not UIF i"NFSJDBO *EPM -JWFw UPVS )F T OPU 100 percent, but he's recovered enough to QFSDFOU CVU IF T SFDPWFSFE FOPVHI UP do the tour, he said. EP UIF UPVS IF TBJE "I'm getting there," he said. "I'm still i* N HFUUJOH UIFSF w IF TBJE i* N TUJMM taking each day by day still taking it easy, UBLJOH FBDI EBZ CZ EBZ TUJMM UBLJOH JU FBTZ because it still didn't happen too long ago. CFDBVTF JU TUJMM EJEO U IBQQFO UPP MPOH BHP I still have to hold back a little bit from do* TUJMM IBWF UP IPME CBDL B MJUUMF CJU GSPN EP ing too much, but I'm doing all right." JOH UPP NVDI CVU * N EPJOH BMM SJHIU w It's a good thing Phillips was ready for *U T B HPPE UIJOH 1IJMMJQT XBT SFBEZ GPS the tour. After all, he's the headliner. He's UIF UPVS "GUFS BMM IF T UIF IFBEMJOFS )F T closing the show and doing five songs DMPTJOH UIF TIPX BOE EPJOH mWF TPOHT - and leaving room for the tour's backing o BOE MFBWJOH SPPN GPS UIF UPVS T CBDLJOH band to get in on the act. CBOE UP HFU JO PO UIF BDU "I'm just going out there and having i* N KVTU HPJOH PVU UIFSF BOE IBWJOH fun, and I'm letting the musicians (in the GVO BOE * N MFUUJOH UIF NVTJDJBOT JO UIF band) do their own thing to the songs," CBOE EP UIFJS PXO UIJOH UP UIF TPOHT w Phillips said. "I'm just having fun. I want 1IJMMJQT TBJE i* N KVTU IBWJOH GVO * XBOU the crowd to have fun with me." UIF DSPXE UP IBWF GVO XJUI NF w Alan Sculley is a freelance writer. /ZO\ AQcZZSg Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E13 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 !


( ( ( * * (* FG<E@E> ** OPENING ( * K?@J N<<B THIS WEEK (*


¾>@3;7C; @CA6œ >5 ! (! AbO`a "PREMIUM RUSH" (PG-13) (1:31) Stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, 8]aS^V 5]`R]\ :SdWbb ;WQVOSZ AVO\\]\ Dania Ramirez and Kym Perfetto. Directed 2O\WO @O[W`Sh O\R 9g[ >S`TSbb] 2W`SQbSR by David Koepp. A bike messenger picks Pg 2OdWR 9]S^^ / PWYS [SaaS\US` ^WQYa up an envelope that attracts the interest c^ O\ S\dSZ]^S bVOb Obb`OQba bVS W\bS`Sab of a dirty cop, who pursues the cyclist ]T O RW`bg Q]^ eV] ^c`acSa bVS QgQZWab throughout Manhattan. bV`]cUV]cb ;O\VObbO\ Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri-Wed =^S\W\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W ESR 1:10,4,6:55,9:05; Cinemagic Clarks Pond ( " $(## '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R (South Portland) Fri-Wed 11:30,2, A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR (! 4:20, 7:20, 9:45; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Tues "( %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W BcSa 7:05, 9:15; Cinemagic 12:15, ( # 2:25,4:35, ( # "(!# %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:10, 7:10, ESabP`]]Y 4`W ESR ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! %( 9:20; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:30, 3:50, '( ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa (! !(# 7:30, 9:50 %(! '(# OBAMA'S AMERICA" (PG) (1:29) ¾"2016: $( =0/;/¸A /;3@71/œ >5 ( ' Documentary. Directed by Dinesh D'Souza 2]Qc[S\bO`g 2W`SQbSR Pg 2W\SaV 2¸A]chO and John Sullivan. A journey into the O\R 8]V\ AcZZWdO\ / X]c`\Sg W\b] bVS heart of the world's most powerful office VSO`b ]T bVS e]`ZR¸a []ab ^]eS`TcZ ]T¿QS to reveal the struggle of whether one b] `SdSOZ bVS ab`cUUZS ]T eVSbVS` ]\S man's past will redefine America over the [O\¸a ^Oab eWZZ `SRS¿\S /[S`WQO ]dS` bVS next four years. \Sfb T]c` gSO`a Opening at: Cinemagic Clarks Pond =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R (South Portland) Fri-Tues 12, 4:50, A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W BcSa 2:20, ( "(# 7:20, 9:50 Wed 7:20, 9:50; Brunswick 10 %( '(# ESR %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY Fri-Tues 1:20, 4:10, 7, 9:20 4`W BcSa ( "( % '(

Open Road Films =^S\ @]OR 4WZ[a

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard team up in the comedy "Hit and Run," which Shepard wrote and co-directed. 9`WabS\ 0SZZ O\R 2Of AVS^O`R bSO[ c^ W\ bVS Q][SRg Âľ6Wb O\R @c\ Âś eVWQV AVS^O`R e`]bS O\R Q] RW`SQbSR

Making car chases fun again DXb`e^ ZXi Z_Xj\j ]le X^X`e 'Hit and Run' brings back a sense of automotive anarchy that's good for some laughs. ¡6Wb O\R @c\¸ P`W\Ua POQY O aS\aS ]T Ocb][]bWdS O\O`QVg bVOb¸a U]]R T]` a][S ZOcUVa By ROGER MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003&


McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST

n ancient times, before the O BODJFOU UJNFT CFGPSF UIF phrases "global warming" and QISBTFT iHMPCBM XBSNJOHw BOE "peak oil" ruined our fun, HoliQFBL PJMw SVJOFE PVS GVO )PM lywood used to make car-chase MZXPPE VTFE UP NBLF DBS DIBTF comedies, automotive epics DPNFEJFT BVUPNPUJWF FQJDT that were more about burnt UIBU XFSF NPSF BCPVU CVSOU rubber than good acting. SVCCFS UIBO HPPE BDUJOH An aspiring director like Ron "O BTQJSJOH EJSFDUPS MJLF 3PO Howard could launch his career with )PXBSE DPVME MBVODI IJT DBSFFS XJUI "Eat My Dust" and "Grand Theft Auto." i&BU .Z %VTUw BOE i(SBOE 5IFGU "VUP w Burt Reynolds could slip on a hat and slip #VSU 3FZOPMET DPVME TMJQ PO B IBU BOE TMJQ behind the wheel of a Trans Am and fans CFIJOE UIF XIFFM PG B 5SBOT "N BOE GBOT would follow "Smokey and the Bandit" XPVME GPMMPX i4NPLFZ BOE UIF #BOEJUw anywhere. BOZXIFSF That's the tradition "Hit and Run" fits 5IBU T UIF USBEJUJPO i)JU BOE 3VOw mUT into. Hollywood gearhead Dax Shepard, JOUP )PMMZXPPE HFBSIFBE %BY 4IFQBSE of "Baby Mama" and TV's "Parenthood," PG i#BCZ .BNBw BOE 57 T i1BSFOUIPPE w rounded up his fiancee and "When in SPVOEFE VQ IJT mBODFF BOE i8IFO JO Rome" co-star, Kristen Bell, and a bunch 3PNFw DP TUBS ,SJTUFO #FMM BOE B CVODI of their friends, piled into a collection of PG UIFJS GSJFOET QJMFE JOUP B DPMMFDUJPO PG cars - classic and new - and tore up some DBST o DMBTTJD BOE OFX o BOE UPSF VQ TPNF California back roads in a movie about, $BMJGPSOJB CBDL SPBET JO B NPWJF BCPVU well, tearing up California back roads. XFMM UFBSJOH VQ $BMJGPSOJB CBDL SPBET Shepard plays "Charlie Bronson." No, 4IFQBSE QMBZT i$IBSMJF #SPOTPO w /P

REVIEW I<M@<N "HIT AND RUN," starring Dax Shepard, ¾67B /<2 @C< œ abO``W\U 2Of AVS^O`R Kristen Bell, Bradley Cooper, Tom 9`WabS\ 0SZZ 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` B][ Arnold and Kristin Chenoweth. /`\]ZR O\R 9`WabW\ 1VS\]eSbV Directed by David Palmer and Dax 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR >OZ[S` O\R 2Of Shepard. Rated R for pervasive AVS^O`R @ObSR @ T]` ^S`dOaWdS language including sexual references, ZO\UcOUS W\QZcRW\U aSfcOZ `STS`S\QSa graphic nudity, some violence and U`O^VWQ \cRWbg a][S dW]ZS\QS O\R drug content. Running time: 1:40 R`cU Q]\bS\b @c\\W\U bW[S( (" "If you want, I'll spend every moment i*G ZPV XBOU * MM TQFOE FWFSZ NPNFOU with you for the rest of my life," he coos to XJUI ZPV GPS UIF SFTU PG NZ MJGF w IF DPPT UP her in bed. She swoons. IFS JO CFE 4IF TXPPOT That is tested when Annie has a shot at a 5IBU JT UFTUFE XIFO "OOJF IBT B TIPU BU B with a college in L.A. Charlie can kiss KPC XJUI B DPMMFHF JO - " $IBSMJF DBO LJTT Joy Bryant, Bradley Cooper and Ryan job 8]g 0`gO\b 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` O\R @gO\ her goodbye and stay out of the city where IFS HPPECZF BOE TUBZ PVU PG UIF DJUZ XIFSF Hansen get in on the chasing in "Hit 6O\aS\ USb W\ ]\ bVS QVOaW\U W\ ¾6Wb his life is in danger. Or he can risk it all for IJT MJGF JT JO EBOHFS 0S IF DBO SJTL JU BMM GPS and Run." O\R @c\ œ love. MPWF His accident-prone witness protec)JT BDDJEFOU QSPOF XJUOFTT QSPUFD that's not his real name. He's in the witUIBU T OPU IJT SFBM OBNF )F T JO UIF XJU tion marshal (Tom Arnold) is against it. UJPO NBSTIBM 5PN "SOPME JT BHBJOTU JU ness protection program, far from Los OFTT QSPUFDUJPO QSPHSBN GBS GSPN -PT Annie's ex (Michael Rosenbaum) is hell "OOJF T FY .JDIBFM 3PTFOCBVN JT IFMM Angeles. One thing that is real is Charlie's CFOU PO TUPQQJOH UIFN "OHFMFT 0OF UIJOH UIBU JT SFBM JT $IBSMJF T bent on stopping them. love for community college "conflict resoMPWF GPS DPNNVOJUZ DPMMFHF iDPOnJDU SFTP lution" teacher Annie (Bell). Please see'HIT,'Page E26 MVUJPOw UFBDIFS "OOJF #FMM Gc\Xj\ j\\ ¡67B ¸ GX^\ <)-

Indie Film, E14 N • E\n fe ;M;1 ÊK_\ ;`ZkXkfi#Ë <(, New on DVD: 'The Dictator/ E15 @e[`\ =`cd# <(+

"LAWLESS" (PG) (1:55) Stars Tom ¾:/E:3AAœ >5 (## AbO`a B][ Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce. 6O`Rg AVWO :O0S]cT O\R 5cg >SO`QS Directed by John Hillcoat. Set in Virginia 2W`SQbSR Pg 8]V\ 6WZZQ]Ob ASb W\ DW`UW\WO during the Depression era, a bootlegging Rc`W\U bVS 2S^`SaaW]\ S`O O P]]bZSUUW\U gang is threatened by authorities who UO\U Wa bV`SObS\SR Pg OcbV]`WbWSa eV] want a cut of their profits. eO\b O Qcb ]T bVSW` ^`]¿ba Opening at: Cinemagic Clarks Pond =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R (South Portland) Wed 11:30,2:10,4:45, A]cbV >]`bZO\R ESR (! ( "("# 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Wed 12, 2:25, %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] ESR ( # 4:50, 7:15, 9:40; Cinemagic Westbrook "(# %( # '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Wed 12, !( 3:20, 7:10, 9:50 ESR %( '(# "THE OOGLELOVES IN THE BIG BAL¾B63 ==5:3:=D3A 7< B63 075 0/: LOON ADVENTURE" (G) (1:55) Stars :==< /2D3<BC@3œ 5 (## AbO`a Christopher Lloyd, Gary Elwes and Jaime 1V`Wab]^VS` :Z]gR 1O`g 3ZeSa O\R 8OW[S Pressly. Directed by Matthew Diamond. >`SaaZg 2W`SQbSR Pg ;ObbVSe 2WO[]\R The Oogiloves set out to find the magical BVS =]UWZ]dSa aSb ]cb b] ¿\R bVS [OUWQOZ balloons in time to save their friend's POZZ]]\a W\ bW[S b] aOdS bVSW` T`WS\R¸a party. Along the way, they meet some ^O`bg /Z]\U bVS eOg bVSg [SSb a][S very interesting characters. dS`g W\bS`SabW\U QVO`OQbS`a Opening at: Cinemagic Saco Wed 12:25, =^S\W\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] ESR ( # 2:25,4:25, 7; Cinemagic Westbrook Wed ( # "( # %) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y ESR 2:30,4:40,7 (! "(" %


( ( ( (( ( (


"THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" (PG-13) ¾B63 /;/H7<5 A>723@ ;/<œ >5 ! Stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone (2:16) ( $ AbO`a /\R`Se 5O`¿SZR 3[[O Ab]\S and Rhys Ifans. Directed by Marc Webb. O\R @Vga 7TO\a 2W`SQbSR Pg ;O`Q ESPP Peter Parker finds a clue that might help >SbS` >O`YS` ¿\Ra O QZcS bVOb [WUVb VSZ^ him understand why his parents disapVW[ c\RS`abO\R eVg VWa ^O`S\ba RWaO^ peared when he was young. His path puts ^SO`SR eVS\ VS eOa g]c\U 6Wa ^ObV ^cba him on a collision course with Dr. Curt VW[ ]\ O Q]ZZWaW]\ Q]c`aS eWbV 2` 1c`b Connors, his father's former partner. 1]\\]`a VWa TObVS`¸a T]`[S` ^O`b\S` Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs-Wed 6:45, 9:40 BVc`a ESR $("# '(" "BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD" ¾03/ABA =4 B63 A=CB63@< E7:2œ (PG-13) (1:33) Stars Quvenzhane Wallis, >5 ! (!! AbO`a ?cdS\hVO\S EOZZWa

Please see MOVIES, PageE26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <)-

E14 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

JOIN US EVERY SUNDAY FROM -2,1 86 (9(5< 681'$< )520 $0 72 30 )25 %581&+ 10AM TO 1PM FOR BRUNCH $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR!

/ aQS\S A scene from "Up T`][ ÂľC^ Yours, Truly," G]c`a B`cZg Âś produced ^`]RcQSR during the Rc`W\U bVS recent 48 `SQS\b "& Hour Film 6]c` 4WZ[ Project by >`]XSQb Pg Andrea /\R`SO Nilosek and <WZ]aSY O\R directed RW`SQbSR by Sam Pg AO[ Rapaport. @O^O^]`b

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2 IMAX: THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES U 3* 12:00-3:15-6:30-9:45




HIT & RUN (R) 12:20-2:35-4:50-7:15-9:35

n 5 EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 12:15-2:30-4:45-7:05-9:25 F 5 3D PARANORMAN (PG) NO PASSES 12:20-4:40-9:10 G 3* 12 3$66(6 PARANORMAN (PG) 2:30-7:00 3* SPARKLE (PG13) NO PASSES 12:30-3:30-6:55-9:25 3* 12 3$66(6 ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 12:00-2:25-4:45-7:10-9:30 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:15-6:45-9:30 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:15-2:10-4:15-7:00-9:00 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) NO PASSES 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:10-9:25

3* 12 3$66(6 TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 7:00-9:30 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 12:10-2:20-4:25-7:05-9:15 G 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:15-3:40-7:30 3* ICE AGE 4 (PG) 12:10-2:15-4:30 H 3* TED (R) 7:10-9:35 5 BRAVE (PG) 12:05-2:20-4:35 3*


*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:20-9:45 F 5 3D PARANORMAN (PG) NO PASSES 11:50-9:30 G 3* 12 3$66(6 PARANORMAN (PG) 2:15-4:40-7:10 3* ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:50-2:20-4:45-7:10-9:40 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:00-3:00-7:00-9:50 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 11:40-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:30 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) NO PASSES 11:40-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:40

3* 12 3$66(6 TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 7:20-10:00 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 11:45-2:00-4:15 G 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 11:30-3:00-6:30-10:00 3*



HIT & RUN (R) 11:40-2:20-4:40-7:15-9:45

n 5 EXPENDABLES 2 (R) 11:30-11:40-1:50-2:10-4:20-4:40-7:00-7:10-9:30-9:40 F 5 3D PARANORMAN (PG) NO PASSES 2:00-4:20-7:00 G 3* 12 3$66(6 PARANORMAN (PG) 11:40-9:15 3* SPARKLE (PG13) NO PASSES 12:10-3:20-6:50-9:30 3* 12 3$66(6 ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:45-2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:20-3:30-7:00-9:50 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 11:45-1:50-4:10-7:20-9:50 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) NO PASSES 11:50-2:10-4:30-7:10-9:30

3* 12 3$66(6 3D NITRO CIRCUS (PG13) NO PASSES 12:10-9:20 G 3* 12 3$66(6 NITRO CIRCUS (PG13) 2:20-4:30-6:50 3* TOTAL RECALL (PG13) 12:00-3:10-6:45-9:30 3* DIARY OF A WIMPY KID 3 (PG) 11:35-2:00-4:30-6:50 G 3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:00-3:30-7:30-9:10 3* ICE AGE 4 (PG) 11:30-1:50-4:10-6:45-9:10 H 3* AMAZING SPIDERMAN (PG13) 6:45-9:40 3* TED (R) 11:50-2:20-4:40-7:20-9:50 5 BRAVE (PG) 11:35-2:00-4:20 3*

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

N_p \e[li\ +/ ?fli jki\jj6 Why endure 48 Hour stress? It supports film community @k jlggfikj Ôcd Zfddle`kp TK he 2012 48 Hour Film Project IF )PVS 'JMN 1SPKFDU is over for the year. All the JT PWFS GPS UIF ZFBS "MM UIF coffee's been drunk, the cosDPGGFF T CFFO ESVOL UIF DPT tumes packed up, the cameras UVNFT QBDLFE VQ UIF DBNFSBT back in use on films that don't CBDL JO VTF PO mMNT UIBU EPO U have to be completed in two IBWF UP CF DPNQMFUFE JO UXP short, frenzied days. TIPSU GSFO[JFE EBZT And for the Portland producer "OE GPS UIF 1PSUMBOE QSPEVDFS of this year's 48, Allen Baldwin, PG UIJT ZFBS T "MMFO #BMEXJO was it all worthwhile? XBT JU BMM XPSUIXIJMF "Um ..." hesitates the local i6N yw IFTJUBUFT UIF MPDBM filmmaker. mMNNBLFS "Well, it was a lot more work i8FMM JU XBT B MPU NPSF XPSL than I thought," he finally says. "Fun and UIBO * UIPVHIU w IF mOBMMZ TBZT i'VO BOE rewarding, though, to finally get the movSFXBSEJOH UIPVHI UP mOBMMZ HFU UIF NPW ies up there. I really do feel it's a valuable JFT VQ UIFSF * SFBMMZ EP GFFM JU T B WBMVBCMF community event, so it was definitely DPNNVOJUZ FWFOU TP JU XBT EFmOJUFMZ worth my while to make it happen." XPSUI NZ XIJMF UP NBLF JU IBQQFO w For the unfamiliar, the international 'PS UIF VOGBNJMJBS UIF JOUFSOBUJPOBM 48 Hour Film Project attracts teams of )PVS 'JMN 1SPKFDU BUUSBDUT UFBNT PG intrepid/foolhardy filmmakers and gives JOUSFQJE GPPMIBSEZ mMNNBLFST BOE HJWFT them just a weekend to write, direct and UIFN KVTU B XFFLFOE UP XSJUF EJSFDU BOE edit a finished short film. FEJU B mOJTIFE TIPSU mMN And just because that's too easy, each "OE KVTU CFDBVTF UIBU T UPP FBTZ FBDI team is given a prop (this year: a brush), UFBN JT HJWFO B QSPQ UIJT ZFBS B CSVTI a character (this time: Sharon or SherB DIBSBDUFS UIJT UJNF 4IBSPO PS 4IFS man Shatternick, who must be an artist of NBO 4IBUUFSOJDL XIP NVTU CF BO BSUJTU PG some kind) and a line of dialogue ("I have TPNF LJOE BOE B MJOF PG EJBMPHVF i* IBWF no choice"), all of which must be included OP DIPJDFw BMM PG XIJDI NVTU CF JODMVEFE in the film. Plus, just to be mean, each JO UIF mMN 1MVT KVTU UP CF NFBO FBDI team is assigned their film's genre. UFBN JT BTTJHOFE UIFJS mMN T HFOSF Of course, this begs the question, "Why 0G DPVSTF UIJT CFHT UIF RVFTUJPO i8IZ do this again?"w EP UIJT BHBJO "It's a way to stay in the public eye and i*U T B XBZ UP TUBZ JO UIF QVCMJD FZF BOE keep your hands dirty," says Baldwin, who LFFQ ZPVS IBOET EJSUZ w TBZT #BMEXJO XIP has participated in several 48s before takIBT QBSUJDJQBUFE JO TFWFSBM T CFGPSF UBL ing over this year. "That's why everyone JOH PWFS UIJT ZFBS i5IBU T XIZ FWFSZPOF gets into making movies: To make them. HFUT JOUP NBLJOH NPWJFT 5P NBLF UIFN And then you get older and find that TV "OE UIFO ZPV HFU PMEFS BOE mOE UIBU 57 commercials pay better, so you find a way DPNNFSDJBMT QBZ CFUUFS TP ZPV mOE B XBZ to make a living. The 48 is a good way to UP NBLF B MJWJOH 5IF JT B HPPE XBZ UP get back to the beginning." HFU CBDL UP UIF CFHJOOJOH w As for this year's teams, Baldwin was "T GPS UIJT ZFBS T UFBNT #BMEXJO XBT impressed. Out of the 26 entrants, only JNQSFTTFE 0VU PG UIF FOUSBOUT POMZ two didn't make it to the finish line, and UXP EJEO U NBLF JU UP UIF mOJTI MJOF BOE the rest comprised an eclectic lineup of UIF SFTU DPNQSJTFE BO FDMFDUJD MJOFVQ PG "a puppet film, two musicals and a movie iB QVQQFU mMN UXP NVTJDBMT BOE B NPWJF made by a team of 17-year-old kids," NBEF CZ B UFBN PG ZFBS PME LJET w among others. BNPOH PUIFST And while this year's winners won't be "OE XIJMF UIJT ZFBS T XJOOFST XPO U CF announced until the awards show later BOOPVODFE VOUJM UIF BXBSET TIPX MBUFS

this month (check 48hourfilm/ UIJT NPOUI DIFDL IPVSmMN com/en/portland_maine or this DPN FO QPSUMBOE@NBJOF PS UIJT column for details), Baldwin DPMVNO GPS EFUBJMT #BMEXJO has lined up some impresIBT MJOFE VQ TPNF JNQSFT sive local judges, including TJWF MPDBM KVEHFT JODMVEJOH the director of the Maine Film UIF EJSFDUPS PG UIF .BJOF 'JMN Office, Portland leading man 0GmDF 1PSUMBOE MFBEJOH NBO Erik Moody ("Ragged Isle") &SJL .PPEZ i3BHHFE *TMFw and Videoport fixture James BOE 7JEFPQPSU mYUVSF +BNFT CagneyIV $BHOFZ *7 But apart from awards and #VU BQBSU GSPN BXBSET BOE stress-induced creativity BaldTUSFTT JOEVDFE DSFBUJWJUZ #BME win says the whole 48 Hour XJO TBZT UIF XIPMF )PVS project is a vital link between Maine's QSPKFDU JT B WJUBM MJOL CFUXFFO .BJOF T filmmaking community and the public, mMNNBLJOH DPNNVOJUZ BOE UIF QVCMJD who turned out in encouraging numbers XIP UVSOFE PVU JO FODPVSBHJOH OVNCFST for last week's screenings at the St. LawGPS MBTU XFFL T TDSFFOJOHT BU UIF 4U -BX rence Arts Center. SFODF "SUT $FOUFS "It's something I stress at every screeni*U T TPNFUIJOH * TUSFTT BU FWFSZ TDSFFO ing: This is a community event that keeps JOH 5IJT JT B DPNNVOJUZ FWFOU UIBU LFFQT all of us in touch," he said. "Seeing the BMM PG VT JO UPVDI w IF TBJE i4FFJOH UIF new filmmakers, keeping the scene alive OFX mMNNBLFST LFFQJOH UIF TDFOF BMJWF and vibrant, and reminding people there's BOE WJCSBOU BOE SFNJOEJOH QFPQMF UIFSF T good stuff being made in Portland all HPPE TUVGG CFJOH NBEF JO 1PSUMBOE BMM the time so they can reach out beyond UIF UJNF TP UIFZ DBO SFBDI PVU CFZPOE what's in the big theaters and give local a XIBU T JO UIF CJH UIFBUFST BOE HJWF MPDBM B chance." DIBODF w

Dennis Perkins ;\ee`j G\ib`ej Indie Film @e[`\ =`cd

Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ PORTLAND MAINE FILM FESTIVAL >=@B:/<2 ;/7<3 47:; 43AB7D/: PROMOTIONAL PARTY >@=;=B7=</: >/@BG (portlandmainefilmfest.com) ^]`bZO\R[OW\S¿Z[TSab Q][ 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday: Time to #(! b] &(! ^ [ BVc`aROg( BW[S b] mingle with organizers and filmmakers [W\UZS eWbV ]`UO\WhS`a O\R ¿Z[[OYS`a of the PMFF at Portland's Think Tank ]T bVS >;44 Ob >]`bZO\R¸a BVW\Y BO\Y (thinktankportland.com) in advance bVW\YbO\Y^]`bZO\R Q][ W\ ORdO\QS of the third annual fest Oct. 4 to 7. ]T bVS bVW`R O\\cOZ TSab =Qb " b] % Get snacks, door prizes and the inside 5Sb a\OQYa R]]` ^`WhSa O\R bVS W\aWRS scoop on the festival. aQ]]^ ]\ bVS TSabWdOZ MAINE OUTDOOR FILM FESTIVAL ;/7<3 =CB2==@ 47:; 43AB7D/: (maineoutdoorfilm.com) [OW\S]cbR]]`¿Z[ Q][ Saturday: Paddle yourself to the banks AObc`ROg( >ORRZS g]c`aSZT b] bVS PO\Ya of the Kennebec in The Forks for this ]T bVS 9S\\SPSQ W\ BVS 4]`Ya T]` bVWa new event, featuring movies centering \Se SdS\b TSObc`W\U []dWSa QS\bS`W\U on rafting, snowboarding and the like. ]\ `OTbW\U a\]eP]O`RW\U O\R bVS ZWYS C'mon - let's disprove the myth that 1¸[]\ ³ ZSb¸a RWa^`]dS bVS [gbV bVOb all movie fans are shut-ins! Who's with OZZ []dWS TO\a O`S aVcb W\a EV]¸a eWbV me? [S-

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 23, | GO E15 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 #


S H O W T M E S FOR T O N I G H T ONLY 3(/74-%3 &/2 4/.)'(4 /.,9

N E W ON THE SHELF <3E =< B63 A63:4

Âľ03@<73 Âś abO``W\U 8OQY 0ZOQY O\R AVW`ZSg "BERNIE," starring Jack Black and Shirley ;OQZOW\S BVS ^V`OaS Âľ=aQO` \][W\SS 8OQY Maclaine. The phrase "Oscar nominee Jack 0ZOQYÂś [Og PSQ][S O `SOZWbg WT Q`WbWQOZ Q]\aS\aca Black" may become a reality if critical consensus ^`]dSa OQQc`ObS T]` bVWa TOQb POaSR VgP`WR ]T proves accurate for this fact-based hybrid of Q][SRg O\R R]Qc[S\bO`g T`][ SdS` c\^`SRWQb comedy and documentary from ever unpredictOPZS ÂżZ[[OYS` @WQVO`R :W\YZObS` 0ZOQY ^ZOga able filmmaker Richard Linklater. Black plays Bernie, a beloved smalltown funeral home 0S`\WS O PSZ]dSR a[OZZb]e\ Tc\S`OZ V][S director in the South whose unlikely friendship RW`SQb]` W\ bVS A]cbV eV]aS c\ZWYSZg T`WS\RaVW^ with cruel and standoffish widow Maclaine takes eWbV Q`cSZ O\R abO\R]TÂżaV eWR]e ;OQZOW\S bOYSa a turn for the tragic when the normally gentle O bc`\ T]` bVS b`OUWQ eVS\ bVS \]`[OZZg US\bZS Bernie snaps and puts four bullets into her. 0S`\WS a\O^a O\R ^cba T]c` PcZZSba W\b] VS` Paramount Pictures >O`O[]c\b >WQbc`Sa Enter understandably befuddled D.A. Matthew 3\bS` c\RS`abO\ROPZg PSTcRRZSR 2 / ;ObbVSe Sacha B a r o n C o h e n in "The Dictator." AOQVO 0O`]\ 1]VS\ W\ ÂľBVS 2WQbOb]` Âś McConaughey, whose seemingly cut-and-dry ;Q1]\OcUVSg eV]aS aSS[W\UZg Qcb O\R R`g case becomes less so upon discovering that the QOaS PSQ][Sa ZSaa a] c^]\ RWaQ]dS`W\U bVOb bVS "WEEKEND," starring Tom Cullen and Chris ÂľE3393<2 Âś abO``W\U B][ 1cZZS\ O\R 1V`Wa townsfolk have no interest in making Bernie pay b]e\aT]ZY VOdS \] W\bS`Sab W\ [OYW\U 0S`\WS ^Og New. Acclaimed drama from British writer-di<Se /QQZOW[SR R`O[O T`][ 0`WbWaV e`WbS` RW for his crime. Rated PG-13. Running time: 1:44 T]` VWa Q`W[S @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( ("" rector Andrew Haigh ("Greek Pete") has been `SQb]` /\R`Se 6OWUV Âľ5`SSY >SbSÂś VOa PSS\ Suggested retail price: $28.99; Blu-ray $29.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( & '') 0Zc `Og ' '' hailed as one of the most believable, sensitive VOWZSR Oa ]\S ]T bVS []ab PSZWSdOPZS aS\aWbWdS and affecting representations of gay relationO\R OTTSQbW\U `S^`SaS\bObW]\a ]T UOg `SZObW]\ "THE DICTATOR," starring Sacha Baron Cohen ÂľB63 271B/B=@ Âś abO``W\U AOQVO 0O`]\ 1]VS\ ships in some time, with Cullen and New taking aVW^a W\ a][S bW[S eWbV 1cZZS\ O\R <Se bOYW\U and Anna Faris. Audiences accustomed to the O\R /\\O 4O`Wa /cRWS\QSa OQQcab][SR b] bVS what normally might have been a simple oneeVOb \]`[OZZg [WUVb VOdS PSS\ O aW[^ZS ]\S sight of Cohen accosting and embarrassing aWUVb ]T 1]VS\ OQQ]abW\U O\R S[PO``OaaW\U night stand to more profound levels. Excellent \WUVb abO\R b] []`S ^`]T]c\R ZSdSZa 3fQSZZS\b everyday American citizens under the guise of SdS`gROg /[S`WQO\ QWbWhS\a c\RS` bVS UcWaS ]T performances and compelling dialogue elevate "Ali G.," "Borat" and "Bruno" may be taken aback ^S`T]`[O\QSa O\R Q][^SZZW\U RWOZ]UcS SZSdObS Âľ/ZW 5 Âś Âľ0]`ObÂś O\R Âľ0`c\]Âś [Og PS bOYS\ OPOQY this indie hit to must-see status, especially bVWa W\RWS VWb b] [cab aSS abObca Sa^SQWOZZg to find the fearless funnyman actually appearing b] Âż\R bVS TSO`ZSaa Tc\\g[O\ OQbcOZZg O^^SO`W\U with the customary deluxe Criterion treatment. eWbV bVS Qcab][O`g RSZcfS 1`WbS`W]\ b`SOb[S\b in a mainstream comedy with a plot and actors W\ O [OW\ab`SO[ Q][SRg eWbV O ^Z]b O\R OQb]`a Special features include interviews with cast and rather than unsuspecting members of the public. A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS W\bS`dWSea eWbV QOab O\R `ObVS` bVO\ c\aca^SQbW\U [S[PS`a ]T bVS ^cPZWQ crew and two short films. Not rated; contains Q`Se O\R be] aV]`b ÂżZ[a <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a While lacking in the chutzpah and palpable EVWZS ZOQYW\U W\ bVS QVcbh^OV O\R ^OZ^OPZS language, drug use, nudity and strong sexual ZO\UcOUS R`cU caS \cRWbg O\R ab`]\U aSfcOZ danger of those features, Cohen finds ample RO\US` ]T bV]aS TSObc`Sa 1]VS\ Âż\Ra O[^ZS content. Running time: 1:37 Q]\bS\b @c\\W\U bW[S( (!% opportunity to amuse and offend in this Marx ]^^]`bc\Wbg b] O[caS O\R ]TTS\R W\ bVWa ;O`f Suggested retail price: $39.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '# brothers-inspired farce by assuming the role of P`]bVS`a W\a^W`SR TO`QS Pg Oaac[W\U bVS `]ZS ]T Gen. Aladeen, a less-than-benevolent dictator 5S\ /ZORSS\ O ZSaa bVO\ PS\Sd]ZS\b RWQbOb]` V I D E O P O R T PICKS D723=>=@B >719A whose ill-fated trip to the United Nations finds eV]aS WZZ TObSR b`W^ b] bVS C\WbSR <ObW]\a Âż\Ra him debearded and running amok in the streets "ECSTASY OF ORDER: THE TETRIS MASTERS," Âľ31AB/AG =4 =@23@( B63 B3B@7A ;/AB3@A Âś VW[ RSPSO`RSR O\R `c\\W\U O[]Y W\ bVS ab`SSba of New York while a rival (a game Ben Kingsdocumentary. People who become obsessed R]Qc[S\bO`g >S]^ZS eV] PSQ][S ]PaSaaSR ]T <Se G]`Y eVWZS O `WdOZ O UO[S 0S\ 9W\Ua ley) hires a body double to impersonate him at with a very specific interest unfailingly make for eWbV O dS`g a^SQWÂżQ W\bS`Sab c\TOWZW\UZg [OYS T]` ZSg VW`Sa O P]Rg R]cPZS b] W[^S`a]\ObS VW[ Ob home. Rated R. Running time: 1:23 intriguing documentary subjects, and "EcW\b`WUcW\U R]Qc[S\bO`g acPXSQba O\R Âľ3Q V][S @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( ( ! stasy of Order" from director Adam Cornelius abOag ]T =`RS`Âś T`][ RW`SQb]` /RO[ 1]`\SZWca Suggested retail price: $29.99; Blu-ray $44.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '') 0Zc `Og "" '' ("People Who Do Noise") does not disappoint. Âľ>S]^ZS EV] 2] <]WaSÂś R]Sa \]b RWaO^^]W\b In this case, the obsession in question is Tetris, 7\ bVWa QOaS bVS ]PaSaaW]\ W\ _cSabW]\ Wa BSb`Wa "DISNEYNATURE: CHIMPANZEE," documenÂľ27A<3G</BC@3( 167;>/<H33 Âś R]Qc[S\ one of those rare games that transcends the ]\S ]T bV]aS `O`S UO[Sa bVOb b`O\aQS\Ra bVS tary. Tim "Buzz Lightyear" Allen narrates this bO`g BW[ Âľ0chh :WUVbgSO`Âś /ZZS\ \O``ObSa bVWa usual video-game demographic to appeal to all cacOZ dWRS] UO[S RS[]U`O^VWQ b] O^^SOZ b] OZZ charming and beautifully photographed tale of QVO`[W\U O\R PSOcbWTcZZg ^V]b]U`O^VSR bOZS ]T ages, from the savviest Xbox freak to the most OUSa T`][ bVS aOddWSab FP]f T`SOY b] bVS []ab young Oscar, an orphaned chimp "adopted" by g]c\U =aQO` O\ ]`^VO\SR QVW[^ ÂľOR]^bSRÂś Pg technologically incompetent grandma. Following Freddy, an alpha male who assumed parental re- bSQV\]Z]UWQOZZg W\Q][^SbS\b U`O\R[O 4]ZZ]eW\U 4`SRRg O\ OZ^VO [OZS eV] Oaac[SR ^O`S\bOZ `S a colorful group of Tetris record holders as they O Q]Z]`TcZ U`]c^ ]T BSb`Wa `SQ]`R V]ZRS`a Oa bVSg sponsibilities for the appropriately adorable and a^]\aWPWZWbWSa T]` bVS O^^`]^`WObSZg OR]`OPZS O\R prepare for the upcoming Classic Tetris World ^`S^O`S T]` bVS c^Q][W\U 1ZOaaWQ BSb`Wa E]`ZR curious primate. While the proceedings involve Qc`W]ca ^`W[ObS EVWZS bVS ^`]QSSRW\Ua W\d]ZdS Championship, "Order" traces the history of this 1VO[^W]\aVW^ Âľ=`RS`Âś b`OQSa bVS VWab]`g ]T bVWa a violent disagreement between rival chimp O dW]ZS\b RWaOU`SS[S\b PSbeSS\ `WdOZ QVW[^ iconic game while detailing the lives and percommunities over a nearby nut field, viewers are WQ]\WQ UO[S eVWZS RSbOWZW\U bVS ZWdSa O\R ^S` Q][[c\WbWSa ]dS` O \SO`Pg \cb ÂżSZR dWSeS`a O`S sonalities of those who tend to be particularly a]\OZWbWSa ]T bV]aS eV] bS\R b] PS ^O`bWQcZO`Zg spared the inevitable monkey violence and aftera^O`SR bVS W\SdWbOPZS []\YSg dW]ZS\QS O\R OTbS` drawn to its charms. Certain to appeal to fans of R`Oe\ b] Wba QVO`[a 1S`bOW\ b] O^^SOZ b] TO\a ]T math, resulting in family-friendly entertainment [ObV `SacZbW\U W\ TO[WZg T`WS\RZg S\bS`bOW\[S\b such docs as "King of Kong" and "Word Wars," in the old "Walt Disney Presents" vein. Rated G. W\ bVS ]ZR ÂľEOZb 2Wa\Sg >`SaS\baÂś dSW\ @ObSR 5 acQV R]Qa Oa Âľ9W\U ]T 9]\UÂś O\R ÂľE]`R EO`a Âś but universal and entertaining enough to be of Pcb c\WdS`aOZ O\R S\bS`bOW\W\U S\]cUV b] PS ]T Running time: 1:18 @c\\W\U bW[S( ( & interest to just about anyone. Not rated; contains W\bS`Sab b] Xcab OP]cb O\g]\S <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a Suggested retail price: $39.99; Blu-ray $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '') 0Zc `Og !' '' language. Running time: 1:33 ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U bW[S( (!! Suggested retail price: $24.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( " '# N E W TO BLU-RAY <3E B= 0:C @/G

"THE ARISTOCATS," "POCAHONTAS" and ¾B63 /@7AB=1/BA œ ¾>=1/6=<B/Aœ O\R "THE RESCUERS," animated. Disney cleans out ¾B63 @3A1C3@A œ O\W[ObSR 2Wa\Sg QZSO\a ]cb its vaults a bit this week, bestowing the hi-def Wba dOcZba O PWb bVWa eSSY PSab]eW\U bVS VW RST treatment upon a few of its well-loved library b`SOb[S\b c^]\ O TSe ]T Wba eSZZ Z]dSR ZWP`O`g classics. The hep cats of 1970s "Aristocats" hold QZOaaWQa BVS VS^ QOba ]T '% a ¾/`Wab]QObaœ V]ZR up especially well, with its pampered Parisian c^ Sa^SQWOZZg eSZZ eWbV Wba ^O[^S`SR >O`WaWO\ felines avoiding a nefarious butler out to snatch TSZW\Sa Od]WRW\U O \STO`W]ca PcbZS` ]cb b] a\ObQV their inheritance, and all to a wonderfully jazzy bVSW` W\VS`WbO\QS O\R OZZ b] O e]\RS`TcZZg XOhhg score. "Pocahontas" (1995) is a rarity - a Disney aQ]`S ¾>]QOV]\bOaœ ''# Wa O `O`Wbg ³ O 2Wa\Sg movie without talking animals - though we []dWS eWbV]cb bOZYW\U O\W[OZa ³ bV]cUV eS suppose it would be hard to work something like ac^^]aS Wb e]cZR PS VO`R b] e]`Y a][SbVW\U ZWYS that into this 17th-century fact-based tale of robVOb W\b] bVWa %bV QS\bc`g TOQb POaSR bOZS ]T `] mance between a Native American and an Eng[O\QS PSbeSS\ O <ObWdS /[S`WQO\ O\R O\ 3\U lish soldier. Finally, 1977's "The Rescuers" coasts ZWaV a]ZRWS` 4W\OZZg '%%¸a ¾BVS @SaQcS`aœ Q]Oaba breezily on the fine chemistry between veteran P`SShWZg ]\ bVS ¿\S QVS[Wab`g PSbeSS\ dSbS`O\ comics Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor as a pair of Q][WQa 0]P <SeVO`b O\R 3dO 5OP]` Oa O ^OW` ]T gently bickering mice out to rescue a kidnapped US\bZg PWQYS`W\U [WQS ]cb b] `SaQcS O YWR\O^^SR little girl. Both "Pocahontas" and "The Rescuers" ZWbbZS UW`Z 0]bV ¾>]QOV]\bOaœ O\R ¾BVS @SaQcS`aœ also include sequels. All are rated G. Running OZa] W\QZcRS aS_cSZa /ZZ O`S `ObSR 5 @c\\W\U time: "The Aristocrats," 1:18; "Pocohontas," 1:21; bW[S( ¾BVS /`Wab]Q`Oba œ ( &) ¾>]Q]V]\bOa œ ( ) "The Rescuers," 1:18 ¾BVS @SaQcS`a œ ( & Suggested retail price: $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' ''

"A SEPARATION," starring Payman Moadi Âľ/ A3>/@/B7=< Âś abO``W\U >Og[O\ ;]ORW and Leila Hatami. Possibly the most critically O\R :SWZO 6ObO[W >]aaWPZg bVS []ab Q`WbWQOZZg acclaimed film of 2011 and the winner of this OQQZOW[SR ÂżZ[ ]T O\R bVS eW\\S` ]T bVWa year's Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, this gSO`¸a =aQO` T]` 0Sab 4]`SWU\ :O\UcOUS 4WZ[ bVWa Iranian film from writer-director Asghar Farhadi 7`O\WO\ ÂżZ[ T`][ e`WbS` RW`SQb]` /aUVO` 4O`VORW boils down to decent but flawed people faced P]WZa R]e\ b] RSQS\b Pcb Ă€OeSR ^S]^ZS TOQSR with a series of incredibly difficult decisions, and eWbV O aS`WSa ]T W\Q`SRWPZg RWTÂżQcZb RSQWaW]\a O\R how these decisions affect the innocent people V]e bVSaS RSQWaW]\a OTTSQb bVS W\\]QS\b ^S]^ZS in their care. In this case, the innocents are W\ bVSW` QO`S 7\ bVWa QOaS bVS W\\]QS\ba O`S young Termeh (Sarina Farhadi), whose parents g]c\U BS`[SV AO`W\O 4O`VORW eV]aS ^O`S\ba (Moadi and Hatami) choose to pursue a divorce, ;]ORW O\R 6ObO[W QV]]aS b] ^c`acS O RWd]`QS as Mom wants to leave Iran to find a better life Oa ;][ eO\ba b] ZSOdS 7`O\ b] Âż\R O PSbbS` ZWTS for Termeh. But Dad needs to stay behind to T]` BS`[SV 0cb 2OR \SSRa b] abOg PSVW\R b] care for his Alzheimer's-afflicted father. From QO`S T]` VWa /ZhVSW[S`¸a OTĂ€WQbSR TObVS` 4`][ that despairing setup comes further tragedy, bVOb RSa^OW`W\U aSbc^ Q][Sa Tc`bVS` b`OUSRg presented in ways both humane and honest. And ^`SaS\bSR W\ eOga P]bV Vc[O\S O\R V]\Sab /\R while it's a strenuous watch at times, the efforts eVWZS Wb¸a O ab`S\c]ca eObQV Ob bW[Sa bVS STT]`ba of the extraordinary cast and the flawless script ]T bVS Sfb`O]`RW\O`g QOab O\R bVS Ă€OeZSaa aQ`W^b from Farhadi easily justify the universal acclaim. T`][ 4O`VORW SOaWZg XcabWTg bVS c\WdS`aOZ OQQZOW[ Rated PG-13. Running time: 2:03 @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( ( ! Suggested retail price: $30.99; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ! '') 0Zc `Og !# '' — Courtesy of Videoport ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b

1 Freeport Village S t a t i o n • 2 2 8 - 1 8 6 8 Times for Thursday, August 23,2012

THE EXPENDABLES 2 m 1:30,4:30, 7:30,10:00 PARANORMAN m\ 12:15,4:45,9:10 PARANORMAN 3D E2 2:30,7:00 THE ODD LIFE OF T I M O T H Y GREEN \m 1:00,4:15,6:40,9:00 THE BOURNE LEGACY \EEm 12:45,3:45, 7:10,9:45

THE CAMPAIGN m 1:15,4:00,7:20,9:30 HOPE SPRINGS m^\ 12:30,3:30,6:50,


3 # 2 % % .

ICE AGE 4 )#% !'% 0' PG 8:10

$!2+ +.)'(4 DARK KNIGHT 2)3%3 0' PG-13 9:50

"2)$'4/. 47). $2)6% ). 2TE "RIDGTON

3 # 2 % % .

THE BOURNE LEGACY 4(% "/52.% ,%'!#9 0' PG-13 8:10

TOTAL RECALL 4/4!, 2%#!,, 0' PG-13 10:30


17TH ,ABOR $AY 7EEKEND $USK @TIL 9AWN 3HOW Labor Day Weekend Dusk 'til Yawn Show FEATURES ON BOTH SCREENS (3 features on both screens 8/31 9/2)

1,&.(/2'(21 &,1(0$6 7HPSOH 0LGGOH 6W 2OG 3RUW ‡ Daily Bargain Matinees- All Seats $6.00 &)*1 &.(&), &0),''/ ** !'&0/

HIT AND RUN (R) (1250 345)7101000 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R (120 410) 720 950 PARANORMAN (PG) (140 PM) 710 PM PARANORMAN IN FIEAL D 3D jfPG) • (420 PM) 930 PM

THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) (110 340)715 945 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) (100 350)700 955 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) 130 400) 655 915 THE CAMPAIGN (R) (115 PM) 730 PM THE CAMPAIGN OCJ (R) 430 PM 1005 PM THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG-13) (1230 330)640 925 DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS (PG)

(145 PM 425 PM) 650 PM ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT (PG (1240 405)705 940

1:45 4:30 7:00 9:40


1:00 6:30 (R)

1:15 3:20 5:30 7:45 9:50 (R)

12:40 3:40 6:40 9:30

(PG-13) 1:30 4:00 6:50 9:10

(PG-13) (PG-13) 12:30 4:50

7:10 9:20 (PG-13)


3:15 8:45

SUPER "# ! %! ! "! TUESDAYS!!! ALL SEATS $5.00 !# Coming Soon- FAREWELL, MY QUEEN -+),( !--, $ % # ZZZ SDWULRWFLQHPDV FRP






The legendary Judy Garland lives BVS ZSUS\RO`g 8cRg 5O`ZO\R ZWdSa on in "Beyond The Rainbow: The ]\ W\ ¾0Sg]\R BVS @OW\P]e( BVS Judy Garland Musical" through 8cRg 5O`ZO\R ;caWQOZœ bV`]cUV Sept. 1. The new one-woman AS^b BVS \Se ]\S e][O\ show is set during Garland's aV]e Wa aSb Rc`W\U 5O`ZO\R¸a famous Carnegie Hall concert TO[]ca 1O`\SUWS 6OZZ Q]\QS`b of 1961 and is intertwined with ]T '$ O\R Wa W\bS`beW\SR eWbV ghosts from her past - parents, UV]aba T`][ VS` ^Oab ³ ^O`S\ba bosses, husbands, co-stars, P]aaSa VcaPO\Ra Q] abO`a friends, critics, booze, pills and T`WS\Ra Q`WbWQa P]]hS ^WZZa O\R even a younger version of herself. SdS\ O g]c\US` dS`aW]\ ]T VS`aSZT Songs include "You Made Me A]\Ua W\QZcRS ¾G]c ;ORS ;S Love You," "The Trolley Song" :]dS G]c œ ¾BVS B`]ZZSg A]\Uœ and "Over the Rainbow." O\R ¾=dS` bVS @OW\P]e œ

The Jen Chapin Trio's sound BVS 8S\ 1VO^W\ B`W]¸a a]c\R is urban folk soul, with story Wa c`PO\ T]ZY a]cZ eWbV ab]`g songs that search for commua]\Ua bVOb aSO`QV T]` Q][[c nity and shared meaning while \Wbg O\R aVO`SR [SO\W\U eVWZS being powered by the funk and PSW\U ^]eS`SR Pg bVS Tc\Y O\R improvisation of the city. The W[^`]dWaObW]\ ]T bVS QWbg BVS band includes Grammy-nomiPO\R W\QZcRSa 5`O[[g \][W nated acoustic bassist Stephan \ObSR OQ]cabWQ POaaWab AbS^VO\ Crump and guitarist Jamie Fox. 1`c[^ O\R UcWbO`Wab 8O[WS 4]f The EP "Five Songs" is their latest BVS 3> ¾4WdS A]\Uaœ Wa bVSW` ZObSab recording. `SQ]`RW\U WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Jonathan's E63@3( 8]\ObVO\¸a Restaurant, @SabOc`O\b Bourne Lane, Ogunquit '92 0]c`\S :O\S =Uc\_cWb HOW MUCH: $20 to $57; 6=E ;C16( b] #%) jonathansrestaurant. com X]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Arundel Barn PlayE63@3( /`c\RSZ 0O`\ >ZOg house, 53 Old Post Road V]caS #! =ZR >]ab @]OR HOW MUCH: $37; 6=E ;C16( !%) arundelbarnplayhouse O`c\RSZPO`\^ZOgV]caS .com Q][

'A Day in the Park' ĂŠ8 ;Xp `e k_\ GXibĂ‹ Bring your blanket, lawn chairs 0`W\U g]c` PZO\YSb ZOe\ QVOW`a and picnic baskets for an afterO\R ^WQ\WQ POaYSba T]` O\ OTbS` noon of local music. "A Day in the \]]\ ]T Z]QOZ [caWQ Âľ/ 2Og W\ bVS Park" is a benefit for the Cum>O`YÂś Wa O PS\SÂżb T]` bVS 1c[ berland County Sheriff's Office PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg AVS`WTT¸a =TÂżQS TRIAD program. You'll see and B@7/2 ^`]U`O[ G]c¸ZZ aSS O\R hear performances by singerVSO` ^S`T]`[O\QSa Pg aW\US` songwriter Eric Bettencourt, fola]\Ue`WbS` 3`WQ 0SbbS\Q]c`b T]Z lowed by his band Velourosaurus Z]eSR Pg VWa PO\R DSZ]c`]aOc`ca and rock and funk from Rustic O\R `]QY O\R Tc\Y T`][ @cabWQ Overtones. =dS`b]\Sa

Get an inside look into the lives 5Sb O\ W\aWRS Z]]Y W\b] bVS ZWdSa of the Armadillo Acres Trailer ]T bVS /`[ORWZZ] /Q`Sa B`OWZS` Park during "The Great American >O`Y Rc`W\U ÂľBVS 5`SOb /[S`WQO\ Trailer Park Musical." Through B`OWZS` >O`Y ;caWQOZ Âś BV`]cUV Sept. 2, ZOcUV OZ]\U eWbV b]ZZ laugh along with toll AS^b collector Norbert and his high Q]ZZSQb]` <]`PS`b O\R VWa VWUV school sweetheart Jeannie, as aQV]]Z aeSSbVSO`b 8SO\\WS Oa well as a stripper named Pippi eSZZ Oa O ab`W^^S` \O[SR >W^^W and her ex-boyfriend, the magic O\R VS` Sf P]gT`WS\R bVS [OUWQ marker sniffing Duke. The trashy [O`YS` a\WTÂż\U 2cYS BVS b`OaVg Greek chorus of Betty, Pickles and 5`SSY QV]`ca ]T 0Sbbg >WQYZSa O\R Linoleum lead the way with blues, :W\]ZSc[ ZSOR bVS eOg eWbV PZcSa gospel, country, rock and disco. U]a^SZ Q]c\b`g `]QY O\R RWaQ] WHEN: 2 ^ [ p.m. E63<( WHERE: City Theater, E63@3( 1Wbg BVSObS` 205 Main St., Biddeford # ;OW\ Ab 0WRRST]`R HOW MUCH: $20; 6=E ;C16( ) citytheater.org QWbgbVSObS` ]`U


'Series' ÊJ\i`\jË

Through Sept. 8, Ogunquit is the BV`]cUV AS^b & =Uc\_cWb Wa bVS place to go for the late summer ^ZOQS b] U] T]` bVS ZObS ac[[S` exhibition "Series." The show SfVWPWbW]\ ÂľAS`WSa Âś BVS aV]e features three related pieces TSObc`Sa bV`SS `SZObSR ^WSQSa by members of the Ogunquit Pg [S[PS`a ]T bVS =Uc\_cWb Art Association, along with a /`b /aa]QWObW]\ OZ]\U eWbV O variety of single works including dO`WSbg ]T aW\UZS e]`Ya W\QZcRW\U printmaking, small works and ^`W\b[OYW\U a[OZZ e]`Ya O\R sculpture. aQcZ^bc`S

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. E63<( O [ b] $ ^ [ WHERE: Just Us Chickens E63@3( 8cab Ca 1VWQYS\a Gallery, 9 Walker St., 5OZZS`g ' EOZYS` Ab Kittery 9WbbS`g HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS justuschickens. net XcabcaQVWQYS\a \Sb

WHEN: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( O [ b] # ^ [ WHERE: The Barn Gallery, E63@3( BVS 0O`\ 5OZZS`g Shore Road and Bourne AV]`S @]OR O\R 0]c`\S Lane, Ogunquit :O\S =Uc\_cWb HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) barngallery. org PO`\UOZZS`g ]`U

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J\gk\dY\i ( Keith Urban B\`k_ LiYXe

Built to Spill 9l`ck kf Jg`cc

For the last few days of August, 4]` bVS ZOab TSe ROga ]T /cUcab see the work of New Hampshire aSS bVS e]`Y ]T <Se 6O[^aVW`S watercolor and acrylic artist DeeObS`Q]Z]` O\R OQ`gZWQ O`bWab 2S nise Brown. She's a noted author, \WaS 0`]e\ AVS¸a O \]bSR OcbV]` illustrator and horse admirer, WZZcab`Ob]` O\R V]`aS OR[W`S` and her work focuses on her O\R VS` e]`Y T]QcaSa ]\ VS` passion for animals and nature. ^OaaW]\ T]` O\W[OZa O\R \Obc`S Many of her paintings are done ;O\g ]T VS` ^OW\bW\Ua O`S R]\S on location en plein air, capturing ]\ Z]QObW]\ S\ ^ZSW\ OW` QO^bc`W\U a sense of place and color with O aS\aS ]T ^ZOQS O\R Q]Z]` eWbV architectural and water elements. O`QVWbSQbc`OZ O\R eObS` SZS[S\ba

usic star Keith Urban comes to caWQ abO` 9SWbV C`PO\ Q][Sa b] aine with a truckload of his OW\S eWbV O b`cQYZ]OR ]T VWa o. 1 hits, including "You Gonna ] VWba W\QZcRW\U ÂľG]c 5]\\O y," "Without You," "Sweet g Âś ÂľEWbV]cb G]c Âś ÂľAeSSb ling" and "You Look Good in My VW\UÂś O\R ÂľG]c :]]Y 5]]R W\ ;g lirt." Along with singing, Urban VW`b Âś /Z]\U eWbV aW\UW\U C`PO\ ays acoustic and electric guitar, Oga OQ]cabWQ O\R SZSQb`WQ UcWbO` anjo, bass guitar, mandolin, O\X] POaa UcWbO` [O\R]ZW\ ano, sitar, bouzouki and drums. O\] aWbO` P]ch]cYW O\R R`c[a

The indie rock band Built to BVS W\RWS `]QY PO\R 0cWZb b] Spill is from Boise, Idaho. It was A^WZZ Wa T`][ 0]WaS 7ROV] 7b eOa formed 20 years ago by guitarist T]`[SR gSO`a OU] Pg UcWbO`Wab and vocalist Doug Martsch. The O\R d]QOZWab 2]cU ;O`baQV BVS band has released seven albums, PO\R VOa `SZSOaSR aSdS\ OZPc[a with a new one slated to be eWbV O \Se ]\S aZObSR b] PS released next year. Experimental, `SZSOaSR \Sfb gSO` 3f^S`W[S\bOZ psychedelic group Helvetia opens ^agQVSRSZWQ U`]c^ 6SZdSbWO ]^S\a the show. bVS aV]e

Mario Francesconi DXi`f =iXeZ\jZfe`

Artist Mario Francesconi is con/`bWab ;O`W] 4`O\QSaQ]\W Wa Q]\ sidered to be a leader of modaWRS`SR b] PS O ZSORS` ]T []R ernism in Italy. His self-portraits S`\Wa[ W\ 7bOZg 6Wa aSZT ^]`b`OWba have graced the Uffizi in FlorVOdS U`OQSR bVS CTÂżhW W\ 4Z]` ence, and his show in Maine pays S\QS O\R VWa aV]e W\ ;OW\S ^Oga homage to summer with still V][OUS b] ac[[S` eWbV abWZZ lifes. Through Sept. 4, view his ZWTSa BV`]cUV AS^b " dWSe VWa exhibit at the only gallery in the SfVWPWb Ob bVS ]\Zg UOZZS`g W\ bVS United States to show his work. C\WbSR AbObSa b] aV]e VWa e]`Y

'HEN: Gates at 5:30 p.m. E63<( 5ObSa Ob #(! ^ [ 'HERE: Bangor Waterfront E63@3( 0O\U]` EObS`T`]\b avilion, 1 Railroad St. OdWZW]\ @OWZ`]OR Ab OWMUCH: $27.75 to $71.75; =E ;C16( % %# b] % %#) 'aterfrontconcerts. com eObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: The State Theatre, E63@3( BVS AbObS BVSOb`S 609 Congress St., $ ' 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $22 W\ ORdO\QS) in advance; 6=E ;C16( day of show; $25 # ROg ]T aV]e) abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ statetheatreportland. com

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( O [ b] # ^ [ WHERE: Gold/Smith E63@3( 5]ZR A[WbV Gallery, 63 Commercial St., 5OZZS`g $! 1][[S`QWOZ Ab Boothbay Harbor 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` HOW MUCH: Free; 633-6252 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) $!! $ #

WHEN: 2 ^ [ p.m. E63<( WHERE: Deering Oaks Park, E63@3( 2SS`W\U =OYa >O`Y Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $10; 871-7876 6=E ;C16( ) &% %&%$

*534 !../5.#%$


Denise Brown ;\e`j\ 9ifne

ÊK_\ >i\Xk 'The Great American Trailer 8d\i`ZXe KiX`c\i Park Musical' GXib Dlj`ZXcË

Jen Chapin Trio A\e :_Xg`e Ki`f

Ê9\pfe[ K_\ 'Beyond The Rainbow: The IX`eYfn1 K_\ Judy Garland Al[p >XicXe[ Musical' Dlj`ZXcË


1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW Compiled by Aimsel Ponti, Staff Writer AbOTT E`WbS`

Lisa Colburn C`jX :fcYlie Author Lisa Colburn's new book /cbV]` :WaO 1]ZPc`\¸a \Se P]]Y is "The Maine Garden Journal: InWa ¾BVS ;OW\S 5O`RS\ 8]c`\OZ( 7\ sider Secrets from Maine People aWRS` ASQ`Sba T`][ ;OW\S >S]^ZS Who Love to Put Their Hands in EV] :]dS b] >cb BVSW` 6O\Ra W\ the Dirt." The book is home to bVS 2W`b œ BVS P]]Y Wa V][S b] the living stories and experiences bVS ZWdW\U ab]`WSa O\R Sf^S`WS\QSa of more than 1OO seasoned gar]T []`S bVO\ aSOa]\SR UO` deners from around the state. It RS\S`a T`][ O`]c\R bVS abObS 7b features vivid, full-color photos. TSObc`Sa dWdWR TcZZ Q]Z]` ^V]b]a WHEN: Noon E63<( <]]\ WHERE: Portland Public E63@3( >]`bZO\R >cPZWQ Library,5 MonumentSquare :WP`O`g # ;]\c[S\b A_cO`S HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS portlandlibrary.com ^]`bZO\RZWP`O`g Q][

*534 !../5.#%$



JEN #( C H !0 A P). I N 42 T R )/ IO *%. H AUGUST 2 4 T4( '534 !5

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"ALLTOGETHERNOW" ,, 4/'%4(%2 ./7v h! "54% "!.$ BEATLES TRIBUTE BAND29 MONTBLEAU R Y!. A N -/ !4,%3 42) "% .4",%!5 ND .$ SEPT. 2 4( S E P 4 T 7TH 3%04 3%0

TOM RUSH 3( - 25 4/ TH SEPT 16 4( 4 3%0

JOAN OSBORNE 2)3/. 34STARR GARRISON & MIA SHARP !22 -) 3"/2.% '!2 ! 3( */!. / !20 35: !..% 7 SUZANNE WESTENHOEFFER %34%.(/%&&%2 TH TH 4( TH /# SEPT OCTOBER 4 4( 4/"%2 4 3 0 3%0 /# 4/"%2 OCTOBER 54(

SUEDE % TH 35%$ OCTOBER 7 4( /#4/"%2

!2 ARI) & MIA )! TH /# 4/"%2 2 64( OCTOBER

!. AN %6% EVENING WITH AG ; .).' 7 )4( !'

<[`k`fe1 G; J\Z&GX^\1 3jck5(- Ile[Xk\1 K_lij[Xp# 8l^ljk )*# )'()


5Sb c^ O\R 5= Get up and GO eWbV bVSaS SdS\ba with these events

1G/< ;/53<B/ G3::=E 0:/19

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 23,! 2012 | GO E17 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab j 5= 3 %

IFG$GG?$>FGi\m`\n)+ Df[`Ă”\[ ,&((&'0 @e;\j`^e!

E16 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 23, 3 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

E18 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

AT THE at the ;I@M<$@EJ DRIVE-INS BRIDGTON TWIN DRIVE-IN, 383 0@725B=< BE7< 2@7D3 7< !&! Portland Road, Bridgton; 647-8666. >]`bZO\R @]OR 0`WRUb]\) $"% &$$$ Open nightly. =^S\ \WUVbZg Thurs: Screen 1: "Ice Age" (PG) 8:10 BVc`a( AQ`SS\ ( Âľ7QS /USÂś >5 &( p.m.; "Dark Knight Rises" (PG-13) ^ [ ) Âľ2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! 9:50 p.m. '(# ^ [ Thurs: Screen 2:( ÂľBVS 0]c`\S "The Bourne BVc`a( AQ`SS\ Legacy" (PG-13) 8:10 p.m.; "Total :SUOQgÂś >5 ! &( ^ [ ) ÂľB]bOZ Recall" (PG-13) 10:30 p.m. @SQOZZÂś >5 ! (! ^ [ Fri-Wed: Screen 1: "Ice Age" (PG) 4`W ESR( AQ`SS\ ( Âľ7QS /USÂś >5 8 p.m.; "Dark Knight Rises" (PG-13) & ^ [ ) Âľ2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! 9:35 p.m. '(!# ^ [ Fri-Wed: Screen 2:( ÂľBVS 0]c`\S "The Bourne 4`W ESR( AQ`SS\ Legacy" (PG-13) 8 p.m.; "Total Recall" :SUOQgÂś >5 ! & ^ [ ) ÂľB]bOZ @SQOZZÂś (PG-13) 10:20 p.m. >5 ! ( ^ [ SACO DRIVE-IN, 969 Portland Road, A/1= 2@7D3 7< '$' >]`bZO\R @]OR Saco; 284-1016. Open nightly. Gates AOQ]) &" $ =^S\ \WUVbZg 5ObSa open at 7:30 p.m. $15/carload. ]^S\ Ob %(! ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Thurs: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" (PG); BVc`a( Âľ2WO`g ]T O EW[^g 9WRÂś >5 ) "Total Recall" (PG-13) ÂľB]bOZ @SQOZZÂś >5 ! Fri-Sun: "The Campaign" (R); "Dark 4`W Ac\( ÂľBVS 1O[^OWU\Âś @ ) Âľ2O`Y Knight Rises" (PG-13) 9\WUVb @WaSaÂś >5 ! PRIDES CORNER DRIVE-IN, 651 >@723A 1=@<3@ 2@7D3 7< $# Bridgton Road, Westbrook; 797-3154. 0`WRUb]\ @]OR ESabP`]]Y) %'% ! #" Open nightly. Gates open Friday and =^S\ \WUVbZg 5ObSa ]^S\ 4`WROg O\R Saturday at 7 p.m.; all other nights at AObc`ROg Ob % ^ [ ) OZZ ]bVS` \WUVba Ob 7:30 p.m. $15/carload. %(! ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Thurs: "The Expendables 2" (R) 8:20 BVc`a( ÂľBVS 3f^S\ROPZSa Âś @ &( p.m.; "Cabin in the Woods" (R) ^ [ ) Âľ1OPW\ W\ bVS E]]RaÂś @ Fri-Wed: "The Expendables 2"Âś @ (R) 4`W ESR( ÂľBVS 3f^S\ROPZSa 8:10 p.m.; "Ted" (R) 9:20 p.m. &( ^ [ ) ÂľBSRÂś @ '( ^ [

'Premium Rush' provides ĂŠGi\d`ld Ilj_Ă‹ gifm`[\j thrill ride through Manhattan k_i`cc i`[\ k_ifl^_ DXe_XkkXe By ROGER MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003& McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST

Michael Shannon plays a villain with .JDIBFM 4IBOOPO QMBZT B WJMMBJO XJUI "impulse-control issues" in the bike-couriiJNQVMTF DPOUSPM JTTVFTw JO UIF CJLF DPVSJ er thriller "Premium Rush." Shannon fans FS UISJMMFS i1SFNJVN 3VTI w 4IBOOPO GBOT will salivate at the thought of that. Nobody XJMM TBMJWBUF BU UIF UIPVHIU PG UIBU /PCPEZ can turn on the "impulse-control" scary DBO UVSO PO UIF iJNQVMTF DPOUSPMw TDBSZ like Michael Shannon. MJLF .JDIBFM 4IBOOPO That means his performance is as 5IBU NFBOT IJT QFSGPSNBODF JT BT amped-up and flat out as the hell-bent-forBNQFE VQ BOE nBU PVU BT UIF IFMM CFOU GPS rubber young cyclists who hurtle through SVCCFS ZPVOH DZDMJTUT XIP IVSUMF UISPVHI Manhattan's crowded canyon-streets in .BOIBUUBO T DSPXEFE DBOZPO TUSFFUT JO this breathless chase picture. UIJT CSFBUIMFTT DIBTF QJDUVSF Shannon, an Oscar nominee for "Revolu4IBOOPO BO 0TDBS OPNJOFF GPS i3FWPMV tionary Road," and a vision of madness in UJPOBSZ 3PBE w BOE B WJTJPO PG NBEOFTT JO "Take Shelter," goes crazy-eyed. He spits. i5BLF 4IFMUFS w HPFT DSB[Z FZFE )F TQJUT He rants - about his various personal )F SBOUT o BCPVU IJT WBSJPVT QFSTPOBM problems, about profanity in "family" QSPCMFNT BCPVU QSPGBOJUZ JO iGBNJMZw viewing time on TV and about this kid (JoWJFXJOH UJNF PO 57 BOE BCPVU UIJT LJE +P seph Gordon-Levitt) who won't give up the TFQI (PSEPO -FWJUU XIP XPO U HJWF VQ UIF package he has to take from way uptown QBDLBHF IF IBT UP UBLF GSPN XBZ VQUPXO to way down in Chinatown. UP XBZ EPXO JO $IJOBUPXO Gordon-Levitt is Wilee, as in "Wile E. (PSEPO -FWJUU JT 8JMFF BT JO i8JMF & Coyote," a veteran courier who narrates $PZPUF w B WFUFSBO DPVSJFS XIP OBSSBUFT that "I can't work in an office." We later UIBU i* DBO U XPSL JO BO PGmDF w 8F MBUFS learn he went to law school. But where's MFBSO IF XFOU UP MBX TDIPPM #VU XIFSF T the rush in that? UIF SVTI JO UIBU He's flying through New York on a fixed)F T nZJOH UISPVHI /FX :PSL PO B mYFE gear/no-brakes bike that he has utterly HFBS OP CSBLFT CJLF UIBU IF IBT VUUFSMZ mastered. He dodges taxis, flees traffic NBTUFSFE )F EPEHFT UBYJT nFFT USBGmD cops and anticipates which weave would DPQT BOE BOUJDJQBUFT XIJDI XFBWF XPVME take him onto the hood of a car, into a door UBLF IJN POUP UIF IPPE PG B DBS JOUP B EPPS that a taxi passenger has just opened or UIBU B UBYJ QBTTFOHFS IBT KVTU PQFOFE PS into a mother pushing a baby carriage. JOUP B NPUIFS QVTIJOH B CBCZ DBSSJBHF Acclaimed screenwriter and sometimes "DDMBJNFE TDSFFOXSJUFS BOE TPNFUJNFT writer-director David Koepp ("The TrigXSJUFS EJSFDUPS %BWJE ,PFQQ i5IF 5SJH ger Effect") lets us see Wilee work that HFS &GGFDUw MFUT VT TFF 8JMFF XPSL UIBU equation out, in slow motion, like Robert FRVBUJPO PVU JO TMPX NPUJPO MJLF 3PCFSU Downey's Sherlock Holmes. %PXOFZ T 4IFSMPDL )PMNFT Wilee loves "running reds, killing peds" 8JMFF MPWFT iSVOOJOH SFET LJMMJOH QFETw (pedestrians). He adores the freedom of QFEFTUSJBOT )F BEPSFT UIF GSFFEPN PG his $80-a-day ("if you're lucky") job. He's IJT B EBZ iJG ZPV SF MVDLZw KPC )F T warm for fellow courier Vanessa (Dania XBSN GPS GFMMPX DPVSJFS 7BOFTTB %BOJB Ramirez), a poem in sweat and sinew. 3BNJSF[ B QPFN JO TXFBU BOE TJOFX And he can't stand the muscular Manny "OE IF DBO U TUBOE UIF NVTDVMBS .BOOZ (Wole Parks, very funny), who rides a 8PMF 1BSLT WFSZ GVOOZ XIP SJEFT B pricey road bike and refers to himself in QSJDFZ SPBE CJLF BOE SFGFST UP IJNTFMG JO the third person, except when he's talking UIF UIJSE QFSTPO FYDFQU XIFO IF T UBMLJOH about his cyclist's physique. BCPVU IJT DZDMJTU T QIZTJRVF All is almost right with Wilee's Manhat"MM JT BMNPTU SJHIU XJUI 8JMFF T .BOIBU tan-on-$l,200-to-$2,000-a-month lifestyle UBO PO UP B NPOUI MJGFTUZMF until he takes that one envelope, handed VOUJM IF UBLFT UIBU POF FOWFMPQF IBOEFE to him by a panicked Chinese college UP IJN CZ B QBOJDLFE $IJOFTF DPMMFHF student on the upper West Side. It's 5:33. TUVEFOU PO UIF VQQFS 8FTU 4JEF *U T This MUST be delivered to Sister Chen in 5IJT .645 CF EFMJWFSFE UP 4JTUFS $IFO JO Chinatown by 7. $IJOBUPXO CZ And that is when Wilee runs afoul of a "OE UIBU JT XIFO 8JMFF SVOT BGPVM PG B cop, Mr. Impulse Control Issues, who belDPQ .S *NQVMTF $POUSPM *TTVFT XIP CFM lows "delinquent scum" at one and all as MPXT iEFMJORVFOU TDVNw BU POF BOE BMM BT he pursues this punk down the island of IF QVSTVFT UIJT QVOL EPXO UIF JTMBOE PG Manhattan. .BOIBUUBO Koepp, who scripted "Jurassic Park" and ,PFQQ XIP TDSJQUFE i+VSBTTJD 1BSLw BOE an "Indiana Jones" back in the day, tells BO i*OEJBOB +POFTw CBDL JO UIF EBZ UFMMT the story in flashbacks within flashbacks. UIF TUPSZ JO nBTICBDLT XJUIJO nBTICBDLT We meet Wilee as he has an accident. We 8F NFFU 8JMFF BT IF IBT BO BDDJEFOU 8F go back to how this all began, then skip HP CBDL UP IPX UIJT BMM CFHBO UIFO TLJQ around to fill in chunks of back story. BSPVOE UP mMM JO DIVOLT PG CBDL TUPSZ That doesn't quite cover the film's loss of 5IBU EPFTO U RVJUF DPWFS UIF mMN T MPTT PG momentum as Wilee tries to summon the NPNFOUVN BT 8JMFF USJFT UP TVNNPO UIF cops, or failing that, ditch the envelope. DPQT PS GBJMJOH UIBU EJUDI UIF FOWFMPQF But Koepp, who co-wrote this with his #VU ,PFQQ XIP DP XSPUF UIJT XJUI IJT "Zathura" and "Ghost Town" writing parti;BUIVSBw BOE i(IPTU 5PXOw XSJUJOH QBSU

Columbia Pictures 1]Zc[PWO >WQbc`Sa

Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays a courier 8]aS^V 5]`R]\ :SdWbb ^ZOga O Q]c`WS` who is handed a dangerous delivery in eV] Wa VO\RSR O RO\US`]ca RSZWdS`g W\ "Premium Rush." Âľ>`S[Wc[ @caV Âś

REVIEW I<M@<N "PREMIUM RUSH," starring Joseph Âľ>@3;7C; @CA6 Âś abO``W\U 8]aS^V Gordon-Levitt, Michael Shannon, Dania 5]`R]\ :SdWbb ;WQVOSZ AVO\\]\ 2O\WO Ramirez and Wole Parks. Directed by @O[W`Sh O\R E]ZS >O`Ya 2W`SQbSR Pg David Koepp. Rated PG-13 for some 2OdWR 9]S^^ @ObSR >5 ! T]` a][S violence, intense action sequences and dW]ZS\QS W\bS\aS OQbW]\ aS_cS\QSa O\R language. Running time: 1:31 ZO\UcOUS @c\\W\U bW[S( (!

ner, John Kamps, has fun with this. OFS +PIO ,BNQT IBT GVO XJUI UIJT His always-moving camera chases the )JT BMXBZT NPWJOH DBNFSB DIBTFT UIF cyclists as they plot, scheme and carry on DZDMJTUT BT UIFZ QMPU TDIFNF BOE DBSSZ PO phone conversations while they pedal and QIPOF DPOWFSTBUJPOT XIJMF UIFZ QFEBM BOE pedal and pedal. QFEBM BOE QFEBM He turns Shannon loose, having the )F UVSOT 4IBOOPO MPPTF IBWJOH UIF character give out a fake name borrowed DIBSBDUFS HJWF PVU B GBLF OBNF CPSSPXFE from a 1950s B-movie horror screenwriter, GSPN B T # NPWJF IPSSPS TDSFFOXSJUFS Forrest J. Ackerman. 'PSSFTU + "DLFSNBO The cycling stuff is so sensational that 5IF DZDMJOH TUVGG JT TP TFOTBUJPOBM UIBU you can't trust it. True, that's GordonZPV DBO U USVTU JU 5SVF UIBU T (PSEPO Levitt in a lot of shots, especially the ones -FWJUU JO B MPU PG TIPUT FTQFDJBMMZ UIF POFT where he's shouting into his Bluetooth at XIFSF IF T TIPVUJOH JOUP IJT #MVFUPPUI BU Vanessa on her Bluetooth. 7BOFTTB PO IFS #MVFUPPUI We also spot the occasional stunt man. 8F BMTP TQPU UIF PDDBTJPOBM TUVOU NBO Yes, it's great that this isn't all digital :FT JU T HSFBU UIBU UIJT JTO U BMM EJHJUBM trickery. USJDLFSZ But the near-collisions with cars, trucks, #VU UIF OFBS DPMMJTJPOT XJUI DBST USVDLT other bikes, etc., feel like composites - a PUIFS CJLFT FUD GFFM MJLF DPNQPTJUFT o B cyclist filmed on a street, the traffic filmed DZDMJTU mMNFE PO B TUSFFU UIF USBGmD mMNFE in a separate shot. Well-done composites, JO B TFQBSBUF TIPU 8FMM EPOF DPNQPTJUFT but more surreal than real. CVU NPSF TVSSFBM UIBO SFBM Gordon-Levitt is about the same age (PSEPO -FWJUU JT BCPVU UIF TBNF BHF Kevin Bacon was when he played a nearly ,FWJO #BDPO XBT XIFO IF QMBZFE B OFBSMZ over-the-hill bike messenger in "QuickPWFS UIF IJMM CJLF NFTTFOHFS JO i2VJDL silver," and he makes the most of this TJMWFS w BOE IF NBLFT UIF NPTU PG UIJT guy - suicidally fearless ("No gears, no HVZ o TVJDJEBMMZ GFBSMFTT i/P HFBST OP brakes," no glory) and wily enough to call CSBLFT w OP HMPSZ BOE XJMZ FOPVHI UP DBMM for help when this scary Forrest J. AckerGPS IFMQ XIFO UIJT TDBSZ 'PSSFTU + "DLFS man comes after him. NBO DPNFT BGUFS IJN He and Shannon give the film its pop, its )F BOE 4IBOOPO HJWF UIF mMN JUT QPQ JUT charisma. DIBSJTNB Supporting players Ramirez, Parks and 4VQQPSUJOH QMBZFST 3BNJSF[ 1BSLT BOE Aasif Mandvi - as Raj, the couriers' sassy, "BTJG .BOEWJ o BT 3BK UIF DPVSJFST TBTTZ inappropriate boss - add flavor. JOBQQSPQSJBUF CPTT o BEE nBWPS And Koepp, old pro that he is, keeps the "OE ,PFQQ PME QSP UIBU IF JT LFFQT UIF clock ticking on this lightweight, twoDMPDL UJDLJOH PO UIJT MJHIUXFJHIU UXP wheeled ticking-clock thriller, a pleasXIFFMFE UJDLJOH DMPDL UISJMMFS B QMFBT ant rush that shows up in a part of the BOU SVTI UIBU TIPXT VQ JO B QBSU PG UIF summer when such sensations are at a TVNNFS XIFO TVDI TFOTBUJPOT BSF BU B premium. QSFNJVN

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E19 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 '


?FK k`Zb\k

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Chiharu Naruse 1VWVO`c <O`caS

Mozart, Mendelssohn, DfqXik# D\e[\cjjf_e# more at Camden hall dfi\ Xk :Xd[\e _Xcc MAINE PRO MUSICA returns ;/7<3 >@= ;CA71/ `Sbc`\a home with a concert in V][S eWbV O Q]\QS`b W\ Camden with a program that 1O[RS\ eWbV O ^`]U`O[ bVOb includes music by Mozart, W\QZcRSa [caWQ Pg ;]hO`b Mendelssohn and Beethoven. ;S\RSZaa]V\ O\R 0SSbV]dS\ Guest pianist Chiharu Naruse, 5cSab ^WO\Wab 1VWVO`c <O`caS a member of the Bates O [S[PS` ]T bVS 0ObSa College faculty, will join the 1]ZZSUS TOQcZbg eWZZ X]W\ bVS orchestra for Beethoven's ]`QVSab`O T]` 0SSbV]dS\¸a Piano Concerto. >WO\] 1]\QS`b] WHEN: 7 p.m. Tuesday E63<( % ^ [ BcSaROg WHERE: Camden Opera House E63@3( 1O[RS\ =^S`O 6]caS HOW MUCH: $20 6=E ;C16( INFO: mainepromusica.org 7<4=( [OW\S^`][caWQO ]`U

Courtesy of Gateway Playhouse 1]c`bSag ]T 5ObSeOg >ZOgV]caS

=Zaad! 9daan Hello, Dolly The spirit of country superstar Parton, who starred in the hit BVS a^W`Wb ]T Q]c\b`g ac^S`abO` >O`b]\ eV] abO``SR W\ bVS VWb movie version of '9 to 5,' imbues the Ogunquit Playhouse []dWS dS`aW]\ ]T ¡' b] # ¸ W[PcSa bVS =Uc\_cWb >ZOgV]caS production with guile, wit and those unforgettable songs. ^`]RcQbW]\ eWbV UcWZS eWb O\R bV]aS c\T]`USbbOPZS a]\Ua "9 TO 5: THE MUSICAL" ¾' B= #( B63 ;CA71/:œ WHEN: 2:30 and 8 p.m. E63<( (! O\R & ^ [ Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; ecky Gulsvig knew BVc`aROg) & ^ [ 4`WROg) FDLZ (VMTWJH LOFX 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. about Dolly Parton !(! O\R &(! ^ [ BCPVU %PMMZ 1BSUPO Saturday; 2 O\R % ^ [ Ac\ROg) and 7 p.m. Sunday; growing up, but she AObc`ROg) HSPXJOH VQ CVU TIF 8 p.m. Tuesday; 2:30 and 8 p.m. didn't fully appreciate & ^ [ BcSaROg) (! O\R & ^ [ EJEO U GVMMZ BQQSFDJBUF Wednesday and Aug. 30. Through the country music leg- ESR\SaROg O\R /cU ! BV`]cUV UIF DPVOUSZ NVTJD MFH Sept. 15. end until she saw her in AS^b # FOE VOUJM TIF TBX IFS JO WHERE: Ogunquit Playhouse, 10 concert a few years ago. E63@3( =Uc\_cWb >ZOgV]caS DPODFSU B GFX ZFBST BHP Main St. "She was so good. She was fantas- ;OW\ Ab i4IF XBT TP HPPE 4IF XBT GBOUBT HOW MUCH: $39 to $74 tic," said Gulsvig, who plays Doralee 6=E ;C16( !' b] %" UJD w TBJE (VMTWJH XIP QMBZT %PSBMFF INFO: 646-5511; Rose, the role Parton popularized 7<4=( $"$ ## ) 3PTF UIF SPMF 1BSUPO QPQVMBSJ[FE ogunquitplayhouse.org in the 1980 hit movie "9 to 5," in the ]Uc\_cWb^ZOgV]caS ]`U JO UIF IJU NPWJF i UP w JO UIF Ogunquit Playhouse version. 0HVORVJU 1MBZIPVTF WFSTJPO "The evening was so enlightening i5IF FWFOJOH XBT TP FOMJHIUFOJOH person and such a positive person." and wonderful," said Gulsvig. "It's BOE XPOEFSGVM w TBJE (VMTWJH i*U T QFSTPO BOE TVDI B QPTJUJWF QFSTPO w interesting how people adore her "9 to 5: The Musical," which opens JOUFSFTUJOH IPX QFPQMF BEPSF IFS i UP 5IF .VTJDBM w XIJDI PQFOT so much - in the old-school meantonight and will be on stage through TP NVDI o JO UIF PME TDIPPM NFBO UPOJHIU BOE XJMM CF PO TUBHF UISPVHI ing of adore, not in the new wave of Sept. 15, stays pretty true to the film JOH PG BEPSF OPU JO UIF OFX XBWF PG 4FQU TUBZT QSFUUZ USVF UP UIF mMN screaming fans. They genuinely love TDSFBNJOH GBOT 5IFZ HFOVJOFMZ MPWF her, and she is such a lovely, loving Please see OGUNQUIT, PageE22 IFS BOE TIF JT TVDI B MPWFMZ MPWJOH Gc\Xj\ j\\ =5C<?C7B GX^\ <))

By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4


Staff Writer 4UBGG 8SJUFS

Press Herald file >`Saa 6S`OZR ÂżZS

@= PFL

G :?<8I@CC


WCSH6 Art Festival N:J?- 8ik =\jk`mXc returns on Saturday i\kliej fe JXkli[Xp


Top: Edward Staudenmayer as Franklin Hart Jr., and B]^( 3ReO`R AbOcRS\[OgS` Oa 4`O\YZW\ 6O`b 8` O\R Becky Gulsvig as Hart's secretary Doralee Rhodes. 0SQYg 5cZadWU Oa 6O`b¸a aSQ`SbO`g 2]`OZSS @V]RSa Above: Staudenmayer with Sally Struthers as /P]dS( AbOcRS\[OgS` eWbV AOZZg Ab`cbVS`a Oa executive assistant and corporate snitch Roz Keith. SfSQcbWdS OaaWabO\b O\R Q]`^]`ObS a\WbQV @]h 9SWbV

THINGS DON'T get much B67<5A 2=<¸B USb [cQV better than browsing the PSbbS` bVO\ P`]eaW\U bVS streets and looking at art. ab`SSba O\R Z]]YW\U Ob O`b The WCSH6 Sidewalk Art BVS E1A6$ AWRSeOZY /`b Festival is set for Saturday. 4SabWdOZ Wa aSb T]` AObc`ROg The annual art show and sale BVS O\\cOZ O`b aV]e O\R aOZS attracts artists from across Obb`OQba O`bWaba T`][ OQ`]aa New England and across the <Se 3\UZO\R O\R OQ`]aa bVS Northeast. <]`bVSOab WHEN: 9 a.m. to 4p.m. E63<( ' O [ b] " ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Congress Street E63@3( 1]\U`Saa Ab`SSb from Congress Square to T`][ 1]\U`Saa A_cO`S b] Monument Square, Portland ;]\c[S\b A_cO`S >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: wcsh6.com 7<4=( eQaV$ Q][

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3E2O 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

,/"34%23 !2% LOBSTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! /52 30%#)!,49 Dinner Nightly 5-9 • Lunch Daily 11:30-3 $INNER .IGHTLY s ,UNCH $AILY Reservations Suggested 967-2562 2ESERVATIONS 3UGGESTED WWW MABELSLOBSTERCLAW COM

OCEAN AVENUE, KENNEBUNKPORT /#%!. !6%.5% +%..%"5.+0/24

ndel DEL "ARN N U R ! LAYHOUSE 0 tu

Aug21 !UG to TO

Sept 1 3EPT Special 29 3PECIAL *only weekday evenings

ONLY WEEKDAY EVENINGS *only at the door

ONLY AT THE DOOR *only 7-8pm




c`jk`e^j listings

CLASSICAL MUSIC N #,!33)#!, -53)# THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: Dvorak, "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL $VORAK featuring Joseph Silverstein, the Boston FEATURING *OSEPH 3ILVERSTEIN THE "OSTON Symphony's long-time concertmaster, Rockport 3YMPHONY S LONG TIME CONCERTMASTER 2OCKPORT Opera House. $30 to $40; $18 for ages 18 and /PERA (OUSE TO FOR AGES AND under, baychamberconcerts.org. 8 p.m. UNDER BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M


FRIDAY &2)$!9 Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: Joseph "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL *OSEPH 3ILVERSTEIN S TH "IRTHDAY "ASH WORKS OF Silverstein's 80th Birthday Bash, works of 2OSSINI -OZART AND "RAHMS 2OCKPORT /PERA Rossini, Mozart and Brahms, Rockport Opera House. $30 to $40; $8 for ages 18 and under. (OUSE TO FOR AGES AND UNDER baychamberconcerts.org. 8 p.m. BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M Fourth Annual Bach Festival, "BBQ Bach," food, &OURTH !NNUAL "ACH &ESTIVAL h""1 "ACH v FOOD music and art presented by White Mt. Musical MUSIC AND ART PRESENTED BY 7HITE -T -USICAL Arts, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, !RTS ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Fryeburg. $10; $5 for students ages 3 to 18; $25 &RYEBURG FOR STUDENTS AGES TO for family of four, fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 6 FOR FAMILY OF FOUR FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC p.m. P M Salt Bay Chamberfest, works by Zare, Currier 3ALT "AY #HAMBERFEST WORKS BY :ARE #URRIER and Chausson, Darrows Barn at Round Top AND #HAUSSON $ARROWS "ARN AT 2OUND 4OP Farm, Damariscotta. $30; free for students. &ARM $AMARISCOTTA FREE FOR STUDENTS saltbaychamberfest.org. 7:30 p.m. SALTBAYCHAMBERFEST ORG P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Fourth Annual Bach Festival, music of Bach &OURTH !NNUAL "ACH &ESTIVAL MUSIC OF "ACH and Vivaldi presented by White Mt. Musical AND 6IVALDI PRESENTED BY 7HITE -T -USICAL Arts, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, !RTS ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Fryeburg. $20; $15 for seniors; $10 for students. &RYEBURG FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 7:30 p.m. FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Fourth Annual Bach Festival, Handel's &OURTH !NNUAL "ACH &ESTIVAL (ANDEL S "Messiah" presented by White Mt. Musical h-ESSIAHv PRESENTED BY 7HITE -T -USICAL Arts, Leura Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, !RTS ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Fryeburg. $20; $15 for seniors; $10 for students. &RYEBURG FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 4 p.m. FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC P M Scandalous Music Festival, DaPonte String 3CANDALOUS -USIC &ESTIVAL $A0ONTE 3TRING Quartet and guest artists perform works by Ravel, 1UARTET AND GUEST ARTISTS PERFORM WORKS BY 2AVEL Rodgers & Hart and Schumann, Coastal Maine 2ODGERS (ART AND 3CHUMANN #OASTAL -AINE Botanical Gardens, Boothbay. $25; free for ages "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY FREE FOR AGES 21 and under, daponte.org. 7:30 p.m. AND UNDER DAPONTE ORG P M

Society of Southern Maine Craftsmen

Juried Arts & Craft Show *URIED !RTS #RAFT 3HOW On the Green-Ocean Ave. Kennebunkport Saturday, August 25,2012 3ATURDAY !UGUST 10AM-4PM !- 0(Rain date: Sunday, August 26th) 2AIN DATE 3UNDAY !UGUST TH Featuring: &EATURING Photography, Pottery, Woodwork, 0HOTOGRAPHY 0OTTERY 7OODWORK

Needle-Craft, Maine Foods, Fine Art, .EEDLE #RAFT -AINE &OODS &INE !RT

Soaps, Jewelry, and much more! 3OAPS *EWELRY AND MUCH MORE Concessions #ONCESSIONS provided by PROVIDED BY

www.societyofsouthernmainecraftsmen.org WWW SOCIETYOFSOUTHERNMAINECRAFTSMEN ORG

Kennebunh +ENNEBUNK Animal Welfare !NIMAL 7ELFARE Society 3OCIETY

4HURSDAY Thursday. h7ILLY 7ONKA *R v MUSICAL BASED ON h#HARLIE AND "Willy Wonka Jr.," musical based on "Charlie and THE #HOCOLATE &ACTORY v 3CHOOLHOUSE !RTS #ENTER the Chocolate Factory," School house Arts Center, 3TANDISH FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS FOR Standish. $10; $8 for students and seniors; $5 for children under age 5. 7 p.m. Friday; 4 and 7 p.m. CHILDREN UNDER AGE P M &RIDAY AND P M Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY h3TRANGER #LOSER v MINUTE SOLO PERFORMANCE "Stranger Closer," 30-minute solo performance reflecting on family history as it relates to Israel REmECTING ON FAMILY HISTORY AS IT RELATES TO )SRAEL and Palestine, Freeport Factory Stage. Pay-whatAND 0ALESTINE &REEPORT &ACTORY 3TAGE 0AY WHAT you-can. freeportfactory.com. 7:30 p.m. Friday YOU CAN FREEPORTFACTORY COM P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY and Saturday. "The Great American Trailer Park Musical," h4HE 'REAT !MERICAN 4RAILER 0ARK -USICAL v musical comedy (adult language and situations), MUSICAL COMEDY ADULT LANGUAGE AND SITUATIONS City Theater, Biddeford. $20. citytheater.org. 8 #ITY 4HEATER "IDDEFORD CITYTHEATER ORG p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. Through P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH Sept. 2. 3EPT "The Fantasticks," spaghetti dinner and show h4HE &ANTASTICKS v SPAGHETTI DINNER AND SHOW presented by New England Regional Theater PRESENTED BY .EW %NGLAND 2EGIONAL 4HEATER Company, Winter Street Center, Bath. $17. 798#OMPANY 7INTER 3TREET #ENTER "ATH 6966. Dinner at 6 p.m., show at 7 p.m. Saturday; $INNER AT P M SHOW AT P M 3ATURDAY lunch at 1 p.m., show at 2 p.m. Sunday. LUNCH AT P M SHOW AT P M 3UNDAY Disney's "The Little Mermaid, Jr.," musical $ISNEY S h4HE ,ITTLE -ERMAID *R v MUSICAL for children, Ogunquit Playhouse. $11. FOR CHILDREN /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE ogunquitplayhouse.org. 10 a.m. and noon OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG A M AND NOON Saturday; 10 a.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY A M 3UNDAY

AUDITIONS N !5$)4)/.3 Oratorio Chorale Audition, openings available in /RATORIO #HORALE !UDITION OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN all voice parts; singers are not required to prepare ALL VOICE PARTS SINGERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PREPARE a piece; Midcoast Presbyterian Church, Topsham. A PIECE -IDCOAST 0RESBYTERIAN #HURCH 4OPSHAM 329-5708. oratoriochorale.org. 6 to 9 p.m. ORATORIOCHORALE ORG TO P M Wednesday. 7EDNESDAY Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

The Fourth Annual Bach Festival, a BVS 4]c`bV /\\cOZ 0OQV 4SabWdOZ O celebration of classical music with QSZSP`ObW]\ ]T QZOaaWQOZ [caWQ eWbV concerts, food and art, takes place Q]\QS`ba T]]R O\R O`b bOYSa ^ZOQS Friday through Sunday at Leura Hill 4`WROg bV`]cUV Ac\ROg Ob :Sc`O 6WZZ Eastman Performing Arts Center at 3Oab[O\ >S`T]`[W\U /`ba 1S\bS` Ob Fryeburg Academy. 4`gSPc`U /QORS[g

ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3 OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 "Portrait of an Art Colony," portraits, Ogunquit h0ORTRAIT OF AN !RT #OLONY v PORTRAITS /GUNQUIT Museum of American Art. ogunquitmuseum.org. -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG Opens Aug. 30. Through Oct. 31. /PENS !UG 4HROUGH /CT

CONTINUING #/.4).5).' Portland Museum of Art: "The Draw of the 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h4HE $RAW OF THE Normandy Coast, 1860-1960," more than 40 .ORMANDY #OAST v MORE THAN WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 works of famous European and American art, Scandalous Music Festival, DaPonte String Quartet WORKS OF FAMOUS %UROPEAN AND !MERICAN ART 3CANDALOUS -USIC &ESTIVAL $A0ONTE 3TRING 1UARTET including works by Monet, Matisse, Whistler INCLUDING WORKS BY -ONET -ATISSE 7HISTLER and guest artists perform works by Piazzolla, AND GUEST ARTISTS PERFORM WORKS BY 0IAZZOLLA and Picasso, through Sept. 3; "Maine Sublime: AND 0ICASSO THROUGH 3EPT h-AINE 3UBLIME Brahms and improv from audience suggestions, "RAHMS AND IMPROV FROM AUDIENCE SUGGESTIONS Frederic Edwin Church's Landscapes of Mount Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay. $25; &REDERIC %DWIN #HURCH S ,ANDSCAPES OF -OUNT #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY Desert and Mount Katahdin," focuses on 23 of free for ages 21 and under, daponte.org. 7:30 p.m. $ESERT AND -OUNT +ATAHDIN v FOCUSES ON OF FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER DAPONTE ORG P M Church's small oil sketches, through Sept. 30; "The #HURCH S SMALL OIL SKETCHES THROUGH 3EPT h4HE Portland Society of Art and Winslow Homer in 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT AND 7INSLOW (OMER IN AUG. 30 !5' Maine," 50 watercolors and drawings examine the -AINE v WATERCOLORS AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE THE Bay Chamber Summer Music Festival: Season "AY #HAMBER 3UMMER -USIC &ESTIVAL 3EASON relationship between Homer, architect John Calvin RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN #ALVIN Finale, Rockport Opera House. $30 to $40; $8 &INALE 2OCKPORT /PERA (OUSE TO Stevens and the Portland Society of Art, through 3TEVENS AND THE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT THROUGH for ages 18 and under, baychamberconcerts.org. FOR AGES AND UNDER BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG Feb. 3. portlandmuseum.org &EB PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG 8 p.m. P M Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW House, Portland: "Wired!" explores the (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE electrification of Maine during the 20th century, ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY THEATER N 4(%!4%2 through May 26, 2013. mainehistory.org THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG "42nd Street," classic musical celebrating h ND 3TREET v CLASSIC MUSICAL CELEBRATING Maine Jewish Museum, Portland: Rush -AINE *EWISH -USEUM 0ORTLAND 2USH Broadway presented by Maine State Music "ROADWAY PRESENTED BY -AINE 3TATE -USIC Brown, "Portland: Capturing a Changing "ROWN h0ORTLAND #APTURING A #HANGING Theatre, Pickard Theater, Brunswick. $36 to $59. 4HEATRE 0ICKARD 4HEATER "RUNSWICK TO Neighborhood," paintings, through Sept. 10. .EIGHBORHOOD v PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT msmt.org. 2 and 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 8 MSMT ORG AND P M 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY mainejewishmuseum.org MAINEJEWISHMUSEUM ORG p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY Museum of Chebeague History, Chebeague -USEUM OF #HEBEAGUE (ISTORY #HEBEAGUE "Beyond the Rainbow: The Judy Garland Story," h"EYOND THE 2AINBOW 4HE *UDY 'ARLAND 3TORY v Island: "ChebeagueThrough Artists' Eyes," through )SLAND h#HEBEAGUE 4HROUGH !RTISTS %YES v THROUGH musical based on screen legend, Arundel Barn MUSICAL BASED ON SCREEN LEGEND !RUNDEL "ARN Sept. 3.846-5237. 3EPT Playhouse. $30 to $41. arundelbarnplayhouse. 0LAYHOUSE TO ARUNDELBARNPLAYHOUSE Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK com. 8 p.m. Thursday to Sunday and Tuesday; 2 COM P M 4HURSDAY TO 3UNDAY AND 4UESDAY "Winslow Homer to Eva Hesse: Watercolors from h7INSLOW (OMER TO %VA (ESSE 7ATERCOLORS FROM and 8 p.m. Wednesday; 8 p.m. Aug. 30. Through AND P M 7EDNESDAY P M !UG 4HROUGH the Bowdoin Collection," through Sunday; "A THE "OWDOIN #OLLECTION v THROUGH 3UNDAY h! Sept. 1. 3EPT River Lost & Found: The Androscoggin River in 2IVER ,OST &OUND 4HE !NDROSCOGGIN 2IVER IN "9 to 5: The Musical," musical co-starring Sally h TO 4HE -USICAL v MUSICAL CO STARRING 3ALLY Time and Place," interactive exhibit, through Sept. 4IME AND 0LACE v INTERACTIVE EXHIBIT THROUGH 3EPT Struthers based on hit 1980 movie, Ogunquit 3TRUTHERS BASED ON HIT MOVIE /GUNQUIT 16; William Wegman, "Hello Nature," 30-year 7ILLIAM 7EGMAN h(ELLO .ATURE v YEAR Playhouse. $29 to $74. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 0LAYHOUSE TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG retrospective of artist's work, through Oct. 21. RETROSPECTIVE OF ARTIST S WORK THROUGH /CT Previews at 2:30 p.m. Thursday; opens at 8 p.m. 0REVIEWS AT P M 4HURSDAY OPENS AT P M bowdoin.edu Thursday and continues at 8 p.m. Friday; 3:30 and BOWDOIN EDU 4HURSDAY AND CONTINUES AT P M &RIDAY AND Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, Brunswick: 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM "RUNSWICK 8:30 p.m. Saturday; 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday; 8 p.m. P M 3ATURDAY AND P M 3UNDAY P M "Promenade: A Walk in Style Through Pejepscot's h0ROMENADE ! 7ALK IN 3TYLE 4HROUGH 0EJEPSCOT S Tuesday; and 2:30 and 8 p.m. Wednesday and 4UESDAY AND AND P M 7EDNESDAY AND Past," through Oct. 31. pejepscothistorical.org 0AST v THROUGH /CT PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG Aug. 30. Through Sept. 15. !UG 4HROUGH 3EPT Maine Maritime Museum, Bath: "Subdue, Seize -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM "ATH h3UBDUE 3EIZE "BoeingBoeing," classic farce, Hackmatack h"OEING n "OEING v CLASSIC FARCE (ACKMATACK and Take: Maritime Maine in the Unwelcome AND 4AKE -ARITIME -AINE IN THE 5NWELCOME Playhouse, Berwick. $29.50; $25 for seniors; 0LAYHOUSE "ERWICK FOR SENIORS Interruption of the War of 1812," examines the )NTERRUPTION OF THE 7AR OF v EXAMINES THE $12 for students, hackmatack.org. 2 and 8 p.m. FOR STUDENTS HACKMATACK ORG AND P M MARITIME WORLD OF PRE STATEHOOD -AINE THROUGH Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Wednesday; maritime world of pre-statehood Maine, through 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY 3ATURDAY AND 7EDNESDAY Oct. 12. mainemaritimemuseum.org /CT MAINEMARITIMEMUSEUM ORG 2 and 8 p.m. Aug. 30. Through Sept. 1. AND P M !UG 4HROUGH 3EPT Dyer Library/Saco Museum: Annie Lemieux, $YER ,IBRARY 3ACO -USEUM !NNIE ,EMIEUX "The Millay Sisters: A Cabaret," musical h4HE -ILLAY 3ISTERS ! #ABARET v MUSICAL photographs of the "Way Way Store," through PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE h7AY 7AY 3TORE v THROUGH celebrating Edna St. Mi I lay's "Renascence" CELEBRATING %DNA 3T -ILLAY S h2ENASCENCEv poem, Burnt Cove Church Community Center, POEM "URNT #OVE #HURCH #OMMUNITY #ENTER Stonington. $15. operahousearts.org. 7 p.m. 3TONINGTON OPERAHOUSEARTS ORG P M Please see ART, PageE21 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)(

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3

Courtesy of Portland Museum of Art 1]c`bSag ]T >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b

Camille Pissarro's "The Jetty at Le Havre, High Tide, Morning Sun," 1O[WZZS >WaaO``]¸a µBVS 8Sbbg Ob :S 6Od`S 6WUV BWRS ;]`\W\U Ac\ ¶ 1903, from "The Draw of the Normandy Coast, 1860-1960," which ' ! T`][ µBVS 2`Oe ]T bVS <]`[O\Rg 1]Oab &$ '$ ¶ eVWQV wraps up its summer at the Portland Museum of Art on Sept. 3. e`O^a c^ Wba ac[[S` Ob bVS >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b ]\ AS^b !


and first-person accounts, through May 2013. AND lRST PERSON ACCOUNTS THROUGH -AY mainestatemuseum.org MAINESTATEMUSEUM ORG Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: "The &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND h4HE Homestead Project: A Residence Reimagined," (OMESTEAD 0ROJECT ! 2ESIDENCE 2EIMAGINED v Continued from Page E20 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 architectural designs, through Sept. 23; ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS THROUGH 3EPT "Impressionist Summers: Frank W. Benson's North h)MPRESSIONIST 3UMMERS &RANK 7 "ENSON S .ORTH Sept. 9; "The Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's 3EPT h4HE -OVING 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S Progress," Civil War-era panorama seen in its Haven," paintings, lithographs and etchings, (AVEN v PAINTINGS LITHOGRAPHS AND ETCHINGS 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS entirety for the first time in more than a century, through Oct. 21; Andrew Wyeth: "Summers in ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN MORE THAN A CENTURY THROUGH /CT !NDREW 7YETH h3UMMERS IN through Nov. 10 (also at Pepperell Mills in THROUGH .OV ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN Port Clyde," watercolors from 1930s and '40s, 0ORT #LYDE v WATERCOLORS FROM S AND S Bidderford). dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org through Nov. 4; "Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent "IDDERFORD DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG THROUGH .OV h*AMIE 7YETH 2OCKWELL +ENT Sanford-Springvale Historical Museum, Sanford: 3ANFORD 3PRINGVALE (ISTORICAL -USEUM 3ANFORD and Monhegan," paintings, through Dec. 30. AND -ONHEGAN v PAINTINGS THROUGH $EC "The Private World of Robert M. Wilson," h4HE 0RIVATE 7ORLD OF 2OBERT - 7ILSON v farnsworthmuseum.org FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG photography, through Saturday, sanfordhistory.org !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR 7APONAHKI PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH 3ATURDAY SANFORDHISTORY ORG Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: 2012 Waponahki Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Peggy Bacon: 3TUDENT !RT 3HOW THROUGH /CT h)NDIANS AND /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 0EGGY "ACON Student Art Show, through Oct. 22; "Indians and "Life in Art," paintings and prints of Ogunquit, h,IFE IN !RT v PAINTINGS AND PRINTS OF /GUNQUIT Rusticators" and "Transcending Traditions: The 2USTICATORSv AND h4RANSCENDING 4RADITIONS 4HE through Sept. 2; "Building an American Modernist .EXT 'ENERATION AND -AINE )NDIAN "ASKETRY v THROUGH 3EPT h"UILDING AN !MERICAN -ODERNIST Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry," Collection," highlights from the permanent #OLLECTION v HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PERMANENT through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org THROUGH $EC ABBEMUSEUM ORG collection; Henry Strater: "Art of the Portrait," COLLECTION (ENRY 3TRATER h!RT OF THE 0ORTRAIT v Penobscot Marine Museum, Searsport: "Sea Lives: 0ENOBSCOT -ARINE -USEUM 3EARSPORT h3EA ,IVES collection of portraits; and "Contemporary Works COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS AND h#ONTEMPORARY 7ORKS The Artwork of Sonja Weber Gil key," through Aug. 4HE !RTWORK OF 3ONJA 7EBER 'ILKEY v THROUGH !UG from the Permanent Collection," lesser-known FROM THE 0ERMANENT #OLLECTION v LESSER KNOWN 31. penobscotmarinemuseum.org PENOBSCOTMARINEMUSEUM ORG and seldom seen contemporary work, through AND SELDOM SEEN CONTEMPORARY WORK THROUGH Tides Institute and Museum of Art, Eastport: "Her 4IDES )NSTITUTE AND -USEUM OF !RT %ASTPORT h(ER Oct. 31. Ogunquit Museum of American Art. /CT /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT Kingdom Under the Sea," installation by Andrea +INGDOM 5NDER THE 3EA v INSTALLATION BY !NDREA ogunquitmuseum.org OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG Dezso, through Sept. 12. tidesinstitute.org $EZSO THROUGH 3EPT TIDESINSTITUTE ORG Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk: "Use It Up, "RICK 3TORE -USEUM +ENNEBUNK h5SE )T 5P University of Maine Museum of Art, Bangor: 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE -USEUM OF !RT "ANGOR Wear It Out, Make It Do or Do Without: The 7EAR )T /UT -AKE )T $O OR $O 7ITHOUT 4HE Arnold Mesches, "A Minispective"; Richard !RNOLD -ESCHES h! -INISPECTIVEv 2ICHARD Material Culture of World War II," through Aug. -ATERIAL #ULTURE OF 7ORLD 7AR )) v THROUGH !UG Haden, "Carved Signs"; and Chris Natrop: "Lily (ADEN h#ARVED 3IGNSv AND #HRIS .ATROP h,ILY 31; "A Glimpse of Louis Norton," early 20th h! 'LIMPSE OF ,OUIS .ORTON v EARLY TH Ponder," through Sept. 15. umma.umaine.edu 0ONDER v THROUGH 3EPT UMMA UMAINE EDU century paintings of Kennebunkport; and "Painted CENTURY PAINTINGS OF +ENNEBUNKPORT AND h0AINTED Details: Artists Interpret Kennebunk's Historic $ETAILS !RTISTS )NTERPRET +ENNEBUNK S (ISTORIC ART GALLERIES N !24 '!,,%2)%3 Architecture," through Sept. 8; "Barry: The Art !RCHITECTURE v THROUGH 3EPT h"ARRY 4HE !RT OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 Exhibition," paintings, drawings and sculptures by %XHIBITION v PAINTINGS DRAWINGS AND SCULPTURES BY Marine Art, group exhibit, Maine Art Gallery, Edith Barry, through Sept. 15. 985-4802. -ARINE !RT GROUP EXHIBIT -AINE !RT 'ALLERY %DITH "ARRY THROUGH 3EPT Wiscasset. 882-7511. Opening reception, 5 to 7 7ISCASSET /PENING RECEPTION TO Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: "ATES #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT ,EWISTON p.m. Thursday. "Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography," P M 4HURSDAY h3TARSTRUCK 4HE &INE !RT OF !STROPHOTOGRAPHY v Quilt Exhibit, antique family quilts and more 1UILT %XHIBIT ANTIQUE FAMILY QUILTS AND MORE featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries FEATURING IMAGES BY ARTISTS FROM COUNTRIES than 80 quilts created and hand-quilted by across five continents, through Dec. 15. THAN QUILTS CREATED AND HAND QUILTED BY ACROSS lVE CONTINENTS THROUGH $EC Jeanne Wright, North Windham Union Church, bates.edu/museum/exhibitions *EANNE 7RIGHT .ORTH 7INDHAM 5NION #HURCH BATES EDU MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS Windham. $3. 892-2809. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday Museum L-A, Lewiston: "The Power of Music: 7INDHAM A M TO P M &RIDAY -USEUM , ! ,EWISTON h4HE 0OWER OF -USIC and Saturday. Photographic Portraits of Americans and their AND 3ATURDAY 0HOTOGRAPHIC 0ORTRAITS OF !MERICANS AND THEIR "Urban Scene," paintings, Constellation Gallery, Musical Instruments, 1860-1915," through Sept. h5RBAN 3CENE v PAINTINGS #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY -USICAL )NSTRUMENTS v THROUGH 3EPT Portland, constellationart.com. Opens Saturday. 23. museumla.org 0ORTLAND CONSTELLATIONART COM /PENS 3ATURDAY MUSEUMLA ORG Through Sept. 1 7. Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: "Interior 4HROUGH 3EPT #OLBY #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT 7ATERVILLE h)NTERIOR Phyllis Fales and Karen Jones: "Two Sisters," Visions: Selections from the Collection," pieces 0HYLLIS &ALES AND +AREN *ONES h4WO 3ISTERS v 6ISIONS 3ELECTIONS FROM THE #OLLECTION v PIECES dishing Arts in the Barn, cushingmainehistorical from museum collection curated by Alex Katz, #USHING !RTS IN THE "ARN CUSHINGMAINEHISTORICAL FROM MUSEUM COLLECTION CURATED BY !LEX +ATZ society.org, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Oct. 7; Alex Katz, "Maine/New York," 28 SOCIETY ORG TO P M &RIDAY A M TO P M THROUGH /CT !LEX +ATZ h-AINE .EW 9ORK v Saturday and Sunday. paintings and one multi-part sculpture, through 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY PAINTINGS AND ONE MULTI PART SCULPTURE THROUGH "Continuing Connections: New and Old -All Dec. 30. 859-5609. h#ONTINUING #ONNECTIONS .EW AND /LD n !LL $EC Media," orchard photographs by Michael Alpert, Maine State Museum, Augusta: "Girl Scouts: -EDIA v ORCHARD PHOTOGRAPHS BY -ICHAEL !LPERT -AINE 3TATE -USEUM !UGUSTA h'IRL 3COUTS Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle, turtlegallery.com. Opens Celebrating One Hundred Years," vintage period 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE TURTLEGALLERY COM /PENS #ELEBRATING /NE (UNDRED 9EARS v VINTAGE PERIOD Sunday. Through Oct. 13. uniforms, pins, patches, ephemeras, cookie 3UNDAY 4HROUGH /CT UNIFORMS PINS PATCHES EPHEMERAS COOKIE merchandise, camping gear and more, through MERCHANDISE CAMPING GEAR AND MORE THROUGH CONTINUING Aug. 31; "Malaga Island: Fragmented Lives," #/.4).5).' !UG h-ALAGA )SLAND &RAGMENTED ,IVES v historic photographs, documents, artifacts Rose Contemporary, Portland: "Mythologies," HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS DOCUMENTS ARTIFACTS 2OSE #ONTEMPORARY 0ORTLAND h-YTHOLOGIES v

WORK BY ,UCINDA "LISS 3TEPHEN "URT 2EBECCA work by Lucinda Bliss, Stephen Burt, Rebecca &ITZPATRICK #ARRIE 3CANGA 4ODD 7ATTS AND 4IMOTHY Fitzpatrick, Carrie Scanga, Todd Watts and Timothy 7ILSON THROUGH 3ATURDAY Wilson, through Saturday. 780-0700. 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY University of New England (Art Gallery), 0ORTLAND h5PON 2EmECTION v PHOTOGRAPHS BY Portland: "Upon Reflection," photographs by Judy Ellis Glickman, through Sept. 30. une.edu/ *UDY %LLIS 'LICKMAN THROUGH 3EPT UNE EDU artgallery ARTGALLERY 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h#ULTURE ON #LOTH v )NUIT Portland Public Library: "Culture on Cloth," Inuit wall hangings and sculpture, through Aug. 31. WALL HANGINGS AND SCULPTURE THROUGH !UG portlandlibrary.com PORTLANDLIBRARY COM -AINE 0OTTERS -ARKET 0ORTLAND *ACQUELINE Maine Potters Market, Portland: Jacqueline (ICKEY h(OMAGE TO 0ORTLAND v THROUGH Mickey, "Homage to Portland," through Wednesday, mainepottersmarket.com 7EDNESDAY MAINEPOTTERSMARKET COM Gleason Fine Art, Portland: Joellyn Duesberry, 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND *OELLYN $UESBERRY "40 Years Celebrating Maine," through Sept. 29. h 9EARS #ELEBRATING -AINE v THROUGH 3EPT 699-5599. Heron Point Gallery, Portland: Randall Harris, (ERON 0OINT 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND 2ANDALL (ARRIS "Life Drawings," through Sept. 29. 773-0822. h,IFE $RAWINGS v THROUGH 3EPT Harmon's & Barton's Gallery, Portland: "Maine(ARMON S "ARTON S 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h-AINE ly Marco," oils on canvas by nine women artists LY -ARCO v OILS ON CANVAS BY NINE WOMEN ARTISTS from Maine and Florida, through Aug. 31. FROM -AINE AND &LORIDA THROUGH !UG harmonsbartons.com HARMONSBARTONS COM Addison Woolley Gallery, Portland: Jane Banque, !DDISON 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND *ANE "ANQUE "Arboretum," and Ed Zelinsky, "Ink & Pixel," h!RBORETUM v AND %D :ELINSKY h)NK 0IXEL v woodcuts, paintings, drawings, prints and video, WOODCUTS PAINTINGS DRAWINGS PRINTS AND VIDEO through Sept. 1. THROUGH 3EPT Greenhut Galleries, Portland: Tom Paiement, 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND 4OM 0AIEMENT "Search for Form," through Sept. 1. h3EARCH FOR &ORM v THROUGH 3EPT greenhutgalleries.com GREENHUTGALLERIES COM 3Fish Gallery, Portland: "Two Visions," paintings &ISH 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h4WO 6ISIONS v PAINTINGS by Lenora Leibowitz and photographs by Rita BY ,ENORA ,EIBOWITZ AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY 2ITA Spinella Olsen, through Saturday. 3fishgallery.com 3PINELLA /LSEN THROUGH 3ATURDAY lSHGALLERY COM Coleman Burke Gallery at Port City Music Hall, #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY AT 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL Portland: "Little Maine Dress," sculptural dress 0ORTLAND h,ITTLE -AINE $RESS v SCULPTURAL DRESS exhibit by Nikki Millonzi, McCaela Prentice and EXHIBIT BY .IKKI -ILLONZI -C#AELA 0RENTICE AND Ali Corey, through Sunday, colemanburke.com !LI #OREY THROUGH 3UNDAY COLEMANBURKE COM Macpage LLC, South Portland: "Landscapes," 20 -ACPAGE ,,# 3OUTH 0ORTLAND h,ANDSCAPES v local artists in various media, through Oct. 19. LOCAL ARTISTS IN VARIOUS MEDIA THROUGH /CT macpage.com MACPAGE COM Richard Boyd Gallery, Peaks Island: Jeanne 2ICHARD "OYD 'ALLERY 0EAKS )SLAND *EANNE O'Toole Hayman, "Spectrum 2012 From the / 4OOLE (AYMAN h3PECTRUM n &ROM THE


isit cWT the BTPbXST Seaside ?PeX[X^] Pavi ion X] in >[S Od XbXc Orchard 1TPRW Beach U^a for fW^[Tb^\T wholesome, >aRWPaS fami y friend y entertainment UP\X[h UaXT]S[h T]cTacPX]\T]c Events are he d rain or shine in our fu y 4eT]cb PaT WT[S aPX] ^a bWX]T X] ^da Ud[[h covered, bcPSXd\ ch_T stadium type bTPcX]V seating, _PeX[X^] pavi ion R^eTaTS Free parking and shutt e bus service 5aTT _PaZX]V P]S bWdcc[T Qdb bTaeXRT Look U^a for [PcTbc atest bRWTSd[Tb schedu es P]S and cXRZTc ticket ;^^Z prices on our website _aXRTb ^] ^da fTQbXcT

Friday, August 31, & _ \ 7 p.m. 5aXSPh 0dVdbc " An Evening with 0] 4eT]X]V fXcW Steven Curtis Chapman BcTeT] 2dacXb 2WP_\P] H's mus c a cross between ,MW QYWMG E GVSWW FIX[IIR 70s stye ght roc< ³ W WX]PI PMKLX VSGO and orchestrated pop, ERH SVGLIWXVEXIH TST Steven Curts Chapman 7XIZIR 'YVXMW 'LETQER s one of the most MW SRI SJ XLI QSWX prom nent performers TVSQMRIRX TIVJSVQIVW of contemporary Chr st an SJ GSRXIQTSVEV] 'LVMWXMER muse. +IX ]SYV XMGOIXW IEVP] EW Get yourtcxets eary as QYWMG they're sure to se out! Don't m ss out on th s XLI]´VI WYVI XS WIPP SYX (SR´X QMWW SYX SR XLMW once n a fet me chance to spend an even ng SRGI MR E PMJIXMQI GLERGI XS WTIRH ER IZIRMRK wth Steven Curts Chapman. [MXL 7XIZIR 'YVXMW 'LETQER Tickets: $25/$30 Day of Show 8MGOIXW (E] SJ 7LS[

8 Sixth St., Old Orchard Beach, ' BXgcW Bc >[S >aRWPaS 1TPRW Maine O4O64 • 2O7 934 2O24 <PX]T # %# } ! & ("# ! !# BTPbXST?PeX[X^] ^aV

Please see ART, PageE22 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <))



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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3E22 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

D<JCFJ>I OGUNQUIT :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' Continued from Page E19

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UIF TBNF DBTU QSFTFOUFE UIF TIPX JO /FX the same cast presented the show in New York last month. :PSL MBTU NPOUI Gulsvig enjoys acting and singing in the (VMTWJH FOKPZT BDUJOH BOE TJOHJOH JO UIF show because it's fun and empowering. TIPX CFDBVTF JU T GVO BOE FNQPXFSJOH But she said she would have taken any #VU TIF TBJE TIF XPVME IBWF UBLFO BOZ role, in any show, for the chance to work SPMF JO BOZ TIPX GPS UIF DIBODF UP XPSL at Ogunquit. BU 0HVORVJU 4IF TUBSSFE JO MBTU TFBTPO T WFSTJPO PG She starred in last season's version of "Legally Blonde," and loved her time on i-FHBMMZ #MPOEF w BOE MPWFE IFS UJNF PO the Maine coast and working at Ogunquit UIF .BJOF DPBTU BOE XPSLJOH BU 0HVORVJU particularly. This is the playhouse's 80th QBSUJDVMBSMZ 5IJT JT UIF QMBZIPVTF T UI season. TFBTPO "It's got such history," Gulsvig said. "I i*U T HPU TVDI IJTUPSZ w (VMTWJH TBJE i* love that it is quaint and cute and not suMPWF UIBU JU JT RVBJOU BOE DVUF BOE OPU TV per ritzy fancy. It's a lovely playhouse, and QFS SJU[Z GBODZ *U T B MPWFMZ QMBZIPVTF BOE there is something a little artsy and gritty UIFSF JT TPNFUIJOH B MJUUMF BSUTZ BOE HSJUUZ about it. I love the setting, I love the town, BCPVU JU * MPWF UIF TFUUJOH * MPWF UIF UPXO I love Maine." * MPWF .BJOF w Gulsvig grew up in Minnesota, and per(VMTWJH HSFX VQ JO .JOOFTPUB BOE QFS formed in many musicals as a youngster. GPSNFE JO NBOZ NVTJDBMT BT B ZPVOHTUFS Her parents moved her to New York when )FS QBSFOUT NPWFE IFS UP /FX :PSL XIFO she was 17, helped her settle in, then left TIF XBT IFMQFE IFS TFUUMF JO UIFO MFGU her there to pursue her dreams. IFS UIFSF UP QVSTVF IFS ESFBNT "I was on my own, and I just started i* XBT PO NZ PXO BOE * KVTU TUBSUFE working. I started auditioning and taking XPSLJOH * TUBSUFE BVEJUJPOJOH BOE UBLJOH voice lessons," she said. "I got my first WPJDF MFTTPOT w TIF TBJE i* HPU NZ mSTU job in the first little bit (of time) that I was KPC JO UIF mSTU MJUUMF CJU PG UJNF UIBU * XBT there, and I went on tour with 'Peter Pan.' UIFSF BOE * XFOU PO UPVS XJUI A1FUFS 1BO It seems like ages ago now, and it seems *U TFFNT MJLF BHFT BHP OPX BOE JU TFFNT like yesterday. MJLF ZFTUFSEBZ "My parents were brave. I didn't know i.Z QBSFOUT XFSF CSBWF * EJEO U LOPX enough to be scared, but they were very FOPVHI UP CF TDBSFE CVU UIFZ XFSF WFSZ brave to leave their child in New York City." CSBWF UP MFBWF UIFJS DIJME JO /FX :PSL $JUZ w Gulsvig has sung on Broadway as part of (VMTWJH IBT TVOH PO #SPBEXBZ BT QBSU PG the "Legally Blonde" cast and in "HairUIF i-FHBMMZ #MPOEFw DBTU BOE JO i)BJS spray" She has toured with "Legally TQSBZ w 4IF IBT UPVSFE XJUI i-FHBMMZ Blonde," a role for which she received a #MPOEF w B SPMF GPS XIJDI TIF SFDFJWFE B Helen Hayes Award nomination. )FMFO )BZFT "XBSE OPNJOBUJPO Parton herself appears in "9 to 5: The 1BSUPO IFSTFMG BQQFBST JO i UP 5IF Musical" in a video. She introduces the .VTJDBMw JO B WJEFP 4IF JOUSPEVDFT UIF show, and also appears at the end. TIPX BOE BMTP BQQFBST BU UIF FOE Gulsvig has not met Parton, but if she (VMTWJH IBT OPU NFU 1BSUPO CVU JG TIF does, she will thank her "for being such EPFT TIF XJMM UIBOL IFS iGPS CFJOH TVDI a positive role model. I think that is so B QPTJUJWF SPMF NPEFM * UIJOL UIBU JT TP important. JNQPSUBOU "Fame has become such a different i'BNF IBT CFDPNF TVDI B EJGGFSFOU beast these days, but she comes from the CFBTU UIFTF EBZT CVU TIF DPNFT GSPN UIF old school, where you really had to work PME TDIPPM XIFSF ZPV SFBMMZ IBE UP XPSL hard. I have so much respect for her." IBSE * IBWF TP NVDI SFTQFDU GPS IFS w

BCPVU UISFF PGmDF XPSLFST BOE UIFJS QMBOT about three office workers and their plans to overthrow their egotistical sexist boss. UP PWFSUISPX UIFJS FHPUJTUJDBM TFYJTU CPTT The American Film Institute named it one 5IF "NFSJDBO 'JMN *OTUJUVUF OBNFE JU POF of the top 100 funniest movies. PG UIF UPQ GVOOJFTU NPWJFT In addition to starring in the movie, *O BEEJUJPO UP TUBSSJOH JO UIF NPWJF Parton wrote the hit title song and added 1BSUPO XSPUF UIF IJU UJUMF TPOH BOE BEEFE many more for the musical. Patricia ResnNBOZ NPSF GPS UIF NVTJDBM 1BUSJDJB 3FTO ick wrote the original screenplay and the JDL XSPUF UIF PSJHJOBM TDSFFOQMBZ BOE UIF book for the musical, which premiered in CPPL GPS UIF NVTJDBM XIJDI QSFNJFSFE JO Broadway in 2009. #SPBEXBZ JO The Ogunquit version also stars Sally 5IF 0HVORVJU WFSTJPO BMTP TUBST 4BMMZ Struthers, who is in her 10th season with 4USVUIFST XIP JT JO IFS UI TFBTPO XJUI the playhouse, as executive assistant and UIF QMBZIPVTF BT FYFDVUJWF BTTJTUBOU BOE corporate snitch Roz Keith; Erica Aubrey DPSQPSBUF TOJUDI 3P[ ,FJUI &SJDB "VCSFZ and Carrie McNulty as Judy Bernly and BOE $BSSJF .D/VMUZ BT +VEZ #FSOMZ BOE Violet Newstead, Doralee's cohorts; and 7JPMFU /FXTUFBE %PSBMFF T DPIPSUT BOE Edward Staundenmayer as Franklin Hart &EXBSE 4UBVOEFONBZFS BT 'SBOLMJO )BSU Jr., the nasty boss. +S UIF OBTUZ CPTT Keith Andrews, who directed and choreo,FJUI "OESFXT XIP EJSFDUFE BOE DIPSFP graphed "Avenue Q" at Ogunquit last sumHSBQIFE i"WFOVF 2w BU 0HVORVJU MBTU TVN mer and "The Full Monty" at the playhouse NFS BOE i5IF 'VMM .POUZw BU UIF QMBZIPVTF in 2007, returns to direct "9 to 5." He said JO SFUVSOT UP EJSFDU i UP w )F TBJE his job is to stay out of the way and let the IJT KPC JT UP TUBZ PVU PG UIF XBZ BOE MFU UIF music and characters tell the story. NVTJD BOE DIBSBDUFST UFMM UIF TUPSZ "As much as most people do not know i"T NVDI BT NPTU QFPQMF EP OPU LOPX the musical, they know the movie because UIF NVTJDBM UIFZ LOPX UIF NPWJF CFDBVTF it was so popular back in the '80s. They JU XBT TP QPQVMBS CBDL JO UIF T 5IFZ have some idea about the show in genIBWF TPNF JEFB BCPVU UIF TIPX JO HFO eral," Andrews said. "They might not reFSBM w "OESFXT TBJE i5IFZ NJHIU OPU SF member exactly what it was about, but the NFNCFS FYBDUMZ XIBU JU XBT BCPVU CVU UIF characters quickly become familiar, and DIBSBDUFST RVJDLMZ CFDPNF GBNJMJBS BOE the story is familiar. The same characters UIF TUPSZ JT GBNJMJBS 5IF TBNF DIBSBDUFST from the movie are there, and the story is GSPN UIF NPWJF BSF UIFSF BOE UIF TUPSZ JT pretty much the same." QSFUUZ NVDI UIF TBNF w Although Parton is best known for her "MUIPVHI 1BSUPO JT CFTU LOPXO GPS IFS country music, Andrews described the DPVOUSZ NVTJD "OESFXT EFTDSJCFE UIF music in this show as "borderline counNVTJD JO UIJT TIPX BT iCPSEFSMJOF DPVO try." In fact, the song "9 to 5" was a No. 1 USZ w *O GBDU UIF TPOH i UP w XBT B /P hit not just on the country charts, but on IJU OPU KVTU PO UIF DPVOUSZ DIBSUT CVU PO the pop charts in 1980. UIF QPQ DIBSUT JO "I can just barely call it country. It has i* DBO KVTU CBSFMZ DBMM JU DPVOUSZ *U IBT that pop-sweet country sound to it," AnUIBU QPQ TXFFU DPVOUSZ TPVOE UP JU w "O drews said. ESFXT TBJE "9 to 5: The Musical" garnered four Tony i UP 5IF .VTJDBMw HBSOFSFE GPVS 5POZ Award nominations. It has toured nation"XBSE OPNJOBUJPOT *U IBT UPVSFE OBUJPO ally, and this summer is being produced Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 BMMZ BOE UIJT TVNNFS JT CFJOH QSPEVDFE AbOTT E`WbS` 0]P 9SgSa QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#% by regional theaters across the country. or: CZ SFHJPOBM UIFBUFST BDSPTT UIF DPVOUSZ ]`( The Ogunquit version is a co-production bkeyes@pressherald. com 5IF 0HVORVJU WFSTJPO JT B DP QSPEVDUJPO PYSgSa.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ with Gateway Playhouse on Long Island; Twitter: pphbkeyes XJUI (BUFXBZ 1MBZIPVTF PO -POH *TMBOE BeWbbS`( ^^VPYSgSa


Whatnot Gallery, Spindleworks, Brunswick: 7HATNOT 'ALLERY 3PINDLEWORKS "RUNSWICK "(tiny)," small paintings, encaustics, sculpture and h TINY v SMALL PAINTINGS ENCAUSTICS SCULPTURE AND fiberworks, through Aug. 3 1 . spindleworks.org lBERWORKS THROUGH !UG SPINDLEWORKS ORG Gallery Framing, Brunswick: "Katahdin to Cadillac: 'ALLERY &RAMING "RUNSWICK h+ATAHDIN TO #ADILLAC Continued from Page E21 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Scenes of Maine," oils and watercolors by Frances 3CENES OF -AINE v OILS AND WATERCOLORS BY &RANCES Ocean to Cornfields to Flowers," through Aug. 3 1 . 0RATT #ASWELL THROUGH !UG Pratt Caswell, through Aug. 30. 729-9108. /CEAN TO #ORNlELDS TO &LOWERS v THROUGH !UG richardboydpottery.com Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Duane RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK $UANE Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth: Brita Paluska, new paintings and sculpture, through %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH "RITA 0ALUSKA NEW PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE THROUGH Holmquist and Lesia Sochor, paintings, through Sept. 8. 725-8157. (OLMQUIST AND ,ESIA 3OCHOR PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT Sunday, elizabethmossgalleries.com Gallery at Widgeon Cove, Harpswell: Condon 3UNDAY ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM 'ALLERY AT 7IDGEON #OVE (ARPSWELL #ONDON Falmouth Memorial Library: Paintings by Jan ter and Georgeann Kuhl, "Tuscany to Pompeii and &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY *AN TER AND 'EORGEANN +UHL h4USCANY TO 0OMPEII AND Weele, through Sept. 30. falmouth.lib.me.us Beyond," paper pulp paintings and mixed media, 7EELE THROUGH 3EPT FALMOUTH LIB ME US "EYOND v PAPER PULP PAINTINGS AND MIXED MEDIA Maine Audubon, Falmouth: " O n the Wing," through Sept. 7. widgeoncove.com -AINE !UDUBON &ALMOUTH h/N THE 7ING v THROUGH 3EPT WIDGEONCOVE COM sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sept. 30. Maine Fiberarts, Topsham: Roslyn Logsdon, SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH 3EPT -AINE &IBERARTS 4OPSHAM 2OSLYN ,OGSDON junelacombesculpture.com "Architectural Elements: Hooked Rugs," through JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM h!RCHITECTURAL %LEMENTS (OOKED 2UGS v THROUGH Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery: "Mid-Summer 3EPT MAINElBERARTS ORG Sept. 29. mainefiberarts.org 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY h-ID 3UMMER Perspectives," multiple artists, through Sept. 30. Markings Gallery, Bath: "Into the Kitchen," artful 0ERSPECTIVES v MULTIPLE ARTISTS THROUGH 3EPT -ARKINGS 'ALLERY "ATH h)NTO THE +ITCHEN v ARTFUL 846-7777. kitchen elements featuring Nan Kilbourn-Tara, KITCHEN ELEMENTS FEATURING .AN +ILBOURN 4ARA The Royal Bean, Yarmouth: The Artisans Collective, Ann Prescott, Mark Irving and Maggie's Farms, 4HE 2OYAL "EAN 9ARMOUTH 4HE !RTISANS #OLLECTIVE !NN 0RESCOTT -ARK )RVING AND -AGGIE S &ARMS multi-media, through Thursday. 846-1009. through Wednesday, markingsgallery.com MULTI MEDIA THROUGH 4HURSDAY THROUGH 7EDNESDAY MARKINGSGALLERY COM Freeport Historical Society Harrington House: Richmond Store Gallery: Barbara Bean and &REEPORT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ARRINGTON (OUSE 2ICHMOND 3TORE 'ALLERY "ARBARA "EAN AND "Buttons, Rum and Rakes: Freeport's Mercantile Edward Mackenzie, "The Art of Dee's Ice Cream h"UTTONS 2UM AND 2AKES &REEPORT S -ERCANTILE %DWARD -ACKENZIE h4HE !RT OF $EE S )CE #REAM Past," through March 2013. freeporthistorical Packaging," artwork made from material donated 0AST v THROUGH -ARCH FREEPORTHISTORICAL 0ACKAGING v ARTWORK MADE FROM MATERIAL DONATED society.org by Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, through Oct. SOCIETY ORG BY "RUNSWICK 4OPSHAM ,AND 4RUST THROUGH /CT Thos. Moser Showroom, Freeport: "Viewpoints," 4HOS -OSER 3HOWROOM &REEPORT h6IEWPOINTS v group exhibit, through Oct. 28. 865-4519. GROUP EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT Please see ART, Page E24 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)+

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, | GO E23 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 !

?FK HOT k`Zb\k

Courtesy photos 1]c`bSag ^V]b]a

JXmfi jldd\i# j`g Savor summer, sip and dine on Sunday Xe[ [`e\ fe Jle[Xp


John Ewing/Staff Photographer 8]V\ 3eW\U AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

For get-outta-my-way pub food ... 4]` USb ]cbbO [g eOg ^cP T]]R

ENJOY the waning days of 3<8=G bVS eO\W\U ROga ]T summer at an Austrian wine ac[[S` Ob O\ /cab`WO\ eW\S dinner held outdoors on a RW\\S` VSZR ]cbR]]`a ]\ O local farm. Guests will be Z]QOZ TO`[ 5cSaba eWZZ PS Rafael Flores and Winthrop @OTOSZ 4Z]`Sa O\R EW\bV`]^ Pennock from Artisanal >S\\]QY T`][ /`bWaO\OZ 1SZZO`a W\ DS`[]\b Cellars in Vermont. E63<( #(! ^ [ Ac\ROg WHEN: 5:30 p.m. Sunday E63@3( BVS ESZZ Ob 8]`RO\¸a WHERE: The Well at Jordan's 4O`[ ESZZa @]OR 1O^S Farm, 21 Wells Road, Cape 3ZWhOPSbV Elizabeth 6=E ;C16( $ ^S` ^S`a]\ HOW MUCH: $60 per person, QOaV ]\Zg cash only 7<4=( &! '!# ) bVSeSZZOb INFO: 831-9350; thewellat X]`RO\aTO`[.V]b[OWZ Q][ jordansfarm@hotmail.com

<g^iinĂƒh# IgjZ# Gritty's. True


ow I just ate the best chicken sandwich of my life. PX * KVTU BUF UIF CFTU DIJDLFO TBOEXJDI PG NZ MJGF Just had to say that right out of the gate while my +VTU IBE UP TBZ UIBU SJHIU PVU PG UIF HBUF XIJMF NZ taste buds are still high-nving each other in the postUBTUF CVET BSF TUJMM IJHI mWJOH FBDI PUIFS JO UIF QPTU lunch afterglow. Now, where was I? "I ZFT MVODI Ah yes, lunch. MVODI BGUFSHMPX /PX XIFSF XBT * Since I never seem to remember my carrot and cel4JODF * OFWFS TFFN UP SFNFNCFS NZ DBSSPU BOE DFM ery sticks to snack on, come lunchtime, I'm typically FSZ TUJDLT UP TOBDL PO DPNF MVODIUJNF * N UZQJDBMMZ ravenous and will knock you down should you try and SBWFOPVT BOE XJMM LOPDL ZPV EPXO TIPVME ZPV USZ BOE block my access to food. CMPDL NZ BDDFTT UP GPPE That said, I did have a lovely stroll through the Old 5IBU TBJE * EJE IBWF B MPWFMZ TUSPMM UISPVHI UIF 0ME Port passing a fiddler, a guitar/vocal duo, foreign1PSU QBTTJOH B mEEMFS B HVJUBS WPDBM EVP GPSFJHO tongued tourists and the usual suspects of lunchtime UPOHVFE UPVSJTUT BOE UIF VTVBM TVTQFDUT PG MVODIUJNF errand runners and lunch grabbers. Plus, the walk FSSBOE SVOOFST BOE MVODI HSBCCFST 1MVT UIF XBML to Gritty McDuff's Brew Pub was a downhill one, and because I'm lazy, that UP (SJUUZ .D%VGG T #SFX 1VC XBT B EPXOIJMM POF BOE CFDBVTF * N MB[Z UIBU suited me just fine. TVJUFE NF KVTU mOF I found myself in the hunger "danger zone" last Tuesday and decided that * GPVOE NZTFMG JO UIF IVOHFS iEBOHFS [POFw MBTU 5VFTEBZ BOE EFDJEFE UIBU Gritty's just might be the remedy. Clutching my menu like a sacred tablet, I (SJUUZ T KVTU NJHIU CF UIF SFNFEZ $MVUDIJOH NZ NFOV MJLF B TBDSFE UBCMFU * paused at the Steak & Greens Salad - garlic and lime marinated Black Angus QBVTFE BU UIF 4UFBL (SFFOT 4BMBE o HBSMJD BOE MJNF NBSJOBUFE #MBDL "OHVT steak, pickled onions and cheddar-jack set on a bed of spinach and romaine TUFBL QJDLMFE POJPOT BOE DIFEEBS KBDL TFU PO B CFE PG TQJOBDI BOE SPNBJOF tossed in chipotle dressing ($9.99 half; $13.99 full). UPTTFE JO DIJQPUMF ESFTTJOH IBMG GVMM Then my eyes darted over to a section called "The Maine Course," which 5IFO NZ FZFT EBSUFE PWFS UP B TFDUJPO DBMMFE i5IF .BJOF $PVSTF w XIJDI such temptations as Shepherd's Pie ($9.99) and Fish & Chips ($9.99). While TVDI UFNQUBUJPOT BT 4IFQIFSE T 1JF BOE 'JTI $IJQT 8IJMF both are right up my alley, I finally landed in the sandwiches section, where I CPUI BSF SJHIU VQ NZ BMMFZ * mOBMMZ MBOEFE JO UIF TBOEXJDIFT TFDUJPO XIFSF * Please see EAT, Page E25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <),

GRITTY McDUFF'S BREW PUB >I@KKP DZ;L==ËJ 9I<N GL9 WHERE: 396 Fore St., Portland; E63@3( !'$ 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R) 772-2793, grittys.com %% %'! U`Wbbga Q][ HOURS: 11 a.m. to closing, 6=C@A( O [ b] QZ]aW\U seven days a week aSdS\ ROga O eSSY CHEAPEST GRUB: $ 4 . 9 9 f o r a 163/>3AB 5@C0( " '' T]` O cup of soup, chowder or chili Qc^ ]T a]c^ QV]eRS` ]` QVWZW of the day ]T bVS ROg WAIT: 10 minutes E/7B( [W\cbSa PARKING: On s t r e e t >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: Yes 6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( GSa RATING: • • • • @/B7<5( (((( Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ¿dS abO` aQOZS

Above: Server Michelle /P]dS( AS`dS` ;WQVSZZS Blandina delivers a beer and 0ZO\RW\O RSZWdS`a O PSS` O\R a Chicken Stacker at Gritty O 1VWQYS\ AbOQYS` Ob 5`Wbbg McDuff's Portland location ;Q2cTT¸a >]`bZO\R Z]QObW]\ on Fore Street. ]\ 4]`S Ab`SSb

Tom Atwell on beer, E24 N Bar Guide: The Thirsty Pig, E25 Kfd 8kn\cc fe Y\\i# <)+ 9Xi >l`[\1 K_\ K_`ijkp G`^# <),

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Bunker 9leb\i Brewing 9i\n`e^ taste test kXjk\ ]\jk

G :?<8I@CC


IF YOU HAVEN'T TRIED t h e small 74 G=C 6/D3<¸B B@732 bVS a[OZZ batch ales and lagers of PObQV OZSa O\R ZOUS`a ]T Bunker Brewing yet, head 0c\YS` 0`SeW\U gSb VSOR over to their lair in East ]dS` b] bVSW` ZOW` W\ 3Oab Bayside and have a taste on 0OgaWRS O\R VOdS O bOabS ]\ Growler Night. 5`]eZS` <WUVb WHEN: 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday E63<( " b] % ^ [ BcSaROg WHERE: 122 /\RS`a]\ Ab Anderson St., E63@3( Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free taste but 6=E ;C16( 4`SS bOabS Pcb bring money to buy more. P`W\U []\Sg b] Pcg []`S INFO: 450-5014 7<4=( "# # "

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3E24 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

J\Zfe[ 9i\n =\jk`mXc Yl`c[j fe Ôijk p\XiËj ]\\[YXZb Second Brew Festiva builds on first year's feedback KT

EFNBOE GPS UIF BGUFSOPPO TFT IF TFDPOE 1PSUMBOE #SFX he second Portland Brew demand for the afternoon session." Festival will be held Aug. 31 TJPO w 'FTUJWBM XJMM CF IFME "VH 5IF FWFOU JODMVEFT NPSF UIBO BOE 4FQU BU UIF 1PSUMBOE and Sept. 1 at the Portland The event includes more than Company Complex at 58 Fore 30 brewers - some of whom CSFXFST o TPNF PG XIPN $PNQBOZ $PNQMFY BU 'PSF XJMM PGGFS NFBE PS DJEFS JOTUFBE 4U BOE .BL 4QSBHVF PSHBOJ[FS St., and Mak Sprague, organizer will offer mead or cider instead of beer - and more than 75 of the event, promises some PG CFFS o BOE NPSF UIBO PG UIF FWFOU QSPNJTFT TPNF improvements. different drinks, up by about 50 EJGGFSFOU ESJOLT VQ CZ BCPVU JNQSPWFNFOUT "Last year was the first year, percent in both categories from QFSDFOU JO CPUI DBUFHPSJFT GSPN i-BTU ZFBS XBT UIF mSTU ZFBS and you learn a lot that first MBTU ZFBS "OE XIJMF 4QSBHVF JT BOE ZPV MFBSO B MPU UIBU mSTU Tom AtWCll yean ^n<^ while Sprague is time," Sprague said. "I had a offering 24 tickets for 2-ounce PGGFSJOH UJDLFUT GPS PVODF UJNF w 4QSBHVF TBJE i* IBE B whole lot of feedback from the XIPMF MPU PG GFFECBDL GSPN UIF Wtldt AI0S YOU QPVST PG CFFS BUUFOEFFT BSF pours of beer, attendees are people who attended last year, still going to have to make TUJMM HPJOH UP IBWF UP NBLF QFPQMF XIP BUUFOEFE MBTU ZFBS and I am using that to make it some choices as they wander TPNF DIPJDFT BT UIFZ XBOEFS BOE * BN VTJOH UIBU UP NBLF JU better." through the building. UISPVHI UIF CVJMEJOH CFUUFS w One big difference is that more of "The way Maine state law works is that i5IF XBZ .BJOF TUBUF MBX XPSLT JT UIBU 0OF CJH EJGGFSFODF JT UIBU NPSF PG Maine's mainstay breweries, including Al- ESJOL UJDLFUT DBO U FYDFFE PVODFT PWFS drink tickets can't exceed 48 ounces over .BJOF T NBJOTUBZ CSFXFSJFT JODMVEJOH "M lagash, Gritty McDuff's and Geary's, will UIF MFOHUI PG UIF GFTUJWBM w 4QSBHVF TBJE the length of the festival," Sprague said. MBHBTI (SJUUZ .D%VGG T BOE (FBSZ T XJMM be participating this year. He thinks allowing 24 tickets for 2 ounces )F UIJOLT BMMPXJOH UJDLFUT GPS PVODFT CF QBSUJDJQBUJOH UIJT ZFBS "Last year, we had trouble getting those FBDI BMMPXT QFPQMF UP CF NPSF BEWFOUVS each allows people to be more adventuri-BTU ZFBS XF IBE USPVCMF HFUUJOH UIPTF guys because it was so last-minute and ous than with 4-ounce pours. PVT UIBO XJUI PVODF QPVST HVZT CFDBVTF JU XBT TP MBTU NJOVUF BOE they are so popular," Sprague said. "This "People might not want to try somei1FPQMF NJHIU OPU XBOU UP USZ TPNF UIFZ BSF TP QPQVMBS w 4QSBHVF TBJE i5IJT year, we got to them early." thing if they fear they will be pouring out UIJOH JG UIFZ GFBS UIFZ XJMM CF QPVSJOH PVU ZFBS XF HPU UP UIFN FBSMZ w a twelfth of all my beer by pouring out a The festival will offer three sessions: B UXFMGUI PG BMM NZ CFFS CZ QPVSJOH PVU B 5IF GFTUJWBM XJMM PGGFS UISFF TFTTJPOT 5:30 to 9 p.m. Aug. 31, and 12:30 to 4 p.m. beer they don't like," he said. CFFS UIFZ EPO U MJLF w IF TBJE UP Q N "VH BOE UP Q N and 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sept. 1. Tickets cost $35 Sprague is a home brewer, so the festival 4QSBHVF JT B IPNF CSFXFS TP UIF GFTUJWBM BOE UP Q N 4FQU 5JDLFUT DPTU at portlandbrewfestival.com. will also be including home-brewing demXJMM BMTP CF JODMVEJOH IPNF CSFXJOH EFN BU QPSUMBOECSFXGFTUJWBM DPN "It's kind of funny the way it's working onstrations. POTUSBUJPOT i*U T LJOE PG GVOOZ UIF XBZ JU T XPSLJOH out," Sprague said. "Last year, we had And while the festival does have more "OE XIJMF UIF GFTUJWBM EPFT IBWF NPSF PVU w 4QSBHVF TBJE i-BTU ZFBS XF IBE two afternoon sessions and one evening Maine beers, there will also be a contin.BJOF CFFST UIFSF XJMM BMTP CF B DPOUJO UXP BGUFSOPPO TFTTJPOT BOE POF FWFOJOH session, and the afternoon sessions were HFOU PG CFFST GSPN BSPVOE /FX &OHMBOE gent of beers from around New England. TFTTJPO BOE UIF BGUFSOPPO TFTTJPOT XFSF not as popular. So this year, we switched Olde Burnside Brewing Co. out of East 0MEF #VSOTJEF #SFXJOH $P PVU PG &BTU OPU BT QPQVMBS 4P UIJT ZFBS XF TXJUDIFE it, and now it looks like there is more Hartford, Conn., was one of the hits of )BSUGPSE $POO XBT POF PG UIF IJUT PG JU BOE OPX JU MPPLT MJLF UIFSF JT NPSF

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl


Continued from Page E22 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 31. richmondstoregallery.com RICHMONDSTOREGALLERY COM Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay: #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY "Watershed's Legends: 25 Years of Residencies," h7ATERSHED S ,EGENDS 9EARS OF 2ESIDENCIES v work in clay, and "Garden Pots," through Aug. WORK IN CLAY AND h'ARDEN 0OTS v THROUGH !UG 31; h/N THE 7ING v SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE "On the Wing," sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sept. 30. mainegardens.org THROUGH 3EPT MAINEGARDENS ORG Gold/Smith Gallery, Boothbay Harbor: Mario 'OLD 3MITH 'ALLERY "OOTHBAY (ARBOR -ARIO Francesconi, Italian modernist painter, through &RANCESCONI )TALIAN MODERNIST PAINTER THROUGH Sept. 4. 633-6252. 3EPT Gleason Fine Art, Boothbay Harbor: "Three 'LEASON &INE !RT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR h4HREE Colorists," work by Tom Curry, Henry Isaacs and #OLORISTS v WORK BY 4OM #URRY (ENRY )SAACS AND Andrea Peters, through Sept. 4. 633-6849. !NDREA 0ETERS THROUGH 3EPT Pemaquid Art Gallery: Group show, through Oct. 0EMAQUID !RT 'ALLERY 'ROUP SHOW THROUGH /CT 8.677-2752. University of New England (Campus Center), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND #AMPUS #ENTER Biddeford: Wood Island Lighthouse exhibit, "IDDEFORD 7OOD )SLAND ,IGHTHOUSE EXHIBIT through Aug. 31. woodislandlighthouse.org THROUGH !UG WOODISLANDLIGHTHOUSE ORG Barn Gallery, Ogunquit: "Series," work by OAA "ARN 'ALLERY /GUNQUIT h3ERIES v WORK BY /!!

and OAC board members and invited New AND /!# BOARD MEMBERS AND INVITED .EW England sculptors, through Sept. 8. barngallery.org %NGLAND SCULPTORS THROUGH 3EPT BARNGALLERY ORG Denmark Arts Center: Peter Pentz, "Photographic $ENMARK !RTS #ENTER 0ETER 0ENTZ h0HOTOGRAPHIC Portrait of Denmark, ME," through Sept. 3. 4520ORTRAIT OF $ENMARK -% v THROUGH 3EPT 2412. West Buxton Public Library: Sixth annual local art 7EST "UXTON 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 3IXTH ANNUAL LOCAL ART exhibit, through Aug. 30. 727-5898. EXHIBIT THROUGH !UG York Public Library: Tim Beavis retrospective, 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 4IM "EAVIS RETROSPECTIVE through Tuesday; Carol Ann Rowley, "Art Quilt THROUGH 4UESDAY #AROL !NN 0OWLEY h!RT 1UILT Odyssey," mixed-media art quilts, through Sept. 5. /DYSSEY v MIXED MEDIA ART QUILTS THROUGH 3EPT york.lib.me.us YORK LIB ME US York Art Association, York Harbor: "Wonderful 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h7ONDERFUL Water," multi-media, through Sept. 2. 7ATER v MULTI MEDIA THROUGH 3EPT yorkartassociation.com YORKARTASSOCIATION COM Kennebunk Free Library: "Beauty Everyday: The +ENNEBUNK &REE ,IBRARY h"EAUTY %VERYDAY 4HE Floral Series," photographs by Annie Lemieux, &LORAL 3ERIES v PHOTOGRAPHS BY !NNIE ,EMIEUX through Aug. 31. kennebunklibrary.org THROUGH !UG KENNEBUNKLIBRARY ORG Sharpe Gallery, Kennebunk: Linda Murray, new 3HARPE 'ALLERY +ENNEBUNK ,INDA -URRAY NEW works, through Aug. 31. thesharpegallery.com WORKS THROUGH !UG THESHARPEGALLERY COM Corey Daniels Gallery, Wells: "Install #OREY $ANIELS 'ALLERY 7ELLS h)NSTALL 2," three contemporary Maine artists and v THREE CONTEMPORARY -AINE ARTISTS AND photographs by Sally Mann, through Sept. 15. PHOTOGRAPHS BY 3ALLY -ANN THROUGH 3EPT coreyclanielsgallery.com COREYDANIELSGALLERY COM

Route 1 North, Wells 2OUTE .ORTH 7ELLS 646-8467 www.bullnclaw.com WWW BULLNCLAW COM








MBTU ZFBS T GFTUJWBM BOE JU XJMM CF CBDL * last year's festival, and it will be back. I absolutely love their Ten Penny and Dirty BCTPMVUFMZ MPWF UIFJS 5FO 1FOOZ BOE %JSUZ 1FOOZ BMFT BOE UIFZ DBO CF IBSE UP mOE Penny ales, and they can be hard to find. Sprague is pleased to have Moonlight 4QSBHVF JT QMFBTFE UP IBWF .PPOMJHIU .FBEFSZ B TNBMM DPNQBOZ JO /FX )BNQ Meadery, a small company in New Hampshire started by a home brewer. TIJSF TUBSUFE CZ B IPNF CSFXFS White Birch Brewing Co. from Hooksett, 8IJUF #JSDI #SFXJOH $P GSPN )PPLTFUU N.H., will also be on hand. White Birch is / ) XJMM BMTP CF PO IBOE 8IJUF #JSDI JT owned by Bill Herlicka, who used to work PXOFE CZ #JMM )FSMJDLB XIP VTFE UP XPSL in Portland and makes some wonderfully JO 1PSUMBOE BOE NBLFT TPNF XPOEFSGVMMZ intense beers. JOUFOTF CFFST Food will be available from Pizza on the 'PPE XJMM CF BWBJMBCMF GSPN 1J[[B PO UIF Fly and New England Brisketeers, if you 'MZ BOE /FX &OHMBOE #SJTLFUFFST JG ZPV get hungry. HFU IVOHSZ And there will be no live bands, so it will "OE UIFSF XJMM CF OP MJWF CBOET TP JU XJMM be quiet enough to talk about what you CF RVJFU FOPVHI UP UBML BCPVU XIBU ZPV are drinking. BSF ESJOLJOH

JUZ *U JT CSFXFE XJUI $BTDBEF $FOUFOOJBM ity. It is brewed with Cascade, Centennial and Calypso hops. BOE $BMZQTP IPQT 5IF CFFS DPTU GPS B PVODF CPUUMF The beer cost $6.79 for a 22-ounce bottle at RSVT-J BOE JT QFSDFOU BMDPIPM * IBWF and is 7.2 percent alcohol. I have BU 3471 IFBSE ;FQIZS JT HPJOH UP CF JO TIPSU TVQQMZ heard Zephyr is going to be in short supply, so if you see it, get some. Rising Tide will TP JG ZPV TFF JU HFU TPNF 3JTJOH 5JEF XJMM CF BU UIF 1PSUMBOE #SFX 'FTUJWBM o CVU * be at the Portland Brew Festival - but I don't promise they will have Zephyr. EPO U QSPNJTF UIFZ XJMM IBWF ;FQIZS A zephyr is a westerly wind, considered " [FQIZS JT B XFTUFSMZ XJOE DPOTJEFSFE the fairest wind direction, according to UIF GBJSFTU XJOE EJSFDUJPO BDDPSEJOH UP the Rising Tide website. And this beer is UIF 3JTJOH 5JEF XFCTJUF "OE UIJT CFFS JT a refreshing break in the trend of IPAs: A B SFGSFTIJOH CSFBL JO UIF USFOE PG *1"T " superb and pleasing drink and not just an TVQFSC BOE QMFBTJOH ESJOL BOE OPU KVTU BO obstacle course designed to show off the PCTUBDMF DPVSTF EFTJHOFE UP TIPX PGG UIF brewer's skill. CSFXFS T TLJMM

Rising Tide Community Market, Damariscotta: 2ISING 4IDE #OMMUNITY -ARKET $AMARISCOTTA Leon Vanella, photography, through Saturday, ,EON 6ANELLA PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH 3ATURDAY risingtide.coop RISINGTIDE COOP Haley Art Gallery, Kittery: "Secret Garden," garden(ALEY !RT 'ALLERY +ITTERY h3ECRET 'ARDEN v GARDEN inspired art, through Aug. 30. 439-7612. INSPIRED ART THROUGH !UG Just Us Chickens Gallery, Kittery: Denise Brown, *UST 5S #HICKENS 'ALLERY +ITTERY $ENISE "ROWN watercolors and acrylics, through Aug. 31. WATERCOLORS AND ACRYLICS THROUGH !UG justuschickens.net JUSTUSCHICKENS NET Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset: Tony vanHasselt, -AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET 4ONY VAN(ASSELT "My Studio Without Walls: Maine and Beyond," h-Y 3TUDIO 7ITHOUT 7ALLS -AINE AND "EYOND v watercolors, through Aug. 31. maineartgallery.org WATERCOLORS THROUGH !UG MAINEARTGALLERY ORG Wiscasset Bay Gallery: "At Home and Abroad: 7ISCASSET "AY 'ALLERY h!T (OME AND !BROAD Realism, Impressionism and Modernism," 2EALISM )MPRESSIONISM AND -ODERNISM v European and American landscape %UROPEAN AND !MERICAN LANDSCAPE and genre paintings, through Sept. 21. AND GENRE PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT wiscassetbaygal lery.com WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM Bangor Public Library: "Quarrying Form: The "ANGOR 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h1UARRYING &ORM 4HE Paintings of Helen Marie Allen," through Aug. 30. 0AINTINGS OF (ELEN -ARIE !LLEN v THROUGH !UG bpl.lib.me.us BPL LIB ME US Harlow Gallery, Hallowell: "Fuse," works by (ARLOW 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL h&USE v WORKS BY 19 Maine encaustic artists, through Saturday -AINE ENCAUSTIC ARTISTS THROUGH 3ATURDAY Pamela Hetherly, oil paintings, through Sept. 7. 0AMELA (ETHERLY OIL PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT harlowgallery.org HARLOWGALLERY ORG Perimeter Gallery, Belfast: "This Field," paintings 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY "ELFAST h4HIS &IELD v PAINTINGS by Megan Chase, through Sept. 23. 338-0555. BY -EGAN #HASE THROUGH 3EPT Aarhus Gallery, Belfast: Painter Mike Fletcher, !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST 0AINTER -IKE &LETCHER with Kevin Johnson, Mark Kelly, Richard Mann, WITH +EVIN *OHNSON -ARK +ELLY 2ICHARD -ANN Wesley Reddick and Willy Reddick, through 7ESLEY 2EDDICK AND 7ILLY 2EDDICK THROUGH Sunday, aarhusgallery.com 3UNDAY AARHUSGALLERY COM Littlefield Gallery, Winter Harbor: Frederick Lynch ,ITTLElELD 'ALLERY 7INTER (ARBOR &REDERICK ,YNCH and James Linehan, "Geometry Meets Nature," AND *AMES ,INEHAN h'EOMETRY -EETS .ATURE v through Oct. 15. littlefieldgallery.com THROUGH /CT LITTLElELDGALLERY COM Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport: #ENTER FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY !RT 2OCKPORT "Counterpoint III," "Here from There" and h#OUNTERPOINT ))) v h(ERE FROM 4HEREv AND "Intercept," paintings, sculpture and works on h)NTERCEPT v PAINTINGS SCULPTURE AND WORKS ON paper, through Sept. 22. cmcanow.org PAPER THROUGH 3EPT CMCANOW ORG College of the Atlantic (Ethel H. Blum Gallery), #OLLEGE OF THE !TLANTIC %THEL ( "LUM 'ALLERY Bar Harbor: "Turkish Delights, Buddhas, and "AR (ARBOR h4URKISH $ELIGHTS "UDDHAS AND Veils," photographs from the Mideast and Far East 6EILS v PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE -IDEAST AND &AR %AST by Clare Stone, through Sept. 21. 288-5015. BY #LARE 3TONE THROUGH 3EPT Frost Gully Gallery, Thomaston: Thomas Crotty, &ROST 'ULLY 'ALLERY 4HOMASTON 4HOMAS #ROTTY Maine landscapes, through Saturday; new works -AINE LANDSCAPES THROUGH 3ATURDAY NEW WORKS

by Janice Anthony, Dahlov Ipcar, Diane Dahlke, BY *ANICE !NTHONY $AHLOV )PCAR $IANE $AHLKE Tom Crotty, Robert Dyer and Margaret Gill, 4OM #ROTTY 2OBERT $YER AND -ARGARET 'ILL through Sept. 30. frostgullygallery.com THROUGH 3EPT FROSTGULLYGALLERY COM Haynes Galleries, Thomaston: Jesus Emmanuel (AYNES 'ALLERIES 4HOMASTON *ESUS %MMANUEL Villarreal, "Mirrors," paintings; and "Four 6ILLARREAL h-IRRORS v PAINTINGS AND h&OUR Figurative Artists," Ryan Brown, Ellen Cooper, &IGURATIVE !RTISTS v 2YAN "ROWN %LLEN #OOPER Renee Foulks and Lea Collie Wight, through 2ENEE &OULKS AND ,EA #OLLIE 7IGHT THROUGH Tuesday, haynesgalleries.com 4UESDAY HAYNESGALLERIES COM Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle: Karl Schrag and Barbara 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE +ARL 3CHRAG AND "ARBARA Sullivan, "The Plate and the Print," through 3ULLIVAN h4HE 0LATE AND THE 0RINT v THROUGH Saturday, turtlegallery.com 3ATURDAY TURTLEGALLERY COM Downtown Gallery, Washington: "Three Way $OWNTOWN 'ALLERY 7ASHINGTON h4HREE 7AY Lens," works by Priscilla Cross, Carol Sloane and ,ENS v WORKS BY 0RISCILLA #ROSS #AROL 3LOANE AND Leva Tatarsky, through Sept. 9. 845-2225. ,EVA 4ATARSKY THROUGH 3EPT Blue Water Fine Arts, Port Clyde: Barbara Ernst "LUE 7ATER &INE !RTS 0ORT #LYDE "ARBARA %RNST Prey, "Forty Years of Painting," 30 never-before0REY h&ORTY 9EARS OF 0AINTING v NEVER BEFORE seen watercolors, dry brush and oil paintings, SEEN WATERCOLORS DRY BRUSH AND OIL PAINTINGS through Aug. 31. bluewaterfinearts.com THROUGH !UG BLUEWATERlNEARTS COM Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham: "Three -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM h4HREE Town Artists," Carlo Pittore, Bryce Muir and Carter 4OWN !RTISTS v #ARLO 0ITTORE "RYCE -UIR AND #ARTER Smith, through Sept. 23. merrymeetingartscenter 3MITH THROUGH 3EPT MERRYMEETINGARTSCENTER .org. ORG Yvette Torres Fine Art, Rockland: Barbara Brady, 9VETTE 4ORRES &INE !RT 2OCKLAND "ARBARA "RADY "reMarks," through Sept. 2. 332-4014. hRE-ARKS v THROUGH 3EPT Carver Hill Gallery, Rockland: America Martin, #ARVER (ILL 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND !MERICA -ARTIN "Through the Eyes of America," paintings, through h4HROUGH THE %YES OF !MERICA v PAINTINGS THROUGH Sept. 12. 3EPT CRAFT Gallery, Rockland: Joe Hemes, #2!&4 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND *OE (EMES "Illumination," handcrafted lighting sculpture, h)LLUMINATION v HANDCRAFTED LIGHTING SCULPTURE through Sept. 16. craftonelm.com THROUGH 3EPT CRAFTONELM COM Caldbeck Gallery, Rockland: "Paintings, Prints, #ALDBECK 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND h0AINTINGS 0RINTS and Drawings," new work by various artists, AND $RAWINGS v NEW WORK BY VARIOUS ARTISTS through Sept. 15. 594-5935 THROUGH 3EPT Gallery K, Stonington: Georges Belmont, mixed 'ALLERY + 3TONINGTON 'EORGES "ELMONT MIXED media, through Aug. 30. 367-2978. MEDIA THROUGH !UG Twin Brooks Stretchers, Lincolnville: Chris 4WIN "ROOKS 3TRETCHERS ,INCOLNVILLE #HRIS Poison, new large paintings, through Sept. 14. 0OLSON NEW LARGE PAINTINGS THROUGH 3EPT 763-4271. Schoolhouse Gallery, Kingfield: "Deer Park 3CHOOLHOUSE 'ALLERY +INGlELD h$EER 0ARK Lodge," variety of images from historic Maine ,ODGE v VARIETY OF IMAGES FROM HISTORIC -AINE camp, through Aug. 30. 939-6518. CAMP THROUGH !UG

WHILE AT RSVRI saw a wall of 8)*-& "5 3471 * TBX B XBMM PG Shipyard Pumpkinhead, and the staff was 4IJQZBSE 1VNQLJOIFBE BOE UIF TUBGG XBT RISING TIDE came out with a new getting ready to create a display of Gritty HFUUJOH SFBEZ UP DSFBUF B EJTQMBZ PG (SJUUZ 3*4*/( 5*%& DBNF PVU XJUI B OFX beer last week, and I had been a bit worMcDuff's Halloween Ale. Maybe fall is not .D%VGG T )BMMPXFFO "MF .BZCF GBMM JT OPU CFFS MBTU XFFL BOE * IBE CFFO B CJU XPS ried. I have enjoyed all of the company's far away, and the people who love these GBS BXBZ BOE UIF QFPQMF XIP MPWF UIFTF SJFE * IBWF FOKPZFE BMM PG UIF DPNQBOZ T beers are coming into their season. beer, but Zephyr is an India Pale Ale, and CFFST BSF DPNJOH JOUP UIFJS TFBTPO CFFS CVU ;FQIZS JT BO *OEJB 1BMF "MF BOE many brewers have been trying to outdo Regular readers will know that I love 3FHVMBS SFBEFST XJMM LOPX UIBU * MPWF NBOZ CSFXFST IBWF CFFO USZJOH UP PVUEP each other with how many hops they can the Halloween Ale and am not a fan of the UIF )BMMPXFFO "MF BOE BN OPU B GBO PG UIF FBDI PUIFS XJUI IPX NBOZ IPQT UIFZ DBO jam into their IPAs. Pumpkinhead. But as far as the Pumpkin1VNQLJOIFBE #VU BT GBS BT UIF 1VNQLJO KBN JOUP UIFJS *1"T I should have trusted Nathan Sanborn, head goes, I am beginning to think that IFBE HPFT * BN CFHJOOJOH UP UIJOL UIBU * TIPVME IBWF USVTUFE /BUIBO 4BOCPSO co-owner and head brewer at Rising Tide. * BN JO UIF NJOPSJUZ " MPU PG PVS WJTJUJOH I am in the minority. A lot of our visiting DP PXOFS BOE IFBE CSFXFS BU 3JTJOH 5JEF Zephyr is a very good beer, with enough relatives are big fans. SFMBUJWFT BSF CJH GBOT ;FQIZS JT B WFSZ HPPE CFFS XJUI FOPVHI hops that you know it is an IPA, but still IPQT UIBU ZPV LOPX JU JT BO *1" CVU TUJMM Tom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape balanced. There is a lot of caramel in the CBMBODFE 5IFSF JT B MPU PG DBSBNFM JO UIF B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: malt - which was created with locally NBMU o XIJDI XBT DSFBUFE XJUI MPDBMMZ 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( grown barley - and a lot of fruity complexHSPXO CBSMFZ o BOE B MPU PG GSVJUZ DPNQMFY b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][ fo/nafive//(S)/ne.co/77

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E25 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 #


8d`[ <oZ_Xe^\ Jki\\k Yljkc\# K_`ijkp G`^ hl\eZ_\j Amid Exchange Street bustle, Thirsty Pig quenches By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55& XPVMEO U OPSNBMMZ UIJOL PG QJHT wouldn't normally think of pigs CFJOH QBSDIFE * N NPSF BQU UP being parched. I'm more apt to BTTPDJBUF TXJOF XJUI JOTBUJBCMF associate swine with insatiable hunger. IVOHFS However, someone thought )PXFWFS TPNFPOF UIPVHIU QJHT NJHIU XBOU B ESJOL XJUI pigs might want a drink with their slop, which brings us to the UIFJS TMPQ XIJDI CSJOHT VT UP UIF Thirsty Pig. 5IJSTUZ 1JH The small bar is tucked amid 5IF TNBMM CBS JT UVDLFE BNJE shops on Exchange Street in TIPQT PO &YDIBOHF 4USFFU JO Portland's Old Port. If you're not 1PSUMBOE T 0ME 1PSU *G ZPV SF OPU paying close attention when you QBZJOH DMPTF BUUFOUJPO XIFO ZPV walk by, it could be mistaken for XBML CZ JU DPVME CF NJTUBLFO GPS another cafe along the street, BOPUIFS DBGF BMPOH UIF TUSFFU with its large bay windows reXJUI JUT MBSHF CBZ XJOEPXT SF vealing a number of tables and a WFBMJOH B OVNCFS PG UBCMFT BOE B dark wood floor. EBSL XPPE nPPS The bar itself is hidden behind 5IF CBS JUTFMG JT IJEEFO CFIJOE the counter and can't be spotted UIF DPVOUFS BOE DBO U CF TQPUUFE just by looking through the winKVTU CZ MPPLJOH UISPVHI UIF XJO dow. But fear not, it is there. EPX #VU GFBS OPU JU JT UIFSF Stocked with an assortment of 4UPDLFE XJUI BO BTTPSUNFOU PG beer and wine, the Thirsty Pig is CFFS BOE XJOF UIF 5IJSTUZ 1JH JT proud to offer a number of local QSPVE UP PGGFS B OVNCFS PG MPDBM brews. CSFXT In addition to the taps at the *O BEEJUJPO UP UIF UBQT BU UIF bar, available brews are written CBS BWBJMBCMF CSFXT BSF XSJUUFO on small chalkboards propped PO TNBMM DIBMLCPBSET QSPQQFE up by metal kegs along a shelf VQ CZ NFUBM LFHT BMPOH B TIFMG behind the bar. CFIJOE UIF CBS I headed there for a happy hour * IFBEFE UIFSF GPS B IBQQZ IPVS drink with my friend Shannon. ESJOL XJUI NZ GSJFOE 4IBOOPO When we arrived, she opted for 8IFO XF BSSJWFE TIF PQUFE GPS the Peaks IPA. I, on the other UIF 1FBLT *1" * PO UIF PUIFS hand - in full denial that ShipIBOE o JO GVMM EFOJBM UIBU 4IJQ yard Pumpkinhead has hit the ZBSE 1VNQLJOIFBE IBT IJU UIF taps and summer is winding UBQT BOE TVNNFS JT XJOEJOH down - ordered the Blueberry EPXO o PSEFSFE UIF #MVFCFSSZ Ale on draft. "MF PO ESBGU Wanting to soak up every bit of 8BOUJOH UP TPBL VQ FWFSZ CJU PG summer possible, we hit the back TVNNFS QPTTJCMF XF IJU UIF CBDL deck rather than cozy up to the EFDL SBUIFS UIBO DP[Z VQ UP UIF small bar inside. TNBMM CBS JOTJEF Now, this deck area was a huge /PX UIJT EFDL BSFB XBT B IVHF surprise to me. A lot of bars have TVSQSJTF UP NF " MPU PG CBST IBWF


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WHERE: 37 Exchange St., E63@3( !% 3fQVO\US Ab Portland >]`bZO\R PHONE: 773-2469 >6=<3( %%! "$' WEBSITE: E30A7B3( thirstypigportland.com bVW`abg^WU^]`bZO\R Q][ HOURS: 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. 6=C@A( (! O [ b] ^ [ Monday through Thursday; ;]\ROg bV`]cUV BVc`aROg) 11:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday (! O [ b] O [ 4`WROg and Saturday; noon to 8 p.m. O\R AObc`ROg) \]]\ b] & ^ [ Sunday Ac\ROg PARKING: On-street metered >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb [SbS`SR parking that's free after 6 p.m. ^O`YW\U bVOb¸a T`SS OTbS` $ ^ [ and on Sundays O\R ]\ Ac\ROga AMENITIES: A great back deck /;3<7B73A( / U`SOb POQY RSQY for some outside sipping T]` a][S ]cbaWRS aW^^W\U HAPPY HOUR: 4 to 7 p.m. 6/>>G 6=C@( " b] % ^ [ Monday through Friday, with ;]\ROg bV`]cUV 4`WROg eWbV $2.50 Shipyard drafts # AVW^gO`R R`OTba SCENE: A small bar with an A13<3( / a[OZZ PO` eWbV O\ emphasis on chilling out, S[^VOaWa ]\ QVWZZW\U ]cb chowing down and sipping QV]eW\U R]e\ O\R aW^^W\U beverages. PSdS`OUSa

post-work pop and tourists taking QPTU XPSL QPQ BOE UPVSJTUT UBLJOH a break from Old Port shopping. B CSFBL GSPN 0ME 1PSU TIPQQJOH At some point, outdoor speakers "U TPNF QPJOU PVUEPPS TQFBLFST started spewing some tunes. TUBSUFE TQFXJOH TPNF UVOFT We'd heard the fresh sausage 8F E IFBSE UIF GSFTI TBVTBHF links on the Thirsty Pig's menu MJOLT PO UIF 5IJSTUZ 1JH T NFOV are delicious, but decided we BSF EFMJDJPVT CVU EFDJEFE XF weren't in the mood. XFSFO U JO UIF NPPE Like any good establishment -JLF BOZ HPPE FTUBCMJTINFOU Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS` with a fun name, the Thirsty Pig XJUI B GVO OBNF UIF 5IJSTUZ 1JH Bartender Nyla Smith draws an Ishmael American Copper Ale from Rising Tide Brewing Co. at 0O`bS\RS` <gZO A[WbV R`Oea O\ 7aV[OSZ /[S`WQO\ 1]^^S` /ZS T`][ @WaW\U BWRS 0`SeW\U 1] Ob also has swag. Its shirts feature BMTP IBT TXBH *UT TIJSUT GFBUVSF the Thirsty Pig, which offers a good selection of Maine-made brews. bVS BVW`abg >WU eVWQV ]TTS`a O U]]R aSZSQbW]\ ]T ;OW\S [ORS P`Sea a pig with a keg strapped to its B QJH XJUI B LFH TUSBQQFE UP JUT back. CBDL offered makeshift outdoor seatyou can sit overlooking the street SFBEFS "OPUIFS HVZ XBMLFE SJHIU reader. Another guy walked right And if the pig is toting around "OE JG UIF QJH JT UPUJOH BSPVOE ZPV DBO TJU PWFSMPPLJOH UIF TUSFFU PGGFSFE NBLFTIJGU PVUEPPS TFBU ing by setting some chairs and and entry of the Regency Hotel. up to the railing of the deck, a keg of beer like that, it sure B LFH PG CFFS MJLF UIBU JU TVSF VQ UP UIF SBJMJOH PG UIF EFDL BOE FOUSZ PG UIF 3FHFODZ )PUFM JOH CZ TFUUJOH TPNF DIBJST BOE As we sat and caught up on pressed his face against the fenc- FYQMBJOT XIZ IF T NPSF UIJSTUZ explains why he's more thirsty tables right outside their front QSFTTFE IJT GBDF BHBJOTU UIF GFOD "T XF TBU BOE DBVHIU VQ PO UBCMFT SJHIU PVUTJEF UIFJS GSPOU each other's lives, we indulged ing, pretended it was a jail and and less hungry. doors on the sidewalk. Not the BOE MFTT IVOHSZ JOH QSFUFOEFE JU XBT B KBJM BOE FBDI PUIFS T MJWFT XF JOEVMHFE EPPST PO UIF TJEFXBML /PU UIF in some great people-watchasked us to let him out. Thirsty Pig. BTLFE VT UP MFU IJN PVU JO TPNF HSFBU QFPQMF XBUDI 5IJSTUZ 1JH The back deck quickly filled Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer ing. Some folks tried to contest Tucked between the tall build5IF CBDL EFDL RVJDLMZ mMMFE JOH 4PNF GPMLT USJFE UP DPOUFTU 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` 5VDLFE CFUXFFO UIF UBMM CVJME a parking ticket with the meter who lives in Biddeford. up with professionals needing a ings is a spacious porch where VQ XJUI QSPGFTTJPOBMT OFFEJOH B B QBSLJOH UJDLFU XJUI UIF NFUFS eV] ZWdSa W\ 0WRRST]`R JOHT JT B TQBDJPVT QPSDI XIFSF

sweet potato tots or a demiTXFFU QPUBUP UPUT PS B EFNJ salad. TBMBE When it comes to french fries, 8IFO JU DPNFT UP GSFODI GSJFT Continued from Page E23 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! I'm on automatic pilot. Yet some * N PO BVUPNBUJD QJMPU :FU TPNF unknown force tapped me on my VOLOPXO GPSDF UBQQFE NF PO NZ shoulder and whispered, "Get proceeded to make three terrific TIPVMEFS BOE XIJTQFSFE i(FU QSPDFFEFE UP NBLF UISFF UFSSJmD the Gritty chips." I wasn't even decisions in a row. UIF (SJUUZ DIJQT w * XBTO U FWFO EFDJTJPOT JO B SPX sure what a Gritty chip was. But First, I ordered the Chicken TVSF XIBU B (SJUUZ DIJQ XBT #VU 'JSTU * PSEFSFE UIF $IJDLFO I got them. Stacker ($9.99). This was my first * HPU UIFN 4UBDLFS 5IJT XBT NZ mSTU This was, of course, good decibrilliant decision. 5IJT XBT PG DPVSTF HPPE EFDJ CSJMMJBOU EFDJTJPO sion No. 3. You can get it ale battered or TJPO /P :PV DBO HFU JU BMF CBUUFSFE PS Minutes later, I was back at my barley coated, and it's served on .JOVUFT MBUFS * XBT CBDL BU NZ CBSMFZ DPBUFE BOE JU T TFSWFE PO desk, takeout container in hand. grilled roasted garlic bread with EFTL UBLFPVU DPOUBJOFS JO IBOE HSJMMFE SPBTUFE HBSMJD CSFBE XJUI I cracked open a can of seltzer smoked bacon, lettuce, tomato, * DSBDLFE PQFO B DBO PG TFMU[FS TNPLFE CBDPO MFUUVDF UPNBUP (though a pint of any number Swiss cheese and honey mus UIPVHI B QJOU PG BOZ OVNCFS 4XJTT DIFFTF BOE IPOFZ NVT of the Gritty's Real Ales would tard. PG UIF (SJUUZ T 3FBM "MFT XPVME UBSE have hit the spot), opened the I went with ale battered, which IBWF IJU UIF TQPU PQFOFE UIF * XFOU XJUI BMF CBUUFSFE XIJDI box and knew it was beginning of was good decision No. 2. CPY BOE LOFX JU XBT CFHJOOJOH PG XBT HPPE EFDJTJPO /P a beautiful, albeit brief, relationAll sandwiches come with a B CFBVUJGVM BMCFJU CSJFG SFMBUJPO "MM TBOEXJDIFT DPNF XJUI B ship. choice of french fries, Gritty TIJQ DIPJDF PG GSFODI GSJFT (SJUUZ The Gritty chips were handchips, cole slaw or vegetable of 5IF (SJUUZ DIJQT XFSF IBOE DIJQT DPMF TMBX PS WFHFUBCMF PG made, thick-cut potato chips the day. NBEF UIJDL DVU QPUBUP DIJQT UIF EBZ from another galaxy. They For an extra $1.50, you can GSPN BOPUIFS HBMBYZ 5IFZ 'PS BO FYUSB ZPV DBO somehow managed to be both upgrade to sweet potato fries, TPNFIPX NBOBHFE UP CF CPUI VQHSBEF UP TXFFU QPUBUP GSJFT

crispy yet soft, and I ate one DSJTQZ ZFU TPGU BOE * BUF POF after another in a blissful fog of BGUFS BOPUIFS JO B CMJTTGVM GPH PG potato enchantment. Even if the QPUBUP FODIBOUNFOU &WFO JG UIF Chicken Stacker had been so-so, $IJDLFO 4UBDLFS IBE CFFO TP TP the Gritty Chips had me at hello. UIF (SJUUZ $IJQT IBE NF BU IFMMP But let's go back to my opening #VU MFU T HP CBDL UP NZ PQFOJOH sentence because, yes, it was the TFOUFODF CFDBVTF ZFT JU XBT UIF best chicken sandwich of my life. CFTU DIJDLFO TBOEXJDI PG NZ MJGF I never knew the meaning of the * OFWFS LOFX UIF NFBOJOH PG UIF word "succulent" until I bit into XPSE iTVDDVMFOUw VOUJM * CJU JOUP this thing. Encased in the ale batUIJT UIJOH &ODBTFE JO UIF BMF CBU ter, the chicken was melt-in-yourUFS UIF DIJDLFO XBT NFMU JO ZPVS mouth moist and bursting with NPVUI NPJTU BOE CVSTUJOH XJUI flavor. It was all I could do to keep nBWPS *U XBT BMM * DPVME EP UP LFFQ my eyes open while eating it. NZ FZFT PQFO XIJMF FBUJOH JU The Gritty Chips and the 5IF (SJUUZ $IJQT BOE UIF Chicken Stacker sandwich are $IJDLFO 4UBDLFS TBOEXJDI BSF now two of my favorite things, OPX UXP PG NZ GBWPSJUF UIJOHT and you better believe my mouth BOE ZPV CFUUFS CFMJFWF NZ NPVUI was alive with the taste of them XBT BMJWF XJUI UIF UBTUF PG UIFN both. CPUI The staff of GO anonymously samples BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa meals for about $7. [SOZa T]` OP]cb %


Sept. 29 - The Dream FacAS^b ' ³ BVS 2`SO[ 4OQ tory, 9:30 p.m., Port City b]`g '(! ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg Music Hall, Portland. $19 to $25. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R ' b] # Portcitymusichall.com; (888) >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& Continued from Page Ell :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 512-SHOW # A6=E Sept. 30 - The Melvins Lite, AS^b ! ³ BVS ;SZdW\a :WbS Sept. 28 - Journey, Pat Benatar AS^b & ³ 8]c`\Sg >Ob 0S\ObO` 9 p.m., Asylum, Portland. $15. ' ^ [ /agZc[ >]`bZO\R # and Loverboy, 5 p.m., Bangor O\R :]dS`P]g # ^ [ 0O\U]` Portlandasylum.com; >]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][) Waterfront Pavilion. $31.50 to EObS`T`]\b >OdWZW]\ ! # b] 772-8274. & %" $111.50. Waterfrontconcerts.com; %% # EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][) Sept. 30 - Joan Osborne Duo, AS^b ! ³ 8]O\ =aP]`\S 2c] (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! 8 p.m., Jonathan's, Ogunquit. & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb Sept. 29 - The Fishtank EnAS^b ' ³ BVS 4WaVbO\Y 3\ $42.50/$46.50. 646-4526; " # "$ # $"$ "# $) semble, 8 p.m., One LongfelaS[PZS & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZ Jonathansrestaurant.com 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][ low Square, Portland. $12/$15. Z]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Sept. 30 - Connor Garvey, AS^b ! ³ 1]\\]` 5O`dSg Onelongfellowsquare.com; =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) Cindy Bullens and Vanessa 1W\Rg 0cZZS\a O\R DO\SaaO 761-1757 %$ %#% Torres, 7 p.m., One LongfelB]``Sa % ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZ Sept. 29 - Margaret Cho, 8 p.m., AS^b ' ³ ;O`UO`Sb 1V] & ^ [ low Square, Portland. $20. Z]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R State Theatre, Portland. $25 to AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # b] Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761=\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ $45. Statetheatreportland.com; "# AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) 1757 %#% (800) 745-3000; Cumberland & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R Oct. 3 - Anthrax, Testament, and =Qb ! ³ /\bV`Of BSabO[S\b O\R County Civic Center box office 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Death Angel, 7:50 p.m., State 2SObV /\USZ %(# ^ [ AbObS Sept. 29 - SoulQuest with AS^b ' ³ A]cZ?cSab eWbV Theatre, Portland. $26/$30. BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $ ! Switchfoot, Needtobreathe and AeWbQVT]]b <SSRb]P`SObVS O\R Statetheatreportland.com AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ others, 10 a.m., Bangor Water]bVS`a O [ 0O\U]` EObS` front Pavilion. $21.50 to $101. T`]\b >OdWZW]\ # b] Please see TIX, PageE28 Waterfrontconcerts.com Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <)/ EObS`T`]\bQ]\QS`ba Q][

GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3E26 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

BDK>:H MOVIES :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! Continued from Page E13

Dwight Henry and Levy Easterly. Directed by Benh 2eWUVb 6S\`g O\R :Sdg 3OabS`Zg 2W`SQbSR Pg 0S\V Zeitlin. Faced with her father's fading health and enHSWbZW\ 4OQSR eWbV VS` TObVS`¸a TORW\U VSOZbV O\R S\ vironmental changes that release an army of aurochs dW`]\[S\bOZ QVO\USa bVOb `SZSOaS O\ O`[g ]T Oc`]QVa (prehistoric creatures), 6-year-old Hushpuppy leaves ^`SVWab]`WQ Q`SObc`Sa $ gSO` ]ZR 6caV^c^^g ZSOdSa her Delta-community home in search of her mother. VS` 2SZbO Q][[c\Wbg V][S W\ aSO`QV ]T VS` []bVS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR 12:30,4:50,7:10,9:20 (! "(# %( '( "THE BOURNE LEGACY" (PG-13) (2:05) Stars Jeremy ¾B63 0=C@<3 :35/1Gœ >5 ! ( # AbO`a 8S`S[g Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton and Scott Glenn. @S\\S` @OQVSZ ESWah 3ReO`R <]`b]\ O\R AQ]bb 5ZS\\ Directed by Tony Gilroy. An expansion of the universe 2W`SQbSR Pg B]\g 5WZ`]g /\ Sf^O\aW]\ ]T bVS c\WdS`aS from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero T`][ @]PS`b :cRZc[¸a \]dSZa QS\bS`SR ]\ O \Se VS`] whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the eV]aS abOYSa VOdS PSS\ b`WUUS`SR Pg bVS SdS\ba ]T bVS previous three films. ^`SdW]ca bV`SS ¿Z[a Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR 3:40, 6:40, 9:30; Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 12:40, (" !(" $(" '(! ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR 3:50, 6:50, 9:40; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 12:55, (## !(# $(# '(" ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR 7:10, 9:45; Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South 12:45,3:45, ("# !("# %( '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV Portland) Fri-Wed 12,3,7,9:50; Cinemagic Saco >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR ! % '(# ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Thurs-Wed 12:30,3:15,6:45, 9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook BVc`a ESR (! !( # $("# '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12,3:10, 6:45, 9:40 Fri-Wed 12:10,3:30, 6:45, 9:35; BVc`a !( $("# '(" 4`W ESR ( !(! $("# '(!#) Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:05,4:05, 7:05, 9:25 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa ( # "( # %( # '( # "BRAVE" (PG) (1:30) Stars Kelly Macdonald, Billy ¾0@/D3œ >5 (! AbO`a 9SZZg ;OQR]\OZR 0WZZg Connolly, Emma Thompson and Julie Walters. Directed 1]\\]ZZg 3[[O BV][^a]\ O\R 8cZWS EOZbS`a 2W`SQbSR by Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman and Steve Purcell. Pg ;O`Y /\R`Sea 0`S\RO 1VO^[O\ O\R AbSdS >c`QSZZ Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Me2SbS`[W\SR b] [OYS VS` ]e\ ^ObV W\ ZWTS >`W\QSaa ;S rida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. `WRO RS¿Sa O Qcab][ bVOb P`W\Ua QVO]a b] VS` YW\UR][ Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and 5`O\bSR ]\S eWaV ;S`WRO [cab `SZg ]\ VS` P`OdS`g O\R her archery skills to undo a beastly curse. VS` O`QVS`g aYWZZa b] c\R] O PSOabZg Qc`aS Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:05,2:20, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( # ( 4:35; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:35,2,4:20 "(!#) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (!# "( Warner Bros. EO`\S` 0`]a

"THE CAMPAIGN" (R) (1:35) Stars Will Ferrell, Zach ÂľB63 1/;>/75<Âś @ (!# AbO`a EWZZ 4S``SZZ HOQV Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis and Dylan McDermott. 5OZWÂżO\OYWa 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa O\R 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb Directed by Jay Roach. In order to gain influence over 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Og @]OQV 7\ ]`RS` b] UOW\ W\Ă€cS\QS ]dS` their North Carolina district, two CEOs seize an opbVSW` <]`bV 1O`]ZW\O RWab`WQb be] 13=a aSWhS O\ ]^ portunity to oust long-term congressman Cam Brady ^]`bc\Wbg b] ]cab Z]\U bS`[ Q]\U`Saa[O\ 1O[ 0`ORg by putting up a rival candidate. Their man: naive Marty Pg ^cbbW\U c^ O `WdOZ QO\RWRObS BVSW` [O\( \OWdS ;O`bg Huggins, director of the local Tourism Center. 6cUUW\a RW`SQb]` ]T bVS Z]QOZ B]c`Wa[ 1S\bS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 1:15, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR ( # 3:20, 5:30, 7:45, 9:50; Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1:20, !( #(! %("# '(# ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR ( 4:15, 7, 9:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1:15,4,7:20, "( # % '( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR ( # " %( 9:30; Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South Portland) Fri-Wed '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR 11:40, 2:10,4:30,7,9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed (" ( "(! % '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12:15,2:10,4:15,7,9; ( # ( "( # % ') 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 11:45,1:50,4:10, 7:20,9:50; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:50, ("# (# "( %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa (# 4:35, 7:40, 9:50 "(!# %(" '(# "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (PG-13) (2:40) Stars ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @7A3AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Tom 1V`WabWO\ 0OZS ;WQVOSZ 1OW\S 5O`g =ZR[O\ O\R B][ Hardy. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Eight years on, 6O`Rg 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\ 3WUVb gSO`a ]\ a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's O \Se bS``]`Wab ZSORS` 0O\S ]dS`eVSZ[a 5]bVO[¸a

Z a c h Galifianakis, left, J a s o n S u d e i k i s , D y l a n M c D e r n n o t t a n d W i l l Ferrell i n " T h e C a m p a i g n . " HOQV 5OZW¿O\OYWa ZSTb 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb O\R EWZZ 4S``SZZ W\ ¾BVS 1O[^OWU\ œ finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city ¿\Sab O\R bVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb `Sac`TOQSa b] ^`]bSQb O QWbg that has branded him an enemy. bVOb VOa P`O\RSR VW[ O\ S\S[g Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1,4:30,8 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a "(! & Fri-Wed 3:15, 8:45; Windham 5 Star Thurs 7:30 Mon 4`W ESR !( # &("#) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a %(! ;]\ 7:35 Tues-Wed 7:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12 7;/F (IMAX), %(!# BcSa ESR %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 3:15 (IMAX), 3:40, 6:30 (IMAX), 7:30, 9:45 (IMAX) 12:15, ( # !( # 7;/F !(" $(! 7;/F %(! '("# 7;/F Fri-Wed 12 7;/F !( # 7;/F $(! %(! 7;/F '("#) (IMAX), 3:15 (IMAX), 6:30, 7:30 (IMAX), 9:45; 4`W ESR Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12, !(! %(! '( ) 3:30, 7:30,9:10; 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1,4:30, 8 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa "(! & "DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS" (PG) (1:52) ¾27/@G =4 / E7;>G 972( 2=5 2/GAœ >5 (# Stars Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Devon Bostick AbO`a HOQVO`g 5]`R]\ @]PS`b 1O^`]\ 2Sd]\ 0]abWQY and Steve Zahn. Directed by David Bowers. School is O\R AbSdS HOV\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 0]eS`a AQV]]Z Wa out and Greg is ready for the days of summer but all ]cb O\R 5`SU Wa `SORg T]` bVS ROga ]T ac[[S` Pcb OZZ his plans go wrong. Now he's not sure what he's going VWa ^ZO\a U] e`]\U <]e VS¸a \]b ac`S eVOb VS¸a U]W\U to do. b] R] Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 1:10,4,6:45,9; AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ( " $("# ') Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10, 7:05, 9:15 Fri1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( 2:20,4:25, ( "( # %( # '( # 4`W

MOVIES AT movies at THE MUSEUM K?< DLJ<LD "PIANOMANIA" (NR) (1:33) Directed by Robert Cibis and Lilian Franck, 2010. ¾>7/<=;/<7/œ <@ (!! 2W`SQbSR Pg @]PS`b 1WPWa O\R :WZWO\ 4`O\QY "Pianomania" takes you into the secret world of sounds - a place where ¾>WO\][O\WOœ bOYSa g]c W\b] bVS aSQ`Sb e]`ZR ]T a]c\Ra ³ O ^ZOQS eVS`S passion and the pursuit of perfection collide with artistic obsession and a ^OaaW]\ O\R bVS ^c`acWb ]T ^S`TSQbW]\ Q]ZZWRS eWbV O`bWabWQ ]PaSaaW]\ O\R O little bit of madness. As Steinway & Sons' chief technician and master tuner ZWbbZS PWb ]T [OR\Saa /a AbSW\eOg A]\a¸ QVWST bSQV\WQWO\ O\R [OabS` bc\S` in Vienna, Stefan Knupfer is dedicated to the unusual task of pairing worldW\ DWS\\O AbSTO\ 9\c^TS` Wa RSRWQObSR b] bVS c\cacOZ bOaY ]T ^OW`W\U e]`ZR class instruments with world-famous pianists. Juggling the demands of the QZOaa W\ab`c[S\ba eWbV e]`ZR TO[]ca ^WO\Waba 8cUUZW\U bVS RS[O\Ra ]T bVS pianist, the piano and the piece to find the perfect match requires boundless ^WO\Wab bVS ^WO\] O\R bVS ^WSQS b] ¿\R bVS ^S`TSQb [ObQV `S_cW`Sa P]c\RZSaa enthusiasm, but also endless patience and nerves of steel. No detail is too S\bVcaWOa[ Pcb OZa] S\RZSaa ^ObWS\QS O\R \S`dSa ]T abSSZ <] RSbOWZ Wa b]] small or too inconsequential for Knupfer, not even the tiniest speck of dust a[OZZ ]` b]] W\Q]\aS_cS\bWOZ T]` 9\c^TS` \]b SdS\ bVS bW\WSab a^SQY ]T Rcab on a piano string. "Pianomania" is a humorous and surprisingly suspenseful ]\ O ^WO\] ab`W\U ¾>WO\][O\WOœ Wa O Vc[]`]ca O\R ac`^`WaW\UZg aca^S\aSTcZ peek into the heated clash of wills between a genius craftsman and the ^SSY W\b] bVS VSObSR QZOaV ]T eWZZa PSbeSS\ O US\Wca Q`OTba[O\ O\R bVS renowned pianists who rely on his talent - including Lang Lang, Alfred `S\]e\SR ^WO\Waba eV] `SZg ]\ VWa bOZS\b ³ W\QZcRW\U :O\U :O\U /ZT`SR Brendel, Rudolf Buchbinder and Pierre-Laurent Aimand - as they search 0`S\RSZ @cR]ZT 0cQVPW\RS` O\R >WS``S :Oc`S\b /W[O\R ³ Oa bVSg aSO`QV together for that elusive perfect tone. In English and German with English b]USbVS` T]` bVOb SZcaWdS ^S`TSQb b]\S 7\ 3\UZWaV O\R 5S`[O\ eWbV 3\UZWaV subtitles. acPbWbZSa Showing at: Portland Museum of Art, 2 ^ [ BVc`aROg) p.m. Thursday; 2 O\R $(! ^ [ and 6:30 p.m. AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b Friday; 2 ^ [ AObc`ROg bV`]cUV ESR\SaROg p.m. Saturday through Wednesday 4`WROg)

Wed 12:10, Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed ESR ( 2:15,4:20; ( # "( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 11:35,2,4:30,6:50 (!# "(! $(#

"HIT AND RUN" (R) (1:30) Stars Dax Shepard, Kristen ¾67B /<2 @C<œ @ (! AbO`a 2Of AVS^O`R 9`WabS\ Bell, Bradley Cooper and Kristin Chenoweth. Directed 0SZZ 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` O\R 9`WabW\ 1VS\]eSbV 2W`SQbSR by David Palmer and Dax Shepard. Former getaway Pg 2OdWR >OZ[S` O\R 2Of AVS^O`R 4]`[S` USbOeOg driver Charlie Bronson jeopardizes his Witness ProtecR`WdS` 1VO`ZWS 0`]\a]\ XS]^O`RWhSa VWa EWb\Saa >`]bSQ "THE EXPENDABLES 2" (R) (1:42) Stars Sylvester ¾B63 3F>3<2/0:3A œ @ (" AbO`a AgZdSabS` tion identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los bW]\ WRS\bWbg W\ ]`RS` b] VSZ^ VWa UW`ZT`WS\R USb b] :]a Stallone, Liam Hemsworth, Randy Couture and JeanAbOZZ]\S :WO[ 6S[ae]`bV @O\Rg 1]cbc`S O\R 8SO\ Angeles. The feds and Charlie's former gang chase /\USZSa BVS TSRa O\R 1VO`ZWS¸a T]`[S` UO\U QVOaS Claude Van Damme. Directed by Simon West. Mr. 1ZOcRS DO\ 2O[[S 2W`SQbSR Pg AW[]\ ESab ;` them on the road. Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an bVS[ ]\ bVS `]OR 1Vc`QV `Sc\WbSa bVS 3f^S\ROPZSa T]` eVOb aV]cZR PS O\ Showing at: Nickelodeon Fri-Wed 1:45,4:30,7, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ 4`W ESR ("# "(! % easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered SOag ^OgQVSQY Pcb eVS\ ]\S ]T bVSW` [S\ Wa [c`RS`SR 9:40; Windham 5 Star Fri-Wed 1:15, 4:05, 7:20, 9:30; '(" ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W ESR ( # "( # %( '(! ) on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in ]\ bVS X]P bVSW` _cSab T]` `SdS\US ^cba bVS[ RSS^ W\ Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:20, 7:15, 9:35; 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( 2:35,4:50, (!# "(# %( # '(!#) enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. S\S[g bS``Wb]`g O\R c^ OUOW\ab O\ c\Sf^SQbSR bV`SOb Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:40, 2:20,4:40,7:15, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (" ( "(" %( # Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1:05,4:10, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR ( # "( 9:45; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:45,4:25, 7:20,10 '("#) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa ("# "( # %( 7:15,9:45; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1:30,4:30, %( # '("#) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR (! "(! 7:30,10; Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South Portland) Fri%(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W "HOPE SPRINGS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Meryl Streep, ¾6=>3 A>@7<5Aœ >5 ! (" AbO`a ;S`gZ Ab`SS^ Wed 11:30, 2,4:30, Cinemagic Saco ThursESR (! "(! %(7:20,9:45; '("#) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell and Jean Smart. DiB][[g :SS 8]\Sa AbSdS 1O`SZZ O\R 8SO\ A[O`b 2W Wed 12:15, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook ESR ( # 2:30,4:45,7:05, (! "("# %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y rected by David Frankel. After thirty years of marriage, `SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 4`O\YSZ /TbS` bVW`bg gSO`a ]T [O``WOUS Thurs-Wed 11:30,11:40,1:50, 2:10,4:20,4:40, 7, 7:10, BVc`a ESR (! (" (# ( "( "(" % %( 9:30, 9:40; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 2,4:40, 7:10, 9:40 '(! '(" ) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa "(" %( '(" Please see MOVIES, Page E31 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <*(

Ă‚=>IĂƒ 'HIT'

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ! Continued from Page E13 And waiting in L.A. is the psychopathic, "OE XBJUJOH JO - " JT UIF QTZDIPQBUIJD dreadlocked killer (Bradley Cooper, in ESFBEMPDLFE LJMMFS #SBEMFZ $PPQFS JO fine form) just waiting for this guy not-remOF GPSN KVTU XBJUJOH GPS UIJT HVZ OPU SF ally-named-Charles Bronson to make an BMMZ OBNFE $IBSMFT #SPOTPO UP NBLF BO appearance so they can settle old scores. BQQFBSBODF TP UIFZ DBO TFUUMF PME TDPSFT Charlie figures Annie's worth the risk. $IBSMJF mHVSFT "OOJF T XPSUI UIF SJTL He pulls his entirely-too-distinctive sui)F QVMMT IJT FOUJSFMZ UPP EJTUJODUJWF TVJ cide-doors hot rod Lincoln out of mothDJEF EPPST IPU SPE -JODPMO PVU PG NPUI balls and dashes south, pursued by the CBMMT BOE EBTIFT TPVUI QVSTVFE CZ UIF hapless Randy (Arnold) in his minivan IBQMFTT 3BOEZ "SOPME JO IJT NJOJWBO and the lunatic Gil (Rosenbaum) in his BOE UIF MVOBUJD (JM 3PTFOCBVN JO IJT Pontiac Solstice roadster. 1POUJBD 4PMTUJDF SPBETUFS It's a movie of random, comical cam*U T B NPWJF PG SBOEPN DPNJDBM DBN eos (Kristin Chenoweth, David KoechFPT ,SJTUJO $IFOPXFUI %BWJE ,PFDI ner) and raunchy riffs on senior citizen OFS BOE SBVODIZ SJGGT PO TFOJPS DJUJ[FO "swinger" clubs, prison sex and curing iTXJOHFSw DMVCT QSJTPO TFY BOE DVSJOH oneself of casual homophobic slurs. POFTFMG PG DBTVBM IPNPQIPCJD TMVST Annie tries to anger-manage everybody, "OOJF USJFT UP BOHFS NBOBHF FWFSZCPEZ to no avail. Charlie tries to outrun everyUP OP BWBJM $IBSMJF USJFT UP PVUSVO FWFSZ

CPEZ XJUI OP CFUUFS SFTVMU body, with no better result. *U EPFTO U SFBMMZ IPME UPHFUIFS BOE TUBOE It doesn't really hold together and stand VQ UP NVDI TDSVUJOZ #VU UIF DBS TUVGG JT up to much scrutiny. But the car stuff is fun, some bits are laugh-out-loud funny GVO TPNF CJUT BSF MBVHI PVU MPVE GVOOZ and Bell and Shepard make an adorable BOE #FMM BOE 4IFQBSE NBLF BO BEPSBCMF couple. When you see that yes, that's DPVQMF 8IFO ZPV TFF UIBU ZFT UIBU T really Shepard doing his own stunts and SFBMMZ 4IFQBSE EPJOH IJT PXO TUVOUT BOE Bell is in the car with him, it adds to #FMM JT JO UIF DBS XJUI IJN JU BEET UP the movie's retro sense of automotive UIF NPWJF T SFUSP TFOTF PG BVUPNPUJWF anarchy. BOBSDIZ Film production insurance? 8IBU T What's 'JMN QSPEVDUJPO JOTVSBODF that? UIBU "Hit and Run" only aims to be a B-movie i)JU BOE 3VOw POMZ BJNT UP CF B # NPWJF - its plot is nonsensical and its pace is o JUT QMPU JT OPOTFOTJDBM BOE JUT QBDF JT sluggish in between the chases. You can TMVHHJTI JO CFUXFFO UIF DIBTFT :PV DBO criticize it for a lack of ambition, lack of DSJUJDJ[F JU GPS B MBDL PG BNCJUJPO MBDL PG budget to do a really epic chase and for CVEHFU UP EP B SFBMMZ FQJD DIBTF BOE GPS mocking gay "hook-up" cliches. NPDLJOH HBZ iIPPL VQw DMJDIFT But you have to hand the wheel off to #VU ZPV IBWF UP IBOE UIF XIFFM PGG UP Shepard & Co. They're onto something 4IFQBSE $P 5IFZ SF POUP TPNFUIJOH the cinema has missed since the days UIF DJOFNB IBT NJTTFE TJODF UIF EBZT when the gears were grinding in your XIFO UIF HFBST XFSF HSJOEJOH JO ZPVS local grindhouse. Somebody find this man MPDBM HSJOEIPVTF 4PNFCPEZ mOE UIJT NBO a Trans Am. B 5SBOT "N

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E27 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 %

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k


8ek`hl\j Xggi\Z`Xkfij Antiques appreciators help river preservers _\cg i`m\i gi\j\im\ij

Hip original stitchery, jewelry, accessories, art and food 6W^ ]`WUW\OZ abWbQVS`g XSeSZ`g OQQSaa]`WSa O`b O\R T]]R purveyed by hip original vendors, with a soundtrack by ^c`dSgSR Pg VW^ ]`WUW\OZ dS\R]`a eWbV O a]c\Rb`OQY Pg local bands: That's Picnic, the popular indie craft fair. Z]QOZ PO\Ra( BVOb¸a >WQ\WQ bVS ^]^cZO` W\RWS Q`OTb TOW` terpress greeting cards - all featurUFSQSFTT HSFFUJOH DBSET o BMM GFBUVS ing original designs - at Saturday's JOH PSJHJOBM EFTJHOT o BU 4BUVSEBZ T he semi-annual Picnic. IF TFNJ BOOVBM 1JDOJD Picnic Music + 1JDOJD .VTJD Now in its fifth year, Picnic reflects /PX JO JUT mGUI ZFBS 1JDOJD SFnFDUT Arts Festival a nationwide trend of indie artists, "SUT 'FTUJWBM B OBUJPOXJEF USFOE PG JOEJF BSUJTUT in Portland's JO 1PSUMBOE T hipster crafters and vintage vendors IJQTUFS DSBGUFST BOE WJOUBHF WFOEPST Lincoln Park is banding together to host alternative -JODPMO 1BSL JT CBOEJOH UPHFUIFS UP IPTU BMUFSOBUJWF known for its LOPXO GPS JUT craft fairs that emphasize modern DSBGU GBJST UIBU FNQIBTJ[F NPEFSO crafts. But don't design aesthetics over country DSBGUT #VU EPO U EFTJHO BFTUIFUJDT PWFS DPVOUSZ let any preconkitsch. MFU BOZ QSFDPO LJUTDI ceived notions about craft fairs cloud 0OF PG UIF CFTU LOPXO JT UIF 3FO One of the best-known is the RenDFJWFE OPUJPOT BCPVU DSBGU GBJST DMPVE your vision of what this free event is FHBEF $SBGU 'BJS XIJDI UBLFT QMBDF egade Craft Fair, which takes place ZPVS WJTJPO PG XIBU UIJT GSFF FWFOU JT all about. in Austin, Texas; Brooklyn, N.Y.; Los BMM BCPVU JO "VTUJO 5FYBT #SPPLMZO / : -PT "It's younger and cooler than your "OHFMFT 4BO 'SBODJTDP BOE $IJDBHP Angeles; San Francisco and Chicago. i*U T ZPVOHFS BOE DPPMFS UIBO ZPVS average church basement craft Many of the vendors at the PortBWFSBHF DIVSDI CBTFNFOU DSBGU .BOZ PG UIF WFOEPST BU UIF 1PSU sale," said Eliza Jane Curtis of land event also travel to exhibit at TBMF w TBJE &MJ[B +BOF $VSUJT PG MBOE FWFOU BMTP USBWFM UP FYIJCJU BU Limington, who has sold her Morris 3FOFHBEF BOE TJNJMBS TIPXT BSPVOE Renegade and similar shows around -JNJOHUPO XIP IBT TPME IFS .PSSJT & Essex wares at the summer and the country. &TTFY XBSFT BU UIF TVNNFS BOE UIF DPVOUSZ winter Picnic fests for the past three In addition to all the artisans, the XJOUFS 1JDOJD GFTUT GPS UIF QBTU UISFF *O BEEJUJPO UP BMM UIF BSUJTBOT UIF years. Picnic festival features a day-long ZFBST 1JDOJD GFTUJWBM GFBUVSFT B EBZ MPOH "The quality of the design is lineup of indie rock bands hailing i5IF RVBMJUZ PG UIF EFTJHO JT MJOFVQ PG JOEJF SPDL CBOET IBJMJOH excellent," Curtis said. "One thing from Portland and New York City. A FYDFMMFOU w $VSUJT TBJE i0OF UIJOH GSPN 1PSUMBOE BOE /FX :PSL $JUZ " I really like about Picnic is that it's handful of food vendors will be sell* SFBMMZ MJLF BCPVU 1JDOJD JT UIBU JU T IBOEGVM PG GPPE WFOEPST XJMM CF TFMM not fabrics from Walmart sewn into JOH MVODI UISPVHIPVU UIF EBZ ing lunch throughout the day. OPU GBCSJDT GSPN 8BMNBSU TFXO JOUP basic patterns. At Picnic, it's excelKate Chapin, author of "Grow Your CBTJD QBUUFSOT "U 1JDOJD JU T FYDFM ,BUF $IBQJO BVUIPS PG i(SPX :PVS lent quality materials turned into Handmade #VTJOFTT w Business," and MFOU RVBMJUZ NBUFSJBMT UVSOFE JOUP )BOENBEF BOE Nicole /JDPMF creative products." Blum and Debra Immergut, authors DSFBUJWF QSPEVDUT w #MVN BOE %FCSB *NNFSHVU BVUIPST For her part, Curtis will be selling PG of i*NQSPW "Improv 4FXJOH w Sewing," XJMM will CF be BU at UIF the 'PS IFS QBSU $VSUJT XJMM CF TFMMJOH organic cotton silk-screened T-shirts, PSHBOJD DPUUPO TJML TDSFFOFE 5 TIJSUT Please see PICNIC, Page E30 tote bags and cotton panties plus letGc\Xj\ j\\ >71<71 GX^\ <*' UPUF CBHT BOE DPUUPO QBOUJFT QMVT MFU By AVERY YALE KAMILA #Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-" Staff Writer 4UBGG 8SJUFS



@= >F PICNIC MUSIC + ARTS FESTIVAL >71<71 ;CA71 /@BA 43AB7D/: WHEN: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. E63<( O [ b] $ ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg (rain or shine) `OW\ ]` aVW\S WHERE: Lincoln Park, E63@3( :W\Q]Z\ >O`Y corner of Congress and Q]`\S` ]T 1]\U`Saa O\R Franklin streets, Portland 4`O\YZW\ ab`SSba >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free admission 6=E ;C16( 4`SS OR[WaaW]\ INFO & VENDOR LIST: 7<4= D3<2=@ :7AB( picnicportland.com ^WQ\WQ^]`bZO\R Q][

Off Beat: Car Wars, E28 N• Listings, E29 F]] 9\Xk1 :Xi NXij# <)/ C`jk`e^j# <)0

WHETHER E63B63@ YOU'RE G=C¸@3 searching aSO`QVW\U for vintage T]` dW\bOUS jewelry, XSeSZ`g classic QZOaaWQ silver, aWZdS` antique O\bW_cS furniture Tc`\Wbc`S or fab]` TOP ulous folk cZ]ca T]ZY 1]c`bSag ^V]b]a art, head O`b VSOR to the 15th annual Coastal b] bVS #bV O\\cOZ 1]OabOZ Maine Antiques Show, where ;OW\S /\bW_cSa AV]e eVS`S you'll find more than 70 of g]c¸ZZ ¿\R []`S bVO\ % ]T Maine's top antiques dealers ;OW\S¸a b]^ O\bW_cSa RSOZS`a showing their wares. And aV]eW\U bVSW` eO`Sa /\R the admission fee supports bVS OR[WaaW]\ TSS ac^^]`ba the Damariscotta River bVS 2O[O`WaQ]bbO @WdS` Association. /aa]QWObW]\ WHEN: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( '(! O [ b] " ^ [ Wednesday ESR\SaROg WHERE: Round Top Farm, E63@3( @]c\R B]^ 4O`[ Route 1, Damariscotta @]cbS 2O[O`WaQ]bbO HOW MUCH: $10 6=E ;C16( INFO: maineantiques.org 7<4=( [OW\SO\bW_cSa ]`U

G :?<8I@CC


Sand sculpting event JXe[ jZlcgk`e^ \m\ek all about the fun of it Xcc XYflk k_\ ]le f] `k IF THE OLYMPICS gave you 74 B63 =:G;>71A UOdS g]c your fill of high-stakes g]c` ¿ZZ ]T VWUV abOYSa competition, head to Q][^SbWbW]\ VSOR b] Pemaquid Beach for >S[O_cWR 0SOQV T]` the noncompetitive bVS \]\Q][^SbWbWdS Beachscapes sand0SOQVaQO^Sa aO\R sculpting extravaganza. aQcZ^bW\U Sfb`OdOUO\hO Bring your own shovel and 0`W\U g]c` ]e\ aV]dSZ O\R your imagination to this g]c` W[OUW\ObW]\ b] bVWa family-friendly event, where TO[WZg T`WS\RZg SdS\b eVS`S everyone will receive a SdS`g]\S eWZZ `SQSWdS O winner's circle ribbon. eW\\S`¸a QW`QZS `WPP]\ WHEN: 10 a.m. to 2 ^ [ p.m. E63<( O [ b] Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Pemaquid Beach, E63@3( >S[O_cWR 0SOQV Snowball Hill Road, Bristol A\]ePOZZ 6WZZ @]OR 0`Wab]Z HOW MUCH: Free with park 6=E ;C16( 4`SS eWbV ^O`Y admission OR[WaaW]\ INFO: 563-2196 7<4=( #$! '$

GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, A u g u s t 23, 3E28 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

:Xi NXij kliej iXZ`e^ `ekf X ZfekXZk jgfik Car Wars turns racing into a contact sport <E

WFSZCPEZ MPWFT B DBS DSBTI EPO U verybody loves a car crash, don't they? UIFZ I mean, nobody wants to see anyone * NFBO OPCPEZ XBOUT UP TFF BOZPOF get hurt. But if there's a way to watch HFU IVSU #VU JG UIFSF T B XBZ UP XBUDI tires squealing, bumpers smashing and UJSFT TRVFBMJOH CVNQFST TNBTIJOH BOE metal ripping without any injuries, lots of NFUBM SJQQJOH XJUIPVU BOZ JOKVSJFT MPUT PG people will line up to see it. QFPQMF XJMM MJOF VQ UP TFF JU And line up they do, "OE MJOF VQ UIFZ EP at the Friday-night BU UIF 'SJEBZ OJHIU Car Wars event at $BS 8BST FWFOU BU Beech Ridge Motor #FFDI 3JEHF .PUPS Speedway in Scarbor4QFFEXBZ JO 4DBSCPS ough, held in August PVHI IFME JO "VHVTU each year since 2004. FBDI ZFBS TJODF Sometimes they 4PNFUJNFT UIFZ a s r IBWF BT NBOZ BT QFPQMF JO UIF ' 3,000 people in the HSBOETUBOE UP XBUDI Off RPf-lt grandstand to watch SBDFT XIFSF CVNQJOH races where bumping BOE DSBTIJOH JT OPU and crashing is not KVTU BMMPXFE JU T FODPVSBHFE just allowed, it's encouraged. i1FPQMF MJLF UP TFF B DSBTI CVU JO PVS "People like to see a crash, but in our SFHVMBS SBDJOH OJHIUT UIF QPJOU JT UP XJO regular racing nights the point is to win, OPU UP JOUFOUJPOBMMZ DSBTI w TBJE "OEZ not to intentionally crash," said Andy $VTBDL PXOFS PG #FFDI 3JEHF i4P XF Cusack, owner of Beech Ridge. "So we DSFBUFE $BS 8BST XIFSF UIF QPJOU JT UP created Car Wars, where the point is to SVO JOUP FBDI PUIFS TQJO FBDI PUIFS PVU run into each other, spin each other out. 8F DBMM JU SPBE SBHF UIFSBQZ w We call it road rage therapy." 8IBU NBLFT $BS 8BST EJGGFSFOU GSPN What makes Car Wars different from TPNF USBEJUJPOBM EFNPMJUJPO EFSCJFT JT some traditional demolition derbies is UIBU UIF DBST BSF SBDJOH BSPVOE UIF USBDL that the cars are racing around the track XIJMF TNBTIJOH JOUP FBDI PUIFS while smashing into each other. 4P IPX JT UIBU EPOF TBGFMZ So how is that done safely? 8FMM GPS POF UIJOH UIF USBDL JT TFU VQ Well, for one thing, the track is set up JO TVDI B XBZ UIBU UIFSF BSF XJEFS BSFBT in such a way that there are wider areas BXBZ GSPN UIF XBMMT XIFSF ESJWFST BSF away from the walls where drivers are TVQQPTFE UP IJU FBDI PUIFS $VTBDL TBJE supposed to hit each other, Cusack said. 1MVT UIF USBDL JT QBSUJUJPOFE PGG XJUI Plus, the track is partitioned off with UJSFT UP DSFBUF TPSU PG B [JH [BH QBUUFSO tires to create sort of a zig-zag pattern GPS UIF DBST UP GPMMPX TP UIFZ DBO U HFU for the cars to follow, so they can't get OFBSMZ UIF LJOE PG TQFFE UIFZ XPVME HFU nearly the kind of speed they would get PO B OPSNBM SBDF OJHIU BU #FFDI 3JEHF on a normal race night at Beech Ridge. *U DSFBUFT B XIPMF OFX LJOE PG SBDJOH It creates a whole new kind of racing. i" ESJWFS NBZ CF JO UIF MFBE CVU IF "A driver may be in the lead, but he LOPXT TPNFCPEZ JT HPJOH UP TNBTI knows somebody is going to smash JOUP IJN TP IF ESJWFT EFGFOTJWFMZ w TBJE into him, so he drives defensively," said $VTBDL i4PNFUJNFT UIFZ SVO VQ PO UIF Cusack. "Sometimes, they run up on the UJSFT BOE UIFZ HFU TUVDL w tires and they get stuck." $BS 8BST XBT DSFBUFE CFDBVTF $VTBDL Car Wars was created because Cusack XBT MPPLJOH GPS TPNFUIJOH UIBU NJHIU was looking for something that might DBQUJWBUF GPMLT XIP iBSFO U JOUFSFTUFE JO captivate folks who "aren't interested in UIF OVUT BOE CPMUT PG NPUPS TQPSUT PS BOZ

IXp Iflk_`\i Ray Routhier ^ F]] 9\Xk


Photos courtesy of Beech Ridge >V]b]a Q]c`bSag ]T 0SSQV @WRUS

D u r i n g Car W a r s a t B e e c h R i d g e M o t o r S p e e d w a y , drivers 2c`W\U 1O` EO`a Ob 0SSQV @WRUS ;]b]` A^SSReOg R`WdS`a c o l l i d e a n d s o m e t i m e s flip. N e w at Car W a r s this year are Q]ZZWRS O\R a][SbW[Sa ÀW^ <Se Ob 1O` EO`a bVWa gSO` O`S d r a g races, in w h i c h c o n t a c t is n o t r e c o m m e n d e d . R`OU `OQSa W\ eVWQV Q]\bOQb Wa \]b `SQ][[S\RSR CAR WARS 1/@ E/@A WHEN: 7 p.m. Friday ( g a t e s E63<( % ^ [ 4`WROg UObSa o p e n at 5 p.m.) a n d A u g . 31 ]^S\ Ob # ^ [ O\R /cU ! WHERE: Beech R i d g e M o t o r E63@3( 0SSQV @WRUS ;]b]` S p e e d w a y , 7 0 H o l m e s Road, A^SSReOg % 6]Z[Sa @]OR Scarborough AQO`P]`]cUV HOW MUCH: $ 6 ; free f o r ages 12 6=E ;C16( $) T`SS T]` OUSa and under O\R c\RS` INFO: 885-0111; b e e c h r i d g e . c o m 7<4=( &&# ) PSSQV`WRUS Q][

@= PFL


TQPSUT w sports." 4P CFTJEFT CFJOH GVMM DPOUBDU SBDFT UIF So besides being full-contact races, the DBST EPO U IBWF OVNCFST PO UIFN 5IFZ cars don't have numbers on them. They have names like Bumblebee or SpongeIBWF OBNFT MJLF #VNCMFCFF PS 4QPOHF Bob, and are painted up to look more like #PC BOE BSF QBJOUFE VQ UP MPPL NPSF MJLF characters than cars. DIBSBDUFST UIBO DBST The races are called Rocker Derbies, 5IF SBDFT BSF DBMMFE 3PDLFS %FSCJFT and they are just part of the show at Car BOE UIFZ BSF KVTU QBSU PG UIF TIPX BU $BS

the nuts and bolts of motor sports, or any


Oct. 15 - Morrissey, 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb # ³ ;]``WaaSg & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $39.50. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !' # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Continued from Page E25 Civic Center box office :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 # 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Oct. 16 - Glen Campbell: The Good=Qb $ ³ 5ZS\ 1O[^PSZZ( BVS 5]]R bye Tour, 7:30 p.m., Merrill AuditoOct. 4 - AG, Garrison Starr and Maia Sharp, PgS B]c` %(! ^ [ ;S``WZZ /cRWb] =Qb " ³ /5 5O``Wa]\ AbO`` O\R ;OWO AVO`^ rium, Portland. $45 to $65. Porttix.com; 8 p.m., Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $17.50/$21. & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb % # `Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# b] $# >]`bbWf Q][) Portlandovations.org; 842-0800 Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ >]`bZO\R]dObW]\a ]`U) &" & Oct. 18 - The Infamous Stringdusters, Oct. 5 - Lori McKenna, 8 p.m., One =Qb # ³ :]`W ;Q9S\\O & ^ [ =\S =Qb & ³ BVS 7\TO[]ca Ab`W\URcabS`a 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to Longfellow Square, Portland. $22/$25. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% $25. # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Civic Center Oct. 6 - Ben Harper, 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb $ ³ 0S\ 6O`^S` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` box office Portland. $35 to $55. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# b] ## AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R P]f ]T¿QS .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County =Qb Oct. 28 - Henry Rollins, 7 p.m., Cony Audi Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg & ³ 6S\`g @]ZZW\a % ^ [ 1]\g /cRW Civic Center box office torium, Augusta. $25. Statetheatreportland 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS b]`Wc[ /cUcabO # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Oct. 8 - Regina Spektor, 8 p.m., State The.com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County =Qb & ³ @SUW\O A^SYb]` & ^ [ AbObS BVS Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg atre, Portland. $36.50/$40 Statetheatre Civic Center box office Ob`S >]`bZO\R !$ # " AbObSbVSOb`S 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS portland.com; (800) 745-3000; CumberOct. 29 - Citizen Cope, 7:30 p.m., State ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS` =Qb ' ³ 1WbWhS\ 1]^S %(! ^ [ AbObS land County Civic Center box office Theatre, Portland. $25/$30. Statetheatre ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # ! AbObSbVSOb`S Oct. 12 ³ BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - Tinariwen Guitar Masters from portland.com; (800) 745-3000; Cumber=Qb ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS` Mali, 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, land County Civic Center box office ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Portland. $38. Onelongfellowsquare.com; Nov. 1 - Pretty Lights, 8 p.m., State Theatre, >]`bZO\R !& =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) <]d ³ >`Sbbg :WUVba & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S 761-1757 Portland. $35 to $40. Statetheatreportland %$ %#% >]`bZO\R !# b] " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R

Wars. There are 8BST 5IFSF BSF also Two Wheel BMTP 5XP 8IFFM Wonder demon8POEFS EFNPO strations, when TUSBUJPOT XIFO drivers maneuver ESJWFST NBOFVWFS their cars over a UIFJS DBST PWFS B ramp that leaves SBNQ UIBU MFBWFT them on two UIFN PO UXP wheels. SomeXIFFMT 4PNF times, the ramp UJNFT UIF SBNQ leaves the car on MFBWFT UIF DBS PO its roof. JUT SPPG A new addition to Car Wars is a drag " OFX BEEJUJPO UP $BS 8BST JT B ESBH racing segment, but contact isn't encourSBDJOH TFHNFOU CVU DPOUBDU JTO U FODPVS aged there. Just speed. BHFE UIFSF +VTU TQFFE Another cool thing for race fans is the "OPUIFS DPPM UIJOH GPS SBDF GBOT JT UIF end of the hour-and-a-half show, when FOE PG UIF IPVS BOE B IBMG TIPX XIFO people can come onto the track to meet QFPQMF DBO DPNF POUP UIF USBDL UP NFFU drivers and get autographs. ESJWFST BOE HFU BVUPHSBQIT "OE HFU TPVWFOJST And get souvenirs.

.com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 3 - Umphrey's McGee with The Bright <]d ! ³ C[^V`Sg¸a ;Q5SS eWbV BVS 0`WUVb Light Social Hour, 8 p.m., State Theatre, :WUVb A]QWOZ 6]c` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $20/$25. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 7 - Louis C.K., 7 p.m., Merrill Au<]d % ³ :]cWa 1 9 % ^ [ ;S``WZZ /c ditorium, Portland. $45. Porttix.com; RWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# >]`bbWf Q][) Buy.louisck.net; 842-0800 0cg Z]cWaQY \Sb) &" & Nov. 7 - Justin Townes Earle with Tift Mer<]d % ³ 8cabW\ B]e\Sa 3O`ZS eWbV BWTb ;S` ritt, 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. `Wbb & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R $18 to $30. Portcitymusichall.com; (888) & b] ! >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& 512-SHOW # A6=E Nov. 9 - Janis Ian, 8 p.m., Jonathan's, Ogun<]d ' ³ 8O\Wa 7O\ & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\ quit. $32.50. Jonathansrestaurant.com; _cWb ! # 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) 646-4526 $"$ "# $ Nov. 11 - Guy & Ralna from "The Lawrence <]d ³ 5cg @OZ\O T`][ ¾BVS :Oe`S\QS Welk Show," 2 ^ [ ESabP`]]Y >S`T]`[ p.m., Westbrook PerformESZY AV]e œ ing Arts Center. $45 to $55. Porttix.com; W\U /`ba 1S\bS` "# b] ## >]`bbWf Q][) 842-0800 &" & Nov. 16 - Allen Stone with Selah Sue <]d $ ³ /ZZS\ Ab]\S eWbV ASZOV AcS and Tingsek, 8 p.m., Port City MuO\R BW\UaSY & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;c

"People can come out and see and i1FPQMF DBO DPNF PVU BOE TFF BOE touch cars that are still smoking and UPVDI DBST UIBU BSF TUJMM TNPLJOH BOE steaming, and we often see kids pick up TUFBNJOH BOE XF PGUFO TFF LJET QJDL VQ a battery cover or something and bring it B CBUUFSZ DPWFS PS TPNFUIJOH BOE CSJOH JU home," said Cusack. IPNF w TBJE $VTBDL Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6454 or at: $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RayRouthier BeWbbS`( @Og@]cbVWS`

sic Hall, Portland. $15.50 to $25.50. aWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # # b] # # Portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 18 - Taking Back Sunday and Bayside, <]d & Âł BOYW\U 0OQY Ac\ROg O\R 0OgaWRS 7 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. $25/$28. % ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # & Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Civic Center ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` box office P]f ]TÂżQS Jan. 25 - Wynton Marsalis with the Jazz at 8O\ # Âł Eg\b]\ ;O`aOZWa eWbV bVS 8Ohh Ob Lincoln Center Orchestra, 8 p.m., Merrill Au:W\Q]Z\ 1S\bS` =`QVSab`O & ^ [ ;S``WZZ /c ditorium, Portland. $45 to $70. Porttix.com; RWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# b] % >]`bbWf Q][) 842-0800 &" &

Get outta town 5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Thursday - Sublime with Rome, Cypress BVc`aROg Âł AcPZW[S eWbV @][S 1g^`Saa Hill and Pepper, 6:30 p.m., Meadowbrook 6WZZ O\R >S^^S` $(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $36 to C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !$ b] $63.25. Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 $! # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Thursday - Meek Mill, 8 p.m., House of BVc`aROg Âł ;SSY ;WZZ & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $30. Livenation.com; (800) 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# !

Please see TIX, PageE'O Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <*'

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3 ' GO E29

c`jk`e^j listings ET CETERA <K :<K<I8

BENEFITS N "%.%&)43 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Summer Benefit Concert Series, with The 3UMMER "ENElT #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH 4HE Gunther Brown Band; benefits Southern Maine 'UNTHER "ROWN "AND BENElTS 3OUTHERN -AINE Agency on Aging, Spiral Arts, Community !GENCY ON !GING 3PIRAL !RTS #OMMUNITY Partnerships for the Protection of Children and 0ARTNERSHIPS FOR THE 0ROTECTION OF #HILDREN AND Hope Acts/Friends of Burundi; Thornton Heights (OPE !CTS &RIENDS OF "URUNDI 4HORNTON (EIGHTS United Methodist Church, South Portland. $5. 5NITED -ETHODIST #HURCH 3OUTH 0ORTLAND thorntonheightsumc.com. 7 p.m. THORNTONHEIGHTSUMC COM P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 "Art by the Sea," cocktails, live music, hors h!RT BY THE 3EA v COCKTAILS LIVE MUSIC HORS d'oeuvres and art auction; benefits the museum; D OEUVRES AND ART AUCTION BENElTS THE MUSEUM Ogunquit Museum of American Art. $100. /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT ogunquitmuseum.org. 5 to 8 p.m. OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG TO P M "Paws for a Cause," dog walk benefiting the h0AWS FOR A #AUSE v DOG WALK BENElTING THE Coastal Humane Society, L.L. Bean Discovery #OASTAL (UMANE 3OCIETY , , "EAN $ISCOVERY Park, Freeport. Donation, coastalhumanesociety. 0ARK &REEPORT $ONATION COASTALHUMANESOCIETY org. Sign-in at 9:30 a.m.; walk at 10 a.m. ORG 3IGN IN AT A M WALK AT A M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 15th annual Coastal Maine Antiques Show, TH ANNUAL #OASTAL -AINE !NTIQUES 3HOW more than 70 Maine antique dealers; benefits the MORE THAN -AINE ANTIQUE DEALERS BENElTS THE Damariscotta River Association; Round Top Farm, $AMARISCOTTA 2IVER !SSOCIATION 2OUND 4OP &ARM Damariscotta. $10. 439-6641. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. $AMARISCOTTA A M TO P M

FAIRS/FESTIVALS N &!)23 &%34)6!,3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Union Fair, harness racing, pig scramble, baking 5NION &AIR HARNESS RACING PIG SCRAMBLE BAKING and eating contests, animal-pulling events, 4-H AND EATING CONTESTS ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS ( exhibits, live entertainment and more, Union EXHIBITS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND MORE 5NION Fairgrounds. $12 (includes unlimited rides); &AIRGROUNDS INCLUDES UNLIMITED RIDES free for children ages 3 and under. Schedule at FREE FOR CHILDREN AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE AT unionfair.org. Through Saturday. UNIONFAIR ORG 4HROUGH 3ATURDAY Acton Fair, exhibits, 4-H projects, flower show, !CTON &AIR EXHIBITS ( PROJECTS mOWER SHOW animal-pulling events and midway, Acton Fair ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS AND MIDWAY !CTON &AIR Grounds. $6, $7; free for ages 11 and under. 'ROUNDS FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER Schedule at actonfair.net. Through Sunday. 3CHEDULE AT ACTONFAIR NET 4HROUGH 3UNDAY Piscataquis Valley Fair, homemade ice 0ISCATAQUIS 6ALLEY &AIR HOMEMADE ICE cream, crafts, midway, animal-pulling events CREAM CRAFTS MIDWAY ANIMAL PULLING EVENTS and agricultural exhibits, Piscataquis Valley AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS 0ISCATAQUIS 6ALLEY Fairgrounds, Dover-Foxcroft. $6; $2 for ages 5 to &AIRGROUNDS $OVER &OXCROFT FOR AGES TO 10; free for ages 4 and under. Schedule at FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE AT piscataquisvalleyfair.com.Through Sunday. PISCATAQUISVALLEYFAIR COM 4HROUGH 3UNDAY "Art for Art's Sake," art show and sale, h!RT FOR !RT S 3AKE v ART SHOW AND SALE Boothbay Region Boatyard, Southport Island. "OOTHBAY 2EGION "OATYARD 3OUTHPORT )SLAND lincolnartsfestival.net. Through Sunday. LINCOLNARTSFESTIVAL NET 4HROUGH 3UNDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Picnic Music + Arts Festival, 130 vendors with 0ICNIC -USIC !RTS &ESTIVAL VENDORS WITH locally produced crafts, artwork and vintage LOCALLY PRODUCED CRAFTS ARTWORK AND VINTAGE items, plus live music all day, Lincoln Park, ITEMS PLUS LIVE MUSIC ALL DAY ,INCOLN 0ARK Portland. Free admission, picnicportland.com. 0ORTLAND &REE ADMISSION PICNICPORTLAND COM 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. A M TO P M 47th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival, sponsored by TH !NNUAL 3IDEWALK !RT &ESTIVAL SPONSORED BY WCSH-6, Congress Street between Monument 7#3( #ONGRESS 3TREET BETWEEN -ONUMENT Square and Congress Square, Portland. Free 3QUARE AND #ONGRESS 3QUARE 0ORTLAND &REE admission. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADMISSION A M TO P M Juried Arts and Crafts Show, sponsored by the *URIED !RTS AND #RAFTS 3HOW SPONSORED BY THE Society of Southern Maine Craftsmen, The Green, 3OCIETY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE #RAFTSMEN 4HE 'REEN Kennebunkport. Free admission, societyofsouthern +ENNEBUNKPORT &REE ADMISSION SOCIETYOFSOUTHERN mainecraftsmen.org. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. MAINECRAFTSMEN ORG A M TO P M Sanford Maine Stage Theatre Craft and Vendor 3ANFORD -AINE 3TAGE 4HEATRE #RAFT AND 6ENDOR Fair, Nasson Community Center, Springvale. &AIR .ASSON #OMMUNITY #ENTER 3PRINGVALE 459-7330. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A M TO P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 Healing Arts Festival, food, music, psychics, (EALING !RTS &ESTIVAL FOOD MUSIC PSYCHICS massage, energy healing, natural products and MASSAGE ENERGY HEALING NATURAL PRODUCTS AND handmade gifts, Gardens of Atlantis, Dayton. Free HANDMADE GIFTS 'ARDENS OF !TLANTIS $AYTON &REE admission. 929-5088. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADMISSION A M TO P M Windsor Fair, agricultural exhibits, arts and crafts, 7INDSOR &AIR AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS ARTS AND CRAFTS midway, pulling events, harness racing and more, MIDWAY PULLING EVENTS HARNESS RACING AND MORE

CHILDREN UNDER AGE -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY children under age 12, Maine Historical Society, Portland. $10. mainehistory.org. 10:30 a.m. and 0ORTLAND MAINEHISTORY ORG A M AND P M 4HURSDAY TO 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH 3EPT 1 p.m. Thursday to Saturday. Through Sept. 2. FRIDAY &2)$!9 .EW %NGLAND !UTO !UCTION MORE THAN New England Auto Auction, more than 200 vehicles for sale, Owls Head Transportation VEHICLES FOR SALE /WLS (EAD 4RANSPORTATION Museum, owlshead.org. 9:30 a.m. -USEUM OWLSHEAD ORG A M Great State of Maine Air Show, grounded displays 'REAT 3TATE OF -AINE !IR 3HOW GROUNDED DISPLAYS and exhibits, family activities, air performances AND EXHIBITS FAMILY ACTIVITIES AIR PERFORMANCES from the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds and more, FROM THE 5 3 !IR &ORCE 4HUNDERBIRDS AND MORE Brunswick Executive Airport. $10 to $99. "RUNSWICK %XECUTIVE !IRPORT TO greatstateofmaineairshow.us. Gates open at 5 p.m. GREATSTATEOFMAINEAIRSHOW US 'ATES OPEN AT P M Friday and 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. &RIDAY AND A M 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY h7E !RE #OMING &ATHER !BRAHAM v #IVIL 7AR "We Are Coming, Father Abraham," Civil War weekend with re-enactments, historians, historical WEEKEND WITH RE ENACTMENTS HISTORIANS HISTORICAL groups and more, G o o d w i l l Hinkley School, GROUPS AND MORE 'OOD 7ILL (INKLEY 3CHOOL Hinckley. $5/donation per day. Schedule at (INCKLEY DONATION PER DAY 3CHEDULE AT gwh2012.civilwarmaine.org. Through Sunday. GWH CIVILWARMAINE ORG 4HROUGH 3UNDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Maine Native American Summer Market, -AINE .ATIVE !MERICAN 3UMMER -ARKET show, sale and demonstrations of Native SHOW SALE AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF .ATIVE American arts and crafts, Sabbathday Lake !MERICAN ARTS AND CRAFTS 3ABBATHDAY ,AKE Shaker Village, New Gloucester. Free admission. 3HAKER 6ILLAGE .EW 'LOUCESTER &REE ADMISSION www.shaker.lib.me.us. 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. WWW SHAKER LIB ME US A M TO P M Beachscapes Sand-Art Contest, Pemaquid Beach "EACHSCAPES 3AND !RT #ONTEST 0EMAQUID "EACH Park, Bristol, pemaquidwatershed.org. 10 a.m. to 0ARK "RISTOL PEMAQUIDWATERSHED ORG A M TO 2 p.m. P M

FILMS N &),-3 "Degrees of Incarceration" (2011), documentary h$EGREES OF )NCARCERATIONv DOCUMENTARY about a Palestinian community that responds to the ABOUT A 0ALESTINIAN COMMUNITY THAT RESPONDS TO THE crisis of political imprisonment in a refugee camp, CRISIS OF POLITICAL IMPRISONMENT IN A REFUGEE CAMP Freeport Factory Stage. $12; $6 for seniors and &REEPORT &ACTORY 3TAGE FOR SENIORS AND students, freeportfactory.com. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. STUDENTS FREEPORTFACTORY COM P M 4HURSDAY "Hank Williams First N a t i o n " (2005), post-film h(ANK 7ILLIAMS &IRST .ATIONv POST lLM discussion with Bill Halpin and Saskia Huising, DISCUSSION WITH "ILL (ALPIN AND 3ASKIA (UISING Rockland Public Library. Free. 594-0310. 6:30 2OCKLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE p.m. Thursday. P M 4HURSDAY "The Hunger Games" (2012, PG-13), drama/ h4HE (UNGER 'AMESv 0' DRAMA action, Portland Public Library Rines Auditorium. ACTION 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 2INES !UDITORIUM Free, portlandlibrary.com. 2:30 p.m. Friday. &REE PORTLANDLIBRARY COM P M &RIDAY Maine Outdoor Film Festival, short films with -AINE /UTDOOR &ILM &ESTIVAL SHORT lLMS WITH outdoor themes shown along the Kennebec River OUTDOOR THEMES SHOWN ALONG THE +ENNEBEC 2IVER in The Forks. $10 per film; multi-film passes IN 4HE &ORKS PER lLM MULTI lLM PASSES available, maineoutdoorfilm.com. Gates at 4 p.m.; AVAILABLE MAINEOUTDOORlLM COM 'ATES AT P M screenings start at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. SCREENINGS START AT P M 3ATURDAY " G i r l Model" (2011), documentary about the teen h'IRL -ODELv DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE TEEN modeling industry, Portland Public Library. Free. MODELING INDUSTRY 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE portlandlibrary.com. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. PORTLANDLIBRARY COM P M 7EDNESDAY Art Videos at the Gallery Film Series, Barn !RT 6IDEOS AT THE 'ALLERY &ILM 3ERIES "ARN Gallery, Ogunquit. Free. 646-7055. "Marc 'ALLERY /GUNQUIT &REE h-ARC Rothko," 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. 2OTHKO v P M 7EDNESDAY

BOOKS/AUTHORS N "//+3 !54(/23 David McCann, author of "Urban Temple," $AVID -C#ANN AUTHOR OF h5RBAN 4EMPLE v Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Noon Friday. .OON &RIDAY "An Evening w i t h Ernest Thompson," author h!N %VENING WITH %RNEST 4HOMPSON v AUTHOR of " O n Golden Pond" and new play "Political OF h/N 'OLDEN 0ONDv AND NEW PLAY h0OLITICAL Suicide"; includes appetizers, desserts, wine and 3UICIDEv INCLUDES APPETIZERS DESSERTS WINE AND live jazz piano; Skidompha Library, Damariscotta. LIVE JAZZ PIANO 3KIDOMPHA ,IBRARY $AMARISCOTTA $15. 562-8116. 7 p.m. Friday. P M &RIDAY Marguerite Robichaux and Elizabeth Peavey, -ARGUERITE 2OBICHAUX AND %LIZABETH 0EAVEY Courtesy photo ILLUSTRATOR AND AUTHOR OF h'LORIOUS 3LOW 'OING 1]c`bSag ^V]b] illustrator and author of "Glorious Slow Going: Maine Stories of Art, Adventure and Friendship," The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will perfornn Saturday and Sunday at the Great -AINE 3TORIES OF !RT !DVENTURE AND &RIENDSHIP v BVS C A /W` 4]`QS BVc\RS`PW`Ra eWZZ ^S`T]`[ AObc`ROg O\R Ac\ROg Ob bVS 5`SOb River Tree Arts, Kennebunk. rivertreearts.org. State of Maine Air Show in Brunswick. The air show starts at 5 p.m. Friday. 2IVER 4REE !RTS +ENNEBUNK RIVERTREEARTS ORG AbObS ]T ;OW\S /W` AV]e W\ 0`c\aeWQY BVS OW` aV]e abO`ba Ob # ^ [ 4`WROg 11 a.m. Saturday. A M 3ATURDAY Port Veritas Spoken Word Night, Local 0ORT 6ERITAS 3POKEN 7ORD .IGHT ,OCAL Sprouts Cooperative, Portland. Free/donation, 3PROUTS #OOPERATIVE 0ORTLAND &REE DONATION Windsor Fairgrounds. $7, $9; free for children children under age 12. bluehillfair.com. Through 7INDSOR &AIRGROUNDS FREE FOR CHILDREN CHILDREN UNDER AGE BLUEHILLFAIR COM 4HROUGH localsprouts.coop. 7 p.m. Tuesday. LOCALSPROUTS COOP P M 4UESDAY Sept. 3. under age 16. Schedule at windsorfair.com. 3EPT UNDER AGE 3CHEDULE AT WINDSORFAIR COM Through Sept. 3. 4HROUGH 3EPT PRO SPORTS N 02/ 30/243 0ORTLAND 3EA $OGS -INOR ,EAGUE "ASEBALL Portland Sea Dogs, Minor League Baseball SPECIAL EVENTS N 30%#)!, %6%.43 A U G . 30 !5' AFlLIATE OF THE "OSTON 2ED 3OX (ADLOCK &IELD affiliate of the Boston Red Sox, Hadlock Field, THURSDAY Blue Hill Fair, midway rides, food vendors, 4(523$!9 "LUE (ILL &AIR MIDWAY RIDES FOOD VENDORS 0ORTLAND TO SEADOGS COM 6S "INGHAMTON Portland. $4 to $9. seadogs.com. Vs. Binghamton, musical entertainment, racing, pulling events and Historic O l d Port Walking Tours, 90-minute (ISTORIC /LD 0ORT 7ALKING 4OURS MINUTE MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT RACING PULLING EVENTS AND 7 p.m. Thursday and Friday, 6 p.m. Saturday and P M 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY P M 3ATURDAY AND more, Blue Hill Fairgrounds. $3 to $8; free for tours from trained guides, not recommended for TOURS FROM TRAINED GUIDES NOT RECOMMENDED FOR MORE "LUE (ILL &AIRGROUNDS TO FREE FOR 1 p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY

E3O GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, 3! 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Jazz master Wynton Marsalis performs with the Jazz at Lincoln 8Ohh [OabS` Eg\b]\ ;O`aOZWa ^S`T]`[a eWbV bVS 8Ohh Ob :W\Q]Z\ Center Orchestra Jan. 25 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. 1S\bS` =`QVSab`O 8O\ # Ob ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ W\ >]`bZO\R


$15.50 to $57.50. Livenation.com; (800) # # b] #% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Pinecone+Chickadee, which has a shop on Free Street in Portland, will >W\SQ]\S 1VWQYORSS eVWQV VOa O aV]^ ]\ 4`SS Ab`SSb W\ >]`bZO\R eWZZ Sept. 7 - Rush, 7:30 p.m., Verizon WireAS^b % ³ @caV %(! ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`S be among returning vendors at Saturday's Picnic. PS O[]\U `Sbc`\W\U dS\R]`a Ob AObc`ROg¸a >WQ\WQ Continued from Page E28 less Arena, Manchester, N.H. $61 to $107.45. :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 & ZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 $ b] % "# Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 7-8 - The J. Geils Band, 8 and 7 Friday - Andrew Dice Clay, 9:45 AS^b % & ³ BVS 8 5SWZa 0O\R & O\R % 4`WROg ³ /\R`Se 2WQS 1ZOg '("# p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $38.20. p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $75 to $125. ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ %# b] # ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !& PICNIC MUSIC LINE-UP Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 8 - 1 1 Volo, 7:30 p.m., Bank of 11 a.m.: Mr. Meet Friday and Saturday - Kenny Chesney and AS^b & ³ 7Z D]Z] %(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg ³ 9S\\g 1VSa\Sg O\R N O [ ( ;` <SSb Tim McGraw, 4:30 p.m., Gillette Stadium, America Pavilion, Boston. $39.50 to $79.50. /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ !' # b] %' # BW[ ;Q5`Oe "(! ^ [ 5WZZSbbS AbORWc[ 11:45 a.m.: Great Western Plain N ("# O [ ( 5`SOb ESabS`\ >ZOW\ Continued from Page E27 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % Foxborough, Mass. $54.85 to $113.05. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! 4]fP]`]cUV ;Oaa #" &# b] ! # p.m.: Verla N 12:30 (! ^ [ ( DS`ZO Sept. 8 - ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynyrd, 7 Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 AS^b & ³ HH B]^ O\R :g\g`R AYg\g`R % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! event TJHOJOH signing CPPLT books BOE and EPJOH doing TFXJOH sewing N ( # ^ [ ( EObQVS`a 1:15 p.m.: Watchers FWFOU p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $25 Saturday - The Fray and Kelly Clarkson, ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa # AObc`ROg ³ BVS 4`Og O\R 9SZZg 1ZO`Ya]\ p.m.: Bath Salts demos all day. N 2 ^ [ ( 0ObV AOZba EFNPT BMM EBZ 7:30 p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! to $75. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 %(! ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa p.m.: Heavy Breathing But the emphasis will be on the 100-plus N 2:45 ("# ^ [ ( 6SOdg 0`SObVW\U #VU UIF FNQIBTJT XJMM CF PO UIF QMVT Sept. 9 - Zac Brown Band, 6:30 p.m., Com$41.50 to $87. Livenation.com; (800) 745AS^b ' ³ HOQ 0`]e\ 0O\R $(! ^ [ 1][ " # b] &% :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# vendors TFMMJOH selling FWFSZUIJOH everything from hand- N !(! ^ [ ( EVS\ >O`bWQZSa 1]ZZWRS 3:30 p.m.: When Particles Collide WFOEPST GSPN IBOE cast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $22.50 to $52. 3000 QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa # b] # ! 4:15 p.m.: AWAAS made CBHT bags BOE and DMPUIJOH clothing UP to DVTUPN NBEF custom-made N "( # ^ [ ( /E//A NBEF Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Saturday Chicago and The Doobie Broth:WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! AObc`ROg ³ 1VWQOU] O\R BVS 2]]PWS 0`]bV 5 p.m.: An Evening With toys and vintage home decor. N # ^ [ ( /\ 3dS\W\U EWbV UPZT BOE WJOUBHF IPNF EFDPS ers, 7:30 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. CelluSept. 11 - Yeasayer, 8 p.m., House of Blues, AS^b ³ GSOaOgS` & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa S`a %(! ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZc Picnic's high quality selection of goods 1JDOJD T IJHI RVBMJUZ TFMFDUJPO PG HPPET Boston. $25 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) lar Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $35.50 to $102. 0]ab]\ # b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & ZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !# # b] is no accident. To get a spot at the event, JT OP BDDJEFOU 5P HFU B TQPU BU UIF FWFOU 745-3000 Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 %"# ! ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% artisans must apply and be vetted by a BSUJTBOT NVTU BQQMZ BOE CF WFUUFE CZ B inspired by nature. JOTQJSFE CZ OBUVSF Sunday - Train, Mat Kearney and Andy Sept. 13 - Bon Iver with Anais Mitchell, 7:30 AS^b ! ³ 0]\ 7dS` eWbV /\OWa ;WbQVSZZ %(! Ac\ROg ³ B`OW\ ;Ob 9SO`\Sg O\R /\Rg KVSZ jury. "It's such an amazing opportunity to i*U T TVDI BO BNB[JOH PQQPSUVOJUZ UP Grammer, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Celp.m., Bank of America Pavilion, Boston. $30 ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ ! 5`O[[S` % ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZ And it's become an increasingly tough "OE JU T CFDPNF BO JODSFBTJOHMZ UPVHI display your work and to sell it, for a per- ZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !$ b] &# EJTQMBZ ZPVS XPSL BOE UP TFMM JU GPS B QFS to $34.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 lular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $36 to $85. b] !" # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! process. There were 130 vendors chosen QSPDFTT 5IFSF XFSF WFOEPST DIPTFO son who doesn't have a storefront," said TPO XIP EPFTO U IBWF B TUPSFGSPOU w TBJE Sept. 14 - Bloc Party with Ceremony, Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 AS^b " ³ 0Z]Q >O`bg eWbV 1S`S[]\g ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% this year, but organizers received double UIJT ZFBS CVU PSHBOJ[FST SFDFJWFE EPVCMF Flett, who has participated in Picnic for Sunday - UPROAR Festival with Shine8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $27.50 to 'MFUU XIP IBT QBSUJDJQBUFE JO 1JDOJD GPS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ % # b] Ac\ROg ³ C>@=/@ 4SabWdOZ eWbV AVW\S that amount of applications. UIBU BNPVOU PG BQQMJDBUJPOT $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 down, Godsmack, Staind, Papa Roach, the past three years and travels to similar R]e\ 5]Ra[OQY AbOW\R >O^O @]OQV !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! UIF QBTU UISFF ZFBST BOE USBWFMT UP TJNJMBS "When we announce that applications i8IFO XF BOOPVODF UIBU BQQMJDBUJPOT Sept. 14 - Florence + The Machine with Adelitas Way and more, 1 p.m., ComAS^b " ³ 4Z]`S\QS BVS ;OQVW\S eWbV /RSZWbOa EOg O\R []`S ^ [ 1][ shows out of state. "This event is a little TIPXT PVU PG TUBUF i5IJT FWFOU JT B MJUUMF are opened, we get totally swarmed with The Maccabees, 7:30 p.m., Comcast cast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $15 to $79. BSF PQFOFE XF HFU UPUBMMZ TXBSNFE XJUI BVS ;OQQOPSSa %(! ^ [ 1][QOab QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa # b] %' bit more sophisticated as far as design. CJU NPSF TPQIJTUJDBUFE BT GBS BT EFTJHO Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Center, Mansfield, Mass. $20 to $42.50. these great vendors," said Sean Wilkin1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa b] " # UIFTF HSFBU WFOEPST w TBJE 4FBO 8JMLJO It's really artisans bringing a whole differ- :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! *U T SFBMMZ BSUJTBOT CSJOHJOH B XIPMF EJGGFS Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Monday - Robin Thicke, 7 p.m., House :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! ;]\ROg ³ @]PW\ BVWQYS % ^ [ 6]caS son, who owns the design firm Might & TPO XIP PXOT UIF EFTJHO mSN .JHIU ent level of art to community." FOU MFWFM PG BSU UP DPNNVOJUZ w Sept. 14 - Carrie Underwood, 7:30 p.m., of Blues, Boston. $36 to $49.50. AS^b " ³ 1O``WS C\RS`e]]R %(! ^ [ Main and is one of the founders of Picnic. .BJO BOE JT POF PG UIF GPVOEFST PG 1JDOJD While the event's organizers have never ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !$ b] "' # 8IJMF UIF FWFOU T PSHBOJ[FST IBWF OFWFS Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, N.H. DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` < 6 "It's become an increasingly tough job for BUUFNQUFE UP DPVOU UIF OVNCFS PG BUUFOE i*U T CFDPNF BO JODSFBTJOHMZ UPVHI KPC GPS attempted to count the number of attend- :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Aug. 31 Stone Temple Pilots, 8 p.m., $57.90 to $78.35. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% ' b] %& !# BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & /cU ! ³ Ab]\S BS[^ZS >WZ]ba & ^ [ us to jury." VT UP KVSZ w ees they attract - mainly because Lincoln FFT UIFZ BUUSBDU o NBJOMZ CFDBVTF -JODPMO 745-3000 Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, %"# ! ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R Wilkinson said the jurors look at the 8JMLJOTPO TBJE UIF KVSPST MPPL BU UIF Park has eight entrances - they have 1BSL IBT FJHIU FOUSBODFT o UIFZ IBWF Sept. 14 - Barry Manilow, 7:30 p.m., DCU N.H. $34.75 to $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; AS^b " ³ 0O``g ;O\WZ]e %(! ^ [ 21C < 6 !" %# b] %$ # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) quality of the work while also making sure OPUFE JU T HSPXUI PWFS UIF ZFBST RVBMJUZ PG UIF XPSL XIJMF BMTP NBLJOH TVSF noted it's growth over the years. (603) 293-4700 Center, Worcester, Mass. $30.94 to $144.49. 1S\bS` E]`QSabS` ;Oaa ! '" b] "" "' $ ! '! "% the chosen vendors offer a wide diversity UIF DIPTFO WFOEPST PGGFS B XJEF EJWFSTJUZ "We're totally maxed out at size for i8F SF UPUBMMZ NBYFE PVU BU TJ[F GPS Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 Sept. 1 - Big Time Rush and Cody Simpson, BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! AS^b ³ 0WU BW[S @caV O\R 1]Rg AW[^a]\ of merchandise. PG NFSDIBOEJTF Lincoln Park," Wilkinson said. "That's a -JODPMO 1BSL w 8JMLJOTPO TBJE i5IBU T B Sept. 15 - D.L. Hughley, 7 p.m., Wilbur The7 p.m., Verizon Wireless Arena, Manchester, AS^b # ³ 2 : 6cUVZSg % ^ [ EWZPc` BVS % ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O ;O\QVSabS` "We're trying to keep it eclectic and i8F SF USZJOH UP LFFQ JU FDMFDUJD BOE great problem to have. It just makes the HSFBU QSPCMFN UP IBWF *U KVTU NBLFT UIF N.H. $34.95 to $75.80. Ticketmaster.com; atre, Boston. $36. Ticketmaster.com; (800) Ob`S 0]ab]\ !$ BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & < 6 !" '# b] %# & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) make it a really vibrant group of people NBLF JU B SFBMMZ WJCSBOU HSPVQ PG QFPQMF event all that much better." FWFOU BMM UIBU NVDI CFUUFS w (800) 745-3000 745-3000 %"# ! & %"# ! who create great products," Wilkinson XIP DSFBUF HSFBU QSPEVDUT w 8JMLJOTPO Flett described Picnic as having a "car- AS^b 'MFUU EFTDSJCFE 1JDOJD BT IBWJOH B iDBS Sept. 15 - Dar Williams with Jill Sobule, Sept. 2 ³ 9SWbV C`PO\ eWbV 2OdWR <OWZ - Keith Urban with David Nail, AS^b # ³ 2O` EWZZWO[a eWbV 8WZZ A]PcZS said. TBJE nival aesthetic. It's like back in the olden & ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` >O OJWBM BFTUIFUJD *U T MJLF CBDL JO UIF PMEFO 7:30 p.m., Somerville Theatre, Somerville, 8 p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pa%(! ^ [ A][S`dWZZS BVSOb`S A][S`dWZZS When it comes to selecting sellers of 8IFO JU DPNFT UP TFMFDUJOH TFMMFST PG days when you used to set up your wares dWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 "# %# b] # %# EBZT XIFO ZPV VTFE UP TFU VQ ZPVS XBSFT vilion, Gilford, N.H. $45.75 to $115.75. Mass. $30. Livenation.com; (800) 745;Oaa ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# vintage goods, he said, "There are a lot WJOUBHF HPPET IF TBJE i5IFSF BSF B MPU and sell your stuff. It's a really romantic 3000 Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 BOE TFMM ZPVS TUVGG *U T B SFBMMZ SPNBOUJD ! ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% of vintage dealers out there, but there PG WJOUBHF EFBMFST PVU UIFSF CVU UIFSF event." Sept. 16 - KISS and Motley Crue, 7 p.m., Sept. 3 - Seether, Buckcherry, Puddle of FWFOU w AS^b $ ³ 97AA O\R ;]bZSg 1`cS % ^ [ AS^b ! ³ ASSbVS` 0cQYQVS``g >cRRZS ]T are some who just do it so well. If there's BSF TPNF XIP KVTU EP JU TP XFMM *G UIFSF T Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. $52.35 to Mudd, Black Stone Cherry and Other1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa # !# b] ;cRR 0ZOQY Ab]\S 1VS``g O\R =bVS` a gut feeling of 'I want to spend all my B HVU GFFMJOH PG A* XBOU UP TQFOE BMM NZ wise, 2 ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` p.m., Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular $186.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 &$ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be contacted at eWaS AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob money at this booth,' that's a good sign Sept. 16 - The Avett Brothers, 7:30 p.m., Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $29.75 to $64.50. NPOFZ BU UIJT CPPUI UIBU T B HPPE TJHO AS^b $ ³ BVS /dSbb 0`]bVS`a %(! ^ [ >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 ' %# b] $" # 791-6297 or at: %' $ '% ]` Ob( Bank of America Pavilion, Boston. $39 to Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 they'd make a good Picnic vendor." 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ !' b] ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% UIFZ E NBLF B HPPE 1JDOJD WFOEPS w akamila@pressherald. com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Sept. 4 - Madonna, 8 p.m., TD Garden, $57.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 #% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! AS^b " ³ ;OR]\\O & ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ Wilkinson said his year's vendors offer a 8JMLJOTPO TBJE IJT ZFBS T WFOEPST PGGFS B Twitter: AveryYaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO Boston. $47.50 to $357.50. Livenation.com; AS^b % & ³ 2OgUZ]e & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Sept. 17-18 - Dayglow, 8 p.m., House of 0]ab]\ "% # b] !#% # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) mix of items that range from cheeky and NJY PG JUFNT UIBU SBOHF GSPN DIFFLZ BOE Blues, Boston. $40 to $80. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " b] & :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! quirky to elegant. RVJSLZ UP FMFHBOU (800) 745-3000 Sept. 6 - Darius Rucker, 8 p.m., Casino & %"# ! AS^b $ ³ 2O`Wca @cQYS` & ^ [ 1OaW\] One of the vendors who falls more on 0OF PG UIF WFOEPST XIP GBMMT NPSF PO WHILE YOU'RE IN TOWN... Ballroom, Hampton Beach, N.H. $50/$52. Sept. 19 - Ed Sheeran, 8 p.m., House of AS^b ' ³ 3R AVSS`O\ & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 # # the elegant side, with a hint of quirkiUIF FMFHBOU TJEF XJUI B IJOU PG RVJSLJ Blues, Boston. $22. Livenation.com; (800) Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! CHECKOUT WCSH-6's 47th annual 16319 =CB E1A6 $¸a "%bV O\\cOZ ness, is Erin Flett, whose work has been OFTT JT &SJO 'MFUU XIPTF XPSL IBT CFFO 745-3000 Sept. 6 - The Offspring with Dead Sara, %"# ! AS^b $ ³ BVS =TTa^`W\U eWbV 2SOR AO`O Sidewalk Art Festival from 9 a.m. AWRSeOZY /`b 4SabWdOZ T`][ ' O [ featured in 0: The Oprah Magazine and GFBUVSFE JO 0 5IF 0QSBI .BHB[JOF BOE Sept. 20 - Metric, 7:30 p.m., Orpheum The8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $39.50 to AS^b ³ ;Sb`WQ %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !' # b] to 4 p.m. Saturday along Congress b] " ^ [ AObc`ROg OZ]\U 1]\U`Saa Better Homes and Gardens. The Gorham #FUUFS )PNFT BOE (BSEFOT 5IF (PSIBN $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 atre, Boston. $30 to $35. Livenation.com; Ob`S 0]ab]\ ! b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Street, between Monument Square Ab`SSb PSbeSS\ ;]\c[S\b A_cO`S resident creates silk-screened pillows and SFTJEFOU DSFBUFT TJML TDSFFOFE QJMMPXT BOE Sept. 7 - Jason Mraz with Christina Perri, AS^b % ³ 8Oa]\ ;`Oh eWbV 1V`WabW\O >S``W and Congress Square. O\R 1]\U`Saa A_cO`S bags using high-quality fabric and a waCBHT VTJOH IJHI RVBMJUZ GBCSJD BOE B XB 7:30 p.m., Comcast Center, Mansfield, Mass. %(! ^ [ 1][QOab 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa Please see TIX, PageE31 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <*( Sean Wilkinson photo ASO\ EWZYW\a]\ ^V]b]


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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, August 23, GO E31 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg /cUcab ! 2012 j 5= 3!


8 p.m., Jordan Hall, Boston. $27.50. & ^ [ 8]`RO\ 6OZZ 0]ab]\ % # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 6 - Bob Newhart, 7 p.m., Wil=Qb $ ³ 0]P <SeVO`b % ^ [ EWZ bur Theatre, Boston. $49.70 to $72.70. Pc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "' % b] % % Continued from Page E30 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3! Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 6 - Dispatch with Good Old War and =Qb $ ³ 2Wa^ObQV eWbV 5]]R =ZR EO` O\R Sept. 20 - The Fresh Beat Band, 6:30 p.m., AS^b ³ BVS 4`SaV 0SOb 0O\R $(! ^ [ Parkington Sisters, 8 p.m., Agganis Arena, >O`YW\Ub]\ AWabS`a & ^ [ /UUO\Wa /`S\O Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R Boston. $46. Livenation.com; (800) 7450]ab]\ "$ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# N.H. $27.50 to $65. Meadowbrook.net; < 6 % # b] $# ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) 3000 ! (603) 293-4700 $ ! '! "% Oct. 7 - Heart with Alejandro Escovedo and =Qb % ³ 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`] 3aQ]dSR] O\R Sept. 20 - Seether with Sick Puppies, AS^b ³ ASSbVS` eWbV AWQY >c^^WSa The Sensitive Boys, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook BVS AS\aWbWdS 0]ga % ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $29 to $39. U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $39.75 to & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' b] !' C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !' %# b] Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 %$ # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% Sept. 21 - Dropkick Murphys, 7 p.m., Bank AS^b ³ 2`]^YWQY ;c`^Vga % ^ [ 0O\Y Oct. 11 - The Wiggles, (! O\R $(! 2:30 and 6:30 =Qb ³ BVS EWUUZSa of America Pavilion, Boston. $23.50 to ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]ab]\ ! # b] p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $16.50 to ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $ # b] $35.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !# # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! $76.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 %$ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 22 ³ 0]ga :WYS 5W`Za O\R BVS /ZZ - Boys Like Girls and The AllAS^b Oct. 12 ³ B]eS` ]T >]eS` O\R BVS /dS`OUS - Tower of Power and The Average =Qb American Rejects, 7 p.m., House of Blues, /[S`WQO\ @SXSQba % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa White Band, 8 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. EVWbS 0O\R & ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ Boston. $25 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ # b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & $57.70 to $70.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% % b] % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! 745-3000 %"# ! Sept. 22 ³ BVS 8 5SWZa 0O\R & ^ [ 1OaW\] - The J. Geils Band, 8 p.m., Casino =Qb ! ³ 0S\ 4]ZRa 4WdS eWbV 9ObS ;WZZS` AS^b Oct. 13 - Ben Folds Five with Kate MillerBallroom, Hampton Beach, N.H. $60/$65. 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 $ $# Heidke, 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $42 6SWRYS % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 22 ³ 5]bgS ;Waag 6WUUW\a O\R 8]\bW - Gotye, Missy Higgins and Jonti, AS^b Oct. 14 - Waka Flocka Flame with Wooh Da =Qb " ³ EOYO 4Z]QYO 4ZO[S eWbV E]]V 2O 7:30 p.m., Bank of America Pavilion, Bos%(! ^ [ 0O\Y ]T /[S`WQO >OdWZW]\ 0]a Kid, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 to 9WR & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] ton. $34.50 to $40. Livenation.com; b]\ !" # b] " :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) $39.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Oct. 18 - The Mountain Goats with Matthew =Qb & ³ BVS ;]c\bOW\ 5]Oba eWbV ;ObbVSe Sept. 22 ³ 5`WhhZg 0SO` & ^ [ =`^VSc[ - Grizzly Bear, 8 p.m., Orpheum AS^b E. White, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. 3 EVWbS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Theatre, Boston. $43.20. Ticketmaster.com; $22.50. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "! BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Oct. 19 - The Walkmen, 6 p.m., Royale =Qb ' ³ BVS EOZY[S\ $ ^ [ @]gOZS Sept. 22 ³ B]Pg 9SWbV eWbV 0`O\bZSg 5WZ - Toby Keith with Brantley GilAS^b Boston. $28.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 0]ab]\ & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & bert and Thomas Rhett, 7 p.m., Comcast PS`b O\R BV][Oa @VSbb % ^ [ 1][QOab 745-3000 %"# ! Center, Mansfield, Mass. $20 to $81.50. 1S\bS` ;O\a¿SZR ;Oaa b] & # Oct. 20 - The Presets, 7 p.m., House of =Qb ³ BVS >`SaSba % ^ [ 6]caS ]T Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Blues, Boston. $20. Livenation.com; (800) 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & Sept. 22 ³ 2]e\ eWbV EO`PSOab O\R 6OO`^ - Down with Warbeast and Haarp, %"# ! AS^b 745-3000 8:15 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25. &( # ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # Oct. 20 - Primus in 3D, 8 p.m., Or=Qb ³ >`W[ca W\ !2 & ^ [ =` Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! pheum Theatre, Boston. $35 to $47.50. ^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# b] "% # Sept. 23 - David Byrne with St. Vincent, AS^b ! ³ 2OdWR 0g`\S eWbV Ab DW\QS\b Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ Oct. 21 - Melissa Etheridge, 7:30 p.m., Or=Qb ³ ;SZWaaO 3bVS`WRUS %(! ^ [ =` $39.50 to $59.50. Livenation.com; !' # b] #' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) pheum Theatre, Boston. $36.25 to $101.25. ^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !$ # b] # (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 23 - Tyga, Kirko Bangz, Iggy Azalea, AS^b ! ³ BgUO 9W`Y] 0O\Uh 7UUg /hOZSO Oct. 21 - Rob Zombie and Marilyn Man=Qb ³ @]P H][PWS O\R ;O`WZg\ ;O\ Sterling Simms and Jinsu, 8 p.m.., House of a]\ %(! ^ [ DS`Wh]\ EW`SZSaa /`S\O AbS`ZW\U AW[[a O\R 8W\ac & ^ [ 6]caS ]T son, 7:30 p.m., Verizon Wireless Arena, Blues, Boston. $30 to $45. Livenation.com; ;O\QVSabS` < 6 !' # b] "' # 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! b] "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) Manchester, N.H. $39.50 to $49.50. (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 24 - Peter Gabriel, 8 p.m., TD AS^b " ³ >SbS` 5OP`WSZ & ^ [ B2 Oct. 23 - Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson, =Qb ! ³ @]P H][PWS O\R ;O`WZg\ ;O\a]\ Garden, Boston. $53.10 to $166.10. 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ #! b] $$ 7:30 p.m., Agganis Arena, Boston. $39.50 %(! ^ [ /UUO\Wa /`S\O 0]ab]\ !' # Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 27 - Kenny Wayne Shepherd, 7:30 AS^b % ³ 9S\\g EOg\S AVS^VS`R %(! Oct. 24 - Rush, 7:30 p.m., TD Garden, Bos=Qb " ³ @caV %(! ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ 0]a p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $47.20 to ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "% b] ton. $63.35 to $142.60. Ticketmaster.com; b]\ $! !# b] " $ BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) $55.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! ## BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 Sept. 28 - Brian Regan, 7:30 p.m., WilAS^b & ³ 0`WO\ @SUO\ %(! ^ [ EWZ Oct. 25 - The xx with Chairlift, 8 p.m., =Qb # ³ BVS ff eWbV 1VOW`ZWTb & ^ [ bur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to $66.70. Pc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ #" % b] $$ % House of Blues, Boston. $30 to $45. 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! b] "# Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Sept. 28 - Beth Orton, 7:30 p.m., SomerAS^b & ³ 0SbV =`b]\ %(! ^ [ A][S` Oct. 26 - Major Lazer, 8 p.m., House of =Qb $ ³ ;OX]` :OhS` & ^ [ 6]caS ]T ville Theatre, Somerville, Mass. $25. dWZZS BVSOb`S A][S`dWZZS ;Oaa # Blues, Boston. $25. Livenation.com; (800) 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! 745-3000 %"# ! Sept. 28 - A$ap Rocky, Schoolboy Q, Dan- =Qb AS^b & ³ / O^ @]QYg AQV]]ZP]g ? 2O\ Oct. 26 - Keb' Mo' Band, 8 p.m., Wil$ ³ 9SP¸ ;]¸ 0O\R & ^ [ EWZ ny Brown and A$ap Mob, 8 p.m., House of \g 0`]e\ O\R / O^ ;]P & ^ [ 6]caS ]T bur Theatre, Boston. $41.70 to $55.20. Pc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ " % b] ## Blues, Boston. $23 to $35. Livenation.com; 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Oct. 27 - The Maine and Mayday Parade, =Qb % ³ BVS ;OW\S O\R ;OgROg >O`ORS Sept. 29 - Who's Bad: The Ultimate Michael $(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ AS^b ' ³ EV]¸a 0OR( BVS CZbW[ObS ;WQVOSZ 6:30 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $20. Jackson Tribute, 7 p.m., House of Blues, 8OQYa]\ B`WPcbS % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Boston. $20 to $30. Livenation.com; (800) =Qb 0]ab]\ b] ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & Oct. 27 - Huey Lewis and the News, 8 p.m., % ³ 6cSg :SeWa O\R bVS <Sea & ^ [ 745-3000 %"# ! Casino Ballroom, Hampton Beach, N.H. 1OaW\] 0OZZ`]][ 6O[^b]\ 0SOQV < 6 Sept. 29 - Brian Regan, 9:45 p.m., WilAS^b ' ³ 0`WO\ @SUO\ '("# ^ [ EWZ $44.95 to $80. Ticketmaster.com; (800) "" '# b] & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & bur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to $66.70. Pc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ #" % b] $$ % 745-3000 %"# ! Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 30 - Social Distortion with Lindi =Qb ! ³ A]QWOZ 2Wab]`bW]\ eWbV :W\RW Oct. 2 ³ >c\QV 0`]bVS`a %(! ^ [ - Punch Brothers, 7:30 p.m., =Qb Ortega, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $30 =`bSUO & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $28. BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 & to $45. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Oct. 31 - Pretty Lights: The Illumination =Qb ! ³ >`Sbbg :WUVba( BVS 7ZZc[W\ObW]\ Oct. 4 - Bob Newhart, 7:30 p.m., The =Qb " ³ 0]P <SeVO`b %(! ^ [ BVS Tour, 7 p.m., TD Garden, Boston. $29.50 to B]c` % ^ [ B2 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ ' # b] Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $66 to $72. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 $$ b] % $69.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 $' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. Oct. 9 BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " =Qb ' Nov. 3 - Joshua Radin and A Fine Frenzy, <]d ! ³ 8]aVcO @ORW\ O\R / 4W\S 4`S\hg Oct. 4 - Heart with Alejandro Escovedo, =Qb " ³ 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`] 3aQ]dSR] 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $25 to %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ # b] 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $45 %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "# $39.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! to $65. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] $# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 8 - Justin Townes Earle, 7:30 p.m., <]d & ³ 8cabW\ B]e\Sa 3O`ZS %(! ^ [ Oct. 4 - Blue October, 8 p.m., House =Qb " ³ 0ZcS =Qb]PS` & ^ [ 6]caS The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $20 to BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 b] of Blues, Boston. $22.50 to $32.50. ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] ! # Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. $25.# BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Nov. 9 - The Script, 7:30 p.m., Agganis <]d ' ³ BVS AQ`W^b %(! ^ [ /UUO\Wa Oct. 5 - Ben Harper, 7:30 p.m., Boston =Qb # ³ 0S\ 6O`^S` %(! ^ [ 0]ab]\ Arena, Boston. $35. Livenation.com; (800) /`S\O 0]ab]\ !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & Opera House. $40 to $75. Livenation.com; =^S`O 6]caS " b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) 745-3000 %"# ! (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nov. 15 - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, <]d # ³ ;OQYZS[]`S O\R @gO\ :SeWa Oct. 5 - Alabama Shakes with Fly Golden =Qb # ³ /ZOPO[O AVOYSa eWbV 4Zg 5]ZRS\ 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $20. & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Eagle, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 3OUZS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 Nov. 16 - Matt and Kim, 8 p.m., House of b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! <]d $ ³ ;Obb O\R 9W[ & ^ [ 6]caS ]T Oct. 5 - Medeski Martin & Wood, Blues, Boston. $22 b] ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][ to $30. Livenation.com =Qb # ³ ;SRSaYW ;O`bW\ E]]R 0ZcSa 0]ab]\

Jennifer 8S\\WTS` Garner and 5O`\S` O\R CJ Adams 18 /RO[a in "The W\ ÂľBVS Odd Life =RR :WTS of Timothy ]T BW[]bVg Green." 5`SS\ Âś


BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E26 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 $

a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long O [WRRZS OUSR Q]c^ZS ObbS\Ra O\ W\bS\aS eSSY Z]\U counseling session to work on their relationship. Q]c\aSZW\U aSaaW]\ b] e]`Y ]\ bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 1:30, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR (! 4, 6:50, 9:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 12:30, " $(# '( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR (! 3:30, 6:50, 9:20; Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South Port!(! $(# '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV >]`b land) Fri-Wed 11:40, 2:15,4:45, 7:15, 9:40; Cinemagic ZO\R 4`W ESR (" ( # "("# %( # '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ Saco Thurs-Wed 12, 7:10, 9:25; Cinemagic AOQ] BVc`a ESR 2:15,4:30, ( # "(! %( '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50,2:10,4:30, 7:10,9:30; ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (# ( "(! %( '(! ) Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues 1:15, 4, 6:55, 9:15 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa ( # " $(## '( #

town from a centuries-old curse. b]e\ T`][ O QS\bc`WSa ]ZR Qc`aS Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 1:20,4:20, 7:05, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ( "( %( # 9:15 Fri-Wed 1:25,4:20, 7:05, 9:15; Nordica (Free'( # 4`W ESR ( # "( %( # '( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS port) Thurs-Wed 12:15, (3D), 4:45, 7 (3D), 9:10; ^]`b BVc`a ESR ( # 2:30 (! !2 "("# % !2 '( ) Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South Portland) Fri-Tues 11:50 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W BcSa (# (3D), 2:15, 4:40, 7:20, 9:30 (3D) Wed 11:50 (3D), 2:15, !2 ( # "(" %( '(! !2 ESR (# !2 ( # 4:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:20 (3D), 2:30, 4:40 "(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( !2 (! "(" (3D), 1,9:10 (3D); Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed !2 % '( !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 11:40, 2 !2 "( (3D), 4:20 (3D), 7 (3D), 9:15; Brunswick 10 Fri (" !2 % !2 '( #) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W Tues 1:40, 4:20 (3D), 6:50, 9:55 (3D) BcSa (" "( !2 $(# '(## !2

"RUBY SPARKS" (R) (1:34) Stars Paul Dano, Zoe Âľ@C0G A>/@9AÂś @ (!" AbO`a >OcZ 2O\] H]S Kazan and Annette Bening. Directed by Jonathan 9OhO\ O\R /\\SbbS 0S\W\U 2W`SQbSR Pg 8]\ObVO\ Dayton and Valerie Paris. A novelist struggling with 2Ogb]\ O\R DOZS`WS 4O`Wa / \]dSZWab ab`cUUZW\U eWbV writer's block finds romance in a most unusual way: e`WbS`¸a PZ]QY Âż\Ra `][O\QS W\ O []ab c\cacOZ eOg( "ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT" (PG) (1:34) Stars Âľ713 /53( 1=<B7<3<B/: 2@74BÂś >5 (!" AbO`a by creating a female character he thinks will love him, Pg Q`SObW\U O TS[OZS QVO`OQbS` VS bVW\Ya eWZZ Z]dS VW[ Ray Romano, Denis Leary, John Leguizamo and Aziz @Og @][O\] 2S\Wa :SO`g 8]V\ :SUcWhO[] O\R /hWh then willing her into existence. bVS\ eWZZW\U VS` W\b] SfWabS\QS Ansari. Directed by Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier. /\aO`W 2W`SQbSR Pg AbSdS ;O`bW\] O\R ;WYS BVc`[SWS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1,4:15,7, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a "( # % Manny, Diego, and Sid embark upon another adventure '( # 4`W ESR $(! ) 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY 4`W Ac\ ;O\\g 2WSU] O\R AWR S[PO`Y c^]\ O\]bVS` ORdS\bc`S 9:15 Fri-Wed 1, 6:30; Eveningstar (Brunswick) Fri-Sun after their continent is set adrift. Using an iceberg as a OTbS` bVSW` Q]\bW\S\b Wa aSb OR`WTb CaW\U O\ WQSPS`U Oa O 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 Mon-Wed 1:30,4, 6:30 (! " $(! ' ;]\ ESR (! " $(! ship, they encounter sea creatures and battle pirates as aVW^ bVSg S\Q]c\bS` aSO Q`SObc`Sa O\R PObbZS ^W`ObSa Oa they explore a new world. bVSg Sf^Z]`S O \Se e]`ZR "SPARKLE" (PG) (1:56) Stars Jordin Sparks, Carmen ÂľA>/@9:3Âś >5 (#$ AbO`a 8]`RW\ A^O`Ya 1O`[S\ Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 1:15,4:05; AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ( # "( #) Ejogo, Whitney Houston and Derek Luke. Directed by 3X]U] EVWb\Sg 6]cab]\ O\R 2S`SY :cYS 2W`SQbSR Pg Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:10, Cinemagic 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( 2:15,4:30; ( # "(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ Salim Akil. Set in the 1960s, three sisters form a girl AOZW[ /YWZ ASb W\ bVS '$ a bV`SS aWabS`a T]`[ O UW`Z Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:30,1:50, 4:10, 6:45, 9:10 ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (! (# "( $("# '( group and soon become Motown sensations, but fame U`]c^ O\R a]]\ PSQ][S ;]b]e\ aS\aObW]\a Pcb TO[S "MOONRISE KINGDOM" (PG-13) (1:34) Stars Jared Âľ;==<@7A3 97<52=;Âś >5 ! (!" AbO`a 8O`SR Gilman, Kara Hayward and Bruce Willis. Directed by 5WZ[O\ 9O`O 6OgeO`R O\R 0`cQS EWZZWa 2W`SQbSR Pg Wes Anderson. A pair of young lovers flee their New ESa /\RS`a]\ / ^OW` ]T g]c\U Z]dS`a Ă€SS bVSW` <Se England town, which causes a local search party to fan 3\UZO\R b]e\ eVWQV QOcaSa O Z]QOZ aSO`QV ^O`bg b] TO\ out and find them. ]cb O\R Âż\R bVS[ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 2:40 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR (" "NITRO CIRCUS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Travis Pastrana, Âľ<7B@= 17@1CAÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a B`OdWa >Oab`O\O Jolene Van Vugt and Tommy Passemante. Directed by 8]ZS\S DO\ DcUb O\R B][[g >OaaS[O\bS 2W`SQbSR Pg Gregg Godfrey and Jeremy Rawle. Travis Pastrana and 5`SUU 5]RT`Sg O\R 8S`S[g @OeZS B`OdWa >Oab`O\O O\R his highly-skilled, adrenaline-addicted friends bring VWa VWUVZg aYWZZSR OR`S\OZW\S ORRWQbSR T`WS\Ra P`W\U their impossible, insane and hysterical adventures to bVSW` W[^]aaWPZS W\aO\S O\R VgabS`WQOZ ORdS\bc`Sa b] the big screen for the first time. bVS PWU aQ`SS\ T]` bVS Âż`ab bW[S Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs (all 3D) AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a OZZ !2 4:30, 6:50, 9:20 12:10, ( 2:20, ( "(! $(# '( "THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN" (PG) (1:40) ÂľB63 =22 :743 =4 B7;=B6G 5@33<Âś >5 (" Stars Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton and CJ Adams. AbO`a 8S\\WTS` 5O`\S` 8]SZ 3RUS`b]\ O\R 18 /RO[a Directed by Peter Hedges. A childless couple bury a 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS` 6SRUSa / QVWZRZSaa Q]c^ZS Pc`g O box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for P]f W\ bVSW` POQYgO`R Q]\bOW\W\U OZZ ]T bVSW` eWaVSa T]` an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green O\ W\TO\b A]]\ O QVWZR Wa P]`\ bV]cUV BW[]bVg 5`SS\ is not all that he appears. Wa \]b OZZ bVOb VS O^^SO`a Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs-Wed 1,4:25, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a ESR "( # 7:10, 9:35; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Wed 1, 4:15, 6:40, %( '(!#) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ESR "( # $(" 9; Cinemagic Clarks Pond (South Portland) Fri-Wed ') 1W\S[OUWQ 1ZO`Ya >]\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR 11:50, 2:20,4:45, 7:10, 9:40; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed (# ( "("# %( '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:25,4:45,7:10,9:30; ( # "("# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a Wed 11:45, 2:10,4:40, 7:15, 9:45; Brunswick 10 Fri-Tues ESR ("# ( "(" %( # '("#) 0`c\aeWQY 4`W BcSa 1:10,3:40,7:15,9:45 ( !(" %( # '("# "PARANORMAN" (PG) (1:33) Stars Kodi SmitÂľ>/@/<=@;/<Âś >5 (!! AbO`a 9]RW A[Wb McPhee, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and ;Q>VSS /\\O 9S\R`WQY 1V`Wab]^VS` ;W\bh >ZOaaS O\R Tucker Albrizzi. Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell. BcQYS` /ZP`WhhW 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wa 0cbZS` O\R AO[ 4SZZ A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead / [Wac\RS`ab]]R P]g eV] QO\ a^SOY eWbV bVS RSOR takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his bOYSa ]\ UV]aba h][PWSa O\R U`]e\ c^a b] aOdS VWa

becomes a challenge as the close-knit family begins to PSQ][Sa O QVOZZS\US Oa bVS QZ]aS Y\Wb TO[WZg PSUW\a b] fall apart. TOZZ O^O`b Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Tues 12:30,3:30, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a BcSa (! !(! 6:55, 9:25 Wed 6:55, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs$(## '( # ESR $(## '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a Tues 12:10, 3:20, 6:50, 9:30 Wed 12:10, 3:20, 9:30 BcSa ( !( $(# '(! ESR ( !( '(! "TED" (R) (1:36) Stars Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, ÂľB32Âś @ (!$ AbO`a ;O`Y EOVZPS`U ;WZO 9c\Wa Seth MacFarlane and Joel McHale. Directed by Seth ASbV ;OQ4O`ZO\S O\R 8]SZ ;Q6OZS 2W`SQbSR Pg ASbV MacFarlane. A story centered on a man and his teddy ;OQ4O`ZO\S / ab]`g QS\bS`SR ]\ O [O\ O\R VWa bSRRg bear, who comes to life as the result of a childhood PSO` eV] Q][Sa b] ZWTS Oa bVS `SacZb ]T O QVWZRV]]R wish. eWaV Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 7:10, 9:35; AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR %( '(!#) Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50,2:20,4:40, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR (# ( "(" 7:20,9:50 %( '(# "TO ROME WITH LOVE" (R) (1:42) AbO`a E]]Rg Stars Woody ÂľB= @=;3 E7B6 :=D3Âś @ (" Allen, Penelope Cruz and Jesse Eisenberg. Directed by /ZZS\ >S\SZ]^S 1`ch O\R 8SaaS 3WaS\PS`U 2W`SQbSR Pg Woody Allen. A look at the lives of some visitors and E]]Rg /ZZS\ / Z]]Y Ob bVS ZWdSa ]T a][S dWaWb]`a O\R residents of Rome and the sparks of romance, adven`SaWRS\ba ]T @][S O\R bVS a^O`Ya ]T `][O\QS ORdS\ ture and predicaments they encounter. bc`S O\R ^`SRWQO[S\ba bVSg S\Q]c\bS` Showing at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) Thurs 1:30,4, AV]eW\U Ob( 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (! " 6:30 $(! "TOTAL RECALL" (PG-13) (1:52) AbO`a 1]ZW\ 4O``SZZ Stars Colin Farrell, ÂľB=B/: @31/::Âś >5 ! (# Bokeem Woodbine, Bryan Cranston and Kate Beckin0]YSS[ E]]RPW\S 0`gO\ 1`O\ab]\ O\R 9ObS 0SQYW\ sale. Directed by Len Wiseman. A factory worker susaOZS 2W`SQbSR Pg :S\ EWaS[O\ / TOQb]`g e]`YS` aca pects that he is a spy after visiting Rekall - a company ^SQba bVOb VS Wa O a^g OTbS` dWaWbW\U @SYOZZ Âł O Q][^O\g that provides clients with implanted fake memories of bVOb ^`]dWRSa QZWS\ba eWbV W[^ZO\bSR TOYS [S[]`WSa ]T a life they would like to have led. But something goes O ZWTS bVSg e]cZR ZWYS b] VOdS ZSR 0cb a][SbVW\U U]Sa wrong and he finds himself on the run. e`]\U O\R VS Âż\Ra VW[aSZT ]\ bVS `c\ Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Tues 7,9:30 Wed AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a BcSa % '(! ESR 9; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Tues 12,3:10,7,9:50 Wed ') 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y 4`W BcSa !( % '(# ESR 9:50 12, '(#

- From news services; subject to change Âł 4`][ \Sea aS`dWQSa) acPXSQb b] QVO\US

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