GO Portland Press Herald, Oct. 4, 2012

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OCTOBER 4, 2012



at the State

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She ain’t heavy Wife Carrying Page 22


GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3E2 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

# /-% ( /-% 4/ .*/. 3 COME HOME TO ! ANJON'S &INE )TALIAN #UISINE #HOICE 3TEAKS Fine Italian Cuisine, Choice Steaks &RESH -AINE 3EAFOOD & Fresh Maine Seafood

Famous for Stuffed Breads &AMOUS FOR 3TUFFED "READS and Award'Winning Pasta Sauces AND !WARD 7INNING 0ASTA 3AUCES YOUR /52 9 CHOICE (/)#% #



&)3( FISH 0,!44%2 PLATTER q (ADDOCK • Haddock q 3HRIMP • Shrimp q #LAMS • Clams

Valid with purchase of any beverage.

WITH FRENCH FRIES with french fries COLE SLAW & cole slaw

October Specials

TWIN LOBSTER 47). ,/"34%2 ROLLS 2/,,3

with chips or fries & pickle WITH CHIPS OR FRIES PICKLE

9 /52 YOUR # ( /)#% CHOICE



BEV ERAGE beverage.

with lemon and drawn butter. WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER Choice of potato or pasta #HOICE OF POTATO OR PASTA with lemon and drawn butter, WITH LEMON AND DRAWN BUTTER french fries & cole slaw FRENCH FRIES COLE SLAW


3ERVED WITH SAVORY !U JUS POTATO OR PASTA Served with savory AuAND STEAMED BROCCOLI jus, potato or pasta and steamed broccoli




GIGANTIC CUT ')'!.4)# #54 , 24 OUNCE PRIME RIB /5.#% 02)-% 2)"

BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3!

E4 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, O c t o b e r 4, 2012 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

=fi k_\ ]\Xi ]XZkfi Xe[ k_\ For the fear factor and the ]le ]XZkj# kip fe\ f] k_\j\ fun facts, try one of these



nnn%gi\jj_\iXc[%Zfd&c`]\&^f ?FD< @E FE N?8KĂ‹J ?8GG<E@E> HOME IN ON WHAT'S HAPPENING

FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local and =8:< K?< DLJ@:1 C`m\# cfZXc Xe[ beyond, AimselPonti brings you Y\pfe[# 8`dj\c Gfek` Yi`e^j pfl music with a Maine backbeat. dlj`Z n`k_ X DX`e\ YXZbY\Xk% LIKE US: For all your C@B< LJ1 =fi Xcc pfli entertainment planning \ek\ikX`ed\ek gcXee`e^ needs, find us on Facebook at: e\\[j# Ôe[ lj fe =XZ\Yffb Xk1 www.Facebook.com/pphgo nnn%=XZ\Yffb%Zfd&gg_^f

Rod Harmon If[ ?Xidfe From the Editor =ifd k_\ <[`kfi

MAINE A LA CAR... D8@E< 8 C8 :8IK<1 Meredith Goad and Avery D\i\[`k_ >fX[ Xe[ 8m\ip Yale Kamila have the dish PXc\ BXd`cX _Xm\ k_\ [`j_ on food and drink. fe ]ff[ Xe[ [i`eb%

music nightlife dlj`ZXe[e`^_kc`]\ Regina Spektor/E5 • Making Noise: Toughcats/E6 • Tix/E7 • CD review: @SUW\O A^SYb]` 3# N ;OYW\U <]WaS( B]cUVQOba 3$ N BWf 3% N 12 `SdWSe( The Strangely Possibles' "Junkyard Stew"/E8 • Listings/E9 BVS Ab`O\USZg >]aaWPZSa¸ Âľ8c\YgO`R AbSeÂś 3& N :WabW\Ua 3'

EB<EN<<E@ 8 I ĂŠ= I<M@<N #


the k_\dfm`\j


"Frankenweenie" proves ghoulishly charming/E13 ¾4`O\YS\eSS\WSœ ^`]dSa UV]cZWaVZg QVO`[W\U 3 ! • Dennis Perkins on the Portland Maine Film N 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a ]\ bVS >]`bZO\R ;OW\S 4WZ[ Festival/E14 • 4SabWdOZ 3 " N

EU ' <(*

cal ZXc\e[Xi 10 DAYS OF COOL EVENTS/E 2/GA =4 1==: 3D3<BA 3

art theater XikXe[k_\Xk\i COVER STORY: Cirque du Sol 1=D3@ AB=@G( 1W`_cS Rc A]Z brings "Saltimbanco" to town, P`W\Ua ¾AOZbW[PO\Q]œ b] b]e\ E17 • Listings/E18 3 % N :WabW\Ua 3 &

dining drink [`e`e^Xe[[i`eb Eat and Run: Teriyaki 3Ob O\R @c\( BS`WgOYW Exchange/E19 • Atwell on 3fQVO\US 3 ' N /beSZZ ]\ beers from away/E20 • Bar PSS`a T`][ OeOg 3 N 0O` Guide: Dock Fore/E20 5cWRS( 2]QY 4]`S 3

cetera \kZ\k\iX Hungry for a kitchen tour?/E2 6c\U`g T]` O YWbQVS\ b]c`- 3 • Off Beat: North Atlantic Wif N =TT 0SOb( <]`bV /bZO\bWQ EWT Carrying Championship/E22 1O``gW\U 1VO[^W]\aVW^ 3


BMMPXFFO JT NZ GBWPSJUF IPMJEBZ /PU POMZ JT JU BO FYDVTF alloween is my favorite holiday. Not only is it an excuse to dress up in costume and scare the living bejesus UP ESFTT VQ JO DPTUVNF BOE TDBSF UIF MJWJOH CFKFTVT out of someone without getting a visit from the cops, it PVU PG TPNFPOF XJUIPVU HFUUJOH B WJTJU GSPN UIF DPQT JU provides ample opportunity to take ghost tours in one of the QSPWJEFT BNQMF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP UBLF HIPTU UPVST JO POF PG UIF most haunted regions of the United States. NPTU IBVOUFE SFHJPOT PG UIF 6OJUFE 4UBUFT Given that New England was one of the first areas of the (JWFO UIBU /FX &OHMBOE XBT POF PG UIF mSTU BSFBT PG UIF U.S. to be colonized, it's rife with centuries-old houses, 6 4 UP CF DPMPOJ[FE JU T SJGF XJUI DFOUVSJFT PME IPVTFT crumbling forts, sunken ships and old cemeteries that are DSVNCMJOH GPSUT TVOLFO TIJQT BOE PME DFNFUFSJFT UIBU BSF supposedly filled with restless spirits. And the best way TVQQPTFEMZ mMMFE XJUI SFTUMFTT TQJSJUT "OE UIF CFTU XBZ to explore them is with a guided ghost tour that provides UP FYQMPSF UIFN JT XJUI B HVJEFE HIPTU UPVS UIBU QSPWJEFT macabre historical facts not often found NBDBCSF IJTUPSJDBM GBDUT OPU PGUFO GPVOE in textbooks while giving you a good JO UFYUCPPLT XIJMF HJWJOH ZPV B HPPE old-fashioned Halloween fright. PME GBTIJPOFE )BMMPXFFO GSJHIU Here are some ghost tours coming up )FSF BSF TPNF HIPTU UPVST DPNJOH VQ in southern Maine this month. There JO TPVUIFSO .BJOF UIJT NPOUI 5IFSF are sure to be more that have yet to be BSF TVSF UP CF NPSF UIBU IBWF ZFU UP CF announced, so check back each week in BOOPVODFE TP DIFDL CBDL FBDI XFFL JO GO for the latest haunted happenings. (0 GPS UIF MBUFTU IBVOUFE IBQQFOJOHT WICKED WALKING TOURS will 8*$,&% 8"-,*/( 50634 XJMM kick off its Halloween ghost tours LJDL PGG JUT )BMMPXFFO HIPTU UPVST this Friday and Saturday, continuing UIJT 'SJEBZ BOE 4BUVSEBZ DPOUJOVJOH through Oct. 31. Guides take patrons on UISPVHI 0DU (VJEFT UBLF QBUSPOT PO a one-hour, less than half-mile walking B POF IPVS MFTT UIBO IBMG NJMF XBMLJOH tour through the Old Port and other purportedly haunted UPVS UISPVHI UIF 0ME 1PSU BOE PUIFS QVSQPSUFEMZ IBVOUFE sites in downtown Portland. It's also family-friendly, so feel TJUFT JO EPXOUPXO 1PSUMBOE *U T BMTP GBNJMZ GSJFOEMZ TP GFFM free to bring the kids along. GSFF UP CSJOH UIF LJET BMPOH This is one of the most popular ghost tours in southern 5IJT JT POF PG UIF NPTU QPQVMBS HIPTU UPVST JO TPVUIFSO Maine, and advance ticket purchases are required. Prices .BJOF BOE BEWBODF UJDLFU QVSDIBTFT BSF SFRVJSFE 1SJDFT are $16 for adults, $13 for seniors, and $11 for children ages BSF GPS BEVMUT GPS TFOJPST BOE GPS DIJMESFO BHFT 12 and under. Daytime and nighttime tours are available. BOE VOEFS %BZUJNF BOE OJHIUUJNF UPVST BSF BWBJMBCMF Call (888) 718-4253 or visit wickedwalkingtours.com for $BMM PS WJTJU XJDLFEXBMLJOHUPVST DPN GPS information. JOGPSNBUJPO SPIRITS ALIVE will present "Walk Among the Shad41*3*54 "-*7& XJMM QSFTFOU i8BML "NPOH UIF 4IBE ows," its annual Halloween ghost tour of Portland's Eastern PXT w JUT BOOVBM )BMMPXFFO HIPTU UPVS PG 1PSUMBOE T &BTUFSO Cemetery, Oct. 18-20 and Oct. 25-27. Actors portray people $FNFUFSZ 0DU BOE 0DU "DUPST QPSUSBZ QFPQMF buried in the city's oldest cemetery, which include everyone CVSJFE JO UIF DJUZ T PMEFTU DFNFUFSZ XIJDI JODMVEF FWFSZPOF from opposing War of 1812 ship captains to victims of the GSPN PQQPTJOH 8BS PG TIJQ DBQUBJOT UP WJDUJNT PG UIF great fire of 1866. And because this cemetery, which was HSFBU mSF PG "OE CFDBVTF UIJT DFNFUFSZ XIJDI XBT established in 1668, is usually closed to the public, it's one of FTUBCMJTIFE JO JT VTVBMMZ DMPTFE UP UIF QVCMJD JU T POF PG only a few chances you'll have to visit. POMZ B GFX DIBODFT ZPV MM IBWF UP WJTJU My family took one of these tours a couple of years ago, .Z GBNJMZ UPPL POF PG UIFTF UPVST B DPVQMF PG ZFBST BHP and it was well worth the price of admission ($10 for adults; BOE JU XBT XFMM XPSUI UIF QSJDF PG BENJTTJPO GPS BEVMUT $5 for children under age 12). Tours begin at 6:30 p.m. This GPS DIJMESFO VOEFS BHF 5PVST CFHJO BU Q N 5IJT year's theme is "On Land and at Sea - Portland in the War ZFBS T UIFNF JT i0O -BOE BOE BU 4FB o 1PSUMBOE JO UIF 8BS of 1812." PG w If you'd rather be a tour guide than a tour taker, Spirits *G ZPV E SBUIFS CF B UPVS HVJEF UIBO B UPVS UBLFS 4QJSJUT Alive is currently seeking volunteers to be "specters." Go to "MJWF JT DVSSFOUMZ TFFLJOH WPMVOUFFST UP CF iTQFDUFST w (P UP spiritsalive.org for information. TQJSJUTBMJWF PSH GPS JOGPSNBUJPO THE HAUNTING at Parsonsfield Seminary is more of a 5)& )"6/5*/( BU 1BSTPOTmFME 4FNJOBSZ JT NPSF PG B traditional haunted house attraction than a ghost tour, but USBEJUJPOBM IBVOUFE IPVTF BUUSBDUJPO UIBO B HIPTU UPVS CVU as there have been purported sightings of actual paranorBT UIFSF IBWF CFFO QVSQPSUFE TJHIUJOHT PG BDUVBM QBSBOPS mal activity at the 19th-century former Free Will Baptist NBM BDUJWJUZ BU UIF UI DFOUVSZ GPSNFS 'SFF 8JMM #BQUJTU school, you'll never know what you'll see while stumbling TDIPPM ZPV MM OFWFS LOPX XIBU ZPV MM TFF XIJMF TUVNCMJOH around its dark corridors. BSPVOE JUT EBSL DPSSJEPST The Haunting is open 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Oct. 19-20 and Oct. 5IF )BVOUJOH JT PQFO UP Q N 0DU BOE 0DU 26-27. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children ages "ENJTTJPO JT GPS BEVMUT BOE GPS DIJMESFO BHFT 12 and under. The seminary is located at Route 160 and 504 BOE VOEFS 5IF TFNJOBSZ JT MPDBUFE BU 3PVUF BOE North Road in North Parsonsfield. Parental discretion is /PSUI 3PBE JO /PSUI 1BSTPOTmFME 1BSFOUBM EJTDSFUJPO JT advised. Call 793-8825 for information. BEWJTFE $BMM GPS JOGPSNBUJPO THE BRICKSTORE MUSEUM in Kennebunk will host 5)& #3*$,4503& .64&6. JO ,FOOFCVOL XJMM IPTU its annual All Souls Walk on one day only, Oct. 27. Costumed JUT BOOVBM "MM 4PVMT 8BML PO POF EBZ POMZ 0DU $PTUVNFE guides will take visitors on a tour of Hope Cemetery and HVJEFT XJMM UBLF WJTJUPST PO B UPVS PG )PQF $FNFUFSZ BOE regale them with the often tragic tales of the people buried SFHBMF UIFN XJUI UIF PGUFO USBHJD UBMFT PG UIF QFPQMF CVSJFE there. This family-friendly tour concludes with refreshUIFSF 5IJT GBNJMZ GSJFOEMZ UPVS DPODMVEFT XJUI SFGSFTI ments in the museum. NFOUT JO UIF NVTFVN Tours begin at 1 p.m. and end at 4 p.m., and cost $10 per 5PVST CFHJO BU Q N BOE FOE BU Q N BOE DPTU QFS person ($30 maximum per family). An All Soul's Dinner QFSTPO NBYJNVN QFS GBNJMZ "O "MM 4PVM T %JOOFS will follow at Duffy's Tavern & Grill at 7 p.m. for an adXJMM GPMMPX BU %VGGZ T 5BWFSO (SJMM BU Q N GPS BO BE ditional $25 per person. You do not need to take the tour EJUJPOBM QFS QFSTPO :PV EP OPU OFFE UP UBLF UIF UPVS to attend the dinner or vice versa. Call 985-4802 or visit UP BUUFOE UIF EJOOFS PS WJDF WFSTB $BMM PS WJTJU brickstoremuseum.org. CSJDLTUPSFNVTFVN PSH

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Wa O ^cPZWQObW]\ ]T ;OW\SB]ROg ;SRWO 7\Q eVWQV ^cPZWaVSa bVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily 6S`OZR ;OW\S Ac\ROg BSZSU`O[ 9S\\SPSQ 8]c`\OZ O\R ;]`\W\U AS\bW\SZ ROWZg newspapers, the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. \Sea^O^S`a bVS eSSYZg 1]OabOZ 8]c`\OZ W\ 0ObV O\R bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS eSPaWbSa EXECUTIVE EDITOR 3F31CB7D3 327B=@ Cliff Schechtman 1ZWTT AQVSQVb[O\ MANAGING EDITOR ;/</57<5 327B=@ Steve Greenlee AbSdS 5`SS\ZSS

in advance to Go Calendar, W\ ORdO\QS b] 5] 1OZS\RO` One City Center, Portland, =\S 1Wbg 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R ME 04101-5009 or e-mail to ;3 " # ' ]` S [OWZ b] go@pressherald.com U].^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

GO EDITOR 5= 327B=@ Rod Harmon, 791-6450 @]R 6O`[]\ %' $"# rharmon@ `VO`[]\. pressherald.com ^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

TO LIST EVENTS B= :7AB 3D3<BA Send materials two weeks AS\R [ObS`WOZa be] eSSYa

TO ADVERTISE: B= /2D3@B7A3( Call 791-6200 1OZZ %' $

COVER DESIGN 1=D3@ 23A75< Sally Tyrrell AOZZg Bg``SZZ

Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 791-6450 or at: 2S^cbg ;O\OUW\U 3RWb]` @]R 6O`[]\ [Og PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"# ]` Ob( rharmon(a)pressherald. com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RHarmonPPH BeWbbS`( @6O`[]\>>6


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E5 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3#

In May, 7\ ;Og Regina @SUW\O Spektor A^SYb]` released `SZSOaSR "What We ÂľEVOb ES Saw From AOe 4`][ the Cheap bVS 1VSO^ Seats," ASOba Âś which eVWQV entered the S\bS`SR bVS Billboard 0WZZP]O`R charts QVO`ba at No. 3. Ob <] !

I<>@E8 JG< The State Theatre hosts the BVS AbObS BVSOb`S V]aba bVS singer-songwriter in a return aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` W\ O `Sbc`\ visit to Portland on Monday. dWaWb b] >]`bZO\R ]\ ;]\ROg By AIMSEL PONTI #Z "*.4&- 10/5*


StoffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS

his past summer, IJT QBTU TVNNFS singer-songwriter and TJOHFS TPOHXSJUFS BOE pianist Regina Spektor QJBOJTU 3FHJOB 4QFLUPS traveled back to her USBWFMFE CBDL UP IFS birthplace of Moscow CJSUIQMBDF PG .PTDPX for the first time since GPS UIF mSTU UJNF TJODF she left 23 years ago. TIF MFGU ZFBST BHP "I was there really to i* XBT UIFSF SFBMMZ UP be there with my mom CF UIFSF XJUI NZ NPN and my husband and BOE NZ IVTCBOE BOE to see where we're from and to UP TFF XIFSF XF SF GSPN BOE UP visit childhood," said Spektor, 32, in WJTJU DIJMEIPPE w TBJE 4QFLUPS JO a recent phone interview. "It was B SFDFOU QIPOF JOUFSWJFX i*U XBT almost like a pilgrimage, and we BMNPTU MJLF B QJMHSJNBHF BOE XF visited special places of our lives." WJTJUFE TQFDJBM QMBDFT PG PVS MJWFT w Spektor's arrival in her home 4QFLUPS T BSSJWBM JO IFS IPNF country occurred at the same time DPVOUSZ PDDVSSFE BU UIF TBNF UJNF Russia's justice system was coming 3VTTJB T KVTUJDF TZTUFN XBT DPNJOH under close scrutiny for the jailing VOEFS DMPTF TDSVUJOZ GPS UIF KBJMJOH of the feminist punk band Pussy PG UIF GFNJOJTU QVOL CBOE 1VTTZ Riot. 3JPU Three members of the band were 5ISFF NFNCFST PG UIF CBOE XFSF charged with "hooliganism" this DIBSHFE XJUI iIPPMJHBOJTNw UIJT past spring after staging an illegal QBTU TQSJOH BGUFS TUBHJOH BO JMMFHBM performance at a Moscow church. QFSGPSNBODF BU B .PTDPX DIVSDI Please see SPEKTOR, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ A>39B=@ GX^\ <((


REGINA SPEKTOR @357</ A>39B=@ WHEN: 8 p.m. Monday E63<( & ^ [ ;]\ROg WHERE: State Theatre, 609 E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' Congress St., Portland 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $36.50 in 6=E ;C16( !$ # W\ advance; $40 at door; ORdO\QS) " Ob R]]`) general admission US\S`OZ OR[WaaW]\ INFO: statetheatreportland.com 7<4=( abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ WHAT ELSE: Only Son opens E6/B 3:A3( =\Zg A]\ ]^S\a


Shervin Lainez AVS`dW\ :OW\Sh photo ^V]b]

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k

Lori McKenna at One Longfellow Cfi` DZB\eeX Xk Fe\ Cfe^]\ccfn

Miss Fairchild to funkify Empire D`jj =X`iZ_`c[ kf ]leb`]p <dg`i\

A STAPLE OF the Boston folk music scene, / AB/>:3 =4 bVS 0]ab]\ T]ZY [caWQ aQS\S Lori McKenna is also a songwriter whose :]`W ;Q9S\\O Wa OZa] O a]\Ue`WbS` eV]aS work has traveled far and wide. Some of the artists who e]`Y VOa b`OdSZSR TO` O\R eWRS A][S ]T bVS O`bWaba eV] have recorded her songs include Tim McGraw, Carrie VOdS `SQ]`RSR VS` a]\Ua W\QZcRS BW[ ;Q5`Oe 1O``WS Underwood, Alison Krauss, Keith Urban and LeAnn Rimes. C\RS`e]]R /ZWa]\ 9`Ocaa 9SWbV C`PO\ O\R :S/\\ @W[Sa WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday E63<( & ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: One Longfellow Square, 181 State St., Portland E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S & AbObS Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $22 W\ ORdO\QS) in advance; $25 at door 6=E ;C16( # Ob R]]` INFO: 761-1757; onelongfellowsquare.com 7<4=( %$ %#%) ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][

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McKenna ;Q9S\\O

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING to do after Portland's :==97<5 4=@ A=;3B67<5 b] R] OTbS` >]`bZO\R¸a First Friday ArtWalk wraps up? Funk band 4W`ab 4`WROg /`bEOZY e`O^a c^- 4c\Y PO\R Miss Fairchild is playing Empire Dine and ;Waa 4OW`QVWZR Wa ^ZOgW\U 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R Dance with Biscuits & Gravy in what's being billed 2O\QS eWbV 0WaQcWba 5`Odg W\ eVOb¸a PSW\U PWZZSR as the "official unofficial" after-party for the art walk. Oa bVS ¾]T¿QWOZ c\]T¿QWOZœ OTbS` ^O`bg T]` bVS O`b eOZY WHEN: 9 p.m. Friday E63<( ' ^ [ 4`WROg WHERE: Empire Dine and Dance, 575 Congress St., Portland E63@3( 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS #%# 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $6 6=E ;C16( $ INFO: portlandempire.com 7<4=( ^]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][

Making Noise: Toughcats, E6 N • K`o# <. Tix,E7 N • :; i\m`\n1 K_\ JkiXe^\cp Gfjj`Yc\j# </ CD review: The Strangely Possibles. E8 N• C`jk`e^j# <0 Listings. E9 DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 Kfl^_ZXkj# <-

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | E6 GO 3$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

/2&$/ /$8*+6 COMEDY FREE &20('< LOCAL LAUGHS )5((

2&7 OCT 4

+267(' %< %5(77 *52+ ) HOSTED BY BRETT GROH F/ :&<< 63,1287 35(6(176 WCYY SPINOUT PRESENTS

-21 63(1&(5 %/8(6 (;3/26,21 JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION OCT 11 : 7+( 287),76 W/THEOUTFETS 2&7 7+( PARTY CD RELEASE 3$57< PUBCRAWLERS &' 5(/($6( THE 38%&5$:/(56 OCT 12 : 7+( %/$**$5'6 7+( 2876,'(56 2&7

W/THE BLAGGARDS &THE OUTSIDERS 352-(&7 $:$5( 35(6(17 PRESENT & AWARE PROJECT 2&7 œ'21¡7 %( $ '28&+(%$*¡ OCT 13 &21&(57 )25 %8//<,1* $:$5(1(66 'DON'T BE A DOUCHEBAG' 30 $// $*(6 : 6326( '($1 )25' 025( BULLYING AWARENESS / 1PM CONCERT FOR ALL AGES $5 / W/ SPOSE, DEAN FORD, & MORE


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OCT 13 PORTLAND'S LEAGUE OF (;75$25',1$5< :20(1 WOMEN EXTRAORDINARY : 6217$*,2 $0< $//(1 ',//< ',//< 025(

W/ SONTAGIO, AMY ALLEN, DILLY DILLY & MORE 2&7 /2&$/ /$8*+6 COMEDY FREE &20('< OCT 18 LOCAL LAUGHS )5(( +267(' %< %5(77 *52+ ) HOSTED BY BRETT GROH F/


888 1035-"/%"4:-6. $0.

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( & $& ' ( $&(! # ( Join our professional actors as we read new and classic -RLQ RXU SURIHVVLRQDO DFWRUV DV ZH UHDG QHZ DQG FODVVLF children's books, then participate in an acting workshop FKLOGUHQ¡V ERRNV WKHQ SDUWLFLSDWH LQ DQ DFWLQJ ZRUNVKRS based on the stories. EDVHG RQ WKH VWRULHV ()& ,

vs Scary Stories Silly !!, *' &, ($& ' E mergency by Tom Lichfenheid and Ezra ( PHUJHQF\ E\ 7RP /LFKWHQKHOG DQG (]UD Field Meyer, copyright 2017, used with )LHOG 0H\HU FRS\ULJKW XVHG ZLWK SHUPLVVLRQ RI WKH DXWKRUV

($ & October 6,13, 20, & 27 10:30 AM

& -, & (( &'

$* " &

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Toughcats, an Americana rock trio, became a band by accident, working up B]cUVQOba O\ /[S`WQO\O `]QY b`W] PSQO[S O PO\R Pg OQQWRS\b e]`YW\U c^ three songs together to fill a void in a benefit concert in the summer of 2004. bV`SS a]\Ua b]USbVS` b] ÂżZZ O d]WR W\ O PS\SÂżb Q]\QS`b W\ bVS ac[[S` ]T "

Toughcats removes its leash Kfl^_ZXkj i\dfm\j `kj c\Xj_ `e cXk\jk :;# ÊNff[\eYXccË in latest CD, 'Woodenball' TK on What's _XkËj fe N he Americana rock trio Toughcats IF "NFSJDBOB SPDL USJP 5PVHIDBUT has just released its third album, IBT KVTU SFMFBTFE JUT UIJSE BMCVN "Woodenball." The band consists i8PPEFOCBMM w 5IF CBOE DPOTJTUT PG +BLF (SFFOMBX PO ESVNT QFSDVT of Jake Greenlaw on drums, percusTJPO HVJUBS MFBE BOE IBSNPOZ WPDBMT sion, guitar, lead and harmony vocals; +PF /FMTPO PO BDPVTUJD BOE FMFDUSJD Joe Nelson on acoustic and electric HVJUBST CBTT QFSDVTTJPO MFBE BOE guitars, bass, percussion, lead and IBSNPOZ WPDBMT harmony vocals; BOE $PMJO (VMMFZ and Colin Gulley PO BDPVTUJD BOE on acoustic and FMFDUSJD CBOKPT electric banjos BOE HVJUBS and guitar. (0 SFDFOUMZ GO recently DBVHIU VQ XJUI UIF caught up with the USJP WJB FNBJM GPS B trio via email for a band tutorial AimSelPOntJ CBOE UVUPSJBM

Dirty Projectors "ImptegnableQuestion," ;` Zkfij Yc\ Hl\jk`fe#É ikp Gifa\ dgi\^eXFlaming Ăˆ@"Mario's Deerhoof III," Whiskers i_ @@@#É ;\\ ff] Xi`fĂ‹j =cXd`e^ N_`jb\ij ĂˆD X^`Z Magic 60 D We >f -Make Up Your Mind," Here i\ N\ ĂˆDXb\ Lg Pfli D`e[#É ?\ "One lime loo Many," Phoenix f\e`o ĂˆFe\ K`d\ Kff DXep#É G_ Northshore "School ik_j_fi\ Xi[#É Ef Z_ffc PYard," ĂˆJ lic\p Michael Floor," "TheVt.-0re. =c X\c ?Hurlev ĂˆK_\ Mk%$Fi\% ffi#É D`Z_ ffe Spoon Your Makes "Who fe\p#É Jg li DMoney," 8`dj\c Gfek` Xb\j Pf _f D ĂˆN Z:Xike\p X D `e[ McCartney and[ CLinda Paul Home," "Eat Xk lc Xe d\#É GX Xk at ?f when did Tough- Ăˆ< Making Noise 8IFO EJE 5PVHI DXb`e^ Ef`j\ kj Bats "you're loo Weird," fruit 9X u DBUT mSTU CFDPNF B cats first become a ĂˆPflĂ‹i\ Kff N\`i[#É =il`k jj\cc CBOE 8ik_li Il Russell " I t ' s U s / W i l d Combination k`fe#É"Arthur band? ĂˆK_XkĂ‹j Lj&N`c[ :fdY`eX %VSJOH UIF TVNNFS PG $PMJO XBT During the summer of 2004. Colin was

PSHBOJ[JOH B CFOFmU DPODFSU PO /PSUI organizing a benefit concert on North )BWFO +BLF XBT QMBZJOH JO POF CBOE Haven. Jake was playing in one band, BOE +PF XBT QMBZJOH TPNF TPMP TUVGG and Joe was playing some solo stuff. "OPUIFS HSPVQ XBT OFFEFE "U UIF MBTU Another group was needed. At the last NJOVUF UIF UISFF PG VT XPSLFE VQ UISFF minute, the three of us worked up three TPOHT BOE QFSGPSNFE UIFN 5IF BVEJFODF songs and performed them. The audience XBT SFBMMZ JOUP JU "OE XF XFSF UPP 4P XF was really into it. And we were too. So we LFQU EPJOH JU 8F EJEO U USZ UP TUBSU B CBOE kept doing it. We didn't try to start a band. *U KVTU IBQQFOFE It just happened.

How did you choose the band name? )PX EJE ZPV DIPPTF UIF CBOE OBNF Joe came up with the name. He was talk+PF DBNF VQ XJUI UIF OBNF )F XBT UBML ing to a friend on Vinalhaven who had just JOH UP B GSJFOE PO 7JOBMIBWFO XIP IBE KVTU come back from a night in Rockland on DPNF CBDL GSPN B OJHIU JO 3PDLMBOE PO the mainland. His friend made reference UIF NBJOMBOE )JT GSJFOE NBEF SFGFSFODF to the Rockland toughcats, as in the tough UP UIF 3PDLMBOE UPVHIDBUT BT JO UIF UPVHI characters hanging out and starting fights DIBSBDUFST IBOHJOH PVU BOE TUBSUJOH mHIUT around the bars and docks late at night. BSPVOE UIF CBST BOE EPDLT MBUF BU OJHIU




Theater for Kids programming at Portland Stage is generously supported by Susie Konkel. 7KHDWHU IRU .LGV SURJUDPPLQJ DW 3RUWODQG 6WDJH LV JHQHURXVO\ VXSSRUWHG E\ 6XVLH .RQNHO


Do you all still live up that way? %P ZPV BMM TUJMM MJWF VQ UIBU XBZ Jake is still living on North Haven full +BLF JT TUJMM MJWJOH PO /PSUI )BWFO GVMM time. Joe and Colin live in Portland at the UJNF +PF BOE $PMJO MJWF JO 1PSUMBOE BU UIF moment. NPNFOU How do you feel about "Woodenball" )PX EP ZPV GFFM BCPVU i8PPEFOCBMMw as compared to the two that came beBT DPNQBSFE UP UIF UXP UIBU DBNF CF

How has the band evolved over fore it? )PX IBT UIF CBOE FWPMWFE PWFS GPSF JU the past couple of years? UIF QBTU DPVQMF PG ZFBST In the past, we tried to keep our record*O UIF QBTU XF USJFE UP LFFQ PVS SFDPSE ings true to what we could do live with the JOHT USVF UP XIBU XF DPVME EP MJWF XJUI UIF songs. This time around, we didn't limit TPOHT 5IJT UJNF BSPVOE XF EJEO U MJNJU ourselves in that way and it opened up PVSTFMWFT JO UIBU XBZ BOE JU PQFOFE VQ a lot of possibilities. We are really happy B MPU PG QPTTJCJMJUJFT 8F BSF SFBMMZ IBQQZ with how it turned out. We have always XJUI IPX JU UVSOFE PVU 8F IBWF BMXBZT thought of ourselves as a rock band, but UIPVHIU PG PVSTFMWFT BT B SPDL CBOE CVU have sometimes been trapped by the IBWF TPNFUJNFT CFFO USBQQFE CZ UIF perspective on what having a banjo and QFSTQFDUJWF PO XIBU IBWJOH B CBOKP BOE resonator guitar means. We used a lot of SFTPOBUPS HVJUBS NFBOT 8F VTFE B MPU PG electric instruments, including electric FMFDUSJD JOTUSVNFOUT JODMVEJOH FMFDUSJD banjo, on this album. CBOKP PO UIJT BMCVN What was it like working with (pro8IBU XBT JU MJLF XPSLJOH XJUI QSP How did you hook ducer) Jeff Lipton? )PX EJE ZPV IPPL EVDFS +FGG -JQUPO up with him? VQ XJUI IJN Jeff was recommended to us by a mutual +FGG XBT SFDPNNFOEFE UP VT CZ B NVUVBM friend. We are also big fans of a lot of the GSJFOE 8F BSF BMTP CJH GBOT PG B MPU PG UIF bands and labels he has worked with. He CBOET BOE MBCFMT IF IBT XPSLFE XJUI )F Please see P O N T I , Page E12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=<B7 GX^\ <()

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E7 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3%

CONCERTS AND SHOWS :FE:<IKJ 8E; J?FNJ Concerts and shows currently on sale: 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ aOZS( The latest BVS ZObSab On sale 10 a.m. Thursday - Marina and The =\ aOZS O [ BVc`aROg Âł ;O`W\O O\R BVS Diamonds, 7 p.m. Dec. 8, House of Blues, 2WO[]\Ra % ^ [ 2SQ & 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Boston. $22.50. Livenation.com; (800) 7450]ab]\ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# 3000 ! On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Steve Earle, 9 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł AbSdS 3O`ZS ' ^ [ Dec. 1, Port City Music Hall, Portland. $35 2SQ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R !# to $75. portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512- b] %# ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # SHOW A6=E On sale 10 a.m. Friday - George =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 5S]`US Thorogood, 8 p.m. March 8, State Theatre, BV]`]U]]R & ^ [ ;O`QV & AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $35/$40. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Killswitch Engage =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł 9WZZaeWbQV 3\UOUS with Shadows Fall and Acaro, 8 p.m. Dec. eWbV AVOR]ea 4OZZ O\R /QO`] & ^ [ 2SQ 20, State Theatre, Portland. $20/$25. AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Fogcutters =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg Âł BVS 4]UQcbbS`a Present Big Band Syndrome, 8 p.m. Dec. 7, >`SaS\b 0WU 0O\R Ag\R`][S & ^ [ 2SQ % State Theatre, Portland. $10 to $15. State AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R b] # AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS On sale 10 a.m. Saturday - Pink, 7:30 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ AObc`ROg Âł >W\Y %(! ^ [ March 28, TD Garden, Boston. $39.50 to ;O`QV & B2 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ !' # b] $99.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 '' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# !

The locals BVS Z]QOZa Oct. 10 - The Honey Dewdrops, 8 p.m., =Qb Âł BVS 6]\Sg 2SeR`]^a & ^ [ One Longfellow Square, Portland. $10/$12. =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 10-14 - Cirque du Soleil, Cumberland =Qb " Âł 1W`_cS Rc A]ZSWZ 1c[PS`ZO\R County Civic Center, Portland. $28 to $100. 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R & b] Theciviccenter.com; 775-3458 BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) %%# !"#& Oct. 11 - Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, =Qb Âł 4`O\Y A]ZWdO\ O\R 2W`bg 9WbQVS\ 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $15/$18. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 # & =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 11 - Francine Reed, 8 p.m., =Qb Âł 4`O\QW\S @SSR & ^ [ Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $15. 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS >]`bZO\R # Portlandempire.com >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][ Oct. 11 - Kraddy with Alpha Data, 9 p.m., =Qb Âł 9`ORRg eWbV /Z^VO 2ObO ' ^ [ Port City Music Hall, Portland. $8 to $20. >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R & b] portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Oct. 11 - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, =Qb Âł 8]\ A^S\QS` 0ZcSa 3f^Z]aW]\ 9 p.m., Asylum, Portland. $15. 772-8274; ' ^ [ /agZc[ >]`bZO\R # %% & %") portlandasylum.com ^]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][ Oct. 12 Âł BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - Tinariwen Guitar Masters from =Qb Mali, 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S Portland. $38. Onelongfellowsquare.com; >]`bZO\R !& =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) 761-1757 %$ %#% Oct. 12 Âł BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - Tinariwen Guitar Masters from =Qb Mali, 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S Portland. $35. Onelongfellowsquare.com; >]`bZO\R !# =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) 761-1757 %$ %#% Oct. 13 - EOTO, 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, =Qb ! Âł 3=B= ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Portland. $12 b] " ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) to $40. portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E Oct. 13 - Miss Tess and the Talkbacks, 8 =Qb ! Âł ;Waa BSaa O\R bVS BOZYPOQYa & p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. $12/ ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R $15. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 # =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 15 - Morrissey, 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb # Âł ;]``WaaSg & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $39.50. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !' # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]TÂżQS Oct. 16 - Glen Campbell: The Goodbye Tour, =Qb $ Âł 5ZS\ 1O[^PSZZ( BVS 5]]RPgS B]c` 7:30 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, Portland. $45 %(! ^ [ ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# to $65. Porttix.com; Portlandovations.org; b] $# >]`bbWf Q][) >]`bZO\R]dObW]\a ]`U) 842-0800 &" & Oct. 18 - The Infamous Stringdusters, =Qb & Âł BVS 7\TO[]ca Ab`W\URcabS`a 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745 $25. # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# 3000; Cumberland County Civic Center ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS`

Please see TIX, PageE12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <()

2/!34 "%%& ROAST BEEF 3500%2 SUPPER to be held TO BE HELD Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

George Thorogood performs at the 5S]`US BV]`]U]]R ^S`T]`[a Ob bVS State Theatre in Portland on March 8. AbObS BVSOb`S W\ >]`bZO\R ]\ ;O`QV & Tickets go on sale Friday. BWQYSba U] ]\ aOZS 4`WROg box office P]f ]T¿QS Oct. 19 - Cheryl Wheeler, 8 p.m., One =Qb ' ³ 1VS`gZ EVSSZS` & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $25/$28. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 20 - Spose Unplugged, 9 p.m., One =Qb ³ A^]aS C\^ZcUUSR ' ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $15/$18. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 21 - Deer Tick, 8 p.m., Empire Dine and =Qb ³ 2SS` BWQY & ^ [ 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R Dance, Portland. $15. Portlandempire.com; 2O\QS >]`bZO\R # >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][) Statetheatreportland.com AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ Oct. 21 - David Wilcox, 7 p.m., One =Qb ³ 2OdWR EWZQ]f % ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $20/$25. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 24 - Brandi Carlile with Blitzen =Qb " ³ 0`O\RW 1O`ZWZS eWbV 0ZWbhS\ Trapper, 8 p.m., State Theatre, Portland. B`O^^S` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R $35/$40. Statetheatreportland.com; (800) !# " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & 745-3000; Cumberland County Civic %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ Center box office 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Oct. 25 - Lake Street Dive, 8 p.m., One =Qb # ³ :OYS Ab`SSb 2WdS & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $12/$15. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 25 - Barrington Levy with =Qb # ³ 0O``W\Ub]\ :Sdg eWbV Mighty Mystic, 9 p.m., Port City ;WUVbg ;gabWQ ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg Music Hall, Portland. $20 to $40. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R b] " portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Oct. 26 - Session Americana, 8 p.m., One =Qb $ ³ ASaaW]\ /[S`WQO\O & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $15/$18. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 27 - Suzy Bogguss, 8 p.m., One =Qb % ³ Achg 0]UUcaa & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $35/$40. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R !# " Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 28& ³ 6S\`g @]ZZW\a % ^ [ 1]\g - Henry Rollins, 7 p.m., Cony =Qb Auditorium, Augusta. $25. Statetheatre /cRWb]`Wc[ /cUcabO # AbObSbVSOb`S portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Oct. 29 - Citizen Cope, 7:30 p.m., State =Qb ' ³ 1WbWhS\ 1]^S %(! ^ [ AbObS Theatre, Portland. $25/$30. Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R # ! AbObSbVSOb`S portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Oct. 31 - fun., 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb ! ³ Tc\ & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $30/$35. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R ! !# AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 1 - Pretty Lights, 8 p.m., State Theatre, <]d ³ >`Sbbg :WUVba & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Portland. $35 to $40. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# b] " AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 1 - KUNG FU, 9 p.m., Port City <]d ³ 9C<5 4C ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg Music Hall, Portland. $12 b] to $20. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Nov. 3 - Melissa Ferrick, 8 p.m., One <]d ! ³ ;SZWaaO 4S``WQY & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $20/$25. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Nov. 3 - Umphrey's McGee with The Bright <]d ! ³ C[^V`Sg¸a ;Q5SS eWbV BVS 0`WUVb Light Social Hour, 8 p.m., State Theatre, :WUVb A]QWOZ 6]c` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S

Saturday, October 6th 3ATURDAY /CTOBER TH from 5pm-6:3O. FROM PM Att-you-can-eat roast beef, mashed !LL YOU CAN EAT ROAST BEEF MASHED potatoes, gravy, green beans and POTATOES GRAVY GREEN BEANS AND carrots, followed by CARROTS FOLLOWED BY one strawberry shortcake. ONE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE

for adult FOR ADULT children 12 and under CHILDREN AND UNDER #ORNERSTONE 5NITED -ETHODIST #HURCH 20 Jenkins Road • Saco, ME *ENKINS 2OAD s 3ACO -%

4(%2% )3 ./ #/-0!2)3/. %6%29 $!9 !,, 4(% 4)-% */+%2 3 )3 4(% "%34 6!,5%

/6%2 -/2% ). 6!,5% VERSUS A #HUCK % #HEESE PARTY

CbclE #HUCK % Cheese #HEESE Basic Party $13.99 per child "ASIC 0ARTY PER CHILD Decorated Table (2 hours) $ECORATED 4ABLE HOURS Party Host To Assist You 0ARTY (OST 4O !SSIST 9OU Tokens Per Child 4OKENS 0ER #HILD (Save $7 based on 6 kids) 3AVE BASED ON KIDS 1OO Prize Tickets Per Child 0RIZE 4ICKETS 0ER #HILD (Save $6 based on 6 kids) 3AVE BASED ON KIDS Deluxe Birthday Cake Included $ELUXE "IRTHDAY #AKE )NCLUDED (Save $1O) 3AVE Free Collector's Cup Per Child &REE #OLLECTOR S #UP 0ER #HILD (Save $5 based on 6 kids) 3AVE BASED ON KIDS Balloons For Birthday Child "ALLOONS &OR "IRTHDAY #HILD Prize Wheel / Ticket Blaster 0RIZE 7HEEL 4ICKET "LASTER Animated Birthday Show !NIMATED "IRTHDAY 3HOW Soft Drinks / FREE Refills 3OFT $RINKS &2%% 2ElLLS 2 Slices Pizza 3LICES 0IZZA Jester Hat / Birthday Crown *ESTER (AT "IRTHDAY #ROWN

YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 25

YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 2O

YES 9%3

NO ./

YES 9%3

NO ./

YES 9%3

NO ./

3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3

1 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3


/52 6!2)%49 OF '!-%3 !442!#4)/.3 AND &//$ MAKES */+%2 3 THE "%34 0!249 ). 4/7. 2O Foot GIANT Slide &OOT ')!.4 3LIDE Bounce Arena "OUNCE !RENA 1OO Ft Train &T 4RAIN 3 Story GIGANTIC Playhouse 3TORY ')'!.4)# 0LAYHOUSE Arcade /Video Games !RCADE 6IDEO 'AMES Menu Items -ENU )TEMS Don'tT FORG forget ET $ON SuperR 4HU Thursdays RSDAYS 3UPE (4-8pm) n PM

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YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 YES 9%3 65 32

NO ./ NO ./ NO ./ NO ./ 45 16




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!,3/ ,/#!4%$ ). "25.37)#+ &2%%0/24

^fk k`o6 got tix?

Portland. $20/$25. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 7 - Louis C.K., 7 p.m., Merrill <]d % ³ :]cWa 1 9 % ^ [ ;S``WZZ Auditorium, Portland. $45. Porttix.com; /cRWb]`Wc[ >]`bZO\R "# >]`bbWf Q][) Buy.louisck.net; 842-0800 0cg Z]cWaQY \Sb) &" & Nov. 7 - Justin Townes Earle with Tift <]d % ³ 8cabW\ B]e\Sa 3O`ZS eWbV BWTb Merritt, 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, ;S``Wbb & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Portland. $18 to $30. Portcitymusichall.com >]`bZO\R & b] ! >]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][ Nov. 7 - Nanci Griffith, 8 p.m., Jonathan's, <]d % ³ <O\QW 5`WT¿bV & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a Ogunquit. $55. Jonathansrestaurant.com; =Uc\_cWb ## 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) 646-4526 $"$ "# $ Nov. 7 - The Tragically Hip, 8 p.m., State <]d % ³ BVS B`OUWQOZZg 6W^ & ^ [ AbObS Theatre, Portland. $35.35/$38. State BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R !# !# !& AbObS theatreportland.com; (800) 745-3000; bVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Nov. 9 - Janis Ian, 8 p.m., <]d ' ³ 8O\Wa 7O\ & ^ [



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fanfare for a New Season Sunday, October 7 | 2:30 PM Tuesday, October 9 | 7:30 PM Robert Moody, conductor

Sponsored by Verrill Dana, L.L.P.

Andrew Russo, piano

MASON BATES Mothership P.I. TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No. 1 AARON COPLAND Symphony No. 3

La Vie Bohème Saturday, October 13 | 7:30 PM Sunday, October 14 | 2:30 PM Robert Moody, conductor

Sponsored by Bath Savings Trust & IDEXX

A brand-new show from Music Director Robert Moody, combining music from Puccini’s popular opera La Bohème with two modern retellings it inspired: the Broadway show Rent and the spectacular film Moulin Rouge.

Cello-bration! Tuesday, October 30 | 7:30 PM Robert Moody, conductor Joel Noyes and Brian Thornton, cello

Sponsored by New England Rehabilitation Hospital

ANTONIO VIVALDI Concerto for Two Cellos DAVID OTT Concerto for Two Cellos and Orchestra GIOACHINO ROSSINI William Tell Overture DMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No. 1

Trick-or-Treat Symphony Sunday, October 28 | 2:30 PM Robert Moody, conductor Portland Ballet, dancers

Sponsored by TD Bank

An hour-long Halloween experience with symphonic thrills and chills for the whole family! Come in costume and come early for games and activities in the lobby.

Swingin’ the American Songbook Saturday, November 3 | 7:30 PM Sunday, November 4 | 2:30 PM

Sponsored by IDEXX & L.L. Bean

Keitaro Harada, guest conductor Banu Gibson, vocalist New Orleans Hot Jazz, band Jason Rodgers, tap dancer Tap your toes to classic American hits including popular favorites by artists such as George Gershwin, Irving Berlin and Hoagy Carmichael.

Strauss and Stravinsky Sunday, November 18 | 2:30 PM Timothy Myers, guest conductor

Jeff Nelsen, horn

C.M. VON WEBER Euryanthe Overture CLAUDE DEBUSSY Printemps RICHARD STRAUSS Horn Concerto No. 1 IGOR STRAVINSKY The Firebird: Suite (1945)

Magic of Christmas December 14-23 Robert Moody, conductor

Lyn Dillies, illusionist

Join Robert Moody and special guests for an extra magical production of what critics and audiences are calling Maine’s finest holiday extravaganza!

Order today for best value! Call PortTIX at (207) 842-0800 Visit PortlandSymphony.org for season information and package deals!

A tasty stew of musical flavors, from country to indie to blues “J By RICK JOHNSON

unkyard Stew” is not what it seems. The new album by Scarborough band The Strangely Possibles starts off simply enough with the calm country shuffle of the lead track, “Wannabe.” Singer Al Thompson delivers simple, direct lyrics with a whispery, earnest vocal that’s sort of a cross between ironic indie and heartfelt modern country. One minute or so into the tune, you think you know exactly what you’re in for. But then small, subtle touches appear that elevate something that could have been run of the mill to something extraordinary. Winsome female backing vocals, a lonely honky-tonk piano and sweet but sad cries from a violin take this song to another realm entirely. And that’s just the opening track! The band ups the intensity and the tempo with tracks such as “Venice,” featuring a grittier, Springsteen-esque vocal from Thompson and some great keyboard accents courtesy of Flash Allen. The violins are there too, but sounding less sorrowful and more joyful. Oh, and did I mention the horn section? Unexpected, but somehow perfect. A sad cello and a gorgeous female vocal mark “Lucky #7” as one of the stand-out tracks of the album, and “Let Me Know” is a perfect re-creation of the countrytinged rock of the early ’70s, with the keyboards adding just a hint of late-’70s New Wave. Elsewhere, “Blood on that Guitar” boasts a downright danceable backbeat coupled with just enough jangly guitar to keep the dance party going all night long. The driving and dynamic “Country Song” features a great sing-along chorus delivered in a terrific gospel choir style. And the closing track “So Simple” starts off almost jazz-like, then morphs into something almost un-classifiable. “Junkyard Stew” is beautifully produced by Steve Drown, which couldn’t have been an easy task, given the number of voices and musicians involved. The band wisely thanks Drown for helping to “take it to the next level.” They also got lots of help from some

Ocean Gardens Restaurant Celebrating 15 Years

Courtesy photo


two dozen friends and musicians, including local veterans Spencer Albee, Anna Lombard and Kate Schrock (to name a few), all of whom help give the album a big bold sound that truly puts this music in a class by itself. There are so many different styles on “Junkyard Stew” that fans of just about any genre will find plenty to enjoy. From country to indie rock, blues, disco and everything in between (sometimes all within the space of a single song), The Strangely Possibles serve up more than enough musical variety to satisfy even the most jaded “heard-it-all-before” hipster. Contact the band on Facebook for information about getting your heaping helping of “Junkyard Stew.” Then gorge yourself on great tunes. Rick Johnson is a freelance writer and radio host from Westbrook. He can be reached at: rjohnson.rock@gmail.com



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The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, O c t o b e r 4, 2012 | GO E9 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3'

c`jk`e^j listings

"ULL -OOSE Bull MooseKFG (' WW Top 10 for Portland store Sept. 24-30: B]^ T]` >]`bZO\R ab]`S AS^b " ! (


1. Mumford & Sons, "Babel" ;c[T]`R A]\a Âľ0OPSZÂś 2. ÂľBVS /dS\US`aÂś 2D2 "The Avengers" (DVD) 3. "FIFA Soccer 13" for X360 ! Âľ474/ A]QQS` !Âś T]` F!$ " 5`SS\ 2Og ÂľC\] Âś 4. Green Day, "Uno!" 5. "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" # Âľ0Ob[O\( BVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb @Sbc`\aÂś (DVD) 2D2 6. No Doubt, "Push and Shove" $ <] 2]cPb Âľ>caV O\R AV]dSÂś 7. The Avett Brothers, "The Carpenter" % BVS /dSbb 0`]bVS`a ÂľBVS 1O`^S\bS`Âś & 0]P 2gZO\ ÂľBS[^SabÂś 8. Bob Dylan, "Tempest" 9. "American Horror Story: Season 1" ' Âľ/[S`WQO\ 6]``]` Ab]`g( ASOa]\ Âś (DVD) 2D2 10. John Hiatt, "Mystic Pinball" 8]V\ 6WObb Âľ;gabWQ >W\POZZÂś

N #/.#%243 CONCERTS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 -AIA 3HARP !' AND 'ARRISON 3TARR SUPERGROUP Maia Sharp, AG and Garrison Starr, supergroup of women singers, Jonathan's Restaurant, OF WOMEN SINGERS *ONATHAN S 2ESTAURANT Ogunquit. $21.50. jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. /GUNQUIT JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Portland Jazz Orchestra, 18-piece ensemble, 0ORTLAND *AZZ /RCHESTRA PIECE ENSEMBLE /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND AT DOOR One Longfellow Square, Portland. $9 at door; $5 in advance and for students and seniors. IN ADVANCE AND FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Sultans of String, raucous roots music, Dexter 3ULTANS OF 3TRING RAUCOUS ROOTS MUSIC $EXTER Regional High School. $8. 924-4121. 7 p.m. 2EGIONAL (IGH 3CHOOL P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Lori McKenna, singer-songwriter, One Longfellow ,ORI -C+ENNA SINGER SONGWRITER /NE ,ONGFELLOW Square, Portland. $22 in advance; $25 day of 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF show, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. SHOW ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Blues Ball with Shemekia Copeland, blues, with "LUES "ALL WITH 3HEMEKIA #OPELAND BLUES WITH F&G Band; big dance floor and cash bar; Samoset & ' "AND BIG DANCE mOOR AND CASH BAR 3AMOSET Resort, Rockport. $25; table of 10 for $200. 5962ESORT 2OCKPORT TABLE OF FOR 6055. 7 p.m. P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Ben Harper, acoustic blues-rock, State Theatre, "EN (ARPER ACOUSTIC BLUES ROCK 3TATE 4HEATRE Portland. Sold out. statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND 3OLD OUT STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M David Mallett, singer-songwriter, Opera House $AVID -ALLETT SINGER SONGWRITER /PERA (OUSE at Boothbay Harbor. $20 in advance; $25 day of AT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR IN ADVANCE DAY OF sow. boothbayoperahouse.com. 8 p.m. SOW BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M James McMurtry, singer-songwriter, Center *AMES -C-URTRY SINGER SONGWRITER #ENTER Theatre for the Performing Arts, Dover-Foxcroft. 4HEATRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS $OVER &OXCROFT $22.50. centertheatre.org. 8 p.m. CENTERTHEATRE ORG P M Fall Festival of Music, benefit concert for Nisa &ALL &ESTIVAL OF -USIC BENElT CONCERT FOR .ISA Smily and Sustainable Harvest International with 3MILY AND 3USTAINABLE (ARVEST )NTERNATIONAL WITH The Blast Addicts, The Loose Cannon Jug Band 4HE "LAST !DDICTS 4HE ,OOSE #ANNON *UG "AND and Through the Dirt, The Maine Grind, Ellsworth. AND 4HROUGH THE $IRT 4HE -AINE 'RIND %LLSWORTH $10; free for children under 12. 664-7554. 4 to FREE FOR CHILDREN UNDER TO 9 p.m. P M Jim Campilongo Electric Trio, rock, blues, country *IM #AMPILONGO %LECTRIC 4RIO ROCK BLUES COUNTRY and jazz, Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, AND JAZZ *OHNSON (ALL 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER Gardiner. $27. johnsonhall.org. 7:30 p.m. 'ARDINER JOHNSONHALL ORG P M

- Courtesy of Bull Moose Âł 1]c`bSag ]T 0cZZ ;]]aS

Sandrine Lee photo AO\R`W\S :SS ^V]b]

Blues singer Shemekia Copeland 0ZcSa aW\US` AVS[SYWO 1]^SZO\R performs on Friday at the Samoset ^S`T]`[a ]\ 4`WROg Ob bVS AO[]aSb Resort in Rockport. @Sa]`b W\ @]QY^]`b The Outfits, 21-plus; Asylum, Portland. $15. 4HE /UTlTS PLUS !SYLUM 0ORTLAND portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Kraddy, EDM, with Alpha Data, 18-plus; +RADDY %$- WITH !LPHA $ATA PLUS Port City Music Hall, Portland. $8, $20. 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL 0ORTLAND portcitymusichall.com. 9 p.m. PORTCITYMUSICHALL COM P M Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, bluegrass, with &RANK 3OLIVAN AND $IRTY +ITCHEN BLUEGRASS WITH Erica Brown and Bluegrass Connection, One %RICA "ROWN AND "LUEGRASS #ONNECTION /NE Longfellow Square, Portland. $15 in advance; $18 ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE day of show, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. DAY OF SHOW ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M

Two-for-One Special

Jo'n us any t'me Sunday through Thursday, for # unch or d'nner, " % " and get Two Entrees #! ' " # ' " # # ! ' ) ! for " the Pr'ce of One*. Open from 11:30am unf 8:00pm, pease br'ng th's ad # " ! " ! w'th you to rece've offer. % " ' # " $ "ASED ON HIGHEST PRICED ENTRĂ?E ORDERED /FFER EXPIRES 3UNDAY /CTOBER *Based on h'ghest pr'ced entiee Offer & exp'ies Thursday, Octobei " 7th. ! !" " ) oidered. ! # ! ' " /FFER EXCLUDES /CTOBER TH

COMEDY N #/-%$9 Open M i c Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, /PEN -IC #OMEDY .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. Thursday 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M 4HURSDAY and Oct. 1 1 . AND /CT Suzanne Westenhoeffer, Jonathan's Restaurant, 3UZANNE 7ESTENHOEFFER *ONATHAN S 2ESTAURANT Ogunquit. $27.50 in advance; $30.50 day of /GUNQUIT IN ADVANCE DAY OF show, jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. Friday. SHOW JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M &RIDAY

BARS/CLUBS N "!23 #,5"3

THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Miss Shevaughn &Yuma Wray, Americana/psych-ISS 3HEVAUGHN 9UMA 7RAY !MERICANA PSYCH folk, Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. FOLK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 6 p.m. P M Joel Cage, folk-rock, Blue, Portland. Donation. *OEL #AGE FOLK ROCK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Poke Chop & T h e Other White Meats, blues rock, 0OKE #HOP 4HE /THER 7HITE -EATS BLUES ROCK Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Sugar Shack, rock, Dogfish Bar and Grille, 3UGAR 3HACK ROCK $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW roadhouse roots music, Gingko Blue, Portland. ROADHOUSE ROOTS MUSIC 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS MONDAY -/.$!9 Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Regina Spektor, piano-based singer-songwriter, 2EGINA 3PEKTOR PIANO BASED SINGER SONGWRITER Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " with Only Son, State Theatre, Portland. $36.50 WITH /NLY 3ON 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND set, 21-plus; ClubTexas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN in advance; $40 day of show; general admission. IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW GENERAL ADMISSION Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Open M i c Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Howard Levy and Joe Craven, folk and blues, One (OWARD ,EVY AND *OE #RAVEN FOLK AND BLUES /NE Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M Longfellow Square, Portland. $18 in advance; $23 ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE Steve Jones Band, blues/rock, Run of the Mill 3TEVE *ONES "AND BLUES ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL day of show, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. DAY OF SHOW ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Believers, Foam Castle and Computer at Sea, "ELIEVERS &OAM #ASTLE AND #OMPUTER AT 3EA Heather Pierson, singer-songwriter, Andy's Old (EATHER 0IERSON SINGER SONGWRITER !NDY S /LD atmospheric indie rock, 18-plus; Space Gallery, ATMOSPHERIC INDIE ROCK PLUS 3PACE 'ALLERY Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7 p.m. 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Portland. $8. space538.org. 8:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND SPACE ORG P M El Malo, salsacore/blues, CD-release concert with %L -ALO SALSACORE BLUES #$ RELEASE CONCERT WITH Danger and I Reckon, Empire Dine and Dance, $ANGER AND ) 2ECKON %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Portland, portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Honey Dewdrops, Americana and traditional (ONEY $EWDROPS !MERICANA AND TRADITIONAL The Chums, rock, Bayside Bowl, Portland. 4HE #HUMS ROCK "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND folk music, One Longfellow Square, FOLK MUSIC /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Portland. $10 in advance; $12 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW Ace Galloper, Arcane Lore and Laos Konsortium, !CE 'ALLOPER !RCANE ,ORE AND ,AOS +ONSORTIUM onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M rock, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. ROCK 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M Songwriters in the Round, with Matt Newberg, 3ONGWRITERS IN THE 2OUND WITH -ATT .EWBERG Kat Logan and Brad Hooper, The Frontier, +AT ,OGAN AND "RAD (OOPER 4HE &RONTIER FRIDAY &2)$!9 Brunswick. $10. explorefrontier.com. 7 p.m. "RUNSWICK EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M Reverie Machine, folk fusion, album release 2EVERIE -ACHINE FOLK FUSION ALBUM RELEASE concert with Wesley Hartley & The Traveling CONCERT WITH 7ESLEY (ARTLEY 4HE 4RAVELING OCT. 11 /#4 Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, alt-rock, with *ON 3PENCER "LUES %XPLOSION ALT ROCK WITH Please see MUSIC, Page E10 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <(' SUNDAY 35.$!9 Suede, pop, jazz and blues, Jonathan's Restaurant, 3UEDE POP JAZZ AND BLUES *ONATHAN S 2ESTAURANT Ogunquit. $30 in advance; $34 day of show. /GUNQUIT IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Keelan Donovan, singer-songwriter, CD-release +EELAN $ONOVAN SINGER SONGWRITER #$ RELEASE show with Amy Allen, One Longfellow Square, SHOW WITH !MY !LLEN /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE Portland. $8. onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Maine Ole' Opry Show and Induction, with The -AINE /LE /PRY 3HOW AND )NDUCTION WITH 4HE Record Family Band and emcee KennyTibbetts, 2ECORD &AMILY "AND AND EMCEE +ENNY 4IBBETTS Silver Spur, Mechanic Falls. $6 in advance; $8 day 3ILVER 3PUR -ECHANIC &ALLS IN ADVANCE DAY of show; $3 for children under 12. 490-1232. 1 to OF SHOW FOR CHILDREN UNDER TO 4:30 p.m. P M

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

" TW%U (y/ecM of <^wma Q d R S Gala & Charity Auction *DOD &KDULW\ $XFWLRQ

Tnrirstlay Evening 7KXUVGD\ (YHQLQJ October 11,2012 2FWREHU 6pm to 9pm SP WR SP w Ocean Gateway Terminal, vatenront 2FHDQ *DWHZD\ 7 HUPLQDO 3Rutland RUWODQG : DWHUIURQW Guests willenjoi/ hors doeuvres and cocktails, along with a live and silent auction, J. \mong me featured auction *XHVWV ZLOO HQMR\ KRUV G¡RHXYUHV DQG FRFNWDLOV DORQJ ZLWK D OLYH DQG VLOHQW DXFWLRQ $PRQJ WKH IHDWXUHG DXFWLRQ items are an original uvik ofari by a)iist Chame Hewitt, New England Patriots tickets, a Boston package that LWHPV DUH DQ RULJLQDO ZRUN RI DUW E\ DUWLVW &KDUOLH +HZLWW 1HZ (QJODQG 3DWULRWV WLFNHWV D %RVWRQ SDFNDJH WKDW includes Chews and trolley tours, one week in Mnnont, one week in SanihelIsland, Florida, ana lunch witii LQFOXGHV &KHHUV DQG WUROOH\ WRXUV RQH ZHHN LQ 9 HUPRQW RQH ZHHN LQ 6DQLEHO ,VODQG )ORULGD DQG OXQFK ZLWK A layer A lichael Brei v lai ?. 0D\RU 0LFKDHO %UHQQDQ

If vou would like to attend tke Shalom House Gala & Auction on Octoher 11th ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR DWWHQG WKH 6KDORP +RXVH *DOD $XFWLRQ RQ 2FWREHU WK visit www.shalomhouseinc.org tor tickets YLVLW ZZZ VKDORPKRXVHLQF RUJ IRU WLFNHWV or call (207) 874-1080. RU FDOO

This event is sponsored in part by... 7KLV HYHQW LV VSRQVRUHG LQ SDUW E\

E1O GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "


/KBARI -IDDLE %ASTERN MUSIC WITH BELLYDANCERS Okbari, Middle Eastern music with bellydancers, Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M %VAN 'OODROW "AND FUNKY NEO SOUL PLUS )NN Evan Goodrow Band, funky neo-soul, 21-plus; Inn on the Blues, York Beach. $6. innontheblues.com. ON THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM Continued from Page E9 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3' 9:30 p.m. P M 4REES AND "ALTIC 3EA "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND Trees and Baltic Sea, Big Easy, Portland. $8. Martin England, Americana, folk and roots, Andy's -ARTIN %NGLAND !MERICANA FOLK AND ROOTS !NDY S bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM Old Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. &IRST &RIDAY 2OCK . "OWL #ONCERT 3ERIES WITH First Friday Rock N Bowl Concert Series, with 8:30 p.m. P M Metal Sideburns, Parenthesys and The Twisted -ETAL 3IDEBURNS 0ARENTHESYS AND 4HE 4WISTED Gary Richardson, acoustic jazz and blues, Gingko 'ARY 2ICHARDSON ACOUSTIC JAZZ AND BLUES 'INGKO 4RUTH ROCK ALL AGES "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND Truth, rock, all ages; Bayside Bowl, Portland. $5. Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 5 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M maineacademyofmodernmusic.org. 6 to 9 p.m. MAINEACADEMYOFMODERNMUSIC ORG TO P M Tommy O'Connell &The Juke Joint Devils, blues/ 4OMMY / #ONNELL 4HE *UKE *OINT $EVILS BLUES Miss Fairchild, rock/R&B, with Biscuits & -ISS &AIRCHILD ROCK 2 " WITH "ISCUITS swing, Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. SWING 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM Gravy, Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $6. 9 p.m. 'RAVY %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND P M portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. Forget Forget, When Particles Collide and John &ORGET &ORGET 7HEN 0ARTICLES #OLLIDE AND *OHN PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Nels, rock/pop, 21-plus; Slainte, Portland. $3. .ELS ROCK POP PLUS 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND North Sea Gas, Scottish folk music, Gardiner .ORTH 3EA 'AS 3COTTISH FOLK MUSIC 'ARDINER slaintewinebar.com. 9 p.m. SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Lions Club. $15. 582-1337. 7p.m. ,IONS #LUB P M Mike Quinones, acoustic, 21-plus; Slainte, -IKE 1UINONES ACOUSTIC PLUS 3LAINTE Mugsy, rock covers, RiRa, Portland. 761-4446. -UGSY ROCK COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M 10p.m. P M Travis James Humphrey, acoustic, Dogfish Bar 2OCKY 4HE 0RESSERS CONTEMPORARY REGGAE "LUE Rocky &The Pressers, contemporary reggae, Blue, 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY ACOUSTIC $OGlSH "AR and Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M 5 p.m. P M Poor Old Shine, roots/Americana, Blue, Portland. 0OOR /LD 3HINE ROOTS !MERICANA "LUE 0ORTLAND Bernie Bouthot and Ali Stauble, jazz, Dogfish Bar "ERNIE "OUTHOT AND !LI 3TAUBLE JAZZ $OGlSH "AR Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M

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and Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM 8 p.m. P M 4HE &LIPSIDES 4WO 3AINTS AND 4HE *ONEE The Flipsides, Two Saints and The Jonee %ARTHQUAKE "AND ROCK 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB Earthquake Band, rock, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Carl Fisher, London Water and Konfuzion, EDM, #ARL &ISHER ,ONDON 7ATER AND +ONFUZION %$- 21-plus; Flask Lounge, Portland. 772-3122. 9 p.m. PLUS &LASK ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND P M &RENCH )NVASION 3ATURDAY WITH "RITTA 0EJIC ET French Invasion Saturday, with Britta Pejic et Les Frenchmen, Gin Mill Julep, French bingo ,ES &RENCHMEN 'IN -ILL *ULEP &RENCH BINGO and trivia, all ages; Bayside Bowl, Portland. AND TRIVIA ALL AGES "AYSIDE "OWL 0ORTLAND baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M 3INGLE 0OINT ROCK COVERS PLUS %MPIRE $INE Single Point, rock covers, 21-plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Tilden Katz, classic rock, Run of the Mill 4ILDEN +ATZ CLASSIC ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M The Substance, rock, swing and blues, 214HE 3UBSTANCE ROCK SWING AND BLUES plus; Inn on the Blues, York Beach. $5. PLUS )NN ON THE "LUES 9ORK "EACH innontheblues.com. 9:30 p.m. INNONTHEBLUES COM P M Zach Ovington, multi-instrumentalist, Blue, :ACH /VINGTON MULTI INSTRUMENTALIST "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Jenne Halstead, folk, CD-release show, Blue, *ENNE (ALSTEAD FOLK #$ RELEASE SHOW "LUE Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Mike Beling, jazz, Blue, Portland. -IKE "ELING JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON The Ride, classic and contemporary rock, RiRa, 4HE 2IDE CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY ROCK 2I2A Portland, rira.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND RIRA COM P M Roadhouse, classic and Southern rock, 21-plus2OADHOUSE CLASSIC AND 3OUTHERN ROCK PLUS Club Texas, Auburn. $5. clubtexas.info. Doors at #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN CLUBTEXAS INFO $OORS AT 8 p.m. P M ProtTones, rock, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland. 0ROF4ONES ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Rick Miller Band, Chicago blues, Gingko Blue, 2ICK -ILLER "AND #HICAGO BLUES 'INGKO "LUE Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Matt Meyer and The Gumption Junction, roots/ -ATT -EYER AND 4HE 'UMPTION *UNCTION ROOTS Americana, Dogfish Bar and Grille, Portland. !MERICANA $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M Jimmy &The Soul Cats, soul/R&B, 21-plus; Big *IMMY 4HE 3OUL #ATS SOUL 2 " PLUS "IG Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. Doors at %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM $OORS AT 7 p.m. P M

InAeona, KYOTY and Superorder, rock, Geno's )N!EONA +9/49 AND 3UPERORDER ROCK 'ENO S Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 "Benefitting Benjamin," benefit concert with h"ENElTTING "ENJAMIN v BENElT CONCERT WITH +ANE 'ROGAN AND THE !CCEPTED %CLECTICS Kane Grogan and the Accepted Eclectics, Oliver Waterman Band, Lazy Lightning, Arcane /LIVER 7ATERMAN "AND ,AZY ,IGHTNING !RCANE Lore, comedy set by Birdie Googins and more, ,ORE COMEDY SET BY "IRDIE 'OOGINS AND MORE PLUS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND DONATION 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. $10/donation. bigeasyportland.com. Open mic at 7 p.m.; show BIGEASYPORTLAND COM /PEN MIC AT P M SHOW at 8:30 p.m. AT P M Pretty Girls Sing Soprano, a capella, with David 0RETTY 'IRLS 3ING 3OPRANO A CAPELLA WITH $AVID Bullard, Blue, Portland. $12. portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. "ULLARD "LUE 0ORTLAND PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Rob Benton, rock covers, 21-plus; Inn on the 2OB "ENTON ROCK COVERS PLUS )NN ON THE Blues, York Beach, innonthebiues.com. 2 p.m. "LUES 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M Stephanie Davis, keyboards and vocals, Andy's 3TEPHANIE $AVIS KEYBOARDS AND VOCALS !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM Old Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 5:30 p.m. P M Leaving Eden, rock, all ages; Club Texas, ,EAVING %DEN ROCK ALL AGES #LUB 4EXAS Auburn. 784-7785. Doors at 8 p.m. !UBURN $OORS AT P M The Couch, open mic with host John Nels, Empire 4HE #OUCH OPEN MIC WITH HOST *OHN .ELS %MPIRE Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 7 p.m. P M Hessian, hard rock, with Seax, Amadis and (ESSIAN HARD ROCK WITH 3EAX !MADIS AND Thrillhouse, Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 4HRILLHOUSE 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND 221-2382. 9 p.m. P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Lydia Warren Band, blues, Time Out Pub, ,YDIA 7ARREN "AND BLUES 4IME /UT 0UB Rockland. $10. 593-9336. 7 p.m. 2OCKLAND P M Bluegrass Mondays, 21-plus; Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS -ONDAYS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M The Players Ball, funk, Big Easy, Portland. $3. 4HE 0LAYERS "ALL FUNK "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND bigeasyportland.com. 8:30 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Eddie and Gavin, acoustic rock, Andy's Old Port %DDIE AND 'AVIN ACOUSTIC ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M TUESDAY 45%3$!9 Ryan Halliburton, singer-songwriter, Portland 2YAN (ALLIBURTON SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM 6 p.m. P M Brian Patricks, singer-songwriter, Andy's Old Port "RIAN 0ATRICKS SINGER SONGWRITER !NDY S /LD 0ORT

Please see MUSIC, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <((

BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO Ell

:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3# Continued from Page E5

*O "VHVTU UIFZ XFSF DPOWJDUFE BOE In August, they were convicted and TFOUFODFE UP UXP ZFBST JNQSJTPONFOU sentenced to two years imprisonment, TQBSLJOH PVUDSJFT GSPN BSPVOE UIF HMPCF sparking outcries from around the globe. "O BQQFBMT IFBSJOH IBT CFFO TDIFEVMFE An appeals hearing has been scheduled GPS UIJT 8FEOFTEBZ for this Wednesday. 5IF QMJHIU PG UIF CBOE BOE UIF FOTVJOH The plight of the band and the ensuing DPOUSPWFSTZ CFDBNF BMM UIF NPSF BDVUF controversy became all the more acute UP 4QFLUPS XIJMF TIF XBT WJTJUJOH IFS to Spektor while she was visiting her IPNFMBOE homeland. i* UIJOL JU T SFBMMZ TBE BOE * UIJOL UIBU "I think it's really sad and I think that, VOGPSUVOBUFMZ JU T SFBMMZ OPU TVSQSJTJOH unfortunately, it's really not surprising. *U T SFBMMZ IBSE UP CF QBSU PG BOZ LJOE PG It's really hard to be part of any kind of PQQPTJUJPO JO 3VTTJB 5IFZ SFBMMZ MJLF opposition in Russia. They really like UP NBLF FYBNQMFT PG QFPQMF w TIF TBJE to make examples of people," she said. "Freedom has a way of spreading, and i'SFFEPN IBT B XBZ PG TQSFBEJOH BOE QFPQMF HFU JOTQJSFE BOE XIFO UIFZ TFF people get inspired, and when they see TPNFCPEZ TVDDFFE JO TPNF XBZ UIFZ KVTU somebody succeed in some way they just USZ UP LJMM JU BU UIF SPPU BOE JU T WFSZ TBE try to kill it at the root, and it's very sad. i:PV BMXBZT XBOU UP UIJOL UIBU UIJOHT "You always want to think that things BSF QSPHSFTTJOH BOE UIFO JOTUFBE PG QSPH are progressing, and then instead of progSFTT ZPV HFU LJOE PG TIPDLFE CBDL JOUP A0I ress you get kind of shocked back into 'Oh OP UIJT JT XIBU JU T MJLF BOE UIJT JT XIBU no, this is what it's like, and this is what JU T BMXBZT CFFO w it's always been.'" #VU 4QFLUPS BMTP TFFT UIJOHT UISPVHI But Spektor also sees things through another lens. BOPUIFS MFOT i* UIJOL UIBU QFPQMF BSF TUJMM JOTQJSFE "I think that people are still inspired over there. I felt it," she said. "We talked PWFS UIFSF * GFMU JU w TIF TBJE i8F UBMLFE UP QFPQMF BCPVU IPX UIFZ GFMU BOE XF to people about how they felt, and we tried to gauge things. There is a lot of USJFE UP HBVHF UIJOHT 5IFSF JT B MPU PG IPQF FTQFDJBMMZ XJUI ZPVOH QFPQMF 5IFZ hope, especially with young people. They really want to have freedom and connecSFBMMZ XBOU UP IBWF GSFFEPN BOE DPOOFD UJPO UP UIF BSUT PVUTJEF PG 3VTTJB w tion to the arts outside of Russia." Spektor returns to Portland with a 4QFLUPS SFUVSOT UP 1PSUMBOE XJUI B Monday-night show at the State Theatre. .POEBZ OJHIU TIPX BU UIF 4UBUF 5IFBUSF The last time she was here was in 2005 in 5IF MBTU UJNF TIF XBT IFSF XBT JO JO support of her 2004 "Soviet Kitsch" album TVQQPSU PG IFS i4PWJFU ,JUTDIw BMCVN - first as the opening act for The Dresden o mSTU BT UIF PQFOJOH BDU GPS 5IF %SFTEFO Dolls at Space Gallery, then a few months %PMMT BU 4QBDF (BMMFSZ UIFO B GFX NPOUIT later at Bull Moose Music in ScarborMBUFS BU #VMM .PPTF .VTJD JO 4DBSCPS ough, where she recorded a live EE PVHI XIFSF TIF SFDPSEFE B MJWF &1 She has gained substantial momen4IF IBT HBJOFE TVCTUBOUJBM NPNFO tum since then with the 2006 release of UVN TJODF UIFO XJUI UIF SFMFBTF PG

Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6455 or at: $"## ]` Ob( aponti@pressherald.com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][


Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $6. %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND portlandempire.com. Jimmy Eat World vs. Third PORTLANDEMPIRE COM *IMMY %AT 7ORLD VS 4HIRD Eye Blind, 9 p.m. %YE "LIND P M

Continued from Page E10 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Karaoke Night with DJ Ponyfarm, 21-plus; Slainte, +ARAOKE .IGHT WITH $* 0ONYFARM PLUS 3LAINTE Portland. $3, $5. slaintewinebar.com. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Electric Open Mic with Joint Enterprise, Run of %LECTRIC /PEN -IC WITH *OINT %NTERPRISE 2UN OF the Mill Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Off With Their Heads, pop-punk, with Steiner /FF 7ITH 4HEIR (EADS POP PUNK WITH 3TEINER Street and Borderlines, Geno's Rock Club, 3TREET AND "ORDERLINES 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB Portland. $8. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M The Boom Booms, dance music, 21-plus; Flask 4HE "OOM "OOMS DANCE MUSIC PLUS &LASK Lounge, Portland. 772-3122. 9 p.m. ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND P M Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE Donation. Portland, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. $ONATION 0ORTLAND PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Maine Transmit Authority, easy-listening acoustic -AINE 4RANSMIT !UTHORITY EASY LISTENING ACOUSTIC covers, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 8:30 p.m. COVERS 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM P M David Beam and The Custom House Gang, $AVID "EAM AND 4HE #USTOM (OUSE 'ANG bluegrass and Americana, Andy's Old Port Pub, BLUEGRASS AND !MERICANA !NDY S /LD 0ORT 0UB Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 7:30 p.m. 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Blind Albert, blues/rock, Gingko Blue, Portland. "LIND !LBERT BLUES ROCK 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 7 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M Open Mic Night, 21-plus; Slainte, Portland. 553/PEN -IC .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND 2350.8p.m. P M Rap Night, hosted by Shupe and III By 2AP .IGHT HOSTED BY 3HUPE AND )LL "Y Instinct, 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. $3. )NSTINCT PLUS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Acoustic Open Mic with The Veayo Twins, !COUSTIC /PEN -IC WITH 4HE 6EAYO 4WINS Dogfish Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogtishbar $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBAR andgrille.com. 7 p.m. ANDGRILLE COM P M Clash of the Titans, battle of the cover bands, #LASH OF THE 4ITANS BATTLE OF THE COVER BANDS

OCT. 11 /#4 Francine Reed, blues, 21-plus; Empire Dine and &RANCINE 2EED BLUES PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland. $15. portlandempire.com. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM 8:30 p.m. P M MSA In the Round, with Phil Daligan (singer-3! )N THE 2OUND WITH 0HIL $ALIGAN SINGER songwriter), Blue, Portland. Donation. SONGWRITER "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Phil McGowan Quartet, jazz, Blue, Portland. 0HIL -C'OWAN 1UARTET JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Trapparatus, funky jazz, Blue, Portland. Donation. 4RAPPARATUS FUNKY JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M If & It, Bath Salts and Adeyln Rose, rock, Bayside )F )T "ATH 3ALTS AND !DEYLN 2OSE ROCK "AYSIDE Bowl, Portland. $5. baysidebowl.com. 8 p.m. "OWL 0ORTLAND BAYSIDEBOWL COM P M Zach Ovington, fiddle and vocals, Andy's Old Port :ACH /VINGTON lDDLE AND VOCALS !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 6:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M Hot Club Du Monde, gypsy jazz and swing, (OT #LUB $U -ONDE GYPSY JAZZ AND SWING Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Melody Walker, singer-songwriter, 21-plus; -ELODY 7ALKER SINGER SONGWRITER PLUS Slainte, Portland, slaintewinebar.com. 10 p.m. 3LAINTE 0ORTLAND SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Dave Gagne, rock/reggae, Run of the Mill $AVE 'AGNE ROCK REGGAE 2UN OF THE -ILL Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Southbound Outlaws, Americana/blues, Dogfish 3OUTHBOUND /UTLAWS !MERICANA BLUES $OGlSH Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogtishbarandgrille "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE .com. 8 p.m. COM P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M





DAVID MAILER '$9,' 0$//(77

6Saturday, DWXUGD\ 2October FWREHU 6 Adv $GY 7L[ 30 Tix $20 8 PM $ FODVVLFDO DIWHUQRRQ

:D\ EH\RQG EOXHJUDVV ZLWK Way beyond bluegrass with

7+( .58*(5 %527+(56 THE KRUGER BROTHERS /$85$ .$5*8/ RQ SLDQR

)Friday, ULGD\ October 2FWREHU 12 Adv $GY 7L[ Tix $15 8 30 PM 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU $GY 7L[ 30 Haitian Musical Ambassador +DLWLDQ 0XVLFDO $PEDVVDGRU

%HO2 BelO November 2 1RYHPEHU 7:30 PM 30 Advance tickets $15. Students free with pay$GYDQFH WLFNHWV 6WXGHQWV IUHH ZLWK SD\ ing adult. Presented in cooperation with the LQJ DGXOW 3UHVHQWHG LQ FRRSHUDWLRQ ZLWK WKH U.S. Department of State. 8 6 'HSDUWPHQW RI 6WDWH

ALASDAIR $/$6'$,5 FRASER WITH :,7+ )5$6(5 NATALIE HAAS CELLO & FIDDLE 1$7$/,( +$$6 &(//2 ),''/( PM 6Sunday, XQGD\ 1November RYHPEHU 4 7:30 30 Advance tickets $18 $GYDQFH WLFNHWV

Also coming...Makem & Spain, the $OVR FRPLQJ 0DNHP 6SDLQ WKH Presidio Brass Quintet, and more! 3UHVLGLR %UDVV 4XLQWHW DQG PRUH


Two/or 25 7ZR IRU

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•) Fish and Chips +DGGRFN (Haddock) ‡ LVK DQG &KLSV • -Jumbo Shrimp Scampi RYHU SDVWD over pasta ‡ XPER 6KULPS 6FDPSL Please no substitutions. Not to be combined with any other offer or advertised specials. 3OHDVH QR VXEVWLWXWLRQV 1RW WR EH FRPELQHG ZLWK DQ\ RWKHU RIIHU RU DGYHUWLVHG VSHFLDOV

Happy Hour - Drinks & Appetizer Specials 3-6pm +DSS\ +RXU ² 'ULQNV $SSHWL]HU 6SHFLDOV ² SP Sunday - Patriot's Game Day Appetizer Specials 6XQGD\ ² 3DWULRW·V *DPH 'D\ $SSHWL]HU 6SHFLDOV until 6pm I XQWLO SP


i#FHJO UP )PQF w i'BSw JO BOE i8IBU "Begin to Hope," "Far" in 2009 and "What 8F 4BX 'SPN UIF $IFBQ 4FBUT w XIJDI We Saw From the Cheap Seats," which DBNF PVU JO .BZ 5IF MBUUFS FOUFSFE UIF came out in May. The latter entered the #JMMCPBSE DIBSUT BU /P BOE 4QFLUPS T Billboard charts at No. 3, and Spektor's 'BDFCPPL QBHF JT DMPTJOH JO PO B NJMMJPO Facebook page is closing in on a million BOE B IBMG GBOT and a half fans. 4QFLUPS IBT CFFO B /FX :PSLFS TJODF Spektor has been a New Yorker since JNNJHSBUJOH UP UIF 6 4 XJUI IFS GBNJMZ immigrating to the U.S. with her family. 1JBOP MFTTPOT TUBSUFE XIFO TIF XBT CVU Piano lessons started when she was 6, but XFSF JO KFPQBSEZ XIFO IFS GBNJMZ DPVMEO U were in jeopardy when her family couldn't BGGPSE B QJBOP PODF JO /FX :PSL 4P TIF afford a piano once in New York. So she GPVOE POF JO B MPDBM TZOBHPHVF found one in a local synagogue. 4PPO BGUFS GBUF JOUFSWFOFE 4QFLUPS T Soon after, fate intervened. Spektor's GBUIFS *MZB B QIPUPHSBQIFS BOE WJPMJO father, Ilya, a photographer and violinist, had a chance encounter with another JTU IBE B DIBODF FODPVOUFS XJUI BOPUIFS WJPMJOJTU 4BNVFM .BSEFS .BSEFS JT NBS violinist, Samuel Marder. Marder is marSJFE UP 4POJB 7BSHBT XIP T PO UIF GBDVMUZ ried to Sonia Vargas, who's on the faculty BU UIF .BOIBUUBO 4DIPPM PG .VTJD 'SFF at the Manhattan School of Music. Free QJBOP MFTTPOT XIJDI MBTUFE GPS ZFBST piano lessons, which lasted for years, FOTVFE ensued. 4QFLUPS TBJE TIF T TUJMM DMPTF XJUI UIF Spektor said she's still close with the DPVQMF BOE UIFZ BUUFOE BMM IFS TIPXT JO couple, and they attend all her shows in /FX :PSL i5IFZ SF B CJH QBSU PG NZ GBN New York. "They're a big part of my family." JMZ w 0DUPCFS NBSLT UIF MBVODI PG B UISFF October marks the launch of a threemonth tour for Spektor, which includes NPOUI UPVS GPS 4QFLUPS XIJDI JODMVEFT UIF 6 4 /FX ;FBMBOE BOE "VTUSBMJB the U.S., New Zealand and Australia. Leading up to it, she's's been keeping -FBEJOH VQ UP JU TIF T T CFFO LFFQJOH plenty busy. QMFOUZ CVTZ "I've been in the celebrating of Jewish i* WF CFFO JO UIF DFMFCSBUJOH PG +FXJTI holidays world with my family, so that's IPMJEBZT XPSME XJUI NZ GBNJMZ TP UIBU T CFFO HSFBU BOE TFFJOH GSJFOET BOE KVTU been great, and seeing friends and just trying to catch up," she said. USZJOH UP DBUDI VQ w TIF TBJE 4IF BMTP TQFOU TPNF UJNF JO -PT "OHF She also spent some time in Los Angeles and recently attended the MTV Video MFT BOE SFDFOUMZ BUUFOEFE UIF .57 7JEFP Music Awards, where her video for "All .VTJD "XBSET XIFSF IFS WJEFP GPS i"MM the Rowboats" was a nominee for Best UIF 3PXCPBUTw XBT B OPNJOFF GPS #FTU Art Direction. (The award went to Katy "SU %JSFDUJPO 5IF BXBSE XFOU UP ,BUZ Perry's video for "Wide Awake.") 1FSSZ T WJEFP GPS i8JEF "XBLF w

"It was kind of a cool but strange experii*U XBT LJOE PG B DPPM CVU TUSBOHF FYQFSJ ence," she said. "I've never done any FODF w TIF TBJE i* WF OFWFS EPOF BOZ kind of a red carpet thing, so it definitely LJOE PG B SFE DBSQFU UIJOH TP JU EFmOJUFMZ was interesting." XBT JOUFSFTUJOH w


3 E12 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " GO | The Portland Press H e r a l d / Thursday, O c t o b e r 4, 2012

,+& / .',$ $"# +' +! &# Putney would like to thank


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3% Continued from Page E7 Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $32.50. 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb ! # Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $

5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Get outta town

Dr. Jeff Andrews ) $ & ! ',)& Dr. Alden Chadbourne ) ) - & Dr. Sara Leven ) $$" - Dr. Nellie Savage ) & ) .*

for generously providing


for dogs participating in the

Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland's $QLPDO 5HIXJH /HDJXH RI *UHDWHU 3RUWODQG¡V

PAWS in the Park Fundraising - &+ event "& +! )# ,& ) "*"&

October 7, 2012 from 9am to 2pm +' ) )'% % +' (% in Payson Park "& /*'& )# /

Thursday - Bob Newhart, 7:30 p.m., The BVc`aROg Âł 0]P <SeVO`b %(! ^ [ BVS Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. $66 to $72. ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 $$ b] % Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Thursday - Heart with Alejandro Escovedo, BVc`aROg Âł 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`] 3aQ]dSR] 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $45 %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "# to $65. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] $# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Thursday - Blue October, 8 p.m., House BVc`aROg Âł 0ZcS =Qb]PS` & ^ [ 6]caS of Blues, Boston. $22.50 to $32.50. ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] ! # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Friday - Ben Harper, 7:30 p.m., Boston 4`WROg Âł 0S\ 6O`^S` %(! ^ [ 0]ab]\ Opera House. $40 to $75. Livenation.com; =^S`O 6]caS " b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Friday - Alabama Shakes with Fly Golden 4`WROg Âł /ZOPO[O AVOYSa eWbV 4Zg 5]ZRS\ Eagle, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 3OUZS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Friday - Medeski Martin & Wood, 4`WROg Âł ;SRSaYW ;O`bW\ E]]R 8 p.m., Jordan Hall, Boston. $27.50. & ^ [ 8]`RO\ 6OZZ 0]ab]\ % # Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Saturday- Bob Newhart, 7 p.m., Wilbur AObc`ROgÂł 0]P <SeVO`b % ^ [ EWZPc` Theatre, Boston. $49.70 to $72.70. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "' % b] % % Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! Saturday - Dispatch with Good Old War AObc`ROg Âł 2Wa^ObQV eWbV 5]]R =ZR EO` and Parkington Sisters, 8 p.m., Agganis O\R >O`YW\Ub]\ AWabS`a & ^ [ /UUO\Wa Arena, Boston. $46. Livenation.com; (800) /`S\O 0]ab]\ "$ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Sunday - Heart with Alejandro Escovedo Ac\ROg Âł 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`] 3aQ]dSR]

O\R BVS AS\aWbWdS 0]ga % ^ [ and The Sensitive Boys, 7 p.m., ;SOR]eP`]]Y C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, < 6 !' %# b] %$ # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) N.H. $39.75 to $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; $ ! '! "% (603) 293-4700 Oct. 11 - The Wiggles, 2:30 and 6:30 =Qb Âł BVS EWUUZSa (! O\R $(! p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $16.50 to ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $ # b] %$ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! $76.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 =Qb Oct. 12 Âł B]eS` ]T >]eS` O\R BVS /dS`OUS - Tower of Power and The Average EVWbS 0O\R & ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ White Band, 8 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $57.70 to $70.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% % b] % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 13 - Ben Folds Five with Kate Miller=Qb ! Âł 0S\ 4]ZRa 4WdS eWbV 9ObS ;WZZS` 6SWRYS % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " Heidke, 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $42 to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 14 - Waka Flocka Flame with Wooh Da =Qb " Âł EOYO 4Z]QYO 4ZO[S eWbV E]]V 2O Kid, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 to 9WR & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] $39.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 15 - Joss Stone, 7:30 p.m., House of =Qb # Âł 8]aa Ab]\S %(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T Blues, Boston. $29.50, $45. Livenation.com; 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' # "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Oct. 17 - Silversun Pickups, 7:30 =Qb % Âł AWZdS`ac\ >WQYc^a %(! p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $35. ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 17 - Trey Anastasio, 7:30 p.m., =Qb % Âł B`Sg /\OabOaW] %(! ^ [ Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $38/$48. =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !& "& Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 18 - The Mountain Goats with Matthew =Qb & Âł BVS ;]c\bOW\ 5]Oba eWbV ;ObbVSe E. White, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. 3 EVWbS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $22.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 19 - The Walkmen, 6 p.m., Royale =Qb ' Âł BVS EOZY[S\ $ ^ [ @]gOZS Boston. $28.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 0]ab]\ & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Oct. 19 - 3LAU, 8 p.m., House of Blues, =Qb ' Âł !:/C & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa Boston. $15 to $25. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ # b] # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# !

For more information, www.arlgp.org or www.putneyvet.com/events


When it comes down to it, we all have a 8IFO JU DPNFT EPXO UP JU XF BMM IBWF B very similar passion for playing, performWFSZ TJNJMBS QBTTJPO GPS QMBZJOH QFSGPSN ing and being creative, and that is the JOH BOE CFJOH DSFBUJWF BOE UIBU JT UIF driving force behind Toughcats. ESJWJOH GPSDF CFIJOE 5PVHIDBUT

has worked with Merge Records and done IBT XPSLFE XJUI .FSHF 3FDPSET BOE EPOF most of the records put out by Numero NPTU PG UIF SFDPSET QVU PVU CZ /VNFSP Group, which are both fantastic labels. He (SPVQ XIJDI BSF CPUI GBOUBTUJD MBCFMT )F has worked with Spoon, Bon Iver, Andrew IBT XPSLFE XJUI 4QPPO #PO *WFS "OESFX Bird, The Magnetic Fields, LCD Sound#JSE 5IF .BHOFUJD 'JFMET -$% 4PVOE system, Arcade Fire, Jeff Tweedy and TZTUFN "SDBEF 'JSF +FGG 5XFFEZ BOE the list goes on and on. We think he did a UIF MJTU HPFT PO BOE PO 8F UIJOL IF EJE B great job with "Woodenball." HSFBU KPC XJUI i8PPEFOCBMM w

What's next for Toughcats? 8IBU T OFYU GPS 5PVHIDBUT We just put out this new album but are 8F KVTU QVU PVU UIJT OFX BMCVN CVU BSF actually writing and working on a lot of BDUVBMMZ XSJUJOH BOE XPSLJOH PO B MPU PG new songs at the moment. We are also OFX TPOHT BU UIF NPNFOU 8F BSF BMTP making music videos and pursuing other NBLJOH NVTJD WJEFPT BOE QVSTVJOH PUIFS creative endeavors. We are playing some DSFBUJWF FOEFBWPST 8F BSF QMBZJOH TPNF shows around New England over the rest TIPXT BSPVOE /FX &OHMBOE PWFS UIF SFTU of this year, and there is a good chance we PG UIJT ZFBS BOE UIFSF JT B HPPE DIBODF XF will be doing a larger national tour with XJMM CF EPJOH B MBSHFS OBUJPOBM UPVS XJUI the album sometime this winter. UIF BMCVN TPNFUJNF UIJT XJOUFS

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Are there any sources of musical in"SF UIFSF BOZ TPVSDFT PG NVTJDBM JO spiration that the three of you share? TQJSBUJPO UIBU UIF UISFF PG ZPV TIBSF We are pretty different from one another 8F BSF QSFUUZ EJGGFSFOU GSPN POF BOPUIFS but have always had a very strong and CVU IBWF BMXBZT IBE B WFSZ TUSPOH BOE natural musical bond from the first moOBUVSBM NVTJDBM CPOE GSPN UIF mSTU NP ment we played together. NFOU XF QMBZFE UPHFUIFS When we started out eight years ago, 8IFO XF TUBSUFE PVU FJHIU ZFBST BHP we were coming from different musical XF XFSF DPNJOH GSPN EJGGFSFOU NVTJDBM places, which had a big influence on our QMBDFT XIJDI IBE B CJH JOnVFODF PO PVS sound. Over the past eight years, we have TPVOE 0WFS UIF QBTU FJHIU ZFBST XF IBWF all really influenced each other a lot. Which BMM SFBMMZ JOnVFODFE FBDI PUIFS B MPU 8IJDI has also had a big influence on our sound. IBT BMTP IBE B CJH JOnVFODF PO PVS TPVOE


Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6455 or at: $"## ]` Ob( aponti@pressherald. com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 102.9 WBLM BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] ' E0:; every Friday at 8:30 a.m. to hear SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ b] VSO` Aimsel Ponti wax p o e t i c a b o u t her /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ OP]cb VS` live music picks for t h e w e e k w i t h t h e ZWdS [caWQ ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY eWbV bVS C a p t a i n a n d Celeste. 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS

0VS UI TFBTPO Live Entertainment -JWF &OUFSUBJONFOU Nightly Dinner Specials /JHIUMZ %JOOFS 4QFDJBMT Monday - Thursday .POEBZ 5IVSTEBZ Mondays $ON #AMPBELL 4RIO s "LUEBERRY 2IBS Don Campbell Trio • Blueberry Ribs $20.12 -ONDAYS Tuesdays Straight Lace • Prime Rib $20.12 4UESDAYS 3TRAIGHT ,ACE s 0RIME 2IB Wednesdays Tony Boffa Trio • Fried Clams $20.12 7EDNESDAYS 4ONY "OFFA 4RIO s &RIED #LAMS Thursdays Jazz featuring the Matt Fogg Trio 4HURSDAYS *AZZ FEATURING THE -ATT &OGG 4RIO Lobster Pie $20.12 ,OBSTER 0IE Serving Dinner Nightly 3ERVING $INNER .IGHTLY

Breakfast Mon.-Sat. 7:30-10 AM "REAKFAST -ON n3AT n !.fast Buffet Sun. 7:30-11 AM "REAKFAST "UFFET 3UN n !-

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E13 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 !



* ( (* * ^ ( FG<E@E> * OPENING (* ( K?@J N<<B * THIS WEEK (*

Walt Disney Pictures EOZb 2Wa\Sg >WQbc`Sa

Victor Frankenstein (voiced by Charlie Tahan) and his beloved Sparky. Below, the science DWQb]` 4`O\YS\abSW\ d]WQSR Pg 1VO`ZWS BOVO\ O\R VWa PSZ]dSR A^O`Yg 0SZ]e bVS aQWS\QS teacher Mr. Rzykruski (voiced by Martin Landau). bSOQVS` ;` @hgY`caYW d]WQSR Pg ;O`bW\ :O\ROc



By R O G E R MOORE #Z 30(&3 .003& .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST McClatchy Newspapers

9 D

arned near an instant BSOFE OFBS BO JOTUBOU classic. Tim Burton DMBTTJD 5JN #VSUPO has taken "FrankenIBT UBLFO i'SBOLFO weenie," the animated XFFOJF w UIF BOJNBUFE short that launched his career TIPSU UIBU MBVODIFE IJT DBSFFS and expanded it into a vivid and BOE FYQBOEFE JU JOUP B WJWJE BOE moving essay on science and NPWJOH FTTBZ PO TDJFODF BOE love - the love a budding middleMPWF o UIF MPWF B CVEEJOH NJEEMF school scientist, Victor FrankenTDIPPM TDJFOUJTU 7JDUPS 'SBOLFO stein, has for his dog Sparky. TUFJO IBT GPS IJT EPH 4QBSLZ That was the kernel of the 5IBU XBT UIF LFSOFM PG UIF original 1984 "Frankenweenie," PSJHJOBM i'SBOLFOXFFOJF w back at the beginning of Burton's CBDL BU UIF CFHJOOJOH PG #VSUPO T career. Burton gives that genius DBSFFS #VSUPO HJWFT UIBU HFOJVT concept full voice in a rich, deliDPODFQU GVMM WPJDF JO B SJDI EFMJ cately-textured, 3-D jewel in the DBUFMZ UFYUVSFE % KFXFM JO UIF stop-motion animation style. TUPQ NPUJPO BOJNBUJPO TUZMF Victor (voiced by Charlie Tah7JDUPS WPJDFE CZ $IBSMJF 5BI an) is a loner, a smart kid who BO JT B MPOFS B TNBSU LJE XIP spends hours in the attic, fiddling TQFOET IPVST JO UIF BUUJD mEEMJOH with science projects. He's pretty XJUI TDJFODF QSPKFDUT )F T QSFUUZ much friendless, save for his NVDI GSJFOEMFTT TBWF GPS IJT beloved weenie dog, Sparky. CFMPWFE XFFOJF EPH 4QBSLZ Mom (Catherine O'Hara) .PN $BUIFSJOF 0 )BSB indulges him, but Dad (Martin JOEVMHFT IJN CVU %BE .BSUJO Short) wants the boy to get out, 4IPSU XBOUT UIF CPZ UP HFU PVU make some friends and take up a NBLF TPNF GSJFOET BOE UBLF VQ B sport. Victor just wants to come TQPSU 7JDUPS KVTU XBOUT UP DPNF up with a project for the big sciVQ XJUI B QSPKFDU GPS UIF CJH TDJ ence fair at school. FODF GBJS BU TDIPPM Dad suggests they "compro%BE TVHHFTUT UIFZ iDPNQSP mise," and to Dad, that means NJTF w BOE UP %BE UIBU NFBOT "nobody gets what they want," so iOPCPEZ HFUT XIBU UIFZ XBOU w TP Victor finds himself at the plate, 7JDUPS mOET IJNTFMG BU UIF QMBUF struggling to master baseball. TUSVHHMJOH UP NBTUFS CBTFCBMM

D i r e c t o r Tim B u r t o n is 2W`SQb]` BW[ 0c`b]\ Wa at his o d d b a l l best in Ob VWa ]RRPOZZ PSab W\ the ghoulishly charming bVS UV]cZWaVZg QVO`[W\U 'Frankenweenie.' ¡4`O\YS\eSS\WS ¸

REVIEW I<M@<N "FRANKENWEENIE," a n i m a t e d , ¾4@/<93<E33<73 œ O\W[ObSR with the voices of Charlie eWbV bVS d]WQSa ]T 1VO`ZWS Tahan, Martin Landau, Winona BOVO\ ;O`bW\ :O\ROc EW\]\O Ryder, Martin Short and @gRS` ;O`bW\ AV]`b O\R Catherine O'Hara. Directed 1ObVS`W\S =¸6O`O 2W`SQbSR by Tim Burton. Rated PG for Pg BW[ 0c`b]\ @ObSR >5 T]` thematic elements, scary bVS[ObWQ SZS[S\ba aQO`g images and action. Running W[OUSa O\R OQbW]\ @c\\W\U time: 1:27 bW[S( ( %

of course) and thunder-storm jolt PG DPVSTF BOE UIVOEFS TUPSN KPMU his beloved dog back to life. IJT CFMPWFE EPH CBDL UP MJGF Burton revels in the props and #VSUPO SFWFMT JO UIF QSPQT BOE Miracle of miracles, he hits .JSBDMF PG NJSBDMFT IF IJUT appliances Victor re-purposes BQQMJBODFT 7JDUPS SF QVSQPTFT a home run. But a highlight of B IPNF SVO #VU B IJHIMJHIU PG for his project. But he ensures GPS IJT QSPKFDU #VU IF FOTVSFT his young life is crushed when IJT ZPVOH MJGF JT DSVTIFE XIFO that there's an animated warmth UIBU UIFSF T BO BOJNBUFE XBSNUI Sparky chases the home-run ball 4QBSLZ DIBTFT UIF IPNF SVO CBMM to the boy's connection to this UP UIF CPZ T DPOOFDUJPO UP UIJT into the street and is killed. JOUP UIF TUSFFU BOE JT LJMMFE playful goof of a mutt, who is QMBZGVM HPPG PG B NVUU XIP JT Victor, a morose, quiet kid, 7JDUPS B NPSPTF RVJFU LJE pretty much his old self once he's QSFUUZ NVDI IJT PME TFMG PODF IF T mourns in a morose, quiet way NPVSOT JO B NPSPTF RVJFU XBZ revived - save for the odd body SFWJWFE o TBWF GPS UIF PEE CPEZ Mom's reassurance that no one .PN T SFBTTVSBODF UIBU OP POF part that falls off. QBSU UIBU GBMMT PGG you ever love dies, "they just ZPV FWFS MPWF EJFT iUIFZ KVTU There are rival students (who 5IFSF BSF SJWBM TUVEFOUT XIP move into a special place in NPWF JOUP B TQFDJBM QMBDF JO look like extras from old UniMPPL MJLF FYUSBT GSPN PME 6OJ your heart," isn't enough. It's ZPVS IFBSU w JTO U FOPVHI *U T versal horror films of the '30s) WFSTBM IPSSPS mMNT PG UIF T only when Victor sits through POMZ XIFO 7JDUPS TJUT UISPVHI aiming to beat Victor at the BJNJOH UP CFBU 7JDUPS BU UIF a demented, inspired thunderB EFNFOUFE JOTQJSFE UIVOEFS science fair, and a cute Goth TDJFODF GBJS BOE B DVUF (PUI storm lesson by his Eastern TUPSN MFTTPO CZ IJT &BTUFSO neighbor girl (Winona Ryder, Bloc science teacher (the always OFJHICPS HJSM 8JOPOB 3ZEFS #MPD TDJFODF UFBDIFS UIF BMXBZT of course) with a poodle whom inspired Martin Landau) that he PG DPVSTF XJUI B QPPEMF XIPN JOTQJSFE .BSUJO -BOEBV UIBU IF Sparky sparks for. And there are 4QBSLZ TQBSLT GPS "OE UIFSF BSF has his answer. Mr. Rzykruski IBT IJT BOTXFS .S 3[ZLSVTLJ big messages here, about what CJH NFTTBHFT IFSF BCPVU XIBU has made a dead frog's muscles IBT NBEF B EFBE GSPH T NVTDMFT makes a child's connection to NBLFT B DIJME T DPOOFDUJPO UP twitch with electricity. Victor will UXJUDI XJUI FMFDUSJDJUZ 7JDUPS XJMM a dog so primal, and death and B EPH TP QSJNBM BOE EFBUI BOE dig up Sparky, patch and stitch EJH VQ 4QBSLZ QBUDI BOE TUJUDI him up, attach a positive and IJN VQ BUUBDI B QPTJUJWF BOE negative lead on his neck (bolts, Please see M O V I E S , Page E16 OFHBUJWF MFBE PO IJT OFDL CPMUT Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <(-

"TAKEN 2" (PG-13) (1:31) Stars Liam ¾B/93< œ >5 ! (! AbO`a :WO[ Neeson, Famke Janssen, Maggie Grace and <SSa]\ 4O[YS 8O\aaS\ ;OUUWS 5`OQS O\R Leland Orser. Directed by Olivier Megaton. :SZO\R =`aS` 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZWdWS` ;SUOb]\ In Istanbul, retired CIA operative Bryan 7\ 7abO\PcZ `SbW`SR 17/ ]^S`ObWdS 0`gO\ Mills and his wife are taken hostage by ;WZZa O\R VWa eWTS O`S bOYS\ V]abOUS Pg the father of a kidnapper Mills killed while bVS TObVS` ]T O YWR\O^^S` ;WZZa YWZZSR eVWZS rescuing his daughter. `SaQcW\U VWa ROcUVbS` Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:25, =^S\W\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W "( # 7:15, 9:35 Sat 1:20, 4:25, 7:15, 9:35 Sun-Mon %( # '(!# AOb ( "( # %( # '(!# Ac\ ;]\ 7:15 Tues-Wed 4:25, 7:15; Nordica (1:20,4:25, "( # %( # BcSa ESR "( # %( #) <]`RWQO (Freeport) Fri-Sun 1:30, 3:50, 7:10, 9:20 4`SS^]`b 4`W Ac\ (! !(# %( '( Mon-Wed 1:30,3:50, 7:10; Cinemagic Grand ;]\ ESR (! !(# %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R (South Portland) Fri-Wed 11:50,2,4:20, 7, A]cbV >]`bZO\R 4`W ESR (# "( % 9:30; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12:20, '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR ( 2:30,4:45, 7:10, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook (! "("# %( '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Fri-Wed 12,12:20,2:10, 4`W ESR ( ( 2:30,4:30,4:40, (! "(! "(" 7:10, 7:30, 9:30, 9:50 %( %(! '(! '(# "FRANKENWEENIE" (PG) (1:27) Stars ¾4@/<93<E33<73œ >5 ( % AbO`a Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara, Martin EW\]\O @gRS` 1ObVS`W\S =¸6O`O ;O`bW\ Short and Martin Landau. Directed by Tim AV]`b O\R ;O`bW\ :O\ROc 2W`SQbSR Pg BW[ Burton. Young Victor conducts a science 0c`b]\ G]c\U DWQb]` Q]\RcQba O aQWS\QS experiment to bring his beloved dog Sf^S`W[S\b b] P`W\U VWa PSZ]dSR R]U Sparky back to life, only to face unintendA^O`Yg POQY b] ZWTS ]\Zg b] TOQS c\W\bS\R ed, sometimes monstrous, consequences. SR a][SbW[Sa []\ab`]ca Q]\aS_cS\QSa Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:15, =^S\W\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` 4`W "( # 6:55, 9 Sat 1:05, 4:15, 6:55, 9 Sun-Mon $(## ' AOb ( # "( # $(## ' Ac\ ;]\ 1:05,4:15, 6:55 Tues-Wed 4:15, 6:55; Nordica ( # "( # $(## BcSa ESR "( # $(##) <]`RWQO (Freeport) Fri-Sun 1:10,3:40 (3D), 6:30 4`SS^]`b 4`W Ac\ ( !(" !2 $(! (3D), 8:45 Mon-Wed 1:10, 3:40 (3D), 6:30 !2 &("# ;]\ ESR ( !(" !2 $(! (3D); Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Fri-Wed (all 3D) 12,2:10, 4:20, 7:20, 9:30; 4`W ESR OZZ !2 ( "( %( '(! ) Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed (all IMAX 3D) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] 4`W ESR OZZ 7;/F !2 4:30, 7, 9:10; Cinemagic West 12:10,2:20, ( ( "(! % '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab brook Fri-Wed (all 3D) 12:20,2:30,4:50, P`]]Y 4`W ESR OZZ !2 ( (! "(# 7:20, 9:30 %( '(! "Al WEIWEI: NEVER SORRY" (PG) ¾/7 E37E37( <3D3@ A=@@Gœ >5 (1:58) Stars Ai Weiwei, Danqing Chen and (#& AbO`a /W ESWeSW 2O\_W\U 1VS\ O\R Ying Gao. Directed by Alison Klayman. A GW\U 5O] 2W`SQbSR Pg /ZWa]\ 9ZOg[O\ / documentary that chronicles artist and acR]Qc[S\bO`g bVOb QV`]\WQZSa O`bWab O\R OQ tivist Ai Weiwei as he prepares for a series bWdWab /W ESWeSW Oa VS ^`S^O`Sa T]` O aS`WSa of exhibitions and gets into an increas]T SfVWPWbW]\a O\R USba W\b] O\ W\Q`SOa ing number of clashes with the Chinese W\U \c[PS` ]T QZOaVSa eWbV bVS 1VW\SaS government. U]dS`\[S\b Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Fri=^S\W\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R 4`W Wed 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:40 ESR ("# ! #( # %(! '(" "KILLER JOE" (NR-17) (1:58) Stars ¾97::3@ 8=3œ <@ % (#& AbO`a Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch and ;ObbVSe ;Q1]\OcUVSg 3[WZS 6W`aQV O\R Juno Temple. Directed by William Friedkin. 8c\] BS[^ZS 2W`SQbSR Pg EWZZWO[ 4`WSRYW\ When a debt puts a young man's life in EVS\ O RSPb ^cba O g]c\U [O\¸a ZWTS W\ danger, he turns to putting a hit out on RO\US` VS bc`\a b] ^cbbW\U O VWb ]cb ]\ his evil mother in order to collect the VWa SdWZ []bVS` W\ ]`RS` b] Q]ZZSQb bVS insurance. W\ac`O\QS Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Fri=^S\W\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R 4`W Wed 1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30 ESR ("# "(! %( # '(! "LUNAFEST" L/A Arts, at 221 :WaP]\ Lisbon ¾:C</43ABœ : / /`ba Ob Street in Lewiston, is hosting a benefit Ab`SSb W\ :SeWab]\ Wa V]abW\U O PS\S¿b featuring a film festival with a series short TSObc`W\U O ¿Z[ TSabWdOZ eWbV O aS`WSa aV]`b films by, for and about women. ¿Z[a Pg T]` O\R OP]cb e][S\ Opening at: L/A Arts (Lewiston) Fri 7:30 =^S\W\U Ob( : / /`ba :SeWab]\ 4`W %(!

NOW SHOWING EFN J?FN@E> ( • *( •(•(*(*(•( Âľ"2016: $( =0/;/¸A /;3@71/Âś >5 ( ' OBAMA'S AMERICA" (PG) (1:29) 2]Qc[S\bO`g 2W`SQbSR Pg 2W\SaV 2¸A]chO Documentary. Directed by Dinesh D'Souza O\R 8]V\ AcZZWdO\ / X]c`\Sg W\b] bVS VSO`b and John Sullivan. A journey into the heart ]T bVS e]`ZR¸a []ab ^]eS`TcZ ]TÂżQS b] of the world's most powerful office to `SdSOZ bVS ab`cUUZS ]T eVSbVS` ]\S [O\¸a reveal the struggle of whether one man's ^Oab eWZZ `SRSÂż\S /[S`WQO ]dS` bVS \Sfb past will redefine America over the next T]c` gSO`a four years. AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South >]`bZO\R BVc`a ( "(# %( '(# Portland) Thurs 12,2:20,4:50, 7:20, 9:50 "ARBITRAGE" (R) (1:47) Stars Richard Âľ/@07B@/53Âś @ ("% AbO`a @WQVO`R Gere, Susan Sarandon and Brit Marling. 5S`S AcaO\ AO`O\R]\ O\R 0`Wb ;O`ZW\U Directed by Nicholas Jarecki. A troubled 2W`SQbSR Pg <WQV]ZOa 8O`SQYW / b`]cPZSR hedge fund magnate desperate to comVSRUS Tc\R [OU\ObS RSa^S`ObS b] Q][

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Liam Neeson reprises :WO[ <SSa]\ `S^`WaSa his role as a retired CIA VWa `]ZS Oa O `SbW`SR 17/ operative in "Taken 2." ]^S`ObWdS W\ ÂľBOYS\ Âś plete the sale of his trading empire makes ^ZSbS bVS aOZS ]T VWa b`ORW\U S[^W`S [OYSa an error that forces him to turn to an O\ S``]` bVOb T]`QSa VW[ b] bc`\ b] O\ unlikely person for help. c\ZWYSZg ^S`a]\ T]` VSZ^ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R Thurs-Wed 1:15,4, 6:50, 9:10 BVc`a ESR ( # " $(# '( "THE BOURNE LEGACY" (PG-13) (2:05) ÂľB63 0=C@<3 :35/1GÂś >5 ! ( # Stars Jeremy Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward AbO`a 8S`S[g @S\\S` @OQVSZ ESWah 3ReO`R Norton and Scott Glenn. Directed by Tony <]`b]\ O\R AQ]bb 5ZS\\ 2W`SQbSR Pg B]\g Gilroy. An expansion of the universe from 5WZ`]g /\ Sf^O\aW]\ ]T bVS c\WdS`aS T`][ Robert Ludlum's novels centered on a new @]PS`b :cRZc[¸a \]dSZa QS\bS`SR ]\ O \Se hero whose stakes have been triggered by VS`] eV]aS abOYSa VOdS PSS\ b`WUUS`SR Pg the events of the previous three films. bVS SdS\ba ]T bVS ^`SdW]ca bV`SS ÂżZ[a Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR 6:30, 9:15; Cinemagic Westbrook 12:30,3:15, (! !( # $(! '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 12:30,3:30, 6:45, 9:35 Fri-Wed 12:30, BVc`a (! !(! $("# '(!# 4`W ESR (! 3:30, 6:30, 9:20 !(! $(! '( "THE CAMPAIGN" (R) (1:35) Stars Will ÂľB63 1/;>/75<Âś @ (!# AbO`a EWZZ Ferrell, Zach Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis 4S``SZZ HOQV 5OZWÂżO\OYWa 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa and Dylan McDermott. Directed by Jay O\R 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Og Roach. In order to gain influence over their @]OQV 7\ ]`RS` b] UOW\ W\Ă€cS\QS ]dS` bVSW` North Carolina district, two CEOs seize an <]`bV 1O`]ZW\O RWab`WQb be] 13=a aSWhS O\ opportunity to oust long-term congress]^^]`bc\Wbg b] ]cab Z]\U bS`[ Q]\U`Saa man Cam Brady by putting up a rival [O\ 1O[ 0`ORg Pg ^cbbW\U c^ O `WdOZ candidate. Their man: Naive Marty Huggins, QO\RWRObS BVSW` [O\( <OWdS ;O`bg 6cUUW\a director of the local Tourism Center. RW`SQb]` ]T bVS Z]QOZ B]c`Wa[ 1S\bS` Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 7:30, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs %(! '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 9:30 12:20, ( '(! "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (PG-13) ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @7A3AÂś >5 ! Stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, (2:40) (" AbO`a 1V`WabWO\ 0OZS ;WQVOSZ 1OW\S Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy. Directed 5O`g =ZR[O\ O\R B][ 6O`Rg 2W`SQbSR by Christopher Nolan. Eight years on, a Pg 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\ 3WUVb gSO`a ]\ O new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms \Se bS``]`Wab ZSORS` 0O\S ]dS`eVSZ[a Gotham's finest, and the Dark Knight re5]bVO[¸a Âż\Sab O\R bVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb `S surfaces to protect a city that has branded ac`TOQSa b] ^`]bSQb O QWbg bVOb VOa P`O\RSR him an enemy. VW[ O\ S\S[g Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 1, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 4:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed "( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 7:30 12:20,3:40, ( !(" %(! "DREDD" (R) (1:35) Stars Karl Urban, Âľ2@322Âś @ (!# AbO`a 9O`Z C`PO\ Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey and Rachel =ZWdWO BVW`ZPg :S\O 6SORSg O\R @OQVSZ Wood. Directed by Pete Travis. In a violent, E]]R 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS B`OdWa 7\ O dW]ZS\b futuristic city where the police have the Tcbc`WabWQ QWbg eVS`S bVS ^]ZWQS VOdS bVS authority to act as judge, jury and execuOcbV]`Wbg b] OQb Oa XcRUS Xc`g O\R SfSQc tioner, a cop teams up with a trainee to bW]\S` O Q]^ bSO[a c^ eWbV O b`OW\SS b] take down a gang that deals a reality-alterbOYS R]e\ O UO\U bVOb RSOZa O `SOZWbg OZbS` ing drug. W\U R`cU Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV Portland) Thurs 11:50,2,4:20 (3D), 7, 9:30 >]`bZO\R BVc`a (# "( !2 % '(! (3D); Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10,2:15,4:35, !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( ( # "(!# 7, 9:10 (3D) Fri-Wed 9:10 (3D); Cinemagic % '( !2 4`W ESR '( !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 11:50,2:10,4:50 (3D), ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# ( "(# !2 7:30, 9:40 (3D); Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:35, %(! '(" !2 ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (!# 4:05 (3D), 7, 9:40 (3D) "( # !2 % '(" !2 "END OF WATCH" (R) (1:49) Stars Jake Âľ3<2 =4 E/B16Âś @ ("' AbO`a 8OYS Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Anna Kendrick 5gZZS\VOOZ ;WQVOSZ >S\O /\\O 9S\R`WQY and America Ferrera. Directed by David O\R /[S`WQO 4S``S`O 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR Ayer. Two young officers are marked for /gS` Be] g]c\U ]TÂżQS`a O`S [O`YSR T]` death after confiscating a small cache of RSObV OTbS` Q]\ÂżaQObW\U O a[OZZ QOQVS ]T money and firearms from the members of []\Sg O\R Âż`SO`[a T`][ bVS [S[PS`a ]T a notorious cartel during a routine traffic O \]b]`W]ca QO`bSZ Rc`W\U O `]cbW\S b`OTÂżQ stop. ab]^ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R Thurs 1:45,4:30, 7:20, 9:40; Windham 5 BVc`a ("# "(! %( '(" ) EW\RVO[ # Star Thurs 4:15, 7:15; Nordica (Freeport) AbO` BVc`a "( # %( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b Thurs-Sun 1:45,4:15, 7:20, 9:40 Mon-Wed BVc`a Ac\ ("# "( # %( '(" ;]\ ESR

Dennis Perkins on the Portland Maine Film Festival, E14 N• New on DVD: -Dark Shadows/ E15 ;\ee`j G\ib`ej fe k_\ GfikcXe[ DX`e\ =`cd =\jk`mXc# <(+ E\n fe ;M;1 Ê;Xib J_X[fnj#Ë <(,

Please see M O V I E S , Page E16 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <(-

E14 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " JOIN JON SHANNON OF WPOR AND RICK JOHNSON FROM "BIG HITS' -2,1 -21 6+$1121 2) :325 $1' 5,&. -2+1621 )520 ´%,* +,76¾ WYNZ AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR MOVIE TRIVIA NIGHT :<1= $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 029,( 75,9,$ 1,*+7 STARTING TONIGHT FROM 7PM TO 9PM AND EVERY THURSDAY AFTER! 67$57,1* 721,*+7 )520 30 72 30 $1' (9(5< 7+856'$< $)7(5 JOIN THE FUN AND YOU CAN WIN GREAT PRIZES AND MAYBE THE -2,1 7+( )81 $1' <28 &$1 :,1 *5($7 35,=(6 $1' 0$<%( 7+( "GRAND PRIZE" OF MOVIES FOR A YEAR! ´*5$1' 35,=(¾ 2) 029,(6 )25 $ <($5

"Dream Âľ2`SO[ World," a E]`ZR Âś O "romantic Âľ`][O\bWQ comedy Q][SRg drama," R`O[O Âś is one of Wa ]\S ]T the films bVS ÂżZ[a featured in TSObc`SR W\ the Portland bVS >]`bZO\R Maine Film ;OW\S 4WZ[ Festival. 4SabWdOZ

*SEE DETAILS AND RULES AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR AT THE CINEMAGIC & IMAX IN SACO. 6(( '(7$,/6 $1' 58/(6 $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 $7 7+( &,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2

Courtesy of PMFF 1]c`bSag ]T >;44


NOPASSES 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:10-9:20

12 3$66(6



TAKEN2(PG13)10:OOPM F 3* 30 LOOPER (R) NO PASSES 12:30-3:10-6:50-9:20 5 12 3$66(6 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) NO PASSES 2:25-7:00 G 3* 12 3$66(6 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 12:05-4:30-9:10

3* WON'T BACK DOWN (PG) 12:30-3:15-6:30-9:15 3* 3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 9:10 G 5 12 3$66(6 DREDD(R) 12:10-2:15-4:35-7:00 5 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 12:20-2:35-4:50-7:10-9:30

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 12:05-2:25-4:45-7:05-9:25 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 12:00-2:25-4:50-7:15 3* 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 12:05-4:35 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (0)2:15-7:00-9:15

* POSSESSION (PG13) 12:10-2:20-4:30-7:15-9:20 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:15-6:30-9:15 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 7:30-9:25 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:10-4:25-7:10-9:25

3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 1:00-4:15 3*

*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


Emerging film festival <d\i^`e^ Ôcd ]\jk`mXc ]lcÔcc`e^ Xe XdY`k`flj gcXe fulfilling an ambitious plan



TAKEN2(PG13)10:OOPM F 3* 30 LOOPER (R) NO PASSES 2:10-4:45-7:30-10:00 5 12 3$66(6 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) NO PASSES 2:20-4:30-7:10-9:20 G 3* 12 3$66(6 3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 4:20 G 5 12 3$66(6 DREDD (R) 2:00-7:00 5 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:20

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 2:20-4:50-7:30-10:00 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 2:15-4:50-7:20-10:00 3* 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 2:10-7:10 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (0)4:30-9:30

* 2016 (PG) 2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 FNEJ 3*



TAKEN2(PG13)10:OOPM F 3* 30 LOOPER (R) NO PASSES 12:30-3:40-6:50-9:40 5 12 3$66(6 3D HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) NO PASSES 12:00-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:20 G 3* 12 3$66(6 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 11:50-2:00-4:20-6:45-9:00

3* WON'T BACK DOWN (PG) 12:10-3:20-6:40-9:20 3* PITCH PERFECT (PG13) 12:20-3:20-7:00-9:40 3* 3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 4:50-9:40 G 5 12 3$66(6 DREDD (R) 11:50-2:10-7:30 5 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 11:50-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:20

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 12:30-3:30-7:10 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 3* THE MASTER (R) 12:10-3:20-6:30-9:30 5 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12:00-2:20-4:50-7:30-9:50 U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 12:10-2:30-7:20 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (G) 4:40

* PARANORMAN (PG) 2:20-4:40-7:10 3* ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 4:40-7:10 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:30-6:45-9:35 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:20-9:30 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:20-9:35

3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:20-3:40-7:30 3*

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n 2010, then-University of Southern O UIFO 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4PVUIFSO Maine student Tyler Johnston thought .BJOF TUVEFOU 5ZMFS +PIOTUPO UIPVHIU it was a shame that a city like Portland JU XBT B TIBNF UIBU B DJUZ MJLF 1PSUMBOE didn't have its own film festival. EJEO U IBWF JUT PXO mMN GFTUJWBM In 2012, welcome to the third annual *O XFMDPNF UP UIF UIJSE BOOVBM Portland Maine Film Festival. 1PSUMBOE .BJOF 'JMN 'FTUJWBM "Portland has the i1PSUMBOE IBT UIF largest population MBSHFTU QPQVMBUJPO center in the state," DFOUFS JO UIF TUBUF w said Johnston from, of TBJE +PIOTUPO GSPN PG all places, the TriniBMM QMBDFT UIF 5SJOJ dad + Tobago Film EBE 5PCBHP 'JMN Festival, where his 'FTUJWBM XIFSF IJT documentary "Five EPDVNFOUBSZ i'JWF Bones" is competing. #POFTw JT DPNQFUJOH "It just makes sense i*U KVTU NBLFT TFOTF to have a festival here. UP IBWF B GFTUJWBM IFSF And we're networking, "OE XF SF OFUXPSLJOH inviting filmmakers, JOWJUJOH mMNNBLFST having parties, connecting with MECA IBWJOH QBSUJFT DPOOFDUJOH XJUI .&$" and other film festivals in Maine, learning BOE PUIFS mMN GFTUJWBMT JO .BJOF MFBSOJOH from them. PMFF is really about building GSPN UIFN 1.'' JT SFBMMZ BCPVU CVJMEJOH the film community in Maine." UIF mMN DPNNVOJUZ JO .BJOF w Ambitious words. But the PMFF has "NCJUJPVT XPSET #VU UIF 1.'' IBT borne them out, refining its mission in its CPSOF UIFN PVU SFmOJOH JUT NJTTJPO JO JUT brief history to, as Johnston puts it, "beCSJFG IJTUPSZ UP BT +PIOTUPO QVUT JU iCF come a festival that can grow, to curate DPNF B GFTUJWBM UIBU DBO HSPX UP DVSBUF really good, meaningful films and emergSFBMMZ HPPE NFBOJOHGVM mMNT BOE FNFSH ing Maine filmmakers." JOH .BJOF mMNNBLFST w To that end, executive director Johnston 5P UIBU FOE FYFDVUJWF EJSFDUPS +PIOTUPO and his team have put together a varied BOE IJT UFBN IBWF QVU UPHFUIFS B WBSJFE and ambitious roster of films and filmBOE BNCJUJPVT SPTUFS PG mMNT BOE mMN making workshops designed to highlight NBLJOH XPSLTIPQT EFTJHOFE UP IJHIMJHIU the best of the Maine film scene, provide UIF CFTU PG UIF .BJOF mMN TDFOF QSPWJEF guidance and inspiration to Maine filmHVJEBODF BOE JOTQJSBUJPO UP .BJOF mMN makers and, for the rest of us, just give us NBLFST BOE GPS UIF SFTU PG VT KVTU HJWF VT a chance to see some great movies. B DIBODF UP TFF TPNF HSFBU NPWJFT On the Maine film front, there are 0O UIF .BJOF mMN GSPOU UIFSF BSF Friday's two "Made in Maine" short film 'SJEBZ T UXP i.BEF JO .BJOFw TIPSU mMN blocks, featuring 12 films from Maine CMPDLT GFBUVSJOH mMNT GSPN .BJOF filmmakers along with Sunday's featuremMNNBLFST BMPOH XJUI 4VOEBZ T GFBUVSF length documentary "Fambu Tok" (from MFOHUI EPDVNFOUBSZ i'BNCV 5PLw GSPN Portland filmmakers) about the peace 1PSUMBOE mMNNBLFST BCPVU UIF QFBDF movement in Sierra Leone. "We had literNPWFNFOU JO 4JFSSB -FPOF i8F IBE MJUFS ally hundreds of Maine submissions this BMMZ IVOESFET PG .BJOF TVCNJTTJPOT UIJT year," said Johnston, "and we were able to ZFBS w TBJE +PIOTUPO iBOE XF XFSF BCMF UP choose the best." DIPPTF UIF CFTU w For aspiring or active filmmakers, 'PS BTQJSJOH PS BDUJWF mMNNBLFST PMFF has lined up several Hollywood 1.'' IBT MJOFE VQ TFWFSBM )PMMZXPPE insiders, including screenwriter/director JOTJEFST JODMVEJOH TDSFFOXSJUFS EJSFDUPS Wayne Beach, media executive Louise 8BZOF #FBDI NFEJB FYFDVUJWF -PVJTF Rosen and Bahamas film commissioner 3PTFO BOE #BIBNBT mMN DPNNJTTJPOFS Craig Woods, among others. They join $SBJH 8PPET BNPOH PUIFST 5IFZ KPJO Maine moviemakers such as Kate Kamin.BJOF NPWJFNBLFST TVDI BT ,BUF ,BNJO

Dennis Perkins ;\ee`j G\ib`ej Indie Film @e[`\ =`cd

ski from USM and Donna Galluzzo from TLJ GSPN 64. BOE %POOB (BMMV[[P GSPN the Salt Institute of Documentary Studies, UIF 4BMU *OTUJUVUF PG %PDVNFOUBSZ 4UVEJFT and local actress Krystal Kenville. BOE MPDBM BDUSFTT ,SZTUBM ,FOWJMMF All of them will participate in various "MM PG UIFN XJMM QBSUJDJQBUF JO WBSJPVT panels and Q&As dedicated to, as JohnQBOFMT BOE 2 "T EFEJDBUFE UP BT +PIO ston explains, "developing that kind of TUPO FYQMBJOT iEFWFMPQJOH UIBU LJOE PG film economy in Maine. One or two major mMN FDPOPNZ JO .BJOF 0OF PS UXP NBKPS films in Maine would be a huge boost to mMNT JO .BJOF XPVME CF B IVHF CPPTU UP our creative economy." PVS DSFBUJWF FDPOPNZ w As for features, Johnston is particularly "T GPS GFBUVSFT +PIOTUPO JT QBSUJDVMBSMZ enthusiastic about the indie "Dream FOUIVTJBTUJD BCPVU UIF JOEJF i%SFBN World," which he calls "a touching, artsy 8PSME w XIJDI IF DBMMT iB UPVDIJOH BSUTZ romantic comedy drama. Low budget, SPNBOUJD DPNFEZ ESBNB -PX CVEHFU with a strong, universal story, but one that XJUI B TUSPOH VOJWFSTBM TUPSZ CVU POF UIBU will really hit home for a lot of students." XJMM SFBMMZ IJU IPNF GPS B MPU PG TUVEFOUT w In all, Johnston's dream for a truly *O BMM +PIOTUPO T ESFBN GPS B USVMZ ambitious Portland film festival seems BNCJUJPVT 1PSUMBOE mMN GFTUJWBM TFFNT to be a reality. As he puts it, "I wanted to UP CF B SFBMJUZ "T IF QVUT JU i* XBOUFE UP help build community among filmmakers IFMQ CVJME DPNNVOJUZ BNPOH mMNNBLFST across the state and develop Portland as BDSPTT UIF TUBUF BOE EFWFMPQ 1PSUMBOE BT a destination for film, and to support one B EFTUJOBUJPO GPS mMN BOE UP TVQQPSU POF another as filmmakers. This is their film BOPUIFS BT mMNNBLFST 5IJT JT UIFJS mMN festival." GFTUJWBM w The PMFF begins Thursday and runs 5IF 1.'' CFHJOT 5IVSTEBZ BOE SVOT through Sunday. Tickets are $6 ($5 for stuUISPVHI 4VOEBZ 5JDLFUT BSF GPS TUV dents and seniors). For the full schedule EFOUT BOE TFOJPST 'PS UIF GVMM TDIFEVMF and location of screening venues, go to BOE MPDBUJPO PG TDSFFOJOH WFOVFT HP UP portlandmainefilmfest.com. QPSUMBOENBJOFmMNGFTU DPN Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ NICKELODEON CINEMA, Portland <7193:=23=< 17<3;/ >]`bZO\R (patriotcinemas.com/ ^Ob`W]bQW\S[Oa Q][ theater.aspx?house_id=3845) bVSObS` Oa^f-V]caSMWR+!&"# Friday: "Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry." 4`WROg( ¾/W ESWeSW( <SdS` A]``g œ Documentary about the titular Chinese 2]Qc[S\bO`g OP]cb bVS bWbcZO` 1VW\SaS artist's struggles with the preparations O`bWab¸a ab`cUUZSa eWbV bVS ^`S^O`ObW]\a for his latest museum show and the T]` VWa ZObSab [caSc[ aV]e O\R bVS repressive censor-hand of the Chinese `S^`SaaWdS QS\a]` VO\R ]T bVS 1VW\SaS government. U]dS`\[S\b SPACE GALLERY, Portland A>/13 5/::3@G >]`bZO\R (space538.org) a^OQS#!& ]`U Wednesday: "The Living End." Space's ESR\SaROg( ¾BVS :WdW\U 3\R œ A^OQS¸a "Normative Narrative" series about ¾<]`[ObWdS <O``ObWdSœ aS`WSa OP]cb the depiction of gay men in cinema bVS RS^WQbW]\ ]T UOg [S\ W\ QW\S[O continues with this groundbreaking, Q]\bW\cSa eWbV bVWa U`]c\RP`SOYW\U still-shocking 1992 `SdS\US `]OR []dWS revenge road movie abWZZ aV]QYW\U '' from director Greg Araki ("Mysterious T`][ RW`SQb]` 5`SU /`OYW ¾;gabS`W]ca Skin," "The Doom Generation") about AYW\ œ ¾BVS 2]][ 5S\S`ObW]\œ OP]cb a pair of HIV-positive lovers on a O ^OW` ]T 67D ^]aWbWdS Z]dS`a ]\ O killing spree targeting gay-bashers. YWZZW\U a^`SS bO`USbW\U UOg POaVS`a

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E15 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 #


,/"34%23 !2% LOBSTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! /52 30%#)!,49

NEW ON THE SHELF <3E =< B63 A63:4

"PEOPLE LIKE US," starring Chris Pine and ¾>3=>:3 :793 CA œ abO``W\U 1V`Wa >W\S O\R Elizabeth Banks. Humble family drama finds 3ZWhOPSbV 0O\Ya 6c[PZS TO[WZg R`O[O ¿\Ra cash-strapped salesman Sam (Pine, "Star Trek") QOaV ab`O^^SR aOZSa[O\ AO[ >W\S ¾AbO` B`SYœ hoping for a handsome payout when his distant V]^W\U T]` O VO\Ra][S ^Og]cb eVS\ VWa RWabO\b but well-off father passes away, but instead finds Pcb eSZZ ]TT TObVS` ^OaaSa OeOg Pcb W\abSOR ¿\Ra said inheritance tied to Frankie (Banks, "Our Idiot aOWR W\VS`WbO\QS bWSR b] 4`O\YWS 0O\Ya ¾=c` 7RW]b Brother"), a young woman unknown to him but 0`]bVS`œ O g]c\U e][O\ c\Y\]e\ b] VW[ Pcb with whom he shares an unexpected bond upon eWbV eV][ VS aVO`Sa O\ c\Sf^SQbSR P]\R c^]\ tracking her down. A quiet and sensitive little b`OQYW\U VS` R]e\ / _cWSb O\R aS\aWbWdS ZWbbZS movie with heartfelt performances from all con[]dWS eWbV VSO`bTSZb ^S`T]`[O\QSa T`][ OZZ Q]\ cerned. Special features include a commentary QS`\SR A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS O Q][[S\bO`g from Kurtzman, Pine and Banks. Rated PG-13. T`][ 9c`bh[O\ >W\S O\R 0O\Ya @ObSR >5 ! Running time: 1:54 @c\\W\U bW[S( (#" Suggested retail price: $29.99; Blu-ray $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '') 0Zc `Og !' '' "RED LIGHTS," starring Sigourney Weaver ¾@32 :756BA œ abO``W\U AWU]c`\Sg ESOdS` and Robert De Niro. Intriguing, crafty film from O\R @]PS`b 2S <W`] 7\b`WUcW\U Q`OTbg ¿Z[ T`][ writer-director Rodrigo Cortes ("Buried") pits e`WbS` RW`SQb]` @]R`WU] 1]`bSa ¾0c`WSRœ ^Wba renowned psychic (De Niro) and professional `S\]e\SR ^agQVWQ 2S <W`] O\R ^`]TSaaW]\OZ psychic debunker (Weaver) against one another ^agQVWQ RSPc\YS` ESOdS` OUOW\ab ]\S O\]bVS` in a consistently surprising cat-and-mouse W\ O Q]\aWabS\bZg ac`^`WaW\U QOb O\R []caS thriller that works best when it's focusing on the bV`WZZS` bVOb e]`Ya PSab eVS\ Wb¸a T]QcaW\U ]\ bVS ins-and-outs of Weaver's under-exposed profesW\a O\R ]cba ]T ESOdS`¸a c\RS` Sf^]aSR ^`]TSa sion rather than De Niro's theatrics. The various aW]\ `ObVS` bVO\ 2S <W`]¸a bVSOb`WQa BVS dO`W]ca plot threads get a bit unraveled near the end, ^Z]b bV`SORa USb O PWb c\`OdSZSR \SO` bVS S\R but Cortes is a creative and skillful filmmaker Pcb 1]`bSa Wa O Q`SObWdS O\R aYWZZTcZ ¿Z[[OYS` who manages to keep all the balls in the air long eV] [O\OUSa b] YSS^ OZZ bVS POZZa W\ bVS OW` Z]\U enough to merit a viewing. Special features inS\]cUV b] [S`Wb O dWSeW\U A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\ clude cast interviews. Rated R. Running time: 1:53 QZcRS QOab W\bS`dWSea @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( (#! Suggested retail price: $28.99; Blu-ray $29.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( & '') 0Zc `Og ' '' NEW TO DVD <3E B= 2D2

"HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER: THE COMPLETE Âľ6=E 7 ;3B G=C@ ;=B63@( B63 1=;>:3B3 SEASON SEVEN," starring Josh Radnor and A3/A=< A3D3< Âś abO``W\U 8]aV @OR\]` O\R Jason Segel. Once an ailing genre, the fate of 8Oa]\ ASUSZ =\QS O\ OWZW\U US\`S bVS TObS ]T the lowly sitcom appears to have turned in bVS Z]eZg aWbQ][ O^^SO`a b] VOdS bc`\SR W\ recent years. Much of that can be attributed to `SQS\b gSO`a ;cQV ]T bVOb QO\ PS Obb`WPcbSR b] this long-running, ever-sharp TV comedy, which bVWa Z]\U `c\\W\U SdS` aVO`^ BD Q][SRg eVWQV pairs one of the best ensemble casts in recent ^OW`a ]\S ]T bVS PSab S\aS[PZS QOaba W\ `SQS\b memory with some of the funniest writers to [S[]`g eWbV a][S ]T bVS Tc\\WSab e`WbS`a b] unsurprisingly bang-up effect. Showing no signs c\ac`^`WaW\UZg PO\U c^ STTSQb AV]eW\U \] aWU\a of slowing down in its seventh season (and ]T aZ]eW\U R]e\ W\ Wba aSdS\bV aSOa]\ O\R even fewer signs of getting around to solving SdS\ TSeS` aWU\a ]T USbbW\U O`]c\R b] a]ZdW\U its titular mystery), fans of such fare as "Scrubs" Wba bWbcZO` [gabS`g TO\a ]T acQV TO`S Oa ÂľAQ`cPaÂś and "Friends" would do well to spend some O\R Âľ4`WS\RaÂś e]cZR R] eSZZ b] a^S\R a][S time with this engaging and hilarious bunch. Not bW[S eWbV bVWa S\UOUW\U O\R VWZO`W]ca Pc\QV <]b rated; contains language, sexual content and `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS aSfcOZ Q]\bS\b O\R drug references. Running time: 8:43 R`cU `STS`S\QSa @c\\W\U bW[S( &("! Suggested retail price: $39.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '&

Dinner Nightly 5-9 • Lunch Daily 11:30-3 $INNER .IGHTLY s ,UNCH $AILY Reservations Suggested 967-2562 2ESERVATIONS 3UGGESTED WWW MABELSLOBSTERCLAW COM

"DARK SHADOWS," starring Johnny Depp and ¾2/@9 A6/2=EA œ abO``W\U 8]V\\g 2S^^ O\R Michelle Pfeiffer. Another comic tweaking of a ;WQVSZZS >TSWTTS` /\]bVS` Q][WQ beSOYW\U ]T O PSZ]dSR BD QZOaaWQ ¾2O`Y AVOR]eaœ [W\Sa O\ beloved TV classic, "Dark Shadows" mines an W[^`SaaWdS O[]c\b ]T Q][WQ [WZSOUS T`][ gS impressive amount of comic mileage from ye ]ZRS ¾¿aV ]cb ]T eObS`œ aQS\O`W] [OW\Zg bVO\Ya olde "fish out of water" scenario, mainly thanks b] 2S^^¸a Q][SRWQ QV]^a Oa 0O`\OPOa 1]ZZW\a O to Depp's comedic chops as Barnabas Collins, a gSO` ]ZR dO[^W`S ^Ob`WO`QV `Sac``SQbSR W\ 200-year-old vampire patriarch resurrected in bVS SO`Zg ¸% a b] `Sab]`S bVS U]]R \O[S ]T VWa the early 70s to restore the good name of his U]\S b] ^]b TO[WZg 0SQOcaS bVWa Wa O BW[ 0c`b]\ gone-to-pot family. Because this is a Tim Burton ¿Z[ bVS aSb O\R STTSQba O`S b]^ \]bQV O\R bVS film, the set and effects are top-notch, and the humor campy and over-the-top, an approach Vc[]` QO[^g O\R ]dS` bVS b]^ O\ O^^`]OQV that may not work for every project Burton bVOb [Og \]b e]`Y T]` SdS`g ^`]XSQb 0c`b]\ tackles but is certainly appropriate in this venue. bOQYZSa Pcb Wa QS`bOW\Zg O^^`]^`WObS W\ bVWa dS\cS Rated PG-13. Running time: 1:53 @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( (#! Suggested retail price: $28.98; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( & '&) 0Zc `Og !# ''



Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Johnny Depp in "Dark Shadows." 8]V\\g 2S^^ W\ Âľ2O`Y AVOR]ea Âś

OCEAN AVENUE, KENNEBUNKPORT /#%!. !6%.5% +%..%"5.+0/24

up. Special features include commentaries from c^ A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS Q][[S\bO`WSa T`][ cast and crew on select episodes and a gag reel. QOab O\R Q`Se ]\ aSZSQb S^Wa]RSa O\R O UOU `SSZ Not rated; contains language and sexual content. <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS O\R aSfcOZ Q]\bS\b Running time: 8:46 @c\\W\U bW[S( &("$ Suggested retail price: $39.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '& NEW TO BLU-RAY <3E B= 0:C @/G "CINDERELLA," animated with the voices of ¾17<23@3::/ œ O\W[ObSR eWbV bVS d]WQSa ]T llene Woods and James MacDonald. Perenni7ZS\S E]]Ra O\R 8O[Sa ;OQ2]\OZR >S`S\\W ally one of Disney's cornerstone productions, OZZg ]\S ]T 2Wa\Sg¸a Q]`\S`ab]\S ^`]RcQbW]\a this 1950 fairytale classic gets the Blu-ray bVWa '# TOW`gbOZS QZOaaWQ USba bVS 0Zc `Og deluxe treatment, and as always, the melding RSZcfS b`SOb[S\b O\R Oa OZeOga bVS [SZRW\U of old-school animation with high-tech technol]T ]ZR aQV]]Z O\W[ObW]\ eWbV VWUV bSQV bSQV\]Z ogy produces staggering results. Retaining that ]Ug ^`]RcQSa abOUUS`W\U `SacZba @SbOW\W\U bVOb old Disney magic after all these years, if you're ]ZR 2Wa\Sg [OUWQ OTbS` OZZ bVSaS gSO`a WT g]c¸`S looking to add "Cinderella" to your home video Z]]YW\U b] ORR ¾1W\RS`SZZOœ b] g]c` V][S dWRS] library, this is unquestionably the way to do it. ZWP`O`g bVWa Wa c\_cSabW]\OPZg bVS eOg b] R] Wb Special features include several retrospective A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS aSdS`OZ `Sb`]a^SQbWdS documentaries and a personalized digital storyR]Qc[S\bO`WSa O\R O ^S`a]\OZWhSR RWUWbOZ ab]`g book. Rated G. Running time: 1:15 P]]Y @ObSR 5 @c\\W\U bW[S( ( # Suggested retail price: $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '' VIDEOPORT PICKS D723=>=@B >719A "IRON SKY," starring Udo Kier and Julie Dietze. ¾7@=< A9G œ abO``W\U CR] 9WS` O\R 8cZWS 2WSbhS How's this for high concept? It turns out the 6]e¸a bVWa T]` VWUV Q]\QS^b- 7b bc`\a ]cb bVS Nazis managed to set up a secret base on the <OhWa [O\OUSR b] aSb c^ O aSQ`Sb POaS ]\ bVS moon back in 1945, and since then they've been []]\ POQY W\ '"# O\R aW\QS bVS\ bVSg¸dS PSS\ hiding out there for the perfect chance to return VWRW\U ]cb bVS`S T]` bVS ^S`TSQb QVO\QS b] `Sbc`\ to power, which in this case is the year 2018. b] ^]eS` eVWQV W\ bVWa QOaS Wa bVS gSO` & Sounds like a B-movie lover's dream come true, A]c\Ra ZWYS O 0 []dWS Z]dS`¸a R`SO[ Q][S b`cS and in some respects that's a fair assessment O\R W\ a][S `Sa^SQba bVOb¸a O TOW` OaaSaa[S\b of director Timo Vuroensola's sci-fi satire, an ]T RW`SQb]` BW[] Dc`]S\a]ZO¸a aQW ¿ aObW`S O\ impressive achievement no matter how you look W[^`SaaWdS OQVWSdS[S\b \] [ObbS` V]e g]c Z]]Y at it when you consider the film's comparatively Ob Wb eVS\ g]c Q]\aWRS` bVS ¿Z[¸a Q][^O`ObWdSZg modest budget of $7.5 million. Visually, "Sky" []RSab PcRUSb ]T % # [WZZW]\ DWacOZZg ¾AYgœ looks better than many movies several times its Z]]Ya PSbbS` bVO\ [O\g []dWSa aSdS`OZ bW[Sa Wba budget, but Vuroensola has more on his mind PcRUSb Pcb Dc`]S\a]ZO VOa []`S ]\ VWa [W\R then simple camp tomfoolery, slyly sending up bVS\ aW[^ZS QO[^ b][T]]ZS`g aZgZg aS\RW\U c^ politics, history and sci-fi tropes with reckless ^]ZWbWQa VWab]`g O\R aQW ¿ b`]^Sa eWbV `SQYZSaa abandon. Rated R for language and some vioOPO\R]\ @ObSR @ T]` ZO\UcOUS O\R a][S dW] lence. Running time: 1:33 ZS\QS @c\\W\U bW[S( (!! Suggested retail price: $19.98; $24.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '&) " '&

"SOUND OF MY VOICE," starring Christopher ÂľA=C<2 =4 ;G D=713 Âś abO``W\U 1V`Wab]^VS` Denham and Nicole Vicius. Providing a skillfully 2S\VO[ O\R <WQ]ZS DWQWca >`]dWRW\U O aYWZZTcZZg odd blend of the fantastical and all-too-believ]RR PZS\R ]T bVS TO\bOabWQOZ O\R OZZ b]] PSZWSd able, writer-director Zal Batmanglij fashions OPZS e`WbS` RW`SQb]` HOZ 0Ob[O\UZWX TOaVW]\a a truly eerie mystery with "Voice." Doomed O b`cZg SS`WS [gabS`g eWbV ÂľD]WQS Âś 2]][SR would-be journalists Peter (Denham) and Lorna e]cZR PS X]c`\OZWaba >SbS` 2S\VO[ O\R :]`\O (Vicius) attempt to infiltrate and thereby expose DWQWca ObbS[^b b] W\ÂżZb`ObS O\R bVS`SPg Sf^]aS and derail a cult led by a supposed time traveler O\R RS`OWZ O QcZb ZSR Pg O ac^^]aSR bW[S b`OdSZS` "NEW GIRL: THE COMPLETE FIRST SEASON," Âľ<3E 57@:( B63 1=;>:3B3 47@AB A3/A=< Âś (the excellently unsettling Brit Marling, who also bVS SfQSZZS\bZg c\aSbbZW\U 0`Wb ;O`ZW\U eV] OZa] starring Zooey Deschanel and Jake Johnson. abO``W\U H]]Sg 2SaQVO\SZ O\R 8OYS 8]V\a]\ co-scripted), but it all falls apart in short order Q] aQ`W^bSR Pcb Wb OZZ TOZZa O^O`b W\ aV]`b ]`RS` Meta-quirky vehicle for the ever-lovely and ;SbO _cW`Yg dSVWQZS T]` bVS SdS` Z]dSZg O\R when they find themselves unexpectedly taken eVS\ bVSg Âż\R bVS[aSZdSa c\Sf^SQbSRZg bOYS\ popular Deschanel has slowly but steadily gained W\ Pg VS` QZOW[a O\R [OU\SbWQ ^`SaS\QS EWbV O ^]^cZO` 2SaQVO\SZ VOa aZ]eZg Pcb abSORWZg UOW\SR in by her claims and magnetic presence. With a a loyal following thanks to its star's undeniable deliberately uneven pace and unsettingly comO Z]gOZ T]ZZ]eW\U bVO\Ya b] Wba abO`¸a c\RS\WOPZS RSZWPS`ObSZg c\SdS\ ^OQS O\R c\aSbbW\UZg Q][ appeal, an engaging supporting cast and a clear [WbbSR ^S`T]`[O\QSa ÂľD]WQSÂś Wa TO` T`][ g]c` O^^SOZ O\ S\UOUW\U ac^^]`bW\U QOab O\R O QZSO` mitted performances, "Voice" is far from your willingness to go to extreme lengths in search average thriller. Rated R for language and brief eWZZW\U\Saa b] U] b] Sfb`S[S ZS\UbVa W\ aSO`QV OdS`OUS bV`WZZS` @ObSR @ T]` ZO\UcOUS O\R P`WST of a laugh. Something of a send-up of the whole R`cU caS @c\\W\U bW[S( ( drug use. Running time: 1:25 ]T O ZOcUV A][SbVW\U ]T O aS\R c^ ]T bVS eV]ZS # "manic pixie dream girl" motif, "New Girl" is Suggested retail price: $39.99 Âľ[O\WQ ^WfWS R`SO[ UW`ZÂś []bWT Âľ<Se 5W`ZÂś Wa AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '' more likely to wear you down than wear you out, []`S ZWYSZg b] eSO` g]c R]e\ bVO\ eSO` g]c ]cb and this box set is the ideal opportunity to catch — Courtesy of Videoport O\R bVWa P]f aSb Wa bVS WRSOZ ]^^]`bc\Wbg b] QObQV ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b

1 Freeport Village Station • 228-1868

Times for Thursday, October 4,2012 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA K, 9:15 1:20 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3D i <, 4:006:50 LOOPER.2:00,4:30,7:00,9:30 END OF WATCH m 1:45,4:15,7:20,9:40 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET mÂą3 1:30,3:50,7:10,9:20 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE ^S 1:00,3:30, 6:40,9:00

FINDING NEMO 3D m 1:10,3:40,6:30,8:45

E16 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

BCPVU TDJFODF about science. 8IFO UIF WPMBUJMF .S 3[ZLSVTLJ JT DIBM When the volatile Mr. Rzykruski is chalMFOHFE CZ QBSFOUT BOE UIF TDIPPM CPBSE lenged by parents and the school board, IF HJWFT B UBDUMFTT SBOU UIBU XPVME SBUUMF he gives a tactless rant that would rattle the "ignorant" and "stupid" corners of UIF iJHOPSBOUw BOE iTUVQJEw DPSOFST PG America to their core. "You do not under"NFSJDB UP UIFJS DPSF i:PV EP OPU VOEFS stand science, so you are AFRAID of it!" TUBOE TDJFODF TP ZPV BSF "'3"*% PG JU w UIVOEFST -BOEBV XIP XPO BO 0TDBS BT thunders Landau (who won an Oscar as Burton's version of Bela Lugosi in "Ed #VSUPO T WFSTJPO PG #FMB -VHPTJ JO i&E Wood"). It's no wonder that "Your coun8PPEw *U T OP XPOEFS UIBU i:PVS DPVO try does not make enough scientists." USZ EPFT OPU NBLF FOPVHI TDJFOUJTUT w Godzilla gags and visual riffs on every(PE[JMMB HBHT BOE WJTVBM SJGGT PO FWFSZ thing from "Gremlins" to the RankinUIJOH GSPN i(SFNMJOTw UP UIF 3BOLJO

#BTT TUPQ NPUJPO BOJNBUFE 57 TQFDJBMT Bass stop-motion animated TV specials ("Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer") of i3VEPMQI UIF 3FE /PTFE 3FJOEFFSw PG the 1960s and 70s flesh out this cadaverUIF T BOE T nFTI PVU UIJT DBEBWFS PVTMZ DVUF UBMF ously cute tale. #VU JU JT #VSUPO T BCJMJUZ UP HJWF IFBSU But it is Burton's ability to give heart to the weird, the unsympathetic and UP UIF XFJSE UIF VOTZNQBUIFUJD BOE TPNFUJNFT BOJNBUFE DIBSBDUFST JO IJT sometimes animated characters in his mMNT UIBU IBT CFFO UIF IBMMNBSL PG UIF films that has been the hallmark of the director's career. Don't be surprised if EJSFDUPS T DBSFFS %PO U CF TVSQSJTFE JG your eyes mist over for a silly dog of clay ZPVS FZFT NJTU PWFS GPS B TJMMZ EPH PG DMBZ BOE UIF TUJDL CPZ XIP MPWFT IJN and the stick-boy who loves him. And parents, if you didn't know, choose "OE QBSFOUT JG ZPV EJEO U LOPX DIPPTF the words of comfort you say to a child UIF XPSET PG DPNGPSU ZPV TBZ UP B DIJME NPVSOJOH B MPTU QFU DBSFGVMMZ 8JUI UIF mourning a lost pet carefully. With the inspiration of the right science teacher, JOTQJSBUJPO PG UIF SJHIU TDJFODF UFBDIFS "we'd bring him back if we could" might iXF E CSJOH IJN CBDL JG XF DPVMEw NJHIU come back to bite you. DPNF CBDL UP CJUF ZPV

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AT THE at the ;I@M<$@EJ DRIVE-INS BRIDGTON TWIN DRIVE-IN, 383 Portland Road, Bridgton; 647-8666. Closed for 0@725B=< BE7< 2@7D3 7< !&! >]`bZO\R @]OR 0`WRUb]\) $"% &$$$ 1Z]aSR T]` season aSOa]\ SACO DRIVE-IN, 969 Portland Road, Saco; 284-1016. Open Friday and Saturday A/1= 2@7D3 7< '$' >]`bZO\R @]OR AOQ]) &" $ =^S\ 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg only. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. $15/carload. ]\Zg 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob $(! ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Fri-Sat: "The Possession" (R) 7:15; followed by "The House at the End of the 4`W AOb( ÂľBVS >]aaSaaW]\Âś @ %( #) T]ZZ]eSR Pg ÂľBVS 6]caS Ob bVS 3\R ]T bVS Ab`SSbÂś >5 ! Street" (PG-13) PRIDES CORNER DRIVE-IN, 651 Bridgton Road, Westbrook; 797-3154. Open Friday >@723A 1=@<3@ 2@7D3 7< $# 0`WRUb]\ @]OR ESabP`]]Y) %'% ! #" =^S\ 4`WROg and Saturday only. Gates open at 7 p.m. $15/carload. O\R AObc`ROg ]\Zg 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob % ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Fri-Sat: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (PG); "The Odd Life of Timothy 4`W AOb( Âľ2WO`g ]T O EW[^g 9WR( 2]U 2Oga >5 ) ÂľBVS =RR :WTS ]T BW[]bVg Green" (PG) 5`SS\Âś >5

BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

1:45,4:15, 7:20; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs ("# "( # %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a Wed 11:40,2:20,4:50, 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed ESR (" ( "(# %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR 7:05, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:05,2:25,4:45, ( # ( # "("# %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a Wed 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs 4:45,10 ESR (! !(! %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a "("# "FINDING NEMO" (G) (1:40) Stars Albert Brooks, Ellen Âľ47<27<5 <3;=Âś 5 (" AbO`a /ZPS`b 0`]]Ya 3ZZS\ DeGeneres, Alexander Gould and Willem Dafoe. Directed 2S5S\S`Sa /ZSfO\RS` 5]cZR O\R EWZZS[ 2OT]S 2W`SQbSR by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. After his son is Pg /\R`Se AbO\b]\ O\R :SS C\Y`WQV /TbS` VWa a]\ Wa captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to Sydney, a QO^bc`SR W\ bVS 5`SOb 0O``WS` @SST O\R bOYS\ b] AgR\Sg O timid clownfish sets out on a journey to bring him home. bW[WR QZ]e\ÂżaV aSba ]cb ]\ O X]c`\Sg b] P`W\U VW[ V][S This is a re-release in 3D. BVWa Wa O `S `SZSOaS W\ !2 Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a 1:10 (3D), 3:40 (3D), 6:30 (3D), 8:45 (3D); Cinemagic Grand ( !2 !(" !2 $(! !2 &("# !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R (South Portland) Thurs 11:50 (3D), 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a (# !2 ( !2 "(! %( !2 9:30; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05 (3D), 2:15, 4:35 (3D), 7, '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # !2 ( # "(!# !2 % 9:15 Fri-Wed 12:05 (3D), 2:15, 4:35 (3D), 7; Cinemagic '( # 4`W ESR ( # !2 ( # "(!# !2 %) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 12:10 (3D), 2:30 (3D), 4:40, 7:20 (3D), ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( !2 (! !2 "(" %( !2 9:50 Fri-Wed 11:50,2:10,4:30, 7; Brunswick 10 Thurs (all '(# 4`W ESR (# ( "(! %) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a OZZ 30)2,4:35,7:05,9:35 !2 "(!# %( # '(!# "HOPE SPRINGS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Meryl Streep, Âľ6=>3 A>@7<5AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a ;S`gZ Ab`SS^ Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell and Jean Smart. Directed B][[g :SS 8]\Sa AbSdS 1O`SZZ O\R 8SO\ A[O`b 2W`SQbSR by David Frankel. After 30 years of marriage, a middlePg 2OdWR 4`O\YSZ /TbS` ! gSO`a ]T [O``WOUS O [WRRZS aged couple attends an intense week-long counseling OUSR Q]c^ZS ObbS\Ra O\ W\bS\aS eSSY Z]\U Q]c\aSZW\U session to work on their relationship. aSaaW]\ b] e]`Y ]\ bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12,2:10,4:25, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( "( # 7:10, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12,2:20, 9:35 %( '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR ( '(!# "HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA" (PG) (1:58) Stars Adam Âľ6=B3: B@/<AG:D/<7/Âś >5 (#& AbO`a /RO[ Sandier, Kevin James, Andy Samberg and Selena Gomez. AO\RZS` 9SdW\ 8O[Sa /\Rg AO[PS`U O\R ASZS\O 5][Sh Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. Dracula operates a high2W`SQbSR Pg 5S\\Rg BO`bOY]daYg 2`OQcZO ]^S`ObSa O VWUV end resort far away from the human world. He goes into S\R `Sa]`b TO` OeOg T`][ bVS Vc[O\ e]`ZR 6S U]Sa W\b] overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and ]dS`^`]bSQbWdS []RS eVS\ O P]g RWaQ]dS`a bVS `Sa]`b O\R falls for his daughter. TOZZa T]` VWa ROcUVbS` Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:30, 7:10 Fri 4:30, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "(! %( 4`W "(! 7:10, 9:05 Sat 1:30,4:30, 7:10, 9:05 Sun-Mon 1:30,4:30, %( '( # AOb (! "(! %( '( # Ac\ ;]\ (! "(! 7:10 Tues-Wed 4:30, 7:10; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Sun %( BcSa ESR "(! %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a Ac\ 4 (3D), 6:50 (3D), 9:15 Mon-Wed 1:20, 4 (3D), 6:50 (1:20, " !2 $(# !2 '( # ;]\ ESR ( " !2 $(# (3D); Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 12 !2 (3D), !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a 2:20 (3D), 4:30 (3D), 7:10 (3D), 9:20 (3D) Fri-Wed 12 !2 (3D), ( !2 "(! !2 %( !2 '( !2 4`W ESR 2:20 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), 9:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed ( !2 "(! %( !2 '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR (3D) 4:30, 7 (3D), 9:10; Cinemagic Westbrook 12:05, ( # 2:25 ( # !2 "(! % !2 '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y Thurs 11:50,12(3D), (3D), 4:20, 4:30 (3D), 6:45, 7 BVc`a (# !2 2, 2:10 ( !2 "( "(! !2 $("# % (3D), 9, 9:20 (3D) Fri-Wed 11:50,12 !2 (3D), 2, 2:10 (3D), 4:20, !2 ' '( !2 4`W ESR (# ( !2 "( 4:30 (3D), 6:45, 7 (3D), 9, 9:10 (3D); Brunswick 10 Thurs "(! !2 $("# % !2 ' '( !2 ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a 1:40, 2:10, 4 (3D), 4:40, 6:40, 7:30, 9:20 (3D) (" ( " !2 "(" $(" %(! '( !2 "HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET" (PG-13) (1:41) Âľ6=CA3 /B B63 3<2 =4 B63 AB@33BÂś >5 ! (" Stars Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot and AbO`a 8S\\WTS` :Oe`S\QS 3ZWaOPSbV AVcS ;Of BVWS`W]b O\R Gil Bellows. Directed by MarkTonderai. A mother and 5WZ 0SZZ]ea 2W`SQbSR Pg ;O`Y B]\RS`OW / []bVS` O\R daughter move to a new town and find themselves living ROcUVbS` []dS b] O \Se b]e\ O\R Âż\R bVS[aSZdSa ZWdW\U next door to a house where a young girl murdered her \Sfb R]]` b] O V]caS eVS`S O g]c\U UW`Z [c`RS`SR VS` parents. When the daughter befriends the surviving son, ^O`S\ba EVS\ bVS ROcUVbS` PST`WS\Ra bVS ac`dWdW\U a]\

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415 Philbrook Ave - Hannaford Plaza - South Portland, ME - 780-6052 3KLOEURRN $YH +DQQDIRUG 3OD]D 6RXWK 3RUWODQG 0(

she learns the story is far from over. aVS ZSO`\a bVS ab]`g Wa TO` T`][ ]dS` Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:05, 7:20 Fri 4:05, AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %( 4`W "( # 7:20, 9:30 Sat 1:25,4:05, 7:20, 9:30 Sun-Mon 1:25,4:05, 7:20 %( '(! AOb ( # "( # %( '(! Ac\ ;]\ ( # "( # %( Tues-Wed 4:05, 7:20; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:30,3:50, BcSa ESR "( # %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a (! !(# 7:10, 9:20; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs-Wed %( '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR 11:40,2,4:20, 7, 9:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:20, (" "( % '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR ( 2:35,4:50, 7:10, 9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed (!# "(# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 11:50, 2:10,4:30, 7, 9:20; Brunswick 10 Thurs 2:15,4:45, (# ( "(! % '( ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a ( # "("# 7:35,10:05 %(!# ( # "LAWLESS" (R) (1:55) Stars Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf ¾:/E:3AAœ @ (## AbO`a B][ 6O`Rg AVWO :O0S]cT and Guy Pearce. Directed by John Hillcoat. Set in Virginia O\R 5cg >SO`QS 2W`SQbSR Pg 8]V\ 6WZZQ]Ob ASb W\ DW`UW\WO during the Depression era, a bootlegging gang is threatRc`W\U bVS 2S^`SaaW]\ S`O O P]]bZSUUW\U UO\U Wa bV`SOb ened by authorities who want a cut of their profits. S\SR Pg OcbV]`WbWSa eV] eO\b O Qcb ]T bVSW` ^`]¿ba Showing at: Brunswick 10 Thurs 9:50 AV]eW\U Ob( 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a '(# "LOOPER" (R) (1:58) Stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce ¾:==>3@œ @ (#& AbO`a 8]aS^V 5]`R]\ :SdWbb 0`cQS Willis, Emily Blunt and Paul Dano. Directed by Rian JohnEWZZWa 3[WZg 0Zc\b O\R >OcZ 2O\] 2W`SQbSR Pg @WO\ 8]V\ son. In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, a]\ 7\ % eVS\ bVS []P eO\ba b] USb `WR ]T a][S]\S the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired bVS bO`USb Wa aS\b ! gSO`a W\b] bVS ^Oab eVS`S O VW`SR gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the Uc\ OeOWba A][S]\S ZWYS 8]S eV] ]\S ROg ZSO`\a bVS mob wants to "close the loop" by transporting back Joe's []P eO\ba b] ¾QZ]aS bVS Z]]^œ Pg b`O\a^]`bW\U POQY 8]S¸a future self. Tcbc`S aSZT Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 1,3:45, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR !("# 6:40, 9:15; Windham 5 Star Thurs 4, 7:05 Fri 4, 7:05, 9:25 $(" '( #) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a " %( # 4`W " %( # '( # Sat 1:10,4, 7:05, 9:25 Sun-Mon 1:10,4, 7:05 Tues-Wed 4, AOb ( " %( # '( # Ac\ ;]\ ( " %( # BcSa ESR " 7:05; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Sun 2,4:30, 7, 9:30 Mon%( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a Ac\ "(! % '(! ;]\ Wed 2,4:30, 7; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) ThursESR "(! %) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a Wed 11:30,2:10,4:45, 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed ESR (! ( "("# %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ESR 3:10, 6:50, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12:30, (! !( $(# '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR 3:40, 6:50, 9:40; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:30, 4:20, 12:30, (! !(" $(# '(" ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (! "( 7:10, 9:55 %( '(## "THE MASTER" (PG-13) (2:17) Stars Philip Seymour ¾B63 ;/AB3@œ >5 ! ( % AbO`a >VWZW^ ASg[]c` Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. Directed by 6]TT[O\ 8]O_cW\ >V]S\Wf O\R /[g /RO[a 2W`SQbSR Pg Paul Thomas Anderson. A Naval veteran arrives home >OcZ BV][Oa /\RS`a]\ / <OdOZ dSbS`O\ O``WdSa V][S from war unsettled and uncertain of his future - until he is T`][ eO` c\aSbbZSR O\R c\QS`bOW\ ]T VWa Tcbc`S ³ c\bWZ VS Wa tantalized by The Cause, a faith-based organization, and bO\bOZWhSR Pg BVS 1OcaS O TOWbV POaSR ]`UO\WhObW]\ O\R its charismatic leader. Wba QVO`Wa[ObWQ ZSORS` Showing at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) Thurs 1,3:45, 6:30 AV]eW\U Ob( 3dS\W\UabO` 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a !("# $(! Fri-Sat 1,3:45, 6:30, 9:15 Sun-Wed 1,3:45, 6:30; Nickelode4`W AOb !("# $(! '( # Ac\ ESR !("# $(! ) <WQYSZ]RS on (Portland) Thurs-Wed 12:30,3:30, 6:30, 9:20; Cinemagic ]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR (! !(! $(! '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:10, ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( !( $(! '(! 4`W ESR ( 3:20, 6:30, 9:25 !( $(! '( # "THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN" (PG) (1:40) Stars ¾B63 =22 :743 =4 B7;=B6G 5@33<œ >5 (" AbO`a Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton and CJ Adams. Directed 8S\\WTS` 5O`\S` 8]SZ 3RUS`b]\ O\R 18 /RO[a 2W`SQbSR by Peter Hedges. A childless couple bury a box in their Pg >SbS` 6SRUSa / QVWZRZSaa Q]c^ZS Pc`g O P]f W\ bVSW` backyard, containing all of their wishes for an infant. Soon, POQYgO`R Q]\bOW\W\U OZZ ]T bVSW` eWaVSa T]` O\ W\TO\b A]]\ a child is born, though Timothy Green is not all that he O QVWZR Wa P]`\ bV]cUV BW[]bVg 5`SS\ Wa \]b OZZ bVOb VS appears. O^^SO`a Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:25, 6:55; Cinemagic AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # $(##) 1W\S[OUWQ Westbrook Thurs-Wed 4:40, 7:10 ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ESR "(" %( "PITCH PERFECT" (PG) (1:52) AbO`a /\\O 9S\R`WQY 0`Wb Stars Anna Kendrick, Brit¾>7B16 >3@431Bœ >5 (# tany Snow and Rebel Wilson. Directed by Jason Moore. A bO\g A\]e O\R @SPSZ EWZa]\ 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Oa]\ ;]]`S /

Please see MOVIES, PageE26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <)-

movies atW.MUSEUM MOVIES AT K?< DLJ<LD "THE CONNECTION," directed by Jim Dunn, not rated. Eight drug addicts are ÂľB63 1=<<31B7=< Âś RW`SQbSR Pg 8W[ 2c\\ \]b `ObSR 3WUVb R`cU ORRWQba O`S gathered in a Greenwich Village loft apartment belonging to Leach. They have UObVS`SR W\ O 5`SS\eWQV DWZZOUS Z]Tb O^O`b[S\b PSZ]\UW\U b] :SOQV BVSg VOdS accepted a fee from Dunn, a young documentarian, and his cameraman, J.J. OQQS^bSR O TSS T`][ 2c\\ O g]c\U R]Qc[S\bO`WO\ O\R VWa QO[S`O[O\ 8 8 Burden, to film them. They are waiting for their drug connection to arrive with 0c`RS\ b] ÂżZ[ bVS[ BVSg O`S eOWbW\U T]` bVSW` R`cU Q]\\SQbW]\ b] O``WdS eWbV the heroin. While the four musicians in the group play jazz, Dunn asks the bVS VS`]W\ EVWZS bVS T]c` [caWQWO\a W\ bVS U`]c^ ^ZOg XOhh 2c\\ OaYa bVS others to relate anecdotes about themselves and their backgrounds. ]bVS`a b] `SZObS O\SQR]bSa OP]cb bVS[aSZdSa O\R bVSW` POQYU`]c\Ra Showing at: Portland Museum of Art, 6:30 p.m. Friday, 2 ^ [ AObc`ROg p.m. Saturday AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b $(! ^ [ 4`WROg

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 % GO E17

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k


ĂŠJ8C K@D 98 E:FĂ‹

Courtesy of PSO 1]c`bSag ]T >A=

Conductor Robert Moody 1]\RcQb]` @]PS`b ;]]Rg and the Portland Symphony O\R bVS >]`bZO\R Ag[^V]\g Orchestra launch a new =`QVSab`O ZOc\QV O \Se season on Sunday. aSOa]\ ]\ Ac\ROg

PSO opener spans GJF fg\e\i jgXej three centuries k_i\\ Z\ekli`\j THE PORTLAND S y m p h o n y B63 >=@B:/<2 Ag[^V]\g Orchestra's 84th =`QVSab`O¸a &"bV season opens with two aSOa]\ ]^S\a eWbV be] performances featuring ^S`T]`[O\QSa TSObc`W\U music from three centuries: [caWQ T`][ bV`SS QS\bc`WSa( "Mothership" by Mason ¾;]bVS`aVW^œ Pg ;Oa]\ Bates, Tchaikovsky's 0ObSa BQVOWY]daYg¸a Piano Concerto No. 1 and >WO\] 1]\QS`b] <] O\R Copland's Symphony No. 3. 1]^ZO\R¸a Ag[^V]\g <] ! WHEN: 2:30 p.m. Sunday; E63<( (! ^ [ Ac\ROg) 7:30 p.m. Tuesday %(! ^ [ BcSaROg WHERE: Merrill Auditorium, E63@3( ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ 20 Myrtle St., Portland ;g`bZS Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $ 2$ b] $" 6 to $ 6 4 6=E ;C16( INFO: 842-0800; porttix.com; 7<4=( &" & ) ^]`bbWf Q][) portlandsymphony.org ^]`bZO\Rag[^V]\g ]`U

G :?<8I@CC


Courtesy of Bridman | Packer Dance 1]c`bSag ]T 0`WR[O\ j >OQYS` 2O\QS

See "Voyeur" at ICA at ASS ÂľD]gSc`Âś Ob 71/ Ob MECA in Portland. ;31/ W\ >]`bZO\R

Expect color, <og\Zk Zfcfi# creativity and Zi\Xk`m`kp Xe[ athleticism Xk_c\k`Z`jd when Cirque du n_\e :`ihl\ [l Soleil comes Jfc\`c Zfd\j to town. kf kfne%

By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 4UBGG 8SJUFS Staff Writer


istory will be made JTUPSZ XJMM CF NBEF on Wednesday, when PO 8FEOFTEBZ XIFO Cirque du Soleil comes $JSRVF EV 4PMFJM DPNFT to Portland for the first UP 1PSUMBOE GPS UIF mSTU time. UJNF The Montreal-based 5IF .POUSFBM CBTFE troupe, which mixes colorful circus USPVQF XIJDI NJYFT DPMPSGVM DJSDVT arts with the energy and spirit of BSUT XJUI UIF FOFSHZ BOE TQJSJU PG street entertainment, will perform TUSFFU FOUFSUBJONFOU XJMM QFSGPSN eight times over five days at the FJHIU UJNFT PWFS mWF EBZT BU UIF Cumberland County Civic Center. $VNCFSMBOE $PVOUZ $JWJD $FOUFS Cirque du Soleil has made its rep$JSRVF EV 4PMFJM IBT NBEF JUT SFQ

utation for thrilling audiences with VUBUJPO GPS UISJMMJOH BVEJFODFT XJUI performances that combine human QFSGPSNBODFT UIBU DPNCJOF IVNBO feats of wonder, strength, dexterGFBUT PG XPOEFS TUSFOHUI EFYUFS ity and agility, including juggling, JUZ BOE BHJMJUZ JODMVEJOH KVHHMJOH balancing, jumping and spinning. CBMBODJOH KVNQJOH BOE TQJOOJOH "Saltimbanco" features a cast of i4BMUJNCBODPw GFBUVSFT B DBTU PG 51. It will showcase acrobatics and *U XJMM TIPXDBTF BDSPCBUJDT BOE athleticism, but no live animals. All BUIMFUJDJTN CVU OP MJWF BOJNBMT "MM of the music will be performed live, PG UIF NVTJD XJMM CF QFSGPSNFE MJWF and the show is full of color, drama BOE UIF TIPX JT GVMM PG DPMPS ESBNB and spectacle, said "Saltimbanco" BOE TQFDUBDMF TBJE i4BMUJNCBODPw artistic director Neelanthi Vadivel. BSUJTUJD EJSFDUPS /FFMBOUIJ 7BEJWFM Please see CIRQUE, Page E26 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 17@?C3 GX^\ <)-

Olivier Samson Arcand photo/Cirque du Soleil =ZWdWS` AO[a]\ /`QO\R ^V]b] 1W`_cS Rc A]ZSWZ

Dance troupe brings ;XeZ\ kiflg\ Yi`e^j Hopper's art to life ?fgg\iĂ‹j Xik kf c`]\ THE HUSBAND-WIFE t e a m B63 6CA0/<2 E743 bSO[ Bridgman | Packer Dance 0`WRU[O\ j >OQYS` 2O\QS opens the Portland ]^S\a bVS >]`bZO\R Ovations season with free =dObW]\a aSOa]\ eWbV T`SS performances of its world ^S`T]`[O\QSa ]T Wba e]`ZR premiere "Voyeur," based on ^`S[WS`S ÂľD]gSc` Âś POaSR ]\ themes in Edward Hopper's bVS[Sa W\ 3ReO`R 6]^^S`¸a Portland paintings. >]`bZO\R ^OW\bW\Ua WHEN: 6, 7:15 and 8:30 p.m. E63<( $ %( # O\R &(! ^ [ Friday; 2, ! O\R % ^ [ 3 and 7 p.m. 4`WROg) AObc`ROg Saturday E63@3( 71/ Ob ;31/ # WHERE: ICA at MECA, 522 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R Congress St., Portland HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: portlandovations.org; 7<4=( ^]`bZO\R]dObW]\a ]`U) bridgmanpacker.org P`WRU[O\^OQYS` ]`U

E18 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

N #,!33)#!, -53)# CLASSICAL MUSIC 'ARY 3PERL CLARINETIST 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN Gary Sperl, clarinetist, University of Southern Maine (Corthell Concert Hall), Gorham. $15; $10 -AINE #ORTHELL #ONCERT (ALL 'ORHAM for seniors; $5 for students. 780-5555. 7:30 p.m. FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS P M Thursday. 4HURSDAY Bernhard Vit and Alexander Pfeifer, German "ERNHARD 6IT AND !LEXANDER 0FEIFER 'ERMAN organ and trumpet duo, Christ Church, ORGAN AND TRUMPET DUO #HRIST #HURCH Kennebunk. $10; $7 for seniors and children. +ENNEBUNK FOR SENIORS AND CHILDREN christchurchkennebunk.org. 7 p.m. Friday. CHRISTCHURCHKENNEBUNK ORG P M &RIDAY Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center, music #HAMBER -USIC 3OCIETY OF ,INCOLN #ENTER MUSIC by Bruch, Brahms and Dohn Nyi, Bates College BY "RUCH "RAHMS AND $OHN .YI "ATES #OLLEGE (Olin Arts Center), Lewiston. $10 to $15; free /LIN !RTS #ENTER ,EWISTON TO FREE tickets available for first 100 seniors or students. TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR lRST SENIORS OR STUDENTS batestickets.com. 7:30 p.m. Saturday. BATESTICKETS COM P M 3ATURDAY DaPonte String Quartet: "Leaf Peeper Concert," $A0ONTE 3TRING 1UARTET h,EAF 0EEPER #ONCERT v performances of Franz Josef Haydn Quartet in D PERFORMANCES OF &RANZ *OSEF (AYDN 1UARTET IN $ Major, O p . 64, No. 5: "The Lark," Coastal Maine -AJOR /P .O h4HE ,ARK v #OASTAL -AINE Botanical Gardens, Boothbay. $25; free for those "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY FREE FOR THOSE under age 2 1 . mainegardens.org. 2:30 p.m. UNDER AGE MAINEGARDENS ORG P M Saturday and Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY Bay Chamber Fall Foliage Chamber Music "AY #HAMBER &ALL &OLIAGE #HAMBER -USIC Concert, works by Mozart, Kodaly and Dvorak, #ONCERT WORKS BY -OZART +ODALY AND $VORAK Rockport Opera House. Free/donation. 2OCKPORT /PERA (OUSE &REE DONATION baychamberconcerts.org. 4 p.m. Sunday. BAYCHAMBERCONCERTS ORG P M 3UNDAY Portland Symphony Orchestra: "Fanfare for a 0ORTLAND 3YMPHONY /RCHESTRA h&ANFARE FOR A New Season," season opener featuring works .EW 3EASON v SEASON OPENER FEATURING WORKS by Bates, Tchaikovsky and Copland, Merrill BY "ATES 4CHAIKOVSKY AND #OPLAND -ERRILL Auditorium, Portland. $26 to $64. porttix.com. !UDITORIUM 0ORTLAND TO PORTTIX COM 2:30 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. P M 3UNDAY P M 4UESDAY

c`jk`e^j listings 8IK 8E; K?<8K<I ART AND THEATER

$15 to $25. goodtheater.com. 7 p.m. Wednesday TO GOODTHEATER COM P M 7EDNESDAY and Oct. 1 1 . Through Nov. 4. AND /CT 4HROUGH .OV Cirque du Soleil:"Saltimbanco," multi-media #IRQUE DU 3OLEIL h3ALTIMBANCO v MULTI MEDIA extravaganza of dancing, acrobats and theatrics, EXTRAVAGANZA OF DANCING ACROBATS AND THEATRICS Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland. $35 to #UMBERLAND #OUNTY #IVIC #ENTER 0ORTLAND TO $100 for adults; $28 to $81 for children; discounts FOR ADULTS TO FOR CHILDREN DISCOUNTS for seniors, students and members of military. FOR SENIORS STUDENTS AND MEMBERS OF MILITARY theciviccenter.com. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and THECIVICCENTER COM P M 7EDNESDAY AND Oct. 1 1 . Through Oct. 14. /CT 4HROUGH /CT National Theatre in London Live in H D : "The .ATIONAL 4HEATRE IN ,ONDON ,IVE IN ($ h4HE Last of the Haussmans," Leura Hill Eastman ,AST OF THE (AUSSMANS v ,EURA (ILL %ASTMAN Performing Arts Center, Fryeburg, $18; $15 for 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER &RYEBURG FOR seniors; $10 for students, fryeburgacademy.org/ SENIORS FOR STUDENTS FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG pac. 2 p.m. Oct. 1 1 ; encore screening at 7 p.m. PAC P M /CT ENCORE SCREENING AT P M National Theatre in London Live in H D : "The Last .ATIONAL 4HEATRE IN ,ONDON ,IVE IN ($ h4HE ,AST of the Haussmans," Strand Theatre, Rockland. OF THE (AUSSMANS v 3TRAND 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND $23. rocklandstrand.com. 2 p.m. Oct. 11; encore ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M /CT ENCORE screening at 7 p.m. SCREENING AT P M National Theatre in London Live in H D : "The .ATIONAL 4HEATRE IN ,ONDON ,IVE IN ($ h4HE Last of the Haussmans," Lincoln Theater, ,AST OF THE (AUSSMANS v ,INCOLN 4HEATER Damariscotta. $15; $5 for ages 18 and under. $AMARISCOTTA FOR AGES AND UNDER atthelincoln.org. 2 p.m. Oct. 1 1 ; encore screening ATTHELINCOLN ORG P M /CT ENCORE SCREENING at 7 p.m. AT P M

Courtesy of CMCA 1]c`bSag ]T 1;1/

Eric Weisenburger's "Lost Limb," from 3`WQ ESWaS\Pc`US`¸a µ:]ab :W[P ¶ T`][ the 2012 Biennial, continuing through bVS 0WS\\WOZ Q]\bW\cW\U bV`]cUV Nov. 28 at the Center for Maine <]d & Ob bVS 1S\bS` T]` ;OW\S Contemporary Art in Rockport. 1]\bS[^]`O`g /`b W\ @]QY^]`b

maritime world of pre-statehood Maine, through MARITIME WORLD OF PRE STATEHOOD -AINE THROUGH Oct. 12; "Sea Lives," ocean-inspired sculpture /CT h3EA ,IVES v OCEAN INSPIRED SCULPTURE by Sonja Weber Gilkey, through Oct. 2 1 . BY 3ONJA 7EBER 'ILKEY THROUGH /CT DANCE N $!.#% mainemaritimemuseum.org MAINEMARITIMEMUSEUM ORG "Can-Can Parisien," comic ballet, Maine State h#AN #AN 0ARISIEN v COMIC BALLET -AINE 3TATE Dyer Library/Saco Museum: "The Moving $YER ,IBRARY 3ACO -USEUM h4HE -OVING ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3 Ballet Theater, Falmouth. $15 to $20; $2 discount "ALLET 4HEATER &ALMOUTH TO DISCOUNT Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress," Civil War-era 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 for seniors and children, mainestateballet.org. 1 FOR SENIORS AND CHILDREN MAINESTATEBALLET ORG panorama seen in its entirety for the first time in PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN First Fridays at the Farnsworth, museum open &IRST &RIDAYS AT THE &ARNSWORTH MUSEUM OPEN and 4 p.m. Saturday. Through Oct. 13. AND P M 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH /CT more than a century (also at Pepperell Mills in MORE THAN A CENTURY ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN for free, Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland. "Tensile Involvement," diverse repertoire by Bates FOR FREE &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND h4ENSILE )NVOLVEMENT v DIVERSE REPERTOIRE BY "ATES Biddeford), and "Then, Now and Always a Part of "IDDEFORD AND h4HEN .OW AND !LWAYS A 0ART OF farnsworthmuseum.org/education. 5 to 8 p.m. College dancers, Bates College (Schaeffer Theatre), FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG EDUCATION TO P M #OLLEGE DANCERS "ATES #OLLEGE 3CHAEFFER 4HEATRE Saco: 250 Years of the First Parish Church," photos 3ACO 9EARS OF THE &IRST 0ARISH #HURCH v PHOTOS Friday. &RIDAY Lewiston. Free. 786-8294. Noon Saturday and ,EWISTON &REE .OON 3ATURDAY AND and artifacts, through Nov. 10. AND ARTIFACTS THROUGH .OV Alan Bray: "AtThe Edges," paintings; Mayumi !LAN "RAY h!T 4HE %DGES v PAINTINGS -AYUMI Sunday. 3UNDAY dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG Sarai: "Ring Cycle," carved wooden sculptures; 3ARAI h2ING #YCLE v CARVED WOODEN SCULPTURES Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Peggy /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 0EGGY and Susan Jane Belton: "What's Yours," oil on AND 3USAN *ANE "ELTON h7HAT S 9OURS v OIL ON Bacon: "Portrait of an Art Colony," portraits; "ACON h0ORTRAIT OF AN !RT #OLONY v PORTRAITS THEATER N 4(%!4%2 panel portraits; University of Maine (Museum of PANEL PORTRAITS 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE -USEUM OF "Building an American Modernist Collection," h"UILDING AN !MERICAN -ODERNIST #OLLECTION v Art), Bangor, umma.umaine.edu. Opens Friday. !RT "ANGOR UMMA UMAINE EDU /PENS &RIDAY "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story," musical h"UDDY 4HE "UDDY (OLLY 3TORY v MUSICAL highlights from the permanent collection; Henry HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION (ENRY Through Jan. 5. 4HROUGH *AN celebration of rock legend, Ogunquit Playhouse. CELEBRATION OF ROCK LEGEND /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE Strater: "Art of the Portrait," collection of portraits; 3TRATER h!RT OF THE 0ORTRAIT v COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS "Between Past and Present: The Homer h"ETWEEN 0AST AND 0RESENT 4HE (OMER $39 to $74. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 2:30 and 8 TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG AND "Contemporary Works from the Permanent h#ONTEMPORARY 7ORKS FROM THE 0ERMANENT Studio Photographic Project," contemporary 3TUDIO 0HOTOGRAPHIC 0ROJECT v CONTEMPORARY p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. P M 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY AND P M Collection," lesser-known and seldom seen #OLLECTION v LESSER KNOWN AND SELDOM SEEN photography made with a variety of PHOTOGRAPHY MADE WITH A VARIETY OF Saturday; 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND P M 3UNDAY contemporary work; and "Carl Pittore and the CONTEMPORARY WORK AND h#ARL 0ITTORE AND THE historic processes, Portland Museum of Art. "The Sisters Rosenweig," family dramedy, HISTORIC PROCESSES 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h4HE 3ISTERS 2OSENWEIG v FAMILY DRAMEDY Mail Art Movement," art using mail products, -AIL !RT -OVEMENT v ART USING MAIL PRODUCTS portlandmuseum.org. Opens Saturday. Through Portland Stage Company. $34 to $44; discounts PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG /PENS 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY TO DISCOUNTS through Oct. 3 1 . ogunquitmuseum.org THROUGH /CT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG Feb. 17. available, portlandstage.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday &EB AVAILABLE PORTLANDSTAGE ORG P M 4HURSDAY Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: "ATES #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT ,EWISTON and Friday; 4 and 8 p.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday; AND &RIDAY AND P M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY "Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography" h3TARSTRUCK 4HE &INE !RT OF !STROPHOTOGRAPHY v 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Oct. 1 1 . Through Oct. CONTINUING #/.4).5).' P M 7EDNESDAY AND /CT 4HROUGH /CT featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries FEATURING IMAGES BY ARTISTS FROM COUNTRIES 21. Portland Museum of Art: "Art in Process," high 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h!RT IN 0ROCESS v HIGH across five continents, through Dec. 15. ACROSS lVE CONTINENTS THROUGH $EC "Faith Healer," drama by Irish playwright Brian school art exhibition, and "Weatherbeaten: h&AITH (EALER v DRAMA BY )RISH PLAYWRIGHT "RIAN SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION AND h7EATHERBEATEN bates.edu/museum/exhibitions BATES EDU MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS Friel about a traveling faith healer presented Winslow Homer and Maine," works by Homer &RIEL ABOUT A TRAVELING FAITH HEALER PRESENTED 7INSLOW (OMER AND -AINE v WORKS BY (OMER Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: "Interior #OLBY #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT 7ATERVILLE h)NTERIOR by AIRE (American Irish Repertory Ensemble), created at his Prouts Neck studio in conjunction Visions: Selections from the Collection," pieces BY !)2% !MERICAN )RISH 2EPERTORY %NSEMBLE CREATED AT HIS 0ROUTS .ECK STUDIO IN CONJUNCTION 6ISIONS 3ELECTIONS FROM THE #OLLECTION v PIECES Portland Stage Company (Studio Theater). $20; with re-opening of restored studio for public tours, from museum collection curated by Alex Katz, 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY 3TUDIO 4HEATER WITH RE OPENING OF RESTORED STUDIO FOR PUBLIC TOURS FROM MUSEUM COLLECTION CURATED BY !LEX +ATZ $18 for seniors and students; $15 on Wednesdays through Dec. 30; "The Portland Society of Art through Sunday; Alex Katz, "Maine/New York," 28 FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS ON 7EDNESDAYS THROUGH $EC h4HE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT THROUGH 3UNDAY !LEX +ATZ h-AINE .EW 9ORK v and Thursdays; $10 on Oct. 4. airetheater.com. and Winslow Homer in Maine," 50 watercolors paintings and one multi-part sculpture, through AND 4HURSDAYS ON /CT AIRETHEATER COM AND 7INSLOW (OMER IN -AINE v WATERCOLORS PAINTINGS AND ONE MULTI PART SCULPTURE THROUGH 7:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday; 8 p.m. Saturday; 3 AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN and drawings examine the relationship between Dec. 30. colby.edu P M 4HURSDAY AND &RIDAY P M 3ATURDAY $EC COLBY EDU p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1 1 . Through Oct. 2 1 . (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN #ALVIN 3TEVENS AND Homer, architect John Calvin Stevens and P M 3UNDAY P M /CT 4HROUGH /CT Maine State Museum, Augusta: "Malaga Island: -AINE 3TATE -USEUM !UGUSTA h-ALAGA )SLAND Backstage Playhouse Tours, 90-minute walking the Portland Society of Art, through Feb. 3. "ACKSTAGE 0LAYHOUSE 4OURS MINUTE WALKING THE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT THROUGH &EB Fragmented Lives," historic photographs, &RAGMENTED ,IVES v HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS tours of historic theater; see costumes, backstage portlandmuseum.org TOURS OF HISTORIC THEATER SEE COSTUMES BACKSTAGE PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG documents, artifacts and first-person accounts, DOCUMENTS ARTIFACTS AND lRST PERSON ACCOUNTS and dressing rooms; Ogunquit Playhouse. $10; $5 Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow AND DRESSING ROOMS /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW through May. mainestatemuseum.org THROUGH -AY MAINESTATEMUSEUM ORG for 45-minute tours, ogunquitplayhouse.org. 10:30 (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE House, Portland: " W i r e d ! " explores the FOR MINUTE TOURS OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: "Impressionist &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND h)MPRESSIONIST and 11 a.m. Friday. Through Oct. 19. electrification of Maine during the 20th century, AND A M &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY Summers: Frank W. Benson's North Haven," 3UMMERS &RANK 7 "ENSON S .ORTH (AVEN v "Anything Goes," Cole Porter musical, Lyric through May 26. mainehistory.org h!NYTHING 'OES v #OLE 0ORTER MUSICAL ,YRIC THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG paintings, lithographs and etchings, through PAINTINGS LITHOGRAPHS AND ETCHINGS THROUGH Music Theater, South Portland. $21.99. Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, USM -USIC 4HEATER 3OUTH 0ORTLAND -AINE -USEUM OF 0HOTOGRAPHIC !RTS 53- Oct. 2 1 ; Andrew Wyeth: "Summers in Port /CT !NDREW 7YETH h3UMMERS IN 0ORT Iyricmusictheater.org. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Glickman Library, Portland: Luc Demers, "Trace," LYRICMUSICTHEATER ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND ,UC $EMERS h4RACE v Clyde," watercolors from 1930s and '40s, #LYDE v WATERCOLORS FROM S AND S "An Evening w i t h Broadway Star Florence photographs, and Richard Veit, photographs, h!N %VENING WITH "ROADWAY 3TAR &LORENCE PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2ICHARD 6EIT PHOTOGRAPHS through Nov. 4; "Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent THROUGH .OV h*AMIE 7YETH 2OCKWELL +ENT Lacey," Good Theater presents performance by through Dec. 2 1 . usm.maine.edu/library ,ACEY v 'OOD 4HEATER PRESENTS PERFORMANCE BY THROUGH $EC USM MAINE EDU LIBRARY and Monhegan," paintings, through Dec. 30. AND -ONHEGAN v PAINTINGS THROUGH $EC Broadway star who has performed in "The Grand Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "ROADWAY STAR WHO HAS PERFORMED IN h4HE 'RAND "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK farnsworthmuseum.org FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG Tour," "Hello, Dolly!", "Les Miserables" and William Wegman, "Hello Nature," 30-year 4OUR v h(ELLO $OLLY v h,ES -ISERABLESv AND 7ILLIAM 7EGMAN h(ELLO .ATURE v YEAR Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: 2012 Waponahki !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR 7APONAHKI "Evita," St. Lawrence Arts Center, Portland. $30. retrospective of artist's work, through Oct. 2 1 ; h%VITA v 3T ,AWRENCE !RTS #ENTER 0ORTLAND RETROSPECTIVE OF ARTIST S WORK THROUGH /CT Student Art Show, through Oct. 22; "Indians and 3TUDENT !RT 3HOW THROUGH /CT h)NDIANS AND goodtheater.com. 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. "Making a Presence: F. Holland Day in Artistic GOODTHEATER COM P M 3ATURDAY P M h-AKING A 0RESENCE & (OLLAND $AY IN !RTISTIC Rusticators" and "Transcending Traditions: The 2USTICATORSv AND h4RANSCENDING 4RADITIONS 4HE Sunday. Photography," photographs by and of F. Holland 3UNDAY 0HOTOGRAPHY v PHOTOGRAPHS BY AND OF & (OLLAND Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry," .EXT 'ENERATION AND -AINE )NDIAN "ASKETRY v Day (1864-1933), through Dec. 23. bowdoin.edu/ "Twelfth Night," presented by American h4WELFTH .IGHT v PRESENTED BY !MERICAN $AY THROUGH $EC BOWDOIN EDU through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org THROUGH $EC ABBEMUSEUM ORG art-museum Shakespeare Theater, College of the Atlantic 3HAKESPEARE 4HEATER #OLLEGE OF THE !TLANTIC ART MUSEUM (Gates Center), Bar Harbor. $10. 288-5015. 7 p.m. 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM "RUNSWICK Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, Brunswick: 'ATES #ENTER "AR (ARBOR P M ART GALLERIES N !24 '!,,%2)%3 Sunday. "Promenade: A Walk in Style Through Pejepscot's 3UNDAY h0ROMENADE ! 7ALK IN 3TYLE 4HROUGH 0EJEPSCOT S OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 Past," through Oct. 3 1 . pejepscothistorical.org "Good People," Good Theater presents Maine h'OOD 0EOPLE v 'OOD 4HEATER PRESENTS -AINE 0AST v THROUGH /CT PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG John Whalley: "World of Wonders" and Nancy Maine Maritime Museum, Bath: "Subdue, Seize premiere of a drama set in south Boston that *OHN 7HALLEY h7ORLD OF 7ONDERSv AND .ANCY PREMIERE OF A DRAMA SET IN SOUTH "OSTON THAT -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM "ATH h3UBDUE 3EIZE Morgan Barnes: New Work, Greenhut Galleries, and Take: Maritime Maine in the Unwelcome explores the differences between the haves and -ORGAN "ARNES .EW 7ORK 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES EXPLORES THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE HAVES AND AND 4AKE -ARITIME -AINE IN THE 5NWELCOME Portland, greenhutgalleries.com. Opening Interruption of the War of 1812," examines the the have-nots, St. Lawrence Arts Center, Portland. 0ORTLAND GREENHUTGALLERIES COM /PENING THE HAVE NOTS 3T ,AWRENCE !RTS #ENTER 0ORTLAND )NTERRUPTION OF THE 7AR OF v EXAMINES THE

reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday. Through Oct. 27. RECEPTION TO P M 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH /CT -ARY "ARNES h/NCE 2EMOVEDv AND *OHN 3ANTORO Mary Barnes: "Once Removed" and John Santoro: "Transitions," Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth. h4RANSITIONS v %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH elizabethmossgalleries.com. Opening reception, 5 ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM /PENING RECEPTION to 7 p.m. Thursday. Through Nov. 4. TO P M 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH .OV &IRST &RIDAY !RT7ALK GALLERIES AND MUSEUMS First Friday ArtWalk, galleries and museums open for free, downtown Portland. OPEN FOR FREE DOWNTOWN 0ORTLAND firstfridayartwalk.com. 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. lRSTFRIDAYARTWALK COM TO P M &RIDAY "Elegant Enigmas: The Art of Edward Gorey," h%LEGANT %NIGMAS 4HE !RT OF %DWARD 'OREY v original illustrations, preparatory sketches, ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS PREPARATORY SKETCHES unpublished drawings and ephemera, UNPUBLISHED DRAWINGS AND EPHEMERA Portland Public Library (Lewis Gallery). 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY ,EWIS 'ALLERY portlandlibrary.com. Opening reception with PORTLANDLIBRARY COM /PENING RECEPTION WITH the DaPonte String Quartet, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. THE $A0ONTE 3TRING 1UARTET TO P M &RIDAY Through Dec. 29. 4HROUGH $EC h2OCK #ANVAS "LOW 4ORCH v (ARMON S "ARTON S "Rock, Canvas, Blow Torch," Harmon's & Barton's Gallery, Portland, harmonsbartons.com. Opening 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND HARMONSBARTONS COM /PENING reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through Oct. 3 1 . RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT "Fire Before Ice," Constellation Gallery, Portland. h&IRE "EFORE )CE v #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND constellationart.com. First Friday reception, 5 to 8 CONSTELLATIONART COM &IRST &RIDAY RECEPTION TO p.m. Friday. Through Oct. 24. P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT "Maine Masterworks," works by James Fitzgerald, h-AINE -ASTERWORKS v WORKS BY *AMES &ITZGERALD Charles Woodbury, William T. Richards, Emil #HARLES 7OODBURY 7ILLIAM 4 2ICHARDS %MIL Holzhauer and more, Gleason Fine Art, Portland. (OLZHAUER AND MORE 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND 699-5599. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY Through Nov. 17. 4HROUGH .OV Ronnie Wilson: "Dancing with Color" and Ruthy 2ONNIE 7ILSON h$ANCING WITH #OLORv AND 2UTHY Sylmore: "Paris Walls re/con/figured," Addison 3YLMORE h0ARIS 7ALLS RE CON lGURED v !DDISON Woolley Gallery, Portland, addisonwoolley.com. 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND ADDISONWOOLLEY COM Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH Oct. 27. /CT Michael Connor: "Chee is Twee," graphite and -ICHAEL #ONNOR h#HEE IS 4WEE v GRAPHITE AND watercolor drawings of diminutive creatures, WATERCOLOR DRAWINGS OF DIMINUTIVE CREATURES The Green Hand Bookshop, Portland. 253-6808. 4HE 'REEN (AND "OOKSHOP 0ORTLAND Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH Oct. 3 1 . /CT William Hessian and Abbeth Russell: "Masked 7ILLIAM (ESSIAN AND !BBETH 2USSELL h-ASKED Hornets and Other Oddities," haunted paintings (ORNETS AND /THER /DDITIES v HAUNTED PAINTINGS and warrior insects, Avesta Oak Street Lofts, AND WARRIOR INSECTS !VESTA /AK 3TREET ,OFTS Portland. 766-6204. Reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. 0ORTLAND 2ECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY Bob Santandrea, Jeanne O'Toole Hayman and "OB 3ANTANDREA *EANNE / 4OOLE (AYMAN AND Jay La Brie: Multi-Media Exhibit, Richard Boyd *AY ,A "RIE -ULTI -EDIA %XHIBIT 2ICHARD "OYD Gallery, Peaks Island, richardboydpottery.com. 'ALLERY 0EAKS )SLAND RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM Opens Friday. Through Oct. 3 1 . /PENS &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT Maine Women in the Arts: "Big & Small," fall -AINE 7OMEN IN THE !RTS h"IG 3MALL v FALL fine art show, Masonic Hall, Kennebunkport. lNE ART SHOW -ASONIC (ALL +ENNEBUNKPORT mainewomenarts.com. Opening reception, 5 to 7 MAINEWOMENARTS COM /PENING RECEPTION TO p.m. Friday. Through Sunday. P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH 3UNDAY "CSA: Community Supporting Arts," work h#3! #OMMUNITY 3UPPORTING !RTS v WORK of 14 artists who have partnered with central OF ARTISTS WHO HAVE PARTNERED WITH CENTRAL Maine farms, Harlow Gallery, Hallowell. -AINE FARMS (ARLOW 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL harlowgallery.org. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. HARLOWGALLERY ORG /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Friday. Through Oct. 27. &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT "The Making of Music," musical instruments and h4HE -AKING OF -USIC v MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND art inspired by music or musical instruments, ART INSPIRED BY MUSIC OR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Aarhus Gallery, Belfast, aarhusgallery.com. !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST AARHUSGALLERY COM Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH Oct. 28. /CT Condon and Georgeann Kuhl: "Tuscany to #ONDON AND 'EORGEANN +UHL h4USCANY TO Pompeii and Beyond," Art Galleries at University 0OMPEII AND "EYOND v !RT 'ALLERIES AT 5NIVERSITY of Maine Machias. 255-1279. Opening OF -AINE n -ACHIAS /PENING reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 30. RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV "Eight Artists," featuring Dianne Schelble, Laurie h%IGHT !RTISTS v FEATURING $IANNE 3CHELBLE ,AURIE Goddard, Jon Kolkin, Diane Bowie Zaitlin, 'ODDARD *ON +OLKIN $IANE "OWIE :AITLIN Adriance DeGroff, David Estey America Martin !DRIANCE $E'ROFF $AVID %STEY !MERICA -ARTIN and Megan Hinton, Carver Hill Gallery, Rockland. AND -EGAN (INTON #ARVER (ILL 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND 594-7745. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY Through Oct. 3 1 . 4HROUGH /CT John Wood, Hank Tyler, Kathleen Florance, Karl *OHN 7OOD (ANK 4YLER +ATHLEEN &LORANCE +ARL Gerstenberger and Keith Carver, multi-media, 'ERSTENBERGER AND +EITH #ARVER MULTI MEDIA Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge -AINE #OASTAL )SLANDS .ATIONAL 7ILDLIFE 2EFUGE Visitor Center, Rockland, maineseabirds.org. 6ISITOR #ENTER 2OCKLAND MAINESEABIRDS ORG Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH Dec. 4. $EC Lissa Hunter and Simon van der Ven: "Escape ,ISSA (UNTER AND 3IMON VAN DER 6EN h%SCAPE Boundaries," new work, CRAFT Gallery, "OUNDARIES v NEW WORK #2!&4 'ALLERY Rockland, craftonelm.com. Opening reception, 5 2OCKLAND CRAFTONELM COM /PENING RECEPTION to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 1 1 . TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV "Off the Beaten Path," multi-artist show focusing h/FF THE "EATEN 0ATH v MULTI ARTIST SHOW FOCUSING on Maine landscapes, Caldbeck Gallery, ON -AINE LANDSCAPES #ALDBECK 'ALLERY Rockland, caldbeck.com. Opening reception, 5 to 2OCKLAND CALDBECK COM /PENING RECEPTION TO 7 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 3. P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV Amy Stacey Curtis: "SPACE," interactive !MY 3TACEY #URTIS h30!#% v INTERACTIVE installation art, Winthrop Commerce Center. INSTALLATION ART 7INTHROP #OMMERCE #ENTER amystaceycurtis.com. Opening reception, 2 to 5 AMYSTACEYCURTIS COM /PENING RECEPTION TO

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E19 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 '


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ĂŠ=\XjkcXe[Ă‹ Z\c\YiXk\j Teastlantf celebrates bountiful harvest Yflek`]lc _Xim\jk

<8K Xe[ ILE John Patriquin/Staff Photographer 8]V\ >Ob`W_cW\ AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

A chicken and broccoli dish at Teriyaki Exchange in South Portland. / QVWQYS\ O\R P`]QQ]ZW RWaV Ob BS`WgOYW 3fQVO\US W\ A]cbV >]`bZO\R

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JOIN SPACE GALLERY a n d 8=7< A>/13 5/::3@G O\R Broadturn Farm at 0`]ORbc`\ 4O`[ Ob "Feastland," a celebration of Âľ4SOabZO\R Âś O QSZSP`ObW]\ ]T the fall harvest featuring food bVS TOZZ VO`dSab TSObc`W\U T]]R from local cooks and farmers, T`][ Z]QOZ Q]]Ya O\R TO`[S`a as well as art projects from Oa eSZZ Oa O`b ^`]XSQba T`][ Z]QOZ O`bWaba local artists. E63<( AVcbbZS RS^O`ba WHEN: Shuttle departs >]`bZO\R T]` bVS TO`[ Ob #(! Portland for the farm at 5:30 ^ [ AObc`ROg O\R eWZZ `Sbc`\ p.m. Saturday and will return Ob ' O\R (! ^ [ at 9 and 11:30 p.m. E63@3( AVcbbZS ZSOdSa WHERE: Shuttle leaves T`][ A^OQS 5OZZS`g #!& from Space Gallery, 538 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R) Congress St., Portland; SdS\b Wa Ob 0`]ORbc`\ event is at Broadturn 4O`[ !&& 0`]ORbc`\ @]OR Farm, 388 Broadturn Road, AQO`P]`]cUV Scarborough 6=E ;C16( T]` RW\\S`) HOW MUCH: $20 for dinner; $10 Sfb`O T]` bVS aVcbbZS extra for the shuttle 7<4=( P`]e\^O^S`bWQYSba Q][ INFO: brownpapertickets.com/ SdS\b %& ' event/278009

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The fresh, well-prepared fare at Teriyaki Exchange earns praise from our reviewer. K_\ ]i\j_# n\cc$gi\gXi\[ ]Xi\ Xk K\i`pXb` <oZ_Xe^\ \Xiej giX`j\ ]ifd fli i\m`\n\i%


'm always up for trying out a new N BMXBZT VQ GPS USZJOH PVU B OFX restaurant, so when I got wind that SFTUBVSBOU TP XIFO * HPU XJOE UIBU Teriyaki Exchange had set up shop 5FSJZBLJ &YDIBOHF IBE TFU VQ TIPQ in South Portland, I called dibs faster JO 4PVUI 1PSUMBOE * DBMMFE EJCT GBTUFS than you can say "stir-fry." UIBO ZPV DBO TBZ iTUJS GSZ w Upon arrival, it became quite ap6QPO BSSJWBM JU CFDBNF RVJUF BQ parent that teriyaki was just the tip of QBSFOU UIBU UFSJZBLJ XBT KVTU UIF UJQ PG the iceberg of what the place offered. UIF JDFCFSH PG XIBU UIF QMBDF PGGFSFE A smiling soul gave me a menu, " TNJMJOH TPVM HBWF NF B NFOV and it took me several minutes to BOE JU UPPL NF TFWFSBM NJOVUFT UP wrap my head - and appetite - around it. From XSBQ NZ IFBE o BOE BQQFUJUF o BSPVOE JU 'SPN all sorts of sushi and soups to noodle and rice BMM TPSUT PG TVTIJ BOE TPVQT UP OPPEMF BOE SJDF dishes and, of course, a world of teriyaki, it was EJTIFT BOE PG DPVSTF B XPSME PG UFSJZBLJ JU XBT an impressive list. BO JNQSFTTJWF MJTU But would it pass muster? "GUFS NVDI EFCBUF After much debate, #VU XPVME JU QBTT NVTUFS I opted for the Chicken Teriyaki Combo ($5.99) * PQUFE GPS UIF $IJDLFO 5FSJZBLJ $PNCP and a cup of miso soup ($2.29), and headed back BOE B DVQ PG NJTP TPVQ BOE IFBEFE CBDL to my office. UP NZ PGmDF Upon opening the paper bag and the lid on the 6QPO PQFOJOH UIF QBQFS CBH BOE UIF MJE PO UIF

container, I had an immediate realization: This DPOUBJOFS * IBE BO JNNFEJBUF SFBMJ[BUJPO 5IJT was way too much food for one person, even XBT XBZ UPP NVDI GPPE GPS POF QFSTPO FWFO me. In fact - and I can't believe I'm saying this NF *O GBDU o BOE * DBO U CFMJFWF * N TBZJOH UIJT - might I suggest that Teriyaki Exchange tone o NJHIU * TVHHFTU UIBU 5FSJZBLJ &YDIBOHF UPOF down its portion sizes? EPXO JUT QPSUJPO TJ[FT Rather than binge myself into oblivion, I shared 3BUIFS UIBO CJOHF NZTFMG JOUP PCMJWJPO * TIBSFE the wealth by giving the miso soup to a woman UIF XFBMUI CZ HJWJOH UIF NJTP TPVQ UP B XPNBO who sits behind me and a sizeable amount of the XIP TJUT CFIJOE NF BOE B TJ[FBCMF BNPVOU PG UIF chicken dish to the guy who sits in front of me. DIJDLFO EJTI UP UIF HVZ XIP TJUT JO GSPOU PG NF The only caveat was that they chime in with their 5IF POMZ DBWFBU XBT UIBU UIFZ DIJNF JO XJUI UIFJS feedback. It was a win-win situation. GFFECBDL *U XBT B XJO XJO TJUVBUJPO There was nothing left for me to do but dive in. 5IFSF XBT OPUIJOH MFGU GPS NF UP EP CVU EJWF JO While I've dabbled in chop-stickery it's never 8IJMF * WF EBCCMFE JO DIPQ TUJDLFSZ JU T OFWFS pretty, so I went with the conventional fork. QSFUUZ TP * XFOU XJUI UIF DPOWFOUJPOBM GPSL Read: I can shove more food in my face that 3FBE * DBO TIPWF NPSF GPPE JO NZ GBDF UIBU way It took all my calming powers to slow down XBZ *U UPPL BMM NZ DBMNJOH QPXFST UP TMPX EPXO enough to truly savor the flavor, and I'm sure glad FOPVHI UP USVMZ TBWPS UIF nBWPS BOE * N TVSF HMBE

TERIYAKI EXCHANGE K<I@P8B@ <O:?8E>< WHERE: 171A Ocean St., E63@3( % / =QSO\ Ab South Portland A]cbV >]`bZO\R HOURS: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. 6=C@A( O [ b] ^ [ seven days a week aSdS\ ROga O eSSY CHEAPEST GRUB: Miso s o u p , 163/>3AB 5@C0( ;Wa] a]c^ $2.29 ' E/7B( [W\cbSa WAIT: 10 minutes PARKING: On street >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: 6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( Yes GSa RATING: • • • 1 / 2 @/B7<5( ((( Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ¿dS abO` aQOZS

Please see EAT, Page E22 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <))

Bar Guide: Dock Fore, E20 N• Atwell on ale: South of the (Naine) Yfi[\i# <)' border, E20 9Xi >l`[\1 ;fZb =fi\# <)' 8kn\cc fe Xc\1 Jflk_ f] k_\ DX`e\

Shutterstock.com AVcbbS`ab]QY Q][

Open Creamery Day Fg\e :i\Xd\ip ;Xp statewide on Sunday jkXk\n`[\ fe Jle[Xp SAMPLE fresh chevre or A/;>:3 T`SaV QVSd`S ]` mozzarella, check out the []hhO`SZZO QVSQY ]cb bVS animals, and see where your O\W[OZa O\R aSS eVS`S g]c` favorite cheeses are made TOd]`WbS QVSSaSa O`S [ORS during Open Creamery Day Rc`W\U =^S\ 1`SO[S`g 2Og at farms all over the state. Ob TO`[a OZZ ]dS` bVS abObS WHEN: Most creameries will E63<( ;]ab Q`SO[S`WSa eWZZ be open from 11 a.m. to 3 PS ]^S\ T`][ O [ b] ! p.m. Sunday ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: Statewide E63@3( AbObSeWRS HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO & LOCATIONS: 7<4= :=1/B7=<A( mainecheeseguild.org [OW\SQVSSaSUcWZR ]`U

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3E2O 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "


;fZb =fi\Ă‹j jg\Z`Xc gi`Z\j b\\g Zljkfd\ij _Xggp Dock Fore's specia prices keep customers happy


By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55&

Z SPPNNBUF BOE * EFDJEFE UP IFBE y roommate and I decided to head into Portland for a midweek night JOUP 1PSUMBOE GPS B NJEXFFL OJHIU out. Our destination? %PDL 'PSF JO Dock Fore in PVU 0VS EFTUJOBUJPO Portland's Old Port. 1PSUMBOE T 0ME 1PSU As we crossed Fore Street, Angle spot"T XF DSPTTFE 'PSF 4USFFU "OHJF TQPU ted the large Shipyard Pumpkinhead UFE UIF MBSHF 4IJQZBSE 1VNQLJOIFBE poster advertising $1.95 pints from 3 to 7 QPTUFS BEWFSUJTJOH QJOUT GSPN UP p.m. That price is pretty hard to beat in Q N 5IBU QSJDF JT QSFUUZ IBSE UP CFBU JO Portland bars. 1PSUMBOE CBST When we walked in, admittedly we 8IFO XF XBMLFE JO BENJUUFEMZ XF felt like strangers walking into Cheers. GFMU MJLF TUSBOHFST XBMLJOH JOUP $IFFST Despite the mixed-age groups enjoying %FTQJUF UIF NJYFE BHF HSPVQT FOKPZJOH happy hour, Dock Fore is definitely a place IBQQZ IPVS %PDL 'PSF JT EFmOJUFMZ B QMBDF where regulars go because everybody XIFSF SFHVMBST HP CFDBVTF FWFSZCPEZ knows their names. On the flip side - if LOPXT UIFJS OBNFT 0O UIF nJQ TJEF o JG you walk in and nobody knows you, you ZPV XBML JO BOE OPCPEZ LOPXT ZPV ZPV feel a bit like the things that don't belong. GFFM B CJU MJLF UIF UIJOHT UIBU EPO U CFMPOH But for a Tuesday evening, the small #VU GPS B 5VFTEBZ FWFOJOH UIF TNBMM bar was hopping with happy hour-goers. CBS XBT IPQQJOH XJUI IBQQZ IPVS HPFST Angie squeezed between patrons to reach "OHJF TRVFF[FE CFUXFFO QBUSPOT UP SFBDI the bar and order a Pumpkinhead. When UIF CBS BOE PSEFS B 1VNQLJOIFBE 8IFO the bartender handed over her drink, it UIF CBSUFOEFS IBOEFE PWFS IFS ESJOL JU wasn't your average 16-ounce glass, but a XBTO U ZPVS BWFSBHF PVODF HMBTT CVU B 20-ounce pint. PVODF QJOU "This place may be a hole-in-the-wall i5IJT QMBDF NBZ CF B IPMF JO UIF XBMM bar," Angie said to me as she took her first CBS w "OHJF TBJE UP NF BT TIF UPPL IFS mSTU sip of beer. "But it's heaven in a hole." TJQ PG CFFS i#VU JU T IFBWFO JO B IPMF w Pumpkinhead for $1.95 isn't the only 1VNQLJOIFBE GPS JTO U UIF POMZ steal Dock Fore has to offer. On weekdays, TUFBM %PDL 'PSF IBT UP PGGFS 0O XFFLEBZT a happy hour from 3 to 7 p.m. features B IBQQZ IPVS GSPN UP Q N GFBUVSFT $1.95 and $2.95 pints, $1.95 domestic BOE QJOUT EPNFTUJD bottles, $2.95 imported bottles and well CPUUMFT JNQPSUFE CPUUMFT BOE XFMM drinks, and $1 off glasses of wine. ESJOLT BOE PGG HMBTTFT PG XJOF While we were there, the bar also had a 8IJMF XF XFSF UIFSF UIF CBS BMTP IBE B communal plate of crackers, cheese, vegDPNNVOBM QMBUF PG DSBDLFST DIFFTF WFH gies and dip set out for patrons to enjoy. HJFT BOE EJQ TFU PVU GPS QBUSPOT UP FOKPZ The specials don't disappear on week5IF TQFDJBMT EPO U EJTBQQFBS PO XFFL ends either, when you can't go wrong with FOET FJUIFS XIFO ZPV DBO U HP XSPOH XJUI $2.95 mimosas and a $3.95 Bloody Mary. NJNPTBT BOE B #MPPEZ .BSZ

DOCK FORE ;F:B =FI< WHERE: 336 Fore St., Portland E63@3( !!$ 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R PHONE: 772-8619 >6=<3( %% &$ ' WEBSITE: Find them on FaceE30A7B3( 4W\R bVS[ ]\ 4OQS book or follow them on Twitter P]]Y ]` T]ZZ]e bVS[ ]\ BeWbbS` @dock4 .R]QY" HOURS: 3 to 11 p.m. Monday, 6=C@A( ! b] ^ [ ;]\ROg 3 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, 3 to 10 ! b] ' ^ [ BcSaROg ! b] p.m. Wednesday and Thurs^ [ ESR\SaROg O\R BVc`a day, 2 ^ [ b] p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday, ROg (! O [ 4`WROg noon to 12:30 a.m. Saturday \]]\ b] (! O [ AObc`ROg and noon to 9 p.m. Sunday O\R \]]\ b] ' ^ [ Ac\ROg PARKING: On-street metered >/@97<5( =\ ab`SSb [SbS`SR parking, which is free after ^O`YW\U eVWQV Wa T`SS OTbS` 6 p.m. and on Sundays and $ ^ [ O\R ]\ Ac\ROga O\R holidays V]ZWROga HAPPY HOUR: 3 to 7 p.m. Monday 6/>>G 6=C@( ! b] % ^ [ ;]\ROg through Friday with $1.95 and bV`]cUV 4`WROg eWbV '# O\R $2.95 pints, $1.95 domestic '# ^W\ba '# R][SabWQ bottles, $2.95 imported bottles P]bbZSa '# W[^]`bSR P]bbZSa and well drinks, and $1 off O\R eSZZ R`W\Ya O\R ]TT glasses of wine UZOaaSa ]T eW\S SCENE: A cozy neighborhood A13<3( / Q]hg \SWUVP]`V]]R bar with a few tables, bar PO` eWbV O TSe bOPZSa PO` stools and limited standing ab]]Za O\R ZW[WbSR abO\RW\U room. `]][ Derek Davis/Staff Photographer 2S`SY 2OdWa AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Dock Fore in Portland has many specials and a friendly vibe to recommend it. 2]QY 4]`S W\ >]`bZO\R VOa [O\g a^SQWOZa O\R O T`WS\RZg dWPS b] `SQ][[S\R Wb Throughout the fall, the televisions 5ISPVHIPVU UIF GBMM UIF UFMFWJTJPOT mounted behind the bar feature football NPVOUFE CFIJOE UIF CBS GFBUVSF GPPUCBMM on Sundays, with seven NFL games on PO 4VOEBZT XJUI TFWFO /'- HBNFT PO at once. With that come specials that BU PODF 8JUI UIBU DPNF TQFDJBMT UIBU include $8.95 Longtrail IPA pitchers and JODMVEF -POHUSBJM *1" QJUDIFST BOE free hot dogs and peanuts. GSFF IPU EPHT BOE QFBOVUT All over the walls hung a number of "MM PWFS UIF XBMMT IVOH B OVNCFS PG paintings by local artist Susan Roux. The QBJOUJOHT CZ MPDBM BSUJTU 4VTBO 3PVY 5IF vibrant-colored paintings were beautiful WJCSBOU DPMPSFE QBJOUJOHT XFSF CFBVUJGVM and framed in gold, and were a stark conBOE GSBNFE JO HPME BOE XFSF B TUBSL DPO

trast to the rest of the bar, which featured USBTU UP UIF SFTU PG UIF CBS XIJDI GFBUVSFE happy hour and beer posters. IBQQZ IPVS BOE CFFS QPTUFST Dock Fore is your run-of-the-mill place, %PDL 'PSF JT ZPVS SVO PG UIF NJMM QMBDF which is unusual for the Old Port. The XIJDI JT VOVTVBM GPS UIF 0ME 1PSU 5IF neighborhood bar sits amidst a bar scene OFJHICPSIPPE CBS TJUT BNJETU B CBS TDFOF littered with nightclubs, sports pubs and MJUUFSFE XJUI OJHIUDMVCT TQPSUT QVCT BOE dance floors. EBODF nPPST It's a place to chill, sip a drink and chat *U T B QMBDF UP DIJMM TJQ B ESJOL BOE DIBU with friends. It's not a place to go shake XJUI GSJFOET *U T OPU B QMBDF UP HP TIBLF your booty, drink the latest trendy cockZPVS CPPUZ ESJOL UIF MBUFTU USFOEZ DPDL

tail or play some bar games. UBJM PS QMBZ TPNF CBS HBNFT Maybe not featuring the latest trend .BZCF OPU GFBUVSJOH UIF MBUFTU USFOE is what keeps Dock Fore's doors open, JT XIBU LFFQT %PDL 'PSF T EPPST PQFO though. Owner Shaun McCarthy said it's UIPVHI 0XOFS 4IBVO .D$BSUIZ TBJE JU T been open for more than 30 years. CFFO PQFO GPS NPSF UIBO ZFBST I'm sure the regular crowd will keep it * N TVSF UIF SFHVMBS DSPXE XJMM LFFQ JU going for another 30 years or more. HPJOH GPS BOPUIFS ZFBST PS NPSF Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer who lives in 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` eV] ZWdSa W\ Biddeford. 0WRRST]`R

Sometimes it's good to venture beyond local breweries Jfd\k`d\j `kËj ^ff[ kf m\ekli\ Y\pfe[ cfZXc Yi\n\i`\j =F

or the past few months yeast traditionally used in ZFBTU USBEJUJPOBMMZ VTFE JO PS UIF QBTU GFX NPOUIT while I have been writing a wheat beer. The color is a B XIFBU CFFS 5IF DPMPS JT B XIJMF * IBWF CFFO XSJUJOH about local beers and beer darker orange to red, and is a EBSLFS PSBOHF UP SFE BOE JT B BCPVU MPDBM CFFST BOE CFFS bit hazy. This has a wonderfully events, I also have been tasting CJU IB[Z 5IJT IBT B XPOEFSGVMMZ FWFOUT * BMTP IBWF CFFO UBTUJOH a variety of beers from other big and malty flavor with a bit CJH BOE NBMUZ nBWPS XJUI B CJU B WBSJFUZ PG CFFST GSPN PUIFS places. While Maine creates of fruitiness in the background, PG GSVJUJOFTT JO UIF CBDLHSPVOE QMBDFT 8IJMF .BJOF DSFBUFT some of the best beers in the and is 5.7 percent alcohol. BOE JT QFSDFOU BMDPIPM TPNF PG UIF CFTU CFFST JO UIF world, you can't be a locavore All of these beers come in 22"MM PG UIFTF CFFST DPNF JO XPSME ZPV DBO U CF B MPDBWPSF all of the time. PVODF CPNCFST BOE * UIJOL UIF BMM PG UIF UJNF TOni AtWGll ounce bombers, and I think the I was first attracted to price was in the $6 range. QSJDF XBT JO UIF SBOHF * XBT mSTU BUUSBDUFE UP Slumbrew by its Porter Square Somerville Brewing Co., 4PNFSWJMMF #SFXJOH $P 4MVNCSFX CZ JUT 1PSUFS 4RVBSF Porter because son Zachwhich is behind the Slumbrew XIJDI JT CFIJOE UIF 4MVNCSFX 1PSUFS CFDBVTF TPO ;BDI ary lived for several years in brand, has a small brewery CSBOE IBT B TNBMM CSFXFSZ BSZ MJWFE GPS TFWFSBM ZFBST JO that Somerville, Mass., neighborhood. in Somerville where the owners create JO 4PNFSWJMMF XIFSF UIF PXOFST DSFBUF UIBU 4PNFSWJMMF .BTT OFJHICPSIPPE This was a rich, almost black porter recipes. But the company makes most of SFDJQFT #VU UIF DPNQBOZ NBLFT NPTU PG 5IJT XBT B SJDI BMNPTU CMBDL QPSUFS with a good rich mouthfeel and a lot of its beers as tenant brewers at Mercury JUT CFFST BT UFOBOU CSFXFST BU .FSDVSZ XJUI B HPPE SJDI NPVUIGFFM BOE B MPU PG Brewing Co. in Ipswich, Mass. chocolate malt flavors, coming in at 6.5 #SFXJOH $P JO *QTXJDI .BTT DIPDPMBUF NBMU nBWPST DPNJOH JO BU percent alcohol. QFSDFOU BMDPIPM After that, I had some Hoppy Sol and I WROTE about Wilco Tango Foxtrot * 8305& BCPVU 8JMDP 5BOHP 'PYUSPU "GUFS UIBU * IBE TPNF )PQQZ 4PM BOE Rising Sun, two different ales made with CZ -BHVOJUBT #SFXJOH PVU PG 1FUBMVNB by Lagunitas Brewing out of Petaluma, 3JTJOH 4VO UXP EJGGFSFOU BMFT NBEF XJUI the same kind of yeast. Calif., in early summer, and I continued $BMJG JO FBSMZ TVNNFS BOE * DPOUJOVFE UIF TBNF LJOE PG ZFBTU drinking the company's beer over the Hoppy Sol is a wheat beer that pours a ESJOLJOH UIF DPNQBOZ T CFFS PWFS UIF )PQQZ 4PM JT B XIFBU CFFS UIBU QPVST B sunset orange. It has a good wheat and course of the summer. DPVSTF PG UIF TVNNFS TVOTFU PSBOHF *U IBT B HPPE XIFBU BOE citrus flavor, and is 5.5 percent alcohol. Since then, I have had Lagunitas' Hop 4JODF UIFO * IBWF IBE -BHVOJUBT )PQ DJUSVT nBWPS BOE JT QFSDFOU BMDPIPM This was a pleasant take on a hefeweiStoopid, Little Sumpin' Ale, Maximus 4UPPQJE -JUUMF 4VNQJO "MF .BYJNVT 5IJT XBT B QMFBTBOU UBLF PO B IFGFXFJ zen. and Censored. They all follow the GerBOE $FOTPSFE 5IFZ BMM GPMMPX UIF (FS [FO Rising Sun is an altbier or dampfbier, man beer laws, which say that they can NBO CFFS MBXT XIJDI TBZ UIBU UIFZ DBO 3JTJOH 4VO JT BO BMUCJFS PS EBNQGCJFS made with all barley malt but using the be made only with water, barley, hops CF NBEF POMZ XJUI XBUFS CBSMFZ IPQT NBEF XJUI BMM CBSMFZ NBMU CVU VTJOH UIF

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl

and yeast. BOE ZFBTU The lowest-alcohol one of the group 5IF MPXFTU BMDPIPM POF PG UIF HSPVQ was Censored, a rich copper ale and the XBT $FOTPSFE B SJDI DPQQFS BMF BOE UIF one that I liked the best. It had a good, POF UIBU * MJLFE UIF CFTU *U IBE B HPPE rich malty flavor, with enough hops to SJDI NBMUZ nBWPS XJUI FOPVHI IPQT UP make it interesting. NBLF JU JOUFSFTUJOH The others were in the 7 to 8 percent 5IF PUIFST XFSF JO UIF UP QFSDFOU alcohol range, and were all hoppier than BMDPIPM SBOHF BOE XFSF BMM IPQQJFS UIBO I like for routine drinking - although * MJLF GPS SPVUJOF ESJOLJOH o BMUIPVHI Little Sumpin' was quite good. -JUUMF 4VNQJO XBT RVJUF HPPE I got the Hop Stoopid in a 22-ounce * HPU UIF )PQ 4UPPQJE JO B PVODF bomber, and the others in a mixed sixCPNCFS BOE UIF PUIFST JO B NJYFE TJY pack from the Bier Cellar. I think I paid QBDL GSPN UIF #JFS $FMMBS * UIJOL * QBJE about $6 for the bomber and about $14 BCPVU GPS UIF CPNCFS BOE BCPVU for the mixed six-pack. GPS UIF NJYFE TJY QBDL MY WIFE Nancy's favorite cousin, .: 8*'& /BODZ T GBWPSJUF DPVTJO John, brought us a six-pack of beer +PIO CSPVHIU VT B TJY QBDL PG CFFS from Nashoba Valley Brewery in Bolton, GSPN /BTIPCB 7BMMFZ #SFXFSZ JO #PMUPO Mass. .BTT This is a combination winery, brewery, 5IJT JT B DPNCJOBUJPO XJOFSZ CSFXFSZ restaurant and apple farm that is family SFTUBVSBOU BOE BQQMF GBSN UIBU JT GBNJMZ owned and doing all sorts of different PXOFE BOE EPJOH BMM TPSUT PG EJGGFSFOU businesses to keep the farm going. CVTJOFTTFT UP LFFQ UIF GBSN HPJOH Nancy and I really liked the Nashoba /BODZ BOE * SFBMMZ MJLFE UIF /BTIPCB Valley IPA, but the other beers - Bolt 7BMMFZ *1" CVU UIF PUIFS CFFST o #PMU 117, Waddaquoddoc Wheat, Heron Ale 8BEEBRVPEEPD 8IFBU )FSPO "MF and Belgian Pale Ale - were middle-ofBOE #FMHJBO 1BMF "MF o XFSF NJEEMF PG

the-road. UIF SPBE However, the chardonnay cousin John )PXFWFS UIF DIBSEPOOBZ DPVTJO +PIO also brought was very good, especially if BMTP CSPVHIU XBT WFSZ HPPE FTQFDJBMMZ JG you like the fruit-centered, unoaked type ZPV MJLF UIF GSVJU DFOUFSFE VOPBLFE UZQF of chardonnay they make in the Chablis PG DIBSEPOOBZ UIFZ NBLF JO UIF $IBCMJT region of France. SFHJPO PG 'SBODF ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS &/(*/&&34 8*5)065 #03%&34 is holding a beer, wine, food and music JT IPMEJOH B CFFS XJOF GPPE BOE NVTJD event from 5 to 10 p.m. Oct. 18 at the FWFOU GSPN UP Q N 0DU BU UIF Ocean Gateway Terminal. 0DFBO (BUFXBZ 5FSNJOBM Beer + Wine + Water is designed to fi#FFS 8JOF 8BUFS JT EFTJHOFE UP m nance the group's mission to bring clean, OBODF UIF HSPVQ T NJTTJPO UP CSJOH DMFBO safe drinking water to Ghana, in Africa. TBGF ESJOLJOH XBUFS UP (IBOB JO "GSJDB Drinks will be supplied by Shipyard, %SJOLT XJMM CF TVQQMJFE CZ 4IJQZBSE Geary's and Maine Mead, and local ca(FBSZ T BOE .BJOF .FBE BOE MPDBM DB terers will provide appetizers while The UFSFST XJMM QSPWJEF BQQFUJ[FST XIJMF 5IF Jason Spooner Band performs. There +BTPO 4QPPOFS #BOE QFSGPSNT 5IFSF will also be an extensive silent auction. XJMM BMTP CF BO FYUFOTJWF TJMFOU BVDUJPO Tickets are $30 and available by send5JDLFUT BSF BOE BWBJMBCMF CZ TFOE ing a check payable to EWB Portland JOH B DIFDL QBZBCMF UP &8# 1PSUMBOE Maine. Mail checks to: EWB Portland .BJOF .BJM DIFDLT UP &8# 1PSUMBOE Maine, c/o Kathy Kern, 39 Glenridge .BJOF D P ,BUIZ ,FSO (MFOSJEHF Drive, Portland ME 04102. %SJWF 1PSUMBOE .& Tom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( tomatwell@me. com b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3

?FK k`Zb\k

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Re-enactors do battle I\$\eXZkfij [f YXkkc\ on Narrow Gauge line fe EXiifn >Xl^\ c`e\ STICK'EM UP, Yankees! As AB719 ¸3; C> GO\YSSa /a you ride the Maine Narrow g]c `WRS bVS ;OW\S <O``]e Gauge Railroad, the train 5OcUS @OWZ`]OR bVS b`OW\ will be attacked by Civil eWZZ PS ObbOQYSR Pg 1WdWZ War re-enactors from the EO` `S S\OQb]`a T`][ bVS Confederate side seeking 1]\TSRS`ObS aWRS aSSYW\U plunder as Union soldiers ^Zc\RS` Oa C\W]\ a]ZRWS`a attempt to fend them off. ObbS[^b b] TS\R bVS[ ]TT Explore additional Civil War 3f^Z]`S ORRWbW]\OZ 1WdWZ EO` activities and exhibits in the OQbWdWbWSa O\R SfVWPWba W\ bVS museum during this Rebels [caSc[ Rc`W\U bVWa @SPSZa Attack event. /bbOQY SdS\b WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Maine Narrow Gauge E63@3( ;OW\S <O``]e 5OcUS Railroad Company & Museum, @OWZ`]OR 1][^O\g ;caSc[ 58 Fore St., Portland #& 4]`S Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $10; $9 for seniors; 6=E ;C16( ) ' T]` aS\W]`a) $6 for ages 3 to 12;) T`SS T]` free for $ T]` OUSa ! b] ages 2 O\R g]c\US` and younger OUSa INFO: 828-0814 7<4=( & & & " Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Here's a sneak peek at one of the stops on the Falmouth Kitchen Tour. The focal point of the kitchen is a six-burner, 6S`S¸a O a\SOY ^SSY Ob ]\S ]T bVS ab]^a ]\ bVS 4OZ[]cbV 9WbQVS\ B]c` BVS T]QOZ ^]W\b ]T bVS YWbQVS\ Wa O aWf Pc`\S` two-oven, gas Thermador range. Proceeds from the tour will benefit the Preble Street Resource Center in Portland. be] ]dS\ UOa BVS`[OR]` `O\US >`]QSSRa T`][ bVS b]c` eWZZ PS\S¿b bVS >`SPZS Ab`SSb @Sa]c`QS 1S\bS` W\ >]`bZO\R

Fill up on ideas and inspiration 4WZZ c^ ]\ WRSOa O\R W\a^W`ObW]\ from the homes on this weekend's T`][ bVS V][Sa ]\ bVWa eSSYS\R¸a Falmouth Kitchen Tour. 4OZ[]cbV 9WbQVS\ B]c` By AVERY YALE KAMILA #Z "7&3: :"-& ,".*-"

Staff Writer 4UBGG 8SJUFS ix years ago, when Lisa GilJY ZFBST BHP XIFO -JTB (JM bert and her husband began CFSU BOE IFS IVTCBOE CFHBO building their shingle-style CVJMEJOH UIFJS TIJOHMF TUZMF home on the Falmouth ForeIPNF PO UIF 'BMNPVUI 'PSF side, she knew exactly how TJEF TIF LOFX FYBDUMZ IPX her kitchen needed to look IFS LJUDIFO OFFEFE UP MPPL and function. BOE GVODUJPO "I wanted it to be warm with i* XBOUFE JU UP CF XBSN XJUI a kind of country feel," said B LJOE PG DPVOUSZ GFFM w TBJE Gilbert. "And we have four (JMCFSU i"OE XF IBWF GPVS kids, so it had to be durable." LJET TP JU IBE UP CF EVSBCMF w With a generous green-gray granite 8JUI B HFOFSPVT HSFFO HSBZ HSBOJUF island, abundant mahogany counter space JTMBOE BCVOEBOU NBIPHBOZ DPVOUFS TQBDF and a six-burner, two-oven Thermador BOE B TJY CVSOFS UXP PWFO 5IFSNBEPS range, the kitchen also had to serve the SBOHF UIF LJUDIFO BMTP IBE UP TFSWF UIF needs of an avid cook. OFFET PG BO BWJE DPPL


"It had to really work, because I cook a i*U IBE UP SFBMMZ XPSL CFDBVTF * DPPL B lot," said Gilbert, whose husband, Brad, MPU w TBJE (JMCFSU XIPTF IVTCBOE #SBE is a home builder who owns Tall Trees JT B IPNF CVJMEFS XIP PXOT 5BMM 5SFFT Construction. The couple's experience $POTUSVDUJPO 5IF DPVQMF T FYQFSJFODF building and renovating homes helped CVJMEJOH BOE SFOPWBUJOH IPNFT IFMQFE guide many of their choices in the kitchen HVJEF NBOZ PG UIFJS DIPJDFT JO UIF LJUDIFO and throughout the comfortable house. BOE UISPVHIPVU UIF DPNGPSUBCMF IPVTF Members of the public can view their .FNCFST PG UIF QVCMJD DBO WJFX UIFJS kitchen Friday and Saturday during the LJUDIFO 'SJEBZ BOE 4BUVSEBZ EVSJOH UIF Falmouth Kitchen Tour. 'BMNPVUI ,JUDIFO 5PVS Organized by Marcy Boyton of A Divine 0SHBOJ[FE CZ .BSDZ #PZUPO PG " %JWJOF Time and Lana Wescott of Lana Wescott 5JNF BOE -BOB 8FTDPUU PG -BOB 8FTDPUU Events, the kitchen tour enters its second &WFOUT UIF LJUDIFO UPVS FOUFST JUT TFDPOE year this weekend after raising $5,000 last ZFBS UIJT XFFLFOE BGUFS SBJTJOH MBTU year for hunger relief. ZFBS GPS IVOHFS SFMJFG This year's tour will benefit Preble Street 5IJT ZFBS T UPVS XJMM CFOFmU 1SFCMF 4USFFU Resource Center in Portland. Those who 3FTPVSDF $FOUFS JO 1PSUMBOE 5IPTF XIP purchase tickets are also encouraged to QVSDIBTF UJDLFUT BSF BMTP FODPVSBHFE UP bring non-perishable food to donate to the CSJOH OPO QFSJTIBCMF GPPE UP EPOBUF UP UIF Maine Hunger Initiative. .BJOF )VOHFS *OJUJBUJWF The tour will feature nine kitchens in 5IF UPVS XJMM GFBUVSF OJOF LJUDIFOT JO


@= >F FALMOUTH KITCHEN TOUR 4/:;=CB6 97B163< B=C@ WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ 4`WROg O\R Saturday AObc`ROg WHERE: Starts at Falmouth CounE63@3( AbO`ba Ob 4OZ[]cbV 1]c\ try Club, One Congressional b`g 1ZcP =\S 1]\U`SaaW]\OZ Drive, Falmouth 2`WdS 4OZ[]cbV HOW MUCH: $25 in advance; $30 6=E ;C16( # W\ ORdO\QS) ! day of tour; $10 for Sandy Oliver ROg ]T b]c`) T]` AO\Rg =ZWdS` talk on Saturday. Proceeds benebOZY ]\ AObc`ROg >`]QSSRa PS\S fit Preble Street Resource Center. Âżb >`SPZS Ab`SSb @Sa]c`QS 1S\bS` INFO: falmouthkitchentour.com 7<4=( TOZ[]cbVYWbQVS\b]c` Q][ WHAT ELSE: Bring canned goods E6/B 3:A3( 0`W\U QO\\SR U]]Ra and other non-perishable food O\R ]bVS` \]\ ^S`WaVOPZS T]]R items to donate to the Maine WbS[a b] R]\ObS b] bVS ;OW\S Hunger Initiative and drop them 6c\US` 7\WbWObWdS O\R R`]^ bVS[ off at the clubhouse. ]TT Ob bVS QZcPV]caS

Please see KITCHENS, PageE27 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 97B163<A GX^\ <).

Off Beat: Sunday River's Wife Carrying Championship, E22 N C`jk`e^j# <)* Listings, E23 F]] 9\Xk1 Jle[Xp I`m\iËj N`]\ :Xiip`e^ :_Xdg`fej_`g# <))

Foliage festival =fc`X^\ ]\jk`mXc marks 45 years dXibj +, p\Xij UNDER the bright C<23@ bVS P`WUVb colored leaves, Q]Z]`SR ZSOdSa shop for aV]^ T]` handmade VO\R[ORS items from 75 WbS[a T`][ %# craft vendors Q`OTb dS\R]`a during Boothbay Rc`W\U 0]]bVPOg Harbor's 45th annual Fall 6O`P]`¸a "#bV O\\cOZ 4OZZ Foliage Festival. The event 4]ZWOUS 4SabWdOZ BVS SdS\b takes place at Boothbay bOYSa ^ZOQS Ob 0]]bVPOg Railway Village, where there @OWZeOg DWZZOUS eVS`S bVS`S will be a display of classic, eWZZ PS O RWa^ZOg ]T QZOaaWQ vintage and antique cars. Hot dW\bOUS O\R O\bW_cS QO`a 6]b mulled cider and Maine clam [cZZSR QWRS` O\R ;OW\S QZO[ chowder will keep you warm QV]eRS` eWZZ YSS^ g]c eO`[ in the fall air. W\ bVS TOZZ OW` WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ Saturday and Sunday AObc`ROg O\R Ac\ROg WHERE: Boothbay Railway E63@3( 0]]bVPOg @OWZeOg Village, 586 Wiscasset Road DWZZOUS #&$ EWaQOaaSb @]OR HOW MUCH: $2 6=E ;C16( INFO: 633-4743 7<4=( $!! "%"!

G :?<8I@CC


3E22 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' Continued from Page E19 * EJE I did. 5IF XIJUF SJDF XIJDI * EFMJHIUGVMMZ The white rice, which I delightfully DPOTJEFS UP CF UIF DBOEZ PG HSBJOT XBT consider to be the candy of grains, was DPPLFE UP QFSGFDUJPO 5IF WFHHJFT GPM cooked to perfection. The veggies folMPXFE TVJU "T GPS UIF DIJDLFO JU XBT lowed suit. As for the chicken, it was UFOEFS BOE NBOBHFBCMF JO CJUF TJ[FE tender and manageable in bite-sized QJFDFT UIBU XFSF BEPSOFE XJUI B MJHIU CVU pieces that were adorned with a light but nBWPSGVM CSPXO TBVDF flavorful brown sauce. * BUF 5IFO * BUF TPNF NPSF 5IFO * I ate. Then I ate some more. Then I GPSDFE NZTFMG UP UBLF B GFX XBMLJOH MBQT forced myself to take a few walking laps BSPVOE UIF PGmDF XIJMF DIVHHJOH TPNF around the office while chugging some XBUFS CFGPSF * BUF BOZNPSF 8IFO * HPU water before I ate anymore. When I got CBDL UP NZ EFTL * QPMJTIFE PGG B GFX NPSF back to my desk, I polished off a few more CJUFT CVU UIFSF XFSF TUJMM MFGUPWFST bites, but there were still leftovers. .Z NFBM DPVME IBWF o BOE BDUVBMMZ EJE My meal could have - and actually did

o GFFE UXP QFPQMF :PV CFUUFS CFMJFWF JU - feed two people. You better believe it XBT B CBSHBJO CVU JU EJEO U TLJNQ PO UBTUF was a bargain, but it didn't skimp on taste, XIJDI NFBOT * MM CF CBDL GPS NPSF * N which means I'll be back for more. I'm DVSJPVT BCPVU UIF TVTIJ BOE XBOU UP USZ curious about the sushi, and want to try BCPVU FJHIU PG UIF TPVQT UIFZ PGGFS about eight of the 10 soups they offer. 4QFBLJOH PG TPVQ NZ DPMMFBHVF TBJE JU Speaking of soup, my colleague said it XBT EFMJDJPVT XJUI B MJHIU CSPUIZ nBWPS was delicious with a light, brothy flavor UIBU XBTO U UPP TBMUZ BOE IBE B HPPE CBM that wasn't too salty and had a good balBODF PG TFBXFFE UPGV BOE HSFFO POJPOT ance of seaweed, tofu and green onions. 4IF BMTP TBJE UIF QPSUJPO TJ[F XBT CJH TP She also said the portion size was big, so UXP DPVME TIBSF two could share. 5IF PUIFS DP XPSLFS OPUFE UIBU UIF The other co-worker noted that the UFSJZBLJ DIJDLFO XBT MJHIU BOE nBWPSGVM teriyaki chicken was light and flavorful. )F MJLFE UIBU UIF TUJDLZ SJDF BOE UIF GSFTI He liked that the sticky rice and the fresh WFHFUBCMFT o DSVODIZ DBSSPUT BOE TISFET vegetables - crunchy carrots and shreds PG MFUUVDF o XFSF OPU PWFSQPXFSFE CZ B of lettuce - were not overpowered by a IFBWZ TBVDF heavy sauce.

K_`j Zfdg\k`k`fe i\hl`i\j This competition requires X [`]]\i\ek b`e[ f] jb`cc j\k a different kind of skill set CL

BDFZ $BTUSP JT B DIBNQJPO BMCFJU B acey Castro is a champion, albeit a WFSZ TQFDJBMJ[FE LJOE PG DIBNQJPO very specialized kind of champion. $BTUSP XBT DP XJOOFS PG UIF Castro, 30, was co-winner of the 2009 /PSUI "NFSJDBO 8JGF $BSSZJOH $IBNQJPO North American Wife Carrying ChampionTIJQ ship. "T UIF XJGF JU XBT $BTUSP T KPC UP LFFQ As the wife, it was Castro's job to keep B mSN HSBTQ PO IFS IVTCBOE %BWF XIJMF a firm grasp on her husband, Dave, while IF SBO B ZBSE PCTUBDMF DPVSTF VQ IJMMT he ran a 278-yard obstacle course up hills, BDSPTT MPHT UISPVHI NVE BOE TBOE BOE across logs, through mud and sand, and JOUP XBUFS into water. BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa [SOZa T]` The staff of GO anonymously samples meals for 8IJMF IFS IVTCBOE SBO UIF QPVOE While her husband ran, the 97-pound OP]cb about $10. $BTUSP XBT PO IJT CBDL XJUI IFS IFBE Castro was on his back, with her head EPXO CZ IJT XBJTU down by his waist BOE IFS MFHT PWFS IJT and her legs over his greenhutgalleries.com GREENHUTGALLERIES COM TIPVMEFST 5IF QPTJ shoulders. (The posi-ACPAGE ,,# 3OUTH 0ORTLAND h,ANDSCAPES v Macpage LLC, South Portland: "Landscapes," 20 UJPO JO XJGF DBSSZJOH tion in wife-carrying LOCAL ARTISTS IN VARIOUS MEDIA THROUGH /CT local artists in various media, through Oct. 19. QBSMBODF JT LOPXO BT parlance is known as macpage.com MACPAGE COM Continued from Page E18 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 & the Estonian, by the UIF &TUPOJBO CZ UIF North Yarmouth Academy (Curtis Gallery), .ORTH 9ARMOUTH !CADEMY #URTIS 'ALLERY XBZ way.) p.m. Saturday. Through Oct. 21. P M 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH /CT 9ARMOUTH 3USAN -YER 2ILEY AND 4RAVIS 2OY Yarmouth: Susan Myer Riley and Travis Roy, *U T B VOJRVF XBZ UP It's a unique way to race to sa the "Falling for Color," work by Martha Baum, Neil h&ALLING FOR #OLOR v WORK BY -ARTHA "AUM .EIL THROUGH /CT through Oct. 31.847-5423. SVO B SBDF UP TBZ UIF Myrick, Diana Johnson, Marcia Feller and Anne -YRICK $IANA *OHNSON -ARCIA &ELLER AND !NNE (AWK 2IDGE &ARM 0OWNAL h!UTUMN v SCULPTURE Hawk Ridge Farm, Pownal: "Autumn," sculpture MFBTU least. Tarbox, Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery. 4ARBOX 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY BY .EW %NGLAND ARTISTS THROUGH -ONDAY by 26 New England artists, through Monday. 4P IPX EPFT POF So how does one yarmouthframeshopandgallery.com. Opening YARMOUTHFRAMESHOPANDGALLERY COM /PENING junelacombesculpture.com JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM CFDPNF B DIBNQJPO BU become a champion at reception, 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday. Through Dec. 8. RECEPTION TO P M 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH $EC #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY &ORT !NDROSS Coleman Burke Gallery (Fort Andross), CFJOH DBSSJFE VQTJEF being carried upside h6ANGUARD v AVANT GARDE EXPERIMENTAL AND "Vanguard," avant-garde, experimental and Brunswick: Ar lee Wood worth, "Paint," through "RUNSWICK !RLEE 7OODWORTH h0AINT v THROUGH EPXO CZ POF T IVTCBOE XIJMF XBUFS BOE down by one's husband while water and innovative works by nine Maine artists, University &RIDAY COLEMANBURKE COM INNOVATIVE WORKS BY NINE -AINE ARTISTS 5NIVERSITY Friday, colemanburke.com NVE BOE HSPVOE BOE SPDLT BSF XIJ[[JOH mud and ground and rocks are whizzing OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND UNE EDU of New England (Art Gallery), Portland, une.edu/ Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Jeff Keller, )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK *EFF +ELLER by one's head in a blur? CZ POF T IFBE JO B CMVS ARTGALLERY /PENS /CT 4HROUGH $EC artgallery. Opens Oct. 11. Through Dec. 10. "Prospect," through Oct. 13. 725-8157. h0ROSPECT v THROUGH /CT i.Z POMZ BEWJDF JT OP NBUUFS XIBU IBQ "My only advice is, no matter what hapCoastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay: "On #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY h/N pens, hold on," said Castro, of Alfred. "It QFOT IPME PO w TBJE $BTUSP PG "MGSFE i*U CONTINUING #/.4).5).' the Wing," sculpture exhibition and sale, through THE 7ING v SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH BMXBZT HPFT CZ GBTUFS UIBO * UIJOL JU XJMM w always goes by faster than I think it will." Monday, mainegardens.org -ONDAY MAINEGARDENS ORG 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND * 4HOMAS Greenhut Galleries, Portland: J. Thomas Castro had so much fun, she's ready to $BTUSP IBE TP NVDI GVO TIF T SFBEZ UP R. Higgins, "Paint and Perception: A 2 (IGGINS h0AINT AND 0ERCEPTION ! be carried upside down again. She and CF DBSSJFE VQTJEF EPXO BHBJO 4IF BOE Retrospective Exhibition," through Wednesday. 2ETROSPECTIVE %XHIBITION v THROUGH 7EDNESDAY Please see ART, PageE27 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <). her husband will be one of the 52 couples IFS IVTCBOE XJMM CF POF PG UIF DPVQMFT competing Saturday in the 2012 North DPNQFUJOH 4BUVSEBZ JO UIF /PSUI American Wife Carrying Championship at "NFSJDBO 8JGF $BSSZJOH $IBNQJPOTIJQ BU the Sunday River ski area. UIF 4VOEBZ 3JWFS TLJ BSFB The event is part of Sunday River's fall 5IF FWFOU JT QBSU PG 4VOEBZ 3JWFS T GBMM festival, and is free to spectators. The GFTUJWBM BOE JT GSFF UP TQFDUBUPST 5IF competitive field is full for this year, but if DPNQFUJUJWF mFME JT GVMM GPS UIJT ZFBS CVU JG you want to try your hand at wife carrying, ZPV XBOU UP USZ ZPVS IBOE BU XJGF DBSSZJOH check it out this year as a spectator and DIFDL JU PVU UIJT ZFBS BT B TQFDUBUPS BOE sign up for next year. TJHO VQ GPS OFYU ZFBS The couples run in heats, with winning 5IF DPVQMFT SVO JO IFBUT XJUI XJOOJOH times usually less than a minute. The winUJNFT VTVBMMZ MFTT UIBO B NJOVUF 5IF XJO ning couple gets the wife's weight in beer OJOH DPVQMF HFUT UIF XJGF T XFJHIU JO CFFS and five times her weight in cash. For the BOE mWF UJNFT IFS XFJHIU JO DBTI 'PS UIF Castros, that turned out to be six cases of $BTUSPT UIBU UVSOFE PVU UP CF TJY DBTFT PG Bud Light and a little under $500. #VE -JHIU BOE B MJUUMF VOEFS The wife carrying championships have 5IF XJGF DBSSZJOH DIBNQJPOTIJQT IBWF been a huge crowd favorite at Sunday CFFO B IVHF DSPXE GBWPSJUF BU 4VOEBZ River for the past decade or so. The event 3JWFS GPS UIF QBTU EFDBEF PS TP 5IF FWFOU began after somebody pointed out to the CFHBO BGUFS TPNFCPEZ QPJOUFE PVU UP UIF folks at Sunday River that there was such GPMLT BU 4VOEBZ 3JWFS UIBU UIFSF XBT TVDI a thing as wife carrying contests, and that B UIJOH BT XJGF DBSSZJOH DPOUFTUT BOE UIBU the world championships are held yearly UIF XPSME DIBNQJPOTIJQT BSF IFME ZFBSMZ in Finland, where the sport originated. JO 'JOMBOE XIFSF UIF TQPSU PSJHJOBUFE Wife carrying in Finnish folklore is 8JGF DBSSZJOH JO 'JOOJTI GPMLMPSF JT 0GY /CKPG 6KOGU traced to a 19th-century character, USBDFE UP B UI DFOUVSZ DIBSBDUFS Rankainen the Robber, who is said to have 3BOLBJOFO UIF 3PCCFS XIP JT TBJE UP IBWF tested out his henchmen's strength and UFTUFE PVU IJT IFODINFO T TUSFOHUI BOE endurance by making them run a course FOEVSBODF CZ NBLJOH UIFN SVO B DPVSTF with a heavy sack on their backs. Throw in XJUI B IFBWZ TBDL PO UIFJS CBDLT 5ISPX JO the fact that this robber band supposedly UIF GBDU UIBU UIJT SPCCFS CBOE TVQQPTFEMZ stole women from neighboring villages, TUPMF XPNFO GSPN OFJHICPSJOH WJMMBHFT and you've got the basis for modern wife BOE ZPV WF HPU UIF CBTJT GPS NPEFSO XJGF carrying. DBSSZJOH And although the word "wife" is used, "OE BMUIPVHI UIF XPSE iXJGFw JT VTFE it's not a technical requirement. Couples JU T OPU B UFDIOJDBM SFRVJSFNFOU $PVQMFT competing can be unmarried. Heck, they DPNQFUJOH DBO CF VONBSSJFE )FDL UIFZ q$PHULFDpV )RUHPRVW 6XPPHU 7KHDWUHr don't even have to date. They just have to EPO U FWFO IBWF UP EBUF 5IFZ KVTU IBWF UP XPSL XFMM UPHFUIFS XIFO POF JT SVOOJOH work well together when one is running and the other is hanging upside down. 0DLQ 6W x 5WH x 2JXQTXLW 0( 2JXQTXLW3OD\KRXVH RUJ BOE UIF PUIFS JT IBOHJOH VQTJEF EPXO And, according to the official rules, the "OE BDDPSEJOH UP UIF PGmDJBM SVMFT UIF


Ray Routhier â„¢ ? IXp Iflk_`\i F]] 9\Xk Off Beat

7KH %8''< +2//< 6WRU\

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Derek Davis/Staff Photographer/2009 Press Herald file 2S`SY 2OdWa AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS` ' >`Saa 6S`OZR ¿ZS

Dave and Lacey Castro return to the 2OdS O\R :OQSg 1Oab`] `Sbc`\ b] bVS scene of their triumph, shown here. aQS\S ]T bVSW` b`Wc[^V aV]e\ VS`S woman can carry the man, if that seems XPNBO DBO DBSSZ UIF NBO JG UIBU TFFNT UP CF UIF CFTU BSSBOHFNFOU to be the best arrangement. In the Castros' case, it wouldn't be. *O UIF $BTUSPT DBTF JU XPVMEO U CF -BDFZ JT BCPVU GFFU UBMM BOE XFJHIT Lacey is about 5 feet tall and weighs 97 pounds. Dave is about 5-feet-10, but is a QPVOET %BWF JT BCPVU GFFU CVU JT B 614 ESJWFS 8IJDI NFBOT IF T JO HPPE UPS driver. Which means he's in good physical shape and is used to a lot of runQIZTJDBM TIBQF BOE JT VTFE UP B MPU PG SVO ning. OJOH "He's just a really competitive person i)F T KVTU B SFBMMZ DPNQFUJUJWF QFSTPO too," said Castro. "So when we heard UPP w TBJE $BTUSP i4P XIFO XF IFBSE about this, we thought it was something BCPVU UIJT XF UIPVHIU JU XBT TPNFUIJOH we'd like to try." XF E MJLF UP USZ w The Castros have also tried various 5IF $BTUSPT IBWF BMTP USJFE WBSJPVT racing positions - piggyback and the SBDJOH QPTJUJPOT o QJHHZCBDL BOE UIF fireman's carry, for instance. But the EsmSFNBO T DBSSZ GPS JOTUBODF #VU UIF &T tonian (no one's quite sure why it's called UPOJBO OP POF T RVJUF TVSF XIZ JU T DBMMFE that) seems to work best. In fact, the folks UIBU TFFNT UP XPSL CFTU *O GBDU UIF GPMLT at Sunday River said every couple who BU 4VOEBZ 3JWFS TBJE FWFSZ DPVQMF XIP has won the championship has used the IBT XPO UIF DIBNQJPOTIJQ IBT VTFE UIF Estonian. &TUPOJBO "For us, there's something about the i'PS VT UIFSF T TPNFUIJOH BCPVU UIF weight distribution that works best," said XFJHIU EJTUSJCVUJPO UIBU XPSLT CFTU w TBJE Castro. $BTUSP After winning the North American "GUFS XJOOJOH UIF /PSUI "NFSJDBO title, Castro and her husband traveled to UJUMF $BTUSP BOE IFS IVTCBOE USBWFMFE UP Finland to compete in the world champi'JOMBOE UP DPNQFUF JO UIF XPSME DIBNQJ onship. But since the Fins invented the POTIJQ #VU TJODF UIF 'JOT JOWFOUFE UIF sport, you'd figure they'd be good at it. TQPSU ZPV E mHVSF UIFZ E CF HPPE BU JU And you'd be right. The Castros came in "OE ZPV E CF SJHIU 5IF $BTUSPT DBNF JO fifth. mGUI "We were very disappointed," said i8F XFSF WFSZ EJTBQQPJOUFE w TBJE Castro. $BTUSP But on Saturday, she will be racing at #VU PO 4BUVSEBZ TIF XJMM CF SBDJOH BU Sunday River with her husband, back on 4VOEBZ 3JWFS XJUI IFS IVTCBOE CBDL PO familiar ground. GBNJMJBS HSPVOE She just hopes that the ground doesn't 4IF KVTU IPQFT UIBU UIF HSPVOE EPFTO U hit her in the head. IJU IFS JO UIF IFBE Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS contacted at 791-6454 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier@pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

2012 NORTH AMERICAN WIFE <=@B6 /;3@71/< E743 CARRYING CHAMPIONSHIP 1/@@G7<5 16/;>7=<A67> WHEN: 11 a.m. Saturday E63<( O [ AObc`ROg WHERE: Sunday River, E63@3( Ac\ROg @WdS` 15 South Ridge Road, Newry # A]cbV @WRUS @]OR <Se`g HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: sundayriver.com 7<4=( ac\ROg`WdS` Q][

@= PFL


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E23 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 !

N "%.%&)43 BENEFITS

N &),-3 FILMS

4OURS OF THE +ENNEBUNK 7EDDING #AKE (OUSE Tours of the Kennebunk Wedding Cake House, benefit for Hunger Relief of York County, Wedding BENElT FOR (UNGER 2ELIEF OF 9ORK #OUNTY 7EDDING Cake House, Kennebunk. $10. 985-3700. 10 a.m. #AKE (OUSE +ENNEBUNK A M to 4 p.m. Thursday to Oct. 11. Through Oct. 15. TO P M 4HURSDAY TO /CT 4HROUGH /CT Falmouth Kitchen Tour, tour nine kitchens with &ALMOUTH +ITCHEN 4OUR TOUR NINE KITCHENS WITH COOKING DEMOS TASTINGS AND SPECIAL GUESTS cooking demos, tastings and special guestsbenefits Preble Street Resource Center; begins BENElTS 0REBLE 3TREET 2ESOURCE #ENTER BEGINS at Falmouth Country Club. $25 in advance; $30 AT &ALMOUTH #OUNTRY #LUB IN ADVANCE day of tour; bring canned goods for donation. DAY OF TOUR BRING CANNED GOODS FOR DONATION Schedule at falmouthkitchentour.com. 10 a.m. to 3CHEDULE AT FALMOUTHKITCHENTOUR COM A M TO 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday. P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY BeadforLife Sale, bead jewelry made from "EADFOR,IFE 3ALE BEAD JEWELRY MADE FROM recycled paper and shea butter products made in RECYCLED PAPER AND SHEA BUTTER PRODUCTS MADE IN Uganda; fundraiser for impoverished people living 5GANDA FUNDRAISER FOR IMPOVERISHED PEOPLE LIVING in Uganda; Fisherman's Wharf Inn, Boothbay IN 5GANDA &ISHERMAN S 7HARF )NN "OOTHBAY Harbor. 633-5090. 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday; noon to (ARBOR TO P M &RIDAY NOON TO 5 p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY "Trust in Art," paint auction in support of local h4RUST IN !RT v PAINT AUCTION IN SUPPORT OF LOCAL land preservation and art education, Atlantic Hall, LAND PRESERVATION AND ART EDUCATION !TLANTIC (ALL Cape Porpoise. $20. 985-0985. Preview at 4 p.m., #APE 0ORPOISE 0REVIEW AT P M live auction at 5:30 p.m. Saturday. LIVE AUCTION AT P M 3ATURDAY Freeport Kitchen Tour, self-guided tour of &REEPORT +ITCHEN 4OUR SELF GUIDED TOUR OF kitchens; benefits Greater Portland Habitat KITCHENS BENElTS 'REATER 0ORTLAND (ABITAT for Humanity; begins at Freeport Community FOR (UMANITY BEGINS AT &REEPORT #OMMUNITY Services. $20. 847-5240. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 3ERVICES A M TO P M Saturday. 3ATURDAY Art at Marrett, silent auction of work by members !RT AT -ARRETT SILENT AUCTION OF WORK BY MEMBERS of the Saco River Art League; benefits the Marrett OF THE 3ACO 2IVER !RT ,EAGUE BENElTS THE -ARRETT House and Historic New England; Marrett House, (OUSE AND (ISTORIC .EW %NGLAND -ARRETT (OUSE Standish. 882-7169. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday; 3TANDISH A M TO P M 3ATURDAY 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. A M TO P M 3UNDAY Bug Light 5K, benefit for South Portland Land "UG ,IGHT + BENElT FOR 3OUTH 0ORTLAND ,AND Trust, Bug Light Park, South Portland. $15 in 4RUST "UG ,IGHT 0ARK 3OUTH 0ORTLAND IN advance; $20 day of run. buglight5k.com. 9 a.m. ADVANCE DAY OF RUN BUGLIGHT K COM A M Sunday. 3UNDAY

Portland Maine Film Festival, shorts and features, 0ORTLAND -AINE &ILM &ESTIVAL SHORTS AND FEATURES WORKSHOPS AND MORE VARIOUS VENUES 0ORTLAND workshops and more, various venues, Portland. FOR CHILDREN AND SENIORS 3CHEDULE AT $6; $5 for children and seniors. Schedule at portlandmainefilmfest.com. Thursday to Sunday. PORTLANDMAINElLMFEST COM 4HURSDAY TO 3UNDAY -ANHATTAN 3HORT &ILM &ESTIVAL SHORT lLMS FROM Manhattan Short Film Festival, 10 short films from AROUND THE WORLD 3TRAND 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND around the world, Strand Theatre, Rockland. $7.50 to $8.50. rocklandstrand.com. 7 p.m. Thursday. TO ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M 4HURSDAY LunaFest, film festival featuring short films by, for ,UNA&EST lLM FESTIVAL FEATURING SHORT lLMS BY FOR and about women, Franco American Heritage AND ABOUT WOMEN &RANCO !MERICAN (ERITAGE Center, Lewiston. $15. francocenter.org. 7:30 p.m. #ENTER ,EWISTON FRANCOCENTER ORG P M &RIDAY Friday. h-ARINA !BRAMOVIC 4HE !RTIST )S 0RESENTv "Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present" (2012), performance retrospective, Strand Theatre, PERFORMANCE RETROSPECTIVE 3TRAND 4HEATRE Rockland. $8.50. rocklandstrand.com. 8 p.m. 2OCKLAND ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M Friday. &RIDAY Charlie Chaplin's "The Gold Rush" (1925), silent #HARLIE #HAPLIN S h4HE 'OLD 2USHv SILENT movie comedy with live music by Mark Tipton MOVIE COMEDY WITH LIVE MUSIC BY -ARK 4IPTON and his band, Saco River Theatre, Bar Mills. $12; AND HIS BAND 3ACO 2IVER 4HEATRE "AR -ILLS $10 for seniors and students. 929-6472. 7:30 p.m. FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS P M Saturday. 3ATURDAY "Monsieur Lazhar" (2011, Rated PG-13), in h-ONSIEUR ,AZHARv 2ATED 0' IN French with subtitles, York Public Library. Free, &RENCH WITH SUBTITLES 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE york.lib.me.us. 3 p.m. Sunday. YORK LIB ME US P M 3UNDAY Global Lens International Film Series, Bates 'LOBAL ,ENS )NTERNATIONAL &ILM 3ERIES "ATES College (Olin Arts Center), Lewiston. Free. #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS #ENTER ,EWISTON &REE bates.edu/museum. "The Finger" (2011, BATES EDU MUSEUM h4HE &INGERv Argentina), 7:30 p.m. Monday. Through Dec. 3. !RGENTINA P M -ONDAY 4HROUGH $EC "The Dirty Dozen" (1967), Skidompha Library, h4HE $IRTY $OZENv 3KIDOMPHA ,IBRARY Damariscotta. $5. 563-5513. 6:30 p.m. Monday. $AMARISCOTTA P M -ONDAY Banned Book Film Series: "The Color Purple" "ANNED "OOK &ILM 3ERIES h4HE #OLOR 0URPLEv (1985, Rated PG-13), Portland Public Library. Free. 2ATED 0' 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE portlandlibrary.com. 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. PORTLANDLIBRARY COM P M 7EDNESDAY "The Living End" (1992, adult themes), Space h4HE ,IVING %NDv ADULT THEMES 3PACE Gallery, Portland. $7. space538.org. 7:30 p.m. 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND SPACE ORG P M Wednesday. 7EDNESDAY

c`jk`e^j <K :<K<I8

FAIRS/FESTIVALS N &!)23 &%34)6!,3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Fryeburg Fair, Maine's largest agricultural fair with &RYEBURG &AIR -AINE S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL FAIR WITH harness racing, nightly entertainment, midway, HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT MIDWAY museum and exhibits, Fryeburg Fairgrounds. $10; MUSEUM AND EXHIBITS &RYEBURG &AIRGROUNDS free for children underage 12.fryeburgfair.com. FREE FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE FRYEBURGFAIR COM Gates open at 9 a.m. Thursday to Sunday. 'ATES OPEN AT A M 4HURSDAY TO 3UNDAY Damariscotta Pumpkinfest, pumpkin boat regatta, $AMARISCOTTA 0UMPKINFEST PUMPKIN BOAT REGATTA giant pumpkins, pumpkin smashing and more, GIANT PUMPKINS PUMPKIN SMASHING AND MORE downtown Damariscotta and surrounding areas. DOWNTOWN $AMARISCOTTA AND SURROUNDING AREAS Free. Schedule at damariscottapumpkinfest.com. &REE 3CHEDULE AT DAMARISCOTTAPUMPKINFEST COM Thursday to Monday. 4HURSDAY TO -ONDAY

Press Herald file >`Saa 6S`OZR ¿ZS

The 37th Annual Pettengill Farm Day, with entertainment, demonstrations, BVS !%bV /\\cOZ >SbbS\UWZZ 4O`[ 2Og eWbV S\bS`bOW\[S\b RS[]\ab`ObW]\a orchard strolls and more, takes place Sunday on the grounds of the 1810 saltbox ]`QVO`R ab`]ZZa O\R []`S bOYSa ^ZOQS Ac\ROg ]\ bVS U`]c\Ra ]T bVS & aOZbP]f on the shore of the Harraseeket River in Freeport. ]\ bVS aV]`S ]T bVS 6O``OaSSYSb @WdS` W\ 4`SS^]`b

pressing, Savage Oaks Vineyard and Winery, PRESSING 3AVAGE /AKS 6INEYARD AND 7INERY Union, savageoakes.com. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 5NION SAVAGEOAKES COM A M TO P M Fall Foliage Festival, craft fair, food, music, &ALL &OLIAGE &ESTIVAL CRAFT FAIR FOOD MUSIC children's activities and train rides, Boothbay CHILDREN S ACTIVITIES AND TRAIN RIDES "OOTHBAY Railway Village. $5; free for ages 12 and under. 2AILWAY 6ILLAGE FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER railwayvillage.org. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday RAILWAYVILLAGE ORG A M TO P M 3ATURDAY and Sunday. AND 3UNDAY FRIDAY &2)$!9 Fall Foliage Weekend, music, wine tasting, Wife &ALL &OLIAGE 7EEKEND MUSIC WINE TASTING 7IFE Wine and Cheese Festival, with music, 7INE AND #HEESE &ESTIVAL WITH MUSIC Carrying Championship, Blue Mountain Arts and #ARRYING #HAMPIONSHIP "LUE -OUNTAIN !RTS AND entertainment and Maine products for sale, ENTERTAINMENT AND -AINE PRODUCTS FOR SALE Crafts Fair and more, Sunday River, Newry. Most #RAFTS &AIR AND MORE 3UNDAY 2IVER .EWRY -OST Smugglers Den Campground, Southwest Harbor. 3MUGGLERS $EN #AMPGROUND 3OUTHWEST (ARBOR events are free. Schedule at sundayriver.com. EVENTS ARE FREE 3CHEDULE AT SUNDAYRIVER COM $5 to $27. acadiaoktoberfest.com. 4 to 7 p.m. TO ACADIAOKTOBERFEST COM TO P M Saturday and Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY Sugarloaf Homecoming Weekend, foliage views, 3UGARLOAF (OMECOMING 7EEKEND FOLIAGE VIEWS Living History Days, wagon rides, cedar shake ,IVING (ISTORY $AYS WAGON RIDES CEDAR SHAKE used ski equipment sale, uphill race, zipline USED SKI EQUIPMENT SALE UPHILL RACE ZIPLINE making and cider pressing, Leonard's Mills MAKING AND CIDER PRESSING ,EONARD S -ILLS tours and more, Sugarloaf, Carrabassett Valley. TOURS AND MORE 3UGARLOAF #ARRABASSETT 6ALLEY Historic Settlement, Bradley. $8; $4 for children. (ISTORIC 3ETTLEMENT "RADLEY FOR CHILDREN Various prices. Schedule at sugarloaf.com. Friday 6ARIOUS PRICES 3CHEDULE AT SUGARLOAF COM &RIDAY leonardsmills.com. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday LEONARDSMILLS COM A M TO P M 3ATURDAY to Sunday. TO 3UNDAY and Sunday. AND 3UNDAY Rangeley Oktoberfest, food, beer and 2ANGELEY /KTOBERFEST FOOD BEER AND Foreign Auto Festival, more than 150 antique &OREIGN !UTO &ESTIVAL MORE THAN ANTIQUE entertainment, various venues, Rangeley. Schedule AUTOMOBILES FROM AROUND THE WORLD /WLS (EAD ENTERTAINMENT VARIOUS VENUES 2ANGELEY 3CHEDULE automobiles from around the world, Owls Head at rangeleyoktoberfest.com. Friday to Monday. AT RANGELEYOKTOBERFEST COM &RIDAY TO -ONDAY Transportation Museum. $12; free for ages 18 4RANSPORTATION -USEUM FREE FOR AGES and under. 594-4418. Gates open at 9:30 a.m. AND UNDER 'ATES OPEN AT A M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Saturday and Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY Acadia Oktoberfest, brewfest with music, !CADIA /KTOBERFEST BREWFEST WITH MUSIC entertainment and Maine products for sale, ENTERTAINMENT AND -AINE PRODUCTS FOR SALE SPECIAL EVENTS N 30%#)!, %6%.43 Smugglers Den Campground, Southwest Harbor. 3MUGGLERS $EN #AMPGROUND 3OUTHWEST (ARBOR $10; $30 VIP. acadiaoktoberfest.com. Noon to 6 6)0 ACADIAOKTOBERFEST COM .OON TO FRIDAY &2)$!9 p.m. P M "Beautiful Possibility" and "Limitless Range," h"EAUTIFUL 0OSSIBILITYv AND h,IMITLESS 2ANGE v Manchester Apple Festival, pancake breakfast, -ANCHESTER !PPLE &ESTIVAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST exhibition openings with performances by Black EXHIBITION OPENINGS WITH PERFORMANCES BY "LACK 5K race, games, music and craft fair, Lakeside + RACE GAMES MUSIC AND CRAFT FAIR ,AKESIDE Pus, Video Nasties, Stolen Temple Pileup and 0US 6IDEO .ASTIES 3TOLEN 4EMPLE 0ILEUP AND Orchards, Manchester. Most events are free. /RCHARDS -ANCHESTER -OST EVENTS ARE FREE the Limitless Rangers, all ages; Space Gallery, THE ,IMITLESS 2ANGERS ALL AGES 3PACE 'ALLERY manchesterapplefestival.com. 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. MANCHESTERAPPLEFESTIVAL COM A M TO P M Portland. Free, space538.org. 5 p.m.; music at 0ORTLAND &REE SPACE ORG P M MUSIC AT Ethiopian and Eritrean Festival, traditional food, %THIOPIAN AND %RITREAN &ESTIVAL TRADITIONAL FOOD 8:30 p.m. P M music and costumes, Trinity Lutheran Church, MUSIC AND COSTUMES 4RINITY ,UTHERAN #HURCH "Suite Limpet," theatrical site-specific installation h3UITE ,IMPET v THEATRICAL SITE SPECIlC INSTALLATION Westbrook. Free, trinitywestbrook.com. 11 a.m. 7ESTBROOK &REE TRINITYWESTBROOK COM A M piece using sculpture, performance, music and PIECE USING SCULPTURE PERFORMANCE MUSIC AND to 2 p.m. TO P M science, Otter Creek Hall, Mount Desert Island. SCIENCE /TTER #REEK (ALL -OUNT $ESERT )SLAND Annual Harvest and Craft Fair, crafters and !NNUAL (ARVEST AND #RAFT &AIR CRAFTERS AND $9 to $14; reservations required, limpet.brown TO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED LIMPET BROWN artisans, theme baskets, silent auction, bakery and PAPERTICKETS COM P M &RIDAY TO 3UNDAY ARTISANS THEME BASKETS SILENT AUCTION BAKERY AND papertickets.com. 5:45 p.m. Friday to Sunday. a 50/50 raffle, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, A RAFmE )MMACULATE (EART OF -ARY 0ARISH Auburn. 783-9608. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. SATURDAY !UBURN A M TO P M 3!452$!9 Savage Oakes Winery Annual Harvest Festival, 3AVAGE /AKES 7INERY !NNUAL (ARVEST &ESTIVAL Apple Saturdays, cider and doughnut sale, guided !PPLE 3ATURDAYS CIDER AND DOUGHNUT SALE GUIDED grape picking, hayrides, grape crushing and GRAPE PICKING HAYRIDES GRAPE CRUSHING AND nature hike, cider pressing and demonstrations of NATURE HIKE CIDER PRESSING AND DEMONSTRATIONS OF

weaving and embroidery, Sabbathday Lake Shaker WEAVING AND EMBROIDERY 3ABBATHDAY ,AKE 3HAKER Village, New Gloucester. Free. 926-4597. 10 a.m. 6ILLAGE .EW 'LOUCESTER &REE A M Transit Day, ride on a New York City subway train 4RANSIT $AY RIDE ON A .EW 9ORK #ITY SUBWAY TRAIN or an elevated train from Boston, Seashore Trolley OR AN ELEVATED TRAIN FROM "OSTON 3EASHORE 4ROLLEY Museum, Kennebunkport. $7.50 to $10; free for -USEUM +ENNEBUNKPORT TO FREE FOR ages 5 and under, trolleymuseum.org. 10 a.m. to AGES AND UNDER TROLLEYMUSEUM ORG A M TO 5 p.m. P M "Star Wars" Reads Day, celebration of reading h3TAR 7ARSv 2EADS $AY CELEBRATION OF READING and "Star Wars" with "Star Wars"-related books, AND h3TAR 7ARSv WITH h3TAR 7ARSv RELATED BOOKS crafts, costume contest and trivia contest, CRAFTS COSTUME CONTEST AND TRIVIA CONTEST Callahan Hall, Lewiston Public Library. Free. 513#ALLAHAN (ALL ,EWISTON 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE 3135. 1 to 3 p.m. TO P M "Play Me a Story," interactive theater performance h0LAY -E A 3TORY v INTERACTIVE THEATER PERFORMANCE and workshop for ages 4 to 10, Portland Stage AND WORKSHOP FOR AGES TO 0ORTLAND 3TAGE Company. $15. portlandstage.org. "Scary vs. #OMPANY PORTLANDSTAGE ORG h3CARY VS Silly," 10:30 a.m. 3ILLY v A M SUNDAY 35.$!9 13th Annual Great Western Maine Chili Cook TH !NNUAL 'REAT 7ESTERN -AINE #HILI #OOK Off, proceeds support the Tony Waldeier /FF PROCEEDS SUPPORT THE 4ONY 7ALDEIER Scholarship Fund, Town Green, Waterford. $5. 3CHOLARSHIP &UND 4OWN 'REEN 7ATERFORD mainelakeschamber.com. Noon to 2 p.m. MAINELAKESCHAMBER COM .OON TO P M Open Creamery Day, visit Maine cheesemakers, /PEN #REAMERY $AY VISIT -AINE CHEESEMAKERS meet the animals and learn about more than 150 MEET THE ANIMALS AND LEARN ABOUT MORE THAN artisan cheeses, statewide. Free. Locations at ARTISAN CHEESES STATEWIDE &REE ,OCATIONS AT mainecheeseguild.org. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. MAINECHEESEGUILD ORG A M TO P M 37th Annual Pettengill Farm Day, music, TH !NNUAL 0ETTENGILL &ARM $AY MUSIC entertainment, poetry reading, wood-carving ENTERTAINMENT POETRY READING WOOD CARVING demonstrations, orchard strolls and more, DEMONSTRATIONS ORCHARD STROLLS AND MORE Pettengill Farm, Freeport. $5; $2 for children. 8650ETTENGILL &ARM &REEPORT FOR CHILDREN 3170. 10a.m. to 3 p.m. A M TO P M Coin and Stamp Show, Knights of Columbus Hall, #OIN AND 3TAMP 3HOW +NIGHTS OF #OLUMBUS (ALL Brunswick. Free admission. 721-7872. 9 a.m. to "RUNSWICK &REE ADMISSION A M TO 2:30 p.m. P M Shape Note Singing, four-part singing tradition 3HAPE .OTE 3INGING FOUR PART SINGING TRADITION also known as Sacred Harp, everyone welcome to ALSO KNOWN AS 3ACRED (ARP EVERYONE WELCOME TO participate, The New Church, Portland. Donation. PARTICIPATE 4HE .EW #HURCH 0ORTLAND $ONATION 216-3890. 1 to 4 p.m. TO P M Fall Foliage Walk, guided walk with Eileen &ALL &OLIAGE 7ALK GUIDED WALK WITH %ILEEN Willard, Laudholm Farm Reserve, Wells. $7. 7ILLARD ,AUDHOLM &ARM 2ESERVE 7ELLS wellsreserve.org. 10 a.m. to noon. WELLSRESERVE ORG A M TO NOON

BOOKS/AUTHORS N "//+3 !54(/23 Martin Goldman, author of "And I From -ARTIN 'OLDMAN AUTHOR OF h!ND ) &ROM Bohemia," York Public Library, york.lib.me.us. 7 "OHEMIA v 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY YORK LIB ME US p.m. Thursday. P M 4HURSDAY Ty Drago, author of "Undertakers: Rise 4Y $RAGO AUTHOR OF h5NDERTAKERS 2ISE of the Corpses," Portland Public Library. OF THE #ORPSES v 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY portlandlibrary.com. 1 p.m. Thursday. PORTLANDLIBRARY COM P M 4HURSDAY Kate Flora, author of "Redemption," Lithgow +ATE &LORA AUTHOR OF h2EDEMPTION v ,ITHGOW Public Library, Augusta, www.lithgow.lib.me.us. 0UBLIC ,IBRARY !UGUSTA WWW LITHGOW LIB ME US 6:30 p.m. Thursday. P M 4HURSDAY Robert Atkinson, author of "Mystic 2OBERT !TKINSON AUTHOR OF h-YSTIC Journey: Getting to the Heart of Your *OURNEY 'ETTING TO THE (EART OF 9OUR Soul's Story," Longfellow Books, Portland. 3OUL S 3TORY v ,ONGFELLOW "OOKS 0ORTLAND longfellowbooks.com. 7 p.m. Thursday. LONGFELLOWBOOKS COM P M 4HURSDAY LenoraTrussel, author of "Circling the Drain," ,ENORA 4RUSSEL AUTHOR OF h#IRCLING THE $RAIN v Falmouth Memorial Library, falmouth.lib.me.us. &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY FALMOUTH LIB ME US 2:30 p.m. Friday. P M &RIDAY Scott Nash, author of "The High Skies Adventure 3COTT .ASH AUTHOR OF h4HE (IGH 3KIES !DVENTURE of Blue Jay the Pirate," Longfellow Books, OF "LUE *AY THE 0IRATE v ,ONGFELLOW "OOKS Portland, longfellowbooks.com. 7 p.m. Friday. 0ORTLAND LONGFELLOWBOOKS COM P M &RIDAY Harriet Schultz, author of "Legacy of the (ARRIET 3CHULTZ AUTHOR OF h,EGACY OF THE Highlands," Falmouth Memorial Library. (IGHLANDS v &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY www.falmouth.lib.me.us. Noon Tuesday. WWW FALMOUTH LIB ME US .OON 4UESDAY Scott Ezell, poetry reading and discussion, 3COTT %ZELL POETRY READING AND DISCUSSION College of the Atlantic (McCormick Lecture Hall), #OLLEGE OF THE !TLANTIC -C#ORMICK ,ECTURE (ALL Bar Harbor. 288-5015. 4:10 p.m. Tuesday. "AR (ARBOR P M 4UESDAY Maine Organization of Storytelling Enthusiasts -AINE /RGANIZATION OF 3TORYTELLING %NTHUSIASTS (M.O.O.S.E.), evening of storytelling for adults - / / 3 % EVENING OF STORYTELLING FOR ADULTS with featured teller Karen Chase, Portland Public WITH FEATURED TELLER +AREN #HASE 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC Library. $5/donation. moosetellers.ning.com. 7 ,IBRARY DONATION MOOSETELLERS NING COM p.m. Wednesday. P M 7EDNESDAY Paul Doiron, author of "The Poacher's Son" and 0AUL $OIRON AUTHOR OF h4HE 0OACHER S 3ONv AND "Bad Little Falls," Lithgow Public Library, Augusta. h"AD ,ITTLE &ALLS v ,ITHGOW 0UBLIC ,IBRARY !UGUSTA www.lithgow.lib.me.us. 6:30 p.m. Oct. 11. WWW LITHGOW LIB ME US P M /CT Andrew Zolli, author of "Resilience," Camden !NDREW :OLLI AUTHOR OF h2ESILIENCE v #AMDEN Public Library. 236-3440. 7 p.m. Oct. 11. 0UBLIC ,IBRARY P M /CT

PARTICIPANT DANCE N 0!24)#)0!.4 $!.#% Greater Portland Community Contra Dance 'REATER 0ORTLAND #OMMUNITY #ONTRA $ANCE Series, live music by Rock the Boat with guest 3ERIES LIVE MUSIC BY 2OCK THE "OAT WITH GUEST caller, Falmouth Congregational Church. $10; CALLER &ALMOUTH #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH $7 for ages 13 to 20; $5 for ages 5 to 12; free for FOR AGES TO FOR AGES TO FREE FOR children under age 5. 358-9354. Lessons at 7:15 CHILDREN UNDER AGE ,ESSONS AT p.m.; dance at 8 p.m. Saturday. P M DANCE AT P M 3ATURDAY


'World of ÊNfic[ f] Wonders' Nfe[\ijË





1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW Compiled by Aimsel Ponti, Staff Writer AbOTT E`WbS`



'Faith Healer' Ê=X`k_ ?\Xc\iË

Ê<c\^Xek <e`^dXjË 'Elegant Enigmas'

"Faith Healer" is the story of Âľ4OWbV 6SOZS`Âś Wa bVS ab]`g ]T traveling faith healer Frank Hardy, b`OdSZW\U TOWbV VSOZS` 4`O\Y 6O`Rg his wife, Grace, and his manager, VWa eWTS 5`OQS O\R VWa [O\OUS` Teddy. The trio move through BSRRg BVS b`W] []dS bV`]cUV remote towns of the British Isles, `S[]bS b]e\a ]T bVS 0`WbWaV 7aZSa where Frank attempts to heal eVS`S 4`O\Y ObbS[^ba b] VSOZ those ailing in his path. Themes bV]aS OWZW\U W\ VWa ^ObV BVS[Sa of art and belief are explored. The ]T O`b O\R PSZWST O`S Sf^Z]`SR BVS show runs through Oct. 21. aV]e `c\a bV`]cUV =Qb

Through Dec. 29, Portland Public BV`]cUV 2SQ ' >]`bZO\R >cPZWQ Library plays host to "Elegant :WP`O`g ^ZOga V]ab b] Âľ3ZSUO\b Enigmas: The Art of Edward 3\WU[Oa( BVS /`b ]T 3ReO`R Gorey." The exhibit features 5]`Sg Âś BVS SfVWPWb TSObc`Sa original illustrations, preparatory ]`WUW\OZ WZZcab`ObW]\a ^`S^O`Ob]`g sketches, unpublished drawings aYSbQVSa c\^cPZWaVSR R`OeW\Ua and ephemera by internationO\R S^VS[S`O Pg W\bS`\ObW]\ ally celebrated artist and author OZZg QSZSP`ObSR O`bWab O\R OcbV]` Edward Gorey. 3ReO`R 5]`Sg

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Portland Stage E63@3( >]`bZO\R AbOUS Company Studio Theater, 1][^O\g AbcRW] BVSObS` 25A Forest Ave. #/ 4]`Sab /dS HOW MUCH: $20; $18 6=E ;C16( ) & seniors and students; aS\W]`a O\R abcRS\ba) airetheater. com OW`SbVSObS` Q][

DaPonte String ;XGfek\ Jki`e^ Quartet HlXik\k The DaPonte String Quartet BVS 2O>]\bS Ab`W\U ?cO`bSb performs the annual Leaf Peeper ^S`T]`[a bVS O\\cOZ :SOT >SS^S` Concert in Boothbay. You'll hear 1]\QS`b W\ 0]]bVPOg G]c¸ZZ VSO` pieces by Franz Joseph Haydn, ^WSQSa Pg 4`O\h 8]aS^V 6OgR\ Fanny Mendelssohn and Wolfgang 4O\\g ;S\RSZaa]V\ O\R E]ZTUO\U Amadeus Mozart. /[ORSca ;]hO`b

Florence Lacey =cfi\eZ\ CXZ\p Spend an evening with Broadway A^S\R O\ SdS\W\U eWbV 0`]OReOg star Florence Lacey, who has perabO` 4Z]`S\QS :OQSg eV] VOa ^S` formed in productions including T]`[SR W\ ^`]RcQbW]\a W\QZcRW\U "The Grand Tour," "Hello Dolly," ¾BVS 5`O\R B]c` œ ¾6SZZ] 2]ZZg œ "Les Miserables" and "Evita." ¾:Sa ;WaS`OPZSaœ O\R ¾3dWbO œ You'll hear interviews, stories and G]c¸ZZ VSO` W\bS`dWSea ab]`WSa O\R songs, including "Send in the a]\Ua W\QZcRW\U ¾AS\R W\ bVS Clowns," "I Dreamed a Dream" 1Z]e\a œ ¾7 2`SO[SR O 2`SO[œ and "Don't Cry For Me ArgenO\R ¾2]\¸b 1`g 4]` ;S /`US\ tina." An additional performance bW\O œ /\ ORRWbW]\OZ ^S`T]`[O\QS happens at 2 ^ [ Ac\ROg p.m. Sunday. VO^^S\a Ob

Artist John Whalley's paintings /`bWab 8]V\ EVOZZSg¸a ^OW\bW\Ua and drawings invoke the tradiO\R R`OeW\Ua W\d]YS bVS b`ORW tions of American realism and bW]\a ]T /[S`WQO\ `SOZWa[ O\R those of the Dutch masters, while bV]aS ]T bVS 2cbQV [OabS`a eVWZS also creating their own distinct OZa] Q`SObW\U bVSW` ]e\ RWabW\Qb signature. "World of Wonders" aWU\Obc`S ¾E]`ZR ]T E]\RS`aœ hangs in Portland through VO\Ua W\ >]`bZO\R bV`]cUV Oct. =Qb 27. % WHEN: 5 to 7 p.m. E63<( # b] % ^ [ WHERE: Greenhut E63@3( 5`SS\Vcb Galleries, 146 Middle St., 5OZZS`WSa "$ ;WRRZS Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) greenhutga/leries. com U`SS\VcbUOZZS`WSa Q][

WHEN: 2:30 p.m. E63<( (! ^ [ WHERE: Coastal Maine E63@3( 1]OabOZ ;OW\S Botanical Gardens, Barters 0]bO\WQOZ 5O`RS\a 0O`bS`a Island Road, Boothbay 7aZO\R @]OR 0]]bVPOg HOW MUCH: $25; 6=E ;C16( #) mainegardens. org [OW\SUO`RS\a ]`U

WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: St. Lawrence Arts E63@3( Ab :Oe`S\QS /`ba Center, 76 Congress St., 1S\bS` %$ 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $30; 6=E ;C16( ! ) goodtheater. com U]]RbVSObS` Q][


Miss Tess & D`jj K\jj The Talkbacks K_\ KXcbYXZbj

Jon Spencer Blues Afe Jg\eZ\i 9cl\j Explosion <ogcfj`fe

New Yorker Miss Tess comes to <Se G]`YS` ;Waa BSaa Q][Sa b] town with The Talkbacks. With b]e\ eWbV BVS BOZYPOQYa EWbV her 1940s archtop guitar, she VS` '" a O`QVb]^ UcWbO` aVS leads the band on tunes inspired ZSORa bVS PO\R ]\ bc\Sa W\a^W`SR by vintage swing and early rock Pg dW\bOUS aeW\U O\R SO`Zg `]QY 'n' roll. ¸\¸ `]ZZ

For more than 20 years, New 4]` []`S bVO\ gSO`a <Se York City-based Jon Spencer G]`Y 1Wbg POaSR 8]\ A^S\QS` Blues Explosion have been 0ZcSa 3f^Z]aW]\ VOdS PSS\ purveyors of alternative rock. The ^c`dSg]`a ]T OZbS`\ObWdS `]QY BVS band's influences include punk, PO\R¸a W\Ă€cS\QSa W\QZcRS ^c\Y garage, rockabilly, soul, noise UO`OUS `]QYOPWZZg a]cZ \]WaS rock, rap and R&B. Local punk `]QY `O^ O\R @ 0 :]QOZ ^c\Y trio The Outfits open the show. b`W] BVS =cbÂżba ]^S\ bVS aV]e

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. E63<( O [ b] % ^ [ WHERE: Portland Public E63@3( >]`bZO\R >cPZWQ Library, :WP`O`g 5 Monument Square # ;]\c[S\b A_cO`S HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) portlandlibrary. com ^]`bZO\RZWP`O`g Q][

WHEN: 9 p.m. E63<( ' ^ [ WHERE: Asylum, E63@3( /agZc[ Center St., Portland 121 1S\bS` Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $15; 21-plus; 6=E ;C16( #) ^Zca) portlandasylum. com ^]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][

Lydia Warren Cp[`X NXii\e Band 9Xe[

'Maine Botanicals' ÊDX`e\ 9fkXe`ZXcjË

Blues come to Rockland with a 0ZcSa Q][S b] @]QYZO\R eWbV O show by the Lydia Warren Band. aV]e Pg bVS :gRWO EO``S\ 0O\R Warren's a singer, songwriter and EO``S\¸a O aW\US` a]\Ue`WbS` O\R guitarist out of Boston, and she UcWbO`Wab ]cb ]T 0]ab]\ O\R aVS and her band have every intenO\R VS` PO\R VOdS SdS`g W\bS\ tion of turning Monday night on bW]\ ]T bc`\W\U ;]\ROg \WUVb ]\ its head. Wba VSOR

Artist Barbara Bean displays /`bWab 0O`PO`O 0SO\ RWa^ZOga work inspired by her walks e]`Y W\a^W`SR Pg VS` eOZYa through Maine bogs with the exbV`]cUV ;OW\S P]Ua eWbV bVS Sf hibit "Maine Botanicals." Through VWPWb Âľ;OW\S 0]bO\WQOZa Âś BV`]cUV Oct. 30, see her prismacolor =Qb ! aSS VS` ^`Wa[OQ]Z]` drawings and monoprints of R`OeW\Ua O\R []\]^`W\ba ]T Maine's flora. ;OW\S¸a Ă€]`O

WHEN: 7 p.m. E63<( % ^ [ WHERE: Time Out Pub, E63@3( BW[S =cb >cP 275 Main St., Rockland %# ;OW\ Ab @]QYZO\R HOW MUCH: $10; 593-9336 6=E ;C16( ) #'! '!!$

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. E63<( O [ b] "(! ^ [ WHERE: Daunis Fine E63@3( 2Oc\Wa 4W\S Jewelry, 616 Congress St., 8SeSZ`g $ $ 1]\U`Saa Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; 773-6011 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) %%! $

FZkfY\i (*

Phil Keaggy G_`c B\X^^p

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: One Longfellow E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square, 181 State St., A_cO`S & AbObS Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $12 W\ OR in ad6=E ;C16( vance; $15 day of show; dO\QS) # ROg ]T aV]e) on elongfello wsquare. com ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][

Guitarist Phil Keaggy's career 5cWbO`Wab >VWZ 9SOUUg¸a QO`SS` has spanned more than 30 years VOa a^O\\SR []`S bVO\ ! gSO`a and includes more than 50 solo O\R W\QZcRSa []`S bVO\ # a]Z] albums, both vocal and instruOZPc[a P]bV d]QOZ O\R W\ab`c mental, along with eight releases [S\bOZ OZ]\U eWbV SWUVb `SZSOaSa with his band Glass Harp. He's eWbV VWa PO\R 5ZOaa 6O`^ 6S¸a considered by many to be one of Q]\aWRS`SR Pg [O\g b] PS ]\S ]T the top fingerstyle guitarists. bVS b]^ ¿\US`abgZS UcWbO`Waba WHEN: 7:30 P.M. E63<( %(! > ; WHERE: Leura Hill Eastman E63@3( :Sc`O 6WZZ 3Oab[O\ Performing Arts Center, >S`T]`[W\U /`ba 1S\bS` Fryeburg Academy 4`gSPc`U /QORS[g HOW MUCH: $22.50; $17.50 6=E ;C16( # ) % # seniors; $10 students; aS\W]`a) abcRS\ba) fryeburgacademy.org/pac T`gSPc`UOQORS[g ]`U ^OQ

.%7 $!4

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The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, O c t o b e r 4, 2012 | GO E25 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 #

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E26 E26 GO GO


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012

CIRQUE Continued from Page E17

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“Saltimbanco” is Cirque du Soleil’s longest-running touring show, and the one the company likes to use to introduce itself to new markets. It’s the company’s calling card, and the show around which the company has built its reputation for the past 20 years. “We’re known all around the world, except in Maine,” Vadivel said. “We’ve opened up more than 150 new markets with this show. It is the show for us that has opened the door for all the other shows to come afterward.” Saltimbanco literally means “to jump on a bench.” It explores life in the city – the people who live there, the energy of the street and the allure of tall buildings. The show does not tell a story per se, Vadivel said, but instead weaves a tale built on allegory and physicality. It feels baroque, dreamlike and fanciful. “Saltimbanco” lasts about 21⁄2 hours and is divided into three primary acts, including Chinese poles, the Russian swing, and bungee and trapeze aerials. Along with those three acts, the show includes many more small vignettes that occur throughout the evening. There is plenty of audience interaction, and the cast has room to improvise. “At any given time, there may be two performers on stage or up to 40 or 50. There is a lot of layering and texturing with our shows,” Vadivel said. “There is always something going on, little quiet moments and bold acts of theatricality.” The set is huge. It will encompass about half of the civic center, leaving each show with a seating capacity of 3,200. The civic center is one of the smallest venues in which Cirque du Soleil has performed in quite some time, Vadivel said.

MOVIES Continued from Page E16

college freshman is cajoled into joining the school’s all-girl singing group. Showing at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:10, 7, 9:25 Sat 1, 4:10, 7, 9:25 Sun-Mon 4:10, 7 Tues-Wed 4:10, 7; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:20, 3:20, 7, 9:40 Fri-Wed 12:20, 3:20, 6:40, 9:20 “PARANORMAN” (PG) (1:33) Stars Kodi Smit-McPhee, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Tucker Albrizzi. Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell. A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his town from a centuries-old curse. Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 2:20, 4:40, 7:10 “THE POSSESSION” (PG-13) (1:32) Stars Natasha Calis, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick and Jay Brazeau. Directed by Ole Bornedal. A young girl buys an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl’s father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the curse. Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:15, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:10, 2:20, 7:05 “RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION” (R) (1:35) Stars Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Michelle Rodriguez and Aryana Engineer. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. Alice fights alongside a resistance movement in the continuing battle against the Umbrella Corporation and the undead. Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs (all IMAX) 12, 2:15, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20 Fri-Wed 4:30, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook

As artistic director, it is Vadivel’s job to safeguard the spirit and vision of the show, despite the infusion of new performers. Each performer brings a different set of skills, and Cirque du Soleil likes to allow each to express himself or herself. But it’s important that the structure of the show remains intact, Vadivel said. Cirque du Soleil jobs are not easy to land. The company employs around 5,000 people, of whom about 1,400 are performing artists. It has about two dozen shows that tour around the world. Vadivel joined the company as a dancer. She grew up in Montreal, and was aware of Cirque du Soleil from a young age. She received her training in contemporary dance, and applied for a job with Cirque du Soleil. She waited three years for her call, and spent more than two years touring with the production “Dralion.” “I enjoyed the touring, and I was proud to be a part of the show,” she said. “It was fun performing for 3,000 people every night.” Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 or: bkeyes@pressherald.com Twitter: pphbkeyes



CIRQUE DU SOLEIL: “SALTIMBANCO” WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Oct. 11; 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. Oct. 12-13; 1 and 5 p.m. Oct. 14 WHERE: Cumberland County Civic Center, 1 Free St., Portland HOW MUCH: $35 to $100 for adults; $28 to $81 for children. Discounts available for seniors, students and members of the military. INFO: cirquedusoleil.com/saltimbanco; theciviccenter.com

Thurs 12, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 Fri-Wed 9:20; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:45, 4:15 (3D) “SLEEPWALK WITH ME” (NR) (1:30) Stars Mike Birbiglia, Lauren Ambrose and James Rebhorn. Directed by Mike Birbiglia and Seth Barrish. A burgeoning stand-up comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, a stale relationship and the wild spurts of severe sleepwalking he is desperate to ignore. Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 “TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE” (PG-13) (1:51) Stars Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, John Goodman and Justin Timberlake. Directed by Robert Lorenz. An ailing baseball scout in his twilight years takes his daughter along for one last recruiting trip. Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1:30, 4:15, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed 1:30, 7; Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:10, 7 Fri 6:50 Sat-Mon 1:15, 6:50 Tues-Wed 6:50; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs-Sun 1, 3:30, 6:40, 9 Mon-Wed 1, 3:30, 6:40; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs-Wed 11:30, 2:15, 4:50, 7:20, 10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:40; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 “WON’T BACK DOWN” (PG) (1:58) Stars Viola Davis, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Holly Hunter and Oscar Isaac. Directed by Daniel Barnz. Two determined mothers, one a teacher, want to transform their children’s failing inner city school. Facing a powerful bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference for their children’s education and future. Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:20, 6:50 Fri-Sat 4:20, 9:20 Sun-Wed 4:20; Cinemagic Saco Thurs-Wed 12:30, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs-Wed 12:10, 3:20, 6:40, 9:20; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 10

– From news services; subject to change

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E27 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 %

@>I8=:CH KITCHENS :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Continued from Page E21

Falmouth and neighboring Cumberland 'BMNPVUI BOE OFJHICPSJOH $VNCFSMBOE Foreside. Stationed in each kitchen will be 'PSFTJEF 4UBUJPOFE JO FBDI LJUDIFO XJMM CF a local chef or cookbook author offering B MPDBM DIFG PS DPPLCPPL BVUIPS PGGFSJOH tasty samples and cooking tips. The Gilbert UBTUZ TBNQMFT BOE DPPLJOH UJQT 5IF (JMCFSU kitchen will feature Jane St. Pierre of LJUDIFO XJMM GFBUVSF +BOF 4U 1JFSSF PG Kitchen & Cork. ,JUDIFO $PSL "It's a fun way to show real, working i*U T B GVO XBZ UP TIPX SFBM XPSLJOH kitchens," Boyton said. LJUDIFOT w #PZUPO TBJE The kitchens were selected for the tour 5IF LJUDIFOT XFSF TFMFDUFE GPS UIF UPVS because of their pedigrees of being created CFDBVTF PG UIFJS QFEJHSFFT PG CFJOH DSFBUFE by the state's top designers and cabinetCZ UIF TUBUF T UPQ EFTJHOFST BOE DBCJOFU makers and featuring the latest appliances, NBLFST BOE GFBUVSJOH UIF MBUFTU BQQMJBODFT lighting fixtures and materials. MJHIUJOH mYUVSFT BOE NBUFSJBMT The Gilbert kitchen was designed by 5IF (JMCFSU LJUDIFO XBT EFTJHOFE CZ Deb Kingry of Simply Home. Kingry said %FC ,JOHSZ PG 4JNQMZ )PNF ,JOHSZ TBJE she used touches such as antique white TIF VTFE UPVDIFT TVDI BT BOUJRVF XIJUF cabinetry from New World Kitchens with DBCJOFUSZ GSPN /FX 8PSME ,JUDIFOT XJUI blue buffalo plaid curtains behind the glass CMVF CVGGBMP QMBJE DVSUBJOT CFIJOE UIF HMBTT fronts and a brick backsplash surrounding GSPOUT BOE B CSJDL CBDLTQMBTI TVSSPVOEJOH the range to give the kitchen an inviting, UIF SBOHF UP HJWF UIF LJUDIFO BO JOWJUJOH homey feel. IPNFZ GFFM #VU TIF XPVMEO U DBMM JU B DPVOUSZ LJUDIFO But she wouldn't call it a country kitchen. i*U GFFMT SFBMMZ DPOUFNQPSBSZ BOE GSFTI "It feels really contemporary and fresh BOE TPQIJTUJDBUFE w ,JOHSZ TBJE i5IJT and sophisticated," Kingry said. "This IPVTF GFFMT WFSZ DP[Z * UIJOL JU T HPJOH UP house feels very cozy. I think it's going to CF B GBO GBWPSJUF 5IJT JT IPX FWFSZPOF be a fan favorite. This is how everyone wants to live." XBOUT UP MJWF w Gilbert said the kitchen's real charm is its (JMCFSU TBJE UIF LJUDIFO T SFBM DIBSN JT JUT functionality. The sun-drenched breakfast GVODUJPOBMJUZ 5IF TVO ESFODIFE CSFBLGBTU room, enclosed by huge windows overSPPN FODMPTFE CZ IVHF XJOEPXT PWFS looking the pool and topped by a coffered MPPLJOH UIF QPPM BOE UPQQFE CZ B DPGGFSFE ceiling, is an integral and well-used part of DFJMJOH JT BO JOUFHSBM BOE XFMM VTFE QBSU PG the kitchen space. UIF LJUDIFO TQBDF "The kitchen originated with that nook," i5IF LJUDIFO PSJHJOBUFE XJUI UIBU OPPL w Gilbert said. (JMCFSU TBJE She's surprised by how well the mahoga4IF T TVSQSJTFE CZ IPX XFMM UIF NBIPHB ny countertops have held up, and continues OZ DPVOUFSUPQT IBWF IFME VQ BOE DPOUJOVFT to appreciate the cook-friendly features of UP BQQSFDJBUF UIF DPPL GSJFOEMZ GFBUVSFT PG the range. UIF SBOHF "Especially during the holidays, you i&TQFDJBMMZ EVSJOH UIF IPMJEBZT ZPV can have a roasting pan on the burners DBO IBWF B SPBTUJOH QBO PO UIF CVSOFST to make gravy and other things going at UP NBLF HSBWZ BOE PUIFS UIJOHT HPJOH BU the same time," Gilbert said. "It comes in UIF TBNF UJNF w (JMCFSU TBJE i*U DPNFT JO handy to have the six burners." IBOEZ UP IBWF UIF TJY CVSOFST w The two ovens means she can roast a tur5IF UXP PWFOT NFBOT TIF DBO SPBTU B UVS key - 26 pounds is the largest she's cooked LFZ o QPVOET JT UIF MBSHFTU TIF T DPPLFE in the bigger of the two ovens - while casJO UIF CJHHFS PG UIF UXP PWFOT o XIJMF DBT seroles and pies cook in the other oven. TFSPMFT BOE QJFT DPPL JO UIF PUIFS PWFO In addition to the homes on the tour, well*O BEEJUJPO UP UIF IPNFT PO UIF UPVS XFMM known Maine food historian and author LOPXO .BJOF GPPE IJTUPSJBO BOE BVUIPS Sandy Oliver will deliver a talk at 9 a.m. 4BOEZ 0MJWFS XJMM EFMJWFS B UBML BU B N Saturday titled "17 Things You Need to 4BUVSEBZ UJUMFE i 5IJOHT :PV /FFE UP Know About Maine Food." This talk takes ,OPX "CPVU .BJOF 'PPE w 5IJT UBML UBLFT place at the Falmouth Country Club, and QMBDF BU UIF 'BMNPVUI $PVOUSZ $MVC BOE tickets can be purchased separately for UJDLFUT DBO CF QVSDIBTFE TFQBSBUFMZ GPS $10. Boyton said it takes about three hours to #PZUPO TBJE JU UBLFT BCPVU UISFF IPVST UP visit all the homes on the tour. Ticket-holdWJTJU BMM UIF IPNFT PO UIF UPVS 5JDLFU IPME ers can opt to do it all in one day or split FST DBO PQU UP EP JU BMM JO POF EBZ PS TQMJU their visits over the two days. UIFJS WJTJUT PWFS UIF UXP EBZT


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Continued from Page E22 Gleason Fine Art, Boothbay Harbor: Philip Frey, 'LEASON &INE !RT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR 0HILIP &REY "New Paintings," through Oct. 13. 633-6849. h.EW 0AINTINGS v THROUGH /CT Gold/Smith Gallery, Boothbay Harbor: Laura 'OLD 3MITH 'ALLERY "OOTHBAY (ARBOR ,AURA Bianchi, Tuscan Realist painter, through Tuesday. "IANCHI 4USCAN 2EALIST PAINTER THROUGH 4UESDAY 633-6252. Pemaquid Art Gallery: Group show, through 0EMAQUID !RT 'ALLERY 'ROUP SHOW THROUGH Monday. 677-2752. -ONDAY Engine, Biddeford Arts, Biddeford: "TheVinyl %NGINE "IDDEFORD !RTS "IDDEFORD h4HE 6INYL Show," group show of recycled vinyl records, 3HOW v GROUP SHOW OF RECYCLED VINYL RECORDS through Oct. 20. feedtheengine.org THROUGH /CT FEEDTHEENGINE ORG York Art Association, York Harbor: "Works on 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h7ORKS ON

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Linda Bean's 1940s-era kitchen :W\RO 0SO\¸a '" a S`O YWbQVS\ is on Saturday's kitchen tour Wa ]\ AObc`ROg¸a YWbQVS\ b]c` in Freeport, which will benefit W\ 4`SS^]`b eVWQV eWZZ PS\S¿b Greater Portland habitat for 5`SObS` >]`bZO\R VOPWbOb T]` Humanity. 6c[O\Wbg

Also cooking up 8cjf Zffb`e^ lg a tour? Freeport X kfli6 =i\\gfik On Saturday, Freeport is also =\ AObc`ROg 4`SS^]`b Wa OZa] hosting a kitchen tour to benefit V]abW\U O YWbQVS\ b]c` b] PS\S¿b the Greater Portland Habitat for bVS 5`SObS` >]`bZO\R 6OPWbOb T]` Humanity 6c[O\Wbg This self-guided tour features six BVWa aSZT UcWRSR b]c` TSObc`Sa aWf kitchens, including Linda Bean's YWbQVS\a W\QZcRW\U :W\RO 0SO\¸a 1941 home built by her father, '" V][S PcWZb Pg VS` TObVS` where she'll be serving lobster eVS`S aVS¸ZZ PS aS`dW\U Z]PabS` appetizers, and one in a house O^^SbWhS`a O\R ]\S W\ O V]caS constructed from straw bales. Q]\ab`cQbSR T`][ ab`Oe POZSa The tour will take place 10 a.m. BVS b]c` eWZZ bOYS ^ZOQS O [ to 3 p.m. and begin at Freeport b] ! ^ [ O\R PSUW\ Ob 4`SS^]`b Community Services, 53 Depot 1][[c\Wbg AS`dWQSa #! 2S^]b St., where participants will pick up Ab eVS`S ^O`bWQW^O\ba eWZZ ^WQY c^ tickets and a program book. bWQYSba O\R O ^`]U`O[ P]]Y Tickets are $20. Call 847-5240 or BWQYSba O`S 1OZZ &"% # " ]` visit freeportmainechamber.com/ dWaWb T`SS^]`b[OW\SQVO[PS` Q][ events. SdS\ba - AVERY YALE KAMILA ´ /D3@G G/:3 9/;7:/

Last year, 800 people toured the homes. -BTU ZFBS QFPQMF UPVSFE UIF IPNFT Many of those who attend are remodeling .BOZ PG UIPTF XIP BUUFOE BSF SFNPEFMJOH their own kitchens or building new homes, UIFJS PXO LJUDIFOT PS CVJMEJOH OFX IPNFT Boyton said. #PZUPO TBJE "They're looking for inspiration," Boyton i5IFZ SF MPPLJOH GPS JOTQJSBUJPO w #PZUPO said. "There are others that are looking for TBJE i5IFSF BSF PUIFST UIBU BSF MPPLJOH GPS a day out, and then others know it's going B EBZ PVU BOE UIFO PUIFST LOPX JU T HPJOH toward a worthy cause. You get a little bit of UPXBSE B XPSUIZ DBVTF :PV HFU B MJUUMF CJU PG everything." FWFSZUIJOH w Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be contacted at AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob 791-6297 or at: %' $ '% ]` Ob( a kamila @pressherald. com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: AveryYaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO

Paper," through Sunday, yorkartassociation.com 0APER v THROUGH 3UNDAY YORKARTASSOCIATION COM Littlefield Gallery, Winter Harbor: Frederick Lynch ,ITTLElELD 'ALLERY 7INTER (ARBOR &REDERICK ,YNCH and James Linehan, "Geometry Meets Nature," AND *AMES ,INEHAN h'EOMETRY -EETS .ATURE v through Oct. 15. Iittlefieldgallery.com THROUGH /CT LITTLElELDGALLERY COM Center for Maine Contemporary Art, Rockport: #ENTER FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY !RT 2OCKPORT 2012 Biennial Exhibition, through Nov. 28. "IENNIAL %XHIBITION THROUGH .OV cmcanow.org CMCANOW ORG Lyceum Gallery, Lewiston: Meg Weston, "Lava ,YCEUM 'ALLERY ,EWISTON -EG 7ESTON h,AVA Flows," volcanic images and words, through Oct. &LOWS v VOLCANIC IMAGES AND WORDS THROUGH /CT 26. Iyceumgallery.com LYCEUMGALLERY COM Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle: "Continuing 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE h#ONTINUING Connections: New and Old All Media," orchard #ONNECTIONS .EW AND /LD n !LL -EDIA v ORCHARD photographs by Michael Alpert, through Oct. 13. PHOTOGRAPHS BY -ICHAEL !LPERT THROUGH /CT turtlegallery.com TURTLEGALLERY COM YvetteTorres Fine Art, Rockland: John Urbain, 9VETTE 4ORRES &INE !RT 2OCKLAND *OHN 5RBAIN " N o Ideas But in Things," through Oct. 14. 332h.O )DEAS "UT IN 4HINGS v THROUGH /CT 4014.

Sponsored by: L.L.Bean _ 0DLQH +RPH 'HVLJQ Maine Home + Design _ PDLQH maine _ 3257/$1' 0DJD]LQH PORTLAND Magazine 6SRQVRUHG E\ / / %HDQ FASTSIGNS _ 0DFGRQDOG 3DJH &R //& Macdonald Page & Co. LLC_ 7KH 3RUWODQG 3UHVV +HUDOG 0DLQH 6XQGD\ 7HOHJUDP The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram )$676,*16

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GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3E28 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp



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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E29 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3 '

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3! GO E31





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E32 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3!

'Kd K>> ' Z /d^Í• hd EK 'Z Í? BUT NO DEGREE? Call zKZ< KhEdz KDDhE/dz K>> ' YORK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Ä‚ĹŻĹŻ today for a FREE REVIEW of what you need ƚŽĚĂLJ ĨŽĆŒ Ä‚ &Z Z s/ t ŽĨ Ç ĹšÄ‚Ćš LJŽƾ ŜĞĞĚ to finish your college degree. ƚŽ ÄŽĹśĹ?Ć?Ĺš LJŽƾĆŒ Ä?ŽůůÄžĹ?Äž ĚĞĹ?ĆŒÄžÄžÍ˜ In a tough economy, educated workers get the best jobs and /Ĺś Ä‚ ĆšŽƾĹ?Ĺš ÄžÄ?ŽŜŽžÇ‡Í• ĞĚƾÄ?ĂƚĞĚ Ç Ĺ˝ĆŒĹŹÄžĆŒĆ? Ĺ?Ğƚ ƚŚĞ Ä?ÄžĆ?Ćš ĹŠĹ˝Ä?Ć? ĂŜĚ promotions. Don't be left behind! YCCC offers degrees in fields that are Ć‰ĆŒŽžŽĆ&#x;ŽŜĆ?͘ ŽŜ͛ƚ Ä?Äž ĹŻÄžĹŒ Ä?ĞŚĹ?ŜĚ͊ z ŽčÄžĆŒĆ? ĚĞĹ?ĆŒÄžÄžĆ? Ĺ?Ĺś ĎĞůĚĆ? ƚŚĂƚ Ä‚ĆŒÄž hiring NOW, like Health Information Management*, DĞĚĹ?Ä?Ä‚ĹŻ Ć?Ć?Ĺ?Ć?Ć&#x;ĹśĹ?Í• Medical Assisting, ĹšĹ?ĆŒĹ?ĹśĹ? EKtÍ• ĹŻĹ?ĹŹÄž ,ĞĂůƚŚ /ŜĨŽĆŒĹľÄ‚Ć&#x;ŽŜ DĂŜĂĹ?ĞžĞŜƚΎ͕ Education, Criminal Justice and ƾůĹ?ĹśÄ‚ĆŒÇ‡ ĆŒĆšĆ?͘ zŽƾ Ä?Ä‚Ĺś ƚĂŏĞ ŽƾĆŒ ŇĞdžĹ?Ä?ůĞ͕ Culinary Arts. You can take our flexible, ĚƾÄ?Ä‚Ć&#x;ŽŜÍ• ĆŒĹ?ĹľĹ?ŜĂů :ĆľĆ?Ć&#x;Ä?Äž ĂŜĚ affordable classes online and/or on campus. Ä‚ÄŤĹ˝ĆŒÄšÄ‚Ä?ĹŻÄž Ä?ĹŻÄ‚Ć?Ć?ÄžĆ? ŽŜůĹ?ŜĞ Ä‚ĹśÄšÍŹĹ˝ĆŒ ŽŜ Ä?ĂžƉƾĆ?͘

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E33 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3!!


presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp

! !

Shonda Schilling to speak % 3HONDA 3CHILLING TO SPEAK 3

he is a busy and devoted mother IF JT B CVTZ BOE EFWPUFE NPUIFS of four children ages 10 to 17, an PG GPVS DIJMESFO BHFT UP BO author with many book-related BVUIPS XJUI NBOZ CPPL SFMBUFE speaking engagements, a runner who's TQFBLJOH FOHBHFNFOUT B SVOOFS XIP T completed marathons including New DPNQMFUFE NBSBUIPOT JODMVEJOH /FX York City, Chicago, and Boston (four :PSL $JUZ $IJDBHP BOE #PTUPO GPVS times). UJNFT A decade ago, following battles with " EFDBEF BHP GPMMPXJOH CBUUMFT XJUI skin cancer that included five surgerTLJO DBODFS UIBU JODMVEFE mWF TVSHFS ies, she founded the Shade Foundation JFT TIF GPVOEFE UIF 4IBEF 'PVOEBUJPO of America, a nonprofit she continues PG "NFSJDB B OPOQSPmU TIF DPOUJOVFT to energetically support in its goal of UP FOFSHFUJDBMMZ TVQQPSU JO JUT HPBM PG changing society's attitude towards sun DIBOHJOH TPDJFUZ T BUUJUVEF UPXBSET TVO exposure. With her husband of 20 years, FYQPTVSF 8JUI IFS IVTCBOE PG ZFBST former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling, GPSNFS 3FE 4PY QJUDIFS $VSU 4DIJMMJOH she's been active with the ALS AssociaTIF T CFFO BDUJWF XJUI UIF "-4 "TTPDJB tion since 1992. UJPO TJODF It seems fair to wonder how Shonda *U TFFNT GBJS UP XPOEFS IPX 4IPOEB Schilling finds the energy to handle her 4DIJMMJOH mOET UIF FOFSHZ UP IBOEMF IFS combination of personal and profesDPNCJOBUJPO PG QFSTPOBM BOE QSPGFT sional responsibilities. And now's a good TJPOBM SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT "OE OPX T B HPPE time to ask, because just to talk on the UJNF UP BTL CFDBVTF KVTU UP UBML PO UIF phone and answer the question, she has QIPOF BOE BOTXFS UIF RVFTUJPO TIF IBT to put down the window screen she's UP QVU EPXO UIF XJOEPX TDSFFO TIF T working on at the Schillings' home in XPSLJOH PO BU UIF 4DIJMMJOHT IPNF JO Medfield, Mass. .FEmFME .BTT "I do what I love to do, and I think i* EP XIBU * MPWF UP EP BOE * UIJOL that is the key," she explains simply. "I UIBU JT UIF LFZ w TIF FYQMBJOT TJNQMZ i* love going to meet people." MPWF HPJOH UP NFFU QFPQMF w That's a big part of what Schilling 5IBU T B CJH QBSU PG XIBU 4DIJMMJOH will be doing at the Health & Wellness XJMM CF EPJOH BU UIF )FBMUI 8FMMOFTT Expo in Portland on Oct. 6. She will be &YQP JO 1PSUMBOE PO 0DU 4IF XJMM CF See SCHILLING, 0AGE Page 35 3EE 3#(),,).'

Photo by Kathleen < >V]b] Pg 9ObVZSS\ 1cZZS`

Shonda Schilling will discuss her book, "The Best Kind of Different: Our AV]\RO AQVWZZW\U eWZZ RWaQcaa VS` P]]Y ¾BVS 0Sab 9W\R ]T 2WTTS`S\b( =c` Family's Journey With Asperger's Syndrome." A book signing will follow. 4O[WZg¸a 8]c`\Sg EWbV /a^S`US`¸a Ag\R`][S œ / P]]Y aWU\W\U eWZZ T]ZZ]e

A full-service, exceptional benefits provid! FULL SERVICE EXCEPTIONAL BENElTS PROVID


reared in 1980, The Harvard SFBUFE JO 5IF )BSWBSE Pilgrim Health Care Founda1JMHSJN )FBMUI $BSF 'PVOEB tion provides tools, training UJPO QSPWJEFT UPPMT USBJOJOH and leadership to help build healthy BOE MFBEFSTIJQ UP IFMQ CVJME IFBMUIZ communities by supporting programs DPNNVOJUJFT CZ TVQQPSUJOH QSPHSBNT that address childhood obesity; improve UIBU BEESFTT DIJMEIPPE PCFTJUZ JNQSPWF the health of communities impacted UIF IFBMUI PG DPNNVOJUJFT JNQBDUFE by health disparities; and support our CZ IFBMUI EJTQBSJUJFT BOE TVQQPSU PVS employees as they invest their time FNQMPZFFT BT UIFZ JOWFTU UIFJS UJNF and talents across Massachusetts, New BOE UBMFOUT BDSPTT .BTTBDIVTFUUT /FX

Hampshire and Maine. )BNQTIJSF BOE .BJOF For more than 35 years, Harvard 'PS NPSF UIBO ZFBST )BSWBSE Pilgrim has built a reputation for 1JMHSJN IBT CVJMU B SFQVUBUJPO GPS exceptional clinical quality, preventive FYDFQUJPOBM DMJOJDBM RVBMJUZ QSFWFOUJWF care, disease management and member DBSF EJTFBTF NBOBHFNFOU BOE NFNCFS

satisfaction and has consistently rated TBUJTGBDUJPO BOE IBT DPOTJTUFOUMZ SBUFE among the top plans in the country. BNPOH UIF UPQ QMBOT JO UIF DPVOUSZ Harvard Pilgrim is a full-service )BSWBSE 1JMHSJN JT B GVMM TFSWJDF health benefits company serving IFBMUI CFOFmUT DPNQBOZ TFSWJOH members throughout Massachusetts, NFNCFST UISPVHIPVU .BTTBDIVTFUUT New Hampshire, Maine and beyond. /FX )BNQTIJSF .BJOF BOE CFZPOE Our mission is to improve the health of 0VS NJTTJPO JT UP JNQSPWF UIF IFBMUI PG the people we serve and the health of UIF QFPQMF XF TFSWF BOE UIF IFBMUI PG society. TPDJFUZ

veryone is invited to the 2nd AnnuWFSZPOF JT JOWJUFE UP UIF OE "OOV al Health & Wellness Expo, which BM )FBMUI 8FMMOFTT &YQP XIJDI will take place from 10 a.m. to 4 XJMM UBLF QMBDF GSPN B N UP p.m. Saturday at the Portland Exposition Q N 4BUVSEBZ BU UIF 1PSUMBOE &YQPTJUJPO Building on Park Avenue. #VJMEJOH PO 1BSL "WFOVF The Expo, which is presented by the 5IF &YQP XIJDI JT QSFTFOUFE CZ UIF Portland Press Herald in partnership with 1PSUMBOE 1SFTT )FSBME JO QBSUOFSTIJQ XJUI Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, is free to )BSWBSE 1JMHSJN )FBMUI $BSF JT GSFF UP attend. (Parking is free, too.) BUUFOE 1BSLJOH JT GSFF UPP The purpose of the Health & Wellness 5IF QVSQPTF PG UIF )FBMUI 8FMMOFTT Expo is to educate people on ways to &YQP JT UP FEVDBUF QFPQMF PO XBZT UP take charge of their health through fitUBLF DIBSHF PG UIFJS IFBMUI o UISPVHI mU ness, healthy eating, preventive care and OFTT IFBMUIZ FBUJOH QSFWFOUJWF DBSF BOE other lifestyle changes. PUIFS MJGFTUZMF DIBOHFT A key component of the Expo is rec" LFZ DPNQPOFOU PG UIF &YQP JT SFD ognition of 15 Healthcare Heroes. PHOJUJPO PG )FBMUIDBSF )FSPFT And we hope you will take advantage "OE XF IPQF ZPV XJMM UBLF BEWBOUBHF of all the Health &r Wellness Expo has to PG BMM UIF )FBMUI 8FMMOFTT &YQP IBT UP offer, including dozens of exhibitors who PGGFS JODMVEJOH EP[FOT PG FYIJCJUPST XIP will highlight healthy products and offer XJMM IJHIMJHIU IFBMUIZ QSPEVDUT BOE PGGFS their insights, and a number of healthUIFJS JOTJHIUT BOE B OVNCFS PG IFBMUI care professionals who will speak on a DBSF QSPGFTTJPOBMT XIP XJMM TQFBL PO B variety of topics at Educational Seminars. WBSJFUZ PG UPQJDT BU &EVDBUJPOBM 4FNJOBST The Health & Wellness Expo's 5IF )FBMUI 8FMMOFTT &YQP T keynote speaker, Shonda Schilling, will LFZOPUF TQFBLFS 4IPOEB 4DIJMMJOH XJMM discuss her book, "The Best Kind of EJTDVTT IFS CPPL i5IF #FTU ,JOE PG Different: Our Family's Journey With %JGGFSFOU 0VS 'BNJMZ T +PVSOFZ 8JUI Asperger's Syndrome," with a book sign"TQFSHFS T 4ZOESPNF w XJUI B CPPL TJHO ing session to follow. JOH TFTTJPO UP GPMMPX There will be healthy-cooking dem5IFSF XJMM CF IFBMUIZ DPPLJOH EFN onstrations by culinary students from POTUSBUJPOT CZ DVMJOBSZ TUVEFOUT GSPN York County Community College, with :PSL $PVOUZ $PNNVOJUZ $PMMFHF XJUI Weight Watchers helping out; flu shots 8FJHIU 8BUDIFST IFMQJOH PVU nV TIPUT provided by Walgreens; and a silent aucQSPWJEFE CZ 8BMHSFFOT BOE B TJMFOU BVD tion with dozens of great items to bid UJPO XJUI EP[FOT PG HSFBU JUFNT UP CJE on, with all proceeds benefitting a great PO XJUI BMM QSPDFFET CFOFmUUJOH B HSFBU cause the Barbara Bush Children's HosDBVTF o UIF #BSCBSB #VTI $IJMESFO T )PT pital at Maine Medical Center. QJUBM BU .BJOF .FEJDBM $FOUFS And in supplying flu shots, Wai "OE JO TVQQMZJOH nV TIPUT 8BM greens will be accepting donations which HSFFOT XJMM CF BDDFQUJOH EPOBUJPOT XIJDI will also all go to the Barbara Bush XJMM BMTP BMM HP UP UIF #BSCBSB #VTI Children's Hospital. $IJMESFO T )PTQJUBM Maine Ballroom Dancing will per .BJOF #BMMSPPN %BODJOH XJMM QFS form demonstrations. Portland Sea Dogs GPSN EFNPOTUSBUJPOT 1PSUMBOE 4FB %PHT mascot Slugger, always a favorite with the NBTDPU 4MVHHFS BMXBZT B GBWPSJUF XJUI UIF kids, will be on hand. Expect a surprise LJET XJMM CF PO IBOE &YQFDU B TVSQSJTF courtesy of the Portland Pirates, too. DPVSUFTZ PG UIF 1PSUMBOE 1JSBUFT UPP And above all, expect the Health & "OE BCPWF BMM FYQFDU UIF )FBMUI Wellness Expo to help you become in 8FMMOFTT &YQP UP IFMQ ZPV CFDPNF JO greater charge of your health, and your HSFBUFS DIBSHF PG ZPVS IFBMUI BOE ZPVS family's health. GBNJMZ T IFBMUI

E34 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3!" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

A flu shot can help you avoid serious complications - especially if you're at ! mU SHOT CAN HELP YOU AVOID SERIOUS COMPLICATIONS n ESPECIALLY IF YOU RE AT a higher risk! STOP in to any of these locations today! A HIGHER RISK 34/0 IN TO ANY OF THESE LOCATIONS TODAY Now available at all Walgreens locations. Available all day, every day (while .OW AVAILABLE AT ALL 7ALGREENS LOCATIONS !VAILABLE ALL DAY EVERY DAY WHILE Pharmacist is on duty) We accept most insurance plans and walk-ins are 0HARMACIST IS ON DUTY 7E ACCEPT MOST INSURANCE PLANS AND WALK INS ARE welcome any time.* WELCOME ANY TIME Make sure you stop by our booth at the Healthcare Expo. -AKE SURE YOU STOP BY OUR BOOTH AT THE (EALTHCARE %XPO Get your Flu Shot and help the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. 'ET YOUR &LU 3HOT AND HELP THE "ARBARA "USH #HILDREN S (OSPITAL (Flu shots while supplies last. Walgreen's will be taking donations for Flu Shots to &LU SHOTS WHILE SUPPLIES LAST 7ALGREEN S WILL BE TAKING DONATIONS FOR &LU 3HOTS TO benefit the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital) BENElT THE "ARBARA "USH #HILDREN S (OSPITAL

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(207)744-0712 (207) 761 -9454 (207)771-5631 (207) 878-0530 (207) 490-4008 (207)883-2115 (207) 893-2562

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E35 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3!#

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp


! !

EVENTS SCHEDULE %6%.43 3#(%$5,%

SILENT AUCTION DONATIONS 3),%.4 !5#4)/. $/.!4)/.3

10 a.m. - Doors open A M n $OORS OPEN

(Here is a partial list of donations. All proceeds will go to the Barbara (ERE IS A PARTIAL LIST OF DONATIONS !LL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE "ARBARA Bush Children's Hospital) "USH #HILDREN S (OSPITAL

10:30 a.m. - Deb Bergeron, "Put the Stress on Wellness" A M n $EB "ERGERON h0UT THE 3TRESS ON 7ELLNESSv 11-11:30 a.m. - Shonda Schilling A M n 3HONDA 3CHILLING 11:45 a.m. - Book signing with Shonda Schilling (at booth area) A M n "OOK SIGNING WITH 3HONDA 3CHILLING AT BOOTH AREA Noon - Martin Womer, "MaineCare Eligibility, .OON n -ARTIN 7OMER h-AINE#ARE %LIGIBILITY

Benefits and Estate Recovery" "ENElTS AND %STATE 2ECOVERYv

Oakhurst Dairy - Coupons for orange juice, /AKHURST $AIRY n #OUPONS FOR ORANGE JUICE sour cream, cottage cheese SOUR CREAM COTTAGE CHEESE Robert W. Beebe D.D.S. -Take-home tooth whitening kit 2OBERT 7 "EEBE $ $ 3 n 4AKE HOME TOOTH WHITENING KIT Amtrak - Two round-trip vouchers on the Downeaster, !MTRAK n 4WO ROUND TRIP VOUCHERS ON THE $OWNEASTER

good for one year from date of issue, no extensions permitted GOOD FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUE NO EXTENSIONS PERMITTED

Weight Watchers, YCCC - Cooking demonstrations start 7EIGHT 7ATCHERS 9### n #OOKING DEMONSTRATIONS START Sunsweet Growers Inc. - Gift basket of dried fruit, nuts, etc. 3UNSWEET 'ROWERS )NC n 'IFT BASKET OF DRIED FRUIT NUTS ETC 12:15 p.m. - Introduce and present P M n )NTRODUCE AND PRESENT Healthcare Hero Awards on stage (EALTHCARE (ERO !WARDS ON STAGE

Bei Capelli - Two gift cards for treatment "EI #APELLI n 4WO GIFT CARDS FOR TREATMENT

1 p.m. - Healthcare Heroes Networking Lunch (2nd Floor P M n (EALTHCARE (EROES .ETWORKING ,UNCH ND &LOOR Room) 2OOM

Silk-Champagne Designs - Beaded rope necklace 3ILK #HAMPAGNE $ESIGNS n "EADED ROPE NECKLACE with hand-blown glass beads WITH HAND BLOWN GLASS BEADS

Maine Ballroom Dancing -AINE "ALLROOM $ANCING 1:15 p.m. - Dr. Stephan Babirak, "Diabetes P M n $R 3TEPHAN "ABIRAK h$IABETES n How You Can Prevent It" (OW 9OU #AN 0REVENT )Tv

GNC - Eight boxes of vitamin packets '.# n %IGHT BOXES OF VITAMIN PACKETS Couleur Collection - Gift certificate to use #OULEUR #OLLECTION n 'IFT CERTIlCATE TO USE for women's clothing and accessories FOR WOMEN S CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES

1:30 p.m. - Event or demonstration P M n %VENT OR DEMONSTRATION Mougalian Rugs-Two hand-hooked pillows -OUGALIAN 2UGS n 4WO HAND HOOKED PILLOWS 1:45 p.m. - Dr. Hector Tar raza, "Women's Cancers -What Every P M n $R (ECTOR 4ARRAZA h7OMEN S #ANCERS n 7HAT %VERY Woman Should Know" 7OMAN 3HOULD +NOWv 2:15 p.m. - Deb Bergeron, "Put the Stress on Wellness" P M n $EB "ERGERON h0UT THE 3TRESS ON 7ELLNESSv 2:45 p.m. - MaryAnn Molloy, "Fitting Fitness In" P M n -ARY!NN -OLLOY h&ITTING &ITNESS )Nv 3 p.m. - Maine Ballroom Dancing P M n -AINE "ALLROOM $ANCING Weight Watchers, YCCC - Cooking Demos end 7EIGHT 7ATCHERS 9### n #OOKING $EMOS END 3:15 p.m. - Dr. Calvin Fuhrmann, "Patient Protection P M n $R #ALVIN &UHRMANN h0ATIENT 0ROTECTION and Affordable Care Act" AND !FFORDABLE #ARE !CTv 3:40 p.m. - Educational seminar P M n %DUCATIONAL SEMINAR 4 p.m. - Doors close P M n $OORS CLOSE

Quest Fitness - Full access to Quest Fitness in Kennebunk, 1UEST &ITNESS n &ULL ACCESS TO 1UEST &ITNESS IN +ENNEBUNK with more than 60 classes per week WITH MORE THAN CLASSES PER WEEK Portland Press Herald - Two gift cards, 0ORTLAND 0RESS (ERALD n 4WO GIFT CARDS one to Hannaford, and one to Olive Garden ONE TO (ANNAFORD AND ONE TO /LIVE 'ARDEN Maine Stove & Chimney - Outdoor BBQ grill -AINE 3TOVE #HIMNEY n /UTDOOR ""1 GRILL with cover, pad and spice rub WITH COVER PAD AND SPICE RUB Jewelers' Outlet - Sterling signature clasp Pandora Bracelet with *EWELERS /UTLET n 3TERLING SIGNATURE CLASP 0ANDORA "RACELET WITH two "S" clips and breast cancer ribbon murano glass bead (7.5") TWO h3v CLIPS AND BREAST CANCER RIBBON MURANO GLASS BEAD v and may be exchanged for size only AND MAY BE EXCHANGED FOR SIZE ONLY Cinemagic Movie Theaters - Cinemagic movie passes, #INEMAGIC -OVIE 4HEATERS n #INEMAGIC MOVIE PASSES (expiration of 12/31/12) EXPIRATION OF

E36 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 3!$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E37 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3!%

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp

7%,#/-% 4/ WELCOME TO ).4%'2!4)6% (%!,4( INTEGRATIVE HEALTH #%.4%2 /& -!).% CENTER OF MAINE

0DLQH6HQLRU*XLGH FRP MaineSeniorGuide.com your free on-line resource \RXU IUHH RQ OLQH UHVRXUFH of products, services and RI SURGXFWV VHUYLFHV DQG information for Maine LQIRUPDWLRQ IRU 0DLQH seniors and families. VHQLRUV DQG IDPLOLHV

Integrative Health Center of Maine offers whole health for )NTEGRATIVE (EALTH #ENTER OF -AINE OFFERS WHOLE HEALTH FOR the whole family. IHCM is a diverse group of practitioners THE WHOLE FAMILY )(#- IS A DIVERSE GROUP OF PRACTITIONERS who share a common vision: to help our patients achieve WHO SHARE A COMMON VISION TO HELP OUR PATIENTS ACHIEVE a state of true wellness and health using conventional A STATE OF TRUE WELLNESS AND HEALTH USING CONVENTIONAL and natural treatments. We practice integrative medicine, AND NATURAL TREATMENTS 7E PRACTICE INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE combining our various healing modalities to help people COMBINING OUR VARIOUS HEALING MODALITIES TO HELP PEOPLE of all ages find their path to wellness. OF ALL AGES lND THEIR PATH TO WELLNESS

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Services we provide include: 3ERVICES WE PROVIDE INCLUDE • Functional and Naturopathic Medicine s &UNCTIONAL AND .ATUROPATHIC -EDICINE • Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine s !CUPUNCTURE #HINESE (ERBAL -EDICINE • Attunement s !TTUNEMENT • Chinese Herbal Medicine s #HINESE (ERBAL -EDICINE • Homeopathy s (OMEOPATHY • HeartMath s (EART-ATH • Hypnotherapy s (YPNOTHERAPY • Integrative Cancer Care s )NTEGRATIVE #ANCER #ARE • Integrative Primary Care s )NTEGRATIVE 0RIMARY #ARE • Massage s -ASSAGE • Nutrition and Health Coaching s .UTRITION AND (EALTH #OACHING • Reiki s 2EIKI • Structural Integration s 3TRUCTURAL )NTEGRATION • Visceral Manipulation s 6ISCERAL -ANIPULATION • Psychotherapy s 0SYCHOTHERAPY • Speech and Language Therapy s 3PEECH AND ,ANGUAGE 4HERAPY Education is of utmost importance, and patients are %DUCATION IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE AND PATIENTS ARE encouraged to play an active role in achieving and ENCOURAGED TO PLAY AN ACTIVE ROLE IN ACHIEVING AND maintaining optimal health. At Integrative Health Center MAINTAINING OPTIMAL HEALTH !T )NTEGRATIVE (EALTH #ENTER of Maine, we truly enjoy getting to know you and your OF -AINE WE TRULY ENJOY GETTING TO KNOW YOU AND YOUR family - come see how healthy YOU can be! FAMILY COME SEE HOW HEALTHY 9/5 CAN BE

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3!& 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

gi\j\ek\[ Yp


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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E39 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3!'

WEIGHT WATCHERS IS A WAY OF LIFE! It's safe, effective, and a good fit ) ( ( ) + # $$ / ) for the rest of your life! $' ) ' () $ .$*' ! Visit a meeting to learn more about Weight Watchers ( ) " ) # )$ ! '# "$' $*) ) ) '( and if you like what you see, join for FREE! # .$* ! , ) .$* ( $ # $'


NO REGISTRATION FEE! NO FIRST MEETING FEE! Present this advertisement when you join any Traditional Weight Watchers meeting in ' ( #) ) ( + ') ( " #) , # .$* $ # #. ' ) $# ! ) ) '( " ) # # Maine. Pay no registration fee and even your first meeting is FREE! # . #$ ' ()' ) $# # + # .$*' / '() " ) # ( Payment of $12.00 is required to pay for your meeting the following week! ." #) $ ( ' &* ' )$ % . $' .$*' " ) # ) $!!$, # ,

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Offer valid in Weight Watchers of Maine, Inc. traditional group service meetings. ' + ! # ) ) '( $ # # )' ) $# ! '$*% ( '+ " ) # ( May not be used for On Site, At Work ( ' ( $' $#! # ( '+ ( + ') ( " #) series or online services. Advertisement . #$) *( $' # ) ) $' must be presented at time of joining to enjoy this exclusive offer. "*() %' ( #) ) ) " $ $ # # )$ # $. ) ( - !*( + $ '

3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " E40 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012

gi\j\ek\[ Yp presented by


! ! MARTIN C. WOMER -!24). # 7/-%2 Martin C Womer is the founder, -ARTIN # 7OMER IS THE FOUNDER president and managing attorney of the PRESIDENT AND MANAGING ATTORNEY OF THE Maine Center for Elder Law, LLC, a law -AINE #ENTER FOR %LDER ,AW ,,# A LAW firm in Kennebunk. lRM IN +ENNEBUNK Speaking at noon, he will describe 3PEAKING AT NOON HE WILL DESCRIBE "MaineCare" Medicaid nursing home h-AINE#AREv -EDICAID NURSING HOME long-term benefits, MaineCare LONG TERM BENElTS -AINE#ARE "residential care" benefits for living hRESIDENTIAL CAREv BENElTS FOR LIVING in certain assisted living facilities, IN CERTAIN ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES and MaineCare's home care "waiver" AND -AINE#ARE S HOME CARE hWAIVERv program that allows federal Medicaid PROGRAM THAT ALLOWS FEDERAL -EDICAID nursing home benefits to be received in NURSING HOME BENElTS TO BE RECEIVED IN the patient's home. THE PATIENT S HOME The discussion will cover eligibility 4HE DISCUSSION WILL COVER ELIGIBILITY requirements, transfer penalties, REQUIREMENTS TRANSFER PENALTIES "estate recovery" after the death of a hESTATE RECOVERYv AFTER THE DEATH OF A MaineCare recipient, and exceptions -AINE#ARE RECIPIENT AND EXCEPTIONS to these rules. Worner will describe key TO THESE RULES 7OMER WILL DESCRIBE KEY planning steps to prevent the financial PLANNING STEPS TO PREVENT THE lNANCIAL devastation of long-term care. DEVASTATION OF LONG TERM CARE DEB BERGERON $%" "%2'%2/. Deb Bergeron, founder of Ocean of $EB "ERGERON FOUNDER OF /CEAN OF Possibilities, is a certified personal and 0OSSIBILITIES IS A CERTIlED PERSONAL AND professional life coach. Her PROFESSIONAL LIFE COACH (ER presentation - 10:30 a.m. and 2:15 PRESENTATION n A M AND p.m. - will focus on wellness and stress P M n WILL FOCUS ON WELLNESS AND STRESS management techniques. MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES Bergeron earned her credentials as "ERGERON EARNED HER CREDENTIALS AS a Professional Certified Coach from the A 0ROFESSIONAL #ERTIlED #OACH FROM THE International Coach Federation and her )NTERNATIONAL #OACH &EDERATION AND HER Certified Professional Co-Active Coach #ERTIlED 0ROFESSIONAL #O !CTIVE #OACH certification from The Coaches Training CERTIlCATION FROM 4HE #OACHES 4RAINING Institute. )NSTITUTE Before going into private practice, "EFORE GOING INTO PRIVATE PRACTICE she spent more than 23 years in sales, SHE SPENT MORE THAN YEARS IN SALES sales management, team building and SALES MANAGEMENT TEAM BUILDING AND leadership for a Fortune 500 company. LEADERSHIP FOR A &ORTUNE COMPANY Bergeron is a wish granter for Make"ERGERON IS A WISH GRANTER FOR -AKE A-Wish of Maine and a board member ! 7ISH OF -AINE AND A BOARD MEMBER of Dress for Success. OF $RESS FOR 3UCCESS MARYANN MOLLOY -!29!.. -/,,/9 MaryAnn Molloy is the owner of -ARY!NN -OLLOY IS THE OWNER OF Healthy Body, Fit Mind, a personal (EALTHY "ODY &IT -IND A PERSONAL training studio in South Portland TRAINING STUDIO IN 3OUTH 0ORTLAND specializing in people over 40. She is SPECIALIZING IN PEOPLE OVER 3HE IS an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer AN !#3- #ERTIlED 0ERSONAL 4RAINER and Weight Loss Consultant with more AND 7EIGHT ,OSS #ONSULTANT WITH MORE than 20 years of experience. THAN YEARS OF EXPERIENCE At 2:45 p.m., speaking on "Fitting !T P M SPEAKING ON h&ITTING Fitness In," Molloy will offer fast, easy, &ITNESS )N v -OLLOY WILL OFFER FAST EASY effective and fun fitness tips that busy EFFECTIVE AND FUN lTNESS TIPS THAT BUSY people can do in less than 15 minutes PEOPLE CAN DO IN LESS THAN MINUTES a day. A DAY

of medical practice, he plans to retire OF MEDICAL PRACTICE HE PLANS TO RETIRE this autumn. THIS AUTUMN

STEPHAN BABIRAK 34%0(!. "!")2!+ Dr. Stephan Babirak, Ph.D., M.D., $R 3TEPHAN "ABIRAK 0H $ - $ will discuss "Diabetes - How You Can WILL DISCUSS h$IABETES n (OW 9OU #AN Prevent It" at 3:15 p.m. 0REVENT )Tv AT P M Babirak is a Fellow of the American "ABIRAK IS A &ELLOW OF THE !MERICAN College of Physicians, a Fellow of the #OLLEGE OF 0HYSICIANS A &ELLOW OF THE American Heart Association's scientific !MERICAN (EART !SSOCIATION S SCIENTIlC council in Arteriosclerosis and a Fellow COUNCIL IN !RTERIOSCLEROSIS AND A &ELLOW in the American IN THE !MERICAN College of #OLLEGE OF Endocrinology. %NDOCRINOLOGY He is board (E IS BOARD certified CERTIlED in internal IN INTERNAL medicine and MEDICINE AND endocrinology, ENDOCRINOLOGY diabetes and DIABETES AND metabolism. METABOLISM Past director 2SP 0S`US`]\ Deb Bergeron 0AST DIRECTOR of the diabetes OF THE DIABETES division at DIVISION AT Maine Medical -AINE -EDICAL Center, Babirak #ENTER "ABIRAK is an associate IS AN ASSOCIATE professor of PROFESSOR OF medicine at the MEDICINE AT THE University of 5NIVERSITY OF Vermont and 6ERMONT AND Tufts Medical 4UFTS -EDICAL Center and #ENTER AND is president IS PRESIDENT ;O`g/\\ ;]ZZ]g MaryAnn Molloy and medical AND MEDICAL director of DIRECTOR OF Metabolic -ETABOLIC Leader in ,EADER IN Scarborough. 3CARBOROUGH HECTOR M. (%#4/2 - TARRAZA 4!22!:! Dr. Hector $R (ECTOR M. Tarraza - 4ARRAZA will discuss WILL DISCUSS "Women's h7OMEN S Cancers: What AbS^VO\ 0OPW`OY Stephan Babirak #ANCERS 7HAT Every Woman %VERY 7OMAN Should Know" at 1:45 p.m. 3HOULD +NOWv AT P M Tarraza is a professor and chairman 4ARRAZA IS A PROFESSOR AND CHAIRMAN at Tufts Medical School at Maine AT 4UFTS -EDICAL 3CHOOL AT -AINE Medical Center in Portland. -EDICAL #ENTER IN 0ORTLAND In addition to caring for women with )N ADDITION TO CARING FOR WOMEN WITH cancer in Maine, educating medical CANCER IN -AINE EDUCATING MEDICAL

students and residents and running STUDENTS AND RESIDENTS AND RUNNING the Department of OBGYN, he also THE $EPARTMENT OF /"'9. HE ALSO has dedicated himself to medical HAS DEDICATED HIMSELF TO MEDICAL mission work over the past 20 years. MISSION WORK OVER THE PAST YEARS Tarraza has been named among 4ARRAZA HAS BEEN NAMED AMONG America's top doctors in OBGYN and !MERICA S TOP DOCTORS IN /"'9. AND received the Distinguished Service RECEIVED THE $ISTINGUISHED 3ERVICE to Philanthropy Award. (Please see TO 0HILANTHROPY !WARD 0LEASE SEE Healthcare (EALTHCARE Heroes profile (EROES PROlLE on Page 20.) ON 0AGE CALVIN #!,6). FUHRMANN &5(2-!.. Dr. Calvin $R #ALVIN Fuhrmann, &UHRMANN who is board WHO IS BOARD certified in CERTIlED IN Hector M. Tarraza both internal BOTH INTERNAL 6SQb]` ; BO``OhO medicine and MEDICINE AND pulmonary PULMONARY medicine, MEDICINE is an avid IS AN AVID speaker and SPEAKER AND outspoken OUTSPOKEN patient PATIENT advocate ADVOCATE who has WHO HAS presented on PRESENTED ON a wide range A WIDE RANGE of topics, OF TOPICS 1OZdW\ 4cV`[O\\ Calvin Fuhrmann including INCLUDING "Smoking h3MOKING Cessation," #ESSATION v "Economic h%CONOMIC Factors in &ACTORS IN Access to !CCESS TO Care," and #ARE v AND most recently, MOST RECENTLY "Healthcare h(EALTHCARE Reform." 2EFORM v At the !T THE Healthcare (EALTHCARE 3ReO`R 8 9O\S Edward J. Kane Expo, at 1:15 %XPO AT p.m., he will P M HE WILL discuss "Understanding the Patient DISCUSS h5NDERSTANDING THE 0ATIENT Protection and Affordable Healthcare 0ROTECTION AND !FFORDABLE (EALTHCARE Act." !CT v "To whom much is given, much h4O WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH is expected," is a motto Fuhrmann IS EXPECTED v IS A MOTTO &UHRMANN follows wholeheartedly. After 42 years FOLLOWS WHOLEHEARTEDLY !FTER YEARS

EDWARD J. KANE %$7!2$ * +!.% Edward J. Kane, Esq., Harvard %DWARD * +ANE %SQ (ARVARD Pilgrim Health Care vice president, 0ILGRIM (EALTH #ARE VICE PRESIDENT Maine, will present the Healthcare -AINE WILL PRESENT THE (EALTHCARE Heroes awards to the 2012 winners. (EROES AWARDS TO THE WINNERS Kane's experience includes 12 +ANE S EXPERIENCE INCLUDES years as a senior executive of Blue Cr YEARS AS A SENIOR EXECUTIVE OF "LUE #R oss and Blue Shield of Maine, OSS AND "LUE 3HIELD OF -AINE eight years as a member of the EIGHT YEARS AS A MEMBER OF THE Maine Legislature, and several -AINE ,EGISLATURE AND SEVERAL years as an attorney in private YEARS AS AN ATTORNEY IN PRIVATE practice. He was a partner in a PRACTICE (E WAS A PARTNER IN A Boston healthcare consulting firm "OSTON HEALTHCARE CONSULTING lRM and worked for the Blue Cross BlueSh AND WORKED FOR THE "LUE #ROSS "LUE3H ield Association nationally. IELD !SSOCIATION NATIONALLY "Being part of the team at h"EING PART OF THE TEAM AT Harvard Pilgrim - the No. 1 Health (ARVARD 0ILGRIM n THE .O (EALTH Plan in America - and doing so in Mai 0LAN IN !MERICA n AND DOING SO IN -AI ne, I consider myself very NE ) CONSIDER MYSELF VERY fortunate," Kane said. FORTUNATE v +ANE SAID Kane received his B.A. degree +ANE RECEIVED HIS " ! DEGREE from the University of MaryFROM THE 5NIVERSITY OF -ARY land and his J.D. from the UniversiLAND AND HIS * $ FROM THE 5NIVERSI ty of Maine School of Law. TY OF -AINE 3CHOOL OF ,AW He and his wife,Pauline, live in Sa (E AND HIS WIFE 0AULINE LIVE IN 3A co and are the parents of two daught CO AND ARE THE PARENTS OF TWO DAUGHT ers. ERS MAINE BALLROOM -!).% "!,,2//Maine Ballroom (stage -AINE "ALLROOM STAGE presentations at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.) PRESENTATIONS AT P M AND P M offers individual and group instruction OFFERS INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP INSTRUCTION to students of all ages in swing, salsa, TO STUDENTS OF ALL AGES IN SWING SALSA waltz, tango, cha-cha, West Coast WALTZ TANGO CHA CHA 7EST #OAST swing, and many other dances. SWING AND MANY OTHER DANCES It also offers classes off site to )T ALSO OFFERS CLASSES OFF SITE TO local businesses, adult education LOCAL BUSINESSES ADULT EDUCATION programs, high schools, colleges and PROGRAMS HIGH SCHOOLS COLLEGES AND private groups. PRIVATE GROUPS Maine Ballroom instructors teach -AINE "ALLROOM INSTRUCTORS TEACH both American and International style BOTH !MERICAN AND )NTERNATIONAL STYLE ballroom and continue to receive BALLROOM AND CONTINUE TO RECEIVE training from leading professionals. TRAINING FROM LEADING PROFESSIONALS Instructors and some Maine )NSTRUCTORS AND SOME -AINE Ballroom students perform for nursing "ALLROOM STUDENTS PERFORM FOR NURSING homes, fundraisers, educational HOMES FUNDRAISERS EDUCATIONAL events and downtown Portland EVENTS AND DOWNTOWN 0ORTLAND celebrations. CELEBRATIONS

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 | GO E41 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3"

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp


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BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3"!

E 4 4 GO | The Portland Press H e r a l d / Thursday, O c t o b e r 4, 2 012 3"" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` "

presented by gi\j\ek\[ Yp

Calling Hospice of Southern Maine #ALLING (OSPICE OF 3OUTHERN -AINE doesn't mean you're giving up... DOESN T MEAN YOU RE GIVING UPx It means youVe taking )T MEANS YOU RE TAKING charge. CHARGE

If you or a oved one has been d agnosed w t h a )F YOU OR A LOVED ONE HAS BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH A fe m t ng ness and you're not sure what your LIFE LIMITING ILLNESS AND YOU RE NOT SURE WHAT YOUR opt ons are, CALL (OSPICE OF 3OUTHERN -AINE ca Hosp ce of Southern Ma ne. OPTIONS ARE

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, October 4, 2012 GO E45 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg =Qb]PS` " j 5= 3"#

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