Go | Sept. 27, 2012

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SEPTEMBER 27, 2012

Secrets of the


The Melvins 51 shows in 51 days

Page 5

Smashing pumpkins Page 31 Page 32



The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 2012

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 2012



E4 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

1]c`bSag /QQ]cb`S[S\ba


nnn%gi\jj_\iXc[%Zfd&c`]\&^f HOME IN ON WHAT'S HAPPENING ?FD< @E FE N?8KĂ‹J ?8GG<E@E>

FACE THE MUSIC: Live, local and =8:< K?< DLJ@:1 C`m\# cfZXc Xe[ beyond, Aimsel Ponti brings you Y\pfe[# 8`dj\c Gfek` Yi`e^j pfl music with a Maine backbeat. dlj`Z n`k_ X DX`e\ YXZbY\Xk% MAINE A LA CAR... D8@E< 8 C8 :8IK<1 Meredith Goad and Avery D\i\[`k_ >fX[ Xe[ 8m\ip Yale Kamila have the dish PXc\ BXd`cX _Xm\ k_\ [`j_ on food and drink. fe ]ff[ Xe[ [i`eb% 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

music nightlife dlj`ZXe[e`^_kc`]\ The Melvins at the Asylum/E5 • Making Noise: BVS ;SZdW\a Ob bVS /agZc[ 3# N ;OYW\U <]WaS( Keelan Donovan/E6 • Anthrax at the State/ 9SSZO\ 2]\]dO\ 3$ N /\bV`Of Ob bVS AbObS E7 • CD review: The Ghost of Paul Revere's 3% N 12 `SdWSe( BVS 5V]ab ]T >OcZ @SdS`S¸a "North"/E8 • Tix/E9 • Listings/ElO Âľ<]`bVÂś 3& N BWf 3' N :WabW\Ua 3

ÂľC\bWbZSR Âś Pg @OQVOSZ 3Oab[O\ Wa ]\S ]T bVS e]`Ya caW\U ]ZR dW\gZ `SQ]`Ra Oa bVS ^`W[O`g [SRWc[ W\ ÂľBVS DW\gZ AV]eÂś W\ 0WRRST]`R bV`]cUV =Qb

LIKE US: For all your C@B< LJ1 =fi Xcc pfli entertainment planning \ek\ikX`ed\ek gcXee`e^ needs,findusonFacebookat: e\\[j# Ôe[ lj fe =XZ\Yffb Xk1 www.Facebook.com/pphgo nnn%=XZ\Yffb%Zfd&gg_^f

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"Looper" review/E13 • Dennis Perkins on the ¾:]]^S`œ `SdWSe 3 ! N 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a ]\ bVS Manhattan Short/E14 • New on DVD: "The ;O\VObbO\ AV]`b 3 " N <Se ]\ 2D2( ¾BVS Avengersl"/E15 • "Curve" is a ball/E17 /dS\US`aZœ 3 # N ¾1c`dSœ Wa O POZZ 3 %

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10 DAYS OF COOL EVENTS/E18-19 2/GA =4 1==: 3D3<BA 3 & '

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art theater XikXe[k_\Xk\i Sounds fascinating: "The Vinyl Show"/E21 A]c\Ra TOaQW\ObW\U( ¾BVS DW\gZ AV]eœ 3 • "10x10 Brunswick"/E22 N :WabW\Ua 3 • |_istings/E23 N ¾ f 0`c\aeWQYœ 3 !


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Eat and Run: Anania's/E27 • Atwell on 3Ob O\R @c\( /\O\WO¸a 3 % N /beSZZ ]\ Kennebec River Brewery/E28 • Bar Guide: 9S\\SPSQ @WdS` 0`SeS`g 3 & N 0O` 5cWRS( Great Lost Bear/E29 5`SOb :]ab 0SO` 3 '

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COVER STORY: Secrets of the Fryeburg Fair 1=D3@ AB=@G( ASQ`Sba ]T bVS 4`gSPc`U 4OW` /E31 • Off Beat: Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & 3! N =TT 0SOb( 2O[O`WaQ]bbO >c[^YW\TSab Regatta/E32 N :WabW\Ua 3!! • Listings/E33 @SUObbO 3!


J_fikX^\6 Gc\Xj\# Shortage?! Please, Di% 9XZfe# '. Bacon, jXp `k X`eËk jf say it ain't so PYi

•^ Q. C /,,

is a publication of MaineToday Media Inc., which publishes the Portland Press Wa O ^cPZWQObW]\ ]T ;OW\SB]ROg ;SRWO 7\Q eVWQV ^cPZWaVSa bVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram, Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel daily 6S`OZR ;OW\S Ac\ROg BSZSU`O[ 9S\\SPSQ 8]c`\OZ O\R ;]`\W\U AS\bW\SZ ROWZg newspapers, the weekly Coastal Journal in Bath and their respective websites. \Sea^O^S`a bVS eSSYZg 1]OabOZ 8]c`\OZ W\ 0ObV O\R bVSW` `Sa^SQbWdS eSPaWbSa EXECUTIVE EDITOR 3F31CB7D3 327B=@ Cliff Schechtman 1ZWTT AQVSQVb[O\ MANAGING EDITOR ;/</57<5 327B=@ Steve Greenlee AbSdS 5`SS\ZSS

in advance to Go Calendar, W\ ORdO\QS b] 5] 1OZS\RO` One City Center, Portland, =\S 1Wbg 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R ME 04101-5009 or e-mail to ;3 " # ' ]` S [OWZ b] go@pressherald.com U].^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

GO EDITOR 5= 327B=@ Rod Harmon, 791-6450 @]R 6O`[]\ %' $"# rharmon@ `VO`[]\. pressherald.com ^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

TO LIST EVENTS B= :7AB 3D3<BA Send materials two weeks AS\R [ObS`WOZa be] eSSYa

TO ADVERTISE: B= /2D3@B7A3( Call 791-6200 1OZZ %' $

COVER DESIGN 1=D3@ 23A75< Michael Fisher ;WQVOSZ 4WaVS`

PV DPVME IFBS UIF DSJFT GSPN UIF Fou could hear the cries from the rooftops, through the valleys, in the SPPGUPQT UISPVHI UIF WBMMFZT JO UIF UIJDLFTU PG XPPET BOE UIF CVTJFTU PG thickest of woods and the busiest of ^ fousv CVTZ TUSFFUT streets I A" DPMMFDUJWF i/000000 w UIBU FDIPFE collective "NOOOOOO!!" that echoed S across the state, the nation - yes, even BDSPTT UIF TUBUF UIF OBUJPO o ZFT FWFO the world. UIF XPSME It was the reaction to the news that *U XBT UIF SFBDUJPO UP UIF OFXT UIBU a shortage of bacon and sausage B TIPSUBHF PG CBDPO BOE TBVTBHF in Great Britain would soon be JO (SFBU #SJUBJO XPVME TPPO CF spreading across the globe. A "world shortage of pork and TQSFBEJOH BDSPTT UIF HMPCF " iXPSME TIPSUBHF PG QPSL BOE bacon next year is now unavoidable," came the statement CBDPO OFYU ZFBS JT OPX VOBWPJEBCMF w DBNF UIF TUBUFNFOU from the U.K.'s National Pig Association. GSPN UIF 6 , T /BUJPOBM 1JH "TTPDJBUJPO Apparently, record droughts have resulted in high pig-feed "QQBSFOUMZ SFDPSE ESPVHIUT IBWF SFTVMUFE JO IJHI QJH GFFE costs that in turn have resulted in shrinking sow herds. In DPTUT UIBU JO UVSO IBWF SFTVMUFE JO TISJOLJOH TPX IFSET *O other words: Fewer crops = less piggies = less bacon. PUIFS XPSET 'FXFS DSPQT MFTT QJHHJFT MFTT CBDPO My daughter and I were very distraught at this news. My .Z EBVHIUFS BOE * XFSF WFSZ EJTUSBVHIU BU UIJT OFXT .Z wife's response was "well, there's always turkey bacon," XJGF T SFTQPOTF XBT iXFMM UIFSF T BMXBZT UVSLFZ CBDPO w which was like finding out that the XIJDI XBT MJLF mOEJOH PVU UIBU UIF iPhone 5 you were expecting for ChristJ1IPOF ZPV XFSF FYQFDUJOH GPS $ISJTU mas turned out to be a BlackBerry. It's NBT UVSOFE PVU UP CF B #MBDL#FSSZ *U T not the same, hon. Not the same. OPU UIF TBNF IPO /PU UIF TBNF To help save this endangered facet 5P IFMQ TBWF UIJT FOEBOHFSFE GBDFU of drippy, greasy goodness, here is an PG ESJQQZ HSFBTZ HPPEOFTT IFSF JT BO homage to that icon of American life, IPNBHF UP UIBU JDPO PG "NFSJDBO MJGF that staple of breakfasts, that clogger of UIBU TUBQMF PG CSFBLGBTUT UIBU DMPHHFS PG arteries - bacon. BSUFSJFT o CBDPO If[ ?Xidfe FUN FACT NO. 1: In the U.S., bacon '6/ '"$5 /0 *O UIF 6 4 CBDPO is almost always prepared from pork JT BMNPTU BMXBZT QSFQBSFE GSPN QPSL =ifd k_\ <[`kfi belly, though it can also be made from CFMMZ UIPVHI JU DBO BMTP CF NBEF GSPN fatback, which is almost pure fat, and GBUCBDL XIJDI JT BMNPTU QVSF GBU BOE pork loin, which is lean. So by getting regular bacon, you're QPSL MPJO XIJDI JT MFBO 4P CZ HFUUJOH SFHVMBS CBDPO ZPV SF getting something in between, and a handy excuse: "I AM HFUUJOH TPNFUIJOH JO CFUXFFO BOE B IBOEZ FYDVTF i* ". watching my diet! I'm not eating fatback bacon!" XBUDIJOH NZ EJFU * N OPU FBUJOH GBUCBDL CBDPO w FAMOUS PIGS IN HISTORY: Porky Pig, Miss Piggy, Babe, '".064 1*(4 */ )*4503: 1PSLZ 1JH .JTT 1JHHZ #BCF Wilbur from "Charlotte's Web," Arnold from "Green Acres," 8JMCVS GSPN i$IBSMPUUF T 8FC w "SOPME GSPN i(SFFO "DSFT w Piglet, that glasses-wearing pig in "Donkey Kong Country 1JHMFU UIBU HMBTTFT XFBSJOH QJH JO i%POLFZ ,POH $PVOUSZ Returns" that saves your place in a level but is conspicu3FUVSOTw UIBU TBWFT ZPVS QMBDF JO B MFWFM CVU JT DPOTQJDV ously absent on the really hard ones. (Where were you on PVTMZ BCTFOU PO UIF SFBMMZ IBSE POFT 8IFSF XFSF ZPV PO level seven when I needed you, you stupid porker?)

MFWFM TFWFO XIFO * OFFEFE ZPV ZPV TUVQJE QPSLFS FUN FACT No. 2: Sir Francis Bacon was an English '6/ '"$5 /P 4JS 'SBODJT #BDPO XBT BO &OHMJTI philosopher, statesman, scientist and all-around busy guy in QIJMPTPQIFS TUBUFTNBO TDJFOUJTU BOE BMM BSPVOE CVTZ HVZ JO the 16th and 17th centuries. He died from pneumonia that UIF UI BOE UI DFOUVSJFT )F EJFE GSPN QOFVNPOJB UIBU he contracted while studying the effects of freezing on the IF DPOUSBDUFE XIJMF TUVEZJOH UIF FGGFDUT PG GSFF[JOH PO UIF preservation of meat. Contrary to popular belief, bacon is QSFTFSWBUJPO PG NFBU $POUSBSZ UP QPQVMBS CFMJFG CBDPO JT not named after Sir Bacon; rather, it's derived from the GerOPU OBNFE BGUFS 4JS #BDPO SBUIFS JU T EFSJWFE GSPN UIF (FS man word "bacho," or an old French word, which was, urn, NBO XPSE iCBDIP w PS BO PME 'SFODI XPSE XIJDI XBT VN "bacon." iCBDPO w BACON PRODUCTS YOU CAN BUY RIGHT NOW: Adhe#"$0/ 130%6$54 :06 $"/ #6: 3*()5 /08 "EIF sive bandages, bacon lollipops, bacon-scented car air freshTJWF CBOEBHFT CBDPO MPMMJQPQT CBDPO TDFOUFE DBS BJS GSFTI eners, bacon-flavored lip balm, wallet, "I Vote for Bacon" FOFST CBDPO nBWPSFE MJQ CBMN XBMMFU i* 7PUF GPS #BDPOw T-shirt, bacon-flavored mints, bacon soap, bacon gumballs, 5 TIJSU CBDPO nBWPSFE NJOUT CBDPO TPBQ CBDPO HVNCBMMT Christmas tree ornament, tube socks, playing cards, Mr. $ISJTUNBT USFF PSOBNFOU UVCF TPDLT QMBZJOH DBSET .S Bacon bendable action figure, Mr. Bacon's Big Adventure #BDPO CFOEBCMF BDUJPO mHVSF .S #BDPO T #JH "EWFOUVSF board game, My First Bacon toddler toy (start 'em early!). CPBSE HBNF .Z 'JSTU #BDPO UPEEMFS UPZ TUBSU FN FBSMZ DISTURBING FACT: If male pigs aren't castrated before %*4563#*/( '"$5 *G NBMF QJHT BSFO U DBTUSBUFE CFGPSF reaching a certain young age, their pork will taste like urine. SFBDIJOH B DFSUBJO ZPVOH BHF UIFJS QPSL XJMM UBTUF MJLF VSJOF AWESOME PIG VIDEO: A pig at a petting zoo recently "8&40.& 1*( 7*%&0 " QJH BU B QFUUJOH [PP SFDFOUMZ rescued a baby goat that was struggling in a pond by nudgSFTDVFE B CBCZ HPBU UIBU XBT TUSVHHMJOH JO B QPOE CZ OVEH ing it toward safety. (You can view it on YouTube by searchJOH JU UPXBSE TBGFUZ :PV DBO WJFX JU PO :PV5VCF CZ TFBSDI ing for "pig rescues goat.") I pitched this for a Page 1 story JOH GPS iQJH SFTDVFT HPBU w * QJUDIFE UIJT GPS B 1BHF TUPSZ in the editor's meeting, but it was beat out by boring stuff JO UIF FEJUPS T NFFUJOH CVU JU XBT CFBU PVU CZ CPSJOH TUVGG like the election. Some people claim the video was staged, MJLF UIF FMFDUJPO 4PNF QFPQMF DMBJN UIF WJEFP XBT TUBHFE but who cares? IT'S A PIG SAVING A BABY GOAT. CVU XIP DBSFT *5 4 " 1*( 4"7*/( " #"#: (0"5 And that's totally awesome. "OE UIBU T UPUBMMZ BXFTPNF Just like bacon. +VTU MJLF CBDPO

Rod Harmon From the Editor

Deputy Managing Editor Rod Harmon may be contacted at 791-6450 or at: 2S^cbg ;O\OUW\U 3RWb]` @]R 6O`[]\ [Og PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"# ]` Ob( rharmon@pressherald. com `VO`[]\.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: RHarmonPPH BeWbbS`( @6O`[]\>>6

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, | GO E5 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3#

HOT ?FK k`Zb\k


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Tedeschi Trucks back K\[\jZ_` KilZbj YXZb in state ...at State `e jkXk\ %%% Xk JkXk\ THE TEDESCHI TRUCKS BAND B63 B323A167 B@C19A 0/<2 provides a great chance ^`]dWRSa O U`SOb QVO\QS to see two award-winning b] aSS be] OeO`R eW\\W\U blues musicians for the PZcSa [caWQWO\a T]` bVS price of one - guitarist ^`WQS ]T ]\S ³ UcWbO`Wab and Allrnan Brother Derek O\R /ZZ[O\ 0`]bVS` 2S`SY Trucks and his wife, singer/ B`cQYa O\R VWa eWTS aW\US` guitarist Susan Tedeschi. UcWbO`Wab AcaO\ BSRSaQVW The band was a big hit last BVS PO\R eOa O PWU VWb ZOab year at Ocean Gateway, so gSO` Ob =QSO\ 5ObSeOg a] it's back for more. Wb¸a POQY T]` []`S WHEN: 8 p.m. Thursday E63<( & ^ [ BVc`aROg WHERE: State Theatre, 609 E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' Congress St., Portland 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $40 to $75; 6=E ;C16( " b] %#) reserved seating `SaS`dSR aSObW\U INFO: (800) 745-3000; 7<4=( & %"# ! ) statetheatreportland.com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

"We like doing ¾ES ZWYS R]W\U weird things," says eSW`R bVW\Ua œ aOga Dale Crover, left, 2OZS 1`]dS` ZSTb a member of The O [S[PS` ]T BVS Melvins, on the ;SZdW\a ]\ bVS band's attempt to PO\R¸a ObbS[^b b] snag the Guinness a\OU bVS 5cW\\Saa World Record for E]`ZR @SQ]`R T]` fastest U.S. tour TOabSab C A b]c` by a group. Pg O U`]c^ Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Portland hosts The Melvins' on their 51 -tours-in-51 -days record quest. GfikcXe[ _fjkj K_\ D\cm`ejË fe k_\`i ,($kflij$`e$,($[Xpj i\Zfi[ hl\jk% ByRAYROUTHIER #Z 3": 3065)*&3


4UBGG 8SJUFS StaffWriter

he Melvins are one of IF .FMWJOT BSF POF PG those cool bands whose UIPTF DPPM CBOET XIPTF coolness lies, at least DPPMOFTT MJFT BU MFBTU in part, in the fact that JO QBSU JO UIF GBDU UIBU they've influenced UIFZ WF JOnVFODFE countless other bands DPVOUMFTT PUIFS CBOET without becoming major XJUIPVU CFDPNJOH NBKPS mainstream stars themNBJOTUSFBN TUBST UIFN selves. TFMWFT So why would musi4P XIZ XPVME NVTJ cians who can count members of DJBOT XIP DBO DPVOU NFNCFST PG Nirvana and Soundgarden among /JSWBOB BOE 4PVOEHBSEFO BNPOH their ardent fans need to feel like UIFJS BSEFOU GBOT OFFE UP GFFM MJLF they have to set a world record for UIFZ IBWF UP TFU B XPSME SFDPSE GPS most concerts in the fewest days? NPTU DPODFSUT JO UIF GFXFTU EBZT When The Melvins play 8IFO 5IF .FMWJOT QMBZ Portland's Asylum on Sunday, 1PSUMBOE T "TZMVN PO 4VOEBZ


@= >F THE MELVINS B63 ;3:D7<A WHEN: 9 p.m. Sunday E63<( ' ^ [ Ac\ROg WHERE: Asylum, 121 Center St., E63@3( /agZc[ 1S\bS` Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $15 in advance; $18 6=E ;C16( # W\ ORdO\QS) & day of show ROg ]T aV]e INFO: 772-8274; 7<4=( %% & %") portlandasylum.com ^]`bZO\ROagZc[ Q][

they'll be in the middle of a tour UIFZ MM CF JO UIF NJEEMF PG B UPVS in which they're trying to set the JO XIJDI UIFZ SF USZJOH UP TFU UIF Guinness World Record for fastest (VJOOFTT 8PSME 3FDPSE GPS GBTUFTU U.S. tour by a group - 51 shows in 6 4 UPVS CZ B HSPVQ o TIPXT JO 51 days. EBZT "Well, it's good PR for us, and i8FMM JU T HPPE 13 GPS VT BOE it's just something we thought we JU T KVTU TPNFUIJOH XF UIPVHIU XF

could do," said Dale Crover, 44, the DPVME EP w TBJE %BMF $SPWFS UIF band's drummer and a founding CBOE T ESVNNFS BOE B GPVOEJOH member. "We like doing weird NFNCFS i8F MJLF EPJOH XFJSE stuff. Whatever we do, it beats flipTUVGG 8IBUFWFS XF EP JU CFBUT nJQ ping burgers. I joined this band at QJOH CVSHFST * KPJOFE UIJT CBOE BU 16, so up to this point, I've avoided TP VQ UP UIJT QPJOU * WF BWPJEFE that." UIBU w Crover says The Melvins don't $SPWFS TBZT 5IF .FMWJOT EPO U take a lot of time off between UBLF B MPU PG UJNF PGG CFUXFFO shows on their normal tours, so TIPXT PO UIFJS OPSNBM UPVST TP this world record try isn't a huge UIJT XPSME SFDPSE USZ JTO U B IVHF stretch. The biggest challenges TUSFUDI 5IF CJHHFTU DIBMMFOHFT include the long overnight drives JODMVEF UIF MPOH PWFSOJHIU ESJWFT and playing places they've never BOE QMBZJOH QMBDFT UIFZ WF OFWFS played before, because they don't QMBZFE CFGPSF CFDBVTF UIFZ EPO U know what to expect. LOPX XIBU UP FYQFDU "We played Cheyenne, Wyo., and i8F QMBZFE $IFZFOOF 8ZP BOE

G :?<8I@CC


Courtesy 1]c`bSag photo ^V]b]

Corinthians cover :fi`ek_`Xej Zfm\i The Rolling Stones K_\ Ifcc`e^ Jkfe\j THE BIG EASY continues to B63 075 3/AG Q]\bW\cSa b] find local bands who can Âż\R Z]QOZ PO\Ra eV] QO\ make playing covers an [OYS ^ZOgW\U Q]dS`a O\ art form. This Tuesday, the O`b T]`[ BVWa BcSaROg bVS "Cover to Cover" series Âľ1]dS` b] 1]dS`Âś aS`WSa continues with The Fine Q]\bW\cSa eWbV BVS 4W\S Corinthians featuring Steve 1]`W\bVWO\a TSObc`W\U AbSdS Jones doing "Some Girls" 8]\Sa R]W\U ÂľA][S 5W`ZaÂś by The Rolling Stones. Pg BVS @]ZZW\U Ab]\Sa WHEN: 9 p.m. Tuesday E63<( ' ^ [ BcSaROg WHERE: The Big Easy, 55 E63@3( BVS 0WU 3Oag ## Market St., Portland ;O`YSb Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $5 6=E ;C16( # INFO: bigeasyportland.com 7<4=( PWUSOag^]`bZO\R Q][

Please see THE MELVINS, Page Ell Gc\Xj\ j\\ B63 ;3:D7<A GX^\ <((

Making Noise: Keelan Donovan, E6 N• Anthrax at the State, E7 N • CD review: The Ghost of Paul Revere, E8 DXb`e^ Ef`j\1 B\\cXe ;fefmXe# <- 8ek_iXo Xk k_\ JkXk\# <. :; i\m`\n1 K_\ >_fjk f] GXlc I\m\i\# </

E6 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

TH !NNUAL 9th Annual

-AINE ,AKES Maine Lakes "REW &EST Brew Fest AT !4 POINT SEBAGO 0/).4 3%"!'/ CASCO, MAINE #!3#/ -!).% Just off Route 302 *UST OFF 2OUTE

SEPTEMBER 29 3%04%-"%2 11 AM-4PM !- n 0 "2%7%23 30 BREWERS LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ,)6% %.4%24!).-%.4

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Purchase Tickets On-Line at 0URCHASE 4ICKETS /N ,INE AT www.MaineLakesBrewFest.com WWW -AINE,AKES"REW&EST COM or at the door OR AT THE DOOR FMI -207-647-3472 &-) n Rain or Shine 2AIN OR 3HINE

Singer will show hometown J`e^\i n`cc j_fn _fd\kfne X k_`e^ ZXcc\[ ĂŠN`k_ Cfm\Ă‹ a thing called'With Love' KT

XFOUZ UXP ZFBS PME TJOHFS TPOH wenty-two-year-old singer-songwriter Keelan Donovan ditched his XSJUFS ,FFMBO %POPWBO EJUDIFE IJT IPNFUPXO PG 1PSUMBOE B DPVQMF PG hometown of Portland a couple of years ago when he transferred from the ZFBST BHP XIFO IF USBOTGFSSFE GSPN UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG .BJOF BOE GJOJTIFE VQ BU University of Maine and finished up at Belmont University. #FMNPOU 6OJWFSTJUZ #FMNPOU JT JO POF PG UIF NPTU TQFDJBM Belmont is in one of the most special places a songwriter could find himQMBDFT B TPOHXSJUFS DPVME GJOE IJN TFMG /BTIWJMMF 4P JU T OP TVSQSJTF UIBU self: Nashville. So it's no surprise that Donovan decided %POPWBO EFDJEFE to stay right where UP TUBZ SJHIU XIFSF he was and fully IF XBT BOE GVMMZ immerse himself in JNNFSTF IJNTFMG JO the famous Southern UIF GBNPVT 4PVUIFSO music hotbed often NVTJD IPUCFE PGUFO referred to as "Music SFGFSSFE UP BT i.VTJD City." $JUZ w %POPWBO JT DPNJOH AilTISGl POIlti Donovan is coming home IPNF UP DFMFCSBUF the re eto celebrate UIF SFMFBTF PG IJT second EJ^ UIF TJY the sixTFDPOE &1 song "With Love," TPOH i8JUI -PWF w with a show at One Longfellow Square XJUI B TIPX BU 0OF -POHGFMMPX 4RVBSF in Portland. GO got the lowdown from JO 1PSUMBOE (0 HPU UIF MPXEPXO GSPN Donovan on "With Love" and his musi%POPWBO PO i8JUI -PWFw BOE IJT NVTJ cal path leading up to it. DBM QBUI MFBEJOH VQ UP JU

8`dj\c Gfek` Making Noise DXb`e^ Ef`j\

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Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

When did you first start singing? 8IFO EJE ZPV mSTU TUBSU TJOHJOH Playing guitar? 8SJUJOH TPOHT Writing songs? 1MBZJOH HVJUBS The first performance of my life was 5IF GJSTU QFSGPSNBODF PG NZ MJGF XBT at my senior year talent show. I sang "I BU NZ TFOJPS ZFBS UBMFOU TIPX * TBOH i* Believe I Can Fly." I have been playing #FMJFWF * $BO 'MZ w * IBWF CFFO QMBZJOH guitar since the seventh grade and HVJUBS TJODF UIF TFWFOUI HSBEF BOE writing songs since freshman year XSJUJOH TPOHT TJODF GSFTINBO ZFBS in college. JO DPMMFHF Let's jump right into the "With -FU T KVNQ SJHIU JOUP UIF i8JUI Love" EP. 8IP JT TJOHJOH CBDL VQ Who is singing back-up -PWFw &1 on "Ant Farm," and who's that PO i"OU 'BSN w BOE XIP T UIBU playing horns? QMBZJOH IPSOT Logan Brill, another artist from -PHBO #SJMM BOPUIFS BSUJTU GSPN Nashville, is singing on that one and /BTIWJMMF JT TJOHJOH PO UIBU POF BOE "Sea Shell Song." My friend from Beli4FB 4IFMM 4POH w .Z GSJFOE GSPN #FM mont University, Brendan Dorman, is NPOU 6OJWFSTJUZ #SFOEBO %PSNBO JT playing trumpet. Another great artist, QMBZJOH USVNQFU "OPUIFS HSFBU BSUJTU Josh Blaylock, is playing trombone +PTI #MBZMPDL JT QMBZJOH USPNCPOF and keys. BOE LFZT

Keelan Donovan is coming home to 9SSZO\ 2]\]dO\ Wa Q][W\U V][S b] Portland from Nashville to celebrate >]`bZO\R T`][ <OaVdWZZS b] QSZSP`ObS the release of his second EP, the bVS `SZSOaS ]T VWa aSQ]\R 3> bVS six-song "With Love." aWf a]\U ÂľEWbV :]dS Âś

What's on N_XkËj fe


fk_\ij m\kk 9i ••Murder in the Crty," The Wt Brothers ĂˆDli[\i `e k_\ :`kp#É K_\ 8 ee\e c<imeRunnin!1) #É Bte 9i\kk ;\nnen p[e\p @Ă‹cc :fd\ Ilee`e^ " io'ii ĂˆJ Xij `m`c N "I've Gotk KThis Frienu,"Trie Wars `\e[#É K_\ :Civil _`j =i Ă‹m\ >f Ăˆ@ "The Chain," IngridMichaelson X\cjfe ĂˆK_\ :_X`e#É @e^i`[ D`Z_ ÂŤBabv Be\ DMine," Michael Jackson Zbjfe Ăˆ9XYp 9 `e\#É D`Z_X\c AX "Vultures," tohn Mayer ĂˆMlckli\j#É Af_e DXp\i "The_\ @ccIlls," Hawthorne nk_fie\ Xp\i ?X j#É DMayer ĂˆK "Home Again," Michael Kiwanuka `nXelbX Ăˆ?fd\ 8^X`e#É D`Z_X\c B Xe fe -Ringof Spain,"TI~eTallest on <X Earik_ X`e#É K_\ KXcc\jk DMan Jg f] `e^ ĂˆB •'Can'tTakeMvtvÂŤ0ÂŤYou,"Frank.eValh l#É =iXeb`\ MXcc` Ăˆ:XeĂ‹k KXb\ Dp <p\j F]] Pf

What was it like working on "With 8IBU XBT JU MJLF XPSLJOH PO i8JUI Love" with Adam Ayan at Gateway -PWFw XJUI "EBN "ZBO BU (BUFXBZ Mastering? .BTUFSJOH It's always a privilege to work with *U T BMXBZT B QSJWJMFHF UP XPSL XJUI someone who has already lived your TPNFPOF XIP IBT BMSFBEZ MJWFE ZPVS dreams. He has worked with some ESFBNT )F IBT XPSLFE XJUI TPNF of the best artists around, including PG UIF CFTU BSUJTUT BSPVOE JODMVEJOH Nirvana, Madonna, Foo Fighters, Carrie /JSWBOB .BEPOOB 'PP 'JHIUFST $BSSJF Underwood, The Rolling Stones and 6OEFSXPPE 5IF 3PMMJOH 4UPOFT BOE Rascal Flatts. The sound that Adam gets 3BTDBM 'MBUUT 5IF TPVOE UIBU "EBN HFUT out of mixes that go across his desk is PVU PG NJYFT UIBU HP BDSPTT IJT EFTL JT really remarkable. To have him master SFBMMZ SFNBSLBCMF 5P IBWF IJN NBTUFS both this EP and my previous one is a CPUI UIJT &1 BOE NZ QSFWJPVT POF JT B pretty cool thing, and I'm very fortunate QSFUUZ DPPM UIJOH BOE * N WFSZ GPSUVOBUF to have experienced it. UP IBWF FYQFSJFODFE JU

much more lyrically driven and will be NVDI NPSF MZSJDBMMZ ESJWFO BOE XJMM CF able to reach my audience like I never BCMF UP SFBDI NZ BVEJFODF MJLF * OFWFS have before. I'm excited to hear the IBWF CFGPSF * N FYDJUFE UP IFBS UIF response from my listeners. SFTQPOTF GSPN NZ MJTUFOFST

Who are your big musical inspira8IP BSF ZPVS CJH NVTJDBM JOTQJSB tions? UJPOT My big musical inspirations are The .Z CJH NVTJDBM JOTQJSBUJPOT BSF 5IF Avett Brothers, John Mayer, Chadwick "WFUU #SPUIFST +PIO .BZFS $IBEXJDL Stokes, Brett Dennen, Ingrid MichaelHow was your approach to the new 4UPLFT #SFUU %FOOFO *OHSJE .JDIBFM )PX XBT ZPVS BQQSPBDI UP UIF OFX son and The Civil Wars. But aside from EP different from your approach to TPO BOE 5IF $JWJM 8BST #VU BTJEF GSPN &1 EJGGFSFOU GSPN ZPVS BQQSPBDI UP that, I am inspired by anyone who I see "Tall, Lanky, Pale and Sexy?" UIBU * BN JOTQJSFE CZ BOZPOF XIP * TFF i5BMM -BOLZ 1BMF BOE 4FYZ w and hear that has an inevitable passion My approach this time around was BOE IFBS UIBU IBT BO JOFWJUBCMF QBTTJPO .Z BQQSPBDI UIJT UJNF BSPVOE XBT for their music and lyrics - no matter much more organic and authentic to GPS UIFJS NVTJD BOE MZSJDT o OP NBUUFS NVDI NPSF PSHBOJD BOE BVUIFOUJD UP the genre. who I am, both as an artist and a person. UIF HFOSF XIP * BN CPUI BT BO BSUJTU BOE B QFSTPO I think that my last EP was definitely * UIJOL UIBU NZ MBTU &1 XBT EFGJOJUFMZ "an artist's first go-round" in terms of iBO BSUJTU T GJSTU HP SPVOEw JO UFSNT PG production and songwriting. This EP is Please see PONTI, PageE12 QSPEVDUJPO BOE TPOHXSJUJOH 5IJT &1 JT Gc\Xj\ j\\ >=<B7 GX^\ <()

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E7 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3%

8ek_iXo Zi\[`kj 9\ccX[feeX ]fi `e]\Zk`flj ĂŠNfij_`g Dlj`ZĂ‹ Anthrax credits Belladonna for infectious 'Worship Music' ByALANSCULLEY #Z "-"/ 4$6--&: 8IFO 4DPUU *BO BOE $IBSMJF #FOBOUF PG When Scott Ian and Charlie Benante of "OUISBY XFOU UP $MFWFMBOE JO UP IFMQ Anthrax went to Cleveland in 2009 to help .FUBMMJDB DFMFCSBUF JUT JOEVDUJPO JOUP UIF Metallica celebrate its induction into the 3PDL BOE 3PMM )BMM PG 'BNF UIFZ EJEO U Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, they didn't expect it to be a life-altering event. FYQFDU JU UP CF B MJGF BMUFSJOH FWFOU #VU POF DPVME TBZ UIBU T IPX JU T UVSOFE But one could say that's how it's turned out. PVU 5IF CJH NPNFOU DBNF XIFO HVJUBSJTU The big moment came when guitarist Ian and drummer Benante were hav*BO BOE ESVNNFS #FOBOUF XFSF IBW JOH ESJOLT XJUI .FUBMMJDB ESVNNFS -BST ing drinks with Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich. 6MSJDI i8F XFSF KVTU UBMLJOH BCPVU TUVGG BOE "We were just (talking) about stuff, and then Lars just said to us, 'You know, what UIFO -BST KVTU TBJE UP VT A:PV LOPX XIBU do you think about doing the Big 4?' w " EP ZPV UIJOL BCPVU EPJOH UIF #JH Benante recalled in a recent phone inter#FOBOUF SFDBMMFE JO B SFDFOU QIPOF JOUFS view. "We were just like, 'What?' *U DBNF It came WJFX i8F XFSF KVTU MJLF A8IBU out of left field. We just were like, 'That PVU PG MFGU mFME 8F KVTU XFSF MJLF A5IBU would be awesome.'" XPVME CF BXFTPNF w "The Big 4" that Ulrich was proposing i5IF #JH w UIBU 6MSJDI XBT QSPQPTJOH was a bill that would include the quartet XBT B CJMM UIBU XPVME JODMVEF UIF RVBSUFU of bands that ushered in modern metal in PG CBOET UIBU VTIFSFE JO NPEFSO NFUBM JO the 1980s - Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth UIF T o .FUBMMJDB 4MBZFS .FHBEFUI and Anthrax. And soon, what seemed like BOE "OUISBY "OE TPPO XIBU TFFNFE MJLF a casual idea started to turn into reality. B DBTVBM JEFB TUBSUFE UP UVSO JOUP SFBMJUZ The only problem with the proposal at 5IF POMZ QSPCMFN XJUI UIF QSPQPTBM BU that point was that Anthrax was in disarUIBU QPJOU XBT UIBU "OUISBY XBT JO EJTBS ray. SBZ By this time, the band had seen two sing#Z UIJT UJNF UIF CBOE IBE TFFO UXP TJOH ers come and go, in John Bush and Dan FST DPNF BOE HP JO +PIO #VTI BOE %BO Nelson. The band also had done a 2005 /FMTPO 5IF CBOE BMTP IBE EPOF B reunion tour with its original singer, Joey SFVOJPO UPVS XJUI JUT PSJHJOBM TJOHFS +PFZ Belladonna, but that tour ended up being #FMMBEPOOB CVU UIBU UPVS FOEFE VQ CFJOH just a temporary reunion. KVTU B UFNQPSBSZ SFVOJPO Anthrax turned to Nelson, and went into "OUISBY UVSOFE UP /FMTPO BOE XFOU JOUP the studio to record a new CD that came UIF TUVEJP UP SFDPSE B OFX $% UIBU DBNF to be called "Worship Music." According UP CF DBMMFE i8PSTIJQ .VTJD w "DDPSEJOH

SPDL IBMM BOE DBNF IPNF XJUI UIF OPUJPO rock hall and came home with the notion that a Big 4 tour might be in the wind. UIBU B #JH UPVS NJHIU CF JO UIF XJOE 5IF JEFB PG BQQSPBDIJOH #FMMBEPOOB The idea of approaching Belladonna again then came up. After all, he was the BHBJO UIFO DBNF VQ "GUFS BMM IF XBT UIF singer on the early Anthrax albums (such TJOHFS PO UIF FBSMZ "OUISBY BMCVNT TVDI as "Spreading the Disease" and "Among BT i4QSFBEJOH UIF %JTFBTFw BOE i"NPOH UIF -JWJOHw UIBU IBE FTUBCMJTIFE UIF the Living") that had established the group as one of the Big 4. Besides, after HSPVQ BT POF PG UIF #JH #FTJEFT BGUFS UIF GBJMFE UPVS #FOBOUF IBE TUBZFE JO the failed 2005 tour, Benante had stayed in touch with Belladonna. UPVDI XJUI #FMMBEPOOB "I had, like, a bunch of songs that some i* IBE MJLF B CVODI PG TPOHT UIBU TPNF of them just didn't fit the Anthrax mold," PG UIFN KVTU EJEO U mU UIF "OUISBY NPME w Benante said. "I really wanted to do some#FOBOUF TBJE i* SFBMMZ XBOUFE UP EP TPNF thing on the side with different vocalists. UIJOH PO UIF TJEF XJUI EJGGFSFOU WPDBMJTUT And Joey was one that I thought of for two "OE +PFZ XBT POF UIBU * UIPVHIU PG GPS UXP songs that I thought he would sound really TPOHT UIBU * UIPVHIU IF XPVME TPVOE SFBMMZ good on them. HPPE PO UIFN "We started talking about stuff like that i8F TUBSUFE UBMLJOH BCPVU TUVGG MJLF UIBU and just about music. That was how it BOE KVTU BCPVU NVTJD 5IBU XBT IPX JU was. Then one thing led to another, and XBT 5IFO POF UIJOH MFE UP BOPUIFS BOE we took the opportunity to ask him if he XF UPPL UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP BTL IJN JG IF would be interested in possibly doing this XPVME CF JOUFSFTUFE JO QPTTJCMZ EPJOH UIJT (Anthrax) again." "OUISBY BHBJO w Belladonna was ready to give a return #FMMBEPOOB XBT SFBEZ UP HJWF B SFUVSO to Anthrax another shot, and so was the UP "OUISBY BOPUIFS TIPU BOE TP XBT UIF group, which includes bassist Frank Bello HSPVQ XIJDI JODMVEFT CBTTJTU 'SBOL #FMMP and guitarist Rob Caggiano. BOE HVJUBSJTU 3PC $BHHJBOP The renewed partnership clicked. The 5IF SFOFXFE QBSUOFSTIJQ DMJDLFE 5IF Courtesy photo CBOE EJE UIF #JH TIPXT XIJDI CFHBO 1]c`bSag ^V]b] band did the Big 4 shows, which began Anthrax is one of four bands that ushered in modern metal in the 1980s, with /\bV`Of Wa ]\S ]T T]c` PO\Ra bVOb caVS`SR W\ []RS`\ [SbOZ W\ bVS '& a eWbV in 2010 and most recently included a JO BOE NPTU SFDFOUMZ JODMVEFE B Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth. Anthrax plays the State Theatre on Wednesday. 4FQUFNCFS TIPX BU :BOLFF 4UBEJVN ;SbOZZWQO AZOgS` O\R ;SUORSbV /\bV`Of ^ZOga bVS AbObS BVSOb`S ]\ ESR\SaROg September 2011 show at Yankee Stadium in Anthrax's home borough of the Bronx. JO "OUISBY T IPNF CPSPVHI PG UIF #SPOY pectedly when shortly thereafter, Nelson 5IF TIPXT IFMQFE SFJOWJHPSBUF UIF CBOE to Benante, Anthrax got well along in the QFDUFEMZ XIFO TIPSUMZ UIFSFBGUFS /FMTPO UP #FOBOUF "OUISBY HPU XFMM BMPOH JO UIF The shows helped reinvigorate the band, process. "We were in the studio recording, RVJU "OUISBY KVTU BT UIF CBOE XBT TFU UP nZ quit Anthrax just as the band was set to fly BOE UIF TBNF MJOFVQ XJMM QMBZ BU UIF 4UBUF QSPDFTT i8F XFSF JO UIF TUVEJP SFDPSEJOH and the same lineup will play at the State so it got that far," he said. "We were on our UP &VSPQF GPS B UPVS 5IBU T XIFSF UIJOHT to Europe for a tour. That's where things 5IFBUSF JO 1PSUMBOE PO 8FEOFTEBZ Theatre in Portland on Wednesday. TP JU HPU UIBU GBS w IF TBJE i8F XFSF PO PVS way. So we were pretty deep into it." stood when Ian and Benante went to help XBZ 4P XF XFSF QSFUUZ EFFQ JOUP JU w TUPPE XIFO *BO BOE #FOBOUF XFOU UP IFMQ But that project had to go on hold unex- DFMFCSBUF .FUBMMJDB T FOUSBODF JOUP UIF celebrate Metallica's entrance into the #VU UIBU QSPKFDU IBE UP HP PO IPME VOFY Please see ANTHRAX, PageE12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /<B6@/F GX^\ <()

E8 GO | The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 27, 3& 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

CD IREVIEW <M@<N SEPT 21 029( MOVE! : 52% )520 W/ ROB FROM 6(37

NEVERMIND THE 90'S 1(9(50,1' 7+( ¡6

SEPT 23 *+267)$&( .,//$+ GHOSTFACE KILLAH 6(37

: 6+((. /28&+ 6$,*21 6$1'%$* W/ SHEEK LOUCH, SAIGON, & SANDBAG

SEPT 27 32:(50$1 POWERMAN 5000 : .,77,( w/ KITTIE 6(37 SEPT 29 6(37

SAVING ABEL 35(6(17(' %< PRESENTED BY 6$9,1* $%(/

WCYY SPINOUT PRESENTS :&<< 63,1287 35(6(176 6(37 SEPT 30 7+( 0(/9,16 /,7( THE MELVINS LITE : 7:($.%,5' W/TWEAKBIRD WCYY SPINOUT PRESENTS :&<< 63,1287 35(6(176

2&7 OCT 11 -21 63(1&(5 %/8(6 (;3/26,21 JON SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION

: 7+( 287),76 W/THE OUTFITS

THE PUBCRAWLERS &' 5(/($6( 3$57< CD RELEASE PARTY 7+( 38%&5$:/(56 O C T 133257/$1'¡6 /($*8( 2) PORTLAND'S LEAGUE OF 2&7 EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN (;75$25',1$5< :20(1 OCT 12 2&7


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

T h e Ghost o f Paul Revere includes t h r e e m e m b e r s w h o are l i f e l o n g f r i e n d s BVS 5V]ab ]T >OcZ @SdS`S W\QZcRSa bV`SS [S[PS`a eV] O`S ZWTSZ]\U T`WS\Ra a n d w h o s h o w c a s e t h e i r t h r e e - p a r t h a r m o n i e s artfully. O\R eV] aV]eQOaS bVSW` bV`SS ^O`b VO`[]\WSa O`bTcZZg

888 1035-"/%"4:-6. $0.

New band from Buxton something E\n YXe[ ]ifd 9lokfe jfd\k_`e^ you don't hear every day pfl [feËk _\Xi \m\ip [Xp



By KRISTIN DiCARA-McCLELLAN #Z ,3*45*/ %J$"3" .D$-&--"/ Imagine a band with your standard folk *NBHJOF B CBOE XJUI ZPVS TUBOEBSE GPML and bluegrass roots, then sprinkle in BOE CMVFHSBTT SPPUT UIFO TQSJOLMF JO some Americana, hurl in some "holler" TPNF "NFSJDBOB IVSM JO TPNF iIPMMFSw and nip it up with nu-grass and stomp. BOE OJQ JU VQ XJUI OV HSBTT BOE TUPNQ Do all that, and you've got the recipe for %P BMM UIBU BOE ZPV WF HPU UIF SFDJQF GPS the sound of a new band on the scene: The UIF TPVOE PG B OFX CBOE PO UIF TDFOF 5IF Ghost of Paul Revere. (IPTU PG 1BVM 3FWFSF Formed just last year, the band seems 'PSNFE KVTU MBTU ZFBS UIF CBOE TFFNT to have a distinguished sound that only UP IBWF B EJTUJOHVJTIFE TPVOE UIBU POMZ seasoned musicians can usually attain. TFBTPOFE NVTJDJBOT DBO VTVBMMZ BUUBJO This may be akin to the fact that three of 5IJT NBZ CF BLJO UP UIF GBDU UIBU UISFF PG the band members are lifelong friends, UIF CBOE NFNCFST BSF MJGFMPOH GSJFOET and their three-part harmonies show off BOE UIFJS UISFF QBSU IBSNPOJFT TIPX PGG their brethren spirit artfully. UIFJS CSFUISFO TQJSJU BSUGVMMZ "San Antone," the first track off the i4BO "OUPOF w UIF mSTU USBDL PGG UIF band's new EP, i/PSUI w JT B QFSGFDU "North," is a perfect CBOE T OFX &1 opener. It lulls in the listener with a sweet PQFOFS *U MVMMT JO UIF MJTUFOFS XJUI B TXFFU acoustic guitar melody reminiscent of reBDPVTUJD HVJUBS NFMPEZ SFNJOJTDFOU PG SF flective country blues, which always connFDUJWF DPVOUSZ CMVFT XIJDI BMXBZT DPO jures up good imagery: Hot cactus- and KVSFT VQ HPPE JNBHFSZ )PU DBDUVT BOE tumbleweed-lined pin-straight highways UVNCMFXFFE MJOFE QJO TUSBJHIU IJHIXBZT leading to one's own grandiose oasis. MFBEJOH UP POF T PXO HSBOEJPTF PBTJT The three-part harmonies of Griffin 5IF UISFF QBSU IBSNPOJFT PG (SJGmO Sherry, Max Davis and Sean McCarthy 4IFSSZ .BY %BWJT BOE 4FBO .D$BSUIZ introduce themselves right away with a JOUSPEVDF UIFNTFMWFT SJHIU BXBZ XJUI B yearning: ZFBSOJOH "I lost my heart in the heat of San i* MPTU NZ IFBSU JO UIF IFBU PG 4BO Antone/1 found my love in the cold of the "OUPOF * GPVOE NZ MPWF JO UIF DPME PG UIF Great White North/1 watched my lover (SFBU 8IJUF /PSUI * XBUDIFE NZ MPWFS roll me over like a river stone/ You've got SPMM NF PWFS MJLF B SJWFS TUPOF :PV WF HPU pain in your bones and you're not alone." QBJO JO ZPVS CPOFT BOE ZPV SF OPU BMPOF w The song picks up in tempo as it gallops 5IF TPOH QJDLT VQ JO UFNQP BT JU HBMMPQT on, yet stays true to its own individuality PO ZFU TUBZT USVF UP JUT PXO JOEJWJEVBMJUZ throughout. UISPVHIPVU i(SBOEQB T $IBJSw JT BMTP GVMM PG JN "Grandpa's Chair" is also full of im-

THE GHOST OF PAUL REVERE: "NORTH" B63 56=AB =4 >/C: @3D3@3( Âľ<=@B6Âś ((( Âť SELF-PRODUCED w i t h D r e w B r o w n A3:4 >@=2C132 eWbV 2`Se 0`]e\

Based on a four-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O T]c` abO` aQOZS

agery One may envision a scene out of BHFSZ 0OF NBZ FOWJTJPO B TDFOF PVU PG "The Waltons" as the banjo and mandolin i5IF 8BMUPOTw BT UIF CBOKP BOE NBOEPMJO pluck and sway and a harmonica weeps QMVDL BOE TXBZ BOE B IBSNPOJDB XFFQT throughout an old house in need of repair, UISPVHIPVU BO PME IPVTF JO OFFE PG SFQBJS with children running about, dirty little XJUI DIJMESFO SVOOJOH BCPVU EJSUZ MJUUMF hands being beckoned to wash for supper IBOET CFJOH CFDLPOFE UP XBTI GPS TVQQFS and a subtle but stern ghost whisper singBOE B TVCUMF CVU TUFSO HIPTU XIJTQFS TJOH ing (in three-part harmony): "Don't sit in JOH JO UISFF QBSU IBSNPOZ i%PO U TJU JO grandpa's chair." HSBOEQB T DIBJS w The last track, "Spirit," is more rhythmi5IF MBTU USBDL i4QJSJU w JT NPSF SIZUINJ cally charged, but I got a little lost when DBMMZ DIBSHFE CVU * HPU B MJUUMF MPTU XIFO they broke into a cappella at the end of UIFZ CSPLF JOUP B DBQQFMMB BU UIF FOE PG the song, as there was too much pause UIF TPOH BT UIFSF XBT UPP NVDI QBVTF between the verses. CFUXFFO UIF WFSTFT But they then showed off their sense #VU UIFZ UIFO TIPXFE PGG UIFJS TFOTF of humor after the song officially ended, PG IVNPS BGUFS UIF TPOH PGmDJBMMZ FOEFE with a "hidden track" of them doing some XJUI B iIJEEFO USBDLw PG UIFN EPJOH TPNF a cappella, off-the-cuff, gospel soul riff of B DBQQFMMB PGG UIF DVGG HPTQFM TPVM SJGG PG "Spirit." i4QJSJU w "North" is definitely a very good start i/PSUIw JT EFmOJUFMZ B WFSZ HPPE TUBSU for these Buxton musicians. It is hoped, GPS UIFTF #VYUPO NVTJDJBOT *U JT IPQFE we will be hearing more from them in the XF XJMM CF IFBSJOH NPSF GSPN UIFN JO UIF near future as their musical identities maOFBS GVUVSF BT UIFJS NVTJDBM JEFOUJUJFT NB ture and yearn for even more to ponder, UVSF BOE ZFBSO GPS FWFO NPSF UP QPOEFS stomp, holler and create. TUPNQ IPMMFS BOE DSFBUF Kristin DiCara-McClellan is a freelance writer. 9`WabW\ 2W1O`O ;Q1ZSZZO\ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 27, | GO E9 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3'

^fk k`o6 got tix?

"ULL -OOSE KFG (' Bull Moose TO P 10 T o p 10 f o r P o r t l a n d s t o r e Sept. 17-23: B]^ T]` >]`bZO\R ab]`S AS^b % !(

Lady Gaga performs :ORg 5OUO ^S`T]`[a o n Feb. 27 at TD ]\ 4SP % Ob B2 G a r d e n in B o s t o n , 5O`RS\ W\ 0]ab]\ joined by ZEDD and X]W\SR Pg H322 O\R L a d y S t a r l i g h t . Tickets :ORg AbO`ZWUVb BWQYSba go on sale Friday. U] ]\ aOZS 4`WROg

- Courtesy of Bull Moose Âł 1]c`bSag ]T 0cZZ ;]]aS

$INE AT THE ,AKE Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Oct. 7 - Keelan Donovan, 7 p.m., One =Qb % ³ 9SSZO\ 2]\]dO\ % ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $8/$10. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R & Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% The latest BVS ZObSab Oct. 8 - Regina Spektor, 8 p.m., State =Qb & ³ @SUW\O A^SYb]` & ^ [ AbObS On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Lady Gaga with =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ :ORg 5OUO eWbV Theatre, Portland. $36.50/$40 Statetheatre BVSOb`S >]`bZO\R !$ # " AbObSbVSOb`S ZEDD and Lady Starlight, 7:30 p.m. Feb. H322 O\R :ORg AbO`ZWUVb %(! ^ [ 4SP portland.com; (800) 745-3000; ^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# ! ) 27, TD Garden, Boston. $52 b] %% # to $177.50. % B2 5O`RS\ 0]ab]\ # Cumberland County Civic Center box office 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 8 - Howard Levy and Joe Craven, 8 On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Kraddy with Alpha =Qb & ³ 6]eO`R :Sdg O\R 8]S 1`OdS\ & =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 9`ORRg eWbV /Z^VO p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. $18/ ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R & Data, 9 p.m. Oct. 11, Port City Music Hall, 2ObO ' ^ [ =Qb >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ $23. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 ! =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Portland. $8 to $20. portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R & b] ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) Oct. 11 - Francine Reed, 8 p.m., =Qb ³ 4`O\QW\S @SSR & ^ [ (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. $15. 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS >]`bZO\R # On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Barrington Levy =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 0O``W\Ub]\ :Sdg Portlandempire.com >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][ with Mighty Mystic, 9 p.m. Oct. 25, Port eWbV ;WUVbg ;gabWQ ' ^ [ =Qb # >]`b Oct. 12 ³ BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - Tinariwen Guitar Masters from =Qb City Music Hall, Portland. $20 to $40. 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R b] " Mali, 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E Portland. $38. Onelongfellowsquare.com; >]`bZO\R !& =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) On sale 10 a.m. Friday - KUNG FU, 9 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 9C<5 4C ' ^ [ 761-1757 %$ %#% Nov. 1, Port City Music Hall, Portland. $12 <]d >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R Oct. 13 - EOTO, 9 p.m., Port City Music Hall, =Qb ! ³ 3=B= ' ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ to $20. portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512- b] ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # Portland. $12 b] " ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) to $40. portcitymusichall.com; >]`bZO\R SHOW A6=E (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Max Creek, 9 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ ;Of 1`SSY ' ^ [ Oct. 10 - The Honey Dewdrops, 8 p.m., =Qb ³ BVS 6]\Sg 2SeR`]^a & ^ [ Nov. 23, Port City Music Hall, Portland. $10 <]d ! >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R One Longfellow Square, Portland. $10/$12. =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R to $25. portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512- b] # ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% SHOW A6=E Oct. 10-14 - Cirque du Soleil, Cumberland =Qb " ³ 1W`_cS Rc A]ZSWZ 1c[PS`ZO\R On sale 10 a.m. Friday - High on Fire =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 6WUV ]\ 4W`S County Civic Center, Portland. $28 to $100. 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` >]`bZO\R & b] with Goatwhore, 9 p.m. Nov. 28, Port eWbV 5]ObeV]`S ' ^ [ <]d & >]`b Theciviccenter.com; 775-3458 BVSQWdWQQS\bS` Q][) %%# !"#& City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to $30. 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] ! Oct. 11 - Frank Solivan and Dirty Kitchen, 8 =Qb ³ 4`O\Y A]ZWdO\ O\R 2W`bg 9WbQVS\ & portcitymusichall.com; (888) 512-SHOW ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) &&& # A6=E p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. $15/ ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Start Making =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ AbO`b ;OYW\U $18. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 & =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Sense, 9 p.m. Nov. 29, Port City Music Hall, AS\aS ' ^ [ <]d ' >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ Oct. 12 ³ BW\O`WeS\ 5cWbO` ;OabS`a T`][ - Tinariwen Guitar Masters from Portland. $8 to $20. portcitymusichall.com; =Qb >]`bZO\R & b] ^]`bQWbg[caWQVOZZ Q][) Mali, 8 p.m., One Longfellow Square, ;OZW & ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S (888) 512-SHOW &&& # A6=E Portland. $35. Onelongfellowsquare.com; >]`bZO\R !# =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) On sale 10 a.m. Friday - Band of Horses, 8 =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ 0O\R ]T 6]`aSa & 761-1757 p.m. Dec. 9, House of Blues, Boston. $32.50 ^ [ 2SQ ' 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ! # %$ %#% Oct. 13 - Miss Tess and the Talkbacks, 8 =Qb ! ³ ;Waa BSaa O\R bVS BOZYPOQYa & to $45. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! p.m., One Longfellow Square, Portland. $12/ ^ [ =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R On sale 10 a.m. Friday - The Roots, 8 p.m. =\ aOZS O [ 4`WROg ³ BVS @]]ba & ^ [ $15. Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 # =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Dec. 26, House of Blues, Boston. $37 to 2SQ $ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ !% b] Oct. 15 - Morrissey, 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb # ³ ;]``WaaSg & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S $49.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 "' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Portland. $39.50. Statetheatreportland On sale noon Monday - Bob Marley Holiday >]`bZO\R !' # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R =\ aOZS \]]\ ;]\ROg ³ 0]P ;O`ZSg 6]ZWROg .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Shows, Dec. 28 -31, Merrill Auditorium, AV]ea 2SQ & ! ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ Civic Center box office 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Portland. $47.50. Porttix.com; 842-0800 >]`bZO\R "% # >]`bbWf Q][) &" & Oct. 16 - Glen Campbell: The Goodbye =Qb $ ³ 5ZS\ 1O[^PSZZ( BVS 5]]RPgS On sale noon Wednesday - Bill Cosby, =\ aOZS \]]\ ESR\SaROg ³ 0WZZ 1]aPg Tour, 7:30 p.m., Merrill Auditorium, B]c` %(! ^ [ ;S``WZZ /cRWb]`Wc[ 7:30 p.m. Nov. 11, The Music Hall, %(! ^ [ <]d BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ Portland. $45 to $65. Porttix.com; >]`bZO\R "# b] $# >]`bbWf Q][) Portsmouth, N.H. $80 to $120. >]`ba[]cbV < 6 & b] Portlandovations.org; 842-0800 >]`bZO\R]dObW]\a ]`U) &" & Themusichall.org; (603) 436-2400. BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) $ ! "!$ " Oct. 18 - The Infamous Stringdusters, =Qb & ³ BVS 7\TO[]ca Ab`W\URcabS`a 8 p.m., Port City Music Hall, Portland. $15 to & ^ [ >]`b 1Wbg ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`bZO\R # b] The locals BVS Z]QOZa Statetheatreportland.com; (800) 745 $25. # AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][) & %"# Oct. 4 - AG, Garrison Starr and Maia Sharp, ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg 1WdWQ 1S\bS` =Qb " ³ /5 5O``Wa]\ AbO`` O\R ;OWO AVO`^ 3 0 0 0 ; Cumberland County Civic Center 8 p.m., Jonathan's, Ogunquit. $17.50/$21. & ^ [ 8]\ObVO\¸a =Uc\_cWb % # box office P]f ]T¿QS Jonathansrestaurant.com; 646-4526 8]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][) $"$ "# $ Oct. 19 - Cheryl Wheeler, 8 p.m., One =Qb ' ³ 1VS`gZ EVSSZS` & ^ [ =\S Oct. 5 - Lori McKenna, 8 p.m., One =Qb # ³ :]`W ;Q9S\\O & ^ [ =\S Longfellow Square, Portland. $25/$28. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Longfellow Square, Portland. $22/$25. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761-1757 =\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ %#% Oct. 20 - Spose Unplugged, 9 p.m., One =Qb ³ A^]aS C\^ZcUUSR ' ^ [ =\S Oct. 6 - Ben Harper, 8 p.m., State Theatre, =Qb $ ³ 0S\ 6O`^S` & ^ [ AbObS BVSOb`S Longfellow Square, Portland. $15/$18. :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S >]`bZO\R # & Portland. $35 to $55. Statetheatreportland >]`bZO\R !# b] ## AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R .com; (800) 745-3000; Cumberland County Q][) & %"# ! ) 1c[PS`ZO\R 1]c\bg Civic Center box office Please see T I X , Page E29 1WdWQ 1S\bS` P]f ]T¿QS Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <)0 C o n c e r t s a n d s h o w s c u r r e n t l y o n sale: 1]\QS`ba O\R aV]ea Qc``S\bZg ]\ aOZS(



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1]c`bSag ^V]b]

1 . " B o r d e r l a n d s 2œ T]` F!$ " for X360 ¾0]`RS`ZO\Ra 2. 5`WhhZg 0SO` ¾AVWSZRaœ Grizzly Bear, " S h i e l d s " 3. "Cabin in the W o o d s " (DVD) ! ¾1OPW\ W\ bVS E]]Raœ 2D2 4 . K a n y e W e s t , " K a n y e W e s t Presents " 9O\gS ESab ¾9O\gS ESab >`SaS\ba G.O.O.D. Music's 'Cruel S u m m e r ' " 5 = = 2 ;caWQ¸a ¡1`cSZ Ac[[S`¸ œ 5 . B o b D y l a n , "Tempest" # 0]P 2gZO\ ¾BS[^Sabœ 6 . " B o r d e r l a n d 2œ T]` >A! " f o r PS3 $ ¾0]`RS`ZO\R 7. B a n d of H o r s e s , " M i r a g e R o c k " % 0O\R ]T 6]`aSa ¾;W`OUS @]QYœ 8. The Killers, "Battle Born" & BVS 9WZZS`a ¾0ObbZS 0]`\œ 9 . B e n F o l d s F i v e , " S o u n d o f t h e Life ' 0S\ 4]ZRa 4WdS ¾A]c\R ]T bVS :WTS of the Mind" ]T bVS ;W\Rœ 10. T h e A v e t t B r o t h e r s , "The BVS /dSbb 0`]bVS`a ¾BVS Carpenter" 1O`^S\bS`œ

E1O GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

N #/.#%243 CONCERTS THURSDAY 4(523$!9 4EDESCHI 4RUCKS "AND ROCK AND BLUES WITH TedeschiTrucks Band, rock and blues, with 3CRAPOMATIC 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND TO Scrapomatic, State Theatre, Portland. $40 to $75; reserved seating, statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. RESERVED SEATING STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M Tricky Britches and Darlingside, bluegrass and 4RICKY "RITCHES AND $ARLINGSIDE BLUEGRASS AND string-rock, One Longfellow Square, Portland. STRING ROCK /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND $12. onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Recession Session with Kenny White, pianist/ 2ECESSION 3ESSION WITH +ENNY 7HITE PIANIST singer-songwriter, Stone Mountain Arts Center, SINGER SONGWRITER 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Brownfield. $15. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 8 p.m. P M Frontiers of Music #5, improvised music &RONTIERS OF -USIC IMPROVISED MUSIC COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCES 4HE &RONTIER "RUNSWICK collective performances, The Frontier, Brunswick. Name your price, explorefrontier.com. 7 p.m. .AME YOUR PRICE EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M Powerman 5000, nu metal, with Prospect Hill, 0OWERMAN NU METAL WITH 0ROSPECT (ILL Ascent to Power and Death Rattle, Asylum, !SCENT TO 0OWER AND $EATH 2ATTLE !SYLUM Portland. $25. portlandasylum.com. 7 p.m. 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Cassie and Maggie MacDonald, Celtic fiddle and #ASSIE AND -AGGIE -AC$ONALD #ELTIC lDDLE AND piano duo, Unity Centre for the Performing Arts. PIANO DUO 5NITY #ENTRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS $15. Linity.edu/uccpa. 7:30 p.m. UNITY EDU UCCPA P M FRIDAY &2)$!9 Journey, Loverboy, and Pat Benatar & Neil *OURNEY ,OVERBOY AND 0AT "ENATAR .EIL Giraldo, classic rock, Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. 'IRALDO CLASSIC ROCK "ANGOR 7ATERFRONT 0AVILION $31.50 to $111.50. waterfrontconcerts.com. Gates TO WATERFRONTCONCERTS COM 'ATES at 5 p.m. AT P M Oak and Ax Music Fest, Day 1 with Brown Bird, /AK AND !X -USIC &EST $AY WITH "ROWN "IRD Joe Fletcher and The Milkman's Union, The Oak *OE &LETCHER AND 4HE -ILKMAN S 5NION 4HE /AK and the Ax, Biddeford. $15; $35 for weekend AND THE !X "IDDEFORD FOR WEEKEND pass, theoakandtheax.blogspot.com. 7 p.m. PASS THEOAKANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Antje Duvekot, singer-songwriter, First !NTJE $UVEKOT SINGER SONGWRITER &IRST Congregational Church, New Gloucester. $15. #ONGREGATIONAL #HURCH .EW 'LOUCESTER 653-6151. 7:30 p.m. P M Stephane Wrembel, French-born guitarist 3TEPHANE 7REMBEL &RENCH BORN GUITARIST and composer, One Longfellow Square, AND COMPOSER /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE Portland. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Jim Weider's ProJECT PERCoLATor, rock, blues, *IM 7EIDER S 0RO*%#4 0%2#O,!4OR ROCK BLUES jazz and funk, York Harbor Inn, York Harbor. $20. JAZZ AND FUNK 9ORK (ARBOR )NN 9ORK (ARBOR jimweider.eventbrite.co. 8 p.m. JIMWEIDER EVENTBRITE CO P M Pete Kilpatrick Band, pop/rock, with Adam 0ETE +ILPATRICK "AND POP ROCK WITH !DAM

c`jk`e^j listings

4ORRES /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND Torres, One Longfellow Square, Portland. $20. onelongfellowsquare.com. 7 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M 'LEN 0HILLIPS AND 'RANT ,EE 0HILLIPS SINGER Glen Phillips and Grant Lee Phillips, singerSONGWRITERS FROM 4OAD THE 7ET 3PROCKET AND songwriters from Toad the Wet Sprocket and 'RANT ,EE "UFFALO 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER Grant Lee Buffalo, Stone Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $35. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 8 p.m. P M Red Baraat, Brit-India Bhangra with funky new 2ED "ARAAT "RIT )NDIA "HANGRA WITH FUNKY NEW WORLD BRASS "ATES #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS #ENTER world brass, Bates College (Olin Arts Center), Old Barn Series with Cahalen Morrison and /LD "ARN 3ERIES WITH #AHALEN -ORRISON AND Lewiston. $10 to $15; free tickets available for first ,EWISTON TO FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR lRST Eli West, roots, Stone Mountain Arts Center, %LI 7EST ROOTS 3TONE -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER 100 seniors or students, batestickets.com. SENIORS OR STUDENTS BATESTICKETS COM Brownfield. $10. stonemountainartscenter.com. "ROWNlELD STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM 7:30 p.m. P M 7:30 p.m. P M Brian Thompson and Sam Lee, hip-hop/funk, The "RIAN 4HOMPSON AND 3AM ,EE HIP HOP FUNK 4HE Solo VoXX: Fighting Hunger with Songs, classical, &RONTIER "RUNSWICK EXPLOREFRONTIER COM P M 3OLO 6O88 &IGHTING (UNGER WITH 3ONGS CLASSICAL Frontier, Brunswick. $7. explorefrontier.com. 6 p.m. FOLK JAZZ POP AND ROCK FROM A CAPPELLA VOCAL folk, jazz, pop and rock from a cappella vocal Oak and Ax Music Fest, Day 3 with Micah Blue /AK AND !X -USIC &EST $AY WITH -ICAH "LUE music ensemble; benefit for Food Pantries in Knox 3MALDONE %D !SKEW "AND (ERSEY 3TATE 7ESLEY MUSIC ENSEMBLE BENElT FOR &OOD 0ANTRIES IN +NOX Smaldone, Ed Askew Band, Mersey State, Wesley and Waldo counties; Northport Music Theater. AND 7ALDO COUNTIES .ORTHPORT -USIC 4HEATER Hartley, Panda Bandits and more, The Oak and (ARTLEY 0ANDA "ANDITS AND MORE 4HE /AK AND Admission is cash donation and/or non-perishable THE !X "IDDEFORD FOR WEEKEND PASS !DMISSION IS CASH DONATION AND OR NON PERISHABLE the Ax, Biddeford. $10; $35 for weekend pass. food donation, voiceoftwenty.com. 7:30 p.m. FOOD DONATION VOICEOFTWENTY COM P M theoakandtheax.blogspot.com. 7 p.m. THEOAKANDTHEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Jimmy Do Right &The Pop Go Boom, 12 original *IMMY $O 2IGHT 4HE 0OP 'O "OOM ORIGINAL songs performed and recorded by a pop orchestra -/.$!9 SONGS PERFORMED AND RECORDED BY A POP ORCHESTRA MONDAY of more than 20 local musicians; written and OF MORE THAN LOCAL MUSICIANS WRITTEN AND John Hiatt and The Combo, roots rock, Stone *OHN (IATT AND 4HE #OMBO ROOTS ROCK 3TONE arranged by Jimmy Dority; Mayo Street Arts, ARRANGED BY *IMMY $ORITY -AYO 3TREET !RTS Mountain Arts Center, Brownfield. $100. -OUNTAIN !RTS #ENTER "ROWNlELD Portland. $10. mayostreetarts.org. 7 p.m. Friday 0ORTLAND MAYOSTREETARTS ORG P M &RIDAY stonemountainartscenter.com. 8 p.m. STONEMOUNTAINARTSCENTER COM P M and Saturday. AND 3ATURDAY Havana Club, dance/CD-release party with Primo 45%3$!9 (AVANA #LUB DANCE #$ RELEASE PARTY WITH 0RIMO TUESDAY Cubano (classic Cuban music), 18-plus; Space #UBANO CLASSIC #UBAN MUSIC PLUS 3PACE Great Lake Swimmers, Toronto-based indie 'REAT ,AKE 3WIMMERS 4ORONTO BASED INDIE Gallery, Portland. $8. space538.org. 8 p.m. 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND SPACE ORG P M band, with Snowblink, One Longfellow Square, BAND WITH 3NOWBLINK /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Roots rocker John Hiatt and The @]]ba `]QYS` 8]V\ 6WObb O\R BVS Combo perform on Monday at 1][P] ^S`T]`[ ]\ ;]\ROg Ob the Stone Mountain Arts Center in bVS Ab]\S ;]c\bOW\ /`ba 1S\bS` W\ Brownfield. 0`]e\¿SZR

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Reel Big Fish, ska/punk, University of Southern 2EEL "IG &ISH SKA PUNK 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN Maine (Field House), Gorham. $25; $15 for -AINE &IELD (OUSE 'ORHAM FOR Gardner of Guster, Maine Marimba Ensemble 'ARDNER OF 'USTER -AINE -ARIMBA %NSEMBLE students, concertideastickets.com. 3 p.m. and Dominic Lavoie; benefit for Midcoast Hunger STUDENTS CONCERTIDEASTICKETS COM P M AND $OMINIC ,AVOIE BENElT FOR -IDCOAST (UNGER Glen Phillips and Grant Lee Phillips, singer'LEN 0HILLIPS AND 'RANT ,EE 0HILLIPS SINGER Prevention Program; The Frontier, Brunswick. $15 0REVENTION 0ROGRAM 4HE &RONTIER "RUNSWICK songwriters from Toad the Wet Sprocket and in advance; $20 day of show, explorefrontier.com. SONGWRITERS FROM 4OAD THE 7ET 3PROCKET AND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW EXPLOREFRONTIER COM Grant Lee Buffalo, Opera House at Boothbay 'RANT ,EE "UFFALO /PERA (OUSE AT "OOTHBAY 8 p.m. P M Harbor. $20 in advance; $25 day of show. (ARBOR IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW Hattie Simon, jazz piano and vocals, North Dam (ATTIE 3IMON JAZZ PIANO AND VOCALS .ORTH $AM boothbayoperahouse.com. 8 p.m. BOOTHBAYOPERAHOUSE COM P M Mill, Biddeford. Free, biddefordartwalk.com. 5 to -ILL "IDDEFORD &REE BIDDEFORDARTWALK COM TO Fishtank Ensemble, jazz, gypsy and flamenco, &ISHTANK %NSEMBLE JAZZ GYPSY AND mAMENCO 8 p.m. P M One Longfellow Square, Portland. $12 in advance; /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE Bowdoin College Afro-Latin Music Ensemble "OWDOIN #OLLEGE !FRO ,ATIN -USIC %NSEMBLE $15 day of show, onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. DAY OF SHOW ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M and Middle Eastern Ensemble, Bowdoin College AND -IDDLE %ASTERN %NSEMBLE "OWDOIN #OLLEGE SoulQuest Festival, rock, with Switchfoot, 3OUL1UEST &ESTIVAL ROCK WITH 3WITCHFOOT (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. 798 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE Needtobreathe, Brandon Heath, Peter Purler, Phil .EEDTOBREATHE "RANDON (EATH 0ETER &URLER 0HIL 4141. 7:30 p.m. P M Joel and other acts, Bangor Waterfront Pavilion. *OEL AND OTHER ACTS "ANGOR 7ATERFRONT 0AVILION $21.50 to $101. waterfrontconcerts.com. Gates at TO WATERFRONTCONCERTS COM 'ATES AT 10a.m. A M Oak and Ax Music Fest, Day 2 with Big Blood, /AK AND !X -USIC &EST $AY WITH "IG "LOOD Jeffrey Lewis, Tom K., Coalsax in Crux, Video *EFFREY ,EWIS 4OM + #OALSAX IN #RUX 6IDEO Nasties, Hyena and more, The Oak and the Ax, .ASTIES (YENA AND MORE 4HE /AK AND THE !X Biddeford, $12; $35 for weekend pass, theoakand "IDDEFORD FOR WEEKEND PASS THEOAKAND theax.blogspot.com. 7 p.m. THEAX BLOGSPOT COM P M Loop 2.4.3, New York-based percussion duo, ,OOP .EW 9ORK BASED PERCUSSION DUO Johnson Hall Performing Arts Center, Gardiner. *OHNSON (ALL 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER 'ARDINER $18; $8 for students, johnsonhall.org. 7:30 p.m. FOR STUDENTS JOHNSONHALL ORG P M Nor'Easters Barbershop, tribute to The Beach Boys .OR %ASTERS "ARBERSHOP TRIBUTE TO 4HE "EACH "OYS with The Back Bay Four, Downtown Crossing and WITH 4HE "ACK "AY &OUR $OWNTOWN #ROSSING AND Brunswick High School Chorus, United Methodist "RUNSWICK (IGH 3CHOOL #HORUS 5NITED -ETHODIST Church, Brunswick. $15; $12 for seniors; $5 for #HURCH "RUNSWICK FOR SENIORS FOR students, noreasterschorus.org. 7 p.m. STUDENTS NOREASTERSCHORUS ORG P M Solo VoXX: Fighting Hunger with Songs, 3OLO 6O88 &IGHTING (UNGER WITH 3ONGS classical, folk, jazz, pop and rock from a CLASSICAL FOLK JAZZ POP AND ROCK FROM A cappella vocal music ensemble; benefit for Food CAPPELLA VOCAL MUSIC ENSEMBLE BENElT FOR &OOD Pantries in Knox and Waldo counties; St. Thomas 0ANTRIES IN +NOX AND 7ALDO COUNTIES 3T 4HOMAS Episcopal Church, Camden. Admission is cash %PISCOPAL #HURCH #AMDEN !DMISSION IS CASH donation and/or non-perishable food donation. DONATION AND OR NON PERISHABLE FOOD DONATION voiceoftwenty.com. 7:30 p.m. VOICEOFTWENTY COM P M "2012 Singing for Their Supper," String Tide, Jud h 3INGING FOR 4HEIR 3UPPER v 3TRING 4IDE *UD Caswell, Anna Lombard, Sara Cox, Spencer Albee, #ASWELL !NNA ,OMBARD 3ARA #OX 3PENCER !LBEE Eric Bettencourt and others play around Brunswick %RIC "ETTENCOURT AND OTHERS PLAY AROUND "RUNSWICK to benefit Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program, TO BENElT -IDCOAST (UNGER 0REVENTION 0ROGRAM downtown Brunswick. Donation, mchpp.org. 9 DOWNTOWN "RUNSWICK $ONATION MCHPP ORG a.m. to 5 p.m. A M TO P M Saving Abel, rock, with Fifth Freedom, 18-plus; 3AVING !BEL ROCK WITH &IFTH &REEDOM PLUS Asylum, Portland. $15. portlandasylum.com. Time !SYLUM 0ORTLAND PORTLANDASYLUM COM 4IME not given. NOT GIVEN SUNDAY 35.$!9 Melvins Lite, alt-rock, 21-plus; Asylum, -ELVINS ,ITE ALT ROCK PLUS !SYLUM Portland. $15 in advance; $18 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW portlandasylum.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDASYLUM COM P M Joan Osborne Duo, rock/blues, Jonathan's *OAN /SBORNE $UO ROCK BLUES *ONATHAN S Restaurant, Ogunquit. $46.50 to $83.50. 2ESTAURANT /GUNQUIT TO jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Voices United Concert, with singer-songwriters 6OICES 5NITED #ONCERT WITH SINGER SONGWRITERS Connor Garvey, Cidny Bui lens and Vanessa #ONNOR 'ARVEY #IDNY "ULLENS AND 6ANESSA

Portland. $12 in advance; $15 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Sultans of String, raucous roots music, Unity 3ULTANS OF 3TRING RAUCOUS ROOTS MUSIC 5NITY Centre for the Performing Arts. $15. 948-7469. #ENTRE FOR THE 0ERFORMING !RTS 7:30 p.m. P M WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 Anthrax, metal, with Testament and Death Angel, !NTHRAX METAL WITH 4ESTAMENT AND $EATH !NGEL State Theatre, Portland. $26 in advance; $30 day 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY of show; general admission, statetheatreportland OF SHOW GENERAL ADMISSION STATETHEATREPORTLAND .com. 7:50 p.m. COM P M Sultans of String, raucous roots music, Skye 3ULTANS OF 3TRING RAUCOUS ROOTS MUSIC 3KYE Theatre Performing Arts Center, South Carthage. 4HEATRE 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER 3OUTH #ARTHAGE $15.491-0273. 7 p.m. P M OCT. 4 /#4 Maia Sharp, AC and Garrison Starr, supergroup of -AIA 3HARP !' AND 'ARRISON 3TARR SUPERGROUP OF women singers, Jonathan's Restaurant, Ogunquit. WOMEN SINGERS *ONATHAN S 2ESTAURANT /GUNQUIT $17.50 in advance; $21.50 day of show. IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW jonathansrestaurant.com. 8 p.m. JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM P M Portland Jazz Orchestra, 18-piece ensemble, 0ORTLAND *AZZ /RCHESTRA PIECE ENSEMBLE One Longfellow Square, Portland. $9 at door; /NE ,ONGFELLOW 3QUARE 0ORTLAND AT DOOR $5 in advance and for students and seniors. IN ADVANCE AND FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS onelongfellowsquare.com. 8 p.m. ONELONGFELLOWSQUARE COM P M Sultans of String, raucous roots music, Dexter 3ULTANS OF 3TRING RAUCOUS ROOTS MUSIC $EXTER Regional High School. $8. 924-4121. 7 p.m. 2EGIONAL (IGH 3CHOOL P M

COMEDY N #/-%$9 Open Mic Comedy Night, 21-plus; Slainte, /PEN -IC #OMEDY .IGHT PLUS 3LAINTE Portland. Free, slaintewinebar.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND &REE SLAINTEWINEBAR COM P M Thursday and Oct. 4. 4HURSDAY AND /CT Running with Scissors, improv, Comedy 2UNNING WITH 3CISSORS IMPROV #OMEDY Connection, Portland. $ 1 5 . 774-5554. 8 p.m. #ONNECTION 0ORTLAND P M Friday and Saturday. &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY Margaret Cho, with Selene Luna, mature content, -ARGARET #HO WITH 3ELENE ,UNA MATURE CONTENT State Theatre, Portland. $30 to $45; reserved 3TATE 4HEATRE 0ORTLAND TO RESERVED seating, statetheatreportland.com. 8 p.m. Saturday. SEATING STATETHEATREPORTLAND COM P M 3ATURDAY Standout Comedy Brunch, with Kelly 3TANDOUT #OMEDY "RUNCH WITH +ELLY MacFarland and Amy Tee, Jonathan's Restaurant, -AC&ARLAND AND !MY 4EE *ONATHAN S 2ESTAURANT Ogunquit. $31.95 (includes brunch). /GUNQUIT INCLUDES BRUNCH jonathansrestaurant.com. Noon Sunday. JONATHANSRESTAURANT COM .OON 3UNDAY

BARS/CLUBS N "!23 #,5"3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Griffin Sherry &The Ghost of Paul Revere, roots 'RIFlN 3HERRY 4HE 'HOST OF 0AUL 2EVERE ROOTS music, Dogfish Bar and Grille, Portland. MUSIC $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M Barn Swallows, bluegrass, Blue, Portland. "ARN 3WALLOWS BLUEGRASS "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Steamboat Gypsy, bluegrass and old-time country, 3TEAMBOAT 'YPSY BLUEGRASS AND OLD TIME COUNTRY Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Samuel James and D. Gross, roots and blues, 3AMUEL *AMES AND $ 'ROSS ROOTS AND BLUES Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM 10p.m. P M

Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <((

The P o r t l a n d Press H e r a l d / Thursday, S e p t e m b e r 27, | GO E l l BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3

I=: B:AK>CH THE MELVINS :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3# Continued from Page E5

UIPVHIU NBZCF XF E HFU DPXCPZT JG thought maybe we'd get 10 cowboys if XF XFSF MVDLZ w TBJE $SPWFS i#VU XF IBE we were lucky," said Crover. "But we had fans there." GBOT UIFSF w 5IF UPVS TUBSUFE JO "ODIPSBHF "MBTLB The tour started in Anchorage, Alaska, on Sept. 5. After that, the band flew to its PO 4FQU "GUFS UIBU UIF CBOE nFX UP JUT old stomping grounds of Seattle (where it PME TUPNQJOH HSPVOET PG 4FBUUMF XIFSF JU formed in the early '80s) and from there GPSNFE JO UIF FBSMZ T BOE GSPN UIFSF boarded a bus to criss-cross the U.S. The CPBSEFE B CVT UP DSJTT DSPTT UIF 6 4 5IF general route followed a path west across HFOFSBM SPVUF GPMMPXFE B QBUI XFTU BDSPTT northern and Midwestern states before OPSUIFSO BOE .JEXFTUFSO TUBUFT CFGPSF hitting the Atlantic here in Portland. IJUUJOH UIF "UMBOUJD IFSF JO 1PSUMBOE After the Asylum show, The Melvins "GUFS UIF "TZMVN TIPX 5IF .FMWJOT will get on the bus and head south down XJMM HFU PO UIF CVT BOE IFBE TPVUI EPXO the East Coast, then across the country UIF &BTU $PBTU UIFO BDSPTT UIF DPVOUSZ again. After playing Los Angeles, they'll BHBJO "GUFS QMBZJOH -PT "OHFMFT UIFZ MM board only their second flight of the tour CPBSE POMZ UIFJS TFDPOE nJHIU PG UIF UPVS for the scheduled final, record-breaking GPS UIF TDIFEVMFE mOBM SFDPSE CSFBLJOH show in Honolulu. TIPX JO )POPMVMV The band is making this tour under 5IF CBOE JT NBLJOH UIJT UPVS VOEFS the billing "Melvins Lite" because it's UIF CJMMJOH i.FMWJOT -JUFw CFDBVTF JU T performing as a three-piece outfit, when QFSGPSNJOH BT B UISFF QJFDF PVUmU XIFO normally their are more bodies on stage. OPSNBMMZ UIFJS BSF NPSF CPEJFT PO TUBHF The tour has 51 stops because it in5IF UPVS IBT TUPQT CFDBVTF JU JO cludes all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. DMVEFT BMM TUBUFT QMVT 8BTIJOHUPO % $ The record, Crover said, would be for fast5IF SFDPSE $SPWFS TBJE XPVME CF GPS GBTU est tour by a group. The Guinness record FTU UPVS CZ B HSPVQ 5IF (VJOOFTT SFDPSE for fastest tour by a solo performer was GPS GBTUFTU UPVS CZ B TPMP QFSGPSNFS XBT set in 2003 when "anti-folk" singer Adam TFU JO XIFO iBOUJ GPMLw TJOHFS "EBN Brodsky did 50 shows in 50 states in 50 #SPETLZ EJE TIPXT JO TUBUFT JO days. EBZT How much of this tour The Melvins )PX NVDI PG UIJT UPVS 5IF .FMWJOT will remember is hard to say. But Crover XJMM SFNFNCFS JT IBSE UP TBZ #VU $SPWFS usually remembers shows pretty well. For VTVBMMZ SFNFNCFST TIPXT QSFUUZ XFMM 'PS instance, he remembers playing a club JOTUBODF IF SFNFNCFST QMBZJOH B DMVC in Portland in 1994, the day after Nirvana JO 1PSUMBOE JO UIF EBZ BGUFS /JSWBOB lead singer Kurt Cobain died after comMFBE TJOHFS ,VSU $PCBJO EJFE BGUFS DPN mitting suicide. NJUUJOH TVJDJEF The Melvins knew Cobain well, given 5IF .FMWJOT LOFX $PCBJO XFMM HJWFO that they were all from Seattle. In fact, UIBU UIFZ XFSF BMM GSPN 4FBUUMF *O GBDU Crover played on some early Nirvana $SPWFS QMBZFE PO TPNF FBSMZ /JSWBOB demos (you can hear him on the album EFNPT ZPV DBO IFBS IJN PO UIF BMCVN


:fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Continued from Page E10 Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW roadhouse roots music, Gingko Blue, Portland. ROADHOUSE ROOTS MUSIC 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M Peter Gavett & Friends, acoustic folk-rock, Andy's 0ETER 'AVETT &RIENDS ACOUSTIC FOLK ROCK !NDY S O l d Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. /LD 0ORT 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM 6:30 p.m. P M Dave Gagne, indie folk, rock and reggae, Run of $AVE 'AGNE INDIE FOLK ROCK AND REGGAE 2UN OF the Mill Brewpub, Saco. therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ B"EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* " set, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784-7785. SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M Blaqdada, dance party with Bary Juicy, Che Ross "LAQDADA DANCE PARTY WITH "ARY *UICY #HE 2OSS and Atomik, 21-plus; Flask Lounge, Portland. AND !TOMIK PLUS &LASK ,OUNGE 0ORTLAND flasklounge.com. Time not given. mASKLOUNGE COM 4IME NOT GIVEN FRIDAY &2)$!9 207 Brand Launch Party, with Spose, Whitcomb "RAND ,AUNCH 0ARTY WITH 3POSE 7HITCOMB and Dark Hollow Bottling Company, 21-plus; Big AND $ARK (OLLOW "OTTLING #OMPANY PLUS "IG Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M This Way, Americana, CD-release show with The 4HIS 7AY !MERICANA #$ RELEASE SHOW WITH 4HE Adam Ezra Group, 21-plus; Empire Dine and !DAM %ZRA 'ROUP PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland. $8. portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Bob Rasero, acoustic blues, Blue, Portland. "OB 2ASERO ACOUSTIC BLUES "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M W i l l Daily, folk-pop, Blue, Portland. Donation. 7ILL $AILY FOLK POP "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M

i#MFBDIw BOE PO TFWFSBM DPNQJMBUJPOT "Bleach" and on several compilations), and was a fill-in member when the band BOE XBT B mMM JO NFNCFS XIFO UIF CBOE was in between drummers (which was a XBT JO CFUXFFO ESVNNFST XIJDI XBT B lot). MPU 4P XIFO 5IF .FMWJOT GPVOE UIFNTFMWFT So when The Melvins found themselves in Portland a day after Cobain's death, JO 1PSUMBOE B EBZ BGUFS $PCBJO T EFBUI they knew what they had to do. UIFZ LOFX XIBU UIFZ IBE UP EP i4PNF QFPQMF UIPVHIU XF TIPVME DBODFM "Some people thought we should cancel the show, but we knew Kurt would want UIF TIPX CVU XF LOFX ,VSU XPVME XBOU people to keep playing," said Crover. QFPQMF UP LFFQ QMBZJOH w TBJE $SPWFS Crover remembers another Portland $SPWFS SFNFNCFST BOPUIFS 1PSUMBOE show, after which he was walking past a TIPX BGUFS XIJDI IF XBT XBMLJOH QBTU B downtown music shop and saw a gong. So EPXOUPXO NVTJD TIPQ BOE TBX B HPOH 4P he bought it. "That was my first gong, and IF CPVHIU JU i5IBU XBT NZ mSTU HPOH BOE I got it in Portland," he said. * HPU JU JO 1PSUMBOE w IF TBJE 5IF .FMWJOT CFDBNF LOPXO JO UIF MBUF The Melvins became known in the late '80s and early '90s for a "sludgy" sound T BOE FBSMZ T GPS B iTMVEHZw TPVOE that mixed punk and metal. That sound UIBU NJYFE QVOL BOE NFUBM 5IBU TPVOE was seen as a very heavy influence on the XBT TFFO BT B WFSZ IFBWZ JOnVFODF PO UIF grunge explosion of the early '90s, which HSVOHF FYQMPTJPO PG UIF FBSMZ T XIJDI included everyone from Nirvana and JODMVEFE FWFSZPOF GSPN /JSWBOB BOE Soundgarden to Pearl Jam and Alice in 4PVOEHBSEFO UP 1FBSM +BN BOE "MJDF JO Chains. $IBJOT Partly due to Nirvana's success, The 1BSUMZ EVF UP /JSWBOB T TVDDFTT 5IF Melvins were signed to a major label, At.FMWJOT XFSF TJHOFE UP B NBKPS MBCFM "U lantic, and their first release for the label, MBOUJD BOE UIFJS mSTU SFMFBTF GPS UIF MBCFM "Houdini," made the Billboard charts. But i)PVEJOJ w NBEF UIF #JMMCPBSE DIBSUT #VU the band never had the commercial sucUIF CBOE OFWFS IBE UIF DPNNFSDJBM TVD cess or name recognition of some of the DFTT PS OBNF SFDPHOJUJPO PG TPNF PG UIF bands it influenced. CBOET JU JOnVFODFE Yet The Melvins continue to tour and :FU 5IF .FMWJOT DPOUJOVF UP UPVS BOE record. Their latest album, the elegantly SFDPSE 5IFJS MBUFTU BMCVN UIF FMFHBOUMZ titled "Freak Puke," came out in June. UJUMFE i'SFBL 1VLF w DBNF PVU JO +VOF In is review of the record, Spin magazine *O JT SFWJFX PG UIF SFDPSE 4QJO NBHB[JOF said, "one of the loudest bands on earth TBJE iPOF PG UIF MPVEFTU CBOET PO FBSUI has perfectly siphoned their gloomy enIBT QFSGFDUMZ TJQIPOFE UIFJS HMPPNZ FO ergy into evil cocktail jazz." FSHZ JOUP FWJM DPDLUBJM KB[[ w "It's nice the people have been influi*U T OJDF UIF QFPQMF IBWF CFFO JOnV enced by us and all," said Crover. "But FODFE CZ VT BOE BMM w TBJE $SPWFS i#VU we've been doing this so long, we just XF WF CFFO EPJOH UIJT TP MPOH XF KVTU keep doing it because we don't know LFFQ EPJOH JU CFDBVTF XF EPO U LOPX anything else." BOZUIJOH FMTF w Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 791AbOTT E`WbS` @Og @]cbVWS` QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' 6454 or at: $"#" ]` Ob( rrouthier(3)pressherald. com ``]cbVWS`.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

LQH, jazz, Blue, Portland. Donation. ,1( JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Now is Now, classic rock, RiRa, Portland. .OW IS .OW CLASSIC ROCK 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. 10 p.m. RIRA COM P M Poor Howard & Bullfrog, blues, Gingko Blue, 0OOR (OWARD "ULLFROG BLUES 'INGKO "LUE Portland, gingkoblue.com. 5 to 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM TO P M Rick Miller and Band, Chicago blues, Gingko 2ICK -ILLER AND "AND #HICAGO BLUES 'INGKO Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M Jeff Cusack, acoustic folk-rock, Andy's Old Port *EFF #USACK ACOUSTIC FOLK ROCK !NDY S /LD 0ORT Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M David Gagne, blues, 21-plus; Inn on the Blues, $AVID 'AGNE BLUES PLUS )NN ON THE "LUES York Beach. $5. innontheblues.com. 9:30 p.m. 9ORK "EACH INNONTHEBLUES COM P M Recondite, Northern Lights and Stronghold, 2ECONDITE .ORTHERN ,IGHTS AND 3TRONGHOLD underground hip hop, with Bbgunz, ConmanUNDERGROUND HIP HOP WITH "BGUNZ #ONMAN Jennu M the Element, JDG and Kmack, 21-plus; *ENNU - THE %LEMENT *$' AND +MACK PLUS Club Texas, Auburn. $5. clubtexas.info. Doors at #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN CLUBTEXAS INFO $OORS AT 7 p.m. P M Jeff Kilton, acoustic, Gritty McDuff's, Freeport. *EFF +ILTON ACOUSTIC 'RITTY -C$UFF S &REEPORT grittys.com. 8:30 p.m. GRITTYS COM P M Rob Schreiber's Standard Issue, jazz from the 2OB 3CHREIBER S 3TANDARD )SSUE JAZZ FROM THE great American songbook, Marriott at Sable Oaks, GREAT !MERICAN SONGBOOK -ARRIOTT AT 3ABLE /AKS South Portland, standardissue.me. 6:30 p.m. 3OUTH 0ORTLAND STANDARDISSUE ME P M Christina Sterling Trio, jazz, Dogfish Bar and #HRISTINA 3TERLING 4RIO JAZZ $OGlSH "AR AND Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M Dying Breed, Mad Flex, Ryan Augustus and $YING "REED -AD &LEX 2YAN !UGUSTUS AND Indigenous Immigrants, hard rock/metal, 21-plus; )NDIGENOUS )MMIGRANTS HARD ROCK METAL PLUS Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Sunrunner, Dementia 5, Hemlok and Vanishing 3UNRUNNER $EMENTIA (EMLOK AND 6ANISHING Act, hard rock, blues and metal, 21-plus; Geno's !CT HARD ROCK BLUES AND METAL PLUS 'ENO S Rock Club, Portland. $6. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 2OCK #LUB 0ORTLAND P M Jill Stringham w i t h Eric Mauriello, acoustic Irish *ILL 3TRINGHAM WITH %RIC -AURIELLO ACOUSTIC )RISH

Please see MUSIC, Page E12 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <()

" " % # $ Sunday, October 7 | 2:30 PM sponsored by Verr Dana LLR Tuesday, October 9 | 7:30 PM ' Robert Moody, conductor Andrew Russo, piano /%'13 //&7 #.-$3#2.0 .&1'6 422/ /)!-. MASON BATES Mothership P.I.TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No. 1 # )!-. .-#%02. . A A R O N C O P L A N D Symphony No. 3 7,/(.-7 .

Saturday, October 13 I 7:30 PM J ' > Sunday, October 14 | 2:30 PM /%'13 //&7 #.-$3#2.0 Robert Moody, conductor

$ . Sponsored by " ! Bath Sav ngs Trust & IDEXX

D t. Q

"0!-$ -%5 1(.5 &0., 31)# )0%#2.0 ."%02 ..$7 #.,")-)-' ,31)# &0., A brand-new show from Music Director Robert Moody, combining music from 3##)-) 1 /./3+!0 ./%0! 5)2( 2(% 25. #.-2%,/.0!07 0%2%++)-'1 )2 Puccini's popular opera La Boheme with the two contemporary retellings it )-1/)0%$ 2(% 0.!$5!7 1(.5 !-$ 2(% 1/%#2!#3+!0 &)+, inspired: the Broadway show Rent and the spectacular film Moulin Rouge.

" $ Tuesday, October 30 | 7:30 PM /%'13 //&7 #.-$3#2.0 Robert Moody, conductor /', /7'2 !-$ 1+$. */1.3/. #%++. Joel Noyes and Brian Thornton, cello

$ sponsored by # New Eng and

Rehab''taton Hosp'ta

.-#%02. &.0 5. %++.1 ANTONIO VIVALDI Concerto for Two Cellos .-#%02. &.0 5. %++.1 !-$ 0#(%120! DAVID OTT Concerto for Two Cellos and Orchestra )++)!, %++ 4%0230% GIOACHINO ROSSINI William Tell Overture 7,/(.-7 . DMITRI SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No. 1

" " " $ & ! & Sunday, October 28 I 2:30 PM J ' /%'13 //&7 #.-$3#2.0 Robert Moody, conductor /13,$.& $,,'3 $!-#%01 Portland Ballet, dancers

$ sponsored by TD Bank

An hour-long Halloween experience with symphonic thrills and - (.30 +.-' !++.5%%- %6/%0)%-#% 5)2( 17,/(.-)# 2(0)++1 !-$ chills for the whole family! Come in costume and come early #()++1 &.0 2(% 5(.+% &!,)+7 .,% )- #.123,% !-$ #.,% %!0+7 for games and activities in the lobby. &.0 '!,%1 !-$ !#2)4)2)%1 )- 2(% +.""7

% $ " Saturday, November 3 7:30 PM

j \T •, , , ' A m ,

Sunday, November 41 2:30 PM '+3$1/ $1$&$ '3%12 #.-$3#2.0 Keitaro Harada, guest conductor New Orleans Hot Jazz, band '6 1,'$.2 /3 $88 "!-$

"## All seats $10 !

$ sponsored by IDEXX & L.L Bean

$.4 +%2/. 4.#!+)12 Banu Gibson, vocalist J a s o n Rodgers, tap dancer $2/. /&)'12 2!/ $!-#%0

Tap your toes to classic American hits including popular favorites by !/ 7.30 2.%1 2. #+!11)# ,%0)#!- ()21 )-#+3$)-' /./3+!0 &!4.0)2%1 "7 artists such as George Gershwin, Irving Berlin and Hoagy Carmichael. !02)121 13#( !1 %.0'% %01(5)- 04)-' %0+)- !-$ .!'7 !0,)#(!%+

Sunday, November 18 | 2:30 PM Timothy Myers, guest conductor Jeff Nelsen, horn +-/3*7 7'12 '3%12 #.-$3#2.0 '(( ',2'. (.0C M . VON WEBER Euryanthe Overture ! 307!-2(% 4%0230% CLAUDE DEBUSSY Printemps # 0)-2%,/1 .0- .-#%02. . RICHARD STRAUSS Horn Concerto No. 1 IGOR STRAVINSKY The Firebird: Suite (1945) #



Join Robert Moody and special guests for an extra magical . .)- ."%02 ..$7 !-$ 1/%#)!+ '3%121 &.0 !- %620! ,!')#!+ production of what critics and audiences are calling Maine's /0 /0.$3#2).- .& 5(!2 #0)2)#1 !-$ !3$)%-#%1 !0% #!++)-' !)-% 1 finest holiday extravaganza! &)&)-%12 (.+)$!7 %620!4!'!-8!

1&'1 3/&$7 (/1 %'23 5$,4' $,, /13 " $3

)1)2 /13,$.& 7-0*/.7 /1) &.0 1%!1.- )-&.0,!2).- !-$ /!#*!'% $%!+1

E12 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3 % 2012


Continued from Page Ell :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3


Diamond Professionals 'LDPRQG 3URIHVVLRQDOV Since 1914 6LQFH

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music, all ages; Deer Run Tavern, Yarmouth. 846MUSIC ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN 9ARMOUTH TO P M 9555. 6 to 9 p.m. Ryan Halliburton, acoustic, Gritty McDuff's, 2YAN (ALLIBURTON ACOUSTIC 'RITTY -C$UFF S Freeport. grittys.com. 8:30 p.m. &REEPORT GRITTYS COM P M Kilcollins Band, pop and rock covers, RiRa, +ILCOLLINS "AND POP AND ROCK COVERS 2I2A Portland, rira.com. 10 p.m. 0ORTLAND RIRA COM P M Pete Finkle, rock, Run of the Mill Brewpub, Saco. 0ETE &INKLE ROCK 2UN OF THE -ILL "REWPUB 3ACO therunofthemill.net. 8 p.m. THERUNOFTHEMILL NET P M Poke Chop &The Other White Meats, blues rock, 0OKE #HOP 4HE /THER 7HITE -EATS BLUES ROCK Gingko Blue, Portland, gingkoblue.com. 9 p.m. 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND GINGKOBLUE COM P M $UKE 2OBILLARD "AND SOUL 2 " 4HE "IG %ASY Duke Robillard Band, soul/R&B, The Big Easy, Portland. $5 in advance; $7 day of show. 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE DAY OF SHOW bigeasyportland.com. 7 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Annalise Emerick, folk, Blue, Portland. Donation. !NNALISE %MERICK FOLK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Sandy Bailey, piano-based singer-songwriter, 3ANDY "AILEY PIANO BASED SINGER SONGWRITER with Only Sons, Blue, Portland. Donation. WITH /NLY 3ONS "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Jacob Forbes Quartet, jazz, Blue, Portland. *ACOB &ORBES 1UARTET JAZZ "LUE 0ORTLAND Donation, portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Amigos, acoustic, Portland Lobster Company. !MIGOS ACOUSTIC 0ORTLAND ,OBSTER #OMPANY portlandlobstercompany.com. Noon. PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM .OON Gypsy, rock covers, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. 'YPSY ROCK COVERS PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN $5. clubtexas.info. Doors at 8 p.m. CLUBTEXAS INFO $OORS AT P M Margot Frost and Earl Bigelo, acoustic duo, -ARGOT &ROST AND %ARL "IGELO ACOUSTIC DUO Dogfish Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogtishbar $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBAR andgrille.com. 8 p.m. ANDGRILLE COM P M Five Finger Discounts, rock/pop, 21-plus; Empire &IVE &INGER $ISCOUNTS ROCK POP PLUS %MPIRE

$INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM Dine and Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. P M SUNDAY 35.$!9 h3TRUT v AMATEUR BURLESQUE CONTEST PRESENTED "Strut! 3," amateur burlesque contest presented BY !TOMIC 4RASH PLUS 'ENO S 2OCK #LUB by Atomic Trash!, 21-plus; Geno's Rock Club, Portland. 221-2382. 9 p.m. 0ORTLAND P M Brunch with Sly Chi, R&B, RiRa, Portland. "RUNCH WITH 3LY #HI 2 " 2I2A 0ORTLAND rira.com. Noon. RIRA COM .OON 3HANNA 5NDERWOOD 4RIO COUNTRY !NDY S /LD 0ORT Shanna Underwood Trio, country, Andy's Old Port Pub, Portland, andysoldportpub.com. 8:30 p.m. 0UB 0ORTLAND ANDYSOLDPORTPUB COM P M .EW %NGLAND !MERICANA 3ONGWRITER S .IGHT WITH New England Americana Songwriter's Night, with Evan Gavry, Susan Cattaneo, John Colvert, Brian %VAN 'AVRY 3USAN #ATTANEO *OHN #OLVERT "RIAN -C+ENZIE +EITH #OWLEY AND 4AD /VERBAUGH McKenzie, Keith Cowley and Tad Overbaugh; Blue, Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 7 p.m. "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Big Lenny Breau Music Show, guitar clinic, "IG ,ENNY "REAU -USIC 3HOW GUITAR CLINIC VIP panel discussion and never-before-seen 6)0 PANEL DISCUSSION AND NEVER BEFORE SEEN video clips and sound bites, Empire Dine VIDEO CLIPS AND SOUND BITES %MPIRE $INE and Dance, Portland. $15 to $25. 879-8988. AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND TO portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Sultans of String, raucous roots music, Herbert 3ULTANS OF 3TRING RAUCOUS ROOTS MUSIC (ERBERT Grand Hotel, Kingfield. $15. 562-4445. 7:30 p.m. 'RAND (OTEL +INGlELD P M MONDAY -/.$!9 Peter Novell! Band, blues, Time Out Pub, 0ETER .OVELLI "AND BLUES 4IME /UT 0UB Rockland. $10. 593-9336. 7 p.m. 2OCKLAND P M Bluegrass Mondays, 21-plus; Empire Dine and "LUEGRASS -ONDAYS PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND Dance, Portland, portlandempire.com. 8 p.m. $ANCE 0ORTLAND PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M The Players Ball, funk, Big Easy, Portland. $3. 4HE 0LAYERS "ALL FUNK "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND bigeasyportland.com. 8:30 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M

Please see MUSIC, PageE34 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;CA71 GX^\ <*+

www.daysjewelers.com ZZZ GD\VMHZHOHUV FRP

W E( L R 6S -J (E : / (E 5

415 Philbrook Ave - Hannaford Plaza - South Portland, ME - 780-6052 3KLOEURRN $YH +DQQDIRUG 3OD]D 6RXWK 3RUWODQG 0(

ANTHRAX 6CI=G6M Continued from Page E7 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3%

amount of touring behind "Worship BNPVOU PG UPVSJOH CFIJOE i8PSTIJQ Music," and is now doing a second run of .VTJD w BOE JT OPX EPJOH B TFDPOE SVO PG dates with Testament and Death Angel. EBUFT XJUI 5FTUBNFOU BOE %FBUI "OHFM Both bands will open the State Theatre #PUI CBOET XJMM PQFO UIF 4UBUF 5IFBUSF show. TIPX "We had this in mind that, since we've i8F IBE UIJT JO NJOE UIBU TJODF XF WF been doing these Big 4 shows, if we had CFFO EPJOH UIFTF #JH TIPXT JG XF IBE the opportunity to go out, we'd like to take UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP HP PVU XF E MJLF UP UBLF out, like, the second wave of thrash bands PVU MJLF UIF TFDPOE XBWF PG UISBTI CBOET that came after the Big 4," Benante said. UIBU DBNF BGUFS UIF #JH w #FOBOUF TBJE "Testament was one, and Death Angel i5FTUBNFOU XBT POF BOE %FBUI "OHFM was in there too, so we thought it would be XBT JO UIFSF UPP TP XF UIPVHIU JU XPVME CF a good bill." B HPPE CJMM w

"We were the band that had the most to i8F XFSF UIF CBOE UIBU IBE UIF NPTU UP prove and the most to win," Benante said. QSPWF BOE UIF NPTU UP XJO w #FOBOUF TBJE "I really think it helped us recapture what i* SFBMMZ UIJOL JU IFMQFE VT SFDBQUVSF XIBU we had been missing. It has a huge effect XF IBE CFFO NJTTJOH *U IBT B IVHF FGGFDU on us personally as well... I'm so grateful PO VT QFSTPOBMMZ BT XFMM * N TP HSBUFGVM that we were given this opportunity." UIBU XF XFSF HJWFO UIJT PQQPSUVOJUZ w What also helped return Anthrax to top 8IBU BMTP IFMQFE SFUVSO "OUISBY UP UPQ form was getting back in the studio to GPSN XBT HFUUJOH CBDL JO UIF TUVEJP UP work on its "Worship Music," which was XPSL PO JUT i8PSTIJQ .VTJD w XIJDI XBT Alan Sculley is a freelance writer. released in September 2011. It has been SFMFBTFE JO 4FQUFNCFS *U IBT CFFO /ZO\ AQcZZSg Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` hailed as one of the best Anthrax CDs yet, IBJMFE BT POF PG UIF CFTU "OUISBY $%T ZFU with many metal-centric publications callXJUI NBOZ NFUBM DFOUSJD QVCMJDBUJPOT DBMM ANTHRAX ing it the genre's best album of 2011. JOH JU UIF HFOSF T CFTU BMCVN PG /<B6@/F WHEN: 7:50 p.m. Wednesday Benante said the opportunity to tweak #FOBOUF TBJE UIF PQQPSUVOJUZ UP UXFBL E63<( %(# ^ [ ESR\SaROg (doors at 7 p.m.) some of the songs and re-record the mateTPNF PG UIF TPOHT BOE SF SFDPSE UIF NBUF R]]`a Ob % ^ [ WHERE: State Theatre, 609 rial with Belladonna benefited the CD. SJBM XJUI #FMMBEPOOB CFOFmUFE UIF $% E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' Congress St., Portland "It became a classic album," Benante i*U CFDBNF B DMBTTJD BMCVN w #FOBOUF 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $26$ W\ ORdO\QS) ! in advance; $30 said. "Before, it wasn't a classic album. TBJE i#FGPSF JU XBTO U B DMBTTJD BMCVN 6=E ;C16( day of show; all ages Before, it was just an Anthrax record. #FGPSF JU XBT KVTU BO "OUISBY SFDPSE ROg ]T aV]e) OZZ OUSa INFO: statetheatreportland.com And I think now it became a (expletive) "OE * UIJOL OPX JU CFDBNF B FYQMFUJWF 7<4=( abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][ WHAT ELSE: Testament and Death Angel diamond." EJBNPOE w E6/B 3:A3( BSabO[S\b O\R 2SObV /\USZ open The band has done a considerable 5IF CBOE IBT EPOF B DPOTJEFSBCMF ]^S\




KEELAN DONOVAN 933:/< 2=<=D/< CD-RELEASE SHOW 12 @3:3/A3 A6=E Continued from Page E6 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3$ WITH AMY ALLEN E7B6 /;G /::3< WHEN: 8 p.m. Oct. 7 E63<( & ^ [ =Qb % What did you grow up listening to? 8IBU EJE ZPV HSPX VQ MJTUFOJOH UP WHERE: One Longfellow Square, E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e A_cO`S I'm still growing up. But in my 22 * N TUJMM HSPXJOH VQ #VU JO NZ 181 State St., Portland & AbObS Ab >]`bZO\R years, I have listened to a lot of different 6=E ;C16( & ZFBST * IBWF MJTUFOFE UP B MPU PG EJGGFSFOU HOW MUCH: $8 kinds of music. My sister introduced me 7<4=( ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) LJOET PG NVTJD .Z TJTUFS JOUSPEVDFE NF INFO: onelongfellowsquare.com; to pop music, and my friends showed UP QPQ NVTJD BOE NZ GSJFOET TIPXFE facebook.com/keelandonovan TOQSP]]Y Q][ YSSZO\R]\]dO\ me rock. I have had a number of phases, NF SPDL * IBWF IBE B OVNCFS PG QIBTFT though, including Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix BC@< G=C@ @/27= 27/: b] UIPVHI JODMVEJOH /JSWBOB +JNJ )FOESJY TURN YOUR RADIO DIAL to 102.9 WBLM ' E0:; and more recently, Jason Mraz. BOE NPSF SFDFOUMZ +BTPO .SB[ every Friday at 8:30 a.m. to hear SdS`g 4`WROg Ob &(! O [ b] VSO` Aimsel Ponti wax poetic about her top /W[aSZ >]\bW eOf ^]SbWQ OP]cb VS` b]^ Staff Writer Aimsel Ponti can be AbOTT E`WbS` /W[aSZ >]\bW QO\ PS live music picks for the week with the ZWdS [caWQ ^WQYa T]` bVS eSSY eWbV bVS contacted at 791-6455 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"## ]` Ob( Captain and Celeste. 1O^bOW\ O\R 1SZSabS aponti@pressherald. com O^]\bW.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][

@= PFL


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 2012


themovies the movies

“LOOPER” (R) (1:58) Stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt and Paul Dano. Directed by Rian Johnson. In 2072, when the mob wants to get rid of someone, the target is sent 30 years into the past, where a hired gun awaits. Someone like Joe, who one day learns the mob wants to “close the loop” by transporting back Joe’s future self. Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) FriWed 1, 3:45, 6:40, 9:15; Windham 5 Star Fri 4, 7:05, 9:25 Sat 1:10, 4, 7:05, 9:25 Sun 1:10, 4, 7:05 Mon-Wed 4, 7:05; Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) 11:30, 2:10, 4:45, 7:30, 10; Cinemagic Saco 12:30, 3:10, 6:50, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:40, 6:50, 9:40; Brunswick 10 Fri-Wed 1:30, 4:20, 7:10, 9:55

Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a spot-on Bruce Willis, who plays the younger man’s older self in the smart time-travel crime thriller ‘Looper.’


McClatchy Newspapers

oseph Gordon-Levitt utterly masters the Bruce Willis squint, where the action hero narrows his eyes, furrows his brow and purses his lips. He gives us a little of the Willis smirk, the one Bruce breaks out when he’s about to let go a whispered threat. Yeah, JGL has that whispered threat thing down, too. Levitt needs to master All Things Willis for “Looper,” in which he plays a time travelera assassin who discovers that his latest hit is on himself – the AARP-eligible version of himself. Loopers are the fellows who, in the future, stand next to the very spot that some poor hoodlum from the future is shipped

GO E13


Killer impersonation By ROGER MOORE


“WON’T BACK DOWN” (PG) (1:58) Stars Viola Davis, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Holly Hunter and Oscar Isaac. Directed by Daniel Barnz. Two determined mothers, one a teacher, want to transform their children’s failing inner city school. Facing a powerful bureaucracy, they risk everything to make a difference for their children’s education and future. Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 Sat 1:05, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20 Sun 1:05, 4:20, 6:50 Mon-Wed 4:20, 6:50; Cinemagic Saco Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:10, 3:20, 6:40, 9:20; Brunswick 10 Fri-Wed 1:50, 4:30, 7:20, 10

REVIEW “LOOPER,” starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt, Jeff Daniels and Paul Dano. Directed by Rian Johnson. Rated R for strong violence, language, some sexuality/nudity and drug content. Running time: 1:55 back to, already bound and hooded. The looper shoots the guy with a short-range shotgun, still called a blunderbuss. And if the looper is smart, he’s already got the victim lined up to land on a tarp, to make cleanup a snap. Joe is such a looper, a favorite of The Boss (Jeff Daniels), a loner who hoards the silver

Please see ‘LOOPER,’ Page E20

“HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA” (PG) (1:58) Stars Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Andy Samberg and Selena Gomez. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. Dracula operates a high-end resort far away from the human world. He goes into overprotective mode when a boy discovers the resort and falls for his daughter. Opening at: Windham 5 Star Fri 4:30, 7:10, 9:05 Sat 1:25, 4:30, 7:10, 9:05 Sun 1:25, 4:30, 7:10 Mon-Wed 4:30, 7:10; Nordica (Freeport) Fri-Wed 1:20, 4 (3D), 6:50 (3D), 9:15; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) 12 (3D), 2:20 (3D), 4:30 (3D), 7:10 (3D), 9:20 (3D); Cinemagic Saco 12:05, 2:25 (3D) 4:30, 7 (3D), 9:10; Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 11:50, 12(3D), 2, 2:10 (3D), 4:20, 4:30 (3D), 6:45, 7 (3D), 9, 9:20 (3D); Brunswick 10 Fri-Wed 1:40, 2:10, 4 (3D), 4:40, 6:40, 7:30, 9:20 (3D)

TriStar Pictures

Joseph Gordon-Levitt, top photo, is assigned to kill an older version of himself, played by Bruce Willis, above, in “Looper.”

“ARBITRAGE” (R) (1:47) Stars Richard Gere, Susan Sarandon and Brit Marling. Directed by Nicholas Jarecki. A troubled hedge fund magnate desperate to complete the sale of his trading empire makes an error that forces him to turn to an unlikely person for help. Opening at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Fri-Wed 1:15, 4, 6:50, 9:10

Please see MOVIES, Page E17

Dennis Perkins on the Manhattan Short Film Festival in Lewiston, E14 n New on DVD: ‘The Avengers,’ E15

E14 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 J O I N J O N SHANNON OF WPOR A N D RICK JOHNSON FROM "BIG HITS" -2,1 -21 6+$1121 2) :325 $1' 5,&. -2+1621 )520 ´%,* +,76¾ WYNZ AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR MOVIE TRIVIA NIGHT :<1= $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 029,( 75,9,$ 1,*+7 STARTING TONIGHT FROM 7PM TO 9 P M A N D EVERY THURSDAY AFTER! 67$57,1* 721,*+7 )520 30 72 30 $1' (9(5< 7+856'$< $)7(5 JOIN THE FUN A N D YOU C A N WIN GREAT PRIZES A N D MAYBE THE -2,1 7+( )81 $1' <28 &$1 :,1 *5($7 35,=(6 $1' 0$<%( 7+( "GRAND PRIZE" OF MOVIES FOR A YEAR! ´*5$1' 35,=(¾ 2) 029,(6 )25 $ <($5 *SEE DETAILS AND RULES AT PREVIEWS GRILL & BAR AT THE CINEMAGIC & IMAX IN SACO. 6(( '(7$,/6 $1' 58/(6 $7 35(9,(:6 *5,// %$5 $7 7+( &,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2

&,1(0$*,& ,0$; ,1 6$&2 IMAX 3D: RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION 5

(R) G U U 12:00-2:15-4:30-7:00-9:20

NO PASSES 12 3$66(6




3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 4:35-9:15 G 5 12 3$66(6 DREDD (R) 12:10-2:15-7:00 5 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 12:20-2:35-4:50-7:10-9:30

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 12:05-2:25-4:45-7:05-9:25 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 12:00-2:25-4:50-7:15-9:40 3* RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:15-2:30-4:45-7:15-9:30 U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 12:05-2:15-7:00 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (G) 4:35-9:15

* THE WORDS (PG13) 12:10-2:20-7:10 3* THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY (PG13) 4:25-9:30 3* POSSESSION (PG13) 12:10-2:20-4:30-7:15-9:20 3* LAWLESS (R) 12:05-2:30-4:55 5 BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:15-6:30-9:15 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:15-2:10-4:15-7:05-9:00 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:10-4:30-7:10-9:25



*5$1' DW &/$5.6 321'


3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:30 G 5 12 3$66(6 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 2:00-4:20-7:00-9:20

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 2:20-4:50-7:30-10:00 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 2:15-4:50-7:20-10:00 3* 3D RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) NO PASSES 4:30-9:50 G U 5 12 3$66(6 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 2:00-7:15 U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 2:10-7:10 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (G) 4:30-9:30

* LAWLESS (R) 2:10-4:45-7:30-10:00 5 2 0 1 6 (PG) 2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 FNEJ 3*



3D DREDD (R) NO PASSES 12:10-2:35-4:50-7:20-9:40 G 5 12 3$66(6 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET (PG13) 11:50-2:10-4:30-7:00-9:40

3* END OF THE WATCH (R) 12:30-3:30-7:10-9:50 5 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG13) 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 3* THE MASTER (R) 12:10-3:20-6:30-9:30 5 3D RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) NO PASSES 4:30-9:20 G U 5 12 3$66(6 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION (R) 12 3$66(6 NO PASSES 12:00-2:20-730 U 5 3D FINDING NEMO (G) NO PASSES 11:50-2:10-7:00 G * 12 3$66(6 FINDING NEMO (G) 4:40-9:50

* LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE (PG) 12:10-2:30-4:50-7:15-9:45 3* THE WORDS (PG13) 12:20-2:30-7:15 3* POSSESSION (PG13) 4:40-9:35 3* LAWLESS (R) 12:30-3:30-7:10-9:50 5 PARANORMAN (PG) 12:00-2:10-4:30-6:45 3* ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:50-2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 3* BOURNE LEGACY (PG13) 12:30-3:30-6:45-9:35 3* THE CAMPAIGN (R) 12:20-2:20-4:30-7:20-9:30 5 HOPE SPRINGS (PG13) 12:00-2:20-4:40-7:10-9:30

3* THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG13) 12:20-3:40-7:30-9:00 3*

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Courtesy of MSFF 1]c`bSag ]T ;A44

On a perilous journey to the North Pole, an Arctic explorer makes a critical =\ O ^S`WZ]ca X]c`\Sg b] bVS <]`bV >]ZS O\ /`QbWQ Sf^Z]`S` [OYSa O Q`WbWQOZ decision with lifelong consequences in "The Devil's Ballroom." RSQWaW]\ eWbV ZWTSZ]\U Q]\aS_cS\QSa W\ ¾BVS 2SdWZ¸a 0OZZ`]][ œ

Head to Lewiston for chance ?\X[ kf C\n`jkfe ]fi Z_XeZ\ to see, rate best short films kf j\\# iXk\ Y\jk j_fik Ă”cdj SJ ure, it's called the Manhattan Short VSF JU T DBMMFE UIF .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU Film Festival, but this year, there's 'JMN 'FTUJWBM CVU UIJT ZFBS UIFSF T just a little bit of Maine involved. KVTU B MJUUMF CJU PG .BJOF JOWPMWFE Begun in 1998 by Nicholas Mason, the #FHVO JO CZ /JDIPMBT .BTPO UIF Manhattan Short Film Festival (or as .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU 'JMN 'FTUJWBM PS BT its now known, Manhattan Short) has JUT OPX LOPXO .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU IBT grown to become one of the largest and HSPXO UP CFDPNF POF PG UIF MBSHFTU BOE most respected short NPTU SFTQFDUFE TIPSU film festivals in the mMN GFTUJWBMT JO UIF world, with its annual XPSME XJUI JUT BOOVBM week of worldwide XFFL PG XPSMEXJEF coordinated screenDPPSEJOBUFE TDSFFO ings reaching 100,000 JOHT SFBDIJOH people in 300 cities on QFPQMF JO DJUJFT PO six continents (sorry, TJY DPOUJOFOUT TPSSZ "OUBSDUJDB Dennis Perkins Antarctica) 'SPN UIJT ZFBS T uc • Âť r c i m i l i DSPQ PG TVCNJUUFE From this year's cr I n HIP Film TIPSUT GSPN BSPVOE ° P °f 52 ° submitted 11 I \A IV,* I IIIII I I i __ p i UIF HMPCF GFTUJWBM shorts from around PSHBOJ[FST IBWF XIJUUMFE EPXO UIFJS mOBM the globe, festival SPTUFS UP KVTU mMNT BOE DIPPTJOH UIF organizers have whittled down their final XJOOJOH mMN FBDI ZFBS BO IPOPS UIBU roster to just 10 films, and choosing the PGUFO GBTU USBDLT JUT XBZ UP BO 0TDBS winning film each year (an honor that OPNJOBUJPO JT JOWBSJBCMZ EJGmDVMU often fast-tracks its way to an Oscar "OE VQ UP ZPV nomination) is invariably difficult. 5IBU T JG ZPV IFBE VQ UP -FXJTUPO PO And up to you. 'SJEBZ 4BUVSEBZ PS 4VOEBZ GPS UIF 1VCMJD That's if you head up to Lewiston on 5IFBUSF T TDSFFOJOHT PG UIJT ZFBS T Friday, Saturday or Sunday for the Public .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU QSPHSBN CFDBVTF FBDI Theatre's screenings of this year's ZFBS UIF GFTUJWBM T #FTU 1JDUVSF JT DIPTFO Manhattan Short program, because each CZ QPMMJOH UIF BVEJFODF 5IBU T SJHIU year, the festival's Best Picture is chosen o ZPV XBUDI UIF mMNT ZPV mMM PVU UIF CBM by polling the audience. That's right MPU BOE ZPVS DIPJDF JT UBMMJFE BMPOH XJUI - you watch the films, you fill out the balUIPTF PG FWFSZ PUIFS JOUFSOBUJPOBM WJFXFS lot, and your choice is tallied along with UP EFUFSNJOF XIP HFUT UIF QSJ[F those of every other international viewer to'PS 5IPNBT 1MBU[ UIF 1VCMJD 5IFBUSF T determine who gets the prize. USFBTVSFS PG UIF CPBSE PG EJSFDUPST UIBU T For Thomas Platz, the Public Theatre's B IVHF ESBX i .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU XBT treasurer of the board of directors, that's BU 4QBDF (BMMFSZ JO 1PSUMBOE MBTU ZFBS w a huge draw. "(Manhattan Short) was 1MBU[ TBJE i#VU .BTPO XBT MPPLJOH GPS at Space Gallery in Portland last year," B MBSHFS WFOVF BOE XF TFBU BCPVU * Platz said, "But (Mason) was looking for DBMMFE IJN BOE IF XBT UISJMMFE w a larger venue, and we seat about 300.1 4P JT 1MBU[ BOE UIF SFTU PG UIF 1VCMJD called him, and he was thrilled." 5IFBUSF BO FRVJUZ UIFBUSJDBM QMBZIPVTF So is Platz and the rest of the Public UIBU NPVOUT B IBMG EP[FO QSPGFTTJPOBM Theatre, an equity theatrical playhouse QMBZT QFS ZFBS TFF JUT TDIFEVMF BU that mounts a half-dozen professional UIFQVCMJDUIFBUSF PSH CVU UIJT XFFLFOE plays per year (see its schedule at BTJEF SBSFMZ EPFT NPWJFT thepublictheatre.org) but, this weekend "T 1MBU[ FYQMBJOT i8F OPSNBMMZ EPO U aside, rarely does movies. EP mMNT CVU XF TFF PVSTFMWFT BT BO JO As Platz explains, "We normally don't UFHSBM QBSU PG UIF BSUT JO UIJT DPNNVOJUZ do films, but we see ourselves as an inBOE UIJT UZQF PG WFOVF JT TPNFUIJOH XF tegral part of the arts in this community, DBO EP o FWFO XIFO CVJMEJOH TFUT BU UIF and this type of venue is something we TBNF UJNF .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU HFUT BNB[ can do - even when building sets at the

;\ee`j G\ib`ej @e[`\ =`cd

same time. Manhattan Short gets amaz-

A mother comes to grips with a / []bVS` Q][Sa b] U`W^a eWbV O precocious young daughter in "Where ^`SQ]QW]ca g]c\U ROcUVbS` W\ ÂľEVS`S the Sea Flows." bVS ASO 4Z]ea Âś

ing films from all around the world, and JOH mMNT GSPN BMM BSPVOE UIF XPSME BOE pares them down to the very best." QBSFT UIFN EPXO UP UIF WFSZ CFTU w Judging from Manhattan Short's track +VEHJOH GSPN .BOIBUUBO 4IPSU T USBDL record and the stunning trailer for this SFDPSE BOE UIF TUVOOJOH USBJMFS GPS UIJT year's lineup (manhattanshort.com/ ZFBS T MJOFVQ NBOIBUUBOTIPSU DPN trailer.html), the 90-minute program USBJMFS IUNM UIF NJOVUF QSPHSBN (with films from Russia, Norway, Ireland, XJUI mMNT GSPN 3VTTJB /PSXBZ *SFMBOE Spain, the U.S. and more) should offer 4QBJO UIF 6 4 BOE NPSF TIPVME PGGFS something for everyone. Tickets are $10 TPNFUIJOH GPS FWFSZPOF 5JDLFUT BSF ($7 for students). GPS TUVEFOUT Once again, Portland film fanatics, it's 0ODF BHBJO 1PSUMBOE mMN GBOBUJDT JU T time to hop in the car and head north. UJNF UP IPQ JO UIF DBS BOE IFBE OPSUI You might help a deserving film make :PV NJHIU IFMQ B EFTFSWJOH mMN NBLF some history. TPNF IJTUPSZ Dennis Perkins is a Portland freelance writer. 2S\\Wa >S`YW\a Wa O >]`bZO\R T`SSZO\QS e`WbS`

COMING TO LOCAL SCREENS :FD@E> KF CF:8C J:I<<EJ PAYSON-SMITH HALL (USM), Portland >/GA=< A;7B6 6/:: CA; >]`bZO\R Thursday: "Fixing the Future." USM's BVc`aROg( ¾4WfW\U bVS 4cbc`S œ CA;¸a Sociology Department and Hour A]QW]Z]Ug 2S^O`b[S\b O\R 6]c` Exchange Portland present a free 3fQVO\US >]`bZO\R ^`SaS\b O T`SS screening of this 2010 documentary aQ`SS\W\U ]T bVWa R]Qc[S\bO`g about finding local, sustainable job OP]cb ¿\RW\U Z]QOZ acabOW\OPZS X]P opportunities in the wake of the global ]^^]`bc\WbWSa W\ bVS eOYS ]T bVS UZ]POZ financial crisis. Buy Local! ¿\O\QWOZ Q`WaWa 0cg :]QOZ NICKELODEON CINEMA, Portland <7193:=23=< 17<3;/ >]`bZO\R (patriotcinemas.com) ^Ob`W]bQW\S[Oa Q][ Thursday: "40 West." Remember a BVc`aROg( ¾" ESab œ @S[S[PS` O while ago when I called Dana Packard eVWZS OU] eVS\ 7 QOZZSR 2O\O >OQYO`R and Jennifer Porter's "40 West" the O\R 8S\\WTS` >]`bS`¸a ¾" ESabœ bVS best Maine-made feature I've ever PSab ;OW\S [ORS TSObc`S 7¸dS SdS` seen? Well, I haven't changed my aSS\- ESZZ 7 VOdS\¸b QVO\USR [g mind. Come on out to an encore [W\R 1][S ]\ ]cb b] O\ S\Q]`S screening of this intense, gripping aQ`SS\W\U ]T bVWa W\bS\aS U`W^^W\U thriller at the Nick, and maybe pick up bV`WZZS` Ob bVS <WQY O\R [OgPS ^WQY c^ a copy now that it's on DVD! O Q]^g \]e bVOb Wb¸a ]\ 2D2

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E15 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 #

1,&.(/2'(21 &,1(0$6 7HPSOH 0LGGOH 6W 2OG 3RUW ‡


Special Screening Tonite! 40 WEST -'%)$* %.''+)+( ,+)0' "


NEW ON THE SHELF <3E =< B63 A63:4

"AMERICAN HORROR STORY: THE COMPLETE Âľ/;3@71/< 6=@@=@ AB=@G( B63 1=;>:3B3 FIRST SEASON," starring Connie Britton and 47@AB A3/A=< Âś abO``W\U 1]\\WS 0`Wbb]\ O\R Dylan McDermott. Well-reviewed horror/thriller 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb ESZZ `SdWSeSR V]``]` bV`WZZS` series from FX pushes the envelope just about aS`WSa T`][ 4F ^caVSa bVS S\dSZ]^S Xcab OP]cb as far as a non-cable show possibly can. Britton Oa TO` Oa O \]\ QOPZS aV]e ^]aaWPZg QO\ 0`Wbb]\ and McDermott move into an older home known O\R ;Q2S`[]bb []dS W\b] O\ ]ZRS` V][S Y\]e\ locally as the "Murder House," with some truly Z]QOZZg Oa bVS Âľ;c`RS` 6]caS Âś eWbV a][S b`cZg strange and often disturbing results. Garnering ab`O\US O\R ]TbS\ RWabc`PW\U `SacZba 5O`\S`W\U the majority of the buzz here is old pro Jessica bVS [OX]`Wbg ]T bVS Pchh VS`S Wa ]ZR ^`] 8SaaWQO Lange as a particularly troublesome neighbor, :O\US Oa O ^O`bWQcZO`Zg b`]cPZSa][S \SWUVP]` but the cast is uniformly strong, and the story Pcb bVS QOab Wa c\WT]`[Zg ab`]\U O\R bVS ab]`g appropriately twisty and twisted. Not rated; O^^`]^`WObSZg beWabg O\R beWabSR <]b `ObSR) contains violence, language and strong sexual Q]\bOW\a dW]ZS\QS ZO\UcOUS O\R ab`]\U aSfcOZ content. Running time: 8:54 Q]\bS\b @c\\W\U bW[S( &(#" Suggested retail price: $49.98; Blu-ray $59.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( "' '&) 0Zc `Og #' ''


Dinner Nightly 5-9 • Lunch Daily 11:30-3 $INNER .IGHTLY s ,UNCH $AILY 2ESERVATIONS 3UGGESTED Reservations Suggested 967-2562

Daily Bargain Matinees- All Seats $6.00 $)*1 $.($)+ $0)+''/ ** '$0/

THE MASTER (R) 12-30 3-30 e-so 9-20 (PG-13) 1:30 4:15 7:00 9:30 7(R) 1:454:307:209:40 R) 12:453:005:157:30 ' ( N 9:45

Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Chris Hemsworth, left, as Thor and 1V`Wa 6S[ae]`bV ZSTb Oa BV]` O\R Chris Evans as Captain America in 1V`Wa 3dO\a Oa 1O^bOW\ /[S`WQO W\ "The Avengers." ÂľBVS /dS\US`a Âś

Âť(R) I (PG-13) """"7(PG-13)

1:154:00 1:005:107:10


SUPER TUESDAYS!!! ALL SEATS $5.00 ! ! # Starts Friday - ARBITRAGE 0$.0/ .)&$1 Starts Friday- LOOPER 0$.0/ .)&$1

OCEAN AVENUE, KENNEBUNKPORT /#%!. !6%.5% +%..%"5.+0/24


some explaining to do, given that their primary a][S Sf^ZOW\W\U b] R] UWdS\ bVOb bVSW` ^`W[O`g source of funding for their restaurant stems from a]c`QS ]T Tc\RW\U T]` bVSW` `SabOc`O\b abS[a T`][ luring would-be swingers to their apartment, Zc`W\U e]cZR PS aeW\US`a b] bVSW` O^O`b[S\b then killing them and taking their wallets. A bVS\ YWZZW\U bVS[ O\R bOYW\U bVSW` eOZZSba / stinging yuppie send-up and a pitch-black comabW\UW\U gc^^WS aS\R c^ O\R O ^WbQV PZOQY Q][ edy that still holds up, this remastered re-release SRg bVOb abWZZ V]ZRa c^ bVWa `S[OabS`SR `S `SZSOaS is a great gift for fans of offbeat cinema and Wa O U`SOb UWTb T]` TO\a ]T ]TTPSOb QW\S[O O\R an ideal introduction to the undervalued comic O\ WRSOZ W\b`]RcQbW]\ b] bVS c\RS`dOZcSR Q][WQ talents of its two talented leads. Special features bOZS\ba ]T Wba be] bOZS\bSR ZSORa A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa include a gag reel, a making-of documentary W\QZcRS O UOU `SSZ O [OYW\U ]T R]Qc[S\bO`g and archival interviews with Bartel and Woronov. O\R O`QVWdOZ W\bS`dWSea eWbV 0O`bSZ O\R E]`]\]d Rated R. Running time: 1:30 @ObSR @ @c\\W\U bW[S( (! Suggested retail price: $39.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( !' '# VIDEOPORT PICKS D723=>=@B >719A

"DAMSELS IN DISTRESS," starring Greta Âľ2/;A3:A 7< 27AB@3AA Âś abO``W\U 5`SbO Gerwig and Adam Brody. When it comes to 5S`eWU O\R /RO[ 0`]Rg EVS\ Wb Q][Sa b] quirky yet thoughtful comedy-dramas about _cW`Yg gSb bV]cUVbTcZ Q][SRg R`O[Oa OP]cb the affluent and disaffected, filmmakers such as bVS OTĂ€cS\b O\R RWaOTTSQbSR ÂżZ[[OYS`a acQV Oa Wes Anderson and Noah Baumbach immediately ESa /\RS`a]\ O\R <]OV 0Oc[POQV W[[SRWObSZg come to mind these days, but they hardly paved Q][S b] [W\R bVSaS ROga Pcb bVSg VO`RZg ^OdSR the way. Writer-director Whit Stillman, who bVS eOg E`WbS` RW`SQb]` EVWb AbWZZ[O\ eV] brings us "Damsels in Distress" after a conspicuP`W\Ua ca Âľ2O[aSZa W\ 2Wab`SaaÂś OTbS` O Q]\a^WQc ous 14-year absence, was an early and somewhat "THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS, PART 1," ]ca " gSO` OPaS\QS eOa O\ SO`Zg O\R a][SeVOb ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @3BC@<A >/@B Âś overlooked spark for this particular sub-genre, ]dS`Z]]YSR a^O`Y T]` bVWa ^O`bWQcZO` acP US\`S animated with the voices of Peter Weller and O\W[ObSR eWbV bVS d]WQSa ]T >SbS` ESZZS` O\R and 199O's "Metropolitan" and 1994's "BarceO\R '' ¸a Âľ;Sb`]^]ZWbO\Âś O\R ''"¸a Âľ0O`QS Michael Emerson. Not to be confused with ;WQVOSZ 3[S`a]\ <]b b] PS Q]\TcaSR eWbV lona" are both classics of the form. Z]\OÂś O`S P]bV QZOaaWQa ]T bVS T]`[ "The Dark Knight Rises," Christopher Nolan's ÂľBVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb @WaSa Âś 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\¸a Playing it a bit broader than previously with >ZOgW\U Wb O PWb P`]ORS` bVO\ ^`SdW]caZg eWbV follow-up to "The Dark Knight," "Returns" is a T]ZZ]e c^ b] ÂľBVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb Âś Âľ@Sbc`\aÂś Wa O "Damsels," Stillman's return to form is nonetheÂľ2O[aSZa Âś AbWZZ[O\¸a `Sbc`\ b] T]`[ Wa \]\SbVS moody, sleek and faithful animated adaptation. []]Rg aZSSY O\R TOWbVTcZ O\W[ObSR ORO^bObW]\ less a throughout ingratiating and enjoyable The ever-dependable Weller ("Robocop") makes ZSaa O bV`]cUV]cb W\U`ObWObW\U O\R S\X]gOPZS BVS SdS` RS^S\ROPZS ESZZS` Âľ@]P]Q]^Âś [OYSa highbrow comedy. Although star Gerwig is still VWUVP`]e Q][SRg /ZbV]cUV abO` 5S`eWU Wa abWZZ for a suitably dour caped crusader, returning T]` O acWbOPZg R]c` QO^SR Q`caORS` `Sbc`\W\U more of a critical darling than the household from a decade-long hiatus to once again take on []`S ]T O Q`WbWQOZ RO`ZW\U bVO\ bVS V]caSV]ZR T`][ O RSQORS Z]\U VWObca b] ]\QS OUOW\ bOYS ]\ name she will no doubt one day become, it's not \O[S aVS eWZZ \] R]cPb ]\S ROg PSQ][S Wb¸a \]b the likes of The Joker (memorably voiced here bVS ZWYSa ]T BVS 8]YS` [S[]`OPZg d]WQSR VS`S for lack of trying in this film, as she dominates all T]` ZOQY ]T b`gW\U W\ bVWa ÂżZ[ Oa aVS R][W\ObSa OZZ by Emerson of "Lost") and Two-Face (Wade Pg 3[S`a]\ ]T Âľ:]abÂś O\R Be] 4OQS EORS scenes with her portrayal of Violet, a self-styled aQS\Sa eWbV VS` ^]`b`OgOZ ]T DW]ZSb O aSZT abgZSR Williams, "Prison Break"). Rated PG-13. Running EWZZWO[a Âľ>`Wa]\ 0`SOYÂś @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U student at the fictional Seven Oaks College who abcRS\b Ob bVS ÂżQbW]\OZ ASdS\ =OYa 1]ZZSUS eV] time: 1:16 bW[S( ( $ runs the student suicide prevention center with `c\a bVS abcRS\b acWQWRS ^`SdS\bW]\ QS\bS` eWbV Suggested retail price: $19.98; Blu-ray $24.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '&) 0Zc `Og " '& her girlfriends. Rated PG-13. Running time: 1:39 VS` UW`ZT`WS\Ra @ObSR >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( (!' Suggested retail price: $30.99; Blu-ray $35.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ! '') 0Zc `Og !# '' "PORTLANDIA: SEASON TWO," starring Âľ>=@B:/<27/( A3/A=< BE= Âś abO``W\U Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein. Daffy yet 4`SR /`[WaS\ O\R 1O``WS 0`]e\abSW\ 2OTTg gSb "THE SAMARITAN," starring Samuel L. Jackson ÂľB63 A/;/@7B/< Âś abO``W\U AO[cSZ : 8OQYa]\ pointed, ruthless but somehow never mean, ^]W\bSR `cbVZSaa Pcb a][SV]e \SdS` [SO\ and Ruth Negga. Film noir is a tricky genre to O\R @cbV <SUUO 4WZ[ \]W` Wa O b`WQYg US\`S b] this sketch show from IFC keeps getting better bVWa aYSbQV aV]e T`][ 741 YSS^a USbbW\U PSbbS` pull off, and even trickier to convince a wider ^cZZ ]TT O\R SdS\ b`WQYWS` b] Q]\dW\QS O eWRS` and better, as unlikely but perfect duo Armisen O\R PSbbS` Oa c\ZWYSZg Pcb ^S`TSQb Rc] /`[WaS\ audience to take a chance on. With "The SamariOcRWS\QS b] bOYS O QVO\QS ]\ EWbV ÂľBVS AO[O`W ("Saturday Night Live") and Sleater-Kinney ÂľAObc`ROg <WUVb :WdSÂś O\R AZSObS` 9W\\Sg tan," writer-director David Weaver and star/coleader Brownstein continue to lovingly lampoon bO\ Âś e`WbS` RW`SQb]` 2OdWR ESOdS` O\R abO` Q] ZSORS` 0`]e\abSW\ Q]\bW\cS b] Z]dW\UZg ZO[^]]\ producer Jackson certainly succeeded in the ^`]RcQS` 8OQYa]\ QS`bOW\Zg acQQSSRSR W\ bVS the ultra-liberal, unfailingly politically correct bVS cZb`O ZWPS`OZ c\TOWZW\UZg ^]ZWbWQOZZg Q]``SQb former, creating a plum role for Jackson as Foley, T]`[S` Q`SObW\U O ^Zc[ `]ZS T]` 8OQYa]\ Oa 4]ZSg city they know so well (that other Portland). QWbg bVSg Y\]e a] eSZZ bVOb ]bVS` >]`bZO\R the ever-present ex-con looking to go straight bVS SdS` ^`SaS\b Sf Q]\ Z]]YW\U b] U] ab`OWUVb While Oregonians and people who came of EVWZS =`SU]\WO\a O\R ^S]^ZS eV] QO[S ]T and taking an innocuous-seeming job on a conO\R bOYW\U O\ W\\]Qc]ca aSS[W\U X]P ]\ O Q]\ age in the '90s are most likely to catch all the OUS W\ bVS ¸' a O`S []ab ZWYSZg b] QObQV OZZ bVS struction crew upon his release from a lengthy ab`cQbW]\ Q`Se c^]\ VWa `SZSOaS T`][ O ZS\UbVg references and quirks, "Portlandia" keeps things `STS`S\QSa O\R _cW`Ya Âľ>]`bZO\RWOÂś YSS^a bVW\Ua jail stint. It isn't long before he's approached by XOWZ abW\b 7b Wa\¸b Z]\U PST]`S VS¸a O^^`]OQVSR Pg broad enough for viewers of most any stripe to P`]OR S\]cUV T]` dWSeS`a ]T []ab O\g ab`W^S b] the equally ever-present shady types, who have bVS S_cOZZg SdS` ^`SaS\b aVORg bg^Sa eV] VOdS thoroughly enjoy. Not rated; contains language bV]`]cUVZg S\X]g <]b `ObSR) Q]\bOW\a ZO\UcOUS mysterious reasons for needing Foley to return [gabS`W]ca `SOa]\a T]` \SSRW\U 4]ZSg b] `Sbc`\ and crude humor. Running time: 3:40 O\R Q`cRS Vc[]` @c\\W\U bW[S( !(" to his former life of crime. In the meantime, b] VWa T]`[S` ZWTS ]T Q`W[S 7\ bVS [SO\bW[S Suggested retail price: $19.95; Blu-ray $24.95 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '#) 0Zc `Og " '# Foley becomes friends with Iris (Negga), the 4]ZSg PSQ][Sa T`WS\Ra eWbV 7`Wa <SUUO bVS prerequisite damsel in distress, and before long, ^`S`S_cWaWbS RO[aSZ W\ RWab`Saa O\R PST]`S Z]\U NEW TO BLU-RAY <3E B= 0:C @/G the double dealings and unpleasant situations bVS R]cPZS RSOZW\Ua O\R c\^ZSOaO\b aWbcObW]\a "EATING RAOUL," starring Paul Bartel and Âľ3/B7<5 @/=C: Âś abO``W\U >OcZ 0O`bSZ O\R are piling up as expected. Rated R for strong O`S ^WZW\U c^ Oa Sf^SQbSR @ObSR @ T]` ab`]\U Mary Woronov. Beloved cult classic from 1982 ;O`g E]`]\]d 0SZ]dSR QcZb QZOaaWQ T`][ '& violence, language, some sexuality and drug use. dW]ZS\QS ZO\UcOUS a][S aSfcOZWbg O\R R`cU caS gets the deluxe Criterion treatment, and the USba bVS RSZcfS 1`WbS`W]\ b`SOb[S\b O\R bVS Running time: 1:30. @c\\W\U bW[S( (! Blands (as unforgettably portrayed by inspired 0ZO\Ra Oa c\T]`USbbOPZg ^]`b`OgSR Pg W\a^W`SR Suggested retail price: $24.98; Blu-ray $29.98 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( " '&) 0Zc `Og ' '& team Bartel and Woronov) have never looked bSO[ 0O`bSZ O\R E]`]\]d VOdS \SdS` Z]]YSR — Courtesy of Videoport better, at least visually. Morally, they've still got ´ 1]c`bSag ]T DWRS]^]`b PSbbS` Ob ZSOab dWacOZZg ;]`OZZg bVSg¸dS abWZZ U]b


"THE AVENGERS," starring Robert Downey ¾B63 /D3<53@A œ abO``W\U @]PS`b 2]e\Sg 8` O\R 1V`Wa 3dO\a 8cRUW\U Pg bVS c\^`SQ Jr. and Chris Evans. Judging by the unprecSRS\bSR P]f ]T¿QS \c[PS`a O\g]\S `S\bW\U edented box office numbers, anyone renting "The Avengers" this week will likely be doing ¾BVS /dS\US`aœ bVWa eSSY eWZZ ZWYSZg PS R]W\U so to enjoy a second viewing, and with a movie a] b] S\X]g O aSQ]\R dWSeW\U O\R eWbV O []dWS packed with this much entertainment, multiple ^OQYSR eWbV bVWa [cQV S\bS`bOW\[S\b [cZbW^ZS viewings are practically essential. The superhero dWSeW\Ua O`S ^`OQbWQOZZg SaaS\bWOZ BVS ac^S`VS`] []dWS b] S\R OZZ ac^S`VS`] []dWSa ¾/dS\US`aœ movie to end all superhero movies, "Avengers" UObVS`a 7`]\ ;O\ 2]e\Sg 1O^bOW\ /[S`WQO gathers Iron Man (Downey), Captain America 3dO\a BVS 6cZY ;O`Y @cTTOZ] O\R BV]` 1V`Wa (Evans), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) and Thor (Chris 6S[ae]`bV Xcab b] \O[S bVS PWUUWSa ;cQV Hemsworth), just to name the biggies. Much mayhem ensures, and it's all presided over by [OgVS[ S\ac`Sa O\R Wb¸a OZZ ^`SaWRSR ]dS` Pg director Joss Whedon, a longtime comics fan RW`SQb]` 8]aa EVSR]\ O Z]\UbW[S Q][WQa TO\ who understands his characters and his audience eV] c\RS`abO\Ra VWa QVO`OQbS`a O\R VWa OcRWS\QS inside and out. The result is the most satisfying W\aWRS O\R ]cb BVS `SacZb Wa bVS []ab aObWaTgW\U summer blockbuster since "The Dark Knight." ac[[S` PZ]QYPcabS` aW\QS ¾BVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb œ Special features include a commentary from A^SQWOZ TSObc`Sa W\QZcRS O Q][[S\bO`g T`][ Whedon, deleted scenes and a gag reel. Rated EVSR]\ RSZSbSR aQS\Sa O\R O UOU `SSZ @ObSR PG-13. Running time: 2:23 >5 ! @c\\W\U bW[S( ( ! Suggested retail price: $29.99; Blu-ray $39.99 AcUUSabSR `SbOWZ ^`WQS( ' '') 0Zc `Og !' ''

,/"34%23 !2% LOBSTERS ARE OUR SPECIALTY! /52 30%#)!,49


STREET (PG-13) (210 440) 735 1005

END OF WATCH (R) (155 430) 720 955


(150420)645920 ) 715PM RESIDENT EVIL 5 (R) 145PM "" RESIDENT EVIL 5 3D (R) * 425PM 935 PM FINDING NEMO 3D (G) * 35405 705 935 THE POSSESSION (PG-13) 205 445 725 940 LAWLESS (R) 130410 650 930 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) 200 435 710950

1 Freeport Village Station • 228-1868

Times for Thursday, September 27,2012 END OF WATCH m 1:45,4:15,7:20,9:40 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET ^n 1:30,3:50,7:10,9:20 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE ^m 1:00,3:30,


FINDING NEMO- 1:10 FINDING NEMO 3D m 3:40,6:30,8:45 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION m 2:00,9:30 RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION 3D m 4:30, 7:00 THE WORDS 20134:00,9:15 HOPE S P R I N G S ' ' 1:20 6:50

s 0- s


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3 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` %

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E17 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 %


( ( ( (( ( ( "40 WEST" (NR) Stars Jennifer Nichole Porter, Scott Âľ" E3ABÂś <@ AbO`a 8S\\WTS` <WQV]ZS >]`bS` AQ]bb Winters and Brian A. White. Directed by Dana Packard. EW\bS`a O\R 0`WO\ / EVWbS 2W`SQbSR Pg 2O\O >OQYO`R A blues musician finds herself trapped in a sordid East / PZcSa [caWQWO\ Âż\Ra VS`aSZT b`O^^SR W\ O a]`RWR 3Oab Texas motel room with her violent husband, who was BSfOa []bSZ `]][ eWbV VS` dW]ZS\b VcaPO\R eV] eOa released from prison early. The film contains strong `SZSOaSR T`][ ^`Wa]\ SO`Zg BVS ÂżZ[ Q]\bOW\a ab`]\U language and violence. ZO\UcOUS O\R dW]ZS\QS Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thursday 6:30,9 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`aROg $(! '

Warner Bros. EO`\S` 0`]a

Amy Adams and Clint Eastwood star as a career-woman daughter and her /[g /RO[a O\R 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R abO` Oa O QO`SS` e][O\ ROcUVbS` O\R VS` baseball scout father in "Trouble With the Curve." POaSPOZZ aQ]cb TObVS` W\ ÂľB`]cPZS EWbV bVS 1c`dS Âś

No surprises, just great acting Ef jligi`j\j# aljk ^i\Xk XZk`e^ in Trouble With the Curve' `e ĂŠKiflYc\ N`k_ k_\ :lim\Ă‹ By COLIN COVERT #Z $0-*/ $07&35 McClatchy Newspapers .D$MBUDIZ /FXTQBQFST

"Trouble With the Curve" is an absolute i5SPVCMF 8JUI UIF $VSWFw JT BO BCTPMVUF home run, the total package of charming IPNF SVO UIF UPUBM QBDLBHF PG DIBSNJOH romantic comedy, poignant family drama SPNBOUJD DPNFEZ QPJHOBOU GBNJMZ ESBNB and superb acting. It's further proof that BOE TVQFSC BDUJOH *U T GVSUIFS QSPPG UIBU Clint Eastwood, now nearing his sixth $MJOU &BTUXPPE OPX OFBSJOH IJT TJYUI decade onscreen, just improves with age. EFDBEF POTDSFFO KVTU JNQSPWFT XJUI BHF Unlike his old-school action-star cohorts 6OMJLF IJT PME TDIPPM BDUJPO TUBS DPIPSUT who brand themselves "expendables" in XIP CSBOE UIFNTFMWFT iFYQFOEBCMFTw JO trivial paycheck roles, Eastwood plays big USJWJBM QBZDIFDL SPMFT &BTUXPPE QMBZT CJH three-dimensional parts in substantial, UISFF EJNFOTJPOBM QBSUT JO TVCTUBOUJBM audience-pleasing films. BVEJFODF QMFBTJOH mMNT Eastwood gives a wonderful perfor&BTUXPPE HJWFT B XPOEFSGVM QFSGPS mance as Gus Lobel, a gruff, widowed, NBODF BT (VT -PCFM B HSVGG XJEPXFE increasingly frail talent scout for the JODSFBTJOHMZ GSBJM UBMFOU TDPVU GPS UIF Atlanta Braves. He's a proud relic from "UMBOUB #SBWFT )F T B QSPVE SFMJD GSPN a bygone era. His vision is failing, and B CZHPOF FSB )JT WJTJPO JT GBJMJOH BOE he's a throwback in today's "Moneyball" IF T B UISPXCBDL JO UPEBZ T i.POFZCBMMw world of laptop spreadsheets and playerXPSME PG MBQUPQ TQSFBETIFFUT BOE QMBZFS performance algorithms. His instincts for QFSGPSNBODF BMHPSJUINT )JT JOTUJODUT GPS the human dimensions of the game are UIF IVNBO EJNFOTJPOT PG UIF HBNF BSF still top-notch. His relationship with his TUJMM UPQ OPUDI )JT SFMBUJPOTIJQ XJUI IJT neglected daughter Mickey (Amy Adams), OFHMFDUFE EBVHIUFS .JDLFZ "NZ "EBNT a no-nonsense attorney, not so much. B OP OPOTFOTF BUUPSOFZ OPU TP NVDI When Gus' best friend (John Goodman) 8IFO (VT CFTU GSJFOE +PIO (PPENBO persuades her to take a break and help QFSTVBEFT IFS UP UBLF B CSFBL BOE IFMQ Gus on a crucial recruiting trip, we can (VT PO B DSVDJBM SFDSVJUJOH USJQ XF DBO see the film's blueprint. That it plays out TFF UIF mMN T CMVFQSJOU 5IBU JU QMBZT PVU just as we expect in no way diminishes the KVTU BT XF FYQFDU JO OP XBZ EJNJOJTIFT UIF satisfaction it provides. TBUJTGBDUJPO JU QSPWJEFT Of course Gus and Mickey will squabble 0G DPVSTF (VT BOE .JDLFZ XJMM TRVBCCMF colorfully, then become a great team. Yes, DPMPSGVMMZ UIFO CFDPNF B HSFBU UFBN :FT the nasty professional rivals circling both UIF OBTUZ QSPGFTTJPOBM SJWBMT DJSDMJOH CPUI dad and daughter will get a good comeupEBE BOE EBVHIUFS XJMM HFU B HPPE DPNFVQ pance. Naturally handsome Boston Red QBODF /BUVSBMMZ IBOETPNF #PTUPO 3FE Sox scout Johnny (Justin Timberlake, 4PY TDPVU +PIOOZ +VTUJO 5JNCFSMBLF engaging as ever) will coax Mickey out FOHBHJOH BT FWFS XJMM DPBY .JDLFZ PVU of her career-woman shell and seal the PG IFS DBSFFS XPNBO TIFMM BOE TFBM UIF deal with a sizzling kiss. Without being the EFBM XJUI B TJ[[MJOH LJTT 8JUIPVU CFJOH UIF slightest bit innovative, the film delivers TMJHIUFTU CJU JOOPWBUJWF UIF mMN EFMJWFST just what viewers want. It is perfectly KVTU XIBU WJFXFST XBOU *U JT QFSGFDUMZ square and a thing of beauty. TRVBSF BOE B UIJOH PG CFBVUZ As Gus and Mickey tour the motels, "T (VT BOE .JDLFZ UPVS UIF NPUFMT bars and high school ball fields of North CBST BOE IJHI TDIPPM CBMM mFMET PG /PSUI Carolina, she gradually trades her power $BSPMJOB TIF HSBEVBMMZ USBEFT IFS QPXFS suits for jeans and caps. She reveals a TVJUT GPS KFBOT BOE DBQT 4IF SFWFBMT B tomboy streak and a deep nostalgia for UPNCPZ TUSFBL BOE B EFFQ OPTUBMHJB GPS

REVIEW I<M@<N "TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE," starring ÂľB@=C0:3 E7B6 B63 1C@D3 Âś abO``W\U Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Justin 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R /[g /RO[a 8cabW\ Timberlake, John Goodman, Matthew BW[PS`ZOYS 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ ;ObbVSe Lillard, Robert Patrick and Joe :WZZO`R @]PS`b >Ob`WQY O\R 8]S Massingill. Directed by Robert Lorenz. ;OaaW\UWZZ 2W`SQbSR Pg @]PS`b :]`S\h Rated PG-13 for language, sexual @ObSR >5 ! T]` ZO\UcOUS aSfcOZ references, some thematic material `STS`S\QSa a][S bVS[ObWQ [ObS`WOZ and smoking. Running time: 1:51 O\R a[]YW\U @c\\W\U bW[S( (#

the game they used to share. He shows UIF HBNF UIFZ VTFE UP TIBSF )F TIPXT an undimmed protective streak, warning BO VOEJNNFE QSPUFDUJWF TUSFBL XBSOJOH a roadhouse wolf who gets fresh with his B SPBEIPVTF XPMG XIP HFUT GSFTI XJUI IJT daughter, "Get out of here before I have a EBVHIUFS i(FU PVU PG IFSF CFGPSF * IBWF B heart attack tryin' to kill ya." IFBSU BUUBDL USZJO UP LJMM ZB w Eastwood looks every day of 82 here &BTUXPPE MPPLT FWFSZ EBZ PG IFSF as he gives what may be the best perBT IF HJWFT XIBU NBZ CF UIF CFTU QFS formance of his career. There's a rich GPSNBODF PG IJT DBSFFS 5IFSF T B SJDI vein of humor in his work, and a pinch of WFJO PG IVNPS JO IJT XPSL BOE B QJODI PG pathos. A scene where he converses with QBUIPT " TDFOF XIFSF IF DPOWFSTFT XJUI his wife's tombstone could be the stuff of IJT XJGF T UPNCTUPOF DPVME CF UIF TUVGG PG cliche, but he invests it with extraordinary DMJDIF CVU IF JOWFTUT JU XJUI FYUSBPSEJOBSZ feeling. When he rises, stiff-limbed and GFFMJOH 8IFO IF SJTFT TUJGG MJNCFE BOE unsteady, even a slab of concrete would VOTUFBEZ FWFO B TMBC PG DPODSFUF XPVME feel a sympathetic twinge. GFFM B TZNQBUIFUJD UXJOHF The film is a charming elegy, reflecting 5IF mMN JT B DIBSNJOH FMFHZ SFnFDUJOH the passing of an era in its direct storytellUIF QBTTJOH PG BO FSB JO JUT EJSFDU TUPSZUFMM ing and unadorned visual style. There is JOH BOE VOBEPSOFE WJTVBM TUZMF 5IFSF JT not a stylish or flashy frame to be seen. OPU B TUZMJTI PS nBTIZ GSBNF UP CF TFFO Instead, first-time director Robert Lorenz, *OTUFBE mSTU UJNF EJSFDUPS 3PCFSU -PSFO[ an assistant director and producer on BO BTTJTUBOU EJSFDUPS BOE QSPEVDFS PO Eastwood's team for 20 years, fills his film &BTUXPPE T UFBN GPS ZFBST mMMT IJT mMN with carefully realized big-league details XJUI DBSFGVMMZ SFBMJ[FE CJH MFBHVF EFUBJMT and well-drawn supporting characters. BOE XFMM ESBXO TVQQPSUJOH DIBSBDUFST Randy Brown's script takes time to develop 3BOEZ #SPXO T TDSJQU UBLFT UJNF UP EFWFMPQ a useful subplot about Bo Gentry (Joe B VTFGVM TVCQMPU BCPVU #P (FOUSZ +PF Massingill), a cocksure high school slugger .BTTJOHJMM B DPDLTVSF IJHI TDIPPM TMVHHFS with million-dollar stats but a troubling XJUI NJMMJPO EPMMBS TUBUT CVU B USPVCMJOH lack of heart. He's emblematic of the upMBDL PG IFBSU )F T FNCMFNBUJD PG UIF VQ starts who populate the fringes of the film. TUBSUT XIP QPQVMBUF UIF GSJOHFT PG UIF mMN Eastwood's crusty old pro looks even &BTUXPPE T DSVTUZ PME QSP MPPLT FWFO better by comparison. We've been hearing CFUUFS CZ DPNQBSJTPO 8F WF CFFO IFBSJOH for some time that his farewell to acting is GPS TPNF UJNF UIBU IJT GBSFXFMM UP BDUJOH JT not long off. I hope it's not true, but there OPU MPOH PGG * IPQF JU T OPU USVF CVU UIFSF could be no finer final curtain for him than DPVME CF OP mOFS mOBM DVSUBJO GPS IJN UIBO this. UIJT

their North Carolina district, two CEOs seize an opbVSW` <]`bV 1O`]ZW\O RWab`WQb be] 13=a aSWhS O\ ]^ portunity to oust long-term congressman Cam Brady ^]`bc\Wbg b] ]cab Z]\U bS`[ Q]\U`Saa[O\ 1O[ 0`ORg by putting up a rival candidate. Their man: naive Marty Pg ^cbbW\U c^ O `WdOZ QO\RWRObS BVSW` [O\( \OWdS ;O`bg Muggins, director of the local Tourism Center. 6cUUW\a RW`SQb]` ]T bVS Z]QOZ B]c`Wa[ 1S\bS` Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:15,2:10,4:15, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # ( "( # 7:05, 9 Fri-Wed 7:30, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs %( # ' 4`W ESR %(! '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 7:20, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:20, 9:30 12:20, ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! %( '(! 4`W ESR ( '(! "THE COLD LIGHT OF DAY" (PG-13) (1:33) Stars ÂľB63 1=:2 :756B =4 2/GÂś >5 ! (!! AbO`a Henry Cavill, Bruce Willis and Sigourney Weaver. 6S\`g 1OdWZZ 0`cQS EWZZWa O\R AWU]c`\Sg ESOdS` Directed by Mabrouk El Mechri. After his family is kid2W`SQbSR Pg ;OP`]cY 3Z ;SQV`W /TbS` VWa TO[WZg Wa YWR napped during their sailing trip in Spain, a young Wall \O^^SR Rc`W\U bVSW` aOWZW\U b`W^ W\ A^OW\ O g]c\U EOZZ Street trader is confronted by the people responsible: Ab`SSb b`ORS` Wa Q]\T`]\bSR Pg bVS ^S]^ZS `Sa^]\aWPZS( intelligence agents looking to recover a mysterious W\bSZZWUS\QS OUS\ba Z]]YW\U b] `SQ]dS` O [gabS`W]ca briefcase. P`WSTQOaS Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 4:25, 9:30 AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a "( # '(!

OBAMA'S AMERICA" (PG) (1:29) DocumenÂľ"2016: $( =0/;/¸A /;3@71/Âś >5 ( ' 2]Qc[S\ tary. Directed by Dinesh D'Souza and John Sullivan. bO`g 2W`SQbSR Pg 2W\SaV 2¸A]chO O\R 8]V\ AcZZWdO\ A journey into the heart of the world's most powerful / X]c`\Sg W\b] bVS VSO`b ]T bVS e]`ZR¸a []ab ^]eS`TcZ office to reveal the struggle of whether one man's past ]TÂżQS b] `SdSOZ bVS ab`cUUZS ]T eVSbVS` ]\S [O\¸a ^Oab will redefine America over the next four years. eWZZ `SRSÂż\S /[S`WQO ]dS` bVS \Sfb T]c` gSO`a "THE DARK KNIGHT RISES" (PG-13) (2:40) Stars ÂľB63 2/@9 9<756B @7A3AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Tom 1V`WabWO\ 0OZS ;WQVOSZ 1OW\S 5O`g =ZR[O\ O\R B][ 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Wed 12, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 ( "(# %( '(# 4`W ESR ( "(# %( '(# Hardy. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Eight years on, 6O`Rg 2W`SQbSR Pg 1V`Wab]^VS` <]ZO\ 3WUVb gSO`a ]\ a new terrorist leader, Bane, overwhelms Gotham's O \Se bS``]`Wab ZSORS` 0O\S ]dS`eVSZ[a 5]bVO[¸a "BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD" (PG-13) (1:33) Âľ03/ABA =4 B63 A=CB63@< E7:2Âś >5 ! (!! finest, and the Dark Knight resurfaces to protect a city Stars Quvenzhane Wallis, Dwight Henry and Levy East- Âż\Sab O\R bVS 2O`Y 9\WUVb `Sac`TOQSa b] ^`]bSQb O QWbg AbO`a ?cdS\hVO\S EOZZWa 2eWUVb 6S\`g O\R :Sdg 3Oab that has branded him an enemy. bVOb VOa P`O\RSR VW[ O\ S\S[g erly. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. Faced with her father's S`Zg 2W`SQbSR Pg 0S\V HSWbZW\ 4OQSR eWbV VS` TObVS`¸a Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 7:30 Fri-Wed 1, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a %(! 4`W ESR fading health and environmental changes that release TORW\U VSOZbV O\R S\dW`]\[S\bOZ QVO\USa bVOb `SZSOaS 4:15; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:20, 3:40, 7:30, 9 "( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( !(" %(! ' an army of aurochs (prehistoric creatures), 6-yearO\ O`[g ]T Oc`]QVa ^`SVWab]`WQ Q`SObc`Sa $ gSO` Fri-Wed 12:20, 3:40, 7:30 4`W ESR ( !(" %(! old Hushpuppy leaves her Delta-community home in ]ZR 6caV^c^^g ZSOdSa VS` 2SZbO Q][[c\Wbg V][S W\ search of her mother. aSO`QV ]T VS` []bVS` Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 3,9:10 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ! '( "THE BOURNE LEGACY" (PG-13) (2:05) Stars Jeremy ÂľB63 0=C@<3 :35/1GÂś >5 ! ( # AbO`a 8S`S[g Renner, Rachel Weisz, Edward Norton and Scott Glenn. @S\\S` @OQVSZ ESWah 3ReO`R <]`b]\ O\R AQ]bb 5ZS\\ Directed by Tony Gilroy. An expansion of the universe 2W`SQbSR Pg B]\g 5WZ`]g /\ Sf^O\aW]\ ]T bVS c\WdS`aS from Robert Ludlum's novels, centered on a new hero T`][ @]PS`b :cRZc[¸a \]dSZa QS\bS`SR ]\ O \Se VS`] whose stakes have been triggered by the events of the eV]aS abOYSa VOdS PSS\ b`WUUS`SR Pg bVS SdS\ba ]T bVS previous three films. ^`SdW]ca bV`SS ÂżZ[a Showing at: Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:30,3:15, 6:30, AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a (! !( # $(! 9:15 Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:15, 6:30, 9:15; Cinemagic West'( # 4`W ESR (! !( # $(! '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab brook Thurs 12:30, 3:20, 6:45, 9:35; Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:30, P`]]Y BVc`a (! !( $("# '(!#) 4`W ESR (! !(! 6:45, 9:35 $("# '(!# "THE CAMPAIGN" (R) (1:35) Stars Will Ferrell, Zach ÂľB63 1/;>/75<Âś @ (!# AbO`a EWZZ 4S``SZZ HOQV Galifianakis, Jason Sudeikis and Dylan McDermott. 5OZWÂżO\OYWa 8Oa]\ AcRSWYWa O\R 2gZO\ ;Q2S`[]bb Directed by Jay Roach. In order to gain influence over 2W`SQbSR Pg 8Og @]OQV 7\ ]`RS` b] UOW\ W\Ă€cS\QS ]dS`

"DREDD" (R) (1:35) Stars Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Âľ2@322Âś @ (!# AbO`a 9O`Z C`PO\ =ZWdWO BVW`ZPg Lena Headey and Rachel Wood. Directed by Pete :S\O 6SORSg O\R @OQVSZ E]]R 2W`SQbSR Pg >SbS Travis. In a violent, futuristic city where the police have B`OdWa 7\ O dW]ZS\b Tcbc`WabWQ QWbg eVS`S bVS ^]ZWQS VOdS the authority to act as judge, jury and executioner, a bVS OcbV]`Wbg b] OQb Oa XcRUS Xc`g O\R SfSQcbW]\S` O cop teams up with a trainee to take down a gang that Q]^ bSO[a c^ eWbV O b`OW\SS b] bOYS R]e\ O UO\U bVOb deals a reality-altering drug. RSOZa O `SOZWbg OZbS`W\U R`cU Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs AV]eW\U Ob( 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a (all 3D) 2, "( 4:20, 7, 9:30 Fri-Wed 11:50, 2,4:20 (3D), 7, 9: OZZ !2 % '(! 4`W ESR (# "( !2 % '( 30 (3D); Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10, 4:35 (3D), ! !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( 2:15, ( # "(!# !2 7, 9:15 (3D) Fri-Wed 12:10, 4:35, 7, 9:10 (3D); Cin% '( # !2 4`W ESR ( 2:15, ( # "(!# % '( !2 ) 1W\ emagic Westbrook Thurs (all 3D) 12:10, 4:50, S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a OZZ !2 ( 2:35, (!# "(# 7:20, 9:40 Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:10,4:50 (3D), 7:30, 9:40 %( '(" 4`W ESR (# ( "(# !2 %(! '(" (3D); Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:40,4:15 (3D), 7 (3D), 10 (3D) !2 ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (" "( # !2 % !2 !2 Fri-Wed 1:35, 4:05 (3D), 7, 9:40 (3D) 4`W ESR (!# "( # !2 % '(" !2

Please see MOVIES, PageE20 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ;=D73A GX^\ <)'

E18 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012



Wendy Wasserstein's Tony ES\Rg EOaaS`abSW\¸a B]\g Award-nominated play "The Sis/eO`R \][W\ObSR ^ZOg ¾BVS AWa ters Rosensweig" is a funny fambS`a @]aS\aeSWUœ Wa O Tc\\g TO[ ily drama that brings together WZg R`O[O bVOb P`W\Ua b]USbVS` three Jewish-American sisters in bV`SS 8SeWaV /[S`WQO\ aWabS`a W\ London. Plenty of family bag:]\R]\ >ZS\bg ]T TO[WZg POU gage is unpacked as the story UOUS Wa c\^OQYSR Oa bVS ab]`g unfolds. The show runs through c\T]ZRa BVS aV]e `c\a bV`]cUV Oct. 21. =Qb WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Portland Stage E63@3( >]`bZO\R AbOUS Company, 25A Forest Ave. 1][^O\g #/ 4]`Sab /dS HOW MUCH: $34, $44; $20 6=E ;C16( !" "") students, $15 children; abcRS\ba # QVWZR`S\) portlandstage. org ^]`bZO\RabOUS ]`U


'Anything Goes' Ê8epk_`e^ >f\jË

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Lyric Music E63@3( :g`WQ ;caWQ Theater, 176 Sawyer St., BVSObS` %$ AOegS` Ab South Portland A]cbV >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $21.99; 6=E ;C16( '') lyricmusictheater.org Zg`WQ[caWQbVSObS` ]`U



Laura Bianchi CXliX 9`XeZ_` Through Oct. 7, view the works of BV`]cUV =Qb % dWSe bVS e]`Ya ]T Tuscan Realist painter Laura BiBcaQO\ @SOZWab ^OW\bS` :Oc`O 0W anchi. Her home is in the village O\QVW 6S` V][S Wa W\ bVS dWZZOUS of Vecchiano near the famous ]T DSQQVWO\] \SO` bVS TO[]ca spa town of San Giulliano Terme. a^O b]e\ ]T AO\ 5WcZZWO\] BS`[S The quietness of her surroundBVS _cWSb\Saa ]T VS` ac``]c\R ings lends itself to the precise W\Ua ZS\Ra WbaSZT b] bVS ^`SQWaS nature of her paintings. \Obc`S ]T VS` ^OW\bW\Ua WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. E63<( O [ b] # ^ [ WHERE: Gold/Smith GalE63@3( 5]ZR A[WbV 5OZ lery, 41 Commercial St., ZS`g " 1][[S`QWOZ Ab Boothbay Harbor 0]]bVPOg 6O`P]` HOW MUCH: Free; 633-6252 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) $!! $ #

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: One Longfellow E63@3( =\S :]\UTSZZ]e Square, 181 State St., A_cO`S & AbObS Ab Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $12 W\ OR in ad6=E ;C16( vance; $15 day of show; dO\QS) # ROg ]T aV]e) onelongfellowsquare. com ]\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][

FZkfY\i +

FZkfY\i ,

'Making a Presence: ĂŠDXb`e^ X Gi\j\eZ\1

Maine State Ballet presents "Can;OW\S AbObS 0OZZSb ^`SaS\ba Âľ1O\ Can Parisien," a spirited, high-kick1O\ >O`WaWS\ Âś O a^W`WbSR VWUV YWQY ing comic ballet set in a 19th-cenW\U Q][WQ POZZSb aSb W\ O 'bV QS\ tury French cafe. With the music bc`g 4`S\QV QOTS EWbV bVS [caWQ of composer Jacques Offenbach, ]T Q][^]aS` 8OQ_cSa =TTS\POQV the dancers will light up the stage bVS RO\QS`a eWZZ ZWUVb c^ bVS abOUS with frills, kicks and merriment. eWbV T`WZZa YWQYa O\R [S``W[S\b Additional performances take /RRWbW]\OZ ^S`T]`[O\QSa bOYS place on Oct. 12 O\R ! and 13. ^ZOQS ]\ =Qb

Massachusetts native F. Holland ;OaaOQVcaSbba \ObWdS 4 6]ZZO\R Day (1864-1933) earned a reputa2Og &$" '!! SO`\SR O `S^cbO tion in the Pictorialism movebW]\ W\ bVS >WQb]`WOZWa[ []dS ment. See for yourself how his [S\b ASS T]` g]c`aSZT V]e VWa artistic photographs in "Making O`bWabWQ ^V]b]U`O^Va W\ Âľ;OYW\U Presence" measure up to other >`SaS\QSÂś [SOac`S c^ b] ]bVS` visual art forms. Through Dec. 23. dWacOZ O`b T]`[a BV`]cUV 2SQ !

'Photographer's ĂŠG_fkf^iXg_\iĂ‹j Choice' :_f`Z\Ă‹ Eight fine arts photographers, in3WUVb Âż\S O`ba ^V]b]U`O^VS`a W\ cluding Felice Boucher, Jim NickQZcRW\U 4SZWQS 0]cQVS` 8W[ <WQY elson and Mary Woodman, have SZa]\ O\R ;O`g E]]R[O\ VOdS been invited to exhibit samples PSS\ W\dWbSR b] SfVWPWb aO[^ZSa of their work through Nov. 10 in ]T bVSW` e]`Y bV`]cUV <]d W\ Kennebunk. Many of the artists 9S\\SPc\Y ;O\g ]T bVS O`bWaba in "Photographer's Choice" have W\ Âľ>V]b]U`O^VS`¸a 1V]WQSÂś VOdS won awards and appeared in e]\ OeO`Ra O\R O^^SO`SR W\ prestigious magazines and gal^`SabWUW]ca [OUOhW\Sa O\R UOZ leries around the U.S. ZS`WSa O`]c\R bVS C A WHEN: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. E63<( O [ b] $ ^ [ WHERE: Irvine Gallery at E63@3( 7`dW\S 5OZZS`g Ob River Tree Arts, @WdS` B`SS /`ba 35 Western Ave., !# ESabS`\ /dS Kennebunk 9S\\SPc\Y HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) rivertreearts. org `WdS`b`SSO`ba ]`U

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. E63<( O [ b] &(! ^ [ WHERE: Bowdoin College E63@3( 0]eR]W\ 1]ZZSUS Museum of Art, Brunswick ;caSc[ ]T /`b 0`c\aeWQY HOW MUCH: Free; 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) bowdoin.edu/art-museum P]eR]W\ SRc O`b [caSc[

FZkfY\i 'Can-Can Parisien' Ê:Xe$:Xe GXi`j`\eË

F. Holland Day in =% ?fccXe[ ;Xp `e Artistic 8ik`jk`Z Photography' G_fkf^iXg_pË

The Toronto-based indie rock BVS B]`]\b] POaSR W\RWS `]QY band Great Lake Swimmers will PO\R 5`SOb :OYS AeW[[S`a eWZZ be playing songs from its new PS ^ZOgW\U a]\Ua T`][ Wba \Se CD "New Wild Everywhere." The 12 Âľ<Se EWZR 3dS`geVS`S Âś BVS album delves into transcendence OZPc[ RSZdSa W\b] b`O\aQS\RS\QS in the natural world and touches W\ bVS \Obc`OZ e]`ZR O\R b]cQVSa on themes of love, mortality and ]\ bVS[Sa ]T Z]dS []`bOZWbg O\R escape. Snowblink, also out of SaQO^S A\]ePZW\Y OZa] ]cb ]T Toronto, opens the show. B]`]\b] ]^S\a bVS aV]e

WHEN: 8 p.m. E63<( & ^ [ WHERE: Jonathan's ResE63@3( 8]\ObVO\¸a @Sa taurant, 92 0]c`\S :O\S Bourne Lane, bOc`O\b ' Ogunquit =Uc\_cWb HOW MUCH: $46.50 6=E ;C16( "$ # to $83.50; b] &! # ) jonathansrestaurant.com X]\ObVO\a`SabOc`O\b Q][

One of Cole Porter's most memo=\S ]T 1]ZS >]`bS`¸a []ab [S[] rable musical sets sails through `OPZS [caWQOZ aSba aOWZa bV`]cUV Oct. 7 in South Portland. "Any=Qb % W\ A]cbV >]`bZO\R ¾/\g thing Goes" features the classic bVW\U 5]Saœ TSObc`Sa bVS QZOaaWQ tunes "De-Lovely," "You're the bc\Sa ¾2S :]dSZg œ ¾G]c¸`S bVS Top," "I Get a Kick Out of You" B]^ œ ¾7 5Sb O 9WQY =cb ]T G]cœ and "Let's Misbehave," among O\R ¾:Sb¸a ;WaPSVOdS œ O[]\U other gems, aboard the S.S. ]bVS` US[a OP]O`R bVS A A American. /[S`WQO\

1][^WZSR Pg /W[aSZ >]\bW Compiled by Aimsel Pont/, Staff Writer AbOTT E`WbS`

Great Lake >i\Xk CXb\ Swimmers Jn`dd\ij

Joan Osborne, accompanied by 8]O\ =aP]`\S OQQ][^O\WSR Pg Keith Cotton on keys, guitars and 9SWbV 1]bb]\ ]\ YSga UcWbO`a O\R backing vocals, brings her smoky POQYW\U d]QOZa P`W\Ua VS` a[]Yg blended tunes to Ogunquit. OsPZS\RSR bc\Sa b] =Uc\_cWb =a borne's most recent album, "Bring P]`\S¸a []ab `SQS\b OZPc[ ¾0`W\U It On Home," is full of vintage 7b =\ 6][S œ Wa TcZZ ]T dW\bOUS blues, soul and R&B songs from PZcSa a]cZ O\R @ 0 a]\Ua T`][ the likes of Sonny Boy Williamson, bVS ZWYSa ]T A]\\g 0]g EWZZWO[a]\ Muddy Waters, Ray Charles, Al ;cRRg EObS`a @Og 1VO`ZSa /Z Green and Otis Redding. 5`SS\ O\R =bWa @SRRW\U

Curator June Fitzpatrick wel1c`Ob]` 8c\S 4Wbh^Ob`WQY eSZ comes artists Noa Warren, Greg Q][Sa O`bWaba <]O EO``S\ 5`SU Parker and Kyle Downs through >O`YS` O\R 9gZS 2]e\a bV`]cUV Oct. 27. "Three Painters" is an =Qb % ¾BV`SS >OW\bS`aœ Wa O\ eclectic showcase of works from SQZSQbWQ aV]eQOaS ]T e]`Ya T`][ three Maine artists and their bV`SS ;OW\S O`bWaba O\R bVSW` individual visions and perspecW\RWdWRcOZ dWaW]\a O\R ^S`a^SQ tives. Here's a chance to mingle bWdSa 6S`S¸a O QVO\QS b] [W\UZS with them while viewing their eWbV bVS[ eVWZS dWSeW\U bVSW` creations. Q`SObW]\a WHEN: Opening reception, E63<( =^S\W\U `SQS^bW]\ 5 to 7 p.m. # b] % ^ [ WHERE: June Fitzpatrick E63@3( 8c\S 4Wbh^Ob`WQY Gallery, 522 1]\U`Saa Ab Congress St., 5OZZS`g # Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free; 699-5083 6=E ;C16( 4`SS) $'' # &!


Joan Osborne Duo AfXe FjYfie\ ;lf

ÊK_i\\ GX`ek\ijË 'Three Painters'

'The Sisters ĂŠK_\ J`jk\ij Rosensweig' Ifj\ejn\`^Ă‹

5Sb c^ O\R 5= Get up and GO eWbV bVSaS SdS\ba with these events

WHEN: 1 and 4 p.m. E63<( O\R " ^ [ WHERE: Maine State Ballet E63@3( ;OW\S AbObS 0OZZSb Theater, 348 U.S. Route BVSObS` !"& C A @]cbS One, Falmouth =\S 4OZ[]cbV HOW MUCH: $13 to $20; 6=E ;C16( ! b] ) mainestateballet.org [OW\SabObSPOZZSb ]`U

2 UJ

LunaFest CleX=\jk LunaFest is a traveling festival of :c\O4Sab Wa O b`OdSZW\U TSabWdOZ ]T nine short films by, for and about \W\S aV]`b ÂżZ[a Pg T]` O\R OP]cb women. The diversity of the films e][S\ BVS RWdS`aWbg ]T bVS ÂżZ[a is meant to elicit both laughter Wa [SO\b b] SZWQWb P]bV ZOcUVbS` and tears, and to motivate viewO\R bSO`a O\R b] []bWdObS dWSe ers to make a difference in their S`a b] [OYS O RWTTS`S\QS W\ bVSW` communities. Q][[c\WbWSa WHEN: 7:30 p.m. E63<( %(! ^ [ WHERE: Franco American E63@3( 4`O\Q] /[S`WQO\ Center, 46 Cedar St., 1S\bS` "$ 1SRO` Ab Lewiston :SeWab]\ HOW MUCH: $15; laarts.org 6=E ;C16( #) ZOO`ba ]`U

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GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3E2O 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012


1:55,4:30, 7:20, 9:55 Fri-Mon 1:55,4:45, 7:25,10 Tue 1:55, (## "(! %( '(## 4`W ;]\ (## "("# %( # BcS (## 7:25 Wed 4:45,10 %( # ESR "("#

Continued from Page E17 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 %

Âľ3<2 =4 E/B16Âś @ ("' AbO`a 8OYS 5gZZS\VOOZ "END OF WATCH" (R) (1:49) Stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Anna Kendrick and America Ferrera. ;WQVOSZ >S\O /\\O 9S\R`WQY O\R /[S`WQO 4S``S`O Directed by David Ayer. Two young officers are marked 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR /gS` Be] g]c\U ]TÂżQS`a O`S [O`YSR for death after confiscating a small cache of money T]` RSObV OTbS` Q]\ÂżaQObW\U O a[OZZ QOQVS ]T []\Sg and firearms from the members of a notorious cartel, O\R Âż`SO`[a T`][ bVS [S[PS`a ]T O \]b]`W]ca QO`bSZ during a routine traffic stop. Rc`W\U O `]cbW\S b`OTÂżQ ab]^ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 9:40; Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:15, 7 Fri ("# "(! %( '(" ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # % 4`W 4:15, 7:15, 9:35 Sat 1:20,4:15, 7:15, 9:35 Sun 1:20, 4:15, "( # %( # '(!# AOb ( "( # %( # '(!# Ac\ ( "( # 7:15 Mon-Wed 4:15,7:15; Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:45, %( # ;]\ ESR "( # %( #) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ("# 4:15, 7:20, 9:40 Fri-Wed 1:45, 4:15, 7:20, 9:40; Cinemagic "( # %( '(" 4`W ESR ("# "( # %( '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ Grand (South Portland) Thurs 2:20,4:50, 7:30,10 Fri5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a ( "(# %(! 4`W Wed 11:40, 2:20,4:50, 7:30,10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs ESR (" ( "(# %(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 7:05, 9:25 Fri-Wed 12:05, 4:45, 12:05, ( # 2:25,4:45, ( # "("# %( # '( # 4`W ESR ( # 2:25, ( # "("# 7:05, 9:25; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, %( # '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (! !(! %( 9:50 Fri-Wed 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 9:50 ; Brunswick 10 Thurs '(# 4`W ESR (! !(! %( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a

"THE EXPENDABLES 2" (R) (1:42) AbO`a AgZdSabS` Stars Sylvester ¾B63 3F>3<2/0:3A œ @ (" Stallone, Liam Hemsworth, Randy Couture and JeanAbOZZ]\S :WO[ 6S[ae]`bV @O\Rg 1]cbc`S O\R 8SO\ Claude Van Damme. Directed by Simon West. Mr. 1ZOcRS DO\ 2O[[S 2W`SQbSR Pg AW[]\ ESab ;` Church reunites the Expendables for what should be an 1Vc`QV `Sc\WbSa bVS 3f^S\ROPZSa T]` eVOb aV]cZR PS O\ easy paycheck, but when one of their men is murdered SOag ^OgQVSQY Pcb eVS\ ]\S ]T bVSW` [S\ Wa [c`RS`SR on the job, their quest for revenge puts them deep in ]\ bVS X]P bVSW` _cSab T]` `SdS\US ^cba bVS[ RSS^ W\ enemy territory and up against an unexpected threat. S\S[g bS``Wb]`g O\R c^ OUOW\ab O\ c\Sf^SQbSR bV`SOb Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:20,7:10 AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( %( "FINDING NEMO" (G) (1:40) Stars Albert Brooks, ¾47<27<5 <3;=œ 5 (" AbO`a /ZPS`b 0`]]Ya Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould and Willem Dafoe. 3ZZS\ 2S5S\S`Sa /ZSfO\RS` 5]cZR O\R EWZZS[ 2OT]S Directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich. After his 2W`SQbSR Pg /\R`Se AbO\b]\ O\R :SS C\Y`WQV /TbS` VWa son is captured in the Great Barrier Reef and taken to a]\ Wa QO^bc`SR W\ bVS 5`SOb 0O``WS` @SST O\R bOYS\ b] Sydney, a timid downfish sets out on a journey to bring AgR\Sg O bW[WR QZ]e\¿aV aSba ]cb ]\ O X]c`\Sg b] P`W\U him home. This is a re-release in 3D. VW[ V][S BVWa Wa O `S `SZSOaS W\ !2 Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:10,3:40 (3D), AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ( !(" !2 6:30 (3D), 8:45 (3D) Fri-Wed 1:10 (3D), 3:40 (3D), $(! !2 &("# !2 4`W ESR ( !2 !(" !2 6:30 (3D), 8:45 (3D); Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) $(! !2 &("# !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R Thurs 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), 9:30 Fri-Wed 11:50 BVc`a ( !2 "(! %( !2 '(! 4`W ESR (# (3D), 2:10 (3D), 4:30, 7:10 (3D), 9:30; Cinemagic Saco !2 ( !2 "(! %( !2 '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Thurs 12:05 (3D), 2:15 (3D), 4:35, 7 (3D), 9:15 Fri-Wed BVc`a ( # !2 ( # !2 "(!# % !2 '( # 4`W ESR (3D), 2:15, 4:35 (3D), 7, 9:15; Cinemagic West 12:05 ( # !2 ( # "(!# !2 % '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESab TriStar Pictures B`WAbO` >WQbc`Sa brook Thurs 11:50 (3D), 2:10 (3D), 4:40, 7 (3D), 9:50 P`]]Y BVc`a (# !2 ( !2 "(" % !2 '(# Emily Blunt's Kansas farmer figures in the plot. 3[WZg 0Zc\b¸a 9O\aOa TO`[S` ¿Uc`Sa W\ bVS ^Z]b Fri-Wed 12:10 (3D), 2:30 (3D), 4:40, 7:20 (3D), 9:50; 4`W ESR ( !2 (! !2 "(" %( !2 '(# ) Brunswick 10 Thurs (all 3D) 1:35,4:05, 7:05, 9:35 Fri0`c\aeWQY BVc`a OZZ !2 (!# "( # %( # '(!# 4`W dren enter into the plot. And things get ESFO FOUFS JOUP UIF QMPU "OE UIJOHT HFU Wed (all 3D) 2, 4:35, 7:05, 9:35 ESR OZZ !2 "(!# %( # '(!#


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"HOPE SPRINGS" (PG-13) (1:40) Stars Meryl Streep, Âľ6=>3 A>@7<5AÂś >5 ! (" AbO`a ;S`gZ Ab`SS^ Tommy Lee Jones, Steve Carell and Jean Smart. B][[g :SS 8]\Sa AbSdS 1O`SZZ O\R 8SO\ A[O`b Directed by David Frankel. After 30 years of marriage, 2W`SQbSR Pg 2OdWR 4`O\YSZ /TbS` ! gSO`a ]T [O``WOUS a middle-aged couple attends an intense, weeklong O [WRRZS OUSR Q]c^ZS ObbS\Ra O\ W\bS\aS eSSYZ]\U counseling session to work on their relationship. Q]c\aSZW\U aSaaW]\ b] e]`Y ]\ bVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^ Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1:20,6:50; AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a ( $(# ) Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12, 7:10, 9:25 Fri-Wed 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 2:10,4:30, ( "(! %( '( # 4`W ESR Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 12, 2:10,4:25,7:10,9:25; ( "( # %( '( #) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 2:20,4:40, 7:10, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12, 2:20, 9:35; Brunswick ( "(" %( '(! 4`W ESR ( '(!#) 0`c\aeWQY 10 Thurs 2, "(!# %( '(# 4:35, 7:10, 9:50 BVc`a "HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET" (PG-13) (1:41) Âľ6=CA3 /B B63 3<2 =4 B63 AB@33BÂś >5 ! (" Stars Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot AbO`a 8S\\WTS` :Oe`S\QS 3ZWaOPSbV AVcS ;Of BVWS`W]b and Gil Bellows. Directed by Mark Tonderai. A mother O\R 5WZ 0SZZ]ea 2W`SQbSR Pg ;O`Y B]\RS`OW / []bVS` and daughter move to a new town and find themselves O\R ROcUVbS` []dS b] O \Se b]e\ O\R Âż\R bVS[aSZdSa living next door to a house where a young girl murZWdW\U \Sfb R]]` b] O V]caS eVS`S O g]c\U UW`Z [c` dered her parents. When the daughter befriends the RS`SR VS` ^O`S\ba EVS\ bVS ROcUVbS` PST`WS\Ra bVS surviving son, she learns the story is far from over. ac`dWdW\U a]\ aVS ZSO`\a bVS ab]`g Wa TO` T`][ ]dS` Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:05,7:20 4`W Fri AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( # %( 4:05, 7:20, 9:40 Sat 1:25,4:05, 7:20, 9:40 Sun 1:25, "( # %( '(" AOb ( # "( # %( '(" Ac\ ( # 4:05, 7:20 Mon-Wed 4:05, 7:20; Nordica (Freeport) "( # %( ;]\ ESR "( # %( ) <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b Thurs 1:30, 3:50, 7:10, 9:20 Fri-Wed 1:30, 3:50, 7:10, 9:20; BVc`a (! !(# %( '( 4`W ESR (! !(# %( '( ) Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 2,4:20, 7, 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a "( % 9:20 Fri-Wed 11:40, 2,4:20, 7, 9:20; Cinemagic Saco '( 4`W ESR (" "( % '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] Thurs 12:20, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:20, BVc`a ( 2:35, (!# "(# %( '(! 4`W ESR ( 2:35, (!# 4:50,7:10, 9:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50, 2:10, "(# %( '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a (# ( 4:30, 7, 9:40 Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 7, 9:20; Brunswick "(! % '(" 4`W ESR (# ( "(! % '( ) 0`c\aeWQY 10 Thurs 2:10, 4:40, 7:35,10:05 Fri 4:45, 7:35,10:05 Sat BVc`a ( "(" %(!# ( # 4`W "("# %(!# ( # AOb 2:15, 7:35,10:05 Sun 4:45, 7:35 Mon 4:45,10:05; Tue( # %(!# ( # Ac\ "("# %(!# ;]\ "("# ( #) BcS Wed 2:15,4:45, 7:35,10:05 ESR ( # "("# %(!# ( # "THE INTOUCHABLES" (R) (1:52) AbO`a 4`O\Q]Wa Stars Francois ÂľB63 7<B=C16/0:3AÂś @ (# Cluzet, Omar Sy and Anne Le Ny. Directed by Olivier 1ZchSb =[O` Ag O\R /\\S :S <g 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZWdWS`

#!,, 777 4(%'/,$2//--!).% #/-

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'LOOPER' Ă‚ADDE:GĂƒ Continued from Page E13 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

ingots that future crooks use to pay him JOHPUT UIBU GVUVSF DSPPLT VTF UP QBZ IJN (strapped to the victim's body), who is TUSBQQFE UP UIF WJDUJN T CPEZ XIP JT addicted to the latest drug - administered BEEJDUFE UP UIF MBUFTU ESVH o BENJOJTUFSFE through eyedrops - and a little too fond of UISPVHI FZFESPQT o BOE B MJUUMF UPP GPOE PG a stripper/ hooker (Piper Perabo). B TUSJQQFS IPPLFS 1JQFS 1FSBCP But a crime boss of the future, nick#VU B DSJNF CPTT PG UIF GVUVSF OJDL named "The Rain Maker," is sending aged OBNFE i5IF 3BJO .BLFS w JT TFOEJOH BHFE loopers back through time to be executed MPPQFST CBDL UISPVHI UJNF UP CF FYFDVUFE by their younger selves. Which they dutiCZ UIFJS ZPVOHFS TFMWFT 8IJDI UIFZ EVUJ fully do, even as they realize they now GVMMZ EP FWFO BT UIFZ SFBMJ[F UIFZ OPX have only X-number of years left to live. IBWF POMZ 9 OVNCFS PG ZFBST MFGU UP MJWF Joe is tipped to the agony of this decision +PF JT UJQQFE UP UIF BHPOZ PG UIJT EFDJTJPO by his nervous pal Seth (Paul Dano). So CZ IJT OFSWPVT QBM 4FUI 1BVM %BOP 4P when his future self (Willis) shows up, Joe XIFO IJT GVUVSF TFMG 8JMMJT TIPXT VQ +PF is downright conflicted. JT EPXOSJHIU DPOnJDUFE "Why don't you do what old men do - and i8IZ EPO U ZPV EP XIBU PME NFO EP o BOE DIE!" %*& w Imagine a young Bruce Willis blurting *NBHJOF B ZPVOH #SVDF 8JMMJT CMVSUJOH that out to the grizzled, bald action-hero UIBU PVU UP UIF HSJ[[MFE CBME BDUJPO IFSP Bruce Willis we've all grown to know and #SVDF 8JMMJT XF WF BMM HSPXO UP LOPX BOE adore. BEPSF "I remember what you do right after you i* SFNFNCFS XIBU ZPV EP SJHIU BGUFS ZPV do it," Old Joe explains to his "self-abEP JU w 0ME +PF FYQMBJOT UP IJT iTFMG BC sorbed and stupid" younger self - and us. TPSCFE BOE TUVQJEw ZPVOHFS TFMG o BOE VT Botching this job means that Joe Pres#PUDIJOH UIJT KPC NFBOT UIBU +PF 1SFT ent and Joe Future are on the run from FOU BOE +PF 'VUVSF BSF PO UIF SVO GSPN both The BOSS'S minions and each other. CPUI 5IF #PTT T NJOJPOT BOE FBDI PUIFS Each Joe wants to stop the other Joe from &BDI +PF XBOUT UP TUPQ UIF PUIFS +PF GSPN "ruining my life." iSVJOJOH NZ MJGF w Emily Blunt shows up as a rural Kansas &NJMZ #MVOU TIPXT VQ BT B SVSBM ,BOTBT farmer who figures into the story. ChilGBSNFS XIP mHVSFT JOUP UIF TUPSZ $IJM

a lot more complicated, to say the least B MPU NPSF DPNQMJDBUFE UP TBZ UIF MFBTU - with flashbacks, alternative futures and o XJUI nBTICBDLT BMUFSOBUJWF GVUVSFT BOE the like. UIF MJLF What would Einstein say to all this? 0S Or 8IBU XPVME &JOTUFJO TBZ UP BMM UIJT Doc Brown and Marty McFly? %PD #SPXO BOE .BSUZ .D'MZ Movies about time travel always present .PWJFT BCPVU UJNF USBWFM BMXBZT QSFTFOU their imponderables - what sort of future UIFJS JNQPOEFSBCMFT o XIBU TPSU PG GVUVSF could it be where "disposing of a body is DPVME JU CF XIFSF iEJTQPTJOH PG B CPEZ JT pretty much impossible?"w "OE XIFO XF And when we QSFUUZ NVDI JNQPTTJCMF see somebody die in that future, what TFF TPNFCPEZ EJF JO UIBU GVUVSF XIBU sort of dilemma are those future-killers TPSU PG EJMFNNB BSF UIPTF GVUVSF LJMMFST facing? GBDJOH Using silver as a timeless currency 6TJOH TJMWFS BT B UJNFMFTT DVSSFODZ makes sense. But ingots are not exactly NBLFT TFOTF #VU JOHPUT BSF OPU FYBDUMZ pocket money, are they? QPDLFU NPOFZ BSF UIFZ Writer-director Rian Johnson has 8SJUFS EJSFDUPS 3JBO +PIOTPO IBT concocted a tale with elements of "TerDPODPDUFE B UBMF XJUI FMFNFOUT PG i5FS minator" and "Back to the Future," as NJOBUPSw BOE i#BDL UP UIF 'VUVSF w BT well as "Jumpers" and "The Omen." It's a XFMM BT i+VNQFSTw BOE i5IF 0NFO w *U T B science fiction film that gives you a lot of TDJFODF mDUJPO mMN UIBU HJWFT ZPV B MPU PG plot to chew on and some genuine moral QMPU UP DIFX PO BOE TPNF HFOVJOF NPSBM dilemmas - about sacrifice, guilt, heinous EJMFNNBT o BCPVU TBDSJmDF HVJMU IFJOPVT crimes to protect the greater good and DSJNFT UP QSPUFDU UIF HSFBUFS HPPE BOE what-not. XIBU OPU The whole thing bogs down on the farm, 5IF XIPMF UIJOH CPHT EPXO PO UIF GBSN and at times, figuring out where this clue BOE BU UJNFT mHVSJOH PVU XIFSF UIJT DMVF or that map came from, why this timePS UIBU NBQ DBNF GSPN XIZ UIJT UJNF jumper loses body parts, one by one, and KVNQFS MPTFT CPEZ QBSUT POF CZ POF BOE Old Joe doesn't - trips it up. 0ME +PF EPFTO U o USJQT JU VQ But "Looper" is loads of fun. And when #VU i-PPQFSw JT MPBET PG GVO "OE XIFO that "Die Hard" reboot comes around, all UIBU i%JF )BSEw SFCPPU DPNFT BSPVOE BMM of Hollywood has this as Joseph GordonPG )PMMZXPPE IBT UIJT BT +PTFQI (PSEPO Levitt's audition for John McClane. Can -FWJUU T BVEJUJPO GPS +PIO .D$MBOF $BO he say, "Yippee ki-yay?"w %PO U ZPV LOPX Don't you know IF TBZ i:JQQFF LJ ZBZ it. JU


"NEIL YOUNG JOURNEYS," directed by Jonathan Demme, 2012, PG, 1:27. In May of ¾<37: G=C<5 8=C@<3GA œ RW`SQbSR Pg 8]\ObVO\ 2S[[S >5 ( % 7\ ;Og ]T 2011, Neil Young drove a 1956 Crown Victoria from his hometown of Omemee, <SWZ G]c\U R`]dS O '#$ 1`]e\ DWQb]`WO T`][ VWa V][Sb]e\ ]T =[S[SS Ontario, to Toronto's iconic Massey Hall, where he intimately performed the last =\bO`W] b] B]`]\b]¸a WQ]\WQ ;OaaSg 6OZZ eVS`S VS W\bW[ObSZg ^S`T]`[SR bVS ZOab two nights of his solo world tour. Along the drive, Young recounted insightful be] \WUVba ]T VWa a]Z] e]`ZR b]c` /Z]\U bVS R`WdS G]c\U `SQ]c\bSR W\aWUVbTcZ and introspective stories from his youth to Demme. A longtime fan and O\R W\b`]a^SQbWdS ab]`WSa T`][ VWa g]cbV b] 2S[[S / Z]\UbW[S TO\ O\R collaborator, Demme captured these tales of Young's childhood and wove them Q]ZZOP]`Ob]` 2S[[S QO^bc`SR bVSaS bOZSa ]T G]c\U¸a QVWZRV]]R O\R e]dS bVS[ together with his music, including songs from the 2010 album "Le Noise" and b]USbVS` eWbV VWa [caWQ W\QZcRW\U a]\Ua T`][ bVS OZPc[ ¾:S <]WaSœ O\R powerful renditions of classics including "Ohio," "Hey Hey, My My," "I Believe ^]eS`TcZ `S\RWbW]\a ]T QZOaaWQa W\QZcRW\U ¾=VW] œ ¾6Sg 6Sg ;g ;g œ ¾7 0SZWSdS in You" and previously unreleased songs "Leia" and "You Never Call." Through W\ G]cœ O\R ^`SdW]caZg c\`SZSOaSR a]\Ua ¾:SWOœ O\R ¾G]c <SdS` 1OZZ œ BV`]cUV the tunes and the tales, Demme portrays a personal, retrospective look into the bVS bc\Sa O\R bVS bOZSa 2S[[S ^]`b`Oga O ^S`a]\OZ `Sb`]a^SQbWdS Z]]Y W\b] bVS heart and soul of the artist. VSO`b O\R a]cZ ]T bVS O`bWab Showing at: Portland Museum of Art, 6:30 p.m. Friday, 2 ^ [ AObc`ROg O\R p.m. Saturday and AV]eW\U Ob( >]`bZO\R ;caSc[ ]T /`b $(! ^ [ 4`WROg Sunday, portlandmuseum.org Ac\ROg ^]`bZO\R[caSc[ ]`U

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, Septennber 27, | GO E21 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 1]c`bSag ^V]b]


?FK k`Zb\k


It's a new season for @kËj X e\n j\Xjfe ]fi Choral Art Society :_fiXc 8ik JfZ`\kp

Clockwise from top: "Flowers," by Patrick Plourde; 1Z]QYeWaS T`][ b]^( Âľ4Z]eS`a Âś Pg >Ob`WQY >Z]c`RS) "Chop Point Eddy," by Johanna Moore and David Âľ1V]^ >]W\b 3RRg Âś Pg 8]VO\\O ;]]`S O\R 2OdWR Keef; and "Ham," by Deborah Randall. 9SST) O\R Âľ6O[ Âś Pg 2SP]`OV @O\ROZZ

Artists imagine new lives for vinyl 8ik`jkj `dX^`e\ e\n c`m\j ]fi m`epc records in an exhibition running i\Zfi[j `e Xe \o_`Y`k`fe ilee`e^ through Oct. 20 at Biclcleford's Engine. k_ifl^_ FZk% )' Xk 9`[[\]fi[Ă‹j <e^`e\%


By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 4UBGG 8SJUFS Staff Writer

hose of us of a certain age likely had an inIPTF PG VT PG B DFSUBJO BHF MJLFMZ IBE BO JO timate relationship with the vinyl record. UJNBUF SFMBUJPOTIJQ XJUI UIF WJOZM SFDPSE Remember slicing the thin plastic wrap3FNFNCFS TMJDJOH UIF UIJO QMBTUJD XSBQ per with your thumbnail, peeling it off and QFS XJUI ZPVS UIVNCOBJM QFFMJOH JU PGG BOE turning the album jacket over and over to UVSOJOH UIF BMCVN KBDLFU PWFS BOE PWFS UP look closely at the artwork and peruse the MPPL DMPTFMZ BU UIF BSUXPSL BOE QFSVTF UIF song titles? 8F XPVME TMJEF PVU UIF EVTU DPWFS We would slide out the dust cover TPOH UJUMFT and devour the liner notes and musician BOE EFWPVS UIF MJOFS OPUFT BOE NVTJDJBO credits. Some of the really cool albums had a DSFEJUT 4PNF PG UIF SFBMMZ DPPM BMCVNT IBE B poster or other surprises inside. QPTUFS PS PUIFS TVSQSJTFT JOTJEF We'd remove the vinyl record from its the 8F E SFNPWF UIF WJOZM SFDPSE GSPN JUT UIF jacket, place it on the turntable - taking care KBDLFU QMBDF JU PO UIF UVSOUBCMF o UBLJOH DBSF to not smudge the grooves with our fingers UP OPU TNVEHF UIF HSPPWFT XJUI PVS mOHFST - drop the needle, listen for that hiss and o ESPQ UIF OFFEMF MJTUFO GPS UIBU IJTT BOE crackle, and then finally the first notes of DSBDLMF BOE UIFO mOBMMZ UIF mSTU OPUFT PG the record. UIF SFDPSE "There was a ceremony that we had with an album," i5IFSF XBT B DFSFNPOZ UIBU XF IBE XJUI BO BMCVN w says Maine artist Amy Ray, 51, who co-curates a new exhiTBZT .BJOF BSUJTU "NZ 3BZ XIP DP DVSBUFT B OFX FYIJ bition that uses the vinyl record as the primary medium. CJUJPO UIBU VTFT UIF WJOZM SFDPSE BT UIF QSJNBSZ NFEJVN "I never felt that kind of closeness to CDs, and certainly i* OFWFS GFMU UIBU LJOE PG DMPTFOFTT UP $%T BOE DFSUBJOMZ not with virtual music. It was almost a ceremony to open OPU XJUI WJSUVBM NVTJD *U XBT BMNPTU B DFSFNPOZ UP PQFO that album and handle it oh so carefully." UIBU BMCVN BOE IBOEMF JU PI TP DBSFGVMMZ w The exhibition, aptly titled "The Vinyl Show," opens 5IF FYIJCJUJPO BQUMZ UJUMFE i5IF 7JOZM 4IPX w PQFOT Please see'VINYL,' Page E30 Gc\Xj\ j\\ ĂŠD7<G: ¸ GX^\ <*'

10x10 art show- Brunswick edition, E22 N C`jk`e^j# <)* Listings, E23 ('o(' Xik j_fnÆ 9ilejn`Zb \[`k`fe# <))

THE CHORAL ART SOCIETY o p e n s B63 16=@/: /@B A=173BG ]^S\a its season with the Maine Wba aSOa]\ eWbV bVS ;OW\S premiere of "Voices of ^`S[WS`S ]T ÂľD]WQSa ]T Light," which merges the :WUVb Âś eVWQV [S`USa bVS 1928 silent film masterpiece ' & aWZS\b ÂżZ[ [OabS`^WSQS "The Passion of Joan of Arc" ÂľBVS >OaaW]\ ]T 8]O\ ]T /`QÂś with a new choral work by eWbV O \Se QV]`OZ e]`Y Pg composer Richard Einhorn. Q][^]aS` @WQVO`R 3W\V]`\ The Camerata ensemble of BVS 1O[S`ObO S\aS[PZS ]T the Choral Art Society and bVS 1V]`OZ /`b A]QWSbg O\R Portland Symphony Orchestra >]`bZO\R Ag[^V]\g =`QVSab`O instrumentalists will perform. W\ab`c[S\bOZWaba eWZZ ^S`T]`[ WHEN: 7:30 p.m. Saturday; E63<( %(! ^ [ AObc`ROg) lecture at 6:30 p.m. with USM ZSQbc`S Ob $(! ^ [ eWbV CA; professor Kathy Ashley of the ^`]TSaa]` 9ObVg /aVZSg ]T bVS Women and Genders Program E][S\ O\R 5S\RS`a >`]U`O[ WHERE: Hannaford Hall, 88 E63@3( 6O\\OT]`R 6OZZ && Bedford St., USM, Portland 0SRT]`R Ab CA; >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $25 in advance; 6=E ;C16( # W\ ORdO\QS) $30 at door; $10 for students ! Ob R]]`) T]` abcRS\ba INFO: choralart.org 7<4=( QV]`OZO`b ]`U

Many museums open DXep dlj\ldj fg\e for free on Saturday ]fi ]i\\ fe JXkli[Xp =< A/BC@2/G museums and [caSc[a O\R 8G historic houses VWab]`WQ V]caSa < ? : across Maine OQ`]aa ;OW\S @CC ON SATURDAY,


are open for O`S ]^S\ T]` free to anyone T`SS b] O\g]\S who presents a eV] ^`SaS\ba O ticket as part of Museum bWQYSb Oa ^O`b ]T ;caSc[ Day Live!, hosted annually 2Og :WdS V]abSR O\\cOZZg by Smithsonian magazine. Pg A[WbVa]\WO\ [OUOhW\S To get a ticket, visit B] USb O bWQYSb dWaWb a[WbVa]\WO\[OU Q][ smithsonianmag.com/ [caSc[ROg ASS O ZWab ]T museumday. See a list of ^O`bWQW^ObW\U [caSc[a ]\ participating museums on >OUS 3 ! Page E23. E63<( AObc`ROg WHEN: Saturday E63@3( ;O\g [caSc[a OQ`]aa WHERE: Many museums across ;OW\S Maine 6=E ;C16( 4`SS WT g]c ^`W\b O HOW MUCH: Free if you print a bWQYSb W\ ORdO\QS ticket in advance 7<4=( a[WbVa]\WO\[OU Q][ INFO: smithsonianmag.com/ [caSc[ROg museumday

GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3E22 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

KXb\ Z_Xi^\ f] pfli _\Xck_ Xe[ af`e lj Xk k_\

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EXPO Portland Expo Building "

# Saturday, October 6 10am-4pm www.HealthExpoMaine.com !!! " Be Sociable - Share!

$ Courtesy photos 1]c`bSag ^V]b]a

"Branded Thang," burned birch ply, by John Bisbee and, below, "Mennory Âľ0`O\RSR BVO\U Âś Pc`\SR PW`QV ^Zg Pg 8]V\ 0WaPSS O\R PSZ]e Âľ;S[]`g Lane," Flashe acrylic and collage on Jaipur paper, by Mark Wethli :O\S Âś 4ZOaVS OQ`gZWQ O\R Q]ZZOUS ]\ 8OW^c` ^O^S` Pg ;O`Y ESbVZW

10x10 Brunswick' benefits Ê('o(' 9ilejn`ZbË Y\e\Ôkj local students in a big way cfZXc jkl[\ekj `e X Y`^ nXp By BOB KEYES #Z #0# ,&:&4 4UBGG 8SJUFS Staff Writer

G_fkf Yp BXk_c\\e :lcc\i Keynote Speaker: Sbonda Schilling will be presenting and holding a book B\pefk\ Jg\Xb\i1 J_fe[X JZ_`cc`e^ n`cc Y\ gi\j\ek`e^ Xe[ _fc[`e^ X Yffb signing for her New York Times Best Seller "The Best Kind of Different" j`^e`e^ ]fi _\i E\n Pfib K`d\j 9\jk J\cc\i ĂˆK_\ 9\jk B`e[ f] ;`]]\i\ekÉ A c t i v i t i e s "› J`c\ek 8lZk`fe Æ Xcc gifZ\\[j n`cc ^f kf 9XiYXiX Silent Auction all proceeds will go to Barbara 8Zk`m`k`\j -i -I Bush Children's Hospital 9lj_ :_`c[i\eĂ‹j ?fjg`kXc T @eZcl[\1 Include: › ?\Xck_ZXi\ ?\if\j XnXi[j Z\i\dfep *

Healthcare Heroes awards ceremony › Fe\$fe$fe\ `ek\iXZk`fe n`k_ ?\Xck_ N\cce\jj • gif]\jj`feXcj One-on-one interaction with Health & Wellness professionals › • =`ke\jj k`gj › :ffb`e^ ;\dfejkiXk`fej › =cl J_fkj › JZi\\e`e^j Fitness tips • Cooking Demonstrations • Flu Shots • Screenings Sponsored By Jgfejfi\[ 9p





In five years' time, the 10x10 art show *O mWF ZFBST UJNF UIF Y BSU TIPX and sale has become the primo art event BOE TBMF IBT CFDPNF UIF QSJNP BSU FWFOU of the year in Brunswick. PG UIF ZFBS JO #SVOTXJDL The show, which features about 300 5IF TIPX XIJDI GFBUVSFT BCPVU works of art priced at $200, benefits the XPSLT PG BSU QSJDFE BU CFOFmUT UIF local nonprofit organization Arts Are MPDBM OPOQSPmU PSHBOJ[BUJPO "SUT "SF Elementary, which provides artist-in-resi&MFNFOUBSZ XIJDI QSPWJEFT BSUJTU JO SFTJ dence experiences to all Brunswick stuEFODF FYQFSJFODFT UP BMM #SVOTXJDL TUV dents in kindergarten through fifth grade. EFOUT JO LJOEFSHBSUFO UISPVHI mGUI HSBEF This year's show and sale, set for Friday 5IJT ZFBS T TIPX BOE TBMF TFU GPS 'SJEBZ night, likely will be the biggest yet. OJHIU MJLFMZ XJMM CF UIF CJHHFTU ZFU Organizers recruited some of the best0SHBOJ[FST SFDSVJUFE TPNF PG UIF CFTU known contemporary artists working in LOPXO DPOUFNQPSBSZ BSUJTUT XPSLJOH JO Maine to contribute work to the show: .BJOF UP DPOUSJCVUF XPSL UP UIF TIPX John Bisbee, Katherine Bradford, David +PIO #JTCFF ,BUIFSJOF #SBEGPSE %BWJE Cedrone, Rebecca Goodale, Dahlov Ipcar, $FESPOF 3FCFDDB (PPEBMF %BIMPW *QDBS Sally Loughridge, Jerry Day Mason, 4BMMZ -PVHISJEHF +FSSZ %BZ .BTPO Andrea Sulzer, Mark Wethli and Henry "OESFB 4VM[FS .BSL 8FUIMJ BOE )FOSZ Wolyniec 8PMZOJFD Many of these artists got involved with .BOZ PG UIFTF BSUJTUT HPU JOWPMWFE XJUI Arts Are Elementary as an artist-in-resi"SUT "SF &MFNFOUBSZ BT BO BSUJTU JO SFTJ dence. Their work will be auctioned off at EFODF 5IFJS XPSL XJMM CF BVDUJPOFE PGG BU the show UIF TIPX In all, the show features work by about *O BMM UIF TIPX GFBUVSFT XPSL CZ BCPVU 175 artists. BSUJTUT This year's show and sale will be open 5IJT ZFBS T TIPX BOE TBMF XJMM CF PQFO for preview from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday and GPS QSFWJFX GSPN UP Q N 5IVSTEBZ BOE from noon to 3 p.m. Friday. The artwork GSPN OPPO UP Q N 'SJEBZ 5IF BSUXPSL is also available for preview online at JT BMTP BWBJMBCMF GPS QSFWJFX POMJOF BU 10xl0brunswick.org. Y CSVOTXJDL PSH The show and sale is in side-by-side 5IF TIPX BOE TBMF JT JO TJEF CZ TJEF

venues, at the Morrell Meeting Room of WFOVFT BU UIF .PSSFMM .FFUJOH 3PPN PG Curtis Memorial Library and the Parish $VSUJT .FNPSJBM -JCSBSZ BOE UIF 1BSJTI Hall of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, at )BMM PG 4U 1BVM T &QJTDPQBM $IVSDI BU 23 and 27 Pleasant St., respectively. Both BOE 1MFBTBOU 4U SFTQFDUJWFMZ #PUI sites are connected by a garden, making TJUFT BSF DPOOFDUFE CZ B HBSEFO NBLJOH it easy for buyers to walk between the JU FBTZ GPS CVZFST UP XBML CFUXFFO UIF display areas. EJTQMBZ BSFBT Artists whose last name begins with "SUJTUT XIPTF MBTU OBNF CFHJOT XJUI letters "A" though "H" will show at Curtis; MFUUFST i"w UIPVHI i)w XJMM TIPX BU $VSUJT artists "I" through "Z" will show at the BSUJTUT i*w UISPVHI i;w XJMM TIPX BU UIF church. DIVSDI 5IF TIPX IBT OFWFS CFFO NPSF QPQVMBS The show has never been more popular, Please see 1 0 X 1 0 , Page E25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ F GX^\ <),

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, | GO E23 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 !

CLASSICAL MUSIC N #,!33)#!, -53)# FRIDAY &2)$!9 6INEET 3HENDE AND $ANIEL 3ONENBERG -AINE Vineet Shende and Daniel Sonenberg, Maine composers with percussionist Lynn Vartan COMPOSERS WITH PERCUSSIONIST ,YNN 6ARTAN AND PIANIST "RIDGET #ONVEY "OWDOIN #OLLEGE and pianist Bridget Convey, Bowdoin College (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE BOWDOIN EDU MUSIC P M bowdoin.edu/music. 2:30 p.m. Soprano Ashley Emerson, with eight cellists, 3OPRANO !SHLEY %MERSON WITH EIGHT CELLISTS University of Southern Maine (Corthell Concert 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE #ORTHELL #ONCERT (ALL 'ORHAM FOR SENIORS FOR Hall), Gorham. $15; $10 for seniors; $5 for students, usm.maine.edu/music. 8 p.m. STUDENTS USM MAINE EDU MUSIC P M

c`jk`e^j listings

h0LAY -E A 3TORY v INTERACTIVE THEATER PERFORMANCE "Play Me a Story," interactive theater performance and workshop for ages 4 to 10, Portland Stage AND WORKSHOP FOR AGES TO 0ORTLAND 3TAGE Company. $15. portlandstage.org. "Amazing #OMPANY PORTLANDSTAGE ORG h!MAZING Kids," 10:30 a.m. Saturday. +IDS v A M 3ATURDAY "Faith Healer," drama by Irish playwright Brian h&AITH (EALER v DRAMA BY )RISH PLAYWRIGHT "RIAN Friel about a traveling faith healer presented &RIEL ABOUT A TRAVELING FAITH HEALER PRESENTED by AIRE (American Irish Repertory Ensemble), BY !)2% !MERICAN )RISH 2EPERTORY %NSEMBLE Portland Stage Company (Studio Theater). $20; 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY 3TUDIO 4HEATER $18 for seniors and students; $15 on Wednesdays FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS ON 7EDNESDAYS and Thursdays; $10 on Oct. 4. airetheater.com. AND 4HURSDAYS ON /CT AIRETHEATER COM 7:30 p.m. Oct. 4. Through Oct. 2 1 . P M /CT 4HROUGH /CT


N !5$)4)/.3 AUDITIONS

SATURDAY 3!452$!9 "An Evening of Chamber Music," pianist Jim h!N %VENING OF #HAMBER -USIC v PIANIST *IM Parakilas, violinist Mary Hunter, cellist Steve 0ARAKILAS VIOLINIST -ARY (UNTER CELLIST 3TEVE Witkin and violist Heather Cook perform Mozart, 7ITKIN AND VIOLIST (EATHER #OOK PERFORM -OZART Faure and Dvorak, Bates College (Olin Arts &AUR£ AND $VORAK "ATES #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS Center), Lewiston. Free; tickets required. 786#ENTER ,EWISTON &REE TICKETS REQUIRED 6163. 7:30 p.m. (pre-concert lecture at 6:30 p.m.) P M PRE CONCERT LECTURE AT P M Choral Art Society Camerata Ensemble: "Voices #HORAL !RT 3OCIETY #AMERATA %NSEMBLE h6OICES of Light," choral music by composer Richard OF ,IGHT v CHORAL MUSIC BY COMPOSER 2ICHARD Einhorn accompanies silent film "The Passion %INHORN ACCOMPANIES SILENT lLM h4HE 0ASSION of Joan of Arc," Hannaford Hall, University of OF *OAN OF !RC v (ANNAFORD (ALL 5NIVERSITY OF Southern Maine, Portland. $25 in advance; $30 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND IN ADVANCE day of show; $10 for students, choralart.org. DAY OF SHOW FOR STUDENTS CHORALART ORG 7:30 p.m. P M Bowdoin College Chorus, Bowdoin College "OWDOIN #OLLEGE #HORUS "OWDOIN #OLLEGE (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. 798 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE 4 1 4 1 . 3 p.m. P M Bowdoin College Chamber Choir, Bowdoin "OWDOIN #OLLEGE #HAMBER #HOIR "OWDOIN College (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. #OLLEGE 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE 798-4141. 5 p.m. P M

UU Theater Tribute to the Poetry of Pearl Sawyer, 55 4HEATER 4RIBUTE TO THE 0OETRY OF 0EARL 3AWYER seeking actors and orators to recite poetry; SEEKING ACTORS AND ORATORS TO RECITE POETRY performance is the first weekend in NovemberPERFORMANCE IS THE lRST WEEKEND IN .OVEMBER First Universalist Church, Auburn. 783-0461. 11 &IRST 5NIVERSALIST #HURCH !UBURN a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. A M TO P M 3UNDAY "The Nutcracker," parts for boys and girls ages h4HE .UTCRACKER v PARTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS AGES 10 and older, four men and four women, Sanford AND OLDER FOUR MEN AND FOUR WOMEN 3ANFORD Maine Stage, Springvale. sanfordmainestage.com. -AINE 3TAGE 3PRINGVALE SANFORDMAINESTAGE COM 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sunday. TO P M 3UNDAY

ART MUSEUMS N !24 -53%5-3

OCT. 4 /#4 Gary Sperl, clarinetist, University of Southern 'ARY 3PERL CLARINETIST 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN Maine (Corthell Concert Hall), Gorham. $15; $10 -AINE #ORTHELL #ONCERT (ALL 'ORHAM for seniors; $5 for students. 780-5555. 7:30 p.m. FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS P M

DANCE N $!.#%

1]c`bSag ^V]b]

SUNDAY 35.$!9 Vineet Shende and Daniel Sonenberg, Maine 6INEET 3HENDE AND $ANIEL 3ONENBERG -AINE composers with percussionist Lynn Vartan and COMPOSERS WITH PERCUSSIONIST ,YNN 6ARTAN AND pianist Bridget Convey, University of Southern PIANIST "RIDGET #ONVEY 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN Maine (Corthell Concert Hall), Gorham. $15; $10 -AINE #ORTHELL #ONCERT (ALL 'ORHAM for seniors; $5 for students. 780-5555. 2 p.m. FOR SENIORS FOR STUDENTS P M Bowdoin College Concert Band, Bowdoin College "OWDOIN #OLLEGE #ONCERT "AND "OWDOIN #OLLEGE (Studzinski Recital Hall), Brunswick. Free. 798 3TUDZINSKI 2ECITAL (ALL "RUNSWICK &REE 4 1 4 1 . 2 p.m. P M

OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 Museum Day Live!, free admission to the -USEUM $AY ,IVE FREE ADMISSION TO THE Children's Museum & Theatre of Maine, the #HILDREN S -USEUM 4HEATRE OF -AINE THE Maine Historical Society Museum and the -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM AND THE Portland Museum of Art in Portland; the Center 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT IN 0ORTLAND THE #ENTER for Maine Contemporary Art in Rockport; the FOR -AINE #ONTEMPORARY !RT IN 2OCKPORT THE Hamilton House and Sarah Orne Jewett House (AMILTON (OUSE AND 3ARAH /RNE *EWETT (OUSE in South Berwick; Maine Maritime Museum in IN 3OUTH "ERWICK -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM IN Bath; Maine State Museum in Augusta; the Rufus "ATH -AINE 3TATE -USEUM IN !UGUSTA THE 2UFUS Porter Museum in Bridgton; the Sabbathday 0ORTER -USEUM IN "RIDGTON THE 3ABBATHDAY Lake Shaker Museum in New Gloucester; the ,AKE 3HAKER -USEUM IN .EW 'LOUCESTER THE Saco Museum; the Seashore Trolley Museum in 3ACO -USEUM THE 3EASHORE 4ROLLEY -USEUM IN Kennebunkport; and the Peary-MacMillan Arctic +ENNEBUNKPORT AND THE 0EARY -AC-ILLAN !RCTIC Museum in Brunswick. Must print out ticket from -USEUM IN "RUNSWICK -UST PRINT OUT TICKET FROM smithsonianmag.com/museumday. Saturday. SMITHSONIANMAG COM MUSEUMDAY 3ATURDAY

Please see A R T , Page E24 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)+

The work of Susan Guest McPhail BVS e]`Y ]T AcaO\ 5cSab ;Q>VOWZ is on view in "Flying Colors," Wa ]\ dWSe W\ µ4ZgW\U 1]Z]`a ¶ up through Oct. 29 at the c^ bV`]cUV =Qb ' Ob bVS Damariscotta River Grill. Paintings 2O[O`WaQ]bbO @WdS` 5`WZZ >OW\bW\Ua by Jeannette Steele Esposito also Pg 8SO\\SbbS AbSSZS 3a^]aWb] OZa] are featured. O`S TSObc`SR

"Swan Lake," ballet presented in HD, Lincoln h3WAN ,AKE v BALLET PRESENTED IN ($ ,INCOLN Theater, Damariscotta. $15; $5 for ages 18 and 4HEATER $AMARISCOTTA FOR AGES AND under, atthelincoln.org. 2 and 7 p.m. Thursday. UNDER ATTHELINCOLN ORG AND P M 4HURSDAY

Iaarts.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. LAARTS ORG P M 4HURSDAY "The Logic of You," Readers Theatre Production h4HE ,OGIC OF 9OU v 2EADERS 4HEATRE 0RODUCTION of Michael Broek's political poetic drama, Emery OF -ICHAEL "ROEK S POLITICAL POETIC DRAMA %MERY THEATER N 4(%!4%2 Community Arts Center, Farmington. Free. #OMMUNITY !RTS #ENTER &ARMINGTON &REE "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story," musical h"UDDY 4HE "UDDY (OLLY 3TORY v MUSICAL emeryarts.umf.maine.edu. 6:30 p.m. Thursday. EMERYARTS UMF MAINE EDU P M 4HURSDAY celebration of rock legend, Ogunquit Playhouse. CELEBRATION OF ROCK LEGEND /GUNQUIT 0LAYHOUSE "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor h*OSEPH AND THE !MAZING 4ECHNICOLOR $39 to $74. ogunquitplayhouse.org. 2:30 and 8 TO OGUNQUITPLAYHOUSE ORG AND Dreamcoat," Andrew Lloyd Webber musical $REAMCOAT v !NDREW ,LOYD 7EBBER MUSICAL p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m. Friday; 3:30 and 8:30 p.m. P M 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY AND P M based on the Book of Genesis, Portland Players, BASED ON THE "OOK OF 'ENESIS 0ORTLAND 0LAYERS Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday; 8 p.m. Wednesday; 2:30 3OUTH 0ORTLAND FOR SENIORS FOR 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY P M 7EDNESDAY South Portland. $20; $18 for seniors; $15 for and 8 p.m. Oct. 4. Through Oct. 7. AND P M /CT 4HROUGH /CT students, portlandplayers.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday STUDENTS PORTLANDPLAYERS ORG P M &RIDAY "Of Thee I Sing," musical by George and h/F 4HEE ) 3ING v MUSICAL BY 'EORGE AND and Saturday; 2:30 p.m. Sunday. AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Ira Gershwin, George Kaufman and Morrie )RA 'ERSHWIN 'EORGE +AUFMAN AND -ORRIE "Can U REL8?" showcase of eight original short h#AN 5 2%, v SHOWCASE OF EIGHT ORIGINAL SHORT Ryskind, Theater at Monmouth. $10 to $26. 2YSKIND 4HEATER AT -ONMOUTH TO plays by Maine playwrights, Freeport Performing PLAYS BY -AINE PLAYWRIGHTS &REEPORT 0ERFORMING theateratmonmouth.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday and THEATERATMONMOUTH ORG P M 4HURSDAY AND Arts Center. $10 in advance, $15 at door. !RTS #ENTER IN ADVANCE AT DOOR Friday; 1 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday; 1 p.m. Sunday. &RIDAY AND P M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY fcponline.org. 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; FCPONLINE ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY "The Sisters Rosenweig," family dramedy, h4HE 3ISTERS 2OSENWEIG v FAMILY DRAMEDY 2 p.m. Sunday. P M 3UNDAY Portland Stage Company. $34 to $44; discounts 0ORTLAND 3TAGE #OMPANY TO DISCOUNTS "Anything Goes," Cole Porter musical, Lyric h!NYTHING 'OES v #OLE 0ORTER MUSICAL ,YRIC available, portlandstage.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday AVAILABLE PORTLANDSTAGE ORG P M 4HURSDAY Music Theater, South Portland. $21.99. -USIC 4HEATER 3OUTH 0ORTLAND and Friday; 4 and 8 p.m. Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday; LYRICMUSICTHEATER ORG P M &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY AND &RIDAY AND P M 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Iyricmusictheater.org. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday and Oct. 4. Through Oct. P M 7EDNESDAY AND /CT 4HROUGH /CT 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Through Oct. 6. P M 3UNDAY 4HROUGH /CT 21. "Ancient Greeks/Modern Lives," Aquila Theater h!NCIENT 'REEKS -ODERN ,IVES v !QUILA 4HEATER "Etty," one-woman theatrical play based on the h%TTY v ONE WOMAN THEATRICAL PLAY BASED ON THE Company reading and post-discussion, Callahan #OMPANY READING AND POST DISCUSSION #ALLAHAN letters and diaries of Etty Hillesum, Camden LETTERS AND DIARIES OF %TTY (ILLESUM #AMDEN Hall, Lewiston Public Library. Free. Iaarts.org. (ALL ,EWISTON 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE LAARTS ORG Public Library. Free. 236-3440. 7 p.m. Thursday. 0UBLIC ,IBRARY &REE P M 4HURSDAY 7:30 p.m. Friday. P M &RIDAY " N o w I Lay Me Down To Sleep," one-act play h.OW ) ,AY -E $OWN 4O 3LEEP v ONE ACT PLAY " 8 , " staged reading of play by Dustin Lance Black h v STAGED READING OF PLAY BY $USTIN ,ANCE "LACK by high school teacher Jerry Walker based on BY HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER *ERRY 7ALKER BASED ON about California's same-sex marriage proposition, ABOUT #ALIFORNIA S SAME SEX MARRIAGE PROPOSITION stories of former students, Schoolhouse Arts University of Southern Maine (Russell Hall), STORIES OF FORMER STUDENTS 3CHOOLHOUSE !RTS 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 2USSELL (ALL Center, Standish. $10; $8 for students and seniors. 'ORHAM &REE USM MAINE EDU THEATRE P M Gorham. Free, usm.maine.edu/theatre. 7:30 p.m. #ENTER 3TANDISH FOR STUDENTS AND SENIORS schoolhousearts.org. 7:30 p.m. Thursday; 2 p.m. Friday. SCHOOLHOUSEARTS ORG P M 4HURSDAY P M &RIDAY Sunday. "The Taming of the Shrew," Shakespeare play 3UNDAY h4HE 4AMING OF THE 3HREW v 3HAKESPEARE PLAY "Cyrano de Bergerac," classic comedy adventure presented by Aquila Theater Company, Bates PRESENTED BY !QUILA 4HEATER #OMPANY "ATES h#YRANO DE "ERGERAC v CLASSIC COMEDY ADVENTURE presented by Aquila Theater Company, Bates College (SchaefferTheatre), Lewiston. $15. #OLLEGE 3CHAEFFER 4HEATRE ,EWISTON PRESENTED BY !QUILA 4HEATER #OMPANY "ATES batestickets.com. 7:30 p.m. Saturday. College (SchaefferTheatre), Lewiston. $15. BATESTICKETS COM P M 3ATURDAY #OLLEGE 3CHAEFFER 4HEATRE ,EWISTON

345$9 3%%+3 0!24)#)0!.43 Maine Medical Center is seeking -AINE -EDICAL #ENTER IS SEEKING female subjects, ages 21-30, to FEMALE SUBJECTS AGES TO participate in a research study. PARTICIPATE IN A RESEARCH STUDY Researchers will test a study 2ESEARCHERS WILL TEST A STUDY drug's effect on your responses to DRUG S EFFECT ON YOUR RESPONSES TO various photos. VARIOUS PHOTOS

three additional visits to undergo THREE ADDITIONAL VISITS TO UNDERGO testing. TESTING

As part of the study you'd be !S PART OF THE STUDY YOU D BE required to come to MMC for a REQUIRED TO COME TO --# FOR A physical exam on day one, with PHYSICAL EXAM ON DAY ONE WITH

For more information, contact &OR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Debbie, Research Nurse $EBBIE 2ESEARCH .URSE Coordinator at (207) 396-8077 #OORDINATOR AT

You will be paid $225 if you 9OU WILL BE PAID IF YOU complete all required study visits. COMPLETE ALL REQUIRED STUDY VISITS SPACE IS LIMITED 30!#% )3 ,)-)4%$

GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3E24 " 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012


Continued from Page E23 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 !

Sponsored by: L.L.Bean _ 0DLQH +RPH 'HVLJQ Maine Home + Design _ PDLQH maine _ 3257/$1' 0DJD]LQH PORTLAND Magazine 6SRQVRUHG E\ / / %HDQ FASTSIGNS_ 0DFGRQDOG 3DJH &R //& Macdonald Page & Co. LLC_ 7KH 3RUWODQG 3UHVV +HUDOG 0DLQH 6XQGD\ 7HOHJUDP The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram )$676,*16

PROFESSIONAL THEATER M A D E IN M A I N E 352)(66,21$/ 7+($7(5 0$'( ,1 0$,1(

Tickets: 207.774.0465 | www.portlandstage.org 7LFNHWV _ ZZZ SRUWODQGVWDJH RUJ

#/.4).5).' CONTINUING Portland Museum of Art: "Maine Sublime: 0ORTLAND -USEUM OF !RT h-AINE 3UBLIME Frederic Edwin Church's Landscapes of Mount &REDERIC %DWIN #HURCH S ,ANDSCAPES OF -OUNT Desert and Mount Katahdin," focuses on 23 of $ESERT AND -OUNT +ATAHDIN v FOCUSES ON OF Church's small oil sketches, through Sunday; #HURCH S SMALL OIL SKETCHES THROUGH 3UNDAY "Art in Process," high school art exhibition, and h!RT IN 0ROCESS v HIGH SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION AND "Weatherbeaten: Winslow Homer and Maine," h7EATHERBEATEN 7INSLOW (OMER AND -AINE v works by Homer created at his Prouts Neck WORKS BY (OMER CREATED AT HIS 0ROUTS .ECK studio in conjunction with re-opening of restored STUDIO IN CONJUNCTION WITH RE OPENING OF RESTORED studio for public tours, through Dec. 30; "The STUDIO FOR PUBLIC TOURS THROUGH $EC h4HE Portland Society of Art and Winslow Homer in 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT AND 7INSLOW (OMER IN Maine," 50 watercolors and drawings examine -AINE v WATERCOLORS AND DRAWINGS EXAMINE the relationship between Homer, architect John THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN (OMER ARCHITECT *OHN Calvin Stevens and the Portland Society of Art, #ALVIN 3TEVENS AND THE 0ORTLAND 3OCIETY OF !RT through Feb. 3. portlandmuseum.org THROUGH &EB PORTLANDMUSEUM ORG Maine Historical Society Museum/Longfellow -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM ,ONGFELLOW House, Portland: " W i r e d ! " explores the (OUSE 0ORTLAND h7IRED v EXPLORES THE electrification of Maine during the 20th century, ELECTRIlCATION OF -AINE DURING THE TH CENTURY through May 26. mainehistory.org THROUGH -AY MAINEHISTORY ORG Maine Jewish Museum, Portland: Rush -AINE *EWISH -USEUM 0ORTLAND 2USH Brown, "Portland: Capturing a Changing "ROWN h0ORTLAND #APTURING A #HANGING Neighborhood," paintings, through Sunday. .EIGHBORHOOD v PAINTINGS THROUGH 3UNDAY mainejewishmuseum.org MAINEJEWISHMUSEUM ORG Maine Museum of Photographic Arts, USM -AINE -USEUM OF 0HOTOGRAPHIC !RTS 53- Glickman Library, Portland: Luc Demers, "Trace," 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND ,UC $EMERS h4RACE v photographs, and Richard Veit, photographs, PHOTOGRAPHS AND 2ICHARD 6EIT PHOTOGRAPHS through Dec. 2 1 . usm.maine.edu/library THROUGH $EC USM MAINE EDU LIBRARY Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick: "OWDOIN #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT "RUNSWICK William Wegman, "Hello Nature," 30-year 7ILLIAM 7EGMAN h(ELLO .ATURE v YEAR retrospective of artist's work, through Oct. 2 1 ; RETROSPECTIVE OF ARTIST S WORK THROUGH /CT "Making a Presence: F. Holland Day in Artistic h-AKING A 0RESENCE & (OLLAND $AY IN !RTISTIC Photography," photographs by and of F. Holland 0HOTOGRAPHY v PHOTOGRAPHS BY AND OF & (OLLAND Day (1864-1933), through Dec. 23. bowdoin.edu/ $AY THROUGH $EC BOWDOIN EDU art-museum ART MUSEUM Pejepscot Historical Society Museum, Brunswick: 0EJEPSCOT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY -USEUM "RUNSWICK "Promenade: A Walk in Style Through Pejepscot's h0ROMENADE ! 7ALK IN 3TYLE 4HROUGH 0EJEPSCOT S Past," through Oct. 3 1 . pejepscothistorical.org 0AST v THROUGH /CT PEJEPSCOTHISTORICAL ORG Maine Maritime Museum, Bath: "Subdue, Seize -AINE -ARITIME -USEUM "ATH h3UBDUE 3EIZE and Take: Maritime Maine in the Unwelcome AND 4AKE -ARITIME -AINE IN THE 5NWELCOME Interruption of the War of 1812," examines the )NTERRUPTION OF THE 7AR OF v EXAMINES THE maritime world of pre-statehood Maine, through MARITIME WORLD OF PRE STATEHOOD -AINE THROUGH Oct. 12; "Sea Lives," ocean-inspired sculpture /CT h3EA ,IVES v OCEAN INSPIRED SCULPTURE by Sonja Weber Gilkey, through Oct. 2 1 . BY 3ONJA 7EBER 'ILKEY THROUGH /CT mainemaritimemuseum.org MAINEMARITIMEMUSEUM ORG Dyer Library/Saco Museum: "The Moving $YER ,IBRARY 3ACO -USEUM h4HE -OVING Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress," Civil War-era 0ANORAMA OF 0ILGRIM S 0ROGRESS v #IVIL 7AR ERA panorama seen in its entirety for the first time in PANORAMA SEEN IN ITS ENTIRETY FOR THE lRST TIME IN more than a century (also at Pepperell Mills in MORE THAN A CENTURY ALSO AT 0EPPERELL -ILLS IN Bidderford), and "Then, Now and Always a Part of "IDDERFORD AND h4HEN .OW AND !LWAYS A 0ART OF Saco: 250 Years of the First Parish Church," photos 3ACO 9EARS OF THE &IRST 0ARISH #HURCH v PHOTOS and artifacts, through Nov. 10. AND ARTIFACTS THROUGH .OV dyerlibrarysacomuseum.org DYERLIBRARYSACOMUSEUM ORG Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Peggy /GUNQUIT -USEUM OF !MERICAN !RT 0EGGY Bacon: "Portrait of an Art Colony," portraits; "ACON h0ORTRAIT OF AN !RT #OLONY v PORTRAITS "Building an American Modernist Collection," h"UILDING AN !MERICAN -ODERNIST #OLLECTION v highlights from the permanent collection; Henry HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE PERMANENT COLLECTION (ENRY Strater: "Art of the Portrait," collection of portraits; 3TRATER h!RT OF THE 0ORTRAIT v COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS "Contemporary Works from the Permanent h#ONTEMPORARY 7ORKS FROM THE 0ERMANENT Collection," lesser-known and seldom seen #OLLECTION v LESSER KNOWN AND SELDOM SEEN contemporary work; and "Carl Pittore and the CONTEMPORARY WORK AND h#ARL 0ITTORE AND THE Mail Art Movement," art using mail products, -AIL !RT -OVEMENT v ART USING MAIL PRODUCTS through Oct. 3 1 . ogunquitmuseum.org THROUGH /CT OGUNQUITMUSEUM ORG Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston: "ATES #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT ,EWISTON "Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography," h3TARSTRUCK 4HE &INE !RT OF !STROPHOTOGRAPHY v featuring 106 images by artists from 11 countries FEATURING IMAGES BY ARTISTS FROM COUNTRIES across five continents, through Dec. 15. ACROSS lVE CONTINENTS THROUGH $EC bates.edu/museum/exhibitions BATES EDU MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville: "Interior #OLBY #OLLEGE -USEUM OF !RT 7ATERVILLE h)NTERIOR Visions: Selections from the Collection," pieces 6ISIONS 3ELECTIONS FROM THE #OLLECTION v PIECES from museum collection curated by Alex Katz, FROM MUSEUM COLLECTION CURATED BY !LEX +ATZ through Oct. 7; Alex Katz, "Maine/New York," 28 THROUGH /CT !LEX +ATZ h-AINE .EW 9ORK v paintings and one multi-part sculpture, through PAINTINGS AND ONE MULTI PART SCULPTURE THROUGH Dec. 30. colby.edu $EC COLBY EDU Maine State Museum, Augusta: "Malaga Island: -AINE 3TATE -USEUM !UGUSTA h-ALAGA )SLAND Fragmented Lives," historic photographs, &RAGMENTED ,IVES v HISTORIC PHOTOGRAPHS documents, artifacts and first-person accounts, DOCUMENTS ARTIFACTS AND lRST PERSON ACCOUNTS through May. mainestatemuseum.org THROUGH -AY MAINESTATEMUSEUM ORG Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland: "Impressionist &ARNSWORTH !RT -USEUM 2OCKLAND h)MPRESSIONIST Summers: Frank W. Benson's North Haven," 3UMMERS &RANK 7 "ENSON S .ORTH (AVEN v paintings, lithographs and etchings, through PAINTINGS LITHOGRAPHS AND ETCHINGS THROUGH Oct. 2 1 ; Andrew Wyeth: "Summers in Port /CT !NDREW 7YETH h3UMMERS IN 0ORT

#LYDE v WATERCOLORS FROM S AND S Clyde," watercolors from 1930s and '40s, through Nov. 4; "Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent THROUGH .OV h*AMIE 7YETH 2OCKWELL +ENT and Monhegan," paintings, through Dec. 30. AND -ONHEGAN v PAINTINGS THROUGH $EC farnsworthmuseum.org FARNSWORTHMUSEUM ORG Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor: 2012 Waponahki !BBE -USEUM "AR (ARBOR 7APONAHKI Student Art Show, through Oct. 22; "Indians and 3TUDENT !RT 3HOW THROUGH /CT h)NDIANS AND Rusticators" and "TranscendingTraditions: The 2USTICATORSv AND h4RANSCENDING 4RADITIONS 4HE Next Generation and Maine Indian Basketry," .EXT 'ENERATION AND -AINE )NDIAN "ASKETRY v through Dec. 29. abbemuseum.org THROUGH $EC ABBEMUSEUM ORG

ART GALLERIES N !24 '!,,%2)%3 OPENINGS/RECEPTIONS /0%.).'3 2%#%04)/.3 Third Annual Resident Art Show, more than 50 4HIRD !NNUAL 2ESIDENT !RT 3HOW MORE THAN original acrylics and watercolors by residents, ORIGINAL ACRYLICS AND WATERCOLORS BY RESIDENTS Kittery Estates, kitteryestates.com. 2 p.m. Thursday. +ITTERY %STATES KITTERYESTATES COM P M 4HURSDAY "Sampler," 38 pieces of prints, paintings and h3AMPLER v PIECES OF PRINTS PAINTINGS AND experimental works, University of Southern Maine EXPERIMENTAL WORKS 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE (Art Gallery), Gorham. usm.maine.edu/gallery. !RT 'ALLERY 'ORHAM USM MAINE EDU GALLERY Opens Thursday. Through Dec. 9. /PENS 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH $EC Ben Potter: " H o m e Field," Perimeter Gallery, "EN 0OTTER h(OME &IELD v 0ERIMETER 'ALLERY Belfast. 338-0555. Opening reception, 6 to 8 p.m. "ELFAST /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Thursday. Through Nov. 25. 4HURSDAY 4HROUGH .OV Art Walk, galleries open to the public, downtown !RT 7ALK GALLERIES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC DOWNTOWN Biddeford. biddefordartwalk.com. 5 to 8 p.m. "IDDEFORD BIDDEFORDARTWALK COM TO P M Friday. &RIDAY Art Walk Lewiston-Auburn, art galleries open to !RT 7ALK ,EWISTON !UBURN ART GALLERIES OPEN TO the public, Lewiston-Auburn. artwalklewiston THE PUBLIC ,EWISTON !UBURN ARTWALKLEWISTON auburn.com. 5 to 8:30 p.m. Friday. AUBURN COM TO P M &RIDAY "Action Landscape and Compelling Visions," h!CTION ,ANDSCAPE AND #OMPELLING 6ISIONS v Salazar Studio, Biddeford. salazargallery.com. 3ALAZAR 3TUDIO "IDDEFORD SALAZARGALLERY COM Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. /PENING RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY "Photographers Choice," Irvine Gallery at River h0HOTOGRAPHERS #HOICE v )RVINE 'ALLERY AT 2IVER Tree Arts, Kennebunk. rivertreearts.org. Opening 4REE !RTS +ENNEBUNK RIVERTREEARTS ORG /PENING reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Nov. 10. RECEPTION TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH .OV "The Vinyl Show," multiple artists show of h4HE 6INYL 3HOW v MULTIPLE ARTISTS SHOW OF recycled vinyl records, Engine, Biddeford Arts. RECYCLED VINYL RECORDS %NGINE "IDDEFORD !RTS feedtheengine.org. Opening reception, 5 to 8 p.m. FEEDTHEENGINE ORG /PENING RECEPTION TO P M Friday. Through Oct. 20. &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT "Three Painters," work by Noa Warren, Greg h4HREE 0AINTERS v WORK BY .OA 7ARREN 'REG Parker and Kyle Downes, June Fitzpatrick Gallery 0ARKER AND +YLE $OWNES *UNE &ITZPATRICK 'ALLERY atMECA, Portland. 699-5083. Opening reception, AT -%#! 0ORTLAND /PENING RECEPTION 5 to 7 p.m. Friday. Through Oct. 27. TO P M &RIDAY 4HROUGH /CT 2012 Biennial Exhibition, Center for Maine "IENNIAL %XHIBITION #ENTER FOR -AINE Contemporary Art, Rockport. cmcanow.org. #ONTEMPORARY !RT 2OCKPORT CMCANOW ORG Opening reception, 4 to 6 p.m. Saturday. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M 3ATURDAY 4HROUGH Nov. 28. .OV Jimmy Grashow, collaborative sculpture *IMMY 'RASHOW COLLABORATIVE SCULPTURE installation with COA students, College of the INSTALLATION WITH #/! STUDENTS #OLLEGE OF THE Atlantic (Ethel H. Blum Gallery), Bar Harbor. 288!TLANTIC %THEL ( "LUM 'ALLERY "AR (ARBOR 5015. Opens Monday. Through Oct. 3 1 . /PENS -ONDAY 4HROUGH /CT "Artist: Artist" Spindleworks exhibit, Little Dog h!RTIST !RTISTv 3PINDLEWORKS EXHIBIT ,ITTLE $OG Coffee Shop, Brunswick, spindleworks.org. Opens #OFFEE 3HOP "RUNSWICK SPINDLEWORKS ORG /PENS Monday. Through Oct. 3 1 . -ONDAY 4HROUGH /CT "The Making of Music," musical instruments and h4HE -AKING OF -USIC v MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND art inspired by music or musical instruments, ART INSPIRED BY MUSIC OR MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Aarhus Gallery, Belfast, aarhusgallery.com. Opens !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST AARHUSGALLERY COM /PENS Tuesday. Through Oct. 28. 4UESDAY 4HROUGH /CT John Whalley: "World of Wonders," Greenhut *OHN 7HALLEY h7ORLD OF 7ONDERS v 'REENHUT Galleries, Portland, greenhutgalleries.com. 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND GREENHUTGALLERIES COM Opening reception, 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 4. Through /PENING RECEPTION TO P M /CT 4HROUGH Oct. 27. /CT CONTINUING #/.4).5).' University of New England (Art Gallery), 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND !RT 'ALLERY Portland: "Upon Reflection," photographs by 0ORTLAND h5PON 2EmECTION v PHOTOGRAPHS BY Judy Ellis Glickman, through Sunday, une.edu/ *UDY %LLIS 'LICKMAN THROUGH 3UNDAY UNE EDU artgallery ARTGALLERY Gleason Fine Art, Portland: Joellyn Duesberry, 'LEASON &INE !RT 0ORTLAND *OELLYN $UESBERRY "40 Years Celebrating Maine," through Saturday. h 9EARS #ELEBRATING -AINE v THROUGH 3ATURDAY 699-5599. Heron Point Gallery, Portland: Randall Harris, (ERON 0OINT 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND 2ANDALL (ARRIS "Life Drawings," through Saturday. 773-0822. h,IFE $RAWINGS v THROUGH 3ATURDAY Portland Public Library: "Inspired by Space: 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY h)NSPIRED BY 3PACE Artists of the Chestnut Street Lofts," various artists, !RTISTS OF THE #HESTNUT 3TREET ,OFTS v VARIOUS ARTISTS through Sunday, portlandlibrary.com THROUGH 3UNDAY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM Harmon's & Barton's Gallery, Portland: Jo(ARMON S "ARTON S 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND *O Ann Sanborn, Sandi Johnson andTara O'Neill, !NN 3ANBORN 3ANDI *OHNSON AND 4ARA / .EILL "Painterly Perspectives," through Sunday. h0AINTERLY 0ERSPECTIVES v THROUGH 3UNDAY harmonsbartons.com HARMONSBARTONS COM Addison Woolley Gallery, Portland: Andrea van !DDISON 7OOLLEY 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND !NDREA VAN Voorst van Beest and Jim Kelly, gouache paintings, 6OORST VAN "EEST AND *IM +ELLY GOUACHE PAINTINGS intaglio prints and mixed media, through Saturday. INTAGLIO PRINTS AND MIXED MEDIA THROUGH 3ATURDAY

Please see ART, Page E25 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <),

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E25 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 #


"Buttons, Rum and Rakes: Freeport's Mercantile h"UTTONS 2UM AND 2AKES &REEPORT S -ERCANTILE Past," through March, freeporthistoricalsociety.org 0AST v THROUGH -ARCH FREEPORTHISTORICALSOCIETY ORG Thos. Moser Showroom, Freeport: "Viewpoints," 4HOS -OSER 3HOWROOM &REEPORT h6IEWPOINTS v group exhibit, through Oct. 28. 865-4519. GROUP EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT Continued from Page E24 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 " Frost Gully Gallery, Freeport: Group exhibition &ROST 'ULLY 'ALLERY &REEPORT 'ROUP EXHIBITION with Janice Anthony, Diane Dahlke, Thomas WITH *ANICE !NTHONY $IANE $AHLKE 4HOMAS Greenhut Galleries, Portland: Jon Imber, 'REENHUT 'ALLERIES 0ORTLAND *ON )MBER Crotty, Robert Dyer, Margaret Gill and others, #ROTTY 2OBERT $YER -ARGARET 'ILL AND OTHERS "Life at the Shore," through Saturday; J. h,IFE AT THE 3HORE v THROUGH 3ATURDAY * through Sunday, frostgullygallery.com THROUGH 3UNDAY FROSTGULLYGALLERY COM Thomas R. Higgins, "Paint and Perception: A 4HOMAS 2 (IGGINS h0AINT AND 0ERCEPTION ! Hawk Ridge Farm, Pownal: "Autumn," sculpture (AWK 2IDGE &ARM 0OWNAL h!UTUMN v SCULPTURE Retrospective Exhibition," through Oct. 10. 2ETROSPECTIVE %XHIBITION v THROUGH /CT by 26 New England artists, through Oct. 8. BY .EW %NGLAND ARTISTS THROUGH /CT greenhutgalleries.com GREENHUTGALLERIES COM junelacombesculpture.com JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM Constellation Gallery, Portland: "Fire Before Ice," #ONSTELLATION 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h&IRE "EFORE )CE v Gallery Framing, Brunswick: "All in the Family," 'ALLERY &RAMING "RUNSWICK h!LL IN THE &AMILY v exhibit by members of Maine Artists Collective, EXHIBIT BY MEMBERS OF -AINE !RTISTS #OLLECTIVE multimedia by Beverly Price, Allison Price and MULTIMEDIA BY "EVERLY 0RICE !LLISON 0RICE AND through Oct. 24. constellationart.com THROUGH /CT CONSTELLATIONART COM Hillary Schwartz, through Sunday. 729-9108. (ILLARY 3CHWARTZ THROUGH 3UNDAY Rose Contemporary, Portland: " N o t the Usual 2OSE #ONTEMPORARY 0ORTLAND h.OT THE 5SUAL Coleman Burke Gallery (Fort Andross), #OLEMAN "URKE 'ALLERY &ORT !NDROSS Politics," work by Annie Bissett, Amze Emmons, 0OLITICS v WORK BY !NNIE "ISSETT !MZE %MMONS Brunswick: Arlee Woodworth, "Paint," through "RUNSWICK !RLEE 7OODWORTH h0AINT v THROUGH Adriane Herman, Dan Mills and Greg Murr, !DRIANE (ERMAN $AN -ILLS AND 'REG -URR Oct. 5. colemanburke.com /CT COLEMANBURKE COM through Oct. 27. 780-0700. THROUGH /CT Icon Contemporary Art, Brunswick: Jeff Keller, 3Fish Gallery, Portland: "Addiction to Perfection," )CON #ONTEMPORARY !RT "RUNSWICK *EFF +ELLER &ISH 'ALLERY 0ORTLAND h!DDICTION TO 0ERFECTION v "Prospect," through Oct. 13. 725-8157. h0ROSPECT v THROUGH /CT encaustic paint and mixed media by Kimberly ENCAUSTIC PAINT AND MIXED MEDIA BY +IMBERLY Little Dog Coffee Shop, Brunswick: "After Hours ,ITTLE $OG #OFFEE 3HOP "RUNSWICK h!FTER (OURS Curry and graphite on paper by Jeanne #URRY AND GRAPHITE ON PAPER BY *EANNE 2010," latest works by Spindleworks artists, v LATEST WORKS BY 3PINDLEWORKS ARTISTS Titherington, through Oct. 27. 3fishgallery.com 4ITHERINGTON THROUGH /CT lSHGALLERY COM through Sunday, spindleworks.org THROUGH 3UNDAY SPINDLEWORKS ORG Mayo Street Arts, Portland: Edwige Charlotte and -AYO 3TREET !RTS 0ORTLAND %DWIGE #HARLOTTE AND Summer Island Studio, Brunswick: "The Dragon 3UMMER )SLAND 3TUDIO "RUNSWICK h4HE $RAGON Rachel Gloria, "Gilded Roots, Native Grace," 2ACHEL 'LORIA h'ILDED 2OOTS .ATIVE 'RACE v Sleeps," watercolors and Asian brush paintings by 3LEEPS v WATERCOLORS AND !SIAN BRUSH PAINTINGS BY through Oct. 28. mayostreetarts.org THROUGH /CT MAYOSTREETARTS ORG Jean Kigel, through Sunday. 373-1810. *EAN +IGEL THROUGH 3UNDAY University of Southern Maine Osher Map 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE /SHER -AP Markings Gallery, Bath: "Wearable Art," jewelry, -ARKINGS 'ALLERY "ATH h7EARABLE !RT v JEWELRY Library, Portland: "Iconic America: The U.S. ,IBRARY 0ORTLAND h)CONIC !MERICA 4HE 5 3 clothing and accessories by a wide array of Maine CLOTHING AND ACCESSORIES BY A WIDE ARRAY OF -AINE Outline as National Symbol," through Feb. 28. /UTLINE AS .ATIONAL 3YMBOL v THROUGH &EB artists, through Oct. 31.443-1499. ARTISTS THROUGH /CT usm.maine.edu/maps USM MAINE EDU MAPS Maine Fiberarts, Topsham: Roslyn Logsdon, -AINE &IBERARTS 4OPSHAM 2OSLYN ,OGSDON Green Hand Bookshop, Portland: Brandon 'REEN (AND "OOKSHOP 0ORTLAND "RANDON "Architectural Elements: Hooked Rugs," through h!RCHITECTURAL %LEMENTS (OOKED 2UGS v THROUGH Kawashima, "Phantasmagoria," through Sunday. +AWASHIMA h0HANTASMAGORIA v THROUGH 3UNDAY Saturday, mainefiberarts.org 3ATURDAY MAINElBERARTS ORG 253-6808. Richmond Store Gallery: Barbara Bean and 2ICHMOND 3TORE 'ALLERY "ARBARA "EAN AND Macpage LLC, South Portland: "Landscapes," 20 -ACPAGE ,,# 3OUTH 0ORTLAND h,ANDSCAPES v Edward Mackenzie, "The Art of Dee's Ice Cream %DWARD -ACKENZIE h4HE !RT OF $EE S )CE #REAM local artists in various media, through Oct. 19. LOCAL ARTISTS IN VARIOUS MEDIA THROUGH /CT Packaging," artwork made from material donated macpage.com 0ACKAGING v ARTWORK MADE FROM MATERIAL DONATED MACPAGE COM by Brunswick-Topsham Land Trust, through Oct. BY "RUNSWICK 4OPSHAM ,AND 4RUST THROUGH /CT Richard Boyd Gallery, Peaks Island: Lavendier 2ICHARD "OYD 'ALLERY 0EAKS )SLAND ,AVENDIER 3 1 . richmondstoregallery.com RICHMONDSTOREGALLERY COM Myers, "By the Maine Coast Edge: Intimate Views -YERS h"Y THE -AINE #OAST %DGE )NTIMATE 6IEWS Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, Boothbay: "On from Freeport to Monhegan Island," through #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS "OOTHBAY h/N FROM &REEPORT TO -ONHEGAN )SLAND v THROUGH the Wing," sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sunday, richardboydpottery.com THE 7ING v SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH 3UNDAY RICHARDBOYDPOTTERY COM Oct. 8. mainegardens.org Elizabeth Moss Gallery, Falmouth: Rufus Coes, /CT MAINEGARDENS ORG %LIZABETH -OSS 'ALLERY &ALMOUTH 2UFUS #OES Gleason Fine Art, Boothbay Harbor: Philip Frey, 'LEASON &INE !RT "OOTHBAY (ARBOR 0HILIP &REY "Coastal Route," and Ethel H. Blum, "Travels h#OASTAL 2OUTE v AND %THEL ( "LUM h4RAVELS "New Paintings," through Oct. 13. 633-6849. h.EW 0AINTINGS v THROUGH /CT Near and Far, A Retrospective," through Saturday. .EAR AND &AR ! 2ETROSPECTIVE v THROUGH 3ATURDAY Gold/Smith Gallery, Boothbay Harbor: Laura elizabethmossgalleries.com 'OLD 3MITH 'ALLERY "OOTHBAY (ARBOR ,AURA ELIZABETHMOSSGALLERIES COM Bianchi, Tuscan Realist painter, through Oct. 9. Falmouth Memorial Library: Paintings by Jan ter "IANCHI 4USCAN 2EALIST PAINTER THROUGH /CT &ALMOUTH -EMORIAL ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY *AN TER 633-6252. Weele, through Sunday, falmouth.lib.me.us 7EELE THROUGH 3UNDAY FALMOUTH LIB ME US Pemaquid Art Gallery: Group show, through Maine Audubon, Falmouth: " O n the Wing," 0EMAQUID !RT 'ALLERY 'ROUP SHOW THROUGH -AINE !UDUBON &ALMOUTH h/N THE 7ING v Oct. 8. 677-2752. /CT sculpture exhibition and sale, through Sunday. SCULPTURE EXHIBITION AND SALE THROUGH 3UNDAY University of New England (Campus Center), junelacombesculpture.com 5NIVERSITY OF .EW %NGLAND #AMPUS #ENTER JUNELACOMBESCULPTURE COM Biddeford: Johanna F. Hoffman, Maine artist and Yarmouth Frame Shop and Gallery: "Mid-Summer "IDDEFORD *OHANNA & (OFFMAN -AINE ARTIST AND 9ARMOUTH &RAME 3HOP AND 'ALLERY h-ID 3UMMER illustrator, through Sunday. 602-2269. ILLUSTRATOR THROUGH 3UNDAY Perspectives," multiple artists, through Sunday. 0ERSPECTIVES v MULTIPLE ARTISTS THROUGH 3UNDAY York Art Association, York Harbor: "Works on 846-7777. 9ORK !RT !SSOCIATION 9ORK (ARBOR h7ORKS ON Paper," through Oct. 7. yorkartassociation.com North Yarmouth Academy (Curtis Gallery), 0APER v THROUGH /CT YORKARTASSOCIATION COM .ORTH 9ARMOUTH !CADEMY #URTIS 'ALLERY York Public Library: Paintings by Peter Agrafiotis, Yarmouth: Susan Myer Riley and Travis Roy, 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY 0AINTINGS BY 0ETER !GRAlOTIS 9ARMOUTH 3USAN -YER 2ILEY AND 4RAVIS 2OY through Oct. 31.847-5423. THROUGH /CT Freeport Historical Society Harrington House: &REEPORT (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY (ARRINGTON (OUSE Please see ART, Page E28 Gc\Xj\ j\\ /@B GX^\ <)/

Two-for-One Special

Jo'n us any t'me Sunday through Thursday, for # unch or d'nner, " % " and get Two Entrees #! ' " # ' " # # ! ' ) ! for " the Pr'ce of One*. Open from 11:30am unf 8:00pm, pease br'ng th's ad # " ! " ! w'th you to rece've offer. % " ' # " $ "ASED ON HIGHEST PRICED ENTRĂ?E ORDERED /FFER EXPIRES 3UNDAY /CTOBER on h'ghest pr'ced entree Offei & exp'ies Thuisday, Octobei " 7th. ! !" " ) oideied. ! # ! ' " /FFER EXCLUDES /CTOBER TH

fine crafts and artwork MPUL JYHM[Z HUK HY[^VYR

Show and Sale


Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012

9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Consolidated School, School St. (Rt. 9) &RQVROLGDWHG 6FKRRO 6FKRRO 6W 5W

miles east of Dock Square .4 PLOHV HDVW RI 'RFN 6TXDUH Kennebunkport, Maine .HQQHEXQNSRUW 0DLQH $2. Donation at the door will benefit +VUH[PVU H[ [OL KVVY ^PSS ILULMP[ The Graves Children's Library ;OL .YH]LZ *OPSKYLU Z 3PIYHY`




desired piece. EFTJSFE QJFDF #VZFST TUBOE CZ UIFJS DIPTFO QJFDF BOE Buyers stand by their chosen piece and raise they arm, signaling a sale. About SBJTF UIFZ BSN TJHOBMJOH B TBMF "CPVU Continued from Page E22 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 half the work is sold within 15 minutes, IBMG UIF XPSL JT TPME XJUIJO NJOVUFT Cooney said. $PPOFZ TBJE said Lucy Cooney one of the organizers. TBJE -VDZ $PPOFZ POF PG UIF PSHBOJ[FST This year, the auction art will be dis5IJT ZFBS UIF BVDUJPO BSU XJMM CF EJT "We have to turn artists away. The first i8F IBWF UP UVSO BSUJTUT BXBZ 5IF mSTU played on easels. Minimum bids start at QMBZFE PO FBTFMT .JOJNVN CJET TUBSU BU year, we put out a call for artists everyZFBS XF QVU PVU B DBMM GPS BSUJTUT FWFSZ $200, and will increase by increments of BOE XJMM JODSFBTF CZ JODSFNFOUT PG where. We had no idea what to expect. XIFSF 8F IBE OP JEFB XIBU UP FYQFDU $25. Bidding on the auction items begins #JEEJOH PO UIF BVDUJPO JUFNT CFHJOT But we had to turn people away," she said. #VU XF IBE UP UVSO QFPQMF BXBZ w TIF TBJE 5IVSTEBZ Thursday. "It's been popular from the start." i*U T CFFO QPQVMBS GSPN UIF TUBSU w It's popular because it's a great way for *U T QPQVMBS CFDBVTF JU T B HSFBU XBZ GPS Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 AbOTT E`WbS` 0]P 9SgSa QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $"#% people to buy original art at a reasonable ]`( QFPQMF UP CVZ PSJHJOBM BSU BU B SFBTPOBCMF or: price. All the work fits into a 10-by-10-inch QSJDF "MM UIF XPSL mUT JOUP B CZ JODI bkeyes@pressherald. com PYSgSa.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ frame, and all is priced at $200 - except GSBNF BOE BMM JT QSJDFE BU o FYDFQU Twitter: pphbkeyes BeWbbS`( ^^VPYSgSa the auction items, for which there is no UIF BVDUJPO JUFNT GPS XIJDI UIFSF JT OP price ceiling. If a piece sells, the artist QSJDF DFJMJOH *G B QJFDF TFMMT UIF BSUJTU receives $100, and Arts Are Elementary SFDFJWFT BOE "SUT "SF &MFNFOUBSZ @= >F receives the other $100. SFDFJWFT UIF PUIFS Arts Are Elementary has a budget of "10X10 BRUNSWICK" "SUT "SF &MFNFOUBSZ IBT B CVEHFU PG ¾ F 0@C<AE719œ about $40,000. About a quarter of that WHEN: 5 to 8 p.m. Friday; previews BCPVU "CPVU B RVBSUFS PG UIBU E63<( # b] & ^ [ 4`WROg) ^`SdWSea money is generated through this sale, said T`][ # b] & ^ [ BVc`aROg O\R \]]\ b] from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday and noon to NPOFZ JT HFOFSBUFE UISPVHI UIJT TBMF TBJE Cooney. 3 p.m. Friday $PPOFZ ! ^ [ 4`WROg The event itself creates quite a scene. WHERE: Curtis Memorial Library, 23 5IF FWFOU JUTFMG DSFBUFT RVJUF B TDFOF E63@3( 1c`bWa ;S[]`WOZ :WP`O`g ! Buyers have learned to scout their targets >ZSOaO\b Ab O\R Ab >OcZ¸a 3^WaQ]^OZ Pleasant St., and St. Paul's Episcopal #VZFST IBWF MFBSOFE UP TDPVU UIFJS UBSHFUT ahead of time, either online or at the Church, 27 Pleasant St., Brunswick BIFBE PG UJNF FJUIFS POMJOF PS BU UIF 1Vc`QV % >ZSOaO\b Ab 0`c\aeWQY previews. By 4 p.m., lines begin forming. QSFWJFXT #Z Q N MJOFT CFHJO GPSNJOH HOW MUCH: Admission is free 6=E ;C16( /R[WaaW]\ Wa T`SS When doors open, there's a rush to find a 7<4=( f P`c\aeWQY ]`U 8IFO EPPST PQFO UIFSF T B SVTI UP mOE B INFO: 10x10brunswick.org


DAVID MALLETT '$9,' 0$//(77 FWREHU 6 DWXUGD\ 2October 6Saturday, $GY 7L[ 30 Adv Tix $20 8 PM Way beyond bluegrass with :D\ EH\RQG EOXHJUDVV ZLWK Of Toad the Wet Sprocket... 2I 7RDG WKH :HW 6SURFNHW

GLEN PHILLIPS */(1 3+,//,36 with multi instrumentalist ZLWK PXOWL LQVWUXPHQWDOLVW

Grant Lee Phillips *UDQW /HH 3KLOOLSV PM 8 30 HSWHPEHU 29 DWXUGD\ 6September 6Saturday, Advance purchase tickets for this $GYDQFH SXUFKDVH WLFNHWV IRU WKLV amazing duo only $20. Day of DPD]LQJ GXR RQO\ 'D\ RI show tickets are $25. The perfect VKRZ WLFNHWV DUH 7KH SHUIHFW fall night out with friends! IDOO QLJKW RXW ZLWK IULHQGV

THEKRUGER BROTHERS 7+( .58*(5 %527+(56 Adv Tix $15 8 PM FWREHU 12 $GY 7L[ 30 ULGD\ 2October )Friday, A classical afternoon $ FODVVLFDO DIWHUQRRQ

LAURA KARGUL RQ SLDQR on piano /$85$ .$5*8/ Sunday, October 21 2 PM 6XQGD\ 2FWREHU 30

Also ... Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas, $OVR ÂŤ $ODVGDLU )UDVHU 1DWDOLH +DDV Haitian artist BelO, Presidio Brass, +DLWLDQ DUWLVW %HO2 3UHVLGLR %UDVV Makem & Spain Brothers, 0DNHP 6SDLQ %URWKHUV the Gingerbread Spectacular, WKH *LQJHUEUHDG 6SHFWDFXODU the Boneheads... WKH %RQHKHDGV & more... PRUH

GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3E26 $ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

OI'IHN^ /0%. nAircv 7 $!93

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The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, | GO E27 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 %

9LCC@J? FE K?<


Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Staff Photographer AVOe\ >Ob`WQY =cSZZSbbS AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS`

Megan Small (right) shows off an Italian sandwich at Anania's on Broadway ;SUO\ A[OZZ `WUVb aV]ea ]TT O\ 7bOZWO\ aO\ReWQV Ob /\O\WO¸a ]\ 0`]OReOg in South Portland. Anania's also has locations in Portland W\ A]cbV >]`bZO\R /\O\WO¸a OZa] VOa Z]QObW]\a W\ >]`bZO\R ³ on Washington Avenue and outer Congress Street. ]\ EOaVW\Ub]\ /dS\cS O\R ]cbS` 1]\U`Saa Ab`SSb

Neighborhood markets have long offered good food fast E\`^_Yfi_ff[ dXib\kj _Xm\ cfe^ f]]\i\[ ^ff[ ]ff[ ]Xjk Æ and at Anania's, the selection is big and the prices reasonable. Xe[ Xk 8eXe`XËj# k_\ j\c\Zk`fe `j Y`^ Xe[ k_\ gi`Z\j i\XjfeXYc\%


hank goodness for Maine's neighborIBOL HPPEOFTT GPS .BJOF T OFJHICPS hood markets. IPPE NBSLFUT When you want fast food that isn't 8IFO ZPV XBOU GBTU GPPE UIBU JTO U the classic chain version of fast food, UIF DMBTTJD DIBJO WFSTJPO PG GBTU GPPE you can usually depend on the local ZPV DBO VTVBMMZ EFQFOE PO UIF MPDBM corner market for a good Maine DPSOFS NBSLFU GPS B HPPE .BJOF Italian sandwich, a slice of pizza or *UBMJBO TBOEXJDI B TMJDF PG QJ[[B PS a meatball sub. It's sort of a Maine B NFBUCBMM TVC *U T TPSU PG B .BJOF tradition for corner markets to have USBEJUJPO GPS DPSOFS NBSLFUT UP IBWF good food. HPPE GPPE Anania's on Broadway in South "OBOJB T PO #SPBEXBZ JO 4PVUI Portland has all the classic treats mentioned above, 1PSUMBOE IBT BMM UIF DMBTTJD USFBUT NFOUJPOFE BCPWF plus the added attraction of being just a short drive or QMVT UIF BEEFE BUUSBDUJPO PG CFJOH KVTU B TIPSU ESJWF PS walk from waterfront attractions such as Bug Light XBML GSPN XBUFSGSPOU BUUSBDUJPOT TVDI BT #VH -JHIU

?FK k`Zb\k

Park, Willard Beach and the shoreline path that runs 1BSL 8JMMBSE #FBDI BOE UIF TIPSFMJOF QBUI UIBU SVOT between them. So if you're looking to pick up a quick CFUXFFO UIFN 4P JG ZPV SF MPPLJOH UP QJDL VQ B RVJDL picnic lunch on the way to those places, Anania's is a QJDOJD MVODI PO UIF XBZ UP UIPTF QMBDFT "OBOJB T JT B good choice. HPPE DIPJDF If you're just in the mood for a quick, inexpensive *G ZPV SF KVTU JO UIF NPPE GPS B RVJDL JOFYQFOTJWF lunch, Anania's can fill that bill too. On a recent lunch MVODI "OBOJB T DBO mMM UIBU CJMM UPP 0O B SFDFOU MVODI break, I called ahead to order a chicken Parmesan CSFBL * DBMMFE BIFBE UP PSEFS B DIJDLFO 1BSNFTBO sandwich ($7.49 for a large). I had been hankering for TBOEXJDI GPS B MBSHF * IBE CFFO IBOLFSJOH GPS chicken Parm for a while, so when I saw it on Anania's DIJDLFO 1BSN GPS B XIJMF TP XIFO * TBX JU PO "OBOJB T online menu (ananiasvariety.com), I had to get one. POMJOF NFOV BOBOJBTWBSJFUZ DPN * IBE UP HFU POF I'm glad I ordered ahead, because when I got there, * N HMBE * PSEFSFE BIFBE CFDBVTF XIFO * HPU UIFSF the place was pretty busy. There were lots of young UIF QMBDF XBT QSFUUZ CVTZ 5IFSF XFSF MPUT PG ZPVOH

WHERE: 323 Broadway, South Portland. E63@3( ! ! 0`]OReOg A]cbV >]`bZO\R 347-7450; ananiasvariety.com !"% %"# ) O\O\WOadO`WSbg Q][ HOURS: 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Thursday; 6=C@A( $ O [ b] ' ^ [ ;]\ROg b] BVc`aROg) 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday; 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. $ O [ b] ^ [ 4`WROg) % O [ b] ^ [ Saturday; 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday AObc`ROg) & O [ b] & ^ [ Ac\ROg CHEAPEST GRUB: H o t d o g , $1.79 163/>3AB 5@C0( 6]b R]U %' WAIT: None; I called ahead. E/7B( <]\S) 7 QOZZSR OVSOR PARKING: Yes >/@97<5( GSa HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE: Yes 6/<271/>>32 /113AA70:3( GSa • • • • (((( Based on a five-star scale 0OaSR ]\ O ¿dS abO` aQOZS

Please see EAT, Page E29 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 3/B GX^\ <)0

Bunker bash benefits Portland Farmers Market 9leb\i YXj_ Y\e\Ôkj GfikcXe[ =Xid\ij DXib\k

FEAST ON roast pig, artisanal cheeses, 43/AB =< `]Oab ^WU O`bWaO\OZ QVSSaSa apple fritters and vegetables from local O^^ZS T`WbbS`a O\R dSUSbOPZSa T`][ Z]QOZ farms prepared by local chefs at Bunker Down, a TO`[a ^`S^O`SR Pg Z]QOZ QVSTa Ob 0c\YS` 2]e\ O benefit for the Portland Farmers Market. Live music PS\S¿b T]` bVS >]`bZO\R 4O`[S`a ;O`YSb :WdS [caWQ and beer from Bunker Brewing Co. top off the fun. O\R PSS` T`][ 0c\YS` 0`SeW\U 1] b]^ ]TT bVS Tc\ WHEN: 2 b] & ^ [ AObc`ROg to 8 p.m. Saturday E63<( WHERE: Bunker Brewing, 122 /\RS`a]\ Ab >]`bZO\R Anderson St., Portland E63@3( 0c\YS` 0`SeW\U HOW MUCH: $25 6=E ;C16( # INFO: bunkerdownfest.eventbrite.com 7<4=( Pc\YS`R]e\TSab SdS\bP`WbS Q][


Courtesy photo 1]c`bSag ^V]b]

Share in wine, cheese and bread J_Xi\ `e n`e\# Z_\\j\ Xe[ Yi\X[ TASTE ORGANIC WINES p a i r e d w i t h B/AB3 =@5/<71 E7<3A ^OW`SR eWbV cheeses from K. Horton's and bread QVSSaSa T`][ 9 6]`b]\¸a O\R P`SOR from Big Sky Bakery today. T`][ 0WU AYg 0OYS`g b]ROg WHEN: 4:30 to 6:30 today E63<( "(! b] $(! b]ROg WHERE: Public Market House, E63@3( >cPZWQ ;O`YSb 6]caS 28 Monument Square, & ;]\c[S\b A_cO`S Portland >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO: 228-2056 7<4=( & #$

G :?<8I@CC


shutterstock.com aVcbbS`ab]QY Q][

Atwell visits Kennebec River Brewery, E28 N 9Xi >l`[\1 >i\Xk Cfjk 9\Xi# <)0 Bar Guide: Great Lost Bear, E29 8kn\cc m`j`kj B\ee\Y\Z I`m\i 9i\n\ip# <)/

GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3E28 & 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

Brewery on Maine Beer Trai, off the beaten path 9i\n\ip fe DX`e\ 9\\i KiX`c# f]] k_\ Y\Xk\e gXk_ KT

PG IPOFZ UIBO PG SZF *U XBT B IF ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS #SFX he Kennebec River Brewof honey than of rye. It was a MJUUMF CJU TXFFU CVU OPU PWFS FSZ JO 5IF 'PSLT JT B HSFBU ery in The Forks is a great little bit sweet, but not overQPXFSJOHMZ TP BOE UIF SZF HBWF QMBDF UP TUPQ JO POF PG UIF place to stop in one of the poweringly so, and the rye gave JU KVTU B MJUUMF CJU PG B NJOFSBM NPTU XPOEFSGVM JG B CJU SFNPUF most wonderful, if a bit remote, it just a little bit of a mineral places in Maine. flavor at the end. I thought it nBWPS BU UIF FOE * UIPVHIU JU QMBDFT JO .BJOF XBT B HPPE NJY * ESPQQFE JOUP UIF CSFXFSZ I dropped into the brewery was a good mix. earlier this month on the first The Kennebec River Brewery 5IF ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS #SFXFSZ FBSMJFS UIJT NPOUI PO UIF mSTU JT TNBMM JO FWFSZ XBZ EBZ PG B mWF EBZ mTIJOH USJQ BOE day of a five-day fishing trip and is small in every way. met brewer Mike McConnell i*U T B CBSSFM TZTUFN B NFU CSFXFS .JLF .D$POOFMM TOm AtWCll "It>s a 4-5-barrel system, a as he was brewing Whitewater WFSZ CBTJD BOE WFSZ NBOVBM BT IF XBT CSFXJOH 8IJUFXBUFS very basic and very manual Wheat, one of the seven beers 8IFBU POF PG UIF TFWFO CFFST What AleS YOU TZTUFN w .D$POOFMM TBJE system," McConnell said. "MM PG UIF CFFS CSFXFE UIFSF JT PO UBQ BU UIF QVC on tap at the pub. All of the beer brewed there is This was not my first visit to sold in the pub upstairs and at TPME JO UIF QVC VQTUBJST BOE BU 5IJT XBT OPU NZ mSTU WJTJU UP the pub, which has brewed its own beer occasional beer festivals. The company PDDBTJPOBM CFFS GFTUJWBMT 5IF DPNQBOZ UIF QVC XIJDI IBT CSFXFE JUT PXO CFFS at the Northern Outdoors Adventure has not sent kegs of its beer to other IBT OPU TFOU LFHT PG JUT CFFS UP PUIFS BU UIF /PSUIFSO 0VUEPPST "EWFOUVSF pubs around the state. Resort for a bit more than 15 years. I love QVCT BSPVOE UIF TUBUF 3FTPSU GPS B CJU NPSF UIBO ZFBST * MPWF fishing the area, and the pub is a great The beer is unfiltered and keg-condi5IF CFFS JT VOmMUFSFE BOE LFH DPOEJ mTIJOH UIF BSFB BOE UIF QVC JT B HSFBU tioned, which means that the carbonation place to escape when the weather gets UJPOFE XIJDI NFBOT UIBU UIF DBSCPOBUJPO QMBDF UP FTDBQF XIFO UIF XFBUIFS HFUT wet or we don't feel like cooking. is created during a secondary fermentaJT DSFBUFE EVSJOH B TFDPOEBSZ GFSNFOUB XFU PS XF EPO U GFFM MJLF DPPLJOH tion after the beer is put into the keg The specialty beer available when I UJPO BGUFS UIF CFFS JT QVU JOUP UIF LFH 5IF TQFDJBMUZ CFFS BWBJMBCMF XIFO * rather than having carbon dioxide artifivisited was Honey Badger Rye, which SBUIFS UIBO IBWJOH DBSCPO EJPYJEF BSUJm WJTJUFE XBT )POFZ #BEHFS 3ZF XIJDI cially introduced. was described in a news release as being DJBMMZ JOUSPEVDFE XBT EFTDSJCFE JO B OFXT SFMFBTF BT CFJOH similar to the beer in the White House When you buy Kennebec River's beer 8IFO ZPV CVZ ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS T CFFS TJNJMBS UP UIF CFFS JO UIF 8IJUF )PVTF in bottles - almost always the company's brewed with honey from first lady MiJO CPUUMFT o BMNPTU BMXBZT UIF DPNQBOZ T CSFXFE XJUI IPOFZ GSPN mSTU MBEZ .J IPA - it has been brewed by Mercury chelle Obama's beehive. *1" o JU IBT CFFO CSFXFE CZ .FSDVSZ DIFMMF 0CBNB T CFFIJWF Brewing, creator of Ipswich Ales in IpsMcConnell said the idea for the beer #SFXJOH DSFBUPS PG *QTXJDI "MFT JO *QT .D$POOFMM TBJE UIF JEFB GPS UIF CFFS had nothing to do with the president's wich, Mass. Casco Bay Brewing brewed XJDI .BTT $BTDP #BZ #SFXJOH CSFXFE IBE OPUIJOH UP EP XJUI UIF QSFTJEFOU T brew, however. Kennebec River's bottled beers before it ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS T CPUUMFE CFFST CFGPSF JU CSFX IPXFWFS "I think this beer is unique," McConnell XFOU PVU PG CVTJOFTT went out of business. i* UIJOL UIJT CFFS JT VOJRVF w .D$POOFMM McConnell has a guide license, so he said. "I had been looking for a chance .D$POOFMM IBT B HVJEF MJDFOTF TP IF TBJE i* IBE CFFO MPPLJOH GPS B DIBODF to use rye in one of my beers because I works full-time for Northern Outdoors, XPSLT GVMM UJNF GPS /PSUIFSO 0VUEPPST UP VTF SZF JO POF PG NZ CFFST CFDBVTF * although not full-time as a brewer. He had never brewed with it before. And I BMUIPVHI OPU GVMM UJNF BT B CSFXFS )F IBE OFWFS CSFXFE XJUI JU CFGPSF "OE * worked first as a brewer for a company in wanted to use some honey. I'd never used XPSLFE mSTU BT B CSFXFS GPS B DPNQBOZ JO XBOUFE UP VTF TPNF IPOFZ * E OFWFS VTFE Warwick, R.I., that went out of business. honey before either. So it was a chance to 8BSXJDL 3 * UIBU XFOU PVU PG CVTJOFTT IPOFZ CFGPSF FJUIFS 4P JU XBT B DIBODF UP try both of them." Kennebec River Brewery was founded ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS #SFXFSZ XBT GPVOEFE USZ CPUI PG UIFN w by Jim Year wood, a co-owner of NorthThe Honey Badger Rye had more flavor CZ +JN :FBSXPPE B DP PXOFS PG /PSUI 5IF )POFZ #BEHFS 3ZF IBE NPSF nBWPS

Kfd 8kn\cc N_Xk 8c\j Pfl

USBJM XBT DSFBUFE CZ UIF .BJOF #SFXFST trail was created by the Maine Brewers Guild. People who visit five, 10 or all of (VJME 1FPQMF XIP WJTJU mWF PS BMM PG UIF CSFXFSJFT PO UIF USBJM XJO QSJ[FT

the breweries on the trail win prizes.) In addition to a pint of the Honey Bad*O BEEJUJPO UP B QJOU PG UIF )POFZ #BE HFS 3ZF * HPU B TBNQMFS QBEEMF PG UIF ger Rye, I got a sampler paddle of the other beers on tap while I was there. The PUIFS CFFST PO UBQ XIJMF * XBT UIFSF 5IF beers are creatively named and are all CFFST BSF DSFBUJWFMZ OBNFE BOE BSF BMM quite good. RVJUF HPPE Deer in the Headlite is the beer for %FFS JO UIF )FBEMJUF JT UIF CFFS GPS people not used to craft beers, designed QFPQMF OPU VTFE UP DSBGU CFFST EFTJHOFE to replicate Budweiser, Miller and Coors. UP SFQMJDBUF #VEXFJTFS .JMMFS BOE $PPST It's OK, but doesn't have a lot of flavor. *U T 0, CVU EPFTO U IBWF B MPU PG nBWPS Whitewater Wheat is a wheat beer with 8IJUFXBUFS 8IFBU JT B XIFBU CFFS XJUI coriander and orange peel, but I didn't DPSJBOEFS BOE PSBOHF QFFM CVU * EJEO U taste a lot of orange. UBTUF B MPU PG PSBOHF Big Mamma Blueberry is a good addi#JH .BNNB #MVFCFSSZ JT B HPPE BEEJ tion to the state's selection of blueberry UJPO UP UIF TUBUF T TFMFDUJPO PG CMVFCFSSZ beers. The blueberry was a subtle underCFFST 5IF CMVFCFSSZ XBT B TVCUMF VOEFS tone rather than the dominant flavor, and UPOF SBUIFS UIBO UIF EPNJOBOU nBWPS BOE Courtesy photo UIF CFFS HPFT XFMM XJUI UIF QVC TUZMF GPPE 1]c`bSag ^V]b] the beer goes well with the pub-style food Kennebec River Brewery sells its beer BU UIF CSFXFSZ 9S\\SPSQ @WdS` 0`SeS`g aSZZa Wba PSS` at the brewery. in the pub upstairs at the Northern W\ bVS ^cP c^abOW`a Ob bVS <]`bVS`\ The Double Brown was rich and 5IF %PVCMF #SPXO XBT SJDI BOE Outdoors Adventure Resort. =cbR]]`a /RdS\bc`S @Sa]`b warming, but maybe a bit sweeter than I XBSNJOH CVU NBZCF B CJU TXFFUFS UIBO * normally like in a brown. An Octoberfest OPSNBMMZ MJLF JO B CSPXO "O 0DUPCFSGFTU ern Outdoors, who helped start Maine's was a good, rich beer. XBT B HPPE SJDI CFFS FSO 0VUEPPST XIP IFMQFE TUBSU .BJOF T rafting industry in the 1970s and continMy favorite Kennebec River beer was .Z GBWPSJUF ,FOOFCFD 3JWFS CFFS XBT SBGUJOH JOEVTUSZ JO UIF T BOE DPOUJO ues to brew along with McConnell. the IPA, and I can understand why it is UIF *1" BOE * DBO VOEFSTUBOE XIZ JU JT VFT UP CSFX BMPOH XJUI .D$POOFMM the one that the brewery has bottled. It's The brewery does a year-round busiUIF POF UIBU UIF CSFXFSZ IBT CPUUMFE *U T 5IF CSFXFSZ EPFT B ZFBS SPVOE CVTJ ness. Rafting is big throughout the a cross between what you would expect B DSPTT CFUXFFO XIBU ZPV XPVME FYQFDU OFTT 3BGUJOH JT CJH UISPVHIPVU UIF from a British IPA and a West Coast IPA warmer months, along with fishing and GSPN B #SJUJTI *1" BOE B 8FTU $PBTU *1" XBSNFS NPOUIT BMPOH XJUI mTIJOH BOE hunting. And in the winter, The Forks is a o B HPPE IPQ CJUF CVU OPU BU BMM PWFSQPX - a good hop bite, but not at all overpowIVOUJOH "OE JO UIF XJOUFS 5IF 'PSLT JT B ering. major destination for snowmobilers. FSJOH NBKPS EFTUJOBUJPO GPS TOPXNPCJMFST "More and more, though, people are i.PSF BOE NPSF UIPVHI QFPQMF BSF driving up just to try the beer," McConTom Atwell is a freelance writer living in Cape B][ /beSZZ Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` ZWdW\U W\ 1O^S ESJWJOH VQ KVTU UP USZ UIF CFFS w .D$PO Elizabeth. He can be contacted at 767-2297 or at: nell said. "I think a large part of that is 3ZWhOPSbV 6S QO\ PS Q]\bOQbSR Ob %$% '% ]` Ob( OFMM TBJE i* UIJOL B MBSHF QBSU PG UIBU JT tomatwell@me.com because of the Maine Beer Trail." (The b][ObeSZZ.[S Q][ CFDBVTF PG UIF .BJOF #FFS 5SBJM w 5IF


Two/or 23 7ZR IRU

Choose any two of the following entrees.., &KRRVH DQ\ WZR RI WKH IROORZLQJ HQWUHHV«

•) Fried Combo ² 0DLQH 6KULPS - Maine Shrimp ‡ ULHG &RPER & Haddock with fries & coleslaw +DGGRFN ZLWK IULHV FROHVODZ

• 6Sweet Ale Steak Tips ‡ ZHHW $OH 6WHDN 7LSV

:30 to close WR FORVH throughout WKURXJKRXW September 6HSWHPEHU

with your choice of potato or rice ZLWK \RXU FKRLFH RI SRWDWR RU ULFH •Jumbo Panko Shrimp RYHU $VLDQ FROHVODZ ZLWK ULFH over Asian coleslaw with rice ‡ XPER 3DQNR 6KULPS •& Chicken Marsala ZLWK \RXU FKRLFH RI SRWDWR RU ULFH with your choice of potato or rice ‡ KLFNHQ 0DUVDOD

Happy Hour - Drinks & Appetizer Specials 3-6pm +DSS\ +RXU ² 'ULQNV $SSHWL]HU 6SHFLDOV ² SP Sunday - Patriot's Game Day Appetizer Specials 6XQGD\ ² 3DWULRW·V *DPH 'D\ $SSHWL]HU 6SHFLDOV until 6pm XQWLO SP :DVKLQJWRQ $YHQXH 3RUWODQG ‡ ‡ ZZZ SDUNHUV PDLQH FRP

Please no substitutions. Not to be combined with any other offer or advertised specials. 3OHDVH QR VXEVWLWXWLRQV 1RW WR EH FRPELQHG ZLWK DQ\ RWKHU RIIHU RU DGYHUWLVHG VSHFLDOV

exhibitions EXHIBITIONS Aarhus Gallery, Belfast: Mark Bell and Cathy !ARHUS 'ALLERY "ELFAST -ARK "ELL AND #ATHY Melio, pottery and printmaking, through Sunday. -ELIO POTTERY AND PRINTMAKING THROUGH 3UNDAY aarhusgallery.com AARHUSGALLERY COM Continued from Page E25 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 # Littlefield Gallery, Winter Harbor: Frederick Lynch ,ITTLElELD 'ALLERY 7INTER (ARBOR &REDERICK ,YNCH and James Linehan, "Geometry Meets Nature," AND *AMES ,INEHAN h'EOMETRY -EETS .ATURE v through Oct. 31. york.lib.me.us THROUGH /CT YORK LIB ME US through Oct. 15. littlefieldgallery.com THROUGH /CT LITTLElELDGALLERY COM Fryeburg Academy (Palmina F. and Stephen &RYEBURG !CADEMY 0ALMINA & AND 3TEPHEN Haynes Galleries, Thomaston: Peter Poskas, (AYNES 'ALLERIES 4HOMASTON 0ETER 0OSKAS

S. Pace Galleries of Art): "Apple of My Eye," 3 0ACE 'ALLERIES OF !RT h!PPLE OF -Y %YE v "Summer Lights," through Saturday. paintings, watercolors, pastels and prints of apples h3UMMER ,IGHTS v THROUGH 3ATURDAY PAINTINGS WATERCOLORS PASTELS AND PRINTS OF APPLES haynesgalleries.com HAYNESGALLERIES COM from more than 50 mostly regional artists of the FROM MORE THAN MOSTLY REGIONAL ARTISTS OF THE University of Maine (Art Gallery), Farmington: Liz 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE !RT 'ALLERY &ARMINGTON ,IZ past, through Dec. 21. 935-9232. PAST THROUGH $EC Phillips, "Biyuu II," sound and video installation, 0HILLIPS h"IYUU )) v SOUND AND VIDEO INSTALLATION Kennebunk Free Library: Gwen Page, "Animal +ENNEBUNK &REE ,IBRARY 'WEN 0AGE h!NIMAL through Nov. 1. 778-1062. THROUGH .OV Kingdom," wood and linoleum block prints of +INGDOM v WOOD AND LINOLEUM BLOCK PRINTS OF Lajos Matolcsy Arts Gallery, Norway: Gail Rein, ,AJOS -ATOLCSY !RTS 'ALLERY .ORWAY 'AIL 2EIN domesticated and non-domesticated animals, DOMESTICATED AND NON DOMESTICATED ANIMALS Irina Kahn and Suzanne Hardy, "Points of View," )RINA +AHN AND 3UZANNE (ARDY h0OINTS OF 6IEW v through Sunday. 985-2173. THROUGH 3UNDAY through Sunday, westernmaineartgroup.org THROUGH 3UNDAY WESTERNMAINEARTGROUP ORG Just Us Chickens Gallery, Kittery: Thomas and *UST 5S #HICKENS 'ALLERY +ITTERY 4HOMAS AND Turtle Gallery, Deer Isle: "Continuing 4URTLE 'ALLERY $EER )SLE h#ONTINUING Anne Dubois, paintings and woodworking, !NNE $UBOIS PAINTINGS AND WOODWORKING Connections: New and Old All Media," orchard #ONNECTIONS .EW AND /LD n !LL -EDIA v ORCHARD through Sunday, justuschickens.net THROUGH 3UNDAY JUSTUSCHICKENS NET photographs by Michael Alpert, through Oct. 13. PHOTOGRAPHS BY -ICHAEL !LPERT THROUGH /CT Haley Farm Gallery, Kittery: Fabric and clay (ALEY &ARM 'ALLERY +ITTERY &ABRIC AND CLAY turtlegallery.com TURTLEGALLERY COM exhibit, through Oct. 31. haleygallery.com EXHIBIT THROUGH /CT HALEYGALLERY COM Savory Maine, Damariscotta: "Places of the 3AVORY -AINE $AMARISCOTTA h0LACES OF THE Atlantic Motorcar, Wiscasset: Maine Art Gallery !TLANTIC -OTORCAR 7ISCASSET -AINE !RT 'ALLERY Heart: From the Caribbean to Maine and Italy," (EART &ROM THE #ARIBBEAN TO -AINE AND )TALY v artists exhibit depicting the "open road" and ARTISTS EXHIBIT DEPICTING THE hOPEN ROADv AND oil paintings by Cheryl Blaydon, through Oct. 2. OIL PAINTINGS BY #HERYL "LAYDON THROUGH /CT beyond, through Oct. 30. 882-7511. BEYOND THROUGH /CT savorymainedining.com SAVORYMAINEDINING COM Maine Art Gallery, Wiscasset: "Wiscasset's -AINE !RT 'ALLERY 7ISCASSET h7ISCASSET S Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham: "Three -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM h4HREE Museum in the Streets," historical Wiscasset -USEUM IN THE 3TREETS v HISTORICAL 7ISCASSET Town Artists," Carlo Pittore, Bryce Muir and Carter 4OWN !RTISTS v #ARLO 0ITTORE "RYCE -UIR AND #ARTER photos, through Oct. 30. maineartgallery.org PHOTOS THROUGH /CT MAINEARTGALLERY ORG Smith, through Sunday, merrymeetingartscenter.org 3MITH THROUGH 3UNDAY MERRYMEETINGARTSCENTER ORG Stitchers Corner, Wiscasset: Jill Snyder Wallace, 3TITCHERS #ORNER 7ISCASSET *ILL 3NYDER 7ALLACE Yvette Torres Fine Art, Rockland: John Urbain, "For The Love of Needle and Thread," embroidery, 9VETTE 4ORRES &INE !RT 2OCKLAND *OHN 5RBAIN h&OR 4HE ,OVE OF .EEDLE AND 4HREAD v EMBROIDERY "No Ideas But in Things," through Oct. 14. 332h.O )DEAS "UT IN 4HINGS v THROUGH /CT through Oct. 27. 882-4141. THROUGH /CT 4014. Wiscasset Bay Gallery: "Fresh Paint and Recent 7ISCASSET "AY 'ALLERY h&RESH 0AINT AND 2ECENT Art Space Gallery, Rockland: Work by Audrey !RT 3PACE 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND 7ORK BY !UDREY Acquisitions," recent acquisitions of 19th- and !CQUISITIONS v RECENT ACQUISITIONS OF TH AND Bechler, J i l l Caldwell, Laurie Lofman Bellmore and "ECHLER *ILL #ALDWELL ,AURIE ,OFMAN "ELLMORE AND 20th-century American and European paintings, TH CENTURY !MERICAN AND %UROPEAN PAINTINGS Joan Wright, through Sunday, artspacemaine.com *OAN 7RIGHT THROUGH 3UNDAY ARTSPACEMAINE COM plus new works by contemporary New England PLUS NEW WORKS BY CONTEMPORARY .EW %NGLAND CRAFT Gallery, Rockland: Jesse Gillespie, #2!&4 'ALLERY 2OCKLAND *ESSE 'ILLESPIE artists, through Nov. 2. wiscassetbaygallery.com ARTISTS THROUGH .OV WISCASSETBAYGALLERY COM "Uncommon Beauty," through Nov. 5. h5NCOMMON "EAUTY v THROUGH .OV Harlow Gallery, Hallowell: "Two Worlds of (ARLOW 'ALLERY (ALLOWELL h4WO 7ORLDS OF craftonelm.com CRAFTONELM COM Home," recent works of Ross Grams, through (OME v RECENT WORKS OF 2OSS 'RAMS THROUGH Saturday, harlowgallery.org University of Maine (Blake Library), Fort Kent: 3ATURDAY HARLOWGALLERY ORG 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE "LAKE ,IBRARY &ORT +ENT Unity College (Leonard R. Craig Art Gallery): William Lloyd Duncan, "Specifically Saint John: 5NITY #OLLEGE ,EONARD 2 #RAIG !RT 'ALLERY 7ILLIAM ,LOYD $UNCAN h3PECIlCALLY 3AINT *OHN Kenny Cole, "Even Now the Reaper Draws His Views Across the Upper River Watershed," +ENNY #OLE h%VEN .OW THE 2EAPER $RAWS (IS 6IEWS !CROSS THE 5PPER 2IVER 7ATERSHED v Wages," through Oct. 31. uccpa.unity.edu/ through Friday. 834-7527. 7AGES v THROUGH /CT UCCPA UNITY EDU THROUGH &RIDAY

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E29 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3 '


Beer drinkers wi find Great Lost Bear to their iking 9\\i [i`eb\ij n`cc Ôe[ >i\Xk Cfjk 9\Xi kf k_\`i c`b`e^ By EMMA BOUTHILLETTE #Z &.." #065)*--&55& can remember the day I introDBO SFNFNCFS UIF EBZ * JOUSP EVDFE NZ DPVTJO UP 5IF (SFBU duced my cousin to The Great Lost Bear in Portland. I wasn't -PTU #FBS JO 1PSUMBOE * XBTO U PG MFHBM BHF UP ESJOL ZFU CVU * of legal age to drink yet, but I loved the food and the vibe of MPWFE UIF GPPE BOE UIF WJCF PG UIF QMBDF )F CFJOH B GFX ZFBST the place. He, being a few years older than me, would surely love PMEFS UIBO NF XPVME TVSFMZ MPWF the beer. UIF CFFS We grabbed a table in the din8F HSBCCFE B UBCMF JO UIF EJO ing room and when the waitress JOH SPPN BOE XIFO UIF XBJUSFTT came to our table, he asked, DBNF UP PVS UBCMF IF BTLFE "What do you have for beers on i8IBU EP ZPV IBWF GPS CFFST PO tap?" UBQ w She gave him this look of hor4IF HBWF IJN UIJT MPPL PG IPS ror. I'm sure she was thinking, SPS * N TVSF TIF XBT UIJOLJOH "Is this guy serious?" i*T UIJT HVZ TFSJPVT w All she did was point to the tri"MM TIF EJE XBT QPJOU UP UIF USJ fold paper menu on the table. I GPME QBQFS NFOV PO UIF UBCMF * don't remember how many beers EPO U SFNFNCFS IPX NBOZ CFFST were on the list at the time, but XFSF PO UIF MJTU BU UIF UJNF CVU now The Great Lost Bear boasts OPX 5IF (SFBU -PTU #FBS CPBTUT a total of 69 taps featuring mostly B UPUBM PG UBQT GFBUVSJOH NPTUMZ craft beers from the Northeast DSBGU CFFST GSPN UIF /PSUIFBTU and 15 Maine microbreweries. BOE .BJOF NJDSPCSFXFSJFT At some point, a list of beers "U TPNF QPJOU B MJTU PG CFFST that long can make it hard to UIBU MPOH DBO NBLF JU IBSE UP choose what brew you'd like to DIPPTF XIBU CSFX ZPV E MJLF UP sip. However, with such a long TJQ )PXFWFS XJUI TVDI B MPOH list, you are sure to find someMJTU ZPV BSF TVSF UP mOE TPNF thing you like. UIJOH ZPV MJLF In addition to the never-end*O BEEJUJPO UP UIF OFWFS FOE ing list of draft beers, the Bear JOH MJTU PG ESBGU CFFST UIF #FBS always has something up its BMXBZT IBT TPNFUIJOH VQ JUT sleeve. For example, every TMFFWF 'PS FYBNQMF FWFSZ Thursday from 5 to 9 p.m., the 5IVSTEBZ GSPN UP Q N UIF bar has a "Craft Beer Showcase" CBS IBT B i$SBGU #FFS 4IPXDBTFw featuring one of its craft beers GFBUVSJOH POF PG JUT DSBGU CFFST at reduced prices and fun prizes BU SFEVDFE QSJDFT BOE GVO QSJ[FT throughout the night. UISPVHIPVU UIF OJHIU I recently ended up at The * SFDFOUMZ FOEFE VQ BU 5IF Great Lost Bear for a happy hour (SFBU -PTU #FBS GPS B IBQQZ IPVS with colleagues that turned into XJUI DPMMFBHVFT UIBU UVSOFE JOUP hours for one of those Thursday IPVST GPS POF PG UIPTF 5IVSTEBZ nights. We all got raffle tickets; OJHIUT 8F BMM HPU SBGnF UJDLFUT


@ I

WHERE: 540 Forest Ave., E63@3( #" 4]`Sab /dS Portland >]`bZO\R PHONE: 772-0300 >6=<3( %% ! WEBSITE: greatlostbear.com E30A7B3( U`SObZ]abPSO` Q][ HOURS: 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 6=C@A( (! O [ b] (! ^ [ Monday to Saturday; noon to ;]\ROg b] AObc`ROg) \]]\ b] 11 p.m. Sunday ^ [ Ac\ROg PARKING: A tiny parking lot and >/@97<5( / bW\g ^O`YW\U Z]b O\R on-street parking ]\ ab`SSb ^O`YW\U SCENE: A big, often crowded, A13<3( / PWU ]TbS\ Q`]eRSR bar on Forest Avenue that PO` ]\ 4]`Sab /dS\cS bVOb draws college kids and oldR`Oea Q]ZZSUS YWRa O\R ]ZR timers alike with an extensive bW[S`a OZWYS eWbV O\ SfbS\aWdS beer list and never-ending PSS` ZWab O\R \SdS` S\RW\U specials a^SQWOZa

keep non-beer drinkers coming LFFQ OPO CFFS ESJOLFST DPNJOH back for more. One of my favorCBDL GPS NPSF 0OF PG NZ GBWPS ites was the "Laspberry Rime JUFT XBT UIF i-BTQCFSSZ 3JNF Lickey." It's your traditional -JDLFZ w *U T ZPVS USBEJUJPOBM Raspberry Lime Rickey, but for 3BTQCFSSZ -JNF 3JDLFZ CVU GPS adults only, and named as such BEVMUT POMZ BOE OBNFE BT TVDI because that's how you'll be sayCFDBVTF UIBU T IPX ZPV MM CF TBZ ing it after drinking a few. JOH JU BGUFS ESJOLJOH B GFX Just a short walk from the +VTU B TIPSU XBML GSPN UIF University of Southern Maine's 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4PVUIFSO .BJOF T Portland campus, The Great 1PSUMBOE DBNQVT 5IF (SFBU Lost Bear certainly attracts col-PTU #FBS DFSUBJOMZ BUUSBDUT DPM lege students of legal drinking MFHF TUVEFOUT PG MFHBM ESJOLJOH age. It's not just a college bar, BHF *U T OPU KVTU B DPMMFHF CBS though. UIPVHI Open since 1979, the place has 0QFO TJODF UIF QMBDF IBT Gordon Chibroski/Staff Photographer 5]`R]\ 1VWP`]aYW AbOTT >V]b]U`O^VS` gathered a following young and HBUIFSFE B GPMMPXJOH ZPVOH BOE Peter and Kerrilyn Welch, reps for Chickadee Wines, are regulars and enjoy lunch at the Great >SbS` O\R 9S``WZg\ ESZQV `S^a T]` 1VWQYORSS EW\Sa O`S `SUcZO`a O\R S\X]g Zc\QV Ob bVS 5`SOb old, and seems to keep people PME BOE TFFNT UP LFFQ QFPQMF Lost Bear as Mike Dickson, manager and bartender, draws an Allagash Victor. :]ab 0SO` Oa ;WYS 2WQYa]\ [O\OUS` O\R PO`bS\RS` R`Oea O\ /ZZOUOaV DWQb]` coming back with its ever-changDPNJOH CBDL XJUI JUT FWFS DIBOH some haggled with the bartend- UIFSF XFSF B OVNCFS PG 5 TIJSUT there were a number of T-shirts, By the end of the night, one of #Z UIF FOE PG UIF OJHIU POF PG TPNF IBHHMFE XJUI UIF CBSUFOE ing beers on tap, a wide variety JOH CFFST PO UBQ B XJEF WBSJFUZ ers for a few more. When they hats and beer cozies given away, NZ DP XPSLFST XBMLFE BXBZ XJUI my co-workers walked away with PG BMXBZT ZVNNZ GPPE BOE B IBUT BOE CFFS DP[JFT HJWFO BXBZ FST GPS B GFX NPSF 8IFO UIFZ of always-yummy food and a a giant (and I mean GIANT) jar started calling out ticket numbut that makes for a boring raffle. B HJBOU BOE * NFBO (*"/5 KBS CVU UIBU NBLFT GPS B CPSJOH SBGnF TUBSUFE DBMMJOH PVU UJDLFU OVN little something for everyone in MJUUMF TPNFUIJOH GPS FWFSZPOF JO bers, we were sure to have front- * UIJOL * TQPUUFE B CMPX VQ DMPXO I think I spotted a blow-up clown PG QJDLMFT of pickles. CFST XF XFSF TVSF UP IBWF GSPOU between. CFUXFFO row seats to get a good look at in the box of goodies, maybe a The Bear also understands if 5IF #FBS BMTP VOEFSTUBOET JG JO UIF CPY PG HPPEJFT NBZCF B SPX TFBUT UP HFU B HPPE MPPL BU the prizes and the lucky winners. 4OVHHJF PS UXP BOE TPNF PUIFS Snuggie or two, and some other beer is not your style. It's created 3[[O 0]cbVWZZSbbS Wa O T`SSZO\QS e`WbS` CFFS JT OPU ZPVS TUZMF *U T DSFBUFE UIF QSJ[FT BOE UIF MVDLZ XJOOFST Emma Bouthillette is a freelance writer an interesting drink menu to Of course, as one could expect, SBOEPN JUFNT random items. BO JOUFSFTUJOH ESJOL NFOV UP 0G DPVSTF BT POF DPVME FYQFDU who lives in Biddeford. eV] ZWdSa W\ 0WRRST]`R


Continued from Page E27 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 % people about, probably students from nearby QFPQMF BCPVU QSPCBCMZ TUVEFOUT GSPN OFBSCZ Southern Maine Community College. I took my 4PVUIFSO .BJOF $PNNVOJUZ $PMMFHF * UPPL NZ sandwich and one of Anania's homemade whoopie TBOEXJDI BOE POF PG "OBOJB T IPNFNBEF XIPPQJF pies ($1.85) and sat at one of the picnic tables on QJFT BOE TBU BU POF PG UIF QJDOJD UBCMFT PO the sidewalk. UIF TJEFXBML The chicken Farm had tender strips of lightly 5IF DIJDLFO 1BSN IBE UFOEFS TUSJQT PG MJHIUMZ breaded white chicken meat in a tangy red sauce CSFBEFE XIJUF DIJDLFO NFBU JO B UBOHZ SFE TBVDF with a layer of melted cheese. The bread was soft XJUI B MBZFS PG NFMUFE DIFFTF 5IF CSFBE XBT TPGU and slightly toasted on the bottom, so it soaked up BOE TMJHIUMZ UPBTUFE PO UIF CPUUPN TP JU TPBLFE VQ the sauce but didn't get soggy. The sandwich was UIF TBVDF CVU EJEO U HFU TPHHZ 5IF TBOEXJDI XBT large and packed with meat, and was probably MBSHF BOE QBDLFE XJUI NFBU BOE XBT QSPCBCMZ more than I should have eaten for lunch. NPSF UIBO * TIPVME IBWF FBUFO GPS MVODI But like I said, I had a hankering. #VU MJLF * TBJE * IBE B IBOLFSJOH At home that night, I had the whoopie pie. It was "U IPNF UIBU OJHIU * IBE UIF XIPPQJF QJF *U XBT one of the best I have ever had, with a cake that POF PG UIF CFTU * IBWF FWFS IBE XJUI B DBLF UIBU had a nice cocoa flavor and wasn't too dry or too IBE B OJDF DPDPB nBWPS BOE XBTO U UPP ESZ PS UPP moist. The cream was just right too, unlike some NPJTU 5IF DSFBN XBT KVTU SJHIU UPP VOMJLF TPNF whoopie pies that taste like their filling is just XIPPQJF QJFT UIBU UBTUF MJLF UIFJS mMMJOH JT KVTU Crisco and sugar. $SJTDP BOE TVHBS Anania's has a big menu for a variety store. "OBOJB T IBT B CJH NFOV GPS B WBSJFUZ TUPSF There are a dozen or so items under the Italian 5IFSF BSF B EP[FO PS TP JUFNT VOEFS UIF *UBMJBO

sandwiches and subs heading, plus a similar TBOEXJDIFT BOE TVCT IFBEJOH QMVT B TJNJMBS number in the deli sandwiches and hot sandOVNCFS JO UIF EFMJ TBOEXJDIFT BOE IPU TBOE wiches categories. The Italians range from $3.49 XJDIFT DBUFHPSJFT 5IF *UBMJBOT SBOHF GSPN for a small regular to $6.99 for a large with turkey GPS B TNBMM SFHVMBS UP GPS B MBSHF XJUI UVSLFZ or roast beef. PS SPBTU CFFG The hot sandwiches include meatball, hot 5IF IPU TBOEXJDIFT JODMVEF NFBUCBMM IPU pastrami, cheese steak, barbecue pork, buffalo QBTUSBNJ DIFFTF TUFBL CBSCFDVF QPSL CVGGBMP chicken and, of course, chicken Parmesan. The DIJDLFO BOE PG DPVSTF DIJDLFO 1BSNFTBO 5IF large sizes range in price from about $5.89 to MBSHF TJ[FT SBOHF JO QSJDF GSPN BCPVU UP about $7.89. BCPVU There are also fried foods such as chicken ten5IFSF BSF BMTP GSJFE GPPET TVDI BT DIJDLFO UFO ders and clam cakes, salads, tortilla wraps, pizza, EFST BOE DMBN DBLFT TBMBET UPSUJMMB XSBQT QJ[[B calzones, dinners, buckets of pasta and breakfast DBM[POFT EJOOFST CVDLFUT PG QBTUB BOE CSFBLGBTU items, including sandwiches, wraps and pizza. JUFNT JODMVEJOH TBOEXJDIFT XSBQT BOE QJ[[B One of the breakfast items that caught my eye 0OF PG UIF CSFBLGBTU JUFNT UIBU DBVHIU NZ FZF was the Italian-style breakfast sandwich ($3.49), XBT UIF *UBMJBO TUZMF CSFBLGBTU TBOEXJDI with egg, peppers and Italian sausage on Italian XJUI FHH QFQQFST BOE *UBMJBO TBVTBHF PO *UBMJBO bread. CSFBE For sweets, Anania's makes its own whoopie 'PS TXFFUT "OBOJB T NBLFT JUT PXO XIPPQJF pies, cookies, turnovers and chocolate chip cookie QJFT DPPLJFT UVSOPWFST BOE DIPDPMBUF DIJQ DPPLJF pies. QJFT The other nice thing about Anania's is that there 5IF PUIFS OJDF UIJOH BCPVU "OBOJB T JT UIBU UIFSF are more than one in Portland, with locations on BSF NPSF UIBO POF JO 1PSUMBOE XJUI MPDBUJPOT PO Washington Avenue and outer Congress Street. 8BTIJOHUPO "WFOVF BOE PVUFS $POHSFTT 4USFFU The staff of GO anonymously samples meals for about $10. BVS abOTT ]T 5= O\]\g[]caZg aO[^ZSa [SOZa T]` OP]cb


Continued from Page E9 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3' Onelongfellowsquare.com; 761=\SZ]\UTSZZ]ea_cO`S Q][) %$ 1757 %#% Oct. 21 Âł 2SS` BWQY & ^ [ - Deer Tick, 8 p.m., =Qb Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. 3[^W`S 2W\S O\R 2O\QS >]`bZO\R $15. Portlandempire.com; # >]`bZO\RS[^W`S Q][) Statetheatreportland.com AbObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

Get outta town 5Sb ]cbbO b]e\ Thursday- Kenny Wayne BVc`aROgÂł 9S\\g EOg\S Shepherd, 7:30 p.m., Wilbur AVS^VS`R %(! ^ [ EWZPc` Theatre, Boston. $47.20 to $55.20. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "% b] ## Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# 3000 ! Thursday - Margaret Cho, 7:30 BVc`aROg Âł ;O`UO`Sb 1V] %(! p.m., The Music Hall, Portsmouth, ^ [ BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV N.H. $42 b] "% BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) to $47. Themusichall.org; < 6 " (603) 436-2400. $ ! "!$ " Friday - Brian Regan, 7:30 p.m., 4`WROg Âł 0`WO\ @SUO\ %(! ^ [ Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ #" % b] $66.70. Ticketmaster.com; (800) $$ % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Friday - Beth Orton, 7:30 p.m., 4`WROg Âł 0SbV =`b]\ %(! ^ [

Somerville Theatre, Somerville, A][S`dWZZS BVSOb`S A][S`dWZZS Mass. $25. Livenation.com; (800) ;Oaa # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Friday- A$ap Rocky, Schoolboy 4`WROg³ / O^ @]QYg AQV]]ZP]g Q, Danny Brown and A$ap Mob, ? 2O\\g 0`]e\ O\R / O^ ;]P 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $23 to $35. Livenation.com; (800) ! b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Saturday - Who's Bad: The AObc`ROg ³ EV]¸a 0OR( BVS Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute, CZbW[ObS ;WQVOSZ 8OQYa]\ B`WPcbS 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ $20 to $30. Livenation.com; (800) b] ! :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Saturday - Brian Regan, 9:45 p.m., AObc`ROg ³ 0`WO\ @SUO\ '("# ^ [ Wilbur Theatre, Boston. $54.70 to EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ #" % b] $66.70. Ticketmaster.com; (800) $$ % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Tuesday - Punch Brothers, 7:30 BcSaROg ³ >c\QV 0`]bVS`a %(! p.m., The Music Hall, Portsmouth, ^ [ BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV N.H. $28. < 6 & Oct. 4 - Bob Newhart, 7:30 p.m., =Qb " ³ 0]P <SeVO`b %(! ^ [ The Music Hall, Portsmouth, N.H. BVS ;caWQ 6OZZ >]`ba[]cbV < 6 $66 to $72. BVS[caWQVOZZ ]`U) Themusichall.org; $$ b] % (603) 436-2400. $ ! "!$ " Oct. 4 - Heart with Alejandro =Qb " ³ 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`]

Please see TIX, PageE34 Gc\Xj\ j\\ B7F GX^\ <*+

E30 GO


The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 2012

‘VINYL’ Continued from Page E21

Local. Artisanal. Direct. Labrinth is a steely grey ancient patterned neutral. Shown here in our Crescent Bag $99.50. Available in the full line of bag styles. Made right here on Wharf Street. Priced from sewing machine to you!


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with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at Engine in Biddeford and remains on view through Oct. 20. Two dozen Maine artists participate in the exhibition. They had few rules, other than one: The record itself – not the jacket – had to be the primary material. “I really wanted people to focus on the vinyl itself, just that black orb,” Ray said. Sculptor Patrick Plourde turned his vinyl into colorful, three-dimensional flowers. Kimberly Convery used the vinyl as a surface for drawings. Rachael Eastman broke apart her vinyl and created a spine-like vertical piece, using the bits of the record, painted gold, to resemble a bone-like structure. The project attracted some well-established Maine artists, including Mike Libby of Insect Lab, Lin Lisberger, Abby Shahn, James Chute, Johanna Moore of Artifacts Restoration and others. As each new piece came to her, Ray delighted in the artists’ creativity. “People are drilling holes, people are melting, people are cutting,” she said. “Some are using it as a surface, and others are treating it as a round canvas. Some seem to be responding to a specific music memory or an album memory. Others are responding to the physicality of the vinyl itself.” The genesis of this idea began in a thrift store. Ray, who lives in Monmouth, ran across a stack of old records while browsing The Vestry in Monmouth. It was not a stellar collection, and the pile had been there for months. She figured there were at least 1,000 albums. One day when she visited the store, they were being offered for free. Those that did not get claimed were bound for the local dump. “It haunted me to think they would end

MOVIES Continued from Page E20

Nakache and Eric Toledano. After he becomes a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires a young man from the projects to be his caretaker. Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1:15, 4

TM © RUG 1991


“LAST OUNCE OF COURAGE” (PG) Stars Marshall Teague and Jennifer O’Neill. Directed by Darrel Campbell and Kevin McAfee. A grieving father is inspired by his grandson to take a stand for faith and freedom against a tide of apathy and vanishing liberty. Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:50, 4:20, 6:45, 9:20 “LAWLESS” (R) (1:55) Stars Tom Hardy, Shia LaBeouf and Guy Pearce. Directed by John Hillcoat. Set in Virginia during the Depression era, a bootlegging gang is threatened by authorities who want a cut of their profits. Showing at: Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs 2:10, 4:45, 7:30, 10; Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:05, 2:30, 4:55; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:30, 3:30, 7:10, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:30, 4:10, 6:50, 9:30 Fri-Wed 9:50 “THE MASTER” (PG-13) (2:17) Stars Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix and Amy Adams. Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. A Naval veteran arrives home from war unsettled and uncertain of his future – until he is tantalized by The Cause, a faith-based

“THE VINYL SHOW” WHEN: Opens with a reception from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. On view through Oct. 20. In the spirit of the show, a DJ will spin records during the opening reception. WHERE: Engine, 265 Main St., Biddeford HOW MUCH: Free INFO: 229-3560; feedtheengine.org



up in the landfill if no one claimed them that day, even if they were mostly just crap,” she said. “I was in my studio later that day and thought, ‘Wow, they would be a great material.’ So I went back and filled my truck.” Ray put out the call casually, mostly through her Facebook connections. At Engine, executive director Tammy Ackerman also recruited artists. People responded immediately. “Artists had this intimate feeling that it would be a good material to handle and work with,” Ray said. Curiously, many artists chose albums that had meaning to them – a favorite artist or album. It’s curious because the album title and musician or band name are not apparent in the final pieces. Everybody seemed careful about what they picked from the pile, Ray said. “There is just such a spirit to them, such a reverence. It’s just so different now,” Ray said. “You had to use two hands. You usually had to crouch down on your knees and place the record carefully on the turntable. “Virtual is great. New is great. But back then, there was an intimacy associated with handling an object.” Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be contacted at 791-6457 or: bkeyes@pressherald.com Twitter: pphbkeyes

organization, and its charismatic leader. Showing at: Eveningstar (Brunswick) Thurs 1, 4, 7 Fri-Sat 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 Sun-Wed 1, 3:45, 6:30; Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:30 Fri-Wed 12:10, 3:20, 6:30, 9:30 “THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN” (PG) (1:40) Stars Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton and CJ Adams. Directed by Peter Hedges. A childless couple bury a box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green is not all that he appears. Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:25, 6:55 Fri 4:25, 6;55, 9:05 Sat 1:15, 4:25, 6;55, 9:05 Sun 1:15, 4:25, 6:55 Mon-Wed 4:25, 6;55; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 11:50, 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, 9:45 Fri-Wed 4:40, 7:10 “PITCH PERFECT” (PG) (1:52) Stars Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow and Rebel Wilson. Directed by Jason Moore. A college freshman is cajoled into joining the school’s all-girl singing group. Showing at: Cinemagic Westbrook Fri-Wed 12:20, 3:20, 7, 9:40 “PARANORMAN” (PG) (1:33) Stars Kodi SmitMcPhee, Anna Kendrick, Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Tucker Albrizzi. Directed by Chris Butler and Sam Fell. A misunderstood boy who can speak with the dead takes on ghosts, zombies and grown-ups to save his town from a centuries-old curse. Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:30; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:10, 4:30, 6:45 Fri-Wed 2:20, 4:40, 7:10

Please see MOVIES, Page E34

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E31 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3!

?FK k`Zb\k

Kevin Lynch photo 9SdW\ :g\QV ^V]b]

Margaret Cho brings DXi^Xi\k :_f Yi`e^j jokes for grown-ups afb\j ]fi ^ifne$lgj


WATCH OUT, because Margaret E/B16 =CB PSQOcaS ;O`UO`Sb Cho is no lady when it 1V] Wa \] ZORg eVS\ Wb comes to her jokes. The star Q][Sa b] VS` X]YSa BVS abO` of "The Cho Show" will be ]T ÂľBVS 1V] AV]eÂś eWZZ PS joined onstage by burlesque X]W\SR ]\abOUS Pg Pc`ZSa_cS veteran Selene Luna in dSbS`O\ ASZS\S :c\O W\ a comedic explosion for O Q][SRWQ Sf^Z]aW]\ T]` mature audiences only. [Obc`S OcRWS\QSa ]\Zg WHEN: 8 p.m. Saturday E63<( & ^ [ AObc`ROg WHERE: State Theatre, 609 E63@3( AbObS BVSOb`S $ ' Congress St., Portland 1]\U`Saa Ab >]`bZO\R HOW MUCH: $30 to $45; 6=E ;C16( ! b] "#) reserved seating `SaS`dSR aSObW\U INFO: (800) 745-3000; 7<4=( & %"# ! ) statetheatreportland.com abObSbVSOb`S^]`bZO\R Q][

G :?<8I@CC


INSIDE JOB >CH>9: ?D7 Here's our guide to the secrets of the Fryeburg Fair. ?\i\Ă‹j fli ^l`[\ kf k_\ j\Zi\kj f] k_\ =ip\Yli^ =X`i% By RAY ROUTHIER #Z 3": 3065)*&3 StaffWriter 4UBGG 8SJUFS


verybody knows about the Fryeburg Fair, right? WFSZCPEZ LOPXT BCPVU UIF 'SZFCVSH 'BJS SJHIU About all the animals, the rides, the food, the crowds. It's Maine's biggest agri"CPVU BMM UIF BOJNBMT UIF SJEFT UIF GPPE UIF DSPXET *U T .BJOF T CJHHFTU BHSJ cultural fair, attracting about 300,000 people each year. There's a huge midway, DVMUVSBM GBJS BUUSBDUJOH BCPVU QFPQMF FBDI ZFBS 5IFSF T B IVHF NJEXBZ more than 3,000 farm animals, six commercial expos, hundreds of food booths NPSF UIBO GBSN BOJNBMT TJY DPNNFSDJBM FYQPT IVOESFET PG GPPE CPPUIT and 120 different entertainers. BOE EJGGFSFOU FOUFSUBJOFST So it's big. REALLY big. We all know that. 4P JU T CJH 3&"--: CJH 8F BMM LOPX UIBU But because the fair is so big and so popular, folks might not know all there is to #VU CFDBVTF UIF GBJS JT TP CJH BOE TP QPQVMBS GPMLT NJHIU OPU LOPX BMM UIFSF JT UP know. There are lots of cool, interesting or less visible elements of the fair that might LOPX 5IFSF BSF MPUT PG DPPM JOUFSFTUJOH PS MFTT WJTJCMF FMFNFOUT PG UIF GBJS UIBU NJHIU get lost in the crowd. HFU MPTU JO UIF DSPXE For instance, as evidenced by the traffic jams that often snarl Fryeburg's downtown 'PS JOTUBODF BT FWJEFODFE CZ UIF USBGmD KBNT UIBU PGUFO TOBSM 'SZFCVSH T EPXOUPXO and Main Street, many people don't seem to know that the quickest way to the fair BOE .BJO 4USFFU NBOZ QFPQMF EPO U TFFN UP LOPX UIBU UIF RVJDLFTU XBZ UP UIF GBJS during busy times is to head north of town, then come to the fairgrounds by heading EVSJOH CVTZ UJNFT JT UP IFBE OPSUI PG UPXO UIFO DPNF UP UIF GBJSHSPVOET CZ IFBEJOH SOUTH on Route 5. 4065) PO 3PVUF There, the secret is out. 5IFSF UIF TFDSFU JT PVU Following are some more "secrets" about the Fryeburg Fair. They're not exactly top'PMMPXJOH BSF TPNF NPSF iTFDSFUTw BCPVU UIF 'SZFCVSH 'BJS 5IFZ SF OPU FYBDUMZ UPQ Please see FRYEBURG, PageE35 Gc\Xj\ j\\ 4@G30C@5 GX^\ <*,


@= >F FRYEBURG FAIR 4@G30C@5 4/7@ WHEN: Gates open at 7 a.m. daily E63<( 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob % O [ ROWZg Sunday to Oct. 7. Buildings close at Ac\ROg b] =Qb % 0cWZRW\Ua QZ]aS Ob 9 p.m., but the midway stays open ' ^ [ Pcb bVS [WReOg abOga ]^S\ later depending on the size of the ZObS` RS^S\RW\U ]\ bVS aWhS ]T bVS crowd. Q`]eR WHERE: 1154 Main St. (Route 5), E63@3( #" ;OW\ Ab @]cbS # Fryeburg 4`gSPc`U HOW MUCH: $10; free for children 6=E ;C16( ) T`SS T]` QVWZR`S\ under age 12; free for seniors ages c\RS` OUS ) T`SS T]` aS\W]`a OUSa 65 and older on Tuesday $# O\R ]ZRS` ]\ BcSaROg INFO & SCHEDULE: 935-3268; 7<4= A1632C:3( '!# ! $&) fryeburgfair.org T`gSPc`UTOW` ]`U WHAT ELSE: From 2 b] ' ^ [ to 9 p.m. E6/B 3:A3( 4`][ Tuesday to Thursday and Oct. 7, BcSaROg b] BVc`aROg O\R =Qb % you can ride all the mechanical g]c QO\ `WRS OZZ bVS [SQVO\WQOZ rides as many times as you want `WRSa Oa [O\g bW[Sa Oa g]c eO\b for $20. T]`

Off Beat: Damariscotta Pumpkinfest & Regatta. E32 N C`jk`e^j# <** Listings. E33 F]] 9\Xk1 ;XdXi`jZfkkX Gldgb`e]\jk I\^XkkX# <*)

Press Herald file >`Saa 6S`OZR ÂżZS

Tour Wedding Cake Kfli N\[[`e^ :Xb\ House for hunger aid ?flj\ ]fi _le^\i X`[ KNOWN AS the Wedding 9<=E< /A bVS ESRRW\U Cake House, it's one of the 1OYS 6]caS Wb¸a ]\S ]T bVS most photographed homes []ab ^V]b]U`O^VSR V][Sa in Maine. Today, you have W\ ;OW\S B]ROg g]c VOdS a chance to see behind its O QVO\QS b] aSS PSVW\R Wba frilly facade in a benefit for T`WZZg TOQORS W\ O PS\S¿b T]` Hunger Relief of York County. 6c\US` @SZWST ]T G]`Y 1]c\bg WHEN: 10 a.m. to 4p.m. E63<( O [ b] " ^ [ Thursday BVc`aROg WHERE: Wedding Cake House, E63@3( ESRRW\U 1OYS 6]caS 104 Summer St., Kennebunk " Ac[[S` Ab 9S\\SPc\Y HOW MUCH: $10 6=E ;C16( INFO: 985-3700 7<4=( '&# !%

E32 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3! % 2012


@= >F DAMARISCOTTA 2/;/@7A1=BB/ PUMPKINFEST & REGATTA >C;>97<43AB @35/BB/ WHEN: Saturday to E63<( AObc`ROg b] Oct. 8 =Qb & WHERE: Downtown E63@3( 2]e\b]e\ Damariscotta and 2O[O`WaQ]bbO O\R surrounding areas ac``]c\RW\U O`SOa HOW MUCH: Free 6=E ;C16( 4`SS INFO & SCHEDULE: 7<4= A1632C:3( damariscottapumpkin RO[O`WaQ]bbO^c[^YW\ fest.com TSab Q][ GOOD TO KNOW: Catch 5==2 B= 9<=E( 1ObQV the shuttle from Lincoln bVS aVcbbZS T`][ :W\Q]Z\ Academy 81 Academy /QORS[g & /QORS[g Hill, Newcastle, for 6WZZ <SeQOabZS T]` many of the events that [O\g ]T bVS SdS\ba bVOb aren't in downtown O`S\¸b W\ R]e\b]e\ Damariscotta. 2O[O`WaQ]bbO

They might be giants K_\p d`^_k Y\ ^`Xekj It'll be nothing but pumpkins - big 7b¸ZZ PS \]bVW\U Pcb ^c[^YW\a Âł PWU ones, carved ones, floating ones, ]\Sa QO`dSR ]\Sa Ă€]ObW\U ]\Sa even falling-from-the-sky ones - at SdS\ TOZZW\U T`][ bVS aYg ]\Sa Âł Ob Damariscotta's Pumpkinfest & Regatta. 2O[O`WaQ]bbO¸a >c[^YW\TSab @SUObbO


umpkins aren't just for VNQLJOT BSFO U KVTU GPS pie and carving anymore. QJF BOE DBSWJOH BOZNPSF They're also for hurl5IFZ SF BMTP GPS IVSM ing, dropping, smashing, JOH ESPQQJOH TNBTIJOH boating and driving. CPBUJOH BOE ESJWJOH That's just some of 5IBU T KVTU TPNF PG what you'll see beginning XIBU ZPV MM TFF CFHJOOJOH this Saturday in DamarUIJT 4BUVSEBZ JO %BNBS iscotta, when a week's JTDPUUB XIFO B XFFL T worth of wacky, pumpkin-themed fun fills the XPSUI PG XBDLZ QVNQLJO UIFNFE GVO mMMT UIF town for the annual Pumpkinfest & Regatta. UPXO GPS UIF BOOVBM 1VNQLJOGFTU 3FHBUUB The event started on a whim in 2006, when 5IF FWFOU TUBSUFE PO B XIJN JO XIFO a few friends decided to attach a motor to a B GFX GSJFOET EFDJEFE UP BUUBDI B NPUPS UP B hollowed-out giant pumpkin and try their luck IPMMPXFE PVU HJBOU QVNQLJO BOE USZ UIFJS MVDL in the harbor. JO UIF IBSCPS "The first one was 754 pounds," said Alan i5IF mSTU POF XBT QPVOET w TBJE "MBO "Buzz" Pinkham, one of i#V[[w 1JOLIBN POF PG the event's founders (or, UIF FWFOU T GPVOEFST PS as he calls himself, "head BT IF DBMMT IJNTFMG iIFBE instigator"). "We snuck JOTUJHBUPSw i8F TOVDL into town and launched JOUP UPXO BOE MBVODIFE it at the public landing. I JU BU UIF QVCMJD MBOEJOH * say -snuck,' but you don't TBZ ATOVDL CVU ZPV EPO U really sneak anywhere SFBMMZ TOFBL BOZXIFSF w a 75 XJUI B QPVOE QVNQ Avprv Yalp ^ 4-p°und pumpHVCI y i a i c Mn w i t h an o u t b o a r d LJO XJUI BO PVUCPBSE KaiTlim motor strapped to it." NPUPS TUSBQQFE UP JU w By the time they were #Z UIF UJNF UIFZ XFSF Off Beat ready to launch it, an SFBEZ UP MBVODI JU BO impromptu crowd, which JNQSPNQUV DSPXE XIJDI Pinkham estimates numbered more than 200, 1JOLIBN FTUJNBUFT OVNCFSFE NPSF UIBO had gathered to see the spectacle. IBE HBUIFSFE UP TFF UIF TQFDUBDMF From, there the event - and the pumpkins 'SPN UIFSF UIF FWFOU o BOE UIF QVNQLJOT - have only grown. The current record for o IBWF POMZ HSPXO 5IF DVSSFOU SFDPSE GPS largest pumpkin at the festival is 1,471 pounds. MBSHFTU QVNQLJO BU UIF GFTUJWBM JT QPVOET This year, the festival starts at 10 a.m. 5IJT ZFBS UIF GFTUJWBM TUBSUT BU B N Saturday for the amateur pumpkin growers 4BUVSEBZ GPS UIF BNBUFVS QVNQLJO HSPXFST weigh-off. The following day, the professional XFJHI PGG 5IF GPMMPXJOH EBZ UIF QSPGFTTJPOBM growers will have their weigh-off, with $10,000 HSPXFST XJMM IBWF UIFJS XFJHI PGG XJUI in prize money at stake. All week long, there JO QSJ[F NPOFZ BU TUBLF "MM XFFL MPOH UIFSF will be boat-building events and pumpkinXJMM CF CPBU CVJMEJOH FWFOUT BOE QVNQLJO painting events. QBJOUJOH FWFOUT But it's on Saturday, Oct. 6, when things #VU JU T PO 4BUVSEBZ 0DU XIFO UIJOHT get really serious. That's when the disHFU SFBMMZ TFSJPVT 5IBU T XIFO UIF EJT tance-shooting event - otherwise known as UBODF TIPPUJOH FWFOU o PUIFSXJTF LOPXO BT the Pumpkin Splash Down - takes place in UIF 1VNQLJO 4QMBTI %PXO o UBLFT QMBDF JO Nobleboro. /PCMFCPSP Spectators will be able to watch as the 2009 4QFDUBUPST XJMM CF BCMF UP XBUDI BT UIF world champion team "The Big 10" hurls giant XPSME DIBNQJPO UFBN i5IF #JH w IVSMT HJBOU pumpkins across a field. The team travels QVNQLJOT BDSPTT B mFME 5IF UFBN USBWFMT from Pennsylvania and New Jersey to show GSPN 1FOOTZMWBOJB BOE /FX +FSTFZ UP TIPX off their specialized skills. PGG UIFJS TQFDJBMJ[FE TLJMMT Yes, it's a day of smashing pumpkins - liter:FT JU T B EBZ PG TNBTIJOH QVNQLJOT o MJUFS BMMZ ally i1FPQMF DBO U CFMJFWF XIBU UIFZ SF TFFJOH w "People can't believe what they're seeing," 1JOLIBN TBJE Pinkham said. Later that day brings the official Giant -BUFS UIBU EBZ CSJOHT UIF PGmDJBM (JBOU Pumpkin Parade, the Underwater Pumpkin 1VNQLJO 1BSBEF UIF 6OEFSXBUFS 1VNQLJO

8m\ip PXc\ BXd`cX F]] 9\Xk


10 a.m.: Volunteer O [ ( D]Zc\bSS` growers weigh-off, U`]eS`a eSWUV ]TT Pinkham's Plantation, >W\YVO[¸a >ZO\bObW]\ 431 Biscay Road, "! 0WaQOg @]OR Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO Shutterstock.com AVcbbS`ab]QY Q][

Carving contest, the Pumpkin Pie Eating con$BSWJOH DPOUFTU UIF 1VNQLJO 1JF &BUJOH DPO test and the Pumpkin Dessert contest, among UFTU BOE UIF 1VNQLJO %FTTFSU DPOUFTU BNPOH many other activities. NBOZ PUIFS BDUJWJUJFT On Oct. 7, the event's namesake, the Pump0O 0DU UIF FWFOU T OBNFTBLF UIF 1VNQ kinboat Regatta, hits Damariscotta Harbor at LJOCPBU 3FHBUUB IJUT %BNBSJTDPUUB )BSCPS BU 2:30 p.m. If land-based races are more your Q N *G MBOE CBTFE SBDFT BSF NPSF ZPVS style, you can catch the Pumpkin Derby at 9 TUZMF ZPV DBO DBUDI UIF 1VNQLJO %FSCZ BU a.m. that morning. B N UIBU NPSOJOH But the day's weirdest event is the Pumpkin #VU UIF EBZ T XFJSEFTU FWFOU JT UIF 1VNQLJO Catapult & Hurl, which takes place from 9:30 $BUBQVMU )VSM XIJDI UBLFT QMBDF GSPN a.m. to noon in Nobleboro. The target: A car B N UP OPPO JO /PCMFCPSP 5IF UBSHFU " DBS that's seen better days. UIBU T TFFO CFUUFS EBZT "It's amazing what a 10-pound pumpkin at i*U T BNB[JOH XIBU B QPVOE QVNQLJO BU 500 miles per hour can do to a Lincoln Conti NJMFT QFS IPVS DBO EP UP B -JODPMO $POUJ nental," said Pinkham. "They did figure out OFOUBM w TBJE 1JOLIBN i5IFZ EJE mHVSF PVU that if they didn't shoot the wheels out from UIBU JG UIFZ EJEO U TIPPU UIF XIFFMT PVU GSPN under it, it's easier to get it out of the field VOEFS JU JU T FBTJFS UP HFU JU PVU PG UIF mFME afterwards." BGUFSXBSET w Pinkham owns Pinkham Plantation, where 1JOLIBN PXOT 1JOLIBN 1MBOUBUJPO XIFSF each spring Pumpkinfest organizers give FBDI TQSJOH 1VNQLJOGFTU PSHBOJ[FST HJWF away 500 to 600 pumpkin seedlings. The giveBXBZ UP QVNQLJO TFFEMJOHT 5IF HJWF away is intended to encourage people to grow BXBZ JT JOUFOEFE UP FODPVSBHF QFPQMF UP HSPX giant pumpkins, which will then be weighed at HJBOU QVNQLJOT XIJDI XJMM UIFO CF XFJHIFE BU the festival in the fall and used throughout the UIF GFTUJWBM JO UIF GBMM BOE VTFE UISPVHIPVU UIF event as boats, art objects and real-life smashFWFOU BT CPBUT BSU PCKFDUT BOE SFBM MJGF TNBTI ing pumpkins. JOH QVNQLJOT About 150 of those seedlings make it to giant "CPVU PG UIPTF TFFEMJOHT NBLF JU UP HJBOU pumpkin status and show up at the festival QVNQLJO TUBUVT BOE TIPX VQ BU UIF GFTUJWBM weigh-in. XFJHI JO "We finish it up on Monday, when we do the i8F mOJTI JU VQ PO .POEBZ XIFO XF EP UIF drop," Pinkham said. "The drop" involves ESPQ w 1JOLIBN TBJE i5IF ESPQw JOWPMWFT hoisting giant pumpkins 200 feet in the air IPJTUJOH HJBOU QVNQLJOT GFFU JO UIF BJS

with a crane and then letting them smash XJUI B DSBOF BOE UIFO MFUUJOH UIFN TNBTI onto a car below. POUP B DBS CFMPX "They like it at the recycling center better i5IFZ MJLF JU BU UIF SFDZDMJOH DFOUFS CFUUFS if we have it crushed," Pinkham said. "We do JG XF IBWF JU DSVTIFE w 1JOLIBN TBJE i8F EP it green. We make sure we drain all the fluids JU HSFFO 8F NBLF TVSF XF ESBJO BMM UIF nVJET out." PVU w A couple of years ago, the sacrificial car was " DPVQMF PG ZFBST BHP UIF TBDSJmDJBM DBS XBT a retired police cruiser. Festival organizers B SFUJSFE QPMJDF DSVJTFS 'FTUJWBM PSHBOJ[FST raffled off the chance to hoist the pumpkins SBGnFE PGG UIF DIBODF UP IPJTU UIF QVNQLJOT that would smash the car. "It's surprising how UIBU XPVME TNBTI UIF DBS i*U T TVSQSJTJOH IPX popular the raffle was," Pinkham said. QPQVMBS UIF SBGnF XBT w 1JOLIBN TBJE When asked why the festival has grown 8IFO BTLFE XIZ UIF GFTUJWBM IBT HSPXO over the years, adding ever more outrageous PWFS UIF ZFBST BEEJOH FWFS NPSF PVUSBHFPVT events, Pinkham said, "there are awful long FWFOUT 1JOLIBN TBJE iUIFSF BSF BXGVM MPOH winters up here in Maine, so each year, we XJOUFST VQ IFSF JO .BJOF TP FBDI ZFBS XF think about what we could do." UIJOL BCPVU XIBU XF DPVME EP w More than 20,000 people attend the festival .PSF UIBO QFPQMF BUUFOE UIF GFTUJWBM over the course of the week, and news reports PWFS UIF DPVSTF PG UIF XFFL BOE OFXT SFQPSUT about Pumpkinfest have appeared across the BCPVU 1VNQLJOGFTU IBWF BQQFBSFE BDSPTT UIF country and around the world. DPVOUSZ BOE BSPVOE UIF XPSME "It's just a great time to celebrate noni*U T KVTU B HSFBU UJNF UP DFMFCSBUF OPO sense," Pinkham said. "People spend their TFOTF w 1JOLIBN TBJE i1FPQMF TQFOE UIFJS whole lives trying to make sense of things. But XIPMF MJWFT USZJOH UP NBLF TFOTF PG UIJOHT #VU don't worry about that. Just come up and have EPO U XPSSZ BCPVU UIBU +VTU DPNF VQ BOE IBWF fun. Don't try to make sense of it." GVO %PO U USZ UP NBLF TFOTF PG JU w Because when it comes to smashing pump#FDBVTF XIFO JU DPNFT UP TNBTIJOH QVNQ kins, the appeal defies logic. And gravity. LJOT UIF BQQFBM EFmFT MPHJD "OE HSBWJUZ Staff Writer Avery Yale Kamila can be AbOTT E`WbS` /dS`g GOZS 9O[WZO QO\ PS contacted at 791-6297 or at: Q]\bOQbSR Ob %' $ '% ]` Ob( akamila@pressherald.com OYO[WZO.^`SaaVS`OZR Q][ Twitter: Avery YaleKamila BeWbbS`( /dS`gGOZS9O[WZO

If they 7T bVSg don't fail R]\¸b TOWZ inspection W\a^SQbW]\ beforehand, PST]`SVO\R vehicles dSVWQZSa selected to aSZSQbSR b] be in the PS W\ bVS Pumpkin >c[^YW\ Drop 2`]^ surely will ac`SZg eWZZ OTbS`eO`R afterward. Phyllis Guss photo >VgZZWa 5caa ^V]b]


10 a.m.: Great Pumpkin O [ ( 5`SOb >c[^YW\ Commonwealth Official 1][[]\eSOZbV =T¿QWOZ Weigh-off, Pinkham's ESWUV ]TT >W\YVO[¸a Plantation >ZO\bObW]\ OCT. 6 =1B $

8:30 a.m. to noon: &(! O [ b] \]]\( Pumpkin Splash Down >c[^YW\ A^ZOaV 2]e\ distance shooting, RWabO\QS aV]]bW\U Bayview Road, 0OgdWSe @]OR Nobleboro <]PZSP]`] 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.: (! b] ("# O [ ( Pumpkin Dessert >c[^YW\ 2SaaS`b Contest, Skidompha 1]\bSab AYWR][^VO Library, 184 Main St., :WP`O`g &" ;OW\ Ab Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO 2:15 p.m.: Giant ( # ^ [ ( 5WO\b Pumpkin Parade, Main >c[^YW\ >O`ORS ;OW\ Street, Newcastle and Ab`SSb <SeQOabZS O\R Damariscotta followed 2O[O`WaQ]bbO T]ZZ]eSR by Pumpkin Pie Eating Pg >c[^YW\ >WS 3ObW\U Contest, Gallagher & 1]\bSab 5OZZOUVS` Stein Lot, 181 Main St., AbSW\ :]b & ;OW\ Ab Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.: !(! b] "(! ^ [ ( Underwater Pumpkin C\RS`eObS` >c[^YW\ Carving, Damariscotta 1O`dW\U 2O[O`WaQ]bbO Harbor 6O`P]` OCT. 7 =1B %

9 a.m.: Pumpkin Derby, ' O [ ( >c[^YW\ 2S`Pg Elm Street Plaza, 3Z[ Ab`SSb >ZOhO Weatherbird Hill, ESObVS`PW`R 6WZZ Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO 9:30 a.m. to noon: '(! O [ b] \]]\( Pumpkin Catapult & >c[^YW\ 1ObO^cZb Hurl, Bayview Road, 6c`Z 0OgdWSe @]OR Nobleboro <]PZSP]`] 2:30 p.m.: Pumpkinboat (! ^ [ ( >c[^YW\P]Ob Regatta, Damariscotta @SUObbO 2O[O`WaQ]bbO Harbor 6O`P]` OCT. 8 =1B &

9 a.m.: Pumpkin Drop, ' O [ ( >c[^YW\ 2`]^ Damariscotta River 2O[O`WaQ]bbO @WdS` Association's Round /aa]QWObW]\¸a @]c\R Top Farm, 510 Main St., B]^ 4O`[ # ;OW\ Ab Damariscotta 2O[O`WaQ]bbO

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, GO E33 BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012 j 5= 3!!

N "%.%&)43 BENEFITS X "ENElT !RT %XHIBIT AND 3ALE SALE AND SILENT 10x10 Benefit Art Exhibit and Sale, sale and si lent AUCTION OF WORKS BY LOCAL ARTISTS BENElTS !RTS !RE auction of works by local artists; benefits Arts Are %LEMENTARY #URTIS -EMORIAL ,IBRARY AND 3T 0AUL S Elementary; Curtis Memorial Library and St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Brunswick. Free admission. %PISCOPAL #HURCH "RUNSWICK &REE ADMISSION 10x10brunswick.org. Bidding on silent auction X BRUNSWICK ORG "IDDING ON SILENT AUCTION BEGINS 4HURSDAY SHOW PREVIEWS TO P M begins Thursday; show previews 5 to 8 p.m. 4HURSDAY AND NOON TO P M &RIDAY ART EXHIBIT Thursday and noon to 3 p.m. Friday; art exhibit AND SALE TO P M &RIDAY and sale 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. 4OURS OF THE +ENNEBUNK 7EDDING #AKE (OUSE Tours of the Kennebunk Wedding Cake House, benefit for Hunger Relief of York County, Wedding BENElT FOR (UNGER 2ELIEF OF 9ORK #OUNTY 7EDDING #AKE (OUSE +ENNEBUNK A M Cake House, Kennebunk. $10. 985-3700. 10 a.m. TO P M 4HURSDAY TO /CT 4HROUGH /CT to 4 p.m. Thursday to Oct. 4. Through Oct. 15. Woofminster Dog Show and Cover Dog 7OOFMINSTER $OG 3HOW AND #OVER $OG Challenge, several contests for dogs, silent #HALLENGE SEVERAL CONTESTS FOR DOGS SILENT auction, prizes, music, animal communicator AUCTION PRIZES MUSIC ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR and raffle; benefits NEADS: Dogs for Deaf and AND RAFmE BENElTS .%!$3 $OGS FOR $EAF AND Disabled Americans; Camp Ketcha, Scarborough. $ISABLED !MERICANS #AMP +ETCHA 3CARBOROUGH $10; $5 for dogs and children (space is limited). FOR DOGS AND CHILDREN SPACE IS LIMITED planetdog.com. 1 to 4 p.m. (registration at 12:30 PLANETDOG COM TO P M REGISTRATION AT p.m.) Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY Karen's "Energy 4 Life" Cancer Run/ +AREN S h%NERGY ,IFEv #ANCER 2UN Walk 5K, Snow Marine Park, Rockland. 7ALK + 3NOW -ARINE 0ARK 2OCKLAND maritimeenergy.com. 9 a.m. Saturday. MARITIMEENERGY COM A M 3ATURDAY Portland Ovations "POP!", music by Michael 0ORTLAND /VATIONS h0/0 v MUSIC BY -ICHAEL Odokara-Okigbo, food, circus and dance /DOKARA /KIGBO FOOD CIRCUS AND DANCE performances; benefits Portland Ovations' school PERFORMANCES BENElTS 0ORTLAND /VATIONS SCHOOL and community-based arts-programs; Portland AND COMMUNITY BASED ARTS PROGRAMS 0ORTLAND Company Complex. $35 in advance; $40 day of #OMPANY #OMPLEX IN ADVANCE DAY OF show. 773-3150. 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. SHOW P M 4UESDAY

FAIRS/FESTIVALS N &!)23 &%34)6!,3 THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Cumberland County Fair, harness racing, exhibit #UMBERLAND #OUNTY &AIR HARNESS RACING EXHIBIT halls, midway, livestock and 4H exhibits, pulling HALLS MIDWAY LIVESTOCK AND ( EXHIBITS PULLING events, food and live entertainment, Cumberland EVENTS FOOD AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT #UMBERLAND Fairgrounds, Cumberland. $9; $3 for seniors on &AIRGROUNDS #UMBERLAND FOR SENIORS ON Thursday; free for ages 12 and under. Schedule at 4HURSDAY FREE FOR AGES AND UNDER 3CHEDULE AT cumberlandfair.com. 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday CUMBERLANDFAIR COM A M TO P M 4HURSDAY to Saturday. TO 3ATURDAY FRIDAY &2)$!9 Vinfest 2012, family-friendly festival celebrates 6INFEST FAMILY FRIENDLY FESTIVAL CELEBRATES the fall harvest with grape stomping, music, THE FALL HARVEST WITH GRAPE STOMPING MUSIC winery tours, demos and more, Cellardoor WINERY TOURS DEMOS AND MORE #ELLARDOOR Winery and Vineyards, Lincolnville. Schedule at 7INERY AND 6INEYARDS ,INCOLNVILLE 3CHEDULE AT mainewine.com/events/special-events. $10 (Friday MAINEWINE COM EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS &RIDAY is sold out). Friday and Saturday. IS SOLD OUT &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY SATURDAY 3!452$!9 Apple Pumpkin Festival, vendors, crafters, !PPLE 0UMPKIN &ESTIVAL VENDORS CRAFTERS agricultural products, historical displays, food, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS HISTORICAL DISPLAYS FOOD raffles and more, Recreation Fields, Livermore RAFmES AND MORE 2ECREATION &IELDS ,IVERMORE Falls. Various prices. Schedule at tinyurl.com/ &ALLS 6ARIOUS PRICES 3CHEDULE AT TINYURL COM applepumpkinfestival. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. APPLEPUMPKINFESTIVAL A M TO P M Cornish Apple Festival, vendors, performances, #ORNISH !PPLE &ESTIVAL VENDORS PERFORMANCES auction, food contests, road race and more, AUCTION FOOD CONTESTS ROAD RACE AND MORE Thompson Park, Cornish. Free, cornish-maine.org. 4HOMPSON 0ARK #ORNISH &REE CORNISH MAINE ORG 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A M TO P M Maine Lakes Brew Fest, taste Maine beers and -AINE ,AKES "REW &EST TASTE -AINE BEERS AND listen to live music by The Disclaimers, Random LISTEN TO LIVE MUSIC BY 4HE $ISCLAIMERS 2ANDOM Order and more, 21-plus (ID required); Point /RDER AND MORE PLUS )$ REQUIRED 0OINT Sebago Resort beach, Casco. $25 in advance; 3EBAGO 2ESORT BEACH #ASCO IN ADVANCE $30 day of event; $5 for non-drinking tickets. DAY OF EVENT FOR NON DRINKING TICKETS mainelakesbrewfest.com. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. MAINELAKESBREWFEST COM A M TO P M Sanford Unitarian Universalist Church Fall 3ANFORD 5NITARIAN 5NIVERSALIST #HURCH &ALL Festival Fair, food and fine arts and crafts, Nasson &ESTIVAL &AIR FOOD AND lNE ARTS AND CRAFTS .ASSON Community Center, Springvale. Free admission. #OMMUNITY #ENTER 3PRINGVALE &REE ADMISSION 324-3191. 9a.m. to 3 p.m. A M TO P M Harborfest, local artists, entertainment, pie-tasting (ARBORFEST LOCAL ARTISTS ENTERTAINMENT PIE TASTING contest, treasure hunt, boat rides, children's CONTEST TREASURE HUNT BOAT RIDES CHILDREN S games and more, Whale Park, Boothbay Harbor. GAMES AND MORE 7HALE 0ARK "OOTHBAY (ARBOR Various prices. Schedule at boothbayharborevents 6ARIOUS PRICES 3CHEDULE AT BOOTHBAYHARBOREVENTS .com. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. COM A M TO P M Designing Women Fine Art and Craft Show, more $ESIGNING 7OMEN &INE !RT AND #RAFT 3HOW MORE than 20 local female artists and craftswomen, THAN LOCAL FEMALE ARTISTS AND CRAFTSWOMEN Consolidated School, Kennebunkport. $2. #ONSOLIDATED 3CHOOL +ENNEBUNKPORT designingwomen.org. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. DESIGNINGWOMEN ORG A M TO P M Damariscotta Pumpkinfest, pumpkin boat regatta, $AMARISCOTTA 0UMPKINFEST PUMPKIN BOAT REGATTA giant pumpkins, pumpkin smashing and more, GIANT PUMPKINS PUMPKIN SMASHING AND MORE downtown Damariscotta and surrounding areas. DOWNTOWN $AMARISCOTTA AND SURROUNDING AREAS

c`jk`e^j <K :<K<I8

director Carter Smith, Merrymeeting Arts Center, DIRECTOR #ARTER 3MITH -ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER Bowdoinham. $7. 841-5914. 7 p.m. Friday. "OWDOINHAM P M &RIDAY h4HE 2UINSv RATED 2 lLM SCREENING "The Ruins" (2008, rated R), film screening and discussion with director Carter Smith, AND DISCUSSION WITH DIRECTOR #ARTER 3MITH Merrymeeting Arts Center, Bowdoinham. $7. 841-ERRYMEETING !RTS #ENTER "OWDOINHAM 5914. 7 p.m. Saturday. P M 3ATURDAY "The Dream Factory" (2012), ski and snowboard h4HE $REAM &ACTORYv SKI AND SNOWBOARD film, Port City Music Hall, Portland. $19 to $25. lLM 0ORT #ITY -USIC (ALL 0ORTLAND TO portcitymusichall.com. 9:30 p.m. Saturday. PORTCITYMUSICHALL COM P M 3ATURDAY 'LOBAL ,ENS )NTERNATIONAL &ILM 3ERIES Global Lens International Film Series, international films, Bates College (Olin Arts INTERNATIONAL lLMS "ATES #OLLEGE /LIN !RTS Center), Lewiston. Free, bates.edu/museum. "Fat, #ENTER ,EWISTON &REE BATES EDU MUSEUM h&AT "ALD 3HORT -ANv #OLUMBIA P M Bald, Short Man" (2011, Columbia), 7:30 p.m. Monday. Through Dec. 3. -ONDAY 4HROUGH $EC Manhattan Short Film Festival, 10 short films -ANHATTAN 3HORT &ILM &ESTIVAL SHORT lLMS from around the world, Strand Theatre, Rockland. FROM AROUND THE WORLD 3TRAND 4HEATRE 2OCKLAND $7.50 to $8.50. rocklandstrand.com. 7 p.m. Oct. 4. TO ROCKLANDSTRAND COM P M /CT

BOOKS/AUTHORS N "//+3 !54(/23

THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Phillip Hoose, author of "Moonbird: A Year on the 0HILLIP (OOSE AUTHOR OF h-OONBIRD ! 9EAR ON THE Wing of Great Survivor B95," Rines Auditorium, 7ING OF 'REAT 3URVIVOR " v 2INES !UDITORIUM Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 6 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM p.m. P M shutters to ck. com aVcbbS`ab]QY Q][ "The Poet as Art: A Poetry Series," with Brian h4HE 0OET AS !RT ! 0OETRY 3ERIES v WITH "RIAN Get to Camp Ketcha on Saturday in Scarborough for the Woofminster Dog 5Sb b] 1O[^ 9SbQVO ]\ AObc`ROg W\ AQO`P]`]cUV T]` bVS E]]T[W\abS` 2]U Turner, Bates College (Edmund S. Muskie 4URNER "ATES #OLLEGE %DMUND 3 -USKIE Show and Cover Dog Challenge, featuring contests for dogs, silent auction, AV]e O\R 1]dS` 2]U 1VOZZS\US TSObc`W\U Q]\bSaba T]` R]Ua aWZS\b OcQbW]\ !RCHIVES ,EWISTON LAARTS ORG P M prizes, music, an animal communicator and raffle. The event is for the benefit of Archives), Lewiston. laarts.org. 7:30 p.m. ^`WhSa [caWQ O\ O\W[OZ Q][[c\WQOb]` O\R `OTÀS BVS SdS\b Wa T]` bVS PS\S¿b ]T Kate Braestrup, author of "Here If You Need Me: +ATE "RAESTRUP AUTHOR OF h(ERE )F 9OU .EED -E NEADS: Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans. <3/2A( 2]Ua T]` 2SOT O\R 2WaOPZSR /[S`WQO\a A True Story" and "Marriage and Other Acts of ! 4RUE 3TORYv AND h-ARRIAGE AND /THER !CTS OF Charity," Trinity Episcopal Church, Portland. 828#HARITY v 4RINITY %PISCOPAL #HURCH 0ORTLAND Free. Schedule at damariscottapumpkinfest.com. "Everybody Loves Pirates," Frogtown Mountain &REE 3CHEDULE AT DAMARISCOTTAPUMPKINFEST COM h%VERYBODY ,OVES 0IRATES v &ROGTOWN -OUNTAIN 1090. 7 p.m. P M Saturday to Oct. 8. Puppeteers puppet show aimed at children, Leura 3ATURDAY TO /CT 0UPPETEERS PUPPET SHOW AIMED AT CHILDREN ,EURA Monica Wood, author of "When We Were the -ONICA 7OOD AUTHOR OF h7HEN 7E 7ERE THE Hill Eastman Performing Arts Center, Fryeburg. (ILL %ASTMAN 0ERFORMING !RTS #ENTER &RYEBURG Kennedys," Maine Historical Society, Portland. +ENNEDYS v -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY 0ORTLAND SUNDAY $8; $4 for students; free for children under age 2. 35.$!9 FOR STUDENTS FREE FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE mainehistory.org. 7 p.m. MAINEHISTORY ORG P M Pemaquid Oyster Festival, oysters from the 0EMAQUID /YSTER &ESTIVAL OYSTERS FROM THE fryeburgacademy.org/pac. 2 and 7 p.m. FRYEBURGACADEMY ORG PAC AND P M David Hackett Fischer, author of "Champlain's $AVID (ACKETT &ISCHER AUTHOR OF h#HAMPLAIN S Damariscotta River, entertainment, educational $AMARISCOTTA 2IVER ENTERTAINMENT EDUCATIONAL "Art at Home in Hallowell," tour seven h!RT AT (OME IN (ALLOWELL v TOUR SEVEN Dream," University of Maine (Fox Auditorium), $REAM v 5NIVERSITY OF -AINE &OX !UDITORIUM exhibits and boat tours; benefits the Edward A. EXHIBITS AND BOAT TOURS BENElTS THE %DWARD ! Hallowell residences, begins at Harlow Gallery, (ALLOWELL RESIDENCES BEGINS AT (ARLOW 'ALLERY Fort Kent. 834-7557. 7 p.m. &ORT +ENT P M Myers Marine Conservation Fund; Schooner -YERS -ARINE #ONSERVATION &UND 3CHOONER Hallowell. $25 in advance; $30 day of. tour. (ALLOWELL IN ADVANCE DAY OF TOUR Eva Murray, author of "Island Schoolhouse: %VA -URRAY AUTHOR OF h)SLAND 3CHOOLHOUSE Landing, Damariscotta. Free, pemaquidoyster ,ANDING $AMARISCOTTA &REE PEMAQUIDOYSTER harlowgallery.org/wordpressl. 10a.m. to 2 p.m. HARLOWGALLERY ORG WORDPRESS A M TO P M One Room for All," Longfellow Books, Portland. /NE 2OOM FOR !LL v ,ONGFELLOW "OOKS 0ORTLAND festival.com. Noon to dusk. FESTIVAL COM .OON TO DUSK Pumpkin Patch Trolley, ride a streetcar to find 0UMPKIN 0ATCH 4ROLLEY RIDE A STREETCAR TO lND longfellowbooks.com. 7 p.m. LONGFELLOWBOOKS COM P M Fryeburg Fair, Maine's largest agricultural fair with THE PERFECT PUMPKIN 3EASHORE 4ROLLEY -USEUM &RYEBURG &AIR -AINE S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL FAIR WITH the perfect pumpkin, Seashore Trolley Museum, harness racing, nightly entertainment, midway, HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT MIDWAY Kennebunkport. $10; $8 for seniors ages 60 and +ENNEBUNKPORT FOR SENIORS AGES AND FRIDAY &2)$!9 museum and exhibits, Fryeburg Fairgrounds. $10; MUSEUM AND EXHIBITS &RYEBURG &AIRGROUNDS older; $7.50 for ages 6 to 16; free for ages 5 and OLDER FOR AGES TO FREE FOR AGES AND Agnes Bushell, author of "Death in Arcadia," !GNES "USHELL AUTHOR OF h$EATH IN !RCADIA v free for children under age 12; free for ages 65 FREE FOR CHILDREN UNDER AGE FREE FOR AGES under, trolleymuseum.org. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. UNDER TROLLEYMUSEUM ORG A M TO P M Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM and older on Tuesday, fryeburgfair.com. Gates AND OLDER ON 4UESDAY FRYEBURGFAIR COM 'ATES Saturday and Sunday. 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY Noon. .OON open at 9 a.m. Sunday to Oct. 7. OPEN AT A M 3UNDAY TO /CT Maine Alpaca Farm Days, alpaca farms -AINE !LPACA &ARM $AYS ALPACA FARMS "The Poet as Art: A Poetry Series," with Brian h4HE 0OET AS !RT ! 0OETRY 3ERIES v WITH "RIAN open throughout the state. Free. Locations at OPEN THROUGHOUT THE STATE &REE ,OCATIONS AT Turner, Callahan Hall, Lewiston Public Library. 4URNER #ALLAHAN (ALL ,EWISTON 0UBLIC ,IBRARY mainealpacafarms.com. Most farms open 10 a.m. MAINEALPACAFARMS COM -OST FARMS OPEN A M SPECIAL EVENTS N 30%#)!, %6%.43 laarts.org. 6 p.m. LAARTS ORG P M to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. TO P M 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY John Ford Sr., author of "Suddenly the Cider *OHN &ORD 3R AUTHOR OF h3UDDENLY THE #IDER THURSDAY 4(523$!9 Didn't Taste So Good: Adventures of a Game $IDN T 4ASTE 3O 'OOD !DVENTURES OF A 'AME Wings of Freedom Tour, fully restored WWII 7INGS OF &REEDOM 4OUR FULLY RESTORED 77)) SUNDAY 35.$!9 Warden in Maine," Woodfords Club, Portland. 7ARDEN IN -AINE v 7OODFORDS #LUB 0ORTLAND bombers and fighters with stories from WWII BOMBERS AND lGHTERS WITH STORIES FROM 77)) Damariscotta Day, music by The Haymakers, $AMARISCOTTA $AY MUSIC BY 4HE (AYMAKERS woodfordsclub.org. 7 p.m. veterans; flights available at additional cost; WOODFORDSCLUB ORG P M VETERANS mIGHTS AVAILABLE AT ADDITIONAL COST Chapman-Hall House, Damariscotta. Free. 882#HAPMAN (ALL (OUSE $AMARISCOTTA &REE Sanford Regional Airport. $12; $6 for children. 3ANFORD 2EGIONAL !IRPORT FOR CHILDREN 7060. Noon to 4 p.m. .OON TO P M TUESDAY collingsfoundation.org. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday; 45%3$!9 COLLINGSFOUNDATION ORG A M TO P M 4HURSDAY Scarecrow Sunday, scarecrow making (supplies 3CARECROW 3UNDAY SCARECROW MAKING SUPPLIES James S. Leamon, author of "The Reverend Jacob 9 a.m. to noon Friday. *AMES 3 ,EAMON AUTHOR OF h4HE 2EVEREND *ACOB A M TO NOON &RIDAY provided), Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens, PROVIDED #OASTAL -AINE "OTANICAL 'ARDENS Bailey, Maine Loyalist: For God, King, Country, "AILEY -AINE ,OYALIST &OR 'OD +ING #OUNTRY Boothbay. $10 per scarecrow plus gardens "OOTHBAY PER SCARECROW PLUS GARDENS FRIDAY and for Self," Maine Historical Society, Portland. AND FOR 3ELF v -AINE (ISTORICAL 3OCIETY 0ORTLAND &2)$!9 admission, mainegardens.org. 1 to 3 p.m. ADMISSION MAINEGARDENS ORG TO P M mainehistory.org. Noon. "Suite Limpet," theatrical site-specific installation MAINEHISTORY ORG .OON h3UITE ,IMPET v THEATRICAL SITE SPECIlC INSTALLATION piece using sculpture, performance, music and PIECE USING SCULPTURE PERFORMANCE MUSIC AND FILMS WEDNESDAY science, Otter Creek Hall, Mount Desert Island. N &),-3 7%$.%3$!9 SCIENCE /TTER #REEK (ALL -OUNT $ESERT )SLAND Susan Poulin, author of "Finding Your Inner $9 to $14; reservations required, limpet.brown TO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED LIMPET BROWN 3USAN 0OULIN AUTHOR OF h&INDING 9OUR )NNER Camden International Film Festival, dozens of #AMDEN )NTERNATIONAL &ILM &ESTIVAL DOZENS OF papertickets.com. 5:45 p.m. Friday to Sunday. Moose: Ida LeClair's Guide to Livin' the Good PAPERTICKETS COM P M &RIDAY TO 3UNDAY -OOSE )DA ,E#LAIR S 'UIDE TO ,IVIN THE 'OOD films, special guests, panels, parties and other lLMS SPECIAL GUESTS PANELS PARTIES AND OTHER Through Oct. 7. Life," Portland Public Library, portlandlibrary.com. 4HROUGH /CT ,IFE v 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY PORTLANDLIBRARY COM special events, various locations, Camden and SPECIAL EVENTS VARIOUS LOCATIONS #AMDEN AND Wings of Freedom Tour, fully restored WWII Noon. 7INGS OF &REEDOM 4OUR FULLY RESTORED 77)) .OON Rockland. $8.50 per film; passes are $25 to $125. 2OCKLAND PER lLM PASSES ARE TO bombers and fighters with stories from WWII Nick O'Connell, author of "The Storms of BOMBERS AND lGHTERS WITH STORIES FROM 77)) .ICK / #ONNELL AUTHOR OF h4HE 3TORMS OF Schedule at camdenfilmfest.org. Thursday to 3CHEDULE AT CAMDENlLMFEST ORG 4HURSDAY TO veterans; flights available at additional costDenali," Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist VETERANS mIGHTS AVAILABLE AT ADDITIONAL COST $ENALI v !LLEN !VENUE 5NITARIAN 5NIVERSALIST Sunday. 3UNDAY Brunswick Executive Airport. $12; $6 for children. Church, Portland. 797-7240. 7 p.m. "RUNSWICK %XECUTIVE !IRPORT FOR CHILDREN #HURCH 0ORTLAND P M "Fixing the Future," featuring David Brancaccio h&IXING THE &UTURE v FEATURING $AVID "RANCACCIO collingsfoundation.org. 2 to 5 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. Richard Blanco, author of poetry collection COLLINGSFOUNDATION ORG TO P M &RIDAY A M 2ICHARD "LANCO AUTHOR OF POETRY COLLECTION of "NOW" on PBS, University of Southern Maine OF h./7v ON 0"3 5NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. "Looking for the Gulf Motel," Glickman Library, TO P M 3ATURDAY AND 3UNDAY h,OOKING FOR THE 'ULF -OTEL v 'LICKMAN ,IBRARY (Payson Smith Hall), Portland. Price not given. 0AYSON 3MITH (ALL 0ORTLAND 0RICE NOT GIVEN University of Southern Maine, Portland. 7805NIVERSITY OF 3OUTHERN -AINE 0ORTLAND 619-4437. 5:30 p.m. Thursday. P M 4HURSDAY SATURDAY 8393. 7 p.m. 3!452$!9 P M "Texas Highways & Byways," travelogue film h4EXAS (IGHWAYS "YWAYS v TRAVELOGUE lLM Horseshoe Tournament, cash prizes, The (ORSESHOE 4OURNAMENT CASH PRIZES 4HE narrated by Dale Johnson, Araxine Wilkins Sawyer NARRATED BY $ALE *OHNSON !RAXINE 7ILKINS 3AWYER Trailblazers Club, Wells. $11; $10 for subsequent OCT. 4 4RAILBLAZERS #LUB 7ELLS FOR SUBSEQUENT /#4 Memorial, Greene. Free, sawyer-foundation.com. -EMORIAL 'REENE &REE SAWYER FOUNDATION COM games. 641-2433. Sign-up at noon, games at 1 Martin Goldman, author of "And I From GAMES 3IGN UP AT NOON GAMES AT -ARTIN 'OLDMAN AUTHOR OF h!ND ) &ROM 2 and 7 p.m. Friday. AND P M &RIDAY p.m. P M Bohemia," York Public Library, york.lib.me.us. "OHEMIA v 9ORK 0UBLIC ,IBRARY YORK LIB ME US Manhattan Short Film Festival, 10 short films from 7 p.m. "An Evening at the Morris Farm: The Morris Farm -ANHATTAN 3HORT &ILM &ESTIVAL SHORT lLMS FROM h!N %VENING AT THE -ORRIS &ARM 4HE -ORRIS &ARM P M around the world, The Public Theatre, Lewiston, AROUND THE WORLD 4HE 0UBLIC 4HEATRE ,EWISTON Auction," silent and live auction, cash bar, music !UCTION v SILENT AND LIVE AUCTION CASH BAR MUSIC Ty Drago, author of "Undertakers: Rise 4Y $RAGO AUTHOR OF h5NDERTAKERS 2ISE thepublictheatre.org/special events/manhattanTHEPUBLICTHEATRE ORG SPECIAL?EVENTS MANHATTAN and hors d'oeuvres, Morris Farm, Wiscasset. $25. AND HORS D OEUVRES -ORRIS &ARM 7ISCASSET of the Corpses," Portland Public Library. OF THE #ORPSES v 0ORTLAND 0UBLIC ,IBRARY short. $10; $7 for seniors and students. 7:30 p.m. SHORT FOR SENIORS AND STUDENTS P M 882-4080. 5 to 9 p.m. TO P M portlandlibrary.com. 1 p.m. PORTLANDLIBRARY COM P M Friday and Saturday; 4 p.m. Sunday. &RIDAY AND 3ATURDAY P M 3UNDAY Clean-up and Gardening Day, hosted by #LEAN UP AND 'ARDENING $AY HOSTED BY Kate Flora, author of "Redemption," Lithgow +ATE &LORA AUTHOR OF h2EDEMPTION v ,ITHGOW "Bugcrush" (2OO6) and "Yearbook" (2011), two h"UGCRUSHv AND h9EARBOOKv TWO Spirits Alive, Eastern Cemetery, Portland. Free. 3PIRITS !LIVE %ASTERN #EMETERY 0ORTLAND &REE Public Library, Augusta, lithgow.lib.me.us. 0UBLIC ,IBRARY !UGUSTA LITHGOW LIB ME US rated R shorts, film screenings and discussion with P M RATED 2 SHORTS lLM SCREENINGS AND DISCUSSION WITH spiritsalive.org. 9 a.m. to noon. SPIRITSALIVE ORG A M TO NOON 6:30 p.m.

E34 GO The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3!" 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

BDK>:H MOVIES Continued from Page E30 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3!

continuing battle against the Umbrella Corporation and Q]\bW\cW\U PObbZS OUOW\ab bVS C[P`SZZO 1]`^]`ObW]\ O\R the undead. bVS c\RSOR Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 4, 7:15; Nordica AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a " %( #) <]`RWQO (Freeport) Thurs 2, "(! !2 % !2 '(! ) 1W\S[OUWQ 4:30 (3D), 7 (3D), 9:30; Cinemagic 4`SS^]`b BVc`a Grand (South Portland) (all 3D) Thurs 2,4:30 (3D), 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R OZZ !2 BVc`a "(! !2 7:15, 9:50 (3D); Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12 7;/F (IMAX), 12:15, %( # '(# !2 ) 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( # 2:15 (IMAX), 2:30,4:30 (IMAX), 4:45, 7 (IMAX), 7:15, 9:20 ( # 7;/F (! "(! 7;/F "("# % 7;/F %( # '( (IMAX), 9:30 Fri-Wed (all IMAX) 12, 2:15, 4:30, 7:10, 9:20; 7;/F '(! 4`W ESR OZZ 7;/F ( # "(! %( '( ) Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:20, 4:30 (3D), 7:30, 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( "(! !2 %(! 9:20 (3D) Fri-Wed 12, 2:20,4:50, 7:30, 9:50; Brunswick '( !2 4`W ESR ( "(# %(! '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY 10 Thurs 1:45, 4:25 (3D), 7:15, 9:35 (3D) Fri-Mon 1:45, BVc`a ("# "( # !2 %( # '(!# !2 4`W ;]\ ("# 4:15 (3D), 7:15, 9:45 (3D) Tue-Wed 1:45,4:15 (3D) "( # !2 %( # '("# !2 BcS ESR ("# "( # !2

"THE POSSESSION" (PG-13) (1:32) AbO`a <ObOaVO Stars Natasha ¾B63 >=AA3AA7=<œ >5 ! (! Calls, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Kyra Sedgwick and Jay 1OZWa 8STT`Sg 2SO\ ;]`UO\ 9g`O ASRUeWQY O\R 8Og Brazeau. Directed by Ole Bornedal. A young girl buys 0`OhSOc 2W`SQbSR Pg =ZS 0]`\SROZ / g]c\U UW`Z Pcga an antique box at a yard sale, unaware that inside the O\ O\bW_cS P]f Ob O gO`R aOZS c\OeO`S bVOb W\aWRS bVS collectible lives a malicious ancient spirit. The girl's Q]ZZSQbWPZS ZWdSa O [OZWQW]ca O\QWS\b a^W`Wb BVS UW`Z¸a father teams with his ex-wife to find a way to end the TObVS` bSO[a eWbV VWa Sf eWTS b] ¿\R O eOg b] S\R bVS curse upon their child. Qc`aS c^]\ bVSW` QVWZR Showing at: Windham 5 Star Thurs 7:05; Cinemagic AV]eW\U Ob( EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a %( #) 1W\S[OUWQ "ROBOT AND FRANK" (PG-13) (1:33) Stars Peter ¾@=0=B /<2 4@/<9œ >5 ! (!! AbO`a >SbS` Saco Thurs 12:10, 7:15, 9:20 Fri-Wed 12:10, AOQ] BVc`a ( 2:20,4:30, ( "(! %( # '( 4`W ESR ( Sarsgaard, Frank Langella and Susan Sarandon. 2:20,4:30, 7:15, 9:20; Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 4:40, AO`aUOO`R 4`O\Y :O\USZZO O\R AcaO\ AO`O\R]\ ( "(! %( # '( ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a "(" 9:35; Brunswick 10 Thurs 2:05, 4:45, 7:25, 9:40 Directed by Jake Schreier. Set in the near future, an 2W`SQbSR Pg 8OYS AQV`SWS` ASb W\ bVS \SO` Tcbc`S O\ '(!#) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a ( # "("# %( # '(" ex-jewel thief receives a gift from his son: a robot Sf XSeSZ bVWST `SQSWdSa O UWTb T`][ VWa a]\( O `]P]b "RESIDENT EVIL: RETRIBUTION" (R) (1:35) Stars ¾@3A723<B 3D7:( @3B@70CB7=<œ @ (!# AbO`a butler programmed to look after him. But soon the two PcbZS` ^`]U`O[[SR b] Z]]Y OTbS` VW[ 0cb a]]\ bVS be] Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, Michelle Rodriguez ;WZZO 8]d]dWQV AWS\\O 5cWZZ]`g ;WQVSZZS @]R`WUcSh companions try their luck as a heist team. Q][^O\W]\a b`g bVSW` ZcQY Oa O VSWab bSO[ and Aryana Engineer. Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. O\R /`gO\O 3\UW\SS` 2W`SQbSR Pg >OcZ E A /\RS`a]\ Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs 1, 5:10,7:10 AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a #( %( Alice fights alongside a resistance movement in the /ZWQS ¿UVba OZ]\UaWRS O `SaWabO\QS []dS[S\b W\ bVS "SLEEPWALK WITH ME" (NR) (1:30) Stars Mike Birbi¾A:33>E/:9 E7B6 ;3œ <@ (! AbO`a ;WYS 0W`PW glia, Lauren Ambrose and James Rebhorn. Directed by UZWO :Oc`S\ /[P`]aS O\R 8O[Sa @SPV]`\ 2W`SQbSR Pg Mike Birbiglia and Seth Barrish. A burgeoning stand-up ;WYS 0W`PWUZWO O\R ASbV 0O``WaV / Pc`US]\W\U abO\R c^ comedian struggles with the stress of a stalled career, Q][SRWO\ ab`cUUZSa eWbV bVS ab`Saa ]T O abOZZSR QO`SS` a stale relationship and the wild spurts of severe sleepO abOZS `SZObW]\aVW^ O\R bVS eWZR a^c`ba ]T aSdS`S aZSS^ walking he is desperate to ignore. eOZYW\U VS Wa RSa^S`ObS b] WU\]`S Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 12:45, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR ("# 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45 ! #( # %(! '("#

AT THE at the ;I@M<$@EJ DRIVE-INS BRIDGTON TWIN DRIVE-IN, 383 Portland Road, Bridgton; 647-8666. Closed for 0@725B=< BE7< 2@7D3 7< !&! >]`bZO\R @]OR 0`WRUb]\) $"% &$$$ 1Z]aSR T]` season aSOa]\ SACO DRIVE-IN, 969 Portland Road, Saco; 284-1016. Open Friday and Saturday A/1= 2@7D3 7< '$' >]`bZO\R @]OR AOQ]) &" $ =^S\ 4`WROg O\R AObc`ROg only. Gates open at 7 p.m. $15/carload. ]\Zg 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob % ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Fri-Sat: "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" (PG) 7:30; followed by "The Words" 4`W AOb( ÂľBVS =RR :WTS ]T BW[]bVg 5`SS\Âś >5 %(! ) T]ZZ]eSR Pg ÂľBVS E]`RaÂś (PG-13) >5 ! PRIDES CORNER DRIVE-IN, 651 Bridgton Road, Westbrook; 797-3154. Open Friday >@723A 1=@<3@ 2@7D3 7< $# 0`WRUb]\ @]OR ESabP`]]Y) %'% ! #" =^S\ 4`WROg and Saturday only. Gates open at 7 p.m. $15/carload. O\R AObc`ROg ]\Zg 5ObSa ]^S\ Ob % ^ [ # QO`Z]OR Fri-Sat: "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days; (PG) 7:45; "The Odd Life of Timothy 4`W AOb( Âľ2WO`g ]T O EW[^g 9WR( 2]U 2Oga) >5 %("#) ÂľBVS =RR :WTS ]T BW[]bVg Green" (PG) 9:20 5`SS\Âś >5 '(


p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $16.50 to ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ $ # b] $76.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 %$ # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Oct. 12 ³ B]eS` ]T >]eS` O\R BVS /dS`OUS - Tower of Power and The Average =Qb White Band, 8 p.m., Wilbur Theatre, Boston. EVWbS 0O\R & ^ [ EWZPc` BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ Continued from Page E29 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 ' $57.70 to $70.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) #% % b] % BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & 745-3000 %"# ! Escovedo, 7:30 p.m., Orpheum Theatre, 3aQ]dSR] %(! ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S Oct. 13 - Ben Folds Five with Kate Miller=Qb ! ³ 0S\ 4]ZRa 4WdS eWbV 9ObS ;WZZS` Boston. $45 to $65. Livenation.com; (800) 0]ab]\ "# b] $# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & "TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE" (PG-13) (1:51) Stars ¾B@=C0:3 E7B6 B63 1C@D3œ >5 ! (# AbO`a Heidke, 7 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $42 6SWRYS % ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ " 745-3000 Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, John Goodman and %"# ! 1ZW\b 3Oabe]]R /[g /RO[a 8]V\ 5]]R[O\ O\R to $55. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] ## :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Justin Timberlake. Directed by Robert Lorenz. An ailing =Qb " ³ 0ZcS =Qb]PS` & ^ [ 6]caS Oct. 4 - Blue October, 8 p.m., House 8cabW\ BW[PS`ZOYS 2W`SQbSR Pg @]PS`b :]`S\h /\ OWZW\U Oct. 14 - Waka Flocka Flame with Wooh Da =Qb " ³ EOYO 4Z]QYO 4ZO[S eWbV E]]V 2O baseball scout in his twilight years takes his daughter of Blues, Boston. $22.50 to $32.50. POaSPOZZ aQ]cb W\ VWa beWZWUVb gSO`a bOYSa VWa ROcUVbS` ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] ! # Kid, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 to 9WR & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # b] along for one last recruiting trip. OZ]\U T]` ]\S ZOab `SQ`cWbW\U b`W^ Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! $39.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 !' # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Showing at: Nickelodeon (Portland) Thurs-Wed 1:30, AV]eW\U Ob( <WQYSZ]RS]\ >]`bZO\R BVc`a ESR (! Oct. 5 - Ben Harper, 7:30 p.m., Boston =Qb # ³ 0S\ 6O`^S` %(! ^ [ 0]ab]\ Oct. 15 - Joss Stone, 7:30 p.m., House of =Qb # ³ 8]aa Ab]\S %(! ^ [ 6]caS ]T 4:15, 7, 9:30; Windham 5 Star Thurs 4:10, 6:50 Fri 4:10, "( # % '(! ) EW\RVO[ # AbO` BVc`a "( $(# 4`W "( Opera House. $40 to $75. Livenation.com; =^S`O 6]caS " b] %# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) Blues, Boston. $29.50, $45. Livenation.com; 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ ' # "# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) 7, 9:30 Sat 1, 4:10, 7, 9:30 Sun 1,4:10, 7 Mon-Wed 4:10, 7; % '(! AOb "( % '(! Ac\ "( % ;]\ ESR "( %) & %"# ! (800) 745-3000 (800) 745-3000 & %"# ! Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 1, 3:30, 6:40, 9 Fri-Wed 1, <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a !(! $(" ' 4`W ESR Oct. 5 - Alabama Shakes with Fly Golden =Qb # ³ /ZOPO[O AVOYSa eWbV 4Zg 5]ZRS\ Oct. 17 - Silversun Pickups, 7:30 =Qb % ³ AWZdS`ac\ >WQYc^a %(! 3:30, 6:40, 9; Cinemagic Grand (South Portland) Thurs !(! $(" ') 1W\S[OUWQ 5`O\R A]cbV >]`bZO\R BVc`a Eagle, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. $25 3OUZS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ # p.m., Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $35. ^ [ =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !# 2:15, 4:50, 7:20,10 Fri-Wed 11:30, 2:15,4:50, ( # "(# %( 4`W ESR (! ( # "(# %(7:20,10; ) to $35. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 b] !# :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12, 7:15, 9:40 Fri-Wed 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a 2:25,4:50, ( # "(# %( # '(" 4`W ESR Oct. 5 - Medeski Martin & Wood, =Qb # ³ ;SRSaYW ;O`bW\ E]]R Oct. 17 - Trey Anastasio, 7:30 p.m., =Qb % ³ B`Sg /\OabOaW] %(! ^ [ Cinemagic Westbrook Thurs 12, 2:25,4:50,7:15,9:40; ( # "(# %( # '(" ) 1W\S[OUWQ ESabP`]]Y BVc`a 8 p.m., Jordan Hall, Boston. $27.50. & ^ [ 8]`RO\ 6OZZ 0]ab]\ % # Orpheum Theatre, Boston. $38/$48. =`^VSc[ BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ !& "& 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:50 Fri-Wed 11:50, 2:20, 4:50, (# ( "(# %( '(# 4`W ESR (# ( "(# Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! 7:20, 9:50; Brunswick 10 Thurs 1:30, 4, 6:40, 9:45 Fri%( '(# ) 0`c\aeWQY BVc`a (! " $(" '("# 4`W Oct. 6 - Bob Newhart, 7 p.m., Wilbur =Qb $ ³ 0]P <SeVO`b % ^ [ EWZPc` Oct. 18 - The Mountain Goats with Matthew =Qb & ³ BVS ;]c\bOW\ 5]Oba eWbV ;ObbVSe Wed 1:30,4:10, 6:50, 9:30 ESR (! "( $(# '(! Theatre, Boston. $49.70 to $72.70. BVSOb`S 0]ab]\ "' % b] % % E. White, 8 p.m., House of Blues, Boston. 3 EVWbS & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ Ticketmaster.com; (800) 745-3000 BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & %"# ! $22.50. Livenation.com; (800) 745-3000 # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ! "THE WORDS" (PG-13) (1:36) Stars Bradley Cooper, ¾B63 E=@2Aœ >5 ! (!$ AbO`a 0`ORZSg 1]]^S` Oct. 6 - Dispatch with Good Old War and =Qb $ ³ 2Wa^ObQV eWbV 5]]R =ZR EO` O\R Oct. 19 The Walkmen, 6 p.m., Royale =Qb ' ³ BVS EOZY[S\ $ ^ [ @]gOZS Dennis Quaid, Olivia Wilde and Zoe Saldana. Directed 2S\\Wa ?cOWR =ZWdWO EWZRS O\R H]S AOZRO\O 2W`SQbSR Parkington Sisters, 8 p.m., Agganis Arena, >O`YW\Ub]\ AWabS`a & ^ [ /UUO\Wa /`S\O Boston. $28.20. Ticketmaster.com; (800) 0]ab]\ & BWQYSb[OabS` Q][) & by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal. A writer at the Pg 0`WO\ 9ZcU[O\ O\R :SS AbS`\bVOZ / e`WbS` Ob bVS Boston. $46. Livenation.com; (800) 745745-3000 %"# ! peak of his literary success discovers the steep price he 0]ab]\ "$ :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %"# ^SOY ]T VWa ZWbS`O`g acQQSaa RWaQ]dS`a bVS abSS^ ^`WQS VS 3000 ! Oct. 19 - 3LAU, 8 p.m., House of Blues, =Qb ' ³ !:/C & ^ [ 6]caS ]T 0ZcSa must pay for stealing another man's work. [cab ^Og T]` abSOZW\U O\]bVS` [O\¸a e]`Y Oct. 7 - Heart with Alejandro Escovedo and 0]ab]\ # b] Boston. $15 to $25. Livenation.com; (800) =Qb % ³ 6SO`b eWbV /ZSXO\R`] 3aQ]dSR] O\R # :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & Showing at: Nordica (Freeport) Thurs 4, 9:15; AV]eW\U Ob( <]`RWQO 4`SS^]`b BVc`a " '( #) The Sensitive Boys, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook 745-3000 BVS AS\aWbWdS 0]ga % ^ [ ;SOR]eP`]]Y %"# ! Cinemagic Saco Thurs 12:10,2:20, 7:10; Cinemagic 1W\S[OUWQ AOQ] BVc`a ( ( %( ) 1W\S[OUWQ U.S. Cellular Pavilion, Gilford, N.H. $39.75 to =Qb Oct. 20 ³ BVS >`SaSba % ^ [ 6]caS ]T - The Presets, 7 p.m., House of C A 1SZZcZO` >OdWZW]\ 5WZT]`R < 6 !' %# b] Westbrook Thurs 12:20, 7:15 ESabP`]]Y BVc`a ( 2:30, (! %( # Blues, Boston. $20. Livenation.com; (800) $76.25. Meadowbrook.net; (603) 293-4700 :WdS\ObW]\ Q][) & %$ # ;SOR]eP`]]Y \Sb) $ ! '! "% 0ZcSa 0]ab]\ 745-3000 Oct. 11 - The Wiggles, 2:30 and 6:30 %"# ! (! O\R $(! - From news services; subject to change =Qb ³ BVS EWUUZSa ³ 4`][ \Sea aS`dWQSa) acPXSQb b] QVO\US


Continued from Page E12 :fek`el\[ ]ifd >OUS 3 Open Mic, with Ev Guy, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. /PEN -IC WITH %V 'UY 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM 8 p.m. P M

& H E C K M A N ' S PUB

0VS UI TFBTPO Live Entertainment -JWF &OUFSUBJONFOU Nightly Dinner Specials /JHIUMZ %JOOFS 4QFDJBMT Monday - Thursday .POEBZ 5IVSTEBZ Mondays Don Campbell • Trio Blueberry Ribs $20.12 -ONDAYS $ON #AMPBELL s 4RIO "LUEBERRY 2IBS Tuesdays Straight Lace • Prime Rib $20.12 4UESDAYS 3TRAIGHT ,ACE s 0RIME 2IB Wednesdays Tony Boffa Trio • Fried Clams $20.12 7EDNESDAYS 4ONY "OFFA 4RIO s &RIED #LAMS Thursdays Jazz featuring the Matt Fogg Trio 4HURSDAYS *AZZ FEATURING THE -ATT &OGG 4RIO Lobster Pie $20.12 ,OBSTER 0IE Serving Dinner Nightly 3ERVING $INNER .IGHTLY

Breakfast Mon.-Sat. 7:30-10 AM "REAKFAST -ON n3AT n !Breakfast Buffet Sun. 7:30-11 AM "REAKFAST "UFFET 3UN n !-

TUESDAY 45%3$!9 "Cover to Cover," local musicians play h#OVER TO #OVER v LOCAL MUSICIANS PLAY favorite album, Big Easy, Portland. $5. FAVORITE ALBUM "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND bigeasyportland.com. The Fine Corinthians BIGEASYPORTLAND COM 4HE &INE #ORINTHIANS featuring Steve Jones perform "Some Girls" by FEATURING 3TEVE *ONES PERFORM h3OME 'IRLSv BY The Rolling Stones, 9 p.m. 4HE 2OLLING 3TONES P M Congress St Sheiks, country/blues, 21#ONGRESS 3T 3HEIKS COUNTRY BLUES plus; Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. PLUS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND portlandempire.com. 9 p.m. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM P M Ryan Halliburton, singer-songwriter, Portland 2YAN (ALLIBURTON SINGER SONGWRITER 0ORTLAND Lobster Company, portlandlobstercompany.com. ,OBSTER #OMPANY PORTLANDLOBSTERCOMPANY COM P M

gingkoblue.com. 7 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M "Clash of the Titans," battle of the cover h#LASH OF THE 4ITANS v BATTLE OF THE COVER bands, Empire Dine and Dance, Portland. BANDS %MPIRE $INE AND $ANCE 0ORTLAND $6. portlandempire.com. Britney Spears vs. PORTLANDEMPIRE COM "RITNEY 3PEARS VS Christina Aguilera, 9 p.m. #HRISTINA !GUILERA P M

OCT. 4 /#4 Miss Shevaughn &Yuma Wray, Americana/ -ISS 3HEVAUGHN 9UMA 7RAY !MERICANA psych-folk, Blue, Portland. Donation. PSYCH FOLK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 6 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Joel Cage, folk-rock, Blue, Portland. Donation. *OEL #AGE FOLK ROCK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION portcityblue.com. 8 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Poke Chop & The Other White Meats, 0OKE #HOP 4HE /THER 7HITE -EATS WEDNESDAY 7%$.%3$!9 blues rock, Blue, Portland. Donation. BLUES ROCK "LUE 0ORTLAND $ONATION Gillian and Niall Vallely, Irish music, Blue, #ILLIAN AND .IALL 6ALLELY )RISH MUSIC "LUE portcityblue.com. 10 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Portland. $25 seated tickets; $15 standing room. 3UGAR 3HACK ROCK $OGlSH "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND SEATED TICKETS STANDING ROOM Sugar Shack, rock, Dogfish Bar and Grille, portcityblue.com. 7:30 p.m. PORTCITYBLUE COM P M Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille.com. 8 p.m. 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE COM P M Traditional Irish Session, Irish music, Blue, 4RADITIONAL )RISH 3ESSION )RISH MUSIC "LUE Travis James Humphrey Blue Review, 4RAVIS *AMES (UMPHREY "LUE 2EVIEW Portland. Donation, portcityblue.com. 9:30 p.m. ROADHOUSE ROOTS MUSIC 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND 0ORTLAND $ONATION PORTCITYBLUE COM P M roadhouse roots music, Gingko Blue, Portland. Peter Miles, acoustic, RiRa, Portland, rira.com. 0ETER -ILES ACOUSTIC 2I2A 0ORTLAND RIRA COM gingkoblue.com. 8 p.m. GINGKOBLUE COM P M 8:30 p.m. P M Band Beyond Description, jam band, 21-plus; "AND "EYOND $ESCRIPTION JAM BAND PLUS Rap Night, hosted by Shupe and III By 2AP .IGHT HOSTED BY 3HUPE AND )LL "Y Big Easy, Portland, bigeasyportland.com. 9 "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND BIGEASYPORTLAND COM Instinct, 21-plus; Big Easy, Portland. $3. )NSTINCT PLUS "IG %ASY 0ORTLAND p.m. P M bigeasyportland.com. 9 p.m. BIGEASYPORTLAND COM P M Beer Pong, Line Dancing, Karaoke and DJ "EER 0ONG ,INE $ANCING +ARAOKE AND $* Acoustic Open Mic, with Marina Evans, Dogfish " SET PLUS #LUB 4EXAS !UBURN !COUSTIC /PEN -IC WITH -ARINA %VANS $OGlSH B-set, 21-plus; Club Texas, Auburn. $2. 784Bar and Grille, Portland, thedogfishbarandgrille "AR AND 'RILLE 0ORTLAND THEDOGlSHBARANDGRILLE 7785. Doors at 6 p.m. $OORS AT P M .com. 7 p.m. COM P M Open Mic Night, all ages, Deer Run Tavern, /PEN -IC .IGHT ALL AGES $EER 2UN 4AVERN Octane, blues rock, Gingko Blue, Portland. /CTANE BLUES ROCK 'INGKO "LUE 0ORTLAND Yarmouth. 846-9555. 7:30 p.m. 9ARMOUTH P M

The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 2012


Bridgton, then look for state Route 93. Take a right there and follow Route 93 to Route 5 in Lovell. Then take a left and follow Route 5 South into Fryeburg and the various fair parking lots. It adds some miles to your trip, but it might save you the headache of inching your way through an hour or more of traffic jams.

Continued from Page E31

secret, but knowing about them might make you feel top-notch about your time there – and perhaps avoid some aggravation as well.



One really neat feature of the fair, tucked away into a corner of the fairgrounds behind the petting zoo barn, is an 1835 schoolhouse. Originally located near Toll Bridge by the Saco River, the schoolhouse was in use until 1938. It was given to the fair by Marion Hobbs, and has been on the fairgrounds since 1990. Children can draw on their own slate, sit at old desks and warm up by the potbellied stove. On one wall, you can check out a list titled “Teacher’s Rules – 1872.” According to the list, teachers in that year were required to clean chimneys, bring a scuttle of coal with them daily and whittle wood into ink pens. The last rule states that any teacher who “performs his labor faithfully and without fault” for five years will get a raise: 25 cents per week.

This one’s definitely a secret, because it hasn’t happened yet. For the first time, the fair will have a building devoted to selling local specialty foods. So instead of just eyeing some spectacular homemade blueberry jam in an exposition hall, you can buy some blueberry jam and bring it home.

Staff Writer Ray Routhier can be contacted at 7916454 or at: rrouthier@pressherald.com


Route 1 North, Wells 646-8467

There is so much food at the fair, it’s hard to figure out how to narrow your choices. But fair regulars, including folks who show 4-H animals, will tell you to look for a stand called Tom’s Jumbo Donut at the front of the fairgrounds near the expo building. The stand produces fresh, from-the-oil donuts that are a rare taste treat. Not to mention a meal. “They are the size of small dinner plates,” says Dave Smith of Gorham, who has been showing animals at the fair for some 15 years. “They only have two or three kinds, but they are good.”

SHOW TIME If you only go to the fair during the daylight hours, you probably don’t know about the nightly concerts at 8 p.m. featuring big-name country or roots music acts. This year, some of the more wellknown artists include The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on Tuesday, Asleep at the Wheel on Wednesday, Jo Dee Messina


Your choice simmered with plum tomatoes, crushed red pepper, a dash of Habanero, olive oil, garlic, basil and Parmesan cheese. Served over linguini.

Courtesy photos

Sure, Fryeburg Fryeburg is about the animals Sure, (top photo). But for some in the know, it’s also about treats from places like Tom’s Jumbo Donut (above). on Oct. 4, and up-and-comer Lexi James on Oct. 6. So here’s the secret part: The shows don’t cost extra, and there’s no reserved seating. You just pay your $10 to get into the fair and amble over to the harness racing track at some point before 8 p.m. Then you just pick a seat in the wooden grandstand or set up a lawn chair on the infield and wait for the show to begin. “It’s first-come, first-served,” said Rachel Andrews Damon, the fair’s publicity chair. “People can set up chairs, sit in the grandstand, whatever they want.”

Breakfast 8am-11am


$ 99


$ 99

Children children under 40” FREE

CanCan Parisien Ballet’s spirited, high-kicking comedy!

October 6 at 1 pm & 4pm October 12 at 7pm October 13 at 1 pm & 4pm

$18 & & $20 $20 Tickets: $15, $18 ($2 senior/child discount) ($2

GO NORTH, YOUNG MAN Fair organizers will tell you that the best way to avoid traffic snarls on busy fair days – like on Oct. 6, when the annual parade is scheduled – is to use the northern route. The easiest way to do this from Portland is to take Route 302 West, which is a popular route to Fryeburg. But instead of taking it all the way to Fryeburg, just take it through downtown


Reserve seating online: www.mainestateballet.org

Maine State State Ballet Ballet Theater Maine 348 U.S. Route One Falmouth, Maine 207-781-3587



Senior Specials $ 95 5 to choose from ... 7

Illustrations by Gail Csoboth


GO E35 E35 GO

The 6,800-square-foot building was built specifically to be the “Specialty Food Pavilion,” and will be open for the first time this year. It’s located next to the Natural Resource Center, which is between the animal barns and the Old McDonald’s petting zoo. The building will have local folks selling all manner of locally made foods, from jams and jellies to sauces, gourmet popcorn, olive oil and chocolates. You can get olive oil at the Fryeburg Fair? Now that’s a secret worth sharing.

AXES WILL FLY If you’ve never seen folks competing in woodsmen’s events, try to head to the fair on Monday, when Woodsmen’s Day events will be held from roughly 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Basically, it’s a day of competitive events based on stuff that people who work in the Maine woods have been doing for generations. Men and women will be competing in various kinds of sawing and chopping as well as log rolling, ax throwing and something called “springboard.” In that last one, lumberjacks and lumberjills will climb their way up a telephone pole by chopping notches into it, sticking a board into the notch, then climbing onto that board to chop the next notch. And so on. Safe to say, it’s probably unlike anything most suburbanites have ever seen.


E36 GO | The Portland Press Herald/ Thursday, September 27, 3!$ 5= j BVS >]`bZO\R >`Saa 6S`OZR BVc`aROg AS^bS[PS` % 2012

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