How to Grow Delicious Juicy Tomatoes ... 12-13
Invite Monarch Butterflies to your Garden ... 14
Trends for a Refreshed Home in 2022 ... 24
Smoking Meat at Home 101 ... 36
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PUBLISHER Patrice Edwards
EDITOR Jondi Gumz
LAYOUT & DESIGN Ward J. Austin
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cathe Race, Ward J. Austin and Camisa Composti
MEDIA CONSULTANTS Teri Huckobey, Brooke Valentine & Camisa Composti
Office: (831) 688-7549 or Email: sales@cyber-times.com www.coastalhomeandgarden.com www.tpgonlinedaily.com EDITORIAL OFFICES:
9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003
SPRING & SUMMER 2022 is a publication of the Times Publishing Group Inc.located at 9601 Soquel Dr. Aptos, CA 95003. Entire contents © 2022 by Patrice Edwards. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without publisher’s written permission.
FEATURES Keeping Pets Safe in the Garden
How to Reduce Water use at Home Outdoor Living at its Finest
Coastal Home Real Estate
4 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
Designer Trends to get your Kitchen and Bathroom Ready for 2022
CONTENTS COASTAL HOME & GARDEN 8 ... Herb Gardening 10 ... Keeping Pets Safe in the Garden 12 ... How to Grow Delicious Juicy Tomatoes 14 ... Invite Monarch Butterflies to Your Garden 16 ... Succulents: A Great Addition to a Drought-Resistant Garden 18 ... No Free Lunch for Gophers
COASTAL HOME REAL ESTATE 22 ... Generational Trends in Home Buying 24 ... Trends for a Refreshed Home in 2022 26 ... Your Home: An Even More Valuable Asset 28 ... Outdoor Living at its Finest 30 ... Preparing for House Fires 32 ... How to Reduce Water use at Home 34 ... Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce 36 ... Smoking Meat at Home 101 38 ... Grilling Kabobs Simply and Easily 40 ... Exterior Home Improvements Yield Higher ROI 42 ... Business & Service Directory 44 ... Designers’ Trends to get Your Kitchen and Bathroom Ready for 2022 46 ... Ten Tips to Recognize Ripe Fruits
6 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 7
HERB GARDENING Planting and harvesting herbs is very rewarding. Consider the health benefits, the savings and the flavor you can add to your meals. You can start with a small garden and a few herbs planted in between your vegetable garden. Those plants can produce more fresh herbs than you and your family can probably consume. Herbs can be planted with perennials, or they can double as really nice looking and fragrant ground covers. You can plant oregano alongside flowers like marigolds, thyme growing as a ground cover beneath roses and rosemary growing on a steep, rocky bank. A vegetable garden can sport an entire bed of mint, as well as plenty of chives, parsley, basil and more planted among the vegetables in your garden. In addition, it’s easy to grow herbs in pots such as, Chives on the back deck and a hanging basket filled with Sage, Oregano, Thyme, Parsley and Rosemary. Basil, Dill and Cilantro are annual herbs. The annual herbs grow, flower and produce seeds all in one season. Biennials take two years to mature. Parsley is one of those that flower and then die in the second year. Some, like Oregano, need to be cut back every fall. Others, like Sage and Rosemary, develop woody stems and survive year to year. Herbs love the sun, so select an area that gets at least six hours of sunshine everyday. Use a spouted can or a hose, and add enough so that the water starts to drain through the holes for potted herbs. Remember that container plants are thirstier than plants in the ground, and those in porous pots, such as terracotta or wood, are even more so. Remember, the smaller the pot, the more watering it will require. Keep the soil moist but not damp. & Garden2021-22 | Spring/Summer 2022 8 | Coastal Homefall-winter
Always water your herbs in the morning or the early part of the day, never at night. When your harvesting your herbs you can dry and package them to use year-round. The best time to harvest herbs for the purpose of drying is just before flowering, and the best time of day to harvest is in the morning before essential oils diminish. For herbs like basil and sage, you pull off the leaves. For herbs like oregano, cut the entire stem to the bottom. The herbs will need to dry in a dark area. You can pull off all the leaves and drop them in a paper bag. Leave the bag in the kitchen, and every time you go by you can pick it up and shake it so the leaves don’t clump together and get moldy. It only takes a few days to dry, Store your dried herbs in air tight containers. Zippered plastic bags will work. Better to use small canning jars. Always label and date your containers. Discard any dried herbs that show the slightest sign of mold. Place the containers in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and enjoy! |
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If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the well-being of your furry friends: POISONOUS PLANTS Some common plants can be dangerous for animals, causing anything from mild oral irritations and upset stomachs to cardiovascular damage and even death. For example, these are some of the toxic plants the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) has identified as harmful for either cats or dogs: ³ Aloe – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, anorexia and depression ³ Azalea – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation, weakness, coma, cardiovascular collapse and death ³ Burning bush – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and weakness, as well as heart rhythm abnormalities with large doses ³ Caladium – can cause burning and irritation of the mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting and difficulty swallowing
Photo: Unsplash ³ Daylilies – can cause kidney failure in cats ³ Hibiscus – can cause vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and anorexia MULCH AND COMPOST The decomposing elements that make compost good can be bad for pets, according to the National Garden Society. Keep compost in a secure container or fenced off area so pets can’t get to it. Cocoa mulch can be a particular problem for dogs. A by-product of chocolate production, cocoa mulch can cause digestive problems and even seizures in dogs. Shredded pine or cedar mulch is a safer choice. FERTILIZER AND INSECTICIDES The chemicals used to get rid of pests or make your lawn lush can be toxic to pets. Some of the most dangerous pesticides include snail bait with metaldehyde, fly bait with methomyl, systemic insecticides with disyston or disulfoton, mole or gopher bait with zinc phosphide and most forms of rat poison, according to the ASPCA. Follow all instructions carefully, and store pesticides and fertilizers in a secure area out of the reach of animals. FLEAS AND TICKS In addition to using appropriate flea and tick prevention methods such as collars and sprays, make sure your yard isn’t a welcoming environment for these pests. Keep the lawn trimmed and remove brush and detritus, where fleas and ticks often lurk. Fleas can cause hair loss, scabs, excessive scratching, tapeworms and anemia. Ticks can do all of that, plus bring you and your family in contact with diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Find more tips for keeping pets safe at eLivingtoday.com. |
10 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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HOW TO GROW DELICIOUS JUICY TOMATOES Growing big juicy tomatoes is part of what makes vegetable gardening so enjoyable. Whether purchasing plants from your local nursery or starting tomatoes from seed, here are a few basic steps to ensure that you harvest an abundant crop. There are many varieties of tomatoes to choose from whether you will be cooking, canning, slicing, or eating miniature or grape-like varieties right off the vine. So start by choosing the kind of tomato to grow.
Keep moist by misting or watering tomatoes as needed. When plants have a second pair of leaves, transplant these seedlings to your garden or a large pot. To acclimatize a plant to outdoor conditions before planting, set it out in direct sun during the day and bring it in at night. After a few days, the tomato plant can be transplanted in the desired location. PURCHASING STARTED PLANTS When purchasing plants from your garden center, select dark green plants, stocky in size that do not have any fruit. Fruit will stunt plant growth. Tomatoes are one of the few plants that will tolerate being planted deeper than they sit in the pot. So a taller plant can be placed a little deeper if preferred. Acclimate the plant before moving it to a final location. PREPARING GARDEN SOIL FOR TOMATO PLANTS The soil should be deep, loamy, and well drained for the best harvest. Tomatoes prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8. The pH is measured on a numerical scale of 1.0 to 14.0. The neutral point on the pH scale is 7.0. Higher than 6.5 indicates alkaline soil, lower indicates acidic soil. Test kits are available at garden centers. To raise the soil’s pH, work agriculture lime into the soil. Use sulfur to lower the pH of alkaline soil. Using fertilizers and compost amendments will also change the soil’s pH over time. Adding decomposed organic compost will improve any soil structure. You can purchase or make your own compost. Once you have prepared the soil, it is ready for the planting.
PLANTING TOMATOES FROM SEEDS Tomatoes grown from seed require six to eight weeks before they can be planted in the garden. Purchase individual flats, starter soil, and the seeds of your choice. Fill each container with soil pressing tightly to remove air and to avoid soil settling after watering. Seed companies print the planting instructions on the tomato seed package. Each variety is different, so follow instructions carefully. Label the type of tomato and the date started and attach them to Popsicle sticks or purchase them at the store or garden center. Place containers in a sunny window and keep seeds moist by misting then placing a plastic bag over them. Small greenhouse containers are also available at your local nursery. Watch for seeds to germinate and remove plastic when plants emerge. Take out the weaker looking seedlings to give strong ones more room to grow. 12 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
PLANTING THE TOMATOES Inspect all of the transplants, looking for insects, wilting or blight. Plant only healthy plants. Tomatoes prefer full sun, so choose an area with at least six to eight hours of sun per day. Practice crop rotation by planting tomatoes and other vegetables in a different spot every year. Tomatoes prefer to be planted by chives, parsley, marigolds, nasturtiums, garlic bulbs, and carrots. Avoid planting tomatoes by potatoes or members of the cabbage family. For large healthy tomatoes, space plants twenty-four inches between rows and leave twenty-four inches between plants. With your shovel or spade, make holes slightly larger than the plants, loosen the soil, and gently remove from the pot. Place a 3-4 inch nail next to each stem before planting or wrap strips of newspaper around the bottom of the stems to prevent cutworms. A paper cup around the stem also works well. Back-fill around plant with soil until well compacted. Place a rack or cage around each individual plant to support growth. Water around the base of the plant, avoiding the leaves. Do not overwater as this can promote disease and rot. Water early in the day.
Keep The Lights On
Using a rake, spread organic mulch such as weed-free straw around plants at least two inches deep. This helps prevent weeds, preserve water, and keep soil warm. Fertilize the plants throughout the growing season with compost or organic matter. Water when needed and inspect leaves periodically for tomato blight and insects. If blight is discovered, remove infected leaves and destroy them. Treat plant with a fungicide. Remove all debris from your garden in the fall, as blight can survive over the winter. Most tomatoes take 100-days to bear fruit, so follow these easy directions and get ready to harvest the fruits of your labors and enjoy that first BLT of the season. |
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ITEMS NEEDED FOR GROWING TOMATOES: ❦ Tomato seeds or plants ❦ Containers or flats ❦ A small greenhouse kit or plastic bags ❦ Starter soil or mixture ❦ Marking pen ❦ Popsicle sticks or labels ❦ Rake, Spade and shovel ❦ Water, sun, adequate soil and patience Varieties good for growing in our area: Super Bush (close to the coast) Stupice (close to the coast) Camp Joy Cherry (foggy areas) Jaune Flamme (foggy areas) Sungold (cherry tomato) Better Boy Early Girl San Francisco Fog Cherokee Purple (heirloom) Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 13
INVITE MONARCH BUTTERFLIES TO YOUR GARDEN Attracting monarch butterflies to your garden can be a fun and fulfilling hobby for your family. It’s always a thrill to see these orange-and-black beauties flitting around your flowers to fuel up on nectar during the summer. It can be even more exciting to watch their tiny caterpillars hatch on milkweed and grow a little bigger every day until they make their green cocoons, dotted with gold. If you’re extra lucky, you might happen to be there when the new adult butterfly emerges a couple of weeks later and takes its first flight. A monarch’s life is a story of enormous transformation. They start as an egg on a milkweed plant, and within a few days they emerge as
a ravenous caterpillar. After 10-14 days of munching on milkweed leaves, the monarch forms a chrysalis. Over the next two weeks it undergoes a radical reorganization of its tissues, ultimately tearing free from its confinement as an adult monarch butterfly. It hangs around the yard for a while, getting ready to fly, and then off it goes! If it hatched in the summer, it may live for another 2-5 weeks. In early fall, the final generation of monarchs has a special job: to migrate. This special generation may live up to 8 months. Planting milkweed remains the best thing that a gardener can do to help monarchs. It is the most essential building block of a proper monarch habitat; it’s where the butterflies lay their eggs and the only thing that the caterpillars will eat. Native species of milkweed are always best because that’s what monarchs would be naturally seeking as they migrate through your area. Many nurseries carry native milkweed, buy several though, as those little caterpillars will eat a lot! Fewer than one out of every 10 monarch eggs will survive to become an adult butterfly. Monarchs and caterpillars have many natural enemies. Predators such as spiders and fire ants kill and eat monarch eggs and caterpillars. Some birds and wasps feed on adult butterflies. For protection, place a mesh fabric over the top of your plants to protect the chrysalis from its enemies. Or just bring the whole plant into the house until the butterfly emerges, then put it back outside for him or her to prepare for the freedom flight! Monarch butterflies are always looking for food. Some plants that provide plenty of nectar include lantana, echinacea, flowering sages, verbena, rudbeckia, and yarrow. And, of course, milkweed. Creating a place for monarchs to live their life cycle is a rewarding hobby for the whole family. You can set up a chart in the house to keep track of butterflies, and at the end of the season you will be surprised at how many monarch butterflies started their life in your garden! Go to the nursery, get your milkweed, and get started on your new butterfly hobby! |
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SUCCULENTS: A GREAT ADDITION TO A DROUGHTRESISTANT GARDEN With rainfall averages seemingly going down year after year, creating a drought-resistant garden is the future. There is no better place to start, or yet end, then with succulents. By very definition succulent plants are considered drought resistant plants in which the leaves, stems and roots are more fleshy in the development of water-storing tissue. There are over 10,000 varieties of succulents worldwide with nearly 200 native to California. A few of the most common being Dudleya, Agave, Cholla and Stonecrop. One type of succulent most of us are familiar with is Carpobrotus Edulis otherwise know as California Coastal Ice Plant. It’s that soft, green squishy stuff (see photo below) you walk over when taking trails down to many California beaches. The ice plant stores water like a camel and survives solely off the what it leeches from coastal fog, morning dew and whatever it can pull from the ground. Never watered, it stays alive year round. EASY TO GROW Most succulents need very little water and only limited sunshine to survive thus making them low maintenance. So, even if your not a green thumb, they are cheap to buy, easy to plant, and even easier to maintain. They become nearly an afterthought once planted. Also, since it rarely gets to or below freezing on or near the coast you won’t have to worry about them dying. Many can handle being in conditions 320 or under anyway. Before you plant, you might want to consult your local nursery or Google info about what your growing intentions are and how to fulfill them. DECORATIVE These oddly shaped and diversely colored plants which sometimes even come with thorns can be used in many decorative ways. Whether it’s adding a section of color to your garden that will stay through all the seasons or livening up a balcony or window sill, succulents are the perfect everyday plant. For either someone who wants to add life to their patio or for the serious gardener, succulents will satisfy with their diverse beauty and ease of care. |
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 17
Wildlife belongs in the wild. Many of us appreciate it there, and get pictures of it to share with others as if it is rare and unusual. Deer, raccoons, skunks, squirrels, gophers and so many other residents of the wild are not so appealing in home gardens. They all need to eat. None are tactful about it. Some eat foliage. Some eat fruits. Moles eat larval insects. That seems like it would be beneficial to the garden. In some situations, it is. Not only do moles inhibit the proliferation of grubs that damage roots, but they also aerate dense soil. The problem is that they heave soil as they excavate just below the surface. This activity damages lawns and shallow ground cover. Uninhibited grubs might cause less damage. Gophers often take the blame for damage that moles cause. However, gophers are much more destructive. They excavate more substantially, and generate larger mounds. While moles consume mostly detrimental grubs, gophers devour roots and any other plant part within the soil. Gophers do not hesitate to kill the most important plants in the landscape. Like gophers and other rodents, moles can not take much time off for hibernation through winter. The weather is just too mild. Although they are less active during cool weather, or while there is less to hunt, they never stop excavating. They merely become more
active now because, as the weather warms, they can plan for a family, and find plenty of grubs. Mole excavation generates distinctive small ‘berms’ of displaced soil within lawns. Such berms extend randomly in no particular direction, but are impressively consistent in form. Mounds of expelled soil are small and sporadic, or may not be evident. Moles often push their way below the surface of firmly rooted turf, without expelling any soil to the surface. Unfortunately, moles can be about as difficult to dissuade as gophers. The most practical means of repellent is to eliminate the grubs that they crave, which can be difficult without insecticide. Blood meal and bone meal are fertilizers that can supposedly repel moles by their objectionable aroma, but require frequent application. Traps also require diligence, as well as precision. |
18 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 19
20 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 21
GENERATIONAL TRENDS IN HOME BUYING Since 2013, the National Association of REALTORS® has produced the Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report. This report provides insights into differences and similarities across generations of home buyers and sellers. The home buyer and seller data is taken from the annual Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. Some of the findings in this year’s 143page report include: • Millennials (age 23 to 41) made up the largest share of homebuyers at 43%; boomers (age 57 to 75) were second at 39%, followed by Gen X (age 42 to 56) at 22%; Silent Generation (age 76 to 96) 4% and Gen Z (age 18 to 22) made up 2%. • Gen X had the highest incomes (it also had the highest share of married couples, thus more dual income), and bought the most expensive and second-largest homes; they were also the most likely to purchase multi-generational homes.
any homes only online without seeing them in person. • Sixty percent of all buyers were married, but 50 percent of buyers age 23 to 31 were not married. • Gen X were most racially/ethnically diverse group: 23% identify as a race other than White; younger millennials least likely to identify as heterosexual: 9% identified with another orientation. • Millennials were the most educated: 90% of younger millennials had at least an associate degree. • Boomers age 67 to 75 moved furthest, a median of 35 miles, primarily to be closer to family and friends, and were more likely to downsize. • Young millennials (age 23 to 31) use tech but are the most likely to use an agent in the purchase process and most likely to
2% 2%
Gen Zers:
6% 25%
Older Gen Y/Millennials:
20% 22%
Gen Xers:
24% 17%
Younger Boomers:
Older Boomers:
19% 4%
Silent Generation:
6% %
2022 NAR Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends
Buyers typically searched for eight weeks and looked at a median of eight homes. The length of the home search was the longest for Older Millennials and Older Baby Boomers, at 10 weeks and shortest for the Silent Generation at six weeks. When asked where their internet searches were conducted, home buyers typically conducted 50% of their search on a desktop/laptop and 50% on a mobile device(s). Younger Millennials and the Silent Generation, typically did not view 22 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
use an agent to sell their home. • The silent generation (age 75 to 96) were the most likely to move to be closer to family and purchased the smallest homes; they also had the highest percentage of military veterans. • Gen X and younger boomers delayed their home purchase the longest – 5 years – due to debt. |
Chart courtesy of National Association of Realtors.
Younger Gen Y/Millennials:
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TRENDS FOR A REFRESHED HOME IN 2022 Spring brings new opportunities to refresh your living space and add new colors into your life. These five trends are all about incorporating more of yourself and your lifestyle into your home, whether it’s answering your need for a serene escape or dialing up the energy with vibrant surroundings. BRINGING IN NATURE Soothing earthy tones help bring a sense of calm and balance indoors. When designing with nature in mind, use gray-green tones to connect your aesthetic with the serene elements of the outdoors. Incorporate nature’s palette with greens in fabrics, accessories and even on the walls. Wood and stone materials naturally complement these shades for a look that’s cohesively pleasing and peaceful.
24 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
FEELING SOPHISTICATED If you’re aiming to infuse some sophistication with an update to a favorite space, opt for a monochromatic look in a dark (almost black) hue. The approach is simultaneously bold and classic, but the secret to this trend is finding a shade that’s rich and deep, but not quite black, then complementing it with fabrics and furnishings that let the hint of color shine. CONNECT WITH YOUR INNER SELF Creating a living space that is uniquely yours requires understanding your inner motivations, traits and talents. One source of personal inspiration may be your zodiac sign, a reflection of the earth’s orientation to the sun on your birthday. Aries – Yellows and Oranges: A warm and soothing color like this supports a transformational year full of new opportunities. Taurus – Linen: This clean, cozy color makes spaces feel open, perfect for celebrating togetherness. Gemini – Grey: This is a color of warmth and versatility, a signature combination for Geminis. Cancer – Blues: A spirited, playful color inspires a year of growth and adventure. Leo – Mountain River: A dark and dreamy color invites inspiration for a year filled with abundance.
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Call Kathleen to discuss your Real Estate Goals Virgo – Soft Peach: It’s the year of partnerships for Virgos; this harmonious color works alongside others but can also stand on its own. Libra – Orchid: A cool and breezy color keeps it simple so Libras can focus on a year of vitality. Scorpio – Fired Earth: This warm and approachable color is perfect for Scorpios who plan to bring new people into their lives this year. Sagittarius – Rustic Oak: A relaxing and comforting color that welcomes coziness in the new year. Capricorn – Warm Thyme: For Capricorns, this is the year of variety, and this is a refreshing tone to support change.
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Aquarius – Country Charm: This hue provides warmth and stability for a year of productivity. Pisces – Lilac Lane: A playful pastel hue that brings softness along with optimism and renewal. ADD COMFORT AND WARMTH Treating your home like a sanctuary never goes out of style, and one way to create a soothing, inviting space is through the use of cozy neutrals. Whether it’s applied to a bedroom retreat or a more bustling space like the living room, a neutral palette can add to the allure of comfort and warmth. Keep the visual interest strong by incorporating subtle patterns, textures and layers of complementary neutral colors. |
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Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 25
the median price is $2.28 million, the highest in the state, up from $1.985 million a year ago.
By Jondi Gumz
Homes sold over asking price – 103.9% statewide, up from 102.2% a year ago. The average price per foot for a single-family home topped $400 for the first time, according to the California Association of Realtors, $418, up from $357 a year ago. Median time on the market is eight days statewide for single-family homes, seven days for condos and townhomes.
The figures come from the California Association of Realtors, which reports the trends are the same statewide: Prices up, sales down. The median price statewide for single-family homes is $849,080, an alltime high and up from $758,990 a year ago; sales are down 4%.
Infographic courtesy of the California Association of Realtors.
At the county level, prices increased across the state, with 25 counties setting new record highs in March. Out of 51 counties tracked by California Association of Realtors, 46 saw increases in their median price in March. The next largest increase after Santa Cruz County was Tehama, 34%, and Tuolumne, 31%. For condos and townhomes, the median price statewide is $661,000, up from $552,500 a year ago and sales are down 11%.
Home prices in Santa Cruz County skyrocketed in March to a new record median price – $1.6 million, up 46% from a year ago – as sales dropped by 7%. The median, the midpoint of what sold, was $1.1 million in March 2021. While these prices are stratospheric, they look reasonable compared to neighboring Santa Clara County, home to highpaying jobs in Silicon Valley, where the median is $1.95 million, up from $1.6 million a year ago. To the north, in San Mateo County, 26 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
In Santa Cruz County, homes are selling in nine days, down from 11 days a year ago. Locally, homes have been in demand as Silicon Valley tech employees, working from home due to the pandemic,
realized they could work at home anywhere, without concern for commutes. Some analysts had predicted this phenomenon would be a temporary but the trend is not abating. In fact, some tech workers have taken the opportunity to cash in stock – as stock prices have risen – giving them cash to speed up closing for the seller and outbid competitors.
of rising mortgage interest rates,” said Otto Catrina, of Castro Valley, president of the California Association of Realtors. He added, “An increase in active listings for the first time since prior to the pandemic should give consumers more options and alleviate some of the upward pressure on home prices, which bodes well for prospective buyers.”
The California Association of Realtors finds demand for homes remained strong in March “as the effects of rising interest rates have yet to be borne out.” The interest rate for a 30-year fixedmortgage averaged 4.17% in March, up from 3.08 percent a year ago, according to Freddie Mac. For a five-year adjustable mortgage, the interest rate averaged 3.19%, up from 2.78% a year ago.
California’s previous record median home price of $827,940 was set in August 2021. The reason for the new record: A surge in high-end sales. The share of million-dollar home sales grew in March to 32.9%, the highest level on record, according to the California Association of Realtors. That was due in large part to the San Francisco Bay Area – where 70 percent of sales were over $1 million.
March marked the ninth consecutive month that the number of sales has declined compared to a year ago, but it was the smallest decline in eight months. Statewide, active listings in March climbed to the highest level in five months and posted the first year-overyear gain since June 2019.
The San Francisco Bay Area includes nine counties such as Santa Clara, San Mateo and Marin but not Santa Cruz. “The effects of higher mortgage interest rates won’t be realized for a few more months,” said Jordan Levine, California Association of Realtors vice president and chief economist. “With the Federal Reserve expected to announce two back-to-back half-point interest rate hikes in May and June to combat inflation, interest rates will be elevated for the foreseeable future, adversely affecting housing demand and lowering housing affordability in the coming months, but the effects may not be visible until the second half of the year as many of the homes that are, or will be, closing were negotiated before the sharp increase in rates.” |
Newly added listings in March increased for the first time in nine months, with the increase of 37.7% from February the highest since May 2020. “With homes still selling at a rapid clip and more homes selling above asking price than last summer when prices were at record highs, California’s housing market continues to perform remarkably well as buyers enter the market to get ahead
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Spending time outside doesn’t mean you have to forfeit your creature comforts. With a few small adjustments you can make your outdoor space comfortable and inviting. Turning a yard, patio, porch or other outdoor area into a functional living space can be a rewarding task, and will expand your living space to the outdoors. With the right setup, you can spend more time in the sunshine and fresh air, and host events for friends, family and neighbors. An outdoor fireplace, fire table, fire pit, or chiminea can be a good addition to any deck or patio. All of these options are different but have the same benefits; you and your guests can stay outside long after the sun has gone down. If you are not in a position to build in a fireplace, a fire table is a great alternative. The fire is in the center, which leaves room to serve your meal or appetizers right on the spot to your guests. Seating in a complete circle encourages conversation with new and old friends and also keeps everybody warm. Whether you crave the atmosphere and authenticity of a wood burning feature, or the convenience of gas, when you opt for a built-in fire pit the element becomes a fluidly integral part of the deck or yard design. What’s more, with built-in options you can tailor the fire pit’s appearance to complement your overall design, and avoid tip risks associated with portable devices. Grills and decks go together like cookies and cream, but to take your outdoor cooking to the next level, set aside an area on your deck or in your backyard for an outdoor kitchen.
28 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
These kitchens not only incorporate cooking facilities such as gas or charcoal grills, burners, and even pizza ovens, they also sport wet bars, sinks, and prep areas. Virtually any amenity you would find in a top-quality kitchen can be included in an outdoor cooking area. Your outdoor kitchen is not only a showcase of luxury; it can be the focal point of outdoor entertaining. For outdoor living, a hot tub is the pinnacle of luxury and relaxation. From intimately sized spas that seat just two people to grand hot tubs that can host a half dozen people or more, you have plenty of options when choosing a hot tub. While built-in hot tubs impart a refined, luxurious look to a deck, portable models can go with you when you move some day. Consult a spa professional for help determining the size and type that’s right for your deck. A variety of lighting options for outdoor spaces exist, and it’s a good idea to include lighting design for safety and aesthetics in your landscaping plans. Lighting can be installed within retaining walls, under capstones and among paving stone pathways and patios. Even a simple string of lights around a patio or deck railing adds a warm ambience to evenings and cool nights. Select year-round outdoor furniture. Look for outdoor furniture that’s durable and doesn’t need storage or annual maintenance other than cleaning. Shelter is not just for shade. Take shelter from the elements with a variety of pergolas, awnings, and other coverings for patios and decks that not only provide shade but also help protect from wind and inclement weather. If backyard space permits, consider adding levels to your deck. Layering levels of deck adds visual appeal and interest, and also allows you to turn your outdoor “room” into an outdoor house. With multiple levels, you can separate seating and cooking areas, create greater privacy for a hot tub and maximize available space. Whether your home is modest or majestic, your deck can be a showcase of style, luxury and fun - and an investment that pays off in increased value and enjoyment. |
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 29
PREPARING FOR HOUSE FIRES Home fires affect tens of thousands each year: 5 tips to protect your family!
smoke alarms, chances are, it’s time to replace them. Smoke alarms don’t last forever and need to be replaced at least every 10 years. When it’s time to replace your alarms, install alarms with a 10-year sealed battery that eliminates late-night battery chirps and battery replacements for a decade. 2) PLAN AND PRACTICE YOUR ESCAPE PLAN Installing smoke alarms is step one, but knowing what to do when they go off is vital to your home safety plan. Involve everybody in your household when developing an emergency escape plan. Collectively identify two exits out of each room, including windows and doors, and set a dedicated meeting spot outside. Once outside, stay outside and call 911. Be sure to practice your escape plan with your entire family at least twice a year. “When developing an escape plan, it’s important to prioritize escaping, leaving all personal belongings behind. The planning process helps families practice how to safely evacuate children, pets and anyone in the household needing special assistance. 3) IDENTIFY YOUR EXIT Doors are a great way to gauge the closeness of a fire. Before opening a door, feel the doorknob or higher on the door with the back of your hand. If it is hot, or if there is smoke coming around the door, leave it closed and use your second way out. If you decide to open a door, do it slowly and be ready to shut it quickly if heavy smoke or fire is present. If you can’t get out, cover vents and cracks around the door with clothing, towels or newspapers to keep smoke out. Call 911, stay where you are and signal for help at the window with a lightcolored cloth or flashlight.
Nobody wants to believe a catastrophic event like a fire can happen to them, but home fires affect tens of thousands of families every year. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), home fires occur more in the winter than during any other season. Take the following steps to ensure your family and home are protected from the unexpected. 1) TEST, MAINTAIN AND REPLACE Correct smoke alarm placement, regular maintenance and alarm replacement are essential parts of a comprehensive fire safety plan. Once alarms are installed on every level and in every bedroom, test them regularly, change the batteries every six months if battery-powered and be sure all alarms have a battery backup if hardwired. If you can’t think of when you last installed your 30 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
4) STAY LOW If you encounter smoke while escaping from a fire, consider using an alternative escape route. However, heavy smoke and poisonous gases collect first along the ceiling, so if you must escape through smoke, drop to the floor, crawl on your hands and knees and keep your head 12 to 24 inches above the floor. 5) CLOSE WINDOWS AND DOORS Before bed or when leaving home, you should always close windows and doors as a preventative measure. This is important because oxygen will allow fires to continue to grow if a fire does start. Closing windows and doors holds back the radiating heat of fire for a short period. If a fire breaks out when you are home, focus on your escape plan rather than closing windows and doors. This allows you a better chance to escape and can also improve otherwise untenable conditions. To learn more about how to keep your family and home safe from fire, visit FirstAlert.com. BPT |
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Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 31
HOW TO REDUCE WATER USE AT HOME With California in a drought once again, state officials are calling on local residents to cut water use by 15 percent compared to 2020. BUT HOW? Here are tips from H2ouse.org to reduce water use at home. • Invest in a water-efficient toilet: About 27% of indoor water use comes from toilets. If you use a standard toilet, which uses up to 5 gallons a flush, you can put a half-gallon plastic bottle filled with pebbles in your toilet tank to displace water. • Look for leaks: By reading your water meter, you can discover if there are any leaks in your house. An average of ten gallons of household water a day is lost to leaks. This equals about 14% of your daily water footprint. • Install a low-flow shower head: These will save you 15 gallons of water during a 10-minute long shower. Take showers instead of baths. It takes around 50 gallons of water to fill a bathtub, so a shower will always be more efficient. • Replace your top-loading clothes washer with a front loader.: machines: A top-loading machine will use around 40 gallons of water a load compared to 20 gallons for a front-loader. Energy Star rated washers with a Water Factor lower than 3.2 use 33% less water than regular clothes washers per load. See https:// www.energystar.gov/productfinder/product/certifiedclothes-washers/results. And use the right load size when doing laundry. Around 22% of indoor water use comes from laundry, so using the right load size will cut down on waste. • Invest in an Energy Star dishwasher: Energy Star machines
use around 4 gallons a load, while others typically use 6 gallons. Hand washing your dishes takes about 20 gallons of water. • Reduce outdoor water use: The best time to water your lawn or garden plants is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. (early morning hours are best) in intervals – five minutes of water, then 10 minutes of absorption, then repeat. Plants and grass absorb water more effectively because there is little chance the water evaporating in the sun’s heat. Before you make a decision, check with your local water supplier to see what rebates are being offered, from turf replacement and weather-based irrigation controllers to pool covers and greywater to landscape projects. | For more tips, see https://www.h2ouse.org/water-conservation/
Pie chart courtesy American Water Works Association. 32 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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EWG’s 2022
Shopper’s Guide to to Shopper’s Guide Pesticides in Produce Shopper’sin Guide to Pesticides Produce EWG’s 2022
What to Plant This Season – Dirty Dozen & Clean 15
If you’re planning a garden, the question is always: What to grow this season? Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit activist organization founded in 1992, is here to help. EWG researches CUT ALONG LINE supplies, cookware and food storage containers – and toxins in thousands of products – cleaning produces guides so consumers can shop safely.
Pesticides in Produce
EWG also produces an annual Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, also known as the Dirty Dozen TM and the Clean 15 TM. The Clean 15 are non-organic fruits and vegetables with the least amount of pesticide residues. The Dirty Dozen are non-organic fruits and vegetables with the highest residue of pesticides. The data CUT ALONG LINE come from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So if you CUT ALONG LINE want to keep pesticides off your plate, buy organic or grow your own.
Instructions: 1. Cut along outside line. 2. Fold along middle line.
Instructions: 1. Cut along outside line. 2. Fold middle line.visit ewg.org/foodnews Foralong more information Copyright © Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org. Reproduced with permission.
For more information visit ewg.org/foodnews Copyright © Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org. Reproduced with permission. 34 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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SMOKING MEAT AT HOME 101 If you really want to infuse deep aromas and flavors into meat like chicken, pork, beef, and lamb, smoking is the best way to do it. Thanks to the development of commercial smokers, smoking meat at home has never been easier.
Don’t run out to the home store just yet, you can also smoke food in your regular backyard grill! The magic of smoking lies in indirect heat. In other words, you’re not placing the meat right on top of the flame or heat source; that’s too hot and too hard to control. Instead, the meat is on one side of the grill and the smoke on the other. If you don’t have a commercial smoker, your backyard grill is easily transformed. Fill up a disposable smoker box (available at any outdoor store) with your choice of wood chips. You can expect two to three handfuls of wood chips to last about an hour. Arrange the coals for indirect cooking. Simply pour the coals on one half of the grill and leave the other have empty. Place your smoker box over the coals. The heat and smoke waft over the meat, while keeping it out of the direct path. Your charcoal grill comes equipped with vents that allow you to regulate the 36 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
temperature inside the grill. You want to maintain 230-250°F so you should have a thermometer. The bottom vent is like your control panel. If the temperature drops too much, open it more. If it’s too hot, close it. Check the temperature frequently. If you’re cooking something that takes several hours, expect to add more charcoal. Only open the lid to add more wood chips or charcoal. If you have an electric or gas smoker, all you need to do is turn it on according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Place your wood chips or pieces where they belong in the smoker – again, check the instructions to make sure you do it properly. You should have a thermometer to keep inside the smoker to monitor the temperature. Wood smokers are known to produce the most flavorful results. They are fueled by hardwood blocks and chips, which impart their strong flavor to the meat you’re smoking. Wood smokers must be monitored carefully, and a steady temperature depends on feeding the wood into the smoker frequently. Charcoal smokers are a great choice for both beginners and experts. Charcoal smokers are fueled by a mixture of charcoal and wood. Charcoal burns longer and steadier than wood, so charcoal smokers are easier to use than wood smokers. Gas smokers are easy to use – you don’t have to monitor the temperature all day long – but the final product won’t have as much flavor as meat smoked in a charcoal or wood smoker. Alder has a light and naturally sweet flavor, which makes it great for pairing with fish, poultry, and any white meat. Applewood has a fruity and sweet smoke that pairs wonderfully with pork, fish, and poultry. Hickory has a strong and distinct flavor that’s ideal for red meat, especially ribs. Pecan gives your meat somewhat of a fruity flavor and burns cooler than most other barbecue woods. It’s similar to hickory and is best used on large cuts like brisket and pork roast, but can also be used to complement chops, fish, and poultry. Maple has a sweet and delicate taste and tends to darken whatever meat you’re smoking. It goes well with alder, oak, or applewood, and is typically used for poultry and ham. Mesquite is the most pungent wood you can smoke, which
means it can easily overpower your meat if used improperly. Avoid using mesquite with larger cuts that require longer cooking times. Oak is great for big cuts of meat that take a long time to cook. It has a subtle flavor that will emerge further the longer the meat is in the smoker. Cherrywood is best suited for red meat and pork; it also pairs well with alder, hickory, and oak. Smoking meat is not as hard as it sounds. Once you’ve had a few delicious meals of ribs, brisket, or seafood you will be a pro! |
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 37
Whatever your food fancies – kabobs are for you! They can be meat, seafood, vegan, vegetarian, you pick. That’s the beauty of kabobs, they are basically an anything goes meal. First, you need to get skewers. Most skewers are made from metal or bamboo. If you’re using bamboo, soak them before cooking so they don’t burn – submerge them in room-temperature water for 30-60 minutes before grilling. Depending on what cut of beef you are using, remember, marinade helps to tenderize meat. For chicken, use boneless breasts or thighs. Breasts are lean, while thighs are juicy and fuller-flavored. Keep in mind that white meat will cook faster than dark meat. Cut beef and chicken into 1 1/2-inch cubes to keep them juicy. If you’re using a marinade, marinate the pieces of meat before you thread them. Discard the marinade after removing the meat. As far as seafood, shrimp, scallops, and any firm fish will be a great addition.
For all kabobs, choose softer vegetables that will cook in the same time as the meat or seafood, like zucchini, mushrooms and peppers. The trick is to make sure meat, seafood, and/or vegetables are cut into equal-size pieces before skewering so that everything has a chance to cook evenly. Leave space between the items on the skewer so the heat can circulate and cook everything evenly. It’s a good idea to lay double-thick foil strips on the edge of the grill to protect the ends of the skewers. This will prevent wooden skewers from burning and metal ones from getting dangerously hot. Set up the grill for direct and indirect heat. On one half of the grill light the charcoal and the other half is where you grill the kabobs. Oil the kabob half of the grill and wait until the oil smokes. If you made the kebabs ahead of time, bring them to room temperature while you preheat the grill. Pat the kebabs dry. If not marinated, season them with salt and pepper. Then lay the kebabs on the direct-heat side of the grill with the skewer ends overlapping the foil. Space them out to let them cook evenly. Don’t move them until the bottoms look slightly charred and they release easily from the grill. Then turn the kebabs as necessary to sear all sides. Once they’re seared, the meat may need a little extra cooking. Move the kebabs to the indirect-heat side of the grill and cover. Chicken should take 10-12 minutes and beef about 8-10, for medium-rare.|
Grilled Kababs Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 15 minutes Serves 4 -8 people
38 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
MARINADE: ❦ 1/2 cup olive oil ❦ 1/2 cup soy sauce ❦ 3 cloves garlic minced ❦ 1 teaspoon black pepper
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds sirloin steak or chicken (breasts or thighs) cut in 1-inch cubes
1 red bell pepper seeded and cut in 1-inch pieces
1 orange bell pepper seeded and cut in 1-inch pieces
1 green bell pepper seeded and cut in 1-inch pieces
1 red onion cut in 1-inch pieces
½ pound whole mushrooms
8-12 inch metal or bamboo skewers (if you use bamboo, soak them in water first for 30 min or more otherwise they will burn on the grill)
COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY We are grateful to our community of individuals, local organizations, and patients who partner with us to ensure a healthier tomorrow. Together, we provide the resources needed to provide the best medical care available at Dominican Hospital and in Santa Cruz County. Thank you for your commitment to philanthropy and caring.
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EXTERIOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS YIELD HIGHER ROI Renovation season is approaching. Do you know what home improvements will give you the best return for your money? Here’s a hint: step outside. You might assume upgrades to interior spaces like kitchens and bathrooms have the best payoff, but most home improvements don’t return 100 percent of their value at the time of resale. Those that yield the best return on investment for the most modest costs are generally exterior improvements. OUTSIDE THE BOX Interior projects like a minor kitchen renovation or bathroom upgrade return a decent percentage of your initial investment when you sell your home - about 80 percent and 65 percent, respectively, according to Remodeling’s Cost vs. Value report. However, they can also cost tens of thousands of dollars. By contrast, exterior projects like adding a deck or replacing a garage door deliver similar high rates of return, but for far less cost. Adding a composite deck can cost around $22,000 and yield an ROI of more than 65 percent, while a garage door typically costs less than $3,000 and returns nearly 77 percent of your investment when you sell. In fact, six of the eight improvements with the best ROI on Remodeling’s report were exterior projects, and their average payback was nearly 75 percent.
TOP EXTERIOR PROJECTS Here are popular exterior projects that offer high ROI, according to the Cost vs. Value report: • Roof replacement – A midrange roof replacement costs approximately $40,000 and returns nearly 69 percent of the investment. What’s more, a new roof helps protect your entire home from weather damage and can improve curb appeal. • Composite deck addition – Costs vary, but Remodeling bases its evaluation of ROI on a cost of about $25,000. At that price, adding a composite deck delivers ROI of 65.2 percent. Of course, the value of your deck will depend on many factors, including the quality of the building products you choose that feature striking color patterns for a visual effect that’s as appealing as the financial ROI of composite decking. • Siding replacement – Another exterior feature that protects the whole home and greatly affects its curb appeal, new siding can cost around $22,000. When you sell your home, that new siding will recoup about 76 percent of your initial investment. • Garage door replacement – Older garage doors may lack modern insulating qualities and a shabby-looking door can drag down the look of your home. Replacing the garage door costs roughly $2,200 and returns nearly 77 percent of that amount at the time of resale. Exterior home improvements not only enhance your enjoyment of your home and help maintain its security, they’re also the first things potential buyers see when they pull up to the curb. When you want to make cost-effective, high-ROI improvements, making exterior upgrades is money well spent. BPT |
40 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 41
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BAY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 831.479.6000 • www.bayfed.com
Bay Federal Credit Union is a full service, not for profit financial cooperative. We provide personal and business banking services but, unlike a bank, we’re owned by our account holders and members like you! Our goal is to be better than a bank by delivering outstanding service, competitive savings yields, low loan rates, and many low and no-cost services. Our Board of Directors is made up of unpaid volunteers who spend countless hours ensuring the safety and stability of your money in the Credit Union.
A TOOL SHED EQUIPMENT RENTALS 3700 Soquel Avenue, Santa Cruz • 831.477.7133 285 W. Beach Street, Watsonville • 831.722.0334 www.atoolshed.com A Tool Shed Equipment Rentals Inc. is your equipment rental solution for all your rental needs. We have the rental inventory to help you get your job done quickly and easily. You’ll appreciate our large rental inventory and wide selections of rental tools available from the novice or do it yourselfer to the experienced contractor. Rental equipment is our specialty with fast delivery services just a phone call away.
APTOS LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 5035 Freedom Blvd., Aptos • 831.688.6211 www.aptoslandscapesupply.com
At Aptos Landscape Supply, we believe in creating beautiful outdoor spaces, while being mindful of our customers’ budgets and timelines. We stock a wide variety of top landscaping and hardscaping materials, including flagstone, wall rock, top soil, bricks, pavers, and much more, while also offering fast delivery of these products to your home or job site. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is always willing to assist with questions and suggestions on projects of any size, making sure our customers feel confident in their landscaping ventures.
We can help you with everything from the simple problem to complex installations including products for radiant heat, patterns, and borders. We carry both pre finished and sand and finish hardwoods including bamboo and exotic woods, laminates such as Mannington, Natural Linoleum, all major brands of carpet, wool, sisal, cork, custom and ready made area rugs, porcelain tile, and Hunter Douglas Allustra and window shades and shutters. Let us help with some of the most confusing decisions you will ever have to make.
CENTRAL HOME SUPPLY 808 River Street, Santa Cruz 180 El Pueblo Rd, Scotts Valley 831.423.0763 (Santa Cruz) 831.440.0763 (Scotts Valley) www.centralhomesupply.com As a family owned and operated business, Central Home Supply prides itself on personal, one-on-one service; expert advice; referrals to local contractors; and an ever-growing list of products. Pick up your products here or we’ll deliver it to your home. Whether it be a flatbed, forklift, and dump truck, we have the right sized vehicle to access your job. No project is too big or too small, from large commercial to small residential, Central Home Supply has the experience to get the job done right. GRANITEROCK 303 Coral Street, Santa Cruz • 831.471.3400 540 West Beach Street, Watsonville 831.768.2500 • www.graniterock.com Since the beginning, Graniterock has focused on keeping customers happy. This requires us to anticipate and exceed customer needs and expectations. The result is that you get what you need, whether it’s the right sand or the right information. That’s why we live by our “Yes, we will” standard of responding positively and creatively to every request for special products and/or services.
42 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
INTERIOR VISION 2800 Daubenbiss Avenue, Soquel • 831.219.4484
AMERICAN LEISURE 1118 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz • 831.423.2425 3550 Stevens Creek Blvd, San Jose 408.446.9350 • www.americanleisure.com American Leisure started in 1972 as a small manufacturer of custom-made, one-of-a-kind patio furniture. For over 40 years, our skills have been honed as we have grown the business to what it is today; A leading retailer of top-of-the-line indoor and outdoor furniture in the Silicon Valley and Monterey Bay Areas. Family owned, we’ve built our reputation on quality, integrity and providing excellent customer service. We treat each customer as though they are our only customer and believe no order is too small or too large.
A-1 OVERHEAD DOOR CO. 238 Wheelock Road, Watsonville 831.688.5892 • www.aonedoor.com
Serving Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties in California since 1969 with over 50 years of experience in the garage door trade, and over 12,000 installations. We have built a strong reputation for providing the highest quality work by giving personalized service to our customers. Our focus is on providing our customers with quality craftsmanship at an affordable price.
KNOX GARDEN BOX 46-A El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley 831.461.9430
It’s easy to create a smaller, more manageable and prolific garden with a preassembled Knox Garden Box. Solve problems with overly compacted soil, poor drainage, voracious garden pests, damage cold temperatures, water shortages, and sore muscles from incessant bending and kneeling. Having your garden raised off the ground has a few other benefits besides reducing the need to bend over and kneel. The boxes provide exceptional soil drainage and solve the problem of gophers, which can destroy a whole garden in a day. OUTDOOR SUPPLY HARDWARE 161 41st Avenue, Capitola 831.316.3823 www.outdoorsupplyhardware.com At Outdoor Supply Hardware, we don’t come with preconceptions or a ‘Big Box’ mentality. We want to add to the quality of life that makes living here special. There are a lot of reasons to love living here and we strive to be one of them. We believe that a business is about more than making money, it is also about community. We are your neighbors and neighbors are welcome any time.
JAY WELTY LANDSCAPING 831.684.0433 Specializing in creative garden renovations: waterfalls, stone patios, lighting and irrigation, Jay Welty has been creating beautiful landscapes since 1978. We offer several services including arbor construction, artificial grass installation, brick and stone driveway installation and much more. See what you can design with Jay Welty! Call for a free consultation. K&D LANDSCAPING, INC. 831.728.4018 • 62-C Hangar Way, Watsonville info@kndlandscaping.com www.kndlandscaping.com Today, with over thirty years behind them, K&D continues to provide the upmost professional service, while creating beautiful and functional Commercial and Residential outdoor living. Not only has their team grown, but so has their family. With pride that runs deep, this family owned and operated company is paving a new path in the industry. K&D was founded on six core values that are the backbone to this dedicated team; Professionalism, Teamwork, Humility, Hunger, Safety, and Respect.
STARK LEAK DETECTION 831.334.5944 www.starkleak.com Stark Leak Detection is equipped to accurately pinpoint any water leak...no matter the pipe size, depth or distance! We are not a plumbing or licensed plumbing repair service. We provide services as an extension or complement to your business. You can always count on us for timely and professional service, whether contracted directly or referred to a customer in support of a project! Our focus is to provide specialized services and expertise to assist your business by working to minimize costs.
JIM FURLONG David Lyng Real Estate • 831.212.9648 www.jimfurlong.com Jim Furlong is known for “exceeding expectations”. Jim’s history in Santa Cruz business, marketing, and real estate enables him to excel in terms of his connections, customer service and his ability to close a sale while making it an enjoyable experience. His education includes extensive training on real estate contracts and standards. Expect only my best in professional real estate marketing of your home. Jim will make your needs a reality using good honest sense, knowledge, and credibility!
KATHLEEN MANNING Sotheby’s Real Estate • 831.566.3127 kathleen.manning@sir.com www.kathleenmanning.com With more than 20 years of experience, Kathleen is one of the most knowledgeable and experienced professionals in the area. She is a top producing agent representing clients looking to buy or sell property from the Country to the Coast. Kathleen offers the skills and experience required to successfully buy or sell a home in today’s complex market: Skilled negotiation, utilization of new technology, creative marketing, organization, careful listening and great communication, extensive knowledge of the area and a professional service team to insure a smooth transaction.
KAISER PERMANENTE 5616/17 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley 831.430.2700 115 Locust Street, Santa Cruz • 831.425.4100 1931 Main Street, Watsonville • 831.768-6600 Kaiser Permanente is recognized as one of America’s leading health care providers and notfor-profit health plans. We currently serve 12.4 million members in eight states and the District of Columbia. Care for members and patients is focused on their total health and guided by their personal physicians, specialists, and team of caregivers. Our expert and caring medical teams are empowered and supported by industryleading technology advances and tools for health promotion, disease prevention, state-of-the-art care delivery, and world-class chronic disease management.
JUENEMAN PAINTING Capitola 831.345.7252 juenpaint@yahoo.com Serving Santa Cruz for over 25 years, we provide top-rated interior, exterior, residential, and commercial painting. We are dependable, professional, and always friendly. Call today to get your quote on our Summer Special -- 10% off your paint!
APPI POOL AND SPA 1527 Commercial Way B, Santa Cruz 831.476.6363 Thinking a thought about your pool or spa that is other than leisure enhancing detracts from your experience – we understand this. Our purpose is to provide you with services that optimize your leisure experience – to care for your pool or spa in such a way that baths you in satisfaction at every step in the process. Our Routine Service staff clearly understand this – to us we ‘own’ your pool or spa in your stead in such a way that we carry the responsibility for its proper operation and function.
ROOM REAL ESTATE 6990 Highway 9, Felton •831.234.6683 www.roomsantacruz.com Founded by local real estate experts Jayson Madani and Maaret Forst, we are a boutique real estate agency serving buyers and sellers in the Santa Cruz area where Jayson was born and raised, and where he has sold properties since 2004. Our team know the local neighborhoods and communities very well, and our clients benefit from their knowledge and experience. Our ultimate goal is to continue building our team and business while sacrificing none of the stellar client service we’ve become known for.
KNOX ROOFING 46 El Pueblo Road, Scotts Valley • 831.461.0634 www.knoxroofing.com Keeping the roof over your head in top condition is key to protecting you and your family, plus it protects your home’s long-term value. As residential and commercial roofing specialists, we can perform new installations, repairs and roof replacements to ensure that your roof performs like it should. Our dedication to customer satisfaction has been the key to our success serving the California Central Coast.
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SANITATION 701 Ocean Street, Room 410, Santa Cruz 831.454.2160 dpw.co.santa-cruz.ca.us/Home/Sanitation.aspx The Sanitation Division of Santa Cruz Public Works is responsible for the collection of wastewater
(sewage) for several sanitation districts and county service areas located within Santa Cruz County, providing water service (Davenport only), and Environmental Compliance.
APTOS VILLAGE SQUARE 7960 Soquel Dr., Drive, Aptos Conveniently located off Highway 1 and just outside Aptos Village, Aptos Village Square is host to several Aptos favorites, including Uncle Kwok’s, Showtime Pizza, Fleet Feet, Hotsource Yoga, Studio E Dance, Quality Water, Jansen Music, The UPS Store, CrossFit Aptos, Coastal Oak Interiors, Shanne Carvalho, and Caledonia Salon. Follow us on Instagram!
SANDBAR SOLAR 2656 Mission St., Santa Cruz • 831.469.8888 www.sandbarsc.com We’re local and proud of it. From our Santa Cruz base, Sandbar Solar & Electric sends out crews every day to install solar energy systems in Silicon Valley, Scotts Valley, Capitola, Soquel, Aptos, Watsonville, Salinas, Monterey, and of course, here in Santa Cruz. With Sandbar Solar & Electric, you know that everyone helping you go solar – project managers, engineers, electricians, and installers – are Santa Cruz locals themselves. Benefit from our experience on thousands of commercial and residential solar projects!
SOQUEL CREEK WATER DISTRICT 5180 Soquel Drive, Soquel • 831.475.8500 www.soquelcreekwater.orgThe Soquel Creek Water District is a non- profit, local government agency that provides water resource management and a safe, reliable supply of water to mid- county residents and businesses. The District serves approximately 40,400 customers through 15,800 connections in four service areas within mid-Santa Cruz County solely with groundwater. We are a public agency dedicated to providing a safe, high quality, reliable, and sustainable water supply to meet our community’s present and future needs in an environmentally sensitive and economically responsible manner.
THE SKYLIGHT PLACE 4850 Capitola Rd., Capitola • 831.476.2023 info@skylightplace.com www.skylightplace.com We are a Full service glass shop that offers residential and commercial glass repair, shower doors, skylights, window screens, and window replacement. The Skylight Place has been in business since 1971 servicing all of your glass needs. We know how difficult the construction process can be and that’s why we pride ourselves on expert installation and doing the job right the first time. From custom wall mirrors to store front windows, we are your one-stop shop for all of your glass and mirror needs.
Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 43
DESIGNERS’ TRENDS TO GET YOUR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM READY FOR 2022 Life at home has changed a lot and, for many people, being “on trend” has taken a backseat to designing around their needs. When it comes to styling your kitchen and bathroom, taking time to choose stylish, yet lasting options, will improve the look and feel of your space for years.
44 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
2022 TREND 1: COMFORT COMES FIRST Homes are our safe space from what’s happening in the world. Items, colors and finishes need to reflect that feeling of relaxed comfort. Sharp edges and harsh lines are out. We’re now craving curves and softer lines to create a relaxing and calming oasis. Warm greys and wood in its natural state are coming together in both kitchens and bathrooms to create spaces that never feel forced. 2022 TREND 2: HIDDEN HELPFULNESS The features that will gain the most momentum are things that aid your daily function. It will be more about hidden helpfulness. Simple interactions that make daily life easier is the future of technology. Smart outlets and switches add a world of customization to lighting. In faucets, intuitive functions, like technology that turns on a faucet with a simple touch, is just one example of unseen technology that improves daily life. 2022 TREND 3: DESIGNS YOU CAN FEEL We’ve been in sensory deprivation for the last year. People are craving both visual and physical texture. Texture and finish are going to be more in-focus than ever. Wallpaper that adds a tactile and visual texture, or fixture
finishes, can create an emotional connection with a huge impact on a space. 2022 TREND 4: MIX AND MATCH We can add eclecticism and our own style - like traditional knobs in a modern kitchen.
Plants have a purifying quality and make a space feel fresh and alive. Adding greenery can add a calming and de-stressing feeling to a room, further building your very own oasis. Craving more kitchen and bathroom trends? Get inspired at deltafaucet.com/blogs. BPT |
We’re all searching for ways to make a space our own. Mixing and matching styles and finishes is a unique way to accomplish that. Farmhouse blended with Scandinavian styles. A goldhued shower head with black shower doors. It’s all about what speaks to you. 2022 TREND 5: TIMELESSLY TAILORED In 2022, customizable sconces are on the rise. Being able to have moveable arms, pin-up and plug-in options allow you to curate your own look. Tailored, purposeful and customized pieces are everywhere. We no longer want to keep up with the Joneses. Instead, we want unique spaces that reflect our individual style. Updates that people can do themselves make homes feel more customized. 2022 TREND 6: OUTSIDE IN There’s a feeling of connection and warmth derived from the coziness and luxury of plants. Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 45
TEN TIPS TO RECOGNIZE RIPE FRUITS Keeping fresh fruit around the house provides a healthier alternative when your sweet tooth comes calling. Understanding how and when to buy at the peak of ripeness (or just before, in some cases) can help you avoid food waste while keeping your doctor happy. ❦
Consider these simple tips for recognizing ripe fruits: ❦ Strawberries: Check the area at the top of the berry near the stem and leaves. A ripe strawberry is fully red; green or white near the top means the fruit is under ripe. ❦ Watermelon: The “field spot,” or the area where the melon sat on the ground, should be yellow, and a tap on the rind should produce a hollow sound. ❦ Cherries: Flesh should appear dark with a crimson color and feel firm. ❦ Blueberries: Similar to cherries, color should deepen to dark blue. A reddish or pink color may be visible in unripe berries. ❦ Blackberries: Look for a smooth texture without any red appearance. Because blackberries don’t ripen after being picked, they tend to spoil quickly.
❦ ❦
Cantaloupe: You should detect a sweet smell, and the melon should feel heavy upon lifting. Peaches: A sweet, fragrant odor should be apparent. Skin should feel tender but not soft. Pineapple: Smell is again an important factor for pineapple – a sweet scent shows it’s ready, but a vinegary one likely means it’s overripe. Raspberries: Generally follow the same rules as blackberries. Best eaten within a couple days of purchase, a bright red color represents ripe berries. Bananas: A ripe banana features a peel lightly spotted without significant bruising. Your best bet may be to purchase bananas still slightly green and allow them to ripen at home.
Find more food tips, tricks, recipes and videos at Culinary.net. |
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46 | Coastal Home & Garden | Spring/Summer 2022
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Spring/Summer 2022 | Coastal Home & Garden | 47
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