Aptos Times: March 1 2015

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2015 Times Publishing Group Poetry Contest Winners The TPG 15th annual Valentines Day Poetry Contest for 2015 provides an opportunity for us as a publisher to reward four local poets for their craft. Our TPG Poetry Contest winners ran the gamut from: discovered love letters, retrospectives on marriages that have survived the tests of time, and the joys of love rediscovered. Full Story page 12

National Doctor’s Day National Doctors’ Day shines a spotlight on physicians across the country, honoring them for their important contributions. Dominican Hospital has over 500 physicians that perform hundreds of procedures each year. Full Story page 5

Manuel’s Celebrates 50 Years March 15 marks the 50th anniversary of Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant in Aptos, a family and neighborhood institution known for serving consistently high quality, and honor the memory of restaurant founders Manuel

will donate 50% of sales during the week of March 9 – 15 that were near and dear to the founders’ hearts, and still supported by the owners today. ... continued on page 4

Proudly Presenting our New WebSite



Scoreboard Page 11

2 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

No. 5 Volume 24




Table of Contents


Cover Manuel’s Celebrates 50 Years

5 7

Community News National Doctor’s Day by Anastasia Elgina

8 Triple P – Positive Parenting Program 9 10 12 2015 Times Publishing Group Poetry Contest Winners 15 16 17 Arias 20 23 In Memoriam 4 Local Sports 11

#OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages 28 - 29 -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page n Your March Horoscope Featured Columnists

18 19 24 25 26 30 30#! &EATURED 0ET s Page n


Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 3

Patrice Edwards


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Anastasia Elgina, Monica Arias, Elene L Johas Teener, Katie Volat, Josef Sekon, Robert Francis, Kim Adamson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Judie Block, Sandra Bannister, Eric Mellor, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Cover Story “50 Years” from page 1


how much it meant to my mom and dad to give back to the community that supported

farm workers cooperative Manuel formed housing and send their children to school.

their attempt to feed their family would end up touching so many lives over the

to painting and ceramics and was later

Aptos Chamber of Commerce in 2012, the is a place that not just serves good food, it

leaning political activist motivated by social justice, a cultural leader and artist. Alice, Manuel’s childhood sweetheart, adeptly handled the restaurant’s administration and

Patricia carry on the tradition of providing a place where people come together to enjoy the best things in life, expressed in the restaurant’s tag line: “good food and good company.” 50th Anniversary Celebration Events ive giclee prints of Manuel’s work will be on display during celebration week. The public is invited to come view the art and enjoy complementary cafe de olla

50% of the sales will be donated to local Monday, March 9 Monday will also see Aptos Chamber host a ribbon cutting to honor Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant at 11:15 a.m. County

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com

Tuesday, March 10 Wednesday, March 11 Project

In Memoriam

Nov 23, 1931 ~ Feb 10, 2015


helping others. He served faithfully as a away at his residence in Aptos sur-

He has now reunited with his beloved wife of 49 years, Mary Ann

Watsonville, California to his proud parents

in 2010. He is survived by his sons,



Frank Lewis

also lovingly remembered by his sister Maryann Nichol of Yuba City; his ifornia; grandchildren Emily, Evan, and and nephews. A memorial service was held on

compassionate, generous and always 4 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Thursday, March 12: Cabrillo College Visual, Applied and Performing Arts Friday, March 13: Women’s Crisis Saturday, March 14 and Sunday, March 15: Donation will be divided

display in the restaurant. The prints will be given away at the end of the week with a drawing. There is no purchase necessary to participate; a $10 suggested donation will Entry forms are available at the restaurant. Manuel’s can be found at its original more information about anniversary events or reservations, visit www.manuelsrestaurant.com or call the restaurant at

Cover Photo: Leonardo and Patricia Santana, co-owners of Manuel’s Mexican Restaurant.

Frank Bertram Lewis

CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment

Manuel’s is holding a weeklong fundraising event from Mar. 9 thru Mar. 13 as a Tribute to local charitable organizations.

Day Valley Cemetery.

National Doctor’s Day

Community News


ational Doctors’ Day shines a spotlight on physicians across the country, honoring them for their important contributions. Dominican Hospital has over 500 physicians that perform hundreds of procedures each year. Who are these exceptional individuals and what do they have to say about their lighting two of Dominican’s exceptional individuals who save lives every day: Dr.

and Women’s Hospital, and worked as -

several awards, including Patients Choice Award and the Compassionate Doctor Recognition, granted to physicians who treat their patients with the utmost kindness. in a very close-knot community, with honestly the most warm, friendly people of

cians who are well trained and extremely

Dr. Julie Jaffe: “My favorite part of my day is sitting in the room with the door closed, speaking with my patients and their families. I feel as an oncologist I have the unique privilege of forming very close bonds with my them and their loved ones. It is very gratifying to develop close and meaningful relationships, and in a sense, to become a part of my patients’ lives.” diagnosis and treatment. patients and families the desire to give back valued mentor, statesman and scholar. He

care will only be as good as the colleagues working with me.” stressful than the cancer itself. Private support has allowed us to enhance our located on Mission Drive. The Center was made possible by a generous gift from





recently -

programs at the Cancer Center are funded

for Cardiology, bringing critical feedback to the team regarding case quality, evidence based practice, and applied cardiac technology. When asked what he likes about

grateful for having the privilege to care for will enable patients to access promising new drugs that are only available through a clinical study close to home rather than needing to travel to larger centers such as

gets to the root of the issue immediately,

medical degree from the Medical College

of nine cardiologists and cardiac surgeons

to as a leader and an in-house expert on cardiac interventions. “He always has the latest studies and insight from the industry

Hospital because of its ongoing commitment to provide excellent medical care to everyone rich or poor. We are fortunate to have some highly skilled and talented nurses, technicians, and doctors. The quality of care in Cardiology and Cardiac

“National Doctor’s Day” page 14 Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 5

6 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Community News

The Heart of CASA: Dave and Kay Bartlett which graces the wall of one of the rooms met, when they were both students at

quilt was also on display at this year’s

went to the drive-in theatre and saw Cinderella. The rest, as they say,

year of marriage, for more than a decade th

help children and youth in foster care.

an Advocate for a six-yearold boy. Abandoned by his mother, the young boy was stayed with him until his case closed, and then became an Advocate for the boy’s younger sister. To this day, Dave sees the now-grown woman once a year to keep up to date on her and her siblings. As often happens, Dave was as children for whom he advocated; through for a total of nine children in the foster care system. Dave was chosen from thousands of Advocates nationally and awarded the

Dave remembers details about each of the nine children whose lives he shared.

my life.”

kept seeing her every week, though, just being there for her. One day we were driving under an overpass and she said, -

Community Briefs El Pilar Water Project in El Salvador

Plenty of Free Customer Parking various large cities is being shown on

Wilder Associates Inc. Property Management Specialists

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection

Trinity Presbyterian Church, 420 Melrose



Salon Aptos

Joy of Movement Pilates & Gyrotonic®

Although great strides have been


Yoga Within

Hair and Nails for a Good Look

More Zest for Life


of a more democratic government, there is still a need for help from wealthier nations.


Warmboard Radiant Subfloor

All interested persons are welcome.

Epicenter Cycling

Simply Smarter Radiant Heat

Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders



Village Liquors

Dentistry for Animals



For All Your Beverage Needs



Please contact Dr.

Dr. Judy Force, DVM

Unexpected Military Flyby

Kumon Math & Reading Center

residents were spectators to an unexpected air show when around 2:40 p.m.,



Learning for the Long Run

made brought many out of their houses what was going on. “Briefs” page 14 Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 7

Community News

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program March Classes

children with special needs (Spanish)

learn ways to help teens: develop selfdiscipline, develop problem solving skills, establish routines, get involved in school activities, follow school rules and develop


and caregivers for children with special, such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome and other developmental

Triple P Seminar: Raising Competent Teens


ttend this free parenting seminar to learn strategies to encourage your

with children 2-12 years old (Spanish)


ttend this parenting support group to meet other families and learn simple strategies that will help you: strengthen relationships in your family, encourage positive behaviors, teach your child new skills and behaviors, handle disruptive dence, and take care of yourself as a parent.

Triple P Workshop: Preventing Tantrums (Spanish)


ttend this free parenting workshop to learn: how to prevent tantrums and encourage positive behaviors; how to help your child calm down quickly; and how to -

skills, plan ahead, keep their commitments

activities, follow school rules and develop

Triple P Seminar: Raising Responsible Teens

Triple P Workshop: Helping with Homework (Spanish)


ttend this free parenting seminar to learn strategies to encourage your teen to become independent and responsible. ways to help teens: participate in family decisions, be respectful and considerate, be involved in family activities, develop a healthy lifestyle, be


ttend this free parenting workshop to learn: why homework time is a problem for many families; how to help your child develop good homework routine; and tools to reduce stress from you and your child during homework time.

Triple P Workshop: Triple P Seminar: Getting Teens Connected


ttend this free parenting seminar to learn strategies to encourage your teen to form positive connections with others.

Triple P Workshop: Problems at Meal Time (Spanish)


ttend this free parenting workshop to learn: why children may have problems with mealtime; how to avoid problems at meals and encourage your child develop healthy eating habits; and tips for creating positive routines hour food on your family.


riple P Workshops are brief free classes that provide quick tips for handling everyday parenting issues. Attend this Triple P parenting workshop to learn: why it is important for children to develop healthy self-esteem; how to encourage healthy self-esteem in your child; and tools to help your child cope with feelings and solve encouraging-your-childs-self-esteem-0

Triple P Seminar: Raising Competent Teens


ttend this free parenting seminar to learn strategies to encourage your

learn ways to help teens: develop selfdiscipline, develop problem solving skills, establish routines, get involved in school 8 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Triple P Seminar: Getting Teens Connected


ttend this free parenting seminar to learn strategies to encourage your teen to form positive connections with others.

skills, plan ahead, keep their commitments

Community News

New Cabrillo Facility for 3D Printing Class


experience that he had gathered

tional institutions, Cabrillo College lishment of a new Cabrillo facility for

Cabrillo’s campus. This new alliance will bring about greater collaboration, new courses, and increased educational and vocational opportunities for the students

manufacturing equipment), and computer-

already worked with veteran arts faculty to design four new arts courses incorporating these

working in conjunction with Cabrillo College’s space, existing infrastructure, and

technologies. Pending approval by the California Community

integrate their own additive manufacturing machinery and processes into the program.

these new courses could be

serving as a catalyst to bring arts rooted in the desire to empower Cabrillo explore ways in which Cabrillo “This move makes sense from an economical, social and business per-

have a greater audience and we already share the same educational goals with Cabrillo – to educate, inspire and train today’s modern student. We’ve had a warm welcome from Cabrillo and have already begun implementation of a number of programs.”

2015 catalog. The new courses include Youth Programs, Adult Courses and Professional Development. The collaboration with Cabrillo Extension provides a fantastic

Cabrillo community.

Engineering, and Math) students and faculty with new ways of thinking about design and making that will naturally -

collaborations. “The co-location of technology in arts divisions across the country, including at

and learning opportunities for students in

from this new partnership with “The new partnership with serendipitous, bringing together new faculty hire skill sets with existing faculty desires to explore new ways of making in the arts,” continued Graulty. “These new techniques and machines


learning infrastructure bring the promise of a more cohesive, streamlined educational -

Dean of Cabrillo’s Visual, Applied and Performing Arts Division. “As it does at these other world-class institutions, such crossdisciplinary learning will help to prepare Cabrillo’s graduates with the broad array of skills that are increasingly in demand in the new creative economy.” Payson McNett, a new Cabrillo art faculty member and Cabrillo alum, has already applied knowledge and

school and runs through high school and community colleges into new vocations or four year university programs.”


Rio Del Mar Mexican Cuisine CUERVO GOLD MARGARITAS!

Fine Mexican Food

BUY ANY ENTRÉE Full Bar! & GET THE SECOND ENTRÉE HALF PRICE EVERY TUESDAY IN MARCH (50% off lesser entrée only) *Some Restrictions Apply

We have patio dining! Pets welcome

www.riodelmarmexfood.com Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 9

Community News

Meet the Author: Geoffrey Dunn O dential campaign, Dunn has also served

“Dollar a Day, 10¢ a Dance.” Dunn was


Dunn will be discussing and signing his three books that were published last

County; and Vintage

a Century of California Winemaking Dunn is an award-winning author and documentary

in Northern California, where he has garnered awards for investigative journalism from the National Newspaper Association, the California Newspaper Publishers Association, and the Peninsula Press Club. -


The public is invited to the free “Meet

feature local authors who discuss their works and answer questions from the audience.

parking is available behind the library. Enter lot and drive through to the left.

Geoffrey Dunn

than three decades experience as an investigative reporter. A contributor to The

the award-winning “Calypso Dreams,” “Miss... or Myth?,” “Chinese Gold,” and

or check out the library website at: porterml.org.

Community Leaders Selected For Focus Agriculture Class XXVI


new technology and diversity of commod-

wenty-one community leaders have

for community leaders to learn about The program consists of once-a-month, daylong seminars, held over a period of

Pajaro Valley.



sentatives from environmental groups will address the class. The sessions will cover such topics as ethnic groups in agriculture,

addition, there are many farm tours and hands on experiences. The participants will spend one day working on a farm. selected



and, in turn, growers who present information to the class will learn the public’s current perspective of local agriculture. The program is designed to be a two way learning process.” received a national award for its innovated approach to bringing the public and the agricultural community together.

Garcia Councilmember, City of Watson-

10 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times


Local Sports

Tiffany Verbica is On a Roll!



Chabot Half Marathon, clocking in at sance runner. After a 15 year running sionate about trail running – it’s scenic,


U 4 Wheel Alignment UÊBalance 4 Wheels UÊTire Rotation UÊSuspension & Brake

chance to travel and see beautiful parts of California, meet new people, and spend balance trail running with a rigid gym


to know there are countless trails to still discover here.”

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Customer must present coupon to be valid.

831-708-2093 8028 Soquel Drive | Aptos, CA 95003


Chris Pacheco 4 Goals Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 11

Community News

2015 Times Publishing Group Poetry Contest Winners


Perhaps one day, when we are withered

he TPG 15th annual Valentines Day Poetry Contest for 2015 provides an opportunity for us as a publisher to reward four local poets for their craft. Our TPG Poetry Contest winners ran the gamut from: discovered love letters, retrospectives on marriages that have survived the tests of time, and the joys of love rediscovered. We want to thank these local businesses for providing our winners the

our letters of love, of heat, of desire, love preserved in faded blue ink on brittle, folded paper, the love-worn pages of long ago. Then perhaps they will know, of the enduring love between you and me, set down in words, just for me and you.


— Aptos . -

but you said my eyes put you under a spell

And they’ve always been the very best.

A Blink of Time

A year later death took my love he went to heaven in the blue skies above

Now we’re delighted to have a great-grand.

We met with a kiss – at least it felt that way

You still call me sweetheart, with hugs-not few-

sun, warm day.

One day by chance, we met again we talked and laughed and became great friends

And all that’s been given us by God above.

natural and sweet To hike a bit, then kiss a bit. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

We were attracted to each other that was for sure with time and patience our relationship matured

Even when our bodies in the cold ground lie.

— Karen Conley

Hilton Hotel

We waited a year and then we were wed Happily together forever till the end

Third Time’s A Charm

‘til dusk deepened to nightfall and summer air turned cold.

Our spirits will live on eternally us in their fold.

you love me with a passion you eagerly show

stood still, but then Our hearts stood still when cancer crept into our perfect glen.

You are my third love, the last one for me You came to me later in my life

some entitled queen but you said that you fell for me and would wait forever

Love Letters Sixty-Five Years of Love

Caressed and worn, our letters were opened and re-opened, read and re-read again and again,

And so we sing and dance and play and sail to block the shrill Cacophony of pain and loss and dread that haunts us still.

meant for only me and you,

you share A blink of time with tender thoughts and laughter in the air.

tucked away and concealed from the rest of the world.

months and years, so sweet. Another day? Another kiss. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

My darkling, you’ve been the only one.

That being your wife would be my fate. We’ve lived through many ups and downs. We’ve lived in many cities and towns. 12 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 13

to a private plane warning the pilot that he

Celebrating our 70th year Spring is just around in business! the corner and we have the equipment you need to spruce up your yard! s 2OTOTILLERS s 7EED %ATERS s 7EED -OWERS s 3OD #UTTERS s (EDGE 4RIMMERS s ,AWN -OWERS s !ND -ORE









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Dominican Hospital has an impressive heart attack response time. With a door-to-cath lab time for treatment


national average of 90 minutes, and it is in the upper 95% performance rank for patients who receive emergency heart attack care in the country. “The practice of medicine requires

Reserve your booth at the Expo and be a part of the

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quest, that makes medicine such a fasci-


Booth Options include: 8 X 10 BOOTH CORNER 8 X 10 BOOTH 10 X 10 BOOTH CORNER 10 X 10 BOOTH OUTDOOR BOOTH

Call to make your reservations today! 831-688-7549 Call the TIMES PUBLISHING GROUP, INC. at 831-688-7549 or fax us at 831-688-7551 9601 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003ÊÊUÊÊÃ> iÃJV >ÃÌ> i> `}>À`i °V ÜÜÜ°V >ÃÌ> i> `}>À`i °V

*Receive an overall discount for purchasing a full ad in the program along with a booth. 14 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

The cardiac team at Dominican has

operating room for heart surgeries. This project is one of the key initiatives of the

Community News


he long delayed beginning of the $40 million dollar Aptos village Project began with the loss of the famed Post

fearless mountain bikers.

serve the jumps when it was obvious that development would be delayed. the county for a dollar a year as a temporary public park. This relieved the company of liability while allowing the bicycle facility to be expanded and improved. Nickell is a mountain bike enthusiast and former coach whose sons often used the park. approved the project in 2012. The new Aptos Village will change the 9-acre area Road into a pedestrian-friendly village center with tree-lined streets, a park, shops, apartments and condos. The project will -

of the planned buildings and completing streets connecting Aptos Creek and Trout Gulch Roads have been designed to handle

According to Patrick Mulhearn, an

there will be community meetings and updates about the project.

example, three more parks around the county now exist with one more planned location to replace the now vanished jumps.

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 15

Community News

Hope Receives KoC Donation


their donation through their once-a-year

in helping people with developmental disabilities to be valued and participating members of their communities.

collecting donations and selling their Tootsie Rolls to a very generous Aptos community. focus on paid work, instructional classes, and community integration. The program sessions

serves people striving to be independent lowing: Training in communication, socialcommunity skills, vocational training, and recreational leisure munity and on-site From left: Fronzaline Messerli, Assistant Manager Hope Services; Greg Hagen, Participant; Greg Hipkins, Grand Knight; Sal Ponce, Trustee; Paul Buse, Financial Secretary; Patrick McMenamy, Deputy Grand Knight.

schedules of activities tailored to that person’s expressed preferences

hours per day. planning meeting is conducted with the indiserves people needing assistance in all aspects with personal care, eating, communication, stimulation, activities of daily living skills, and community integration.

the best-matched activities in both of these programs. Outside consultants provide expertise in additional areas, such as speech therapy and sign language instruction.

of Columbus donate over $100,000,000 worldwide to various causes every year and volunteer millions of hours of labor through over 15,000 councils around the globe.




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Community News

Kingsmen Car Club’s 3rd Annual Rod & Custom Swap Meet


hree years ago the

Church, started an annual

fellas who loved tinkering with their cars would meet up with their spare unwanted or unused car parts to swap or purchase. Even though many of today’s “swap meets” have evolved to include a much broader range of wares other along the more traditional line of being auto relatedand the older the better. car parts or a classic car for sale just purchase a spot and park it for the day-it’s a great crowd to advertise to. And if you are a classic car driver there is a designated area for you to park. Many drivers come

College Drive in Aptos.

vendor, so come hungry--breakfast or

with a $2.00 suggested donation. Vendors can pre-register at just $15 per standard parking space in advance, or at $20 per space the day of the event, if space is available. Registration forms


mencarclub.org for more information

Cruisers in the morning. This year’s event

high school aged kids that is currently

Apprentice Program.

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 17

Featured Columnist


Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples By Elene L Johas Teener, LCSW

afe and secure marriages and long term relationships bring overwhelmand happiness. Children in secure and safely connected families are healthier and are much better at adjusting to life’s chal-

and the rate for subsequent marriages is

even higher. On the average, men living attached male friends, and women living alone die seven to 15 years earlier. of love. We can now say why we need it, how to keep it alive and how to repair it is a basic survival code, that an essential

task of our mammalian brain is to read and respond to others, and that it is being able to depend on others that makes us strong.”

1) humans is neither sex nor aggression. connections.

2) Adult romantic love is an attachment bond. 3) Hot sex doesn’t lead to secure love, rather, secure attachment leads to hot sex — and also to love that lasts. 4) Emotional dependency is not immature or pathological; it is our greatest strength. 5) only possible when you are deeply connected to another. 6) designed to be empathic, to feel with and for others.

married a good man, and we started a family. We worked hard and wanted the best for each other and our boys, but love seemed to slip away... life seemed to get in the way. -

connection has been demoted from a

one of our vows was to do to anything into a typical pattern of discontented withdrawal.” “EFT” page 25

18 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Featured Columnist

Have Soccer Ball Will Travel! good life and health they have in common. Cardiologists agree that social engagement is key to health and can be -



said, -

This meeting has led to over 100 women since then playing and trav-

original members of this soccer legend at their retreat in Etna California via computer. That fateful beginning resulted in two teams,

artist who frequents African dance classes, lives that connection. Though she stopped playing soccer due to arthritis, she attributes her stamina and strength to camaraderie. in that chance meeting, Tery Drager, who has a family ranch that sparks culinary explorations, relates that whole expe-

they rapidly graduated to lead at local

include gardening, botanical studies and

built, time-consuming leagues were soon left behind. The focus was to as an inde-

this collective. Exercise was the goal, yet the

their show on the road.

probably been stronger in providing the


“SIA� page 24

L churches L businesses L shopping malls L apartment complexes

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Santa Cruz United (Over 50). Top Row: Sharon Buckingham, Max MacNeary, Brenda Silva, Diana Sue Miller, Pam Murphy, Tery Drager & Jean Fargo. Center Row: Carole Schwarzbach, Joan Frey, & Kris Mangliers! Front Row: Julie Phillips, Laurel Grimaldi, Lori Camner, Bonnie Morrison, Laura Lee Gallahan, & Diana Lyons. Not Pictured: Kathy Goldman. Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 19

Community News

Tandy Beal & Company: ArtSmart with Keith Terry and Crosspulse T Top 5 Children’s albums. Crosspulse has

Crosspulse Percussion Ensemble is part international drill team, part polyc-

running all spring and next fall. features in-school classes and concerts

Tillery and the Cultural Heritage Choir,

Ohlone Elementary.

professional development workshops for

Program is designed to ignite the imagination through concerts and classes that help students, teachers and parents experience a variety of world arts and actively integrate this knowledge with their school

says, “Through arts in education, students develop the creative thinking and problem solving skills that are crucial to successful life and work in the 21st century.”

– both performance and education—to students who would otherwise not be able to experience these. The goals are to broaden the children’s perspective and their dreams for themselves, invite them to think creatively, be successful in school even when

their knowledge, and bring joy to their lives. Classes for children and professional development workshops for teachers are held throughout the spring. We thank our sponsors for making


Endowment for the Arts, Good Times,

Sixth Annual Sheep to Shawl Event at Live Earth Farm hope you take advantage of this opportunity to serve the community while

WATSoNVILLE — On March 21st, th

will demonstrate his trade throughout the day, while his wife spins yarn alongside him. is looking for volunteers to guide guests through hands on demonstrations of every part of the process of making wool into clothing and art. Come get involved in the community and facilitate the artistic experience of processing wool. All skill levels

hands-on stations demonstrating the entire progression of processing wool, local artisans sharing their wares, and vendors 20 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

dishing up delicious, locally sourced food. Come whether you are skilled or unskilled and volunteer to help create a fun and memorable event. There will be exhibitions of shearing, carding, spinning, dyeing,

your help demonstrating these talents. And even if you don’t, we would be thrilled to

to mouth, farm to fork, and child to

community connections. We serve the vidual, community, and environmental health through education of sustainable one of three annual, on the farm celebrations open to the public; all of which aim to further our mission of teaching the value of seasonal, sustainably sourced, plant rich meals. The Discovery Program counts on community volunteers. Thank you so much for the continued support and we

that provides summer camp scholarships to low income and under served community members.

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 21

22 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Santa Cruz Ballet In Concert APToS — -

Community News

Conant and performed by Watsonville Taiko “La Volonta” — Choreography by Debra Pearse

art Crocker Theater in Aptos, California.

Diane Cypher, former principal dancers themselves, push the envelope each year to mix classical ballet with contemporary choreography and innovative musical accompaniment. Two Choreographic Premieres: “Every Little Thing You Try” – Cho-

Directors pre-curtain discussion of the exciting pieces being featured at this year’s presentation is included with admission, Guest



composed and performed by Nancy “Cadence and 1” – Choreography by completing a Master of Arts Degree in

music, multimedia and dance projects in the

since 1992, has been driven to explore Taiko as an art that combines drumming with folklore, mythology, and sym-

Dance Collective, a modern dance company and went on to

luminaries in the well received Antonin

meanings are found in the context of full participation and the understanding of cultural traditions.

re-establish her company and to begin an extensive teaching and lecturing career. Eva is currently a modern dance Dance


musician and composer. Armed with an array of electric and acoustic guitars — and

Academy one-man-band concept in a bold direction.

Guest Collaborators:

touring, and teaching career that has -

extraordinary local chanteuse,

The Wonder of Words

beat, and a host of other genres. Hooker in 1991, is a Taiko drumming community of performers and sup-

Cinquain Poetry ~ Lycia Carvalho ~ Puppies Cute, cuddly, soft Playing, petting, licking Always cheer me up with cuddles Perros ~ Paige Stokes ~

~ Kaida Scott ~ Horse Cute, fun, wild Trotting, running, racing Always so adorable to me Dandy

Hiking, camping, cooking A very happy place for me Woods

~ Elyssa Betancourt ~ River Calm, gentle, wet Wading, playing, swimming Always happy, fun, exciting Nisene

~ Bella Stewart-Rahm ~ Hamster Cuddly, cute Running, climbing, chewing They make me feel so curious Rodent

~ Julia Nemec ~ Nature Trees, animals Climbing, jumping, swimming Makes me feel so adventurous Wild ~ Bryce Brogan ~ Challenging My sport Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 23

Featured Columnist

Kids and Dogs By Dr. Katie Volat


hildren and dogs are kindred spirits. An inquisitive mind, uninhibited nature and an innocent spirit guide them both. Although they share many common traits, children and dogs are very languages. This can unfortunately lead to children getting snapped at or bitten by dogs. More often than not, the dog is

and avoiding further antagonism. Dogs often give us multiple cues of unease prior to biting...the problem lies in our missing these subtle cues. Dogs may not give an obvious cue such as a bark or growl prior to biting, but they will give clear visual cues. Parents can and should learn these cues to

ask a dog why he bit a child, he would tell us that he tried to give plenty of indicators that he wanted to be left alone. He might also try to explain that he bit only as the last resort when he lost his temper. He was so frustrated that the child kept pestering him and was not paying any attention to

a dog wants to be left alone, they will know when it’s time to give the dog a break. A dog may need just a little time alone before he’s back in play mode. What does an anxious, fearful, irri-

The key to avoiding a dog bite is recog-

will pace or dart back and forth while constantly readjusting their position from sitting to lying down. More subtle signs to watch for are panting when not tired, licking lips when not thirsty, or yawning when not sleepy. Rapid eye movement are a dog’s way getting


a normally happy dog is suddenly cowering, refusing treats, or hiding— leave them alone to have some quiet

This led to great journeys for the team and for individual team members to play in

legislation, designed to provide girls with equal access to sports in our public schools, came into being.

soccer teams have been winning and placing in the top three over the years because of the That amateur team provided the local college women with competition that was

24 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

dog or trying to play with the dog when he is in this spot. Make sure your child understands that the dog needs space and should be given time alone for sleep or rest. What can be done to turn a fearful dog into your child’s best friend? Treats, treats, and more treats are the way to a role in obedience training using treats as positive reinforcement. Teaching tricks, agility training, and basic obedience are simple ways for a child to play with their

allow for an occasional misstep such as a rough pet or an ear yank without a strong negative response. Training also gives a child a direction to interact with their dog instead of undirected play. All the same principles of polite play with other children can and should be applied to play with dogs. Gentle petting without shouting, tail grabbing or ear tugging is always appreciated. We can’t always supervise our children around our own pets or unfamiliar dogs, but we can give them the tools to keep time to teach our children to respect a dog’s language we can instill a lifelong positive connection between kids and dogs.

dog connects a child with receiving treats, their threshold for tolerating unwanted behaviors will be much higher. This will



Their future is bright. Their fans, family

invited the team members and school

continue to be the wind beneath their feet. These seniors truly get a kick out of life —

believes it’s the love in that quilt that took her through to survival. This is the true strength of a group of women who also prevailed

The senior games will return there in 2015. for girls and women’s sports.

calligraphy and reading and reminded us

All dogs need a special spot in the home where they can sleep or rest without

Featured Columnist

New Music Works: Sarah Cahill Piano Reverie O Well,

New Music Works presented a program of “contemporary” works for solo piano

with understanding, technical command and control of the modern music she presented. The full program consisted of quite a time span that worked well in the programming.


to coordinate with the piano sounds creating interesting


Reverie: “A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream.” Almost

on highlights. Antheil’s work opened

tions were brief lasting between 1 and 2 minutes and musically inventive and interesting with an added vocal accompaniment by Ms. Cahill in the last performed work. Meredith Monk’s work was well

Harrison’s two works showed two of his compositional styles. He was more than familiar with the two competitive styles of the day: atonal and serial composition, but opted to take his own path in these works. The hand written manuscript of the second work was found in a piano


Riley’s claim to fame generating high repetitive energy that we understand as minimalism. All in all a most interesting concert Cahill received a well-deserved round of applause along with a standing ovation

Rock & Roll

the left hand and then the right. Moments this work, but in most of the selected works were somewhat limited both the range and dynamics in comparison to contemporaries such as Anton Webern’s

dynamics and articulations are employed to the incredible maximum and control overall musical structures. Pleasant dreaming by Phil Collins employed only the white keys and in fact rendered a tranquil “dream-like atmosphere. The subtle glissandi were birthday.

We couldn’t quite seem to reach each other often enough. We were out of step with each other.

tuning in, connecting, missing and misreading cues, disconnecting, repairing, and ACROSS

“Distressed partners no longer see each my colleague, Cypress Morales Redmon,


29, 10-1. Consider investing in the most most successful form of therapy using real and create the relationship you want. We immediately enrolled in a Hold Me

1. Harvest helper 6. Obi ___ 9. Disagreeing votes 13. _ ____ in the sand 14. International workers’ group 15. *One of Violent Femmes? 16. Consumed 17. Common Russian given name 18. Dead-on 19. *He took a “Walk on the Wild Side” 21. *First woman in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame 23. Cauliflower ___ on a boxer 24. Garden intruder

25. Attorneys’ org. 28. Italy’s obsolete money 30. Mexican liquor distilled from desert plants 35. Bolsheviks 37. *____ Kirkwood, founder of the Meat Puppets 39. Indian side dish 40. Pelvic bones 41. Pale with fear 43. Fill to excess 44. 1st letter of Hebrew alphabet 46. Wife of Zeus 47. *Video didn’t do it to the radio star 48. Motion sickness 50. Casino chip 52. Book org. 53. Ardent 55. Online pop-ups

7. A in IPA 8. Star bursts 9. *”Who’s ____” 1971 album by The Who 10. Wet nurse 11. Village People hit 12. Workout segment 15. Bird supplier 20. Author ____ Jong 22. *”Losing My Religion” band 24. Cold War deterrent 25. Born under the sign of Aries DOWN 26. Isabella Swan of Worshipped by “Twilight” ancient Semitic 27. Farewell in France peoples 29. *”Tom Sawyer” band Choir member 31. Quarterback’s downfall French “place” 32. Locomotive hair Accustom 33. Bikini _____ in the Sometimes done to a Marshall Islands ban or law 34. *Clapton hit *Born to be this? 36. Depletes

57. Hot dish stand 60. *”It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll (But _ ____ __)” 64. “All joking _____” 65. Vatican vestment 67. “Odyssey” enchantress 68. *Van _____ 69. Floral necklace 70. Social group 71. Greek god of war 72. *”Roundabout” band 73. Flower holders 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

38. Seaside bird 42. Birth-related 45. *Famous stairway destination 49. “___ Maria” 51. Authoritative proclamations 54. Europe’s “boot” 56. It’s often mini 57. Boris Godunov, e.g. 58. Agitate 59. Middle of March 60. Wading bird 61. U.S. lake 62. Ballistic missile acronym 63. *Shirts sold at rock concerts 64. Eureka! 66. *Founding member of Motley Crue © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

Books about people… During her eleven-year career Cameron created thousands of photographs and her one-woman shows created quite astir.

Swimming With Warlords:

A Dozen-Year Journey Across the Afghan War

to report on the war and people of this country torn apart

to examine what, if anything, has changed in Afghanistan. As he revisits the places where he the diverse land and population, the writer shares his memories of the experiences he had on the battle lines over the years. Part of the narrative involves introducing the eclectic array of individuals

her childhood in well illustrated biography follows the life of a very remarkable woman. Although this picture book is obvi-

appreciated, he was one of Walt Disney’s stalwarts. “Marc can do story, he can do character, he can animate, he can design

Whitehall. When his son,

abilities to create characters, design Disthese diverse individuals make this book as fascinating as the experiences the author shares. This up close and personal look at the Afghan war doesn’t just focus on

Pirates of the Caribbean) and became one of Disney’s most lauded creative talents. The ten chapters in this marvelous studies,

that is often overlooked. also looks to the country’s future and what might be ahead for the Afghan people.

Marc Davis:

Walt Disney’s Renaissance Man

for the slaughter of his subjects in the war and unanimously sentenced to die on




eventually restored to the throne, he set about dealing with the men responsible for his father’s execution. While some accepted the inevitable and awaited the retribution they knew was coming,


art and special projects such as Chanticleer Whether you are an artist, a fan of trated tribute to Marc Davis will be a book you’ll enjoy paging through over and over

the factors that caused the Civil War and Charles’ subsequent execution as well as what happened to the men who dared to kill their king. mative but also very entertaining. Anyone captivating volume well worth reading.


master of many mediums from oil and watercolors to ink and graphite, Marc Davis loved sketching. He loved depicting animals, people and landscapes. Most importantly, he was never sat-

technique; in other words, Davis was continually seeking ways to increase his knowledge and hone his abilities as both a draftsman and painter. Although this skilled individual would have been welcomed in any number 26 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

Killers of the King:

The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I


he tension due to political, social and

resulted in a Civil War that began in liamentary armies. The bloody struggle ended with the Crown’s diverse enemies victorious, but then the question became what was to be done with the defeated

Stand There! She Shouted The Invincible Photographer Julia Margaret Cameron


was an early 19th century photographer who developed unorthodox techniques to capture the personalities of her subjects. At a time when the typical portrait was posed her subjects and dressed them in ways that added a new element to the staid portraits of the time. Among her famous subjects were Charles Darwin and Alfred Tennyson.

years of age and older), any adult interested in photography and the role of women in The selection of Cameron’s photos alone is worth the price of the volume.

Reporting Under Fire

16 Daring Women War Correspondents and Photojournalists

traits of a group of women who courted danger by documenting a number of armed dangerous situations around the globe. Reporting and Petrograd to

the events and took the photos that kept the folks back home informed about what was happening on the front lines. These stories not only illustrated the dangers they faced and the resourcefulness needed to perform their jobs, but they also often underscore the struggles women had to overcome to even be allowed to go on these assignments. who rode with Patton’s Third Army and guerite Higgins, who covered the retreat as

engaged in journalism or interested in military history will want to read this informative, well illustrated book.

SENIOR BENEFITS INSURANCE SERVICES Do you have or need a Medicare supplement? Turning 65 soon? Losing group insurance? Need individual or family coverage?


831-661-0700 We are your local agency representing and licensed by California’s major insurance carriers.

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 27

Community Calendar

Aptos Chamber of Commerce Thursday March 5

Second Tuesdays Third Wednesdays

First 5/Triple P


Third Fridays


President of Yardarm Technologies

Meal Solution Mondays




Monday, ranging from meat dishes, students. Pre-registration is required. to gluten-free, to vegan. Try a sample, get a recipe card, and learn tips for meal prep and leftovers.

March Mixer

WomenCARE Support Group



ixers are a great way to network with other chamber and community members who attend.

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force Toastmasters: Speak for Success

supportive environment with Redwood Ramblers Toastmasters. Open to all levels.


Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting


orning meditation schedule

is co-dependency? What is Whatenabling? What is this insanity?

TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) for loosing weight at Getthesesupport health group meetings.

Overeaters Anonymous

PROFILE of Santa Cruz


N of its members in jobs, and we can help you too. Ongoing workshops will cover resume writing, communication, and interview skills.

Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership

Overeaters Anonymous

Co-dependents Anonymous

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

o-dependents Anonymous O C is a 12-step group for people those who wish to stop eating who want healthy relationships vereaters Anonymous is a


parent is to attend orientation. The orientation is designed to review the child welfare system and to give you a chance to have your question answered by child

and self esteem. Weekly meetings

C hours per week, to provide support, CASA Orientations to Become Advocates for Children


Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation

Alzheimers Support Groups

foster care. Court appointed special advocates are everyday people that, with just a few hours a week can have a lifetime of impact for a child who has been abused or neglected. group is for caregivers and family 28 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

guidance, and a powerful voice in court for children who have been removed from their homes because of abuse or neglect. Everyone welcome, men and bilingual folks especially encouraged.

Free Job Seek Workshop!

elebrating women of the C Pajaro Valley who have furthered the global ideas of made substantial contributions to improving the quality of life in

B12 Fridays

Big Book and OA Literature Study

Friday Shakespeare Club

M join us, a group of diverse women,

speare’s plays. Guests are welcome.

Ronals Petty leads Commander the meetings.

Cabrillo Host Lions Club


Twithvendors, is open year round, the best selections of fresh

music, cooking demos by professional chefs, gardening workshops, ublic is invited to all programs. Contact President seasonal fairs and events are a part of the market.

Friends of Scotts Valley Library Image Matters

ongoing from then on.


chapter of Embroiders’ Guild of America. Admission is free and the public is welcome.

G immunity, energy, sleep, mood, and the body’s ability to handle stress.

dinner reservations or information or visit www.cabrillohostlions.org.

Meets second wednesdays of

International Women’s Day

addiction or drug problem of another. Nar-Anon members share their experience, strength and hope Nielsen. at a weekly meeting.


Veterans of Foreign Wars


Ongoing Events


Saturday March 7

Hoffman’s for Second Harvest Clutterers Anonymous

addiction. Three meetings are now being Tuesdays, and Thursdays.

Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group

Dated Events


every Thursday night from 5-10 p.m. Every $1 donated provides healthy 4 meals to people in need



every month. Topics are presented in an entertaining and easy-tounderstand format, with up-to-date photos, video, and discussion.

Monday March 16

year as part of the Mahalo Monday

Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions

ommander Chuck Woodson leads the meetings.

group for friends and families



of relatives and friends of addicts who


ome join a dynamic, support gathering for women with all group of people at all levels of Head to the Islands! for women through all stages from experience from beginners to more advanced. We’re here to help you ine on any Monday and 10% of diagnoses through treatment. discover your voice and share it the total sales go to a local non-

Tiki Room is located at 221 Cathcart


Aptos Noon Toastmasters



are open to the public Meetings and the location alternates

Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110

Police Community Room, and

iving a business presentation? G C Awareness Through Moveyour speaking skills in a friendly, mentR. These classes will increase moving as they heighten your self-


Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

or family members who are helping raise children are welcome to attend.

This month bring your business cards and promotional material et fresh ideas for easy-toso you can network with other chamber and community nutritious main entrees from a members who attend. munity Markets culinary team.

Tuesday March 10

PFLAG (Parents, Families, and

riple P Group for families with children 2-12 years old.

Third Thursdays

March Breakfast Meeting

O on second Wednesday. Adult Only meetings on fourth

First Mondays

W between fashion and style, how to

Tuesday March 24

Sons in Retirement Luncheon

doubt will show us some great pictures.

Santa Cruz Republican Women

Watsonville Mayor Nancy honored as PV Chamber woman of the year before winning re-election

Friday March 27 thru Sunday March 29

Breakthrough Couples Workshop

Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market

Church Bible Study/Worship

iscover the health and D long-term relationship with empiri-

hat does your style say about

up level your look and up level your

ooking for a church? Come

Science Sunday

Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch ADHD Support Group Meetings

experienced psychotherapists. Move out of negative patterns, forgive old injuries, increase closeness, learn successful relationship strategies and enjoy long-term romantic love. -

peakers helping speakers get gigs.

eymour Marine Discovery Center presents a public lecture from a

Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony


music and want to be involved, www.montereysymphony.org for more information.

Arts and Entertainment Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante

TTango.” Order a wonderful meal and enjoy the ambiance of Argentina and join us in a social tango dance to music from the Golden Age of Tango.

Ongoing Events Stitchers By The Sea Meetings

pared in a clay pot), and enter to win a print. No purchase necessary

Saturday March 7 Aids Walk & Fun Run

suggested). 50% of meal sales will be donated to local community


atmosphere, free parking. Open to

2015 Santa Cruz Paddlefest

will be greeted with music and run, we encourage participants to wear costumes to increase the events energy and amusement.

for wave skiing, stand-up and surf kayaking. Competitors from all over the world will participate

his is the 29th year of the largest powered surf contest


orty-seven years of performing

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair


he “Original” Downtown

antiques and unique items. Come

Saturday March 14


eavenly harmony and earthly delights from the time of the bard. Revel in the triumphal return of America’s favorite early music ensemble, playing their exquisite consort of Renaissance instruments such as the lute, cittern, viols, and

Friday March 20 Paula Poundstone


Pinot Paradise

event is family friendly. Classes

Dated Events Tuesday March 3

Art by Manuel Santana & Café de Olla

Community Day at the UCSC Arboretum

Modern Square Dancing Class Friday March 6 Seymour Center Homeschool Day

Pinot Noirs produced from our special weekend package pricing available online.

Saturday April 18 founder of Manuel’s Mexican



njoy two days of Pinot Paradise

Monday March 9 thru Friday March 13

the restaurant during their 50th Anniversary celebration week.

oin us for hands on activities inspired by Picasso, Goya and designed especially for homeschool students and families

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

this level of anticipation, energy and excitement. As the month moves on, take advantage of

you want to be in the early days of March. Don’t let ideas get away from you. Pursue what’s forefront on your mind as you move deeper into the month. The mid-month weekend will inspiration and positive energy will be ready to be focused on something creative in the later half of the month.

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

When was the last time you just had a gathering of friends for nothing but entertainment and love is in the air as romance takes up much of your time. Mid month and beyond will see some positive events at work, but pay attention to your correspondence. Now is not the time to let something out of place slip in this area.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

Delays right now are not something to stress about. Adjusting a project’s timeline is just part of the process — it’s okay to let things happen in their own time, as long as you month, your project behind you and everything moving smoothly around you, so much a smooth ride throughout.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

time to do it. Getting help, getting it by the boss, creating something artistic; whatever it is, the

uthor, actress, commentator,

Hummingbird Days will bring her stand up comedy to a wide assortment of treasures earn all about hummingbirds the Rio Theatre. including books and photographs, vintage jewelry, clothing, glass and ceramic collectibles, vintage include children’s crafts, guided hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, original artwork, and a whole lot and self-guided tours, plants for Saturday March 21 sale that attract hummingbirds and Sunday March 22 educational programs. Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance

mystery — or the stress it can cause — completely distract you from your daily activities to maintain your health.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

the North Coast park at Waddell Creek. Events include a story time, Youth Chamber Music Competition. salamander critter crafts, scavenger hunt and an evening of newt tales and songs.

Saturday March 7 Sunday March 8

will remove stress and free up the rest of the month for more deep, meaningful experiences

your home life, your work, your creativity — take advantage and make everything around you just that much better. As your world relaxes around you, take some time for yourself near the end of March: a ride in the country, a walk on the beach, etc.

Treasure from the Age of Shakespeare

Salamander Saturday

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

As March opens, you’ve been sitting on the fence in regards to an emotional decision.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)


The evening includes music, dancing, dinner and auction.

introspection into some aspect of your life: either work, personal relationship or just a moment taken to enjoy a long, peaceful walk by your self will help you deal with some deep emotions. Take the time to give them the attention they deserve.

deserves, but stay grounded as the waves of chaos wash over you.

Friday March 13 thru Sunday 15

Big Band Dance

What could you do to improve it? Take the time to address anything your workout and diet

through the month to give the results time to take hold. As the month moves on, inspi-

promises a memorable morning complete with delicious food,

Cocoanut Grove is the place to

allroom dancing to live



Santa Cruz Symphony League Big-Band Gala


Peninsula Banjo Band

Aries (March 21-April 20)

invertebrate touch pools.

levee without crossing a single

Arts event, managed in conjunction with the participating art venues. The chapter of the Embroiderers’ event takes place year-round and Guild of America, holds meetings illuminates some of the most talented open to the public each month. No local artists from local galleries. admission fees.


including live animal learning

First Friday Art Tour


Your March Horoscope

Passport Days


ticipating wineries throughout the

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) they right or wrong? The beginning of March is a good time for you to review and confront your ideals. Do they still work for you? Are you the same person that has been holding to those and be ready to face the world again.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

you to look into something brand new. A new look on life, a new project, a new place for a of the new carry you through the month.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Truth is important to you this month. Even the smallest deception could bring more pain than tough honesty. Not to say that everyone you meet you could open up to, but be honest Don’t wait if there is. Do you need schooling? Do you need training? The time to start your planning is now.

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

life, and now is the time to enhance your emotions with some well-planned liaison with your loved one. As the month continues, your glowing happiness is going to be noticed, and you

situation and keep you in a good place throughout the month.

a unique winery experience. Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Our Water is Groundwater By Kim Adamson, General Manager, Soquel Creek Water District






National Groundwater Awareness

groundwater during nondrought years. There are between one million and two million water wells scattered throughout the state with 10,00015,000 new wells added each year, according to the California Department of Water Resources.

some facts and information about groundwater.

potable (drinkable) water supply is locally derived from ground-

the mid-county, if you’re a customer of a municipal water supply or a private well owner, all of your water comes from underground basins — not the streams, lakes, or reservoirs

comes from surface water sources water on Earth as there was . This means that all our water is essentially “recycled water”. The water from your faucet could contain molecules that of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable. Another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers, which leaves just 1% for use by humans — all our global agricultural, residential, manufacturing, community, and personal needs.

imported water from other parts of the state or country. 4. All the major groundwater basins in Santa Cruz County , which means more water is being extracted from the basin than is naturally replaced by rainfall. This is true even in non-drought years, due to the typical demands for water from our community for day-to-day uses. Drought makes this situation even worse.

consequences, including declining groundwater levels, a decrease in groundwater seawater intrusion that contaminates wells and makes our water useless for drinking. ability: Even though groundwater is a major source of water statewide, until recently, there were no requirements that it be managed on a local or regional level. This meant that users could pump and use ground-

made California the last western state in the country to regulate groundwater. “Groundwater” page 31

discuss local implementation of the new Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. From left: Melanie Mow Schumacher, Cameron Tana, Ralph Bracamonte, Trevor Joseph, Piret Harmon, Heidi Luckenbach, Kim Adamson, David Gutierrez, John Ricker, Isidro Rivera, Mary Bannister, Steve Macaulay, Dane Mathis, and Brian Lockwood. 30 / March 1st 2015 / Aptos Times

SPCA Featured Pet

This law requires local agencies to establish a groundwater sustainability agency

County Water District and the County

plan that will achieve basin sustainability

groundwater sustainability.

long history of collaborative groundwater management that pre-dates the new law. toring and modeling groundwater levels, and building partnerships with other water disand programs include Groundwater ManRegional Water Management Program. Soquel-Aptos Area Basin: There is currently a Groundwater Management


District and Central Water District, who mentation Group. Recently, this group launched a groundwater model and is being expanded to include the City of

Java the Jovial Jokester -

funny underbite turns people’s heads, but it’s her winning demeanor that makes them stick around for more. pouncing with her 4-legged friends one minute and snuggling with her people pals the coming to people of her own volition, and can tend to dart out of arms’ reach and bark best in a home with adults or with older children who are respectful of her boundaries.

and Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency. This group also has been hosting informational community meetings with private well owners and will be devel-

requirements of the new law. Pajaro Valley Area Basin: Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency serves as the lead agency that recently developed a groundwater model and adopted

energy, and could keep up with an active family on hikes, runs, and general playtime.


you’re searching for a companion to bring both laughter and love into your home in equal measure, come meet this special, spunky little sweetheart. Take it from us, she’s easy to fall for.

Santa Margarita Area Basin: A Ground-


visits throughout California to learn about local issues as they continue to implement the new law and develop tools for water agencies to use. We were very fortunate to be selected from Department of Water Resources made with local water agency representatives. What water users and well owners as well as well owners to stay engaged as the local agencies embark on meeting the requirements of the new law. This historic legislation has changed the way groundwater will be region can collaborate to achieve sustainable groundwater management, which provides a reliable water supply for future generations. Our water is groundwater – together let’s protect it. Please join us on March 21 for “Groundwater Awareness Day” at

be providing tours of our Rosedale Well and Treatment Plant and water smart gardening as well as serving ice cream www. soquelcreekwater.org

Valley sub-basin was adopted, and a groundwater model for the entire -


crossword on 25 »

5:00 p.m.

Aptos Times / March 1st 2015 / 31

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