Aptos Times: July 15 2014

Page 1



Full Story page 16


Oliver! Fills Cabrillo Stage

Full Story page 5

Proudly Presenting Our New WebSite


Sean Realtor Poudrier ®

(831) 531-7171 Sean@FridayRealty.com


Sports Page 11

Kenneth Lyford: 1954 ~ 2014 K -

Adoption Specials on All Animals at Santa Cruz Animal Shelter


Puppies and Dogs Kittens and Cats Rabbits -

For more information and to view adoptable animals, please visit our website www.scanimalshelter.org. 2 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times



Table of Contents



Volume 23

No. 14

Cover Oliver! Fills Cabrillo Stage by Noel Smith 2 5 6 7

Community News

8 10

By Edita McQuary by Kevin Newhouse

12 14 15 16 17 18 19 22

2 9

11 20 23 24

In Memoriam Meet the Owners

Local Sports By Aidan Mathews Home & Garden Health & Fitness



Featured Columnists by Dr. Katie Volat, DVM by Noel Smith by Robert Francis

by Julie K. Tauriainen, AAMS速 Financial Advisor by Camille Smith

30#! &EATURED 0ET s

31 n


Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 3

Patrice Edwards


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Kevin Newhouse, Edita McQuary, Aidan Mathews, Dr. Katie Volat, Robert Francis, Camille Smith

“Oliver!” from page 1

layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Sandra Gonzalez advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jackie Hinds, Judie Block, Michelle Hayes office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Jana Mears




Mr. Bumble, played by Kevin High, and the widdow Corney (Nancy Williams) corner Oliver (Tenaya Carr) just before of the performance of the musical’s title song.

Times Publishing Group, Inc.

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times


Tenaya Carr takes on the titular role in “Oliver!”

For more information go to: http://cabrillostage.com Cover Photo: From Left: Tenaya Carr as Oliver, Andrew Ceglio as Fagin and Devon DeLon as the Artful Dodger. Story by Noel Smith

Projects for Rio del Mar Area T New entrance sign for Rio del Mar

Benches at the Flats -

The RDMIA Board invites all property owners, residents and businesses to help fund these wonderful enhancements to our community and to join the Association. All contributions can be sent to RDMIA, PO Box 274, Aptos 95001-0274. The RDMIA also welcomes any material or labor donations. For updates about all of RDMIA activities, please visit our Facebook page.

Whaley Sculpture



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Also in Watsonville 56 Penny Lane, Ste: B Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-5022

www.smilecrewortho.com Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 5

Tandy Beal & Company ‘Creative California Communities’ Receives Grant

Arts Council Santa Cruz project is among 24 funded statewide in support of transforming communities through the arts SANTA CRUZ — -







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“Come see our large selection of landscape materials� -ASONRY 3UPPLIES s "LOCK "RICK 2EBAR s #OBBLESTONE

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&REEDOM "LVD !PTOS #! 6 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

-ON 3AT n

“Grant� page 8

CASA changes lives C


Informational session is:






Contact CASA of Santa Cruz County today at 831-761-2956, ext. 102 or casavolunteer@ casaofsantacruz.org

Erik’s Delicafé Gives Back To Help Local Food Banks this July SANTA CRUZ —





Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 7

Student Showcase: 2014 Arts Workshop at Cabrillo College By Edita McQuary





“Briefs” from page 6 -

For further information and/or suggestions on classes you’d like to see developed, contact Lynn Knudsen at lynn@nextstagesantacruz.org. You can also look at the Stagebridge website www.stagebridge.org/santa-cruz and the new website www.nextstagesantacruz.org. The quote was from Walt Disney.

“The Creative California Communities program supports


large and small communities across California, demonstrating the power of the arts to transform our state.” — Wylie Aitken, Chair of the California Arts Council


8 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Since 1974, Tandy Beal and Company (TBC) has created original projects in dance, theatre, circus, music & in education. A major regional arts organization, TBC has toured 48 states & four continents. With collaboration as a hallmark, TBC has worked with: Korean National Treasure AeJu Lee, Frank Zappa, Kyoko, composers Lou Harrison, Jon Scoville, the Moscow Circus, Carl Sagan, Esperanza del Valle, Corazon en Flor, Bobby McFerrin (creating together an Emmy winning PBS special among many projects) & public schools throughout the county & the nation.

Employee engagement The secret for small businesses to stay productive and make money -



Brandpoint Media

Jim Porter grew up alongside his father and grandfather in the drilling business until he realized that the needs in this area went beyond drilling. He branched out on his own & created Porter Construction. Porter Construction now offers hydrology, erosion control, drainage systems, retaining walls, fencing, decking, remodel and several other services. Jim’s favorite part about his business is the accomplishment of solving challenging situations.

Creating Outdoor Living Environments

Jim loves traveling and viewing old architecture. His most memorable experience was when he worked on the Alaskan Pipeline. Jim is a native Californian, born and raised in the Santa Cruz area.

“I still am amazed by the miracle of soil, sun and water.”

Since 1978, Jay Welty has been a licensed landscape contractor, holding one of the oldest licenses in the county. In the intervening 33 years, Welty has worked on all kinds of unique landscaping situations and has created solutions for many kinds of problems. He specializes in custom landscaping for all situations: hillsides, waterways, problem areas, etc.

Contact Jay Welty Landscaping today!

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 9

2nd Annual Berries & Bottles Winery Showcase Fundraiser for 2nd Harvest Food Bank Saturday August 2 from 12 – 5pm

T -

For more information: www.berries-bottles.com

A Day on the Beach: Cleaning Up with Lions, Leos and Marine Life -

Plenty of Free Customer Parking

Wilder Associates Inc.

Yoga Within

Property Management Specialists

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection



Salon Aptos

Joy of Movement Pilates & GyrotonicÂŽ

Hair and Nails for a Good Look

More Zest for Life



Warmboard Radiant Subfloor

Epicenter Cycling

Simply Smarter Radiant Heat

Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders



Village Liquors

Dentistry for Animals



For All Your Beverage Needs

Dr. Judy Force, DVM

Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run


10 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

To find out how you can help or for more information about the Cabrillo Host Lions Club please visit: www.cabrillohostlions.org Story By Kevin Newhouse

More Summer Hardware for Aptos Little League By Aidan Mathews

A -

“Little League� page 19

Aptos 8-9 All-Stars Pre-game in dugout before beating Watsonville 5-2. Lost the next game to them for the All Star Championship.

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 11

Congratulations to our 2014 Parade Winners! Grand Prize-Best Of Parade Epicenter Cycling Grand Prize Boy Scouts Troop 633, Cub Pack 515, 676 Crowd Pleaser Seascape Village Fitness & Physical Therapy Ole’ Time Favorite VFW


Cars First Prize Second Prize Third Prize Fourth Prize

First Prize Most Patriotic Most Unique Children Groups


First Prize Judges’ Choice Most Patriotic Most Unique

Adult Groups First Prize Judges’ Choice Most Patriotic Most Unique

Best Costumes Cutest First Prize Judges Choice Floats Trucks

Judges’ Choice Most Original Best Of Theme

First Prize Most Patriotic Most Unique

Bands Schools

First Prize Judges Choice Most Colorful

Most Spirited Best Of Theme

Veterans of Foreig n Wars Ole’ Time Favorite

ce f Spa or Call for

ot Cam Bo


Epicenter Cycling Grand Prize-Best Of Parade

more info

Seascape Village Fitness & Physical Therapy Crowd Pleaser

lasses pC

Get Fit & Stay Fit! Call for your FREE* Complimentary Trial!

What’s Your Excuse? Expires 8/1/14

*Some Restrictions Apply


25 Penny Lane, Watsonville 12 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

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Dragon Slayer


Boy Scouts Troop 633 Club Pack 515, 676 Grand Prize

CafĂŠ Rio Aptos High


all June Bugs Gym

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 13

New Board Members Elected To Visitors Council T -





Kenn Clark Mission Inn


Bonny Hawley Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks


Christine Herberg Capitola Hotel -


Safe at Home Senior Care, Inc.

A Proud Member of The Senior’s Choice

Enjoy Assisted Living in the Comfort of Your Own Home!


Rich Higdon Hilton Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley

CVC board members determine policies that govern the council, review and approve the CVC’s annual work plan and serve on committees that directly support tourism promotion for the County. The board also oversees the newly established Tourism Marketing District budget and program of work. Tourism is Santa Cruz County’s largest industry, impacting the area with over $650 million for the local economy annually.

– OUR SERVICES INCLUDE – Cal UÊ >À }Ê «> à « l to req a UÊ `i`]Ê ÃÕÀi`ÊEÊ } Þ asse FREE uest ssm ÊÊÊ/À> i`Ê >Ài} ÛiÀà ent! UÊ >Ì }ÊEÊ*iÀà > Ê Þ} i iÊ ÊÊÊ >ÀiÊEÊ Ãà ÃÌ> Vi We accept UÊ i> Ê* > }Ê> `Ê Long Term Care ÊÊÊ*Ài«>À>Ì Ã insurance UÊ i` V>Ì Ê,i `iÀà THE ONLY UÊ/À> ë ÀÌ>Ì “If you need someone to take care of a family member or a close friend, they are the best! They care about what they are doing. I’m not putting other agencies down, but I did check a lot of them and I’m certain that I picked the best one!”

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Contractor Licence #: 651452

Families Encouraged to Explore Wild Places

California’s Ecological Reserves and Wildlife Areas are Great Places to Visit Over Summer Break -


“Summer Fun” page 24

LAW OFFICE OF DANA L. SANTOS Divorce | Custody | Mediation | Guardianship | Minors Counsel Certified Family Law Specialist California State Board of Legal Specialization


Save time, money and upset.

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Includes two hours of mediation at times and locations convenient for your schedule, all court fees, 24/7 access to mediation information, links to and assistance with all forms, draft of final agreement, and processing of all paperwork with the court.

www.danasantos.com Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 15

Brittany could go to Britain!

Cheer competitor to represent USA (United Spirit Association)

B -

To support Brittany and to donate go to: https://fundly.com/representing-the-red-whiteand-blue-in-london?ft_src=fbshare

John Wilkins

WilkinsFinancialServices.com Since 1986 831-713-7676

16 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

John Babcock: Santa Cruz County 2014 Artist of the Year

J -




“Babcock” page 23

Professional and Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital

831-476-PETS (7387) Open Monday thru Saturday




Specialist Surgeries In House Pharmacy




By Appointment Only

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>« Ì >6iÌiÀ >ÀÞ Ã« Ì> °V ÊUÊ *6 /£J} > °V Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 17

John E. Eiskamp selected 2014 ‘Farmer of the Year’ By the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau





Director Nominations: For 1st term

For 2nd term For 3rd term

For President and State Delegate For 1st Vice President and State Delegate

For 2nd Vice President and State Delegate

For Past-President and Alternate State Delegate

David Tirri (from left), Annie Morhauser, Supervisor Zach Friend and Bud Colligan Henry Washburn, Posthumously Previous Farmer Of The Year Since 2000 Richard “Dick” Peixoto Elio Rodoni Hulda Diane Porter Cooley Bargetto Mclean Kirk Schmidt Tom Stanley E. Iversen Am Rhein Growers Who Donate Family Kenneth J. Kimes To Ag Against Hunger Jim Rider John Pisturino


2014 Farmer of the Year John E. Eiskamp




“Eiskamp Bio” page 22 18 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Pre-trip Vehicle Check Can Make The Difference R -



“Little League” from page 11

The Aptos 10-11 squad lost its first two games of their tournament to Santa Cruz National (12-11 final score) and Santa Cruz American (13-6 final score).



>V > ÃÊUÊ7>Ý } Microdermabrasion >ÃÃ>}iÊUÊ > iÕ« Body Wraps

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(to lift, firm and tone)

Mention this Ad and receive a

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Free Brow Wax with your Facial Treatment

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Capitola Village

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 19

Invisible Energy Thieves

Save energy and money with the following changes to your home and habits




Insulate home.


Get the most out of your refrigerator.


Do your research. Cold is the new hot. Brandpoint Media

Introduce a New Protein Your Family Will Love: Add Seafood to Your Diet



Simple substitutions



Flavorful 20 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times



“Briefs� page 24

10 Puppy & Kitten Health Tips By Dr. Katie Volat, DVM

Training. Dental Health. -

“Health Tips” page 31



Medicare Supplement? Turning 65 Soon?


Losing Group Insurance? Need Individual or Family Coverage?


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Sometimes you need the BEST Need Help? s %XCELLENT #RIMINAL Defense s 2EPRESENTATION FOR misdemeanors and all felony charges s -EDICAL -ARIJUANA consultations


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Mark Garver

Ben Rice, voted best attorney in Santa Cruz reader polls eight times, welcomes Mark Garver, an outstanding criminal defense attorney, to their 331 Soquel Ave. offices. 331 Soquel Ave, Ste. 201 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 www.benricelaw.com Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 21

Legislature Approves Bill to Improve Coastal Commission Transparency -




Assemblymember www.asmdc.org/stone



Fraudulent Callers Target Personal Medical Information SACRAMENTO —



“Eiskamp Bio” from page 18



22 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Tossing and turning at night? Stop counting sheep and start collecting zzz’s A -

Set the clock


Don’t push it


Brandpoint Media -


Public Workshop

Santa Cruz County Passenger Rail Study Create an ideal sleep environment

Thursday, July 17, 6:30 pm Live Oak Senior Center 1777 Capitola Road, Santa Cruz, CA (Traductor al español estará disponible.)

“Babcock” from page 17 -

This workshop will feature an overview of the feasibility analysis possible train service scenarios to be evaluated.


The Artist of the Year program is sponsored by the Santa Cruz County Arts Commission and the County of Santa Cruz Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services. For more information about Artist of the Year, please visit www.scparks.com.

http://www.sccrtc.org/projects/rail/passenger-rail/ The Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) is responsible for

www.sccrtc.org, info@sccrtc.org, (831) 460-3200 Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 23

Managing the Aches and Pains of Arthritis



Take as directed:

Watch for drug interactions:



Stay active: -

Do not self-medicate: Brandpoint Media

“Briefs” from page 20 Lunch:

11/2 cup shredded low-fat cheese 1 /2 pounds small fresh or frozen Gulf shrimp (or large shrimp cut into bite-sized pieces), boiled and peeled

Quick-and-Easy Cheesy Gulf Shrimp Nachos

Appetizer or snack: Dinner: For more great Gulf shrimp recipe ideas, visit www.eatgulfseafood.com.

Total time: 10 minutes Servings: 2-4 1 /4 pound tortilla chips 1 cup low-sodium black beans, cooked, rinsed and drained

/4 cup scallions, diced Low-fat or fat-free sour cream (optional) Salsa (optional) Fresh guacamole (optional)


Family Features

“Summer Fun” from page 15

For more information about wildlife areas and ecological reserves, please visit the CDFW Lands Program at www.dfg.ca.gov/lands. 24 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times


Altar Boyz is a Blast By Noel Smith -


In addition to the message, the singing dancing and acting are all superb. The cast demonstrates the variety of people drawn to Christ.

Natural Disasters


1. *Hurricane-prone U.S. city 6. Olympic chant 9. British singersongwriter 13. Gibson garnish 14. Hair goo 15. Subject of the musical, “Evita” 16. Declare invalid 17. Flower necklace 18. Latin American plain 19. *One killed over 200,000 people in 2004 21. Crying like a sheep 23. How many “if by sea?”

24. Chinese dynasty (1368-1644) 25. In the capacity of 28. Chesterfield, e.g. 30. Designated limit 35. “Do ___ others ...” 37. Schindler kept one 39. Art class support 40. Pains 41. Torcher’s misdeed 43. Japanese soup 44. Bear down under 46. Dublin land 47. 100 centavos 48. To imbue with soul 50. “____ Las Vegas” starring Elvis 52. Bloodshot 53. Horticultural implement 55. Get it wrong 57. *Warm current

60. *Dry spell 64. “Bye” to Banderas 65. Pastrami holder 67. “Umble” Heep 68. “That is,” Latin 69. Reef fish 70. Artillery burst 71. Unit of force 72. Hole puncher 73. Senior

9. Kosher eatery 10. *1972 deadly blizzard killed thousands here 11. Goes with ding 12. Lennon’s lady 15. *Black Death 20. Dough 22. Mandela’s org. 24. Like a hippopotamus 25. *Measured by seismograph DOWN 26. Soviet entity 1. Castle feature 27. Rand McNally book 2. Travelers’ stops 29. *It can get wild 3. Hokkaido native 4. *”_____ St. Helens,” 31. Pack down 32. Basket material erupted in 1980 33. Band on coat of arms 5. They come with 34. *It can happen in a marriage flash 6. Wrinkly fruit 36. 1952 Winter Olympics 7. “___ no evil ...” host 8. Way out

38. Reality TV star Spelling 42. “_____ Say Never” 45. ENT, e.g. 49. Local network 51. Kindle 54. Land of “Gangnam Style” 56. Like country life 57. Whirlpool 58. Property right 59. Facial protrusion 60. “The Farmer in the ____” 61. Embellish 62. Possess or hold 63. *God of thunder 64. *This usually quickly follows disasters 66. Coniferous tree © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 25

By Robert Francis

A little bit of this ‘n that for all reading tastes … -

Sagittarius Rising By Cecil Lewis Penguin Classic. $16



Boundaries: A Love Story


By Christine Mason Robertson Publishing. $26.95


The Abduction




By Jonathan Holt Harper. $26.99


Elizabeth Is Missing By Emma Healey Harper. $25.99





The Scraps Book

Notes From a Colorful Life By Lois Ehlert Beach Lane. $17.99

26 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

What Can Vacations Teach You about Investing?

“Vacations” page 31

Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 27

Aptos Chamber of Commerce Buy your Aptos History Book Today!


B, Santa Cruz (next to Family Cycling Center) at (831) 479-0393 or visit www.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

Co-dependents Anonymous


Overeaters Anonymous

First Wednesday each month For more info. visit both oceangatezen.org and facebook.

First Tuesdays each month

Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership


Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation

For more information, call (831) 475-9804

6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.

Second and Fourth Thursdays


6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.).


Second Thursdays each month For more information, please

6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars 6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos For more information, call (831) Cruz 429-7906

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

Ongoing Events

Third Wednesdays

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force


WomenCARE Support Group


Meal Solution Mondays

4:00pm-6:00pm, New Leaf Community Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Capitola (Also down town and at West side stores)


For more information or to register call (831) 457-2273 -

Drop in Grief Support

6:00pm at Aegis, 125 Heather Terrance, Aptos


Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at No registration required, please call (831) 430-3000 www.newleafcommunity.com.

Head to the Islands!

Felton’s Farmer Market!

2:30-6:30 p.m. spring, summer and fall


To RSVP call 761-2956 Ext. 102, or email Danielle@casaofsantacruz.org

7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water District Headquarters, 5180 Soquel Dr. Soquel

Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

Visit www.scwd2desal.org for more info.


Capitola-Aptos 7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. First Congregational Church of Rotary Club Meeting Santa Cruz 12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf Course. To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 or e-mail charleswhitt@att.net for more information. Wednesdays

Toastmasters: Speak for Success 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Valley Drive, Scotts Valley.

Temple Beth El Sisterhood Gets A Jump on A Sweet New Year


7:00pm, Firehouse on Soquel Dr. Aptos Call (831) 332-8221 for more information. Stichers By the Sea 7:00pm, Live Oak Senior Center, 1777 Capitola Rd. Santa Cruz Regular meeting of Stichers by the Sea local chapter of the Embrioderers’ Guild of America. Event is free, the public is welcome. For more information, contact Irene at (831) 475-1853.

9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Center, 360 Kings Village Drive www.santacruzfarmersmarket. org


Over-Eaters Anonymous 9:00am-10:15am, Sutter Maternity and Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave. Sc.

Free childcare with advance reservation by 5pm, Fridays. Call (831) 429-7906.

Church Bible Study/Worship 9:45am: Bible Study; 11:00: Worship, First Baptist Church 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos

Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110

Free Job Seek Workshop!

PFLAG (Parents, Families, and

Monday July 21

Fourth Thursdays each month

Second Tuesdays each month 6:00pm-7:00pm, Gateway Bible Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. Scotts Valley. For more information, visit http://hirewire.org


Hoffman’s for Second Harvest


Public is welcome. For more info call Mary Ann Leer (831) 477-1239

Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market

Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch


8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College

7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd.

Second and Fourth Wednesdays Third Thursday each month

Tuesday of month (for location Alzheimers Support Groups ADHD Support Group Meetings details contact Danielle at 761Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm 2956 X102) South County, 5:30-7 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm on Soquel Dr. Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ p.m., third Wednesday of the For a meeting near you call (888) Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A 374-1164 or email Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. Freedom Blvd. Watsonville saveyoursanity@aol.com Visit http://nar-anon.org/NarAnon/California.html for more info. Any Questions, contact Judy Brenis at (831) 818-9619. Wednesdays Facilitated by Francie


Cabrillo Host Lions Club

For a schedule and more information, go to www.coda.org First Tuesdays and To register to one of the meeting or e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com Third Wednesdays each month and for directions, please call or call (831) 469-6096. 454-4687.


call (831) 430-3000.

6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Ct., Aptos

C For more information, call (831) 295-1939


Clutterers Anonymous

Dated Events Saturday July 12 Pre-Bastille Day

12:30, Bonny Doon

Please note that a $4.00 per jar shipping surcharge will be added to all orders placed after 9 p.m. July 21. For more information, call Susan at 831-336-3067.

Monday July 21 thru Thursday July 24 Kids Cooking Camp

New Leaf Community Markets, 1101 Fair Avenue, Santa Cruz.



5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz.

More info at www.newleafwestside.eventbrite.com

Thursday July 24

B12 Fridays

New Leaf’s Taste at the Tee Fundraiser

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural Medicine, 2849 Park Ave. Soquel

Hula’s is open from lunch Tuesday – Sunday from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., dinner nightly from 4:30 p.m. – close, and happy hour Tuesday – Sunday 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. For more information go to www.hulastiki.com or call (831) 655-HULA.

For more info, visit www.santacruzfarmersmarket.org or contact Nicole Zahm, Education and Events Coordinator at education@ Drop-ins welcome. For more information, call 831-335-3693. santacruzfarmersmarket.org or Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at info@santacruzfarmersmarket.org TOPS

Tuesdays, Thursdays thru PROFILE of Santa Cruz Saturdays 9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. Clares St. Capitola

Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions 7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite

28 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

(Take off pounds sensibly) 8:45 am, Felton Firehouse

To learn more, call (831) 515-8699. Drop by and support Hoffman’s Bistro & Patisserie at 1102 Pacific Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060

Son of God

10:30 - 11:30a.m., First Baptist Church, Aptos

Learn more by calling (831) 335-3510.


Drop-in Grief Support

For more info www.scbaroque.org 12:00pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz (831) 457-9693 County


Wednesday July 16

Peripheral Neuropathy Support Group Meeting 1 p.m., Trinity Presbyterian Church at 420 Melrose Ave, SC.


Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Drive, Aptos. For more information about sponsorship, donations to auction or playing visit: www.newleaf.com or call (831) 600-3863

Your July Horoscope Times Publishing Group, Inc. Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony

Italian/Argentene Restarante,


Individual show tickets are $12.00 and 10 ticket punchcards are $90.00 and festival pass is $99.00 144 School Street, Santa Cruz which is good for one person to see www.thatsmypark.org any and all shows.


Ongoing Events Tuesdays


6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St.

Saturday July 12

Private instruction and classes by arrangement. For more information, call Michael (831) 239-2247.

Monatype Workshop by Anouk Johanna

First Friday Art Tour


11a.m. - 3p.m. at the Museum of Art & History


Stitchers-by-the-Sea in a First Friday art tour, visit

Saturday July 12 and Saturday Aug. 9 Monatype Workshop by Anouk Johanna

Big Band Dance

10a.m. - 4p.m., Live Oak Senior 7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County Center Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Capitola Agent, at 408-993-BAND (2263) for information about booking



Saturday July 12 thru Wednesday July 16

(donations are tax deductible). www.PeninsulaBanjoBand.org



9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.

First Friday: Landscape Paintings and Mystic Music


Sunday July 13 -


Last Thursdays each month

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante 4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene

Dated Events Thursday July 10 thru Saturday July 19

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Saturday August 9 www.scfringe.com

Monatype Workshop by Anouk Johanna

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Look Collective

12 p.m. - 7 p.m., Museum of Art & History


For more info visit www. anoukjohanna.com

Saturday August 9 and Sunday August 10

For more information, contact Sue or Don at (831) 72-7053 or For more info, please contact us at (831) 476-6940 or visit us on e-mail at caller4u@att.net. Facebook. 7:00pm, German-American Hall Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth


Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance 6:30 pm, German American Hall, 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Friday August 1

Second Sundays Each Month

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Fair

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

Meeting starts at 7p.m. at the Live Oak Center. 1777 Capitola Road, Santa Cruz 95062

Ouroboros Shadow Pictures Presents “Vasilisa”

Suggested donation, $6 per person. Proceeds benefit MCSC. For more information, call (831) 476-4711.


Modern Square Dancing Class

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Monday July 21

Second Fridays each month



Teen Art Market

7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, galleries are open 12-9 pm for 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose First Friday viewings.)

Capitola Twilight Concerts

Pop-Up Breakfast Series

For more info visit www.anoukjohanna.com


Peninsula Banjo Band

Saturday July 19

First Fridays each month



Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Scotts Valley Art & Wine Festival

Saturday July 19

Movies at the Mission Adobe: Chasing Mavericks


Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Santa Cruz Fringe Festival


www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 29

Swallowing the bitter pill of rejection leads to a diet of success Facing a Critical Financial Decision? Get a 2nd Opinion!

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J. Ben Vernazza CPA/PFS, TEP (UK) emeritus Fee-Only Registered Investment Consultant



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But, “what if� -

Camille Smith, Leadership Coach, Communication Specialist, Facilitator, Speaker President, Work In Progress Coaching~Turning potential into results: www.wipcoaching.com


www.tpgonlinedaily.com 30 / July 15th 2014 / Aptos Times


SPCA Featured Pet

“Health Tips” from page 21





Oodles of poodles waiting for homes

Wellness Physical Exams.

Parasite Prevention.

“Vacations” from page 27

25 »


Natural Disasters


© Statepoint Media


Courtesy Edward Jones Investments – Julie K. Tauriainen, AAMS® Financial Advisor 9055 Soquel Dr. Suite D Aptos. Tel#: 831-662-4565, Toll Free 888-639-8640 Aptos Times / July 15th 2014 / 31

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