Aptos Times: November 15, 2014

Page 1



Full Story page 6


Special Breakfast for Jacob’s Heart Full Story page 13

Proudly Presenting Our New WebSite

TPGonlinedaily.com Sean Realtor Poudrier

Page 19


Blue Moon Aptos


(831) 531-7171


Page 22

2 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

No. 22 Volume 23



Table of Contents



Cover Special Breakfast for Jacob’s Heart by Lori Butterworth 5

Community News

6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14

by Tim Davis

15 16 17 21 23 24


Local Sports

18 19 22

Business Profiles by Maggie Caldwell by Maggie Caldwell



Featured Columnists by Josef Sekon

25 26


by Robert Francis

27 30 by Zach Friend 30#! &EATURED 0ET s



Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 3

Patrice Edwards


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Lori Butterworth, Maggie Caldwell, Josef Sekon, Robert Francis, Tiffany Mitchener, Zach Friend

Cover Story “Gilbert” from page 1


layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Camisa Composti advertising sales Don Beaumont, Judie Block, Michelle Hayes, Sandra Bannister office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Melissa Gilbert with Jacob’s Heart Warrior/Survivor Christina Cheney.

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Dustin Meraz (seated center) receives his Screen Actors Guild membership card from actress Melissa Gilbert.

“Jacob’s Heart” page 7

Please Join Jacob’s Heart for a Very Special Breakfast with Friends Featuring Melissa Gilbert – Beloved Actor and Friend of Children with Cancer December 12 from 9:30 am – 11:00 am Private Meet and Greet 11:30 am (Limited to 30 people)

Community News

Make a Difference in Your Community!

Aptos Adopt-A-Family –21 years of providing for families in times of hardship -


“I will always be grateful because God sent angels to my family this year. I thank you with all my heart.”




“Adopt-A-Family” page 7

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 5

Community News

Aptos Burglaries Spike in October A -



6 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Community News

CPUC to Consider Dismissal of Power Line Project -






“Adopt-A-Family” from page 5 -

“You have allowed us to add a little extra blessing to our son’s Christmas this year.”

For More Information NOPOC Website: www.nopoc.org — NOPOC on Facebook: www.facebook.com/neighborsOrganized — Email: info@nopoc.org — Address: P.O. Box

Plenty of Free Customer Parking

Wilder Associates Inc.

Call Aptos Adopt-A-Family at 688-7549 to refer someone. To send a donation: Aptos Adopt-A-Family c/o Times Publishing Group -

Yoga Within

Property Management Specialists

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection



Salon Aptos

Joy of Movement Pilates & Gyrotonic®

Hair and Nails for a Good Look

More Zest for Life



Warmboard Radiant Subfloor

Epicenter Cycling

Simply Smarter Radiant Heat

Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders



Village Liquors

Dentistry for Animals



For All Your Beverage Needs


Dr. Judy Force, DVM

Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run

345-8377 100% of the proceeds from this event will go directly to supporting children with cancer in our community. For Tickets visit:

breakfast.eventbrite.com Story by Lori Butterworth, founder and executive director of Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 7

Community News

National Poet, Journalist Visits Watsonville

‘On the Same Page’ bring the Country’s Leading Chicano Writer to Town -



Luis J. Rodriguez


Focus Agriculture’s Twenty-Fifth Class Graduates Focus Agriculture Class XXV: 2014 -


(FROM LEFT) TOP ROW: James Mekis, Stephen Rider, Steve Bennett, Bud Colligan, Alan Burt, Scott Walecka, Juan Castagnino, Robert MIDDLE ROW: Elizabeth Russell, Keisha Frost, Philip Martinelli, Beverly Grova, Leigh Hays Selby, Julie Walker BOTTOM ROW: David Doolin, Jackie Strong, Trina Coffman-Gomez, TRACTOR: Alec Webster, Jess Brown





8 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Community News

Innovative Treatment Exceeds State Regs

New Soquel Creek Water District Treatment Facility Running Smoothly -



For more information: http://www. soquelcreekwater.org/water-quality/chromium-6 The Soquel Creek Water District is a

Soquel. www.soquelcreekwater.org

Dominican Hospital Receives Another “A” Grade for Hospital Safety SAN FRANCISCO —



Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 9

Community News

Hospice of Santa Cruz County Grief Group -

Coping with Grief in the Holidays

Interfaith Memorial Service November 18

How to Support those Grieving

Your choice, your journey

Tree of Lights Annual Tree Lighting





Grief Support Events




10 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times


Local Sports

Aptos Cross County’s Winning Season Kaila Gibson Olivia Quinn Marea Zlatunich Yulisa Abundis

Aptos Girls


Aptos Boys

John Ross Draven Hawk Nick Heath Luke McCartney Jack Rose Morgan Miller

Matti Peoples Annika Niles Annika McBride Mari Friedman Abbey Meck

CCS Cross Country Championships Toro Park, Salinas

Koya Oki Angel Mejia Porter Wesson

Aptos High School Hires New Lacrosse Coach



Scoreboard on page 18

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 11

Community News

‘Fill The Barrels’

For Our Local Food Bank at Santa Cruz County Bank


Santa Cruz County Bank’s Second Locations: Aptos Capitola Santa Cruz Scotts Valley Watsonville

Third Annual Holiday Lighthouse



December 1. 12 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Community News

Interview With CASA Advocate Anne Young Interviewed by Tim Davis


How has your experience with CASA changed you? ’ve always been


If a potential volunteer asked why should they become a CASA advocate, what would you tell them? don’t think there’s



What kind of support do you get from CASA? ons. Every advocate




Why did you choose CASA? friend of mine


Anne Young and friend

The next training session to become a Court Appointed Special Advocate begins

Sign up at www.tinyurl.com/CASAorientation

information session and complete a pre-training

cita@casaofsantacruz.org for more information.

What does the child get out of it? think they feel



Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 13

Community Briefs 100 Reasons To Celebrate

Navaho Weavers

Home Sponsors Welcome Habitat Partner Family


Book Talk on Navaho Textiles



Mary Morlan -

Unbroken Web:

14 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

“Briefs� page 24

Celebrating 25 Years

Community News

Focus Agriculture’s 18th Annual Progressive Dinner was a success!



Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 15

Professional and Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital

831-476-PETS (7387) Open Monday thru Saturday




Specialist Surgeries

National News

Watsonville Native Serves With VAQ-132 OAK HARBOR, Wash. —

In House Pharmacy




By Appointment Only

1220-H 41st Ave., Capitola (Next to New Leaf Market)

>« Ì >6iÌiÀ >ÀÞ Ã« Ì> °V ÊUÊ *6 /£J} > °V




“Torres” page 24

Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

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Initial Exam Complimentary Aptos Office 9515 Soquel Drive, Ste: 103 Aptos, CA 95003 831-685-2800 Conveniently located next to Aptos Junior High

Also in Watsonville 56 Penny Lane, Ste: B Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-5022


Fighter Jet)

Free Offer Your Choice of: s Physical Therapy


s Nutrition


s Fitness &

Movement Assessment

16 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Call Today! Physical Therapy: 687-0985 Village Fitness: 708-2323 SeascapePTandFIT.com

Community News

Mountain Lion Struck and Killed on 17




“Land Trust” page 23

financial planning ON YOUR TERMS

Basic Financial Plan

Hourly Consulting geared toward self-directed clients and investors

ideal for clients who are just getting started Targeted Financial Plan focused on areas that are most important to you

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Learn More About Our Services and How Financial Planning May Benefit You By Scheduling a




Securities and Financial Planning offered through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 17

Local Sports

Aptos High School Scoreboard Football Coach Randy Blankenship Aptos 54 – Scotts Valley 0 Aptos 42 – San Lorenzo Valley 0

Water Polo Coach Mark Knapp Santa Cruz 7 – Aptos 4

Sometimes you need the BEST

Santa Catalina 8 – Aptos 4

Need Help? s %XCELLENT #RIMINAL Defense s 2EPRESENTATION FOR misdemeanors and all felony charges s -EDICAL -ARIJUANA consultations


18 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Ben Rice

Mark Garver

Ben Rice, voted best attorney in Santa Cruz reader polls eight times, welcomes Mark Garver, an outstanding criminal defense attorney, to their 331 Soquel Ave. offices. 331 Soquel Ave, Ste. 201 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 www.benricelaw.com

Coach Jasper Billings Aptos 16 – Homestead 11

Girls Volleyball Coach Lucas Bol CIF Div. III Quarter Finals Aptos vs. St. Ignatius 7 p.m. Nov 15 Aptos def Cupertino (25-12, 25-13) Central Valley Christian def Aptos (25-15, 25-18) Aptos def Elk Grove (25-18, 25-14) Salinas def Aptos (25-14, 27-25) Notre Dame def Aptos (27-25, 25-14) Harbor def Aptos (3-1)

Business Profile

SAFE AT HOME SENIOR CARE By Maggie Caldwell Professional Caregivers



Coordinated Care -

Give The Gift of In-Home Care

visit their website for more information at http://

CA 95010 and are open Monday – Friday from -

they have clean criminal backgrounds and

care insurance companies. Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 19

Featured Columnist

Santa Cruz Symphony ‘Dreams And Visions’ at The Mello -


Safe at Home Senior Care, Inc.

A Proud Member of The Senior’s Choice

Enjoy Assisted Living in the Comfort of Your Own Home! – OUR SERVICES INCLUDE – Cal l to req a asse FREE uest ssm ent!

UÊ >À }Ê «> à « UÊ `i`]Ê ÃÕÀi`ÊEÊ } Þ ÊÊÊ/À> i`Ê >Ài} ÛiÀà UÊ >Ì }ÊEÊ*iÀà > Ê Þ} i iÊ ÊÊÊ >ÀiÊEÊ Ãà ÃÌ> Vi We accept UÊ i> Ê* > }Ê> `Ê Long Term Care ÊÊÊ*Ài«>À>Ì Ã insurance UÊ i` V>Ì Ê,i `iÀà THE ONLY UÊ/À> ë ÀÌ>Ì “If you need someone to take care of a family member or a close friend, they are the best! They care about what they are doing. I’m not putting other agencies down, but I did check a lot of them and I’m certain that I picked the best one!”


– Barry H. client response from Diamond Certified’s independent survey

(831) 462-3500

Safe At Home Senior Care nÓäÊ >ÞÊ Ûi Õi]Ê-Õ ÌiÊ£ä£ÊUÊ >« Ì >]Ê Ê xä£ä

www.safeathomeseniorcare.com 20 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Independentaly Rated Highest in Quality 100% Client Loyalty _________ 97.2 out of 100 High Score Rating on Customer Satisfaction

Ying Fang

Community News

SPCA Program Focuses on Next Generation -


“SPCA Education” page 24

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 21

Business Profile




History of Fashion Success


Holiday Season Shopping

Blue Moon Aptos Clothing Company

– Saturday and Noon – 5PM on Sunday. They are closed Mondays. Follow their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ bluemoonclothingaptos to catch a glimpse at new items as they arrive. 22 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Community News

My Three Angels… a Play in Two Acts

Photo Credit: Kylan Thureockes

The cast of MCT’s production of “My Three Angels”: (back row, l-r) Jacob Ellis, Marty Lee Jones, Andy Malcolm, Jackson Wolffe, Peter Gelblum, Matt Clarke; (seated) Mindy Pedlar and Katie Singleton. is Santa Cruz County’s longest continuously running community theater company. MCT derives its support primarily from performance 17 minutes away from downtown Santa Cruz.

Aptos Native’s Two Children, Husband Killed in Apparent Murder-Suicide in Reno


“Land Trust” from page 17

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 23

“Torres” from page 16





“SPCA Education” from page 21



from the generous public. The SPCA is located at 2685 Chanticleer Avenue in Santa Cruz and is open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and both Saturday and Sunday from



Photography in the Library Exhibit

“Briefs” from page 14 -

For information on volunteering contact habitatsc.org.




Internet Crime Complaint Center’s (IC3) Scam Alerts: E-ZPass Spam Campaign The Art in the Library program is directed 24 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

SPCA Adoption Center and Gift Shop located in the Capitola Mall near target is open Fridays

Featured Columnist

What’s Being Done with Electronic Waste? Dear EarthTalk

http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/weee/ -

EarthTalk® is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental tions to: earthtalk@emagazine.com.












1. Bullying, e.g. 6. Brown of “Back to the Future” 9. Choir member 13. Brick worker 14. Bruin legend Bobby ___ 15. Show contempt 16. At right angle to a ship 17. Actress ___ Michele of “Glee” 18. These lips sink ships 19. *Reason to celebrate Thanksgiving 21. *Pilgrim helper 23. “C’___ la vie!” 24. Chopped fish bait 25. “Casablanca” pianist 28. Maui dance

30. Horrify 35. All over again 37. Oily freshwater fish, native to Asia and Europe 39. Red Sea peninsula 40. Beehive State 41. Aussie “bear” 43. *Baste the turkey or set the table, e.g. 44. *Cornucopia’s shape 46. Ill-gotten gains 47. Yemeni port 48. Frame or trap 50. *Marshmallows are placed ____ the sweet potatoes 52. European Nuclear Society 53. Very curious 55. To nail, as in criminal 57. *Distinctly orange fruit

8. “_____ into Me” by Dave Matthews Band 9. Dwarf buffalo 10. *____ Lett’s famous Thanksgiving football blunder 11. Reason to cram 12. Three-layer cookie 15. Sinks into a couch, e.g. 20. Between rock and a hard place? 22. In so far as, conjunction 24. Popular rye bread DOWN addition 1. Wet nurse 25. *Cranberry _____ 2. “Ali ____ and the 40 26. Playwright Chekhov Thieves” 27. Had in mind 3. ____-friendly 29. Cambodia’s neighbor 4. Dry white Italian wine 31. Falafel bread 5. Catch in a net 32. Battery terminal 6. Airhead 33. Burdened 7. Bonanza find 34. *NFL hosts 61. Product-selling scheme 65. Sleeping noise 66. “___ to Joy” 68. Rome’s Colosseum 69. Step 70. Galley tool 71. Vertebrae cushions 72. Secret association of Chinese 73. Flammable toxic derivative of toluene 74. Electronic money

36. Helicopter sound 38. Surveyor’s map 42. Extreme suffering 45. Mouth sore 49. Hawaiian dish 51. *Macy’s tradition 54. Arrogant person 56. Relating to barium 57. “Hey ... over here!” 58. “Do ____ others as...” 59. Express complaint 60. Synonym to #54 Down 61. Chipper 62. Phoenix neighbor 63. Cyan and magenta in printer, e.g. 64. 100-meter race 67. “Da Vinci Code” by ___ Brown © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

Books make memorable Christmas gifts ... Colors For Baby By Yana Peel Big Picture Press/Candlewick. $21.99





Tinker Bell: An Evolution By Mindy Johnson Disney. $40


Pop-Up New York

Photos Framed: A Fresh Look at the World’s Most Memorable Photographs

By Jennie Maizels Candlewick Press. $19.99

By Ruth Thomson Candlewick Press. $18.99 -

Flying Machines


By Nick Arnold Illustrated by Brendan Kearney Candlewick Press. $19.99 -



Before After By Anne-Margot Ramstein and Matthias Aregui Candlewick Press. &19.99


26 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Featured Columnist

Hey, Doc, Why Does My Dog Do THAT‌? By Tiffany Mitchener, DVM


The Meal


The Walk

The Dance -

pital. Website: capitolaveterinaryhospital.com



Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 27

Community Calendar

Aptos Chamber of Commerce


PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

Ongoing Events

Saturday December 6 Holiday Craft Fair & Tree Lighting

Conference Room at Elena Baskin/


Overeaters Anonymous

Monday December 8 Holiday Mixer



Hoffman’s for Second Harvest


Toastmasters: Speak for Success

Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit seymourcenter.ucsc.edu


Capitola (Also down town and at

Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060

Contact suzie@suzielundgren.

WomenCARE Support Group

Drop-ins welcome. For more

Thursday December 11

December Breakfast Meeting Head to the Islands!

thru Saturdays

Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions

Santa Cruz Warriors

Through Dec. 6

Veterans of Foreign Wars Cruz

Overeaters Anonymous

Friday November 14

Loss of Spouse or Partner for Seniors Grief Group Second Thursdays each month

For more information or to Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at www.newleafcommunity.com.

Dated Events

Park in lower lot and walk up driveway and turn right at the Find meetings at www.nar-anon. org

Big Book and OA Literature Study

TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly) members

Science Sunday

Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group the Bison Center and The Camp Recover Center

Wednesdays -

Third Sunday of Every Month


or e-mail charleswhitt@att.net for more information.


Meal Solution Mondays

Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting

Wednesdays Facilitated by Francie First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz

MovementR Meetings daily. See our website for a current list of meeting times and locations: www.santacruzoa.org





more information.


Clutterers Anonymous

Saturday November 22 Sunday November 23

B12 Fridays

Sunday November 23

First and Third Fridays

More info at www.thatsmypark.org

Santa’s Shelves Craft Fair

Second and Fourth Thursdays 429-7906

Cabrillo Host Lions Club

7:00pm at the Cabrillo Com-

First Wednesday each month

Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation

Life on the Ranch

6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline and happy hour Tuesday – Sunday information go to www.hulastiki.com

First Tuesdays each month

Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership

PROFILE of Santa Cruz $25 non-members


For more info. visit both oceangatezen.org and facebook.

Clares St. Capitola

Third Thursday each month To register to one of the meeting 454-4687.

Announcements -


Image Matters

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children


on Soquel Dr. Aptos

Heroes Breakfast

Saturdays 8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College

Co-dependents Anonymous

http://nar-anon.org/Nar-Anon/ California.html for more info.

Aptos Branch Sons In Retirement Luncheon

ADHD Support Group Meetings

and Thursdays

For a meeting near you call

Tuesday November 25

7-8pm Inspire Salon in Capitola

First Tuesdays and Second and Fourth Wednesdays Third Wednesdays each month Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch

Tuesday of month (for location details contact Danielle at 761-


Friday Shakespeare Club


Freedom Blvd. Watsonville


Third Wednesdays

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force

1777 Capitola Rd. Santa Cruz

For a schedule and more

Friday November 28 Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market

Soquel Dr. Soquel

or e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com

Call Jack at 688-0977 for information.

Stichers By the Sea

Boulder Creek www.santacruzfarmersmarket.org

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Alzheimers Support Groups If you are interested in sponsoring 28 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

Fourth Thursdays each month


Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110

Second Tuesdays each month

Free Job Seek Workshop!

for more info.

Santa Coming to Town


Church Bible Study/Worship

Sunday December 7 Children’s Christmas Tree Trimming

Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony

by arrangement. For more

Arts and Entertainment

Friday December 5

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

60th Annual CYN Holiday Party First Fridays each month

Francisco’s historic Ghiradelli Square

First Friday Art Tour



Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Donations may be left on front porch and will be quickly moved into a safe place

Ongoing Events Tuesdays

Your November Horoscope

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

There will be a drop box in front of Beth


galleries are open 12-9 pm for

150 Jewell St.

Second Fridays each month

Contact Adrienee for best drop-times (adriennemomi@


Open 11-4p.m. all three For more info: www.cityyouthnow.org/news-and-events or Any questions about drops or event contact Kim Tyler Kimisohapi@yahoo.com or Saturday December 6

time hours

Big Band Dance



Peninsula Banjo Band

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Aries (March 21-April 20)


Lighted Boat Parade

Saturday November 22 Soquel PENS Quilt Sale




Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Second Sundays Each Month

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Fair

More info: www.santacruzharbor. org/events.html

for information about booking

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Saturday December 6


Downtown Holiday Parade Thursdays


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance

Sunday November 23

www.downtownsantacruz. com/2014-holiday-parade


Dated Events

at caller4u@att.net.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Life on the Ranch

More info at www.thatsmypark.org

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

Saturday December 6 Sunday December 7

Saturday November 29 Symphony League Home Tour

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Modern Square Dancing Class Saturday November 15 Santa Arrives in Capitola! Pajama Havdalah

C Last Thursdays each month

Info: www.capitolachamber.com

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante

Friday December 12 Friday December 5 Dan Hicks & The Hot Licks thru Sunday December 7 —Holidaze In Hicksville 728-8778 or wilmagold@gmail.com

Music for Feat of Christmas

Wednesday November 19 thru Friday November 21


Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)


PVAC Seeking Art Supply Donations

Private instruction and classes

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

Tickets and more info: www. slscc.org

Info: www.feastofchristmas.com

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 29

Featured Columnist New County Program (LAPP) Helps Non-Permitted Construction Become Legal By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District




The Household Pro


One Call For All Your Repair & Remodel Needs

Carpentry Electrical & Plumbing

Kitchen, Bath, Tile Fences, Decks, Painting



Dave Franceschi


Aptos, CA



Are you comfortable speaking in front of small groups and open to earning a six figure income? For more information please call Laura at: 831-728-5960

Additional information regarding the LAPP and the November 17 meeting may be obtained from the County’s Planning Department website or by love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to call me at 454-2200. 30 / November 15th 2014 / Aptos Times

SPCA Featured Pet

crossword on 25 »


Adorable Terriers for Adoption

Thanksgiving © Statepoint Media

Aptos Times / November 15th 2014 / 31

Local Businesses... dream builder ... dream broker ... 30 years of experience!

NK & FUCHS Coastal Properties Group

Call Us To Build, Buy or Sell


John Fuchs, General Contractor Lic. #444422 (A&B) Nancy O’Boy Knuth, Broker Associate, CAL BRE #01254001

Providing Quality Services

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