Aptos Times: March 15 2015

Page 1



Full Story page 13

AHS Welcomes the Music Man! Full Story page 5

Proudly Presenting Our New WebSite




Sean Poudrier RealtorÂŽ


(831) 531-7171 Sean.Poudrier@cbnorcal.com


Scoreboard Page 12

2 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

No. 6 Volume 24




Table of Contents


Cover AHS Welcomes the Music Man! 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 16 17 19 20 21 23 24 12 16 18


Local Sports New In Town Pajaro Valley Chamber



Featured Columnists

22 25 26 30 30#! &EATURED 0ET s



Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 3

Patrice Edwards


Cover Story “Music Man” from page 1

Aptos High School Presents

publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Shaz Lint, Kevin Newhouse, Zach Friend, Robert Francis, Tiffany Mitchener

Music Man Performances

7:30 PM

Quartet (from left): Luca DiGrazia, Sam Roberts, ethan Abelar, and Keigan Lee.

layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Judie Block, Sandra Bannister, Eric Mellor, Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti

Tickets: Advanced Reserved seats purchased online on the Aptos High Homepage (www.aptoshs. net). Prices: $10 Adult, $8 Seniors & Students, and $6 Kids under 12. Non-reserved tickets are available at the door 30 minutes prior to each performance, subject to availability. Friday, March 20 is opening night with all seats only $5.00!

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

2 PM.

Cover Photos: TOP – Pickalittle Ladies (from left): Tangie Kimmel, Danielle Cony, Isabella McCord, Isabel Crossen, Alex Townsend, Harold Hill (Jacob Baker) and Marian Paroon (Mikaela Reed)

From Left: Molly Gannon, Arianna Richie, Mikaela Reed, Jacob Baker, Van BeLOw – Barbershop Ridgway

Santa Cruz Symphony Presents

Community News


Compositions by local composers Lou Harrison and the Symphony’s Maestro Daniel Stewart




Season Sponsors: The 2014/15 season is generously sponsored by Dorothy Wise, Rowland & Pat Rebele and the Santa Cruz Symphony League. spective” concerts are made possible with support from Todd & Corinne Wipke and Laurie A. Huth. Tickets: Single tickets ($25-$70) are now on sale: 831.420.5260 or SantaCruzTickets. com 2014/15 Student Rush: On the day of the

and pay just $10! Symphony Season Tickets are available by calling 462-0553, ext. 10. Symphony Information: SantaCruzSymphony.org

}iÌÊ Ì Û>Ìi`Êv ÀÊ your home & garden improvements while enjoying:

UÊ Ài>ÌÊ ` UÊ ÛiÊ i ÃÌÀ>Ì Ã UÊ ÌÃÊ vÊ Ài>ÌÊ6i ` ÀÃ UÊ ÛiÊ ÌiÀÌ> i Ì UÊ Àii Ê Û }

APRIL 18th & 19th FREE PARKING ÊU FREE ADMISSION For more information call

831-688-7549 TIMES PUBLISHING GROUP, INC. 9601 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003 | sales@coastalhomeandgarden.com www.coastalhomeandgarden.com Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 5

Community News By Noel Smith

“Build Lives” page 20

6 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Community News

For more about Seascape Beach Resort, visit www.seascaperesort.com.

Aptos High School Mariners’ Boosters Club Annual Dinner Dance

More Information & Tickets Available online: www.aptoshs.net The AHS Boosters Club; Anchoring Education at Aptos High School since 1970

Adrienne Cleary (right) with Jim Maggio

Community Briefs

Saturday March 21 6-10 p.m. Corralitos Padres Hall located at 35 Browns Valley Road, Corralitos, California with Full Dinner,

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 7

Community News

Using the Roundabout in Rio Del Mar By Noel Smith

T In the Roundabout



8 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Approaching Entering

Community News

Plenty of Free Customer Parking

Wilder Associates Inc.

Yoga Within

Property Management Specialists

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection



Salon Aptos

Joy of Movement Pilates & Gyrotonic®

Hair and Nails for a Good Look

More Zest for Life



Warmboard Radiant Subfloor

Second Saturday on the Farm Agricultural History Project Center & Museum Saturday, March 14 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Santa Cruz Co. Fairgrounds 2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville COST: FREE

Epicenter Cycling

Simply Smarter Radiant Heat

Trek Bicycles for All Types of Riders



Village Liquors

Dentistry for Animals



For All Your Beverage Needs

Dr. Judy Force, DVM

Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run


“AHP” page 17 Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 9

Community News When Joining Curves of Watsonville New Members Receive $0 Enrollment Fee with Donation in the world and is famous for its 30-minute Circuit with a Coach that works every major muscle group with strength training, cardio and stretching. With Curves Complete, women have a fully integrated, personalized weight loss and weight management solution that includes the Curves fitness program, customizable meal plans and one-on-one coaching and support. Curves is committed to providing women with the tools necessary to empower them to live more fulfilling lives. For more information, please visit curves.com. Scheduled workouts and classes vary by tions only.


For more information, visit Curves.com or Curves of Watsonville at 1044 East Lake Ave. (East Lake Village Shopping Center) or 831-724-0900. Curves International, Inc. is one of the largest chains of fitness centers for women

Join Curves and get a $0 dollar enrollment until March 27


at participating locations only. No cash value. 100% of $30 donation is being given to the charity of the center’s choice. Ask your center for more details. Monthly fees vary by location.

Gail Rich Award recipients join cast of Lehrer Celebration


10 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 11

Local Sports

Aptos High School Scoreboard

Teams and Players 2015 Aptos Girls Soccer Team Rocks!


2015 SCCAL Girls Soccer All-League Selections Coach of the Year Jessica Perkin Player of the Year Stephanie Buecheler Defender of the Year Kelsey Kusaba-Kusumoto “All-League” page 24

12 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Basketball Aptos Boys Season Record (23-7, SCCAL 12-2) Coach Joseph Smith SCCAL ReguLAR SeASon ChAmpionS! Sacred Heart 62 – Aptos 51

Soccer Aptos Girls Season Record (17-1-2, SCCAL 11-0-1) Coach Jessica Perkin SCCAL SeASon ChAmpionS Archbishop Mitty 2 – Aptos 1

Aptos 66 – Burlingame 53 Aptos 66 – St Ignatius 54

Aptos 0 – Sobrato 0 Season


Season Totals “Scoreboard” page 24

Community News

Day Luncheon T 15% OFF any project

Expires March 31st

Pristine Painting , 5 -.#' . -5R5 /&&35 (-/, 5R5 , ( , (5 ,.#Ĺ€5 5R5 (. ,#),I 2. ,#),

Lic. #839236

Kurt P. Stuhr (831)252-8822 www.PristinePainting.net

For more information contact the organizations at (831) 724-1356 or Email at sccfb@ sbcglobal.net

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 13

Local History

How It All Began By Kevin Newhouse

“We all grew up in different parts of Aptos, and oddly enough, the jumps happened to pretty much be right in the center of where we all lived so it was the perfect meeting spot for us. We’d meet there every day after school and ride until the sun went down.” — Tyler McCaul

For more information about the Aptos History Museum, upcoming events, or becoming a member of the museum, please visit www.aptoshistory.org and follow us on Instagram @aptos_history_museum. 14 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 15

Community News

Returning to Cannery Row

Preservation and Restoration of World Famous Boat MONTEREY —

owners was made at the Cannery Row Foundation’s Cannery Row Symposium in the historic Monterey Boat Works auditorium at Stanford Grove, February 21. For more information visit: www.canneryrow.org.

New In Town

16 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Hands On! Build Your Future

Community News

Career Exploration Workshops For Middle Schoolers SANTA CRUZ —


For more information, visit www.santacruzpl. org or call the Santa Cruz Public Libraries Programming Department at 831-427-7717. The Santa Cruz Public Libraries (SCPL) system delivers information, education, enrichment and inspiration through a network of 10 neighborhood library branches, a web-based digital library, a Bookmobile and community-based programs. Branch locations include Aptos, Boulder Creek, Branciforte, Capitola, Downtown Santa Cruz, Felton, Scotts Valley. Learn more about SCPL at SantaCruzPL.org or via Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube.

Construction & Carpentry


“AHP” from page 9

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 17

pAjARo VALLey ChAmbeR of

Dedicated to the success of our members by:

CommeRCe & AgRiCuLtuRe

| Watsonville, CA 95077 | www.PajaroValleyChamber.com | Phone (831) 724-3900 | Fax (831) 728-5300

Pajaro Valley Chamber Calendar of Events Thursday March 26 at Ella’s at the Airport 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

By Shaz Lint, Executive Director PVCCA


Watsonville Airport 100 Aviation Way, Watsonville

5 - 7 p.m.

Shaz Lint

65 Nielsen Street, Suite 121, Watsonville (Community Hospital)

Business Expo 4 - 7 p.m.

Have you ever looked at the Pajaro Valley as if you were a visitor? Plan a weekend this spring to go on a “staycation” right here and visit some of our Chamber members! 18 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds 2601 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville

Have a great spring … and sow some seeds for success!

Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture, 44 Brennan St. Watsonville, CA 95077, Phone (831) 724-3900, Website: pajarovalleychamber.com

Community News

PVPSA Awarded $850,000 by CDPH WATSONVILLE —


Specialist in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Classical and ‘All that Jazz’ Santa Cruz Chamber Players Ivan Rosenblum artistic director and piano Kathleen Purcell cello Music by Beethoven, Schumann, Marin Marais, and Nikolai Kapustin

Saturday March 28 at 8 p.m. and Sunday March 29 at 3 p.m. Christ Lutheran Church, 10707 Soquel Dr., Aptos Tickets: $25 general, $20 senior, $10 youth. Advance single tickets for all SC Chamber Players’ concerts are available at www.scchamberplayers.org - Single tickets are also available at the door 1/2 hr. prior to each performance Santa Cruz Chamber Players is supported by donations from individuals and businesses. Concerts are co-sponsored by KUSP, 88.9 FM, and are taped live and rebroadcast at a later date. Please check concert programs or call KUSP for more information Santa Cruz Chamber Players - PO Box 4174 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 - 831.425.3149, www.scchamberplayers.org

Now Accepting New Patients! Initial Exam Complimentary

9515 Soquel Drive, Ste. 103, Aptos, CA 95003


Conveniently located next to Aptos Junior High

Also in Watsonville 56 Penny Lane, Ste. B Watsonville, CA 95076 831-722-5022

www.SmileCrewOrtho.com Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 19

Community News

High Marks for Janus Rehabilitation Facilities

Programs Awarded Three-Year Accreditation from CARF International SANTA CRUZ —

Rod Libbey

“Build Livess” from page 6

Professional and Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital

831-476-PETS (7387)

Open Monday thru Saturday Surgeries




By Appointment Only

1220-H 41st Ave., Capitola (Next to New Leaf Market)

>« Ì >6iÌiÀ >ÀÞ Ã« Ì> °V ÊUÊ *6 /£J} > °V

20 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

For more information on ROP go to: www.santacruz.k12.ca.us/student_services/rop

Santa Cruz Ballet In Concert APTOS

Community News

“Every Little Thing You Try”

“Cadence and 1”

“La Volonta”

Pre-event Presentation with Robert Kelley and Diane Cypher

Guest Collaborators: Nancy LeVan

“SC Ballet” page 23

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 21

Featured Columnist

Time for Some

Here are a few suggestions: Reduce duplication.

Repair your “roof.”

Plant some “seeds.”

“Spring Cleaning” page 23 22 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Community News

and its educational program, contact the school’s principal,

and its building project and capital campaign, please contact the

“Spring Cleaning” from page 22

Courtesy Edward Jones Investments – Julie K. Tauriainen, AAMS® Financial

Update your “furnishings.”

Administrator – 9055 Soquel Dr. Suite D Aptos. Tel # 831-662-4565. Email: Michelle.Zimny@edwardjones.com

“SC Ballet” from page 21 Bill Walker

Watsonville Taiko

The Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre (SCBT) ating opportunities for young artists through the art of ballet. Founded in 1982, SCBT is a pre-professional ballet company of talented young dancers in pursuit of this beautiful and demanding art form. SCBT is an Honor member of Regional Dance America and is the only company that upholds RDA’s strict standards of excellence in the Santa Cruz/Monterey Bay Areas. Co-Artistic Directors Robert Kelley and Diane Cypher have many years of experience as professional dancers, instructors, choreographers and directors. Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 23

Community News

The San Lorenzo Valley Museum Presents

Inroads: The Coming of Railroads to the San Lorenzo Valley Speaker Bruce MacGregor, Author & Railroad Historian

Most Valuable Player Ben Dorfman First Team Jonah Gonzales Second Team Dante Gomez Honorable Mention Nemo Howe Cole Rothman Zak Pepperdine

“All-League” from page 12 Goalkeeper of the Year Ana Calero First Team: Payton Evers Monserrat Hernandez Anna Burke Paxton Scott Second Team: Grace Bowman F Maggie Darroch D Honorable Mention: Lisey Campos, F Ella Hymes, D Paige Dueck, MF


Ben Dorfman Voted SCCAL Boys Basketball MVP

2015 SCCAL Boys Soccer All-League Selections 2015 SCCAL Wrestling Championship League Champions Pat Peoples Evan Carillo Gio Zacarias Danny Velez Greg Bjur Mitch Gearing Jack Harris Adrian Galindo Eric Kirby 2015 SCCAL Boys Basketball All League Team Coach of Year Joe Smith

24 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Uriel Cervantes First Team Lenny Naranjo Second Team Jesus Alvarez Honorable Mention Cristian Pacheco Jack McGinn Tony Pulido 2015 SCCAL Girls Basketball All League Team

“Scoreboard” from page 12

Baseball Aptos Season Record (1-5) Coach Dave Heinevetter Carmel 11 – Aptos 1 Monte Vista Christian 7 – Aptos 2 Watsonville 8 – Aptos 5 Gilroy 4 – Aptos 3 Los Altos 3 – Aptos 2 Los Gatos 16 – Aptos 0 Aptos 10 – Gonzales 0

Softball Aptos Season Record (0-3) Coach Phil Rojas Jr. Notre Dame 6 – Aptos 2 Monterey 12 – Aptos 6 Linden 17 – Aptos 5

Boys Volleyball Aptos Season Record (2-1) Coach Rick Schroeder Aptos def Monterey (25-23, 25-17, 25-21) Willow Glen def Aptos (25-19, 25-13, 25-18) Aptos def Carmel (25-12, 25-10, 25-7)

Featured Columnist

Making Housing More Affordable in Santa Cruz County

County Board of Supervisors Approves Revised Housing Regulations By Zach Friend, County Supervisor 2nd District

The key features are:

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to call at 454-2200.



March Madness



Here is an overview of the revised regulations voted on by the Board of Supervisors:


1. Tire pattern 6. Small lump 9. Confidence trick 13. Blood line 14. Hockey legend 15. With ample space 16. Full of vigor 17. Bearded antelope 18. Deserving of respect? 19. “Frozen” song 21. *Final Four destination 23. Bird word 24. Result of tying 25. Gastrointestinal tract 28. Type of word 30. Overthrow 35. All over again 37. Harry Potter’s mark 39. Plural of pileus

40. ____ Sorvino 41. North Pole workers 43. Precedes “pong” 44. Our mother? 46. ____-de-camp 47. *ESPN analyst and former coach Greenberg 48. As opposed to federal 50. Chronic drinkers 52. Movie theater candy 53. Do this upon a star 55. Also 57. *Do you fill this out? 61. *16, e.g. 65. Dough or cabbage 66. American Nurses Association 68. Critically 69. Early anesthetic 70. Tolstoy’s given name in Russian 71. Tsar’s edict

12. Gore Vidal’s “___ Breckinridge” 15. High quality hay for cattle DOWN 20. “If it’s good for the 1. *Profile of most NCAA ____, it’s good for the March stars gander” 2. Profligate 22. 1990s catchword 3. At a previous time, 24. Puck, “that shrewd archaic and ____ sprite” 4. V.C. Andrews’ 25. *8 of these in Sweet “Flowers in the 16 _____” 26. Uniate, alternative 5. *Host of 2015 First spelling Four play-in games 27. It can be firma or 6. Canceled incognita 7. Mantel piece 29. *School with most 8. *Mascot of #29 titles Down 31. Hearts and diamonds, 9. Musical compositions e.g. for one 32. Applied, as in one’s 10. Musical finale trade 11. End of grace 33. Slow, musically 72. Sound of relief 73. Pilot’s deadline 74. Avatar’s creator

34. *Elite number 36. W on a bulb 38. Do over 42. Brief fight 45. Street salesman 49. Tall tale 51. Woodlouse 54. Like old cracker 56. Japanese port 57. *What the ref did to his whistle 58. Babe 59. Advil target 60. Captain and his party 61. Mount Vesuvius output 62. Dutch cheese 63. “Or ____!” 64. Textile worker 67. *Winners’ memento © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 25

The Book Bag By Robert Francis

Mystery, murder and mayhem ‌ By Jonathan Kellerman Ballantine. $28

A Ghostly Undertaking

Cane and Abe

By Tonya Kappes Witness Impulse/Harper. $7.99

By James Grippando Harper. $26.99

Past Crimes By Glen Erik Hamilton William Morrow. $26.99

The Beige Man By Helene Tursten Soho. $26.95

26 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 27

Community Calendar

Aptos Chamber of Commerce Tuesday March 24 6:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Best Dominion Court, Aptos

Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. in Santa Cruz Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. in Aptos



Any Questions, contact Judy 7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. First Brenis at (831) 818-9619. Congregational Church of Santa Cruz To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 or

Third Wednesdays


Meal Solution Mondays

4:00pm-6:00pm, New Leaf Community Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Capitola (Also down town and at West side stores)

Must Register by January 20th in Wednesdays order to participate. Contact First 5 Toastmasters: at (831) 465-2217 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Center, 1307 Seabright, Santa Cruz Valley Drive, Scotts Valley.

7:30 - 9 a.m., Best Western


Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at www. newleafcommunity.com.

Head to the Islands!

9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. Clares St. Capitola For a meeting near you call (831) 291-5099 or email saveyoursanity@aol.com Visit www.naranoncalifornia.org/ norcal/meetings for more info.

First Tuesdays each month

Tail Wagging World

at (831) 479-0393 or visit www.

First Tuesdays and Third Wednesdays each month

Orientations to Become

Tuesday of month (for location details contact Danielle at 761-2956 X102) South County, 5:30-7 p.m., third Wednesday of

Meetings daily. See our website for a current list of meeting times and locations: www. santacruzoa.org

Freedom Blvd. Watsonville For a schedule and more information, go to www.coda.org or e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com or call (831) 469-6096.

Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A Capitola Road, Santa Cruz.

First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., in Watsonville Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. in Capitola Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. Wednesdays Facilitated by Francie in Watsonville


28 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural Medicine, 2849 Park Ave. Soquel Santa Cruz CA 95060

Big Book and OA Literature Study

To learn more, call (831) 515-8699.

First and Third Fridays

Friday March 27 thru Sunday March 29 Friday, March 27, 5 pm-9 pm Saturday, March 28, 10 am-5 pm Sunday, March 29, 10 am-1 pm

10:20 to 12:30 p.m., Lounge of the First Congregational Church, 900 High St. Santa Cruz

For more information, call 475-9804

Second and Fourth Thursdays

Cabrillo Host Lions Club

Saturdays 8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College


$695 per couple includes all materials and meals. For information visit: www.eft.works/spring2015 or call 831-460-9865.

Thursday April 2

Aging in Place: Village Model

Third Thursday each month 7-8pm Inspire Salon in Capitola

2 – 4 p.m., Community Foundation of Santa Cruz, 7807 9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community Soquel Dr., across from Del Mar Center, 360 Kings Village Drive Shopping Center. www.santacruzfarmersmarket.org

Sundays 9:45am: Bible Study; 11:00: Worship, First Baptist Church 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos

Any questions (831) 438-2658 or email sylvialee2@sbcglobal.net

Second and Fourth Wednesdays

Third Sunday of Every Month

Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch

6:00pm-7:00pm, Gateway Bible 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station on Soquel Dr. Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. Scotts Valley. For more information, visit http://hirewire.org

Bilicich takes the stage around 12:30. Call 662-2983 for reservations.

6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa Cruz

Image Matters

Second Tuesdays each month

11:30 am, Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Dr., Rio Del Mar

Veterans of Foreign Wars

Second Wednesdays

To RSVP call 761-2956 Ext. 102, or email Danielle@casaofsantacruz.org

Call Jack for more info (831) 688-0977

5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz.

To register to one of the meeting and for directions, please call 454-4687.

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Tuesday March 24

Clutterers Anonymous

B12 Fridays

7:00pm at the Cabrillo Community Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd.

Friends of Scotts Valley Library

Dated Events

Sons in Retirement Luncheon 6:30-7:45 p.m., 3192 Glen Canyon Severinos Restaurant, 7500 Old Road, Scotts Valley in the Bison Center and The Camp Recover Center Dominion Court, Aptos

12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf Course. Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 or e-mail charleswhitt@att.net for more Park in lower lot and walk up information. driveway and turn right at the sign. Helpline (888) 688-7834. Find meetings at www.nar-anon.org

Second Thursdays each month


Science Sunday does not meet in December. For more info visit seymourcenter.ucsc.edu


6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach 1:00–2:00 p.m., Louden Nelson Community Center, Room 5, 301 #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos Center Street, Santa Cruz For more information, call (831) 429-7906

2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.). 6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays

CASA Orientations to Become

Scotts Valley


6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, First Wednesday each month




Rotary Club Meeting 12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands Hotel, 116 Beach Drive

Hula’s is open from lunch Tuesday – Ocean Gate Zen Center TOPS Sunday from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Zazen Instructions dinner nightly from 4:30 p.m. – close, 7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite B, Santa and happy hour Tuesday – Sunday Cruz (next to Family Cycling Center) 8:45 am, Felton Firehouse 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. For more information go to www.hulastiki.com Learn more by calling (831) or call (831) 655-HULA. 335-3510. For more info. visit both oceangatezen.org and facebook.

6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old Dominion Ct., Aptos

For more information, call (831) 7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water 295-1939 District Headquarters, 5180 Soquel Dr. Soquel

Tuesdays, Thursdays thru Saturdays

PROFILE of Santa Cruz

Ongoing Events


Drop-ins welcome. For more information, call 831-335-3693.

For more information or to register call (831) 457-2273

Call for reservations, 831-6881467. Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members


Contact suzie@suzielundgren.com or call (831) 332-7347

Foreign Wars Post 10110

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force

Visit www.scwd2desal.org for more info.

Thursday April 9 Court, Aptos

Fourth Thursdays each month

PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

Science Sunday 7:00pm, Firehouse on Soquel Dr. Aptos Call (831) 332-8221 for more info.

Road, Santa Cruz, 95060

Light Refreshments served. RSVP: maryhowe@baymoon.com, 831-426-4272


Arts and Entertainment Thursdays

Square Dance

Suggested donation, $6 per person. 6:30 pm, German American Hall, information, call (831) 476-4711. 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz


Times Publishing Group, Inc. Aries (March 21-April 20)

Second Sundays Each Month

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair

More info scbaroque.org (831) 457-9693

Friday March 20

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

Paula Poundstone

9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St.

Ongoing Events Third Monday each month

Stitchers By The Sea Meetings 7 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, 1777 Capitola Rd., Santa Cruz

For more information, contact Sue or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail at caller4u@att.net.


Gemini (May 22-June 21) For more info: www.riotheatre.com

Modern Square Dancing Class

Saturday March 21 Sunday March 22

7:00pm, German-American Hall Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth

Pinot Paradise

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Last Thursdays each month

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante Tuesdays

4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/ Argentene Restarante, 21245 East

6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 150 Jewell St.



Private instruction and classes by arrangement. For more information, call Michael (831) 239-2247.



Dated Events

Peninsula Banjo Band

First Fridays each month



7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose

For more info, please contact us at (831) 476-6940 or visit us on Facebook.

First Friday Art Tour

Friday March 13 thru Sunday 15


Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

Saturday April 18 12-5p.m.

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

2015 Santa Cruz Paddlefest


Passport is $45.00

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

Saturday June 20 Silicon Valley Wine Check website for times www. santacruzpaddlefest,com

Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993BAND (2263) for information about booking the band for

in a First Friday art tour, visit

tax deductible). www.PeninsulaBanjoBand.org

galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.)

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Saturday March 14 Treasure from the 7:30-10 p.m.

5:30 - 8:30p.m. March to October


Second Fridays each month

Big Band Dance

7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County Senior Center 829 Bay Ave, Capitola

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)


More info www.scmwa.com

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Peninsula Banjo Band Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 29

Business Guide

Featured Columnist

Are you comfortable speaking in front of small groups and open to earning a six figure income? By Tiffany Mitchener, DVM

For more information please call Laura at: 831-728-5960

“Healthy Pet� page 31 30 / March 15th 2015 / Aptos Times

Photo by Portia Shao

SPCA Featured Pet

“Healthy Pet” from page 30


Column courtesy of Capitola Veterinary Hospital, 1220 H 41st Ave. Capitola, 831-476-7387. Website: capitolaveterinaryhospital.com/


Reserve your booth at the Expo and be a part of the

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2015 Official Program*


Booth Options include: 8 X 10 BOOTH CORNER 8 X 10 BOOTH 10 X 10 BOOTH CORNER 10 X 10 BOOTH OUTDOOR BOOTH

March Madness © Statepoint Media

Call to make your reservations today! 831-688-7549 Call the / -Ê*1 - Ê ,"1*]Ê ° at 831-688-7549 or fax us at 831-688-7551 9601 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003ÊÊUÊÊÃ> iÃJV >ÃÌ> i> `}>À`i °V ÜÜÜ°V >ÃÌ> i> `}>À`i °V

*Receive an overall discount for purchasing a full ad in the program along with a booth. Aptos Times / March 15th 2015 / 31

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