Aptos Times: February 15, 2017

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Regional Transportation Plan Fact Sheet

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a longrange (20-25 year) transportation plan for the Santa Cruz County area. The long-range transportation plan assesses the transportation challenges we face now and those we will face in the future. Full Story page 5

Update on Rancho Del Mar

Apple Barn Relocation Completed Construction on Building 4 and Barn Rehabilitation Begin this Month Barry Swenson Builder and Kelly Brothers House Movers have completed the relocation of the Hihn Apple Barn and are lowering the historic building to its new foundation in the heart of the future Aptos Village. Depending on the weather, the next step is for



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crews to pour the second stem wall section for the barn. Interior framing of the barn, one step in rehabilitating the historic structure that will become a New Leaf Community Market, also has begun. ... continued on page 4



Almost a year ago in the spring of 2016 we hosted a community organized with Terramar Retail Centers (the new Rancho Del Mar ownership group). Nearly 300 people attended for an opportunity to hear from Terramar about their ideas for the center and provide feedback on what we would like to see in the center. Full Story page 12

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Table of Contents


People Helping People For almost 60 years, Bay Federal Credit Union has been making a real

difference in our community. What started out as local teachers pulling their money together, has grown as

5 6 7 8 9 10

Community News Regional Transportation Plan Fact Sheet New Veterans Information Center – Grand Opening at Downtown Santa Cruz Library Gail Rich Awards Honors Gina Garcia of Worldanz by Jessica Johnson Community Raises Over 4.5 Million Meals – Second Harvest Reveals Holiday Food & Fund Drive Results Avenue Family & Women’s Center

Farm Bureau Poster & Poetry Contest 11 Soquel Demo State Forest Closure Update 12 Update on Rancho Del Mar – Community Meeting at Seascape Golf


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Spotlights Foster Youth, Advocate

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water Agency Planning Meeting 20 Finding a Good Nursing Home by Greg Dill 21 Winter Storms Strike State’s Transportation Infrastructure 22 The 21 Day Kindness Challenge – Local Elementary Schools Making a

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tunity for Music Students


Volume 26

No. 4

Cover Apple Barn Relocation Completed

AT I N G 6 0 Y


Redwood Mountain Faire June 3-4 26 Crisis Intervention Team Training 17

Local Sports Federally Insured by NCUA. Equal Housing Lender.

#OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page n Your February Horoscope

Featured Columnists 24 SCORE – Understanding The Finance Behind Owning a Business 25 Process 27 Staying Safe by Ryan Peters – No Falling Allowed! 30 3##!3 &EATURED 0ET s Page n dinaire



Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 3

Patrice Edwards Mikayla Witmer Noel Smith

publisher publisher’s assistant editor

contributing writers Noel Smith, Camisa Composti, Jessica Johnson, Greg Dill, Chris Clark, Zach Friend, Jeff Ursino, Ryan Peters layout Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney graphic artists Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Liz Senteney photography Michael Oppenheimer, Kevin Markley, Brad Hagenking website Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti production coordinator Liz Senteney advertising sales Don Beaumont, Louisa Sandman Jay Peters office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Annabelle Balcazar

Cover Story

The barn will become a New Leaf Community Market with doors that open into the Village Green common area, a new civic heart for Aptos. Additionally, the Soquel Creek Water

“Aptos Village Project” from page 1 The next phase of work at the site will be starting on the foundation of Building 4, the barn and opening onto the Village Green open space. Building 4 will provide

Crews also will begin working on structing a retaining wall to support Granite Aptos Village Way, a new street wholly Moving the barn began in late September. For the move, the 181-foot-long L-shaped building was divided into two

to develop a new well near Granite Way and Trout Gulch Road has been completed. This is part of the District’s Well Master Plan. was made about 100 years ago. Relocating and rehabilitating the barn is a key element

www.theaptosvillage.com/constructionSchedule” on the right side of the page.

Although the exact date the Hihn Apple Barn was constructed is not known, the barn

2012 after a decade of planning and community

appears to have been constructed c.18911899, with substantial additions in 1915 and c.1920, with the last bay (88 feet long by 36 feet wide) added in c.1929-1930.

homes and generous civic space to promote a healthy community. Located at the entrance to the Forest of Nisene Marks State Park, this that re-establishes Aptos Village as the civic

provided by the U.S. Green Building Council to the overall health, natural environment and quality of life in our communities.” visit www.theaptosvillage.com and sign up for email newsletter updates, or follow com/friendsofaptosvillage.

Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com mission statement We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

For over 35 years, Barry Swenson Builder has been a dynamic partner in building the Monterey Bay Area. BSB’s Santa Cruz County team is located in downtown Santa Cruz, where BSB has invested over $80 million in historic renovations and new construction since the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. Learn more at www.barryswensonbuilder.com. Learn more about Barry Swenson Builder’s work in the community in this short video: http://tinyurl.com/bsbsantacruz.

Community News

Regional Transportation Plan Fact Sheet What is The Regional Transportation Plan? he Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) is a long-range (20-25 year) transportation plan for the Santa Cruz County area. The long-range transportation plan assesses the transportation challenges we face now and those we will face in the future. The plan includes strategies to address our transportation challenges, a list of unmet multimodal transportation needs (highway, road, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, freight, airport, etc.), and priorities for limited funds.


years to address new trends, issues, and priorities, and to incorporate new state and federal regulations. The last Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Plan was adopted in June 2014. The next plan is scheduled for adoption in June 2018 and will be referred to as the 2040 RTP. How is the long-range transportation plan developed?


more funding become available is also reviewed to identify potential environmental impacts. There are opportunities at every stage of the development of the RTP for public, agency and committee input. The goals/policies, funding estimates and at the early stages will shape the draft and The Regional Transportation Plan pro-

20 to 25 years, based on population growth, environmental, economic and other social trends. funding available for transportation needed





system and sustainable outcomes.

for the region’s transportation system and craft overarching goals and policies, used to guide decisions. Performance measures or targets are also developed to track progress towards achieving the goals. Next, an estimate of all the potential local, state and federal funding available

regions must meet greenhouse gas reduction targets through a coordinated land use and transportation plan called the Sustainable Communities Strategy.

Based on the anticipated funding and the performance measures, the RTC pri-

planning for a balanced and multimodal transportation system, particularly for those transportation improvements needed to accommodate growth.

over the next 25 years. A list of additional

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“RTP” page 13


Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 5

Community News

New Veterans Information Center

Grand Opening at Downtown Santa Cruz Library SANTA CRUZ — The Santa Cruz Public Library System (SCPL) invited the entire community to the Grand Opening Celebration of the new Veterans Information Center housed in the Downtown Santa Cruz library. The Grand Opening Celebration was held Thursday February 16 with a ribbon cutting ceremony at noon. The event featured local dignitaries, a brief presentation about the new center, and refreshments. The Veterans Information Center at the Coaches to connect veterans and their families with local, state and federal resources on education, employment, housing, may be available. In addition, there is a collection of books and other resources, and access to computer equipment for extended periods in order to complete online applications and do research. The Veterans Information Center

services for which they are eligible. SCPL Librarians are also available for individual appointments. California public libraries, in partnership with California Department of

in collaboration with our local community veteran service organizations to positively impact the quality of life for veterans.

is seeking two energetic, committed volunteers to join our board of directors. One position requires Accounting/Finance expertise. Other desired experience includes:

Bilingual/Bicultural applicants encouraged to apply. Applications are available in both English and Spanish. Visit Application deadline:

6 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

for more information.

According to Susan Nemitz, Director of Libraries, “So many veterans have no idea that they are eligible to receive benefits. This new center will help us connect these veterans to the tools and information that can transform their lives.” After a soft launch in December 2016, the Veterans Information Center has already seen some success. According to Program Coordinator David Addison, “Collaboration with veteran service organizations in our community has helped shape the program for collective impact.

Many veterans, including homeless veterans, visit the library frequently. Most many are. We have already directly served some veterans and had some positive outcomes.” SCPL also has a web page dedicated to veterans resources, located at www.santacruzpl. org/veterans. For more information about the Veterans Information Center, or to volunteer (831) 427-7700 ext. 7671 or email vetconnect@ santacruzpl.org.

Community News

Gail Rich Awards Honors Gina Garcia of Worldanz By Jessica Johnson


educator, dancer, and creator of Worldanz, will be formally recognized as an inspiration to our community.

honored at this year’s Gail Rich Awards held at the Rio Theater. The event is free and open to the public. The Gail Rich Award winners are nominated by the community, chosen by longtime Santa Cruz Sentinel entertainment Gail Rich editor Wallace Baine, and photographed by award-winning photographer Shmuel Thaler. This years’ other honorees are writer and Executive Director of the Young Writer’s Program, Julia Chiapella; sculptor Michael Leeds; actor and Artistic Director of Santa Cruz Shakespeare Mike Ryan; and musician Patti Maxine. I caught up with Gina recently and asked her what it was about dance and love people,” she said. “The community me happy.” Energy, community and connection are themes that come up frequently when talking with Garcia who was born and spent her early years in Guatemala. Garcia explained that the Guatemalan culture was “very social” and as a teen she had a lot of freedom to spend time with her friends. great uncle who was an artist and took her on as an apprentice of sorts, teaching her art technique and color theory from a very young age. At the same time, she dabbled in gymnastics and dance, until at age 16, she moved to the United States with her American mother. While living in the U.S. was quite different from life in Guatemala, Garcia found a home at the San Francisco School of the Arts where she found a supportive home in the art department. She also began a as Afro-Haitian dance. Ultimately, Garcia dedicated herself to the study of art and enrolled at Boston University, where she ran more than she danced and spent a great deal of time working on art installations. As is the case for many creative types, her time away from dance took its toll on Garcia’s soul, and she found herself

Gina Garcia

depressed and yearning to return to the was going through a very hard time, “she recalled, “and every time I drove into Santa Cruz I would feel instantly relieved and happy…the cloud would lift.” It was an easy decision, then, for Garcia to transfer to UCSC to continue her studies, eventually receiving her degree in Fine Arts and spending a great deal of time also studying psychology, and cultural anthropology. She worked as a SPECTRA artist, studied [the Brazilian martial art]

African, Afro-Haitian, Dancehall, Samba, and Bollywood, to mention a few. Garcia has also begun to train others to become Worldanz teachers, with 14 people

lasts nine months and insures each dance element is taught with integrity to its origin. Ultimately, Garcia wants teachers and students alike to feel “ecstatic when they

are dancing, to lose themselves and let go without being self-conscious.” Learn more about Gina Garcia and Worldanz and view class schedules at www. Worldanz.com. Join the community in celebrating Garcia and her fellow honorees at the 21st Annual Gail Rich Awards on Wednesday, February 22 at 7:30 pm at the Rio Theater, 1205 Soquel Avenue in Santa Cruz. The event is free and open to the public.

the high intensity work out it gave her. Then she had the idea that she wanted to combine what she had been studying art, dance, psychology, anthropology, with how she had been moving — intensely and says. “It should be pleasurable.” Thus, the idea for Worldanz, which years, was formed. She began teaching in a free classes to get the word out. Garcia recalls that at the time, “Ten people was a full class.” Today a full class has 60 people, and Garcia teaches seven days a week from UCSC to Watsonville and points in between. The Worldanz experience is a high-energy, anaerobic workout bringing in dance styles from around the world, including WestAptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 7

Community News

Community Raises Over 4.5 Million Meals Second Harvest Reveals Holiday Food & Fund Drive Results WATSONVILLE — At a breakfast at Second Harvest Food Bank revealed the results of its annual Holiday Food & Fund Drive to the civic, business, and elected leaders in attendance that helped organize the drive. In all, the community raised 4,513,399 meals, surpassing the goal of 4.5 million meals. The ambitious 2016 goal was 500,000 meals higher than the prior year, and was reached in large part due to the leadership of the drive’s two co-chairs, Dr. Nanette Mickiewicz, President and CEO of Dominican Hospital and Jess Brown, Executive Director of the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. As in prior years, Second Harvest announced the achievement visually, this year with a series of panels held by members of the audience that stretched 15 feet across the front of the room. A thermometer full of plates of dinners, instead of mercury, showed the community surpassing both the prior year’s total of 4,166,490 and this drive’s goal of 4,500,000 meals. The healthy meals raised by schools, businesses, cities, neighborhood groups, and others in the annual drive will help over 55,000 county residents each month through Second Harvest’s network of 200 agencies and programs. really stepped up this year, and together we set yet another hospital record for donations,” Dr. Mickiewicz remarked. “This support is part of Dominican’s longstanding partnership with Second Harvest to keep our community healthy.” “This year, as part of the Holiday

Food & Fund Drive,” added Farm Bureau Executive Director Jess Brown, “Nan [Mickiewicz] and I took two ‘road trips’ and visited various businesses, organizations, and agencies to see how they were approaching the task of raising food and funds. We were blown away with the creative ideas groups are using to inspire participation. We live in a very caring community. People want to help others.” “We felt it was important to ‘up’ our goal

with this drive,” Elliott-McCrea explained. “Four and a half million meals sounds like dents of Santa Cruz County face hunger. The high cost of living here really stretches the resources of our working poor. People are forced to make hard choices between necessities like medicine, housing, and food. So we challenged the community to help more people in need, and they came through.” “Businesses, neighborhoods, schools,

churches and other organizations all worked so hard through the Holiday Food & Fund Drive to raise food for people in need,” Elliott-McCrea added. “It’s thrilling to come together to celebrate what our community was able to accomplish this year. The food raised will help feed families, veterans, children, and seniors all year long. Everyone should have access to healthy food.” Dignity Health Dominican Hospital has been caring for the Santa Cruz County

Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau is the largest agricultural organization in the county and provides a voice for those

www.sccfb.com Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Cruz County was founded in 1972. Its mission is to end hunger and malnutrition by educating and involving the community. Its network of 200 local agencies and programs feeds 55,000 people in Santa Cruz County every month. For every dollar donated, it provides four healthy meals. learn more visit: www.thefoodbank.org 8 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

Community News

Armenian Pianist to Perform at Aptos High


n a time when cuts to education have drastically impacted the arts, the Santa

the leadership of Superintendent Michael Watkins, works to keep the arts alive in our schools. The SCCOE does this in many ways through its consistent and ongoing support of community arts organizations such as the Distinguished Artist Concert and Lecture Series. The SCCOE, along with the county’s school districts and schools are concerned and passionate about bringing music to our students and to these world-class pianists. At the Aptos High Performing Arts will hear amazing piano music from Sofya singing line and an exquisite artistic sensibility,” Armenian-born pianist Sofya Melikyan is recognized as an artist with a unique voice, who combines “high-wire virtuosity” with “deep musical intuition and ability to connect with the audience” (Mundoclasico).

“Sofya’s relationship with her instrument is fraught with meaning and complexity — she lives through each piece as if it is a reminder, a longing, a moment in life...” Review of Carnegie Hall performance Ms. Melikyan has toured throughout Europe, USA, Canada, Japan and Australia with performances at such venues as Carnegie Hall in New York, Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, Armenian Philharmonic Hall, Jordan Hall in Boston, Salle Cortot in Paris, among many others. She appeared as a soloist with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra of Spain, Cordoba Symphony Orchestra, Valencia Symphony Orchestra, New Europe Chamber Orchestra, Philharmonic Orchestra of Andalucía, Youth Spanish National Orchestra.

The artists whom John Orlando, Executive Director of the Distinguished Artist Concert and Lecture Series, brings to the Santa Cruz community are outstanding and highly accomplished musicians.

Armenian Pianist Sofya Melikyan Also performing Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017 at Peace United Church 900 High Street Santa Cruz 4 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets Online: www.Distinguished Artists.org $5 more at the door Granados: Goyescas

Bay Fed Supports Walnut Avenue Family & Women’s Center Donations from Businesses, Employees Make Annual Silent Auction Possible CAPITOLA — Bay Federal Credit Union’s annual silent auction generated $8,561 to support the Walnut Avenue Family & Women’s Center at the Credit Union’s annual employee appreciation celebration in January. In all, 60 businesses in the Greater Federal employees in donating goods or services to the silent auction, which is a key component of Bay Federal’s extensive community support program. In past years, the

silent auction has sent thousands of dollars tunity, Aztecas Soccer Program, Easter The mission of the Walnut Avenue support and services to women and families so that they will have the skills and opportunity to thrive. It will use the funds to make long deferred capital improvements to enhance the safety and security of the center.

Walnut Avenue Family & Women’s zation dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, children, and families in Santa Cruz County for over 80 years. Strengths-based, supportive programs in childcare, youth development, parenting, domestic violence awareness & prevention, and advocacy are our primary focus. Many of the families participating in Walnut Avenue programs are from underserved populations due to poverty, early pregnancy, homelessness and/or domestic violence. Walnut Avenue seeks to improve

the economic, physical, and emotional well-being of all the families served.

65,000 members and 1,200 local businesses throughout Santa Cruz, San Benito, and Monterey counties serving its members and the community since 1957.

Bay Federal Credit Union employees present a check for $8,561 to the Walnut Avenue Family and Women’s Center representatives Feb. 9. Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 9

Community News

Cabrillo Ethics Bowl Team Wins Regional Advances to National Intercollegiate Competition February 26


abrillo College announced that its Ethics Bowl team would advance to compete in the 21st International Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl National Competition on February 26 in Dallas, Texas team in the competition’s 21-year history to win a regional competition against fouryear colleges and universities. Cabrillo College won the regional competition held in December 2016. Sponsored by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, the regional competition included competitors from colleges and four-year universities spanning California, Utah and Arizona. that a community college had ever won an intercollegiate regional competition in the event’s history, and that win secured its spot among the top 36 regional teams that will then go on to compete in the National Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, which will be held in Dallas on February 26th.

Ella Rose Carroll, Cameron Ellis, Liv Johansson, Max Umney, and Shane Wright. The Cabrillo Ethics Bowl team is coached by Cabrillo Philosophy Department faculty Nancy Brown and Claudia Close. “What makes their win even more second-year college students who competed against teams from other four-year colleges and universities composed princiClose, Philosophy Department Instructor and Department Chair. “Throughout the competition, the Cabrillo students were poised and professional, and demonstrated exemplary teamwork and good sportsmanship.” The Association for Practical and Professional Ethics organizes 11 Regional competitions throughout the United States and Canada. Student teams research, analyze and construct arguments, defending their assessment of the sigsocial, legislative, medical, business, and general interest events. Students must demonstrate that they have considered the facts of the case, can comprehend and articulate the underlying relevant ethical principles, defend their claims about how the case should be

resolved, and answer challenges to their arguments put forward by the opposing side. In the regional competition, the winning Cabrillo team competed through

round, two cases were considered. Students did not know which of the 12 cases that they had prepared would be the focus, nor did they know what the question would be. They presented their argument, responded

National Agriculture Day Farm Bureau Poster & Poetry Contest


gri-Culture and Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau are currently

Poster Contest – Open to Grades K –6 Agriculture Day Poetry Contest – – 12 The theme for both contests is “Grown in Santa Cruz County and The poster contest is open to grades K – 6 with the top entries in each grade level advancing to receive a $200 award and will be a guest at the National Agriculture Day Spring Luncheon. 10 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

The poetry contest is open to grades

$200 award and will be a guest at the National Agriculture Day Spring Luncheon. The winning poster and poem entries will be published on 20,000 placemats and distributed to restaurants countywide next year! Entries must be postmarked or delivered to 141 Monte Vista Ave., Watsonville by Wednesday, Feb. 22. In Honor of Spring – National Agriculture Day Spring Luncheon Heritage Hall, Santa Cruz County 2016 Third Place Poster Contest Winner Gabriel Rodriquez

Community News

Soquel Demo State Forest Closure Update T “there are well over 100 areas of damage on county roads and recovery will be a longterm process. He also asks county residents to not drive on county roads during storm events if possible. Please respect closures and don’t risk your life by going to closed areas or areas with active operations.” Violation of the SDSF closure is a misdemeanor under the authority of Title 14, Section 1439, California Code of Regulations. Violators found at SDSF will be cited. A sunny weekend is forecasted but hazardous conditions remain. This closure of SDSF is temporary and the public can expect the forest to reopen once weather conditions allow for repairs to be made and hazardous conditions to be mitigated. For

he California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), Soquel Demonstration State Forest

use, including hiking and cycling on tional 25 inches of rain has been recorded This has been the second wettest winter in Santa Cruz county in recorded history and there is still more rain in the forecast. This extreme weather has caused more damage to the forest infrastructure and neighboring properties. SDSF is closed due to multiple active massive amounts of mud, trees and other debris across roads, trails and other visitor areas without warning. SDSF averages

With the current lack of access, it would be impossible to perform any rescue at SDSF and therefore must remain closed until access is restored. In addition to the damage on SDSF roads and trails, large slides have closed Highland Way and Eureka Canyon Road

that are the county access roads to SDSF. County workers and contractors continue to work around the clock on county roads to keep them open for the public and emergency services. Santa Cruz County Public

calfire.ca.gov/resource_mgt/ resource_mgt_stateforests_soquel -

CAL FIRE Soquel Demonstration State Forest Facebook page @CALFIRESoquel

Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 11

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Community News

Update on Rancho Del Mar By Zach Friend


lmost a year ago in the spring of 2016 we hosted a community organized with Terramar Retail Centers (the new Rancho Del Mar ownership group). Nearly 300 people attended for an opportunity to hear from Terramar about their ideas for the center and provide feedback on what we would like to see in the center. At that meeting Terramar said they had no plans to change the overall footprovided a timeline of two years for the remodel to be complete and spoke about the fact that some of the current businesses may be moving within the center to either






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needs. Many in the community that spoke encouraged that any new businesses in the center be local (non-chain) stores and asked for a variety of options – from new restaurants to other services. Additionally, we secured a commitment from Terramar to hold another community meeting as they had more formal plans to share (based on this community input). However, since time there has been growing concern about some businesses closing (or moving) and a number of questions about the status and condition of the center. I’ve remained in contact with Terramar to express these concerns and to ensure that they maintain communication with the impacted businesses and follow through on another community meeting. As a result, Terramar has planned another community meeting at Seascape

23 (with the program starting closer to plans with all of us at this meeting and requesting feedback. If you have questions directly for Terramar you can contact Bruce Walton

Rancho Del Mar Community Meeting at Seascape Golf Course February 23, 2017 - 6:00 - 7:30 pm As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 454-2200.

Community News Annual Community Grants Program Provides $170,000 To Local Organizations viduals of all ages to a dental home, so that lack of dental care doesn’t stand

SANTA CRUZ — Dignity Health Dominican Hospital has awarded more -

securing housing, and going to school. Digital NEST Enterprise program, which will provide economic security through vocational training for 50 youth participants; business development support in web and video for at least four local,

Community Grants Program. Each of the and providing resources and support for the families, youth, and individuals in Santa Cruz County who are most in need. “Central to Dominican’s mission is supporting the health and wellness of our community in meaningful, measurable ways,” said Dominican Hospital President Nanette Mickiewicz, MD. “The six organizations receiving these grants continually inspire us with the impactful work they do, and we are honored to help support them.” Grants were awarded to the following

and youth income; and the provision of at least 2,250 healthy meals to participating youth. Encompass Community Services program to prevent and address mental health emergencies among adolescents, reduce stigma, enhance capacity for service coordination,

Dientes Community Dental Care $40,000 to connect homeless indi-

and increase parent capacity and skills to recognize and address needs. Homeless Services Center for the Recuperative Care Center to address the issue of homelessness in Santa Cruz County by providing health care services and links to community resources for homeless individuals at the conclusion of a hospitalization or ER visit. Janus of Santa Cruz

underinsured, and undocumented populations of Santa Cruz County. Dominican’s community grants were awarded at a luncheon event on Friday, Feb. 10 at Chaminade Resort & Spa. Since the early 1990s, community organizations have received nearly $2.5 million in grants from Dominican Hospital to promote the health and wellness of Santa Cruz County.

more integrated approach to behavservices through interagency collaboration and care coordination. RotaCare Bay Area Santa Cruz RotaCare Free Clinic, to market a program that addresses the health needs of the uninsured,

The 2017 awardees include: Dientes Community Dental Care, Digital NEST, Encompass Community Services, Homeless Services Center, and Janus of Santa Cruz.

“RIP” from page 5 Why a focus on sustainability? he RTC represents diverse transportation interests and assesses the impacts of transportation investments on environmental, economic and social concerns. A focus on sustainability can assist in providing balanced evaluation of transportation


these areas are intertwined, not exclusionary. This approach evaluates how transportation investments impact people’s

health and safety, the economic vitality of the region, and the universal need for a healthy planet. Some investments are win/win, but some require trade-offs in the three areas of economy, environment and people. This focus on sustainability assists the RTC in identifying these trade-offs and achieving multiple longterm goals. How can you get involved? lanning for the 2040 RTP has begun!


you think should be considered for sccrtc.org/funding-planning/

/funding-planning/long-range-plans /2040-rtp/

calling 831-460-3200 or signing up on the RTC website www.sccrtc.org

Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments’ Sustainable ambag.org. Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 13

Community News

SC County Coroner Unit: Then and Now


lthough the County is policed by

mandated to investigate and determine the cause and manner of deaths for nearly everyone who dies in the county. In instances of criminal, accidental, suicidal, or sudden unexplained natural deaths, the responsibility to solve these mysteries falls to Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Stephany Fiore, and her team of Coroner Detectives. Many Hollywood shows dramatize this type of work but for our Coroner Unit this real life assignment is part investigation and part compassion. The help Dr. Fiore and her Detectives provide to lovedOur Coroner Unit has evolved over the years from forensic examinations conducted by pathologists at local mortuaries, to the use of the County Morgue at the Emeline Health Center in the 1980’s (pictured above), to our recent move to

5200 Soquel Ave. We have evolved over time and are proud of the service we are

our new morgue facility, but with our new Forensic Pathologist and the recent acquisition of x-ray equipment. In 2013, Dr. Stephany Fiore came to us from the Sacramento County CoroPathologist. Dr. Fiore has conducted well over 6,000 autopsies and has a wealth of knowledge with regards to forensic and solving mysteries. Performing an autopsy to determine cause of death is essentially solving the mystery of why someone passes away. It involves gathering and analyzing clues and coming up with the most likely explanation for what happened. I also their loved one is no longer with them. It helps with their grief and allows them to achieve closure.” Dr. Fiore received her education from San Jose State, St. Louis University and University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. She gained her specialty training in forensic pathology and neuropathology from the Sacramento County Coroner’s the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Dr. Fiore said

County Morgue at the Emeline Health Center in the 1980’s

Cruz County and being closer to family who also reside in the area. She said the relatively slower pace here as compared to Sacramento, has given her time to focus on more community-based rently working with

other health care professionals to see how demic that is facing the nation by taking a detailed look at our drug-related deaths address these issues. Dr. Fiore and her team use many tools. Recently, they acquired an x-ray machine to help provide more information. Until now, x-rays were primarily used for homicide victims and were done at a separate county facility. Dr. Fiore said, “Now we have the ability to better docon all manners of death, such as motor vehicle accidents and falls.” In addition to providing more information, the x-ray equipment gives the Coroner Unit the ability to better support various religious preferences. “Sometimes families would prefer that an autopsy not be performed due to

when they enter hollow structures like the aorta or the gastrointestinal system. I had a case once where the decedent was shot in the chest and the bullet entered the esophagus but ended up lodged inside the colon by the appendix. This would never have been

“Now we have the ability to better document bone injuries on all manners of death, such as motor vehicle accidents and falls.” — Dr.

have the ability to document bone trauma in motor vehicle accidents and falls without having to cut open the body. Depending on the circumstances and extent of trauma, 14 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

this may allow us to perform an external examination instead of a full autopsy while not losing information needed to determine cause of death” “Another limitation of not having inhouse x-ray comes when hunting down wayward bullets,” Dr. Fiore said. “Bullets can take unusual paths and can sometimes

x-ray.” Our Coroner Unit has come a long way over the years. From our prior facility at Emeline to our new morgue, equipment Stephany Fiore and expertise, this is only a small example of the great amount of work our Coroner the best service we can to those in our beautiful County and thank everyone who have helped us achieve this level of service.

SCCAS Spay Day 2017

Community News

50 FREE Spay/Neuters & Microchips Saturday, February 25


Cruz County Animal Shelter (SCCAS)

surgeries and microchips for Santa Cruz County resident Chihuahuas, Pit Bulls and cats over the age of 8 weeks. Registration and scheduling for the free surgeries and microchips will be a.m. to 2 p.m. at the SCCAS and FOWAS (Friends of Watsonville Animal Shelter) Planned Pethood South clinic, 150A Pennsylvania Drive in Wat-

sonville. Animal owners should not bring their animals to register and must bring proof of residence in Santa Cruz County.

animals per residence. The goals are to help reduce our homeless animal population and help residents comply with current animal ownership laws. County law requires that dogs and cats over the age of six months that reside in Santa Cruz County must be spayed or neutered. All surgeries are performed by a licensed veterinarian with a professional focus on spay/neuter procedures. Surgeries include a preoperative exam by a veterinarian, pain medication and dissolvable sutures. To receive the free spay or neuter surgery and microchip, SCCAS provides and requires a rabies vaccination (if not current), a dog license (if not current), or older and if a cat is 9 years old or older.

Rabies vaccination (dogs and cats over three months of age) $10 License for altered old and over and cats 9 years old an over) $55 “SCCAS receives a high percentage of Chihuahuas, Pit Bulls and cats,” says Melanie Sobel, SCCAS general manager. “This targeted spay/neuter and microchip initiative will help end unwanted births, increase the number of animals returned to

their owners and save taxpayers’ money at the same time.” Also, spaying and neutering pets can be

behaviors like urine spraying as well as eliminate or reduce the risks of ovarian, uterine, mammary, testicular and prostate cancers. For more information, please visit www.scanimalshelter.org.

Meet the Author: Susan Samuels Drake


a.m., The Porter Memorial Library continues its Meet the Author series with Susan Samuels Drake. Our Meet the Author series continues with Susan Samuels Drake. Drake Remembering Cesar Chavez and the People Whose Labor Feeds Us. Her poetic memoir, based on her 31-year-long friendship with the labor leader, follows served communities in California’s Central Valley. She served as Chavez’ secretary for three of those years. or interviews, my writing is a cover for my insatiable curiosity about creatures twolegged, four-legged and how many legs

do ants have?” Her essays, nostalgia, features, poetry and interviews have appeared in local magazines, newspapers, and international textbooks. The Meet the Author programs

authors discuss their works, answer questions form the audience and autograph copies of their books. The programs are free and open to the public. They are scheduled for the second Wednesday of January,

The library is located at 3050 Porter Street, Soquel. Limited parking is available behind the library. Enter from Soquel Drive into the Bagelry parking lot and drive through to the left. For more information, call the library at 475-3326 during library hours: MondayFriday 12-4 and Saturday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m., or visit the library website at: www.porterml.org Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 15

Community News

Bay Fed Employees Give 100% Community Support CAPITOLA — Bay Federal Credit Union saw 100% community support by its employees, who gave their own money and volunteered for local organizations, for the 15th straight year in 2016. While Bay Federal has a strong history of the community over the past 60 years, a formal program for community support organization and tracking stretches back to 2002, when President and CEO Carrie Birkhofer challenged employees to 100% involvement.

The program is now run by 10 employee volunteers who comprise a Community Support Steering Committee with guidance from key leaders within Bay Federal. They vet organizations and plan the Credit Union’s involvement in the community. In 2016, the committee arranged 32 opportunities for

received an additional $10,000 grant from

local Children’s Miracle N e t w o r k hospital. The committee arranged fundraisers for Santa Cruz County’s Big Brothers Big Sisters, Meals on Wheels, and Second Harvest Food Bank, among others. They also Bay Federal Credit Union’s River Street Branch donated these stuffed animals to CASA c o o r d i n a t e d of Santa Cruz County for abused and neglected children as part of a Credit Union-wide p a r t i c i p a t i o n effort in February 2016. 60th Women’s Shelter Mother’s Day Walk/ we can keep up our momentum and conAmerican Cancer Society’s Relay for Life events in three cities. “A running streak of 100% community engagement from our team members over 15 years is more than I could have dreamed of,” Birkhofer said. “As we celebrate our

who do so much for our community.” The community support program tracks participation based on a points support and 1/3 point for monetary support.

Free Citizenship Workshop Santa Cruz Public Libraries Downtown Branch

SANTA CRUZ — The Santa Cruz Public Library System (SCPL) will host a free Citizenship information session and application workshop at the Downtown Branch Library at 224 Church St. on February 18th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free citizenship throughout the region by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in partnership with libraries and community centers around the Bay Area to provide accessible immigration resources to the community. The event begins with a session designed to provide participants with information on the citizenship application process and the eligibility requirements to become an American citizen. Those who are ready to apply can register in advance for a free on-site

one-on-one session with an IRC trained immigration specialist who will help complete and submit the citizenship application (N-400); and participant’s behalf (if applicable). Afterwards and throughout the entire naturalization process, IRC will follow-up with the status of cases and serve as a representative with USCIS. To register for the workshop please

also register online at citizenshipsantacruz. eventbrite.com. According to Director of Libraries Susan Nemitz, the Santa Cruz Public Libraries’ collaboration with IRC supports the Library’s mission by providing space and information that connects people with resources to empower themselves and strengthen community networks. She says, “Navigating the citizenship process can be overwhelming, and bringing this type of assistance to the community is critical.” Workshop Info: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

16 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times




Local Sports

Aptos High’s JV Boys Undefeated!


he Aptos High Junior Varsity Boys

undefeated season since 1998. The Mariners were victorious in all 24 games it In December, the Mariners won the Bob Hagen Memorial Tournament in Gilroy. Logan Feldbrugge was named to the All-Tournament team, and Silvano Lopez was awarded the tournament’s Most Valuable Player. Later that month, the team won the Watsonville JV Tournament. Lopez was named to the All-Tournament team, along with Anthony Sanchez. Hunter Matys took home MVP honors. In addition to winning those tournaments, Aptos defeated McClymonds (Oakland), Gilroy, Saratoga, Leigh (Campbell), Westmont (Campbell) and Salinas in non-league games. Trailing by 13 points at halftime against Leigh, Feldbrugge led the Mariners with 31 points in a comeback victory. The Mariners went 12-0 to win the Santa Cruz Coast Athletic League title,

matching its 12-0 non-league record. The closest that Aptos came to losing all season was in a three point victory over Santa Cruz on January 5. Down by six with less than two minutes to play, the Mariners were sparked by a three point shot by Connor Nowark. Nowark followed that up with steals on consecutive possessions to help take the lead back for good with under a minute to play. trailed in fourth quarter only once, won 20 of its 24 games by double digits, and averaged a 16-point victory. Coached by Chris Grieves and Michael Sutherland, the roster included Logan Feldbrugge, Silvano Lopez, Anthony Sanchez, Hunter Matys, Connor Nowark, Jackson Shirley, Marcel Lopez, Casey Weeland, Grant Lawrence, Josh Barry, Alex Taylor, Kyle Passey, Hayden Mennie, and team captains Shane Modena and Jacob Kluger. All 15 players are in their sophomore year, and everyone contributed greatly to the success of the team.

Standing (from left): Coach Chris Grieves, Connor Nowark, Logan Feldbrugge, Marcel Lopez (4), Shane Modena, Josh Barry (14), Casey Weeland, Hayden Mennie (behind trophy), Kyle Passey, Alex Taylor (24), Anthony Sanchez, Grant Lawrence, and Coach Michael Sutherland. Kneeling: Jacob Kluger, Jackson Shirley, Silvano Lopez, and Hunter Matys.

Aptos High School Varsity Scoreboard Soccer Girls Season Record (14-2-1, SCCAL 11-0-0) Coach: Jessica Perkin ~~ 2017 SCCAL League Champs! ~~ Aptos 1 – SLV 0 (Feb 14, Away*) Aptos Stats goal; Lauren Inman assist

7960 Soquel Drive Aptos, CA 95003

Aptos 1 – Santa Cruz 0 (Feb 9, Hm*) Aptos Stats goal; Maya Pruett assist; Carolyn Miller 3 saves Aptos 10 – St. Francis 0 “Scoreboard” page 26

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Conveniently located off Highway 1 and just outside Aptos Village, the Aptos Village Square hosts a number of local Aptos businesses. Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 17

Community News

Chief of Police Announces Retirement SANTA CRUZ — Santa Cruz Chief of Police Kevin Vogel has announced his

activity to occur. Time Magazine named the Santa Cruz Police Department’s Predictive Policing technology as one of the 50 best inventions of 2011. The Santa Cruz Police Department has increased transparency and community involvement through the creation of a Chief’s Advisory Committee comprised of community members, a Citizen’s Police

was hired by the department on FebDecember 2010. Beginning his law enforcement career with the Santa Cruz Police Department, Kevin attended a 16-week basic police academy as a police

Teen Public Safety Academy, as well as the P.R.I.D.E. program geared toward keeping at-risk youth out of gangs. “For thirty years, Kevin served the Santa Cruz community with honor and distinction. He is a model of integrity and professionalism and it has been an honor to work with him,” stated City Manager Martín Bernal. “He epitomizes the values of teamwork, leadership, and public service. He has dedicated his career to improving the quality of life in our com-

and was sworn in as a




served as a patrol and detective. He was promoted to sergeant in 1995, where he served as a supervisor in patrol, downtown and investigations; he was promoted to lieutenant in 2002, where he served in patrol and community services and was promoted to deputy chief of police in 2004, where he served in both

public safety issues faced by cities.” Kevin took command of the Department as its 21st Chief of Police on December 9, 2010. Under his leadership, the Department succeeded in enhancing public safety by leveraging the Departemerging technologies. The Santa Cruz Police Department collaborated with two UC Santa Cruz graduate students to develop a mobile industry, that gives community members a wealth of information in the palm of

their hand. The Department was recognized by the League of California Cities as a recipient of the Helen Putnam Award of Excellence for the development of the mobile smartphone app. The Santa Cruz Police Department collaborated with a Santa Clara University math professor to develop and introduce a technology known as Predictive Policing, a concept in which historical crime data is used to predict areas within the City that have the highest probability for future criminal

“it has been a tremendous honor to work alongside the dedicated men and women in the Police Department, and to serve the Santa Cruz community. I will miss each and every employee.” Following his departure, Kevin will shift his focus to spending much more time with his family, traveling and completing City Manager Bernal will begin the process to identify Kevin’s successor in the coming months.

CASA’s Annual Luncheon Spotlights Foster Youth, Advocate


ASA’s annual For the Love of Children luncheon on February 8 celebrated 25 years of service to children and youth in foster care. Hosted by the Friends of CASA, a volunteer auxiliary that supports CASA, luncheon guests heard from Paola Centeno, who described how having a CASA Advocate changed her life. Paola described how she was removed from her family when she was 15 years old because of abuse, and placed in a foster home. “My foster mom was nice,” Paola

said, “but it was hard that my life had changed so much.” Paola said the good thing that came out of this experience was that Dawn Wells became her Advocate. “I Paola said. Paola, now 18 years old, graduated from high school in December. She is working full-time, and lives on her own with her infant daughter. As for her CASA, Paola said, “She’ll always be by my side.” Advocate Doug Fischer, Vice President at Santa Cruz County Bank, also shared his experiences as an Advocate for the past

of CASA’s support, and the support of the Children’s Fund’” said Doug, “boys like my CASA youth are able to receive things that not only give them a feeling of comfort, but allow them to grow in ways they may never had thought possible.” Honorable Rebecca Connolly, also spoke at

man. Doug’s CASA youth was in a very unusual situation, with very unique needs. Doug said, “His educational needs were start.” Through CASA’s Children’s Fund, Doug was able to get the tutoring support his CASA youth so desperately needed. The young man now carries a 4.0 GPA. “Because 18 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

safety and stability to the child, and they give the court insight on that child that we might not otherwise have.” For information on how to support children and youth in foster care, please call (831) 7612956, or visit www.casaofsantacruz.org.

California News

Home Front: California During World War II

California Archives Digital Exhibit Focuses on Transformative Period in State’s History SACRAMENTO — The California State Archives released its latest online

fornia Secretary of State, and the nation’s

World War II”. The Home Front exhibit is the latest in a series developed by Archives www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/

Inc. Secretary Padilla is committed to sharing California’s history through the rich and expansive collections of our State Archives. To view all of the State Archives’ exhibits available via the Google Cul-

“World War II had a profound impact on California,” Secretary of State Alex Padilla said. “The social and economic fabric of California was forever transformed, as the war brought massive changes to the home front. Scrap metal drives, victory gardens, and rationing became the new normal as Californians

and many Californians entered new indus-

numbers.” “World War II was a transformative period in California history. Many citizens through their service both at home and overseas. World War II also represents one of the darkest periods in our state’s history, as over 110,000 Americans of Japanese descent, most of them U.S. citizens, were forced into internment camps,” Padilla said. “Families faced loss of liberty and livelihood. Japanese Americans lost everything as they were forced to sell their homes, businesses, and other possessions for pennies on the dollar and live behind barbed wire for the duration of the war.”

These photographs show classes at an aviation sheetmetal school, where men and women alike learned how to

for compiling the photos, telegraphs, and records that help tell the story of California during World War II. Through our partnership with Google this history will be easily accessible online the world over,” Padilla added.

World War II” is the sixth digital exhibit released through a partnership between the State Archives and Google Cultural

com/culturalinstitute/beta/partner/ california-state-archives. As part of this partnership, the State Archives will continue to digitize exhibits for inclusion on the Google Cultural Institute website. California’s nascent aircraft industry also expanded drastically during World War II. Employing only 20,000 people in 1939, by 1944 over 280,000 people worked to build planes and aircraft parts in factories around the state. As with shipbuilding, aircraft construction techniques were revolutionized by the introduction of mass production methods, allowing for the production of more planes in less time. The rapid expansion of these heavy industries resulted in an employment shortage that ultimately changed the face of California’s workforce. Many of the and were not, therefore, available to work in the factories, shipyards, and aircraft

construction of the Bay Bridge, California’s

Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency Planning Meeting Feb. 22, 7 – 9 p.m. Scotts Valley Water District, 2 Civic Center Dr., Scotts Valley


esidents within the boundaries of the Santa Margarita Groundwater Basin are invited to attend a public workshop on the formation of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) to help guide the long-term protection of critical aquifers and local water supplies. Forming a roughly triangular area between Felton, Ben Lomond and Scotts Valley, the Santa Margarita Basin is in a state of overdraft, resulting in lowered groundwater levels the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, a GSA must be formed to achieve groundwater sustainability by 2040, a solution that will likely involve a

a workshop will be held at the following groundwater recharge and supplemental supply. The County of Santa Cruz, the San Lorenzo Valley Water District, and the Scotts Valley Water District are working together to address overdraft of the basin and comply with state requirements. The San Lorenzo Valley Water District, Scotts Valley Water District, and commercial and private well owners are all users of the basin. Residents and private well owners are encouraged to stay informed and participate in the process by visiting www.smgwa.org, where they may also sign up for the newsletter. In addition,

Santa Margarita Groundwater Agency

Valley Water District, 2 Civic Center Dr., Scotts Valley

We accept most insurance.

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Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 19

Community News

Finding a Good Nursing Home By Greg Dill


ne recent Sunday morning, I woke up to a text message from a coworker saying she’d been up all night with her mother in the emergency room. Her mom had fallen, broken her hip, and was getting admitted to the hospital for surgery. As you can imagine, my colleague was exhausted, worried, and facing some important decisions. Even as her mom was being prepped for surgery, the hospital’s care coordinator was asking which rehabilitation facility she should be sent to afterwards.

for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), my associate has a better-than-average understanding of the healthcare system. facility for a loved one. So she turned to an online tool CMS developed to help people need one. The tool is called Nursing Home

www. Medicare.gov website. Just click on the button that says, “Find nursing homes.” Enter your zip code or city and you can begin your search. Nursing Home Compare assigns from that participates in Medicare or Medicaid, These star ratings give you and your family an easy-to-understand summary of three important dimensions of nursing home information, and quality-of-care. The goal of our Five-Star Quality Rating System is to help people distinguish

between higher- and lower-performing nursing homes. CMS also wants to help nursing homes identify problem areas and to improve their quality. Nursing facilities receive an overall

star rating based on three types of performance indicators, each of which has its “Nursing Home” page 26

Tickets: Tickets: $60 $60 for for adults adults $35 $35 for for children children under under 12 12 Exciting Exciting Live Live and and Silent Silent Auction Auction Items! Items!

Crab Feed

Saturday, March 4, 6pm Tickets at fairgrounds-foundation.org 20 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

California News

Winter Storms Strike State’s Transportation Infrastructure

More than 4,000 Caltrans Employees Working 24/7 to Restore State’s Highway System SACRAMENTO — Caltrans crews in California to repair roadways impacted by recent storms and unstable soil. “Our roadways have been pounded this winter by the severe weather conditions,” said Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty. “Crews are mobilized across the state removing debris, repairing road assessing ongoing risks. As we work to reopen many of our roadways, we are also preparing for the next wave of storms. We will continue to work around the clock.” Every region in California has been there has been an estimated $401 million in storm damage to the state highway system at 190 locations. Meteorologists are predicting storm systems to impact California beginning Thursday and by Monday, the state may receive three to eight inches of rainfall, and snow levels could drop as low as 5,000 feet in Northern California. Crews are currently working to restore full access to the following roadways however, an estimated time

of reopening is unavailable due to the

Oakland and Sacramento is leading to 10. Some locations were cleared, while others have developed. Caltrans has

closed from Pollock Pines to Strawberry for about 20 miles due to multiple active

semi-trucks, one paver and one grinder working to clear the roads. Crews are hoping to have US-50 open by Feb. 16. Nevada State line due to a landslide. docino County has been closed since Feb. 3 due to an active slide. Cleanup to reopen the highway has been slow due to the instability of the slide and concern for worker safety. arloaf Road in Santa Cruz County is closed due to a mudslide.

between Redding and Sacramento; however, trains are running from Redding to Seattle, and Sacramento to Los Angeles. Caltrans anticipates additional closures with the new storm systems; motorists should check road conditions frequently. For the latest road condition information, the radio may be tuned to the Caltrans Highway Advisory Radio (HAR) Caltrans Road Condition Hotline at ditions are also available online and for ca.gov.

101 and Atherton Avenue in Marin County. and freight movement; below are a

Elk Grove is out of service due to derailment on Feb. 10. out of service due to washouts, rock-

the Martinez subdivision between Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 21

Community News

The 21 Day Kindness Challenge


at Soquel Elementary (Soquel), Rio del Mar Elementary (Aptos), Hall District Elementary (Watsonville), and Mar Vista Elementary (Aptos) spots someone doing an act of kindness over 21 school days, they record the act of kindness on a kindness strip. At the end of the 21 Day Kindness Challenge everyone will come together to create a school-wide kindness chain to represent all the kind acts that happened over 21 days. These four local elementary schools are participating in the 21 Day Kindness Challenge program during the

month of February. There are additional District looking to bring the Challenge back to their campuses this year. Earlier in the school year Monte Vista Christian Middle School students also participated in the 21 Day Kindness Challenge. “We are so excited to bring the 21 Day Kindness Challenge to our area because we know it can make community. A little kindness goes a long way,” says Charlie Millar a kindness coach at Rio del Mar Elementary. The mission of the 21 Kindness Day Challenge is to empower youth to change their world with kindness. During the Kindness Challenge students,

of kindness every day for 21 days the studevelop a stronger school community. The 21 Day Kindness Challenge is a school-wide culture change for students, together to achieve the common goal of spreading kindness. It is a proactive approach to bullying as it focuses on the positive interactions that take place around campus. As a result, attention is taken away from bullying behaviors and negative interactions. “The 21 Day Kindness Challenge program has made such an impact on my entire classroom, including me. The 21 Day Kindness Challenge helped me focus more on the positive behaviors then the negative behaviors,” said Susie Peoples kindergarten teacher at Valencia Elementary. The Kindness Challenge emphasizes respect for others, promotes responsible decisions, creates a positive atmosphere, develops empathy, strengthens the school community and increases positive behaviors. “I believe our children can change the

said Kindness Challenge Founder Justina Bryant. on school campuses is improved academic results, less stress in the overall school environment, increased self-esteem, less bullying, fewer classroom disruptions, and improved concentration. The 21 Day Kindness Challenge was created by Justina Bryant of Aptos, California at Rio del Mar Elementary in 2014. Mrs. Bryant founded the Challenge, Inc. in 2016 with Christy Tall of Aptos. The school program costs about $1 per elementary, middle, and high school. teacher’s grades k-6. The 21 Day Kindness Challenge has been sought out by teachers and parents across the country and around the world. The program has been implemented across the nation, Alaska, Kentucky, Southern and Northern California, Maryland, Colorado, and Utah. There has been international interest in Canada and in the United Kingdom. The organization is focusing on 22 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

developing partnerships with companies can bring the Challenge to their school at a reduced cost. In the words of Margaret Mead, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

Community News

SqCWD Receives Budget Excellence Award

District’s Second Award This Year Recognizes Financial Planning Achievements SOQUEL — Soquel Creek Water District is proud to announce that it has received the highest honor from the California Society of Municipal Finance Excellence Award” for budget. This award spotlights the District’s dedication and ongoing commitment to providing the most comprehensive, precise, understandable, and useful budget document possible. In honoring the District, the CSMFO award recognizes the quality of the District’s budget and budgeting processes,

management, and the achievement of the foremost level of excellence in its bud“It is important as a public organization that we constantly seek to build trust in the services we provide to our community,” said Leslie Strohm, Financial and Business Services Manager. “The feedback we receive from the award submission process is an important step in

The CSMFO award comes less than a month after the District received the “Distinguished Budget Presentation Award”

14th Annual Crab Feed Presented by the SCC Fairgrounds Foundation

from another organization, the Government Association of the United States and Canada. That award also illustrates the exceptional quality of the District’s budget – together, the awards represent a remarkable level of peer recognition for the District’s budget documentation. “These two awards really honor the professional abilities and dedication of

budget that is well-organized, logical, and accessible to the public,” said District General Manager Ron Duncan. “We’re

very proud to receive the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting, for both these awards!”

is available online at www.soquelcreekwater. org/transparency-center/finance-and-budget (scroll down to “Budgets”).


he Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, was founded in 2002. The Foundation raises funds through donations, special events such as the Crab Feed, beverage sales, grants, planned giving and sponsorship’s. Through its community role in keeping the community aware of activities and improvements at the Fairgrounds. The Foundation supports the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, one of the treasures of the Central Coast – providing a unique venue for recreation, education, science, sports and charitable activities that enrich our community. It is utilized by companies, individuals, schools and

Plenty of Free Customer Parking community groups year-round. The Fairgrounds also plays an important role as an evacuation center for people and animals in the tri-county area in the event

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Scholarship Opportunity for Music Students

Kumon Math & Reading Center Learning for the Long Run


hanks to the generosity of the late Ruth G. Mueller, the Santa Cruz Symphony is able to support aspiring young musicians through the Mueller Scholarship Fund. The scholarship assists needy and deserving children for private music lessons and tuition for youth performance ensembles and music camps. The Symphony is proud to use this opportunity to help educate and inspire a new generation of musicians.

Dr. Judy Force, DVM


can be found online at SantaCruzSymphony.org. Application deadline is April 1, Santa Cruz Symphony, 307 Church St. Santa Cruz, 831.462.0553 x 10 Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 23

Featured Columnist

Understanding The Finance Behind Owning a Business Develop strategies. If


: You need to learn more than you think you do. Let me explain why by examining some aspects of your business that require an ability to understand your accounting. Taxes he most important is taxes. This involves more than simply retaining a receipt for every deductible expense. You must make decisions on the timing of taxes. If you have a tax payment due by January 15, you should know whether it’s deductible in the year in which it is due or whether it can be deducted in the year in which it is paid. If the tax is large, paying early will give you a larger deduction this year (but a smaller deduction the following year).


tax-based you plan

equipment, paying two years’ worth of moveable expenses in one year will that purchase. This is particularly important if the equipment has an allowable depreciation rate of only 20% per year. Cash Flow


decisions, such as whether to pay up

using a contractor for your payroll, you should know when paychecks will be issued and when payroll taxes must be submitted. Even if you’re involved in either process, your bank account will be, and you must have the funds at hand. Borrowing f you plan to borrow money for expansion someday, or to seek outside investors, you need a strong understanding of all


on hand. Paying up front might be unwise. If a machine has 5-year depreciation, your

A lender or investor will demand that information to evaluate their potential risk. When you meet with them, their grilling will be aggressive. You can

each year. You should always know some details

accountant to the meeting, but your investors expect you to answer all the questions. They want to be sure you

know where the money comes from and where it goes. Understand Your Finances astly (perhaps most critically), you cannot make good business decisions


Your business is a collection of products, services and skilled employees. That’s important to the community, but for you it is a river of cash from which you hope to divert enough to feed, clothe and house your family. If you can’t see the river clearly, you won’t avoid the traps and sandbars. Your business will be at higher

If you want to improve your understanding of all this or any other business issue, call (831) 621-3735 or go to www.santacruzscore.org free small business counseling and low cost workshops.

Community Brief Aptos-La Selva Fire District Master Plan

Multi-Purpose Meeting Room of the DisSoquel Drive, Aptos.

6934 Soquel Drive, Aptos. he Aptos/La Selva Fire Protection District is in the process of developing a Fire District Master Plan. The Master Plan is an expansion of the Fire District’s Mission Statement. The Master Plan will guide the future growth and development of the Fire District and is the basic framework for establishing emergency ating and capital budgets, as well as other


begins with meaningful involvement of the community in the planning process, hearing what the community has to say and infusing the plan with prevailing interests and values. Public input is invaluable to the planning process. The Aptos/La Selva Fire Protection District Board of Directors invites the community to participate in

Celebrate the Symphony League’s 50th Anniversary – Copacabana Saturday March 18, 6 p.m. Back Nine Restaurant, Pasatiempo GC elebration features Cuban Band from San Francisco, the Great Morgani, fruit sculptures, roving magician, balloon creations, and… Maestro Daniel Stewart! The leagues 50th Anni-


A m a z i n g strolling dinner wine & cham-

Pajaro Valley Chamber Executive Graduates from Professional Development Program haz Roth, the President/CEO of merce and Agriculture, was among the 32 chamber executives to graduate last Friday from Academy, a professional development program presented by the Western Association of Chamber Executives (W.A.C.E.). Academy is an interactive 3-day (three year) training program on chamber management essentials designed for Shaz Roth today’s chamber exec-


Parking Reserve Early!

check for full amount made out to SLSCC with the names and email of your guests

a Special Board Meeting, scheduled on Capitola, CA 95010. 24 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

gala (Register using your bank card or your PayPal Account)

Roth commented, “This has been an extensive academy and I have learned so much about economic development, strategic partnerships and innovative ways to

invest in professional development,” said W.A.C.E. President Dave Kilby. During the three-year Academy program, graduates participated in 18 three-hour classes and must successfully complete additional independent study outside of the classroom. W.A.C.E is an association of chamber sionals designed to promote and enhance professional development. With approximately 830 members from seventeen Western states and Canada, W.A.C.E. is the largest state or regional association of chamber of commerce executives in the United States. Redwood Mountain Faire June 3-4 Vendor Applications Deadline Extended to March 1 endor applications for the Redwood Mountain Faire, coming June 3-4, are available online. The deadline has been extended to March 1. The Faire is looking for local arts & craft vendors, food vendors and


participate in the two-day festival. With over organizers are actively reviewing all applica-

community.” “We congratulate all of the graduates and their chambers for having the vision to

“Briefs” page 27

Featured Columnist

Parental Involvement in the Education Process By Jeff Ursino, Trustee Area VII Pajaro Valley Unified School District


n the last few weeks I have had the chance to attend several school functions around the District. What has stuck out in my mind as I walk out is the amount of parental involvement that I see at these events. Parents taking pictures of in the school play or talking to their child’s teacher about how the school year is going all amount to parents who are involved in have discussed before but due to its importance it is a message I feel bears repeating. Science and research is really only now coming to grips with what to many have parents who are involved in their

individual school sites and even teachers In the end when parents are actively involved in their child’s education not only

challenges and rewards of teaching. Satthe entire community. In the last few years, research has been focused on what is the proper role of What research has shown is that students whose parents are involved have higher self-esteem, lower drug and alcohol usage and higher grades. Furthermore, these students have higher graduation rates not only from high school but also college. The research indicates that by focusing on education the parents in these studies are reinforcing the message day in and day out how important education is. This focus and attention helps to build self-esteem for the child and continuous re-focus them on their educational path. As the research highlights what matters to parents will matter to their children. Involvement in a child’s education does not mean that one necessarily has to open their wallet. Reviewing homework nightly, attending teacherparent conferences asking your child how their day at school was or what they are learning a important education is. By talking about college with your children and some of the experiences you may have experienced a parent re enforces what is important to them and how important higher education is. The other piece of parental involvement that is only now being looked at is the positive impact that an involved parent contributes has on both a school itself and the teachers at the school. Schools with high parental high teacher morale and research on this topic indicated that by working in the classroom parents are able to get to know what teachers face day in and day out. The breeds’ appreciation for both the

to build stronger school communities. I have said before that for a school to meet its full potential it really needs 3 things. It needs teachers and administrators who are committed and everyday come and give their very best, students

who are fully committed to their education and come to school every day ready to learn and finally parents who are committed to their child’s education. Tonight ask your child how their homework is coming along, how their day was or what they learned today. They’ll be better for it.

The Oscars


1. Flat-bottom hauler 6. Ewe’s cry 9. 32-card game 13. *”The ____ Suspects,” winner of two Oscars in ‘96 14. Not in good health 15. O.J.’s nickname 16. Forearm bones 17. 18-wheeler 18. Change the Constitution, e.g. 19. *”Hidden Figures” nominee 21. Recessed space 23. Half a dozen 24. Bird’s groomer 25. Male

28. Western Samoan money 30. *#15 Down, e.g. 35. Geishas’ sashes 37. Poet Angelou 39. Swelling 40. Quite a stretch 41. Deadly sin 43. Arrival times 44. Bigwig in the Orient 46. Dwarf buffalo 47. Solomon, e.g. 48. Freshwater protozoans 50. Arab ruler 52. Grazing land 53. “____ we forget” 55. Sheep not yet sheared 57. *”Manchester by ____ ____” 60. *Hidden what? 64. *”Moonlight,” e.g. 65. Golfer’s goal

11. High school breakout 12. “Ideas worth spreading” online talk 15. *Portman’s role 20. MCAT and LSAT 22. Research location 24. Infantryman’s knife 25. *Animated nominee 26. Perpendicular to the keel DOWN 27. She turned to stone, 1. Plant prickles Greek mythology 2. “Hurry!” 29. *”____ ____ Land” 3. Like unpleasant 31. Lyric poems awakening 32. Flower part 4. Capital increases 33. Candidate’s concern? 5. Provoke 34. *Ben’s younger 6. Ethiopian currency brother and best actor 7. *Will Smith’s 2002 nominee nominated role 36. Nose-in-the-air type 8. Lake scum 38. Tiny piece of anything 9. Japanese wrestling 42. Site of 2010 cholera 10. Capital on the Dnieper outbreak 67. Saudi Arabian money 68. Levi’s fabric 69. Prefix for prior 70. Use the blunt pencil tip 71. Midterm or final 72. Hitherto 73. Like a well-defined muscle

45. ____ fir 49. To witness 51. Sadness about past 54. Like foolish or romantic movie 56. Gourd musical instrument 57. Genealogical plant 58. *Academy Award winning composer Zimmer 59. What exhaust pipes do 60. Worry 61. *Oscar nominee and 2017 Golden Globe winner 62. Comfort 63. Iditarod ride 64. Banned insecticide 66. 1/100 of a hectare © Statepoint Media

Answers on 31 »

Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 25

Community News

Crisis Intervention Team Training


The Crisis Intervention Team (CIT)

to individuals with mental health issues, law enforcement agencies within Santa Cruz County, the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency and the National Alliance on Mental Illness are pleased to announce a new training program to help

with individuals experiencing a mental health crisis.

developed in Memphis, Tenn., and will provide a comprehensive, three-day mulby the California Commission on Peace

professionals. The goal is to increase the safety of encounters and divert individuals system to mental health care. “In the last 10 months, my deputies responded to nearly involving people experiencing a serious mental health crisis,” “This training will give local law enforcement personnel the tools they need to help resolve

“Nursing Home” from page 20 Health inspections that participate in Medicare or Medicaid undergo unannounced, comprehensive inspections about once a year. CMS bases health inspection ratings on the number, scope, and the three most recent inspections, as well as on results of complaint investigations during the most recent 36 months.

istered nurse hours per resident istered nurse plus licensed practical nurse plus nurse aide hours) per

“Scoreboard” from page 17 Aptos Stats 3 goals; Paige Dueck goal, assist; Maya Pruett goal; Brynn Mitchell goal; Maddy Mendoza goal; Victoria Ontiveros goal; Bella McDaniel goal; Lauren Inman goal Aptos 2 – Soquel 1 (Feb 2, Hm*) Aptos Stats goal; Marylu Escutia goal; Bella McDaniel assist; Carolyn Miller 6 saves Aptos 8 – Harbor 0 (Jan 31, Away*)

resident care needs. Quality measures based on how a nursing home performs on 16 of the 24 quality-of-care measures currently posted on Nursing

in pain, or are losing weight. We also look at how well the facility controls pressure ulcers (bed sores), whether it overuses antipsychotic medications, and other indicators of how residents are treated. A facility’s overall star rating is a composite of the ratings on the measures above. The core of the overall rating is the

assist; Paige Dueck goal; Maddy Mendoza goal; Sophia Audisio goal; Grace Rothman goal; Marylu Escutia goal, assist; Monserrat Hernandez goal, 3 assists; Bella McDaniel assist; Carolyn Miller 4 saves Boys Season Record (5-9-2, SCCAL 4-5-1) Coach: Roberto Zuniga Santa Cruz 3 – Aptos 0 (Feb 10, Hm*) Aptos 2 – St. Francis 0 (Feb 8, Away*) Aptos Stats Corboy assist

26 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

these encounters safely and successfully. I want to thank the Health Services Agency and NAMI for their partnership on this

Use Services for the County of Santa Cruz.

More than half of the individuals in

experiencing a mental health crisis. This

mental illness. The use of Crisis Intervention Team training has expanded with an increasing focus on the dangers to law riencing a mental health crisis. “I appreciate the commitment of the various law enforcement agencies, County

strong partnerships in improving services for all of our County residents.” instruction, perspectives from individuals families, and information on addressing those involving veterans and children. The training is made possible with the support

put together this program and make it a reality for our County,” said Erik G. Riera, Director of Mental Health and Substance

quality-of-care ratings, or down if those ratings are low. You can compare multiple facilities on Nursing Home Compare, as my colleague did when looking for the best spot for her mother. But keep in mind that star ratings are intended to be combined with other sources of information (such as a doctor’s recommendation) and shouldn’t substitute for visiting the nursing home in person. possible facilities, she visited the one that had an available room and was pleased to learn it had high ratings for food service, something very important to her mother. At www.Medicare.gov, you’ll pitals, home health services, dialysis facilities, medical equipment suppliers, and Medicare-approved health and prescription drug plans.

Aptos 1 – Soquel 0 (Feb 3, Hm*) Aptos Stats Woodley assist Harbor 1 – Aptos 0 (Feb 1, Away*) Aptos Stats

Basketball Girls Season Record (21-3, SCCAL 10-2) Coach: Stefan Hocum Aptos 65 – St. Francis 46 (Feb 10, Hm*) Aptos 54 – Soquel 46 (Feb 8, Away*) Aptos 49 – Harbor 38 (Feb 4, Hm*) Aptos 69 – SLV 32 (Feb 2, Away*)

and Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency.

Choosing a nursing home for yourself or a loved one is a complex, personal, and often emotionally draining decision. With that in mind, we developed a detailed brochure, “Your Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long-Term Care,” which . Among other things, the brochure provides a checklist of questions to ask nursing home managers, alternatives to nursing home care, and the legal rights and protections of nursing home residents. I’m glad to report my colleague’s mother is on the mend! Greg Dill is Medicare’s regional administrator for Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, answers to your Medicare questions by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227).

Boys Season Record (17-6, SCCAL 9-3) Coach: Bryan Bowyer St Francis 59 – Aptos 54 (Feb 10, Hm*) Aptos 46 – Soquel 42 (Feb 8, Away*) Aptos 56 – Harbor 48 (Feb 4, Hm*) Aptos 61 – SLV 49 (Feb 2, Away*)

Featured Columnist

No Falling Allowed! By Ryan Peters, Captain Aptos/La Selva Fire District


n this month’s column, as the rain pours down, I feel it’s a good time of the year to discuss falls and fall prevention among older adults. Our crews at Aptos/ La Selva Fire District regularly receive 911 calls for aging adults who are the victim of ground level falls. Most of these falls occur somewhere within what should be the safest place for all of us, our homes. According to the CDC, one in every

some kind of ground level fall this year. Thirty percent of these incidents result in

at least once in the preceding 12 months. This resulted in an estimated 29 million fall incidents during that year. Many of these incidents result in and extremities. Locally, half of all trauma

related ambulance transports to the hospital were fall related while nearly three quarters of all trauma related hospital admissions were fall related. Of course not all of these fall incidents lead to a trip to the emergency room or an extended stay in the hospital, but many do directly compromise that individuals ability to maintain independence and mobility. Something we all take very seriously as we get older. Our crews respond daily to fall incia serious fall can take on an individual and their family. The good news is that falls among our aging relatives is largely preventable. There are many steps we can take within the homes of our loved ones to decrease the risk of dangerous falls. eye for conditions or items within a home that drastically increase the likelihood of a fall. Our organization has taken an active role in working with other healthcare providers to assist in fall prevention. In doing tips and resources of which you can use to keep your family safe, protected, and independent for years to come. From the National Council on Aging: Some of the most common risk factors for falls are a decline in balance and gait. How steady is your loved one while walking and moving about the house? Decreased vision as we get older can increase the risk of falls. Make sure your loved one can properly see while taking care of everyday activities. In addition, be sure to have adequate lighting including night lights illuminating

“Briefs” from page 24 Applications and information are online at www.redwoodmountainfaire.com. “The Faire has a unique focus of music, arts, family and community. Due to this it has already provided over $200,000 to local cation and service organizations over the past seven years,” according to Faire Director, Violet Smith. Featuring an exciting variety of music (22 bands on two stages), the Redwood

Mountain Faire is also recognized for extensive and creative activities for kids, great food, local beer and wines and special entertainment surprises. Check the Faire website www.redwoodmountainfaire.com and Facebook

stairways, hallways and dark areas for reached on the nightstand is a great tool to alleviate anxiety and light up their environment before that trip to the bathroom. that the medications they take daily are not creating nor contributing to increased dizziness or dehydration both of which can lead to falls. responders. Many folks take multiple medications on a daily basis. Be sure to discuss with the physician or pharmacist whether or not these medications are safe to take together. Enlist your older relatives support in taking simple steps to stay safe. Have a discussion with them to identify any concerns they may have about ground level falls. Create a plan to mitigate risk factors within their home. Take some time to notice if they try to hold onto walls (or you) while trying to get up from bed, or if they need to place their hands on furniture or countertops to steady themselves while walking. If they seem unsteady, discuss this with them and their healthcare provider. Lastly, do a walk through safety assessment of the home. 911 providers can attest to the fact that many older fall victims fall as a result of stairways, throw rugs, poor lighting, poorly lit or slippery porch steps, lack of handrails, wet bathroom tubs requiring a high step to enter. These are all watch out items needing to be addressed when improving home safety for yourself or your relatives.

become aware of the responsibilities that accompany the privilege of being a licensed California driver. This program is designed as an educational tool for parents and teen-

A safe home for older adults is key. Being independent and mobile into our later years is crucial to our well-being have an older adult in your family who is at risk for falling, or if you are concerned about your own fall safety, feel free to contact the following resources for help

The Senior Network Services Providing local senior citizens with information, guidance, and assistance. (831) 462-1433 www.seniornetworkservices.org Helping Hands of Santa Cruz County/

prevention. (831) 427-5070 www.scvolunteercenter.org

collisions, and DUI awareness. Smart Start classes are free of charge. The CHP has an upcoming classes scheduled! 10 a.m. - 12 Noon The class will be held at the Aptos CA 95003. Please call the Santa Cruz CHP

regularly for Faire updates.



Start Smart Presentation California Highway Patrol

of death for 15-20 year olds. The primary


teenage drivers and their parents. The Start Smart Program is aimed at helping future and newly licensed teenage drivers

teens and parents with an understanding of how poor choices behind the wheel can Start Smart program also provides teens and parents with information on defensive Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 27

Community Calendar Aptos Chamber of Commerce Sunday April 23

Hats Off to Spring Fashion 11:30 a.m. -2:00 p.m., Seascape Beach Resort oin the Chamber for its 10th Annual Spring into Fashion Show with models walking the runway to the hippest music from today and yesterday,


Seascape Beach Resort, and a trunk show with a dozen local boutiques selling beautiful merchandise. Cost: $50 per person, sponsorship available

Sunday May 7

Swing into Spring: Movie Madness Aptos History Museum Fundraiser



First Baptist Church Bible Study 9:45 a.m: Bible Study 11 a.m.: Worship 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos irst Baptist Church of Aptos

Nar-Anon Santa CruzGreater Bay Area (GBA) of Northern California


cation.asp for more information.

Fire Protection District Master Plan Meeting 7 p.m., District Administrative

Room, 6934 Soquel Drive, Aptos he Aptos/La Selva Fire Probible study and worship every tection District is in the process Sunday. of developing a Fire District Call (831) 688-5842 for more info Master Plan, an expansion of the Fire District’s Mission Statement. The Master Plan will guide the Overeaters Anonymous future growth and development 9:05 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, 2900 of the Fire District and is the basic framework for establishing emerChanticleer Ave., Santa Cruz vereaters Anonymous is a Free, Friendly 12-Step group training, operating and capital


hat is co-dependency? What is enabling? What is this insanity? Am I the only one who feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, world wide fellowship of relatives and friends of addicts who have been affected by someone else’s addiction. As of October 1, 2016, three meetings are now offered in Santa Cruz (Fridays and Sundays) and Aptos (Wednesdays). For meeting locations, please call our helpline at 831-291-5099 or contact saveyoursanity@aol.com. Visit our Northern California website for meeting listings in our area and region: www. naranoncalifornia.org/norcal/ meetings



will share stories, learn tools For more information: 831for coping and receive support 425-3272 from people who care. Contact Hospice of Santa Overeaters Anonymous Cruz County Grief Support 6:30-7:30pm Christ Lutheran Program. (831) 430-3078 Church, 10707 Soquel Dr. Aptos Overeaters Anonymous o you have a problem with 7:00pm-8:00pm, Soquel food? Come Join us for a Congregational Church, 4951 friendly free 12-step support Soquel Dr. group with the solution group o you have problem with with the solution. Teens and adults welcome. Includes comWeekdays CASA Orientations to Become friendly free 12 step support group pulsive overeating, anorexia with the solution. Teens and adults and bulimia. Advocates for Children Located in the Gazebo Room. welcome. It will be held in the ASA empowers volunteers Call 831-429-7906 if you have Anne Hutchinson Room. to directly influence lifeany questions Any questions call (831) changing decisions affecting 429-7906 children in foster care. Court Tuesdays & Thursdays appointed special advocates Orientations to Become Second Mondays are everyday people that, with

for those who have a problem with food. Visit www.santacruzoa.org for current times and locations of We’re here to help you discover other meetings, or call our Hotline your voice and share it effecat (831) 429-7906. tively. Everyone is welcome! Follow us on Facebook: Facebook.com/AptosNoonToastmasters or more info: (831) 236-1171

Dated Events

Thursday February 22

and operational commitments. Public input is invaluable to the planning process. The Board of Directors invites the community to participate in this Public Meeting, in conjunction with a Special Board Meeting.

Saturday February 25 Blast from the Past

2-4 p.m., San Lorenzo Valley Museum, 12547 Highway 9, Wednesday May 24 Boulder Creek Aptos Chamber Scramble he San Lorenzo Valley Museum Golf Tournament presents “Blasts from the 610 Clubhouse Drive, Aptos Past – The Explosive Story of Noon, Elks Lodge at 150 Jewell St. apitola-Soquel Chamber the California Powder Works,” a his statewide group of of Commerce and Aptos photographic exposé on display retired men invites you to Chamber of Commerce annual Feb. 18 thru Oct. 8. Sponsored in be our guest at our monthly Business Showcase. We are part by donations in memory of luncheon. You’ll meet kindred “Soaring to New Heights” this Henri Raab, and with the support year and are inviting you to spirits, have a fine lunch and of Bay Photo Labs. participate in one of the most Wednesday March 15 learn something new from a Entrance is free, donations successful networking and proMarketing 101 Workshop top notch guest speaker. appreciated. For more information motional events of the year, “The Call Greg Horne at (831) call (831) 338-8382 or email: Greatest Showcase on Earth”! The 44 Brennan Street slvhm@cruzio.com 684-1834 to RSVP & bring a Business Showcase provides Advocates for Children friend! Invisible/Alienated local business the opportunity to 6 pm, 65 Nielson Street #121 44 Brennan Street on March have a lifetime of impact for a Grandparents Support Group make connections with potential Saturday February 25 Watsonville CA 95076 15, from 9 am - 11 am for Tips Fridays customers and fellow businesses. ASA volunteer Advocates and Techniques for Advertising child who has been abused or 4:-5:30p.m. Sunday February 26 Capitola-Soquel Chamber: 475ed by Dr. Pat Hanson receive 35 hours of specialized Drop-in Grief Support on Facebook. In this informative neglected. 36th Annual Santa Cruz training. Court appointed special 12-1 pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz workshop you will learn how More info www.casaof author of Invisible For more information: Clam Chowder Cook-Off advocates are everyday people to create amazing posts that santacruz.org or call (831) County, 940 Disc Dr., Scotts http://alturl.com/ynycc 10 a.m - 1 p.m., Santa Cruz Beach promote your products or 761-2956 XT.102 of Love Whether You Can Be Valley can have a lifetime of impact for Boardwalk There or Not this will be a ospice of Santa Cruz a child who has been abused or the “Boost” feature; how to create First Mondays: 2-3 p.m., safe structured environment County is offering a drop-in Thursday February 23 neglected. in Watsonville Dementia Conversations for sharing stories if you so grief support group for adults to grow your email list with a wacky event with cooking teams Second Tuesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. choose, and learning healthy If you would like to participate grieving the death of a family Workshop in the next Advocate training Facebook. also competing for most creative in Capitola For more information, call booth. Purchase tasting kits to Third Wednesdays: 5:30-7 p.m. ways to deal with separation contact cita@casaofsantacruz.org member or a friend. This group 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A Capitola sample chowders cooked up by from anyone. Co-sponsored is a place where you can share or (831) 761-2956 831-724-3900 in Watsonville Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 by Alienated Grandparents stories, learn tools for coping, both amateur and professional Third Thursdays: 2-3 p.m. hen someone is showing Anonymous www.AGA-FL. and receive support from people Wednesdays in Santa Cruz Thursday April 20 signs of dementia, it’s time chefs prepare their chowders. Now Third Fridays: 12-1 p.m. org a national organization who care. Insight Meditation to talk. Often, conversations with 2017 Business Expo in Aptos that provide information and 12pm-1:15pm, Pacific Cultural For more information, please call family about changing behaviors a 2-Day event! Amateurs compete ‘Making Connections’ on Saturday and professionals on support to grandparents who Center 1307 Seabright Ave. (831) 430-3000. can be challenging and uncom4 – 7 p.m., Santa Cruz County Mondays Sunday. feel alienated or estranged to fortable. This program provides loom of the Present Insight First & Third Fridays Fairgrounds in the Crosetti Hall For more information call 831Caregiver Support Group their grandchildren. tips for breaking the ice with your Meditation teacher Carla Friday Shakespeare Club of t’s that time of year! The 423-5590. family so you can address some of 12-1 p.m., PAMF, 2850 Com- Questions: pat@invisiblegrand Brennan leads a drop-in Santa Cruz the most common issues that are mercial Crossing, Santa Cruz parent.com (831) 601-9195 Commerce and Agriculture’s group every Wednesday it is 10 am - noon, Peace United Tuesday February 28 atz Cancer Center, PAMF Business Expo, “Making open to both experienced and Church, 909 High Street doctor for a diagnosis or medical Sons In Retirement Luncheon Connections”, is coming up and Hospice of Santa Cruz Tuesdays beginning meditators his is the oldest women’s club treatment, deciding when to stop on Thursday, April 20, from County invite you to attend a Business Debtors Anonymous 11:30 a.m., Severino’s Restaurant in Santa Cruz. The club meets driving, and making legal and Caregiver Support Group for oin us for Chicken Grand Aptos Noon Toastmasters to study the life, works and times of 5:15-6:30pm, Calvary County Fairgrounds in the those caring for someone with Episcopal Church, Parish Marnier, Fettuccine Alfredo, Pre-registration is preferred. Call 12:00-1:00p.m. Rio Sands William Shakespeare. Members share Crosetti Hall. The Expo has a serious illness. salads, vegetables and dessert. group readings and insights, discuss 800-272-3900, 831-464-9982, Hall, 532 Center Street, Santa Hotel, 116 Beach Drive grown and there’s a definite When a loved one is seriJohn Ficarra, Canepa Design, will history, and universal themes found or send e-mail to llutz@alz.org Cruz. (include name, email, phone, and talk about Classic Car Restoration. ously ill, it can be a challenge It’s going to be bigger and supportive group of people in his plays and writings. e specifically focus on address) Visit http://www.alz.org/ for the entire family. In this better than ever and we want recovering from debting at all levels of experience from For more information please call norcal/in_my_community_edu- For more information contact Jim ongoing support group, we YOU to be there. at 831-708-4133 beginners to more advanced. 831-684-2832 on one’s business.

Ongoing Events

Pajaro Valley Chamber of Commerce




Business Showcase: Second Wednesdays Santa Cruz Sons in Retirement Soaring to New Heights 4 - 7 p.m., Seascape Golf Club, Monthly Meeting















28 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times




Arts and Entertainment J

oin us every 2nd Saturday on the Farm for free family Lucky Steppers Modern activities. Each month we select a Square Dance new theme to highlight historical Volunteers Needed for the 6:30 pm, La Selva Beach agriculture with games, activities, Clubhouse, 314 Estrella Ave., La Monterey Symphony and demonstrations that relate. Selva Beach, CA 95076 he Monterey Symphony is We often have guest appearances seeking volunteers. If you love t’s fun and easy to do! from farm animals like llamas, Friendship put to music; family music and want to be involved, draft horses, sheep, goats, friendly. Class takes place every chickens, rabbits, and more! You please call (831) 646-8511 or visit Thursday Night at our new are sure to find something fun www.montereysymphony.org for home in La Selva Beach! (Take and entertaining for the whole more information. Mar Monte off of Hwy 1, turns family. into Playa Blvd., turn right on Check our website and Estrella) Cabrillo Youth Strings/ Facebook page for more details. For more information, contact Sue Suzuki Music Program FREE Harris or Don Benson at (831) 726new entry-level String 7053 or e-mail at caller4u@att.net. Orchestra class 4th- 6th Second Sundays Each Month Grade Beginning Strings for Downtown Santa Cruz Friendship Put to Music! violin, viola and cello will be 6:30 p.m., New Hall, La Selva Beach Antique Street Fair 9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St. Students must provide their own Club House, 3124 Estrella Ave. (Between Pacific and Cedar) lasses every Thursday night. instruments. he “Original” Downtown For more information call Sue For more information contact Antique Faire is back! Harris or Don Benson (831) 726Strings (831) 479-6101 or (831) 7053 or email at caller4u@att.net antiques and unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through 426-6443. a wide assortment of treasures Last Thursdays each month Monthly Argentine Tango at Star including books and photographs,





virtuosic Piano Concerto No. 5 Piano Concerto No. 2. For more info contact 831-4620553

Sunday February 19 Piano Extravaganza

2 p.m., UCSC Music Center Recital Hall, presented by the Santa Cruz Branch of Music Teachers’ Association of California elebrate Piano Ensemble will


concert on Sunday, February 19 at

Recital Hall. The program features music for one and two pianos, utilizing two matched grand pianos on stage at the acoustically excellent Recital Hall. Highlights of this concert include a portion of the Piano Concerto by Monterey County composer Stephen Tosh, the Sabre Dance for two pianos, ultra-modernist American composer Johanna Magdalene Beyer and more! Performers include Amy Beal, Bruckner, Mary Jane Cope, Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante and ceramic collectibles, vintage Susan Ben Dorfan, Roger Emanuels, Rose 4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, Georgi, Nicki Kerns, Ellen Khayat, Italian/Argentene Restarante, original artwork, and a whole lot Lynn Kidder, Lavinia Livingston, Second Monday each month of whatnot! Stefanie Malone, John Orlando, Carol his is a night for true “Social For more info, please contact us Stitchers By The Sea Meetings Panofsky, Ivan Rosenblum, Michel Tango.” Order a wonderful at (831) 476-6940 or visit us on Singher, Marina Thomas, Vlada 7 p.m., Volunteer Center of Santa meal from the Star Bene Facebook. Cruz, 1740 17th Ave., 95062 Argentine Menu, (or their well Suggested donation at the door: titchers-by-the-Sea, the local $10. For more information, Third Sunday of Every Month chapter of the Embroiderers’ the ambiance of Argentina and contact Roger Emanuels, Science Sunday Guild of America, holds regular remanuels@gmail.com, 831-423meetings open to the public each to music from the Golden Age 6107. Santa Cruz, 95060 of Tango. month. No admission fees. eymour Marine Discovery Private instruction and classes by Center presents a public arrangement. For more information, Thursday Feb. 23 Tuesdays lecture from a marine scientist call Michael (831) 239-2247. BINGO thru Sunday Feb. 26 the third Sunday of every 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, First Fridays each month month. Topics are presented in Banff Mountain Film Festival an entertaining and easy150 Jewell St. World Tour First Friday Art Tour to-understand format, with osted by Soquel Sports 7 p.m.-10 p.m., Rio Theatre he First Friday Art Tour is a up-to-date photos, video, and Foundation. Buy-In $15. Full gnite your passion for adventure, Santa Cruz Institute of Condiscussion. snack bar available. First Tuesday temporary Arts event, managed in Science Sunday does not meet Mountain Film World Tour will of each month is special $25 buy in in December. For more info visit exhilarate you with amazing big art venues. The event takes place seymourcenter.ucsc.edu screen stories. www.soquelsports.com year-round and illuminates some For more information call 831459-2806. of the most talented local artists Wednesdays from local galleries. Capitola Twilight Concert Series To find out where to participate Saturday March 18 6-8 pm, June thru August at in a First Friday art tour, visit Saturday February 18 Santa Cruz Symphony League’s firstfridaysantacruz.com (Most Esplanade Park Santa Cruz Symphony Presents “Copacabana” galleries are open 12-9 pm for Yuja! A 50th Anniversary Gala First Friday viewings.) concert schedule. 7:30 p.m., Santa Cruz Civic his fundraiser is at the Back Auditorium Nine at Pasatiempo with Second Saturdays Each Month Peninsula Banjo Band n what promises to be a fantastic roving entertainment, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau, 2nd Saturday on the Farm music, food and auction items to 11a.m.-3p.m., Ag History 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose dazzle the eye, feed the body and Project Center at the Santa orty-seven years of delight the senses. Cruz County Fairgrounds performing in the Bay Cruz Symphony for an all piano Visit www.slscc.org/specialArea, over 250 popular tunes. events/gala for more information. Come see our band for Free in Sunnyvale Every Wednesday. Sunday March 26 No cover. Santa Cruz Baroque Festival Contact Lee McLaughlin, ow in its 44th season, the Booking Agent, at 408-993Baroque Festival presents BAND (2263) for information its March concert of “Musica about booking the band for Non-profit events (donations are Building. tax deductible). Visit www.scbaroque.org for more www.PeninsulaBanjoBand.org information.



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Your February Horoscope Times Publishing Group, Inc. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

ask as many questions as you need to make yourself feel comfortable and less panicky. There’s a feeling of newness that can be intoxicating mid-month, and having something to look forward to is amazing. Don’t let anyone burst your bubble. Friends in high places want to do you favors late in the month, but you don’t want to cause any trouble. You’re cool with collecting debts you’re owed, but you stop short of accepting big luxury items you don’t feel you’ve earned.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

people who tell you there are too many limitations. You are of completely sound mind and body mid-month, and you take your health and all health-related matters very seriously. A new exercise routine or eating plan adds excitement to your days. You get support in your endeavors late in February, especially if they’re of an entrepreneurial nature. You have a gift when it comes to making money; don’t waste it.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

plishment is exciting mid-February, but every time you’re near a stage you start to get a big head. You had to endure plenty failures and made lots of mistakes before you got here, so keep the people you encounter late in the month, but you have the right to overrule them. You know best when it comes to your own life.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Find the smartest people you know at the start of February and pick their brain. When you need answers, two heads are better than one. You have a great time being social mid-month, and if you can’t be with someone in person there are plenty of other ways to get in touch. Certain social media posts can be disappointing, but the key to staying upbeat is never taking anything too personally. Oddness seems to be the norm as the month comes to a close, and have anything weird to say, come sit next to me.’

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

You don’t have to do everything in a hurry as the month begins. It is obvious that you want to win, but coming in second isn’t the end of the world! Fairness and balance are foremost on your mind mid-month, and you don’t like it when anyone close to you tries to get away with yourself. You don’t have the energy to do a lot of extra tasks as February ends, so make the ones you are able to accomplish as close to perfect as possible.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

You have fun learning new magic tricks to start the month, but the secret to one of them may elude you. Try not to let not knowing lead to stress. Mid-February brings fun days to up. You don’t have to do anything drastic, but if the mood is right, why not? You don’t mind a bit when people point and stare, so what’s the big deal? You struggle to hold on to something important or valuable late in the month, but maybe it isn’t meant for you to have. Acceptance

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22) path. It might not be for forever, but right now is good enough. Your plans work out perfectly they need help getting organized, because you’re eager to start putting things away in a neat and orderly fashion, and know where they go. While friends and co-workers are shirking their duties at the end of the month, you’re happy to stay behind and be part of the cleanup crew. If for no other reason, it helps you go to sleep with a clear conscience.

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

You might not get everything that you want if you compromise as the month begins, but someinto something much, much bigger. Your daily to-do list will have to wait if an urgent situation comes up at the end of February, but don’t fret too much. Take care of what’s happening in the moment instead of worrying about what’s yet to come.

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

You feel like you’re constantly being tested as the month begins, but the good news is that you’re about to pass every one. When the going gets tough, you’re ready to dig in and get going. Mid-February brings its share of challenges, mostly in areas of what you want versus what you’re able to get. Change isn’t your favorite thing late in the month, but you’re willing

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

There are a lot of masculine forces at work as February begins, which gives you extra energy and propels you to do great things. Like, really great things. Things other people will take notice of and that you can be proud of. All of the relationships in your life are highlighted time to make up. Be sure any apologies come from the heart. You have more than your share

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Keep your eye out for discounts and markdowns early in the month, because you should have the chance to get some really good deals. You can’t plan for it, but keep your eyes open! You get help and advice from unexpected sources mid-month, so don’t be afraid to explore new territory. When you keep an open mind, the whole world opens up in mysterious and exciting ways. The next big thing is on the horizon, but you can’t quite see at the end of February. Keep the faith; it’ll be in your line of vision before you know it.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

month, and though you can be resistant to change at times, you’re more than ready for these. Personal links and connections make networking go smoothly mid-February, and if you need in-person visit means you’re going the extra mile, and that’s impressive. You’re tired or weary near the end of the month, but you aren’t going to let that stop you from reaching your goals. got what it takes to succeed. And someone will notice.

www.tpgonlinedaily.com Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 29

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30 / February 15th 2017 / Aptos Times

Storm Damage ... And Our Next Steps By Zach Friend


he most recent storms have pushed damages in the County to over $30 million in damage to our local roads and infrastructure, challenges in recent memory. The Board of Supervisors declared a third emergency in as many months and has submitted requests to the state and federal government for funding. In the 2nd District, many roads have sustained damage and have caused Cabrillo College Drive, Hazel Dell, Redwood Road, Eureka Canyon Sumner, State Park Drive and much more. In the week, storms brought down trees and wires and slide materials on Valencia. Crews were able to open it to one lane in the slide-impacted areas so that it’s passable for all vehicles. The long term solution will require retaining wall work and road rebuilding in the damaged areas. We have requested that the federal government also cover this damage as Valencia is deemed a federal aid route. The County has been in constant contact with federal agencies and our federal representatives to expedite funding and approvals for these repairs. Since on an ETA for the retaining wall/two lane opening. The damage throughout the County was so extensive that the Board of Supervisors made multiple emergency declarations to seek state and federal funding for repairs. Governor Brown approved the declaration for the January storm events and has requested assistance through

the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Emergency Relief Program, which could provide additional funding for the Federal lectors) in Santa Cruz County. The state disaster funding provides coverage (usually up to However, the Governor did not make these funds available for the December storm damage. We are working with our state and federal legislative delegations for funding for damages sustained in December as well. Under the current funding approvals, this would mean that more funding would be available for roads deemed “federal aid as Valencia) than local roads (such as Redwood). Clearly we’d like to obtain as much funding as possible for all of the damages that have been caused by the recent natural disasters, so we can work to get the repairs on a schedule as soon as possible. I am keenly aware of the issues that the recent storm damage has throughout our district. They are real and very problematic. In some areas of our district we had days

Additionally, many have expressed concern about travelling on the one lane areas of Valencia or having school buses travel on the narrow sections. Lastly, I’ve heard concerns over potential delayed emergency response times (because of the detour) and more. All of these concerns are things I’m aware of and have been working with our partners to address. The been performing extra patrols and enforcement on the detour areas and Aptos-La Selva Fire and AMR response procedures (even with the with public safety and the school district to discuss these concerns. The school district, and Principal Lane at Valencia, have been great to work with and have worked to also ensure that parents are informed about the evolving situation. Valencia Elementary, as the time of this writing, tions for educating students should decide they would prefer to proactively move to the alternate locations. They have already created a shuttle system (using smaller buses) and an

from their home as slides had elimiall ability to travel sections of our district. For Valencia, I know we have to get kids to school that also impact your work schedules and quality of life. The detour has also caused new impacts to neighbors on surrounding streets with many complaints of

congestion on the road. The County has had a geotechnical evaluation team on Valencia at the problematic spot conducting daily surveys. They established monitoring points and have been doing daily recordings of the survey pins. “Friend” page 31

SCCAS Featured Pet

“Friend” from page 30 So far, the road is still moving both horizontally and vertically - meaning there hasn’t been any real stabilization of the site. The most recent set of storms caused even greater destabilization of the site and, as a result, it’s closed to bike and pedestrian over a foot vertically and you can also see the horizontal movement by the cracking (making the road to appear to pull apart in some places). The continued rains made it as it is something that is best measured once it’s dry. Because of this, the County doesn’t have an ETA on the road fully reopening but there is absolutely no question that it is With the emergency declaration proPublic Works. Unfortunately, given that the underlying earth hasn’t been stable it’s not would a standard pothole or road repair. However, in my daily conversations with Public Works engineers, they are looking

Clarence: Indoor Companion Extraordinaire


larence (A233335) came to us as a stray. When he was found, he had a kitty cold but is now on the mend. This cross-eyed boy is extremely people oriented! Unfortunately, this big boy tested positive for Feline Immuno-

have a full and healthy life ahead but his adopter should consult with their veterinarian for further information about his care. Clarence should be an indoor only cat due to this FIV positive status. Might you open your heart and home to this handsome couch panther? Clarence is a year old, neutered/male, domestic shorthaired, black cat (with To adopt your new friend, come to Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter 2200

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Open Monday – Saturday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. (closed 12-1) Closed on Sunday

area - such as the possibility of a temporary bridge. The bridge only becomes a possibility when the underlying ground stops moving as well. I know that a goal of many of in the area would be to at least have a one-way/one-lane option through there and that is something Public Works is looking into or a pedestrian access back to Trout Gulch.

top of the existing culvert. It’s over 50 feet down to the culvert and engineers have been looking at ways to address the longterm issue as well. Some have also expressed concern about utilities in the area. On the day the road was initially closed, PG&E went bypass) on either side of the 4” pipe. We also understand Trout Gulch Mutual Water Company has installed a bypass to make sure residents in the area have continued access to water.

needed for certain roads, this leaves a multi-million dollar gap of funding for repairs) associated with the recent storms. the condition of our local roads in general, Public Works doesn’t have a few million dollars extra for road repairs. Because of this reality, the Board of Supervisors is looking at the possibility of borrowing to address high priority roads (like Valencia) that were damaged. Options could include the best use of transportation impact fees, Measure D funds, and Surface Transportation Block Grant funds. Taking out such a loan would most likely mean that other road work (such as planned capital improvements - road overlays, repairs etc.) that isn’t from storm damage might be delayed (in some cases these storms have caused situations that must take priority over other road needs. I situation and I thank you for working with us as we try to address these very pressing needs caused from the recent storms. As always, if you have additional questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at 454-2200.

The Oscars © Statepoint Media

Current Road Closure at Valencia Road Aptos Times / February 15th 2017 / 31

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