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Capitola-Aptos Rotary Gives $50,000 to Sgt. Gutzwiller Memorial, By


Capitola-Aptos Rotary Gives $50,000 to Sgt. Gutzwiller Memorial


By Kieran Kelly

The campaign to build a new playground and memorial in honor of fallen Santa Cruz County Sheriff Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller received a significant boost with a $50,000 donation from the Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club.

After hearing about the project, the service organization’s membership voted to help sponsor an accessible playground at Willowbrook County Park in Aptos. The playground is part of a broader effort to renovate the park and build a lasting memorial to Sgt. Gutzwiller, who was killed in the line of duty on June 6, 2020.

“The Capitola Aptos Rotary club is proud to be a part of this lasting legacy to Sgt. Gutzwiller,” said Michele Bassi, immediate past president. “The Rotary motto is ‘Service above self’ and Sgt. Gutzwiller lived that every day. This is the least we could do to honor his memory and show support to his family and community.”

A Santa Cruz County native, Damon Gutzwiller owned his first home in the Willowbrook neighborhood and he would often be found at Willowbrook Park playing with his beloved dog, Shasta. Damon’s connection to the Willowbrook neighborhood made it a natural place to remember him.

A dedicated public servant, Damon served with the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office for 14 years where he rose to the rank of sergeant. He is survived by his wife and two young children, one of whom was not yet born at the time of his passing. Damon’s friends and colleagues hope to create a place to honor his memory that his children can visit as they grow older.

Designed with the surrounding environment in mind, the memorial will include the installation of a circular seating area in a quiet part of the park that faces south towards a new flagpole. The memorial will feature engraved footprints of Sgt. Gutzwiller’s boots alongside the footprints of his young family.

In partnership with local nonprofit County Park Friends, the fundraising campaign hopes to raise $805,000 in community donations and sponsorships.

“Our community is coming together to make this memorial and park in Damon’s honor a reality. The Rotary’s donation is a remarkable reflection of the generosity of our community,” said Santa Cruz County Supervisor Zach Friend.

The $50,000 donation from the Capitola-Aptos Rotary will help sponsor a renovation of the park’s playground, where it will be updated with new features, like rubberized surfacing, to ensure kids of all ages and abilities can enjoy the park.

“A child’s laughter has many healing qualities. This is why we have directed a donation from our club to support the building of an inclusive park. For Sgt. Gutzwiller’s children and all of the children of our community to heal together,” said Dr. Art Dover, who proposed the project to the club.

Construction is already underway to resurface and restripe the park’s existing tennis, pickleball and basketball courts. Weather permitting, the newly revamped courts should open to the public by early May.

Donors can sponsor individual bricks and pavers that will serve as the foundation for the memorial. Visit https://www.countyparkfriends.org/willowbrook.html for renderings of planned park renovations and more ways to get involved.

A child’s laughter has many healing qualities. This is why we have directed a donation from our club to support the building of an inclusive park.

— Dr. Art Dover

Photo Credit: Kieran Kelly

With the check, left to right: Dr. Art Dover, Rotary member, Michele Bassi, immediate past president of Rotary, Ken Gorman, current president of Rotary, Terry Corwin, County Park Friends board chair, and Mariah Roberts, County Park Friends executive director.

Recreational Ocean Salmon Fishery Opens April 2

Hungry for fresh salmon? California’s recreational salmon fishery will open April 2 in ocean waters from Point Arena (38° 57’ 30” N. lat) south to the U.S./Mexico border, with a minimum size of 24 inches.

Openings for north of Point Arena will be determined in mid-April.

Ocean abundance forecasts have increased over the prior year for Sacramento River Fall Chinook and Klamath River Fall Chinook, California’s two primary target stocks. However, fishery managers recommended the Pacific Fishery Management Council take a more precautionary approach to 2022 ocean salmon seasons.

Fisheries have performed better than expected in recent years, raising concerns for sensitive, nontarget stocks of salmon, and fewer fish have returned to the rivers to spawn than expected. These concerns, along with the threat of drought and the persistent overfished status of Klamath River Fall Chinook since 2018, prompted the council to approve additional fishery restrictions in 2022.

“The 2022 fishing season will be a mix of good and bad news,” said Grace Easterbrook, an environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. “For recreational anglers wishing to pursue salmon off the Central Coast, there will be ample opportunity if the fish show. However, fishing seasons in the north will be more constrained due to the persistent low abundance of Klamath River Fall Chinook.”

The Pacific Fishery Management Council approved three fishing season alternatives for public review at its meeting Monday and will continue to accept public input before finalizing the recreational and commercial seasons next month.

A public hearing is scheduled for March 22, where the public is invited to comment on the season proposals. Final season dates will be decided at the April 6-13 meeting in Seattle, Washington.

Details on how to attend the public hearing and PFMC meeting, as well as instructions to provide public comment, can be found at www. pcouncil.org.

Anglers are advised to check for updates when planning a salmon fishing trip. Season dates, bag/possession limit information and gear restrictions can be found at www. wildlife.ca.gov/oceansalmon or by calling the Ocean Salmon Regulations Hotline at (707) 576-3429.

Public notification of any inseason change to conform state regulations to federal regulations is made through the National Marine Fisheries Service ocean salmon hotline at (800) 662-9825. n

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