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Broadband Grant, Public Works & Planning, and Lobbying, By Zach


Broadband Grant, Public Works & Planning, and Lobbying


By Zach Friend, Supervisor, Second District

The Board of Supervisors recently approved numerous funding, policy and procedural actions to improve broadband access, the way the public interacts with the planning and public works process and even how County employees can engage in post-employment lobbying. Here are three recent actions.

Broadband Expansion

Last year, I brought an item to the Board of Supervisors to use $500,000 of our recovery funding toward broadband expansion. The pandemic highlighted the critical need for access to affordable, high-speed internet. For students participating in remote learning, seniors accessing tele-health programs and workers attempting to work remotely, high-speed internet is an essential resource. Yet, many households in our community, and throughout the state, either have limited bandwidth to meet their needs or are priced out of options.

The unincorporated area of Santa Cruz County contains numerous small areas that have no internet or very slow internet service. The Board sought proposals from local and national providers with the intention of finding one of more partners to help provide broadband internet service in the unserved/underserved areas. Underserved areas are defined where at least 80 percent of the population has access to internet speeds under 100 Mbps download / 20 Mbps upload.

Under the award guidelines, the County will provide matching grant funding to a total investment of $500,000. Submissions were evaluated under the criteria of network reliability, cost effectiveness, capability to meet project goals and schedule, service to the largest number of constituents, service speed, experience, funding capabilities and experience in partnering with local governments as well as ability to serve lower-income households.

Cruzio Internet was awarded the grant for this first phase of broadband expansion. Implementation of the proposed design will take about 11 months to complete and will involve installing 10 “points of presence.”

This project will serve 4,000 homes across all five supervisorial districts through the Equal Access Santa Cruz program, and provide needed internet resources to affordable housing projects and school neighborhoods. As part of the grant requirements, Cruzio will provide additional matching funds up to 150 percent of the $500,000 County grant. Selected sites should be announced soon. Additional funding for broadband expansion will be available through state and federal grants in the coming months. The County is developing a framework for the allocation of future broadband funding with a focus on expanding service to underserved and unserved areas across the County.

Public Works & Planning

In an effort to improve customer service and streamline project management, the Board of Supervisors directed that departments of Public Works and Planning integrate into a single department.

A primary result will be the opening of a “unified permitting center,” focused on customer service and more efficient land use permitting. Gains are expected in both departments in long-range planning, environmental protection, infrastructure improvements, and collaboration with regional planning and transportation efforts.

If you’ve ever needed a building permit, then you are aware that the process often requires review from multiple departments. Most planning documents consider transportation, sanitation, and other infrastructure provided by Public Works. Public Works projects rely on Planning sign-off for consistency with environmental and land use policies. By integrating the two departments, the community can expect a faster and more coordinated response to their permit and customer service needs.

The overarching goal of the Unified Permit Center is to provide customercentered service to support applicants throughout the permitting With one location for applicants and their design teams to go to for local requirements, this ensures applicants have clear expectations for the review process. With cross-trained staff from various agencies and divisions co-located with building permit technicians, this integration will streamline the overall permit process.

Ex-Employees Lobbying

Many federal, state, and local government agencies have adopted formal policies regulating lobbying by former officials, either elected or appointed, and former employees.

Often referred to as “revolving door” policies, these ordinances recognize that recently departed officials and staff possess unique knowledge and relationships that are unavailable to the public, which can then be used to exert improper influence over decisions affecting the public’s interests. I brought forward an item (that was approved) that would restrict County employees, for one year, from being paid to communicate/lobby with their former employer in an attempt to influence certain actions or proceedings.

The focus of this ordinance is simply to ensure that when public employees have a role in creating a regulatory structure, are privy to confidential information, relationships or any other access points the greater public doesn’t have, that the public be assured those access points aren’t being used for personal gain and the public’s interest is always paramount.

The ordinance does not restrict the type of employment a County employee may secure after leaving County employment, nor does it restrict someone from working for a private company after doing business with -company as a County employee. Furthermore, this ordinance does not restrict former County officials or employees from lobbying the County if they are not being compensated to perform the lobbying activities or in an expert capacity requested by the County. It simply creates a one-year cooling-off period that prevents any revolving-door concerns and improves trust with the community.

Adoption of the ordinance put Santa Cruz County in line with many other public agencies across the state and country with similar restrictions in place and increases transparency and trust with the community. n


As always, I appreciate any feedback you may have on this (or any other County issue). I’m maintaining regular updates on social media at www.facebook.com/supervisorfriend and you can always call me at 454-2200.


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Andy Griffith’s Black Lab!

Opie is a 2-year-old black lab mix who is looking for his furever home. Opie’s known for being quite affectionate, laid back, and easy to handle. He loves to get pet’s and cuddles from people. He also loves going for car rides and strolls around the neighborhood.

Opie has lived with teenagers, men, women, and seniors and did great with all of them. Family members should all meet Opie at the shelter prior to adoption. He has a history with cats and other dogs, any other dogs in the home should meet at the shelter prior to going home and cats should be introduced slowly. He has a history with small animals and livestock but slow introduction and management with them is recommended.

If you’re looking for your new best friend please visit Opie at 1001 Rodriguez St, Santa Cruz between 10 and 6 every day.

Adoptions are first come, first served! Please view available animals on our website and then visit the Shelter to turn in your application. All adoptions require proof of home ownership or landlord approval. Please have this information prepared. If an animal is in Foster Care, please bring in your adoption application and schedule an appointment to meet the animal. Call 831-454-7200 x0 during business hours or visit www.scanimalshelter.org for more information! n ••• Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter’s full-service, open-admission shelter:

Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance): 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062 Hours: Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Watsonville Location: CURRENTLY CLOSED 580 Airport Blvd, Watsonville, CA 95076 SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 • After Hours: jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us

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The Oscars

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5:30 p.m., AJHS Multipurpose Room, 1001 Huntington Dr, Aptos The Aptos Jr. High community is invited to provide input on the criteria to be used in nominating someone for the dedication of the newly renovated multi-purpose room. Both meetings will take place in the school’s multipurpose room. Principal Michael Mansfield said nominations will be made, and the community will be able to vote on the nominations.

Friday April 1


Noon, Online Discussion Join the Aptos Chamber for a virtual lunch meeting via Zoom with State Sen. John Laird, County Administrative Officer Carlos Palacios, and Pajaro Valley Healthcare District CEO Mimi Hall.

They will cover the successes and challenges for the Pajaro Valley Healthcare District and its potential effect on county healthcare as a whole. There will be time for questions and community updates.

General admission is $15 per person and $10 for chamber members. Reservations are required. Call the Aptos Chamber at (831) 688-1467 with your credit card and email address or send a check and email address to 7605 Old Dominion Court, Aptos CA 95003, or online at aptoschamber.com. A Zoom link will be provided after your reservation. The presentation will be recorded so if this time does not work for you, you can get a link to listen later.

Saturday April 2


Noon-2 p.m., Capitola Historical Museum, 410 Capitola Ave. “Perspectives: Capitola in the Eye of the Beholder” exhibit is open at the Capitola Historical Museum. The museum is open every Friday through Sunday noon – 4 p.m. Entry is free and family-friendly.

The reception will feature the unveiling of a new painting by Aptos muralist Ann Thiermann. The painting depicts Indigenous people fishing and foraging at what we know today as Capitola Beach and Lagoon. Ms. Thiermann will speak about her research and method of creating the piece, which was commissioned by the City of Capitola. Her painting will be part of the 2022 exhibition.

Saturday April 2 Sunday April 3


Learn the fundamentals of prescribed firelighting and wildland firefighting during this hands-on, two-day field training April 2-3 in the Santa Lucia Conservancy.

This training will give you the building blocks to be a safe and effective participant in local Rx burns. By the end of the training, you will be prepared to participate in local cooperative burns hosted by the Central Coast Prescribed Burn Association ( http://calpba.org/) and others.

Skills acquired: fireline construction, fireline communications, Rx fire ignitions, operation of a firefighting pump, installation of a hose-lay, organization of a Rx burn and more.

This workshop is a prerequisite for participation in future CCPBA burns and can certify you as a Basic Wildland Firefighter 2 with pre-completion of online coursework plus an “arduous pack-test” walking 3 miles with a 45 lb. pack in under 45 minutes on flat ground. Cost is $20. Scholarships available upon request, no one turned away. Register at: https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey. cfm?surveynumber=36819 For questions, email Jared Childress at childress.ember@gmail.com

Tuesday April 5


1 p.m., Online Meeting Retired Teachers Association Division 7 will meet on Zoom to hear. Sally M. Baho speak on “My Work at the Naval Postgraduate School.”

A Syrian-Californian writer and bon vivant, she works fulltime at the Naval Postgraduate School as a research associate and associate editor of the journal, Combatting Terrorism Exchange. In her free time she loves to be outdoors, read, travel, and enjoy life on the Monterey Bay. She is working on a novel. See her website www.sallybaho.com Contact Mary Dixon at mary@baymoon.com for the Zoom link.

Wednesday May 4 Thursday May 5


Virtual Conference NEST Flight will be a 2-day virtual experience, in time for graduation season. This annual conference is geared toward young professionals, recent grads and current students in high school or college. If you are 17 to 24 and exploring your options for the future, this conference is for you.

Hosted by Digital NEST and founder Jacob Martinez, this event features 20 inspiring speakers, hands-on workshops, powerful panel discussions and one of a kind networking opportunities — crafted to help students propel their careers, no matter where you are in your job exploration.

Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings is keynote speaker. Emcee is Amber Gonzalez-Vargas, senior program manager at Latino Community Foundation, which has invested $17 million in 150 grassroots Latino-led nonprofits. Registration: $20. See https://www.nestflight.org/

Friday May 20


9 a.m.-11 a.m., Online Seminar MBEP’s 8th Annual Regional Economic Outlook will feature Christopher Thornberg, Founding Partner of Beacon Economics, LLC.

Widely considered to be one of the nation’s leading economists, Dr. Thornberg is an expert in revenue forecasting, regional economics, economic policy, and labor and real estate markets.

Beacon Economics is a leading independent research and consulting firm dedicated to delivering accurate, insightful, and objectively-based economic analysis to public and private sector clients in California and across the United States. Tickets are $29. Register at https://tinyurl.com/MBEP-REO2022-register n

New Listing

I N D E S C R I B A B L E O C E A N V I E W S 6 8 5 S K Y W A R D D R I V E

5 bed 4.5 baths 5,079 sqft 2.9 acres $3,850,000

Welcome to 685 Skyward, where breathtaking views and alluring architecture meet custom interior features, spectacular gardens and stunning sunsets. Floor plan provides room for everyone with formal entry, separate living room, dining room and open concept kitchenfamily room design. Main living space offers the perfect backdrop to entertain with expansive views of the blue Pacific, while the fantastic indoor - outdoor flow creates California living at its finest. Four spacious bedrooms, including primary suite with spa inspired bath and walkin closet. Fifth bedroom presents as its own separate living space with private deck, fireplace, walk-in closet, steam shower and more. Use this large, private space as an in-law suite, office, art studio, the possibilities are endless. With unobstructed ocean views from almost every room, a premier location and a passive monthly income of over $5k/month, this exquisite home brings the best of Aptos to you.


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