14 minute read

Happy Sixth Business Birthday!, By Ron Kustek


Happy Sixth Business Birthday!


By Ron Kustek

Per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the 5-year survival rate for businesses (before Covid) was just under


Though this differed by business segments, if you’re celebrating your 5th or 6th year in business, congratulations! Especially being able to stay in business since 2020.

Did you know that 20% of small businesses fail after 2 years, 50% after 5 years, and 70% go under after 10 years?

So why do businesses fail? According to a Jan. 22 article in FastCompany, there are 5 key reasons:

No. 1: Failure To Assess The Market.

42% of businesses fail because there is no market, no demand for what they are offering! It’s great to follow one’s passion. But if you are planning to support yourself and/or your family, then you need to find your passion — and the passionate demand of enough people in the area (or online) who are wanting to purchase your product or service. There have been many businesses buried in the graveyard of innovation, only because they had the wrong timing or ineffective communications in their marketing investments.

No. 2: Failure To Build A Successful

Team. Many businesses hire for convenience, hiring friends or family — even though they may not be the most qualified employee. People are still the key to business success, no matter how much we post on social media, or optimize our website, it is still the personal, friendly, understanding and supportive interaction that makes a customer, and keeps a customer loyal! Too many businesses hire for convenience instead of hiring the absolute best people to represent their company.

No. 3: Failure To Create A Point Of Dif-

ference. Please, for your sake, don’t believe that your differentiation is that you “offer the best quality at affordable prices”. Every business says this, which by definition — is NOT a point of difference! Do you offer the best experience? Do you provide the best service, including guarantees? Do you have the most friendly staff? Do you have a location with an ambience that no one has here in Santa Cruz? These are the ways you can be better, special and different. But remember, being better, special and different only counts if that’s what your target customers desire and are willing to pay for!

No. 4: Failure To Use Technology

Correctly. If you don’t know how to communicate or advertise, then your business will simply fail. Getting the ‘right location’ these days is just not enough! People walk by a storefront every day. What makes your business compelling enough to attract the right customer? You need to be able to use online advertising, especially social media advertising, to target your specific customer who you know needs your product or service, and is the most likely to buy from you. But if you don’t know EXACTLY who they are or HOW to reach them, then you’re simply not going to be able to, risking your business success.

No. 5: Failure To Adequately Finance

The Business. Besides your start-up costs, you need to be able to understand cash flow, profitability, managing key performance indicators that drive your business, and what to measure for your success. Just “advertising” or “posting on social media” isn’t enough to make a business successful. You should have at least 12 months of savings to be able to manage your cash flow. Businesses also need to know the difference between cash flow and profits. Or how to effectively gauge their expenses, and how every decision impacts their profit & loss, including their tax situation. It’s more important to have a great accountant than to use software that doesn’t take into consideration your personal as well as business tax situation.

Bottom Line: Get educated. You can enroll in entrepreneurship courses at Cabrillo College.

Also, just do your homework. Research is more than a Google search. You need to conduct specific research in the county and/or city that you plan on doing business in, which you won’t find just Google-ing it.

Finally, get support from those who know how to start and operate a business. Whether that’s from an instructor, or a mentor from SCORE, or from the Small Business Development Center, please, don’t go at this alone. There are many of us who are available to help you reach your dream — successfully — for longer than 6 years!!! n


Ron Kustek is the Business Department Chair and instructor at Cabrillo College. He was formerly a senior marketing executive with Coca-Cola USA as well as launching multiple small businesses. Contact him at RoKustek@ cabrillo.edu.

The Oscars

ACROSS 1. “In the Hall of the

Mountain King” composer Edvard ____ 6. Marlboro debris 9. *Academy Award ceremony audience sound 13. Botch 14. Sigma ____ fraternity 15. Ten million, in India 16. Embryo sacs 17. Literary “even” 18. Tax evader’s fear 19. *Most nominated streamer in this year’s

Oscars 21. *Most-nominated

Black actor in Oscar history 23. Opposite of yang 24. Lard cousin 25. *Milk ___ movie snack 28. Poetic source of Norse mythology 30. 2020 demographic event 35. Arrival times, acronym 37. Baseball points 39. Camelot to King

Arthur 40. Actress Campbell 41. *Where Oscar-winner

“Slumdog Millionaire” was set 43. Not in favor 44. *What Halle Berry did when she won an

Oscar in 2002 46. Jet black 47. Lively 48. Paid killers (2 words) 50. Upon 52. Rally repeater 53. Sweet-talk 55. Not outs 57. *Total Oscar nominations for “The Power of the Dog” 60. *One of this year’s

Oscar hosts 64. Exotic juice flavor 65. *Jamie Foxx won an

Oscar in 2005 for this flick 67. Bizet’s “Carmen,” e.g. 68. Off kilter 69. *1942’s “Holiday ____,” Oscar winner 70. Admit (2 words) 71. Afterward 72. And so on acronym 73. Took the Kool-Aid


1. J. Edgar Hoover’s man 2. Ice on a window 3. Antonym of “is” 4. Enlighten 5. Puck stopper 6. Kilimanjaro top, e.g. 7. Pronoun 8. Hinduism follower 9. *”Parallel Mothers” nominee Penelope 10. Prospector’s mother 11. Seed coat 12. Lassie, e.g. 15. Type of horse gait 20. Lemur from

Madagascar 22. European Economic

Community 24. Playground attraction 25. *”Belfast” nominee,

“Shakespeare in Love” winner 26. First cradles 27. Lifeboat support 29. *Denis Villeneuve’s sci-fi nominee 31. Type of tide 32. Not so crazy 33. Extremist 34. *”King Richard” nominee, once a fresh prince 36. Give an impression 38. Land of Israel 42. Shenanigan 45. Remove claws 49. Presidential election mo. 51. Waiting on the phone (2 words) 54. Eagle’s nest 56. Like the Incredibles 57. Backside 58. Boat track 59. Not odd 60. Update, as in a FitBit 61. Formerly Facebook 62. *Julia Robert’s 2001

Oscar-winning role 63. Colonel or captain 64. Gangster’s gun 66. ____ eater or ____ hill

Spring begins (Sun in Aries) next Sunday, March 20th in our northern latitudes. It is also International Astrology Day. Soon it will be Easter, the resurrection (of life in nature) festival. The weeks leading up to Easter are preparatory days called Lent (Old English for Spring, lengthening of day).

Lent offers us a time to prepare our bodies and create new rhythms, to reflect upon the last year. It is good to consider cultivating a sense of giving (gifting) during Lent. Giving creates a divine circulatory flow of energies. What is given is returned 10-fold. All actions, intentions and dedications generate an energy field.

What do we give? Not necessarily things, but the gifts of praise, recognition, deep listening, thoughts of Goodwill, prayers and blessings for others.

And choosing kindness always. All acts of generosity, Goodwill and kindness create an energetic field of light that radiates outward to all that is around us.

When thinking of offering/giving money....consider community values, complementary currencies, sharing, bartering, exchange. The Right Use of Money is a major test for humanity at this time. This is part of the First Initiation for humanity – the Initiation in Bethlehem, House of Bread. Here is a Lenten poem for contemplation: You have traveled too fast over false ground; Now your soul has come to take you back Take refuge in your senses, open up to all the small miracles you rushed through.

Become inclined to watch the way of rain when it falls slow and free.

Imitate the habit of twilight, taking time to open the color that fostered the brightness of day. Draw alongside the silence of stone. Until its calmness can claim you. Be excessively gentle with yourself. Stay clear of those vexed in spirit. Learn to linger around someone of ease Who feels they have all the time in the world. Gradually, you return to yourself. Having learned a new respect for your heart And the joy that dwells far within. •••

From To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue, published in the U.K. as Benedictus. O’Donohue was a poet, theologian & philosopher.

ARIES You will feel “in alignment” this month as many new ideas (that become ideals) and unusual revelations are impressed upon your mind. Pay deep attention. They are important and will stabilize your actions and self-identity in the coming challenging times. View and interact in groups with discrimination. Stand tall and courageous and remember that fear just means you need more information. Research.

LEO Things religious, spiritual, philosophical, legal and adventuresome along with places far from here play upon your mind. You create intentions to be better organized; you prefer plans and agendas to include culture, travel and a sustained just philosophy. It’s important to know how to handle other people’s resources (inner and outer). Seek to learn what is of value about and within each person. Then you recognize how to honor them.

SAGITTARIUS In your daily life, be willing to listen carefully to others, agree with and participate in their ideas. Listen more than talking. Just ask questions. This creates a loving emotional balance in your life. Should you do this you will be seen as one who is wise, intelligent and thoughtful – a person of tenderness and care. Begin to consciously cooperate, share and offer praise. These create Right Relations within and without. Right Relations is one of the Laws of the Aquarian Age.

TAURUS You’re ceaselessly serving others throughout much of each day. Working behind the scenes allows you to read, study, research, think and ponder on things undisturbed. Sometimes you’re far away from home tending to life and death situations or medical emergencies. You must turn toward yourself now and begin to heal, using different healing modalities, vitamins, minerals and a special healing diet. Just for you.

GEMINI The times are preparing everyone for the future. And you’re being prepared for a particular future work. With your rulers Mercury and Venus, one preparation is right communication; the other is bringing all that is separate into a unity. Geminis are to point out the dualities of light and dark on our planet. And then assure humanity of the “love that underlies all events in their world” which will save them. Can you do this? During the coming weeks you reflect upon friends, past, present and future. The next Mercury retrograde is in May.

CANCER You may be remembering the many friends and groups you’ve affiliated with over time. There was a recognition, a call to leadership, an ability to teach and to help others in need. Do you have a future wish and hope to be fulfilled? Are you considering people far away? Is there a community interaction you seek to participate in? Over the years you’ve developed discrimination, ethics and ideals. How is your garden? Share what you grow.

VIRGO Work continues to be a stabilizing and expansive influence. You develop new ways of relating to everyone professionally and this creates an effective level of leadership. Your power is greater than you recognize and more than most comprehend. Careful with the authority you have become. Intentionally balance discipline, structure, will and kindness. Let love rule. So all can love and give too.

LIBRA Your heart is filled with love for another (new, present or past relationship). Love changes you. You think about money in terms of legacies, inheritances, stocks, investments, taxes or savings. Tend to debts and become resourceful. Tithe generously. Bring all ideas, concerns and information into the light for discussion. And consider what would sustain you (food, people, items, books, elixirs, etc.) if the world suddenly changed.

SCORPIO With your present work situation, consider creating a caring work environment along with new methods of well-being, communications and trainings. Tend daily to your physical health, eliminating all sugars, most grains and gluten. Make sure to care for your financial health as well. In the meantime, remember to have fun, play more and seek the artistic, the kind and the beautiful. Then your heart expands exponentially.

CAPRICORN Your consistent care and nourishment given to family, friends, to the past and to tradition leads to a depth of unexpected feelings along with recognition by others. You are, to family, the “love that underlies all things”. This you consistently give to them. Sometimes our families are far away. If this is the situation radiate Goodwill from your heart to those around you. Then people, walking into your radiant light, feel you are their family, too.

AQUARIUS Watch with care all resources, finances, money. Be very aware of what your values are. Maintain communication with family and siblings. Are you moving about a lot, does your present environment need change and improvement for you to feel safe and secure? Communicate to everyone what your needs are. A new opportunity reveals itself recognizing your talents and your work in the world. Tell everyone what you want to do and be. Work transforms us.

PISCES Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune are in Pisces. So many shifts of moods, so many remembrances, some sad, some joyful. Thoughts appear about the future. A new home, a new foundation and purpose, new work, new challenges Neptune is dropping the veils between kingdoms making you exceptionally sensitive, aware of hurts with, to and from others. Hurts in the world too. Mercury opens the door to intuition, Jupiter the heart. You miss so many things which are dissolving away. Find your place in the garden. Remain there. Especially at dawn and dusk. The devas will join you. “Pride Flag” from page 22

Fellow Cabrillo Board Member Steve Trujillo also commented on the incident: “This is a senseless act of vandalism and it does not represent the caring spirit that is so prominent at the Watsonville Center. We reject these acts of hatred and want students to know that Cabrillo is here for you as a safe space and a place of friendship and support.” Trujillo is also gay and in 2019 was recognized by the Santa Cruz Diversity Center Award as a “Community Hero” Award winner.

Board President Donna Ziel described the action as “hateful and not representative of the culture and values that Cabrillo College promotes for its students and employees.”

“It is my hope that our college response will make it clear that all students are welcome at the college, and that we value the safe and inviting campus culture we create for our community.”

In response to this incident I also want to indicate that on Monday morning, March 7, starting at 10:30 am, the College will hold a flag raising ceremony at the Watsonville Center to allow the community to come together for a collective positive response to this incident. The event will feature Board President Donna Ziel, and fellow trustees Adam Spickler, Felipe Hernandez, and Steve Trujillo. All are invited to attend this event in a show of fellowship and support for our LGBTQ students and employees.

Yours in solidarity with our community.

— Matt Wetstein

“PVUSD Masks” from page 22

For example, if you have a health condition that puts you at greater risk, you should not tell students that they should wear a mask for your sake. If you have such a condition, you may, however, request an extra HEPA unit, request additional N95 or KN95 masks, and/or contact Human Resources if you have concerns with regard to a health condition that puts you at higher risk.

As we move collectively into this next phase of the pandemic, we will continue to follow the County of Santa Cruz public health order aligned with Gov. Newsom’s recent shift that masking indoors for schools and childcare facilities will transition from being required to being highly recommended.

Our students are looking to each of us once again to model kindness, empathy and compassion as we safeguard our collective health. The District is committed to helping all staff, students and families with the transition to the new mask policy. n — Dr. Michelle Rodriguez, Superintendent of Schools

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