Capitola City Council Election
For the Capitola City Council there are three seats up for election with two incumbents (Michael Termini and Stephanie Harlan) running for reelection and four candidates (Jacques Bertrand, Joe Clarke, selves on the board when the election dust clears. Full Story page 7
Soquel Creek Water District Election Water has become a controversial issue throughout California and especially here in the Soquel Creek Water District. The issues in the last two years have run the gamut from Desal, to Building Moratoriums to Water Budgets to Water Penalties and the never-ending search for a supplemental supply of water. It all comes to a head in the election for new Directors to make decisions about the future of our water. Three seats are open on the board with two of for re-election and seven new candidates, Carla Christensen, Doug Deaver, John Hughes Jr., Maria Marsilio, Bill McGowan, John Prentice, and Michelle Full Story page 8-9 Due to space constraints some candidate answers were edited for length. Their full answers are available on our website. at http://alturl.com/xahw4
Monte Fireworks Come to Capitola! After a year ’s hiatus, the Monte Foundation under the Directorship of Marc Monte resumes its Fireworks Extravaganza on Saturday, October 11 in Capitola. The move from Seacliff State Beach to Capitola was due to rising costs and a need to change the personality of the event.
... continue on page 4
Make This Yours!
P r e n t i c e Bill
M c G o w a n S O Q U E L C R E E K W AT E R B O A R D
“We tried a new format at Lake Tahoe for the past two years,� Said Marc Monte, “And it worked great! We raised lots of money for their local schools on a completely voluntary basis. No selling tickets, no booths or vendors,
(www.3522missiondr.com) Contractors – Develop This! COMING SOON! (4) Beautiful Custom Homes – SC PENDING! 6 Unit Apt. Complex – SC (www.75FrontSt.com) SOLD! (223PaloVerde.com) – SC “Listing Your Home With You In Mind!�
2 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
No. 10 Volume 19
Table of Contents
Vintage aircraft, Air Show performers, War Birds, Fly-Bys, Airplane, Helicopter and Balloon rides, Classic and Hi-Performance automobile show, specialty and gourmet food vendors and sponsors. Free Admission and Camping for Pilots & their Passengers flying in for the event. Fuel Discounts Saturday and Sunday!
Cover Monte Fireworks Come to Capitola! By Noel Smith
4 5
Community News Fireworks Extravaganza Business Sponsors
Cabrillo Extension 7 Capitola City Council Election 8 Soquel Creek Water District Elections 10 11 College Seeks Bond Oversight Committee Applicants 13 19 50 Years of Watsonville Fly-ins by Maggie Caldwell – Watsonville Fly-In and Airshow Schedule 21 Secret to making ‘Best’ Apple Pie... add Vodka! 23 Soquel Union Elementary School District Trustee Election Local Sports 14 Mid-County High School Scoreboard Business Profiles 18 Sea Breeze Gallery by Maggie Caldwell 22 Golden State Lending by Maggie Caldwell
October 11th & 12th, 2014
#OMMUNITY #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n Pages n -ONTHLY (OROSCOPE s Page 29 - Your October Horoscope Featured Columnists
20 Bridges by Maggie Caldwell 24 Innovations in Education by Henry Castaniada – The Wow of New Brighton Middle School 25 Seniors in Action by Noreen Santaluce – Tin Pan Alley Cats: Music From The Past 26 The Book Bag by Robert Francis – Action novels, thrillers and suspense stories… 27 Water Wisdom by Kim Adamson Groundwater Law and more... 30#! &EATURED 0ET s Page n A Puppy Tail Needing a Happy Ending
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 3
Patrice Edwards
publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Maggie Caldwell, Henry Castaniada, Noreen Santaluce, Robert Francis, Kim Adamson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Michelle Cutts advertising sales Don Beaumont, Judie Block, Michelle Hayes Cathe Race
office coordinator
distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti
Times Publishing Group, Inc.
Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
“Monte Fireworks” from page 1 Similar to Capitola, the Tahoe area has lots of restaurants and other visitorserving businesses. These businesses in Tahoe voluntarily donated a portion of their sales for that day to the foundation, which then donated schools. “We signed up all these restaurants and stores,” said Monte, “And when it was all over, they gave us checks. There was no contract or oversight, just a promise and trust and a great crowd coming out to
Marc Monte
According to Monte they, have gotten
Fireworks Extravaganza Business Sponsors
If you visit these businesses on October 11, part of the proceeds will go to the Capitola Skate Park
great support from most of the businesses and restaurants along the Esplanade and in Capitola including Zelda’s, the Britannia Arms, Margaritaville, the Fog Bank said Monte, “And I still get people asking about booths and tickets and musical works. Enjoy the show!’” The Monte Foundation has pledged to contribute the money raised to the new Capitola Skateboard Park. “Our goal is to raise $50,000 towards the construction of the new park on McGregor Drive,” Monte said, “This is so that may be optimistic but that’s what I am, an optimist. P e o p l e
around here have always been generous when it comes to good causes.” Deluxe Foods of Aptos is the linchpin of the Monte family generosity. “We believe in giving back to the community and having fun doing it. It’s been a tough time for small businesses like ours and those of my friends, but we are still here from the support they have given us over the years. That is why we want to give to the next generation through their schools and school activities. It’s a way of ‘Paying it Forward’ by giving to young people to help them get a good start.” Event Sponsors: Deluxe Foods of
Tony’s Fine Foods So pack a snack, bring your beach or camping chair, bring a friend and/ or your family and head for Capitola Beach, or the wharf, or the bluffs surrounding Capitola by the Sea and enjoy the wonder, awe and majesty of the 20th Monte Foundation Fireworks Extravaganza above Capitola on Saturday, October 11 at 8 pm (approx). And don’t forget the “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” as you look skyward. Story By Noel Smith
orn and raised in London, England, I started painting at age five and continued my studies at the Central School of Art and Design and the Camden Arts Centre in London. After studying and working, I embarked on a worldwide tour, stopping in many
places to study, paint and work. Traveling through Asia opened my eyes to color, and when I arrived in California I continued studies in art and design, working as an interior design consultant before becoming a full-time artist.
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Lynne Jay & Marc Monte
Green Home & Garden Strategy Classes at Cabrillo Extension
o assist homeowners and conservation minded residents an innovative partnership has been formed! Cabrillo Extension, the Soquel Creek Water District and the City of Watsonville Public Works and Utilities have about water conservation strategies for your home. Class registration is easy! For more information about how to get water district customer discounts, and discounts for early registration, go to www.cabrilloextension.org For more information call 831.479.6331. Hardscapes: Pervious Patios and Pathways — Two Sundays Sep. 21 & 28, 1 pm-4 pm Is there a way to create elegant and environmentally friendly patios or pathways, help return water to the earth, and save money in the process? Yes!
Keeping Your Garden Alive through the Drought — Saturday Oct. 4, 9 am-3 pm This interactive workshop will provide an overview of how to reduce your landscape water consumption. The class will visit a few local gardens for inspiration and hands on learning in the afternoon. A-Z Rainwater Harvesting — Saturday, Oct. 11, 10 am-3 pm In this class we will discuss the fundamentals of designing a domestic rainwater harvesting system, how to optimize capture water systems will also be discussed. “Green Classes” page 21 Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 5
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or the Capitola City Council there are three seats up for election with two incumbents (Michael Termini and Stephanie Harlan) running for re-election and four candidates (Jacques Bertrand, Joe Clarke, Richard Fitzpatrick and Laurie board when the election dust clears. Times Publishing Group, Inc., as the publisher of the Capitola Soquel Times, is devoted to the task of informing the voters concerning the candidatesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; positions on current issues rather than endorsing a parthree questions of the six candidates. Question 1: Do you support Measure â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mâ&#x20AC;? raising the transient occupancy tax rate from 10% to 11%? Question 2: Do you support moving department? Question 3: What should be the next â&#x20AC;&#x153;big thingâ&#x20AC;? for Capitola? Here are their answers in the order received. Jacques Bertrand did not respond. Q1: Do you support Measure â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mâ&#x20AC;? raising the transient occupancy tax rate from 10% to 11%? Michael Termini: I was one of the council members who voted to put this item on the ballot. I feel it is one of my jobs as an their vote on as many issues as possible. It is not my job to decide all important items according to my personal political beliefs. This tax, if the voters choose to approve it, would add 1% to the hotel bills of our visitors. So, for a $200 stay in one of our better hotels the additional cost would be $2. It is also my intention to bring before the council next week a resolution to have this additional tax money dedicated to our wharf maintenance and repair which has been sorely neglected. We currently do â&#x20AC;&#x153;maintenance by emergencyâ&#x20AC;? not a forward thinking plan. We have over one million dollars of unfunded wharf repairs waiting to be done and this is a way to keep this City asset in good repair for the citizens as well as our visitors. Richard Fitzpatrick: I support M for the following reasons. Government on all levels work on an emergency basis. Creating a slush fund puts us on a par level with our neighboring cities, costing residents no increase to establish this fund. The increase to rentals wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even be noticed. The 125 thousand can be invested and grown into a fund that with careful planning can create positive use for our residents as well as our visitors. Our beach would be a good start.
city hall property and relocating it and the police department to other city owned land city hall construction but also the parking structure. Richard Fitzpatrick: As far as I know the deal to move to a new building has the approval to do so. My opinion makes no Laurie Hill: Yes. Painfully I watched Making it accessible for families with small children, the geriatric population and the handicapped. A simple wooden ramp in the center would make using a carriage, or walker, or wheelchair, easier. Instead of sitting on a cement bench one could get close to the sea. Laurie Hill: Tourism has a huge impact on beautiful Capitola â&#x20AC;&#x201C; both in business revenue and demands for service. We build infrastructure to serve
business owner is against Measure M. The Just two years ago the voters approved a tax that has helped with citiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; revenue. I would like to be the voice of those business owners and I will vote against Measure M. I agree with our current Mayor Story that now isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t the time to put another tax to the public. I have concerns that this may ham our local business. Q2: Do you support moving the Capitola
activity levels, and maintain facilities all in response to the higher capacity during the tourist season(s). All of the attractive amenities that we enjoy - Village, beach, parks and the wharf must be maintained at great cost. So why am I ambivalent about the â&#x20AC;&#x153;visitorâ&#x20AC;? tax? Because 1) The residents will decide â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and when surveyed they overwhelming agreed to pass this expense on to our visitors, 2) To date, the Council has not expressed a clear plan as to how they would spend or save the additional $125,000 in annual revenue, and 3) I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t believe that another $1-3 a night is going to Capitolaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wonderful hotels and vacation rentals. I would rather rally behind a potential tax increase when I know that its planned expenditure will directly serve residents, businesses and visitors alike. Stephanie Harlan: I support raising the transient occupancy tax (TOT) rate but not at this time. We recently asked the voters to increase the local sales tax to support street, public works, and public safety measures. They very generously voted to pass this tax increase, and we will see a big improvement in our streets. The hotel/bed tax is paid by visitors to our city, but I think it is prudent to show the voters how you are using a new increased tax before you ask them for another one. Joe Clarke: When you look at Measure Capitola. The tax increase wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be paid by the residents but by its visitors. The one percent increase would bring quite a bit of revenue for the city. Has anyone spoke with the business owners it would
Michael Termini: While the police department would be far more secure in burning need for a new city hall. Unless! The big â&#x20AC;&#x153;unlessâ&#x20AC;? here is the proposed toring the new temporary lot, that we do in fact need a parking structure, then a new city hall may be a solution. The unsolicited hall property and help build the parking structure could possibly be the solution since we have never been able to gather enough funding for this ambitious parking structure project. If the community feels we need this additional parking then selling
Department and the Fire Station, while both agencies rescued Village residents and businesses. Police should be removed from this hazard. City Hall occupies prime real estate in an attractive tourist zone. It is public meeting, or the Historical Museum park. A relocated City Hall could better serve our customers and enhance another business friendly neighborhood. I would look closely at any proposed move for 1) Police and 2) City Hall. Is the planned move good for the Village, public safety, and the business of running a City? And how will it be funded? Stephanie Harlan: There is lots of talk, but I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see us moving City Hall and the Police Department in the near future. The buildings are in a designated Flood Plain, accident caused by a broken storm drain A new City Hall and Police Department would be wonderful. â&#x20AC;&#x153;City Councilâ&#x20AC;? page 10
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Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 7
ater has become a controversial issue throughout California and especially here in the Soquel Creek Water District. The issues in the last two years have run the gamut from Desal, to Building Moratoriums to Water Budgets to Water Penalties and the never-ending search for a supplemental supply of water. It all comes to a head in the election for new Directors to make decisions about the future of our water. Three seats are open on the board with two of the incumbents, election and seven new candidates, Carla Christensen, Doug Deaver, John Hughes Jr., Maria Marsilio, Bill McGowan, John Prentice, and Michelle Roy, all wanting to Times Publishing Group, Inc., as the publisher of the Aptos Times and Capitola Soquel Times, is devoted to the task of informing the voters concerning the candidates’ positions on current issues rather than endorsing a particular person for the the nine candidates: Question 1: Of the alternative water supplies studied, which one would you choose and why? Question 2: Do you support a monthly water budget of 75 gallons per person per day for residential water users? Question 3: Do you agree that a building moratorium is a viable way to help prevent saltwater intrusion? Here are their answers in the order received. John Hughes Jr. did not respond. Q1: Of the alternative water supplies studied, which one would you choose and why? Carla Christensen: There are two groundwater replenishment projects being considered by the SqCWD. I would support either of those two for their more moderate cost. Either project would imme-
to reverse saltwater intrusion. However the SqCWD should investigate any and all possible new sources of water. I want those and not be expedient political decisions engendered by special interest groups I want the District to continue to develop a realistic hydrologic water model of our complicated aquifers. Shellie Roy: Before choosing an of action for the Board should be to work with Santa Cruz County to create a special district to fund the alternatives. There are 4 water districts and thousands of private wells tapped into the water table. The costs to construct a sustainable water table must be borne fairly and equitably by all who rely on its waters. The County has the authority to create a district consisting of all those who draw on the water table, as excellent study of the entire water table. Maria Marsilio: I would like to see rainwater used in a more productive manner. At
rain water such as, rain tanks, percolation ponds, quarries, permeable pavement, green roofs, rain gardens, bioswales, etc.
I have a strong background in building collaborative, results oriented relationships
exchanges, rainwater collection and desalination, as long as they provide timely, safe
am anxious to put my skills to work for the users of the Soquel Creek Water District. Rick Meyer: The Board of Directors, on which I sit, unanimously chose water recycling, after an exhaustive, public exploration of alternatives. Wastewater is highly
community. Indeed, the solutions in the short term may evolve into other solutions in the long term. I am receptive to desalination as a primary additional source but would be careful to ensure we develop an
and injected into the aquifers to replenish them. Recent state rule changes have made recycling feasible. A water recycling project is estimated to cost about $53 - $56 million. Local desal would cost over $90 million. The wastewater supply is reliable. The technologies have been proven around the world as safe and healthy. The energy use is a fraction of that needed for desalination. The marine impact is positive rather than negative. I expect total environmental impact to be low. I think the likelihood of permitting delays and litigation is less. : First, a new supply of water is needed because we have over pumped the groundwater basin since the early 1980s. Pumping peaked before I became a Director. Since I have been on the Board pumping has been reduced to early 1980s levels by enhanced conservation, accelerated education programs, and a tiered rate structure. This is not enough. We have
multi-faceted approach as well as collaboration among the users in the entire basin. support immediately getting water rights to allow water transfers with Santa Cruz, which would be the least expensive option and can come online the quickest. I also support further investigations of reverse osmosis of recycled water, treating it to ensure it is safe, and injecting it into our aquifer where naturally occurring microbes will further clean the water. Whatever option or combination of options that is chosen should be carefully evaluated for of water it can deliver. The District’s choice will be voted on by our customers. Bill McGowan: I am receptive to all forms of supplemental water supply including recycled water, surface water
8 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
desalination solution for our community. Doug Deaver: At this time I wouldn’t select any one over another. I believe that all options need to be evaluated. Achieving a successful solution will require collaboration with other partners, regulatory approval, and potential political oppobalances cost, probability of success, and community support. I don’t we are far enough down the path to select one option over another. John Prentice: Groundwater storage enjoys a variety of advantages. Recharging groundwater is typically much cheaper than surface water storage or desalination. The median cost of groundwater recharge is $390 per acre-foot. By comparison desalination is at $1900 to $3000 per acre-foot. Evaporation loss or minimalized rivers recharging the aquifers the ground water storage helps avoid and reduce many of the cost of groundwater overdraft. Q2: Do you support a monthly water budget of 75 gallons per person per day for residential water users? Carla Christensen: It is regrettable that the old board majority put us in this situation where we have to work hard to conserve until we can get a new water 30 years of overpumping and the resulting saltwater intrusion, I must support the 75 per person per day monthly allotment. There needs to be an appeal process and exceptions for need as part of this plan. And I would increase rebates to motivate even more water saving. Shellie Roy: The members of the SCWD voluntarily reduced overall con-
sumption by 16% in June. Setting 75 gallons as an optimum target assists resiand changing norms in water uses, landscape choices, etc. are part of a sustainable solution. But conservation can’t conserve water we don’t have. It is also necessary to utilize technological innovations to assist and expand the water nature provides. Population is growing. We need to grow our water supply to meet both agricultural and residential requirements. Maria Marsilio: The Board of Directors stated in a public meeting that they came up with the quantity of 75 gallons per person per day by looking at average usage. If this Conservation Plus program is put in place, I will actively help the users to understand methods so that they can live within their water budget comfortably and thus will not need to be charged higher fees for going over their allotment. I strongly support empowering users to be part of the solution and encourage their input. Rick Meyer designed a ConservationPlus program that would involve a water budget. The board has heard a lot of compelling criticisms at our hearings. As a result, we unanimously decided to re-examine the program. The District should only care about long term water use, since we have a long-term problem. I also voted to reexamine the program because its goals for water savings have already been met twice of our customers. Beyond a certain point, conservation becomes a hardship and increasingly expensive measures would be needed. That is why we need a supplemental supply -- to avoid that hardship. : Some residential singlefamily home water uses have monthly bills of $3,000. They use more than 2,000 gallons/ day. Is that fair to our other customers, who are doing their part to conserve water and help slow seawater intrusion? Admittedly, this is the extreme user. But, in the winter when outdoor use is less, 3% of our customers use 10% of the water and 25% of our customers use 50% of the water. As a Director, I heard what our customers were saying, “The program of 75/gal per person per day has problems.” The District is, with your help, coming up with a program that will reduce pumping to let groundwater levels recover to above sea level. Bill McGowan: I do not support mandatory monthly water budgets of 75 gallons per day. That type of restriction is not healthy or needed for our community. Current have already reduced water usage by over 20% in the last year with a net decrease in pumping over the last 10 years. As a community, we are headed in the right direction
without adopting mandatory restrictions. I do support continued education and community involvement in building a sustainable water supply for our community. Doug Deaver: I support continuing this program on a voluntary basis at the current time while we continue to evaluate the condition of the basin and while we pursue basin wide collaboration for a total solution. Community response to me is that people are willing to live out of buckets for the short term, but they don’t want mandatory rationing at this level (or worse) to be the way of life for the next 10 or 20 years. John Prentice: I do not support mandatory monthly water budgets of 75 gallons per day. I do support a new billing rate structure that rewards those who are able to adjust their life style and conserve below that amount. Unlike the current rate structure, I believe we should move towards a process that rewards those who conserve. in our community and our rates are 200% more than some neighboring cities. Q3: Do you agree that a building moratorium is a viable way to help prevent saltwater intrusion? Carla Christensen: The best way to stop saltwater intrusion is by achieving balance between water extracted from and program only buys us time until we can strained aquifers. Allowing such things as single-family residences and home and small business additions and remodels ordinary lives. Existing ratepayers should not have to endure onerous conservation rules or pay more to enable new large A moratorium, complete or partial, is not a solution but, at best, a stopgap measure to halting the saltwater intrusion that now threatens our water source. Our best
who make the community. A moratorium is a very, very bad idea. Maria Marsilio: My opinions on this subject have evolved. There is very little buildable land in the District. So, re-models and single family dwellings do not add sigpumped from the aquifer. Rick Meyer: Although as a Board member, I had seriously considered a moratorium, we found a better way. The potential moratorium did not even come up for a vote. Until a supplemental water supply project is built, we will be dealing with a shortage. People who are doing their best to conserve wonder how we can at the same time issue new water hookups. We are doing so through a restructured water and need a new water meter pay for projects that reduce water demand somewhere in the District by 200% of their projected demand. We improved the program so that the savings from such projects will be measureable, very long term, and would not have happened anyway. The moratorium exploration is behind us now. : No. Through the water
those who want the new water, the groundIn the long term, additional water supply is the answer to recover our groundwater basin and to ensure clean, safe, water for future generations. Bill McGowan: No, a building moratorium enacted by the Water District would not help prevent seawater intrusion and would be harmful to our community. Along with the negative impacts on our local economy, a building moratorium will contribute to the installation of more
private wells (to get around the moratorium) and more uncontrolled pumping in our aquifer; thereby increasing the risk of seawater intrusion. Driving community members away from the District because of a building moratorium creates more division and seawater intrusion risk for our aquifer. an aquifer-wide issue that will require collaboration by all water users in our ground water basin. A building moratorium would have terrible impacts on local businesses and our overall quality of life. Doug Deaver: I believe that a building moratorium is not a viable solution. First of all Soquel Creek Water users account for less than 50% of the basin usage, and the other usage is not under any restriction. Second, a moratorium means that ALL new hookups are bad – medical facilities, school projects, churches, etc., and I don’t believe that to be the case. Third a moratorium means that the Soquel Creek Water District won’t allow new hookups; however, new development can still elect to pursue drilling a well to provide needed water. I believe that Soquel Creek water policies should encourage new users to use District resources, not drill new wells. John Prentice: I absolutely do not agree with the moratorium as a way to prevent saltwater intrusion. This is very closedminded thinking that will not accomplish the long-range goals to protect our water source for future generations. Soquel Creek water experts have predicted a 2% increase over the next 10 years without a moratorium. That is very minimal compared to the immediate and long-term economic disaster would cause toward our local community. Due to space constraints some candidate answers were edited for length. Their full answers are available on our website. at http:// alturl.com/xahw4
that allow reasonable growth within the framework of our current zoning laws. Shellie Roy: A Moratorium can’t undo 30 years of over draft. A building moratorium addresses 2% of aquifer draw with no impact on 98% of current water users, including 50% on private wells. But worse, moratoriums harm the households in our community’s middle class. As a former policy maker in Aspen, Colorado (County Commissioner sioner; and Chair of the Clean Air Advisory Board) I saw that moratoriums did not accomplish our long-term purposes, and worse -- they drove out the large and economically critical sector of people engaged in remodeling, selling and building real estate. This is our middle class -- the people Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 9
lanning Commission — Each council member may appoint one planning commission member. Appointments will be for two (2) year terms terminating following the November 2016 Election. The City Council is seeking applications from persons interested in community planning development. The Planning Commission is responsible for carrying out both long-range, current planning, and zoning activities within the City of Capitola. Regular meetings of the of each month at 7:00 p.m., in the Council questions regarding the commission can be
Senior Planner, at 475-7300, Ext. 256, or by email at kcattan@ci.capitola.ca.us. Planning Commission terminate 14 days after the regular election of council members. Appointments will be for two (2) year terms terminating following the November 2016 Election. Applications may be obtained at Capitola City Hall, 420 Capitola Avenue, or by calling (831) 4757300 and requesting an application be sent to you. In addition, a notice with an application form is available on the City’s website (for printing) at www.cityofcapitola.org by http://www. ci.capitola.ca.us selecting City Government / Boards and Commissions/ Planning Commission OR go to www.cityofcapitola.org/ bc. Select the Planning Commission and click on “Recruitment Notice and Application.” Application Deadline: Monday, November 24, 2014
— The City Council is seeking applications from persons who are interested in participating in the development of short, medium, and long-term plans that address
“City Council” from page 7 They are small and outdated, but the we should plan for in the near future. Joe Clarke: I do support moving the Police Department if the new location would increase emergency response time and help
our Police Department moving forward. Many of our County Law Enforcement Agencies have state of the art facilities. We need to support our Police Department can for improvement, in return the Police Department can better serve its citizens. Q3: What should be the next “big thing” for Capitola? Michael Termini: Our new library! We have been setting RDA monies aside for several years and have almost fully funded a $2.6 million dollar account to build a new library. As many residents know, our branch is located in several portable buildings on Wharf Road. It is collection must be kept small due to a lack of space. With the amount we have save we would be able to the County of Santa Cruz to build a 7000 square foot facility. At the same time the library joint powers Board, of which I am Capitola’s representative and vice chair, is preparing a parcel tax measure for the June 2015 ballot which would increase the size of our new library up to 14,000 square feet! Capitola deserves a 21st century branch library with space for a homework
10 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Applications may be obtained at Capitola City Hall, 420 Capitola Avenue, or by calling (831) 475-7300 and requesting an application be sent to you. In addition, a notice with an application form is available on the City’s website (for printing) at www.cityofcapitola.org byhttp://www. ci.capitola.ca.us selecting City Government Parking Commission OR go to www. parking improvements for consideration by the City Council. Regular meetings of the commission are held on the second Wednesday of every other month at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers regarding the commission may be directed to Public Works Director, at 475-7300, Ext. 217, or by email at sjesberg@ci.capitola.ca.us.
2014. Appointments will be for two (2) year terms ending December 2016.
center, children’s area, meeting room and large collection. I will do all in my power to ensure Capitola’s citizens are served well by our county library system. Richard Fitzpatrick: I understand there is a new hotel in the works for CAPITOLA. I am not privy to the status of this project, but it is in the works. Laurie Hill: We cannot talk about the future without solving our water challenges. Not all within the Council’s direct control, but Capitola will be seriously impacted by any restrictions that impact future development and quality of life. You know that the issue is serious when the City approved for a new park! And, we need to assure our community that the added sales tax that they approved is serving the community as promised: repairing and maintaining our road/infrastructure and funding essential services. We must continue with zoning code updates, the development of the new park with activity zones for all ages, and build a library that Capitola can be proud of. Stephanie Harlan: Capitola is very some challenges. The Mall has too many vacancies and needs to be remodeled. We
and Parking Commission and click on “Recruitment Notice and Application.” Application Deadline: Monday, November 24, 2014
apitola Architectural & Site Review Committee — Applicants must be 18 years of age or older, and must possess credentials as a landscape architect. The committee meets twice monthly in the Council Chambers at Capitola City Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 3:30 p.m. “Capitola Openings” page 30
have vacant commercial properties around on a possible ballot measure Countywide that would include funds for a new Capitola Library. We will be re-writing our zoning ordinances- the rules for development. We with the drought in our personal lives and for the community at large. Capitola has been seriously looking at ways to use less water, and we are implementing measures to do so. Our job is to provide excellent services to the residents, visitors, and businesses. I think we do that, and we need to Joe Clarke: Capitola, as recognized by Sunset magazine, is one the most beautiful beach towns in the world. We are tunately, are the home of world renowned companies such as O’Neill’s Surf Shop. With that being said, how do we make Capitola a better place to live? As we make we also must work on the 41st Avenue corridor and mall. We need to be able to attract sustainable thriving businesses. We need to address our beaches water quality and and friendly for our skate park that will satisfy everyone.
Ballot Measure M his ballot measure, if adopted by City voters, would raise the transient occupancy tax rate from the current rate of 10 percent to 11 percent. The tax is paid by hotel and motel guests who spend fewer than 30 consecutive days in a hotel or motel in the City and is on the room rent paid. All of the City’s transient occupancy tax revenue is deposited into the City’s General Fund to be used for municipal services to City residents and visitors and for the construction and maintenance of capital improvements within the City. For the ballot measure to pass, it must receive a simple majority “yes” vote.
SqCWD Cancels Proposed Penalties he following was posted on the Soquel Creek Water District website: “The Proposition 218 notice that was mailed to all customers on August 21, 2014 WAS CANCELED by the District’s Board of Directors at their
September 16 meeting. Therefore, it is no longer necessary for customers to send in written protest to the penalties. You can view the text of the Proposition 218 notice on our website. The public hearing regarding the Proposition 218 planned for the October 7, 2014 board meeting HAS ALSO BEEN CANCELED.” Cabrillo College Seeks Bond Oversight Committee Applicants abrillo College today announced that it is seeking Committee members to serve on the Cabrillo College Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee. The college is seeking applications for four committee representatives: an active member of a taxpayer association, an active member of a business group, and two, at-large members. Oversight committee members cannot be
or contractors of Cabrillo College. The Cabrillo College Governing Board will appoint new members at its October meeting.
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For more information visit www.HospiceSantaCruz.org Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 11
12 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Explore the Hidden World of Art in the County
weekends in October, more than 300 Santa Cruz County artists open their studios to the public for demonstrations of the artistic process, art exhibits, and opportunities for visitors to purchase art directly from the source. The tour includes multistop studios like the Tannery Arts Center and individual workspaces scattered throughout the county. This year, there are 44 artists who are new to the Tour and 35 who have participated for more than twenty years. Studios are divided between North and South County (with the Santa Cruz Yacht Harbor as the dividing point). line-up and the changes we’ve made to the 2014 Guide,” said Ann Ostermann, Open Encore Weekend that features select artists in both North and South County. Each day, studios are open from 11am – 5pm. A preview exhibit featuring work from every 2014 Open Studios artist will open on Saturday, September 27 and run through Sunday, October 19 at the Santa Cruz Art League (526 Broadway in Santa Cruz, Wed
The $20 Open Studios Art Tour Guide is available Friday, September 5th at outlets throughout the Bay Area. The re-imagined Guide features larger artist images, neighborhood information, and a pull-out map to help make the most of the Tour. The $4.99 App is a portable guide which helps to create personalized tour
10am – 5pm). A public reception will be held on Sunday, September 28 from 3–6pm
medium, and other criteria; and saves information for revisiting favorite stops. “In its 29th year, our Tour is a national model which supports the livelihood of working artists, draws art lovers from near and far, and helps us provide arts education to thousands of children countywide. We’re excited to be a part of what makes Santa Cruz such a vibrant place to live and visit,” said Michelle Williams, Executive Director. Hotel Paradox is a major sponsor and the Preferred Hotel Partner of the
frozen treats from Mission Hill Creamery and a variety of beers from Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing. The Preview Exhibit will be part of the First Friday Art Tour on October 3rd. “We’re thrilled to see another year of amazing variety. From watercolor and Tour’s artists span a broad range of media and represent every part of Santa Cruz
a Santa Cruz Arts Package, which includes a discounted stay, Open Studios Art Tour Guide, and $20 credit to Solaire. Proceeds from the Guide and App sales support the Arts Council’s arts and arts education programs. Visit artscouncilsc.org for more information and a list of where the Guide is sold. For more information about the Open Studios Art Tour, contact Ann Ostermann, Open Studios & Events Manager: ann@ artscouncilsc.org, 831.475.9600 x17, or cell 831.251.4626. As the producer of the Open Studios Art Tour, Arts Council Santa Cruz County is a passionate supporter of the arts. We promote, connect, and invest in the arts in order to stimulate creativity and vibrancy across Santa Cruz County. artscouncilsc.org
ach October, 300+ Santa Cruz County visual artists invite the public into their creative spaces to share their work and process throughout Santa Cruz County, from the redwoods to the sea.
(243 artists in North & South County) To Chart Your Tour: Artist Guide: ($20 available at more than 50 locations across the Greater Bay Area) your admission and tour guide for all three weekends of the event. Open Studios App: ($4.99 - available on iTunes and GooglePlay) your mobile guide to the Tour. Notable for 2014: he Open Studios Art Tour 2014 Guide has been reimagined to include larger images, neighborhood information, and a pull out map to help make the most of the Tour. Sneak Peek: Visit the Open Studios Art Tour Facebook page and check out the “Fab Four”
A drawing will be held in November for a winner randomly drawn from Visitors’ Survey respondents to receive $200 in Open Studios Bucks, which can be used like cash with any 2014 Open Studios Artist.
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Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 13
Happy Hour mon-Fri 3-6 PM s Thursday Locals Night! Happy Hour 4 pm-Close s Friday Bottomless Mimosas! 11-2 pm s $3 Beers for ALL 49ers Games!
Season Record (0-2) Stevenson 20 – Harbor 14 (Sep 20 @ St) Mar Vista 42 – Harbor 6 (Sep 12 @ Hm)
231 Esplanade
Capitola Village
Season Record (1-1) Monterey 61 – Soquel 20 (Sep 12 @ Hm) Soquel 11 – Los Altos 13 (Sep 5 @ Hm)
Season Record (0-4) Stevenson 19 – Harbor 0 (Sep 18 @ St)
Everett Alvarez 15 – Harbor 6 (Sep 18 @ EA) Hollister 16 – Harbor 3 (Sep 11 @ Aptos) San Lorenzo Valley 21 – Harbor 4 (Sep 15 @ SLV)
Season Record (7-3, League 5-0) Soquel Season Scoring – Jack Pickard 10 Gms; 51 Goals: Max Somple 10 Gms; 40 Goals: Aiden Howard 10 Gms; 16 Goals: Charlie Bailey 10 Gms; 15 Goals: Andrew Breeden 10 Gms; 11 Goals Soquel 15 – Monterey 9 (Sep 23 @ WHS) Soquel 16 – Carmel 6 (Sep 18 @ Ca) Soquel 20 – Salinas 11 (Sep 16 @ CC) Soquel 14 – Gunn 12 (Sep 11 @ Gunn) Soquel 20 – Aptos 10 (Sep 9 @ Ap)
Season Record (5-2, League 4-1) Harbor Season Scoring – Dusty Greer 3 Gms; 16 Goals: Jazmin Bale 3 Gms; 13 Goals: Gabby McClelland 2 Gms; 3 Goals: Jesse Martinez 1 Gms; 2 Goals Harbor 16 – Everett Alvarez 4 (Sep 18 @ EA) Harbor 13 – Stevenson 7 (Sep 16 @ St) Photo Credit: Paul Firenzi - www.mbaypreps.com
www.pacificgolfcenters.com 101 Ranport Road Watsonville, CA 95076 831-274-3271 www.tpgonlinedaily.com 14 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 15
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16 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Monte Foundation Fireworks Extravaganza
20th Anniversary
Capitola Village
October 11, 2014
Lynn Jaye
Visit these businesses on October 11th and a percentage of proceeds will go to the Capitola Skate Park.
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 17
Sea Breeze Gallery
Formerly She Sells Seashells and More, featuring Local Artists and Gourmet Foods By Maggie Caldwell
here do you go for handcrafted jewelry, gourmet foods, ocean-inspired art and home décor, and more? Look no further than Sea Breeze Gallery, Alyce Shepardson’s popular gift shop and gallery located in the Capitola Mercantile. Alyce founded Sea Breeze Gallery after a successful career in the construction industry. She’s gone on to create a success of her gift shop business; in just one year, Sea Breeze Gallery grew from 180 to 660 square feet and earned Santa Cruz Sentinel’s Reader ’s Choice Award for Best Gift Shop for 2013. Alyce established Sea Breeze Gallery as a venue for local artists and food artisans to display and sell their creations. She is an accomplished jewelry artist and photographer who had long felt “there’s not enough places for artists.” So the walls and shelves are adorned with original oil Baker; local photography by owner, Alyce Shepardson, Richard Beckmann, Xlj Photography and others. She also sells sea glass jewelry by Shane Gomes, whimsical copper mermaids, recycled copper earrings and cuffs by Laurie Fish Princess farms and so much more. One of her best sellers are the barbed wire hearts. “They’re made by
Alyce Shepardson inside Sea Breeze Gallery
Chris Allen using reclaimed materials. We have several of his Tree of Life sculptures, and he also makes recycled bottle art. One of his recently created pieces measures 5’x8’; it’s just amazing.” The shop also features sculpted low-relief paper mermaid hangings by Neno Villamor, handmade furniture fashioned from sustainable redwood by wood carving artist Michael Podorson and new to Sea Breeze Gallery – are wine barrel furniture pieces by reWINEd designs in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Some of those creations include a fire pit, cooler coffee table, Adirondack chips for your barbeque. The gourmet food items found in Sea Breeze Gallery are not found in most area grocers or specialty stores. There’s Earth ‘n Vine Tangerine Fig
and mustards. Flavors like Blenheim Apricot Sage Jam and Strawberry Jalapeno Jam are fantastic over cheese 18 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
or cheesecake and are fun to cook with. For those of you with a sweet tooth, we have gourmet toffee from Goose’s Goodies, by Marci Polo (4 th generation Santa Cruz’n). Alyce also manages the art displayed on the walls within the Mercantile. Currently Efren Adalem and his wife, Denise Murphy have their amazing local waterway and ocean photography available to purchase. Their work has been on display in the Monterey Bay Aquarium and they have each won several awards. They are very well known in our area for their photography and being pro-active to help protect our fresh water wetland areas’ wildlife. Vases of live flowers always greet visitors to Sea Breeze Gallery. Stop by to check out the beautiful array of art and gourmet food items. And be sure to say hello to Avalon, the mermaid at the helm of the store who is one of Alyce’s cherished pieces of art. Sea Breeze Gallery is located at 115 San
Jose Avenue in the Capitola Mercantile Building in Capitola Village. Phone number is 831-3597511. Summer Hours are Sunday – Friday 10 AM – 6 PM, Saturday 10 AM – 7 PM
Watsonville Fly-In and Airshow Schedule Friday, October 10 Kidz Zone opens 4:30 pm Performer Practice Session 5:00 pm Movie Night: Disney’s 7:00 pm By Maggie Caldwell
he Watsonville Fly-In and Airshow turns 50 this year, and is celebrating the “Golden Anniversary Celebration” October 10-12 at the Watsonville Municipal Airport with what promises to be the biggest and most spectacular air show to date. Some of the family-friendly happenings include tethered hot air balloon rides on Saturday and Sunday mornings when the wind is lighter, airplane and
helicopter rides, acrobatic performances, food, music, and dancing. “In addition to skydiving and aerobatics, we’ve got vintage warplanes, and a returning military jet, the T-33 Shooting Star,” he said. This annual celebration of all things aviation attracts pilots who display their aircraft from biplanes to P-51s and enthuother parts of the country just to be here. There are more than biplanes and attendees will have the chance to discover all the thrill and skill it takes to carry our Air Force missions on the Air Force Simulator Rapid Strike. It’s a unique opportunity to like to make a C-17 cargo drop or a Reaper missile.
“Briefs” from page 11
responsible for ensuring Cabrillo College’s
Applications are due Friday, October
by a $118 million general obligation bond passed by voters in March 2004. Please visit http://www.cabrillo.edu/ internal/facilities/measured/ for more information about the activities of the Cabrillo College Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
Cabrillo Community College District, 6500 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA, 95003, or via fax to 831.479.6153. For application information, contact the Cabrillo College visit www.cabrillo.edu and click on the link entitled ‘Citizens’ Oversight Committee for Measure D’ to download the application. The Cabrillo College Governing Board passed a resolution on April 4, 2004 establishing the independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee. The committee is
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Afternoon Closure of Airspace 3:00 pm Afternoon Show Begins! 3:00 pm Greg Colyer Acemaker Lockheed T-33 Jet 3:00 pm Vicki Benzing Aerosports 1940 Boeing Stearman 3:15 pm Dr. D’s Ole Time Aecrobatics 1946 Taylorcraft 3:30 pm West Coast Ravens Formation Flying Team 3:45 pm Rich Perkins Marchettii SF.260 4:05 pm Warbirds Fly-By (Andreini Tribute) 4:20 Field Reopens 4:40 pm Fly-In Departures Evening post Fly-in Air Show Entertainment: Music and Música!
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Saturday & Sunday, October 11 -12 Fly-in Arrivals 7:00 am Early Bird Gate opens 8:00 am Balloon “Tethered Flights” 8:00 am 8:00 am Morning Closure of Airspace 12 noon Opening Ceremonies! 12 noon Greg Colyer Acemaker Lockheed T-33 Jet 12:10 pm Vicki Benzing Aerosports 1940 Boeing Stearman 12:25 pm Dr. D’s Ole Time Aecrobatics 1946 Taylorcraft 12:40 pm West Coast Ravens Formation Flying Team 12:55 pm Rich Perkins Marchettii SF.260 1:15 pm Warbirds Fly-By 1:30 pm Field Reopens 1:50 pm
Intermission 2:00 pm RC Bees Demonstration 2:00 pm 2:00 pm Music and Música! 2:00 pm VIP Car Parade (Saturday) 2:20 pm Cops vs. Cops (Sunday) 2:00 pm
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By Maggie Caldwell
anta Cruz County is full of wonder and beauty that attract visitors from all over the world. Now that summer tourists have gone and autumn has arrived, it’s the perfect time to be a tourist in your own hometown, because some of that wonder and beauty arrives this month on the orange and black stained glass wings migrate to the California coast from their summer breeding grounds in a ring of states that includes Washington, western Montana, Utah, and northern Arizona.
They spend the winter in sheltered forests close to the ocean, and the eucalyptus groves in our own Natural Bridges State Beach is one of a handful of prime viewing areas in the state. A couple of centuries ago, you would have seen the monarchs in redwood groves in Monterey pines and cypresses. But they found they preferred the eucalyptus trees that were brought here by Australians during the Gold Rush, and that’s still where are remarkably camouflaged in the trees, but stand still, looking up, and wait. What appears to be dangling leaves will suddenly come alive,
while you still can. The monarch population dropped dramatically over the past decade; the 2007 migration population of 1,300 is just a fraction of the 120,000 visitors in 1997. The decrease has been blamed on lack of available m i l k w e e d . Milkweed is a plant essential to monarch survival; they lay their eggs on the leaves that hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillars feed only on milkweed, they form chrysalises on the plants, and after transforming into but-
Diversity, Center for Food Safety, and Xerces Society (www.xerces.org/mon-
decimation of milkweed. And without milkweed, there are no monarchs. Natural Bridges is open for self-guided tours between sunrise and sunset daily. Just follow the 300-foot, wheelchair-accessible boardwalk from the parking lot at the visitor’s center into the heart of the eucalyptus grove. Look for the annual “Welcome Back Monarchs!” Day on October 12 from 10 am – 4 pm.
Wildlife service to have monarchs put on the endangered species list, blaming the weed killer Round-Up for a wide-scale
Visit their website at http://www. thatsmypark.org/cp-parks-beaches/naturalbridges-state-park/ for more information.
nectar, building up a poison that warns sky with color, before returning to the safety of their clusters. It’s a remarkable sight – one that you should see Increase your flexibility and range of motion with ViPR and TRX!
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Training available at the Body Shop Fitness Studio 20 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
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he Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau’s 38th Annual Apple Pie Baking Contest was held on Tuesday, September 9th, opening day of the Santa Cruz County Fair. The “Best of Show” pie (recipe attached) had an unusual ingredient in the crust – vodka!
Santa Cruz County; Patrice Edwards, Times Publishing Group; Liz Pollock, Cook’s Bookcase; David Vasquez III, Student. Organized by Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau and Sponsored by Local apple producers, processors and supporters. ... and the winners are: “Best Of Show” Ronald Downing – Scotts Valley Junior Division: 1st Emilie Stevens – Santa Cruz Bridgett Titus – Aptos 3rd Jordan Biddle – Felton Senior Division: 1st Ronald Downing – Scotts Valley Sarah Greathouse – Felton Sabrina Carstensen – Aptos Masters Division: 1st Tim Vertterli – Soquel Kelly Kersten – Watsonville 3rd Cheryl Pettigrew – Watsonville The Pajaro Valley apple producers, growers and pie lovers sponsor the annual event in cooperation with the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau. Laura Rider, Farm Bureau Member, is Chair for this very popular opening day event. The “Best of Show” recipe is on display along with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place pies for each division in the Harvest Building during the fair.
Cut apples evenly. Toss with lemon juice. Add all other ingredients and mix. Let rest. Crust:
together. Cut in cold butter and shortening to the size of peas. In a liquid measuring cup, whisk egg. Add in vodka and orange juice to the 3/4 line.
by Ronald Downing Filling:
with sugar. Cover with other crust. Brush with egg wash. Bake at 350°F for 65 minutes. (Alcohol evaporates during baking)
“Green Classes” from page 5
culty, through selecting the right plants for your site, to soil preparation and planting, and finally, to the required maintenance. Organic Vegetable Gardening — Two Sundays Oct. 26 & Nov. 2, 1 pm-4 pm In this class you will learn how you can grow organic vegetables successfully year-round Graywater: Laundry to Landscape — Saturday Nov. 1, 10 am-3 pm This class gives participants information on repurposing water, which was previously considered wastewater and can now be redirected for landscape and garden irrigation.
Build Your Dream House Saturday — Oct. 11, 10 am-1 pm This 3-hour class will steer you in the right direction to building your own house for the least amount of money. Learn how to: buy land at county tax sales; buy materials for next to nothing and build it green Replace Your Lawn! — Saturday Oct. 18 10 am-3 pm In this one-day class, you will be guided, step by step, through the entire lawn replacement process: from initial considerations of cost and diffi-
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 21
Golden State Lending
Local Home Loan Experience By Maggie Caldwell
wning a home is part of the American Dream — but how will you come to buy one? There are
Mortgage brokers earn their fees from the banks but have no allegiance to any one bank
moving to own that house of your interest in selling one is just as important: choosing a m o r t g a g e mortgage lender. over There are two basic types GOLDEN STATE product another. “Banks of lenders: retail and wholesale. LENDING used to give Retail lenders include banks and credit unions. Wholesale lenders include incentives, but not any independent mortgage brokers like Chris more,” Chris explains. Amsden of Golden State Lending. Chris “I’m not getting paid has been in the mortgage business for 15 more by one bank than years. He started on the retail side, working another.” He explains how in banks, and as he developed relationship with his clients he dis- predatory lending has covered he wanted to fallen away since 2012, when the banking industry set new regularate. “Retail banks tions to guarantee more are like retail stores,” transparency. The CFPB Finance Chris explains. “Every (Consumer Bureau) day the Feds set the Protection rate at which they will now regulates the fees loan money to banks. lenders pay to wholesale The banks take that rate and add their brokers, a system that was instituted to elimcovers rent and tellers and the other cost inate the sort of reckless of running a business.” He also points out lending that led to the 2008 mortgage crisis. “Licensing and bond requirements that banks often do one type of loan better than another. “As an independent broker, went through the roof after the crash,” he explains. “Now we have to go through a
vacation home? Investment property? FHA loan? Are you a veteran? I’m unbiased; I’ll take your loan to the bank that best suits your needs.”
part of the licensing process. Anyone who didn’t want to jump through those hoops got away from this business.” Chris has advice for those looking for a mortgage. “First, remember that you are
the borrower, and it should be up to you on no crystal ball when it comes to predicting where mortgage how you tailor interest rates your loan to will go. “If your budget,” anyone says he answers. “Are interest rates you going to are heading in pay more points any direction,” upfront for a he advises, lower payment, “They’re trying or does it make either to close more sense for you or kick the you to pay lower can back down points for a the road.” higher payment. — Chris Amsden, Mortgage Broker Whether You have to suit Golden State Lending you are puryour own budchasing a new getary needs, and that’s up to the borrower, not the bank.” Secondly, he advises to get three quotes. you can call Chris Amsden of Golden State
“If anyone says interest rates are heading in any direction, They’re trying either to close you or kick the can back down the road.”
rate monthly payments, and closing costs.” home, he says, “Do a little more research and compare the overall loan amount.” Are loan amount?” Finally, know that there’s 22 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
to match to your needs. Call him at 831-431-6192 or email him located in Soquel at 4601 West Walnut Ave #7. Website: www.gslhomeloans.com
wo seats are up for election in this election cycle. The two incumbents (Phil Rodriguez and Sandra Wallace) are running for re-election with the third candidate (Sira Taylor) hoping to replace one of the incumbents. Times Publishing Group, Inc., as the publisher of the Capitola Soquel Times, is devoted to the task of informing the voters concerning the candidates’ positions on current issues rather than endorsing a particular person for the office. We asked these three questions of the three candidates: Question 1: Do you support additional funding for the district through a parcel tax? Question 2: Do you support seeking private funding for expanding the arts and music curriculum? Question 3: What should be the next “big thing” for the school district? Here are their answers. Q1: Do you support additional funding for the district through a parcel tax? Phil Rodriguez: I am very interested in the opinion of the 4,116 voters who supported Measure S. Over 60% of those who voted wanted the district to improve services through the use of a parcel tax. I think that when so many people make the decision to help the school district by casting a ballot to tax themselves we trustees need to listen. Sira Taylor: It is important to listen to the voters and what they’ve said loud and clear in regards to any additional parcel tax. We need to live within our means and use the funds our Governor and State Legislature have provided for us. We need to work hard to be fiscally responsible with the monies we’ve been entrusted with to run our schools. I agree with the voters and do not support any additional parcel taxes at this time. Sandra Wallace: It has become evident that our district is going to have to find a way to fund a number of serious infrastructure issues such as increasing technology availability in classrooms and replacing our portable classrooms. In the past there have been state programs which allowed districts to receive funds for buildings. That is no longer the case and with a minimum
cost for a new “manufactured” classroom at about $450,000, it would require passing a bond for funding. Q2: Do you support seeking private funding for expanding the arts and music curriculum? Phil Rodriguez: I support the ongoing and continued efforts to seek private funding to support all of our programs. grams are extremely important to our children and any additional donations given through local organizations and grants for the arts are always welcome and should be explored as additional funding sources. I am a strong advocate for reinstating an Arts and Music curriculum throughout our schools and with the new local area funding formula we should focus on providing Music and Art instruction for all the students in our district. Sandra Wallace: My belief is that arts and music should be part of the curricula for all schools. Soquel Union Elementary School District has kept these programs in our schools by using a variety of methods for funding. Because our parents are very generous in their donations and because our fund-raising events are so successful, I would say that we are already using private funding for arts and music. The District is not yet able to directly fund these programs but I continue to hope we will in the future.
Q3: What should be the next “big thing” for the school district? Phil Rodriguez: We must improve our technology infrastructure. This means larger bandwidth right down to the last ten feet of the data stream. Fiber, wireless, hard-wiring, servers and other hardware will need to be upgraded and as time passes obsolete gear will need to be replaced. The district is working hard to do this to be ready for the Common Core testing protocol. I’m working with the California School Board Association to try to secure statewide volume pricing from the leading hardware suppliers. Sira Taylor: The next big thing should be getting “back to basics” for
our school kids. We need to get back to smaller classroom sizes of 20:1 We need to get back to more hands in the classroom with volunteers such as grandparents, college students, and parents who want to spend time and support children in the day-to-day classroom.
Scary Movies
1. Sir Toby of “Twelfth Night” 6. Mosquito enemy 9. Wide river valley 13. Part of soft palate 14. Grassland 15. Hamelin’s child abductor 16. Awful smell 17. Banned insecticide 18. City in Belgium 19. *”One, two, ______’_ coming for you...” 21. *”The People Under the ______,” 1991 23. Seek damages 24. It’s more commonly called a pika 25. Onomatopoeia for collision
28. Young salmon 30. Maneuver for attaining particular goal 35. Show horse type 37. Fireplace smudge 39. Famous march composer 40. Yugoslavian leader during World War II 41. Chef’s headgear 43. It will 44. To impede 46. Lowest brass 47. Not made up 48. “___ ___ Margery Daw” 50. *Like a lot of horror movie scenes 52. First responders 53. Metal enemy 55. Face twitch, e.g. 57. *1976 prom night thriller
6. Another name for an Oldsmobile 7. Nourished 8. String bean’s opposite 9. IV+IV 10. Imitator 11. 1983 ZZ Top hit 12. “... ___ he drove out of sight” 15. Mexican beaches 20. Brewer’s staple 22. Big bang maker 24. Lawn pastime 25. *Norman _____ 26. Get off the chair
"7 27. Opposite of glossy In the ____, like a 29. Place of origin skinny-dipper 31. Coconut fiber *”What ____ Hap32. One who is tutored pened to Baby Jane?” 33. Muhammad’s religion Stringed instrument 34. *”When a Stranger with pear-shaped body _____” Oafs 36. Fans reactions Desperate or badly-off 38. London subway
60. *Movie about a cursed videotape 64. Antique shop item 65. Federal procurement org. 67. Was dishonest with 68. DVD player button 69. *Don’t take one if you star in a Krueger flick 70. Fourth letter in Greek alphabet 71. Fancy-schmancy 72. Be in the red 73. Winter driving hazard 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
42. *”Hellraiser III: Hell on _____” 45. *”Scary Movie 2” bird 49. Writing under influence, in text 51. Bears or cedes 54. Dal _____, in music 56. Angler’s basket 57. *Rabid St. Bernard 58. Aphrodite’s lover 59. “Lifestyles of the ____ and Famous” 60. Measuring roll 61. Doing nothing 62. Post-it ____ 63. Buzzing pest 64. Large edible mushroom 66. *Movie with same name as certain tool © Statepoint Media
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 23
ur opening of the new school year
energy that surrounds each of our schools is contagious. During the past two years we have experienced an increase in student enrollment, especially at New Brighton Middle School. New Brighton’s enrollment has increased over one hundred student beyond projections. We are delighted that parents throughout our community are selecting New Brighton Middle School for their children. It is without question that the academic rigor and nurturing student environment at New Brighton is truly a major drawing card. Under the leadership of Principal Craig Broadhurst and his administrative team of Mr. Randall Simms, Associate Principal/Counselor, Mr. Andrew Wright, have created an innovative environment that allow middle school age students opportunities to explore various interests (clubs) and to be highly educated in a very safe setting. One of the major draws at New Brighton Middle School is providing a place where students can explore Science (Robotics), Technology, Journalism, Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Geometry. The core success of New Brighton Middle School is the the nurturing of their students and at the same time demands academic rigor. We are extremely pleased that our students are entering New Brighton Middle
“Scoreboard” from page 14
school grade level, we believe that we are on the right track.
School highly prepared to be academically challenged. created an educational setting second to none. These innovative educators are constantly seeking new and creative strategies that will excite their students through an interactive learning environment. Their high expectations are preparing the next group of leaders. It is also wonderful to see a situation where middle school students are playful and excited to be in school. I spend a tremendous amount of time at New Brighton throughout the school
Harbor 13 – Monterey 5 (Sep 9 @ SC) Harbor 16 – Christopher 8 (Sep 4 @ Ch)
SLV 16 – Harbor 12 (Sep 15 @ SLV) Harbor 21 – Christopher 10 (Sep 13 @ Tourney) Aptos 11 Harbor 6 (Sep 13 @ Tourney)
Your Personal Chef for: RECIPE FOR A STRESS FREE HOST:
Simplify , Relax, Enjoy INGREDIENTS:
Total Enjoyment!
t )0-*%": 1"35*&4 t %&-*7&3&% .&"-4 t $00,*/( 1"35*&4
increase in enrollment that is occurring from children of parents who are entering
Season Record (6-0, League 5-0) Soquel Season Scoring – Taylor Thorson Gms; 10 Goals: Camille Russell 6 Gms; 9 Goals: Sydney Harris 6 Gms; 6 Goals: Ellie Graessle 5 Gms; 6 Goals Soquel 9 – Santa Catalina 4 (Sep 23 @ CC) Soquel 10 – Valley Christian 4 (Sep 20 @ SCHS) Soquel 16 – Carmel 0 (Sep 18 @ CC) Soquel 14 Salinas 1 (Sep 16 @ HJC) Soquel 12 – Aptos 2 (Sep 9 @ CC)
t 5"45*/( &7&/54 t $0$,5"*- 1"35*&4 t */5*."5& %*//&34 t 13*7"5& $-"44&4 t $00,*/( 803,4)014
Visit www.juliesclassicgourmet.com for more information or call 831.566.0411 24 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
year. I am amazed at the friendly environment that exists throughout the school and the acceptance of diversity among the student body. It is exciting to see our students engage in a healthy environment with outstanding adult role models that continue to support the developmental stages of adolescence. During the past three years we have
Season Record (8-8, SCCAL 3-0) Harbor Season Scoring – Lauren Matias 13 kills; Bella Patenaude 24 assists Harbor def Mt Madonna (25-13, 27-25, 25-22) (Sep 23 @ MM)
programs at New Brighton Middle School, a major supporter of these changes is our Board of Trustees. Under the leadership of Board President Sandra Wallace and Trustees Judy McGooden, Phil Rodriguez, Tory Del Favero and Amanda Jackson Miller, we have received unequivocal support in exploring programs in the areas of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Having major support for continuous innovative instruction by school board members is fantastic. Our school board members align with our commitment to prepare our next generation of leaders for the 21st Century. They receive monthly presentations about school programs from our principals. We are fortunate to have school board members who are very knowledgeable about the current programs and innovative teaching that is occurring at our school sites. As Superintendent I continue to be highly impressed with the stellar performance of our Board of Trustees. We have made major changes throughout our district and these changes are directly in line with our Board’s commitment to highly educate all students.
Harbor def Deer Valley (25-16, 15-25, 25-10, 28-26) ( Sep 19 @ Hm) Harbor def Santa Cruz (25-9, 25-23, 26-24) (Sep 18 @ Hm) Harbor def Scotts Valley (25-16, 25-20, 13-25, 25-12) (Sep 16 @ SV)
Season Record (6-4, SCCAL 2-0) Soquel Season Scoring – Maggie Walters Soquel def St Francis (25-18, 25-22, 25-12) (Sep 23 @ SF) Soquel def Scotts Valley (25-16, 25-17, 25-18) (Sep 18 @ Hm) Soquel def Salinas (25-17, 25-22, 25-17) (Sep 17 @ Hm) Soquel Def Mt Madonna (25-17, 23-25, 25-19, 25-20) (Sep 16 @ MM) Valley Christian def Soquel (25-14, 25-16, 25-17) (Sep 11 @ Hm)
in Pan Alley is more than just a phrase to describe a type of music. There was an actual Tin Pan Alley in New York City, a small street that ran between Fifth Avenue and Broadway. It was the center for sheet music publishers when sheet music was the rage and the public waited eagerly for the latest songs to come out. The tinny sounds of many cheap pianos demonstrating the latest attempts to produce a hit tune were said to sound like a hundred people pounding on tin pans. Many famous songs and well-known musicians came out of Tin Pan Alley until the 1930’s when phonographs and radios replaced the piano players who needed the sheet music. Today, thanks to Owen Hand and his group The Tin Pan Alley Cats, this music is making a comeback in this area. This playing the typical Tin Pan Alley songs from some of the original sheet music. Their style is warm and lively. Dressed in black with red highlights, they capture the attention of the audience with their opening number. Lead Singer, Cherie Fischer, and Band Leader, Owen Hand exchange banter with the other three musicians and a rapport is established with the audience that lasts through the to sing along and everyone is foot tapping.
By Noreen Santaluce This all started two years ago when Owen Hand was asked by the Historical Society to put together a musical group for one of their events. He gathered some of his creative musical friends and from that has evolved the present day Tin Pan Alley Cats. Owen leads the band, plans the programs and plays the banjo, and ukulele and sings. After he retired from teaching at 55, Owen continued to be a national and state ranked tennis player. He became a musician quite accidentally when a tennis buddy put a banjo in his hands and he was hooked. His second hobby became music, playing and performing with various groups including Banjos by the Bay, Beach Bums and Sons of the Beach. Vocalist Cherie Fischer is the Lead Singer and M.C. She has been playing the banjo and ukulele for many years and 12 years ago she started singing in public. She 1972. Cherie can be called a well-traveled and later owning her own travel agency for 17 years. Best of all, she owns a suitcase full of Tin Pan Alley sheet music.
23 »
staff member from a Bakersfield veterinarian’s office opened the clinic doors one morning and found a battered cardboard box taped shut. Upon opening the box, three tiny puppies were found curled together inside, barely three weeks old. After being bottle fed for three weeks and fostered for two more, Bambi, Flower, and Thumper made their way to the Santa Cruz SPCA. Thumper soon found his forever home but his other two siblings are still in search of theirs. The little tyke shown above is Bambi, one of two now 12-week-old Rat Terrier mix puppies available for adoption at the Santa Cruz SPCA. Bambi, a female, and Flower, a male, are healthy, friendly, squirmy, and enthusiastic pups that are ready to get out and enjoy the world! Because of their age and breed mix, these puppies will be very active and will enjoy a home with a similar energy level. These babies will need all the normal basic, potty and obedience training as soon as they enter their new homes. Puppies this age should not be left alone for more than 3-4 hours a day so your schedule is a very important factor when considering adoption. Bambi and Flower will mature into smaller sized dogs, anywhere from 10-20 pounds and have a short single coat that requires little more than regular bathing. If you’re ready for a small breed youngster to join your home, please come and visit this adorable duo! The Santa Cruz SPCA is a 501c3 charitable organization and receives no government funding, relying solely on public donations to run its many programs that benefit the animals and people of our community. For more information call the Santa Cruz SPCA at 465-5000, or visit www. spcasc.org. The SPCA is located at 2685 Chanticleer Avenue in Santa Cruz, CA 95065 and is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 p.m. The SPCA Mall Adoption Center and Gift Shop is located at the Capitola Mall near Target and is open on Friday from 11am-5pm and Sat-Sun 11am-4pm.
Scary Movies © Statepoint Media
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 25
By Robert Francis
faced in the United States and has started a new reign of terror. With victims spread far apart in Vermont and North Carolina,
By Tony Schumacher William Morrow. $25.99 n this “what if?” thriller the Nazis have conquered and now occupy England. It is 1946 and the Third Reich has instituted a reign of terror and John Henry Rossett, a former police sergeant and war hero, is now working for the feared SS. Assigned to
must now round up people he has known and herd them onto trains that will take them to an unspeakable fate. With his wife and son dead, Rossett is little more than a burned out shell and cares little for those around him or what he has been assigned to do. This all changes the eight year old in a house he raids and suddenly the child touches a part of the man he thought was dead. Determined to save the boy, Rossett and Jacob embark on a struggle to survive Nazis but also the Royalist Resistance and the Communists. It seems everyone is interested in the child and has their own reasons for wanting to capture him number of surprising twists, this thriller marks the debut of Tony Schumacher. You won’t quickly forget the ending of this novel or the man who created it. Schumacher is just getting started! By Faye Kellerman William Morrow. $26.99 eter Decker and his wife Rina Lazarus have moved closer to their adult children and foster son in upstate New York. Peter’s new job with the Greenbury Police Department is a bit of a drag after Los Angeles. Also his new partner, a former Harvard student with plenty of attitude, has made the transition even more onerous. Just when he’s seriously questioning
26 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
to bring to justice. Brennan and police detective Andrew Ryan will join forces to hopefully stop this deadly predator once and for all because if they a lot more little girls are going to die. A forensic anthropologist and professor at the University of North Carolina
is the basis for the TV show “Bones” and she’s written 16 thrillers featuring Temperance Brennan. the wisdom of the move Peter is given a case that begins with a cemetery break-in but escalates quickly into something far more sinister. has been broken into and fakes substituted for the valuable originals. Next a female student at a posh local college is murdered. Suddenly Decker is no longer bored with his new job. In fact as he and his partner the killer they stumble upon dark secrets, international intrigue involving Russia and a group of ruthless individuals who will destroy anyone or anything that stands in the way of allowing them to achieve their sinister ends. Rina and Peter will have to call upon all their past experience as the collaborate on this convoluted but fascinating case that involves much more than just homicide. Of the more recent novels in this long running series, “Murder 101” is at the top of the list and ranks way up there with the
By Lee Child Delacorte Press. $28 etired military cop Jack Reacher is enlisted by the State Department and the CIA to discover who has attempted to kill the French president. The suspect is an American Reacher helped send to prison but now he is out. is an exceptional marksman who
can hit his target from as far away as three quarters of a mile and the G8 summit gathering offers plenty of opportunities to shake up the world order with a wellplaced bullet. Paired with Casey Nice (her last name is a bit of a misnomer), a rookie analyst with “issues”, Reacher is going to have his hands full dealing with an eclectic range of villains who are bent ton seeing he doesn’t accomplish his current assignment. Ms. Nice doesn’t make it easier either. Eighteen novels and over 100 million copies in print make Lee Child one of the most prolific and most read popular authors working today. This latest installment with its international setting illustrates why so many readers around the globe can’t get enough of Jack Reacher and his action packed adventures.
By Kathy Reichs Bantam. $27 sychological suspense coupled with cutting-edge science and plausible characters make this latest novel featuring forensic anthropologist Te m p e r a n c e Brennan a page turning delight. A n i q u e Pomerleau is responsible for a series of murders in Canada. The serial killer kidnapped and killed a number of girls but managed to elude capture. Now the psychopath has sur-
By Tawni O’Dell Gallery Books. $25 r. Sheridan Doyle is the go-to guy in Philadelphia’s District Attorney’s office when there’s a situation that the forensic psychologist’s expertise can deal with. A local celebrity of sorts, Doyle’s public image is at odds with the real man beneath the slick veneer. Raised in a blue-collar mining town, Danny Doyle was a bookish child plagued by panic attacks, bullying and a family history he’s never been able to completely put behind him. Now Doyle is back in his hometown and the trip turns into a busman’s holiday when he discovers a dead body on a walk one day. The corpse is by the infamous gallows where long ago a band of rebellious Irish miners was executed. Ironically, the dead man is related to the wealthy mining family responsible for the miners’ deaths a century ago. Helping out the local law enforcement officials, Doyle uses his skills to create a profile of the killer but in doing so he comes precariously close to revealing some hidden truths about his own family and his youthful past. A gripping tale that offers plenty of surprises “One of Us” is a quick read but don’t be surprised if you discover the story lingers long after you’ve finished the final chapter.
s we settle into fall, our fingers are crossed that we are approaching a typical, rainy winter that will help replenish water supplies across California. But here in the mid-county area, we will still have a serious water shortage even if
the drought ends this year and normal rainfall returns.
id-county residents have done an excellent job at conserving water and are continuing to adopt this “new normal”, making water conservation a way of life to protect our over-drafted groundwater basin. Conservation efforts have been remarkable: Soquel Creek Water District customers used 26 percent less water in August compared to a year ago. Central Water District customers have used 25 percent less, and many private well owners have also shared with us how they are working to reduce their use. Water Shortage Outlook
groundwater supply remains in a
state of overdraft and the basin wide, long-term demands are unsustainable. While we have made great strides at conserving this year, the water shortage problem doesn’t end when the rain comes. Think of it this way as a health/medical analogy: Your doctor said that you were 50 pounds overweight and wanted to put you on a diet and limit your food intake to 1,200 calories a day to lose 10 pounds and reduce your chances of getting diabetes. Within a few months you hit that initial target weight loss goal, the doctor is very proud of you, and you’d likely not have to take insulin.
However, there still exists an overweight condition that can lead to other health issues. As a region, we are nearing our “target initial weight” (using our limited water conservatively) as we address that we’re still “overweight” (overdrafted basin). This is the only way we can repair the damage that has already been done. Using less than is replenished through rain each year, for many years, is the only way to refill the void left in the basin from over-pumping. The risk if we don’t do this is great. We know we have seawater intrusion in two areas on our coastline. If our underground basins are contaminated further by ocean saltwater, our only source of water will become un-usable.
Great Energy
Lasting Beauty
(831) 334-2464
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 27
et fresh ideas for easy-to-prepare, G Aptos ome explore Feldrenkrais from a member of the New CAwareness Through MoveChamber of Commerce entrees Leaf Community Markets culinary mentR. These classes will increase
Friday Oct. 24 7:00pm, Seascape Beach Resort Cost: $80 per person (Table Sponsorships Available) elp us celebrate the people and the businesses of the year at our Annual Dinner
Thursday Nov. 13 7:30am-9:00am, Best Western Ct, Aptos oin the Chamber for its November breakfast meeting with special guest speaker
every Monday, ranging from meat dishes, to gluten-free, to vegan. Try a sample, get a recipe card, and learn tips for meal prep and leftovers. Featured recipes are posted on the New Leaf Community blog at www.newleafcommunity.com.
Scotts Valley. For more information, visit http://hirewire.org
moving as they heighten your 7:00pm-9:00pm, 900 High St. self-awareness. Class is from 9:30 - First Congregational Church of Santa Cruz 1307 Seabright, Santa Cruz. First To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 class is free for new students. Pre-registration is required. Contact suzie@suzielundgren. Wednesdays com or call (831) 332-7347
ine on any Monday and 10% of the total sales go to a local non- 2:30-6:30 p.m. spring, summer and fall he main drag along Highway year as part of the Mahalo Monday 9 will come alive with the Program. Hula’s Island Grill and bustle of farmers and food artisans Tiki Room is located at 221 Cathcart selling a colorful variety of Street in Santa Cruz. delicious edibles to shoppers and Hula’s is open from lunch Tuesday – diners alike. Sunday from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., For more info, visit www.santacruz dinner nightly from 4:30 p.m. – close, farmersmarket.org or contact and happy hour Tuesday – Sunday Nicole Zahm, Education and 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday Events Coordinator at education@ 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. For more santacruzfarmersmarket.org or information go to www.hulastiki.com Executive Director Nesh Dhillon at or call (831) 655-HULA. info@santacruzfarmersmarket.org
Visit www.scwd2desal.org for more info.
10:00-11:30 pm, Aegis of Aptos. 12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf n 8 week discussion group Course. for seniors who have lost a Contact Chuck at 831-462-6092 or e-mail charleswhitt@att.net for spouse or partner. Please call (831) 430-3058 for more information. more information.
Santa Cruz will donate 10% 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s of total sales to Second Harvest Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts every Thursday night from 5-10 Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. p.m. Every $1 donated provides iving a business presentation? healthy 4 meals to people in need Interviewing for a job? throughout Santa Cruz through 200 Improve your speaking skills in a friendly, supportive environment that Second Harvest support. with Redwood Ramblers Toastmasters. Open to all levels. Drop-ins welcome. For more Ave. Santa Cruz CA 95060 information, call 831-335-3693.
5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & Surgical Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz.
Sunday Sept. 28 8:00a.m., Seascape park in Aptos ids’ Race and timed 5 kilometer run
Tuesday Sept. 30 5 p.m. until closing at at Sid’s Barbecue and raise money for Aptos Football! 20% of all dinner receipts will be donated to Aptos Football, be sure to identify yourself as a guest of Aptos Football.
and take-out. If this dinner is successful Sid’s and Aptos High School
3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural events to other AHS sports teams. Medicine, 2849 Park Ave. Soquel Thursday Oct. 2
supports immunity, energy, sleep, mood, and the body’s ability 1:00-3:00 p.m. Santa Cruz Public to handle stress. Library To learn more, call (831) 515pstairs meeting room. Guest 1:00–2:00 p.m., Louden Nelson 8699. you the chance to hear what 8:45 am, Felton Firehouse Community Center, Room 5, 301 will discuss “Making Your Family the guest speaker has to say, et support for loosing Center Street, Santa Cruz History Come to Life” network with other community weight at these health group 12:00pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz For more info call (831) 427-0707 meetings. Tuesdays, Thursdays and chamber members, hand 9:00am-12:30pm, 2045 40th Ave. Ext. 5794 Cost is free. Second Thursdays each month County Learn more by calling (831) out promotional material, hear Clares St. Capitola thru Saturdays 335-3510. ospice of Santa Cruz County important committee reports 6:30 pm, 2259 7th Ave. Santa Saturday Oct. 4 PROFILE of Santa Cruz. Its all while enjoying a wonderful Cruz support group for adults grieving free and it works. Last year it breakfast. ommander Ronals Petty leads the death of a family member or a places 126 of its members in jobs, 7:00pm, 920 41st Ave. Suite 6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach Please call for reservations, the meetings. B, Santa Cruz (next to Family and we can help you too. Ongoing #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos he Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf 831-688-1467. $20 members, For more information, call (831) friend. This group is a place where Cycling Center) workshops will cover resume you can share stories, learn tools For more information, call (831) celebrates 100 years with a special $25 non-members 475-9804 orning meditation schedule writing, communication, and day of activities that includes a profor coping, and receive support 429-7906 interview skills. from people who care. Second and Fourth Thursdays For more information, please call Beach. Events include a procession to at (831) 479-0393 or visit www. “Come As You Are Zen” at 9:00am. First Wednesday each month the wharf, pop-up museum presented Zazen instruction First Tues. of (831) 430-3000. by the Museum of Art and History, 7:00pm at the Cabrillo Comeach month at 6:30pm. antique cars and live music. 6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline munity Center, Aptos Village For more info. visit both Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays For more info: Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz. Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd. oceangatezen.org and facebook. hat is co-dependency? What and Thursdays www.cityofsantacruz.com ublic is invited to all programs. is enabling? What is this 8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College a foster and/or adoptive Contact President Jess Allen First Tuesdays each month insanity? Am I the only one who o-dependents Anonymous he Aptos Market, with over Saturday Oct. 11 parent is to attend orientation. 831-684-2721 or Past President feels this way? Join Nar-Anon, a is a 12-step group for people 80 vendors, is open year The orientation is designed to Barbara Chamberlain at 831world wide fellowship of relatives who want healthy relationships round, with the best selections of review the child welfare system 688-3356 for meeting/dinner aven’t caught up with the and friends of addicts who have and self esteem. Weekly meetings 6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, and to give you a chance to have reservations or information or visit fresh foods. In addition, family derby action this season? 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa activities, music, cooking demos Here’s your chance to see the your question answered by child www.cabrillohostlions.org. addiction. Three meetings are now Cruz and Watsonville. Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.). by professional chefs, gardening Boardwalk Bombshells in consume being held in Santa Cruz County, For a schedule and more party bout theme. The action is at To register to one of the meeting Third Thursday each month workshops, seasonal fairs and on Sundays, Tuesdays, and information, go to www.coda.org First Tuesdays and events are a part of the market. and for directions, please call Thursdays. For more info: www.santacruzor e-mail gratefulcoda@gmail.com Third Wednesdays each month 454-4687. derbygirls.org For a meeting near you call 7:00pm, Firehouse on Soquel Dr. or call (831) 469-6096. Orientations to Become (888) 374-1164 or email Aptos Second and Fourth Wednesdays peakers helping speakers get 9a.m.-1p.m. SV Community saveyoursanity@aol.com Visit Second and Fourth Mondays Center, 360 Kings Village Drive 11a.m. - 1:30p.m. gigs. http://nar-anon.org/Nar-Anon/ First and Third Wednesdays Tuesday of month (for location Call (831) 332-8221 for more www.santacruzfarmersmarket.org California.html for more info. o you love dogs? New Leaf details contact Danielle at 761Capitola is teaming up with 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station information. 2956 X102) South County, 5:30-7 Peace of Mind Dog Rescue and Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm Sundays on Soquel Dr. p.m., third Wednesday of the Capitola Veterinary Hospital so Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm pen Support meetings you can ask the Vet questions, meet Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ 7:00pm, Live Oak Senior Center, on second Wednesday. 9:45am: Bible Study; 11:00: Freedom Blvd. Watsonville adoptable dogs, and learn about the Live Oak Senior Center, 1777-A 1777 Capitola Rd. Santa Cruz Adult Only meetings on fourth Worship, First Baptist Church ASA (Court Appointed Special healthiest treats for your pooch. Free. Capitola Road, Santa Cruz. egular meeting of Stichers Wednesday. Facebook.com/NewLeafCapitola 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos acilitated by Jill Ginghofer, this Advocates) needs volunteers, 3-5 Any Questions, contact Judy by the Sea local chapter Daily group is for caregivers and of the Embrioderers’ Guild of ooking for a church? Come hours per week, to provide support, Brenis at (831) 818-9619. family members of people with America. Event is free, the public worship with us! guidance, and a powerful voice in vereaters Anonymous is a Sunday Oct. 19 Alzheimers is welcome. court for children who have been Third Wednesdays 12-Step support group for those Wednesdays Facilitated by Francie For more information, contact removed from their homes because who wish to stop eating compulsively. Irene at (831) 475-1853. 12-4 p.m. of abuse or neglect. Everyone Meetings daily. See our website for oin your neighbors in celebrating Fourth Thursdays each month welcome, men and bilingual folks a current list of meeting times and Tuesdays New Leaf Capitola’s 21st 7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water especially encouraged. birthday. With a beer garden, mini locations: www.santacruzoa.org District Headquarters, 5180 To RSVP call 761-2956 uesday Support Group is a Soquel Dr. Soquel Ext. 102, or email Saturday Sept. 27 face painting, live music, and 6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old gathering for women with all Danielle@casaofsantacruz.org Mondays eetings are open to the public Dominion Ct., Aptos and the location alternates 2:30p.m. - 4:30p.m., Porter ommander Chuck Woodson 4:00pm-6:00pm, New Leaf Com- for women through all stages from Second Tuesdays each month between the City of Santa Cruz Hunger. Must be 21 with valid ID Memorial Library, Soquel leads the meetings. diagnoses through treatment. munity Markets, 1210 41st Ave. Police Community Room, and to enter beer garden. ll open mike, for poetry or For more information or to For more information, call (831) Capitola (Also down town and at Admission is free. Facebook.com/ 6:00pm-7:00pm, Gateway Bible the Soquel Creek Water District register call (831) 457-2273 pose. Sign up to read at 2:30. 295-1939 West side stores) NewLeafCapitola Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. Headquarters.
Ongoing Events
Dated Events
28 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Times Publishing Group, Inc. -VÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;ÂŤÂ&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;Â"VĂ&#x152;°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;{Â&#x2021; Â&#x153;Ă&#x203A;°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;ÂŽ
Last Thursdays each month
4:30pm-9:30pm, Star Bene Italian/Argentene Restarante, he Monterey Symphony is 21245 East Cliff Dr. seeking volunteers. If you love his is a night for true â&#x20AC;&#x153;Social music and want to be involved, Tango.â&#x20AC;? Order a wonderful please call (831) 646-8511 or visit meal from the Star Bene www.montereysymphony.org for Argentine Menu, (or their well more information. known italian menu), and enjoy the ambiance of Argentina and join us in a social tango dance to music from the Golden Age of Tango. Private instruction and classes Tuesdays by arrangement. For more information, call Michael (831) 6:30 p.m. Santa Cruz Elks Lodge, 239-2247. 150 Jewell St. osted by Soquel Sports Foundation. Buy-In $15. Full First Fridays each month snack bar available. First Tuesday he First Friday Art Tour is a of each month is special $25 buy in Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Arts event, managed in www.soquelsports.com conjunction with the participating art venues. The event takes place Wednesdays year-round and illuminates some of the most talented local artists 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hofbrau, from local galleries. 390 Saratoga Ave, San Jose To find out where to participate orty-seven years of perin a First Friday art tour, visit forming in the Bay Area, over firstfridaysantacruz.com (Most 250 popular tunes. Come see our band for Free in Sunnyvale galleries are open 12-9 pm for First Friday viewings.) Every Wednesday. No cover.
Ongoing Events
Contact Lee McLaughlin, Booking Agent, at 408-993-BAND (2263) Second Fridays each month for information about booking 7:30pm-10:00pm, at MidCounty Senior Center 829 Bay (donations are tax deductible). Ave, Capitola www.PeninsulaBanjoBand.org allroom dancing to live music by The 10th Ave. t wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be summer without Band. Refreshments, large the Wednesday evening concerts floor, friendly atmosphere, free parking. Open to the publicat the Esplanade ark Bandstand. singles welcome! Bring a picnic or pick up dinner t an area restaurant. Seating is on Suggested donation, $6 per person. Proceeds benefit the lawn, seawall benches or the MCSC. For more information, beach. call (831) 476-4711. www.cityofcapitola.org
Second Sundays Each Month best from area farms and include
9:00am-4:00pm, Lincoln St. (Between Pacific and Cedar) endors offer an eclectic blend of antiques and unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures including books and photographs, vintage jewelry, clothing, glass and ceramic collectibles, vintage hawaiian kitsch, turquoise, original artwork, and a whole lot of whatnot! For more info, please contact us at (831) 476-6940 or visit us on Facebook.
he celebrated Experience Hendriz Tour comes to the Santa Cruz Civic. This special event performance represents an ongoing tribute to the music and legacy of Jimi Hendrix. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s line-up ranges from blues icon Buddy Guy to metal legend Zakk Wylde, Jonny Lang,
Robinson of the Black Crowes, Texas guitar gods Doyle Bramhall and Eric Johnson, Mato Nanji, and from Serbia by way of Memphis, Ana Popvic, Henri Brown, Noah Sunday Sept. 28 Hunt, Tony Franklin, Scott Nelson, and Tim Austin. From 3:30 - 7:00p.m. at the The rhythm section, as always, Skypark in Scotts Valley. includes bassist Billy Cox, the only xtra Large and The Joint player apart from Jimi Hendrix Chiefs perform on an outdoor himself, who was part of both stage; all food concessions support the Band of Gypsys and the Jimi music in local public schools. Cost Hendrix Experience and Chris Layton, the drummer who, along is free. with the late Stevie Ray Vaughan, More info: www.Kiwanisof was a founder of Double Trouble. thevaleys.org Tickets available at www. santacruztickets.com
Friday Oct. 3
Friday Oct. 17 Gardener Ranch 114 West Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley he American Red Cross Monterey Bay Chapterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inaugural Farm to Table Dinner fundraising event will be held at Gardener Ranch in Carmel Valley from 5:30 - 9:30p.m. Chef Todd Fisher of Tarpyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant and Chef Tim Wood of Carmel Valley Ranch will be serving up a multi-course menu featuring the
6:30 pm, German American Hall, 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz quare dancing! Try it, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll like it! Friendship put to music, event is family friendly. Classes through Jan 29 are free. Teacher Don Benson For more information, contact Sue or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail at caller4u@att.net.
6-9p.m., Sesnon House at Cabrillo College Aptos oin us for a wine harvest evening under the stars. Meet celebrity wine professionals and enjoy award winning wines and culinary delights prepared by students of the Culinary Arts Department of
the Cabrillo College Culinary Arts program. Tickets: $55.00 person or $500.00 table.
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like bringing a bag lunch to work? It will be healthier for you, too. Life at home is cozy and dreamy at the Full Moon. Relax, indulge in music and movies, and let the e-mail check itself. It will be good news, anyway. This is a strong period for career and reputation. While next year at this time should be especially strong, this year, you have extra energy and charm working for you, and this can impress people in high places!
>ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;VÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; iV°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x2021; >Â&#x2DC;°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;äŽ
Enjoy this. Get creative, particularly with your writing. Communicate as much as possible. Tread carefully at work and keep your eyes out for hiccups. You can handle them, as long as youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re aware of whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s going on. Just be sure to prioritize. Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s really, really important to you? Make some long overdue plans to see friends. They miss you, and want an update on everything thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happening.
ÂľĂ&#x2022;>Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160; >Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁÂ&#x2021; iL°Ă&#x160;ÂŁnÂŽ
One of the biggest rules in life is that you just have to keep showing up and keep trying. Then take a rest and go back and try some more. Forget all the fancy gadgets and the splashy workout clothes. Get up every morning, go for a run, and then concentrate on your work and your relationships. Avoid snap judgments or promises regarding money. Give yourself time to get all the facts and numbers straight. Gain some major insight and intuition about your relationships or the role you play in your favorite group of people at the harmonious New Moon.
*Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;ViĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; iL°Ă&#x160;ÂŁÂ&#x2122;Â&#x2021; >Ă&#x20AC;°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;äŽ
It looks like you have lots of friends in high places. This is always a good thing! Be sure you Love, happiness, success, contentment and a whole lot of other wonderful feelings are in store for you on. Be sure that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t spend so much time in front of the computer that you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t get a chance to really revel in all this bounteousness! Poetry and other forms of open-ended creative pursuit are what really speak to you.
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Why run when you can walk? Speed is not the name of the game. You want to keep in mind that the journey is a destination, instead. You want to take your time and smell the roses (or ocean health, lifestyle, work, and daily routines. New and old partners and partnerships are there for
/>Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â?Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁÂ&#x2021; >Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁÂŽ
Go ahead and think long and hard about everything you want, need, and desire. This is a great time for self-actualization, which is just a fancy term for knowing who you are and making out, because your body is really important to your happiness! The month is strong for family, romance, creativity and work. Even so, there are some illusions to bust through in the process.
iÂ&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x160;Â >Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x2021; Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;Ă&#x201C;ÂŁÂŽ
If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re feeling stymied and annoyed, frustrated and irritated, pent up yet sort of spent, all at once there is only one thing to do: Drop everything and go for a nice long run, walk, or a swim. You really want to work through the body: Get your blood moving and your spirit will follow, getting out of the funk and into a bright, airy, soaring kind of place. Tap your creativity and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll release a whole slew of endorphins. A new point of view is liberating. Let unreasonable expectations sort themselves out. Say little and smile a lot.
>Â&#x2DC;ViĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;Â&#x2021; Ă&#x2022;Â?Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x201C;ÂŽ
When you wake up you might wish you could just hit snooze, roll over, and go back to sleep for another couple of hours. Well, if you can, do it! If you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hit snooze because you absolutely, positively have to be at work on time, that means you have all the more motivation to nicating, learning, connecting, and moving about. You are taking more pride in your mind and personal interests, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re bringing more gentleness and peace to your communications.
iÂ&#x153;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x2022;Â?Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;Â&#x2021; Ă&#x2022;}°Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;ÂŽ
Ah! The ego. Yes, everybody has one. Everybody needs one. Everybody struggles with their ego, sometimes. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s true that you might struggle more than the average bear, when it comes to managing your ego. But donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t give up. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got to get that ego under control, if you really want to succeed, personally and professionally, right now! But donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t worry: Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re stronger than your unruly ego, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll triumph in the end. Instead of balancing your checkbook do follow your mood!
Tuesday Oct. 14
Dated Events
7:00pm, German-American Hall Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth all (831) 726-7053 or e-mail caller4u@razzolink.com for more information!
course. Come support your local Red Cross at this uniquely local dining event! To purchase tickets, learn about sponsorship opportunities, or if you have questions please visit redcross.org/montereybay
This is going to really buoy your day, too, so enjoy the good energy. It doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t happen all the time. When it does, it deserves to be noticed. Do something special and fun for the Full Moon. Accept that invitation, go out, and be part of the happy crowd. New insights come in happy, ments as well as recognition for your talents and your less orthodox or traditional ideas.
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Who says work and play donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go hand in hand? Nobody, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who! If someone does say it you should completely, totally, and utterly ignore them. Work, play, productivity, and pleasure are all wrapped up together in one great big beautiful ball as the month gets started. Amazing! Wonderful! Great! Reserve criticism until youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re absolutely sure about what it is that you think deserves to be criticized. Reorganize but stay open minded about it. You could come up with something amazing! Going forward, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ready to make important changes, particularly in attitude. There can be breakthroughs on a psychological or intimate level now.
If you are not feeling your best donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fret! Fretting will just plunge you into an even bluer Just make up your mind, one way or the other. A lot is going on in your heart. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re less inclined to take action in your day-to-day life. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re quite talkative, however. You may not be revealing much, but youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re inclined to speak up. While your mind is active, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to recognize that itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time for a spiritual and emotional check-up.
www.tpgonlinedaily.com Peninsula Banjo Band Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 29
“Water” page 27 This means we must keep moving forward with our efforts to protect our water supply and secure enough safe, affordable water to meet our community needs now and for future generations. New Groundwater Law in CA uckily we’re making progress towards these goals, and we received a big boost from the state last month when Governor Brown signed a package of groundwater management bills into law. While most states have laws governing the pumping and management of local groundwater sources, until now, no such regulations existed in California. We were the only state in the West without these types of regulations. This lack of oversight and management has led to overdraft and subsidence, where the ground actually starts sinking, throughout the state. In some areas in CA the ground level is dropping by about a foot a year. The new law requires that depleted groundwater basins be replenished. In priority basins such as ours, we will have to monitor and report quantities of water pumped by all basin users to the state, except small residential users who are excluded from the state mandate. Across the state, regional groundwater sustainability management agencies will be created by 2017 to oversee basin use.
For our basin, a basin sustainability plan must be developed by 2022, showing how water pumping and replenishment will be balanced to stop further depletion. The new law requires that a groundwater sustainand implement the plan. In our basin, a regional, collaborative approach including the County of Santa Cruz, both mid-county water districts and private pumpers is being explored. Collaboration is Essential e’ve actually been working with our neighbors in the mid-county area for several months in order to develop shared solutions to our regional issue — even ahead of the state legislation. We’ve had several well-attended meetings with community stakeholders, including private well owners, to explore the issues with our shared water basin and start to identify solutions. Soquel Creek Water District is also moving forward to identify the best option for a new, supplemental water supply that would help provide enough water to meet our ongoing community needs for our homes, businesses and schools. In August, our Board short-listed four options for further study, including two groundwater replenishment and two surface water transfer projects. Over the next several months, we’ll be studying these more closely to evaluate legal,
One of the key criteria for a supplemental water supply is community
ca.us selecting City Government / Boards and Commissions/ Archi-
“Capitola Openings” from page 10
Planner, at (831) 475-7300, Ext. 256, or by email at kcattan@ci.capitola.ca.us. The four (4) professional seats Review Committee expire in December 2014. Appointments will be for two (2) year terms ending December 2016.
“SUESD Election” from page 23
www.tpgonlinedaily.com 30 / October 2014 / Capitola Soquel Times
Just like the many other fellow Moms and Dads of our District I believe that we need to get back to teaching our kids to be well-rounded students who will become life long learners and who will gladly and responsibly give back to their communities.
acceptance. We held several workshops last year to review and evaluate our options, including several ideas put forth by customers and community members. We’ll continue to have a transparent, public process as we narrow our choices. And since many items on our short list involve regional cooperation, we’ll keep collaborating with our agency partners and neighbors. As you can tell, it’s been an exciting few months in the wide (and wild) world of water! I’ll keep you posted in this column as things continue to evolve, and as always you can keep up with Soquel Creek and mid-county water issues on our website, social media and with our newsletter and e-newsletter. Website: www.soquelcreekwater.org Facebook: soquelcreekwater Twitter: soquelcreekH2O
(1) Historian Applications may be obtained at Capitola City Hall, 420 Capitola Avenue, or by calling (831) 4757300 and requesting an application be sent to you. In addition, a notice with an application form is available on the City’s website (for printing) at www.cityofcapitola. org byhttp://www.ci.capitola.
OR go to www.cityofcapitola. org/bc. Select the Architectural click on “Recruitment Notice and Application.” Application Deadline: Monday, November 24, 2014 Information provided by Susan Sneddon, City Clerk
Sandra Wallace: I will interpret this question as my Wish List for Soquel Union Elementary District:
portables throughout the district
Have no “combination” classes at any elementary school, i.e. grades
Commission to paint a murals on the New Brighton Middle School gym, which was just deeded to the District by the City of Cap-
fund art, music and drama in all with an electronic tablet and every
City on projects throughout our district.
Thank you for your support!
in our campaign for the Soquel Creek Water Board
john prentice
doug deaver
bill mcgowan
electedleaderssupport “Jim Bargetto, Soquel Creek Water Dist (ret)” “Jack Beebe, Soquel Creek Water Dist. (ret)” “Tory Delfavero, Trustee, Soquel Union Elementary District” “Leslie DeRose, PVUSD Trustee“ “Zach Friend, Santa Cruz County Supervisor“ “Jim Hart, Santa Cruz County Sheriff“ “Gary Hazelton, Soquel Creek Water Dist (ret)” “Dan Kreige, Soquel Creek Water Dist. (ret)” “Dennis Norton, Capitola City Councilmember“
“Gayle Ortiz, Past Mayor and Councilmember, City of Capitola” “Steve Robbins, Santa Cruz County Sheriff“ “Mick Routh, Past Mayor and Councilmember, City of Capitola” “Linda Smith, Capitola Planning Commissioner“ “Michael Termini, Capitola City Council“ “Sandra Wallace, Trustee, Soquel Union Elementary District” “Michael Watkins, Superintendent, Santa Cruz COE” “TJ Welch, Capitola Planning Commissioner“
communityleaderssupport Will Anderline Al Alhamburu Steven Allen Will Anderline Jean Anderson Joe Appenrodt Tom and Pegi Ard Michael Arnone John Bargetto Ruth Bates Norman Bei Shareen Bell Ted Burke Dan Carillo Chalon & Mardel Carnahan Nikki Castro Terry Cessari Karen Christensen Bill Comfort
Bob & Hannah Cornell Eric Costello Thom & Sandy Coyle Linda Cumstay Al Decamara Fred Doak Harry & Norma Domash Brian Dueck Richard & Leslie Dye Pat Emard Loretta Estrada Greg and Micke Evans Michele Eveland Judith Feinman Lew Feinman Herb Finkelman John Fisher Mike & Melanie Freitas John & Robin Fuchs
Dick & Heidi Garwood Jeff & Diane Goody Steven Graves Jason Green Tom Griffin Tila Guerrero Krista Harris Tom Hart Anita & Gary Heath John & Karen Hibble Mark Holcomb Chuck Hyde Heysa Janssen Steve John Doug & Gwen Kaplan Dr Ralph Kemp Paul Kepler Nicholas Laschkewich Sue Lawson
Bert Lemke Paul Lessard Robley Levy Marq & Liz Lipton John Lucchesi Linda Madeira Larry & Betty Madrigal Jim & Michelle Maggio John & Randy Marinovich Dan Martinez Frank Minuti Marc Monte Rob Morse Dick & Grace Mundy Lisa Murphy Vicki Muse Sam Nigh Kelly & Maria Nesheim Bob Norton
Peter Prillinger Cynthia & Jim Quist Ray Rider Leonard & Patricia Santana Tom and Jill Schauf Karen Semingson Larry Smith Mary Solari Caren & Dale Spencer Teresa & Art Thomae Gina Tufo Norm & Terry Turner Edda Tusinac Jim Urbani Paul Vitali Bob & Nancy Wall James Wallace Denise & Dave Ward Nels & Susan Westman
Gary Wetsel Jim & Carol Williamson Jacob Young Wendy Young Carrie Zachmeier Jim & Pauline Zenner John & Marge Zott
Capitola Soquel Times / October 2014 / 31
We are excited to welcome expert healer and martial artist
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DANCE Synergy DYNAMIC HEALING TAI CHI Noon-1pm Tues/Thurs STARTING OCT 14 9055 Soquel Drive Aptos CA
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New Students exp. 10/31/14 Must Present Ad
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