SCCAS Featured Pet
Tosh: Perfectly Imperfect
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osh (A254511) is in a foster home with two adults and other dogs. She loves being in her bed on the couch or snuggle up to whoever is sitting next to her. She is housebroken. Tosh has a history of an abnormal gait and particularly uncoordinated left rear leg. The previous owner stated this dog has scoliosis since birth. The adopter will need to have her assessed by their veterinarian; medications may be beneficial for this dog. Further diagnostics may also be recommended. She will need a particularly dedicated person to care for her special physical needs. Tosh loves the yard and moves very quickly in her unique way. Tosh will not walk on the floor if it is not carpeted. Tosh, in anticipation of her walk, is excited when she sees her harness and leash and loves her walk. She barks as a greeting anyone coming into the house. She eats well and sleeps all night. It does not appear as though she lived with other dogs before. At first, she would jump off the couch if they came by and bark at them. After a few days, she seems more relaxed about them being around her and has even started to play a little with one of them. Tosh is looking for an adopter who will care for her and provide her with an amazing life. She could live with mellow, dog savvy dogs provided they meet at the shelter and get along. Tosh could potentially live with a cat with a slow, careful introduction. Older children who would be respectful of Tosh may be appropriate. The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter is currently doing adoptions by appointment only. An application must be submitted and landlord permission or proof of home ownership received prior to arranging a meet. Call 831-454-7200 x0 during business hours or visit for more information! n ••• Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has two full-service, open-admission shelters: Santa Cruz Location (Public Entrance): 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062 Hours: Daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Watsonville Location: 580 Airport Blvd, Watsonville, CA 95076 Hours: CURRENTLY CLOSED SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 • After Hours:
Dr. Seuss © Statepoint Media
Ham Radio Operators Find a Way to Host Field Day
By Becky Steinbruner
From a hilltop vineyard deep in the t a time when most of our treasured annual events have been cancelled Santa Cruz Mountains, the radio operators due to COVID-19 restrictions, local exchanged hundreds of messages with amateur radio operators found a way to others from throughout North America keep this year’s June 27-28 Field Day event over a 24-hour period, using power from up and on the air. solar panels and quiet portable generators. Since 1933, with silence only in 1942- This year, some people in the county set 1945 due to World War II, the American up smaller radio stations near their homes Radio Relay League as well, and joined the Field Day event has promoted Field remotely. Day as an emergencyIt was a great success. readiness exercise and Ensuring that this year’s Field Day as a way to promote was not cancelled was important not amateur radio to only because the radio operators treasure newcomers. Normally the event and its rich history, but also this event, held on a because the community service events weekend in June, is a that normally provide good disaster comhard-working beehive Becky Steinbruner munication training for the radio operators of people, shoulder-to-shoulder, raising who volunteer for disaster public service portable antennas and sharing radio were all cancelled. These include the Big microphones and potluck dinners with an Sur International Marathon, the Sea Otter extended invitation to the public. Classic, and numerous local cycling and However, when COVID-19 restrictions triathlon events. threatened to eliminate all of that, members Amateur radio figures heavily of the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio into emergency communication plans Club and San Lorenzo Valley Amateur throughout North America, and espeRadio Club were determined to find a way cially in Santa Cruz County, which easily to hold this year’s June 27-28 event safely. becomes isolated in natural disasters. Traditionally the two local clubs join Santa Cruz County has an unusually forces, often including the UC Santa Cruz high number of licensed and active radio Amateur Radio Club members. This year, operators. They are ready and waiting to the UCSC students did not participate, lend well-trained assistance when called because most of them had left town when upon by local Emergency Operations staff COVID-19 shut down the campus. in the next emergency or disaster. n “When we looked at everything that ••• had to fall away in order to make the event For more information, visit: happen safely, things got simpler,” said San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club: Kerry Veenstra, the event coordinator and whose radio call sign is K3RRY. No sharing Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club: food at a big public potluck. No huge and complicated antennas that require lots of people working closely together to raise. No open invitations to the public. Instead, the antenna configurations were simple, and the types of equipment reduced. People signed up for short shifts of radio operation so no one sat side-by-side. Everybody wore masks, sanitized their stations often, and brought their own food and water. The public visited the site via a Zoom con- John Sisler (KJ6ZL) adjusts antenna for radio communiference tour. cation using satellites. Capitola Soquel Times / August 2020 / 31