809 Bay Ave.
EIR and Scoping Meeting Oct. 6
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Rail Trail Segments 8 and 9 To Be Discussed
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20 / October 2021 / Capitola Soquel Times
he City of Santa Cruz is preparing an Environmental Impact Report and hosting a public scoping meeting from 5-6:30 p.m. Oct. 6 on the Rail Trail Segments 8 and 9. The two segments are designed to create a 2.2-mile bicycle and pedestrian system from along the Santa Cruz Branch Rail Line corridor, from the Beach Street/ Pacific Avenue roundabout on the west to the eastern side of 17th Avenue on the east. Segment 8 (0.6 mile) comprises a Class IV on street bicycle system and pedestrian sidewalk improvements. Segment 9 (1.6 miles) is comprised of a multi-use bicycle and pedestrian trail. The focus of this notice and the scoping meeting is specifically to gather input on potential environmental issues and project alternatives to be evaluated in the environmental review process, not the merits of the project itself or the project design. There will be future opportunities
for community input on the schematic plans. Responses should be received no later than 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 15. For more information, visit http:// or contact Nathan Nguyen, P.E., Project Manager City of Santa Cruz Public Works Department, 809 Center Street, Room 201, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, To ensure email receipt of your comment/question, use the following subject line: “RAIL TRAIL 8/9” The EIR Scoping Meeting date, time, and location designed is to gather additional input on the scope of the EIR analysis. n ••• Wednesday, Oct. 6 from 5-6:30 p.m. Zoom Webinar Link: https://rrmdesign. Zoom Webinar ID: 875 5461 7851 Call-in Options via Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968
Sierra Ryan Named County Water Resources Manager
ierra Ryan has been selected as Santa Cruz County’s next water resources manager, succeeding John Ricker who retired in 2020. “I’m honored to be chosen to serve in this capacity,” Ryan said. “Water is one of our most precious resources, and responsible stewardship of our water is key to our communities, our environment and the ecosystems that depend on water for their survival.” Ryan has 14 years of experience working with water and environmental health issues in Santa Cruz County, including serving as a resources planner for the last 7 years with the County of Santa Cruz. She has experience
“Pimentel” from page 18 He is the president of the California Society of Municipal Fiscal Officers and has been an active volunteer for Salud Para La Gente Health Center in Watsonville. “We are fortunate to be able to fill this important position with an accomplished and respected fiscal manager,” County Administrative
working closely with water purveyors and other stakeholders to protect and enhance water resources in Santa Cruz County, including providing technical assistance and guidance on the development of local groundwater sustainability plans. The County Water Resources Manager monitors and evaluates water resources issues within the county, tracks and evaluates water-related legislation, makes policy recommendations, and works with a wide variety of individuals and groups, including elected officials, community groups, consultants and other government agencies, to assure the sustainability of local water resources.
Officer Carlos Palacios said. “As we emerge from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and CZU fires, Mr. Pimentel’s proven leadership will help us in reaching our long-range strategic priorities for the community.” Pimentel attended Cabrillo College and earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Santa Clara University. He lives in South County with his wife and two daughters. n