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22 / June 2022 / Capitola Soquel Times
Homemade Baby Formula M oms switching to formula were left high and dry when Abbott, which has about 40% of the market, closed its plant after two babies who drank formula made there died. For those who are ready to make it yourself, the Weston A. Price Foundation, founded by Sally Fallon, offers this recipe. Homemade Raw Milk-Based Formula Ingredients to Make 36 Ounces 2 cups of whole fat raw milk, from pasture-fed cows ¼ cup of home made liquid whey 4 tablespoons of Lactose ¼ teaspoon Bifidobacterium infantis 2 tablespoons of good quality cream (can be pasteurized but NOT ultra pasteurized, or UHT) ½ teaspoon of high vitamin cod liver oil (or 1 teaspoon of regular cod liver oil) ¼ teaspoon of high vitamin butter oil (optional) 1 teaspoon of unrefined sunflower oil 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons of coconut oil 2 teaspoons of Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes 2 teaspoons of gelatin 1 7/8 cups of filtered water ¼ teaspoon of acerola powder Note: You may omit the yeast and the gelatin if baby demonstrates sensitivities. ••• Resources Podcast of Sally Fallon Morell explain why she needed an alternative to commercial
formula: podcast/255-homemade-baby-formula/ Step by step recipe on page 602 of “Nourishing Traditions,” a cookbook by Sally Fallon Morell and Dr. Mary Enig: h t t p s : / / n e w t re n d s p u b l i s h i n g . c o m / nourishing-traditions/ The Nourishing Traditions book of Baby and Childcare by Sally Fallon and Dr. Thomas Cowan: https://newtrendspublishing. com/the-nourishing-traditions-bookof-baby-child-care/ Radiant life kit with all the ingredients for the formula: https://www.radiantlifecatalog. com/product/nourishing-traditions-kithomemade-baby-formula/baby-child-care
Share A Recipe!
o you have a recipe that is a family favorite? Or maybe one from your childhood you would like to share? The Capitola Soquel Times will be publishing one recipe each issue from a community member. Feel free to add a little history to the recipe if you want (approximately 75 words). Every issue we will randomly choose a recipe to publish. Find your favorite and send it to today!