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Table of Contents Fair at a CountyPreviousHeartless/CiscoJourneyCountryGaryLosPacificHeritageDangerCamelMonsterTwinkleDiaperAllAFairSundaySaturdayFridayThursdayBoardWednesdayManager’sGlanceMessageSchedulePresident’sMessageScheduleScheduleScheduleScheduleMapLookBackon2021AlaskanRacingPigsDerby&ToddlerContestTimeTruck&Motocross/RidesMagik/Trance-nosisHogScholarship/AnimalProductionsMoralitosCircus/BlackburnCougarsUnauthorizedJimCoversFairSponsors4644424038363432302826242018/19161412109874

Normally Airport Boulevard and Highway 152 handle the cars and farm trucks pretty well. But when your favorite travel app warns of heavy traffic on the most popular routes to the Fairgrounds you’ll be glad you grabbed the attached map.
Use it to find a road less traveled. It isn’t necessarily shorter in distance but may be quicker in time. At the very least following roads with names like Casserly and Carlton will certainly take you through some beautiful country. Even though you might have to share the road with a large number of your friends and neighbors, the 2022 Santa Cruz County Fair is worth the trip. And this year you can navigate the back roads like a local with or without that very smart phone.
Freedom Boulevard to Corralitos Road. Right on Varni to Pioneer Road to Green Valley Road, left on Casserly and right on Highway 152. Highway 101 to Highway 129 west, right on Blackburn, right on East Lake Ave. (Hwy 152). Highway 101 to Highway 152 west.
2022 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR SEPTEMBER 14-18 2601 East Lake Avenue Watsonville, CA 95076 SantaCruzCountyFair.comInformation:or 831-724-5671 Wednesday – Friday: Noon to 11PM Saturday – 10AM to 11PM Sunday – 10 AM to 10PM Fair at a Glance Alternate Routes TO THE FAIR Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com4 Age 13 to 61 Children 6 to 12 Children 5 and under Seniors 62 and better Active Duty Military All $10Veterans(MainLot) $10.00$20.00 (Free on Kid’s Day, 9/14 only) $13.00FREE ($12.00 at the gate on 9/14 only) FREE everyday with ID FREE on 9/14 only $30 (Valet) DAILYPARKING:ADMISSION:

Nuevo Dia Early Education Center 135 Leibrandt Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831 400 1140 Fairgrounds Early Education Center 2667 E. Lake Avenue, Watsonville, CA 95076 831 400 1150 Redwood Mountain Early Education Center 7103A Highway 9, Felton, CA 95018 831 400 1160 Vista Verde Early Education Center 1936 Freedom Boulevard, Freedom, CA 95019 831 400 1130 Highlands Park Early Education Center 8500 Highway 9, Ben Lomond, CA 95005 831 400 1170 Sycamore Street Early Education Center 121 Sycamore St. Ste 100, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 831 400 1120 Our Six Early Education Centers Nuestros Seis Centros de Educación Temprana communitybridges.org/eed Register Now! ¡Regístrase ahora! nonprofit preschool | low ratios | sliding scale Our high quality affordable preschool centers provide children with the building blocks they need for healthy development Part time and full day care are available. Nuestros centros preescolares asequibles de alta calidad brindan a los niños los componentes básicos que necesitan para un desarrollo saludable Hay disponibles cuidados de medio tiempo y de día completo. Learn. Play. Grow. Aprender. Jugar. Crecer.

Board Directorsof
CONTRIBUTINGKatharineLAYOUTPUBLISHERPatriceEdwardsEDITORJondiGumz&DESIGNCameron/WardJ.AustinWRITERSFairStaffOFFICEMANAGERCatheRaceMEDIACONSULTANTS Teri Huckobey, Brooke Valentine & Camisa Composti SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR GUIDE is a publication of the Times Publishing Group, Inc., located at 9601 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 Entire contents ©2022 by Patrice Edwards. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without publisher’s written permission. Fair Program / Schedule Design Western Fairs Association Stephanie Fontana Director Santa Cruz County Fair Don Dietrich President Santa Cruz County Fair Bill Barton Director Santa Cruz County Fair Jody Belgard Vice President Santa Cruz County Fair Tony Campos Director Santa Cruz County Fair Loretta Estrada Director Santa Cruz County Fair Lupe Flores Director Santa Cruz County Fair Michael Pruger Director Santa Cruz County Fair Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com6 winnertime Ti m e s Pu bli s h in gG ro u p, I n c . ®

Manager’s Message2022
Dear Friends and Supporters: The 2020 COVID pandemic shutdown was incredibly difficult for entertainment venues such as the fairgrounds but I am happy to report that the 2021 fair was an incredible success and our activities have recently returned to pre COVID 2019 levels. Your fairgrounds are in the strongest physical and financial shape since the Fairgrounds property was purchased in 1935.
Over the past ten years many people have worked tirelessly to strengthen the Fairgrounds infrastructure and facilities to improve daily operations and prepare for potential disasters. During 2020 we were afforded maximum opportunities to serve our community with disaster relief efforts. Working with awesome County of Santa Cruz staff members this Fairgrounds served the community in multiple award-winning ways that everyone should be exceptionally proud of. With years of dedicated service experience our Fairgrounds Foundation and Ag History Project organizations continue to improve facilities and services to make this the best small community Fairgrounds in the west. We plan to have all of our traditional activities including apple pie contests, diaper derby, veggie judging contests, pumpkins, competitions, collections & hobbies, fine art, home arts, Legos, hand woven items, exhibits, flowers, motorsports, animals of many kinds and types, entertainment, horse shows, photography, fair food & carnival, circus, shows, etc.Please come out and support – a COUNTRY FAIR with OCEAN AIR.
ThanksDaveKegebein Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 7 www.staffoflifemarket.com Eat Too Much Fair Food? We’ve Got the Healthy Solution... Browse the largest selection of organic and natural foods in Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties, and enjoy our huge selection of the finest produce and meats, always sourced locally, helping to support our Central Coast economy and ecosystem. For 53 years, Staff of Life has been the local’s choice! SANTA CRUZ 1266 Soquel Avenue • 831-423-8632 906WATSONVILLEE.LakeAvenue•831-726-0240 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Also, be sure to check out our: • Full Deli • Grab & Go items • • ProDuce • Natural meats & seaFooD • Hot & salaD bars • • bulk FooDs • VitamiNs & cosmetics • comPlete Grocery • Dairy • Everything you need under one roof! Organic LOcaL Produce Organic LOcaL Produce Organic & naturaL Meats Organic & naturaL Meats ...Stop by Staff of Life on Your Way Home. ENJOY THE

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com8 Scheduled Entertainment, Horse Show & Livestock Throughout Day Cisco Jim Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park Throughout Day Camel Rides Livestock Lawn Throughout Day Clown College Ball Park Throughout Day Mariachi de California Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Ongoing Demonstrations Yesterday’s Farm Throughout Day Flo the Clown Roving the Grounds Daily Grounds Entertainment & Attractions $12 admission for Seniors age 62 & over at the gate Free Admission for Veterans Free Admission with ID Free admission for Kids 12 & under Seniors Day Veterans Day ActiveKidsMilitaryDutyDay Wednesday - September 14 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm 11:30 AM Opening Ceremony Main Gate/Rodgers House 11:55 AM Quilts of Valor Presentation Main Gate/Rodgers House NOON Fair Opens NOON-3:00 PM Farm Bureau BBQ (Ticketed Event) Paddy Smith Park OPENING DAY 9:00 AM Swine Show Begins Livestock Arena 9:00 AM Poultry Show Poultry Barn 12:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 12:30 PM South Bay Swing Band Amphitheater Stage 12:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 1:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 1:00 PM Kiddieland Opens Carnival Midway 1:00PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 1:15 PM Senior Contest and Ice Cream Social Amphitheater Lawn 1:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 2:00 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 2:00-3:00 PM South Bay Swing Band Amphitheater Stage 2:00 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 2:00-5:00 PM Rodgers House Tours Rodgers House 2:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 2:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 3:00 PM Main Carnival Rides Open Carnival Midway 3:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 3:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 3:30 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 3:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 4:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 4:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 4:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 5:00 PM Pee Wee Showmanship Livestock Arena 5:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 5:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 6:00 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 6:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 6:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 6:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 7:00 PM Adult Livestock Showmanship Livestock Arena 7:30 PM Monster Trucks and Motocross (Ticketed) Race Track 7:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 7:30 PM Gary Blackburn Band Amphitheater 7:30 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 8:45 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 11:00 PM Fair, Race Track & Carnival Midway Close

September 14th18th!Onceagain,wehaveafantastic5daysoffun,entertainment,educationalopportunitiesandawidevarietyoffoodandbeveragesthatshouldprovideagreatexperienceforallwhoattend.Noneofthiswouldbepossibleifnotforallofhardworkbyour office staff, maintenance staff and the many year-round volunteers as well as those who volunteer during the 5 days of the fair. I would like to personally thank all of those who dedicate their time and energy to provide the greatest entertainment event of the year in Santa Cruz County. So come on out, enjoy some delicious food, wander through our exhibit halls and take note of the many diverse talents our exhibitors put on display. Enjoy the diverse selection of entertainment, connect with people you may only see once a year and just have fun!!! you, customers, back year.
Board President's Message Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 9
and we are proud and honored to welcome you
Sincerely,DonDietrich2022FairBoard valid those up to $970,800 in Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties, and $854,450 in Monterey insurance required for loan amounts greater than 80% loan to value. Offer applicable on purchase transactions in the State of California. Offer not available on refinances. Other restrictions may apply. Terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to approval of credit, verification, and property valuation. Bay Federal Credit Union membership required at the time of closing. For more information, visit any Bay Federal Credit Union branch or call a Bay Federal Home Loan Consultant at 831.479.6000, or toll-free at 888.4BAYFED, extension 304. Bay Federal Credit Union is registered with the Nationwide Mortgage Lending System (NMLS). Bay Federal Credit Union ID #403635.
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Welcome to the 2022 Santa Cruz County Fair
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2:00-5:00 PM Rodgers House Tours Rodgers House 2:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 2:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 3:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 3:00 PM Main Carnival Rides Open Carnival Midway 3:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 3:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 3:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 4:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 4:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 4:00 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 4:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 5:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 5:30 PM Jr. Super Steer Carcass Live Judging Livestock Arena 5:30 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 5:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 6:00 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 6:00 PM Open Carcass Contest Begins Livestock Arena 6:00 PM Berry Jam Contest Drop off Deadline Home Arts 6:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 6:30 PM Berry Jam Contest Home Arts 6:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 6:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 7:30 PM Monster Trucks and Motocross (Ticketed) Race Track 7:30 PM The Country Cougars Amphitheater Stage 7:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 8:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 8:45 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 11:00 PM Fair, Race Track & Carnival Midway Close
Throughout Day Cisco Jim Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park Throughout Day Camel Rides Livestock Lawn Throughout Day Clown College Ball Park
Entertainment & Attractions
NOON Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 12:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 12:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 1:00 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 1:00 PM Kiddieland Opens Carnival Midway 1:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 2:00 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park
Throughout Day Mariachi de California Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Flo the Clown Roving the Grounds Grounds
9:00 AM-Noon Tickets & required.reservations For 2nd - 4th Graders Free Admission with ID ActiveMilitaryDutyScheduled Horse Show & Livestock
Thursday - September 15 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm 9:00 AM Sheep Show begins Livestock Arena 9:00 AM Dairy Goat Show begins Livestock Tent 11:00 AM Circus Imagination Ball Park
Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com10

Welcome to the Fair!
49 Hangar Way, Suite I • Watsonville, CA 95076

AT THE FAIR Free Admission with ID ActiveScheduledMilitaryDuty Entertainment,
FRIDAY Horse Show & Livestock
9:00 AM Dairy Cattle Show Begins Livestock Arena 9:00 AM Rabbit Showmanship Begins Livestock Tent 12:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 12:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 12:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn
Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com12 NOON FAIR OPENS Throughout Day Cisco Jim Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park Throughout Day Camel Rides Livestock Lawn Throughout Day Clown College Ball Park Throughout Day Mariachi de California Roving the ThroughoutGrounds Day Flo the Clown Roving the Grounds Daily Grounds Entertainment & Attractions
1:00 PM Kiddieland Opens Carnival Midway 1:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 1:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 1:00 PM Pygmy Goat Show Begins Livestock Arena 1:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 2:00 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 2:00-5:00 PM Rodgers House Tours Rodgers House 2:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 2:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 2:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 3:00 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 3:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 3:00 PM Main Carnival Rides Open Carnival Midway 3:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 4:00 PM Poultry Showmanship Poultry Barn 4:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 4:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 4:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 5:00 PM Livestock Judging Contest Registration Livestock Arena 5:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Law 5:30 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 5:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 6:00 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 6:00 PM Livestock Judging Contest Livestock Arena 6:00-8:30 PM Rodgers House Twilight Tours Rodgers House 6:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 6:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 6:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom 7:00 PM Vegetable Judging Next to Livestock Arena 7:00-9:00 PM Glass Blowing with Nate Bennet Fine Arts Building 7:30 PM Journey Unauthorized Amphitheater Stage 7:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 7:30 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 8:45 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 11:00 PM Fair, Race Track & Carnival Midway Close Friday - September 16 th Fair Hours: Noon - 11:00pm

831-688-6211 | www.aptoslandscapesupply.com 5035 Freedom Blvd. | Aptos, CA 95003 Monday - Saturday 7:30am - 5:00pm + Specialty soils and fertilizers by the bag or bulk. Fast delivery to your home or office! LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1966 THE LARGEST SELECTION OF LANDSCAPE MATERIALS IN TOWN Interlocking Pavers & Retaining Wall Systems Flagstone & Slate Real & Artificial Turf Decorative Gravel & Utility Sands High Quality Organic Soils & Compost Custom Mixes Drainage & Erosion Control Boulders Garden Tools & Masonry Supplies Pond Supplies & Pumps Soil Amendments Organic Fertilizers & Pest Control Decorative Mulch & Wood Chips Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 13 BEN LOMOND (831) 336–5142 BOULDER CREEK (831) 338–6467 CARMEL (831) 293-8050 CARMEL VALLEY (831) 250-5666 ACESCARBOROUGHHARDWARE (Kings Village) (831) 438-0581 HOMESCARBOROUGH&GARDEN (831) 610-8187 SCARBOROUGHGARDENS (831) 438-4106 SCARBOROUGH LUMBER (El Pueblo Rd.) (831) 438-0331

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com14 FAIR OPENS 10 A.M. Throughout Day Cisco Jim Roving the Grounds Throughout Day Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park (Exhibit) Throughout Day Camel Rides Livestock Lawn Throughout Day Clown College Ball Park Throughout Day Mariachi de California Roving the Grounds Throughout Day Flo the Clown Roving the Grounds Throughout Day Jeremy the Juggler Roving the Grounds Throughout Day Magic of Frank Thurston Various Locations Throughout Day Ongoing Demonstrations Yesterday’s Farm Daily Grounds Entertainment & Attractions LIVESTOCKJUNIORAUCTION Free Admission with ID ActiveMilitaryDuty 9:00 AM Junior Livestock Auction Buyer Registration Livestock Arena 10:00 AM Junior Livestock Auction Livestock Arena 11:00 AM Circus Imagination Ball Park 11:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage NOON All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn NOON-3:00 PM Rodgers House Tours Rodgers House 12:30 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 12:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 12:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 1:00 PM Diaper Derby/Toddler Contest Paddy Smith Park 1:00 PM Kiddieland Opens Carnival Midway 1:15 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 1:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 2:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 2:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 2:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 2:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 3:00 PM Main Carnival Rides Open Carnival Midway 3:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 3:30 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 3:30 PM Parade of Champions Yesterday’s Farm 3:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tank House Stage 4:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 4:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 4:30 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 4:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 5:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 6:00 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 6:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 6:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 7:00PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 7:00PM Mary Ellen & Thom Duell Ag History Project Entry 7:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 7:30 PM Heartless (Heart Tribute) Amphitheater Stage 8:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 8:45 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 11:00 PM Fair & Carnival Midway Closes Saturday - September 17 th Fair Hours: 10:00am - 11:00pm Scheduled Entertainment, Horse Show & Livestock

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 15

Camel Rides Livestock Lawn Throughout
Circus Imagination
Throughout Day Cisco Day Productions Ball Park (Exhibit)
Frank Thurston Various Locations Throughout
1:00 PM Kiddieland Opens Carnival Midway PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 2:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 2:30 PM Salsa Contest (Drop Off Salsa Entry) Home Arts 2:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 2:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 2:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 3:00 PM Livestock Awards Ceremony Livestock Arena 3:00 PM Salsa Contest Judging Begins Home Arts 3:00 PM Main Carnival Rides Open Carnival Midway 3:00 PM-5:00 PM Jazz A Ag History Gazebo 3:00-6:00 PM Rodgers House Tours Rodgers House 3:00 PM Pedal Pullers by All Alaskan Livestock Lawn 3:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 3:00 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 3:30 PM DangerMagik - Michael Mezmer Tankhouse Stage 4:00 PM Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park 4:00 PM Salinas Valley Charros Main Horse Arena 4:00 PM Escaramusa Charra Main Horse Arena 4:00 PM Los Reyes De La Banda Main Horse Arena 4:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 4:00 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 4:30 PM Pedal Pullers Livestock Lawn 4:30 PM Twinkle Time Tankhouse Stage 5:30 PM Circus Imagination Ball Park 6:00 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 6:30 PM Tractor Parade Fiesta & Apple Blossom Lanes 6:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage 7:00 PM Sonora Dinamitra Amphitheater Stage 7:00 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 7:30 PM All Alaskan Racing Pigs Livestock Lawn 8:00 PM Mary Ellen & Thom Duell Ag History Project 8:45 PM Michael Mezmer / TranceNosis Tankhouse Stage 10:00 PM Fair & Carnival Midway Closes
Ongoing Demonstrations Yesterday’s Farm Daily Grounds Entertainment & Attractions Free Admission
Throughout Day Day Day of Day with
Pacific Animal
Jeremy the Juggler Roving the Grounds Throughout
9:00 AM Jr. Livestock Round Robin Begins Livestock Arena AM Ball Park AM Time Tankhouse Stage Alaskan Racing Pigs Lawn 12:30 PM Pullers Livestock Lawn 12:30 PM Los Moralitos Circus Ball Park 12:30 PM Captain Jack Spareribs / Pirate Magic Playhouse Stage Pacific Animal Productions Ball Park PM Best Dressed Goat Contest Livestock Arena
Jim Roving the Grounds Throughout
Throughout Day Day Clown Ball Park Day de
ID ActiveMilitaryDuty Sunday - September 18 th Fair Hours: 10:00am - 10:00pm Scheduled Entertainment, Horse Show & Livestock FAIR OPENS 10 A.M.
Flo the Clown Roving the Grounds Throughout
Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com16
California Roving the Grounds

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All Things Real Est ate Residential • Ag riculture • Commercial • Industrial Chuck Allen (831) 818-1069 chuckallenpginc@gmail.comBRE#00357826 Nick Kambic (831) 359-6164 nick@theportolagroup.comBRE#02019111 Jonathan Rossi (831) jon@theportolagroup.com265-2211BRE#01988429 Jon Chown (831) 869-2484 jchown@kw.comBRE#02040730 www.chuckallenproperties.com Good Luck To Everyone at the 2022 Santa Cruz County Fair SKIRT STEAK, TRI-TIP, CHICKEN & MORE! National Award Winning Family owned and operated butcher shop since 1970. Specializing in custom cut meat & Award winning Smoked Meats, including, 30 Varieties of Sausages all made in house, Bacon and Awarded Best Ham in the United States! We have a full Deli on the premise that will make your mouth Water! 5 Unique and Amazing Marinades on Skirt Steak, Tri-Tip & Chicken! No order is too small or too large! 831-724-4355 160 Hi Grade Ln, Freedom, CA, 95019 FREEDOM MEAT LOCKERS AND SAUSAGE COMPANY We are proud to be a family owned business since 1970! Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 21

The famous All-Alaskan Racing Pigs are a team of the fastest and funniest athletes to serve up entertainment anywhere! Two of the main ingredients for the All-Alaskan Racing Pig shows are comedy and competition. These perky pigs are natural hams, so to speak, and they’ve brought home the bacon at shows all over the western U.S. and Alaska.
Watch to see which one of the All-Alaskan Racing Pigs tries to hog the limelight at races held every day in their Fair home on the Livestock Lawn. Check the online or printed schedules for daily race times!
All Alaskan Racing Pigs COMEDY AND COMPETITION Tools to facilitarHerramientasParentingMakeEasierparalacrianza triplep.first5scc.org 831.465.2217
Bart Noll admits that his eight pigs are a little spoiled. They live in an air-conditioned trailer, eat well and get a fresh cedar or pine bedding change twice daily.
These prestigious porkers are returning to the Fair for three appearances daily! Although the Alaska State Fair has been their home for 35 years, they have a soft spot for Santa Cruz County, according to manager Bart Noll. “We first played here thirty four years ago. It was a full house for our first show and hasn’t stopped since” he says, adding “We’re humbled by the overflow crowds and hope you’re having as much fun as we are.”
Another important ingredient of the race is cookies, which is the treat that the pigs are racing to win. Each race only lasts about six seconds (these pigs are fast!) and each 20-minute show features four races.
“They love what they do,” Noll says, “and they like people and are fun to work with.” After the show stick around for an opportunity to meet one of these cute little porkers, they love to pose for pictures!
The racing pigs return to a familiar location on the beautiful lawn near the Livestock Area. And they will be entertaining cheering crowds daily at the Santa Cruz County Fair.

Finding the right care for your child is one of the most important decisions a family can make. The Child Development Resource Center is a one-stop source for Santa Cruz County families seeking child care. Our bilingual Child Care Referral Specialists can answer your questions — by phone or in person — and provide information on the many options available for your child. Looking for Child Care? We’re here to help! cdrc@santacruzcoe.org831-466-5820 childcare.santacruzcoe.org Contact Us: Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 25 SOLAR RULES ARE CHANGING Call Today. Explore Your Options. Sandbar Solar & Electric 2656 Mission St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Contact@SandbarSC.com • 831.469.8888 • SandbarSC.com @sandbarsolar facebook.com/sandbarsolar SOLAR ◆ BATTERY BACKUP ◆ GENERATORS ohnBy:PhotoJFox@omnitrigger SOLAR RULES ARE CHANGING Call Today. Explore Your Options. Sandbar Solar & Electric 2656 Mission St. Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Contact@SandbarSC.com • 831.469.8888 • SandbarSC.com @sandbarsolar facebook.com/sandbarsolar SOLAR ◆ BATTERY BACKUP ◆ GENERATORS ohnBy:PhotoJFox@omnitrigger

Saturday, September 17 - 1 PM
Toddler Contest follows the derby Registration prior to the 1 PM Derby start Paddy Smith Park
If it’s been some time since you have had a little one in the house or that is something you have yet to experience, you might want to plan on being in Paddy Smith Park on Saturday, September 17, during the Fair. The Diaper Derby/ Toddler Contest kicks off, or rather crawls off, starting at 1 ThesePM. slow motion races for the prize begin orderly enough but as soon as the whistle blows an entertaining chaos breaks out. The kids are cute and their parents are entertaining. Some of the competitors head straight for the finish line, at least in the beginning, but most wander off when they spot something far more interesting than dad jiggling the car keys on the other side of the mat.
Diaper Derby & Toddler Contest Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com26 142 River Street Santa Cruz, CA LenzArts.com95060 Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.SerillaJaniceArtist: Art Custom(831)Materials423-1935PictureFraming(831)425-7111 @lenzarts @lenzarts STAY CREATIVE
The derby has its roots in the celebrations held in pioneer communities and was a part of the Santa Cruz Fair in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Fair Board of Director Loretta Estrada brought the event back to the Fair and it grows in popularity each year. While the Kentucky Derby calls itself the fastest two minutes in sport, the Fair Diaper Derby is the slowest two minutes. But way more fun!
Santa Cruz County Fair Diaper Derby

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 27

Make sure to carve out some time while enjoying the Fair and bring the family to one of the three daily chances to see “Twinkle Time.”
As a tween she was a series regular in the first Spanish family comedy “Sanchez of Bel-Air” and had a recurring role on NBC’s “My Two Dads.”
What makes this pop group stand out is the importance of learning while having fun. “All the songs are pop-rock related, but all about teaching a positive educational message,” Twinkle said.
escribed by the New York Times as “Like Lady Gaga for Kids” this PeruvianAmerican performer delivers the best kids stage show ever. And she and her crew do it three times daily on the Tankhouse Stage.
Then at 16 and right out of high school, Twinkle packed her bags and went on tour throughout the US and Canada in “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
“Twinkle Time is a high energy educational and bilingual pop concert for kids,” Twinkle explains, “Parents love it too because the music is so fun and catchy, people love to get up and dance along!”
Twinkle grew up performing as a child and teen in Southern California doing TV and musical theater.
She added, “We sprinkle a few bilingual phrases, English and Spanish, throughout the songs.
The kids are having fun but also learning a cool Youngermessage.”children will learn coordination through Twinkle’s signature dance moves as they “Move and Groove Twinkle Time Style.”

The Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau is proud to be a part of the County Fair Come see us Opening Day (Wednesday, September 14) at Paddy Smith Park for the: • Opening Day BBQ - Noon • Apple Pie Baking Contest Also, come see our booth that represented Santa Cruz County at the State Fair in the Harvest Building *For more information. Contact the Santa Cruz County Farm Bureau office, (831) 724 1356, or visit the website: www.sccfb.com Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 29 w w w . s t f r a n c i s h i g h . n e t 8 3 1 . 7 2 4 . 5 9 3 .3 T O G E T H E R . B e c o m e s o m e t h i n g g r e a t e r , Celebrating 99 www.sambrailo.comYEARS831-724-7581 In Agriculture

The opportunity to ride camels is one more reason why the Fair is unique and has something fun for the entire family.
The rides will be atop Dromedary camels, meaning that they have only one hump. Two humped camels are known as Bactrians. The camels you will ride were obtained from domestic breeders in the United States, as camels are no longer allowed to be imported into the TheseU.S.camels are taken care of to the highest of ethical standards and are treated with much love. The camels enjoy a diet similar to what many horses eat; grass, hay, and grain. All the camels are extremely docile and enjoy being around people.
You’ll laugh till you cry! So pick the most convenient evening and make it to the Fairgrounds for Monster Trucks and Motocross on Wednesday, September 14 and Thursday, September 15. Both shows roar into action at 7:30 p.m. In addition to your general admission ticket it is just $10 for adults and $5
The camel ride track will be located between the Pig Races and the Livestock Show Arena, two or three people can ride one of the camels at a time, depending on the amount of spaces available in the saddle. Rider weight isn’t really a factor for these large animals as
Monster Trucks & Motocross
Most fair visitors usually walk over to the livestock area expecting to see pigs, cattle, sheep, goats and other familiar fair animals. And perhaps to enjoy a guilty pleasure, a milkshake at the clover deli. But camels? Returning to the Santa Cruz County Fair, visitors will have the chance to ride a camel, which isn’t exactly something you get to do often if
Contrary to what many people think, the humps of the camels are not filled with water. Instead, the humps are filled with dense fat. This fat can hold water for up to three weeks, which allows camels to survive for long periods of time without water in the desert. In addition, camels do no spit or bite like many people believe… llamas do that.
Camel Rides SEPTEMBER 14 TH & 15 TH • 7:30 P.M.
It’s back for the seventh year and it is two nights of Monster Trucks and Motocross. This motorsport event brings the thrill of huge trucks and daredevil motorcycles all going air born. And there is a special connection to the Fair; the monster trucks are the passion of Watsonville resident Kelvin Ramer. Oh and then there is the thing they do with the big ‘ol RV.

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 31 Working toward a sustainable groundwater basin. Come see us in the Harvest Barn. P.O. Box 1748 • Watsonville, CA 95077 831.724.3900 • Fax: www.pajarovalleychamber.com831.728.5300 SHAZ ROTH President/CEO BRENDA RACKLEY Office Manager Realtor Jesse Reyes jessesellingcalifornia@gmail.com831-707-8067DRE#01719898 Frank Barba avisvisa@hotmail.com831-566-8198DRE#01752548 831-348-0021

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com
Michael Mezmer, “The Phenomenist,” has presented his astonishing DangerMagik to millions of people in 25 countries around the world. From the Great Wall of China, to Las Vegas, Disneyland, and the world famous Magic Castle, people have been absolutely blown away by Michael’s dramatic demonstrations of illusion. DangerMagik is a family show where audiences of all ages are taken beyond imagination to witness the impossible.
After more than 250 Fairtime shows it’s safe to say that it wouldn’t be the Santa Cruz County Fair without Michael Mezmer. This Master Hypnotist fills the Tank House Stage with neighbors and friends being sometimes silly and always hilarious. The bleachers around the stage are filled to over flowing with a crowd that can’t stop laughing. In addition to his nightly Trance-Nosis comedy hypnosis shows, Michael returns with two daily shows of “DangerMagik.”
The DangerMagik show features incredible demonstrations of organic magic phenomena. Each presentation is performed with real world items including: razor blades, animal traps, staple guns, arrows, paintball guns, leather straps, and steel chains. Michael presents a fantastic variety of mysteries including escape, physical challenge, mind over matter, psychokinesis, levitation and so much Michaelmore. is a multiple award winning magician and has been named “Escape Artist of the Year” and “Best Illusionist” by the Society of American Magicians. Michael has been honored to present command performances of his DangerMagik before princesses, presidents, and superstars of entertainment including the legendary Michael Jackson. No matter how many magicians you have watched before, or what type of magic demonstrations you may have seen performed, you have never witnessed a show as unbelievable as DangerMagik or a performer as intensely entertaining as Michael Mezmer “The Phenomenist.”
There are thousands of magicians in the world, but Michael’s original magic concepts combined with his dramatic performance of illusion are what make DangerMagik a one of a kind show. It is also why he performs to standing room only audiences at the Fair year after year. Check the daily schedule to make sure you get to the Tank House Stage in time to get a seat.
Mezmer is a quite the entertainer and, as passersby stop and watch, the audience grows and grows as the show continues. His Trance-Nosis shows are designed to enthrall, surprise, and entertain. Under his mesmerizing power, unsuspecting audience members face their fears, lose inhibitions and become a highly entertaining focus of the show. He showed signs of his unusual talent at the tender age of five and prior to becoming recognized as a top hypnotist, he appeared in musical comedies, television and films, and toured internationally as an award-winning illusionist. Since then he has become a well-known and respected expert in the field of hypnosis and is highly sought after as a lecturer as well as an entertainer. At corporate events and universities around the country, he presents quantum stress management workshops. Mezmer also has had the honor of being an invited guest lecturer and starring performer at the International Hypnotherapy Conference and has been dubbed by the president of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as the “hypnotist’s hypnotist.” Mezmer will be performing his DangerMagik show twice daily and Trance-Nosis twice nightly on the Tank House Stage. See the daily schedule for times.

Watsonville, CA – Jasmine Hernandez, a recent Watsonville High School graduate is the recipient of the 2022 Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds Foundation $3,000 Heritage Hog Scholarship. Hernandez spent four years as a high school FFA member in addition to being an active member at St. Patricks Catholic Church and playing both competive and school volleyball while maintaining a place on the Principals honor roll list all four years of High School. She will be contuniung her education at Cabrillo College in the Fall.
Jasmine Hernandez Receives Heritage Hog Scholarship 2022
The Heritage Hog Scholarship Program is a fundraiser dedicated to Fairgrounds improvements while also providing a scholarship for a Junior Livestock exhibitor to further their education. Each year the Fairgrounds Foundation selects a local 4-H, FFA or independent student with experience raising livestock for the Fair and who is pursuing a higher education and has the ability to raise a hog provided by the Foundation. The hog will be exhibited at the Fair and sold at the end of the Jr. Livestock Auction. The proceeds from the hog sale, along with other donations will be used by the Fairgrounds Foundation to fund the scholarship and Fairgrounds improvements. This year donations to the Heritage Hog scholarship will fund the scholarship and continue the upgrades to the livestock barns.
As a result of her efforts Hernandez will be awarded $3,000 to use towards her educational expenses. The Heritage Hog Scholarship is great way to encourage youth involvement in the Fair Livestock activities and foster future educational endeavors for the hard working youth exhibitors. Each year the Fairgrounds Foundation solicits donations for this program as a means to raise funds for the scholarship and Fairground improvements. Donations to the Heritage Hog Scholarship Program can be made at the Fairgrounds Foundation website: fairgrounds-foundation.org or by contacting the Heritage Hog Committee at (831) 786-9698.
Brand new to the Ball Park at this year’s Santa Cruz County Fair is Pacific Animal Productions. For more than 30 years, Pacific Animal Productions has been dedicated to conserving wildlife and endangered species while educating people about the animals with whom we share this planet.
Hernandez never thought she would have a love for raising livestock, but over the past four years she is proud to say her love for livestock grows daily and she learns more and more each year that she is able to use her growing knowledge to boost her projects year after year. Raising animals quickly became her passion and she feels her experience raising thre organic market hogs and one market steer will serve her well as she cares for the 2022 Heritage Hog.
How cool is Pacific Animal Productions? May we present one of the stars of the show, “Paco”! He may be a Sloth, but he’s an incredibly interesting absolutely adorable Sloth. Paco is just one of the surprises you’ll find at any of the Pacific Animal Production performances held daily in the Ball Park. Check the schedule for show times.

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Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com36 Los Moralitos Circus
The Los Moralitos Circus is returning to the Fair for their third run. They are bringing family fun and excitement with a high-energy performance of tumbling, acrobats, unicycles, aerialists and more. Los Moralitos is a 4th generation of circus performers, who take great pride in putting together a first class professional performance for all ages. You can expect to see their 30-foot tall ‘wheel of death’ in which Jonathan performs great stunts both inside and outside of the wheel, even walking the wheel blindfolded. Their 5th generation performer, the Vazquez’s 9 year old daughter, will perform an act called contortions, where she bends her body like a pretzel. The show will also feature the ‘Globe of Death’ where motorcycle riders will ride around in 360-degree circles. And Chuy the Clown will make an appearance, leaving your stomach sore from laughing so much!
Santa Cruz, California based celebrated singer songwriter, Gary Blackburn, brings together his smooth vocals, and stylized guitar picking to his original compositions in the Country, Rock, Folk, Blues genres.
The Gary Blackburn Band performs Wednesday night, September 14, at 7:30 on the Main Amphitheater Stage. http://www.garyblackburnmusic.com
Come to the Ball Park at the Fair to see them tumbling and soaring through the air to the delight of all who come to watch.
Blending old school with contemporary, Gary will weave a memorable musical performance of songs that tell stories of love, forgiveness, and the paths that we choose. Gary performs his original compositions that include songs off his CD,” Streak of Gray.”
With a well-rounded repertoire, Gary will show both his versatile soft folk blues side along with his high energy rock side, mixing in some cool cover songs that will make you get up, and dance! Gary is the front man of the Gary Blackburn Band on vocals, and guitar, featuring Kevin Taylor on keyboards and accordion, Eric Bumgarner on lead guitar, Tom Levenhagen on electric bass, and Tom Duncan on drums. You will no doubt experience an enjoyable time listening to Gary’s, “Heartfelt Americana with an Edge”.
Gary Blackburn
Los Moralitos owner Jonathan Vazquez says, “We are excited to be returning and will hopefully continue to make this a Fair one we perform at for many years to come.”

Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 37 Heritage Holiday Craft & Gift Fair Dec 2 & 3 - Noon to 9pm With Holiday Lights Walk Thru Each Evening

The Country Cougars are a hot ‘rockin’ country band playing new and classic country and quickly becoming one of Northern California’s favorite bands. Country Cougars play rodeos, wineries, city festivals, and some of the premier nightclubs in the Bay Area. They cover artists including Miranda Lambert, Little Big Town, Luke Bryan, Zac Brown, Kenny Chesney and Eric Church. Also, country legends Johnny Cash, Patty Loveless, Alan Jackson, Brooks and Dunn and many others. The energy of this band gets the crowd on their feet dancing and ready to party! This year at the Santa Cruz County Fair, Country Cougars are adding a line dancing instructor to their show. She will teach concert goers the choreography and then lead them in dances.
Lead singer Melissa Conaulty is a singer-songwriter who started singing at a very young age. Her passion for country music grew through the years and she had her first debut at the Ms. Santa Clara County Pageant. She started the Country Cougars in 2010.
When it comes to country rock, Jeff Rippin puts the rock in the country! His soaring six-string work has a unique style all his own. He and his guitar meld together in the ultimate wail of soul-tearing rock that never fails to grip his audience. His influences include Van Halen, Jeff Beck, SRV and recently Brad Paisley. Jeff has written and recorded six albums to date. Many songs on these albums have received national airplay.
Cougars • Diamond & Gold Jewelry • Watches • Antique Jewelry • Jewelry & Watch Repair • In House Jeweler Jewelers ohn’s 4 2 M a r i p o s a Av e , Wa t s o n v i l l e , C A 9 5 0 7 6 ( 8 3 1 ) 7 2 4 6 2 9 6 w w w j o h n s j e w e l e r s c o m
Melissa’s vocal style has been influenced by the greats of Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn as well as some of the new country artists like Miranda Lambert.
SEPTEMBER 15 TH • 7:30 P.M. • MAIN AMPHITHEATER STAGE Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com38
Drummer Mike Mirasole recently relocated to Northern California from Los Angeles by way of Upstate New York, Toulouse, France and Austin, Texas. Mike’s musical interests and styles include pop, country, folk, blues, Latin, funk, fusion and progressive rock. Mike has played with groups including Starving Darwin, Broken Frasier, Eden, Branchwater, Arrival, Melodic Drifters, Trial by Fire and The LenHitSquad.Anderson, on rhythm guitar and vocals, hails from a small town just north of Cincinnati, Ohio where he was musically influenced by the likes of Elvis, Dylan, Bill Monroe, Duke Ellington and The Beatles. While in high school, he performed in coffee houses and clubs in and around southwest Ohio. Len moved to the Bay Area in the mid-70’s to pursue a career and start a family. Over the last few years, he’s played The Saddle Rack, The Rodeo Club, Campbell’s Octoberfest, The Rubicon Jamboree at Lake Tahoe and various clubs, wineries and restaurants in Northern California. Eric Wilde has played various musical instruments throughout his life and has performed on stage as an actor, singer and speaker. He plays bass guitar for Country Cougars. Growing up in the farmlands of the Deep South, Eric blends a hard rocking lifestyle with a country sensibility. The Country Cougars take to the Main Amphitheater Stage Thursday night, September 15, at 7:30 PM. And a ticket into the Fair is a ticket into the show!

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Experience Journey Unauthorized Friday night of the Fair, September 16, at 7:30 PM on the main Amphitheater Stage.
On drums and percussion, Jimmy Wells brings to the forefront a vast and diverse array of styles to the JOURNEY UNAUTHORIZED experience. A true veteran of the Bay Area music scene, Jimmy has recorded and toured across the states with numerous acts, including a sold-out show at the legendary Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, PerhapsJapan.best known for his work with the classic metal band
Vicious Rumors, Stephen Goodwin (bass and vocals) can be found in a plethora of situations and has been seen playing with many known artists such as Terry Burell (Duke Ellington), Starchild (P Funk), Brad Gillis (Night Ranger/Ozzy), Salar Nader, Zakir Hussein, Fareed Haque (Sting), or Mick Mestec (Tower of Power, Cold Blood). Stephen is a graduate of Los Angeles Music Academy. He lives and teaches in Oakland.
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Eric Barnett joined Journey Unauthorized in 2017, performing all the iconic guitar parts and blistering solos made famous by Journey’s amazing founder and guitarist Neal Schon. Eric is also currently recognized as the guitarist and bandleader for progressive instrumental rock trio, Points North.
Introducing Journey Unauthorized, the most authentic rendition of Journey on the planet! Journey Unauthorized is comprised of the best musicians and performers specializing in a complete Journey concert production. These musicians love what they do and work hard at being the very best at it. Journey Unauthorized can perform the full range of Journey onstage, including the most complex and challenging songs that Journey themselves recorded in the studios and performed for live audiences. No other rendition of Journey’s music comes close to this level of performance, which has taken years of mastery and unmatched attention to detail. The Journey Unauthorized production captures it all flawlessly.
Santa Cruz County
Through Journey Unauthorized, we invite you to experience the group and music that defined a pop culture with their multitude of classic rock-n-roll super hits. If you are looking for entertainment that is totally fresh, unique, and full of energy for your next special event, accept no substitutes. Without question, lead vocalist Perry Stevens captures the sound, look and essence of Journey’s Steve Perry, one of the greatest vocalists in the history of rock and roll. Perry’s vocal and song writing talents have taken him around the world, where he has performed for over a million people as an original recording artist with his group Atlantis. Perry has also shared the stage, worked, and recorded with many great music industry talents, including Gregg Rolie (original member of Santana and Journey), Night Ranger, Y&T, Bon Jovi, Three Dog Night, Jefferson Starship, and many others.
Journey Unauthorized
Joel Pelletier plays keyboards and sings background vocals. Joel has performed professionally across the U.S. and internationally for 40 years, specializing in classic and modern rock styles and tribute bands. Besides playing keys in Journey Unauthorized, he also performs as bassist/keyboardist/mandolin player in San Jose’s Zeppelin Live and other Zeppelin tributes throughout the United States. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Music Composition from The Hartt School of Music.


HeartlessCisco Jim 17 TH 7:30 P.M. Cruz County Fair
Heartless, THE tribute to the rock band Heart!
Ann and Nancy Wilson forever changed the rock n’ roll landscape in 1975 with hard hitting guitars and soaring vocals. That power and passion continues with Heartless, the Nation’s premier tribute to HeartlessHeart. takes you back to the first time you heard “Magic Man” on the radio, and you couldn’t wait to hear it again. Heartless gives you the thrill of falling in love with the music of Heart all over again. Every Heartless concert is presented with all the songs fans have come to know and love. It’s an amazingly authentic musical journey from the very beginning of four decades of Heart and beyond.
You won’t want to miss the show at the Fair’s Amphitheater Stage on Saturday, September 17, at 7:30 pm.
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Heartless weaves the song and story of Heart into each performance with fans swaying to “What About Love” and screaming “Barracuda” while closing their eyes and believing they’re at an actual Heart concert. It’s truly a testament to the six talented and versatile musicians that deliver the sound, spirit and live energy of the original band. Experience the power and intensity of Heart songs as only “Heartless –Tribute to Heart” can deliver!
He strolls, he sings, he tells stories and teaches about life in an earlier time here in the west. He’s Cisco Jim, a retired educator who is still educating from atop a horse. You’ll find him roving the grounds daily at the 2022 Santa Cruz County Fair.

Shop. Donate. Volunteer. Visit our two locations in the Monterey Bay Area. 555 Main St. Watsonville. (831) 824 4704 4230 Gigling Rd. Seaside. - (831)272-4830 Shopping hours: 10am 4pm Donation Center Hours: 10am 3pm Open Tuesday Sunday (Closed Mondays) GOT MONSTER PROBLEMS?ROOF PROUD SUPPORTER OF THE 2022 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR! We can handle all jobs large or small. Call today for your FREE estimate! Santa Cruz County Fair Guide ◆ www.santacruzcountyfair.com 43

THANKS FOR YOUR READERSHIP! Comments are patrice@cyber-times.comwelcome: Your locally owned and operated independent publisher. Publishing the Santa Cruz County Fair Guide for 21 years!Serving our community for 31 years. Highway 152 Watsonville, santacruzcountyfair.comCalifornia

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