Scotts Valley Times: May 2014

Page 1

Seventh Annual Music in May!

Full Story page 6

Sheriff Open For Business! May 1 2014 marks a milestone for law enforcement throughout the County. That is

Safety Center in Live Oak to go on patrol. No longer will the County Building

their uniforms ... Full Story page 5

Jubilation and Big Top Fun! The Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run is set to kick

Measure A Kickoff

old Scotts Valley Middle School. The election takes place

individuals raising funds for their

ative fundraiser on the Central Coast Full Story page 18

Pages 11-14

approve funding for a whole shopping list of capital tiative requires approval of 55% of voters within the school district and concentrates on replacing the 73-year-

For More Specials Visit Coupons cannot be combined with any other offers

life span.

... continued on page 4

Celebrate World Migratory Bird Day he dramatic disappearance of wetlands in California has made the Watsonville wetlands a key stopover place for





Crystals, Caves, and Kilns

display earlier this year at the Santa

together the attractions of the wetlands to Wetland Alive! tours start at 10 a.m. and are on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of


campus at 500 Harkins Slough Road in century artifacts and historic photoand activity stations for our younger visitors. Watch for announcements of upcoming programs associated with this

“Briefs� page 18

2 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times



Table of Contents



No. 5

Need Help? s %XCELLENT #RIMINAL Defense s 2EPRESENTATION FOR misdemeanors and all felony charges s -EDICAL -ARIJUANA consultations



Volume 17

Sometimes you need the BEST

by Noel Smith Community News 2 5 6 Music in May Returns! 18

Ben Rice

Mark Garver

Ben Rice, voted best attorney in Santa Cruz reader polls eight times, welcomes Mark Garver, an outstanding criminal defense attorney, to their 331 Soquel Ave. offices. 331 Soquel Ave, Ste. 201 Santa Cruz, CA 95062

by Noel Smith

Kids Camp 7 8

By Marla Coleman By Christopher A. Thurber, Ph.D. 3COTTS 6ALLEY #HAMBER .EWS s


11 12 Out for Their Grand Re-Opening! 13 14

Business Profiles 15 Mark Garver By Noel Smith 16 by Noel Smith Local Sports 19 #ALENDAR s !RTS %NTERTAINMENT n

21 Featured Columnists 17 School by Penny Weaver, Superintendent SVUSD 22 Community Choice Aggregation by Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor 5th District 30#! &EATURED 0ET s


Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 3

Patrice Edwards


publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, Marla Colman, Christopher A. Thurber, Penny Weaver, Bruce McPherson layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Sandra Gonzalez advertising sales Don Beaumont, Jackie Hinds, Judie Block, Michelle Hayes office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Jana Mears



“Measure A” from page 1

Measure A proponents say that if Measure and inadequate educational infrastructure funding for school construction or modern-

require 12 – 18 months and will include community meetings to discuss such issues as Measure A would fund up-to-date computer/ -

A will cost property owners an estimated replacing the Middle School. The remaining

ments and make needed seismic repairs at parallel with the approval process. The hope matching funds. An engineering assessment of the middle school facility revealed that repairs would

Knoll and Vine Hill.

election results. The committee must consist A funding are planned to have a 25-year duration.


and parents.

Times Publishing Group, Inc.

to greater opportunity for children as they

The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2014. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: Patrice Edwards: Publisher’s Assistant: Editor: Opinions/Letters: Calendar Listings: Graphics Department: Billing Inquiries: Classified Sales: Production: CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

may not serve. The school district must order


Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003

pensions. going to school district salaries or operating replace Scotts Valley Middle School with a Story By Noel Smith

for classes while this construction occurs may

Cover Photo: Patrizia Matarossi shows support for Measure A

Sheriff’s Public Safety Center Open For Business! By Noel Smith


ay 1 2014 marks a milestone for law enforcement throughout the County. That is the day when

is no other California law enforcement

a great reminder of how far law enforcement has come and also honoring those

Safety Center in Live Oak to go on patrol.

help all law enforcement in the county. crime throughout the county. This ends a 40-year search for a new home. The facility on the corner of Soquel and Chanticleer Avenues in Live Oak is now the

witnesses and suspects in a safe facility without parading them through the county

get to our patrol areas throughout the county quickly is greatly improved. Since many of our calls originate in this area and we are closer to the center of the processing times for our

years after the county approved it as one

Chief Deputy Jeff Marsh talks with guests as they look over the forensics

are now in a facility that says ‘we are proreduced allowing them more time on

evidence and even telling the department

nearing completion. Barry Swenson Builder law enforcement keeping everyone up-todate on the latest techniques needed to do

considered evidence. a vehicle lift. This allows investigators

The new facility radically improves

move into the new facility is administration sometime in January 2015 — ironically The $44 million facility provides a

and photograph vehicles used in crimes. Its

tells the department when the property is no longer considered evidence. tions and patrol have taken up their funcand along

corrections with



Each area in the new facility has photos

how they used to do

Medical Marijuana Visits — Get Expert Advice Deborah Malka MD

Bring this in for 10% OFF


MEDICAL MARIJUANA EVALUATIONS REDUCE PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CONSULTATIONS 140 DuBois Street, Suite A Santa Cruz, California 95060 Phone: 831-426-7744 Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 5

5167 Scotts Valley Dr. Scotts Valley, CA 95066


20% OFF Õ L iLiiÃÊ ÞÊ/ iÊ-i> vÌÃÊ> `Ê iÊ iV À

Music in May Returns! M

Exp. 5/31/14

`>Þ 7i` iÃ`>Þ\Ê£ä xÊUÊ/ ÕÀÃ`>Þ À `>ÞÊ£ä x\ÎäÊUÊ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊ£ä xÊUÊ-Õ `>ÞÊ££ x

Mim 2014 welcomes cellist Jonah

into the world of commissioning new works.

principal clarinet of the San Francisco Opera. revealing another stellar dimension to his long graduate of Juilliard. Returning this year






“Music in May” page 23

to introduce these artists to the uniquely warm audiences that make inspire youth through outreach perthrough partnerships with other This year Mim proudly partners with the music program of Tierra

Photo Credit: Scot Goodman

Four of our 2014 performers gather with our volunteers and

Hey, did you know... Soquel Creek Water District is offering residential rebates for Õ«ÊÌ ÊfÓää for switching to an Ultra-High Efficiency Toilet? There is currently one WaterSense-approved UHET model available to consumers that is compliant for this rebate:

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Stop by Bay Plumbing to find out more! BAY PLUMBING 2776 SOQUEL AVENUE, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95062 831.475.2900

6 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

Why Day Camp? By Marla Coleman


Another mother wrote that the family was on a ski trip. The son got to the top of a steep hill and started to panic. The

only four years old — why does she need Camp provides one of the very few links with a world larger than the con-

himself in positive self-talk that was part camp is one important choice in a quiver of options. accomplishment and perseverance.

and youth develop an appreciation of their larger universe. A preschooler — or even

and the community have changed drathe natural process of growing up will

that is created especially for her to practice growing up. the core purpose. Children learn life skills Beginning camp at an early age provides important advantages.

the traditions of growing up in the 50s when humans receive more of their infor-

children can feel successful and make new friends while having the time of their

moral and spiritual order — democracy is

heart. “Day Camp” page 10

in a climate where it is harder to know

alternatives and opportunities to instill is the greatest gift you can give a young child.

need at a tender age. -

designed and scaled to ensure that children

Camp Shalom at Jewish Community Center, Los Gatos 14855 Oka Road., Los Gatos, CA 95032 Phone: 408-357-7416 Fax: 408-358-7311 e-mail: web: the Jewish Community Center for more than 50 years and is open to all faiths. It

Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 7

The Great News About Homesickness Christopher A. Thurber, Ph.D.


Nearly everyone misses something

should know that: Some campers most miss their parents; others most miss home

least two weeks at overnight camp felt some degree of homesickness. Children at day camp may also feel frequently.

everyone can learn to cope with. In

strategies that work for kids. Most kids use more than one strategy to help them deal with homesickness.

and prepares them for the future. The fact that second-year campers are usually less homesick than firstyear campers is evidence of this powerful growth. “Homesick� page 10

City of Santa Cruz Summer Day Camps Camp Cruz, Jr. Explorers, Super Camp and More! 323 Church Street, Santa Cruz Phone: 831-420-5270 Fax: 831-420-5271 e-mail: web:

Camp Care Hours: Mon-Fri 10-3 or 7:30 -5:30

Santa Cruz Soccer Camp De Laveaga Park, 805 Branciforte Dr., Santa Cruz 95060 Phone: 831-246-1517 web:

which successfully produces most of our coaches and directors. We have local coaches and a scholarship and school donation program. Our summer camp consists

8 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

Jim Booth Swim School >ÀÛiÞÊ7iÃÌÊ* ]Ê-> Ì>Ê ÀÕâÊUÊ Ê- >«iÊ ÕL]Ê >« Ì > 7>ÌÃ Û iÊ ` ÀÊEÊ"ÕÌ` ÀÊ* à Phone: 831-722-3500 web: Jim Booth Swim School is known for its gentle classes where infants are taught to

Chartwell School 2511 Numa Watson Road, Seaside, CA 93955 Phone: 831-394-3468 Fax: 831-394-7991 e-mail: web:

aid or tuition support funding to nearly half of our student population.

SummerQUEST Recreational Day Camp 325 Marion Ave., Ben Lomond, 95005 Phone: 831-336-8220 Fax: 831-336-8280 e-mail: web: Camp Dates: June 16 – August 22 Camp Director: Brandy Shaw

state parks.

Visit our website for more information

Wings School of Dance: Budding Ballerina, Little Star, Filled with Glee 1 Camp Evers Lane, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Phone: 831-471-8483 e-mail: web:

Enroll in summer classes and camps April 1-July 1

Join us for an exciting summer of classes, camps, fun and friends! Professional instruction in a positive environment for children ages 3 and up! BUDDING BALLERINA, LITTLE STAR and FILLED WITH GLEE dance camps and various technique classes. Visit or call 471-8483 for more information One Camp Evers Lane, Scotts Valley 95066 Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 9

recipe for positive camp preparation:

“Homesick” from page 8

activity nearly always reduces homesickness intensity.

ership. And while your son or daughter

from home. home. ways of coping with homesickness at letter or e-mail to your son or daughter if

not to avoid the topic altogether. comforting. -

Anti-Homesickness Strategies for Kids also reassuring.

Bringing a calendar to camp helps

To learn more about camp and child development, please visit the American Camp Association’s family-dedicated Web site: Originally printed in CAMP Magazine, reprinted by permission of the American Camp Association © 2006 American Camping Association, Inc.

your stay. sickness strategies take some time to work. Kids who stick


“Day Camp” from page 7 While many then move on to overnight

a camp for everyone — and that might well

Marla Coleman is a co-owner of Coleman Family Camps, which includes Camp Echo and Coleman Country Day Camp. Originally printed in CAMP Magazine, reprinted by permission of the American Camp Association © 2005 American Camping Association, Inc.

SpeechRighter/Brain Waves Therapies Chris Colip, M.S., CCC-SLP 415 Capitola Ave., Capitola, CA 95010 Phone: 800-588-0947 web: Speech-Language and Brain Training Therapies featuring the Fast ForWord© series of computer learning programs designed to increase reading and academic success. academic skills.

Monte Vista Horsemanship Camp 2 School Way, Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone: 831-206-9707 e-mail: web: The week-long Horsemanship Camp at Monte Vista Christian School is a wonderful or visit for more information today! 10 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

Grand Opening: ‘Art Of Santa Cruz’

Calendar of Upcoming Events May 8 Red Ribbon GrandOpening, 5-7 pm


a local population that is invested in the economic success of our artistic community.

grand opening of its newest


Regional Artisans

This new 4000 sq.

Scotts Valley Artisans Capitola Mall 1855 41st

Free Community Event and Ribbon Cutting

May 22

5pm – 7pm Hosted by the Scotts Valley and Capitola Soquel Chambers of Commerce

Business Networking Mixer, 5:30-7:00pm Oak Tree Villa

its vision of a future where Santa indoor





artists. The May 8 Grand Opening renowned cultural landmark and a

June 12 Networking 5:30-7pm

We envision a thriving art - tourism economy where our local the economy. The Regional Artisans Asso-


local artists who work together to

Art of Santa Cruz is located next to the interior entrance of Target, across the aisle from the SPCA storefront.

July 17 6:00-8:00pm


seeks out high quality individuals to merce is proud to announce the addition of Stephen A. Hoversten to develop and invest his leadership mentor in to the Financial Services together on May 3rd for Join Hands hometown community. Stephen works as a Manth Stephen has always Investments. at Roughly 30 million dollars is given Woodmen of America. community he so much Stephen is a third generAmerica. As a Modern Woodmen intends on raising his own children in. He graduated Stephen & Rossilyn If you have any questions concerning associates degrees and honors. His and in the future. Thus far Stephen has helped raise money for Special to contact Stephen for more information graduating class of Scotts Valley High School in 2003. He was accepted to the by phone (831) 600-8461, or by email at - with Modern Woodmen of America in

Happy New Year!

August 9-10 th

Anniversary Scotts Valley Art & Wine Festival, 10:00am-6:00pm

August 28 Networking 5:30-7:00 pm


Every 2nd Thursday Happy Hour Networking Every 4th Thursday Business Networking Mixer Check our website for locations

Call the Chamber Today or Visit Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 11

Marshall Delk Named VP at SCCB S Relationship Manager.

and a graduate of Golden Gate University in San Francisco where local youth soccer leagues and schools. of Science degree in An active comto take advantage of opportunities to place to support our promise to deliver a -

serves on the Board of Foundation and the

Marshall Delk

Foundation and on the Audit Committee

Mr. Delk will be based out of the Bank’s

Costello Wealth Strategies Went All Out for Their Grand Re-Opening!


LEFT: Costello Service Manager, Kendra Cleary and Dani Paulsen (chamber ambassador, with


Kendra and Erik planned the event as a way to thank their customers and to get the word out

12 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

BELOW: Nicole DeLauder (from left), Eric Costello and Kendra Cleary at the Photo Credit: Angela Marshall,

Chamber Business Networking Mixer



activity and Wellness programs. -

Villa for a Business Networking

of the facility from 5:30-7pm on May 22nd

community features Nurse oversight for those in need as well

Senior Living Com-

therapy clinic which -

and their families as the premier provider of senior living services. Located

To replace those using more than 1.6 gals/flush and/or older than 1993. Free premium shower heads also available. Contact us to reserve today!

Earn more money and reduce home maintenance! Funds are limited, so schedule your pre-inspection and learn the easy way to remove turf!

At Oak Tree Villa they promote a healthy lifestyle that encourages a feeling of mind. Their residents have endless -

They are the retirement community of choice in Scotts Valley for those who

its fullest.

Together with their senior

Villa at Ana Nuckles and team later this month

tation and our Optimum Life daily oak-tree-villa.asp


Thank you Salsa’s for Hosting April’s Happy Hour!


n April 10 a group of Scotts Valley

They have specials on all well drinks




Bar for Cinco de Mayo

and special happy hour drinks all weekend long! Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 13

Count Down to the 15th Annual Art & Wine Festival August 9 and 10 …


Art and Wine Festival is right around the corner. To get ready for the fun

looking for sponsors for this community

community and the young aspiring artist. The economy is growing in this sector and

of Commerce. Thank you for supporting

this growth. This year we are working with Scotts Valley High school; donating and display their artwork. The festival

corners of the Bay Area to shop our local

families. -

Stay tuned for more on the Art & Wine Festival. Next month we will announce our Poster Artist.

Thank you to our Renewing Members! Heather’s To Go Banana Promotions Brass Key Locksmith Hospice of Santa Cruz County Cassidy Insurance Jack Dilles Cheryl Rebottaro Kings Village Shopping Edward Jones Center Club One Modern Woodman Active Sports Club Mountain Mike’s Pizza Dakota Ultrasonics Ebrahimian Asthetic Dentistry

Oak Tree Villa/ Brookdale Living Oak Tree Villa/ Brookdale Living Round Table Pizza Sandman Glass

Santa Cruz Ranch RV Scarborough Scotts Valley Artisans Scotts Valley Medical Clinic Scotts Valley Performing Arts Slatter Construction Small Business Consulting Terry Guy

Thank you to Last Year’s Sponsors! McDonalds Santa Cruz Sentinel Scarborough Times Publishing Group Press Banner Hilton Valley Churches United Santa Cruz County Bank Intero Real Estate Bay Federal Wells Fargo Union Bank Comerica KBAY

KPIG KRTY Bean Creek Studios First Alarm Green Waste C&N Tractors Artic Glacier USA Golden State Portables Hertz Scotts Valley Scotts Valley Feed Alexis Party Rental Banana Promotions Leo’s U Save Liquors

Welcome New Members!

SVHS Falcon Club The Foot Doctors Threshold Enterprises Union Bank, Felton Branch United Way of Santa Cruz County Valley Churches United Mission

Scotts Valley Massage

Think Local First Santa Cruz

Slingshot Scotts Valley

and “Sandy” (Xiu Juan Ma) (831) 439-8888

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For Appointment Please Call: 831-439-8888 16A Victor Square, Scotts Valley Junction Shopping Center next to Scotts Valley Market Hours: Daily 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Or email us at: *Ask about our discount cards too!

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce

Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066

Advertise in the Scotts Valley Chamber Newsletter 14 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

Call for SPECIAL RATES 831.438.1010

PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA Permit No. 329

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Criminal Defense Attorneys Ben Rice and Mark Garver By Noel Smith


ne of the more interesting professions in California is that of -

much easier. He is fantastic to work with. private practice is that I have more time and resources to prepare a defense for my

this for over 25 years right here in Surf City. Where else can a defense attorney

knowing the law and how it is supposed

sented many cultivators and dispensaries in court whose work allegedly fell outside

defender for Santa Clara County and then

tinues to represent people facing all types of criminal charges.

Attorneys Ben Rice (left) and Mark Garver

University School of Law in San Francisco from which he also graduated.

I have represented thousands of clients instituted in California such as mandatory

and honored for his many achieve-


for seven years straight. Because of his rates and reductions in suite and working on some cases together

Rice is himself a legal legend for his His focus is on seeing his client is fairly



Commission in 2013.

and highly talented attorney who has over 14 years of successful criminal defense work

Francisco Bay Area and then moved to defender for 14 years and have handled

to a life of crime. Almost everyone in our graduated from Evergreen State College

Phone: (831) 425-0555, cell: (831) 247-1105, benricelaw@gmail. com Website:

can imagine. I feel very fortunate that I

look at crime and how we treat those who

Six locations in Northern California Construction & Industrial Equipment Rentals Small Equipment & Tool Rentals New & Used Equipment for Sale Your only stop for all your equipment rental needs






Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 15


Fine Food and Drinks With a View … and a Past!


o paraphrase a famous line from the musical Camelot: Don’t let it be forgot That once there was a spot, For one brief, shining moment That was known as … Booka Restaurant!” The star of the show at Booka was

drinks. Can you imagine sitting on the patio having dinner and wine or cocktails

and fun drinks to the Hollins House at there were marvelous. We are happy to announce that the Booka spirit now lives in the Hollins House the Hollins House Restaurant and the com-

House. When Eti arrived at the Hollins house

The Hollins House Restaurant is one

Course overlooking one of the most


of Monterey Bay. From there you can to make sure your drinks and food are variety of sides to enhance the culinary outline of mountains descending to the west ending at the cities of Monterey

Here is where Marion entertained the

nowhere else in the world.

Hollywood. Guests included the Vander-

Rogers. creating innovative cocktails the world has

old. Collin is a cocktail historian and revolutionary rolled into one. There are few

atmosphere with something good always going on. Here are some upcoming events at the Hollins House:

Martinis. marvelous place: Marion Hollins was

special cupcakes.

perhaps the greatest female athlete of the time. Marion won 15 golf championships

vations. Happy Hour Tuesday - Thursday

the land where the Monterey Airport is Open To The Public … the scenery is free! And don’t forget to say Hello to Eti for me. ~ Noel Smith ~ 16 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

Brook Knoll Elementary School Named Distinguished School By Penny Weaver, Superintendent SVUSD



This honor is awarded for demonstrating for making progress in narrowing any achievement gaps. Two signature practices are credited with supporting learning so that students continue to achieve at high

volunteers to make each program happen. from strong and supportive relationships with parent and community groups.

over the past three years. By developing a strong sense of investment and par-

assistants and mathematical thinking to solve nonto help with oneon-one or small group support during intervention program with support for any student who needs it. The classroom teachers and intervention teacher commu-


Other Awards for our Schools

schools and in the community. The Rotary Middle School and Scotts Valley High School students with awards and scholarships at an annual dinner held at the Hilton

individual students.

and the school focus on mathematics are

that they need to engage students with a rigcampus. To that end they have developed outstanding relationships with parent and community groups who provide funds and

developed. A second signature practice is the focus on mathematics. Many components of a rich mathematics program are in place.

Knoll has led participation with most of institute. Trained teachers return and share

importance of community service. Their

with grade level partners. Consequently “Brook Knoll� page 23

Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 17

Hacienda Shell 10% Discount* on ALL Services!

Hacienda Shell

$10 OFF**

Any Service *Maximum Discount $100


We specialize in BMW, Mercedes, European and all other make and models

“Step right Up”

Jubilation and Big Top Fun!

Thirty-Fourth Annual Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run



he Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run is set to kick off on

individuals raising funds for their

1 Hacienda Dr., Scotts Valley

Under New Management **Coupons cannot be combined with other offers.

TV Families

years event proceeds have raised nearly one million dollars for local services. to transform race day into an arts and of this event as the Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run provides the annual opportunity to connect with friends and munity and the community at large.

viduals step up from all corners of the


nival games ready to entertain all who

there is someone walking for it at the Human Race Coordinator Kelly Mercer. stroll your way along the course looking County




who the after-party. Race day will provide Human Race t-shirts to the first 2000 participants

to raise needed funds for local organi-

costume contest. “Step Right Up” page 19


1. Top of Lady Liberty 6. *Scrappy-Doo, Scooby’s nephew 9. Most vital part of idea or experience 13. D-Day beach 14. “Home of the brave” 15. Wash oneself 16. Committee or special group 17. Big ___ Conference 18. Gastric woe 19. *Ma or Pa or Laura 21. *Claire or Phil or Luke 23. Chinese “way” 24. O. Henry’s “The Gift of the ___” 25. Madonna’s iconic stagewear

28. Arizona Indian 30. Rub elbows 35. Animal house 37. Supernatural life force 39. a.k.a. Pleasant Island 40. Editing choice on computer 41. *”The Jetsons” genre 43. Largest organ of human body 44. Get ready to drive 46. Alpine transport 47. Pay attention 48. In this document 50. Show horse type 52. Like a fox 53. Toothy wheel 55. In the capacity of 57. *Danny or D.J. or Michelle 60. *Lorelai or Rory or Emily 64. Small and elegant

18 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

11. He plus she 12. ___ Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II 15. Swelling on foot 20. Rumpelstiltskin’s machine, pl. 22. “Gross!” 24. Extra room charge 25. *Michael or Buster or Lindsay 26. Hindu queen 27. Support person DOWN 29. End to hostilities 1. Serengeti antelope 31. Quite a party 2. Arab League member 32. Little Boy and Fat 3. Called Man, e.g. 4. Use crib notes 33. Architectural 5. Sabbath loaf projection 6. Places 34. *Peggy or Kelly or 7. Don’t waste Al 8. Mostly vegetarian bear 36. Profligate 9. Explore by touch 38. A long way off 10. It makes one scratch 42. Baghdad resident 65. “Dear” one 67. Cut at an angle 68. Convert a book into a screenplay, e.g. 69. Schiller’s “___ to Joy” 70. Perpendicular to the keel 71. Combustible heap 72. This instant 73. *Tim’s “Home Improvement” son

45. Kind of hickory nut 49. Born 51. Involving the medulla oblongata 54. Match play? 56. Naked protozoa 57. Not a slob 58. Slightly open 59. Uh-uh 60. *The kids never did this on “The Simpsons” 61. Baker’s baker 62. Go through volumes 63. Lined with elm trees 64. Small loaf of soft bread 66. *Mike and Carol said it on “The Brady Bunch” pilot © Statepoint Media

Answers on 23 »

“Briefs” from page 2 the lead in planning and sponsorship for the event which will culminate in a

the Cowell Lime Works Historic egories will provide plenty of “We are Scotts Valley!” Photography Competition he Scotts Valley Arts Commission announces a community-focused photography competition—We Are Scotts Valley!

the creativity of photographers and the uniqueness of Scotts Valley. All ages are encouraged to participate. Beginning May 1 through June


Local Tennis Pro Places Second in International Tournament

Scotts Valley’s Judy Newman (second from left) and the Women’s 50 team pose with their silver medals


“Step Right Up” front page 18

friendly dogs on a leash are welcome as well. “Step right Up” 34th Annual Human Race Walkathon and Fun Run

welcomed and encouraged to attend. Crowd friendly dogs are also welcome on a leash. Schedule of Events 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration and donation turn-in 7:00 AM: Get fueled for the fun run participants.

8:00 AM: follow immediately after 10:30AM: community market place at the Carnival friends and family. Register and download a pledge sheet at or call the Volunteer Center at 831- 427-5075 for more information.

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Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 19

San Lorenzo Valley Chamber of Commerce Saturday May 3

Plant Sale Fundraiser 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm, St Andrews Church 101 Riverside

Historic Landmark Awards 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Museum of Art & History705 Front Street Cooperhouse Shopping Center, Santa Cruz

Sunday May 4 Lecture Series

Wednesdays and Fridays and

in this age group are invited to participate. Activities will include


Saving Big Basin, Heroes and Heroines


Saturday May 24


10 a.m.

Saturday May 31 Sunday June 1

Redwood Mountain Faire at Roaring Camp


Announcements Nar-Anon



every Thursday night from 5-10 p.m. Every $1 donated provides healthy 4 meals to people in need

receive support from people who care. Association will sponsor a For more information, please call cleanup of Hidden Beach under (831) 430-3000. the leadership of Save Our Shores.


TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)

H of total sales to Second Harvest

Second Thursdays each month

Veterans of Foreign Wars

C the meetings. For more information, call (831)

Svaroopa® Yoga Classes See website for times, Deerpark Shopping Center, 783 Rio Del Mar Blvd. Aptos

Overeaters Anonymous

Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation 6:00pm- 8:00pm 1400 Emeline Avenue room 206, Santa Cruz.


addiction. Three meetings are now For a meeting near you call (888) 374-1164 or email Visit for more information.

Ongoing Events

Second and Fourth Mondays First and Third Wednesdays

Alzheimers Support Groups

p.m., third Wednesday of the Monday: 2:00 - 3:30pm Wednesday: 5:30 – 7:00pm Freedom Blvd. Watsonville Conference Room at Elena Baskin/ Capitola Road, Santa Cruz.

No-cost Youth Program in Aptos WomenCARE Support Group



Fgroup is for caregivers and family

Ongoing thru Friday May 30 Tuesdays no-cost after school youth

Tuesday of month (for location details contact Danielle at 761-


uesday Support Group is a gathering for women with all

Cabrillo Host Lions Club

20 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

in stimulating discussions of Shake-

Third Wednesdays

Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force

7:00pm, Soquel Creek Water District Headquarters, 5180 Soquel Dr. Soquel

especially encouraged. Visit for more info.

Lunafest 2014!

7 p.m., Del Mar Theater, Santa Cruz


WomenCARE and The Breast Cancer Fund


Wednesday May 14

SC County Heroes Breakfast

Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market


ost to attend if $50.00. For questions email Camilla.

Wednesday May 21 360 Kings Village Drive 7:00pm, Firehouse on Soquel Dr. Aptos Peripheral Neuropathy peakers helping speakers Support Group Meeting get gigs. Sundays 1:00 p.m., Trinity Presbyterian Call (831) 332-8221 for more Church, 420 Melrose Ave. Santa Cruz Over-Eaters Anonymous information.


Clutterers Anonymous


Thursday May 8

Ballroom, 400 Beach Street Santa

on Soquel Dr. 5:30-6:45 Sutter Maternity & pen Support meetings on second Wednesday. Adult Only Ave, Soquel Dr. Santa Cruz. meetings on fourth Wednesday. Any Questions, contact Judy support for anyone wanting -

Mand the location alternates Ext. 102, or email


For more info contact Fay




10 a.m.

Second and Fourth Thursdays 8:00 -12:00pm at Cabrillo College Tickets $20

and/or adoptive parent is to attend orientation. The orientation Fourth Thursdays each month is designed to review the child Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars welfare system and to give you First Tuesdays each month a chance to have your question Post 10110 Mondays, Wednesdays, Tail Wagging World of Dog 6:30 pm, Severinos, 7500 Old and Thursdays Ownership To register to one of the meeting and Dominion Ct., Aptos 6:30pm at the Santa Cruz SPCA, for directions, please call 454-4687. Co-dependents Anonymous ommander Chuck Woodson 2685 Chanticleer Ave., Santa o-dependents Anonymous is a leads the meetings. 12-step group for people who want Cruz (cross street is Soquel Ave.). For more information, call (831) Second and Fourth Wednesdays healthy relationships and self esteem.

Orientations to Become Advocates for Children

High St. Santa Cruz eets monthly on the third


Third Thursday each month First Wednesday each month

For more information, visit www.

Friday Shakespeare Club

6:30-7:30pm at Teach by the Beach reservations or information or visit events are a part of the market. #50 Rancho Del Mar, Aptos For more information, call (831)

designed to release to deepest

Hidden Beach Cleanup!


Third Fridady of Each Month that Second Harvest support.

7:00pm at the Cabrillo Com8:45 am, Felton Firehouse et support for loosing weight at munity Center, Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Rd. these health group meetings.


Tuesdays thru Sundays

help you too. Ongoing workshops -

go to or e-mail or call (831)


with CEUs for professionals Contact: Pre-registration required: edconference.kinterea. org/2014SantaCruz Alzheimer’s


Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch First Tuesdays and Fridays world wide fellowship of relatives For a schedule and more information, Third Wednesdays each month ADHD Support Group Meetings 6:30-8:00pm Aptos Fire Station and friends of addicts who have

12:00pm, Hospice of Santa Cruz County

This group is a place where you can

PROFILE of Santa Cruz Clares St. Capitola

12-1:30 p.m. at Seascape Golf Course.

Drop-in Grief Support

Hoffman’s for Second Harvest

For more info. visit both and facebook. tips for meal prep and leftovers. Featured recipes are posted on

Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting

or e-mail for support group for adults grieving the more information.


Thursday May 8


Drop in Grief Support

6:00pm at Aegis, 125 Heather PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Terrance, Aptos oin other adults who are grieving Friends of Lesbians and Gays) the death of a friend or family Congregational Church of Santa Cruz To learn more, call (831) 427-4016 participate no later than March coping: Share stories and receive 7th. Contact Coordinator support from people who care. Jodi Capitola-Duran at: No registration required, please Wednesdays, or call (831) 430-3000 Toastmasters: 831-708-2278, extension 17 for more information. Speak for Success Tuesdays, Thursdays thru 12:00pm-1:00pm, St. Philip’s Saturdays Mondays Episcopal Church, 5271 Scotts Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Valley Drive, Scotts Valley. Meal Solution Mondays - Instructions munity Markets, 1210 41st Ave. B, Santa Cruz (next to Family Improve your speaking skills in a Capitola (Also down town and at Cycling Center) West side stores) orning meditation schedule et fresh ideas for easy-tomasters. Open to all levels. Drop-ins welcome. For more nutritious main entrees from a instruction First Tues. of each munity Markets culinary team.



Second Tuesdays each month

for women through all stages from Free Job Seek Workshop! diagnoses through treatment. 6:00pm-7:00pm, Gateway Bible For more information or to Church, 5000 Granite Creek Rd. register call (831) 457-2273 Scotts Valley. For more information, visit


Maternity and Surgery Center, the guest speaker. Her topic is A is a 12-step support group for those who wish to stop eating welcome! For information call Mary Ann compulsively. All are welcome. Free childcare with advance reservation by 5pm, Fridays. Call


Church Bible Study/Worship Worship, First Baptist Church 7565 Sunset Way, Aptos


worship with us!

Dated Events

consequences of having too much For more information , call (831) 426-1868.

B12 Fridays

Wednesday May 7

Alzheimer’s Association 17th Annual Education Conference

3:00pm-6:00pm, Thrive Natural 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. at Mount Herman Conference Center, 37 Conference Drive, Mount


to handle stress.

Freedom Forum Presents: In the best interest of the Children or in the Best Interest of the CPS/DFCS?


day of retreat and learning.

Tuesday May 27

Aptos Sons In Retirement 11:30 a.m., Severinos Restaurant, 7500 Old Dominion Court, Aptos.



Your May Horoscope Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony


he Monterey Symphony is seeking volunteers. If you love music and want

Times Publishing Group, Inc. Gemini (May 22-June 21)


Private instruction and classes ne hundred percent of the by arrangement. For more information, call Michael (831) enCARE and The Breast Cancer Fund

First Fridays each month

First Friday Art Tour


he First Friday Art Tour

Friday May 9 Thru Sunday May 11

Ongoing Events


150 Jewell St.


Foundation. Buy-In $15. Full

First Friday viewings.)

and guest artist. More info at

Second Fridays each month

Saturday May 10

Big Band Dance

Day On The Farm

7:30pm-10:00pm, at Mid-County Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds


Capitola allroom dancing to live


7:00 - 8:30 p.m., Harry’s Hofbrau,


orty-seven years of performing

popular tunes. Come see our Wednesday. No cover.

singles welcome! Suggested donation, $6 per person. Proceeds benefit MCSC. For more information, call (831) 476-4711.

Second Sundays Each Month for information about booking (donations are tax deductible).


Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance

Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Fair


unique items. Come and check it out! Browse through a wide assortment of treasures 6:30 pm, German American Hall, 230 Plymouth St. Santa Cruz


event is family friendly. Classes For more information, contact Sue a whole lot of whatnot! or Don at (831) 72-7053 or e-mail For more info, please contact us at Facebook.

Modern Square Dancing Class

more information!

Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante Italian/Argentene Restarante, 21245 East Cliff Dr.


meal from the Star Bene Argentine

Inner Light Choir and much

Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)

classes and organic food for sale. Free.

Saturday May 17 Sunday May 18

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)

Santa Cruz Symphony


a concert featuring goal soloists from the Metropolitan Opera and

Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)

history of good old-fashioned Watsonville. farming. Activities include making More info: More info at www.aghistoryproject. org

Saturday May 24

Saturday May 17


Sanctuary Celebration



Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)

Felton Remembers

Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21)

morning parade along Highway educational talks and Covered Bridge.

For more info visit www.

4th Annual Santa Cruz

Saturday May 24 Sunday May 25

ahead of you.


appearing at the 22nd annual Park, 137 Dakota Street, Santa Cruz he family event of the season features continuous entertainment on 3 stages


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

Santa Cruz Blues Festival

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)

www.santacruzbluesfestival. com

Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)

Dated Events

7:00pm, German-American Hall Santa Cruz, 230 Plymouth


Cancer (June 22-July 22)


National Marine Sanctuary endors offer an eclectic

come your way. These connections may lead to some romantic feelings in a new partner. Com- for more the participating art venues. The Cabrillo Spring Dance Concert information. Cabrillo’s Crocker Theatre event takes place year-round ancers from all over and illuminates some of the most talented local artists from local galleries. diversity of dance at this annual in a First Friday art tour, visit


including Kids Stage with children performers including Linda Arnold-the Mary

Wednesday May 7

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Hidden Beach Cleanup!

10 a.m., Hidden Beach, Rio Del Mar


Association will sponsor a cleanup of Hidden Beach under the leadership of Save Our Shores.

your time to thrive.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

For more info contact Fay

Thursday May 8 Lunafest 2014!

tango dance to music from the Golden Age of Tango.

7 p.m., Del Mar Theater, Santa Cruz- tickets $20 2013 Rejuvenation Festival Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 21

Community Choice Aggregation By Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor 5th District


onterey Bay Community Choice Aggregation

have championed for more than


leading the effort to study the deserve to know the answers that mental and economic gains to the local region. Every county and city in the Central Coast agrees with me. terey and San Benito – and all of the 18 cities within those counties have agreed to participate in a CCA technical study. This is the

a full spectrum of free choice visors agreed and wrote a letter


will know whether or not the funding is in place to move CCA technical study and also

the state and I am proud to say that my office has steered the effort to enroll these local government partners. We have also made impressive progress toward raising private and foundation funding to support the study. The County

Bradford is successful in his CCA holds great promise for

historic horse ranch located near Felton and Ben Lomond. The park a more in-depth review. Stay munity informed. Quail Hollow Ranch Park

the County will learn whether or not we have received the final funding necessary to trigger the study for the entire Monterey Bay region.

ramento that would significantly

is anticipated that the restoration

has recently received several important recognitions. The park received state and national recog-

environs of the pond to sensitive and unique sand hills. The ranch is home to a wide variety of flora and endangered species.

Hollow Brook. The California Big Trees Registry and the National Register of and hosting meetings. This national recognition

is a step in the wrong direction for local government control over our energy future. The current

Championship and the U.S. Chamnominated




in has worked very hard to sustain

governments to investigate and 22 / May 2014 / Scotts Valley Times

SPCA Featured Pet

“Brook Knoll” page 17 program and facilities continue to drive our special program this month. Seniors will have their own award and scholarship event as will athletes involved in the many sports program at SVHS. Jillian


the Scotts Valley Education Foundation. I service on the Board and representation of students. We are all very proud of Jillian!

dents who are our purpose and our future!

“Music in May” from page 6

Oracion del Torero.

online at

Pick Up This Acorn


develop relationships with other local nonwalks. He seems perfectly happy and content when around people or other dog friends.

Saturday, May 17 Program Clara Schumann Three Romances for Violin

Tickets: $20 advance/$25 at the door. Website: Phone: (800) 838-3006 Online: www.brownpapertickets.

community. Ave., Downtown Santa Cruz. -

Safe at Home Senior Care, Inc.

he can see new and interesting places regularly.

A Proud Member of The Senior’s Choice

Enjoy Assisted Living in the Comfort of Your Own Home! -

crossword on 18 »

located at the Capitola Mall near Target and is open on Friday from 11am-5pm and Sat-Sun 11am-4pm.

– OUR SERVICES INCLUDE – Cal UÊ >À }Ê «> à « l to req a UÊ `i`]Ê ÃÕÀi`ÊEÊ } Þ asse FREE uest ssm ÊÊÊ/À> i`Ê >Ài} ÛiÀà ent! UÊ >Ì }ÊEÊ*iÀà > Ê Þ} i iÊ ÊÊÊ >ÀiÊEÊ Ãà ÃÌ> Vi We accept UÊ i> Ê* > }Ê> `Ê Long Term Care ÊÊÊ*Ài«>À>Ì Ã insurance UÊ i` V>Ì Ê,i `iÀà THE ONLY UÊ/À> ë ÀÌ>Ì “If you need someone to take care of a family member or a close friend, they are the best! They care about what they are doing. I’m not putting other agencies down, but I did check a lot of them and I’m certain that I picked the best one!”

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– Barry H. client response from Diamond Certified’s independent survey Independentaly Rated Highest in Quality

(831) 462-3500

Safe At Home Senior Care nÓäÊ >ÞÊ Ûi Õi]Ê-Õ ÌiÊ£ä£ÊUÊ >« Ì >]Ê Ê xä£ä

100% Client Loyalty _________ 97.2 out of 100 High Score Rating on Customer Satisfaction

Scotts Valley Times / May 1st 2014 / 23

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