National Monument
Full Story page 5
Bear With Us – A New Exhibition
Full Story page 9
SVEF 30th Anniversary Celebration This month the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation (SVEF) celebrates its 30 years in the community serving (Brook Knoll & Vine Hill Elementary Schools, Scotts Valley Middle School and Scotts Valley High School) in the Scotts
For More Specials Visit
www.integritycarservice.com Coupons cannot be combined with any other offers
On Saturday, February 28, the Scotts Valley Com-
2 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
Table of Contents
HACIENDA SHELL t TUNE-UP t 0*- $)"/(& t &/(*/& 3&1"*3
t "*3 $0/%*5*0/*/(
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With FREE Tire Rotation & Brake Inspection
Volume 18
No. 2
1 HACIENDA DRIVE, SCOTTS VALLEY | open MON-FRI 8am-7pm, SAT 8am-4pm Cover SVEF 30th Anniversary Celebration 5 6
*Maximum Discount $100 | **Coupons cannot be combined with other offers
Community News by Noel Smith
8 9 10
Valley Club News
12 13 14
Sometimes you need the BEST
Local Sports 15 Valley High School Scoreboard Business Profiles 16 Hacienda Shell Service Station and Food Mart 18
Featured Columnists – Where there’s smoke, there’s
17 19 22 30#! &EATURED 0ET s
Need Help? s %XCELLENT #RIMINAL Defense s 2EPRESENTATION FOR misdemeanors and all felony charges s -EDICAL -ARIJUANA consultations
Ben Rice
Mark Garver
Ben Rice, voted best attorney in Santa Cruz reader polls eight times, welcomes Mark Garver, an outstanding criminal defense attorney, to their 331 Soquel Ave. offices. 331 Soquel Ave, Ste. 201 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 www.benricelaw.com Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 3
Patrice Edwards
publisher’s assistant Camisa Composti editor Noel Smith contributing writers Noel Smith, John Hohmann, Maggie Caldwell, Bruce McPherson, Dave Love, Penny Weaver, Tiffany Mitchener layout Michael Oppenheimer, Fani Nicheva graphic artists Fani Nicheva, Michael Oppenheimer production coordinator Bri Bruce advertising sales Don Beaumont, Judie Block, Sandra Bannister, Eric Mellor office coordinator Cathe Race distribution Bill Pooley, Camisa Composti
Cover Story “We are inviting the community we to honor those who have contributed to the
members, donors and both current and
where it is today, SVEF has been holding The February 28 anniversary event
anxious to aim their throws at some very Over the last 30 years, SVEF has -
its Christmas Tree Lot Times Publishing Group, Inc. 9601 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 The Times Publishing Group, Inc., publishers of the Aptos Times, a bi-weekly publication, the Capitola Times and Scotts Valley Times, each printed monthly, Coastal Weddings Magazine, Coastal Home and Garden Magazine, Aptos’ Fourth of July Parade Official Program Guide and Capitola’s Begonia Festival Official Program Guide, is owned by Patrice Edwards. Entire contents ©2015. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is prohibited without the publisher’s written permission PHONE: (831) 688-7549 FAX: (831) 688-7551 GENERAL E-MAIL: info@cyber-times.com Patrice Edwards: patrice@cyber-times.com Publisher’s Assistant: assistant@cyber-times.com Editor: info@cyber-times.com Opinions/Letters: editorial@cyber-times.com Calendar Listings: www.tpgonlinedaily.com Graphics Department: graphics@cyber-times.com Billing Inquiries: cathe@cyber-times.com Classified Sales: sales@cyber-times.com Production: production@cyber-times.com CHECK OUT OUR WEB SITE AT: www.tpgonlinedaily.com distribution We at the Times Publishing Group, Inc. are dedicated to providing a voice for the individuals and organizations in our community while highlighting the outstanding accomplishments of our local businesses. We seek to promote healthy family values through our coverage of youth activities, school news, senior events, community groups and entertainment 4 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
SVEF would like to thank Bay Federal, Bruno’s BBQ, Elite Martial Arts, Globus
Mountain Charlie Chalrides through the Santa
Family, Treasures Fine Jewelry and Wells
30th This year the Mountain Charlie Challenge will
Community News
Santa Cruz Redwoods National Monument
he Valley Women’s Club Board, -
The Monument would include over
Many individuals were involved in the
The VWC board understands the issues involved in making sure that the land
are declared a Monument by executive
Santa Cruz Redwoods National
horseback riding to mountain biking, are limited, regulated and well controlled/
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 5
Community News
2015 Valentine’s Day Poetry Contest By Noel Smith
It’s time for poets throughout Santa Cruz County to make public their feelings in celebration of Valentine’s Day.
2015 Poetry Contest Rules Please Read Carefully
W -
Be sure to include your name, address,
details) and tell the world what makes
County — Watsonville, Freedom, and 2014 Winners: — Patty O’Hara Pamela Martinez Aptos Times — Carol Murphy Selva Beach Joseph McCarter
Santa Cruz County Grand Prize
Highway 9 Closures Between Felton and Santa Cruz Begin February 9 -
SANTA CRUZ COUNTY — Crews will be constructing a retaining wall and viaduct,
There will be electronic message signs Locations 2-4: No full closure, Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 1: NOTE
We have the equipment you need when winter weather brings floods, landslides, and power outages
s 7!4%2 05-03
285 W. BEACH ST.
s $% (5-)$)&)%23 s 42!#+ ,/!$%23 s '%.%2!4/23 www.atoolshed.com OPEN & DELIVERING 7 DAYS A WEEK
6 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
Community News
Ballots Mailed to Voters about Lompico Water B their ballots early in order to ensure their ballot is received certain relatives or a household member to return the Santa Cruz County Elections Zayante Fire Station
who are returning their vote-by-mail ballots that they must -
The question before the registered voters in CFD No. 2 (Lompico Water) is: Measure N —
the voter’s signature on his or her voter’s registration card,
Since this is an all-mail ballot election, there will be no
Polar Plunge Fundraiser for County Law Enforcement
on-line and in
For a minimum tions, brave souls with warm hearts
website and then and
in chilly waters and then share bragging rights
Additional and
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 7
Valley Club News K
Kiwanis of the Valleys
It just arrived and when testing is
selection committee already hard at our much used mobile stage to get it in
their dedication in time, energy and
Scotts Valley Rotary
the 100 th and
munity Foundation, the The club meets every Monday
Valley Women’s Club he Valley Women’s Club started the New Year with Board and
Community Briefs Art in the Library Presents
Santa Cruz Symphony Family Concert
and The Minor Thirds Trio
he Scotts Valley Library, through its
invites the community to view very
Additionally, local musicians will an
8 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
Community News
Bear With Us
n the late 1700s, the San Francisco
This exhibition tells the stories
can lead to an unrecoverable and regret-
and interactive elements are aimed at
Visit the San Lorenzo Valley Museum for a captivating new exhibition about bears in the Santa Cruz Mountains. February 15 – October 18, 2015 February 15, 2 – 4 p.m.
Scotts Valley HS Graduate Receives Rotary Scholarship
T Science and Engineering at the University
research in the STEM (science, technology,
human illnesses including cancer, malaria,
In collaboration with other scientists at
to communicate with each other and to
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 9
California News
Luck Sentenced to Over 10 Years in Prison SAN JOSE — sentenced yesterday to 130 months in
were necessary in order to cause new investors to invest and existing investors to maintain their investments or invest more
Luck admitted that at the end
and money laundering, all related to his Growth Fund’s trading records minating the Growth Fund, or ities, Luck admitted that he began
The sentenced was handed down by
Chris Luck
misleading statements to them, including
certainly choose not to invest, and that new investor money was
Luck also admitted that this new investor
investors in order to cause them to invest and misleading statements to investors
Community News AmeriCorps NCCC Team Clear a Path for the Future BOULDER CREEK — For the next 10 th
they can assist in ensuring all that visit
that was recently added to Big Basin laborative endeavor
residential & commercial painting: L churches L businesses L shopping malls L apartment complexes
1545 SAN ANDREAS ROAD LA SELVA BEACH, CA 95076 PH: (831) 325-1020 FAX: (831) 661-5962 TONY@PFPAINT.COM
10 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
FEBRUARY special
paint any room, walls & ceilings (excludes trim)
Scotts Valley Chamber Selects New Executive Director
Calendar of Upcoming Events Thursday February 12
Wednesday February 18
“Scotts Valley really is a very Water Board where he recently saw the
I Luv Boba
Tuesday February 24 daughters, Maya and Arwen (ages 12 nesses that genuinely care about the & 7), right here in this community they
years he worked as
Sushi Blossom
Thursday February 26 movie theatres, which included Scotts Valley Danny Reber sales and marketing as a local advertising consultant and as a -
Saturday March 14
Wednesday March 18
Kelinda Customs
Happy Hour Networking th
Business Networking Mixer
2015 Chamber Business Directory Now Available
Call the Chamber Today or Visit www.scottsvalleychamber.com Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 11
Scotts Valley Chamber News
Second Annual Valentine Mixer at Ashby Confections
is a direct trade, single origin dark chocolate that is sustainably grown
toasted coconut, signature handmade This chocolate is
toasted almonds, dark chocolate and
decadent Askinosie Chocolate, which
that is used to blend into milk vided by Hallcrest Vineyards who
with the delicious There will be -
newest editions are mallows and Honey
12 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
and Best in Show in the -
Scotts Valley Chamber News Grand-Opening Red Ribbon Cuttings Kick-Off the New Year
coming the new businesses to Scotts
Scotts Valley, but you can at Sushi Blossom on
Kelinda’s Customs is a long time chamber member and business owner in Scotts Valley, -
shirts, leather goods, helmets, jackets, gloves th
Hot Leathers, Gmaxx glasses and Leathers
Blossom has been well received by Scotts Valley -
February Business Networking Mixer and Grand Re-Opening at Remodeled Oak Tree Ristorante
in the kitchen and is a key contributor
look, new logo, and new menu Marco is excited about his additions to the
vision and ideas and cannot wait to share
dishes to enjoy while catching the game in -
Celebrating Our Opening with
Dining Only | Exp. 2/28/15
FREE DELIVERY SC OT T S VA L L E Y A R E A $30 Minimum Purchase
Please present this coupon to apply discount
11 Camp Evers Lane | Scotts Valley, CA 95066 | (831) 440-1044 Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 13
Scotts Valley Chamber News
Welcome New Chamber Members
I Luv Boba
Mulhern & Gomes Know Homes & Keller Williams Realty
235C Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley
1414 Soquel Avenue #100 Santa Cruz, 95062
Edward Jones Investments Financial Advisor Jeremy Geels
SCORE 716 Capitola Avenue Ste. G Capitola, 95010
Second Harvest Food Bank
5619 Scotts Valley Drive #100 Scotts Valley
Rita’s of Scotts Valley
800 Ohlone Parkway Watsonville, 95076
222-K Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley
Thank You Renewing Members Central California Alliance for Health Wells Fargo Legend Theatrical Wells Fargo Bank Scotts Valley Veterinary Clinic
Aqua Safaris Scuba Center
ProCompass Management Services
6896 Soquel Avenue Santa Cruz, 95062
212 San Augustine Way Scotts Valley, 95066
Pied Piper Exterminators Woods Painting TSC Academics
IMAGINE yourself as a homebuyer, specifically looking in Scotts Valley for a home to purchase and . . . there is nothing for sale! In other words, Scotts Valley seriously lacks inventory for the many buyers that want to buy a home. Have you have been contemplating selling your home, waiting for the right time? WAIT NO LONGER! Listing your home with us now, and not waiting until spring, means you’re obtaining the highest possible price. Call us for a complimentary 10-minute conversation to explore your options and learn how selling your home may be the best decision you make in 2015!
We Are Your Area Specialists! 831.457.5555
List with us before March 31, 2015, and we will pay your County Transfer Tax!
CalBRE #01300981
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Chamber Newsletter
14 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
February 28, 2015
www.mg4homes.com Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce
Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce 360 King’s Village Road Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Advertise in the Scotts Valley
Proud sponsors of the Scotts Valley Educational Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
Call for SPECIAL RATES 831.688.7549
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Santa Cruz, CA Permit No. 329
Change Service requested
Local Sports
Valley High School Scoreboard Basketball
Coach Rick Silver Scotts Valley 66 – Aptos 15 (Jan 30, Hm) Scotts Valley 71 – Santa Cruz 30 (Jan 27, Away)
Lauren LaHood 2 Scotts Valley 79 – Harbor 6 (Jan 23, Hm) Scotts Valley 70 – St. Francis 29 Scotts Valley 75 – Soquel 44 Scotts Valley 81 – SLV 13 (Jan 13, Hm) Scotts Valley 82 – Aptos 25 (Jan 10,Away) Scotts Valley 82 – Santa Cruz 32 (Jan 7, Hm)
Coach Andrea Trader SLV 38 – Harbor 27 (Jan 30, Away) St. Francis Soquel Santa Cruz 49 – SLV 26 Aptos 64 – SLV 29 Scotts Valley 81 – SLV 13 (Jan 13, Away) SLV 48 – Harbor 21
Soccer Coach Brian Terwilleger Scotts Valley 1 – Harbor 1 (Jan 30, Away) Scotts Valley 3 – Aptos 0 (Jan 28, Away) Santa Cruz 2 –Scotts Valley 1 (Jan 21, Hm)
831-476-PETS (7387)
Open Monday thru Saturday Surgeries
Coach Charles Burks Aptos 52 – Scotts Valley 40 (Jan 30, Hm) Santa Cruz 95 – Scotts Valley 41 (Jan 27, Away) Harbor 76 – Scotts Valley 60 (Jan 23, Hm) St Francis 67 – Scotts Valley 48 Scotts Valley 56 – Soquel 36 SLV 63 – Scotts Valley 47 (Jan 13, Hm) Aptos 57 – Scotts Valley 39 (Jan 10, Away) Santa Cruz 74 – Scotts Valley 29 (Jan 7, Hm)
Coach Marcus Northcutt SLV 70 – Harbor 62 (Jan 30, Away) St. Francis 64 – SLV 57 (Jan 23, Away) SLV 60 – Soquel 39 (Jan 21, Away) Santa Cruz 66 – SLV 57 SLV 70 – Aptos 68 SLV 63 – Scotts Valley 47 (Jan 13, Away) Harbor 60 – SLV 52
Professional and Friendly Veterinary Care with Exceptional Client Service in a State-Of-The-Art Hospital
By Appointment Only
1220-H 41st Ave., Capitola (Next to New Leaf Market)
>« Ì >6iÌiÀ >ÀÞ Ã« Ì> °V ÊUÊ *6 /£J} > °V
Scotts Valley 2 – Soquel 0 Scotts Valley 2 – SLV 1 Scotts Valley 6 – St. Francis 0 Scotts Valley 1 – Harbor 0 (Jan 7, Hm)
Coach David Okrant Soquel 5 – SLV 0 (Jan 30, Hm) SLV 3 – St. Francis 0 (Jan 23, Hm) Harbor 5 – SLV 0 (Jan 21, Away) SLV 1 – Aptos 0 Scotts Valley 2 – SLV 1 Santa Cruz 5 – SLV 2 Soquel 2 – SLV 1 (Jan 7, Away)
Coach Art Munoz Scotts Valley 3 – Harbor 0 Scotts Valley 0 – Aptos 0 (Jan 27,Away) Scotts Valley 1 Santa Cruz 1 (Jan 20, Hm) Scotts Valley 1 Soquel 0 (Jan 15, Away) Scotts Valley 2 – SLV 0 Jan 13, Hm) Valley Christian 3 – Scotts Valley 0 (Jan 12, Away) Scotts Valley 6 – St. Francis 0 (Jan 8, Away) Scotts Valley 2 – Harbor 0
Coach Judy Wels Soquel 1 – SLV 0 SLV 8 – St Francis 0 (Jan 22l Hm) Harbor 5 – SLV 1 (Jan 20, Away) Aptos 5 – SLV 0 (Jan 15, Hm) Scotts Valley 2 SLV 0 (Jan 13, Away) Santa Cruz 8 – SLV 0 (Jan 8, Hm) Soquel 7 – SLV 1 Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 15
Business Profile
cotts Valley’s Hacienda Shell is a locally owned gas and service station
customers like that we are local and
biles — like BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagens The Food Mart is well stocked with snacks
batteries, or just want a cold beer in the wee
a locally owned business like Hacienda lating around other area businesses and
Featured Columnist
Where there’s smoke, there’s trouble for San Lorenzo Valley By Bruce McPherson, County Supervisor 5th District
“Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.”
Monitoring by the Monterey Bay
Go outside and look at the smoke coming
midnight, which indicates that the main contributor is woodstoves, which have a
outdoor burning was not allowed on the
16 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
“McPherson” page 23
Featured Columnist
Get Ready, Get Set, Get Healthy in 2015
F those good intentions go down the drain
More than 125 million Americans age 20
saddled with unrealistic visions and bad
with extra weight and its associated
Make 2015 the year you choose to lose
Look and Feel YOUR BEST! -
normal eating, you regain your weight due
Is 2015 the year that you will finally succeed in losing that extra weight to become a healthier you? Have you tried before on your own and failed to accomplish your goal? If so, Love For Protein’s Weight Loss Program may be your solution. With one of our professional coaches offering one-on-one support you can get started on an easy to follow program that is not only simple but affordable as well. Our program includes flavorful, nutritional protein- based products designed to help you stay on the program so weight loss is quicker and easier. Our support will help you make the lifestyle changes needed to lose weight and learn to keep it off! Please visit our website to learn more.
For Your FREE Consultation Call 831-476-5683 www.LoveForProtein.com
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 17
Business Profile
and esthetician Julie Lewis have
Pamper Your Hands and Feet
A Glowing Body
the ingredients in the treatments are biode-
or salt blended with organic, hydrating oils work their magic while
Or you may choose themselves are made work through massage
lines include Cosmedix, Glo Minerals and -
ments at Scotts Valley
nail tech loves to do can choose the treatment she’d like best at You can get designs, decals, or rhinestones
tional Thai massage with healing herbs Carol and Julie had worked together
and guests can relax with warm tea on Skin Care and Boutique Products
W 18 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
you to give your sweetheart along with
Featured Columnist
Design Phase for Scotts Valley Middle School is Underway By Penny Weaver, Superintendent Scotts Valley Unified School District
receiving assessment results during the -
community stakeholders, who were
consider alternative housing scenarios a neighboring school district, or creating and Board Members Art Bubb and Michael Shulman are also working with the com-
David Foster with Cody, Anderson, Wasney Architects,
February Calendar Reminders February 25 beginning in the Student
The Grammy Awards
Common Core Math Parent Night
changes in math curriculum and teaching concluded with McClure, surrounded by committee members, drawing a general
grade class and dis-
articulated concerns about the mation and resources on how
that their concerns are being heard
Some new materials to assist teachers with -
members, Board Members, and district
Trustees meeting on Thursday, February 5
This year, 3rd – 11th grade students will be taking new online assessments aligned
Mobile devices such as Chromebooks have
1. A bunch, as in cookies 6. *Q-___, Grammywinning rapper from A Tribe Called Quest 9. *Yo-Yo Ma won for performing this composer’s Cello Suites 13. Luau greeting 14. Australian runner 15. Podium, pl. 16. Letter’s end 17. The lower this is the better 18. Unwilling 19. *_______ Center, Grammy Awards event host 21. *It’s shaped like an antique record player 23. Fool 24. Not quite an adult
25. Mother, sister or daughter 28. 1/168th of a week 30. Depart 35. *1983 Grammy winner, Men at ____ 37. “... the good ship and ____ was in peril,” according to Gordon Lightfoot 39. _____ firma 40. “Terrible” czar 41. Attached to the collar of a horse, pl. 43. Of a dark black 44. Foul smell 46. Typically passed down by word of mouth 47. Miscellaneous, abbr. 48. Used for spreading plaster or cement 50. Carl Zeiss’ product 52. Your, to Shakespeare 53. Carpenter’s groove 55. Do needlework 57. Measurement of acceleration
7. Mischief-maker 8. Rid of impurities 9. Real estate ____ 10. *_____ Levine of Grammy winning band, Maroon 5 11. C in NYC 12. “A likely story!” 15. It revolves around a star 20. Geologic period 22. Hi-___ 24. Trembling effect in music 25. *”Shake It Off” singer 26. A helicopter parent might do this DOWN 27. Muse of love poetry 1. *”All About That 29. Eurasian mountain ____” range 2. Dismounted or 31. Do like bees climbed down 32. Path of #15 down 3. “Animal House” party 33. First-year undergrad garb 34. *Iggy Azalea’s hit 4. It starred Erik Estrada 36. *Best Rock Song at 5. Sabbath loaf ‘96 Grammy Awards, 6. Steeped beverages “You Oughta ____” 60. *”Frozen” song 64. Weeping queen of Greek mythology 65. *Grammy winner, rapper and actor, ___-T 67. D-Day beach 68. Cupid’s projectile 69. Sticky stuff 70. 16 seed over 1 seed, e.g. 71. William McKinley High School ____ club 72. ‘90s rock band “4 ___ Blondes” 73. Little ones
38. *Grammy in ‘75 for Best Original Score, “The Way We ____” 42. Is it really that common? 45. Made a new picture 49. French lake 51. Take the first steps 54. Condescend 56. “Diary of a _____ Kid” 57. *Pharrell Williams’ album 58. “Watch out!” in golf 59. Double-reed instrument 60. *Grammy winning group, Kings of ____ 61. Homework to a student 62. Clarified butter 63. Feed bag contents 64. Old horse 66. Dove’s sound © Statepoint Media
Answers on 23 »
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 19
Community Calendar
San Lorenzo Valley Community Calendar
a bicycle in good working order and will cover resume writing, com-
Sunday Feb. 8 and Sunday Feb. 15
Adoption/Child Welfare Orientation Cabrillo Host Lions Club
Ongoing Events
Mushroom Hunt at Big Basin
is designed to review the child
Co-dependents Anonymous
Overeaters Anonymous
Tail Wagging World of Dog Ownership
vereaters Anonymous is a
Image Matters
Church Bible Study/Worship
What does your style say about
CAdvocates) needs volunteers, 3-5 next meeting is February 11th and
Brown Bag Series: Facebook CASA Orientations to Become for Small Business Workshop Advocates for Children
Science Sunday
Alzheimers Support Groups
Scotts Valley Farmer’s Market
Orientations to Become Advocates for Children
Friends of Scotts Valley Library
Wednesday Feb. 11
Barbara Chamberlain at 831-
Santa Cruz/ Monterey Bay Branch ADHD Support Group Meetings
in an entertaining and easy-to-
First Mondays
Friday February 15 SLV Museum Opening Reception
Second Tuesdays Third Wednesdays
PFLAG (Parents, Families, and
First 5/Triple P
Third Thursdays
Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Third Fridays
This exhibition tells the stories
Thursday February 26
Free Job Seek Workshop!
O Meeting Schedule for the SCWD2 Task Force
Mand the location alternates Toastmasters: Speak for Success
Meal Solution Mondays
Business Networking Joint Mixer with Scotts Valley Chamber
CAwareness Through Move-
Dated Events Friday February 6 First Friday Art Tour
Scotts Valley Nar-Anon Family Group
Celebrate the arts each month -
Saturday February 14 One Billion Rising Santa Cruz
Capitola-Aptos Rotary Club Meeting
Clutterers Anonymous
Aptos Noon Toastmasters WomenCARE Support Group
meetings are now being held in
Commander Chuck Woodson
Aptos Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10110
Head to the Islands!
the total sales go to a local non-
Hoffman’s for Second Harvest
Saturday February 14
B12 Fridays
discover your voice and share it agencies that Second Harvest
Romance in the Redwoods
On this wasy, 2 hour walk at
as banana slugs and redwood trees and more to celebrate love in the
Santa Cruz County Cycling Club
Ocean Gate Zen Center Zazen Instructions
beginning bicyclists who want to learn
orning meditation schedule
PROFILE of Santa Cruz
N 20 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
TOPS (Take off pounds sensibly)
Big Book and OA Literature Study
Friday Shakespeare Club
Tuesday February 24
Aptos Sons in Retirement Luncheon -
Overeaters Anonymous
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Announcements Volunteers Needed for the Monterey Symphony
music and want to be involved,
Ongoing Events Stitchers By The Sea Meetings
Arts and Entertainment Lucky Steppers Modern Square Dance
Saturday February 14
Ballroom dancing to live
Downtown Santa Cruz Antique Street Fair
Argentine Menu, (or their well known italian menu), and enjoy
annual event Natural Bridges State
Saturday February 14
Romance in the Redwoods
Modern Square Dancing Class
Monthly Argentine Tango at Star Bene Italian/Argentine Restarante
banana slugs and redwood trees and more to celebrate
vintage jewelry, clothing, glass and ceramic collectibles, vintage original artwork, and a whole lot
he First Friday Art Tour is a Santa
Arts event, managed in conjunction
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
New England and Manhattan chowders in both individual and
Leo (July 23-Aug. 23)
Dated Events
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Saturday February 21 Santa Cruz Clam Chowder Cook-Off & Festival
Peninsula Banjo Band
First Friday Art Tour
Aries (March 21-April 20)
n this wasy, 2 hour walk at
join us in a social tango dance
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)
Natural Bridges Migration Festival
Big Band Dance
titchers-by-the-Sea, the local
Your February Horoscope
Saturday February 7
Saturday February 21 Sunday February 22
Early Music Treasures
Virgo (Aug. 24-Sep. 22)
Pajaro Valley Quilt Association Show
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 23)
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) sonal attacks on your character, but know that the attack is most likely motivated by jealousy
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)
Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb. 18)
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 21
Business Guide Are you comfortable speaking in front of small groups and open to earning a six figure income? For more information please call Laura at: 831-728-5960
Featured Columnist
New Year’s Resolutions for Your Pet in 2015 By Tiffany Mitchener, DVM
here is just something about a brand new cal-
baseline allows the doctor to
Annual Wellness Exam
dogs and cats have certain core vaccines that should
Many veterinarians will start recommending
J www.tpgonlinedaily.com 22 / February 2015 / Scotts Valley Times
“Pet Resolutions” page 23
SPCA Featured Pet
have been asked to use alternative heat woodstove is too large, you will overheat
can use incentives, education, and courtesy woodstove
or some other heating system when the home -
Second Chance for Sammy
gets along well with other dogs, walks nicely on a leash, doesn’t mind cats, is
Dental Health veterinary medicine
crossword on 19 Âť
Schedule annual wellness exams with your together, brush your own teeth and theirs, Enrichment
Scotts Valley Times / February 2015/ 23