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munity Support — GoFundMe Goal: $11,500 Community Award Honorary Chamber Ambassador of the Year: Angela
“Little People” from page 12
With your financial contributions, I can positively impact the lives of families and children in the local and surrounding areas.
Unfortunately, I did apply but did not receive any of the COVID-19 federal loans or state grants.
If you could support my GoFundMe page by making a donation and then sharing it with your friends, family, and social media networks, I would greatly appreciate it. I know that money can be tight during these times, so please know that even a $5.00 contribution will help me get closer to my goal!
Please donate within your capacity. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Raelyn D’Amelio Local Business Owner ••• https://www.gofundme.com/f/ little-people039s-store?qid=1189d3 3b08b2e196b5c3d40da04650ef
In a normal year, the Chamber Ambassadors are community leaders and the outreach arm for the Chamber of Commerce. They are the face-to-face welcome wagon for new businesses, help build networks for existing businesses, and volunteer in community events.
The Chamber Ambassadors select the Chamber Ambassador of the Year. However, because of Covid-19 this last year, most of what the Ambassadors do was put on hold.
With the exception of a couple of socially distanced outdoor ribbon cuttings, there were no events or mixers for the Ambassadors to host and all face to face activities were suspended. So, when
Angela Marshall
the Ambassadors met to pick the 2020 Chamber Ambassador of the year, they decided unanimously that they would like to recognize someone that has always been there to build them up and support them in all that they do, our Chamber Operations Director, Angela Marshall.
With all of the challenges that 2020 brought, including Covid-19 and the CZU Fires, the Chamber had to pivot to meet the needs of community members affected by the CZU fire and outreach to provide help small businesses affected by Covid-19 like never before.
Angela became an integral member of the newly formed Economic Recovery Task Force, which was a collaboration between the Chamber, the City of Scotts Valley, and our business community.
Angela’s professional career began at NASA Ames Research Center as a Procurement Officer before becoming a Worldwide Business Analyst for Hewlett Packard.
After taking 12 years off to raise her family, she re-entered the workforce as the Principal’s assistant at Scotts Valley High School for six years, after her sons graduated, she joined the Scotts Valley Chamber in 2014 and is passionate about Scotts Valley and all the wonderful businesses and enjoys sharing the town’s history and sightseeing highlights with tourists and locals alike.