6 minute read
Signed into Law, By Jondi Gumz Shirley Weber Named Secretary of State
CALIFORNIA NEWS Shirley Weber Named Secretary of State
On Jan. 29, former Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber was sworn in as California Secretary of State. The oath was administered by Governor Gavin Newsom, who nominated Secretary Weber for appointment , following the resignation of former Secretary of State Alex Padilla. The nomination was confirmed by both the State Assembly and State Senate. She is making history as California’s first Black Secretary of State and only the fifth African American to serve as a state constitutional officer remain secure, accessible and fair in California’s 170-year history. even under the most adverse condi“The fact that each citizen tions. Dr. King teaches us that we is a primary officeholder in a are at our best when we stand up in democracy is the lodestone tenet of service of others, and I am humbled our system of government,” said to be able to continue to stand up Secretary of State Weber. “It is my for Californians as Secretary of responsibility as Secretary of State State. I thank the Governor for his to ensure that more Californians are Shirley Weber nomination, the State Senators and able to exercise that power through Assemblymembers who confirmed the electoral process, and that our elections my appointment, and the Californians who expressed their faith in my ability to assume this critical office. I look forward to lifting up and defending our democratic values of inclusivity and participation in this new role.”
The Secretary of State serves as California’s chief elections officer and custodian of the State Archives while also overseeing many filings for business, campaign finance, and lobbying activity.
“Weber” page 18
Is Your Business Affected by COVID-19?
The Economic Recovery Council of Santa Cruz County is reaching out to local businesses to take a short survey to find out how local businesses have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The results of this survey will help the Economic Recovery Council analyze the business community’s circumstances and will provide a better understanding of what the community needs to recover.
Feel free to forward this survey to your business contacts. This survey will be open until Feb. 12.
The survey is at https://www.survey monkey. com/r/COVID19ERC
Senior Outreach Groups Start Soon
Senior Outreach, a program of the Family Service Agency of the Central Coast, is offering support groups for men and women year-around.
During these challenging times, the support groups give their members an opportunity to connect with others once a week in a positive, supportive, and nourishing environment, sharing thoughts and feelings. Currently, all the groups meet via Zoom once a week for six weeks (90-minute sessions) and are facilitated by experienced peer-counselors.
Four women’s groups and two men’s groups begin soon. One of the women’s groups, beginning Jan. 26, will offer the newest format, using a workbook and journal to increase feelings of well-being and empowerment. It also includes suggestions for activities you can do at home.
To reserve a place or for more information, call 831-459-9351 x206 and leave a message for a call back within 24 hours. •••
County Seeks $8 Million in Rent Aid
The County of Santa Cruz has applied for funding through the federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program to help households unable to pay their rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Santa Cruz County Jobs December 2020
Change from Sector Dec. 2020 a year ago Government 18,800 Down 5,500 Leisure & Hospitality 10,700 Down 2,500 Pvt. Ed. & Health 15,200 Down 2,500 Manufacturing 6,200 Down 1,000 Other Services 4,200 Down 900 Trade/Transportation/ Utilities 16,500 Down 700 Prof. & Biz. Services 10,200 Down 600 Information 500 Down 100 Construction Financial Nonfarm 4,600 Up 100 3,600 Unchanged 90,500 Down 13,700
1,500 Down 3,200
Total 92,000 Down 16,900 Labor Force 127,600 Down 8% Employment* 116,700 Down 12% Unemployment 10,800 Up 64%
*Includes commuting to jobs outside county
Sources: California Employment Development Department
Authorized through the Consolidated Appropriations Act, $25 billion is earmarked nationally for rent support. The County’s grant amount, not yet confirmed by the Treasury, is estimated at $8 million.
Funds may be used to pay for rent, utilities, rent and utilities arrears, and housing costs for tenants. Renters in all cities and unincorporated areas will be eligible, with application details to be released after award confirmation, federal guidance and local stakeholder input
To qualify, renter households must have at least one individual who meets the following criteria: Qualifies for unemployment or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19;,demonstrates a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability; and household income is at or below 80 percent of the area median income
Priority will go to households with individuals unemployed for 90 days prior to application and households with income at or below 50 percent of the area median. Rental aid may not duplicate any other federally funded rental aid.
The County previously allocated $1.1 million of its federal CARES Act funds for rent aid for tenants impacted by the pandemic. •••
State to Update CHP Pronoun Use
On Feb. 1, State Sen. John Laird (D- Santa Cruz) introduced SB 272 to update archaic gender specific pronouns referencing the California Highway Patrol commissioner. These outdated pronouns have been in statute for more than 60 years, and do not reflect the department’s current leadership.
Male-dominant pronouns remain Amanda Ray predominant within California law. For example, within the Vehicle Code, pronouns referencing the CHP Commissioner are maledominant, even though CHP Commissioner Amanda Ray leads the agency.
Ray is the first woman and second African American to lead the agency in its 91-year history. She was deputy commissioner before being appointed to the top post by Gov. Newsom in October.
Laird said: “It’s time we change archaic references within state law that are future forward and adequately represent those who dedicate themselves to our state. I commend our CHP Commissioner for the efforts that have been made to ensure the safety of those working in the State Capitol during the recent months, and it is time we remove outdated references that do not properly acknowledge Commissioner Ray’s leadership and dedication to our state.”
••• Tech for Takeout at Library
The Santa Cruz Public Libraries have created a collection of lendable technology devices that can be checked out with your library card. The collection includes Amazon Fire 7 Tablets, Chromebook laptops, WiFi Hotspots, and Chromebook + Hotspot bundles. The collection became available for checkout Jan. 19.
Library cardholders can visit the catalog or use the mobile app to search for and request any of the devices or the bundle by name. For example, a keyword search for “fire tablet” or “hotspot” will work. Once the devices are on hold at the chosen library branch, they can be picked up at regular Grab & Go lobby service hours.
Borrowers must be 18 years or older, and a lending agreement must be signed. The checkout period is 3 weeks, just like all other library materials. Instructional guides in English and Spanish are available. •••
New Job Resource For Veterans
Veterans and their family members have a new resource through the public library. Our Veterans Information Page now includes VetNow at https:// www.brainfuse.com/highed/home. asp?a_id=7E7D0F69&ss=2&r=
This tool has many resources for job seekers including: Live Job Coaching, a Resume Lab, and a Live Veteran Navigator. The Live Veteran Navigator connects veterans with experts on VA benefits, job coaching, and community resources.
To access this resource, use your Santa Cruz Public Libraries Card and pin number. You can find VetNow on our Website at santacruzpl.org. If you need help, call 831427-7713. n