Return Lithium Battery Storage Permits to Local Government
By Jondi Gumz
On Jan. 23, a week after the Vistra lithium battery storage plant fire in Moss Landing, Assemblymember Dawn Addis said she has introduced legislation to restore permitting for lithium battery storage to local communities.
“We believe deeply in the importance of the local community to have a voice in the process,” she said.

The bill, AB 303, would eliminate the state streamlining of lithium battery energy storage, systems (known as BESS) allowed by AB 205.
AB 205 was a budget trailer bill passed 64-13 by the Assembly in 2022 to speed up “clean energy projects” as state legislators pushed toward a goal set in 2018: Zero-carbon electricity by 2045. ... continues on page 4

was short.

“Local Control” from page 1
The word “lithium” never appeared in AB 205.
contributing writers
Jondi Gumz, Risa D’Angeles, Derek Timm, John P. Weiss, Monica Martinez
Michael Oppenheimer
Michael Oppenheimer, Ward Austin
Bill Pooley, Erik Long

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Addis said AB 303 also would set limits on where lithium battery storage could be located, with a 3,200-foot setback from environmentally sensitive areas, in highfire, high-flood zones, in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, homes, schools and health care facilities.
“We have to protect this sensitive habitat, and our communities,” she said.
This is the fourth incident at the Moss Landing site and the third for Vistra’s facilities, she said.
Addis asked for an independent investigation into the cause of the fire by the California Public Utilities Commission, which she said has visited the fire site twice.
Addis asked the CPUC for “a fully transparent investigation into the root case, evaluate environmental and public health impacts and enact and enforce state safety standards for battery energy storage facilities.”
She also asked the CPUC to assess risks, provide actionable prevention recommendations and collaborate with the state Fire Marshal.
Addis said Assembly member Gail Pellerin, Sen. John Laird, and Gov. Gavin Newsom support an independent investigation as does Energy Commission Chairman David Hochschild, who visited the fire site twice.
Also visiting: Speaker Robert Rivas and the local Congressional delegation.
Responding to emergencies is much more expensive than prevention, Addis, said,
noting $2.5 billion earmarked by the Legislature for the Los Angeles wildfires.
She said she’s received hundreds and hundreds of emails, calls and messages from concerned residents.
“Our true goal is to ensure safety for the community,” she said, not only in Moss Landing but in any other community where a battery energy storage system is planned.
“California must never have a disaster like this again,” she said.
Glenn Church: Other Batteries Safer
County Supervisor Glenn
Church is leading an ad hoc committee to look at what else can be done to make sure an emergency such as this never happen again.
“I absolutely support it,” said Church, referring to AB 303 and calling the current regulations on this relatively new industry “haphazard.”

He embraced the return to local control on permitting these energy plants and agreed an independent investigation is needed.
Church said the cleanup, after discussing it with North County Fire, will take weeks perhaps months.
“Safety is paramount concern,” he said, noting a possibility that moving debris, as lithium batteries are inherently unstable, could create smoke or flames. “That is the nature of this battery, and that is nature of why we are so concerned.”
He said monitoring equipment will be available, and may be for some time.
As for water and soil testing, that will be handled by Cal EPA, state Office Environment Hazard Assessment and the state Department of Toxic Substance Control.
“I think this is welcome news,” he said. “When we get results, we’ll reporting back.”
As for the technology, he said, “I understand this industry is essential for a sustainable future. We have to be able to stores batteries. We have to have protections.,, but we just can’t keep going ahead without the proper regulations… government regulations and control of this technology by industry is not up to where it should be.”
Church and Addis agree the Moss Landing plant should not restart until the cause of the fire is identified.
“This technology, it needs to be safe,” Church added. “These are not the only batteries. There are other batteries that can be used in situations like this. They may not be as effective but they’re a whole lot safer.” n
Cover Photo: Assemblymember Dawn Addis, D- Morro Bay, speaking at a press conference on Jan. 23.

Camisa Composti
Teri Huckobey, Brooke Valentine
Cathe Race
Michael Oppenheimer, Camisa Composti website
Michael Oppenheimer
Monterey County Supervisor Glenn Church
Moss Landing Lithium Battery Storage Fire • Photo Credit: Alekz Londos
E-Bike Issues: Please Slow Down and Think Safety
Editor’s note: The American College of Surgeons report surgeons see a serious pattern of e-bike-related injury and death. Please read this in the interest of safety.
The Scotts Valley Police Department would like to provide information regarding the different classes, or types, of electric bicycles that are currently being manufactured.
People on these bikes are regularly observed riding at excessive speeds, not wearing helmets and disregarding basic safety precautions.
It’s important to remember that bike/E-Bike riders share the same rights, responsibilities, and potential dangers as motorists.
Due to the accessibility of e-bikes, we tend to see a younger generation of riders.
Parents, please have honest conversations with your children with clear expectations and rules for when they are riding these bicycles.
To promote safer riding practices, consider the following information.
The law defines three Classes (1, 2 and 3) of E-Bikes and each has specific legal requirements:
Class 1 E-Bike
• Low-speed, pedal-assisted, equipped with a motor providing assistance only when the rider is pedaling
• Motor stops assisting at 20 mph.
Class 2 E-Bike
• Low-speed, throttle-assisted, equipped with a motor to propel bicycle even when rider is not pedaling.
• Motor is NOT capable of providing assistance when 20 mph is reached.

Class 3 E-Bike
• Low-speed, pedal-assisted, equipped with a motor and speedometer that provides assistance only when pedaling
• Motor stops assisting at 28 mph.
• Must be 16 years old or older and wear a bicycle safety helmet.
Bicyclists and e-bike riders on highways are subject to all the same rules of the road as motorists. Riders who don’t follow the rules are subject to ticketing and fines as defined by the California Vehicle Code. Make sure to follow these rules:
• Riders under the age of 18 must wear a helmet, and all riders on Class 3 e-bikes must wear a helmet
• Traffic lights, signs and signals apply to all road users, including bicycle and e-bike riders.
• Passengers are generally only permitted if the bicycle or e-bike is properly equipped for passengers and the passenger is securely riding on the passenger portion of the bicycle or e-bike.
• Child safety seats are required for passengers under 4 years old or less than 40 pounds.
“e-Bikes” page 8

One Person with Autism: Never Give Up
Matthew Kenslow has an empowering message for anyone with a disability and those around them.
“I never asked for autism, and other people never asked for a disability, whether it’s developmental or physical,” said Kenslow, 29, who graduated from Newport High School, Orange Coast College and Vanguard University and is working as a substitute teacher. “But I chose not to let it [discrimination] stop me. One of the things that I do is — although I don’t condone what was said or done to me — I forgive. And I think that forgiveness is the key to helping me move on in life.”
As Kenslow persevered to obtain his teaching credentials, he processed what he was experiencing by writing down his thoughts and sharing his journey on YouTube, where he now has more than 80,000 subscribers.
The positive feedback he received from around the world prompted him to write his second book, Unstoppable, in which he shares his inspiring story to encourage others to find and pursue their passion, despite any obstacles.
about the American presidents, geography, science, and mathematics
His life has been filled with struggle and adventure.
He earned the Gold Medal of Achievement — equivalent to the rank of Eagle Scout — through Royal Rangers, a program he began at age 5. Now, he is giving back to children and teens teaching and mentoring them. His first book, Juggling the Issues, was published in 2019 and won two awards.

He has a master’s degree in education from Vanguard University, two science degrees, and a full math credential.
He also volunteers for speaking engagements at local schools on the topic of disability awareness, acceptance and inclusion. He has shared his inspiring message with more than 10,000 students and counting. Over a million people follow his story on social media.
The 384-page book, with a cover featuring a red megaphone, traces Kenslow’s journey through student teaching, as he overcame challenges and became a soughtafter substitute teacher who has been a favorite among thousands of students across dozens of schools.
He chronicles his highs and lows with candor, as he walks readers through what life is really like for people who are neurodivergent.
His mission is to teach others from a firsthand perspective about how people with autism interpret things differently from the rest of the world.
Kenslow is currently a substitute teacher in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, as he awaits landing a full-time teaching position, preferably middle school math.
He grew up with a form of autism that was once referred to as Asperger’s syndrome, diagnosed at age 6.
He feels he has been blessed with the gifts to juggle, play piano and recall facts
He’s on Instagram (matthew_ kenslow), Facebook (JugglingTheIssues), YouTube (@matthewkenslow722), X (@KenslowMatthew) and TikTok (@ matthewkenslow).
In one video on YouTube titled “Empathy for Muscular Dystrophy,” he said, “I take it upon myself to be an advocate, a voice for the voiceless.”
“If I could accomplish all that (plus more) with a so-called ‘disability,’ then what’s your excuse?” Kenslow quipped. “Everybody has a purpose, despite a disability. I am a proponent of inclusion, appealing for the ‘nondisabled’ to make time to get to know us. There’s still a need to spread not only awareness but also acceptance.” n
Unstoppable: How One Person With Autism Is Never Giving Up on His Lifelong Dream To Become a Teacher and Worldwide Influencer • Publisher: River Birch Press
Available for $20.19 at: https://www. amazon.com/Unstoppable-Matthew-Kenslow/ dp/1956365583
For information, visit https://matthewkenslow-shop.fourthwall.com/pages/bio-andsocial-media.
Matthew Kenslow
Falcons Flying High
With six games remaining, the Scotts Valley High girls basketball team is undefeated in league with an 8-game win streak.
The Falcons’ offense can count on senior Claire Skinner, sophomore Hanna Shehorn or juniors Brooklyn Williams and Samantha Rebbert to lead in scoring.
Their overall record, as of deadline, is 13-2. n

Photos Credit: Audrey K. Watson

Learn More About the Planned Water Pipe to Santa Cruz

he City of Santa Cruz Water Department and Scotts Valley Water District will soon break ground on a collaborative $6.5 million intertie pipeline project to connect the two water agencies.
A community meeting about the project will be 4:30-5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 4, from in the Santa Margarita Room at the Scotts Valley Water District, 2 Civic Center Drive in Scotts
Funded by a state Department of Water Resources Grant, this project is part of Climate Resilient Santa Cruz, an ongoing initiative of the City of Santa Cruz aiming to respond to future impacts from climate change.
The project is expected to coordinate use of surface and groundwater, dramatically increase system resilience, improve emergency preparedness, and ensure the availability of reliable, safe drinking water for customers of both agencies.
The intertie will link the potable water systems of the City of Santa Cruz and Scotts Valley Water District by constructing a new 2-mile pipeline and pump station. The pipeline route will include La Madrona Drive, Sims Road and Firehouse Lane.
“e-Bikes” from page 5
• Cyclists must ride to the right edge of the road as practical. If you’re riding slower than traffic, ride in the bike lane. You can leave the bike lane to turn left, pass someone, avoid a road hazard or avoid cars turning right.
• Sidewalks and crosswalks are meant for pedestrians. Dismount and walk your e-bike in these areas. You must stop at crosswalks for pedestrians
• Dismount and walk your e-bike or similar motorized device on trails less than 5 feet wide when within 50 feet of a pedestrian or horseback rider.
• Do not attach a bicycle, e-bike or similar motorized device to any moving vehicle

The pipeline is the final link in a regional effort to connect public water systems from Boulder Creek to La Selva Beach. Construction is expected to begin at the end of January and last approximately 12 months with anticipated traffic impacts in the area. n •••
Get more info and sign up for bi-weekly email updates at www.cityofsantacruz.com/government/ city-departments/water/projects-in-yourneighborhood/scotts-valley-intertie
or motorized or non-motorized wheeled device with an operator or rider on board.
• Be aware of other road users and try to match the average speed. This means riding slowly in areas with pedestrians.
• Stop at red lights.
• Stop before right turn at red lights.
• Stop at stop signs.
• Do not weave in and out of traffic.
• Ride in the same direction as car trafficride with the flow of traffic.
• Proper reflective and lighting equipment must be used during night operation.
• When a bicycle lane is available, bicyclists are required to use the bike lane unless they are traveling as fast as traffic. n

Weathering Storms and A Bright 2025
By Derek Timm, Mayor, City of Scotts Valley
As we step into 2025, we must acknowledge the unprecedented events that recently tested our community’s resilience. Our long held scientific belief that tornadoes do not happen in the Santa Cruz Mountains was dispelled. A week later we saw historic storms destroy a county landmark that had withstood prior storms for over a century.
Our community feels fortunate the damage from the tornado was not worse, and incredibly grateful that despite injuries and damage, there was no loss of life. Had the twister touched down just a couple hundred feet away in either direction- its path would have ripped through crowded stores or through neighborhood homes. Instead, it carved a path through parking lots and roads- which is nothing short of a miracle.
A week later, our neighbors in Santa Cruz were also shaken as storms ripped 150 feet off the end of the wharf and sent waves barreling through the harbor, unmooring boats and sinking them in its wake. It is hard to understand the significance of events in a historic sense when you are living through them in the present.

her perspective as a mother with school age children will enrich our discussions and decisions as we shape the future of Scotts Valley.
Joining her is Steve Clark, with 30 years in law enforcement in our county, including serving as deputy police chief in Santa Cruz, Steve’s expertise in public safety and community leadership is invaluable. His dedication to this city is well known, and we are fortunate to have him on the council.
Re-elected to the council is Donna Lind, a cornerstone of our community with 56 years of experience serving Scotts Valley. Her four decades in the Police Department, where she retired as a sergeant, and her 16 years on the council reflect her unwavering dedication to our city. Donna’s institutional knowledge and deep roots in our community continue to be an invaluable asset.

Reflecting on the fact that our county made international news for two separate events in the past month should give us all pause.
Scotts Valley’s quick recovery was made possible thanks to the rapid response from police, fire, public works and PG&E, as well as the countless community members who stepped up to help.
Now, I encourage everyone to support Scotts Valley businesses that lost critical revenue during the holiday season. Your patronage is vital to their recovery and the overall health of our local economy.
Amid these challenges, we said farewell to two pillars of leadership: Our 5th District supervisor, Bruce McPherson, and our outgoing mayor, Randy Johnson. Together, they devoted nearly 60 years to serving our community with unwavering dedication for which we are eternally grateful for their contributions.
Yet as we reflect on the past, we also look forward with confidence. Scotts Valley is in capable hands with a leadership team that brings a wealth of experience, professionalism, and fresh energy to guide us into this new chapter.
We are proud to welcome Krista Jett to the City Council, a young parent and public health professional who represents a vital and needed voice in city politics. Krista brings a master of science in nursing and extensive experience working at Stanford Children’s Hospital. Her background in healthcare and

On the county level, we are thrilled to welcome Monica Martinez as our new District 5 Supervisor. Monica led the county’s largest health and human services nonprofit and served as chair of the County’s Parks and Recreation Commission. Her leadership and expertise in critical community services will be instrumental as we address county-wide challenges.
Rounding out our team is Vice Mayor Allan Timms, a technology executive with extensive experience leading large teams. Allan’s forward-thinking approach and innovative mindset will help us continue to make Scotts Valley a hub of opportunity and growth.
With this extraordinary group of leaders teamed with Mali LaGoe, an incredibly talented city manager who has built a top-notch organization, Scotts Valley is well-positioned to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead. Together, we will build on the strong foundation laid by Bruce McPherson and Randy Johnson, ensuring our city thrives while honoring their legacy.
As mayor, I am inspired by the strength of our community and the talent of our leadership team. Scotts Valley is more than a city—it’s a place where people care for one another, step up in times of need, and work together to build a brighter future.
As we move into 2025, I encourage everyone to support our local businesses, reflect on our shared values, and join us in making this year one of resilience, progress, and optimism. I am honored to serve as your mayor and excited for the opportunities that lie ahead. Together, we will make 2025 a year to remember. n

Now Is All We Really Ever Have
Story and Photos by John P. Weiss
Editor’s note: This is the conclusion of the story that appeared in the January issue.

e wrote the note for Sophie. It was short. A sort of apology. A longing to be with Emma again. His fatigue with aging. Financial and inheritance instructions. Assurance that he loved her deeply, and to know he’d always be in her heart and memories. But the angels that used to sing in his heart were silent now. And so he must do what he must do.
He folded the note, slipped it into an envelope, licked it shut, and penned “My dear Sophie” on it.
The house was clean. Everything was in order. He planned to use the hose in the garage. Hook it up to his car exhaust. It seemed efficient and tidy. No mess for others to clean up.
Strangely, he felt a sense of peace.
He knew that when suicidal people make up their minds, they often experience relief. No more anguishing over what to do.
He showered, shaved, and decided to get a haircut. One last time. To be presentable, as absurd as that sounded.
He drove into town and parked at “The Feather Edge,” where his favorite barber George worked. He opened the door and the attached little bells chimed.
“Well, look what the cat drug in,” George said with a chuckle, adding, “And don’t you look presentable today. Is that a new shirt?”
“Nope, it’s one that Emma gave me last year. Just never got around to wearing it,” he said.
“Well, Emma always had exceptional taste,” George said as he motioned and pointed to the empty barber chair. The old man settled into it and told George to do whatever he could to cut and arrange the sparse hair left on his head.
George set about his work, and the two chatted amiably.
“Did you hear about those two poor high school girls in that awful accident last week?” George asked.
“No, were they hurt?”
“Killed. It was a drunk driver. Just

terrible. I had the news on earlier. I guess they were coming from some kind of dressup party. I think the kids call it ‘Cosplay.’ Anyway, a drunk driver in a pickup truck ran the red light and slammed into their little car. The funeral was today.”
“You’re always full of uplifting news, George,” the old man said.
“Sorry. It just stayed with me. Maybe because of what the church pastor said on the news.”
“What did the pastor say?”
George stopped clipping hair, looked at the old man, and said, “He said this quote from that old Russian author, Solzhenitsyn. I don’t remember exactly, but it was about how some people die young, and they stay young in everyone’s memories. And if they burn brightly before they die, their brightness shines for all time.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” the old man said.
“How so?” George asked.
“Well, my wife Emma was old when she died, and her brightness is still shining. At least for me, it is.”
“Well, you’ve got a point there. I think all good souls burn bright, in this life and the next,” George said.
The old man thanked George, paid and tipped him, and said, “George, you know what? I think your soul burns bright, too.”
“You think so?” was all George could say, but then sometimes men are uncomfortable talking like this.
The old man got into his car and decided to take one last drive to the park that he and Emma often visited for their daily walks. The sun was shining and he wanted to feel its warmth, and the peace of the park, before he went home to follow through on his plans.
It was the middle of the week, and no cars were in the parking lot. Not surprising, since people were at work and all the kids were in school. He had the park all to himself.
The old man strolled along the walkways until he made his way to a single park bench deep in the park. He liked it here because it was quiet and peaceful. Far from the baseball fields, basketball hoops, and noise sure to come when school lets out.
“All We Really Ever Have” page 16

Chamber Board of Directors Sets Goals for New Year
Exciting Plans for a Thriving Community in 2025

On January 12, 2025, the Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors held an inspiring strategic planning session, setting the stage for an impactful year ahead. With the input of our Board members, we outlined key initiatives to support local businesses, engage our community, and enhance our service to Scotts Valley.
This year, we’re focused on four core goals: strengthening the Chamber’s financial viability, increasing membership value, enhancing Board engagement, and making a positive community impact. We’ll be tracking progress closely, adapting as needed, and ensuring that our work continues to benefit businesses and residents alike.

A major focus will be highlighting our community impact — tracking volunteerism, event participation, and how our efforts benefit local businesses. We’re also excited to launch professional development workshops and explore new event ideas focusing on health and wellness.
We’ll continue to host signature events, including the Scotts Valley
Art, Wine & Beer Festival and the Scotts Valley Community Awards Gala. The Gala, set for May 9, will honor those who make a difference in our community. Nominations are open now for categories like Business of the Year, Woman of the Year, and Youth of the Year — visit our website to submit your nominations.
A special thank you to our
Chamber Ambassadors, whose tireless work behind the scenes makes everything we do possible.
We’re excited for what’s to come and grateful for your support as we work together to make Scotts Valley an even better place to live and work.
— Joanne Guzman, President, Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce
2024 Scotts Valley Community Awards Nomination Deadline February 7
TCalendar of Upcoming Community Events
Saturday February 8
6:30 p.m.-Close — Golden Sight Productions Presents: The Sinatra Show
Chaminade Resort & Spa
6:30 pm: No Host Cocktail
Reception • 7 pm: Dinner • 8 pm: Show Begins
1 Chaminade Lane, Santa Cruz
Saturday February 22
5:30-11:30 p.m. — 2025 Fallen Officer Ball Boardwalk’s Cocoanut Grove
400 Beach Street, Santa Cruz
Thursday February 27
5:30-7:00 p.m. — Grand Opening & Red Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Haven Play Lounge 1800 Green Hills Rd.
Friday May 9
5:00-10 p.m. — Scotts Valley Community Awards Gala Roaring Camp Railroads

he Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce seeks your assistance in recognizing the people and businesses that make our community such a special place. Please send us your 2024 nominations for outstanding businesses and individuals for the following categories:
• Alvin Scarborough Memorial MAN OF THE YEAR
• Annette Marcum Memorial WOMAN OF THE YEAR
Criteria for Nomination
• Each nominee must have made a valuable contribution to Scotts Valley.
• It may be in the previous year or over a period of time which you specify.
• A business of the year nominee must be a current Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce member.
• An individual may live or work outside the city limits, but their contribution must be within Scotts Valley.
• Youth of the year nominee must be of High School age
Nominating is quick and easy! Go to ScottsValleyChamber.com and help us honor the leaders of our community.
Photo Credit: Arwen Reber Photography
Board of Directors (from left): Victor Alejandro (VP), Jeanette Larkin, Keira Mulder (Secretary), Kim Pursley, Danny Reber (Executive Director), Branddi Palmer, Cheryl Rebottaro, Joanne Guzman (President), and Susan O’Connor Fraser. Not in photo: Jeanne Shada, Nick Kurns (Treasurer) and Phil Neuman (Past President)
Joanne Guzman
Scotts Valley Chamber News
Haven Play Lounge Ribbon Cutting
February 27 • 5:30–7 p.m.
Join us on February 27 from 5:30–7 p.m. for Haven Play Lounge’s official ribbon cutting. There will be refreshments and a raffle. This event is free and open to the entire community.
Why is Haven Play Lounge here?
They are here to support you — hardworking parents, caregivers, grandparents, and everyone in between.
Their space is inspired by the essence of community, recognizing that togetherness is fundamental to our human experience.
At Haven Play Lounge you can relax, connect with friends and provide your children a safe environment to explore their imagination and build new friendships. Their thoughtfully designed playground promotes imaginative play by offering experiences such as a jungle safari hunt or a royal adventure in a castle.

As a business deeply rooted in community love, they eagerly anticipate bringing everyone together in their welcoming space.

Haven Play Lounge offers a comprehensive range of amenities, including a soft play area for tiny tots just beginning to explore their environment, exciting

44 Years of Managing & Selling Homes throughout Santa Cruz County — 1981 – 2025
$3700/mo 2-story 3BR/1.5BA Condo on the 1200 block of Capitola Road in Live Oak. Freshly painted interior. Vaulted ceiling. Laundry hookups inside home. Small patio with a storage cabinet. No pets. Off-street parking. Water & trash service included. Well-maintained complex.
$3600/mo 2BR/1BA Single-Level Home on Maple Avenue. Large flat sunny lot near downtown Ben Lomond. Laundry hookups in single-car garage.
$3400/mo 2BR/1BA Upstairs Apartment on El Camino in Scotts Valley. Large sunny yard. Shared laundry. Shared garage. No Pets.
$2650/mo 2BR/2BA Two-Story Home on West Drive in Lompico. 750sq.ft. bonus room. Freshly painted interior. New Flooring throughout. No pets.
$1750/mo Studio Apartment on the 9600 block of Highway 9 in downtown Ben Lomond. Close to shopping, Near bus lines. No pets. No laundry. Off-street parking.
City Council Votes to Become an Autism Certified City
On January 15, the Scotts Valley City Council discussed their support for moving the community toward becoming an Autism Certified City. With 1 in 6 people having a sensory disorder and 1 in 36 children in the US diagnosed with autism, City leaders want to make sure residents and visitors alike who are impacted by these conditions feel welcome and included here.
To that end, this year’s Community Grant program will include small grants to support local businesses and organization interested in training their staff and obtaining Autism Certification from the International Board of Credentialling and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). Learn more at ibcces. org.
climbing structures, a variety of enrichment activities, playground monitors, as well as an assortment of games and activities for adults AND a café that serves a delightful selection of beverages, meals and snacks. They look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

The City is calling for businesses and organizations in the healthcare, education, travel and entertainment, and public safety and community services sectors to participate in this citywide effort to become an Autism Certified City. Workforce development training for any employer is also available. Interested businesses should reach out to City Manager, Mali LaGoe at mlagoe@scottsvalley. gov or visit the City’s website. The grant application period is open.
In addition, the Scotts Valley Police Department personnel have completed POST training for autism awareness and additional City staff will undergo IBCCES training to help improve customer service and programming for people with sensory disorders.
The Scotts Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to support this commitment by the City as we know most families are impacted in some way by this challenge and look forward to supporting our business community in becoming more autism aware.

Scotts Valley Cultural & Performing Arts Center Renamed ‘The Landing’
In October of 2022, a wonderful theater venue opened in Scotts Valley next to the Scotts Valley Public Library. It had taken the labor of scores of volunteers and the funds of over 200 local donors more than 10 years, to bring it into existence.
Over the past two years, the Scotts Valley Community Theater Guild, the non-profit that created and manages the site, has hosted numerous theater, music, dance, and comedy shows, a film festival, as well as several professional organizations.

Our locals have benefitted from State of the City
Fintastic Fish Ribbon Cutting
reports, Fire Protection seminars, and other presentations that require seating, sound and visuals for up to 280 people.
Soon it will host the Third Annual Alfred Hitchcock Festival, this year from March 14 – 16.
When it opened, the site was called The Scotts Valley Cultural and Performing Arts Center, but that name was often morphed to various iterations.
Determined to rectify that, the Board was convinced it needed a new name, one that would be unique and unmistakable in the minds of clients and audiences.

The theater has been renamed The Landing because this beautiful venue has landed in our neighborhood, on the site of the old Sky Park airport, to provide a space for art and culture, and for audiences to meet in mutual admiration.
To celebrate its new name The Landing hosts an Open House for the public on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 5-7 p.m. If you are unable to attend and would like to tour the facility, call the theater manager, Richard Dwyer, at 831-334-4522.
For additional information please visit www.thelandingsv.org or www.svctheaterguild.org.

Congratulations to Devin Runneals and her Team at Fintastic Fish on their Official Chamber Ribbon Cutting!
Alfred Hitchcock Festival: March 14-16
Businesses in the Scotts Valley area have an excellent opportunity to collaborate with the third annual Alfred Hitchcock Festival happening from Friday, March 14th through Sunday, March 16th.
The Festival was created as a fundraiser for the Scotts Valley Performing Arts Center, newly christened “The Landing”. Another reason the Alfred Hitchcock Festival was created is to bring customers from other areas to Scotts Valley to stay at our hotels, eat in our restaurants, shop in
This year’s highlights include a panel discussion with Alfred Hitchcock’s granddaughter, Tere Carrubba, films and TV Shows introduced by Hitchcock experts and a piano player with a silent movie on Saturday night.
our stores, taste our wines, etc., generally boosting the local economy.

This year’s highlights include a panel discussion with Alfred Hitchcock’s granddaughter, Tere Carrubba, films and TV Shows introduced by Hitchcock experts and a piano player with a silent movie on Saturday night. This will include a dessert reception Gala with complementary wine tasting.
Would you like to offer a discount to Festival attendees? Get visibility with ads on our website or in our
printed program? Offer coupons or raffle prizes? This is your opportunity to join in celebrating a local resident, highlight your offerings, and promote your business.
General information about Alfred Hitchcock or the Alfred Hitchcock Festival is at HitchcockFestival.com.
If you would like to coordinate your promotional ideas with the Festival Committee and be featured in the program, contact Paul@Burrowes.com.
Another way to benefit and promote the Festival would be to buy a block of tickets to distribute to important customers and employees. Discuss those ideas with Trish at tmelehan@aol.com.
For additional information or to discuss your ideas relating to the Alfred Hitchcock Festival, contact victor.ale

A Message from the Rotary Club of Scotts Valley
Dear Scotts Valley residents and friends, this is a message from our small but mighty club with different facets and a question:

What service club do You belong to? In these days we know the world becomes a better place when we do our part; when we generate ripples of kindness and generosity around ourselves, our community, and internationally.
Our Rotary Club offers opportunities for both Fellowship and Service, via:
• Our signature project — the Students Awards and Scholarships Program recognizing outstanding student achievement and community service at both the High School and the Middle Schools.
• Sponsoring student leadership development programs, such as the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA), Youth/ Interact Club President training camp, Youth International Exchange, the Speech Contest, and Fall Leadership Conference.
• Community service projects, such as serving hot coco at the Valley Christmas project, staffing the Kids Zone at the Scotts Valley Art, Wine, & Beer Festival, and at Roaring Camp-Thomas the Engine, and offering support to the City Recreation Department. • ROTACARE (free local Health Care for the underserved).
• International projects*** and contributions to eradication of Polio, and a mobile clinic in Ukraine.
Our Speakers Program is just phenomenal!
The Speakers Mathew Wetstein , PHD President/Superintendent of the Cabrillo Community College, Jack Dilles , Former Council Member, David Reid , County Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience, Joice Mercado “Save the Planet on Your Spare Time”, Christopher Platt , Director of the Santa Cruz Libraries ... and many more
Especially important, our Club is now meeting in-person on the first Mondays of

the month at 12 Noon, at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, 5030 Scotts Valley Drive.
You are welcome to attend and check us out! For contact, please text Co-President Patrizia Materassi at (831)334-2383.
Alfred Hitchcock
Income Tax Deadline April 15
Turn to FTB for Information on State
The California Franchise Tax Board kicked off the 2025 tax filing season with information for taxpayers regarding cash-back tax credits, disaster loss relief, and the advantages of filing and making payments electronically.
Taxpayers must pay any taxes owed by April 15 to avoid penalties.
“I encourage all California taxpayers to file their taxes early to take advantage of valuable tax credits that can provide essential financial resources to themselves and their families,” said State Controller and FTB Chair’s online services, including e-filing and selecting direct deposit to a bank account, which can significantly expedite their refunds.”
E-file is Faster
File your taxes for free using the IRS Direct File and the Franchise Tax Board’s CalFile. CalFile allows most Californians to e-file their state tax returns quickly, easily, and for free.
Eligible Californians can file their federal taxes online using Direct File, and then they will be directed to CalFile to complete their
VITA focuses on helping community members that face the largest barriers to tax services. This includes community members living in poverty, living with disabilities, who speak English as a second language, or don’t have transportation.
Use this Tax Prep Checklist to help you prepare so you are ready to file and maximize your refund. You can also reach your financial goals through My Money Path provided by United Ways of California.
For local assistance, make an appointment with Project Scout, run by the Seniors Council. Visit https://seniorscouncil.org/project-scout/
To volunteer for VITA, fill out the form at https://www.unitedwaysc.org/form/vitavolunteer and United Way will reach out to you.
state return. Direct File provides a simple way to file federal tax returns securely and accurately.
For information about Direct File eligibility, visit www.directfile.irs.gov.
Find Answers Online
Taxpayers are encouraged to use the 24/7 online self-service options to avoid potentially long delays when contacting FTB. Last year, millions of taxpayers visited the website at https://www.ftb.ca.gov/.
Self-service options include checking your refund status, making a payment, determining whether you should file, figuring out which form to file and viewing processing and wait times.
Cash Back Credits
For tax year 2024, Californians with income up to $31,950 might qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC), which can provide cash back or lower any tax owed. Those eligible for CalEITC and with a
child under six may receive up to $1,154 from the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC). For the tax year 2022 forward, no earned income is required to receive YCTC if all other CalEITC and YCTC requirements are met.
In addition, those earning less than $66,819 may also qualify for the federal EITC.
Between CalEITC, YCTC, and the federal EITC, a family can receive up to $12,628.
The Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC) provides up to $1,154 per eligible individual or up to $2,308 if both the primary taxpayer and spouse/registered domestic partner qualify.
CalEITC, YCTC, and FYTC can be claimed by filing a state tax return, while the federal EITC is claimed on a federal return.
For a calculator to estimate your credits and more, visit ftb.ca.gov/caleitc.
Disaster Tax Relief
You may deduct any loss you suffered that was caused by a President or Governor declared disaster in California. Free copies of tax returns are available to disaster victims whose returns were lost or damaged.
“Tax Day” page 16

Scotts Valley & San Lorenzo Valley Chamber
Membership Directory and Tourism Guide

“All We Really Ever Have” from page 10
He sat on the bench, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the sunshine warming his face.
Where earlier he’d felt relief and resignation, now he sensed a kind of angst. As if two parts of himself were feuding with each other. Determination and hesitancy. Hope and despair.
There was a fluttering sound on the wall behind him.
When he turned to look, he saw a small bird. She was quite the contrast from the poor little finch that struck his dining room window earlier. This bird’s eyes were bright and she was full of life.
He thought of Emma, and how much she loved birds.
“Are you a little messenger of hope?” he said to the bird as she turned her head left and right, studying him. And then she let out a lovely, sweet, chirping sound. He closed his eyes and listened to the angelic song coming from the bird. It was soothing.
A wave of emotions flooded over him.
He dropped his head into his hands and wept. His shoulders moved up and down to the rhythms of his sobbing.
“Excuse me, are you okay?”
He noticed they were dressed unusually.
“Are you two headed to a party?” he said.
“Something like that. More like a reunion,” the girl dressed in white said. And the other smiled at him and added, “My Father tells me it’ll be alright. Hopefully, it’ll be the same for you.”
And with that, the two waved goodbye and strolled down the path, deeper into the park where no one ever wandered. It was all a little strange and surreal.
The old man felt odd. Different. Like a bit of the darkness inside him was loosening. He found his way back to the car and drove home.
When he arrived at his driveway he discovered a small sedan parked by his garage door. He pulled in behind the sedan, parked, and noticed its driver’s side door open.
It was Douglas.
But what was Douglas doing here? The old man felt panicked.
“Douglas, what are you doing here? Is everything alright? How’s Sophie?” he said to Douglas.
“Everything is fine. She’s fine. I’m sorry, I should have called. I flew out earlier today and rented this car. Sophie doesn’t know I’m here.”
Startled, the old man sat up and wiped his eyes. Other than the bird, he thought he was alone. But there, standing before him, were two teenage girls.
“We didn’t mean to interrupt you, but we saw that you were upset. Is everything okay?” She sat on the bench beside him as her friend stood next to her.
“Oh, thank you, my dears. I’m fine. Just an old man weeping about things he can’t do anything about,” he said.
The girl standing said, “We can always do something. We can plant a tree. Or adopt a kitten. Or put a bird feeder in the garden. There’s a lot we can do, even if it seems like not much. Because it’s much more than we realize.”
“Oh darling, wait until you’re older. Life has its way with us, and I’m afraid it can fray our outlook,” he said.
“Well, I don’t know, because I’m young. All I know is that now is all we really ever have, and so why not do something beautiful with it?” said the girl standing.
“Oh thank God, I’m glad everything is okay. Well, come inside, Douglas.”
They walked into the house, and the old man placed his car keys in the tray on his writing desk and slipped the envelope he left for Sophie inside the top drawer.
They sat in the living room.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Oh no, I had a coffee at the airport,” Douglas said.
“Well, what’s this all about?”
“I want to marry your daughter, and I want to convince you to come live near us.”
The old man hadn’t expected this, but then, it had been an unusual day.

“I agree. What we have, right now, it’s a gift. Isn’t it? Anyway, we better get going, we’re going to be late,” the girl seated next
“I think your daughter is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and with your permission, I’d like to marry her and start a family. But the thing is, Sophie worries about you all the time. She loves you dearly, and I know if you lived near us, we could all have a wonderful life together. And besides, children need their grandfather.”
“All We Really Ever Have” page 18

“Tax Day” from page 15

To receive these free copies, use Form FTB 3516 and write the name of the disaster in blue or black ink at the top of the request. For more information, including a complete list of all disasters declared in California, refer to FTB’s disaster loss webpage.
Electronic Payments
The FTB offers several payment options to taxpayers. You can make direct deposit payments from your bank account via the Web Pay service, pay with a credit card (fees apply), or set up payment plans if you qualify (also subject to fees). For more information on all the payment options, visit www.ftb.
Additional Reminders
In California, taxpayers can access free
tax assistance through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. To find a list of VITA program locations, visit ftb.ca.gov/ vita.
Additionally, taxpayers can use MyFTB to view their tax documents, check balances due, send secure messages to FTB staff, and more. For additional free tax filing options, visit ftb.ca.gov/efile.
Taxpayers should be vigilant against scams and take steps to protect themselves. Scammers often impersonate the IRS or FTB employees to trick taxpayers into sending money or providing personal information, which they can use to file fraudulent returns and steal refunds.
If you receive a suspicious letter from the FTB or IRS, contact FTB at 800.852.5711 or the IRS at 800.829.1040. For information, check the FTB Letters page or the Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter. n

The beauty of cork, wood and laminates
Featuring Graber and Hunter Douglas Custom Draperies and Roman Shades!

Nodal Changes Continued — Journey of Maturation
After traveling through Libra and Aries since July 17, 2023, the Lunar Nodes now begin to transit through the Virgo-Pisces axis, remaining there until July 27, 2026. Every eighteen months, a subtle new path is offered to humanity as the nodes of destiny shift.
We embark on a year-and-a-half journey that furthers our evolution and where the spiritual and the mundane integrate. This journey is a journey of maturation and it involves points in space (and in the astrology chart) called the North and South Nodes.
On January 11 (2025) the Lunar Nodes entered Pisces (North Node) and Virgo (South Node). We are always moving from the South Node (the past) to the North Node (present/future, life purpose, a new life path). Eventually, as we near the North Node (destiny), the South Node’s door closes. We are unable to go back or return to South Node. Often this reality is quite difficult. The areas of life, people, events, etc. we have been comfortable with are no longer accessible. Eventually we realize a new reality and new life rhythm has begun. A new path appears. We are reluctant at first.
There will be much to ponder upon as ideas flow into your mind like lightning bolts providing new information concerning who you are, who you are supposed to be, your choices as you prepared for this lifetime, and how to combine all into a synthetic unity. It’s done by first understanding your family history, then knowing we are our ancestors, and realizing we are here to love and to heal each other – family and friends, including ourselves. Then we move upward.
Like Aries, thoughts are flowing through your mind like fire from Mars which is presently retrograde and truly they are. Mars is the god of war, but also of passion and hopes, wishes and dreams which we need to move onward and upward on the evolutionary Jacob’s Ladder. You almost seem lost in realms none of us understand, perceive or even vaguely experience. Remain there as long as possible for the information received may well save the world. Do take time for walking, swimming, exercising, tending to the garden and eating correctly, lest you fall down and forget who you are.
The planets are gathered in Pisces, — your tenth house of world and professional recognition, the place where you offer your gifts to others, and in turn where you receive a cosmic invitation to help create the new culture and civilization. This is a serious, esoteric statement that I know, if you are reading this, you can understand. Chiron in Aries is providing us with new self-identity, one in which we are pushed to study, which rebuilds our mind. Then we aspire to build everything new. You are called to do this. Begin to read Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice A. Bailey. If you have questions, write me.
An expanded mind is attempting to form within you, a mind that not only contemplates self and family, but includes thoughts on child tending, justice (why is it blinded?) and philosophy (Ancient Wisdom teachings). As you may travel or be considering it, there are five locations that are actually spiritual inlets - New York City, London, Geneva, Darjeeling and Tokyo. The U.S. has five known charkas: New York City, Washington, DC, Chicago, Kansas City, Missouri, and Los Angeles. Should you visit these areas, greet its protective Deva (overseeing Angel).

Risa D’Angeles
Over the next 18+ months, due to the nodal changes, we will express ourselves differently. The north node calls us to new expressions and new realities. We develop new qualities and virtues. We gradually realize the south node pathway is no longer available.
With the Nodes in Pisces/Virgo, the focus is cultivating compassion, spirituality, service, love, health and healing. Pisces North Node embraces the unknown, encourages faith & trust in the divine flow of life and love energies and we journey inward. Virgo South Node gives us a deeper level of recognition and the value for order and organization, and lessening rigid overthinking, overanalyzing, and overworry.

As the North Node calls to us, the South Node gradually closes its door. Pisces north node calls each of us to inward to deep creative expressions. Virgo south node helps us release our need for perfection, any rigid routines, and over-analysis. They don’t help us thrive anymore. We are moving away from Virgo’s focused detailed ways of being and moving toward expansive intuitive, dreamlike qualities of Pisces. We see the beauty and splendor of imperfection. n
Sometimes readers write me that they are confused and/or suffering. I respond with questions and also tell them that we have many lives and some of those lives we suffer tremendously, and that our God, Sanat Kumara from Venus, suffers too, with us. And that when we suffer we are able to share His burdens of suffering and alleviate them, providing Him a bit of rest and care. I also write that those who suffer understand others who suffer and that suffering eventually makes us healers. Someday, some time, somewhere, this has, is, or will occur for you. We stand with you as healers.
Reading all the zodiacal signs is a good practice. Our natal chart contains all twelve signs. You actually know this. You wonder what is written for your sign each week. All those planets in Pisces are hiding quietly in your seventh house of relationship, partnerships and intimacy. What is the quality of your present-day relationships? The purpose of planets in the 7th house is to offer Goodwill and harmony to all interactions. Can you do this? Can you have the intentions for Goodwill each day? Yes, you say. Happiness happens.
I’ve been writing to each sign about new identity and it’s occurring for you, Libra, within relationships as you become more and more aware of how you learn about yourself through relationships. You learn kindness and Goodwill in relationships and how to bring more harmony forth. Consider what is most valuable in your relationships and what you are seeking in each of them. New states of independence, courage and strength are emerging, helping you move forward on your own. Love appears again and again. And you learn to love more.
Your life may be in upheaval and change, creating a new identity with daily life ideas, plans, agendas and work. Perhaps there’s desire (Mars) to do more and better or you seek to study new ideas (Mercury) that will outline the new culture, architecture and atmosphere (all Uranus) of all that you do each day, how you make money, and how to serve both yourself and others. This is a very involved and complex, yet simple and undemanding statement to you Scorpio. Absorb it slowly for understanding. Then gradually apply it.
Who you’ve been and what you identified as through your creative efforts (also fun, games and play) is now forming a foundation for who you’re going to be and how you’ll identify yourself in the future. You are in transition. Many things initiated now may not be completed because everything’s an experiment, like trying on new clothes, new hats, new culture, new friends. If you feel everything’s also a risk, it is. Life is trying to find its perfect next fit with you. One door closes, the other gradually opens. It’s in a mist now.
The family seeks the next level of intelligent love (Venus), a new wisdom (Pallas Athena) and new knowledge about family dynamics, along with new ways to communicate (Mercury) to move beyond any disharmony or misunderstandings. These create chaos and confusion. When you have enough rest and relaxation, when you exercise enough and have time to yourself, you are able to offer this information along with loving harmony. As always, have the intention for what’s needed and pray as a family to find, achieve and become a happy family.
Notice how you feel more smart, intelligent and brilliant, with ideas flowing into your mind so fast you can’t remember most of them. A great force is falling to earth now under the Capricorn Light Supernal, and then an even greater force (Ray 1) will be available throughout the new year. This year is called the Year of Precipitation for the New World Teacher. Be as attentive as you are able, jot down ideas for later use, study alchemy for inspiration. The new Aquarian art is coming. You’ll want to be the first to understand it, summon it, and thus create it.
You will think about resources and values in new ways. Whereas most things in form and matter have seemed hidden from you, a new thought form of both preparation and of solutions appears in dreams and symbols. This is the language of the Rain Cloud of Knowable Things. A thought comes to me to understand the biblical transition of the Hebrew people on their journey from Egypt (Taurus) to Canaan/Israel (Aries). And from Pisces to Aquarius. Study biblical history. A new insight is needed. As well as an esoteric understanding of the Bible. You are to be one of the Teachers.
“All We Really Ever Have” from page 16
“You mean a busy working couple could use some babysitting help,” the old man said with a chuckle.
And they both laughed.
“Well, yeah, would be nice, too. But seriously, I mean it. There are some lovely new condos just a few miles from the house Sophie and I have talked about purchasing. What she doesn’t know is that I’ve already put in an offer.”
“So you love her?” the old man asked.
“Yes sir, with all my heart. The same way you loved Emma. And I feel like, if I may be so bold, Emma would want you to be happy. She’d want all of us to be happy, I think.”
The old man stood, and so did Douglas. And then the old man wrapped his arms around Douglas and said, “It would be an honor to have you as my son-in-law, Douglas. You’re a good man, and Sophie is lucky to have you.”
“Oh, I’m so glad. Thank you. And what about the rest? About coming to Texas and living near us?”
“I don’t know, Douglas. My whole life has been here.”
Later, he walked Douglas out to his rental car and thanked him again for asking his permission to marry Sophie.
“You’ll keep us posted?” Douglas asked.
“You bet,” the old man said.
He waved as Douglas drove off to the airport, and then he strolled around the grounds of his house. He spied the rusting swing set in the tall grass of the backyard, where Sophie used to play. He eyed the oak tree where he and Emma used to feed the squirrels.
Every inch of the property and the house was full of memories. But memories have the power to drag us down or lift us up. And he knew if he stayed, he might drown in those memories more than become sustained by them.
He returned to the house and fished the envelope out of the drawer in his writing desk. As he held it, he felt deep shame. How could he have considered such a thing? What would it have done to Sophie? He found an old lighter that Emma used to light candles whenever a storm knocked out the electricity. He set the envelope in the fireplace and lit the edge. It curled and crumpled in the flames until all that remained was a smoldering husk.
The old man thought about what George had said in the barbershop. About those two girls killed in the accident. About how their brightness shines for all time. And he thought about the dead finch that morning, and the lively bird on the park wall, singing her melodic song.
Darkness and lightness.
He considered the two oddly dressed teenage girls in the park. Where did they come from? Who were they? Angels? Coincidence?
He supposed it didn’t matter, except for the things they said. Particularly the line, “All I know is that now is all we really ever have, and so why not do something beautiful with it?”
He fished through the writing desk’s drawer, pulled out his old Rolodex, and found the card of a friendly local realtor he’d met last year. He slipped the card into his wallet, looked around the house with a sense of melancholy and hope, and then went upstairs to the bedroom.
Where he began packing his travel bags. n
Follow writer-photographer John Weiss, former Scotts Valley police chief, at www.johnp.weiss.com
Our Community Reads Flight Behavior
Saturday, Feb. 1 • 1 to 3 pm
Poetry Writing Workshop
In a creative and supportive setting, poet-teacher Magdalena Montagne will guide you in writing poems inspired by the many themes of Barbara Kingsolver’s Flight Behavior — identity, belonging, climate activism, & social justice. No experience necessary; appropriate for teens and up. Scotts Valley Branch Library — 251 Kings Valley Road. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13811589
Wednesday, Feb. 5 • 6:30 pm
Displaced: How Climate Change is Causing Dislocation and Economic Hardship in Latin America & Beyond
Nick Rowell, Professor of Political Science at Cabrillo College, discusses how natural disasters and severe shifts in weather are destroying human habitats and forcing entire communities to abandon their homes and livelihoods, unwillingly joining the growing numbers of climate refugees.
Aptos Branch Library — 7695 Soquel Drive, and via Zoom. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13811682
Friday, Feb. 7 • 11 a.m.
Preschool Story Time
Join librarian Rowan Rammer for great stories and a butterfly craft activity related to Flight Behavior, by Barbarea Kingsolver
Aptos Branch Library — 7695 Soquel Dr. No registration needed.
Saturday, Feb. 8 • 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 8th Annual Migration Festival
On, will host the 38th Annual Migration Festival celebrating migratory creature such as monarch butterflies that come to the Santa Cruz coast every year. There will be talks, games, crafts and music. Natural Bridges State Park — 2531 W. Ciff Drive, Santa Cruz
Thursday, Feb. 13 • 6:30 p.m.
Timber! A History of Local Logging and the Path Toward Sustainability
A thought-provoking discussion of logging in our local forests. How proper logging practices and private landownership have come into conflict regarding protected species, and how natural disasters, especially fires, have impacted environmental policy.

Panelists: Ed Orre, Cal Fire division chief, Resource Management for the Santa Clara Unit; Lisa Robinson, president of the San Lorenzo Valley Museum, member of the Conference of California Historical Societies and the Society of California Archivists; and Bryan Largay, conservation director of the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County.
Moderated by Judi Heher of the Friends of the Scotts Valley Library.
Scotts Valley Branch Library — 251 Kings Valley Road (Also on Zoom)
Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13813015
Wednesday, Feb. 19 • 6:30 pm
On the Move: How Climate Change is Disrupting our Natural Habitats and Causing Unintended Migration
A discussion of factors causing displacement and population reduction of both marine and terrestrial creatures on the Central Coast. Panelists are Catherine Courtier (PhD candidate, UC Davis and NOAA SWFSC) and Paige Kouba (PhD, UC Davis).

Moderater Lauren Hanneman, associate faculty, Cabrillo College Department of Environmental Studies. Live Oak Library Annex at Simpkins Family Swim Center — 979 17th Ave., Santa Cruz.
Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13813426
Saturday, Feb. 22 • 1 p.m.
Musing on Monarchs ~ Art Workshop
Observe, draw, and write in this unique art experience, facilitated by artists and art educators Sharon Ferguson and Jo-Neal Graves. Your interest and love of the natural world are the only requirements.
Capitola Branch Library — 2005 Wharf Road, Capitola Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13813483
Tuesday, March 4 • 6 pm
Film: Flight of the Butterflies
The stunning cinematography of this Canadian film follows Monarch butterflies on their migration from Canada, across the U.S., to remote overwintering sanctuaries in Mexico, where they settle in the hundreds of millions.
Before the film, Martha Nitzberg, interpretive ranger at Natural Bridges State Beach, will share her expertise on the Monarchs of Santa Cruz.
Art works from an Aptos High School student art competition, redesigning the Flight Behavior book cover, will be shown. Judges are staff members of Bookshop Santa Cruz and Two Birds Books.
Aptos Branch Library — 7695 Soquel Drive, Aptos. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13813578
Saturday, March 8 • 10:30 am From Manzanita to Milkweed: Plants to Support Monarchs & Pollinators
Get to know the best native California flowering plants for your home garden. Learn how to source the plants and propagate some of them from seed. (Seeds will be shared, plus a list of resources.)
With 20 years of California native plant experience, UC Master Gardener Janice Kuch has worked on local habitat restoration projects, including a current native plant garden project at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park. Felton Branch Library — 6121 Gushee St., Felton. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13814097
Thursday, March 13 • 6 pm Trivia Night
The Santa Cruz Public Library’s Victor Willis poses challenging questions inspired by Flight Behavior, its setting and subject matter. Book groups may participate, or you can fly solo.
Meet upstairs (there’s elevator access). Food and drink available for purchase. Help wrap up another stimulating and entertaining Our Community Reads!
Art works from a Scotts Valley High School student art competition, redesigning the Flight Behavior book cover, will be shown. Judges are staff members of Bookshop Santa Cruz and Two Birds Books.
Bruno’s Bar and Grill @ Kings Village Shopping Center — 230 Mount Hermon Road, Scotts Valley. n Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13814105

Barbara Kingsolver
Baroque Week in Boulder Creek will take place at the Boulder Creek United Methodist Church the second week of February. Two different concert programs will take place, all of music from the Baroque era, with the first at 3 pm Sunday Feb. 9 by The Quail Court Consort.

This ensemble, a dozen players gathered from around the Bay area, plays on Baroque period instruments and is led by Eric Finley and Loren Tayerle. They will perform music of Viadana, Purcell, Lully, Corelli and Vivaldi. Among the performers are long-time Boulder Creek residents and sometimes Concertino Strings players, Anna Sombor and Eric Finley.
The Concertino Strings, a 25-piece string orchestra led by Joanne Tanner, will present a program of dramatic Baroque opera arias sung by UC Santa Cruz faculty member Emily Sinclair of Ben Lomond at 11:30 am Wednesday, Feb. 12, and 3 pm Saturday, Feb. 15. The Valentine’s theme will be the “Tangles, Tumult and Triumph of Romantic Love” with arias from heroines of operas by Vivaldi (The Faithful Nymph), Handel (Julius Caesar: Cleopatra’s aria on learning of the death of Caesar), and Pergolesi (The Maid as Mistress), as well as an instrumental interlude by Handel. All concerts are an hour long, free admission, with a casual atmosphere.
Donations are welcomed. For information see concertinostrings.com
An artist will be selected to create a site-specific public artwork for new and renovated components at the Juvenile Hall facility, 3650 Graham Hill Road.
The deadline for submitting a proposal is Feb. 21
The gym will provide a state-required all-weather exercise and training facility for Juvenile Hall youth while the renovation will provide critical improvements to the aging facility as well as improvements to implement a new Seed-To-Table educational program. The proposed sitespecific artwork should either enhance the experience of the residents and staff within Juvenile Hall or the families and support persons visiting the facility.
Proposals for the exterior may be free-standing in the landscape areas by the facility entrance or teaching garden. Artists may propose murals, sculptural pieces, or other for the interior spaces; suggested locations include the kitchen/dining area, day-use rooms, or the gym. Important: Short-listed artists must pass a required background check should they wish to continue in the selection process.
The budget for the project is $135,000.
A “Call to Artists” which includes detailed information about the process, plans/elevations and sample contract, is at: https:// www.scparks.com/Home/AboutUs/WorkWithUs/CalltoArtists.aspx
Becky Olvera Schultz is an indigenous artist of mixed blood, Mexican/Azteca/Kickapoo/ Shawnee from her father and Italian from her mother, and she is known for her masks.

She is trying to get a Native Arts Market going for the spring. She is looking for other artists in this community who identify as indigenous to the Americas/Native American that create art or craft to participate.
Contact her at becky@native-expressions.com or 831-295-7562.
UC Cooperative Extension will host California Tree School at San Lorenzo Valley High School in Felton on Saturday, April 5. There will be 25+ classes on forestry and natural resources throughout the day, led by regional and
Have a virtual or live event you want to promote?
E-mail info (no PDFs please) to info@cyber-times.com
For beginning of the month, due the 15th • For mid-month, due the 1st
global experts on forestry, ecology, and natural resource management.
Topics include forest health, fire ecology, pile burning, prescribed burning and tax tips for forest owners. Classes range from beginner to expert level, and participants choose 4 classes.
The fee is $70; assistance is available. Email Kim Ingram at Registration is open at https://surveys.ucanr.edu/survey. cfm?surveynumber=44008
This fall, the Hope Squad has been hard at work fostering a culture of care and connection.
From creative events like the “Bring Your Change, Be the Change” lemonade stand to hosting the impactful documentary Fentanyl High at the Cinelux, they’ve brought attention to critical issues in meaningful ways. They also supported staff and students with thoughtful gestures like gratitude crafts and hot cider, while helping launch resources with the Wellness Center like the electronic “A Helping Hand” referral. Through bi-monthly meetings, collaborative projects, and ongoing outreach, the Hope Squad continues to make a positive difference in our school community.
Upcoming Activities
Feb. 4-13: Mock job interviews
Feb. 5: Falcon Club meeting 7 pm
Feb. 10: WASC Parent Input Meeting, 6-7:30 p.m.
Feb. 10-12: Accreditation visit by Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Feb. 19: Expo/Open House
Feb. 25: Cabrillo Running Start next steps
March 1: Career and Internship Fair
March 24: A “Bite of Reality” simulation
April 26: SVHS 25th Anniversary Gala Celebration
May 2: SVHS Falcon Club Golf Tournament at Spring Hills
Bay Federal Credit Union is accepting applications for its 2025 Education Scholarship to support students as they pursue educational and career goals. The program will award up to three $1,500 scholarships to individuals enrolled in accredited colleges, universities, or trade schools. Applications are open to Bay Federal members who demonstrate a commitment to their education and have a vision for the future of financial literacy. Interested applicants should submit their completed forms, proof of enrollment or acceptance, and essays by March 16. A panel of judges will review the submissions, and winners will be announced by April 30.
Saturday February 15 thru Sunday June 15
This year’s application asks students to reflect on the essay topic: How has technology impacted financial literacy and money management for your generation? Describe what improvements you would make to these educational resources to make them more broadly accessible and useful for young adults and others in your community. To access the online application, visit bayfed.com/scholarships.
With voter approval of Measure Q, the “Santa Cruz County Safe Drinking Water, Clean Beaches, Wildfire Risk Reduction, and Wildlife Protection Act,” the permanent $87 parcel tax, county staff and partners are seeking members of the public for a 9-member Citizens Oversight Advisory Board. Each county supervisor will choose one, with the four cities each selecting a representative.
The deadline is Feb. 24 for county residents to apply at www.santacruzcountyca.gov/MeasureQ.aspx. City residents must contact their city manager to apply.
The board will begin meeting in March and conduct public hearings, review and publish annual reports, and oversee allocation of funds to ensure projects align with Measure Q priorities, including equity goals.
More than $7 million will be raised annually for projects that preserve natural resources, improve wildfire resilience, mitigate hazards, and enhance public parks, beaches, and trails.
The County is seeking a consultant to help guide the first Vision Plan of priority activities, to be developed with local stakeholders, experts and the community.
Measure Q funding allocation:
• 40% in grants for eligible projects anywhere in Santa Cruz County, with no less than $600,000 for projects in San Vicente Redwoods and no less than $600,000 for projects in Pajaro Valley.
• 20% for the four incorporated cities, based on population, but each city will get at least $200,000 a year.
• 20% for the County of Santa Cruz for projects in unincorporated areas.
• 20% allocated equally to the Resource Conservation District and a local land stewardship partner (to be selected at later by the oversight board) for projects on private lands that deliver public benefits.
The first half of the $87 payment will be on property tax bills due in December.
The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter has again partnered with Animal Balance to provide 200 owned pets (100 cats and 100 dogs) with low-cost spay/neuter surgery, core vaccines, and a microchip Feb. 14- 16 at 2260 7th Ave, Santa Cruz.
Open 1-4 p.m. Thursday, Saturday & Sunday, Faye G. Belardi Memorial Gallery, 6299 Gushee St., Felton
The San Lorenzo Valley Museum presents a new exhibition The Way We Calculated at the Faye G. Belardi Memorial Gallery, with a Reception on Saturday, March 15, from 2-4 p.m.
This exhibition will feature a plethora of artifacts and archives, most of which have never before been exhibited: Devices to calculate board feet of lumber; adding machines used in local business; ledgers and inventories; and voting and population data. Topics explored will include: Methods of counting and measuring; precision versus accuracy; notation and hand-writing; and mathematical tables used in schoolrooms to surveyor offices, that were created by human computers.
Registration is open at www.scanimalshelter.org
Fully licensed veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians from the international animal welfare organization Animal Balance will perform sterilization surgeries, with clinic support and assistance provided by local volunteers.
Spay and neuter surgeries are $150 for cats and $300 for dogs. Those on public assistance such as CalFresh or MediCal and can provide proof qualify for lower fees: $75 for a cat and $150 for a dog.

To be eligible for surgery, pets must be healthy, between 8 weeks and 8 years old, and weigh between 2 and 80 pounds. Dogs and cats with very short noses (such as pugs, bulldogs, Persian cats), senior pets, and those with known health problems are not eligible.
Registered pets will be dropped off at the Shelter’s “Education Center” (2260 7th Ave) in the morning of the scheduled day, and pick up is late afternoon of the same day. Owners will be called when their pet is ready, or before 5:30 p.m.
Fees are due at the time of registration, and fees are the same even if not all services are needed.
To sign up for an appointment, visit: https://bit.ly/ SpayNeuterFeb2025
“There’s really no such thing as “low-cost” spay/neuter,” said Dr. Maris Brenn-White, shelter veterinarian. “There is only subsidized spay/neuter, and we rely on donations … to provide this very important service.”
To provide financial or in-kind support for subsidized spay/neuter, visit www.scanimalshelterfoundation.org
Santa Cruz Public Libraries with Urban Word, Watsonville Public Library, Santa Cruz County Office of Education, and Arts Council Santa Cruz County, announces the call for applications to serve as the county’s second Youth Poet Laureate. This initiative celebrates the vibrant world of youth poetry and offers young poets a cross-county community.
The Santa Cruz County Youth Poet Laureate will serve a one-year term from April 2025 to April 2026, championing their own poetic endeavors while inspiring their peers to embrace the art of poetry.
This award offers reading and publication opportunities for the selected poet. Finalists are offered similar opportunities as part of a cohort of teen poets. The position is open to eligible individuals between age 13 and 18 who live in Santa Cruz County and can commit to serving locally throughout the year.
Workshops on “Creating Your Youth Poet Laureate Application” are scheduled for January and February: • Thursday, Feb. 6, 4 p.m., Aptos Branch Library • Thursday, Feb. 13, 4 p.m., Downtown Branch Library • Saturday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m., Felton Branch Library Application Process

Also on exhibition will be a model of Vannevar Bush’s 1931 differential analyzer — a mechanical analog computer that solves differential equations. Educators teaching calculus can arrange a private demonstration for their students by contacting the Museum.
Eligible individuals who are passionate about poetry and eager to make a positive impact on their community are encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply is March 1. Finalists will be announced March 31.
A free celebration of finalists and announcement of the 2025-2026 Santa Cruz County Youth Poet Laureate will take place 7 p.m. Thursday, April 17, at the Samper Recital Hall, Cabrillo College.
For details, visit the Youth Poet Laureate page at https:// sites.google.com/view/santa-cruz-youth-poet-laureate/ or reach out to Farnaz Fatemi at sasqi@mac.com.
Project Scout offers volunteer income tax assistance and tax counseling for local residents during tax season at sites throughout Santa Cruz County.
Volunteers are trained by Internal Revenue Service and Franchise Tax Board personnel. For disabled individuals unable to get to the tax sites, they have trained volunteers who can do in-home tax preparation.
Seniors get priority at all library sessions.
Becky Olvera Schultz
Income of $64,000 and below, simple returns only.
The Project Scout schedule for libraries is:
• Aptos Tuesdays 10am – 1 pm Feb. 4 thru April 15
• Capitola Wednesdays 2 – 5 pm Feb. 5 thru April 16
• Downtown Tuesdays 10am – 3 pm Feb. 4 thru April 15
• Downtown Saturdays 10am – 3 pm Feb. 1 thru April 12
Appointments are necessary for tax help and can be made by calling 831-427-7713 or by visiting the Downtown or Capitola Branch Library Information Desk. For info, call the Watsonville Office at 1-831-724-2606 or toll-free at 1-877-373-8297, or visit https://seniorscouncil.org/project-scout/
To help customers prepare their gas appliances for safe use during the cold weather months, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. is offering free in-home gas safety checks. During the gas safety checks, PG&E will re-light pilot lights for customers who have heaters or other appliances that have been turned off during warmer months.
Free safety checks help ensure that gas appliances, including water heaters, furnaces and ovens, are operating safely and efficiently, reducing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning within the home.
Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous because it can’t be seen, smelled or heard.
“This free safety program is a great way for customers to prepare for increased use of their natural gas appliances as the cold season approaches. One of our gas team members will conduct safety inspections to help ensure that gas appliances are in proper working order and also relight pilot lights,” said Joe Forline, PG&E senior vice president, gas operations.
Before the colder winter months when natural gas appliances typically see the most use, PG&E encourages customers to schedule an inspection by visiting www. pge.com/pilotlights. Scheduling your appointment online is free and easy and will help you avoid hold times on our customer service line.
Customers can also call 800-743-5000 to schedule appointments.
If you suspect carbon monoxide in your home, you should get out immediately and call 911. If a PG&E customer ever smells the distinctive “rotten egg” odor of natural gas in or around their home or business, they should immediately evacuate and then call 911 and PG&E at 1-800-743-5000.
Are you 60+ and want or need to re-enter the paid work force? Nancy Jones & David Dennis present a 4-session series to evaluate your skills, talents and experiences and arm you with the strategies, resources and confidence to succeed in today’s job market.
Each session is noon to 5 p.m. Bring your laptop (library will provide laptops for those who don’t have one). Registration is required.
Remaining Sessions
Session 3: Tuesday, Feb. 4
Looking for Jobs in All the Right Places! There are many ways to surface job opportunities. We will explore all methods, including myths and realities as well as out of the box approaches. Learn about Library resources related to surfacing job opportunities.
Session 4: Thursday, Feb. 6
Interviewing: Learn how to present yourself as the best candidate for the job! Review common interview formats and approaches such as behavior-based questions. Practice! Practice! Practice! Get interview practice and explore interview resources available at the library. Gain confidence, anticipate pitfalls and how to avoid them. Register at https://santacruzpl.libcal.com/event/13676200
The Santa Cruz County Fair Board will meet most months at 1:30 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday in the Heritage Building at the fairgrounds, 2601 East Lake Blvd., Watsonville. Upcoming Meetings: Feb. 25, March 25, April 22, May 27, June 24, July 22, Aug. 26, and Oct. 28; none in September. Dates in November and December have not yet been decided. For agendas, posted 10 days in advance, see santacruzcountyfair.com

A lifelong love of libraries and a long love of puzzles inspired Lezlie Ward to start a puzzle exchange program at local library branches, available in Capitola, where she lives, La Selva Beach, the first to start, Scotts Valley, Boulder Creek and Branciforte in Santa Cruz. Ward is such a fan of libraries, when she travels, she visits them. When she was considering what to do with her many, many puzzles, she wondered whether the library had a way to share them. When she asked SCPL volunteer coordinator Laamie (Laamsha Young) about starting a puzzle exchange, she got a solid “yes” and followed up with a 5-page proposal.
Ward recruited Audrey Reader, Sandy McCarthy, Rebecca Mueller-Wille, Cecilie Schulze and Marja van den Hende to sort through donated puzzles and restock as needed. They gathered on National Puzzle Day Jan. 29, to celebrate what they’ve accomplished: A new —and free—resource for all ages at 5 library branches. (No need for a library card, just ask where to find the puzzles, and please return puzzles so more people can enjoy them.) Find puzzles for young and old, from 50 to 2,000 pieces. More than 100 puzzles came from a mobile home park in Live Oak, and Caroline’s Nonprofit Shop in Aptos was generous. Want to donate a puzzle? Drop it off at the library in Capitola or Scotts Valley.
Photo: Lezlie Ward stands with the Puzzle Exchange, available at the Capitola Library.
Ongoing thru February 23
Classes are taught by Nancy Wainer. Come and check out the world’s greatest game! First class is free. Reserve a spot via emai: NLMBRIDGE@yahoo.com.
Last Wednesdays of the Month
Feb. 1: Fruit tree pruning with Master Gardener Diane Mahan
Feb. 15: Rose pruning with Master Gardener Suzanne Cook
This class will be conducted outside. You will have an opportunity to practice. Gloves, pruners, hat, sunscreen, layered clothing and sturdy walking shoes are recommended. Free, donations appreciated, visit mbmg.ucanr.edu to register.
Tuesday February 4
6:30-9 p.m., Rio Theatre, 1205 Soquel Ave., Santa Cruz
See a new documentary, “Counted Out,” shining a light on math as the foundation of economic opportunity at the Rio Theatre.
Presented at the Cleveland Film Festival, the film asserts, “Everything ends up being a math problem.” Hosted by Monterey Bay Area Math Project and The Santa Cruz County Office of Education. Free tickets at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/santa-cruz-countycounted-out-film-screening-tickets-1113983136549
Sunday February 9
and Sunday February 23
6:30 p.m. p.m., Cabrillo College VAPA Forum Room 1001, The Winter 2025 Italian Film Series, “Chain Reaction/ Reazione a catena,” sponsored by Dante Alighieri Society of Santa Cruz, begins in February at Cabrillo College. This season’s films follow protagonists living during pivotal eras of Italian history whose lives are unexpectedly changed by the far-reaching consequences of a decision. Set in the 19th century and in post-war Rome, these dramatic art films invite us to consider how historical circumstances shape our lives and how our choices create effects that ripple through history. All films are in Italian with English subtitles. Logan Walker, film lecturer from UC Santa Cruz & director of programming, SV Film Festival, will introduce and have a Q&A after the film.
No tickets required, although seating is limited; first come, first served. Cash donations welcome at the door. To sign up for event reminders: https://www.dantesantacruz. com/events
Feb. 9
Opening Reception: Sun., Jan. 19, 2-4 p.m., Pajaro Valley Arts, 37 Sudden St., Watsonville Welcome to #whatever, an exhibition celebrating the unfiltered creativity of Pajaro Valley Arts’ artist-members. In a world where hashtags often impose classification, this show, free of a specific theme, invites artists to explore limitless self-expression. The collection offers a diverse range of perspectives and mediums, creating a vibrant mosaic of works. #whatever is intentionally open-ended, encouraging visitors to let go of expectations and embrace the unexpected.

Featuring 135 prominent local artists across various media, the exhibit includes more than 200 additional pieces available for purchase in the PVA Gallery Store and throughout the gallery. Proceeds support local artists and Pajaro Valley Arts. This show is dedicated to Lois Robin, a longtime member and volunteer. Her photograph Any Tub Will Do is displayed in the entry vestibule for you to enjoy.
Photo: Desert Dream by Sylvia Winsby
10 a.m.-Noon, Santa Cruz Bridge Center, 2450 17th Ave. Beginner bridge classes will start on Monday, Jan. 6 at the Santa Cruz Bridge Center.
5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Online Meeting Dr. Ramona Friedman of the Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Soquel will be hosting a free Parent Drop-in Zoom session. Parents and caregivers are invited to log on and ask questions to Dr. Friedman about youth mental health issues, challenges, and ideas.
Parent Drop-Ins are free, 1-hour sessions where parents can seek guidance from experts specializing in specific mental health disorders. Parents can also connect with others facing similar challenges.
Clinical psychologists who specialize in anxiety, depression, eating disorders, suicidality, and medication, experienced youth mental health experts, host each session. For more info, visit https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/ groups/parent-drop-in-soquel-ca/247794
Saturday February 1 and Saturday February 15
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., San Juan Bautista State Historic Park, 2nd St. & Mariposa St.
UC Master Gardeners of Monterey & Santa Cruz & San Benito Counties will host pruning workshops at San Juan Bautista State Historic Park.
Kidnapped: The Abduction of Edgardo Mortara (Rapito) Directed by Marco Bellocchio, 2023 From one of Italy’s most revered directors, Marco Bellocchio, comes Kidnapped, the true story of Edgardo Mortara. A young Jewish boy living in 19th century Bologna, Italy, who, after being secretly baptized, is forcibly taken from his family by the Pope, to be raised Catholic. His parents’ struggle to free their son became part of a larger political battle that pitted the papacy against forces of democracy and Italian unification.
In collaboration with the Santa Cruz Jewish Film Festival Feb. 23
The Tale of King Crab (Re Granchio). Directed by Alessio Rigo de Righi and Matteo Zoppis. 2021. 105 mins. This off-beat, sumptuously photographed film tells the tale of Luciano, a wandering outcast from a remote, late 19th-century village in Tuscia. Luciano’s life is undone by alcohol, forbidden love, and a bitter conflict with a prince of the region over the right of passage through an ancient gateway. Luciano is exiled to the distant Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego where, with the help of ruthless golddiggers, he searches for a mythical treasure, paving his way toward redemption.
Tuesday February 18
7:30 p.m., Location in Soquel TBA
The Celtic Society of the Monterey Bay will present the ultimate Scots troubadour Jim Malcolm with his wife, singer Susie Malcolm for an intimate house concert in Soquel.
A New Era
As we begin this new year, I’m honored to step into the role of Fifth District Supervisor, representing the vibrant and resilient communities of San Lorenzo Valley, Scotts Valley, and beyond. From the redwoods to the riverbanks, the unique character of our district inspires me daily.
Over the past month, I’ve reflected on the challenges and opportunities ahead, as well as the incredible responsibility entrusted to me by our community. This position is not just about making decisions; it’s about listening, learning, and partnering with all of you to build a stronger, more connected district.
I’ve spent my career in public service, guided by the belief that everyone deserves dignity and that our systems can always improve. On Jan. 14, I took my seat for the first Board meeting, feeling deeply aware of the work we need to do together. Two days earlier, many of you joined me at Roaring Camp to celebrate this next chapter, and your support reaffirmed my commitment to the work ahead.
Serving as your Supervisor means being accessible, transparent, and accountable. My campaign was rooted in those values, and they will guide my office as we tackle issues and find solutions collaboratively. The most important part of this role happens outside the Board Chambers, in the conversations we’ll have, the ideas we’ll share, and the trust we’ll build.
This is a pivotal time for our community. Climate change continues to highlight our vulnerabilities, from wildfires to flooding, and we must invest in disaster prevention, response, and recovery. At the same time, our county faces tight budgets, deferred maintenance, and urgent needs in areas like behavioral health. Nationally, shifts in leadership may bring new challenges to immigrant rights, LGBTQ+ protections, and women’s health. But I am ready to meet these challenges head-on.
To support this work, I’m assembling a strong team. Rae Spencer Hill, an SLV native and Spanish-speaking paralegal with deep ties to our community, joins J.M. Brown, who has served as Fifth District staff for nearly seven years, to ensure continuity and connection. Together, we are committed to being
By Monica Martinez, Supervisor, Fifth District

responsive and approachable as we set up our office and roll out key initiatives.
Here’s what you can expect:
• Open Office Hours every two weeks, rotating through Felton, Boulder Creek, and Scotts Valley, including evening options, dates to come.
• Regular Town Halls to hear directly from you.
• Frequent Updates through newsletters, local columns, and our new County webpage.
We’re already at work ensuring that Measure Q, the Water Quality and Wildfire Protection Act, delivers on its promise to

reduce wildfire threats, protect natural resources, and enhance our parks. We’re also prioritizing efforts to rebuild and recover, including streamlining permitting processes, securing water supplies, and addressing road and infrastructure needs. And as federal challenges arise, we’ll act swiftly to safeguard our most vulnerable community members.
Looking ahead, we will focus on issues like public transportation, affordable

housing, and fiscal leadership. Success will require collaboration—with the Board of Supervisors, County staff, and state and federal leaders. Most importantly, it will require ongoing dialogue with you.
This new year is an opportunity to strengthen our district and build a future that works for everyone. I welcome your ideas and input. Please don’t hesitate to contact my office at fifth. district@santacruzcountyca. gov or 831-454-2200. I look forward to working with you to make progress for our community. n

Fifth District Monica Martinez with Felton fire district director Jim Anderson and Scotts Valley Mayor Donna Lind at the Roaring Camp thank-you event.
SCCAS Featured Pet

A Happy Little Lady
Our Pet of the Week is Lululemon (#A298888)! She is a squat, short and happy black 3-year-old pittie mix.
Lululemon was surrendered by her owner because they were unable to care for her anymore — she has been at the Shelter since December. In her last home she lived with her littermate but they are being adopted out separately for a new lease on life! Lululemon also lived primarily outside so she does still need to work on some of her indoor living skills- adopters will need to be patient and work with her using positive reinforcement!
Lulu loves head rubs and pets and enjoys going on walks and playing the yards at the Shelter. In her previous home she lived with a 12 year old child and did well so she might do well in a home with dog savvy children. She also loves the car — all tail wags and jumps when she sees an open car door!
Lulu is a sweet dog who is looking for a loving family to take her in and shower her with love- will that be you? Come to SCCAS and meet Lululemon!
The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter is full of adoptable animals. Fostering animals is an awesome way to improve a Shelter animal’s life and fill your home with love and fun! If you are interested in fostering any kind of animal please email jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us. You can also Follow SCCAS on Instagram and/or Facebook to stay up-to-date on shelter news and where to find adoptable pets around town at breweries, stores and events. All adoptions are first come, first served.
Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter’s full-service, open-admission shelter 1001 Rodriguez St., Santa Cruz, 95062 • Hours: Daily 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. 580 Airport Blvd., Watsonville, 95076 • Hours: Tues.-Sat. 9:30 a.m. – noon; 1–5 p.m. (Closed Sun/Mon)
Website: www.scanimalshelter.org
SCCAS Main line: 831-454-7200. Animal Control: 831-454-7227. After-Hours Emergency: 831-471-1182 • After Hours: jillian.ganley@santacruzcounty.us

“Calendar” from page 21
Traveling the world with his guitar, harmonicas, and engaging wit, Jim sings the traditional songs of Scotland and his own masterfully crafted songs in a style which is modern and accessible, yet utterly authentic. He is highly regarded as an interpreter of the songs of Robert Burns and has been described as “one of the finest singers in Scotland in any style”.
Jim is joined by his wife Susie, an award-winning Scottish traditional singer, who has been performing with Jim Malcolm throughout Scotland for 20 years and more. She sings complex harmonies in a traditional style, and is known as a tradition-bearer for the ancient ballads of Scotland, with particular expertise in the bothy ballad tradition from North East Scotland.
Performing together, Jim and Susie Malcolm offer a unique cultural experience.
Advance tickets are available online for a $25 donation. Visit www.celticsociety.org for tickets.

Wednesday February 19
6:30 p.m., Bruno’s Bar and Grill, 230 Mount Hermon Rd., Scotts Valley (Kings Village Shopping Center)
Assemblymember Gail Pellerin will be the guest speaker for the Democratic Club of North Santa Cruz County for their meeting at Bruno’s Bar and Grill.
She will talk about the Governor’s special legislative session convened to respond to the new federal administration’s plans to take away rights of vulnerable population groups.
Pellerin will also suggest actions that can be taken at the local level to resist these efforts and provide an update on the Governor’s 2025 budget proposal.
Following her presentation there will be time for Q&A. She will be in Sacramento so her attendance will be via Zoom.
Members of the public are welcome to attend. People should arrive early if they would like food service.
Thursday February 20
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Seascape Golf Club, 610 Clubhouse Drive, Aptos Enjoy the Aptos Chamber of Commerce lunch at the Seascape Golf Club with the new Sheriff Chris Clark. He will discuss all things Aptos and County.
There will be time for questions and community reports.

Admission: $35. Reservations required, no walk-ins please. Visit aptoschamber.com or call (831) 688-1467.
Saturday February 22
Sunday February 23
10 a.m.-4 p.m., Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, 400 Beach St
Sample the largest and longest-running clam chowder competition in the country at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Rain or shine.

Amateur competition is Saturday; professional competition is Sunday. More than $3,000 in prizes plus bragging rights. Awards are given for Best Chowder in each category, plus People’s Choice, Most Tasted, and Best-Themed Booth.
Look for wild and crazy costumes on the cooks. Boston and Manhattan categories, so no matter your favorite, you’re covered.
Tasting kits are $15 and include 6 taste tickets, spoon, cup, and a People’s Choice ballot. Proceeds go to Santa Cruz City Pakrs and Recreation.
Buy at https://beachboardwalk.com/clam-chowder-cook-off
10 a.m.-5 p.m. (4 p.m. Sunday), Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, 2601 East Lake Ave., Watsonville See the largest Quilt Collection in the County. The Pajaro Valley Quilt Association is having its annual Quilt Show “Hip to Be Square” featuring more than 300 quilts at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds.

Featured speaker: Thom Aiken, art quilts and beaded quilts. Live quilt auction Sunday 12:30 p.m. Ongoing needlework demos, vendor mall, bargain garden, wearable walkabout and more. Admission: $15. Ample free parking and shuttle. For details see www.pvqa.org n

Chris Clark
Jim and Susie Malcolm