October 22, 2020 The
Special Section TSnews presents its annual Salute to 4-H. A9-A11
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Garden Plain Alli Puetz and Tranden Daerr were crowned as the Garden Plain High School homecoming queen and king. See the TSnews scrapbook on Page B12.
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A pandemic Halloween W
Haysville Campus homecoming slated for Friday. A4
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Tips for celebrating safely while avoiding the coronavirus
Conway Springs USD 356 voters to consider two bond issues. A3
Vol. 126 Issue 43
ith Halloween just around the corner, many parents are wondering what they should and should not do during the coronavirus pandemic. Cases have been on an upswing in the past few weeks across Kansas raising concerns. Many parents are torn between the need to keep their children safe from the virus while still allowing kids to enjoy the events that are considered rights of passage in America. It can feel like having to choose between physical health and mental health. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment has put together a list of events that are recommended and a list of events that are not. In addition, KDHE is offering safety recommendations, regardless of how you celebrate. Information comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Los Angeles County Department of Health. See safe tips for trick-or-treating and trunk-ortreat events on Page A12
Recommended Halloween Activities • Online parties or contests (e.g., costume contests, pumpkin carving) • Car parades • Drive by events or contests where individuals dress up or decorate vehicles and drive by judges that are appropriately physically distanced • Drive through events where individuals remain in vehicles and drive through an area with Halloween displays • Drive in events where individuals receive a treat bag (with commercially packaged, non-perishable treats) or take away item from an organizer while the participants remain in their vehicle • Halloween movie nights at drive in theaters • Halloween themed meals at outdoor restaurants, complying with restaurant protocol • Halloween themed art installations at an outdoor museum, complying with museum protocol • Dressing up homes and yards with Halloween themed decorations
Not Recommended Halloween Activities • Gatherings, events, or parties with non-household members. • Carnivals, festivals, live entertainment, and haunted house attractions. • Door to door trick or treating. It is very difficult to maintain proper social distancing on porches and at front doors, ensure everyone (trick or treaters and residents of homes being visited) are properly wearing face coverings, and because food sharing is risky. • Trunk or treating. It is difficult to avoid crowding and sharing food at such events. • Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community if you live in an area with community spread of COVID-19.
Personal Protection Measures Regardless of how you celebrate, there are important recommendations for how to keep yourself and your household members safe. • Correctly wear a cloth face covering to prevent disease spread when outside your home and around others who are not part of your household. • Avoid confined spaces, including indoor spaces that don’t allow for easy distancing of at least 6 feet between you and others. Practice physical distancing. Place at least 6 feet between yourself and other people who are not part of your household. • Practice routine hand hygiene. Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. • Clean frequently touched items regularly.
Clearwater Yvonne Coon named Citizen of the Year. A5
Cheney Relay work brings award from American Cancer Society. A4
Local golf courses see record year By Travis Mounts TSnews news@tsnews.com
The coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of pain for a lot of different types of businesses. But as people have stayed home and their shopping habits and lifestyle choices have changed, other businesses have seen an uptick in customers. Local golf courses have been among the beneficiaries with record seasons at Cherry Oaks
Golf Course in Cheney, Tee Time Golf and Cafe in Clearwater, and Pine Bay Golf Course in Haysville. Cherry Oaks is a municipally owned course, and has reported record business month after month at each city council meeting. Tee Time and Pine Bay are privately-owned, and both courses say the successful run through the summer of 2020 has carried over into fall. Several factors have played into the successes seen this year,
but one happening maybe benefited these and other suburban courses the most – the closing of Wichita’s four city-owned courses. Wichita closed its courses early in the pandemic and stayed closed for 30 days. It reopened two courses, Auburn Hills Golf Course in far west Wichita and MacDonald Golf Course in east Wichita, in mid-April. The other courses were reopened a few weeks after that. That left a large number of
Hot air balloonists and bicyclists come together along the Prairie Sunset Trail earlier this month. The image was captured by John Ternes a little after sunrise near 215th Street West looking east. The rails-to-trails public trail is open for walking, jogging and bicycling. It runs from 295th Street West in Garden Plain eastward to Hoover Road in Wichita, passing through Goddard and the city’s Linear Park. There are trailheads in Garden Plain and Goddard, and in Wichita at Air Capital Memorial Park and at Hoover Road.
Odds and Ends Naked teen, covered in ranch dressing, crashes car in Topeka A 17-year-old teenager was arrested early Saturday morning following a situation that was, well, unique. Shawnee County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call at Petro Deli in Topeka around 3:30 a.m. Saturday, according to KSNT TV. The naked teen had covered himself in ranch dressing and damaged property inside. He ran outside, got in a vehicle and began to leave the scene. He did not get far, crashing into a nearby pillar.
Nobody was injured.
See GOLF, Page A12
Bikers and balloonists
Politics Drop boxes now available for local voters. A3
Authorities said the teen appeared to be under the influence of a substance. He was taken into custody and then transported to a hospital. He later was released to his parents.
golfers looking for new places to golf. Many found their way to outlying courses for the first time. What they found has them coming back again and again. Cherry Oaks director of golf Kevin Fowler said Wichita’s closures led to new customers coming to Cheney for the first time. Those who made the short trip liked what they found. “New faces became familiar faces,” Fowler said. “You can
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Classifieds...................................Page B11 Crossword & Sudoku................ Page A2 Kids Corner.................................. Page B9 Opinions.....................................Page B10 Sports............................................ Page B2 Yesteryears/Years Ago............. Page A7
This week’s Newspapers In Our Schools is sponsored by First National Bank, Goddard Location. See Page A2 for details.