Hear Us Croydon 2015
Croydon's Mental Health Service User Group
The Hear Us Guide to Croydon's Mental Health and Wellbeing Services To promote, educate, communicate and empower, for the benefit and interest of people affected by mental health issues
Hear Us: Promoting Positive Mental Health The Hear Us Guide to Croydon's Mental Health and Wellbeing Services is for you if you; • • • • • • • • •
or someone you care for is experiencing mental health problems need support to meet new people and try new activities need support to access voluntary work, training, education or employment want to know where to turn in a crisis want information about support groups and self help want advice about benefits, debt or housing issues want to know about organisations that can help with specific issues are interested in getting involved in planning and improving our Mental Health Services want access to useful Telephone Numbers and Websites
020 8681 6888 info@hear-us.org www.hear-us.org Hear Us ↸ Orchard House,
15a Purley Road South Croydon CR2 6EZ
Company No.6891337 Charity No.1135535
Hear Us would like to thank the Maudsley Charity for funding this guide 2
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Contents About Hear Us and Our Activities
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
8 - 13
Advocacy and Advice
9 - 17
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
18 - 29
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
30 - 34
Befriending and Buddy Services
35 - 36
Direct Payments & Individual Budgets
South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLaM)
38 - 39
Inpatient & Community Mental Health Services
40 - 47
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
48 - 51
Addiction Services
52 - 58
Talking Therapies
59 - 68
Self Help - Books on Prescription
70 - 71
Volunteering and Employment Support
72 - 79
Back to Work - Financial Help
80 - 83
Freedom Passes & Concessionary Travel
Immediate Needs
85 - 89
Homelessness and Housing Support
90 - 99
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather 100 - 105 Other grants, funds and loans 106 - 107 Money Worries & Debt problems 108 - 111 Food Hubs/Drop Ins for those in need of Food 112 - 113 DLA to PIP Benefit Changes - Don't Panic! 114 - 121 Universal Credit 122 - 124 Benefits - help, advice and contact numbers 125 - 128 Support for Carers 129 - 133 Vulnerable Adults and Victim Support 134 - 137 Older Adults 137 - 138 Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
About Hear Us and Our Activities Hear Us is a service-user run organisation. Our Staff, Linkworkers, Volunteers and most of our Trustees are current or ex users of Croydon’s Mental Health Services, with personal experience of mental illness. Hear Us holds the views and opinions of fellow service users at the heart of everything we do. You have told Hear Us at our meetings, on the inpatient wards at the Bethlem Hospital and at other forums, that ‘information’ is crucial. A comment that we hear all the time is: “I don’t know what advice and support is ‘out there’ for people who have mental health problems”. Through the work we do Hear Us is also aware that sometimes there are gaps of knowledge and a lack of communication between statutory services (such as our mental health teams, care coordinators, psychiatrists etc.), our GP’s and voluntary sector organisations. In this book we have brought together voluntary organisations and staturory services in a clear, concise and easy-to-read Guide. It is based on the information services users have requested through our work with the people who use Croydon’s Mental Health Services. However, if you know of an organisation or service that you feel should be included, Hear Us would be very grateful if you could let us know, so that we can include this information in future editions of this Guide. An organisation's contact details can change, therefore Hear Us aims to keep you updated via our Quarterly Newsletter. You can also visit www.hear-us.org for an up to date on-line version of this guide. Tim Oldham Coordinator
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
About Hear Us and Our Activities
Hear Us Open Forum Anyone with an interest in mental health is very welcome to attend. Invited guest speakers discuss the issues that effect us all. For details of future Open Meetings and other Hear Us events, please contact us and look out for our posters and flyers at Resource Centres, wards and in the community. The Open Meeting invites professionals from Local Health and Social Services agencies to consult with users about planning and developing services within the borough. Meetings are on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Please contact us about future guests and venues.
1pm on the1st Tuesday of each month
020 8681 6888
Hear Us Newsletter In Our Shoes Hear Us produces a quarterly newsletter, which is packed full of useful information, including updates on any changes to services, events, poetry, artwork, competitions and much more.
020 8681 6888
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
o Suit You st ce
Hear Us Linkworking Project
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
working P ink ro sL U
About Hear Us and Our Activities
LINKWORKING The Hear Us Linkworkers are a team of TAKES PLACE HERE current and ex service users who visit the wards at the Bethlem and other mental health services across the Borough of Croydon. They talk to fellow service users and listen to their worries, problems and needs. The Linkworkers then report these issues back to the Managers of these services (without breaching the confidentiality of the service users). The He ar
The aim is to improve the quality of mental health services and the lives of all of us who use them. If you have personal experience of using mental health services and the ability to listen nonjudgementally to fellow service users, then Hear Us needs you. Linkworkers receive full training and support to carry out this important role. If you have an hour or two to spare and are interested and want to find out more:
020 8681 6888
07749 156 828
o Suit You st ce
working P ink L ro s U
Shaping Se : t rv c i je
The He ar 6
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
About Hear Us and Our Activities
Reach Out Challenge Since October 2012 Hear Us has run an anti-stigma and discrimination project called the Reach Out Challenge in which staff from organisations across the borough have the opportunity to speak with Hear Us volunteers, all of whom have their own lived experience of mental illness. We have worked with around 17 different organisations including front line staff from the London Ambulance Service, British Transport Police, London Fire Brigade and Croydon’s University Hospital A&E department. If you are interested in volunteering on this project or you wish us to visit your organisation and deliver the project to you and your staff please phone or email us.
020 8681 6888 reachoutchallenge@hear-us.org www.hear-us.org/reach-out-challenge Hear Us Website - www.hear-us.org
• find out about the different mental health services in Croydon • have your voice heard and share your experiences of croydon’s mental health services, good and bad • get information about events, meetings and much more
Who may benefit? Mental health service users in Croydon, carers, mental health staff, commissioners, providers, GP’s and members of the public with an interest in mental health.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
SLaM's Involvement Register The Register is a great way for both service users and carers to become involved in the planning and development of mental health services. There are a wide variety of activities to get involved in, for example, helping to deliver training, sitting on interview panels or by offering your views and opinions at committees and groups. You will need a member of SLaM staff to sponsor you and give you a reference. The register also aims to ensure that Service Users are rewarded for their involvement in a consistent and fair way. Most paid service user opportunities go through this register, but people can also join and get involved in voluntary opportunities. If you're interested in joining the Register, please contact Gemma McDonald Involvement Register Coordinator 020 3228 1593 ↸ SLaM NHS Foundation Trust HR Department, Lower Ground,
Admin Block, Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8AZ
Young Minds YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Driven by their experiences we campaign, research and influence policy and practice. 020 7089 5050 ymenquiries@youngminds.org.uk www.youngminds.org.uk
www.facebook.com/youngmindsuk #YoungMindsUK Suite 11, Baden Place, Crosby Row, London, SE1 1YW Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
Big White Wall Who may benefit? Big White Wall is a community of people who are experiencing common mental health problems, who are supported to self- manage their own mental health. According to members, one of the most important elements of the service is the ability to talk freely, whilst remaining completely anonymous • can’t put your feelings into words? • want to understand the way you feel? • want to talk to others who feel like you & want to feel better? Get through your worries on the big white wall. Safe, open and anonymous.
0203 574 4561
Patient Opinion If you have used secondary mental health services, or know someone else who has, you can give your feedback on Patient Opinion. The Patient Opinion website is independent from SLaM and the NHS. You can also see what others think of local health services or share your own experience. It is completely anonymous.
0114 281 6256 or 0800 122 3135 info@patientopinion.org.uk www.patientopinion.org.uk ↸ SCEDU - 53 Mowbray Street, Sheffield, S3 8EN Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
Croydon h
althw tch
Healthwatch covers health and social care. It can be described as a consumer champion. Its role is to champion the views and experiences of patients, people using services, carers and the wider public. If you become involved with Healthwatch you can: • raise issues of concern with the people who provide services • talk to the people who commission (pay for) these services • hold the providers of services to account 020 8663 5648 info@healthwatchcroydon.co.uk www.healthwatchcroydon.co.uk Healthwatch Croydon ↸ The Carers Support Centre
24 George Street, Croydon, CR0 1PB
Croydon BME Forum Croydon Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Forum is the umbrella organisation for Croydon’s BME voluntary and community sector; engaging people, building capacity, and promoting equality and cohesion. The Forum was established to maximise the engagement of BME communities in all aspects of living and working in Croydon. They make representations on behalf of Croydon’s BME communities to public sector agencies and other statutory and non-statutory organisations.
020 8684 3719 info@bmeforum.org ↸ 10
www.cbmeforum.org Palmcroy House, 387 London Road, Croydon, CR0 3PB Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
Black Minority Ethnic Mental Health Community Development Workers Service The Community Development Worker’s (CDW’s) Service works with Black Minority Ethnic (BME) service users and local voluntary and statutory organisations who provide services to BME individuals. CDW’s are a link between providers and service users. They are actively involved in a number of strategic committees to ensure equality and diversity issues are included in service planning, development, commissioning and delivery. The CDW project is run in partnership between Croydon BME Forum and Off the Record. Four project workers cover specific age ranges.
Off the Record
Children and Young People (0-25 years) and Young Adults (16-35 years) ↸
72 Queens Road Croydon Surrey CR0 2PR
0208 251 0251
Croydon BME Forum Working Age (25-65 Years) and Older Adults (60+ Years)
Palmcroy House 387 London Road, Croydon CR0 3PB
0208 684 3719 cdw@bmeforum.org
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (SLaM) PALS is free and independent of SLaM clinical services. You can use PALS if you are being seen by any SLaM service, or if you are a friend or family member of someone using a SLaM service. PALS provide: • Information: About mental health issues generally. About SLaM services About other NHS services and local community resources. • Advice: How to use a service or how to make decisions about your care and treatment. How to sort out any problems, disagreements or misunderstandings. • Support: You may not be able to sort out a problem with a SLaM service on your own. PALS can help you to get your voice heard by the professionals or managers involved so that you can get the answers you need. Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm.
0800 731 2864
Maudsley Hospital, ↸ PALS, Denmark Hill,
London SE5 8AZ
PALS (NHS Croydon PALS) Patient Advise and Liaison Service support patients, their families and carers. Provide information on NHS services. Listen to your concerns, suggestions and queries. Help sort out problems quickly on your behalf. Monday - Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.
020 8274 6333 pals@croydonhealth.nhs.uk PALS, Croydon Health Services, ↸ 530 London Road, Croydon, CR7 7YE 12
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Getting Your Voice Heard & Complaints
How to give SLaM Feedback Steve Davidson: service director psychological medicine and mood, anxiety and personality (MAP) CAG Steve Davidson sets aside time to meet with service users and carers. Steve is there to hear from you about what is good and not so good about SLaM mental health services. To make an appointment contact Steve’s PA on the telephone number below. 0203228 2466 sandra.rutland@slam.nhs.uk
How to make a Complaint Against SLaM The best way to make a complaint is to speak to a member of staff is involved in your care. If you do not feel comfortable talking to someone directly you can ask for someone independent to help you. The complaints team can tell you more about this. If staff have been unable to resolve your concerns and you want to make a formal complaint you can contact the Trust’s Chief Executive Dr Matthew Patrick or the Complaints Department: 020 3228 2444 patrick.matthew@slam.nhs.uk Complaints Department Maudsley Hospital ↸ 111 Denmark Hill, London, SE5 8AZ Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Advocacy and Advice
Rethink: SLAM Advocacy Service Provides support, advice, advocacy, information, education and training to relatives and friends of people with severe mental health problems. It also runs three carer support groups, which meet monthly.
Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm.
07587 136495 ↸ Courtyard House, 1d Church Road, Croydon,CR0 1SG Voice Ability VoiceAbility is recognised for its outstanding advocacy, active voice and voice work services, which are offered in many local authorities across England. They offer a wide range of services for those who have Mental Health needs, Learning disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Physical Disabilities, Sensory and Communication Impairments, Dementia, Substance Misuse Issues, Acquired Brain Injury, a serious physical illness or a Dual Diagnosis. Croydon office contact details are: 0845 120 3784 imca@voiceability.org
Unit B203, Trident Business Centre ↸
89 Bickersteth Road Tooting, London, SW17 9SH
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Advocacy and Advice
Mind in Croydon Advocacy Sometimes people find it difficult to express concerns about their treatment or care while they are in hospital. It can be particularly difficult if you are on a ‘section’ or if this is your first time in hospital. However, you have the right to be heard; your opinions should be listened to by the professional staff. Mind in Croydon's Advocacy Service operates independently of the mental health services. You will be listened to and treated with respect. Some common examples of advocacy work include: • Listening to you and helping you have your voice heard. • Supporting you, at ward rounds and Care Programme Approach meetings • Supporting you when discussing your treatment plan with your doctors and nurses or social workers • Providing clear information about rights, medication and any aspect of treatment while in hospital. • Supporting you in gaining legal advice and representation if necessary. • Providing information on community groups and support networks while in hospital and when you are discharged Mind's Advocacy service are also available to people living in the community, who may be suffering from mental health problems. 020 8763 2037 www.mindincroydon.org.uk advocacy@mindincroydon.org.uk 26 Pampisford Road, ↸ Purley, Surrey, CR8 2NE
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Advocacy and Advice
It’s Your Practice A Patient’s Guide to GP Services: • finding and choosing a GP • getting the most out of a GP consultation • health records • patients’ rights and responsibilities 020 3188 7400
info@rcgp.org.uk www.rcgp.org.uk ↸ Royal College of General Practitioners
30 Euston Square, London, NW1 2FB
Who else can help? 020 8330 6644
Carers’ Information Service
Charisma Project for BME Elders with Mental Health Needs
020 8239 6061
Croydon Women’s Aid Lay Advocacy Service
020 8239 6061
Disability Croydon Advocacy
020 8684 5538
Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service
0845 0175 198
Mind in Croydon Advocacy
020 8763 6730
Rethink Croydon Carers’ Support Project
020 8649 6281
Social services for adults
020 8726 6500
Advocacy Partners Age UK Croydon
020 8680 5450 020 8649 9339
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Advocacy and Advice
South West London Law Centres They give individuals and communities free legal advice and support on; • • • • •
Money and debt management Employment rights and obligations Housing issues Immigration and asylum matters They also represent people in court and tribunals.
Free Evening Legal Advice Clinics. Sessions provide initial advice and are run on a drop-in, first-come, first-served basis. Sessions can be very busy and it is not guaranteed that everyone will be seen. Clinics start at 7.00pm; registration will start approximately 30 minutes earlier.
Law Centre 79 Park Lane CR0 1JG Croydon
Housing (Public/LA) Housing (Private)
Small Claims
Crime Consumer Family General Contract/Litigation
Varies Varies
020 8767 2777 (Between the hours of 9.30am – 17pm Monday to Friday) www.swllc.org
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Imagine Croydon User Led Groups
Facilitated by Imagine staff, the User-Led groups, including the long established Kingfisher’s Association, are focused on participation, respect, choice and tolerance. Group members are supported to become involved in the running of their own group, from holding regular member’s meetings, making decisions on how the budget is spent to organising one-off events. Do I need to be referred? No.
• Empowering individuals to access social activities they are interested in within their community. • Promote wellbeing and recovery through choice, involvement, empowerment and responsibility. • Promote social inclusion and increase the user’s confidence, motivation and social skills.
Purley United Reformed Church 906 Brighton Road Purley CR8 2LN Monday 1-4pm Tuesday 10 - 4pm Thursday 2 - 5pm Friday 11 - 5pm
Activities: Monthly Cinema Group, Lunch Club, Crafts, Baking and Local Outings
CVA Resource Centre 82 London Road Croydon CR0 2TB Wednesday 10-4pm
Activities: Pool Group & Bingo Thursday 10-4pm Activities: Community Outings Group
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Kingfisher’s Association 80 North Downs Crescent New Addington CR0 0LH Monday– Friday 9.30-4.30pm
Parchmore Parchmore Methodist Church 53-55 Parchmore Road Thornton Heath CR7 8LY Monday 10-4pm Activities: Lunch Club,
Out of Hours
Monday 5 - 7pm Activities incl. Badminton, Films, Quiz Nights, Karaoke East Croydon United Reformed Church Wednesday 5pm
onwards: Bowling/Cinema/ Go Karting. Meet at CVA Centre at 4pm Health Club
Music Group
Rockbottom, West Croydon along from West Croydon Station, towards Lidl
Friday1pm Bring your own instrument if you have one!
Friday 10 to 1pm Football training, air hockey, snooker and taster sessions from community-based fitness opportunities, Old Town Youth Centre Duppas Hill Terrace. Call the team to meet someone to show you how to get there.
020 8253 7078 croydon@imaginementalhealth.org.uk www.imaginementalhealth.org.uk Imagine Mental Health ↸ CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road
Croydon, CR0 2TB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Association for Pastoral Care in Mental Health (APCMH)
APCMH drop ins are open every week and welcome anyone who has, or is recovering from mental illness or distress. Some of the volunteers who work at the drop ins themselves have personal experience of mental illness. Do I need to be referred? No.
Tuesdays 12.00 - 2.00 pm
The Rainbow, South Croydon Centre Ledbury Rd, South Croydon
Mondays 7.00 - 9.00 pm
The Open Door, Norbury Methodist Church Pollards Hill North, Norbury
Fridays 7.00 - 9.00 pm
The Bridge, Holy Innocents Church Hall Selhurst Road, South Norwood London SE25 6XX.
Sundays 2.00 - 4.00 pm
Women Only St Mildred’s Community Centre, Bingham Road, corner of Sefton Road, Croydon CR0 7EB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
APCMH Creative Workshops
ALL these Workshops are open to anyone who experiences mental distress and are based at St Mildreds.
St Mildred’s Community Centre, Bingham Road, corner of Sefton Road, Croydon CRO 7EB Self Esteem, Assertiveness, Person Centred Planning, Friday Club Spirituality (with Holy Communiion, optional: Monday 11 - 1pm
Mindfulness, Meditation, Relaxation and taster sessions of Therapies: Wednesday 1 - 3pm Creative Writing: Tuesday 2 - 4pm Spirituality & Eucharist Group: Friday 10.30am 12.30pm Art Group: Friday 2 - 4pm Welfare Support Project: Help with Benefits and other issues starting from May 2015
020 8654 4010
St Mildred’s Community Centre, Bingham Road, Sefton Rd, Croydon CRO 7EB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Active Minds
The aim of Active Mind's service is to give a taster of activities which will stimulate a new interest, promote a healthy lifestyle and help to improve confidence so that you feel better able to access activities within your local community.
How do I register?
You need to contact the Active Minds team to put your name on the waiting list. Courses are very popular so places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, with priority going to new members. You will be asked to attend a registration session. During this you will be asked to provide some details about yourself, complete some questionnaires and to pay your fees where applicable, although most activities are free.
Active Minds Drop-In Activities
Some activities you do not have to register for and you can come and join at any point. However, you need to contact Active Minds to discuss this first.
Will it cost?
Active Minds strive to make all of their activities as low cost as possible. Where they have had to charge a fee you can pay on the day of the activity. Alex Rolfe–Sanders: 020 8253 8205 Peter Rogers: 020 8253 8206 Dora Crook: 020 8253 8208
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
inds is lation Active cM iso ing social
redu part in focused on ple to take o e p g n li s. b by ena cial activitie o s d n a s rt o nities to leisure, sp cal commu lo h it w rk eople They wo nities for p u rt o p p o re Activities create mo l distress. ta n e m g in ing, experienc m, Swimm y G , is n n e e include: T d Boxercis Football an
Allotm ent P r o j e ct Workin go
n the A as a st llotm epping stone t ent can act buildin o wor g co or simp nfidence and k, through exper nurture ly a way to s tart a h ience, an exis obby o ting int r erest in or hort garden iculture This se in g . rvice is for any health one wit problem h a me . You c your G ntal an self P can r Coordin efer you or y -refer, ou ator/CM HT can r Care 020 refer you. 8253 8206 www .mind incro ydon activ .org. emin uk ds@ mind incro O ydon rchar .org. d uk H ouse 15a P urley Sout Road h CR2 Croydon 6EZ
in Croydon Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
MindMatch Use Mind's tailored support package to take control of your life. Discover your journey to more independence and start living. With their help you can enrich the lives of you and your family. This service helps you to find out what’s out there and get involved in activities that are going on in your local area. You can work together on a one to one basis or within a group. The outreach service also provides support in your home so this could mean that you could have someone to help you with shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc. The possibilities are endless.
020 8688 1210 www.mindmatch.org.uk Mind in Croydon, Fairfield House, ↸ 10 Altyre Road, East Croydon CR0 5LA
Mental Health Information Directory A mental health resource for residents of the borough of Croydon The directory is designed to make accessing information as straightforward as possible. Services provided both in the statutory and voluntary sectors are constantly changing and it is hoped that this electronic version will bring people up to date with some of those changes. A wide range of on-line mental health information, that includes: • details of services • fact sheets • maps & DVDs
directory.mindincroydon.org.uk Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Mind's Social Networking Service Mind in Croydon’s Social Networking Service based in Central Croydon, provides support for people experiencing or recovering from mental health problems, to engage in community activities as part of their recovery. Do I need to be referred? Yes. Referrals to this service have to be made via your Community Mental Health Team. Speak to your Care Co-ordinator if you would like to apply. 020 8688 1210 fairfield@mindincroydon.org.uk
The Hub at Fairfield
The Hub is an extension to Mind in Croydon’s Social Networking Service which offers support to people to understand and manage their mental and physical health issues.
The Hub also provides a safe place for people who are lonely and isolated to meet and socialise with people and a place for them to receive practical help and advice. Assisting with; Form Filling, Benefit Issues, Managing Bills and Debt, Outreach Support and Community Issues (issues with neighbours) 020 8688 1210 hub@mindincroydon.org.uk
www.mindincroydon.org.uk Mind in Croydon, Fairfield House, ↸
in Croydon
10 Altyre Road, East Croydon CR0 5LA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Sports & Physical Activity Team Exercise Referral is a scheme aimed at people who could benefit from increasing their physical activity levels to improve their health. The scheme allows Doctors, Nurses and other Health Professionals to refer patients to one of two programmes; Active 1: Medium risk supervised Active 2: Low risk independent Who can be referred onto the Sports & Physical Activity Team? The scheme is open to Croydon residents who have an inactive lifestyle, plus a pre-existing medical condition like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity/overweight or coronary heart disease. To be referred go to your local GP or Health Professional or talk to a member of the team at the Sports and Physical Activity Team What types of sessions are available? Sessions that are presently available are: Gym, Aquacise, Circuit Classes, Upright and Active, Cardiac Rehab Phase IV sessions and *new* Cycling on Referral. What is the cost? Concessionary rates vary: £10 12 Month Membership fee. £3 per session for first 12 sessions and then £4.40 pay as you go. 020 8667 8429 exercisereferralscheme@croydon.gov.uk
www.croydon.gov.uk/active 9th Floor, South Side, Tabernar House, Park Lane, ↸
Croydon, CR9 3BT
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Get up & Go Sport and Physical Activity
Whether you are experienced or a beginner, they have a course just for you. Learn new skills and get support along the way. Costs vary & Courses include: Tai Chi for Beginners, Badminton, Aquacise, Indoor Bowling (FREE) Do I need to be referred? No.
020 8726 6900 activelifestyles@croydon.gov.uk For more information, or to receive a copy of the free booklet, email activelifestyles@croydon.gov.uk or call 020 8667 8416. Alternatively, copies can be picked up in borough libraries, GP and dental surgeries, and the Healthy Living Hub in Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street. or download from:
Croydon Leisure Centres
We have five local leisure and sports centres across your borough. You can drop in whenever it suits you, there’s a huge variety of sports and community activities and events for you to enjoy all year round. Thornton Heath Leisure Centre New Addington Leisure Centre Purley Leisure Centre South Norwood Leisure Centre Waddon Leisure Centre
020 8689 5300 01689 842553 020 8668 7251 020 8662 9464 0208 760 0657
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Wheels for Wellbeing Think you can’t cycle? Think again!
Wheels for Wellbeing is a charity run by and for disabled people who have discovered that cycling is a fantastic way to keep fit and mobile, build confidence and have fun. Cycling can be easier than walking, and a useful form of everyday transport.
Wheelsfor Wellbeing
Exercise is the life-changing ‘wonder drug of the 21st century’, but many people with impairments, long term injury or illness face barriers to taking part in any physical activity. It doesn’t occur to most that cycling could be for them.
020 7346 8482 info@wheelsforwellbeing.org uk www.wheelsforwellbeing.org uk ↸ 336 Brixton Road, London, SW9 7AA
Walking for Health The Sport and Physical Activity team currently runs a weekly programme of 9 walks. Their aim is to help people in the community to get out into the abundance of parkland in Croydon, whilst getting fit and healthy and making new friends. All health walks are completely free, last approximately 1 hour and are graded for difficulty. Please be at the starting point of each walk about 15 minutes before they are due to start. Remember to wear suitable footwear and bring an umbrella or raincoat if the weather looks bad. Do I need to be referred? No
020 8726 6900
www.walkingforhealth.org.uk 28
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Social Groups, Activities and Leisure
Dragon Cafe The Dragon Café is Mental Fight Club’s latest creative project: a relaxing café and imaginative space, open to all. A weekly cafe and creative space with seminars, exhibitions, workshops and performances exploring issues around mental illness, recovery and well-being.
Open every Monday (but only on a Monday) from 12 midday to 8.30 pm.
www.facebook.com/thedragoncafe #thedragoncafe
07557 365959
Crypt of St George the Martyr Church Borough High Street, London SE1 1JA
For anybody experiencing a mental health problem. • a place to meet up with others • a ’safe haven’ where people can be themselves
Do I need to be referred? No Mr Alan Gills 020 8684 1965
Mondays 11am to 1pm (not bank holidays)
↸ St George’s walk
Piccolino’s café, Croydon
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
Beating the Blues Beating the Blues is an effective, proven treatment for sufferers of depression and anxiety. Beating the Blues is the most widely used and evidence based CCBT program for the treatment of depression Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been used successfully for many years to treat anxiety and depression. Recommended by NICE for the treatment of people with mild and moderate depression. Available FREE through the NHS Easy to use - Completely confidential
www.beatingtheblues.co.uk Depression Alliance and Wellbeing Group They are a group which is self run, self funded and open to anyone with depression and or anxiety. They are not able to help people on a medical basis but instead offer a friendly, safe environment to share conversations led by a facilitator.
Sunny Side Up
They also arrange local events through the month such as going to the pictures, evening meals and when weather permitting picnics in Lloyd Park.
Tuesday from 3 - 4.30 pm in the staff room on the 1st floor.
East Croydon Medical Centre (ECMC) 59 Addiscombe Road Croydon CR0 6SD Which is a short walk from Lebanon Road Tram Stop.
Call Dallas on 07530-356-634
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
Croydon Voices Forum A mutual support group in Central Croydon for Schizophrenia and similar illnesses. A part of the National Perceptions Forum (Run by those who have suffered from schizophrenia, this is a subsidiary of the Rethink charity for Severe Mental Illness). Croydon Voices Forum is a SELF-HELP group, run entirely by users of mental health services. 020 8464 7052 voicesforumofcroydon@gmail.com 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7.00pm at Town Hall, ↸ Katherine Street, Croydon and every fourth Sunday of the
month at St Albans Church, Whitehorse Lane, Croydon.
Bipolar UK (Formally Manic Depression Fellowship)
Meeting the needs of individuals affected by Bipolar Disorder today and tomorrow • • • •
support & information recovery promotion advocacy against discrimination promotion of social inclusion
Do I need to be referred? No 020 8676 9162 (please call after 6pm)
Third Thursday of every month, from 7.30pm, ↸ The Primary Room, United Reformed Church,
Addiscombe Grove, East Croydon.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
Four in Ten
If you are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender and you live with mental health problems, you can join 4 in 10. Just come along to a meeting.
07580617885 Monday,Tuesday & Friday fourinten@gmail.com Tuesday 5.30 - 7.30pm Jane Field Room, Maudsley Hospital ↸ Denmark Hill, Camberwell, SE5 8AZ
Four in Ten The Outcrowd
Coming out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Trans isn’t always easy. Once you have made the decision, where do you go to find other like minded people? Perhaps you are just learning about the community and feel isolated from everyone? We know it’s not always easy to go to gay venues on your own or meet other people in the same position as you. Outcrowd is a safe, inclusive environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Trans people and those questioning their sexuality or gender identity. Come along to meet other people in the Surrey area and make some friends. We are a friendly group open to anyone over 18.
0782 728 9312 www.outcrowd.org 32
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
Burgess Autistic Trust Parent Support Group Croydon “Unlocking potential and supporting people whose lives are touched by Autistic Spectrum Disorders”. The Parent Support Group provides a positive social outlet for parents and carers who care for an adult with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder. The group arranges speakers to inform parents and carers about specific issues such as benefits, housing, wills and trusts. The Group meet once a month and in addition also arrange social evenings. 020 8464 2897 hannahbowley@burgessautistictrust.org.uk
National Autistic Society The NAS Croydon Branch is the first step towards helping to reduce some of the isolation felt by those who recieve a diagnosis of autism for a member or members of their family. They aim to provide: • advice and information • workshops for parents and carers • periodic events and activities • support group for parents and carers • help to campaign for change
07833 293263 Branch Officer croydonbranch@nas.org.uk Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support Groups/Self Help for specific issues
Eating Disorders Association (beat) The leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families. Helpline for people aged 18 and over, offering: • non-judgmental response • information about eating disorders • information about help available
Mon to Fri 10:30am - 8:30pm, Sat: 1 - 4.30pm
0845 634 1414 0845 634 7650 (under 25s) help@b-eat.co.uk
SUN Project The Croydon SUN project is for people who have long standing emotional and behavioural problems (with or without a formal diagnosis of Personality Disorder). It provides an opportunity for people who have had similar difficult experiences to support one another and learn new coping skills. Do I need to be referred? No. The SUN project is self referral. Mondays 10am, Wednesdays 2pm,
Fridays 10am & Saturdays 11am
0203 228 8541 sheila.banks2@slam.nhs.uk CVA Resource Centre ↸
82 London Road, Croydon, CR0 2TB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Befriending and Buddy Services
Community Befriending Service For clients who need some help to: Get out and about in their community and supported in accessing social activities, develop natural friendships and socialise and explore new interests and try something new.
Home Befriending service NEW! A new service for clients with a mental health condition who are isolated and unable to leave their home. Clients benefit from a home visit from a befriender . The Service is provided for social contact. We are now able to offer: Help to reduce isolation by providing friendship & companionship and emotional support to help you overcome barriers to leaving your home. They help encourage you to access your community with a volunteer who shares similar interests
Mentoring Service New! A new service for clients with a mental health condition. We support clients to make choices and practical support in setting and reaching goals. These can include: volunteering, learning new skills, bringing out personal strengths and living a healthier lifestyle Referrals for all these above services can come from your GP or Care Coordinator. Please contact us for further information.
 0208 253 7079 ďƒ” croydon@imaginementalhealth.org.uk ↸
Imagine Mental Health, CVA Resource Centre 82 London Road, Croydon, CR0 2TB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Befriending and Buddy Services
Peer Navigator Service Need some support getting active?
We all know that getting active is good for our bodies – but there’s good evidence that it’s good for our minds too. Taking up a sport can be a fun way of staying healthy. It can boost your confidence, increase your energy levels and is a good way of meeting new Ne get g ed a hel friends. phys oing? C ping han i h d That’s why we’ve you cal activi oose a s to u t y p p wit created Get Set h a P and we’ ort or h ll ma e eer N lp yo to Go, a new t a u D v o t i o gato ch I nee programme designed get s r to d to tarte Ask for people with d. a me be refe rre team m mental health to re ber of yo d? Yes. infor problems, who want f mati er you. F ur care on c to be more active. onta or more You can get one to Mind ct Activ s e one support from our volunteer Peer Navigators to help you reach your goal. 020 8253 8205/6 activeminds@mindincroydon.org.uk
www.mindincroydon.org.uk ↸ Orchard House
15a Purley Road South Croydon CR2 6EZ
Direct Payments & Self Directed Support
Croydon Council Direct Payments – Usually shortened to ‘DP’. (May also be referred to as Personalised Budgets). A DP is the name given to money paid to you by the local authority for care support. Regardless of the name, the principles by which they operate remain very similar from one local authority to another. • 'Direct Payments' are cash payments made directly to you by the local authority • it is money to buy and arrange the support you need instead of Social Services providing that support for you • 'Direct Payments' give you choice and control over when, where and how your support is provided Individual Budgets – Usually shortened to ‘IB’ (May also be referred to as Individualised Budgets or Personalised Budgets). Again, regardless of the name, an IB will operate in a very similar way to a DP. The key differences are that the assessment is carried out in a different way and the goal is based on outcomes rather then simply meeting need. Therefore the budget may include monies that are not directly related to providing care, for example from the Supported Housing Initiative. 020 8726 6000 ext 61925 julie.turner1@croydon.gov.uk www.croydon.gov.uk Direct Payment Support Service, ↸ Bernard Weatherill House
8 Mint Walk Croydon CR0 1EA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
The South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
Get involved SLaM Membership
What does becoming a member actually mean? “If you become a member of the Trust, you can help ensure that SLaM are more accountable to the people they provide services for, and that they are better at listening to people’s views. They would like members to be active in helping shape our services for the future, but it is up to you to decide how much you want to get involved. There is no cost involved in joining. You’ll be invited to attend events and you’ll receive regular information about the Trust. SLaM will also ensure that you are consulted on specific issues affecting the Trust”. South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust provides the widest range of NHS mental health services in the UK. SLaM also provide substance misuse services for people who are addicted to drugs and / or alcohol. SLaM services include the Maudsley Hospital and Bethlem Royal Hospital. SLaM work closely with the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. SLaM are part of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre. Who can be a member? Anyone who has an interest in Mental Health: Health and social care professionals, service users, carers and members of the public. Reasons to become a member of SLaM... • • • •
put yourself forward for election sign up and have a vote help to determine SLaM priorities contribute to the voice of SLaM
020 3228 2441
www.slam.nhs.uk/about-us/get-involved/membership 38
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
The South London and Maudsley NHS Trust
Croydon’s Mental Health Services Then
Community Mental Health Teams or CMHT’s in Croydon (Tamworth Road, Crescent, Westways and Purley) cared for people between 18 and 65 yrs. with different mental health problems in the Borough.
Services are now made up of Clinical Academic Groups (CAGs)
What is a CAG?
CAGs were developed to bring together clinical services (the services we receive from our mental health teams), Research, Training and Education. Each CAG is set up to deal with a different area of mental health, with the aim being to get the best help to people as quickly as possible.
What does this mean for Service Users?
There are 2 main CAGs within Adult Mental Health. Some of us will receive treatment from the Promoting Recovery CAG, and the Mood, Anxiety and Personality (MAP) CAG, depending on our diagnosis. Each CAG will have a specialist team (including clinical staff, researchers & trainers) who are best able to help us. Some people will have more than one problem and may need to receive care from more than one CAG.
Referral Needed?
Yes. If you think you would benefit from receiving help from secondary mental health services, ask your GP to refer you.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Inpatient Services
Bethlem Royal Hospital
020 3228 6000
Croydon Triage (Mixed) Tyson West 1
020 3228 7700
The Gresham Wards are a part of Bethlem Royal Hospital. An inpatient service that brings together teams of health and social care professionals, including nurses, social workers and psychiatrists. For people who have acute mental illness and require 24 hour hospital care.
working P ink ro sL U
o Suit You st ce
Bethlem Royal Hospital Monks Orchard Road Beckenham Kent, BR3 3BX
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
Croydon Adult Acute Triage in-patient service at the Bethlem Royal Hospital was opened in December 2012. This unit provides assessment for adult patients from the borough of Croydon
Gresham House Gresham 1 (Female)
020 3228 4067/8
Gresham 2 (Male)
020 3228 4018
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Inpatient Services
Bethlem Royal Hospital o Suit You st ce
working P ink ro sL U
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
020 3228 4265
The He ar
This service specialises in the treatment of antenatal and postnatal illnesses. This service is for women who develop a mental illness or have a relapse of serious mental illness during pregnancy, and women who have developed postnatal depression, post partum psychosis or have had a relapse of serious mental illness following the birth of their baby.
o Suit You st ce
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
working P ink ro sL U
Mother And Baby Unit Fitzmary House
Chelsham House
020 3228 4373
They provide inpatient assessment, treatment and care for people aged over 65 with acute mental illness or under 65 for people who have dementia.
The He ar
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Inpatient Services
Bethlem Royal Hospital Personality Disorder Service Alexandra House (Touchstone)
020 3228 8541/2
This service provides two structured day programmes, intensive group psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy sessions.
The SUN Project CVA 82 London Road
The SUN Project is for people who have long standing emotional and behavioural problems, and who may feel they do not get adequate support from mainstream services.
020 3228 8541/2
020 3228 5800
The ward has 18 beds for people, aged 18-65, who have severe mental illness
working P ink ro sL U
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
o Suit You st ce
Westways Rehab Unit Alexandra House, 1st Floor
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Inpatient Services
Foxley Lane Women's Service
020 3228 5500
working P ink ro sL U
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
o Suit You st ce
158 Foxley Lane Purley Surrey CR8 3NF
The service is an 8-bed unit for women, aged 16-65, who have ongoing mental illness and are experiencing a mental health crisis. This service is run by women for women
Ashburton Road Unit 58 Ashburton Road Addisombe Surrey CR0 6AN
020 8654 4301
A seven bed house providing residential support for men in mental crisis. Men stay from one day to four weeks
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Community Services
People who attend one of the Resource Centres usually have: A Care Plan
A Care Plan is a written agreement stating what help you can expect in your recovery. It acts as a reminder about what should be happening and should change as your situation and needs change. • you and your clinician should write your care plan together • your care plan should make sense to you and be helpful to you • it should cover all aspects of your recovery that are important to you, such as housing, welfare, education, employment support as well as your medication and what to do in a crisis • your care plan should be regularly reviewed • you should sign and have a copy of your Care Plan.
A Care Coordinator
You may be allocated a care coordinator if you need more than one service involved in your care. • you should expect to see your care coordinator regularly to get the help and support agreed in your Care Plan. • your Care Coordinator should find out about what you need; including about your physical health. • your Care coordinator should involve you fully in your care and treatment • your care coordinator should ensure you have a copy of your Care Plan
If you have any questions or concerns about your Care..... • speak to a member of your Care Team • ask for a copy of your Care Plan
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Community Services
Tamworth Road Resource Centre working P ink ro sL U
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
o Suit You st ce
37 Tamworth Road Croydon, CR0 1XT 020 3228 0300 or 0301 or 0302
Promoting Recovery Community Service
West: 020 3228 0450 East: 020 3228 0335
Mood, Anxiety & Personality CAG
East: 020 3228 0365
Home Treatment Team
020 3228 0356 or 0354
Perinatal Service
020 3228 0304
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Community Services
The Purley Resource Centre 50 Pampisford Road, Purley, CR8 2NE
020 3228 5400
West: 020 3228 5434
working P ink ro sL U
East: 020 3228 0365
Mood, Anxiety & Personality CAG
The He ar
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
o Suit You st ce
Assessment and Liaison Team
West: 020 3228 5434
The Crescent Resource Centre Salcot Crescent New Addington CR0 0JJ
020 3228 4488
CAG Clinics for Promoting Recovery Community Service & Mood, Anxiety & Personality
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
SLaM - Croydon Community Services
020 3228 5800
The He ar
o Suit You st ce
66a Queens Road Croydon Surrey, CR0 2PR
working P ink ro sL U
Shaping Se rv ct: i je
Recovery & Rehab Unit 020 3228 5853 Forensic Service
020 3228 5820 Early Intervention (COAST)
020 3228 5873 OASIS Service
020 3228 5873
NEW: OASIS is a health service for young people aged 14-35, who are experiencing psychological distress
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm If you ARE receiving support from secondary Mental Health Services Go to your Resource Centre and ask to speak to a duty person
Immediate Risk
If you feel that you are an immediate risk to yourself or to someone else, phone 999 and ask for an ambulance or the police
Dial 999
If you ARE NOT receiving support from secondary Mental Health Services contact your GP or if you are at Immediate Risk Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
If you feel that you are an Dial immediate risk to yourself or to someone else, phone 999 and ask 999 for an ambulance or the police Call the SLaM (South London and Maudsley) 24 hour information line Available 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. A of staff should be able to advise you member where and how to get the help you need.
Immediate Risk
0800 731 2864
Out of Hours Services You should attend A&E Department at Croydon (Mayday) University Hospital and ask to see the Psychiatric Liaison Team
020 8401 3000
Croydon University Hospital (formally Mayday) 530 London Road, Croydon, CR7 7YE
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go Telephone Numbers for Support in a Crisis DON’T SUFFER ALONE.
Croydon Doctors on Call
6.30pm - 8.30am weekdays, 24hrs weekends and bank holidays.
0845 603 8517
Croydon Pharmacy
Long Opening Hours Mon - Sat 7am till 10pm Sun 9am till 8pm
020 8688 5544
NHS Direct
020 3040 0800 You don’t have to be registered Impact at the Centre to see a doctor. House, 2 Opening times: 8.00am – Edridge Road, 8.00pm, 7 days a week, 365 Croydon, CR9 days a year. 1PJ
Phone for opening times. Surgeries held at Edridge Road Walk in Centre. A 24 hour confidential help line providing advice and information on a range of health issues.
0845 000 4567
0845 4647
Samaritans 24hr a day 365 days a year
Samaritans volunteers have heard many people’s stories, and you can discuss anything with them in complete confidence. You do NOT have to be suicidal to call for help.
08457 909090
Provide confidential emotional support, practical help and information for people with mental health problems.
0845 767 8000
Social Services
Out of Hours Social Services.
020 8726 6000
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
Edridge Road Community Health Centre - Central (Previously the Walk-in Centre) Emergency Dental Care Croydent
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
No Panic
No Panic
Helping you break the chains of anxiety disorders
No Panic is a totally voluntary charity, whose aims are to aid the relief and rehabilitation of those people suffering from Panic Attacks, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, related Anxiety Disorders, including Tranquilliser Withdrawal, and to provide support to sufferers and their families. Helpline 0844 967 4848 (Everyday 10:00am - 10:00pm, from 3p a minute)
Crisis Number 01952 680835 (This is a recorded message available 24 hours)
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
admin@nopanic.org.uk www.nopanic.org.uk The Samaritans They are there for people when they need them, which could be any time of day or night. People talk to them for as long as they like, as many times as they like. They don't rush, interrupt or push anyone out of the door. They let people lead the conversation at their own pace. There's no waiting lists, and no assessments. 08457 90 90 90 020 8681 6666 jo@samaritans.org
www.samaritans.org 2B Kidderminster Road, West Croydon, CR9 2BQ ↸ 50
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
Local and National Helpline Numbers 020 8916 3587
BEAT - Eating Disorders Help Line
Crocus - Croydon’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender network
020 8404 3454
0800 138 1619
020 8679 8848
07966 767336 0844 967 4848
Social Services - Out of hours Support
020 8726 6000
SSAFA Forces Help
0845 1300 975
RASASC - rape and sexual abuse support Centre Croydon
020 8683 3311
RASASC Helpline
080 8802 9999
Relate - advice and relationship counselling
0300 100 1234 020 8604 7104
Welcare- family support service
Woodside Bereavement Service
020 8662 1648
Combat Stress Croydon carers information line Croydon Pastoral Service Croydon’s Women’s Aid: Refuge & advice line Croydon’s Women’s Aid: Floating support No Panic Help Line Off the Record Parentline Plus-Croydon Samaritans
Treatment & Recovery Partnership Victim support Croydon
0845 634 1414
020 8649 9339 020 8760 0665
020 8251 0251 020 8800 2222 08457 90 90 90 0845 767 8000
020 86817711 020 8688 5151
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Crisis: In distress - who to call; where to go
Alzheimer’s Society Croydon
Addiction Services
Turning Point: Recovery Network Croydon Recovery Network is your single drug and alcohol service for adults, offering support to individuals across the borough.
TURNING POINT inspired by possibility
Turning Point understand that drugs or alcohol can affect many parts of your life. At Turning Point, they get to know you as a person, to understand exactly what you need to turn your life around. They work together with a number of local organisations to make sure someone is there to support you.
Who they support? Turning Point operates the Croydon
Recovery Network from locations across the borough. Services will be delivered by Turning Point, Air Sports, Croydon Voluntary Action and Breaking Free Online providing an integrated drug and alcohol service. Croydon Recovery Network is for anyone aged 18 or over registered with a GP in Croydon and with a drug or alcohol issue. Their service also provides support for families and friends of someone using drugs or alcohol.
What do they do? At the Croydon Recovery Network there
is something for everyone, no matter what your situation is. An Individual Recovery Plan will be created with you from a range of services.
030 0123 9288 www.turning-point.co.uk croydonrecoverynetwork@turning-point.co.uk
Initial Referrals, Lantern Hall, 190 Church Road ↸
Croydon, CR0 1SE
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
Young People's Substance Misuse Service Turning Point is your single drug and alcohol service offering support to young people across the borough. They understand that drugs or alcohol can affect many parts of your life.
Who they support
Turning Point operates the Croydon Young People's Substance Misuse Service from locations across the borough. Croydon Young People's Substance Misuse Service is for anyone under 18 in Croydon with a drug or alcohol issue. Their service also provides support for families and friends of someone using drugs or alcohol. You can get further support here.
What do they do?
At the Croydon Recovery Network there is something for everyone, no matter what your situation is. An Individual Recovery Plan will be created with you from a range of services.
030 0123 9288 www.turning-point.co.uk croydonrecoverynetwork@turning-point.co.uk Turnaround Centre, 51 - 55 South End, Croydon ↸
Surrey, CR0 1BF
UK Smart Recovery
UK SMART Recovery Self-Management and Recovery Training
UK SMART Recovery (UKSR) is a science based program to help people manage their recovery from any type of addictive behaviour. SMART stands for 'Self Management And Recovery Training'. SMART Recovery advocates choice, so that those seeking recovery can choose what works best for them from the toolbox of methods and approaches used in meetings.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
Narcotics Anonymous N.A. is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. They are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only ONE requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. They suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. The NA Helpline is often the first point of contact for people needing support and advice about the nature of drug addiction. Anyone from the using addict, their friends and family members through to drug workers and the press are welcome to call. Everyone who volunteers for shifts are Recovering Addicts, many of whom called the Helpline themselves at some point. The NA Helpline is open until midnight, seven days a week, but if, for some reason, you get an answer-phone, please DO leave a message and they will get back to you, with the utmost discretion, as soon as possible. NA Helpline: 10.00am - Midnight 0300 999 1212 SMARTPHONE USERS can download an App called
Online meetings every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm London time. at www.ukna.org/onlinemeeting
202 City Road, London EC1V 2PH
UK Public Information Committee ↸
Narcotics Anonymous United Kingdom
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
Croydon PLUG (Peer Led User Group) Are you left with nowhere to go after your drug/alcohol treatment finishes? NOW YOU CAN PLUG THAT GAP at the Peer Led User Group which is run by and for service users to remain drug/alcohol free. This service is free and no referral is needed - you can just turn up.
Wednesday evenings 5pm – 8pm
Call a PLUG member on 0786 846 5752 or 07908 952522 www.croydonplug.org.uk East Croydon United Reform Church ↸ Addiscombe Grove, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 5LP
PLUGETTES (Part of Croydon PLUG Peer Led User Group)
A new support group run by women for women wanting help with their recovery from Drugs and /or Alcohol A safe welcoming space to get help and support from ex-users. This service is free and no referral needed - you can just turn up
Tuesdays 12.30 pm - 2 pm
Call Sue: 07961611650 Lantern Hall ↸ 190 Church Road, Croydon, CRO 1SE
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
The Frank helpline and website was established in 2003. It was welcomed as a departure from the outdated “just say no” campaign. Its aim is to provide young people with the facts about drug use so they can make informed choices. The nonjudgemental approach focuses on “harm reduction” rather than simply telling young people not to do drugs.
0300 123 6600 www.talktofrank.com frank@talktofrank.com Live Chat 2 - 6pm In 2010 the most recent drugs strategy was published, titled: "Reducing demand, restricting supply, building recovery - supporting people to live a drug free life". The strategy puts the ambition for recovery at its heart and the focus will not only be to get people into treatment, but to get them successfully sustained in full recovery. The two key aims of the new National Drugs Strategy are to: • Reduce illicit and other harmful drug use • Increase the numbers recovering from dependence These key aims will be achieved through the following themes: • Reducing demand • Restricting supply • Building recovery in communities 020 8726 7750 www.croydon.gov.uk 56
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
South London YMCA: Keystone House The project is an abstinence based hostel for people in recovery from drug or alcohol misuse. The first 6 months’ programme consists of a variety of group work, weekly individual work, support planning, and general life skills. Staff also support residents to access education, employment and training when appropriate.
Residents who successfully complete the 6 month programme have the option of moving into Keystone 2nd stage accommodation, which is also abstinence based, with support from a dedicated drug and alcohol resettlement worker. Do I need to be referred? No You can self-refer, or your GP, care manager or outreach worker can refer you.
020 8662 1171 or 020 7101 9960
emma.samuel@slymca.org.uk or enquiries@slymca.org.uk
www.slymca.org.uk ↸ 9 Akabusi Close, Croydon.
Surrey, CR0 6YL
Who else can help? Croydon Council Cocaine Anonymous Drinkline Drug Rehabilitation Requirement Narcotics Anonymous Release Talk to Frank (National Drugs Helpline)
020 8726 6000 0800 612 0225 0800 917 8282 020 8686 4441 0300 999 1212 020 7729 9904 0800 77 66 00
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Addiction Services
Alcoholics Anonymous
Telephone lines open 10.00am to 10.00pm daily 020 7833 0022 0845 769 7555 www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meetings in Croydon Croydon pop-in: YMCA, Lansdowne Road, East Croydon East Croydon: United Reform Church, Addiscombe Grove. Crystal Palace: STEP Phoenix Community Centre, 66 Westow St, (next to Safeways). Crystal Palace South Norwood, St Chads Guildhall, Whitworth Rd Croydon Alcoholics Anonymous at Parchmore Community Centre Thornton Heath Pop In 55 Parchmore Rd, Croydon South Croydon: United Reformed Church, Aberdeen Rd, Croydon, opposite Blue Anchor. South Norwood: WYSPA 8 Oliver Grove, Croydon East Croydon: United Reform Church, Addiscombe Grove. West Croydon Open Meeting: St Marys Church Hall, Wellesley Rd Croydon. For meetings in other areas call Alcoholics Anonymous 58
Monday 12.30 Monday 8pm Monday 8pm Monday 8pm Wednesday 7.45pm Wednesday 7.45pm Thursday 7.45pm Friday 7.30pm Saturday 7pm Sunday 7pm 0845 769 7555
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies If you are in contact with a mental health team (CMHT)
Talk to your care co-ordinator or other member of your care team about therapy. There are a whole range of different individual and group therapies available, through PTS, Psychological Therapy Service Croydon (previously called CIPTS)
The first step is to talk to your GP. If you would like therapy, your GP can help to decide where you should If you’re not with a be seen and whether a referral mental health team to a secondary service might be appropriate. Some therapies can be accessed without referral by a professional, i.e. you can refer yourself.
Local therapy services which are not part of SLaM services or to which you can self-refer
• • • • • •
MIND counselling Croydon Pastoral Foundation Off the Record youth counselling Cruse In Croydon Woodside Bereavement Service Croydon IAPT: Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Service) (a SLaM service that accepts selfreferrals) • Croydon Books on Prescription Service
Is there a cost
Many of these services are FREE, others ask for a minimum payment dependant on individual circumstances.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list.
There are other services which offer therapy, including alternative or complementary therapies. For a more complete list; consult the Croydon Mental Health Directory, which is compiled and hosted by Mind in Croydon.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
IAPT; Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Service Anxious, stressed or worried? Low, sad or down? Finding it hard to cope? IAPT work with a range of difficulties including: Low mood, Panic attacks , Bad memories after traumatic events, Sleep problems, Phobias , Health anxiety, Lack of confidence in social situations Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Repeated washing or checking worry. IAPT provide: • Guided self-help • CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) • Workshops & Groups Who is the Service for? Croydon IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) is a FREE and confidential NHS service for adults (who are aged 18 or over) living in Croydon or registered with a Croydon GP. Where? Croydon IAPT see people at various locations including Purley Resource Centre, Bethlem Hospital and East Croydon. Administration is based at Wickham Park House, Bethlem Hospital. Do I need to be referred? No. Self Referral or ask your GP or Care Team to refer you. Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm 020 3228 4038 croydoniapt@slam.nhs.uk Wickham Park House, Bethlem Royal Hospital Monks ↸ Orchard Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3BX
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
Croydon Psychological Therapy Service CPTS
• Provides assessment, treatment and care for people, aged 18-65, who have severe mental illness and who live in the London Borough of Croydon. • For people who are experiencing psychological difficulties that are affecting their work, relationships, mood or day to day functioning. • A team of psychologists and counselors provide advice on the best available treatment options.
Do I need to be referred? Yes. Talk to your care coordinator or other member of your care team. If you are not with a CMHT, speak to your GP about a referral.
0203 228 0321/0322 Tamworth Road Resource Centre ↸ 37 Tamworth Road, Croydon, CR0 1XT
The Touchstone Centre
Supporting people with Borderline Personality Disorder The Touchstone Centre provides two structured day programmes, intensive group psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy sessions. The Centre uses the model of Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), a time-limited therapy that aims to improve your ability to make sense of your own actions and feelings and those of others. Do I need to be referred? Yes. Talk to your care coordinator or other member of your care team. If you are not with a CMHT, speak to your GP about a referral.
020 3228 8541/8542 Alexandra House, Bethlem Royal Hospital ↸ Monks Orchard Road, Beckenham,
Kent, BR3 3BX
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
"Off The Record" Free, friendly and accessible support services for young people aged 14-25 who live, work or study in Croydon or Sutton. Services include: • Counselling: a confidential service for young people. • Compass: a specialist service providing support to young people who are refugees, asylum seekers and forced migrants. • Workshops: a series of relaxed and informal groups for young people aged 11-19 to explore different issues they are facing in their lives. • SkyCasts: free online workshops for young people aged 1425 in Croydon or Sutton, offering practical help, information and discussion • Jump Start: a new service offering free counselling to young people aged 11-21 who live, work or study in Sutton. • Young Carers Project: free help, support and information for young people aged 7-25 caring for a family member. • Family Navigators: free support for families in Croydon. • Community Development Work: supporting the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) community to develop mental health services
Monday to Thursday: 10.30am to 9.30pm Friday: 10.30am to 5.30pm & Saturday: 09.30am to 1.30pm
020 8251 0251 info@offtherecordcroydon.org
www.offtherecordcroydon.org 72 Queens Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2PR ↸ 62
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
Croydon Drop In Is a free and confidential service providing Counselling, Advice, Advocacy, and Outreach Health Education for young people aged 11–25. Delivers on a wide range of issues including drugs and alcohol, sexual health, mental health, housing and benefits advice at its premises and through its mobile unit TALKBUS. Self Referral
Drop In: Monday 12 - 7pm, Tuesday - Thursday 4 - 8pm Friday 12 - 8pm (Appointment only on Fridays)
020 8680 0404 www.croydondropin.org.uk enquiries@croydondropin.org.uk ↸ 132 Church Street, Croydon Surrey CR0 1RF
CPF Counselling Croydon Adult counselling for people in Croydon and the surrounding areas. Long-term, time-limited and group counselling. Clients pay according to their means. Do I need to be referred? No. Self-referral or ask your GP, care coordinator or other mental health professional to refer you.
CPF office reception hours are Mon-Fri 9am-3pm Counselling hours are Mon-Fri 8am-10pm
020 8760 0665
Kyle House, 4 Frith Road, Croydon, CR0 1TA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
Care To Listen Care To Listen provides individual counselling, which is nonjudgemental, in a safe place where confidentiality is valued. They accept referrals from GP’s, IAPTS and self-referrals. Assessments can be arranged within 2 weeks and there is no waiting list. Cost: Minimum fee £10.
07956 891 203 07985 343 619 enquiries@caretolisten.co.uk
care to listen
low cost counselling ↸ St Mildreds Centre, 30 Bingham Road, Croydon CR0 7EB
Centre of Change Project They are a locally based counselling, information and advice service in New Addington that reaches out to young people aged between 10-25 and their families covering the Croydon borough. They help young people who are at risk of exclusion from school, those who are at risk of offending and ex-offenders, by listening to, supporting them and directing them to positive activities.
Wed 4-8pm
Thurs 4-6pm
www.centreofchange.org.uk Timebridge Youth Centre, Fieldway, New Addington, CR0 9AZ. 90 Central Parade (next to the Leisure Centre), New Addington, CR0 0JB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
Mind's Counselling Service Many counsellors have specialist skills in areas including: depression, work related issues, bereavement, family issues, relationships, sexual abuse and anxiety. Mind offers weekly, oneto-one counselling, daytime and evenings. It also offers group therapy. Waiting times depend on needs and availability. Do I need to be referred? No This service is by self-referral only. Is there a charge for counselling? There is a small fee per session (depending on whether you are waged or unwaged).
The Counselling Service is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.00pm (and Thurs evenings).
020 8763 2064 www.mindincroydon.org.uk counselling@mindincroydon.org.uk ↸ 26 Pampisford Road Purley, Surrey, CR8 2NE
Croydon Counselling Service The Rethink Croydon Counselling Service offers up to twelve sessions of counselling to all adult carers in Croydon. Counselling gives carers, who often feel isolated, the chance to talk freely about their lives. Do I need to be referred? No, Self-referrals are welcome. There is no charge for this service. Tuesdays 10 am – 3 pm and Wednesdays and Thursdays 1 – 6 pm 020 8649 6281 www.rethink.org croydoncounselling@rethink.org Courtyard House, 1d Church Road, Croydon, CR0 1SG. ↸ Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
Woodside Bereavement Service The Listening Ear: Grew out of an
increasing need in the area for a supportive Christian based bereavement service for all who have suffered loss. They are volunteers, trained as bereavement counsellors, who give one to one support on a regular basis. The Bereavement Service is open to any person, male or female, of any age, sexuality, ethnic origin, culture or religion. 020 8662 1648
www.thelisteningear.org.uk ↸ 143 Tennison Road South Norwood, London SE25 5NF
Cruse in Croydon
Offering berevment counselling and support to anyone who lives within the London Borough of Croydon.
24 hour answering phone Counsellors see people in their own homes
020 8916 0855
www.crusecroydon.org.uk Bethlem Chaplaincy Who can contact the Chaplaincy? Anyone is welcome to contact the chaplains. People of any faith or no religious commitment can call or meet up for a chat, support or a listening ear. 020 3228 4361 66
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies
SSAFA SSAFA Forces Help provides financial, practical and emotional assistance to anyone who is currently serving or has ever served in the Army, Navy or RAF, and their families. SSAFA have been helping Armed Forces and their families for over 125 years, and in this time they have continuously responded to the needs of our service personnel, veterans and their families. Today, their volunteers, staff, and supporters help to improve the lives of hundreds of people, every single day. 0845 1300 975 london.se@ssafa.org.uk www.ssafa.org.uk SSAFA Forces Help, ↸ 19 Queen Elizabeth Street, London, SE1 2LP
Combat Stress Combat Stress provides a dedicated service for Veterans whose mental health condition is often complex and long term. This service is NOT routinely available in the NHS or elsewhere. A small, but significant, number of Veterans leave the Armed Forces with a severe psychological wound such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A symptom of PTSD is the frequent tendency to recall life-threatening incidents, which can lead to day and night terrors, mood swings, panic attacks and phobias. 0800 138 1619 www.combatstress.org.uk contactus@combatstress.org.uk ↸ The Chief Executive, Combat Stress, Tyrwhitt House, Oaklawn Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 0BX Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Talking Therapies myhealthlocker allows you to have control over your health information. You can access your care plan from the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, keep track of how you are feeling, access resources and tips on staying well and manage your health and wellbeing. The website works with Microsoft® HealthVault®, a privacy-and-security enhanced online service, designed to put you in control of your health information. HealthVault helps you gather and store health information from various sources and share information with those you trust. How can I join myhealthlocker? If you are a SLaM service user, just contact the team on
020 3228 3875 myhealthlocker@slam.nhs.uk www.myhealthlockerlondon.nhs.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Self Help - Books on Prescription
Books on Prescription Scheme 'Helping you to help yourself to better mental health’ What is the Books on Prescription Scheme? The Books on Prescription Scheme has been launched by the Healthy Croydon Partnership between Croydon Primary Care Trust (PCT) and Croydon Libraries. The scheme aims to help people with mild to moderate mental health issues, e.g. panic attacks, eating disorders or obsessive behaviours, by offering GPs the opportunity to prescribe to their patients self-help guides available from the libraries. Do I have to be a member of the library to borrow these Books ? Yes. However, if you are not a member of the library just bring one item of recent ID and you can join straightaway. A book prescription from your GP can serve as your ID to join. Where can I find these Books? In the Healthy Living Section of all 13 Croydon libraries. What kinds of books are they? They are all self-help books that use cognitive therapy treatment techniques. They have been selected by a team of clinical psychologists. 020 8726 6900 libraries@croydon.gov.uk Healthy Living Hub Central Library ↸ Croydon Clocktower Katharine Street, Croydon
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Education & Training
Exchange Group Croydon Offering free courses in English, Maths, IT Business and Vocational courses.
E change Group Empowering People
• We have a broad range of business courses to meet your needs. Some of which are government funded. • Our centres are open weekdays, weekends and evenings so you can train when you want. • You can access your training from our centres, home or from the workplace.
Mondays - Wed 9.30am - 5.45pm Thursday 9.30 - 6.45pm Fri - Sat - 9.30am – 5.45pm
Centre 2nd Floor Croydon, CR0 1LP
020 8686 0089 enquiries@exchangegroup.co.uk www.exchangegroup.co.uk ↸ Unit 1077, Whitgift
TLE Training Centre • free courses for employed or unemployed people • walk in centres • maths, english, computer, customer services, volunteering & more
Mondays - Thursday 9am - 7pm Fri 9am – 5.pm
020 3355 1305 www.tletraining.com info@tletraining.com ↸ 10th Floor, AMP House, Dingwall Road, Croydon, 70
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Education & Training
CALAT Croydon Adult Learning and Education • supported learning - support with fees for those on low incomes & support for learners with disabilities • a wide range of courses to choose from • a wealth of experience - supporting individuals returning back to learning after years away from the classroom. • courses held at over 40 different venues across the borough of Croydon. Times to fit around your needs, days and evenings. Information and Enrolment: 0870 556 1630 calat@croydon.gov.uk
Need a little help getting started with computers and the internet? FREE and EASY computer and Internet Courses at Croydon Central Library Monday through to Fridays Morning sessions 10am to 1pm
Afternoon sessions 2pm to 5pm
020 8726 6900 extension 61103 or 61104 Level 2@croydon.gov.uk Central Library, Croydon Clocktower ↸ Katharine St, Croydon CR9 1ET
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
If you are considering a return to work The following services can: •
Help to ensure you receive your full entitlement to benefits
Support you to find work and stay in work
Help to complete a ‘better off’ calculation’ before you start paid work.
Jobcentre plus Disability Employment Advisors (DEA) If you want to return to work, but feel that your mental health might be a barrier to finding a job, you could benefit from meeting a Disability Employment Advisor at Jobcentre Plus. Disability Employment Advisers, based at your local Jobcentre, can arrange for an assessment of your individual needs.
Monday to Friday, Lines are open from 8am to 6pm
0800 055 6688 (ask for your local Jobcentre plus)
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Croydon Voluntary Action Volunteering changes lives and transforms communities. CVA support people who are interested in volunteering in Croydon. With so many different volunteering opportunities to choose from, you might feel you need help in deciding what to do. If so, call the Volunteer Centre Croydon to make an appointment to talk with their volunteer advisers. Alternatively pop into the Team Croydon Shop in Centrale Shopping Centre where you will find our friendly and helpful team who will be happy to help you. We run a number of volunteering projects ourselves. • Mentor Bank • Team Croydon • New Routes Mentoring
Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm
020 8253 7070
www.cvalive.org.uk/volunteering ↸ CVA Resource Centre
82 London Road Croydon CR0 2TB
You can search and apply for hundreds of volunteering opportunities nationally via Do-It.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Mind Employment Support Service Supporting people with a mental health condition to achieve their aspirations? We will work with you to develop your career plan, giving you the best possible preparation for the world of work. We can help you: • write or update your CV • find suitable work placements and volunteering opportunities • search for jobs and complete application forms • practice for interviews • access further education or training In Work Support • If you find employment, we’ll keep in touch to make sure everything is going well. You must be willing to get involved in all areas of getting back to work. Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm 020 8253 8203/4/7
Mind in Croydon ↸
Orchard House, 15a Purley Road, South Croydon CR2 6EZ
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Status Employment Status work with people experiencing mental health problems to get into work or move closer to the 'job market’ through education, training, paid work or volunteering. An allocated Employment Consultant will: • identify an individual’s current skills • look at an individuals aspirations • support an individual to gain and keep employment • work with individuals and employers to provide a supportive work environment Status Employment Football Training Course A Football Partnership between Status Employment and Charlton Athletic Football Club to: • • • • •
improve mental health and employment prospects improve coordination, teamwork, self-esteem and confidence raise personal fitness levels encourage social activities and improve life experiences offer pre-vocational sessions to help people move towards work
Do I need to be referred? No, You can refer yourself or ask your GP or Care Co-ordinator or another member of your support team to refer you to see a Status Employment consultant or join the football scheme. 020 8655 3344 info@statusemployment.org.uk
www.statusemployment.org.uk 6 West Way Gardens, ↸
Shirley, Croydon, CR0 8RA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Imagine Volunteering Aims of Service: Empowering individuals to access volunteering. Matching opportunities with the client’s interests. Looking at individual needs and future goals. Providing clients with on going support if required. Do I need to be referred? Yes. Written referral and risk assessment by Care Co-ordinator. Client must be on CPA.
Monday - Friday
020 8253 7069 jturner@imaginementalhealth.org.uk
www.imaginementalhealth.org.uk ↸ CVA Resource Centre, 82 London Road, West Croydon.
Some meetings will take place out in the community.Special arrangements may be made to meet at other times if the placement is out of usual hours.
Help Combat Hate Crime The Safer Croydon Partnership is looking for volunteers to act as ‘third party report receivers’ to whom victims/witnesses of hate crime can report the crime instead of dealing with the police directly. Volunteers will be given training and on going support. 020 8726 6000 ext 88974 carl.parker@croydon.gov.uk 76
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Remploy Workplace mental health support service. A part of Access to Work and Jobcentre Plus. Supporting individuals with a mental health condition who are absent from work or finding work difficult. Do I need to be referred? No, you can self refer to this service.
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
0300 456 8047 www.remploy.co.uk london@waterloo.remploy.co.uk ↸ London Waterloo, 202-206 Union Street, Southwark, London, SE1 0LH
Service Users Involvement in Training and education (SUITE) SUITE believe that everyone who has used or is using SLaM services has a valuable contribution to make towards the training of mental health staff. You can get involved in the design and delivery of training for staff, with full support & training provided. Who can join? People who have experience of using SLaM services & have been out of hospital for 6 months. Do I need to be referred? No, but to get payment you must join the Involvement Register (see page 7)
020 3228 3235 zapharena.johnson@slam.nhs.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Croydon Employment Support Service Does your mental health problem affect your ability to do or keep your job? CESS can offer: • • • • • •
individualised support packages a job retention service welfare rights advice literacy and numeracy support job coaching & work experience training and development
Do I need to be referred? No.You can self refer or ask any member of your support team to refer you. 020 8255 5473 ↸ Chatsworth Hall, 14 Chatsworth Road Croydon, CR0 1HE
Croydon Community Opportunities Service (CCOS) To provide help and advice for people with mental health problems who would like to explore the following as part of their recovery plan; • training & education • community activities • volunteering and or employment Do I need to be referred? Yes. Ask your Care Co-ordinator or other mental health worker for a referral. 020 3228 0540 or 020 3228 0541 christine.cook@slam.nhs.uk www.slam.nhs.uk
Croydon Community Opportunities Service Carolyn House, Dingwall Road, Croydon, CR0 9XT
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Volunteering and Employment Support
Croydon Mencap Mencap is the leading voice of learning disability. Everything they do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability and their families and carers. 020 8684 5890 www.croydon.cswebsites.org croydonmencap@btconnect.com Croydon Mencap ↸ Portland House, 678 London Road
Thornton Heath CR7 7HU
Mencap Leslie Park Leslie Park Centre has been running since August 2005 and was set up to support younger aged adults (18-35 years) with learning disabilities to access leisure activities in the community. Leslie Park provides a number of different activities to suit individual needs. We are able to access activities locally by using our mini-bus or public transport. Activities that are currently on offer are: • Dance with a dance tutor • Drama at the Secombe Theatre • Bowling, • Boccia • Cycling • Arts and crafts • Games • Keep fit • Cookery skills • Computer skills • Pamper sessions • Tennis at Shirley Tennis Club
020 8662 9201 ↸ Leslie Park Project 60 - 61 Leslie Park Road Croydon, CR0 6TP
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Back to Work - Financial Help
Benefits and help when going back to work
What happens to your benefits if you decide to start work again? When you return to work after being on benefits, some of your benefits may carry on for a short while. Find out more, including the benefits and support you may be able to get once you’re working. What help might you get? You may continue to get Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit. You may be entitled to: • Tax credits - contact the Tax credit help line • In Work Credit - speak to your local jobcentre plus • Job Grant - Speak to your jobcentre plus Jobcentre Plus 0845 606 0234 www.direct.gov.uk Working tax credit helpline 0845 300 3900
Permitted Work Can you do any work if you are claiming sickness related benefits? Yes: You can do Voluntary Work or Permitted Work. What is Permitted Work? If you are claiming the following benefits because you are sick, you are allowed to do some paid work – this is called Permitted Work • Employment and Support Allowance (WRAG or SUPPORT group) • Incapacity Benefit (IB) • Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA) • National insurance credits or • Income Support (IS) 80
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Back to Work - Financial Help Will your Benefits be affected? You can • earn up to £20 a week or • work for less than 16 hours a week and earn up to £104 a week, for up to 52 weeks without your ESA being affected Note: if you are in the Support Group of ESA you can do permitted work for more than 52 weeks, as long as you remain in the Support Group
What is Supported Permitted Work?
You can also do ‘supported permitted work’ and earn up to £104 a week without your benefits being affected. This must be part of a treatment programme, or supervised by someone from a local council or voluntary organisation whose job it is to arrange work for disabled people. There’s no limit to the number of hours per week or length of time you can do ‘supported permitted work’ for. You do not have to be in the Support Group of ESA to do Supported Permitted Work. The Support part of Supported Permitted Work, refers to the fact that an organisation is supporting you to do this work because you have a mental or physical health problem. Important: You must tell the Department for Work and Pensions about any paid work you do, even if your Benefits are not affected. You will be asked to fill in a Permitted Work form (PW1) and send it back to the DWP. Ask your local Jobcentre Plus for help Can you work if you claim DLA (Disability Living Allowance) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP)? Absolutely – if you only claim DLA or PIP and not any of the other benefits mentioned above, there is no limit on the amount of money you can earn or the number of hours you can work. Again – you should let the DWP know if you start work.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Back to Work - Financial Help
What about Voluntary Work You can do any number of hours of voluntary work without your benefits being affected. You must not be paid for your work, other than reasonable expenses such as travel, meals, child-minding.
Permitted Work and Universal Credit
There is no permitted work as such under universal credit. Work is encouraged where possible, and people should be better off financially doing some work than doing no work. There are special rules which affect how much you are paid. There is no time limit to how many weeks you work or how many hours you work. How will the new scheme compare to the current Permitted Work rules? Most people will be better off doing some work and single people who are not getting any help with rent or mortgage will be much better off under Universal Credit if they do some work than under the current permitted work rules If you do paid work, the amount of work you do each month is taken into account, rather than the amount of work you do each week (which is good if you have good weeks when you are well enough to work and bad weeks when you are not) There is no limit to the number of hours you can work With existing Permitted work, if you go over the amount you are allowed to earn (i.e. ÂŁ104 per week) your benefit can be stopped. With Universal Credit, your benefits are gradually tapered not stopped as you earn more money.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Back to Work - Financial Help
Contact Details Croydon Community Opportunities Service (CCOS)
020 3228 0548
Croydon Employment Support Service (CESS)
020 8255 5473
Croydon Mencap
020 8662 9201
Disability Employment Advisors based at Local Jobcentre Plus
0845 606 0234
Mind in Croydon Welfare Benefits
020 8763 2037
Shaw Trust
01225 716300
Status Employment
020 8655 3344
Working Links
0800 917 9262
Web Addresses Croydon Council
Benefits and Work
Citizens Advice Bureau Advice Guide
Crisis - national homeless people charity
Department for Work and Pensions
Government Website
Jobcentre Plus
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Freedom Passes & Concessionary Travel
Freedom Passes permit free travel on: Buses, Trams and London Underground 24 hrs a day, every day Trains Monday to Friday after 9.30am Weekends and bank holidays 24 hours a day Disabled Person's and Older Person's Freedom Passes also allow you to travel on all local buses in Britain. If you have a mental health problem, even if you do not recieve the mobility component of DLA, you may still be illigable to apply. e.g. if you take medication and have side effects which mean you cannot drive or you need a freedom pass to travel to medical appointments, and daycentres 020 8726 7100 ext 62111 or 63219
www.freedompass.org Lost or Stolen Passes 0845 275 7054 or 020 7934 9633
Getting Around, Mobility & Travel Transport for London
Provides details of train times & fastest routes
London Buses
Customer Services
Shop Mobility London Taxi Card Blue Badge Scheme 84
Electric Scooter or Wheelchairs hire Allows disabled people to use licensed black cabs at a reduced rate Free or concessionary parking
0843 222 1234
020 8726 6100
020 8726 7100
0845 300 7000 020 8688 7366
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
24/7 phone Line
Weekday office hours
Croydon Reach
Croydon Council Support Needs Assessment and Placement team (Known as the SNAP team)
Emergency Duty Team
Verified rough sleepers
Resident in Croydon and not subject to immigration control or no recourse to public funds
Resident in Croydon and not subject to immigration control or no recourse to public funds
Urgent Temporary Accommodation
Urgent temporary accommodation
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Out of Hours
24/7 phone Line
Urgent shelter currently sleeping rough on the streets of Croydon
No Second Night Out Project
Rough sleeping for the first time
Urgent shelter sleeping rough for the first time
Immediate Need
This provides information on where to refer people who are rough sleeping, destitute, or vulnerably housed and in need of immediate or urgent help from an appropria in the Winter Months te service.
Immediate needs table
020 8726 6000
Emergency Duty Team Croydon Council. Out of hour and weekend
020 8760 5498
Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA
Outside of these times, hostels may provide emergency assistance
020 8760 5498
0870 383 33333
0870 383 3333
Contact and other details
Immediate needs table
Requires Food and Drinks
Every night of the year between 2115 to 2200 Mondays between 1100 and 1500
Nightwatch meeting point
The Well drop-in centre
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed
24/7 phone Line
Croydon Reach Turnaround Centre
Clients must be able to abstain from drugs & alcohol overnight during their stay Clients with recent history of violence to others or recent risk of self–harm /suicide will not be considered
Weekdays office hours
1st November – 31st March
Croydon Council Support needs Assessment and Placement team (known as the SNAP TEAM )
Croydon Churches Floating. Shelter for rough sleepers
Verified rough sleepers with a connection to Croydon (they do not need to have recourse to public funds)
Verified rough sleepers with a connection to Croydon (they do not need to have recourse to public funds)
Urgent temporary accommodation in the Winter Months
Urgent temporary accommodation During prolonged periods of extreme cold - defined as when the night time temperature is forecast to be at 0 degrees or below for 3 or more consecutive nights
Immediate Need
or Salvation Army Booth Road Croydon
020 8680 9924
Queens Gardens Croydon
Food and hot drinks
51/55 South End Croydon CR0 1BF
0208 760 5530
0870 383 3333
Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA
020 8760 5498
Access to the shelter is via Croydon Reach rough sleeper’s service
0870 383 3333
Contact and other details
Immediate needs table
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Needs medical attention for their physical Health
Immediate need Eligibility Organisation Availability Contact details Other details
Requires Food and Drinks
Immediate Need
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed who needs medical appointment but is not registered with GP practice
Croydon Health Services Homeless Health Team
Croydon University Hospital A&E
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed who requires urgent medical treatment for serious and life-threatening illness and injuries
Croydon Tabernacle
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed
St Mildred’s Church
East Croydon United Reform Church
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed
Anybody sleeping rough or Vulnerably housed
Mon - Fri 0900 to 1700 by appointment only (They usually have same day appointments)
Sundays between 1300 and 1800 in winter between 1300 and 1500 in summer
Sundays between 0800 and 0900
Thursdays between 1200 noon to 1500
Full English Breakfast
Hot Meals
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
The Rainbow Centre 141 Brigstock Road Thornton Heath CR7 7JN
020 8251 8280
530 London Road, Thornton Heath Surrey CR7 7Y
020 8401 3016 020 8401 3601
Bingham Road Addiscombe
38-40 Parsons Mead West Croydon
Addiscombe Grove – just past East Croydon Station
Contact and other details
Immediate needs table
88 Beckenham Beacon NHS Urgent Care Centre
Anybody who requires urgent medical treatment for minor illness and injuries
Needs medical attention for their physical Health
Mon - Fri 0900 -1700
Open every Mon, Tues, Weds and Fri 1000 - 1600
Men’s Advice Line
Family Justice Centre Croydon
Women fleeing domestic violence
Men’s fleeing domestic violence
Victims of Domestic violence in Croydon
Is being subjected to domestic violence
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Substance users (e.g drugs or alcohol) over 18
In need of substance misuse support 24/7 freephone line
0845 056 0099
Out of hours helpline
Westminster Drug Project Croydon outreach
Anyone requiring a mental health assessment
24 Hrs Patient and Liaison Service
0800 - 2000
Mental Health Crisis support
South London and Maudsley Hospital (SLaM)
Immediate Need
69 Park Lane Croydon CR0 1JD
020 8688 0100
0808 801 0327
National Freephone
0808 2000 247
WDP Croydon Outreach Action House 28 Sydenham Road, Croydon croydonoutreach@wdp-drugs.org.uk
Office hours 0208 662 4792
0800 731 2864
Beckenham Beacon 379 Croydon Road Beckenham Kent BR3 3QL
01689 866667
Contact and other details
Immediate needs table
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Lines open 0900 -1700 Mon - fir
Lines open 0900 -1700 Mon - Fri
Lines open 0900 -1700 Mon - Fri
Croydon Council Croydon Discretionary Support- crisis payment Croydon CouncilDepartment of Adult Service Health & Housing Croydon Council –Department of children families& learning
People with no recourse to public funds
Anyone over 16 living in Croydon in receipt of benefits who cannot meet their short-term financial needs
Aged 18 or over and ordinarily residents in the borough this includes asylum seekers refugees and people without resource to public funds
Parent or family residing in Croydon with children (under 18) in need
Is a Vulnerable adult that has social care needs
Has a child or children that need Support
Lines open 0900 -1700 Mon - Fri
Croydon Council No Recourse to public funds Team
Has no money Croydon Discretionary Support
Immediate Need
020 8726 6000
Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon CR0 1EA www.croydon.gov.uk
Outside regular opening hours and in an emergency call
020 8726 6000
020 8726 6400
Outside regular opening hours and in an emergency call
www.croydon.gov.uk These are crisis payments to avoid serious hardship and risks
Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk, Croydon CR0 1EA
Other details
Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon CR0 1EA
020 8726 6500
are crisis payment to avoid serious hardship and risks
020 8760 5719
020 8726 6000
Contact Details
Immediate needs table
Housing and Homelessness Support
Who to contact if you or someone you know is at Risk of Homelessness Croydon Council Housing Team should be able to provide advice and assistance if you or someone you care about are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The council has a duty to provide housing or other support to some homeless people who are in "priority need" of housing. You may be deemed vulnerable and therefore in priority need for a number of reasons, including suffering mental illness, but not everyone who suffers mental illness will be assessed as being a Priority Need. 020 8726 6000 (for Housing Choose Option 2) www.croydon.gov.uk/doitonline
If you are Vulnerable e.g. due to Severe Mental Illness and need help with housing homelessness Support Needs Assessment & Placement Team (SNAP) Central assessment and placement service for vulnerable young people and adults, including homeless people, those with a history of offending and people with mental health issues who would benefit from supported housing. Access to supported housing services where appropriate, or signposting and onward referrals to other appropriate services. 020 8760 5498 SNAP Duty Co-ordinator 9.30am – 5pm Monday to Friday snap@croydon.gov.uk www.croydon.gov.uk Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk, ↸ Croydon CR0 1EA 90
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Shelter London Advice Line: 0344 515 1540 Opening Times: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday 9am – 12.30pm and 2.30pm - 6pm
Saturday 10-12pm
National Helpline: 080 8800 4444 The helpline is open from 8am - 8pm on weekdays and 8am -5pm on weekends and they give advice and
information to anyone who is homeless or has housing problems
www.shelter.org.uk Shelter, the leading housing & homelessness charity, is holding FREE advice sessions at Mind in Croydon (Orchard House) to advise on Housing issues on Thursday afternoons. You will receive 20 minutes of advice and if necessary may be booked onto further appointments for follow up work If you wish to make an appointment please contact Mind in Croydon at Orchard House –Mary on 0208 253 8211.
Mind in Croydon Orchard House 15a Purley Road South Croydon, CR2 6EZ
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Hestia: Croydon Generic Floating Support Service Hestia has been selected by the London Borough of Croydon as the new provider to deliver the Croydon Generic Floating Support Service. Hestia supporting people with mental health needs. Each year they provide housing and support for more than 1,200 people who suffer with their mental health. Often their needs are severe and enduring. They provide care homes for people who need 24-hour support, shared houses for those who are able to live more independently and further shared accommodation for those who have become homeless as a result of their mental health. They also provide floating support services to help people continue living in their own homes as well as day center resource service”. New referrals should be sent to the following email address.
To find out more about Hestia and the services they provide visit: www.hestia.org
020 8667 2100
Migrant Help Migrant Help is a UK charity that has over 50 years experience of delivering support and advice services to migrants in the UK. We provide individuals with the resources and support they need to find safety, access appropriate services and information and develop greater independence 01304 203977 92
migrant help
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Refugee Action For thirty years, they've been standing up for people who've fled persecution, violence and harassment. If you need help to claim asylum or get asylum support, please contact Asylum Help. 0808 800 0007 Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm www.refugee-action.org.uk
Asylum Help Asylum Help, part of the Migrant Help organisation, provides free independent advice and guidance to asylum seekers across the UK. Migrant Help is a UK charity that has been delivering support services to migrants in the UK since 1963 They can advise on issues such as: • How to claim asylum • Financial support • Finding legal representation • The asylum process • Accessing health care • Accommodation support • Any other asylum issues 0808 8000 630 or own language number Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 7pm www.asylumhelpuk.org Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Croydon Reach Rough Sleeper Service Croydon Reach helps rough sleepers and people caught up in a street lifestyle in the borough of Croydon. Croydon Reach provides a street outreach service, a short stay hostel resettlement and a hospital discharge scheme to rough sleepers in Croydon. After rough sleepers have been helped off the streets and into temporary accommodation, Croydon Reach staff work to help them into longer term housing. Croydon Reach staff work with people to help them address any drug or alcohol or mental health issues they may have. Staff also work to support people back into training and work. 020 7870 8855 croydon_reach@thamesreach.org.uk www.thamesreach.org.uk
The National Domestic Violence Helpline (24 hours)
Freephone Helpline 0808 2000 247
www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk If you are a woman in immediate danger please call 999
For women and children. Against domestic violence
Helpline Run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge www.womensaid.org.uk 0117 944 44 11 (general enquiries only
020 7395 7700 info@refuge.org.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people. They are dedicated to ending homelessness by delivering life-changing services and campaigning for change. 0300 636 1967 enquiries@crisis.org.uk
Crisis, 66 Commercial Street, London E1 6LT
Anyone can become homeless, and sleeping rough can be dangerous and can damage your health. The longer someone sleeps rough, the greater the risk that they will become trapped on the streets and vulnerable to becoming a victim of crime, developing drug or alcohol problems, or experiencing problems with their health. 0300 500 0914 info@streetlink.org.uk www.streetlink.org.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Night Watch Nightwatch volunteers are out every evening in the center of Croydon giving food and other help to homeless and other vulnerable people . Night watch’s core activity is providing prime and direct support for homeless people in Croydon through work undertaken solely by volunteers. They help people at every level of homelessness, from the street homeless to those in hostels and bed and breakfast accommodation and vulnerable former homeless people who need continuing support if they are not to become homeless again. Aim of Service is to: • act as first line contact for homeless people, to sign-post them to other agencies • provide urgent and necessary items of food, clothes, toiletries, pots, pans, household goods to homeless people in need • the stabilisation of former homeless people in new accommodation • assist in helping unemployed homeless people (both financially and emotionally) to take up vocational training and education
Mon to Sun from 9.30pm www.croydonnightwatch.org.uk
Queen’s Gardens, Park Lane Central Croydon ↸
For people sleeping out Street Rescue may visit and offer options 0300 500 0914. They want to visit people at a
sleeping place, to prove someone is street homeless.
Postal address: PO Box 9576, London, SE23 3ZH 96
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Citizens Advice Bureau Croydon CAB Service provides free, confidential and impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues, including debts, welfare benefits, housing, employment, consumer rights and relationships. Opening times are subject to volunteer staff availability. Assessment appointments at Access Croydon, South Norwood and New Addington are allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis. Once all appointments are taken, a Reception service will be operated. Appointment slots are often filled very quickly – and you are advised to arrive early.
South Norwood 48-50 Portland Road South Norwood London SE25 4PQ
New Addington 1 Overbury Crescent New Addington CR0 0LR
Access Croydon Bernard Weatherill House 8 Mint Walk Croydon CR0 1EA
Reception Closed
Reception Closed
9 – 3.30pm
10 – 1pm 2 – 4pm
10 – 4pm
10 – 4pm
9 – 3.30pm
10 – 1pm 2 – 4pm
10 – 1.30pm
Reception Closed
9 – 3.30pm
10 – 4pm
Reception Closed
9 – 3.30pm
Reception Closed
Reception Closed
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Telephone Advice Line 0208 684 2236
10 – 1pm 2 – 4pm 10 – 1pm 2 – 4pm 10 – 1pm 2 – 4pm 97
Housing and Homelessness Support
Housing advice from CAYSH CAYSH offer housing advice and other services to people aged 14 - 21 who live in the borough Croydon. People aged 14-21, visit the Drop in Zone (see below for days & times) to see how they can help. People aged 22 or older should visit Taberner House between 9:30am and 4:45pm. CAYSH make referrals to other agencies and support groups e.g. careers/employment support, education welfare from schools/ colleges, cultural support groups. They also offer specialist support for particular groups such as young offenders. CAYSH’s housing advice team is now available in the Drop in Zone at the Turnaround Centre, Monday to Friday from 10am to 6:00pm (last arrivals at 5:00pm). 020 8760 5530 diz@caysh.org www.caysh.org Croydon Turnaround Centre ↸ 51/55 South End
Croydon CR0 1BF
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Housing and Homelessness Support
Housing Support: Useful Numbers SNAP team: For Supported Accommodation The SNAP team can be contacted daily
020 87605498
Colleagues linked to the council telephone system
Ext 65498
Young people under 21 please contact a SNAP team member based at the Turnaround Centre
020 8760 5530
For General Enquiries you can e-mail the team: snap@croydon.gov.uk Adult Placement Scheme - an alternative to supported housing within a ‘carer’ family home Croydon Council Housing Options Team Croydon Reach for rough sleepers Croydon Women’s Aid For people with drug/alcohol problems For young people leaving local authority care Housing Advice Team Housing Benefit & Council Tax Housing Specialist Line: Mind in Croydon Furniture Service Older people over 65 for an assessment of eligibility for sheltered housing Turnaround Centre for young people Safeguarding Adult Team
020 8726 6500
020 8726 6100
020 8726 6500
020 8760 5530
0870 383 3333 020 8679 8848 020 8662 4790 020 8239 4290 020 8686 4433 020 8726 7000 020 8726 6100 020 8253 8201
020 8726 6500
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather
Council Tax Council Tax support (sometimes called Council Tax Reduction) replaced Council Tax Benefit in April 2013. Not everyone has to pay Council Tax. Most eligible adults (i.e. adults aged 18 or over) are liable to pay council tax However, some people are exempt from paying any Council tax, e.g. full time students and people assessed as being severely mentally impaired – if you think this may applys to you, phone the council to ask for more information Some people pay a reduced amount of Council Tax You’ll get 25% off your bill if: • you live on your own or • no-one else in your home counts as an adult You may get Council Tax Support if you are on a low income or claim certain benefits. Your bill could be reduced by up to 100%. Applying for Council Tax Support Who can Apply: You can apply if you own your home, rent, are unemployed or working. What you get depends on: • where you live - each council runs its own scheme • your circumstances (e.g. income, number of children, benefits, residency status) • your household income - this includes savings, pensions and your partner’s income • if your children live with you • if other adults live with you How to Apply for Council Tax Support 100
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather On line: You can apply for Council Tax Support on line either at home or by visiting Access Croydon in Bernard Weatherill House and using one of the computers – you won’t be able to get hands on help to complete the form but can phone the help line (below) Claiming Council Tax Support on line: 1. Complete the on line claim form
and 2. Send in the documents you are asked to send (original not photocopies) to the following address: Income and Benefits, ↸
5th floor, Zone A, Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA.
Home Visits If you are unable to apply online or are having trouble completing the form, you, or someone who cares for you can ask the council to visit you in your home and complete a form with you. Visiting team contact details:
020 8667 8336 croyhbvis@croydon.gov.uk Contacts 020 8726 7000 croyctax@croydon.gov.uk Council Tax Section, ↸ 5th floor, Zone A, Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather
Housing Benefit Who can apply: If you’re on a low income, and your savings are below a certain level, whether you’re working or not, and need financial help to pay all or part of your rent, you may be able to get Housing Benefit. How to Apply for Housing Benefit On line (please note that if you get Universal Credit (UC), your housing benefit is calculated in your application for UC. You can’t make a separate claim for HB but should still claim Council Tax Support. You can apply for Housing Benefit on line either at home or by visiting Access Croydon in Bernard Weatherill House and using one of the computers – you won’t be able to get hands on help to complete the form but can phone the help line (below) Claiming Housing Benefit on line: 1. Complete the on line claim form: www.croydon.gov.uk/ advice/benefits/claim and 2. Send in the documents you are asked to send (original not photocopies) to the following address:
↸ Income and Benefits, 5th floor, Zone A,
Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA.
Home Visits If you are unable to apply online or are having trouble completing the form, you, or someone who cares for you can ask the council to visit you in your home and complete a form with you. 102
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather Visiting team contact details: 020 8667 8336 croyhbvis@croydon.gov.uk Extra help to pay the rent – Discretionary Housing Payments You may also get extra help for a limited amount of time from the council called a ‘discretionary housing payment’ (DHP) if your Housing Benefit doesn’t cover your rent. Who can apply: When applying, you will need to explain why the payment is needed. Some examples include: • • • •
financial problems personal problems a medical condition the risk of being made homeless
How to apply: You can download an application form
020 8604 7226 DHP@croydon.gov.uk Contacts Housing Benefit 020 8726 7000 croyhben@croydon.gov.uk ↸ Housing Benefit Section, London Borough of Croydon,
Bernard Weatherill House, 8 Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather
Cold Weather Payments Who can apply: Cold Weather Payments can help people who are in receipt of certain benefits with their additional heating costs during winter. A payment will be made for each seven day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. After each period of very cold weather in your area, you should receive a payment to your account within 14 working days. How to apply: Cold Weather Payments will automatically be paid to you; you should not need to make a claim for them. Tell your pension centre or Jobcentre Plus if you think you should have received a Cold Weather Payment but you have not had one.
Winter Fuel Payments
Who can apply: Winter Fuel Payments are yearly one-off payments of up to £300 to help elderly people pay for their heating in the winter, whatever the temperature. Winter Fuel Payments are paid to men and women over pension credit age (which changes each year). Winter fuel payments will not affect other benefits you may be getting. How to apply: You only need to claim once. After this, you should get it automatically each year, as long as your circumstances do not change. The payment is made into your account in November or December 08459 151515
Warm Home Discount Scheme
You could get a discount (£140 for 2014/15) on your electricity bill through the Warm Home Discount Scheme. The discount won’t affect your Cold Weather Payment or Winter Fuel Payment. 104
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Council Tax, Housing Benefit & Cold Weather Who can apply: Not everyone gets the discount - you have to qualify and eligibility varies with different energy suppliers (people receiving pension credit and certain vulnerable people, including those on low incomes and disability benefits may qualify). The money isn’t paid to you; it’s a one-off discount on your electricity bill, usually between October and March. You can also qualify for the discount if you use a pre-pay or pay-as-you-go electricity meter (e.g. you could get a voucher to top up your meter) How to Apply: Find out more by contacting your energy supplier in the Spring/Summer of this year for more details and to see if you could qualify for a reduction next winter. What is the Helpline? The Home Heat Helpline is a free service offering practical advice for people concerned about paying their energy bills. The Helpline is staffed by specially trained advisers. It is open from 9am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays. You can access the Helpline by calling 0800 33 66 99 (call 0333 300 33 66 from mobiles).
chat online to an adviser: www.homeheathelpline.org.uk
Grants to help you pay off an Energy Debt or water bill There are a range of schemes and grants available depending on your energy supplier. NB: regardless of your energy supplier you could apply for help from The British Gas Energy Trust or EDF Energy Trust. One-off payments can be made to people to clear a debt with an energy supplier (awards are given to people who are assessed as having a priority need, e.g. due to a disability which could include a mental health problem). Further Assistance Payments are made to people who have an Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Other grants, funds and loans exceptional need for help with expenses such as funeral costs, phone or other utility bill arrears, essential household items and in exceptional cases council tax or rent arrears. It's ok to get a friend or family member to help, but the recommended route is to apply via a money advice agency such as Citizens Advice. 01733 421 060
For an application form
Government (from the Department for Work and Pensions)
Budgeting Loans
You could get a Budgeting Loan to help pay for essential things like rent, furniture, clothes or hire purchase debts. The smallest amount you can borrow is £100. Who can apply: You can apply for a loan if you’ve been getting income-related benefits for at least 26 weeks. Budgeting Loans won’t affect your other benefits but do need to be paid back. They are interest-free so you only pay back what you borrow. You normally have to repay the loan within 104 weeks. How to apply, download an SF500:
www.gov.uk/government/publications/budgeting-loan-claim-form or pick a form up from your local Jobcentre Plus Contact Jobcentre Plus if you have any questions about budgeting loans Jobcentre Plus 0345 6036967 106
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Other grants, funds and loans
Crisis Loans & Community Care Grants You can no longer apply for a Community Care Grant or a Crisis Loan (although you still have to pay back existing crisis loans). Each council has its own scheme to help people in financial hardship. In Croydon we have the Croydon Discretionary Support (CDS)
Croydon Discretionary Support Scheme (CDS) Who can apply: The new CDS scheme supports Croydon residents over the age of 16 in times of crisis. The scheme can also help people who are moving out of institutions or residential care. People will generally also need to be in receipt of income related benefits (such as Housing Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance, Pension Credit or Council Tax Support, or people in receipt of a disability benefit such as Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance. Cash payments are not given, but gift cards or vouchers are issued. How to Apply: Download an application form
www.croydon.gov.uk/sites/default/files/articles/cds-form.pdf or contact: Croydon discretionary support team 020 8760 5719 CDS@croydon.gov.uk ↸ Croydon discretionary support team, Bernard Weatherill House,
8 Mint Walk Croydon, CR0 1EA
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Money Worries & Debt Problems • One in 3 people with a serious mental health problem are in debt. • People with mental health problems are 3 times more likely to be in debt compared to people without • Debt can make mental health problems worse
Croydon’s Debt Advice Service is free,independent & confidential
Money Advice Service: 020 8726 6000 ext 63696
Croydon and Sutton Law Centre
Croydon Law Centre (part of South West London Law Centres) 020 8767 2777 ↸ 79 Park Lane, Croydon, CRO 1JG croydon@swllc.org
Step Change Debt Charity They are here to help you take the first step to becoming debt free. For expert debt advice and a personal solution to your debt problems talk to one of their advisors, or use Debt Remedy, their online debt advice tool.
Mon-Fri 8am-8pm; Sat 9am-4pm.
Speak to one of our advisors now 0800 138 1111 Freephone, including all mobiles www.stepchange.org
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Money Worries & Debt Problems
Advice Services Croydon (ASC) 2 Katherine Street, Croydon, CR0 1NX ↸
0208 686 0066 or 0208 680 5450 asc@adviceservicescroydon.org.uk
Opening times: 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday www.adviceservicescroydon.org.uk All Inclusive Offering one to one debt advice or signposting service
Empowering People with Practical Financial Knowledge
0208 253 7062 info@allinclusivetraining.org.uk www.allinclusivetraining.org.uk CVA Resource Centre ↸
82 London Road, West Croydon, CR0 2TB
National Debtline • Advice by phone or email • Sample letters and template to creditors • Over 49 FREE fact sheets on dealing with debt, bailiffs, court action etc. Call free on 0808 808 4000
Monday to Friday: 9am to 9pm, Saturday 9.30am to 1pm
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Money Worries & Debt Problems
Croydon Citizens Advice Bureau Service Croydon CAB Service provides free, confidential and impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues, including debts, welfare benefits, housing, employment, consumer rights and relationships. Croydon Citizens Advice offers a face to face walk in service at our offices at
South Norwood, London, SE25 4PQ ↸
New Addington, CR0 0LR, and ↸
South Norwood, 48 - 50 Portland Road, New Addington,1 Overbury, Crescent,
Croydon, CR0 1EA ↸
Access Croydon (Bernard Wetherill House, 8 Mint Walk,
Our opening hours depend on volunteer availability and are listed on our website www.croydoncab.org.uk. Croydon CAB Service is a charity, independent of government and councils, relying on funding from grants and donations. 020 8684 2236 www.croydoncab.org.uk Housing Advice Project: 020 8683 5206
Iris May family law
Housing advice, and debt/money advice, The Lansdowne ↸
Building, 2 Lansdowne Road Croydon, CR9 2ER krisgraham@iris-law.co.uk or leannerobinson@iris-law.co.uk
01914 770 055 110
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Money Worries & Debt Problems
Purley Cross Community Information Centre Your gateway to local services. If you are having problems getting an URGENT appointment with the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) or legal advice, contact Purley Cross centre Monday to Friday 10am-2pm 020 8668 4189
www.purleycrosscentre.com ↸ Purley Cross Centre, 24 High Street,
Purley, Surrey. CR8 2AA
Community Legal Advice
A Free Confidential Legal Advice Service. Advice on: debt problems, housing, employment, education & benefits & tax credits
Monday to Friday 9am-8pm and Saturday 9am-12.30pm. 0845 345 4 345 www.gov.uk Advice Services Croydon Age UK Croydon Benefit Enquiry Line Carers Information Service Croydon Welfare Advice Team Mind in Croydon Welfare Advice
020 8686 0066 020 8680 5450 0800 882 200 020 8649 9339 0800 731 5920
0208 763 2037 Tuesday 10am -1pm Thursday 2pm – 5pm
SLaM Welfare Benefits Team (for inpatients and patients under Home Treatment Team)
Maudsley 020 3228 2942 Bethlem 020 3228 4026
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Food Hubs/Drop Ins for those in need of Food Monday
↸ East Croydon Salvation Army, Food Parcels for those with a ticket.
↸ Croydon Citadel Corps, Booth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1XY
↸ Croydon Food ↸ Purley Food
United Reformed Church 12:00 noon 3.00pm (Addiscombe Grove - just past East Croydon Station) Hot Meal in a friendly atmosphere.
↸ The Link,
Bank Unit 5, 46 Pilton Estate, Pitlake, Croydon. 12-2, for those with a ticket
Hub open for food collections, for those with a food ticket. 10am until 12pm Purley United Reformed Church
↸ The well,
↸ Norwood Food ↸ Croydon Minster,
Salvation Army, Booth Road Croydon 11.00am to 3.00pm. Lunch, Benefit and housing advice. Homeless health team nurses . 020 8680 9924
East Croydon United Reform Church. 7:00pm to 9:30pm Drop-in, refreshments
Bank St Luke’s Church, Knights Hill, West Norwood. 10am -1pm For those with a ticket
Church Street, Croydon. 10am – 4pm Join Mother Katherine Farrell for refreshments in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Nightwatch Soup Kitchen
↸ Croydon Minster, Church
Every night of the year
Street, Croydon. 10am – 4pm Join Mother Katherine Farrell for refreshments in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. 112
↸ Queens Gardens, ,
9:15pm to 10:00pm ,
Food, hot drink.
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Food Hubs/Drop Ins for those in need of Food Friday
↸ Norwood Food ↸ Purley Food Bank St Luke’s Church, Knights Hill, West Norwood. 10am-1pm For those with a ticket
Hub open for food collections, for those with a food ticket. 10am until 12pm Purley United Reformed Church
↸ Croydon
↸ Croydon
↸ Croydon
Tabernacle, 38 40 Parsons Mead, West Croydon. 8am to 9am Full English Breakfast!!!!
St Mildred’s Food Bank Unit 5, Church, Bingham 46 Pilton Estate, Rd, Addiscombe Pitlake, Croydon. 1pm - 6pm Winter, 12-2, for those with 1pm - 3pm summer a ticket Drop-in, Lunch Croydon Health Services, Homeless Health Team. Minster, Church Street, Croydon. 10am – 4pm
The Rainbow Centre, 141 Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath. 0208 251 8280 Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm, by appointment only. Usually have same day appointments.
Useful Contact Numbers Croydon Council Out of Hours Emergency Team
020 8686 4433 020 8760 0451
Salvation Army
Snap Duty Team
Substance Misuse
Lansdowne YMCA Nightwatch Palmer House YMCA
Thames Reach Outreach
020 8699 6718 020 7870 8850 020 8680 9924 020 8686 4433 ext: 63286 or 020 8760 5498 020 8604 7104 020 7870 8855
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
DLA to PIP Benefit Changes - Don't Panic! Remember: No one will automatically be moved from DLA to PIP Between October 2015 and 2018 (aprox) people ages between 16 and 64 will be invited to change from DLA to PIP. You don’t need to do anything until the DWP tells you to, but you must ‘make a claim’ for PIP when invited to do so, or your money will STOP.
INITIAL CONTACT You will receive a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions STOP inviting you to make a claim for PIP If you don’t don't ignore this letter. If you chose understand the not to claim PIP, then your DLA letter ask for will end. Telephone DLA if you are help unsure on 0845 7123 456 or 0345 7123 456
CLAIMING PIP (Part 1) Phone You will need to phone the DWP (0800 917 2222) and give some basic information, like your name, number, address. Have your post office or bank details and your GP details to hand.
STOP You can ask a friend or key worker to help
CLAIMING PIP (Part 2) The Form You will receive a form in the post This is your opportunity to write all about your Physical and/or Mental Health difficulties. Include ‘supporting evidence’ (from a support worker, GP, friends etc.). Return the form in the FREE envelope provided.
STOP It is worth asking for help to complete the form
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
DLA to PIP Benefit Changes - Don't Panic!
ASSESSMENT/MEDICAL Most people will be asked to attend a face to face meeting with a health professional to discuss how your ‘disability’ affects you.
DECISION The decision maker (at DWP) will review all the information, including your form, the result of your assessment and any extra information e.g. from a GP or psychiatrist. A decision letter will be posted out to you. This will say if you have been awarded PIP, at what rate, and possibly for how long (before your claim will be reviewed)
MANDATORY RECONSIDERATION/ APPEAL If you are not happy with the decision, don’t panic. You can ask a different Decision Maker to look at your claim (this is called a Reconsideration)
STOP It is a good idea to take someone with you
STOP You can call the DWP & ask for an explanation
STOP Ask an organisation such as MIND in Croydon for help
If you are still unhappy - you can APPEAL Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Personal Independence Payments Benefit Your Benefits are Changing - Don't Panic! Over the next few years most people between the ages of 16 and 64 who are on Disability Living Allowance (DLA), will be asked to make a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) instead What is PIP? Personal Independence Payment (PIP) helps with some of the extra costs caused by long-term ill-health or a disability if you’re aged 16 to 64. PIP is replacing DLA for people of working age (from 8 April 2013). You could get between £21.55 and £138.05 a week (NB: amounts go up slightly each year) depending on how your condition affects you and the help you need (it doesn’t matter whether or not you actually get any help) Like DLA, PIP is made up of 2 components, a Daily Living component and a Mobility component. You may be entitled to either or both, at Standard or Enhanced Rate. Like DLA, You can get PIP whether you’re in work or not. • Who will be affected by the changes from DLA to PIP? • People aged between 16 and 64 who are currently in receipt of Disability Living Allowance will eventually be transferred on to PIP (but not until the DWP contacts you), probably from October 2015 onwards • People who are claiming for the first time will make a claim for PIP instead of DLA • People whose DLA award comes to an end and do not receive a DLA renewal letter will need to make a claim for PIP. You should receive a letter from the DWP telling you to claim PIP • People who report a change in their circumstances • Who will NOT be affected by the changes from DLA to PIP? • Children under the age of 16 • People aged 65 or over (before 8 April 2013) • People on Attendance Allowance • When will you have to change from DLA to PIP? 116
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Personal Independence Payments Benefit Probably not until at least October 2015, but you can check on the DWP website: www.gov.uk/pip-checker For those people affected there is no automatic transfer from DLA to PIP. The DWP will eventually ask you to make a new claim for PIP even if you have an indefinite or lifetime award of DLA. The DWP will inform you when you need to claim PIP; you don’t need to contact them. If you fail to claim PIP, your DLA award will end and you will not get any money. If you make a claim for PIP, the DWP will continue to pay DLA until four weeks after they make a decision on whether you can get it. There should be no break in payment if you move on to PIP. BE CAREFUL: Don’t forget to let the DWP know if you are affected by the following, because if you are paid PIP when you shouldn’t be, you will have to pay it back and may be issued with a fine • you go into hospital or a care home for more than 4 weeks • you go abroad for more than 13 weeks • you’re imprisoned or held in detention
Road Map for PIP - How to make a claim
You will receive a letter from the DWP inviting you to make a claim for PIP. If you do not do this, your DLA will end and you will get nothing. You do NOT need to do anything until the DWP contacts you.
PIP 1 – the Phone Call
You need to phone the PIP claim line on 0800 917 2222 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm). There are different options depending on whether you have an existing claim for DLA or not. You will be asked to give some basic details about yourself to check that you can qualify for PIP. You should have your GP details, details of other professionals who care for you and Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Personal Independence Payments Benefit calls, someone can do this on your behalf but you will probably need to be present during the phone call.
PIP 2 The ‘How your disability affects you’ form
Within about 2 weeks of making the phone calls, you will receive a PIP 2 form. This is your opportunity to explain how your disability affects you and the help you need (remember you don’t actually need to be getting any help to qualify). It can be helpful to ask someone who knows you well such as a health professional, care coordinator, social worker or someone in the voluntary sector, to help you fill in the form. If you can, include some supporting information such as a care plan, clinic letter or support plan with your form. Make sure you send the form back by the deadline, and phone up and ask for extra time if you need to on the PIP enquiry line: 0845 (or 0345) 850 3322
Face to Face Assessment
Most people will be asked to attend a face to face assessment with a health care professional. You will receive a letter telling you when and where you need to go. It is strongly recommended that you take someone with you to this assessment for support. If you need to take a cab, ask about getting your travel expense reimbursed before you attend. If you are unable to attend the assessment, e.g. because it is too far away or you are unwell – phone up and let them know on 0300 3300 121. It is possible to request a Home Assessment but you may need a letter from your doctor explaining why you are unable to travel to an assessment centre.
The Decision
The DWP will consider the information on your PIP 2 form and any further medical evidence you send in, along with the report from your assessment if you had one, and any information that the DWP has asked for from the professionals involved in your 118
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Personal Independence Payments Benefit care. A decision maker within the DWP will write to you to tell you whether or not you have been awarded PIP. If you are happy with the outcome, your journey ends here and you don’t need to do anything else. If you are not happy with the outcome, it is worth requesting a copy of the decision makers report if you have not received it and a copy of the face to face assessment if you had one. Phone the PIP enquiry line on: 0845 (or 0345) 850 3322.
Mandatory Reconsideration
If you are not awarded PIP, you will receive a letter stating that although you have a disability you have not been awarded enough points to qualify for PIP. If you are not happy about the decision, it is worth seeking advice from a Welfare Benefits Agency about whether to appeal. If you decide to Appeal the DWPs decision not to award you PIP or to award you one component but not the other (e.g. daily living but not mobility), or to give you a lower award than you think you should get for either component (e.g. standard but not enhanced) –you will need to tell the DWP that you want them to look at your claim again – this is called a Mandatory Reconsideration. You will need to phone the DWP (0845 (or 0345) 850 3322) stating your reasons for wanting them to look again at their decision. You will normally have 28 days from the date you receive the decision letter to do this. However, if it has been more than 28 days, it is still important that you challenge the decision, but also tell the DWP why it has taken you a long time to contact them, e.g. your mental health has been poor, or you needed more support because of your mental health. It is also a good idea to write to them (at the address on the top of the decision letter) asking them to reconsider their decision and to include, if possible any further medical evidence you may have. You can also ask the DWP to speak to someone who can help you to explain your disability such as your care coordinator or Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Personal Independence Payments Benefit support worker. A different decision maker will look at your claim and all the information they have about your disability and you will be sent another letter, stating whether or not they have changed their mind. If you are still not happy, you can then ask to APPEAL. NB: you cannot Appeal the decision without asking for a Mandatory Reconsideration first.
It is strongly recommended that you seek advice and support at this stage (e.g. from MIND in Croydon). You will need to write to the Tribunals Service, stating briefly that you want to appeal the decision on your PIP and the reasons why: You can either fill out a form called an SSCS1 or write a letter.
HM Courts and Tribunals Service Social Security & Child Support Appeals Copthall House 9 The Pavement, Grove Road Sutton SM1 1DA
IMPORTANT: You must appeal within 1 calendar month of the date on the mandatory reconsideration decision letter and include your mandatory reconsideration notice (you will be sent 2 copies in the post). Again, if it has been longer than one month – still appeal, and state your reasons for being late. IMPORTANT: Appeals are very often successful, even more so if you request an oral hearing (i.e. you or a representative attend the appeal in person) – so don’t be put off, you have nothing to lose. MIND in Croydon have an excellent success rate at Appeal – phone their Advice Line which is currently available on Tuesdays between 10am - 1pm and on Thursdays 2pm - 5pm. 020 8763 2037 - Leave a message outside of these times 120
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Personal Independence Payments Benefit The Citizens Advice Bureau can also offer advice Advice Line: 020 8684 2236 USEFUL NUMBERS MIND IN CROYDON WELFARE BENEFITS ADVICE LINE: 0208 763 2037 Opening times Tuesday 10am – 1pm & Thursday 2pm – 5pm CROYDON COUNCIL WELFARE RIGHTS ADVICE LINE: 0800 731 5920
Opening times Monday 2.00 - 7.00 Tuesday 3.00 - 4.30 Wednesday 11.00 - 2.00 Friday 9.00 - 12.00
CROYDON CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU ADVICE LINE: 020 8684 2236 Opening times Monday – Friday 10am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Department for Work and Pensions Disability Living Allowance
0845 7123 456 or 0345 7123 456
Personal Independence Payment – claim line 0800 917 2222 Personal Independence Payment – enquiry line 0845 (or 0345) 850 3322 To speak to someone about your PIP medical assessment appointment 0300 3300 121 USEFUL WEBSITES/LINKS
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Universal Credit
Making a Universal Credit claim To make a claim online you’ll need to have some information to hand. This can include:
Your personal information National insurance number
Your email address
Your phone number
Your landlord’s address
How much rent you are paying
Your housing information
Your address
Your financial information
Your bank account details
Any salary or other income
Details of any savings you have
Go to www.gov.uk/universalcredit to make a claim. This needs to be done in one sitting so please have this information with you when you begin your claim. From summer 2014 Universal Credit can be claimed by some couples in certain areas of the UK. Both claimants will need to have the information listed above to hand. Only one member of the couple will complete the claim form, but that person will need to enter details for both of you. 122
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Universal Credit Housing Benefit Working Tax Credits
Child Tax Credit
Universal Credit Imcome Support Income Based Employment and Support
Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
Some Facts about Universal Credit (UC) Universal credit will eventually replace benefits for people who are out of work and tax credits for people in work Universal Credit will replace six main working age benefits with one simple payment Universal Credit will be rolled out across England. Not everyone will be affected at once and some people won’t be affected for many months. When you can claim will depend on where you live and your personal circumstances. You will be told when to claim. If a claimant can’t work, e.g. because they are not well enough, they will still get the benefits they need Universal Credit will be claimed on line (www.gov.uk/applyuniversal-credit) but local services will be available to provide face to face help and there is a help line available (see below). There is a UC help line 0345 6000 723. Lines are open 8.00am to 123
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Universal Credit 6.00pm, Monday to Friday Certain benefits like Disability Living Allowance and Personal Independence Payment will not be affected by UC Other Benefits that will still continue include • child benefit • contribution-based jobseeker's allowance • contribution-based employment and support allowance • carer's allowance Budgeting Loans will no longer exist Universal Credit is for people in work and out of work Universal Credit will be paid into a Bank Account or Building Society Account (people who only have a post office account or use simple payments will need to open a bank account) There will be one payment per household, and the payment will be monthly If you are a couple you will make one joint claim for UC There is no limit on how many hours of work you can do with UC – i.e. no 16 hour rule If you start to work the amount of Universal Credit you get will gradually reduce as you earn more. Unlike Jobseeker’s Allowance, your payment won’t stop when you work more than 16 hours a week. The more you work, the higher your total income (from earnings and benefits combined) will be. With Universal Credit you won’t lose all your benefits at once if you start to do some work and are on a low income. Providing your income and savings don't go above certain limits, you can carry on claiming universal credit if you are working or out of work. Universal credit may help people on low incomes who move in and out of work by reducing the problems caused by benefits stopping and starting. 124
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Benefits - help, advice and contact numbers
Benefit Enquiry Line for General Advice
Advice and information for disabled people and carers on the full range of benefits available and how to claim them. The line also offers help with claim form completion for certain benefits.
Monday to Friday 8.30 am to 6.30 pm,
Saturday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Freephone 0800 88 22 00
Mind in Croydon Welfare Benefits Advice This Service offers • support with appeals and tribunals • support with complex benefits issues • general telephone advice on all types of benefit issues • support and guidance to professionals and/or service users Do I need to be referred? Yes, The Welfare Benefits Advice service is available by referral from professionals working with mental health service users and their carers; Telephone Enquires from service users and carers are also accepted.
Monday - Friday: 9:00 till 17:00
020 8763 2037 wba@mindincroydon.org.uk www.mindincroydon.org.uk ↸ 26 Pampisford Road, Purley Surrey, CR8 2NE
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Benefits - help, advice and contact numbers
Advice Services Croydon ASC offers practical help and advice to maintain your independence and quality of life ASC provides a range of information, advice and support services for people living in Croydon. Our Information and Advice services include: • Information • Advice & Welfare Benefits • Self Help Support • We also provide Advocacy services. Helpline 020 8686 0066 asc@adviceservicescroydon.org.uk www.adviceservicescroydon.org.uk
Croydon Welfare Rights Advice Line This Project aims to help people claim benefits, particularly health related benefits (sickness benefits) • • • •
assistance with the completion of claim forms representation at appeals and tribunals, benefits checks to look at maximising income offering home visits to clients who are unable to travel
Monday 2pm - 7pm Tuesday 3pm - 4.30pm
Wednesday 11am - 2pm Friday 9am - 12noon
FREEPHONE 0800 731 5920 www.croydon.gov.uk 126
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Benefits - help, advice and contact numbers
A to Z of Useful Numbers for Benefits
Access to Work Grants
0845 268 8489 0345 268 8489
Appeals and Tribunals Service
0300 123 1142
Atos (now called Centre for Health and Disability Assessments) for ESA Atos PIP Customer Service (for PIP assessment appointments)
0800 288 8777
0300 3300 121
Attendance Allowance helpline
0345 605 6055
Benefit Enquiry Line Bereavement Service helpline Blue Badge (Travel Services) Budgeting Loans
Carers Allowance
Child Tax Credits Cold Weather Payment Council Tax
020 8726 7100
0345 608 4321
0800 288 8777
0300 200 3100 0345 300 3900 0345 604 3719 0208 726 7000 option 1
Croydon Discretionary Support (CDS) Croydon Rent in Advance Scheme Croydon Staying Put Dial A Ride Disability Living Allowance
0345 606 0265
0845 603 6967 or 0345 603 6967
Centre for Health and Disability Assessments Child Benefit Enquiries
0800 882 200
020 8760 5719 0208 683 5151 0208 760 5505 0343 222 7777
0845 7123 456 or 0345 7123 456
Discretionary Housing Payments
020 8604 7226
Employment and Support Allowance New Claims
0800 055 6688
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Benefits - help, advice and contact numbers Employment and Support Allowance
Freedom Pass Helpline: Funeral Payments Help with Health Costs
Housing Benefit
HMRC Employees Advice line (statutory sick pay) Incapacity Benefit
Income Support
Job Seekers Allowance
0345 606 0265 0300 123 0849
0208 726 7000 option 2
0300 200 3500
New claims: 0800 055 66 88 Existing claim: 0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545 option 2
Maternity Grant (Sure Start) Pension Credit Service
0300 330 1433
0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545 Option 4 0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545 Option 1
Maternity Allowance
PIP Enquiry Line
0345 608 8545 or 0845 608 8545 Option 3
0800 055 6688 0345 603 6967 0800 99 1234
0845 850 3322 or 0345 850 3322
PIP New Claims Prescription Prepayment Certificate Simple Payments Helpline Social Fund
0800 917 2222 0300 330 1341 0845 600 0046
0845 603 6967 0845 415 4156 or 020 7934 9791 Taxi Card Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm TV Licensing (discount for people in 0300 790 6071 residential care) Universal Credit helpline 0345 600 0723 Warm Home Discount Scheme
0345 603 9439 Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Winter Fuel Payment helpline Working Tax Credits 128
0845 915 1515 0345 300 3900
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support for Carers
Sibling Support Group Do you have a brother or sister with a mental illness? “A new support group has been started for all adult brothers/sisters of anyone with a mental health problem. It is an informal group where you can chat and share the difficulties you may experience with others in the same position as you. It has been started as there was no support group for siblings prior to this and the need was felt to be there for such a group. Do come along, it is very friendly and relaxed.” Come and chat informally with others like you and you will be made very welcome. 11am until 1pm Saturday February 28th & four-weekly thereafter.
Call Angela on 0208 688 1210 for more information or, just turn up. Fairfield House, 10 Altyre Road, East Croydon, CR0 5LA ↸
angela@mindincroydon.org.uk www.mindincroydon.org.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support for Carers
Carers Support Centre
The Carers Support Centre is a dropin centre for carers in Croydon where a friendly, dedicated team is on hand to offer advice for those caring for a child or adult with an illness, disability or frailty. The Centre also houses the Carers Support Network.
The Carers Information Service Runs the Carers Support Centre.
• Information and advice service for carers living in, or caring for someone who lives in, Croydon. Carers are welcome to contact us with any query they may have as a result of their caring role. • Casework service offering in depth support and advocacy such as liaising with social services and attending meetings. • Free training courses and information sessions on practical skills such as first aid, and personal development topics such as assertiveness. • Free publications, including a regular newsletter (Carers News) and a monthly e-bulletin (What’s New for Carers?). • Publishes How To…A Guide for Carers in Croydon – a series of factsheets covering all aspects of caring. • Produces a carer’s emergency card – a simple tool designed to give carers more peace of mind.
Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm
020 8649 9339 info@carersinfo.org.uk www.carerssupportcentrecroydon.org.uk ↸ Carers' Information Service, Carers Support Centre
24-26 George Street Croydon, CR0 1PB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support for Carers
Croydon Carers Centre They provide among other things: • advice for carers about matters relating to caring, including the benefit system • a telephone helpline • interpreter and language access • individual counselling and support groups • day trips by coach and minibus • outreach projects, including a mobile information service • support, sitting and shopping services as appropriate and not provided elsewhere • a regular newsletter 020 8688 7219 enquiries@croydoncarers.org.uk www.croydoncarers.org.uk to Friday ↸ 12 Katharine Street Monday Croydon, Surrey CR0 1NX 9.30am to 5pm,
Rethink Croydon BME Carers Support Group A group offering information on a range of issues and an opportunity to access a support network, breaks, activities and explore opportunities outside the caring role. 0208 6635621, 07966 382161 croydoncarers@rethink.org 24 George Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 4PB ↸ For further information nationally about our groups and services, please contact us on
0121 522 7007 or
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support for Carers
Young Carers Project This Project is part of “Off The Record” (page 62). The Young Carers Project offers support to people aged from 7-25 who are caring for a parent or sibling. This support includes: • • • • •
Trips and Activities Emotional Support & Counselling Educational Support Family Support Monthly Boys & Girls Groups
020 8649 9339 ext 2 www.offtherecordcroydon.org youngcarers@offtherecordcroydon.org ↸ Young Carers Project, Carers Support Centre,
Cross Roads Care Croydon
24 George Street, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 1PB
Supporting Carers in Croydon to access the support and services they need. Gives carers of people with a long term and enduring mental health problem a break. 020 8663 5664 carerssupport@souththamescrossroads.org www.crossroadscaresouththames.org ↸ You can find them at Carers Support Centre
24-26 George Street Croydon, CR0 1PB
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Support for Carers
Who else can help?
020 8680 5450
020 8760 5676
020 8688 4499
020 8662 9201
020 8684 9559
020 8686 7500
020 8649 9339 option 3
01535 645 453
The Princess Royal Trust for Carers
020 7480 7788
Voices Forum (part of Rethink) supporting carers of people with schizophrenia
020 8464 7052
Young Carers Support Project
020 8649 9339 Option 2
Welfare Benefits Hotline - for information about Carers Allowance and other benefits
0800 731 5920
Age UK Croydon Helpline Carers Direct  Carers Information Service Carers UK  Charging Helpline; assistance with financial assessments & completing forms Crossroads Care Croydon Respite Services Croydon Mencap - for carers of someone with a learning disability Leslie Park Centre Direct Payments Support Service (Penderals) Family, Friends and Carers Support Group (if you are affected by someone else's substance misuse) Rethink Croydon Carers' Support Project Sibs - National Organisation providing advice, support and information for siblings of people with disabilities and special needs
0808 802 0202 020 8649 9339 0808 808 7777
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Vulnerable Adults and Victim Support Croydon Safeguarding Adults Service Helping protect adults who may be vulnerable to abuse because of their mental health. Anyone might abuse. It could be someone in your family, professional staff, care workers, volunteers, other service users, neighbours, friends or strangers. Abuse can be Psychological, Physical, Sexual, Financial or Neglect. Emergencies – If you are injured or in immediate physical danger, contact the police and other appropriate emergency services without delay – dial 999.
5697 and say you wish to report a case of 020 8760suspected abuse or neglect
Croydon Women’s Aid Women’s Aid is the national charity for women and children working to end domestic abuse. They are a federation of over 220 organisations providing more than 300 lifesaving services to women and children across England. • for women and children escaping domestic violence • floating support team • telephone support, advice, housing options • other support issues relevant to individual needs 0808 2000 247 Freephone 24 hr National domestic violence helpline helpline@womensaid.org.uk www.womensaid.org.uk Please note They can not respond to emails by telephone as safety may be compromised. If you wish to speak to somebody please call the number above Women's Aid Federation of England, ↸ PO BOX 3245, Bristol, BS2 2EH 134
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Vulnerable Adults and Victim Support
Broken Rainbow UK
Our National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* (LGBT) Domestic Violence Helpline provides confidential support to all members of the LGBT communities, their family, friends, and agencies supporting them. The helpline is run by trained LGBT people and provides a space where you can talk through what is going on, and explore your options. We can: • provide confidential information, advice and support • help you create your safety plan • explore options around housing, legal advice, counselling and local support groups • tell you about your local LGBT friendly services • discuss the possibility of reporting to the Police
help@brokenrainbow.org.uk www.brokenrainbow.org.uk www.brokenrainbow.org.uk/help/online-chat
0300 999 5428 or you can also call their freephone number 0800 999 5428
Men's Advice Line Men's Advice Line: a confidential helpline for any man experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner (or ex-partner). We are a team of skilled professionals offering practical advice, information and emotional support to male victims of domestic violence, as well as to concerned friends and family and frontline workers.
Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
0808 801 0327 www.mensadviceline.org.uk
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Vulnerable Adults and Victim Support
RASASC The Rape & Sexual Support Centre (established since 1985 in Croydon) supports all women and girls over 13 who have suffered from; • Rape, • Child Sexual Abuse • Exploitation • Sexual Assault • Ritual Abuse or Trafficking. An accredited therapist: A National Helpline, an Advocacy Service for survivors thinking about/wanting to report a sexual offence; Awareness and Prevention Training; Outreach for women involved in prostitution; IDVA service based at the Family Justice Centre.
National Freephone Helpline: 0808 802 9999
12 – 2.30pm & 7pm – 9.30pm daily
PO BOX 383, Croydon, CR9 2AW
Victim Support in Croydon Offering help and advice (including legal advice) to both males and females on a range of issues & emotional support and practical information to victims of crime. Your Supportline is 08 08 16 89 111
Weekdays 8am to 8pm, Weekends 9am to 7pm, and bank holidays 9am to 5pm
Your local victim care team now on 0845 450 3936. vscroydon@vslondon.org www.victimsupport.org.uk 136
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Vulnerable Adults and Victim Support Vulnerable Adults; Who else can help? Crime Stoppers Croydon Welcare National Domestic Violence Helpline NSPCC Child Protection Safer Neighbourhood Team Hate crimes and harassment The Family Justice Centre The Respect Phone Line (Perpetrators Abusers) Voice UK Victims with Learning Difficulties
0800 555111 020 8688 5151 0808 2000 247 0808 800 5000 0300 123 1212 020 8688 0100 0845 122 8609 0808 802 8686
Older Adults: Who can help?
020 8916 3587
Counsel and Care - free advice for older adults, their carers and families
Croydon Careline - provides a home safety and personal security system
20 8726 6500
Croydon Integrated Mental Health of Older Adults (MHOA) Services
020 8668 0999
Croydon Safeguarding Adults Team
020 8760 5697
Meals on Wheels
020 726 6500 020 8688 1636
The National Care Line
Alzheimer's Society
POP service - offering key services to older people Psychiatric Liaison Service Staying Put and Croydon Improvement Agency
0845 300 7585
0800 0699 784 020 8654 4400 20 3228 0100 020 8760 5505
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Older Adults
Age UK Croydon Age UK Croydon offers people practical help and advice to maintain independence later in life and encourages healthy living. Advice and Advocacy - Independent information and advice on a range of issues including benefits and money, social and health care and local services. Advice Services Croydon (ASC). ASC is a consortium of four local charities, Age UK Croydon (Lead Organisation), Croydon Hearing Resource Centre, Croydon Vision and Disability Croydon. ASC Helpline 020 8686 0066. • Home From Hospital and Reablement – help when leaving hospital and settling back into home life. • Personal Safety - help to reduce the risk of falls. • Home Services - a range of practical services for people living in Croydon, Handy Person - Home Help - Nail Care Trades Persons List. • Activities, Events, Outings and Breaks Away – includes Keep Fit, Ping Pong, Singing, Zumba, Art, Line Dancing and Bingo. • For Hire - hall and meeting rooms. • Student Placement/Volunteers – required and are an essential part of our services.
These services can be accessed by drop-in or appointments.
www.ageuk.org.uk/croydon/information--advice/advice-diary www.ageuk.org.uk/croydon (inc online Directory of Services) 020 8680 5450 aukc@ageukcroydon.org.uk 81 Brigstock Road, Thornton Heath, CR7 7JK ↸
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Index A Active Minds 22 Advice Services Croydon (ASC) 109, 126 Advocacy: Who else can help? 16 Age UK Croydon 138 Alcoholics Anonymous 58 All Inclusive 109 APCMH 20; Creative Workshops 21; Drop Ins 20 Ashburton Road 43 Assessment and Liaison Team 46 Asylum Help 93 A to Z of Useful Numbers for Benefits 127
Back to Work Help 83 beat (Eating Disorders Association) 34 Beating the Blues 30 Benefit Enquiry Line for General Advice 125 Bethlem Royal Hospital 40 Big White Wall 9 Bipolar UK 31 Books on Prescription Scheme 69 Broken Rainbow UK 135 Budgeting Loans 106 Burgess Autistic Trust 33
CALAT 71 Carers Information Service 130 Carers Support Centre 130 Carers: Who else can help? 133 Care To Listen 64 CAYSH 98
Centre of Change Project 64 Chaplaincy at Bethlem Hospital 66 Chelsham House 41 Citizens Advice Bureau 97, 110 Cold Weather Payments 104 Combat Stress 67 Community Development Worker’s (CDW’s) 11 Community Legal Advice 111 Council Tax 100 CPF Counselling Croydon 63 Crescent Resource Centre 46 Crisis 95 Crisis Loans & Community Care Grants 107 Crisis Other Helpful Numbers 49 Cross Roads Care Croydon 132 Croydon and Sutton Law Centre 108 Croydon BME Forum 10 Croydon Carers Centre 131 Croydon Community Opportunities Service (CCOS) 78 Croydon Council Housing Team 90 Croydon Counselling Service (Rethink) 65 Croydon Discretionary Support Scheme 107 Croydon Employment Support Service 78 Croydon Healthwatch 10 Croydon Leisure Centres 27 Croydon Psychological Therapy Service CPTS 61 Croydon Reach Rough Sleeper Service 94 Croydon Safeguarding Adults 134 Croydon Triage 40 Croydon Voices Forum 31
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Index Croydon Voluntary Action 73 Croydon Welfare Rights Advice Line 126 Croydon Women’s Aid 134 Cruse in Croydon 66
Depression Alliance and Wellbeing Group 30 Direct Payments 37 Do-It 73 Dragon Cafe 29
Early Intervention (COAST) 47 Exchange Group Croydon 70
Food Hubs 112 Forensic Service 47 Four in Ten 32 Foxley Lane Women's Service 43 Frank 56 FREE and EASY computer and Internet Courses 71 Freedom Passes 84
Get involved SLaM Membership 38 Getting Around, Mobility & Travel 84 Get up & Go Sport and Physical Activity 27 Gresham 1 40 Gresham 2 40
Hear Us Linkworking Project 6 Newsletter; In Our Shoes 5
Open Forum 5 Hear Us Website 7 Help Combat Hate Crime 76 Hestia 92 Home Treatment Team 45 Housing Benefit 102 Housing Support: Useful Numbers 99 How to give SLaM Feedback 13 How to make a Complaint Against SLaM 13
IAPT 60 Imagine; Community Befriending Service 35; Croydon User Led Groups 18; Home Befriending service 35; Mentoring Service 35; Volunteering 76 Immediate needs table 85; Beckenham Beacon NHS Urgent Care Centre 88; Croydon Churches Floating Shelter 86; Croydon Council; No Recourse to public funds Team 89; Croydon Health Services Homeless Health Team 87; Croydon Reach 85; Croydon Tabernacle 87; Croydon University Hospital A&E 87; Department of Adult Service Health & Housing 89; Department of children families& learning 89; Discretionary Support- crisis payment 89;
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Index East Croydon United Reform Church 87; Emergency Duty Team 85; Family Justice Centre Croydon 88; Men’s Advice Line 88; National Domestic Violence Helpline 88; Nightwatch 86; No Second Night Out Project 85; SNAP TEAM 85, 86; South London and Maudsley Hospital 88; St Mildred’s Church 87; The Well drop-in centre 86; Westminster Drug Project Croydon outreach 88 Individual Budgets 37 Involvement Register 8 Iris May family law 110 It’s Your Practice 16
Mind Employment Support Service 74 Mind in Croydon Advocacy 15 Counselling Service 65 MindMatch 24 Social Networking Service 25 Welfare Benefits Advice 125 Money Advice Service 108 Mood, Anxiety & Personality East 45 Mood, Anxiety & Personality West 46 Mother And Baby Unit 41 My Health Locker 68
Jobcentre Plus Disability Employment Advisors (DEA) 72
Narcotics Anonymous 54 National Autistic Society 33 National Debtline 109 Night Watch 96 Nightwatch Soup Kitchen 112 No Panic 50 No Second Night Out Project 85
Kingfisher’s Association 19
Local and National Helpline Numbers 51
OASIS 29 OASIS Service (SLaM) 47 Off The Record 62 Older Adults: Who can help? 137 Out of Hours Services 48
Mencap 79 Mencap Leslie Park 79 Men's Advice Line 135 Mental Health Information Directory 24 Migrant Help 92
PALS (NHS Croydon PALS) 12 PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) 12 Patient Opinion 9 Perinatal Service 45 Permitted Work 80
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Index Permitted Work and Universal Credit 82 PIP Road Map 114 PLUG 55 PLUGETTES 55 Promoting Recovery Community Service 45 Purley Cross Community Information Centre 111 Purley Resource Centre 46
Queens Resource Centre 47; Recovery & Rehab Unit 47
Rape & Sexual Support Centre (RASASC) 136 Refuge 94 Refugee Action 93 Remploy 77 Rethink Croydon BME Carers Support Group 131 Rethink: SLAM Advocacy Service 14
Samaritans 50 Service Users Involvement in Training and education (SUITE) 77 Shelter 91 Sibling Support Group 129 SNAP (Support Needs Assessment & Placement Team) 90 South West London Law Centres 17 Sports & Physical Activity Team 26 SSAFA 67 Status Employment 75
Step Change Debt Charity 108 Street Link 95 SUN Project 34
Tamworth Road Resource Centre 45 The Hub at Fairfield 25 The National Domestic Violence Helpline 94 The Outcrowd 32 The Touchstone Centre 61; Personality Disorder Service 42; SUN Project 42 TLE Training Centre 70 Turning Point 52
UK Smart Recovery 53
Victim Support in Croydon 136 Voice Ability 14 Vulnerable Adults; Who else can help? 137
Walking for Health 28 Warm Home Discount Scheme 104 Westways Rehab Unit Alexandra House 42 Winter Fuel Payments 104 Womens Aid 94 Woodside Bereavement Service 66
X Y YMCA South London 57
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Index Young Carers Project 132 Young Minds 8 Young People's Substance Misuse Service 53
Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health
Croydon's Mental Health Service User Group
Hear Us Aims and Objectives • To relieve the needs of people living in the London Borough of Croydon and surrounding areas who have mental health problems by provision of services and advice • To advance education about mental health for the public benefit in the London borough of Croydon and surrounding areas with the object of creating awareness HEAR US MEMBERSHIP How much does it cost? - Membership is totally free. What are the Benefits of Membership to Hear Us? Our goal is to help service users have a voice. The bigger our membership the stronger our voice becomes: • Raising your awareness of other support groups • Providing valuable information about Mental Health Services • Providing you with FREE quarterly newsletters, information about events and involvement opportunities • Giving you a say in the future of Hear Us activities 020 8681 6888
info@hear-us.org www.hear-us.org
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Orchard House, 15a Purley Road South Croydon CR2 6EZ Company No.6891337 Charity No.1135535