Croydon’s Mental Health Service User Group Business Plan 2018-23 Charity Number 1135535 Company Number 0689133
HEAR US Business Plan 2018-23
Our Mission: To promote, educate, communicate and empower, For the benefit and interest of people affected by mental health issues
Business Plan Contents
Structure, Governance and Management
Activities & Services
Reserves Policy
Strategic Direction
Main Objectives for the Coming Year
Staffing Implications and Staffing Plan
Board Development
Review of the Strategic Plan
Legal requirements
Insurance requirements
Accountant: Independent Examiner
Management and staff
Appendix 1: Management and Staff Structure
Hear Us Orchard House, 15a Purley Road South Croydon CR2 6EZ
020 8681 6888
Hear Us are gratefully funded by the following organisations
hearusmentalhealth hearuscroydon hearusmentalhealth  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 2
HEAR US Business Plan 2018-23
Hear Us are Croydon’s Mental Health Service Users Group. We are entirely service user run and for 16 years we have been an integral part of Croydon’s Mental Health Services. We give service users a voice while working in close partnership with; other organisations in the voluntary sector (Mind, Imagine, Status Employment, Off the Record, BME Forum, APCMH), and statutory services; South London and Maudsley NHS Trust (SLaM) and Croydon’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). We campaign for change and fight against Stigma & Discrimination. We provide peer support for people with complex mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and, those who are considered ‘harder to help’ due to “challenging behaviour”, through our Linkworking Project, Open Forum, Welfare Benefit Surgery and ‘Reachout Challenge’.
2. AIMS • •
To relieve the needs of people living in the London Borough of Croydon and surrounding areas who have mental health problems by provision of services and advice To advance education about mental health for the public benefit in the London borough of Croydon and surrounding areas with the object of creating awareness and reducing the stigma attached to mental health
To achieve this Hear Us will • Represent the views of people that use mental health services in Croydon to service providers and commissioners. • Contribute to the local mental health promotion agenda, and promote positive mental health within the local community • Promote mutual respect and equality of rights and opportunities, regardless of disability, with particular reference to local mental health service users and service survivors • Actively campaign with users on issues raised by users themselves. • Reach out to all service users to encourage and support participation in the Open Forum and Croydon User Council. • Actively oppose discrimination against service users in Croydon • Support a user council in which to discuss and debate current concerns. • Offer service users a communication platform for the constructive exchange of ideas on issues affecting them. • Campaign for improvements in mental health services. • Provide a wide range of information about local/national services and issues that concern users of mental health services in Croydon.  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 3
HEAR US Business Plan 2018-23
3. STRUCTURE, GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT Formation: Hear Us has been running since 4th October 2001 as a not for profit organisation in Croydon and on 15th April 2010 the Management Committee registered Hear Us with the Charity Commission for charity status (No. 1135535) to give Hear Us a more independent and stronger voice in the community. Management: The constitution in the original form was adopted by resolution at the AGM held on the 27th May 2004. Amendments to the constitution were adopted by resolution at the EGM held on 1st July 2008. The Board of Directors (Trustees) are listed below. They include a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and the Coordinator Tim Oldham. The Committee has the power to co-opt members as and when they deem it necessary. The Board of Directors are responsible for the day to day running of Hear Us and have a responsibility to report to funders, the charity commission and other stakeholders whenever the need arises. Principal office
Orchard House, 15a Purley Road, South Croydon, CR2 6EZ
020 8681 6888
Ruth Govan (Chair) Cassandra Austin (Vice Chair) Angela Mitchell (Treasurer & Interim Chair) Peter Rogers David Ashton Adrian Lucas Abbi Greene (Company Secretary)
Core Staff Coordinator
Tim Oldham
Benefits Project Worker
David Ashton
Benefits Project Worker
Cheryalin Wilfred
Linkworking Project Manager Barbra Davison Linkworking Project Worker
Carmen Gray
Linkworking Support Worker
Claire Hawkes
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4. ACTIVITIES & SERVICES A). Our Linkworking Project has been running since Oct 2007. We currently run seventeen sessions a week on the inpatient wards at the Bethlem Royal Hospital and in the community resource centres. In 2016 we reached 2217 vulnerable service users to discuss their care and treatment. These sessions are followed by a handover with ward/service managers; where we raised 2804 issues to address immediate needs. Our project supports service users to understand their treatment, services available to them and brings hope during dark and difficult times, in fact many of our team joined after coming into contact with the project themselves. Our outcomes and qualitative data provide insight for the CCG and have a positive impact on local commissioning.
Linkworking Sites During 207/18
# Visits Per Week
Bethlem Royal Hospital Gresham 1
Gresham 2
Fitzmary 1
Tyson West 1
Westways on Alex 1
Chelsham House
Lishman Ward
Mother & Baby Unit
Croydon University Hospital Psych Liaison
Community Services Jeanette Wallace House
Queens Resource Centre
Purley Resource Centre
Total # Visits Per Week
b) Our Open Forums attract over 520 (2016) service users each year and, attract large numbers of carers and professionals. They are designed to give service users a safe environment to come together, meet commissioners and Service Providers and a chance to ask questions and debate current and topical issues/services relevant to their recovery and wellbeing. ďżź Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 5
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c) Our Anti-Stigma project; The Reachout Challenge, has seen us work with over 25 organisations, that people with mental health problems often come into contact with, and currently a regular part of is the internationally recognised crisis and hostage negotiator training at Hendon police college. We are also working with emergency services, faith groups and the Insurance Company Liverpool Victoria d) Our Welfare Benefits Surgery has helped thousands of vulnerable people make and maintain benefit claims (634 during 2016). We also attend assessments and have won over 70 ESA & PIP tribunals. We support claimants to maintain their On-Line Universal Credit Claims; which is a major obstacle as many of our clients are illiterate or have no computer experience. We address immediate financial poverty through access to food banks and Discretionary Payments. We work very closely with Mind’s Welfare Benefits service and have close relationships with Croydon Council and the DWP. e) The Hear Us Guide to Croydon’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Services is published for anybody experiencing mental health problems, carers and professionals alike. The guide provide information and contact details for Croydon’s Mental Health and Wellbeing services. The Guide contains information about PeerSupport and social Groups and Statutory and Voluntary Services f) Our Newsletter, In Our Shoes: During 2017/18 we will not be publishing the newsletter Due to a withdrawal of funding by Croydon CCG we currently have no funds to continue to produce our newsletter. We will be seeking new funding g) Our Website; (www.hear-us.org) the site contains information about Hear Us and our Projects; The site also details Croydon’s Mental Health Statutory and Voluntary Services and includes details of local Peer-Support and Social Groups. The site is for anybody experiencing mental health problems, carers, professionals and the Public alike. It is regularly updated most days informing the community of up-coming events. We are based within a Mind in Croydon Hub; enabling us to work closely with their Employment Support, Welfare Benefits and Active Minds Projects. We have a dedicated and passionate team, comprised of; 7 office staff, over 30 Linkworkers and 30 volunteers for our Reachout Challenge. All staff and volunteers, including our board of Trustees, have  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 6
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lived experience of mental health.
5. RESERVES POLICY Hear Us endeavours to maintain reserves equivalent to a minimum of three months costs at all times. For the financial year 2017/18 this will be approximately £34,000. These should be held in bank accounts with easy withdrawal facilities. Our annual accounts are held on he Charity Commission’s and Companies House websites
6. STRATEGIC DIRECTION Over recent years Hear Us has grown into a dynamic, resourceful ‘pack a punch’ charity; with aims and objective not just being met but solidly delivered. Over the next five years we will build on these successes; continuing to delivered our services while having a positive impact on the commissioning of Croydon’s mental health services. We will also help providers, through systematic monitoring of services and open dialogue, to deliver good quality statutory and voluntary services that meet the needs of your community. We are a mental health charity that’s well-established and well respected by service users, carers, the voluntary sector and statutory services. We work very closely with all our partner organisations towards delivering support and care for the mental health community. We will firstly try to seek a grant for Hear Us’s core costs to provide a stable office environment for 3/5 years so our staff. This will enable them to continue; providing peer support, act as the voice of the vulnerable and facilitating and providing service user involvement. We will secondly (or as a whole project grant) secure grants for the following projects: • • • • • • •
Linkworking Project Welfare Benefits Surgeries Open Forum Reachout Challenge Our Newsletter - In Our Shoes The Guide - The Hear Us Guide to Croydon’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Services Our Website - www.hear-us.org  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 7
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Funding will allow our Linkworkers to continue providing peer support to service users, listening without being judgemental and showing them, on their darkest days, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It would allow our Linkworkers to continue to help service users who are; scared, confused and have little to no trust in SLaM and it’s staff. It would allow our Linkworkers to help service users navigate services in Croydon, and, build trust between service users and mental health service users, especially with their own care teams. It would allow our Linkworkers to help service users find hope when they believe there is none. We have evidence of the importance, and, positive impact of our Linkworkers coming into contact with service users. Our Linkworking project enhances service user’s recovery and helps bring them closer to discharge, and, during a time of austerity, saves money. Funding would enable us to continue to hold our Open Forums (10 each year.) our Forums give service users a chance to share their experiences of living with mental illness and using services, with service providers and commissioners who can gain a better understanding of the impact of service delivery on people’s mental health. With Croydon’s CCG announcing that they will no longer fund voluntary sector welfare benefits and employment support projects, effective from 31st August 2017, people with mental health difficulties have less support and are more vulnerable to the effects of poverty, debt and social isolation. Existing statutory services, such as Croydon Council’s “Gateway Service”, are not equipped to provide the intensive one to one support with welfare benefits needed by complex and difficult to engage vulnerable people. Our Welfare Benefits Surgery CAN and has been for a number of years; we have supported hundreds of service users to receive their full benefit entitlement whilst helping them to gain the skills and confidence to be able to manage their own benefits, reducing their anxiety and helping them to stay well. Our intervention and support helps prevent people from ending up in arrears which can put them at risk of eviction and homelessness. Not having the support to deal with these issues can lead to a decline in a vulnerable person’s mental health which could lead to a costly hospital admission or worse; self harm and suicide. Securing a grant for our Welfare Benefits Surgeries would allow us to  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 8
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continue to address financial poverty and its underlying causes. We will become more business like through development of our skills in marketing and competing for services when they are put out to tender. By costing our services we will ensure we are ready to market them to a range of audiences. We will be guided by our beneficiaries focusing on delivering services that meet peoples needs and becoming more self reliant and less dependent on commissioners for funding. We will further develop our skills in fundraising so we can fund the services that local commissioners are unable, or unwilling, to fund. We will work more closely with service users and carers and find out, directly from them, the issues that are having an impact on their lives. We will conduct more research and use questionnaires and surveys to inform our thinking and help us campaign locally and nationally. We will develop our links with the community in order to harness community action, and, recruit more volunteers to enable us to expand our services. We will make more use of our premises to further develop our “two way� relationship with the community. This relationship will help people to become involved in our services and will help us to engage with the public, particularly through our Reachout Challenge, to challenge stereotypes and overcome the stigma of mental illness. Our Reachout Challenge will also generate funds through events, as the opportunities prevent themselves, which we can use to further support the work of our organisation. In order to make the changes necessary to meet out objectives we will review; our structure, use of resources and skills. This will include ensuring that we are able to undertake more marketing and fundraising, and, make more use of monitoring and record keeping so we are better able to campaign and lobby, and, better able to engage with the community.
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7. MAIN OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMING YEAR. Hear Us Matching Funding: Currently we are heavily dependent on Croydon CCG for our funding – we need to seek a matching funder or fundraising to cover projects. Core Funding (Service User Involvement): £73,899.00 Linkworking Project: £29,137.40 a) Funding Seek and secure core funding for stability for our project over the next 5 years; i. Secure Funding for the following Projects a) Coordinator’s Administrator: Salary, and Payroll charges; 8 Hours per week for a new b) Core Funding for our Welfare Benefits Service: i) Salary, and Payroll charges for a) 2 current Project Workers = by Dec 2018 b) at least 1 New Project Worker = as soon as ii) Project Cost a) Monitoring and Evaluation b) Stationary & Postage c) Travel Expenses d) Communication (Telephone & Mobile) c) Linkworking Project 1. Coordinator’s External Supervision 2. Running costs; a) On-line staff Rota, b) Staff T-Shirts and Hoodies c) Monitoring and Evaluation d) Stationery & Postage e) Travel Expenses f) Communication (Telephone & Mobile) note: Linkworkers are paid through SLaM’s involvement register. d) Website/Social Media: Salary, and Payroll charges; 8 Hours per week & Project Cost (region of £6,000) e) Campaigns Manager: Salary, and Payroll charges; 16 Hours per week & Project Cost f) Development Manager: Salary, and Payroll charges; 20 Hours per week & Project Cost g) Open Forum Project Worker; Salary, and Payroll charges; 8 Hours per week & Project Cost (region of £6,000) i) Project Cost 10 Open Forums per year = region £9,000  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 10
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h) Newsletter Project Worker; Salary, and Payroll charges; 8 Hours per week & Project Cost (region of £6,000) i) Project Cost 4 Newslettters per year = region £9,000 i) Guide Project Worker: Salary, and Payroll charges; 8 Hours per week & Project Cost (region of £6,000) i) Project Cost 1 per year (region of £5,000) j) Pensions: Currently we are contributing 2% increasing to 3% April 2019 k) Core Stationary, Postage, Travel and professional membership costs l) Server, Computers and printers; and maintenance ii) Possible Funders: a) Croydon Council b) The Tudor Trust c) Relief in Need d) The Henry Smith Charity e) National Lottery f) City Bridge iii. Monitoring and Auditing a). Currently we publish (who is responsible) 1. Annual Report (TO) 2. CCG Reports (TO) i. Linkworking (TO) ii. Welfare Benefits Surgeries (TO) iii. Open Forum (TO) v. Staff (TO) vi. Membership (TO) 3. Lloyds Foundation Reports (TO) i. Welfare Benefits Surgeries (Final Report) 4. Maudsley Trust Reports (TO) i. Welfare Benefits Surgeries ii. Open Forum 5. Samaritans grant (TO) c) To develop a range of materials and use a range of mediums to market and promote our services to a range of audiences. d) To increase our presence in the community, develop community partnerships and increase volunteers.
8. STAFFING IMPLICATIONS AND STAFFING PLAN  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 11
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We will ensure that the staff that we employ have the relevant skills to meet the needs of the people who come to us for help. As all staff have lived experience of mental illness close supervision is needed. We will need to develop skills in using the requisite methods of measuring and recording the positive impact of the following services on the people that access them. a) Linkworking b) Welfare Benefits Surgeries c) Open Forum d) Reachout Challenge We will also have to ensure that our infrastructure, including human resources, finances and information technology are invested in, in order to ensure that we can support our front line activity. We will also ensure that we have the skills and infrastructure to support volunteers and engage effectively with the local community. The senior management team will need to increase its capacity in business development, tendering and fund-raising.
9. BOARD DEVELOPMENTS The Board Development Plan aims to achieve a small, well-trained Board able to fulfil its governance role effectively and efficiently. In order to achieve this the Trustee Board has developed a Governance Manual including: a) A role description for Trustees, including the specific roles and expectations for the trustees b) A review by the Board of its use of meeting time. c) A review by the current members of their contributions and use of their skills. d) A review of the system of election of Service User Trustees.
The Plan will be reviewed and updated regularly by the Board. Also, successful implementation of Hear Us’s strategic plan will be demonstrated by: a) Effective management of all aspects of Hear Us’s work, particularly the supervision, support and development of staff, the identification  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 12
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and management of risk and monitoring the quality and effectiveness of all Hear Us services b) Sufficient well-trained and supported staff in all projects so as to deliver a high-quality and safe service to users c) Service users playing a more significant part in the work of Hear Us d) A committed and knowledgeable Board of Directors (trustees) who provide effective strategic leadership to Hear Us e) Sound finances. This will include broadening of funding sources to avoid over- reliance on local statutory funding, adequate funding both for projects and for core costs and a budget which will produce sufficient surplus to build up reserves to the level laid down in Hear Us’s Reserves’ Policy.
11. LEGAL REQUIREMENTS: Annual reporting to: Companies House – Deadline 31st December Charity Commission – Deadline 31st January
12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: We currently have insurance sourced through CaSE Insurance for charities: Trustee Indemnity and/or Directors & Officers liability insurance. Name of Insurer: Brit Insurance - Lloyd`s Synd 2987 Combined Insurance: Name of Insurer: QBE Insurance (Europe) Limited CaSE Insurance Manor House, 19 Church Street Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8DN Direct: Tel Fax: Email Web:
01372 227668 0333 800 9838 0333 800 9848 IrfanSharafat@aqmen.ltd.uk www.caseinsurance.co.uk
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2016/17 Accountant: Sohaib Akram FCCA Axis Accountants 12 Deer Park Road Wimbledon London SW19 3TL Telephone: 020 3004 9656 Email: info@axis-accountants.co.uk Website: axis-accountants.co.uk
The trustees have responsibility for the overall governance and direction of Hear Us, and have a duty of care for volunteers and staff. If you have paid staff it’s important to be clear about separate roles, responsibilities, and legal liabilities. There should be policies and procedures on delegated decision-making and tasks. Some tasks should never be delegated to staff, e.g and the recruitment, support, supervision and appraisal of your lead employee, final decisions on key staffing issues such as disciplinary and grievance procedures. Trustees have key legal obligations including: a) ensuring employees receive written terms of employment b) consulting with employees in regard to redundancies, mergers and health and safety c) ensuring employee liability insurance is in place. Governance
Overview of organisation as a whole
Day to day operation of projects
Long-term direction
Short to medium-term implementation of plans
Processes and frameworks for effective working
Detailed planning and supervision
Accountable for actions and decisions
Responsible for delivery
Specific Roles; Whilst each trustee has equal legal and financial responsibility, there are specific roles such as Chair, Treasurer and  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 14
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Secretary. These are often referred to as ‘office bearers’. These roles can vary between different organisations, but there are some core duties:
The Chair or Convener has a leadership role and is usually delegated the line-management of the chief executive on the boards behalf. Key duties can include: a) preparing agendas for the meeting in consultation with the staff and other trustees b) ensuring meetings are run efficiently, and discussion and decisionmaking is democratic and fully participative c) holding the casting vote in the event of a split decision d) ensuring that AGMs and EGMs are carried out according to the governing document. The Chair may also represent the organisation at external events and meetings, act as a cheque signatory, and take part in staff recruitment. Many organisations also appoint a Vice-Chair to share the workload and deputise for the Chair.
It’s important that all trustees collectively play their part in financial monitoring and decision making. The treasurer’s primary role is to assist and advise the board in overseeing the finances even if paid staff deal with much of the day-to-day financial business. Some of the tasks can include: a) controlling and accounting for the organisation’s finances b) issuing receipts for cash received, keeping records of cash paid out, and being a counter signatory to any major banking transaction c) overseeing bookkeeping d) presenting financial reports, raising issues and answering questions at regular meetings and the AGM e) liaising with auditors or financial examiners for the annual review of accounts f) ensuring statutory returns are made to any relevant regulators
The Secretary can be responsible for many specific tasks, some of which will be regular practical administrative duties of paid staff in larger organisations. These can include:  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 15
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a) b) c) d)
convening meetings and booking rooms dealing with correspondence and being a cheque signatory preparing agendas for meetings (in consultation with the Chair) taking the minutes of meetings and ensuring back-up information is available where required.
Unless your governing document states it as a requirement, you no longer have to have a company secretary under company law. The position of a ‘company secretary’ has a specific legal meaning, and is responsible for ensuring that regulations are complied with. Their duties include: a) preparing paperwork for meetings b) overseeing procedures for the operation of the board (eg organising the AGM) c) providing the Registrar of Companies with required information eg financial returns, changes in directors, and notification of where the organisation’s records are kept. The company secretary doesn’t have to be a board or staff member, or anyone directly connected to the organisation. If a board member is the company secretary they retain all the normal rights and responsibilities of a director – including the right to make decisions and vote at board meetings. If a member of the charity is the company secretary they retain the normal rights and responsibilities of membership including the right to vote at general meetings. If the secretary is someone else, e.g., a staff member, the position does not automatically make them a member of the board, or a member of the organisation, and they have none of the rights or responsibilities of either.
a) Ensure service users involvement in, the planning, delivery and monitoring of mental health services in Croydon, and helping to improve the quality of the mental health services commissioned and delivered in Croydon. b) In collaboration with the Board of Trustees, responsible for the development and implementation of Hear Us’ strategy plan (taking into account the changing needs of mental health service users in the area), legislative and economic drivers. c) In collaboration with the Board of Trustees, ensure effective management and staffing structures are in place to fulfil the strategic objectives of the organisation.  Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 16
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d) Responsibility for maintaining and reporting the financial position in line with the agreed organisational financial strategy. e) To have overall responsibility for the development and delivery of the services provided by Hear Us. f) To have overall responsibility for the successful delivery of any agreed organisational objectives and targets.
a) To develop a supportive and vibrant group with mental health service users in Croydon to discuss, lobby and campaign on mental health issues locally. b) To manage, support and provide supervision to a small staff team of paid staff and volunteers most of whom will be ex or current mental health service users. c) To Develop and maintain a healthy working practice for yourself, your staff and volunteers by having clear personal and professional boundaries. d) To outreach to user groups and individual users and to encourage and support participation in Hear Us. This will include visits to hospital wards, day centres, etc. and will involve active outreach to underrepresented service users and groups (BME, LGBT) in Croydon as this group is currently under represented in the active membership. e) Develop and support different techniques such as drop-ins, open meetings with guest speakers, creative activities and social events to attract service users to Hear Us to build a strong and diverse membership. f) To work with Hear Us members to develop and produce a newsletter with contributions from service users and to distribute the newsletter to users and mental health groups in Croydon. g) To provide and purchase training, and to encourage and support users who are attending meetings on behalf of Hear Us (i.e. assertiveness skills, meetings skills training etc). h) To actively campaign with and for service users on issues raised by service users i) To actively, with project managers, secure the necessary funding the organisation requires, in line with the agreed funding strategy. j) Enable the Board, and sub-groups, to make properly informed decisions by ensuring that trustees are provided with appropriate, timely and necessary information and advice. k) To actively oppose discrimination against people who experience mental illness in Croydon. l) To enable Hear Us members to have an impact on policy making ďżź Working Together for Change and Better Understanding in Mental Health 17
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and the planning of services in Croydon. This will involve liaison with the South London & Maudsley NHS Trust, Croydon Social Services, Croydon Clinical Commission Group (CCG) and the voluntary sector. m) To develop and maintain links with other mental health organisations, particularly with other user groups (not just in Croydon), and to attend meetings and events where necessary with service users. This will involve arranging speakers from other organisations etc. n) Work with the Trustees and staff team to develop systems of monitoring Hear Us and evaluating its effectiveness through: keeping statistics on equal opportunities, involving the membership, surveys and adopting a user focussed monitoring tools. o) Attend quarterly service level agreement meetings with funders. p) Attend supervision and identify own training and support needs with your supervisor. q) Ensure applications are completed to meet all requirements for registration/recognition with external bodies.
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Administrator Claire Hawkes
Linkworkers 20+ Volunteers
Project Worker Carmen Gray
Reachout Challenge 10+ Volunteers
Reachout (VOL) Manager Barbra Davison
Developement Project Worker Eleanor Yates Website Project Worker Alessandro Carparelli
Supporting Staff
6+ Volunteers
Surgeries Project Worker Cheryalin Wilfred
Administrator Claire Hawkes
Chair David Ashton
Tribunals Project Worker David Ashton
Project Manager Barbra Davison
Charity No. 1135535 Company No. 06891337
Coordinator Tim Oldham
Hear Us Board of Trustees
Appendix 1: Hear Us Management and Staff Structure
HEAR US Business Plan 2018-23
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Hear Us Orchard House, 15a Purley Road South Croydon CR2 6EZ
020 8681 6888
hearusmentalhealth hearuscroydon hearusmentalhealth Charity # 1135535 Company # 6891337