Australian History Series Workbook 6: Australia as a Nation sample

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Australian History Series Workbook 6: Ages 11-12 years


Australia as a Nation

Title: Australian History Series WORKBOOK 6 Australia A stra as a Nation

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Ready-Ed Ready-E y Thi This Publications is a Ready-Ed Publications' Publication book preview. © 2012 Ready-Ed eady-Ed Publications Printed in Australia A Author: Sharon Szczecinski haron Szczecinsk Illustrator:: Alison Mutton

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Contents SECTION 1: AUSTRALIA'S FEDERATION Governments, Laws and Federation Notess Student No Activity Pag Page 1 Activity Page 2 Path to Federation Student Notes Activity Page Federalism Student Notes Activity Page The Federal Government Student Notes Activity Page The System Student Notes Activity Page Magna Carta Activity Page

Activity Page 2 Stories of Migration to Australia Stude Note Student Notes Stude Student Notes A i i y Page g 1 Activity Activity Page 2 Activity Page 3 Activity Page 4 Activity Page 5


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SECTION 2: AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRACY AND CITIZENSHIP Australian Democracy and Citizenship Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Activity Page 3 SECTION 3: AUSTRALIAN MIGRANTS Gold! Student Notes Activity Page Life on the Goldfields Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Populate of Perish Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Migration Policies tes Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Changing Australian Migration Student Notes Activity Page 1

6 7 8

9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

19 20 21 22

SECTION 4: CONTRIBUTION OF MIGRANTS Pearl Divers in Broome Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Contributions to the Nation Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 Activity Page 3 The Snowy Mountains Scheme Student Notes Activity Page 1 Activity Page 2 SECTION 5: HISTORY TELLS A STORY History Tells a Story Student Notes Activity Page

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46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

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24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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6 - A Note for the S Student udent This is a Book Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. This book, Australia as a Nation has been een written for 11 to 12 1 yyear old tudents who aare studying History and fin Western Australian students nding out about t li hi t It also focuses on important people, groups and events iin A Australian history. Federation and the development of Australia from 1900 to the present time. •

The first section will help you to develop an understanding of Australian Federation.

The second section enables you to explore the experiences of Australian democracy and citizenship for women, and asks you to further research the experiences of another group.

The third section looks at the stories of people who have migrated to Australia and examines the reasons why they migrated.

The fourth section explores the contributions that migrants have made to Australia and specifically focuses on the pearling industry and the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme.

The final section of the book contains tasks to develop your historical skills.

The activities in this book are designed to help you learn more about how your country has developed and some of the people and groups who have contributed to this - we hope you enjoy finding out about these important concepts.

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Section ection 1: Australia’s Federation



Governments, Laws and Federation The first go governments ernm ts aand laws in ernme Australia w e tho e of IIndigenous digenous were those val of Australians. Before the arrival ws worked Europeans, indigenous laws m. Problems through the kinship system. were solved quickly and punishments were given to those who did the wrong thing.

This is a Ready-Ed y Publications' s book preview. w When the British came to Botany Bay they regarded Australia as terra nullius. This term means that the new arrivals believed that nobody owned the land. The rights of Indigenous Australians already living in Australia were not recognised. Their governments and laws were ignored and the British implemented their own political and legal systems. Australia’s first European government system consisted of a number of Governors who were appointed by the British government and responsible for making decisions in each colony. Each colony had one Governor and was self-governed. Australia at that time operated as a collection of colonies rather than one united country. After federation, the joining of the colonies, in 1901, a new system of government was developed. It was known as the Westminster system and was based on the British model. The Australian system of government today is largely based upon this model. The word federation is used to describe the joining of separate states es to form one ne na nat on. and colonies nation. e plac place easily, asily Federation did not ta take i as each colony worried about losing its identity and wanted to keep many powers. A compromise had to be reached.

Arguments for Argumen federat federation: n n: ai Protection against foreign threats/ national defence. Better trade between the states. National railway line.

A stronger Australia in world affairs. Resistance against nonEuropeans. The ability for Australia to govern itself.

Arguments against g federation: M Majority rule would fa favour the stronger s st states. Voting was seen as not fair and democratic. People wanted to spend time getting the constitution right. Loss of state power.

Some of the key players in the achievement of federation were: Henry Parkes: often called the ‘Father of Federation’ he made a famous speech in 1898 supporting federation; Sir Edmund Barton: who played an important role in developing Australia’s constitution and was Australia’s first Prime Minister; Alfred Deakin: who was a great supporter of federation and Prime Minister of Australia three times.

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Sir Edmund Barton and Alfred Deakin

Henry Parkes

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Section 1: Australia's Federation


Governments, Laws and Federation 1

R Imagine one of two scenarios: Feder Federatio has N h ken place and is being Federation NOT taken iscussed today. oday Doe discussed Does your state or territory thi hi k ffederation d ti is b efi ficial? fi al? Think abou about think benefi cial? advantages of your our the advantages and disadvantages state or territory joining with the rest of e Australia. What resources does your state have? How well would the people of the state fare if some decisions were to be made by a government in Canberra?

Federation deration has taken take place but your state or territory has d id d it wants t tto secede d decided (se (sepa (separate) from the rest of Aust Australia. Why do you believe movi moving away from a united Australia will help you?

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R In groups of four, complete a large eye-catching newspaper advertisement stating your case.

Go to Extra R Team up with another group of four who have taken a different opinion on federation than your group. Hold a debate. Use another sheet of paper for planning. Section 1: Australia's Federation



Governments, Laws and Federation 2

R You have been commissioned by Australia Post to design a set of four commemorative stamps recognising the contributions that Henry Parkes, Edmund Barton, Alfred Deakin and John Quick have made to Australian Federation. Design your stamps in the spaces below. You will n ed tto undertake some research bef e you begin. need before

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Henry Parkes

Edmund Barton

Go to w Alfred Deakin 8

John Quick Section 1: Australia's Federation



Path to Federation

to make sense of the past it is important to de develop In order o o ma d elop logical order orr chr chronology school, a logica ch nology of events. At home or sc ool, ol, example, or ‘in for or exam exa ple time ti e is rreferred ferred to by saying ‘after lunch’ o i in summer’. Historians also o have ways to t divide vide time. Time e was previously referred to ass BC or AD (be (before (bef e and after the death of Jesus Christ) but today iis usually ll noted t d ass CE (the Common Era) Era). This is the period of measured time beginning with Year 1 (the traditional birth date of Jesus) to the present.

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview To understand Australian’s path to Federation look at the timeline below: 1860 – 1866 Laws for the British colonies in Australia are made in Britain. 1883

Australian colonies meet to discuss French and German interest in the South Seas and begin talking about joining together.


Federation Council is established. New South Wales refuses to join.


New South Wales’ Premier, Henry Parkes makes a famous speech known as the Tenterfield speech. In the speech he calls for serious consideration of federation.


Australasian Federation Conference decides that the joining of the colonies is a good idea.


The Federation Convention meet and a draft constitution is presented to the states.


Formation of the Australasian Federation League in New South Wales. The People’s Convention in Corowa (New South Wales) – accepts the idea that people are to vote for delegates to the next convention to consider the constitution.


Premiers meet in Hobart and agree to the Corowa Conference approach to achieving federation.


Final draft constitution is sent to the state parliaments. Eventually a federation bill is presented and people in each colony vote for or against the federation. Referendums are held a number of times with varying results of yes and no votes from the colonies.


Referendum vote result: yes vote in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and New South Wales but not the required majority in New South Wales.


Se et Premiers Sec Secret Premiers' Conference to amend the constitution to ssatisfy New So o h Wales and Queensland. Referendum vote – all coloni colon South colonies except W tern A Australia li vote yes. Western


Western Australia votes yes.


The colonies become the Commonwealth of Australia and a new nation is born.

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Section 1: Australia's Federation



Path to Federation

R Match the dates with the events.


1889 188 88



1900 900


This is s a Ready-Ed Ready Ed Publications' ublications book preview. b Six colonies become ecome a nation.

Henry Parkes makes a speech promoting federation. The Australasia Federation Conference is held. The first referendums for people to vote are held. The result of Western Australia's referendum is yes. The Constitution Bill is amended at a secret conference. The People’s Convention is held. R Draw lines to divide Australia into five separate colonies. R Colour each colony's state government in a different colour. R Write the year that each state agreed to become one nation inside the map. T When did the colonies become the Commonwealth of Australia? 1901BC



T Use your research skills to find a copy of Henry Parkes' Tenterfield speech. Copy the line that you think is the most persuasive here. ____________________________________________________________________________

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________ _____ _____ ___ __________________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ T Read through the Federation timeline on page 9. Why do you think Western Australia was initially reluctant to join the federation? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 10

Section 1: Australia's Federation




In 1901 190 when whe Australia lia became a federation, the he new ew w system of government was known ass fed ralis . A federal system of governm ent is one which has: federalism. government

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rn rnment; A national government;

nts; State governments;

Division of powers between national and state governments. This means that although all states and territories are united they still remain independent.

There are three levels of government in Australia:




The roles and responsibilities of the various levels of government are quite different. Each state and territory also has its own government, which deals with issues specifically relating to the state. Elections are generally held every four years and the people of the state elect politicians to represent them in government. Many day-to-day issues are the responsibility of local government. A local government represents the residents of a local area. There are more than 800 councils throughout Australia. Your local government may be known as a shire, town or city. Some of the tasks of each type of government are shown in the table below. Local Government

State Government

Federal Government

Rubbish disposal









Parks and ovals

Public transport


Building approvals

Making roads

International relations



Section 1: Australia's Federation




R Examine the table on page 11. It outlines the responsibilities of the various levels of government. Decide which level of government takes responsibility for the situations shown below.

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You apply for a passport to go on holiday to Bali.

A new children’s hospital is built in Western Australia.

A group of 200 asylum seekers arrive on Christmas Island.

The people of Australia are asked if they want to become a republic.

A water main bursts, flooding the central business district in Perth.

The City of South Perth changes its rubbish collection day from Friday to Monday.

Bega Valley

G to Go d d t

an Valley an The shire of Swan increases car parking patrols during January.


A national program i parents t tto encouraging read to their children is started.

Section 1: Australia's Federation

Police in Western Australia t receive i new powers are to to tackle crime.


The Federal Government


Matter Matters a of im o importance ce to the nation as a whole ar aare the responsibility of the national federal government. located in Canberra and the building or fede al gov rnm nt. This government is locate lff is known as parliament. liament nt There are three pa part h ffederal d l government. The h itself parts to the t. She is the he d of state and is represen repres Queen is the first part. head represented by the GovernorAustr Austra a has a monarch as the head h General in Australia. Because Australia of state, Australia’s tit ti l monarchy. h The other two parts system of government is known as a constitutional are the two houses of parliament. They are:

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The House of Representatives (or lower house);

The Senate (or upper house).

Both houses have very different roles. Any parliament that is made up of two houses is known as a bicameral parliament. England and the USA also have two houses of parliament. In Australia the people elect each house.

The House of Representatives

The Senate

This house is traditionally the more powerful of the two. The Prime Minister must come from this house and its most important role is to form the government. The government is formed by the political party with the majority of members in the House of Representatives. Usually proposals for laws start in this house and it is this house (the lower house) that is responsible for laws to do with taxation and spending money. The 150 members of the House of Representatives represent the people who live in their electorate and they often spend a large part of their time in their electorate dealing with local issues. Members are elected for a period of three years. The decor in the House of Representatives is green.

This house is sometimes known as the State’s House. When the idea of federation (the joining of the colonies together) was proposed, many of the smaller states were worried that their interests would be overlooked and their concerns not listened to. The Senate was established as a ‘State’s House’ where each state would elect the same number of senators regardless of the size of their population. As political parties have grown over the years, the role of the Senate as a State’s House has changed, with senators often voting according to the views of their political party rather than their state. The Senate also operates as a house of review for proposed laws (called bills). For a bill to become law it must be voted for by a majority in both houses. There are 76 Senators (12 representing each of the six states and two Senators rep representing h off th h ttwo tterritories). it i ) M each the Members are elected for six-year terms. The decor in the Senate is red.


Section 1: Australia's Federation



The Federal Government

R Write three interesting points about each house of parliament.

House of R Hou Hous Representatives pre entatives

Th Thee Senat Senate




____________________________________ _________________













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R Many different people and organisations represent you at various levels of government in Australia. See if you can find out the following: Prime Minister of Australia: Federal Opposition Leader: Federal Education Minister: Federal Minister for the Environment: Premier of your state/territory: Deputy Premier: Leader of the Opposition: Minister for Education: Name of your local government organisation:

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Shire Presidentt or Mayo Mayor:

Name of the electorate that you live in for federal elections: Name of the electorate that you live in for state elections: 14

Section 1: Australia's Federation


The System

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. The fe federal eral ssystem stem iss sometimes called a 'Washm 'Washminster ster system' because it combines parts o ash gton (US) and Westminster (U ashi of the W Washington (UK)) systems of government government. y the US syste Parts influenced by system:: •

een the Commonwealth a The division off powers b between and states;

Consists of an upper (Senate) and a lower house (Representatives) which is known as a bicameral parliament;

Has a court (the High Court) to settle disputes.

Parts influenced by the UK system: •

Has a responsible cabinet government;

Ministers are members of parliament;

Must obtain the majority of support from the lower house.

The Australian Constitution

Australia’s Legal System Today

The Australian Constitution was also introduced in 1901 with federalism. This sets out the rules for the system of government in Australia. It divides the responsibilities between the Commonwealth Government and the state governments. The three main roles of this important document are:

Law and government systems are very much intertwined. There are three functions of our legal system:

To create the Commonwealth of Australia;

To set up the Commonwealth parliament (the Constitution explains the powers and functions that parliament has and tho thos tates); those of the states);

The legislative function (laws being made);

The executive function (laws being carried out);

The judicial function (disputes about laws being resolved).

Laws are made in parliament (known as statute law) and decided by the courts (known as common law). Everyone in Australia must obey local, state and federal laws.

Go to re To set up the High Court as the highest court in the land.

Section 1: Australia's Federation



The System

The government that we have today is an amalgamation of many different ideas from two main nations – the United States of America and the United Kingdom. T Imagine Imagin th e to go back in time to the pe p od of Australia federati A thatt you are able period Australia’ss federation. debate is ttaking king p ace between etween an Englishman and an a American. Each is claiming that he place h iib d the mostt to Australia’s system of gove gov h speech hb bbl has contributed government. Fill iin the bubbles d. Complete additional additiona rresearch if needed. below to show what theyy might have ssaid.

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T Questions. 1. In your own words explain what the Australian Constitution is. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Give an example of a law that has been made and is carried out in Australia. For example: In Australia any person operating a vehicle must drive on the left-hand side of the road. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ample of a la ampl law b ing disputed and resolved. For or example: somebody somebod disputing 3. Give an example being a speeding ticket.

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_________________________________________________________________________ T Find a newspaper article that shows an example of our system of government. For example, a debate in the lower house of parliament or a legal case in the High Court. On another sheet of paper, write a short summary of the article and explain which part of Australia's government it refers to. 16

Section 1: Australia's Federation


Magna Carta

The Magna Carta (or Great Charter) is an English charter that has influenced many legal systems including the Australian legal system. It is considered one of the most im mos o orta uments of all time. ti important documents

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Publications book preview T Your task in your group up of four is to t find out about tthe Magna Carta. -

Originally the Magna gna Carta was written ritten in Latin. Use your research skills to find a copy of the plain English version of the document (the internet is a good place to start).


Organise information from the document under categories in the space below. For example, what does the document say about land, punishment and/or religion?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ -

Use these categories to write a summary of what the Magna Carta is saying in the space below.

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ________ _____ __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


Go to

R Imagine that you are able to write your own Magna Carta for your classroom or school. What would be important to you? As a group write your own charter on a large piece of A3 paper. Section 1: Australia's Federation

Magna Carta


Section ction 2: 2 Australian Democracy and Citizenship


s s'


Australian Democracy and Citizenship N aall Aust Not A Australians have experienced democrac democracy and citizenship in the same sam way. Aust lia’s first st sy st ems of European governme governmen Australia’s systems government only allowed men to be involved. IIn the h early l stages of representative democracy (voting i ffor a representative i ad to be male and nd have a certain amoun amo to govern) voters had amount of property or e groups who have ave had to argue for thei the wealth. Some of the their right to be heard in lli i t and d women. government are Indigenous Australians, migrants

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Women and Politics Suffrage is the term used to describe the right to vote. Women, for example, were not granted the right to vote until 1902 following the lead of New Zealand who gave women this right in 1893. Indigenous women, however, were not granted suffrage until 1962. A woman who campaigned (fought) for the right to vote in elections was known as a suffragette. Suffragettes argued that government 'by the people' should also mean government by women because laws affected women as much as men. At the time it was considered that a woman’s place was in the home. Women were believed to be weak and emotional and it was thought that if women were given the vote then married men would get a double vote because they would tell their wives who to vote for. A number of organisations campaigned for women to be able to vote. The Australian Women’s Suffrage Society was formed in 1889 and aimed to get the same rights for women as men. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was another organisation struggling for equal voting rights and social reforms for women. Women gained the right to vote in federal elections in 1902 but voting in state elections was different for each state. VOTING RIGHTS IN STATE ELECTIONS




South Australia



Western Australia



New South Wales



ania nia Tasmania



nsland Queensland






Right to Vote

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*Officially Indigenous Australians had the same rights as others, but from 1902, because they were denied the right to vote in federal elections they were often denied the right to vote in state elections.

Section 2: Australian Democracy and Citizenship



Australian Democracy and Citizenship 1


1. Have all Australians always y experienced p democracyy and citizenship p in the same way? y

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________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Who was able to vote in early Australia Australian governments?

____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the term suffrage mean? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What is a suffragette? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Examine the table on voting rights. Which state gave women the right to vote first? ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Which state was the last to give women the right to vote? ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. When were indigenous women given the right to vote? ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Use your research skills to find out if there are any countries which still deny women the right to vote.

Imagine Imagine that you are a suffragette trying to gain the right to vote in your state. List the reasons why you believe women should be given the same rights as men. • ___________________________________________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________________________

Go to

______________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________________________ • ___________________________________________________________________________


Section 2: Australian Democracy and Citizenship


Australian Democracy and Citizenship 2

The women below have all played a very important role in the struggle for equal rights for women in the political process.

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Henrietta Dug Henriet Dugdale ale

Maria Kirk

nce Vida Goldstein te Catherine Helen Spence

Lou Lo Louisaa Lawson

Mary Lee

Edi Edith Cowan

Bessie Rischbieth

Dorothy Tang Tangn Tangney

Beatrice Faust

Ivy Weber

Enid Lyon Lyons

Elizabeth Reid

uilfoyle Pauline Toner u Margaret Guilfoyle

Joan Child

Janine Haines

Joan Kirner

Margaret Reid

Carmen Lawrence

T Choose one of the women listed and in pairs complete some research to find out about the female's life and the contributions that she has made. T In the space below write up her Facebook profile. Facebook


Name: ____________________________ Date of birth: _______________________

Achievements: ____________________ ____________________

Place of birth: ______________________ ____________________

Hometown: ________________________

Profile Picture



Employer: _________________________


Relationship status: __________________


Recent Activity:

Recent Comments:

Go to o

Section 2: Australian Democracy and Citizenship



Australian Democracy and Citizenship 3

You are a researcher working for a new documentary being produced about Australian democracy and citizenship. You have been asked to find out about how diff fferent groups gro p ps ex nced democracy in early Au ralia ralia. experienced Australia.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' s b k preview book i C oos either Indigenous Australia oos Choose Australianss OR migrants.

T Investigate what democracy acy and citize citizenship hip experiences were lik like for your chosen group. T Complete a mind map about your group in the space below. When you have completed your mind map use the information to write an outline of what you would include in your documentary – write this up on a large piece of paper or cardboard.

Go to o y


Section 2: Australian Democracy and Citizenship


Section ection 3: Australian Migrants



Gold! The era of gold discoveries in Austra Australia Th Austr a encouraged many people to migrate to A stralia. Australia.

T This is a Ready-Ed y Publications' ns book preview. The period of the great Australian gold go rushes ushes did nott begin unt until 1851, however g before this. People ople were aware of the llure of gold and the gold was discovered long h same year that at the First Fleet arrived a convict named effect it might have. In the James Daley reported finding gold in the hope of being sent home to England. Unfortunately Daley made up the story and was rewarded instead with 300 lashes.

Thirty five years later, in 1823, the first genuine discovery was made by a surveyor named James McBrien who found gold near Bathurst. Other discoveries were made in 1839, 1841 and 1848 before the beginning of the Australian gold rushes in 1851, with the discovery of gold near Bathurst in New South Wales. Historians believe the gold rushes did not start until 1851 for a number of possible reasons, including the authorities keeping the news secret and the fact that any gold found belonged to the government.

The Start of the Rush Edward Hargraves worked on the Californian goldfields. He has always been given the credit for finding gold in Australia. Historians, however, often debate whether Hargraves should be given this honour and the discovery of gold is a good example of conflicting historical evidence. Some sources suggest that Hargraves found gold at a place near Bathurst that he named Ophir. These sources maintain that Hargraves was able to find this gold because he knew where to look, after learning the technique in the USA. Other sources, however, believe it was not Hargraves at all who found gold but his assistants John Lister, James Tom and William Tom. Alternative sources even claim that Hargraves did not mention the people who had helped him. There also exists historical sources which state that Hargraves was not trying to find a large goldfield but just wanted to claim the government reward. Regardless of who was really responsible for the discovery of gold, Hargraves claimed the reward of more than 10,000 pounds and also received a pension of 250 pounds each year, a meeting with Queen Victoria and the right to be called the Commissioner for Crown Lands.

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dis overy off gold swept through The news of the di discovery the colony like wildfire and within a few weeks 600 men had flocked to Summer Hill Creek in Ophir to try to make their fortune. Gold was later discovered in Victoria, Western Australia and Queensland.


Section 3: Australian Migrants




In order to understand the events surrounding the gold rush era in Australia, it is useful to put yourself in the position of the main historical fig gures involved. y

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. previe preview T Imagine have Imagin that yyou ou aare Edward Hargraves and you h ve just discovered gold. Tweet (text (textbased discovery. b d post off up to 140 40 characters) on Twitter to aannounce your di Twitter

Search arch

Name: Edward Hargraves Tweet: _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

T Now imagine that you are John Lister (Hargraves’ partner). You are enraged that you are not getting any credit for your hard work. Post your own account of what happened on your Facebook page. Facebook


Name: John Lister Wall Post: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ___ __ __________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Go to

___________________________________________ __ _______________________________________________________


Use another sheet of paper to write a diary entry from the point of view of a migrant who has moved to Australia because of the discovery of gold. Section 3: Australian Migrants



Life on the Goldfields As news of the he go gold dis d discoveries sc veries were made public, gold old fever struck s uck aand d dr dramatically matically changed Australian me crazy society. Australians from allll colonies became obs and rushing to o make about gold, leaving their jobs pread their fortune on the goldfields. Word even spread d as an overseas and Australia, previously perceived unattractive place to live, became a very popular destination for many to settle.

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ns' s Gold Digging, National Library of Australia

The effect on Australia was immediate. 500,000 migrants poured into Australia by sea and those already in Australia went overland to the diggings. By the end of the decade the population had trebled. For the gold miners on the early Australian goldfields, living conditions were tough. Miners, and often their families, had to live in the heat in temporary accommodation such as tents, with minimal supplies of food and water. Most miners were inexperienced and had limited tools and equipment. As new discoveries of gold were made, miners often packed up their few belongings and headed to the next place to try their luck. The discovery of gold attracted many new migrants to Australia. Most of these new arrivals were British but also included Americans, French, Italian, German, Polish and Hungarians. The largest number of people from overseas were the 40,000 Chinese who came to work on the fields mostly for foreign businessmen. The Chinese were disliked by other miners for a number of reasons (essentially because they were different). Miners did not like the fact that the Chinese miners worked on Sundays, that they dressed differently, did not speak English, had different customs, sent most of their gold back to China, used more water in their mining of the gold and often worked on ‘tailings’ or ground that had been worked and then abandoned by other miners. The European miners also claimed that the Chinese were addicted to opium and gambling and spread diseases. European diggers often did not trust or understand the Chinese diggers. During this time racist attitudes, the belief that some people are better than others, began to surface.

Miners' Accommodation

We consider the Chinese very le as immigrants. imm immi rants. As A unsuitable em working wo king on Christianss we hate them nd we are the holy Sabbath (Sunday) and concerned that they gamble a great deal and are not very peaceful.

They are obviously an inferior race but they manage to find gold! We give up aroun on a claim and they rummage around more re It is all very suspicious. suspicious and fifind nd more. We are calling a meeting to establish a plan of action.

Go to wr Source 1


Source 2

Section 3: Australian Migrants


Life on the Goldfields 1


1. How did the discovery of gold change Australian society?

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_________ ____ ____ ________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

ib what h iit would ould have been like to lliv 2. In your own words describe live on the goldfields.

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. How would Europeans have seen the Chinese as different from themselves? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do the sources say about the nature of Chinese people on the goldfields? Who do you think they are written by? What type of sources are they? Source 1:______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Source 2:______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. What effect do you think the arrival of the Chinese on the goldfields would have had on Australian society? ____________________________________________________________________________

Go to

_______ _____ _____ ___ ___________________________________________ __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Section 3: Australian Migrants



Life on the Goldfields 2

Use all of the information that you have learnt about the gold rush period in Australia, and do some of your own research, to complete the task below. hat y ut about how the discovery of T Imagine that you are a historian wanting to find o out gold dev ope Aus alia into a diverse country. Design esign or locate three sources source developed Australia d be useful to yo you of evidence that would you.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' s book prev g ernment For example, you might find/create a go government i the h number mber of o report that shows the increase in people who came to Australia or a picture that shows the Chinese on the goldfields. Write, draw or paste your sources in the spaces below.

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Go to


Section 3: Australian Migrants


Populate or Perish Before World War II was over,, p people p in Australia were beginn g to tthink ink about bout what a post war country would beginning look ook lik Wor Wa II finished in 1945 but the year yea 1942, 942 with like. Worl World War ring islands to the he north of Australia, u the Japanese conquering ple who believ d that the next Japanese frightened many people believed lf At the h time Australi Australia had a target was Australia itself. population of only seven million and Australia’s leaders were concerned that there were not enough people living in it. The slogan “populate or perish” became a popular saying used by people who supported the idea of bringing in more people from overseas countries to increase the population. At the time, the Australian Minister for Immigration, Arthur Caldwell, said, "Australia wants, and will welcome, new healthy citizens who are determined to become good Australians".

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Arthur Caldwell welcoming 100 000th British migrant, 1949 National Library of Australia

Reasons for Migration Immigration refers to the settling of people from one place into another. After World War II, Australia introduced an immigration policy to bring more people from Britain and Europe into Australia. Australians supported immigration for a number of reasons including: Defence of the country – the slogan 'populate or perish' meant it was important to fill the empty country of Australia with more people to prevent it being taken over by foreign powers; Workers – more migrants could provide more labour for new industry such as factories and farms; Economy – the more people living in Australia, the more people there would be to buy goods, which would better the economy; Links to Britain – the British people who were already in Australia, thought that if they brought over more British people then they might not feel so isolated; Refugees - millions of refugees were suffering as a result of World War II. Australia was able to take some of these migrants.

Where Migrants Came From After World War II, many migrants came to Australia from countries in Europe that en devast devas ted by b the war. Bombings had greatly affected aff ffected the econom had been devastated economies e countri countrie ftt many people displaced in these war-torn areas. P of these countries and lleft People ritain Ital goslaa ia came to A stralia to from countries such as Britain, Italy, Poland and Y Yugoslavia Australia make a new life for themselves and their families. Between 1945 and 2011, seven million migrants made their way to Australia. Following the European migrants were people from Asia and then other parts of the world.

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Section 3: Australian Migrants



Populate or Perish 1


1. Explain the term ‘populate or perish’.

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___________ _________ ____ ____ ___ ________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why did Australians want migration?

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the main region that migrants immigrated from after the introduction of the immigration policy? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you think Arthur Caldwell meant by, "… new healthy citizens who are determined to become good Australians"? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Do you think there are any immigrants that Caldwell would not have welcomed? Why? __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________

Go to www.rr

________ _____ ________ __________________________________

Migrants arriving in Australia

Extra 30

National Library of Australia

Use another sheet of paper to create a drawing to match the slogan ‘populate or perish’. Section 3: Australian Migrants


Populate or Perish 2

You are working for a national immigration museum and your role is to gather stories of migrant experiences for a new di d play Imagine play. g ne that you are able to inter ew a display. interview migrant who ccame me to Australia after World War III. In pairs uld like to ask develop the questionss that you would ask, keeping on that you w nt to gather. in mind the information want

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' T book preview. NATIONAL MUSEUM

Chosen migrant: ________________________________________

Question 1: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 2: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 3: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 4: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 5: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 6: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 7: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 8: _______________________________________________ on 8 _ _________________

Go to


Extra R Write the answers to these questions on another sheet of paper, then role play the interview in front of the class. Section 3: Australian Migrants



Migration Policies The Whi White W e Australia Au Policy Po

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' s book preview. The he Immi Immigration Immig ation Rest Restriction tion Act or White Australia P Po Policy, cy, as it came to be known, ederal parliament n in 1901 was passed in the new federal 1901. It had its origins in the gold rush esented Chine e diggers working on the t goldfields. Later, era when white miners resented Chinese n as Kanakas) were also ttargeted by white labourers from the Pacific Islands (kno (known Australians who felt their jobs might be threatened. One of the significant features of the immigration policy was that applicants were required to pass a written test in any language chosen by an immigration officer. Usually the person trying to immigrate to Australia had to take the test in a language that they didn’t know!

World War II Following the end of the war, the government actively encouraged migrants to settle in Australia. In 1945 a federal immigration portfolio was set up and after the war, a number of different agreements were reached with the United Kingdom, some European countries and the International Refugee Organisation. The first Immigration Minister, Arthur Calwell, wanted to deport non-white refugees who had entered Australia during the war but by then opinion was changing and many people protested. By 1958 the controversial dictation test was disgarded and in March 1966 the White Australia Policy was abolished altogether.

Ten Pound Poms The ‘Ten Pound Pom’ scheme is the colloquial (or informal) name for an assisted migration scheme that operated in Australia after World War II. Assisted migration meant that the government paid some, or all, of the cost of a migrant's travel to Australia on a boat. The word 'pom' meant English people, but migrants did not only come from the United Kingdom and the scheme was open to citizens of all Commonwealth countries. Adult migrants were charged just £10 for their fare and children travelled for free. The aim of the scheme was to attract people to Australia and increase the population. Many migrants made the trip because they were looking for a better climate and lifestyle and were promised employment and housing.


For ma ny migrants the new lifestyle didn’t turn out as plan many planned. When they hey fi first rst arrived migrants stayed in governmentl where h d ffood d was mass run hostels privacy was minimall and produced and ordinary! Migrants found it difficult to get bank loans to buy houses and were often unable to get suitable jobs.


Section 3: Australian Migrants


Migration Policies 1

Julia Gillard, Australia’s first female Prime Minister, is just one of many famous people who migrated through the Ten Pound Pom scheme. Find out what you can y entries from her p about Ms Gillard and then write two diary point of view.

Thi is This i aR Ready-Ed d Ed P Publications' bli ti book preview.

T The firs rst entry entry should hou adopt the voice of the young youn Julia on her way to Australia from Wales. Try to imagine what it would be like for a m migrant to be packing up all of his/her belongings and moving country that he/she has never se ng to a countr sseen on the other side of the world. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

T In your second entry adopt the voice of Julia today and express the opportunities that Australia has given to her.

__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

Challenge Use the information on page 32 and additional research, to create a poster on another sheet of paper which advertises the Ten Pound Pom scheme to migrants overseas. Make expla expl n why Australia Australia is attracting new people and what benefi benefit fitts migrants sure that you explain om comi g to A stralia. tralia. will get from coming Australia.

Go to


In your exercise books or pads write out a 30 second speech in favour of abolishing the White Australia Policy. Section 3: Australian Migrants



Migration Policies 2 A famous saying states that, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. his rical sources. This is often true in regards to hist historical

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T Conduct some research to fi find nd a picture e aabout immig immigration to Australia in the years after e below. World War II. Paste a copyy of your pictu picture

1. Explain what the picture is about. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain how the picture could be used as a historical source. Is it reliable? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the picture tell us about migration to Australia following the end of World War II? ____ ________ _ _____ ___________________________________________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Go to

___________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 34

Section 3: Australian Migrants


Changing Australian Migration

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview By th the 1970 1970s the attitudes ttitudes of people in Australia Australi were Policy did not seem changing and the White Australia Po ly acceptable to appropriate. It was no longer soc socially categorise people by the colour o of their skin or where d they came from. Eventually this program was scrapped altogether. The policy of assimilation (making migrants give up their own way of life to become a ‘typical Australian’) was changed to multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is the belief that differences in cultures are okay and that migrants should not be forced to abandon their own views and beliefs. Many changes took place in the 1970s. British migrants, for example, lost their special treatment and needed a visa to enter Australia. Australia continued to take in people fleeing their own countries due to corrupt political systems. These people were known as political refugees. This migration started after World War II and by 1975 the first of those who would become known as ‘boat people’ arrived in Darwin. Many of these people came from Vietnam. The Vietnamese were trying to escape their communist government which had taken over following the Vietnam War. Between 1975 and 1985 approximately 90,000 Vietnamese people immigrated to Australia. Today Australia is a very multicultural nation and the rules are the same for anyone in the world wanting to live here. Migrants in Australia today have come from more than 185 countries. At the 2006 Australian census the greatest numbers came from these countries of birth: 1. UK

6. India

2. NZ

7. Philippines

3. China

8. Greece

4. It Ita Italyy

9. Germany ermany

5 tnam nam 5. Vi Vietnam

10. 0 South Africa

Go to n Source, Department of Foreign Affairs

Section 3: Australian Migrants



Changing Australian Migration 1


1. Why was the White Australia Policy scrapped?

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________________________ __ _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________ _____________________ ____________ ___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Provide a definition of assimilation.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Provide a definition of multiculturalism. _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Why did Vietnamese refugees come to Australia in the 1970s and 80s? _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Class Survey T Conduct a survey in your class (or year group) to find out if there are any students who have migrated to Australia. Ask where they have come from, why they came to Australia and what they have found different. When you have completed your survey, record your information in the table below and then in graph form.

Multicultural Australia Name and country of origin

Why came to Australia/what found different?

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Section 3: Australian Migrants


Changing Australian Migration 2

T Use your research skills and the information that you have gained so far, to create a timeline which traces migration to Australia since 1851.

This is s a Ready-Ed y Publications' 1851 bo preview. bo book p 1901






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Section 3: Australian Migrants



Stories of Migration to Australia ‘Boat peo people’ e’ is a term that hat began being used during the he 1990s in Australia to describe escribe p eople who arrived rived in boats without permi perm ion. The issue of boat people people permission. oughout the world or and is stil has made headlines throughout still discussed today. Many boat people seeking asylum in Australia aft afterr the Vietnam War were V Vietnamese. The i 1975 and between Australian government agreed to acce acceptt Vietnamese refugees in 1975 and 1982, 65,000 Vietnamese were accepted into Australia. Below is Giao’s story.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' s book preview. Giao’s Story I was born in a small village in the north of Vietnam where I lived with my mother and father and my two brothers and little sister. My family had a business, a shop selling groceries. In 1946 a war broke out in our country which made life very difficult for my parents and many other people. When the north defeated the south, people did not have any freedom and the economy went down day after day. In 1978 my family decided to escape the communist government and we travelled to Australia in a small boat. We were very worried about robbers when we were in the boat and the ocean was very rough causing many people to be sick. I was only very young (perhaps 5 or 6 years old) but I still remember the feeling of arriving in Australia. After everything that had happened in Vietnam, I remember feeling very relieved to be able to step on safe land. At first we stayed in a refugee camp. We had nothing when we arrived, we had to leave everything behind and start all over again. The first few months were particularly hard. My brothers and sister and I found the food so different from what we were used to, and we had upset tummies for some time. Australia was a huge culture shock. My dad had to learn English and we kids learnt English at school. Mum and dad started a plant nursery and after school and on the weekends I remember helping to pot plants. I know a lot about gardening now but I got very sick of it when I was growing up. My parents have worked extremely hard and have built up a very successful life here in Australia. As a result, all of us children have been able to go to university and have good careers. Coming from an Asian country was difficult as many people were prejudiced against us at first. Slowly we came to understand our new country and we have always been so grateful for being he able to live her here. For m me, being Australian means g a safe e vironment nt and a great lifestyle to having environment en bring up my own children.

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Giao Nguyen, taken from Previous Diary Entries, 2009.


Section 3: Australian Migrants


Stories of Migration to Australia

T s iis a Ready-Ed This R d Ed Publications' Publication book preview. Mike’s M ke’s story tory tory

I wasn’t born when en the Ten Pound Pou Po d Pom scheme was w operating operati in Australia but I remember my parents arents talking about a out it. They had thought of moving to Australia for a better life butt felt f lt too t worried d about leaving my grandm grand grandmother who was very ill at the time. They hadn’t been to Australia but the way they spoke about it, the country sounded just perfect to me. I was born in the south of England in a village not far from the city of Southampton. It was a lovely area and I remember as a kid watching the big ships dock in the port and all of the passengers come aboard to explore. I wondered what it would be like to be able to travel, but our family was not wealthy and our rare holidays were always to places like Butlin holiday camps in the seaside town of Bognor Regis, certainly nothing flash!

After I finished school I got a scholarship to study teaching and I eventually got a job teaching at a school not far from where I grew up. I still thought about travel and saved up to go on a six week holiday to Australia. I explored Sydney and Melbourne because I had read so much about them and then went to Perth to visit a friend who had moved there. I went back to England but I couldn’t stop thinking about Australia and, in particular, Perth. After my wife and I divorced and the school I was teaching at closed due to falling numbers I started investigating how I could get back down under. When Western Australian schools began advertising in England for teachers and police officers I took the chance and applied. In 2005 I was offered a job as a Maths teacher at a school in rural Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. I have to admit Kalgoorlie was quite a culture shock. I arrived for the start of Term 4 and I couldn’t believe how red the soil was and how hot it was already. So many people helped me settle in and invited me over for dinner and I soon made friends. In England I really enjoyed cycling and I brought my bike to Australia. I joined a local bike club and still have to pinch myself when I see the long expanse of roads I can ride on without the traffic I was used to near Southampton. Kalgoorlie certainly doesn't offer the white beaches I had thought of when I investigated immigrating and sometimes I miss my family back in England but there is no way I would move ack. Aust lia, ia for me, offers ffers me much more of back. Australia, off he life I wa w nt. the want.

Go to

w 2006. 2006 Mike Colley, Interview

Section 3: Australian Migrants



Stories of Migration to Australia 1


1. Are the sources primary or secondary? Give reasons to support your response.

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___________ __________ ____ ____ ___ _________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ __________ _____________________ ____________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ibe how Giao ccame me to be in Australia. 2. In your own words describe

____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the inspiration for Mike moving to Australia? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Would you say the sources contain fact or opinion? Explain your answer. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Is either source likely to be more reliable than the other? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. If you were a historian studying migrant experiences of Australia, would both, one, or neither of the sources be useful to yyou? Explain.

Go to

__________________________________________ __ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 40

Section 3: Australian Migrants


Stories of Migration to Australia 2

T As a pair your role is to interview a migrant living in Australia to find out his/her experiences. In the space below, individually brainstorm to identify some possible subjects to interview. Put your brainstorms together and make a choice about who to interview.

This his istor is armmR Ready-Ed d Ed Publications' Brainsto book preview. Once you have chosen the person you will interview, you will need to tell him/her what the interview is about, what it will be used for and get his/her permission to be interviewed. If you plan to record sound or vision of the interview, it is important to make sure your interviewee is happy for this to occur. Before your interview it is important to arrange a date and time that the meeting is to take place. Next it is important to develop a list of questions or topics that you want to discuss with your interviewee. It is best to write open-ended questions. This means that it is harder for the interviewee to answer either yes or no. For example, a closed question is, "Do you like living in Australia?" An open-ended question is, "What is it that you like about living in Australia?" T Individually make a list of four questions that you would like to ask your interviewee. Write them down below.

Question 1: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 2: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Question 3: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ____ _ _________________

Go to

Question 4 4: _______________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ T Put your questions together to make a combined list of questions that you will ask. Section 3: Australian Migrants



Stories of Migration to Australia 3

T Record the information about your chosen migrant below.

Fact File This is a Ready-Ed Ready -Ed Publications Publications' s book p preview. review Name of migrant:


male ‰Female

Migrated from:

Year of birth:

Insert/draw picture:

(Indicate on map)

Three facts about the country this person migrated from:

Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Why did they migrate to Australia?

Go to Extra 42

Imagine you are a migrant living in Australia. On another sheet of paper write three things you like about Australia. Section 3: Australian Migrants


Stories of Migration to Australia 4

T Your pair has been chosen to write an information board for a new immigration museum. The museum is to show the different periods of immigration in Australia’s history and recognise the experiences of migrants. Use the information from your interview to write an info infor matio boa ave interviewed. information board about the migrant who you have

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Section 3: Australian Migrants



Stories of Migration to Australia 5

Australia could be described as a 'melting pot of people' and a 'nation of migrants'. The first Australians were Indigenous Australians, then came the Europeans, and then at various times throughout history many others have migrated to Australia. Each time new arrive in Au Australia languages, people arriv tral they bring with them new lan trali la uages, new foods and new ideas depicts Australia as a nation of migrants migrants. and nd ways of doing oing things. hing Draw a picture which depict

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Your Own Family History Think about your own family history and where you descend from. What has been passed down to you from your own family? What is your cultural inheritance? Write down three ideas below. For example, we speak Vietnamese at home but we use English at school. • __________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________ • __________________________________________________________________

T How multicultural is your classroom? Walk around your classroom to try to find a different person for each of the statements in the table below. Find someone who...


has a parent born overseas: brings sushi for lunch: has a passport other than an Australian one: can say hello in another language: plays a sport that com comess from England:

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Zea Zeal nd: has been to New Zealand:

comes from an island in the Pacific: knows three different Italian foods: can describe what Pad Thai is: can list two African nations: 44

Section 3: Australian Migrants


Section ection 4: Contribution of Migrants



Pearl Divers in Broome

This is a Ready-Ed P book previe Some of the e ea earliest est new w arrivals came to Australia for two very v y diff fferent ren precious resources – gold and rent este Australia in the pearls! Pearling began in Western 1868. The he colony of 1850s and in the Torres Strait in 1868 or claimed) the islands slands in 1879 Queensland annexed (or to make sure that they were able to benefit from the pearling industry. By 1910, nearly 400 pearling luggers (ships) and more than 3,500 people were fishing for pearl shell around Broome.

Pearl shell was mostly used for buttons and buckles on clothing, for hair combs and to decorate furniture. This early boom brought many new people to Australia from Europe, the South Sea Islands and Asia. In 1861 a new species of pearl shell, the Pinctada maxima, was discovered in Roebuck Bay in Broome. This was an important year in Broome’s history because the pearl shell turned out to be the largest in the world and produced a superb pearl. Within three years the pearl shell industry in Broome was supplying three quarters of the world with this valuable resource. By the late 1880s Broome was the pearl capital of the world and had a mixed society of cultures from various European and Asian locations. The largest group of people to come to Broome for pearling were the Japanese. Pearling luggers were run by crews from Asia and the Japanese were considered the best helmet divers in the world. Broome’s population in 1910 was so exotic that the oriental town was called a microcosm of the universe. The architecture, including Chinatown and a cemetery with both Chinese and Japanese sections and the population of Broome are unique in Australia. Pearling was a dangerous job to do and the divers and crews faced many hazards. The bends, illness and shark attacks certainly took their toll on many divers. Some sources say up to 50% of divers were killed during the course of their work. This was in addition to the regular threat of cyclones which wrecked whole lugging fleets. Divers were paid by the amount of shell that they collected and often worked for no wages but to pay off a debt (usually their trip to Australia). The mixing of people from different cultures did not take place peacefully in n the ear ea Broome in earlyy days off the pearling industry. Broome was segregated wi with acial grou certain racial groupss livin living in segregated areas and at least three race riots tak taking place.

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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants

s s'


Pearl Divers in Broome 1

1. When did pearling begin in Broome? _______________________________________________

T Locate Broome on the map of Australia.

This is a Ready-Ed Pu ublications' u book preview w 2 What w 2. wass pea pearl she shell used for?

____________ _____________ _____________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 3. Where did the largest group of divers come from? _______________________________________________

4. What were some of the dangers that pearl divers faced? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Did the various groups of people get along and live together in Broome? Explain. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ T Read the text on page 46 and complete the timeline.

1850s 1861 1868 1879 1880s 1910 Extra

Go to o www readyed eadyed net e On another sheet of paper, draw three items that pearl shell was used for. Section 4: Contribution of Migrants



Pearl Divers in Broome 2

T You are a website designer and have been commissioned to help produce an interactive website that will be used in a Broome museum. You have been asked to design a web page outlining the contributions that the Japanese made to the development of Broome and the pe rling industry. ndu y. Complete some further res ndus re arch and then draw and write your pearling research design in tthe e spa e be w. Try to include source mate al as well. space below. material

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Broome me Museu Museum mpreview. book boo p eview eview. e e Welcome to the


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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants


Contributions to the Nation

T This is a Readybook p

Migrants Mig ants h have ve ccontributed ntributed to Aus alian society ocie y in many different diff fferent Australian yea off ways. After more than 200 years ia has become a migration, Australia 06 very multicultural society society. The 2 2006 census, for example, indicated that nearly one in every four people of the nearly 20 million people living in Australia were born overseas. The largest number of those born overseas, were born in the United Kingdom, followed by New Zealand, China and Italy. All of these people have had an effect on the makeup (or composition) of Australia’s population, bringing with them different foods, religions, languages and ideas. Migrants have also helped Australia’s economy by not only spending on items such as food and housing, but also starting and expanding businesses, bringing new ideas on technology and boosting the workforce in Australia. While English is still the common language in Australia, more than 100 languages have been introduced into Australian life. In the 50 years following the end of World War II, approximately 5.3 million migrants have arrived. As a result of so many different migrants coming to Australia from so many nations, laws have been established to protect all Australians. It is against the law for anyone to be discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity. One group of migrants who came to Australia in the mid 1800s were the South Sea Islanders. From 1863 to 1904 about 60,000 South Sea Islanders came to work in Australia. Many worked on sugar cane farms located in Queensland, however some South Sea Islanders contributed to the development of other industries such as: timber, railway, mining and pearling. ween 187 18 and 1 900, approximately 2,000 cameleers from Afghan an Between 1870 1900, and Austr iaa and developed many Australian industries using Indiaa came tto Austra Australia mining camels as the main method of transportation transportation. The m mining, wool and rail railway industries all benefitted from this migrant group.

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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants



Contributions to the Nation 1


1. Roughly how many people were living in Australia in 2006 according to the census?

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___________ _________ ____ ____ ___ _________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ pl were b 2. Of these, how many people born overseas??

_ _____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Where were the largest overseas group born? ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What does 'composition' mean? ____________________________________________________________________________ 5. List some of the ways in which migrants have contributed to Australia. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Migrants brought with them more than 100 different languages and today there are more than 200 languages, including many indigenous languages, spoken in Australia. T Examine the list of words below and see if you can match the word with the language. Ciao


Ni Hao


Sawa dee ka


Konnichi wa




Go to ww w adyed ne a Extra 50

G’day ’day

Japanes Japanese

Guten T G Tag


Selamat datang


Find out if there are any children in your class/school who speak another language. Can you write 1 – 10 in another language in your pad? Section 4: Contribution of Migrants


Contributions to the Nation 2

T Migrants coming to Australia have made many contributions to Australian life, in the areas of education, science, the arts and sport. Australia could be likened to a pizza and each culture could be compared to a new topping. On the pizza pieces below write some con contribu io that cultures ions tures have made to Australia contributions Australia.

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T Choose one of the contributions from the activity. Conduct some research to find out about it in more detail. Create a travel brochure to promote your chosen culture. Section 4: Contribution of Migrants



A Nation of Immigrants 3 The current Australian flag reflects our British heritage, our position in the world and our states and territories.

This iis a R Thi Ready-Ed d Ed P Publications' bli ti book preview.

T Colour in tthe e Aus Australian alia flag and annotate the flag to show alia ow what each part represents represents.

Design a New Flag T A nationwide competition has been announced to design a new flag. Design yours in the space below and annotate the symbols to explain why you have included them.

Go to Extra 52

Use another sheet of paper to draw and colour the flag(s) which connect to your descent. Section 4: Contribution of Migrants


The Snowy Mountains Scheme

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. The SSnowy owy M Mountains oun ins Scheme is an important e event ent in the history of iimmigration i ti to A tralia. The Scheme brought to ttogether th workers k ffrom more th Australia. than es and is often regarded egarded as the beginning beginni of multiculturalism 30 different countries in Australia.

What was the Scheme? The Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme was built in the Kosciusko National Park in New South Wales. It was built to collect water from the melting snow and rain in the Snowy Mountains. The water was then stored in dams and through power stations and eventually used to create electricity. The Scheme was made up of 16 major dams, 7 power stations, 1 pumping station, 145 kilometres of underground tunnels and pipeline and 80 kilometres of aqueducts. The main storage lake could hold nine times the volume of water in Sydney Harbour! The construction of the Snowy Mountains Scheme began in 1949 and finished in 1974. It cost more than $820 million and is an important source of water and electricity for the eastern states of Australia today. The Scheme is one of the largest and most complex hydro-electric schemes in the world.

A Multicultural Project More than 100,000 people worked on the construction of the Scheme with two thirds of them migrant workers. Workers came from countries such as Austria, Finland, Russia, the USA, Scotland, Wales, England, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, France, Italy and Greece to name only a few. The newcomers who came to work on the Snowy Mountains Scheme brought with them new ideas, new customs and new cuisines, changing the Anglo-Saxon (or English ancestry) foundation of Australian society. Working together on the Scheme, they became part of the Snowy Mountains family, with former enemies and allies working together, side by side.

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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants



The Snowy Mountains Scheme 1


T Create a fact file on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme.

Fact File Fac

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T Create a job advertisement to attract migrant workers to the Snowy Mountains HydroElectric Scheme. Explain the job required and what the benefits would be of living in Australia and working on the Scheme. Draw your advertisement below.

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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants


The Snowy Mountains Scheme 2

T Complete some further research on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electricity Scheme. Write a letter back home from a migrant worker explaining what your life is like working on the Scheme. Use historical evidence to support the content of your letter.

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Section 4: Contribution of Migrants


Section ction 5: 5 History Tells a Story


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History Tells a Story Learning Lear Learn ng from f o the he Past

T This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Being a historian histo an iis a bit like being a detective. De D Detectives ectives usually open a case by e of the crim crime iin search of clues e or eviden examining the scene evidence which will lead onvicted of the th crime. They may also inte in to someone being convicted interview eye witnesses l d in some way. By askin asking many questions or other people who may b be iinvolved detectives are able to gather information which may be useful in eliminating possible suspects and help to build up a picture of the events that have happened. In essence they are piecing together a story. Coming from the ancient Greek word ‘istoria’, the word history means an inquiry or investigation. History is an inquiry about groups and individuals and what they have done, believed and felt. History tries to tell stories and interpret past human experiences. History, is not just about studying famous people. In fact, history is about the life of every person in the society being studied and the various events which cause changes as time passes. By learning about people and events from the past, we are better able to understand the way in which our society works in the present.

The Past The skills needed to find out about the past include: historical questioning and research, using and analysing sources, identifying other points of view and comprehensions and communication of historical events.

Sources of Information A source is something that survives from the past or that describes the past. From sources historians select evidence useful to their investigation. The two main types of sources are: Primary: a source that comes from the time being investigated. For example if you were investigating primary school students in the year 2010 and you found a student report. Secondary: This type of source is made after the time being investigated. These sources may also include people’s views of events. An example would be an nterview w ith a p mary school student interview with primary onducted in n 203 2030 conducted 2030, twenty years after the time being studied.

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Section 5: History Tells a Story



History Tells a Story

Look around your classroom at the items that you see everyday. T Imagine that it is now 30 years into the future. A box has been found with five items from your classr class om. LListt th m or draw them in the space b low low. classroom. them below.

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T What do you think historians could learn from the classroom items they have found? Write your ideas below. An example has been completed to help you. Item

What Historians Could Learn

Year 6 History text book

This could help explain what students were studying at the time

T Write your items below and then decide if each is a primary or secondary source of evidence. Write ‘S’ for secondary or ‘P’ for primary. Item

Primary or Secondary

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Section 5: History Tells a Story

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