Easy English 3: More Easy Read and Write

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The Easy English Series For ESL and ESD students

Book 3


More Easy Read and Write

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Reading and Writing for students who have little or no experience of English.

By Margaret Warner

This is a Ready-Ed y Publication ns' book b preview.

Ready-Ed Publi Publications Public ons was established in 1984 with the t purpose of creating practical classroom black ro of the teacher was blacklinee master activities. At the time, the role di i h an increasing i i range off duties and responsibilities becoming ever more diverse with within the school and school community. Since then, the role of the teacher has continued to evolve with an escalating range of tasks and obligations, ensuring a reduction in time available to prepare work for the daily instructional program. Throughout these past 24 years, Ready-Ed Publications has built a reputation as publishers of Australian made, high quality, innovative, timesaving materials for teachers of primary and lower secondary levels. In addition, all materials are based on state or national curriculum guidelines or specific age-related interest areas and subjects. Ready-Ed Publications aims to assist busy professionals by making available contemporary classroom materials that contain relevant and stimulating work to support the requirements of the curriculum.

Book 3 in the Easy English Series © 2009 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Margaret Warner Illustrator: Terry Allen Cover images: i.


ii. Clip art images have been obtained from Microsoft Design Gallery Live and are used under the terms of the End User License Agreement for Microsoft Word 2000. Please refer to www.microsoft.com/permission.

Published by: Ready-Ed Publications PO Box 276 Greenwood WA 6024 www.readyed.com.au info@readyed.com.au

ISBN: 978 1 86397 760 9 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for noncommercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution.

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This is a Ready-Ed y Publication ns' book preview. Contents Co ntents Teachers‛ Notes


A Special Visitor Activity 4


Outcome Links


A Special Visitor 5


A Special Visitor Activity 5


What a Race! 1


What a Race! Activity 1


A New Friend 1


What a Race! 2


A New Friend Activity 1


What a Race! Activity 2


A New Friend 2


What a Race! 3


A New Friend Activity 2


What a Race! Activity 3


A New Friend 3


A New Friend Activity 3


Run Like the Wind 1


A New Friend 4


Run Like the Wind Activity 1


A New Friend Activity 4


Run Like the Wind 2


A New Friend 5


Run Like the Wind Activity 2


A New Friend Activity 5


Run Like the Wind 3


Run Like the Wind Activity 3


Big Day Out 1


Run Like the Wind 4


Big Day Out Activity 1


Run Like the Wind Activity 4


Big Day Out 2


Run Like the Wind 5


Big Day Out Activity 2


Run Like the Wind Activity 5


Big Day Out 3


Big Day Out Activity 3


A Special Visitor 1


Big Day Out 4


A Special Visitor Activity 1


Big Day Out Activity 4


A Special Visitor 2


Big Day Out 5


A Special Visitor Activity 2


Big Day Out Activity 5


p A Special Visitor 3


tor Ac ivity 3 A Special V Visitor Activity


i lV t 4 AS Special Visitor

8 28

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5 52


Teachers‛ Notes

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. More Easy Read and d Write W i is i the h third book in the Easyy English g Series Serie for students learning g English as a Second Language as well as Aboriginal students learning English as a Second Dialect, that is, students who are coming into the school system having little or no experience of English.

ESL/ESD learners need an explicit, methodical and planned language program that can be integrated into their class work in all key learning areas. It is important for the teacher to establish a supportive classroom environment where the student’s first language and culture are valued. This will nurture the student’s selfesteem and encourage him or her to gain confidence in the early stages of learning a new language. Use of cooperative learning strategies and peer tutoring will help the student build social friendships which are an integral part of developing language skills. It is important for the teacher to be aware that using short, positive sentences is best for the learner. The teacher must provide time for the student to process statements

and and always check d instructions i for the student’s u understanding. und

The teacher’s gestures and facial expressions plus visual clues (photos, pictures, objects, etc) will help the student make meaning. Regular and positive feedback from the teacher will consolidate the student’s sense of achievement and encourage self confidence. More Easy Read and Write (Book 3) builds on the thematic vocabulary introduced in Easy Words (Book 1) and the stories in Easy Read and Write (Book 2). Each double page features a story and activities based on the story to provide easy reference for the student and to build the student’s confidence and skills. Other books in the series focus on reading, writing, punctuation and grammar, text types and the skills of editing and proofreading.

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Outcome Links

This is a ReadyReady-E Ed Publications' E Publication n book prreview. NEW SOUTH OUT WALES

Values Attitudes Valu and At Valu udes udes


V2, 2, V3, V4 ,V5

Talking and Listening TES1.1, S1 1 TS1.1 TS1 1 Reading

RES1.5 S1.5


WES1.9, ES1.9, WES1.11


Reading, Readin Writing, Speaking and Viewing. Reading

- Identifies some aspects of spoken language Id in a range of contexts listening to and context when w responding to texts. (Standard One. 1.5) (Sta - Identifies and talks ab about some features of written language and visual images when reading and viewing a range of texts. (Standard One. 1.7)

Reading and Viewing – Standard One, Stage 1&2 Writing and Representing – Standard One, Stage 1&2 Speaking and Listening –Standard One, Stage 1&2

ACT ELA8: The student listens and speaks with purpose and effect. (8.EC.1,2,4,7,8) ELA9: The student reads effectively. (9.EC.1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14) ELA10: The student writes effectively. (10.EC.1,2,3,4,5,6,8,11,12)


VICTORIA Reading (Level 1): Students match print and spoken text in their immediate environment. They recognise how sounds are represented alphabetically and identify some sound letter relationships. They use context and information about words, letters and the sounds associated with them to make meaning and use illustrations to extend meaning. Writing (Level 1): Students write to convey ideas or messages. They use conventional letters, groups of letters and simple punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. Students are aware of the sound system and relationships between letters and sounds in words when speaking. They form letters correctly.


(LBL1.1,3&4) (BL2.1,2,3&4) (LL1.1,2,3&4) (LL2.1,2,3&4)


(SBL1.1,2,3&4) (SBL2.3&4) (SL1.1,2,3&4) (SL2.1,2,3&4)

Speaking & Listening (Level 1): Students use spoken language appropriately in the classroom. They ask and answer simple questions for information and clarification, contribute relevant ideas during class and follow simple instructions.


(RBL1.1,2,3&4) (RBL2.1,2,3&4) (RBL3.3&4) (RL1.1&3) (RL1.1&3) (RL2.1,3&4) (RL3.1,3&4)


(WBL1.1,2,3&4) (WBL2.1,2,3&4) (WBL3.1,3&4) (WL1.1&4)

Reading: Students read texts with purpose and understanding


Writing: Students write for purpose, using conventions QUEENSLAND

Speaking: Students speak with purpose and effect

Language Learning and Communication.

Listening: Students listen with purpose and understanding

Oral Language: Use spoken language for a range of purposes. Explore patterns and conventions of spoken or signed language. Interact with peers and familiar adults using, with support, conventions associated with formal and informal group settings. Early Literacy (Reading and Viewing): Use emerging understandings to predict and make meanings from a variety of written, visual and multimodal texts.

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Earlyy Literacy (W (Writing (Wr ng and SShaping): aping): Students experiment riment with emerging e erging rging understandings un erstandings rstandings of written, visual and multimodal al texts to communicate meanings.


What a Race! 1

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Once upon a time a hare har ha e and a tortoise were talking book preview. with other animals. nimals The hare said, “I am a very fast runner. I can beat everyone in a race. I can beat a horse and I can beat an emu and I can even beat a kangaroo.” The tortoise was very quiet. He was thinking. “I can beat you in a race,” the tortoise said. The hare smiled. Then he laughed. “You are very slow. You have short legs and little feet. I have long legs and big feet. I am a very fast runner.” The tortoise said very quietly, “I know I can beat you in a race.”

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What a Race! Activity 1


a Ready-Ed Trace these Publications' words. hare tortoise horse book preview. emu



Can you make new words that rhyme with beat?


h_ _ _

Match the words with their opposite. good












ďŹ rst rst

short short

m_ _ _

s_ _ _

wh_ _ _

Draw a tortoise with short legs and little feet and a long neck.

Draw a hare with long legs and big feet and a short tail.

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What a Race! 2

This isl t‛a have Ready-Ed Publications' “Then let‛s “Th ave a race,” race ” the hare har ha said. id “It will be fun. feet can run n. My long preview. legs and big fee book much faster than your short little feet.” h t llegs and d lit The tortoise was very quiet. “Okay, let‛s race on Friday,” the tortoise answered.

The hare went to the fox and told him about the race. “We want you to start the race,” he said. “You will decide who is the winner. I know it will be me.” On Friday the hare, the tortoise and the fox were at the starting line. All the animals came to see the race. “Go!” the fox shouted. The hare ran fast. The tortoise started off very slowly.

G 8



What a Race! Activity 2 Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' hare torto tortoise ortoise ise rrace legs l fast preview slow win feettbook winner Can you make new words that rhyme with can?


f_ _

m_ _

p_ _

r_ _

v_ _

Add these words to the sentence. big


faster little


The hare said, ‘My _ _ _ _ legs and _ _ _ feet can run _ _ _ _ _ _ than your _ _ _ _ _ legs and _ _ _ _ _ _ feet.‛ Trace these words.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Answer these questions. 1. On what day was the race? _____________ 2. Who was in the race?


_____________ ____________ Go to www.readyed.net

3. Who w watched atched the race? 4. Who said, “Go”?

_____________ 9

What a Race! 3

This is arannReady-Ed Publications' The hare Th h faster and faster. faster an. It was apreview. long race. He ran and ran. book The tortoise walked very slowly. l l

The hare looked behind him but he couldn‛t see the tortoise. He was very tired. He sat down to have a short rest. Soon he was fast asleep. The tortoise kept going slowly, slowly. He went slowly past the sleeping hare. After a while the hare woke up. He started to run fast again. He couldn‛t see the tortoise behind him. He was very happy. When the hare got to the top of the hill he saw the finishing line. But the tortoise was already the winner.

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Slow and steady and st s eady wins the race! ace! 10


What a Race! Activity y 3

This is a Ready-Ed wo Publications' ds Trace these words. fast book faster fapreview. ster ffastest fa slow


slowest l

Can you make new words that rhyme with see?


b_ _ Match the words with their opposite. fast

in front




ďŹ nish







tr_ _

f_ _

kn_ _

Tell the story in pictures.

The start of the race.

The middle of the race.

asleep asleep Go tto www.readyed.net www The end of the race. race

start rt


Run Like the Wind 1

This is a ryReady-Ed Publications' Jack J k was very y excited excited. It was F Friday. id y I It was the school sports day. Jack was hoping to ports book preview. win the long race; the cross-country race.

Jack and his friends trained every day. They had to run all the way around the school four times. Four times around the school was a long way. Jack had trained every day after school ‌ up the hill and down the hill. An Olympic runner who had won a silver medal was coming to the school. She was going to give the prize to the winner. Jack hoped he would be the winner. He was one of the fastest runners in his age group.

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Run Like the Wind Activity y 1

This is a Ready-Ed wo Publications' ds Trace these words. excited cited sports ra race book preview. cross-country medal prize Can you make new words that rhyme with race?

race f___

shoe l _ _ _

pl _ _ _

tr _ _ _

Match the two parts of the sentence. Jack was excited because

after school.

Jack trained every day

it was the sports day.

The cross-country race

a fast runner.

An Olympic runner is

is a long race.

Jack is

giving the ďŹ rst prize.

Circle all the sports that you like. running






tennis te s tenn

frisbee f

bike riding

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Run Like the Wind 2

This is a ers Ready-Ed Publications' All the h runners were on the sta starting ti li line. eady ra preview. e. They were ready to race. book Jack remembered what his dad had said. “Don't run too fast at the start of the race. Start steady. Save some energy for the finish. Remember the hare and the tortoise. The hare ran fast but he was tired at the end.” Jack smiled. He was like the hare … not the tortoise. He was fast and he wanted to win. “Get ready! Set! Go!” the starter shouted. Jack raced up the hill with his friend, Albert and a few other boys. Jack and Albert were the fastest runners. Jack was thinking … who will be the winner?

Go 14


Run Like the Wind Activity y 2

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' ready eady start fini finis finish book preview.

winner energy remember rrgy reme Can you make new words that rhyme with line?

line d___





Use the words to complete the sentences. small long dirty soft young slow cold 1. A hare is fast but a tortoise is ____________.

5. A table is hard but a pillow is ______________.

2. A y has short legs but a giraffe has _______ legs.

6. The glass is clean but the mud is ____________.

3. A house is big but an ant is

7. Great Grandma is old but a child is __________.

________________. 4. The sun is hot but an ice crea cream m is ___________.

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Run Like the Wind 3

This is a nning Ready-Ed Publications' Jack J k was running like the wind. wind Albert lb t was running fast book for the too. They ran up the hill fo preview. fourth time. Albert was winning the race.

Jack was about two metres behind Albert. Jack was thinking of the hare and the tortoise. He was thinking of the finishing line. The race was nearly finished. Jack was thinking of running past Albert. He was thinking about winning. He was thinking about the Olympic runner giving him first prize. Then suddenly Albert tripped. He fell down right in front of Jack.

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Run Like the Wind Activity y3

Trace these w words. wo rds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' start starting tarting run running book preview.

finish finishing think thinking

win winning i give giving

Ben is fast, Albert is faster but Jack is the fastest. Add er or est to these words to make two new words. fast


















Use the first example to help you fill in the blanks in the boxes below. 1










2nd 4th __ d __ _ Go to2n G www.readyed.n www.readyed net n






fifth 17

Run Like the Wind 4

This is Ready-Ed Albert Alb rt was wa as lying as ying on the grass. Publications' He was holding his foot. ng foo preview. . book Jack ran to him and stopped. “Albert, are you okay?” he asked. Jack saw tears in Albert's eyes. “My foot … ” he said. “I've hurt my foot.” Jack looked up at the teachers and parents. They were coming to help Albert. Then Jack remembered the race. He looked at all the runners. They were all a long way in front of him now. They were near the finishing line. Albert looked at his friend. “Thanks, Jack. You're a mate.

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Finish race.” sh the rac .” .”



Run Like the Wind Activity y 4

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Trace these wo words. ds. eyessbook te tears ars teac teachers preview. parents t


mate t

Can you make new words that rhyme with ate?

d _ _ _ g _ _ _ l _ _ _ m _ _ _ pl _ _ _ Use the words from the story to complete the sentences. race parents foot winner grass 1. Albert was lying on the ________. 2. He had hurt his __________. 3. Teachers and ______________ helped him. 4. Jack forgot about the __________. 5. Everyone ran past him. Jack knew he wasn‛t going to be the _______________. Draw what happened when Albert fell down.

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Run Like the Wind 5

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Jack raced after fter the runners unners and finished finis finish the race. book preview. Soon the Olympic runner was giving first prize to the winner of the race. Jack wasn't the winner. He wasn't second or third or fourth or fifth. “Now I am going to give out a special prize,” the Olympic runner said. “This prize is for Jack. It's a special prize for a fast runner who is also a good friend.” Jack was very surprised and pleased. “Next year,” she said, “I think I will be giving Jack first prize.” Jack smiled. “Jack is a very fast runner and maybe one day he'll be an Olympic runner.”

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Run Like the Wind Activity y 5

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' first book second secondpreview. third prize

surprised i d

pleased please plea

Can you make new words that rhyme with day?

day b__ M__

p _ _ w _ _ pl _ _ st _ _

Circle the words that you think describe Jack‛s feelings when he got the special prize. happy







surprised scared


Put these events in order of them happening in the story using the numbers 1-6. Everyone started to run.

Jack was running fast.

Jack got a prize.

Jack was behind Albert.

Jack helped Jack his friend.

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A Special p Visitor 1

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Lilly got out of f bed b d very ve v y early. l book preview. It was Saturday. day She looked out the window. It was a sunny day. Lilly was happy. Great Grandma Hart was coming to stay for a week. Great Grandma was 84 years old. Lilly loved to listen to her stories. She told Lilly stories about when she was a young girl. Lilly told Great Grandma stories too. She told her about school, about her friends and about her secret wish to be a vet. Lilly heard the car door close. She ran outside and gave Great Grandma very ndma a ver y big g hug. g

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A Special Visitor Activity y1

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' excited dbook sto story ypreview. stories school

friends secrett

stay b__


Can you make new words that rhyme with stay? l__ m__ p__ s__ w__

Read the story again and add the missing words. Great Grandma told Lilly stories about when she was a __________________. Lilly told Great Grandma stories about school, her __________ and about her secret wish to be a ___________. What would you like to be when you grow up? I‛d like to be a _________________________ because _____________________________ ____________________________________

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____________________________________. __________________________ _ 23

A Special p Visitor 2

This is ad yReady-Ed Publications' The nextt day Th Lilly and Great Gr Grandma d were making ki biscuits. “Can nbook you tell me a story about when preview. you were young?” Lilly asked Great Grandma. Great Grandma turned off the electric mixer and smiled. “When I was young I didn‛t have an electric mixer. I only had a wooden spoon for mixing. I used to stir and stir the biscuit mix. Then I would put the biscuits in the oven of the old stove. I had to light the stove to heat the oven to bake the biscuits.” “Were the biscuits yummy?” Lilly asked. Great Grandma smiled. “As yummy as these ones will be.”

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A Special Visitor Activity y 2

Trace these wo words. ds. is a Ready-Ed Publications' biscuits cuits it electric l t mixer m mi book preview.

wooden den spoon


Can you make new words that rhyme with making?

b_ _ _ _ _

t_ _ _ _ _

w_ _ _ _ _

Have you ever made biscuits? Put the instructions in the correct order using the numbers 1-6. Mix the ingredients together.

Put the tray in the hot oven.

Turn on the stove to heat the oven.

Spoon the biscuit mix on to the tray.

When the biscuits are cool, you can eat one.

Take the tray out when the biscuits are cooked.

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A Special p Visitor 3

This isdi ayouuReady-Ed Publications' “How did “H wash your clothes when h you were young?” Lilly book Great smiled. She asked. Gr eat Grandma smi preview. was thinking of a long time ago. ““I used to have a laundry outside. First of all Great Grandad would light the fire. Then the fire heated the water. Then I would put the clothes in and wash them by hand. I would wash and wash them until they were clean. Then I would put them on the washing line to dry.” Lilly smiled. “It‛s much easier now. Mum or dad puts the washing in the washing machine. Then they can go and watch TV. When the washing machine is finished, they hang them on the washing line. If it‛s raining they use the dryer.” Lilly was thinking about something. “Did you have a TV Great Grandma ndma when whe you y were e young?” young?”

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A Special Visitor Activity y 3

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' clothes thes wpreview. washing wash was bookwash

washed washing hi machine Can you make new words that rhyme with and?


b_ _ _ h _ _ _ l_ _ _

s_ _ _

st_ _ _

Read the story again and add the missing words. Great Grandma washed the clothes by (1) _________. (2) _________







line to dry. Lilly‛s mum and dad put the

clothes in the (3) __________________ machine. Then they hang them on the (4) ___________ line to dry. If it‛s raining they put them in the (5) ____________.

Can you add the missing letters in these words? t-sh_ _ t

j_ _ ns

sh_ _ ts

sk_ _ t

My M y favourite clothes are

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A Special p Visitor 4

This isG a Ready-Ed Publications' Greatt Grandma G ma smiled. smiled Then she sh laughed. l h d “When I wasbook a girl there TVs. there weren‛t any TV T preview. I was grown up before TVs TV were made. T d I was so excited when I saw a TV for the first time. The pictures were black and white. We all watched TV in the shop window. A TV cost a lot of money.” “What did you do before you had a TV?” Lilly asked. Great Grandma closed her eyes. She was thinking of a long time ago. She was thinking of books she liked to read. She still liked to read every day. She remembered listening to the radio at night. She was thinking of a long time ago.

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A Special Visitor Activity y 4

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Trace these wo ds. words. watch watch watched ask asked book ed preview. laugh laughed close closed d l remember remembered Can you make new words that rhyme with ink?

ink p_ _ _

s_ _ _

w_ _ _

th_ _ _

st_ _ _

Read the story again and add the missing words. Great Grandma didn‛t have a TV when she was young. She liked to read _____________ and she liked to listen to the _______________. What do you like to do after school and on the weekend? I like to __________

Great Grandma likes to read every day. Draw the cover of your favourite book.

_________________ _________________ _________________ ___ ____ _____ __ _______

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A Special p Visitor 5

This isGrandma a Ready-Ed Publications' Greatt G G ma told Lilly about listening t i tto stories t i on the radio book morning every mor ning before going goin to school. preview. “What kind of games did you play at school?” Lilly asked. “I like playing games on my computer.” “We played with skipping ropes and dolls,” Great Grandma answered. “We had good fun swimming in the creek. The boys liked to play marbles every day at school. I liked to play marbles too.” Great Grandma was thinking of that time long ago. She smiled at Lilly. “I think that it‛s better now. I like my electric mixer and my TV and watching DVDs and I like my computer.” She smiled. “Most of all I like getting emails they didn‛tt hav have y didn ha e emails when I was a girl.” rll ”

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A Special Visitor Activity y 5

Trace these wo words. ds. is a Ready-Ed Publications' stories es games g ga ames marbles ma book preview.

t computer


Can you make new words that rhyme with night?

night l_ _ _ _

m_ _ _ _

r_ _ _ _

s_ _ _ _

Use these words to complete the story. dolls





When Great Grandma was a girl she played with skipping ropes and ______________. The boys played _______________ and Great Grandma liked to play marbles too. She had fun swimming in the _______________. Lilly likes to play computer ___________. Great Grandma likes her computer too. She likes to get ___________ from Lilly. Who ho do you yo receive eceive emails from? m ___________ __________ ______

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What hat is your favourite game? _____________ 31

A New Friend 1

This ish ad aReady-Ed Publications' Jack J k heard loud noise. noise He looked look d outt the th front f t door. A big white truck was parked across the road truc preview. acro acr book from his house. It was parked in front of number 8. On the side of the truck it said in big letters ‌ REDGATE REMOVALS. The truck driver opened his door. He jumped down on to the road. He talked to another man in the truck. He looked down the road to the left. He looked down the road to the right. He looked at house number 8. He walked up the path and knocked on the door. No one was at home. He checked his watch. He wasn‛t happy.

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A New Friend Activity y 1

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' look looked oked k d park parked p book preview. d j jump jjumped open opened

talk talked knock knocked jump

walk walked check checked

Can you make new words that rhyme with jump?

b _ _ _ d _ _ _ l _ _ _ p _ _ _ st _ _ _ Read A New Friend 1 again and add these words to the sentences below. opened knocked walked checked talked looked 1. The truck driver _______________ his door. 2. He __________________ to another man. 3. He ___________________down the road. 4. He __________________ up the path. 5. He H ___________________ ___ _ ___ _ _____________ on the door.

Go to www.readyed.net 6. He __________________ his watch. watch w 33

A New Friend 2

is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. paws and all over his black k and d white hit coat. Jack Jac k saw saw h hi his little dog, Oscar, rrun n into the mud and out the gate. He h had ad mud on his little lit litt black

Oscar stopped next to the removals truck. He looked at the family. He was very happy to see the new family. He started to shake himself. Little bits of mud went everywhere. There was mud on the woman‛s white jeans and on the boy‛s blue t-shirt.There was mud on the girl‛s purple skirt and the man‛s white shirt. “Where did that dog come from?” the man asked very loudly.

Go 34



A New Friend Activity y 2

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' mud book gat gate epreview. paw c coat

ns n jeans



Can you make new words that rhyme with shake?

shake b___


c _ _ _ l _ _ _ m_ _ _ w _ _ _

Add the missing words to complete the story. Oscar ran into the mud. He started to shake himself. There was mud on the woman‛s white _____________ and the boy‛s blue __________ and the girl‛s purple _______________ and the man‛s white _______________. Draw and colour a green t-shirt

black jumper

pink shirt

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A New Friend 3

This is a happy. Ready Ed No one ne was Jack and Lill Lilly Publications' both ran outside outside. “Oscar, Oscar, ar, come here h re now!” Jack shouted. ssh book preview. Oscar turned Jack. d and d ran across cross to Jack “I‛m very sorry,” Lilly said. “Oscar is a very friendly dog. He wants to say hello and be friends. He doesn‛t usually go outside the front gate.” Oscar sat down very quietly next to Jack. He was wagging his muddy tail. “Hi, I‛m Jack and this is my sister, Lilly. We live at number 7.” Lilly smiled. “My name is Lillian but everyone calls me Lilly,” she said with a smile. “This is Oscar. I think you know him.” Oscar just wagged his muddy tail again.

G 36



A New Friend Activity y3

wo Publications' ds. Trace these words. This is a Ready-Ed friend friend friendly mud muddy book ypreview.

quiett quietly i tl

Can you make new words that rhyme with gate?

gate sl _ _ _

l _ _ _ m _ _ _ cr _ _ _ r _ _ _

Who said this? Read the story to check. 1. “Oscar, come here now!” 2. “Oscar is very friendly.” 3. “Hi, I‛m Jack.” 4. “My name is Lillian.” Draw a line to the words that tell you about Oscar. hungry







angry black white angr Go G o yto o www.read www.readyed.net ww w w andread ww d ed.net ed e d big nett 37

A New Friend 4

This is Em ama,” Ready-Ed “Hi, I‛m “Hi Emma,” said the girl wit with hPublications' a big smile and short brown brother own hair. “This This is my broth brot book preview. Andrew and my baby brother Max.”” th M “We have a dog but he‛s at Grandma‛s,” Andrew added. “He‛s smaller than Oscar. Our dog is brown with very short legs. He‛s very friendly too. He‛s a sausage dog. His name is Hot Dog.” Lilly and Jack laughed. The two men opened up the big doors at the back of the truck. “We‛re going to start moving everything now,” the driver said. “Can you open the front door of the house for us?” Lilly looked inside the truck.

G 38



A New Friend Activity y 4

wo Publications' ds. Trace these words. This is a Ready-Ed laughed ed looked oked op opened booklo preview.



everything thi

Can you make new words that rhyme with back?

J _ _ _ p _ _ _ r _ _ _ s _ _ _ tr _ _ _ Can you match these words with their opposite?

Hot Dog is a small dog.



He has very short legs.



He is brown. He is a friendly dog. He looks like a sausage.









open p


Draw Hot Dog

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A New Friend 5

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' The truck Th t k was as full of things. things Lilly Lil saw b beds d and da dressing table, fat chairs. e, a green preview. lounge and big f book She saw a fridge, two b bikes k and d a llot of f boxes. There were a lot of things to carry into the house. Andrew and Lilly walked back to Lilly‛s house. Lilly looked for her mum in the kitchen. She wasn‛t there. She looked in the lounge room. She wasn‛t there. She looked in the bedroom. She wasn‛t there. “Mum, where are you?” Lilly called. She heard her mum call out. “I‛m in the back yard looking for Oscar. I can‛t find him. I‛ve looked everywhere.” Lilly and Andrew laughed. They knew where Oscar was. He was making new friends.

Go t 40


A New Friend Activity y 5

Trace these wo words. ds. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' house se kit kitchen chen lou lo lounge book preview.


thing r _ _ _

backk yard b

Can you make new words that rhyme with thing? s _ _ _

br _ _ _

sw _ _ _

Read the story and add the missing words. Lilly looked for her mum in the _____________. She looked for her mum in the _____________. She looked for her mum in the _____________. She wasn‛t there. Her mum was in the __________ looking for Oscar.



Colour the things you can ďŹ nd in a house.

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koala garden





dyed dye ed net ne e t stove stov t table 41

Big g Day y Out 1

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Lilly was happy py when it was 3 o‛clock. o clock. School S Sc was preview ebook finished. She grabbed her bag and said goodbye to her friends. She had exciting news to tell her mum. “How was school today?” her mum asked. She asked Lilly that question every day. “Great,” Lilly answered. “Some classes are going on a bus trip to the beach. We‛re going in two weeks.” Mrs Hart knew that Lilly was learning about the beach and safety at the beach. “We‛re going to see all the little animals that live in the rock pools. It‛s going to be fun,” said Lilly.

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Big Day y Out Activity y1

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Trace these wo words. d ds finished ed g grabbed abbed book preview.aasked answered

rock d_ _ _


Can you make new words that rhyme with rock? l_ _ _

s_ _ _

kn_ _ _

List the things you saw last time you went to the beach. I saw _________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ .

Can you add the missing words to the story? Lilly was very h_ _ _ _. She had exciting news to tell her m_ _. Her class was going on a bus to the b _ _ _ _. They were going to see all the little

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animals mals tthat hat llive ve in the rock p _ _ _ _.


Big g Day y Out 2

This Ready-Ed Publications' Two is weeks we ks wee ka s of f school went by quickly qu ckly and he day of the bus trip. soon it was the book preview. Jack and Lilly were out of bed fb d at 7am ready for breakfast. Jack looked out the window. There were no clouds in the blue sky. It was going to be a warm, sunny day. At 8:20am Lilly and Jack checked their backpacks: lunch, bottle of water, hat, jacket, sunscreen, folder, paper and pens. Everyone was at school early. They were very excited. When they got on the bus they all wanted to sit on the back seat. There was lots of talking and laughing.

Go 44



Big Day y Out Activity y2

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Trace these wo words. ds. breakfast eakfas backp backpa backpack book tpreview. lunchbox

sky b_



Can you make new words that rhyme with sky? dr_ fl_ m_ wh_

Join the two little words to make one new word. back pack sun


What did Lilly and Jack take in their backpacks? 1. _____________ 2. _____________

lunch time

3. _____________



4. _____________



5. _____________ 6. _____________

play ground sun


7. _____________ 8. _____________ ____________

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Big g Day y Out 3

This issta Ready-Ed Publications' Sophie S hi started ed to sing a song an and d everyone started to sing her. minutes ng with he h r. After 15 minu book preview. Finn asked, “Are we there yet?” t?”

An hour later the buses arrived at the beach. All the children got off the buses with their group leader. “Today we‛re going to see all the little animals that live in the rock pools,”Mr Jones said. “Stay together and be careful! Look but don‛t touch.” Lilly hoped to see a beautiful starfish. She wanted to see the hundreds of little feet on their five arms. The children looked in the first little pool.

G 46



Big Day y Out Activity y 3

Trace these wo ds. words. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' bus us be beach ach gro grou group book preview.


Can you make new words that rhyme with each?

each b_ _ _ _

starfish t fi h




What can you see at the beach? Write True or False. 1. sand


5. tigers


2. camels


6. fish


3. waves


7. children


8. koalas


4. swimmers _______

Match the two parts of the sentence. Finn asked

a starfish.

The children

“Are we there yet?”

Little animals live

be careful.

Stay together tay tog to ethe eth r and

pools. in the rock pools

Go to www www.readyed.net ea adyed net got off the bus. bus

Lilly l wanted d to o see


Big g Day y Out 4

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Sophie pointed ed at the h llittle ttle l silvery l preview gbook up and d own. fish swimming down. Jack carefully moved a little rock. A small orange crab moved quickly to hide. His eight legs moved very fast. Soon he was gone. “Look at all the tiny shells,“ Emma said. “They all have tiny animals living inside them.” Lilly was pointing to a pink starfish in the next pool. Jack found an elephant snail. Finn smiled. “It doesn‛t look like an elephant.” “Look at this!” Andrew yelled. “I‛ve found a little brown octopus.” “Don‛t touch it!” Mr Jones shouted loudly.

ww.readyed.net 48


Big Day y Out Activity y 4

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' words Trace these words. fish crab cpreview. shell shel she book starfish


Can you make new words that rhyme with shell?

shell b___




t___ w___

Draw pictures to show what the children saw.

Jack saw a small orange crab.

Jack saw an elephant snail. Sophie saw little silvery ďŹ sh.

Andrew litt G to Go t www.readyed.net d dsaw a little t

Emma ma saw she ma sshells he s with little animals inside. id

brown octopus. b t


Big g Day y Out 5

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' They all looked ed at the lit little octopus withbook eight legs. leg .pre “A blue-ringed octopus is very dangerous. If you touch it, the octopus will show bright blue spots on its body. It does this to protect itself. If you touch the blue spots you will get very, very sick.” They all looked at the little octopus. “Remember, never touch one!” Mr Jones said again. The children walked away from the rock pool to eat lunch on the grass. They talked happily about the rock pool animals. Andrew was happy about seeing the shy little blue ringed octopus.

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Big Day y Out Activity y 5

This is a Ready-Ed wo Publications' ds Trace these words. octopus topus preview. shy spots spo book rings

ring br _ _ _


Can you make new words that rhyme with ring? s _ _ _

st _ _ _ w _ _ _

Add these words to the story. eight touch sick blue dangerous A blue-ringed octopus is small. It has _________ legs. It can be very _________________if you touch it. The spots on its body change to bright ____________. You must never __________ it. It can make you very ______________. Draw and colour the octopus with its bright blue lue spots. spots.

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What a Race! Activity 1 (page 7) heat meat at se sseat whe wh wheat good/b fast/ ow, b / good/bad,, fast fast/slow, big/ ll ttall/short, / h i t small, quiet/ noisy, long/short, first/last Activity 2 (page 9) fan man pan ran van long big faster short little 1) Friday 2) the hare and the tortoise 3) all the animals 4) the fox Activity 3 (page 11) bee tree fee knee fast/slow long/short behind/in front tired/energetic awake/ asleep happy/sad start/finish

Activity 5 (page 21) sta st bay May pay way play stay happy pleased excited surprised proud p

1)jeans 2)t-shirt 3) skirt 4)shirt

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview.

Run Like the Wind

3. 4. 5. 6.

















A Special Visitor



Everyone Ev Every ne started to run. Jack was as running fast. Jack was as behind Albert. Alber Albert fell. f fell Jack helped his friend. Jack got a prize

Activity 1 (page 23) bay hay lay may pay say way young girl, friends, vet Activity 2 (page 25) baking taking waking 1.

Activity 1 (page 13) face shoelace place trace Jack was excited because it was the sports day. Jack trained every day after school. The cross-country race is a long race. An Olympic runner is giving the first prize. Jack is a fast runner. Activity 2 (page 15) dine fine mine nine pine 1) slow 2) long 3) small 4) cold 5) soft 6) dirty 7) young Activity 3 (page 17) long,longer,longest; small, smaller, smallest; slow, slower, slowest; tall, taller, tallest; short, shorter, shortest

Activity 4 (page 19) ate te late lat mat pl date gate mate plate rents 1)grass 2)foot 3) 3)parents 4)race 5)winner

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mix the ingredients together. Turn on the stove to heat the oven. Spoon the biscuit mix on the tray. Put the tray in the hot oven. Take the tray out when the biscuits are cooked. When the biscuits are cool you can eat one.

Activity 3 (page 27) band hand land sand stand 1)hand 2)washing 3)washing 4)washing 5)dryer t-shirt jeans shorts or shirts skirt Activity 4 (page 29) pink sink wink think stink 1)books 2)radio Activity 5 (page 31) light might right sight 1)dolls 2)marbles 3) creek 4)games 5)emails

A New Friend Activity 1 (page 33) bump dump lump pump stump 1)opened ) p 2)talked ) 3)looked ) 4)) walked 5)knocked 6)checked Activity ctivity 2 (page 35) bake cake lake make wake

Activity 3 (page 37) l t late l t mate t crate t rate t slate 1)Jack 2)Lilly 3)Jack 4) Lilly Osca is muddy, black and white, Oscar friendl little and happy friendly friendly, A i i 4 (page 39) Activity Jack pack rack sack track hot/cold friendly/unfriendly big/little laugh/cry back/front long/short open/ close inside/outside Activity 5 (page 41) ring sing bring swing 1)kitchen 2)lounge room 3)bedroom 4)back yard bed chair computer fridge lounge stove table tv

Big Day Out Activity 1 (page 43) dock lock sock knock happy, mum, beach, pools Activity 2 (page 45) by cry dry fly my why backpack, sunscreen, lunchtime, outside, inside, playground, sunshine, raincoat 1)lunch 2)bottle of water 3) hat 4)jacket 5)sunscreen 6) folder 7)paper 8)pens Activity 3 (page 47) beach peach reach teach 1)sand/true 2)camels/false 3)waves/true 4)swimmers/true 5)tigers/false 6)fish/true 7)children/true 8)koalas/false Finn asked, ‘Are we there yet?‛ The children got off the bus. Little animals live in the rock pools. Stay together and be careful. Lilly wanted to see a starfish. Activity 4 (page 49) bell fell sell tell well Activity 5 (page 51) bring sing sting wing 1)eight 2)dangerous 3)blue 4)touch 5)sick

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