Easy English 6: Easy Text Types

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The Easy English Series For ESL and ESD students

Book 6


Easy Text Types Text types for students who have little or no experience of English.

©www.istock.com/Jani Bryson

By Margaret Warner

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Ready-Ed About Ready-Ed Publications


Ready-Ed Publications was established in 1984 with the purpose of creating practical classroom blackline master activities. At the time, the role of the teacher was becoming ever more diverse with an increasing range of duties and responsibilities within the school and school community. Since then, the role of the teacher has continued to evolve with an escalating range of tasks and obligations, ensuring a reduction in time available to prepare work for the daily instructional program. Throughout these past 24 years, Ready-Ed Publications has built a reputation as publishers of Australian made, high quality, innovative, timesaving materials for teachers of primary and lower secondary levels. In addition, all materials are based on state or national curriculum guidelines or specific age-related interest areas and subjects. Ready-Ed Publications aims to assist busy professionals by making available contemporary classroom materials that contain relevant and stimulating work to support the requirements of the curriculum.

Easy Text Types Book 6 in the Easy English Series Š 2009 Ready-Ed Publications Printed in Australia Author: Margaret Warner Illustrator: Terry Allen Acknowledgements

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ii. Clip art images have been obtained from Microsoft Design Gallery Live and are used under the terms of the End User License Agreement for Microsoft Word 2000. Please refer to www.microsoft.com/permission.

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ISBN: 978 1 86397 763 0 COPYRIGHT NOTICE Permission is granted for the purchaser to photocopy sufficient copies for noncommercial educational purposes. However, this permission is not transferable and applies only to the purchasing individual or institution.

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This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Contents Teachers’ Notes Outcome Links Text Type Overview Text Type Overview Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision Punctuation and Grammar Revision

4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

NARRATIVE Teachers’ Notes: Narrative Narrative 1: The Race The Race Activity 1 The Race Activity 2 The Race Activity 3

16 17 18 19 20

Narrative 2: Bluey’s Day Out Bluey’s Day Out Activity 1 Now Write Your Own Story Check Your Story

21 22 23 24

RECOUNT Teachers’ Notes: Recount Recount 1: Lilly’s Day Out Lilly’s Day Out Activity 1 Lilly’s Day Out Activity 2 Lilly’s Day Out Activity 3 Recount 2: Aisha’s Weekend

25 26 27 28 29 30

Aisha’s Weekend Activity 1 Now Write Your Own Recount Check Your Recount

31 32 33

PROCEDURE Teachers’ Notes: Procedure Procedure 1: How to Grow Seeds How to Grow Seeds Activity 1 How to Grow Seeds Activity 2 How to Grow Seeds Activity 3

34 35 36 37 38

Procedure 2: How to Make a Banana Sandwich How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 1 How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 2 Now Write Your Own Procedure Check Your Procedure INFORMATION REPORT Teachers’ Notes: Information Report Information Report 1: Kookaburras Kookaburras Activity 1 Kookaburras Activity 2 Kookaburras Activity 3

39 40 41 42 43

43 45 46 47 48

Information Report 2: Kangaroos Kangaroos Activity 1 Now Write Your Own Information Report Check Your Information Report

49 50



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Teachers’ Notes

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Easy Text Types is the sixth book in the Easy English Series for students learning English as a Second Language as well as Aboriginal students learning English as a Second Dialect, that is, students who are coming into the school system having little or no experience of English. ESL/ESD learners need an explicit, methodical and planned language program that is integrated into their class work in all key learning areas. It is important for the teacher to establish a supportive classroom environment where the student’s first language and culture are valued. This will nurture the student’s selfesteem and encourage him/her to gain confidence in the early stages of learning the new language. Use of co-operative learning strategies and peer tutoring will help the student build social friendships as well as develop language skills. It is important for the teacher to be aware that using short, positive sentences is best for the learner. The teacher must provide time for the student to process statements and instructions and always check

for the student’s understanding.

The teacher’s gestures and facial expressions plus visual clues (photos, pictures, objects, etc) are vital to the student when working out meaning. Regular, positive feedback by the teacher will consolidate the student’s sense of achievement and encourage self confidence.

Easy Text Types (Book 6) builds on the thematic vocabulary introduced in Easy Words (Book 1) and uses examples from the stories in Easy Read and Write and More Easy Read and Write (Books 2 and 3). Punctuation and grammar points from Easy Punctuation and Easy Grammar (Books 4 and 5) are revised at the start of this book, as these skills are needed by students to complete the set activities and write their own stories. Easy Text Types focuses on four different types of texts. They are: narrative, recount, procedure and information reports. Joint teacher/ student construction of these text types will provide scaffolding for students and help them to gain confidence in their ability to write their own texts. More Easy Text Types (Book 7) and Easy Editing and Proofreading (Book

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Outcome Links

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. New South Wales

Values and Attitudes: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5

Talking and Listening: TES1.1, TS1.1, TES1.3, TES1.4, TS1.4, TS2.4 Reading: RES1.5, RES1.6, RES1.7, RS1.7, RES1.8, RS1.8, RS2.8

Writing: WES1.9, WS1.9, WS2.9, WES1.10, WS1.10, WS2.10, WS3.10, WES1.11, WS1.11, WS2.11, WES1.12, WS1.12, WES1.13, WS1.13, WS2.13, WES1.14, WS1.14. WS2.14 Tasmania Reading and Viewing: Standard One, Stage 1,2&3 Writing and Representing: Standard One, Stage 1,2&3 Speaking and Listening: Standard One, Stage 1&2 ACT The student listens and speaks with purpose and effect. (8.EC.1,2,4,7,8) The student reads effectively. (9.EC.1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 11,12,13,14) (9.LC.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13) The student writes effectively. (10.EC.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,14) (10.EL.1,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13) The student interprets and creates texts. (11. EC.1,2,3,4,7,8) (11.LC.2,3,12) Northern Territory Listening: (LL2.1,2,3,4) (LL3.1,2,3,4) Speaking: (SL2.1,2,3,4) (SL3.1,2,3,4) Reading: (RL2.1,2,3,4) (RL3.1,2,3,4) Writing: (WL2.1,2,3,4) (WL3.1,2,3,4) QUEENSLAND Language Learning and Communication.

Early Literacy (Reading and Viewing): Use emerging understandings to predict and make meanings from a variety of written, visual and multi-modal texts. Early Literacy (Writing and Shaping): Students experiment with emerging understandings of written, visual and multi-modal texts to communicate meanings. South Australia Reading, Writing, Speaking and Viewing.

- Identifies some aspects of spoken language in a range of contexts when listening to and responding to texts. (Standard One. 1.5) - Identifies and talks about some features of written language and visual images when reading and viewing a range of texts. (Standard One. 1.7) - Experiments with aspects of language when planning and composing a range of texts about familiar experiences. (Standard One. 1.8)

Victoria Reading: Level 1 & Level 2 Writing: Level 1 & Level 2 Speaking and Listening: Level 1 & Level 2 Western Australia Understanding Language: Students understand that the way language is used varies according to context. Reading: Students read a wide range of texts with purpose and understanding. Writing: Students write for a range of purposes and in a range of forms, using conventions appropriate to audience, purpose and context. Speaking and Listening: Students speak and listen with purpose and understanding in a range of contexts.

Oral Language: Use spoken language for a range of purposes. Explore patterns and conventions of spoken, signed or argumentative language. Interact with peers and familiar adults using, with support, conventions associated with formal and informal group settings, including attentive listening.

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Text Type Overview

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Text Type: Narrative


Text Type: procedure Forms:

story, myth or legend, play

instructions, recipes, playing a game, using an appliance



Orientation - introduce main character, setting Purpose - Tell a story and to entertain Complication - sequence of events which are interrupted Resolution - usually the problems are solved by the main character

Purpose - to instruct someone Materials Required - what is needed Steps - steps to complete the task

Grammar focus: Nouns (words that identify characters and places) Adjectives (to express feelings or describe characters) Verbs (to express actions) Adverbs (to show time/place) Conjunctions (to join words and sentences)

Text Type: recount Forms: retelling an event, a journal, a diary, a life story

Features: Orientation - tells who, where and when Events - retell important events sequentially Conclusion - final personal comment on events

Grammar focus: Nouns (people, animals and things) Adjectives (to describe nouns) Verbs ( describe actions usually in past tense) Adverbs (to add information about place and time) Conjunctions (to sequence events)

Grammar focus: Nouns (names of things needed) Verbs (describe action and command) Adverbs (to show time/place) Vocabulary (special vocabulary for a specific purpose) Conjunctions (to sequence actions)

Text Type: Information Report Forms: scientific report, newspaper article, book review

Features: Statement - a general statement about the subject of the report Description - specific information about all aspects of subject Conclusion - tells reader something interesting about subject

Grammar focus: Nouns (general nouns) Verbs (action verbs and specific verbs for the subject) Timeless Present Tense (to indicate usualness) Technical Language (specific to the subject) Paragraphs (topic sentences)

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Text Type Overview

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Text Type: explanation Forms:

Text Type: exposition Forms:

text book, information book

speech, letter



Statement - tells the reader what will be explained Explanation - a sequence of events that explains something (may include visual images) Conclusion - a finishing statement

Grammar focus:

Nouns and Noun Groups Verbs and Adverbs (action verbs, present tense verbs) Conjunctions (to sequence steps) Technical Language


Text Type: description Forms:

describing people, animals and objects


Introduction - the subject Description - details Conclusion - final comment

Grammar focus:

Nouns and Noun Groups Pronouns Adjectives (for describing) Verbs (action and thinking) Adverbs Conjunctions Descriptive Language (as round as a pudding)

Text Type: response Forms: review Features:

Context - background information Description - characters, events, themes Opinion - personal comment

Statement - state your position Argument - points that support the position Conclusion - restating the position

Grammar focus: Nouns Verbs (action and thinking) Technical Words Adverbs Connectives (firstly, secondly)

Text Type: Text Type: Text Type: Discussion Forms: speech, advertisement, review

Features: Statement - outlines the subject Argument - lists points for and against Conclusion - summing up both sides or favouring one

Grammar focus: Nouns Verbs (action and thinking) Adverbs Connectives (to link arguments)

Text Type: Text Type: Text Type: Poetry Forms: rhyming, free verse, acrostic, limerick Features: rhyme, emotion, meaning

Grammar focus: Descriptive Language (noun groups and adjectives) Verbs and Adverbs (actions, time and place)

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Grammar focus:

sentences, nouns and noun groups, adjectives, verbs, present tense, adverbs, sequence of events


Punctuation and Grammar Revision 1


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' a e i o u are vowels. Use ‘an ‘ with words that start with a vowel. book preview. Remember

b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t vw x y z are called consonants. Use 'a' with words that start with a consonant.


Colour the words that start with a vowel, then use ‘a’ or ‘an’ in front of these words.

___ lion

___ sister

___ dog

___ ant

___ ice block

___ cow

___ brother

___ uncle

___ auntie

Remember A noun is the word used for a person, place or thing. There are common nouns and proper nouns. Proper nouns start with a capital letter and refer to people, places, days of the week, months of the year and special days.


Circle the common nouns and proper nouns.

On Saturday, Grandma and Lilly went on the train to the city. At the markets, Grandma got a wildlife book for Jack, jam for Grandad, a necklace for Lilly and a scarf for herself.

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Punctuation and Grammar Revision 2



This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Nouns can be singular (one) or plural (more than one). book preview. Colour all the plural words red. 1

cats teeth box girls glasses child teachers books men brushes snake puppies mice nose tomatoes Remember

Adjectives are words that give more information about nouns. They are describing words, e.g. a tall tree, a big dog, a sunny day.


Circle the adjectives in this story then draw the picture.

It's a sunny day. A black and white bird is sitting in its little nest on the big branch of a tall tree. The bird is looking at a man walking with two small

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brown dogs in the park.


Punctuation and Grammar Revision 3


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Pronouns are little words that are used in place of nouns tobook refer to preview. people, places and things. Remember

Examples: I








Use a pronoun in place of the underlined nouns.

a. Jack ____ is hungry. b. Lilly ____ is tired. c. Ahmad and Anna ____ are reading.

d. Mario and I ____ are singing. e. The cat ____ is sleeping in the sun.

Remember A verb tells you about what someone or something is doing. Verbs are called ‘action’ words. They can tell you about the past, present or future. An adverb adds to a verb and tells you ‘how’ or ‘when’ or ‘where’ something happened.


Underline the verbs and circle the adverbs.

a. Walk slowly.

d. The hare ran quickly.

b. They sang softly.

e. Ring Kim now.

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c. We'll see you later. 10

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 4



This Prepositions is a Ready-Ed are little wordsPublications' that tell you where something is or show time. book preview. 1

Use the prepositions below to complete the sentences. at



a. I’ll see you ________ 4 o’clock. b. The bird is ________ its nest.



d. The tree branch is ____________ the house.

e. Let’s jump ____________ the c. The shoes are pool. _________ the bed. Remember Conjunctions (or connectors) connect words and sentences. Add a conjunction (and,or,but,because) to each sentence so that it makes sense. a. It's sunny now d. I'm running _______ it will rain ______________ later. I'm late. b. I like pizza _________ salads.

e. The tortoise was slow ________ he won the race.

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c. Do you want a glass of water ______ milk?


Punctuation and Grammar Revision 5



A sentence begins withPublications' a capital This is a Ready-Ed letter and ends with a full stop. book preview. Re-write these sentences making


sure that they start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. a. we like to play at the park

____________________________________ b. last week we went to Sydney ____________________________________ c. we like to visit our friend Aisha ____________________________________ Remember Use a capital letter when writing ’I’, days of the week and the names of places.


Write these sentences using capital letters correctly.

a. we live in australia. ____________________________________ b. i'll see you on monday. ____________________________________

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c. my cousin is going to new zealand.

____________________________________ 12

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 6


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Remember Use a question mark at the end of a sentence when asking a question. Use an exclamation mark in sentences that are commands or show strong feelings.

Add a full stop, question mark 1 or exclamation mark. d. I’m riding my bike to a. Get out the shop b. Where is your e. Can you swim brother f. I'll go today   c. Amazing Remember Use a comma to show a pause in a sentence. Use a comma to separate groups of things.


Add commas to these sentences.

a. I like eating dancing fishing and rugby. b. A long time ago I saw a bunyip. c. After I finished my homework I went swimming.

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d. We saw wallabies possums goannas and wombats.


Punctuation and Grammar Revision 7


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Speech marks are used to book preview. show words that someone Remember

Do you want an ice cream?

says. Punctuation goes inside the speech marks.

Example: Jack said, "Do you want an ice cream?"


Colour the speech marks in these sentences. a. “I like riding my bike,” Anna said. b. Mario shouted, “Congratulations!” c. “How old are you?” the teacher asked. d. “Let’s go shopping,” mum said. e. “I like writing stories,” Jack said. “I like swimming and playing football too.”


Add speech marks to these sentences.

a. See you later, she said. b. My name is Lilly, she answered. c. Are you tired? mum asked. d. That's amazing! he yelled.

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e. Go the Wallabies! the football fans screamed. 14

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 8


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Use an apostrophe to show who owns something. book preview. Remember


Read these sentences and add an apostrophe in red.

a. The girls backpack is d. The babys hand is little. blue. b. Annas dog is black and white.

e. The boys bikes are red.

c. Mr Smiths car is new. Use an apostrophe to show where a letter is missing when a word has been shortened.


Write these sentences again using the short form of the words underlined.

a. She is tired._ _________________________ b. It is a windy day._______________________ c. Let us go to the pool.____________________ d. We are hungry.________________________

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e. They are happy.________________________ 15

Teachers’ Notes: Narrative

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. A narrative tells a story that can be imaginative or factual. A narrative text can be a story, a myth, a legend or a play.

A narrative can entertain and also tell the reader about solving problems.

It is important to read and discuss narratives with students so that they understand and can identify the different parts of a narrative before they begin to write their own story.

A narrative has three parts: Orientation (beginning) The first part introduces the main character(s) and the setting(time and place). Look at the example of The White Goat: Main character: White goat Time: A long time ago Place: Faraway country Small farm

Complication (middle ) In the middle of the story something happens and the main character usually faces problems or challenges. Look at the example of The White Goat: Problem: Bunyip won’t let the goat cross the bridge Challenge: The goat has to find a way to cross the bridge

Resolution (end) The main character usually solves the problem and sometimes learns something from the experience. Look at the example of The White Goat: Resolution: Goat solves the problem by knocking the bunyip into the water

The White Goat A long time ago in a faraway country, a big white goat lived on a small farm. The grass on the farm was dry and brown but the goat saw sweet, green grass on the other side of the bridge. The goat walked to the bridge. Suddenly a big, green bunyip jumped out of the water. "Who is crossing my bridge?" the bunyip shouted. "No one crosses my bridge!" The goat stopped. Then he looked at the angry bunyip. He thought about what to do. He stamped his foot and ran onto the bridge. He knocked the bunyip right into the water. Then he walked across the bridge and ate the sweet, green grass on the other side.

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Narrative 1: The Race


Read this narrative. This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Once upon a time a hare and a tortoise had a race on a farm. The hare said he was faster than the tortoise.

The tortoise said to the hare, "I will win the race." They started racing. At first the hare ran fast. The tortoise walked very slowly. Soon the hare was tired so he sat down at the side of the road. Then he went to sleep. When the hare was sleeping, the clever tortoise walked on very slowly. Later, the tortoise crossed the finishing line. The hare woke up and saw the tortoise. He was too late. The tortoise was the winner.

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The Race Activity 1


A story (narrative) has three parts: a beginning, This is a Ready-Ed Publications' a middle and an end. Usually it has a title too. Read Thebook Race and preview. answer these questions. 1. What is the title of the story? _____________________________________ 2. Read the beginning of the story. Who are the main characters? _____________________________________ 3. Where does the story take place? (setting) _____________________________________ 4. Read the middle of the story. What problem does the tortoise face? (complication) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 5. Read the end of the story. How does the tortoise solve the problem? (resolution)

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_____________________________________ _____________________________________ 18

The Race Activity 2


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Find some of the words in The Race that make it interesting.

1. Find three nouns.

3. Find three verbs.

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

2. Find two adjectives.

4. Find two adverbs.

•_ ______________

•_ ________________

•_ _______________

•_ ________________

5. Find two conjunctions. •_ ________________

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•_ ________________


The Race Activity 3


below to complete the story. ThisUseisthea words Ready-Ed Publications' hare sleep line preview. tortoise winner race book Once upon a time a hare and a tortoise had a (1) _______________. The hare said he was faster than the (2) ___________________ but the tortoise said, "I can win." They started the race. The (3) _______________

ran very

fast. The tortoise walked slowly. Soon the hare was tired so he sat down. Then he went to (4) _________________. The tortoise walked on slowly. Later, he crossed the finishing (5) _______________. The hare woke up and saw the tortoise. He was too late. The tortoise was

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the (6) _________________. 20

Narrative 2: Bluey’s Day Out


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Last Friday, Bluey the dog was sitting on the grass in the sun. Itpreview. was very quiet. book Read this narrative.

Bluey walked down the path to the front gate. He looked out of the gate. He saw that the gate was open a little bit. Usually the gate was closed. Bluey pushed the gate with his nose. It opened a little bit more. He walked out of the gate on to the footpath. He walked slowly to the park. On the way he saw two red and blue birds on the grass. He ran after the birds. They looked at him then they flew away. Next he saw a lady with a big black dog. It was bigger than Bluey. He was scared. The big dog barked at him. Bluey quickly ran all the way home. He ran in the front gate. He went and lay on his mat in the sun. He was happy to be home.

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Bluey’s Day Out Activity 1


Read Day Out and answer the questions. This isBluey’s a Ready-Ed Publications' 1. What is the title of preview. the story? book _____________________________________

2. Who is the main character in the story? _____________________________________ 3. When did the story happen? (setting) _____________________________________ 4. Where was Bluey at the beginning of the story? (setting) _____________________________________ 5. What happened to Bluey in the middle of the story that made him upset? (complication/ problem) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 6. How did Bluey solve the problem? (resolution) _____________________________________ _____________________________________

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_____________________________________ _____________________________________ 22

Now Write Your Own Story


Plan your story on a separate piece of paper.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Title book preview. Think of an interesting title for your story. You can change it later if you think of a better one. The title must connect to the story in an interesting way.

The Beginning The first part of the story tells the reader: Who the main character is and something about him/her. Where the story takes place. When the story happens.

The Middle Introduce a problem. A really interesting story has a complication in it. What problem does your character have to solve? The middle part should end with your character thinking about the problem.

The End Your character solves the problem.

Check Your Story When you have finished the draft of your story write your final copy and use the list on page 24 to help you check it. Include a picture with your story.

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Check Your Story


This is Give a Ready-Ed Publications' yourself a ď ? if you answer yes when checking your story. book preview. My title is interesting The orientation (beginning) The first part introduces the main character(s) It tells where the story happens (setting) It tells when the story happens (setting) The complication (middle) The middle part includes a problem or challenge the character(s) has to solve/face The resolution (ending) The character(s) faces the challenge and solves the problem I used interesting words in the story I checked my story for errors My story was interesting and made sense

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Teachers’ Notes: Recount

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. A recount tells the reader about something that has happened. It can be a story(fictional) recount or a factual recount. A recount text can retell an event in the form of an email, a journal or a diary.Â

It is important to discuss recounts in class particularly students' personal recounts (e.g. their morning news) so that they understand and can identify the different parts of this text type before they start to write their own.

A recount has three parts: Orientation (beginning) The first part tells the reader who the recount is about, where it happened and when it happened. Look at the example of Aisha's Weekend: Who it is about: Aisha Where it happened: Beautiful farm When it happened: Weekend

Events (middle) In this part the writer tells the reader about the important events in the order that they happened. Look at the example of Aisha's Weekend: Events in order: Played cricket, made a pizza, watched TV, had breakfast, helped to pick apples

Conclusion (end) At the end of the recount the writer comments about the events.

Aisha's Weekend On the weekend I went to stay with my friend Olivia. She lives on a beautiful farm. Her mum and dad grow vegetables and sell them to the supermarkets and shops. In the afternoon I played cricket with Olivia and her brother and sister. On Saturday night we had pizza for dinner. Then we watched a program about wildlife. On Sunday I had eggs and toast for breakfast. Then I helped to pick red apples from the apple trees. I put them in a big basket. Later I went for a ride on a brown horse. Mum picked me up at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. I had a great time with Olivia on the farm.

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Look at the example of Aisha's Weekend: Comment: Aisha says she had a great weekend


Recount 1: Lilly’s Day Out Read this recount.


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Last Tuesday I went on a trip to the beach with book preview. my class. I was very happy. I checked everything in my backpack before I went to school.

I walked to school early at 8:30am with Jack. The bus came to pick us up at 9 o’clock. I sat on the back seat with my friends. We talked and sang songs on the way to the beach. When we arrived at the beach, we went to see the rock pools. I saw colourful starfish, tiny shells, little crabs, beautiful fish and a shy blue-ringed octopus. Later we ate lunch on the grass. I had a very exciting day.

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Lilly’s Day Out Activity 1


A recount has three parts: a beginning, a middle and an end.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Read Lilly’s Day Out and answer the questions. book preview. 1

Who is the recount about?


Where and when does the recount happen?


Write what Lilly did, in the correct order. A word has been given to help you.

a. checked


b. walked


c. talked and sang


d. went


e. saw


f. ate



What did Lilly say at the end of the recount?

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Lilly’s Day Out Activity 2


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Find some of the words in Lilly’s recount that make it interesting.

1. Find three nouns.

3. Find three verbs.

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

•_ _______________

2. Find two adjectives.

4. Find two adverbs.

•_ ______________

•_ ________________

•_ _______________

•_ ________________

5. Find two conjunctions. •_ ________________ •_ ________________

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Lilly’s Day Out Activity 3


Use the words in the box to complete the recount.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' walked book arrived preview. sang saw ate had



checked picked

Last Tuesday I went on a trip to the beach with my class. I (1) ________________ everything in my backpack before I went to school. I (2) ____________________ to school with Jack. I (3) ____________________ at school at 8:30am. The bus (4) __________________ us up at 9 o 'clock. I (5) ___________ on the back seat with my friends. We talked and (6) _______________ songs. When the bus (7) _________________ at the beach we went to see the rock pools. I (8) _______________ starfish, shells, crabs, fish and a little octopus. Later I (9)____________ lunch on the grass.

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I (10)______________ a very exciting day.


Recount 2: Aisha’s Weekend


Read this recount.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' On the weekend I went to stay with my friend, Olivia, who lives on a farm. Olivia's mum and dad book preview. grow lots of different vegetables on the farm. They sell them to the shops.

Olivia's mum picked me up on Saturday after lunch. In the afternoon I played cricket with Olivia and her brother and sister. On Saturday night we ate pizza for dinner because pizza is my favourite food. I like pizza with cheese and tomatoes. Then we watched a movie about wildlife. On Sunday I had eggs and toast for breakfast. Then I helped to pick red apples from the apple trees. I put them in a big basket. Later I went for a ride on a little brown horse. Mum picked me up at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. I had a fun weekend.

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Aisha’s Weekend Activity 1


Read Recount 2: Aisha’s Weekend and answer the questions.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' is the recount about? 1 Whobook preview. 2

Where and when does the recount happen?


Write what Aisha did, in the correct order. Use the words to help you.

a. picked


b. played


c. ate


d. watched


e. had


f. helped


g. went


h. picked



What did Aisha say at the end about her weekend?

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Now Write Your Own Recount Planis your on a separate piece of paper. This arecount Ready-Ed Publications' Title book preview. Think of an interesting title for your recount.

You don't have to have a title but if you do, it must tell the reader something about the recount.

The Beginning The first part of the recount tells the reader: Who the recount is about. Where the events happened. When the events happened.

The Middle Tells the events in the order that they happened. Write what happens first. Write what happens next.

The End At the end make a comment about what happened... was it exciting, happy, sad, or disappointing?

Check Your Recount When you have finished the draft of your recount, write your final copy and use the list on page 33 to help you check it.

Go to www.readyed.net Include a picture with your recount.


Check Your Recount yourself a ď ? if youPublications' answer yes This isGiveawhen Ready-Ed checking your recount. book preview. My title tells the reader what my recount is about The orientation (beginning) The first part tells the reader who the recount is about It reveals where the recount happened It reveals when the recount happened The events (middle) The middle part tells the reader what happened It tells the reader what happened in order The conclusion (ending) The end comments on the events in the recount I used interesting words in the recount I checked my recount for errors

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My recount was interesting and made sense


Teachers’ Notes: Procedure

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. A procedure tells the reader how to do something. It can instruct someone on how to do something like play a game, follow a recipe, how to get to a place or how to use an appliance. It is important to discuss procedures with students, particularly in the

context of a classroom as they follow procedures all the time in their daily school activities. For example they use computers, play outdoor games and make food. They will then be familiar with the different parts of this text type before they start to write their own.

A procedure has three parts: Purpose (aim) The first part tells the reader what the instructions are for. Materials (what is needed) The second part tells the reader what items are needed to carry out the task.

Steps (how to do it) The third part tells the reader the steps that he/she needs to take to complete the task.

How to Grow Seeds What you need: • a saucer • cotton wool • bird seed • water in a small jug How to do it: 1. Place cotton wool on a saucer 2. Water the cotton wool so that it is damp 3. Sprinkle bird seed on top of the damp cotton wool 4. Move the saucer to a warm, sunny area 5. Check it every day 6. Add more water so that the cotton wool is damp 7. Watch the little green shoots come up after a few days

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Procedure 1: How to Grow Seeds


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Read this procedure. book preview. What you need: • a saucer • cotton wool

• bird seed • water in a small jug

How to do it: 1. Place cotton wool on a saucer 2. Water the cotton wool so that it is damp 3. Sprinkle bird seed on top of the damp cotton wool 4. Move the saucer to a warm, sunny area 5. Check it every day 6. Add more water so that the cotton wool is damp 7. Watch the little green shoots come up after a few days

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How to Grow Seeds Activity 1


This is aA Ready-Ed Publications' procedure has three parts: purpose (title), materials (what you book preview. need) and steps (how to do it). Read How to Grow Seeds and answer the questions. 1. What are the instructions for? _____________________________________ 2. What things do you need? •_ __________________ •_________________ •_ __________________ •_________________ 3. What steps do you need to take? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 4. How will you know if you have grown the seeds?

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_____________________________________ 36

How to Grow Seeds Activity 2


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. 3. Find the words that Find some of the words that help you to follow the steps to grow seeds.

1. Find four nouns.

•_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ 2. Find six verbs. •_ ______________

tell you ‘where’ or ‘when’.

on a _ ____________ on top of __________ to a ______________ after_____________ 4. Draw what you will see after a few days.

•_ ______________ •_ ______________ •_ ______________ •_ ______________

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•_ ______________


How to Grow Seeds Activity 3


Read Procedure 1: How to Grow Seeds and complete the activities below.

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' the missing words. preview. 1 Find book This is what you need to grow seeds:

a s _ _ _ _ _

bird s _ _ _


cotton w _ _ _ water in a small j _ _

Use the correct words below to complete the sentences.

place add sprinkle watch move check water a. _____________ cotton wool on a saucer. b. _____________ the cotton wool so that it is damp. c. _____________ bird seed on top of the damp cotton wool. d. _____________ the saucer to a warm, sunny area. e. _____________ it every day. f. _____________ more water so that the cotton wool is damp.

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g. ____________ the little green shoots come up after a few days. 38

Procedure Activity

Procedure 2: How to Make a Banana Sandwich

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Do you like bananas? _______ book preview. Follow these steps to make a yummy banana sandwich.

What you need: • a packet of bread • a plate • a knife • some butter • a banana How to do it: 1. Open the packet of bread 2. Take two pieces of bread out of the packet 3. Place two pieces of bread on the plate 4. Butter the two pieces of bread 5. Cut the banana into slices 6. Add the banana to one piece of bread

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7. Put the second piece of bread on top


How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 1


This isReada How Ready-Ed Publications' to Make a Banana Sandwich and answerpreview. the questions. book 1. What are the instructions for?

_____________________________________ 2. What things do you need? •_______________ •_ __________________ •_________________ •_ __________________ •_________________ 3. How do you make it? a. _ _________________________________ b. _ _________________________________ c. _ _________________________________ d. _ _________________________________ e. _ _________________________________ f. _ _________________________________ g. _ _________________________________ I think my banana sandwich will taste _______________________.

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I also like ___________________ sandwiches. 40

How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 2


ThisFind is some a Ready-Ed Publications' of the words that helped you to follow thebook steps to preview. make a banana sandwich. 1. Find four nouns. •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ 2. Find six verbs. •_ ______________ •_ ______________ •_ ______________

3. Find groups of words that help you follow the instructions. packet of__________ pieces of__________ out of ____________ on the_ ___________ into______________ to one_ ___________ 4. Write some words that you might use to describe a banana sandwich. •_ _______________

•_ ______________

•_ _______________

•_ ______________

•_ _______________

Go to www.readyed.net •_ _______________

•_ ______________


Now Write Your Own Procedure


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Title Plan your procedure on a separate piece of paper.

Your title should tell the reader what the instructions are for. It should say it clearly so that the person reading it knows exactly what they will be doing.

The Materials This part tells the reader exactly what items are needed to complete the task. It's really important that you make sure you don't leave anything out.

The Steps This part of the procedure tells the reader what to do to complete the task. The steps must be easy to read and in the correct order.

Check Your Procedure

When you have finished the draft of your procedure write your final copy and use the list on page 43 to help you check it. Include a picture with your procedure. Go to www.readyed.net 42

Check your Procedure

This isGivea yourself Ready-Ed a ď ? if youPublications' answer yes when checking your procedure. book preview. Title

The first part tells the reader what the instructions are for Materials The second part tells the reader what he/she needs to complete the task The Steps The third part tells the reader how to do the task The steps are clear The steps are easy to follow The steps are in the right order I used the right words in the procedure I checked the steps for errors

Go to www.readyed.net My procedure works


Teachers’ Notes: Information Report

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. An information report gives information about something.

The report usually describes a general group of things such as plants, birds, animals, countries, planets or transport. An information report can be a scientific

An information report has three parts: Statement (introduction) The first part tells the reader what the report is about and what group the subject belongs to.

Description (more information) The second part of the report gives a full description of the subject. If the report is about an animal, this part will describe features of the animal, such as what the animal looks like, where it lives, what it eats and how its young are born.

Conclusion (final statement) The last part tells the reader something interesting about the subject of the report.

report, a newspaper article or a review. It is important to read and discuss reports with students so that they can identify and understand the different parts of a report before they start to write their own.

Kangaroos A kangaroo is an Australian animal that is a marsupial. There are over 60 kinds of kangaroos. Some are very big and some are small. They live in the cold areas as well as the hot, desert areas. Kangaroos usually have grey or redbrown fur. They have big back legs and strong feet for hopping. They can hop very fast. Their front legs are small. They have a long, strong tail. It helps them to balance when they are moving slowly. When a baby kangaroo is born, it is the size of a jellybean. It crawls into the mother's pouch and drinks milk and grows. When it grows bigger, it comes out of the pouch and hops like its mother. Kangaroos eat grass. They eat early in the morning and late in the afternoon and rest during the hot part of the day.

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Kangaroos live in a group called a mob.

Information Report 1: Kookaburras


This is aRead Ready-Ed Publications' this information report. book The kookaburra is an preview. Australian bird and is the largest of the kingfisher family.

Kookaburras have a white head with some brown patches on the top and side. They have a white chest and a brown back. Their wings are brown and white and blue. Their tail is white and brown. They have a very strong beak for catching their food. They eat worms, insects, snakes and lizards. Kookaburras lay two to four white eggs in their nests which are built in holes inside trees. They live in groups and a few older birds help to look after the baby birds. Kookaburras are famous for their call. Their call sounds like a laugh. They call early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

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Kookaburras Activity 1


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. An information report has three parts. The first part tells you what the report is about. The second part gives you more information about the subject, and the last part provides a final statement.

Read Kookaburras and answer these questions.


What does the first sentence tell you?


Read the middle of the text and answer these questions.

a. What colour is a kookaburra's head? _____________________________________ b. What colour are its wings? _____________________________________ c. What does it eat? _____________________________________ d. Where does it make a nest? _____________________________________ e. What kind of call does it make? _____________________________________ f. Read the final statement. What does it tell you about when they call? _____________________________________

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Kookaburras Activity 2


of the words that help you This isFindtoa some Ready-Ed Publications' find information in the report. book preview. 1. Find four nouns. •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________

2. Find four verbs.

3. Find three adjectives that tell you about their colour. •_ _______________ •_ _______________ •_ _______________ 4. Find groups of words that tell you ‘where’ or ‘when’. Is an A____________

•_ ______________

In their n_ _________

•_ ______________

In h_ _____________

•_ ______________

Inside t____________ Early______________

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•_ ______________


Kookaburras Activity 3


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book Australia nestspreview. birds tails trees Use the words in the box so that the report makes sense.






Kookaburras are birds that live in (1) _________________. They have a brown and white head and a white (2)_________________.

Their (3)________________ are brown, white and blue. They have brown and white (4)_________________. They have a strong (5)_________________ for catching food. They eat worms, insects, snakes and (6)__________________. They lay two to four eggs in their (7)________________

which are built in holes inside (8)______________. A few older birds help to look after the baby (9)_________________.

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When kookaburras call it sounds like a (10)______________. 48

Information Report 2: Kangaroos


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' Read this information report. book preview. A kangaroo is an Australian animal. There are over 60 kinds of kangaroos. Some are very big and some are small. They live in the cold areas as well as the hot, desert areas. Kangaroos usually have grey or red-brown fur. They have big back legs and strong feet for hopping. They can hop very fast. Their front legs are small. They have a long, strong tail. It helps them to balance when they are moving slowly. When a baby kangaroo is born, it is the size of a jellybean. It crawls into the mother's pouch and drinks milk and grows. When it grows bigger, it comes out of the pouch and hops like its mother. Kangaroos eat grass. They eat early in the morning and late in the afternoon and rest during the hot part of the day. Kangaroos live in a group called a mob.

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Kangaroos Activity 1


This is a Ready-Ed Publications' preview. Writebook eight facts about kangaroos. Read the information report on page 48. The report has lots of facts about kangaroos. Write each fact in a sentence. 1. _ __________________________________ 2. _ __________________________________ 3. _ __________________________________ 4. _ __________________________________ 5. _ __________________________________ 6. _ __________________________________ 7. _ __________________________________

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8. _ __________________________________ 50

Now Write Your Own Information Report


your information report on a This is Plan a Ready-Ed Publications' separate piece of paper. book preview. Title The title of your information report is the subject of your report. Statement This part of the information report tells the reader what the report is about and what group the subject belongs to. Description This part of the report gives an interesting description of the subject. If the report is about an animal, this part of the report tells you about where it lives, its size, how it moves, what it eats, how many babies it has and something about the babies. Final statement The final part tells the reader something unusual about the animal. Check your Information Report When you have finished the draft of your information report, write your final copy and use the list on page 52 to help you check it.

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Include a picture with your information report. 51

Check Your Information Report


yourself a ď ? if you answer This is Give ayesReady-Ed Publications' when checking your report. book preview. My title is the subject of my report

Statement The first part tells the reader what the report is about (the subject)

It tells the reader what group the subject belongs to in an interesting way


The second part gives a description of the subject There are interesting facts The information is easy to understand It makes the reader keen to know more

Final Statement

The final part tells the reader something unusual about the subject I used describing words I checked my report for errors My report was interesting

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My sentences made sense 52

Answers Punctuation and Grammar Revision 1, page 8

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 6, page 13

1. a lion a sister a dog an ant an ice block a cow a brother an uncle an auntie

1. a)! b)? c)! d). e)? f).

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. Punctuation and Grammar Revision 2, page 9

2. a) I like eating, dancing, fishing and rugby. b) A long time ago, I saw a bunyip. c) After I finished my homework, I went swimming. d)We saw wallabies, possums, goannas and wombats.

1. cats teeth girls glasses teachers books men brushes puppies mice tomatoes

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 7, page 14

2. saturday Grandma Lilly train city markets Grandma book Jack jam Grandad necklace Lilly scarf

2. sunny black white little big tall small brown Punctuation and Grammar Revision 3, page 10 1. a)he b)she c)they d)we e)it 2. Verbs: walk sang see ran ring Adverbs: slowly softly later quickly now Punctuation and Grammar Revision 4, page 11

1. a)“I like riding my bike,” Anna said. b)Mario shouted, “Congratulations!” c)“How old are you?” the teacher asked. d)“Let’s go shopping,” mum said. e)“I like writing stories,” Jack said. “I like swimming and playing football too.” 2. a)"See you later," she said. b)"My name is Lilly," she answered. c)"Are you tired?" mum asked. d)"That's amazing!" he yelled. e)"Go the Wallabies!" the football fans screamed.

a)at b)in c)under d)near e)into a)but b)and c)or d)because e)but

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 8, page 15

Punctuation and Grammar Revision 5, page 12

1. a) girl's backpack b)Anna's dog c)Mr Smith's car d) baby's hand e) boys' bikes

1. a) We like to play at the park. b) Last week we went to Sydney. c) We like to visit our friend Aisha. 2. a) We live in Australia. b) I'll see you on Monday. c) My cousin is going to New Zealand.

2. a)She's b)It's c)Let's d) We're e)They're The Race Activity 1, page 18

Go to www.readyed.net 1. The Race

2. The tortoise and the hare 3. On a farm


4. The tortoise is slower than the hare but he wants to win the race

(4)picked (5)sat (6)sang (7) stopped (8)saw (9)ate (10)had

5. The tortoise does not rest during the race and wins

Aisha's Weekend Activity 1, page 31

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. The Race Activity 2, page 19 Teacher to check.

1. Aisha

2. On the weekend on a farm

Bluey's Day Out Activity 1, page 22

3. a)Mum picked me up on Saturday. b) I played cricket with Olivia. c)We ate pizza for dinner. d)We watched a movie. e)I had eggs and toast. f)I helped to pick red apples. g) I went for a ride on a little brown horse. h) Mum picked me up at 4 o'clock.

1. Bluey's Day Out

4. I had a fun weekend.

The Race Activity 3, page 20 (1)race (2)tortoise (3)hare (4) sleep (5)line (6)winner

2. Bluey the dog 3. On Friday

How to Grow Seeds Activity 1, page 36

4. He was sitting on the grass in the sun.

1. How to grow seeds

5. A big black dog barked at him.

2. a saucer, cotton wool, bird seed, water in a small jug

6. He quickly ran home and lay on his mat in the sun. Lilly's Day Out Activity 1, page 27 1. Lilly 2. Last Tuesday at the beach 3. a)I checked everything in my backpack. b)I walked to school at 8:30am with Jack. c) We talked and sang songs. d) We went to see the rock pools. e) I saw colourful starfish ... f) I ate lunch on the grass.

3. Place cotton wool on a saucer Water the cotton wool so that it is damp Sprinkle bird seed on top of the damp cotton wool Move the saucer to a warm, sunny area Check it every day Add more water so that the cotton wool is damp 4. The little green shoots will come up after a few days

4. I had a very exciting day.

How to Grow Seeds Activity 2, page 37

Lilly's Day Out Activity 2, page 28

3. on a saucer, on top of the damp cotton wool, to a warm sunny area, after a few days.

Teacher to check

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Lilly's Day Out Activity 3, page 29 (1)checked (2)walked (3)arrived 54

How to Grow Seeds Activity 3, page 38

Kookaburras Activity 2, page 47

1. saucer wool seed jug

4. Is an Australian bird; In their nests; In holes; Inside trees; Early in the morning; Late in the afternoon.

2. a)place b)water c)sprinkle d)move e)check f)add g)watch

This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview. How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 1, page 40

1. How to make a banana sandwich

2. a)a packet of bread b) a plate c) a knife d) a packet of butter e) a banana 3. a) Open the packet of bread b) Take two pieces of bread out of the packet c) Place two pieces of bread on the plate d) Butter the two pieces of bread e) Cut the banana into slices f) Add the banana to one piece of bread g) Put the second piece of bread on top

Kookaburras Activity 3, page 48

(1)Australia (2)chest (3)wings (4)tails (5)beak (6)lizards (7)nests (8)trees (9)birds (10)laugh Kangaroos Activity 1, page 50 Teacher to check

How to Make a Banana Sandwich Activity 2, page 41 3. packet of bread, pieces of bread, out of the packet, on the plate, into slices, to one piece. Kookaburras Activity 1, page 46 1. The kookaburra is an Australian bird and is the largest of the kingfisher family. 2. a) Its head is white with brown patches at the top and side. b) Its wings are brown, white and blue. c) It eats worms, insects, snakes and lizards. d) It makes a nest in holes in trees. e) Its call sounds like a laugh. f) They call early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

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This is a Ready-Ed Publications' book preview.

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