Age 10-13 years
History of Australia The History of Australia allows students to explore the ways in which Australia’s indigenous people lived before and after European colonisation. It encourages students to trace the movements of early Dutch and British maritime explorers of Australia and understand the process of colonisation. Life in established colonies as convicts and free settlers is also examined as are the expansion of colonies and the continued exploration of the land by Europeans. Other important historical events such as The Gold Rush, the Eureka Stockade and the peak and decline of bushranging are investigated.
History of Australia Understanding what makes Australia the place it is today
This book contains a large number of activity sheets which have been carefully designed to capture and sustain students’ interest, develop their listening, reading, creative and independent thinking skills and enhance their historical awareness. All activities are curriculum linked and to make life easy for the teacher the answers are provided at the back of the book.
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Also available:
t By Lindsay Marsh
Famous Australians
History of Australia
Australian Events
ISBN 978 1 86397 798 2
Australian History