Starting Science Book 1

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–––––– INTRODUCTION –––––– Science education is an area of the school curriculum that is becoming increasingly important in our society. For students to become well equipped to cope in a high technology world they need a thorough grounding in science and technology concepts from the beginning of their school careers. The “Starting Science” series is designed to introduce students to some of the important skills associated with a hands on approach to the subject. In completing this series of thematic investigations children are required to utilize skills such as observing, classifying, recording, predicting, sequencing, comparing and contrasting, identifying and labelling.

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To give background to each activity page, sets of teachers’ notes have been provided so that the page itself is able to become a supporting activity fro the lesson, rather than the lesson itself. However, while suggestions have been made, teachers will quickly see how they can modify both teaching outlines and activity pages to suit the need of the classes.

© Ready-Ed Publications The activities in this book, Book One, revolve around the themes For preview purposes only. of: R






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–––––––– CONTENTS –––––––– Matter Section

4 - 27

What can you see? Electricity Air Made and Natural Alive and Not Alive Pliable and Not Pliable Solids and Liquids Magnets What Can You See Cause and Effect (1) Cause and Effect (2) Cause and Effect (3)

- Observing/Recording - Classifying - Classifying - Classifying - Classifying - Classifying - Sequencing - Recording - Observing/Recording - Predicting - Predicting - Predicting

Plants Section

28 - 41

Parts of a Plant Plant needs Growing Plants Seeds Edible Plants Where Plants Grow What Can You See?

- Identifying - Recording - Sequencing - Comparing - Classifying - Comparing - Observing/Recording

Animals Section

42 - 63

Count the Legs Type of Covering Animal Homes Parts of a Bird Parts of a Fish Where Animals Live Pets Tame or Wild Parents and Babies Animal Families What Can You See?

- Identifying - Identifying/Classifying - Identifying/Labelling - Identifying/Labelling - Identifying/Labelling - Classifying - Describing/Recording - Contrasting - Identifying - Identifying - Observing/Recording

Record Sheet


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4, 5 6, 7 8, 9 10, 11 12, 13 14, 15 16, 17 18, 19 20, 21 22, 23 24, 25 26, 27

28, 29 30, 31 32, 33 34, 35 36, 37 38, 39 40, 41

42, 43 44, 45 46, 47 48, 49 50, 51 52, 53 54, 55 56, 57 58, 59 60, 61 62, 63

Page 3

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Practising observation skills - “What Can You See?”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Recording

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

notice details in surroundings by making use of all the senses. describe an object so that it can be identified. record details from an observation.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Enlarged picture Paper for making labels/lists/wall charts Copies of worksheet

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Pre-use of activity page Go for a walk around your room and label various areas. Children can work in pairs or small groups a) making labels. b) making lists of what they observe in their room. Make wall charts for each group and chart their observations.

Suggested use of activity page

Use overhead projector to enlarge picture. Encourage expressive language so that children can make detailed statements, e.g. “I can see two children kneeling on the floor playing with blocks” instead of “I can see blocks”.

Post-use of activity page Use the pages to … Y Play ‘I spy’ with a partner. Y Using a page from a magazine children make a list of what they observe on that page. Encourage them to note colours, shapes, sizes, textures etc. This is an excellent basis for a spelling lesson.

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Name ......................................................

What Can You See?

Complete the sentences. Colour the picture

Observing and recording

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I can see ............................................................................................

I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 5

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Energy - “Electricity”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Classifying Communicating Inferring

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3. 4.

recognise a common property in a set of objects. group a set of objects into two groups according to common characteristics. describe differences amongst objects. suggest reasonable explanations for observations.


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Magazines Copies of worksheets


Pre-use of activity page Class discussion about electricity - Where does it come from? Why do we need it? What does it do? What did people do before electricity was discovered? Children look through magazines and cut out pictures of objects which do and do not use electricity.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss objects on the worksheet, their characteristics and why they do or do not need electricity to make them operate/work.

Post-use of activity page Children choose one room in their house and make lists of objects which do and do not use electricity.

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Some things use electricity. Some things don’t use electricity. Cut out the pictures and glue them into the right boxes.



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Page 7

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Air”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Classifying Predicting

1. 2. 3.

recognise a common property in a set of objects. group a set of objects into two groups according to common characteristics. suggest what may happen as a result of an action.

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EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Balloons, paper bags, balls, bicycle tube, bicycle pump, bubble blowing equipment.

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Pre-use of activity page Children blow air into deflated paper bags to show that air occupies space. Children blow up balloons and then let them go. Children use a pump to inflate a tyre/tube/ball. Children put hands on their chests and take a deep breath, hold it and then let it out to feel how the air expands their lungs.

Suggested use of activity page

Discuss vocabulary gained from pre-activity experiences: in/out, inflate/deflate, round/flat, full/empty, hard/soft. Discuss pictures on activity sheets and their characteristics. Children cut out and classify pictures according to headings.

Post-use of activity page Children make bubbles with soapsuds and a bubble blower. Write a story about blowing bubbles. Make paper mâché animals using blown up balloons as a framework. e.g. piggy bank

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Name ......................................................


Air occupies space. Some objects are full of air. Some objects are not full of air. Cut out the pictures. Glue them into the right boxes.

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Full of air

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Page 9

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Made and Natural”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Classifying Observing Communicating

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3. 4.

observe objects in detail by making use of the senses. describe an object so that it can be identified. describe changes in an object or a living thing. compare and sort a group of objects according to a common characteristic.


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Paper for a wall chart, glue, scissors, coloured pencils/markers, letter to parents about “Show and Tell Day”.

TEACHING POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Walk around the school, observing made and natural objects. Make a wall chart of children’s observations.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss properties of made and natural objects. Compare pictures on the worksheet. Children cut out and glue pictures into appropriate boxes.

Post-use of activity page Have a “Show and Tell Day”. Half the class bring in made objects, half the class bring in natural objects. (Classify into two groups, making labels for each object).

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Made and Natural

Some things are made by humans. Some things are not made by humans. Cut out the pictures. Glue them into the right boxes.

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Page 11

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Alive and Not Alive”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Classifying

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

distinguish objects in detail by making use of all the senses. describe similarities and differences between objects. compare objects by the characteristics they display.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Magazine pictures, scissors, glue, coloured pencils/markers.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Discuss characteristics necessary for something to be alive. Break class into small groups and give each group a set of pictures. Conduct group discussions on whether objects in their pictures are alive or not alive.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each picture and its characteristics. Cut out pictures and glue into correct boxes. Post-use of activity page Decide on a class pet, e.g. a rabbit. Investigate requirements necessary. Send a letter to parents to see if you’ll have enough volunteers to ‘pet sit’ on weekends and holidays.

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Alive and Not Alive

Some things are alive. Some things are not alive. Colour the pictures. Cut them out and glue them into the right boxes.

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Not alive

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Page 13

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Pliable and Not Pliable”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Classifying

1. 2. 3.

distinguish between objects on the basis of shape, texture and touch. recognise a common property in a group of objects. suggest reasonable explanations for observations.

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EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Plasticine, small stones, fork, spoon, elastic bands, pencils for colouring, geo board.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Children describe the properties of Plasticine and state how its shape can be changed. Use a geo board and elastic bands and let children make patterns. Introduce the term ‘pliable’ and discuss its meaning.

Suggested use of activity page Children use their senses to identify objects that are pliable/not pliable. Children cut out pictures and glue them into correct selections. Post-use of activity page Make some bread dough and let children form their initials. Bake the dough. Bread dough: Flour, salt, milk/water. Mix to a Plasticine consistency. Children mould the letters in their name or initials, bake in oven. Use to make objects with pipecleaners.

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Name ......................................................

Pliable and Not Pliable

Some things can change shape. Some things cannot change shape. Cut out the pictures. Glue them into the right boxes.

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Not pliable

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Page 15

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Solids and Liquids”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Measuring

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

observe changes in objects. describe changes in an object. sequence events.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Ice blocks, ice block trays, plastic cups, fruit juice.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Set up bowls of single ice blocks, one for each group. Children work in groups and observe and discuss the sequence of their ice block melting. Give them a time format for observation activities which can be completed while other class work is being done. e.g. 10 o’clock - draw the ice block 11 o’clock - draw it now, etc.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each group’s drawings and compare results. Discuss pictures on activity page, verbalizing sequence. Children put numbers in each box. Children cut out and glue pictures in correct sequence.

Post-use of activity page Make fruit flavoured ice blocks. Place two in a plastic cup and allow children to drink them when they have melted.

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A solid can become a liquid. Cut out the pictures and glue them in the right order.


Solids and Liquids

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Page 17

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Magnets”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Communicating Classifying Interpreting Data

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

describe an object so that it can be identified. recognise a common property in a set of objects. classify objects from their common characteristics.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Magnets, nail, ruler, pin, screws, rock, pencil, paper clips, bottle top

( Approx. 1 ( set per ( 4 children

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Pre-use of activity page Discuss attributes of objects provided - what they are made of? Are they hard/soft ? etc. What does a magnet do? Why does a magnet attract only certain objects?

Suggested use of activity page Children predict which objects a magnet will attract. Put children in small groups with equipment and worksheet. Allow them to discover what the magnet will pick up. They then put a circle around the appropriate picture. Children can estimate how many paper clips their magnet will pick up. Compare with actual number. Draw the number of paper clips the magnet picked up.

Post-use of activity page Make a “Magnet Box”. Inside place a variety of objects that a magnet will, or will not, pick up. Include a magnet and a card for listing objects able or not able to be picked up. Children sort objects into correct sides.

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Name ......................................................


A magnet will pick up objects made from metal. Put a circle around the objects a magnet will pick up.


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Š Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only. My magnet picked up Draw your paper clips here.

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paper clips.

Page 19

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Observation - “What Can You See?”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Recording

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

notice details in surroundings by making use of all the senses. describe an object so that it can be identified. record details from an observation.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Enlarged picture, pencils and colours.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Children close their eyes and list five things in the room. Observation game - One child leaves the room. Another child hides in the classroom. First child comes back and guesses who is missing.

Suggested use of activity page Enlarge the picture and colour it in. Children look at the picture then teacher covers the picture and asks questions. What colour is the child’s jumper? How many kittens are in the picture? What colour is the cat which is lying down, etc. Encourage the children to express their observations in as much detail as possible.

Post-use of activity page Find out about different types of cats - wild and tame, and their habits/habitats. Play ‘Guess and Remember’ game in pairs or groups: on a table or tray have up to six objects (more if you like). Children look at objects. Cover up the tray. The child tries to remember all of the objects. Alternatively, remove one or two objects and the child tries to remember what is missing.

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Name ......................................................

What Can You See?

Complete the sentences. Colour the picture

Observing and recording

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I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 21

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Cause and Effect - 1”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Observing Communicating Inferring Predicting

This is a Ready-Ed Publications LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book Preview (Performance Indicators)

Children will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

observe changes in objects and events. describe changes as a result of an action. suggest reasonable explanations for observations. suggest what may happen as a result of an action.


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Pre-use of activity page Discuss changes in events, e.g. seasons. Discuss types of events and activities that happen in different seasons. Discuss rules and the need for them. What could result if there were no rules at home/school?

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each picture, children give opinions of possible outcomes. Children colour pictures then cut out and glue them into the correct boxes.

Post-use of activity page Determining the cause of an action. Y Cut out some action pictures from a magazine. Y Ask children “Why?” e.g. Why is the boy crying? Children infer the answer, use as a basis for story writing.

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Name ......................................................

Cause and Effect - 1

What could happen next? Cut out the pictures. Glue them in the right boxes.

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Predicting Every action has a reaction


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Page 23

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Cause and Effect - 2”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Observing Communicating Inferring Predicting

This is a Ready-Ed Publications LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book Preview (Performance Indicators)

Children will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

observe changes in objects and events. describe changes as a result of an action. suggest reasonable explanations for observations. suggest what may happen as a result of an action.


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Pre-use of activity page Caution: This activity may be better done by the teacher demonstrating. Discuss ‘What If’ - What if you blow up a balloon and keep blowing? Children predict what could happen. Give each child a balloon - what does happen? Children can write a sentence. “When I kept blowing into my balloon it …”

Suggested use of activity page

Discuss each picture and children predict what could happen next. Children colour bottom pictures then cut them out and glue them into the correct boxes.

Post-use of activity page Make a set of sequence cards. Children sort out pictures into correct sequence. Use “What happens first? What happens next?” vocabulary and concepts.

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Name ......................................................

Cause and Effect - 2

What could happen next? Cut out the pictures. Glue them in the right boxes.

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Predicting Every action has a reaction


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Page 25

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Matter - “Cause and Effect - 3”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Observing Communicating Inferring Predicting

This is a Ready-Ed Publications LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book Preview (Performance Indicators)

Children will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

observe changes in objects and events. describe changes as a result of an action. suggest reasonable explanations for observations. suggest what may happen as a result of an action.


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Pre-use of activity page Class discussion - List sounds which mean something has happened or will happen. e.g. ringing bell at railway crossing, ambulance siren, fire engine siren, clapping, kettle whistling etc.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss the effects of energy, light and sound in the environment. What happens as a result of events and actions? Discuss each picture and the results of each event. Children colour pictures, cut them out and glue them into the correct boxes.

Post-use of activity page Use as basis for health/social studies lessons. “What would happen next …?” e.g. If you found some money … ? If your pet died … ? If you left your room in a mess … ? If you had an accident … ?

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Name ......................................................

Cause and Effect - 3

What do you think may happen next? Cut out the right picture. Glue them in the correct boxes.

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Predicting Every action has a reaction


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Page 27

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Parts of a Plant”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Communicating

1. 2.

observe a plant in detail using the senses. describe parts of a plant.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: A variety of flower specimens, paper and paint.


Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page Plan a nature walk around the school grounds. Collect a variety of flowers. Children observe and discuss characteristics. Give children a large piece of paper and ask them to paint one of the flowers.

Suggested use of activity page Brainstorm parts of the flower on the blackboard. Illustrate each word to help children associate words with correct parts. Children cut each label from the bottom of the worksheet and glue into the appropriate section. Post-use of activity page Make tissue flowers.

Page 28

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Concertina fold the tissue. Fold in half and tie in the middle with wool. Cut folded end. Separate tissues to form a flower. Add pipecleaner stem and paper leaves.

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Name ......................................................


Do you know the different parts of a plant? Cut out and glue the words into the right boxes. Colour the picture.

Identifying plants

Parts of a Plant

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petals flower

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leaf roots Page 29

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Plant Needs”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Communicating Predicting Controlling Variables Recording Data

This is a Ready-Ed Publications LEARNING OUTCOMES: Book Preview (Performance Indicators)

Children will be able to: 1. 2. 3.

determine needs of a plant. suggest what might happen as a result of an action. investigate whether plants survive in different circumstances.


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Seedlings, soil, water, containers, rocks/pebbles.

TEACHING POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Grow your plants in

a) b) c) d) e)

a container of small rocks. a container of water. a container of soil. a container of soil and place in a dark cupboard. a container with a lid.

Suggested use of activity page

Blackboard words and discuss their relevance to plant survival. Children fill in leaves with the correct words. Cut out leaves and glue them onto main shape.

Post-use of activity page Make a wall chart comparing plant/human needs. Discuss likenesses and differences.

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Name ......................................................

Plant Needs

What do plants need to grow? Read the clouds below, and write the correct words in the leaves. Cut out and glue the leaves onto the plant.

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plants need ..................

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plants need ...............

plants need ................

plants need ...................

Page 31

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Growing Plants”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Measuring Sequencing Predicting

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2.

sequence events. suggest what may happen as a result of an action.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Bean seeds/wheat, growing materials.

© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page

Prepare a fortnight before lesson. Grow some bean seeds a) on cotton wool and water b) in soil Discuss what happens to the seeds over a period of time.

Suggested use of activity page Enlarge pictures and use as a class sequencing activity. Children discuss and place in right order. Colour in picture. Number each picture according to the sequence. Cut out and glue in correct boxes.

Post-use of activity page Grow some seeds in egg cartons. Keep a diary of growth progress. Grow a “Leader’s Garden”. Each child makes a flower from parts cut out of paper. Write title of book in centre and add to garden. Make a Hairy Head. Fill a stocking end with soil. Add wheat or grass seeds, tie end and place in jar of water. Add eyes, ears and mouth. When head is grown children can use scraps of material to dress Hairy Head.

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Name ......................................................

Growing Plants

Let’s grow some plants. Look at the pictures. What happens first? Cut out and glue the pictures in the right order. a plant can grow. This isHow a Ready-Ed Publications Book 1 Preview





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Page 33

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Seeds”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Describing Comparing

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

observe plants with seeds by using all the senses. describe similarities and differences among seeds. group a set of plants according to whether they have one seed or many seeds.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Orange, plum, mango, pear, apple, peach.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Have a variety of fruits. Children predict what size and number of seeds in each fruit. Cut open fruit. Children feel, smell, taste fruit. Compare the different seeds in each fruit.

Suggested use of activity page Colour in fruits. Cut out and glue into correct boxes. Post-use of activity page Make fruit juice. Maths - Compare sizes and shapes of seeds.

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Some plants have lots of seeds. Some plants have only one seed. Cut out and glue the pictures in the right column.

This is a Lots of seeds

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One seed

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Page 35

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Edible Plants”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Classifying

1. 2. 3.

recognise that plants have many uses. recognise that some plants can be cared for and cultivated for use by people. identify plants which may be used by people.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Resources to show different plants/gardens, e.g. pictures, books, charts.


Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page Discuss different types of gardens - flower, vegetable, orchard. What types of media can be used for growing plants, i.e. ‘cultures’ - agriculture, horticulture, viticulture.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss the types of plants which can be eaten. Find out which parts of plants can be eaten. Teach children that some plants can be eaten, but that some plants can be poisonous and can cause severe health problems if touched or eaten. Discuss plants on activity page and classify into ones you can and cannot eat. Cut out pictures and glue into correct boxes. Post-use of activity page Have a salad day/soup day. Children bring in one vegetable piece each. Discuss if it needs to be peeled. Can it be eaten raw or does it have to be cooked? Discuss hygiene when handling food, and table manners when eating.

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Name ......................................................

Edible Plants

Do you know what plants you can eat? Sort out the pictures into the right boxes. Classifying

iseata PlantsThis you can

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carrot tree





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Page 37

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Plants - “Where Plants Grow”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Communicating Comparing

1. 2.

describe how different plants can grow. classify plants according to the ways in which they grow.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Worksheet, pictures of edible plants.


Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page What are the ways in which plants we eat can grow? Classify on blackboard or wall chart plants which grow in the ground, on the ground, or on a tree. Children bring in pictures of edible plants and classify them into the three categories.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each picture on activity sheet. Children colour in the pictures, cut them out and glue into the appropriate sections.

Post-use of activity page

Grow some radish seeds. Children describe the changes that take place during growth. Visit a market garden.

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Name ......................................................

Where Plants Grow

Plants we eat can grow in different ways. Can you sort the plants into the right boxes? Comparing

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On a tree

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cauliflower Page 39

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Observation - “What Can You See?”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Recording

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

notice details in surroundings by making use of all the senses. describe an object so that it can be identified. record details from an observation.


© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page

Brainstorm words that would describe objects and plants found in the garden.

Suggested use of activity page Children look at activity page and compare their brainstorming words with the actual picture. Encourage children to expand their visual perception skills by adding to original items, e.g. “I can see a rake, I can see a rake next to a watering can, I can see a rake leaning against a shed near the path.” Children to complete worksheet.

Post-use of activity page

Grow some sunflower seeds. Set up an indoor rockery. Children bring in small plants to add to the garden. “Safety in the Garden” - tools, pests, insecticides, etc.

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Name ......................................................

What Can You See?

Complete the sentences. Colour the picture

Observing and recording

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Š Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.

I can see ............................................................................................

I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 41

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Count the Legs”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Classifying Identifying

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

distinguish between animals on the basis of how many legs they have. group animals into categories according to the number of legs they have. identify animals from a description of their characteristics.


© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page

Revise numerals 2, 4, 6, 8. What do legs help us to do? What do legs help animals to do?

Suggested use of activity page Count the legs in each picture. Children should recognise that any animal with six legs is an insect, that a spider has eight legs, and that an octopus’s legs are called tentacles. Identify pictures in activity sheet, cut out and glue into appropriate boxes. Post-use of activity page Make a graph and add to it as children bring in pictures of various creatures, counting by 2s.

Page 42

Ready-Ed Publications

Name ......................................................

Count the Legs

Creatures have different numbers of legs. Look at the pictures. Cut them out and glue them in the right boxes.

8 legs



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6 legs 4 legs

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2 legs

Ready-Ed Publications

Page 43

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Type of Covering”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Identifying

1. 2.

distinguish between animals on the basis of their body covering. identify the coverings different animals have.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Pictures of different animals, resources from a museum.


Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page List the different coverings animals may have - fur, hair, skin, shell, scales, feathers. Many museums lend kits to schools. See if they have one that covers this topic - a simple phone call will do it.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss the animals on the activity page and the type of coverings they have. Colour in pictures, cut out and glue into correct boxes.

Post-use of activity page

Make a list of different animal coverings. Collect pictures and paste on charts with different headings. Discuss how humans change their clothing according to the changes in the environment. Keep a crazy crab as a class pet. Put some larger shells in the tank. Collect some snails and make a snail trail on coloured paper.

Page 44

Ready-Ed Publications

Name ......................................................

Type of covering

Sort out the animals. Colour the pictures and glue them in the right boxes.



This Animals thatisdoa Ready-Ed Animals that don’t have fur coverings have fur coverings Publications Book Preview

© Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.

Ready-Ed Publications

Page 45

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Animal Homes”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Identifying

1. 2.

observe different animal environments. identify animals’ homes from their characteristics and environmental needs.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Worksheet


© Ready-Ed Publications Pre-use of activity page preview purposes only. Do children know For the names of different animal homes? e.g. barn, nest, hive, web, kennel, cage, hutch. What about homes for other types of animals, e.g. wild animals, farm animals, sea animals? Discuss animals that carry their homes around with them - snails, turtles etc.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each animal on the activity sheet and match up a suitable home. Children make references as to why this home would suit each animal. Could they live anywhere else? Colour pictures, cut out and glue next to the correct animal.

Post-use of activity page

Make a memory game for class use. Children match animals and homes for a correct pair. The one with the most pairs wins. Make a spider web by weaving wool in between sticks. Children make paper spiders to stick on the web.

Page 46

Ready-Ed Publications


Name ......................................................

Animal Homes

Find the right homes for these animals. Cut them out and glue them in the right boxes. Identifying and labelling


This isHome a Ready-Ed Animal Publications Book Preview


Š Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.

Ready-Ed Publications

Page 47

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Parts of a Bird”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Classifying Identifying

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

observe details and characteristics of a bird. recognise common properties in birds. identify a bird from its common characteristics.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Resource pictures of different types of birds, worksheet, a real bird.

© Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.


Pre-use of activity page If you are using a real specimen (a nice tame one), have children observe it using all of their senses. Write words for labelling on the blackboard. The children name each part of the bird as you point to it.

Suggested use of activity page Children cut out one label at a time and glue it in the appropriate box. Colour in the picture

Post-use of activity page

Keep a canary or a budgie in the class. Make bird mobiles.

Page 48

Ready-Ed Publications


Name ......................................................

Parts of a Bird

Find the parts of this bird. Cut out the words and glue them in the right places.

Identifying and labelling

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Ready-Ed Publications

Page 49

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Parts of a Fish”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Identifying

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

recognise a fish from a description on basis of colour, size, shape, texture. describe a fish so it can be identified. identify parts of a fish and label parts correctly.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: A specimen of a fish, worksheet.

© Ready-Ed Publications preview purposes only. TEACHING For POINTS: Pre-use of activity page Obtain a fish from a fish shop. Let children touch, smell, see the various parts. Brainstorm words on blackboard. Discuss different types of fish - edible, pets, wild. Plan an excursion to an underwater marine park if possible.

Suggested use of activity page Children glue appropriate label into correct space. Colour in fish.

Post-use of activity page

Set up an aquarium with some goldfish. Make a fish mobile. Make a fishing game - cut out cardboard fish. Place paper clip at mouth end. Make a fishing rod with a stick, a piece of wool and a small magnet on the end. You can write words or numbers on the fish for language or maths games.

Page 50

Ready-Ed Publications


Name ......................................................

Parts of a Fish

Find the parts of this fish. Cut out the words and glue them in the right places.

Identifying and labelling

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fin tail

Ready-Ed Publications

gill scales Page 51

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Where Animals Live”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Classifying

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

distinguish between animals on the basis of their characteristics. describe where an animal can survive. group a set of animals according to their characteristics.


© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page

Discuss what determines whether an animal can live in the water, on land or both. Introduce the word ‘amphibian’.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss each animal and its characteristics. Children colour picture, cut out and glue into appropriate sections.

Post-use of activity page

Set up an aquarium and make a pond. Keep a frog and keep a diary about its movements.

Page 52

Ready-Ed Publications

Name ......................................................

Where Animals Live

Some animals live in the water. Some animals live on the land. Glue the animals into the right boxes.

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Lives in water



Lives on land

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Ready-Ed Publications

Page 53

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Pets”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Interpreting Data

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

describe an animal so that it can be identified. suggest reasonable explanations for observations. classify animal characteristics from a description.


© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page Discuss pets that children have. Make a class graph of the pets.

Suggested use of activity page Blackboard action words from bottom of activity page. Match an animal with the most appropriate action word. Children complete the sentence by writing the correct word on the lines. Draw a picture to match the sentence. Post-use of activity page Sound and Action Drama: Teacher says “Dogs like to … .” Children provide the sound or action. Make a class graph on the types of pets children have. Create a mural of animal actions.

Page 54

Ready-Ed Publications


Name ......................................................


What can these pets do? Use the clues below to put in the missing words, and then draw a picture of the pet.

Describing and recording

This is a Ready-Ed Publications Dogs like to __ __ __. Book Preview Cats like to __ __ __ __ __. Rabbits like to __ __ __.

Š Ready-Ed Publications Horses likeFor to __ preview __ __ __ __ __. purposes only. Birds like to __ __ __. Fish like to __ __ __ __.

Mice like to __ __ __ __ __ __. gallop swim Ready-Ed Publications

run scurry

climb fly

hop Page 55

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Tame or Wild”

SKILL/S: 1. 3.

Communicating Inferring

1. 2.

describe an animal so that it can be identified. suggest explanations for observations.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Worksheet.


© Ready-Ed Publications Pre-use of activity page For preview purposes only. Discuss the characteristics of wild and tame animals, their habitats, food and care. Suggested use of activity page Discuss each animal. Children infer which category it fits into by giving a description of its characteristics, habitats and needs. Colour, then cut out animals and glue into correct categories.

Post-use of activity page Plan an excursion to the zoo.

Page 56

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Name ......................................................

Tame or Wild

Some animals are tame. Some animals are wild. Can you sort out the wild and tame animals?

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Ready-Ed Publications

Page 57

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Parents and Babies”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Identifying

1. 2.

recognise that animals grow and change. identify the differences between baby animals and their parents.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Pictures of animals and their babies, worksheet.


Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page Collect as many pictures as possible of animals and their babies. Make a class display, labelling each picture.

Suggested use of activity page Discuss characteristics of animals and glue into boxes next to their parents.

Post-use of activity page Hire an incubator and hatch some chicken eggs. Keep some tadpoles - keep a record of changes as they develop into frogs.

Page 58

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Name ......................................................

Parents and Babies


Can you find the baby which belongs to the right parent? Glue each in a box. Identifying


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Š Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.

Ready-Ed Publications

Page 59

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Animals - “Animal Families”

SKILL/S: 1. 2.

Observing Identifying

1. 2. 3.

describe an animal so that it can be identified. describe changes as part of the growth process in animals. identify animals from a description.

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING OUTCOMES: Publications (Performance Indicators) Children willBook be able to: Preview



Publications For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page Talk about families - What makes us a family? How do human families differ from animal families?

Suggested use of activity page Discuss characteristics of each animal and its baby. Introduce new words. Children cut out the baby animal and glue it in the correct space.

Post-use of activity page

Family Game: Glue words and pictures from the worksheet onto card. Cut out boxes. 4 players start with one card each, which determines what family they are collecting. Cards are turned face down. Children take turns at turning cards until they have a complete family.

Page 60

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Name ......................................................

Animal Families

Can you find the baby to match the mum and dad? Cut the picture out and glue it in the right box.


This is a Ready-Ed female Publicationsmale Book Preview hen









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foal Ready-Ed Publications



chick Page 61

––––– TEACHERS’ NOTES ––––– TOPIC: Observation - “What can you see?”

SKILL/S: 1. 2. 3.

Observing Communicating Recording

This is a Ready-Ed LEARNING Publications OUTCOMES: (Performance Indicators) Book Preview Children will be able to:

1. 2. 3.

notice details in surroundings by making use of all the senses. describe an object so that it can be identified. record details from an observation.


© Ready-Ed Publications TEACHING POINTS: For preview purposes only. Pre-use of activity page

Play “What is ...?” game. Encourage children’s expressive language by encouraging them to give as much detail as possible in an answer. E.g. What is a horse? What is a tree?

Suggested use of activity page Play “I Spy”. “I spy with my little eye something that is an animal. It has four legs. Sometimes it has horns. It has an udder. It likes to eat grass. You can get milk from this animal.” Children complete written activity after oral work.

Post-use of activity page Visit a farmyard. Make a farm scene with Plasticene. Make a jigsaw puzzle from a picture. SONG: Old MacDonald had a farm.

Page 62

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Name ......................................................

What Can You See?

Complete the sentences. Colour the picture

Observing and recording

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Š Ready-Ed Publications For preview purposes only.

I can see ............................................................................................

I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ I can see ............................................................................................ Ready-Ed Publications

Page 63

How well are you doing? Name ................................. Class .................................. What to do

This is a Ready-Ed Each time you Publications finish a sheet use your Book Preview coloured pencils to colour in the correct shape on the clown. Decide for

Š Ready-Ed Publications yourself how well you did the For preview purposes only.

sheet and colour the shapes like this:

Page 64

RED - for excellent work. BLUE - for good work. BROWN - for not-so-good work.

Ready-Ed Publications

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