Timothy Ou Architecture Year 1

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Bachelors of Architecture 1 I April 2016

CONTENTS 1 The city 2 Residential and bar 3 Tropical pavilion 4 Multi generational home 5 Documentation and observations


Group Project

The first assignment engaged us with the issues of neighbourhood scale planning. To design through quantitative and qualitative means through the redistribution of GFA of a chosen neighbourhood i.e Tech Whye. The site covered a 500 meter diameter. Understanding the morphology of quantitative data, we were pushed towards developing 3 varying schemes that morphed into an improvement of the previous designs.





C O N C E PT The overarching focus of our proposed design is connection. We approached the situation by analysing the current site and locating the bus stops, to determine points of greatest accessibility, these points became our nodes. At these nodes, we had high rise buildings of mixed used both commercial and residential. We determined that this was efficient and made economic sense . However due to the locating of the nodes, our design followed the lines of “flow�, resulting in an organic form. Upon evaluation, the form wasn’t ideal as it too strongly blurred the lines between recreational space and transit space. We sought to have defined private spaces for residents in each area.

Design language for 2nd and final scheme

Moving from this, we used a grid like approach, for both ease of movement and clear division of space. We then created pockets of space between residential buildings, orientating it to frame these spaces. The core central axis was then developed to have a prime area of commercial activities; this was our interpretation of the dense core of amenities available at the centre of the HDB core. We sought to provide them comfort, privacy as well as convenience.

F I R S T scheme

S E C O N D scheme

F I N A L scheme


Individual Project

Role playing the individual roles of the client, architect and builder meant for effective communication between each of these roles. As the architect, I received the brief of a residential and bar space that accomodates one person.

C O N C E PT Located on a prime lot on Lazurus island, this bar cum private residence entertains guests while providing a retreat for the bachelor. Acheiving a sensual space through the hiding and revealing of framed exterior and interior views that provokes the spatial curiosity within the individual. The bar counter punctures through the wall. creating a planar axis that divides and connects two spaces. The curiosity extending beyond the wall through the table and into the other space.

Charcoal renderings Original size: A0



Design 1

Design 2

Final Design


Individual Project - Precedent, Vernacular design Group Project - Plywood model

Designing based off a precedence was the starting track for the assignment. It engaged us with the vernecular, exploring the tectonic qualities that these tropical ready designs can yield. Divided into 3 main stages, the precedence, individual design, group design 1:1 plywood model. To accomodate two people in two seating arrangements within the confines of a two meter cube tropical box. The 1:1 model was met with a constant ammount of problems that altered the design in various ways. It gave me a meaningful insight into the deisgn process, that paper architecture does not equate itself to constructable architecture. Truly humbled by this project, together with the collaborative effort of the entire studio, this was one of the highlights of the first year.

P R E C E D E N T study Kerala is located at the southern tip of India and expresses its architecture as a response to the climate. The climate which prompts the use of large 45 degree gabled roofs provides shaded spaces around a courtyard typology. The large roofs ensure a well ventilated space achieved through the use of court yards. Timber is the primary material that is locally available in this region. Timber joints are heavily ornamented, expressing the tectonic qualities of the material. Gabled roofs are supported by a truss system that is asymmetrical in section. The purlins puncture through the rafters which is uncommon in timber construction, as the purlins would usually rest on top of the rafters.


I N D I V I D U A L Exploration

C O N C E PT Exploring the diffferent configurations of a pitched roof design in relation to the precedent study of a subtle assyemtrical element that enhances the tectonic qualities of the space.

Design 1

Design 2

Design 3

I N D I V I D U A L Design The chosen roof form is assymetrical in section, with supporting bracings to help support the cantilevering roof. Additional louvers were placed on the sides so as to create a semi enclosed space.


G R O U P Design



Individual Project

The topological transformation of a home to accomodate the changing needs of a family over time. Breaking the brief into three main phases. Starting with a couple and child, ten years on when the couple has another two more children, an additional ten years on whereby they rent part of the space out to a tenant.

Visit to Frank Lloyd Wright’s home Oak Park, Chicago

P R E C E D E N T study

Frank Lloyd Wright - Oak park home

Ground floor plan

Second floor plan

Axonometric extraction of threshold

P R E C E D E N T study

Frank Lloyd Wright - Oak park home

Analysis of space

Frank Lloyd Wright harnesses the idea of a central fireplace that creates visual tension between the spaces surrounding it. It is an area that establishes visual connection and porosity between the living, dining and study room which merges yet seprates these three individual spaces.

Precedent idea: Central fireplace as a means of visual connections between volumetric spaces

Design idea: Double volume dining spaces with visual connections between rooms







O B S E R V A T I O N and D O C U M E N T A T I O N

S I N G A P O R E space asia hub

Y O G J A K A R T A field trip

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